Cognitive and Social Construc
Cognitive and Social Construc
Cognitive and Social Construc
242 / Education Vol. 130 No. 2
tools and practices to develop an effective children's schémas are constructed through
learning environment. the process of assimilation and accommo-
dation, when going through four different
Cognitive Constructivism stages of development (Wads worth, 2004).
Many educators in schools throughout Piaget's (1953) four stages of development
America are required to teach construc- are: Sensorimotor stage, which a child goes
tively in their classrooms. The term through from ages zero to two; preopera-
cognitive constructivism can connote tional stage (two to seven years old),
ambiguous or puzzled reactions from concrete operational stage (seven to eleven
teachers who are told that they should be years old), and the formal operational stage
using teaching strategies to promote this (eleven years old to adulthood).
form of learning approach for their stu- In Piaget's sensorimotor stage children
dents. Substantial individual thought needs begin to discover their environment around
to be acquired in content or subject areas them through their own senses and phys-
for students to actually understand the ical activity and then language, as they get
material instead of just being able to recite older within this stage. Children in his next
it. Providing classroom situations and stage of preoperational develop their own
activities that promote individual learning language skills but still cannot grasp the
is required. Jean Piaget, a well-known thoughts of others. As Piaget described
French Swiss developmental psychologist, within this stage there is "symbolic func-
who wrote many books and articles on tion" where children begin to distinguish
learning, construed this process. Piaget pictures or symbols for different objects
was originally a biologist and theorists in their immediate environment and anoth-
state that he thought in terms of students
er sub-stage of "intuitive thought" where
becoming "little scientists," who learn
children ask all sorts of questions about
voraciously as individuals who build con-
everything within their environment
ceptual structures in memory to store
(Wadsworth, 2004). Within Piaget's con-
information. Initially, he built his theories
crete operational stage, a pivotal growth
observing his own children as they learned
point in the brain in logical development,
and played together.
children begin to replace intuitive thought
Piaget's main focus of constructivism with their own logical reasoning. In
has to do with the individual and how the Piaget's (1953) formal operational stage
individual constructs knowledge. Cogni- children, up to adulthood, will start using
tive constructivism came directly from higher levels of thinking or abstract ideas
Piaget's work. Piaget's theory of cognitive to solve problems. Piaget's stages are well-
development proposes that humans can- known and are accepted as the basis for
not be given information, which they depicting the growth of logical thinking in
immediately understand and use; instead, children. Although there has been criti-
humans must construct their own knowl- cism ofhis specific stages, Piaget's theories
edge (Piaget, 1953). He stated that still hold true and are revered by many the-
Cognitive and Social Constructivism... / 243
Vygotsky's theory of development and ber; however, if a teacher holds their fin-
all of its language aspects are various con- ger and points directly to the object with
cepts that are part of social constructivism. them, counting out loud together, the child
One of Vygotsky's main theories is the can then do the counting correctly by them-
zone of proximal development, or ZPD. selves. In scaffolding a unique type of
This part of child development controls internalization or "getting it" will occur
how a child learns. ZPD is explained in for each student. This process occurs when
educational psychology books and Vygot- a student will be asked to perform a task
sky's theory focuses on the different that has some meaning to the student and
psychological functions that emerge as a with assistance, will complete it. While
child grows. ZPD has been described as this task may be difficult to perform, there
a zone where learning occurs when a child is a support system available from the
is helped in learning a concept in the class- teacher. This support system will ultimately
room (Vygotsky, 1962). By assisting allow the student to solve the problem.
children in learning, many theorists and According to Vygotsky cooperative
educators have proven that Vygotsky's the- learning is an integral part of creating a
ory works. Often children will leam easiest deeper understanding. Cooperative learn-
within this zone when others are involved. ing is a part of creating a social
An example would be an activity where a constructivist classroom. Students should
student works on the assignment with aid not only work with teachers one-on-one,
from the teacher. Once students achieve but they should also work with other stu-
the goal of the initial activity, their zone dents. Students have a lot to offer one
grows and the students can do more. This another. When students master completion
involves the social constructivist method of projects or activities in a group, the inter-
where students act first on what they can nalization of knowledge occurs for each
do on their own and then with assistance individual at a different rate according to
from the teacher, they leam the new con- their own experience. Vygotsky believed
cept based on what they were doing that internalization occurs more effective-
individually. ly when there is social interaction. "A
Along the same lines of cooperative common question about knowledge is
learning, Vygotsky (1962) also used scaf- whether it is constructed intemally, depend-
folding in his theory, to understand that ing on a situation in a point of time or
children leam more effectively when they generally and some theorists claim that
have others to support them. Scaffolding social constructivism and situated learn-
is an assisted learning process that sup- ing confirm Vygotsky's notion that learning
ports the ZPD, or getting to the next level is inherently social and embedded in a par-
of understanding, of each student from the ticular cultural setting" (Woolfolk, 2004,
assistance of teachers, peers or other adults. p. 326). Various perspectives on material
For example, when a child learns to count could open up completely new and excit-
objects alone he or she may miss a num- ing opportunities for a student. Teachers
Cognitive and Social Constructivism... / 245
can create work experiences for students spondence between the teacher, peer or
to collaborate with each other to construct other adult and the student. To embrace
cognitive or individual intemalization of diversity, students must interact socially.
knowledge. The key is communication and for com-
Vygotsky is a firm believer that social munication to occur at its most effective
interaction and cultural influences have a point; all participants must be on the same
huge effect on a student and how learning common ground. Language usage in the
occurs. Teachers should recognize the classroom is the most important process
diversity of the class and embrace their in a social constructivist setting. Vygotsky
differences. Diversity can be defined as stated that language enhances learning and
different ethnic backgrounds, but in the that it precedes knowledge or thinking.
classroom is it a combination of ethnicity, Vygotsky believed "it is incorrect to con-
identity and biological differences that give sider language as a correlative of thought;
varied experiences and understanding to language is a correlative of consciousness.
each individual (Woolfolk, 2004). Stu- The mode of language correlative to con-
dents have to understand themselves and sciousness is meanings. The work of
others around them before they can start consciousness with meanings leads to the
learning the curriculum. A teacher that generation of sense, and in the process con-
embraces the various cultures can have sciousness acquires a sensible (meaningful)
students discuss their different back- structure" (Kozulin, 1990, p. 190). Social
grounds to one another. Just as students interaction is important to effective lan-
talk about their different cultures, they guage usage and the development of
should talk about the material being taught. efficient communication in the classroom.
Some teachers are under the impression Students should use language as much as
that talking during class is detrimental to they use oxygen.
learning. It is not that mindless chatter
should be tolerated, but teachers can use Comparing Cognitive and
the verbal energy that students have to their Social Constructivism
advantage. Teachers should promote dia- As students are learning in the class-
logue of the material so that students can room, the approaches of cognitive and
critically think about what they are learn- social constructivism have similarities and
ing. If they think critically, they will walk differences. Both value the inquiry or ques-
away with personal meaning that was con- tion and answer method, as introduced by
structed on their own. The idea of the Greek philosopher Socrates in the fifth
discussion is echoed throughout social con- century B.C. (documented by Plato) and
structivism and is enriched through made popular in America by John Dewey,
diversity. a twentieth century progressive educator.
There is a distinct connection in all of "Inquiry learning is an approach in which
these aspects of social constructivism. In the teacher presents a puzzling situation
ZPD and in scaffolding there is a corre- and students solve the problem by gather-
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ing data and testing the conclusion. John Piaget, social interaction does occur and
Dewey described the basic inquiry learn- may be part of the learning process; but it
ing format in 1910 and many theorists have is the individual who constructs knowl-
emphasized different forms" (Woolfolk, edge based on his or her personal
2004, p.329). Both theories claim that experience. Piaget also believed that inner
guided forms of teaching or facilitation are speech or reading to oneself is not a pre-
necessary, as students construct their own requisite to thinking and that one outgrows
concepts and understanding of what is this process; whereas, Vygotsky believed
being taught. Students need guidance that inner speech was part of the integral
when teachers explain complex topics and process of learning and thinking.
knowledge has to be brought out of them Vygotsky would say that social inter-
since they have their own experience to action and culturally organized activities
draw on. Piaget's theory has a heavy are necessary in the classroom for proper
emphasis on the reasoning ability of indi- psychological development. For these
viduals and how individuals interpret activities, people that have more knowl-
knowledge. Vygotsky believed that there edge than the individual must be involved
were variables such as, social interaction, in these activities, or in the zone of prox-
culture and language that affected how the imal development. Therefore, the social
individual learned knowledge. These dif- cónstructivist environment includes activ-
ferent theories admired today led to the ities where students experience their level
two major forms of constructivism that of understanding and seek assistance to
have a common ground and history. get to the next level. Bigge and Shermis
Piaget's theories celebrate the individ- (2004) stated that Vygotsky's theory of
ual and his or her own personal process to learning and teaching was based on the
gain knowledge building on experience. relationship of children's social experience
In cognitive constructivism, Piaget stated and that learning was a part of human
that thought precedes language and evolves development. Social constructivism will
from inner activity as information is engage students in activities creating rela-
processed based on what already exists, as tionships that will directly affect what they
well as, through inquiry. "Inquiry learn- learn. Students need activities that help
ing methods are similar to discovery them express their personalities such as, a
learning and share some of the same prob- group projects, where they pick the piece
lems, so inquiry must be carefully planned that represents their interests. As stated,
and organized, especially for the less pre- Vygotsky believed that language preced-
pared students who may lack the ed knowledge and the process of social
background knowledge and problem-solv- interaction using language helps individ-
ing skills need to benefit" (Woolfolk, 2004, uals learn.
p. 332). Cognitive constructivism will Vygotsky's theory includes the rela-
focus more on facts and constructing tionship of thought and language and how
knowledge within one's own schémas. For language usage through interaction was
Cognitive and Social Constructivism... /247
required before thinking could even exist. sometimes in the classroom, or happen in
He described his zone of proximal devel- one or two of the student's classes, but in
opment (ZPD) as a discrepancy between all of the student's classes and in every
a child's actual mental age and the level a teaching activity so that true learning can
child could reach with assistance through occur.
a cognitive experience, where human
beings learn through a highly empirical Tools and Practices for
theory of intellectual development (Bigge the Constructivist Teacher
& Shermis, 2004). The key concepts in Teachers from every subject area need
Vygotsky's ZPD theory are 'assistance' to develop psychological or strategic tools
and 'experience' at the level a student can to create a constructivist environment for
handle so that he or she can learn. Social all students. In order to ensure an effec-
constructivism has more of an emphasis tive constructivist environment, teachers
on the relationship between the individual need to learn teaching strategies or activ-
and social requirements or interaction. ities that employ the theories of both Piaget
Both cognitive and social constructivist and Vygotsky when assigning tasks or
teaching methods must be used by teach- imparting information. Allowing students
ers interactively so that students can to discover knowledge individually helps
process individually what they learned in this process such as, including question
a group or from another adult or peer. and answer periods after every significant
While social and cognitive construc- topic, as well as having the teacher be able
tivist theories are different there is one to assess where students are formally
major similarity; the way constructivist through testing and informally through dis-
classrooms should be run. "Both Piaget cussion or dialoguing. Bigge and Shermis
and Vygotsky agreed that the teacher's role (2004) described Vygotsky's view of
was that of a facilitator and guide, and not psychology, where every word is a gener-
of a director or dictator. Piaget saw chil- alization or a concept, as an act of thought,
dren gaining knowledge from organizing and meaning is a result of thinking. The
and reorganizing data as they receive infor- more prepared and comfortable teachers
mation. Vygotsky saw social interaction are in using effective tools such as con-
or collaboration as the chief method for versation, discussion, and inquiry; the more
learning and placed more emphasis on lan- they will use them and students can become
guage development" (Powell, 2006, p.54). adept at thinking and communicating.
Both views of constructivism can be incor- There are different perspectives on
porated in to the classroom and should be learning and what constitutes an effective
incorporated for the best personal devel- constructivist classroom. However, acquir-
opment of the students. Teachers and ing knowledge, experience or
students must communicate to convey understanding is common to all of them.
information and for learning to take place. How to create an effective constructivist
Constructivism should not only happen classroom and measure the successful
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