Valves, Valve Springs, Valve Rotocoils, and Locks
Valves, Valve Springs, Valve Rotocoils, and Locks
Valves, Valve Springs, Valve Rotocoils, and Locks
Cerrar SIS
Pantalla anterior
Engine:Commercial All
3044C (S/N: 3441-UP)
Engine:Truck All
Industrial Engine:with Turbochargers All
Machine Engines: All
Marine Engine:with Turbochargers All
Pumper:All Utility Mounted
This Reuse and Salvage Guideline contains the necessary information in order to allow a dealer to
establish a parts reusability program. Reuse and salvage information enables Caterpillar dealers and
customers to benefit from cost reductions. Every effort has been made in order to provide the most
current information that is known to Caterpillar. Continuing improvement and advancement of product
design might have caused changes to your product which are not included in this publication. This
Reuse and Salvage Guideline must be used with the latest technical information that is available from
For additional information about this guideline, consult Repair Process Engineering of the Marketing &
Product Support Division at 1 (309) 675-5434.
This guideline contains specifications for reusing Caterpillar valves, valve springs, rotocoils, locks, and
bridges. This guideline also contains procedures to clean valves and valve components. This guideline
contains the procedure for measuring valves for wear and measuring valve springs for distortion. This
guideline contains the required tooling and supplies in order to measure the components. The tooling
and supplies for cleaning the components is included in this guideline. This guideline references the
procedures in Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8162, "Procedure to Measure and Salvage Cylinder
Head Assemblies and Related Components".
By following this guideline, the components can be expected to give normal performance until the next
overhaul if the components are used in the same application. Do not install the component if the
component is not reusable. During salvage operations, correct any conditions that might have caused the 18/06/2008
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original failure.
Be sure to install new exhaust valves during normal cylinder head
salvage of 158.75 mm (6.250 inch) bore engines that are used in high
output applications, such as locomotive or marine main propulsion
applications. In other applications, all exhaust valves can be used again
if the exhaust valves are acceptable according to the specifications in
this guideline.
Personal injury or death can occur from not following the proper
procedure or the recommended tooling.
ReferenceReuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring Specifications"
ReferenceReuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8162, "Procedure to Measure and Salvage Cylinder
Head Assemblies and Related Components"
ReferenceSpecial Instruction, SMHS6998, "Instructions for the Use of 5P-6518 Dial Indicator Fixture
Gp -Parts Reusability"
ReferenceReuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on
Engines with ACERT Technology"
Required Tooling
Table 1 18/06/2008
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Arkansas Stone - Natural stone of very fine grit for making precision instruments sharp and for
polishing metal, such as Tooling (A)
Nomenclature of the Valve
Illustration 1 g01334820 18/06/2008
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Illustration 2 g01334821
Valve with a double keeper 18/06/2008
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Illustration 3 g01334822
The valve on the left has not been cleaned. The valve on the right has been cleaned with the sodium bicarbonate method.
If there is only a small amount of carbon on the valves, use a good cleaning solvent in order to clean the
valves. Use one or more of the following methods in order to clean hard carbon deposits.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Use the sodium bicarbonate method in order to remove oil, grease, and carbon deposits from the area of
the fillet, the valve face, and the valve head. Use a sodium bicarbonate media for blasting of a crystal
size of 70 microns (0.0028 inch). For best results, use 163-3951 Blast Media which is specially
formulated to remove deeply embedded carbon deposits. Use a number four nozzle with a pressure of
483.0 to 550.0 kPa (70.00 to 80.00 psi). Use a flow rate of 2100.0 L/min (554.76 US gpm) of
compressed air. Set the differential pressure at 4.45 N (1.000 lb) in order to control the flow of the
media for blasting in the range of 3.34 N (0.750 lb) per minute.
There are benefits to using sodium bicarbonate as the media for blasting. Unlike other types of media
for blasting, the grease and oil does not need to be washed from the valves before blasting. Sodium
bicarbonate is soluble in water which provides options for waste disposal. Sodium bicarbonate that has
been used can be used as a neutralizer at systems of treatment for waste. Sodium bicarbonate can be
used to neutralize acids in other operations at the dealer, which reduces the cost of waste disposal.
Sodium bicarbonate is an environmentally friendly chemical for the workers, the parts, and the
Glass Beads
Use glass beads in order to remove heavy carbon deposits from the area of the fillet, the valve face, and
the valve head. Use glass beads that are 88 to 150 microns (0.0035 to 0.0059 inch) with 550.0 to 620.0
kPa (80.00 to 90.00 psi) of air pressure for best results. Glass beads that are size 125 to 177 microns
(0.0049 to 0.0070 inch) through size 74 to 125 microns (0.0029 to 0.0049 inch) are acceptable.
Never use glass beads that are larger than 230 microns (0.0091 inch). Protection of valve stems from
glass beads and steel shot is necessary at all times. Do not use aluminum oxide or any other material
instead of glass beads. Do not mix aluminum oxide or any other material with glass beads.
Note: Do not use glass beads or steel shot in a cabinet that is configured for sodium bicarbonate. These
media will not tolerate the grease or oils on the valves and the valves will require a cycle of wash prior
to blasting.
Do not use the glass bead method in order to clean the valve stem. The
results will be rapid wear of the valve guide. Protection of the stem
area from glass beads is very important.
Steel Shot
Use steel shot in order to remove heavy carbon deposits from the area of the fillet, the valve face, and
the valve head. Use size S170 steel shot for best results. Larger sizes of shot can damage the valve. 18/06/2008
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The steel shot will not give an acceptable finish on the valve stem. Use
the FT-1753 Valve Stem Protector or similar type of hose on the valve
stem in order to protect the valve stem.
Illustration 4 g01335052
6V-2033 Brush and 6V-2032 Adapter
One way to clean the valve stems is with Tooling (H) and Tooling (J). Refer to Illustration 4. Tooling
(H) is a flap brush with a diameter of 203 mm (8.0 inch). The width is 51 mm (2.0 inch) and the center
hole has a diameter of 76 mm (3.0 inch). Tooling (J) fits Tooling (H) and Tooling (J) has a center hole
of 13 mm (0.5 inch). If necessary, the center hole can be made larger.
Personal injury or death can occur from not following the proper
procedure or the recommended tooling.
The brush could come apart if Tooling (H) is run faster than 2100 rpm. This could result in injury to the
The best speed for Tooling (H) is 2100 rpm. Do not use a 3450 rpm motor. A motor that runs at 1725
rpm is acceptable if the motor does not slow down during cleaning of the valves.
If Tooling (H) is not available, use a Scotch-Brite Type 5A brush. This brush is a fine grade that is used
for finishing. Other grades or other brushes from another supplier may result in an incorrect surface
finish. For more information on Scotch-Brite brushes, contact the Caterpillar Service Tools Group at 1-
800-542-8665 inside the USA or, 1 (309) 675-6277 worldwide.
Vibratory Cleaning 18/06/2008
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A vibratory cleaner can also be used in order to clean the valves if the cleaner gives the correct final
surface finish to the valve stem.
Note: The valve stem must be 0.30 to 0.56 micrometer (12.00 to 22.00 microinch) smooth.
Illustration 5 g01335091
Typical vibratory cleaner
For more information on vibratory cleaners and analyzers for the surface finish, contact the Caterpillar
Service Tools Group at 1-800-542-8665 inside the USA or, 1 (309) 675-6277 worldwide.
The size and the type of pellet that is used in a vibratory cleaner has an effect on the surface finish of
the valves. If necessary, polish the valve stem with Scotch-Brite material in order to get the correct
surface finish. If you do not use Scotch-Brite material, check the surface finish on the valves frequently.
Do not use a wire brush or wire wheel in order to remove carbon
deposits from valves. These will make scratches on the valves, which
can cause a valve failure.
Note: Inspect the area of the retaining grooves of the valves for discoloration before using a vibratory
cleaner. After cleaning, apply clean oil on the valves in order to prevent rust.
Note: Do not clean the valves with a grinder that has a Scotch-Brite abrasive disc. This process creates
airborne particles that contaminate areas of the shop.
In order to save time, check the condition of the valves before the valves are cleaned, ground, or
measured. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 6 g01335105
Remove any raised edges with the Scotch-Brite method or use a stone for polishing of a fine grade such as the 6V-2010
Polishing Stone .
Illustration 7 g01335109
Damage or wear in the grooves 18/06/2008
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Illustration 8 g01335110
The valve has surface wear but no damage to the sides or the bottom of the grooves. Use the Scotch-Brite method to polish
the area.
Valve Stem
Illustration 9 g01335635
The valve has discoloration before being cleaned. Do not clean the valves or use the valves that have discoloration in the
area of the retaining grooves. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 10 g01335640
The valve in Illustration 9 after the valve has been cleaned.
Illustration 11 g01335641
The valve stem contains erosion. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 12 g01335642
Rust can be removed by cleaning.
Illustration 13 g01335644
The valve stem contains a small mark or a scratch but the stem does not have any raised edges or sharp edges. The valve is
not reusable if the mark is deeper than the stamp of the part number. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 14 g01335648
The valve stem has a mark or a scratch with a raised edge or a sharp edge after cleaning with the Scotch-Brite or the
vibratory method.
Do not use a valve if normal cleaning methods will not remove a raised
edge on the part of the valve stem that moves inside the valve guide.
Illustration 15 g01335649
Grooves cannot be felt with the fingernail. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 16 g01335654
Grooves can be felt with the fingernail.
Illustration 17 g01335658
The arrow shows the location of the weld on the valve stem. The weld line cannot be felt with the fingernail. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 18 g01335660
The valve stem contains scuffing or seizure.
Illustration 19 g01335677
The valve stem contains scuffing or seizure. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 20 g01335679
The chromium coating is worn. Only a small number of Caterpillar valves have a chromium coating on the stems.
Illustration 21 g01335691
Some of the valves have a change in diameter above the area of the fillet. The valves that are used in engines with a 158.8
mm (6.25 inch) bore have a change in diameter above the area of the fillet. This change in diameter is acceptable if the
other valves from the same engine are similar. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 22 g01335699
Some of the valves are smaller at this point so the area of the fillet makes a smooth transition with the surface of the stem.
Illustration 23 g01335980
Change in diameter of the valve stem. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 24 g01335982
Change in diameter of the valve stem.
Illustration 25 g01335984
The valve stem is enlarged from engine operation. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 26 g01335989
Always measure the wear on the valve stems.
Use Tooling (C) or Tooling (D) in order to measure the diameter of the valve stem. Measure the top and
the bottom area that moves inside the valve guide.
Adjust Tooling (D) to the correct dimension for reusability if Tooling (D) is used to check the diameter
of the valve stem. The micrometer should be set and locked at the minimum diameter. Refer to Reuse
and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage
Guideline, SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on Engines with ACERT
Technology" for the correct dimensions for reusability. The valve is worn and the valve must be
replaced if the micrometer or the correct gauge slides easily over the stem at any position on the stem.
Note: Some valves have a tapered valve stem. The measurements at the top and the bottom are
Do not use force or roll the valve stem into the gauge or micrometer.
This can cause early wear of the gauge and incorrect measurements. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 27 g01336038
The micrometer slides over the valve stem.
Illustration 28 g01336039
Use Tooling (C) in order to check the diameter of the valve stem. Tooling (C) will not slide easily over the valve stem. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 29 g01336043
The area of the fillet contains cracks.
Illustration 30 g01336045
Normal bonding between the valve head and the material of the valve face. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 31 g01336047
Do not use any valve that has been damaged in the area of the fillet.
Be careful to prevent damage to the fillet area when the valve is
installed, ground, or handled. If used, damaged valves can result in
engine damage.
Illustration 32 g01336048
The area of the fillet contains erosion. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 33 g01336051
The area of the fillet contains foreign material.
Note: Some of the rust on the valves in Illustrations 34 and 35 has been removed with the Scotch-Brite
Illustration 34 g01336055
The area of the fillet contains pits of rust, scale, and erosion. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 35 g01336067
Rust is removed when the valve is cleaned and there are no pits, deposits, scale, or erosion under the rust.
Valve Head
Illustration 36 g01337673
Large marks or deep marks exist on the valve head. Some of the marks are near the edge of the valve head. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 37 g01337676
Small marks are not near the edge of the valve head. The marks are not deeper than the stamp of the part number.
Illustration 38 g01337701
The valve head is damaged. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 39 g01337704
The valve head is damaged.
Illustration 40 g01337705
The valve head contains a small amount of erosion. Do not use a valve if the valve has more erosion than the valve in this
illustration. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 41 g01337706
The valve head contains too much erosion.
Illustration 42 g01337707
The valve head has a cup that is more than 0.25 mm (0.001 inch). 18/06/2008
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Illustration 43 g01337709
A small cup is normal even on new valves. Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge in order to check the valve head for a cup.
Valve Face
Illustration 44 g01337710
Grind all valves even if wear cannot be felt after grinding. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 45 g01337713
Too much wear on the valve face.
All specifications for grinding valves are given in Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve and
Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder
Head Assemblies on Engines with ACERT Technology".
Note: After a valve has been ground, inspect the face and measure the thickness of the lip. Refer to the
""Procedure to Measure Valve Lip Thickness" " section of this guideline.
Valve Face 18/06/2008
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Illustration 46 g01337719
1. Adjust the carriage on the grinder to the correct valve face angle.
Illustration 47 g01337724
2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation of the valve into the chuck. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 48 g01337727
3. Adjust the stop on the carriage for maximum movement to the left.
Illustration 49 g01337726
4. Always dress the grinding wheel so the grinding wheel does not have any nicks, grooves, or
foreign material. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 50 g01337735
The valve face is not ground evenly.
5. Examine the rotating valve in the grinder in order to determine if the valve is warped or bent.
Valves that are warped or bent can cause uneven grinding. Bad maintenance of the grinder will
also cause uneven grinding. Valves that are warped must be replaced unless the thickness of the
lip is correct after grinding.
6. Adjust the flow of cooling liquid so the flow is directly on the point of contact between the
grinding wheel and the valve face. Grind all valves wet. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 51 g01337941
8. After the valve is ground, inspect the valve face. There must be no grooves, pits, marks from
machining or burns on the face.
If the maintenance on the valve grinding machine is not correct, valve
failure is possible. In order to check the valve grinder chuck, install a
new valve in the chuck and use a dial indicator to check the runout on
the face of the valve. The runout must not be more than 0.025 mm
(0.0010 inch). If the dial indicator reads too much runout, the chuck is
damaged and needs to be repaired or the bearings are bad or loose.
Also, check the channels that the valve grinding machine slides in. If
any movement can be felt, the channels must be adjusted or a repair
must be made. When the valve grinding equipment is in good
condition, lapping of the valves is not necessary.
Illustration 52 g01337963
The end of the valve stem has not been ground. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 53 g01337993
The end of the valve stem has been ground.
The end of the valve stem must be very smooth and level. The end of the valve stem should have a
maximum surface finish of 0.81 micrometer (32.000 microinch). Normally, only a small amount of
material must be removed. Remove only 0.025 mm (0.0010 inch) with each grind. Then inspect the end
of the valve stem.
Illustration 54 g01337996
Grind the end of the valve stem.
Use the valve again if any of the original chamfer can be seen. Remove sharp edges with the Scotch- 18/06/2008
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Illustration 55 g01337997
This illustration shows the thickness of the lip on the valve. Use either of the following two methods in order to check
thickness of the lip.
Illustration 56 g01338011
Use 5P-6518 Dial Indicator Fixture Gp in order to measure the thickness of the lip on the valve. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 57 g01338013
Use 6V-7059 Micrometer with 6V-2034 Micrometer Adapter in order to measure the thickness of the lip on the valve.
The thickness of the lip on the valve can be measured with either 5P-6518 Dial Indicator Fixture Gp or
6V-7059 Micrometer with 6V-2034 Micrometer Adapter . Refer to the Catalog, NENG2500, "Dealer
Service Tool Catalog" and Special Instruction, SMHS6998, "Instructions for the Use of 5P-6518 Dial
Indicator Fixture Gp -Parts Reusability" for more information.
Note: Remove any burrs from the vee blocks on the fixture with a small 6V-2010 Polishing Stone .
Burrs can damage the valve stem.
Refer to Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse
and Salvage Guideline, SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on Engines with
ACERT Technology" for the correct thickness of the lip.
Note: Some difference in thickness of the lip is permissible. If the thickness of the lip is less than the
minimum specification at any point, do not use that valve again.
Valve Springs
Cleaning and Inspection 18/06/2008
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Illustration 58 g01338022
Nicks and deep scratches
Illustration 59 g01338024
Light wear in the first 180 degrees of turn is acceptable. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 60 g01338028
Rust deposits on the spring.
Illustration 61 g01338030
Notches at the end of the spring are not acceptable. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 62 g01338033
Wear on the valve spring between the coils and on the end of the spring.
Illustration 63 g01338035
Wear on the sides of the valve spring. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 64 g01338038
Use a square or use a straight edge and a feeler gauge in order to check each valve spring for distortion.
The spring can be used again if the spring meets the specifications in Reuse and Salvage Guideline,
SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF9006,
"Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on Engines with ACERT Technology".
Do not use a spring again if the spring has more distortion than the
dimensions given in Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve
and Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage Guideline,
SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on Engines
with ACERT Technology".
Note: The specifications in Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring
Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head
Assemblies on Engines with ACERT Technology" must be used for the following procedures.
1. Adjust the stop at the top of the valve spring tester in order to compress the spring only to the
Minimum Operating Length.
2. Put the spring under compression until the spring is at the Assembled Length. Make a record of
the force that is needed to hold the spring at this length.
3. Continue to compress the spring until the spring is at the Minimum Operating Length. Make a
record of the force that is needed to hold the spring at this length.
4. Make a comparison of the results to the specifications given in Reuse and Salvage Guideline,
SEBF8034, "Valve and Valve Spring Specifications" or Reuse and Salvage Guideline,
SEBF9006, "Specifications for Cylinder Head Assemblies on Engines with ACERT 18/06/2008
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Illustration 65 g01338045
Use 8S-2263 Spring Tester in order to test the springs. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 66 g01338066
Rotocoils and locks
(2) Rotocoils
Cleaning Procedure
Be very careful during cleaning of the rotocoil. Do not disassemble the rotocoil. The rotocoil can be
easily damaged. Use a good, clean solvent in order to clean the rotocoils and locks. The clearances
inside the rotocoils are very tight and foreign material can easily damage the rotocoils. Keep the solvent
clean with the use of a filter.
Illustration 67 g01338072
This illustration shows a cross section of a typical valve rotocoil. If dirt gets inside the rotocoil, the parts wear quickly. Use
only clean solvent in order to wash the rotocoil. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 68 g01338163
Rotation of the inner part of the rotocoil is smooth and there is no damage such as deep grooves or notches.
Note: Some new rotocoils can be tight and this test will not work on many new rotocoils.
Make a mark on the components of the rotocoil with chalk at the time of assembly. Tap the valve lightly
with 1S-0258 Plastic Hammer As . Tap the valve six to eight times. If the rotocoil rotates the valve,
operation of the rotocoil is correct.
Illustration 69 g01338169
Tap the valve six to eight times. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 70 g01338171
If the rotocoil rotates, operation of the rotocoil is correct.
Illustration 71 g01338174
The locks do not show heavy wear, cracks, or gouges. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 72 g01338180
The locks must mate correctly with the valve and the rotocoil.
Illustration 73 g01338184
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist on top of the bridge or in the holes on the valve stem. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 74 g01338297
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist on top of the bridge or in the holes on the valve stem.
Illustration 75 g01338288
The depth of the pocket on the valve stem is less than 6.7 mm (0.26 inch). Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step
does not exist. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 76 g01338291
The depth of the pocket on the valve stem is greater than 6.7 mm (0.26 inch) or the pocket of the valve is worn and
3126B Bridges
Illustration 77 g01352432
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist on top of the bridge. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 78 g01352475
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist on top of the bridge.
Illustration 79 g01352479
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist in the pocket for the valve stem. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 80 g01352485
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist in the pocket for the valve stem.
Illustration 81 g01352489
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist on top of the bridge. 18/06/2008
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Illustration 82 g01352491
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist on top of the bridge.
Illustration 83 g01352492
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist in the pocket for the valve stem. 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 50 de 55
Illustration 84 g01352493
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist in the pocket for the valve stem.
3500 Bridges
Illustration 85 g01352495
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist on top of the bridge. 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 51 de 55
Illustration 86 g01352497
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist on top of the bridge.
Illustration 87 g01352498
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist in the pocket for the valve stem. 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 52 de 55
Illustration 88 g01352501
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist in the pocket for the valve stem.
Illustration 89 g01352505
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist on top of the bridge. 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 53 de 55
Illustration 90 g01352507
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist on top of the bridge.
Illustration 91 g01352563
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step does not exist in the pocket for the valve stem. 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 54 de 55
Illustration 92 g01352564
Pitting, raised material, waving, or a wear step exist in the pocket for the valve stem.
Storage Procedures
Proper protection of the valve components from corrosion is very important. Corrosion will start in as
little as one hour after the valve components have been cleaned.
When the valve components will not be inspected for one hour or less the valve components should be
coated with a rust or corrosion inhibitor or coated with clean engine oil. The valve components should
be individually wrapped in order to prevent contamination, and the valve components should be stored
in a protected area in order to avoid damage. See Illustration 93.
When the valve components will not be inspected in two days or more the valve components should be
coated with a rust or corrosion inhibitor or coated with clean engine oil and the valve components
should be individually wrapped. The wrapped valve components should be placed in a container which
is clean and structurally solid. The container should be covered or wrapped in plastic in order to prevent
damage and contamination to the valve components. See Illustration 94.
Illustration 93 g01352617
Example of protection for a component that is stored for a shorter term 18/06/2008
3306 Industrial Engine 64Z05381-UP(SEBP1989 - 24) - Estructura del documento Página 55 de 55
Illustration 94 g01352619
Example of protection for a component that is stored for a longer term
Table 2
Hard film
Up to one year storage
222-3121 355 mL (12 oz) Rust Preventive
Aerosol Outside conditions for
Film of wax
1U-8801 3.79 L (1 US gal)
Caterpillar 4A Rust Preventive Up to one year storage
Outside conditions for
1U-6526 208 L (55 US gal)
Copyright 1993 - 2008 Caterpillar Inc. Wed Jun 18 13:48:23 EST 2008
Todos los derechos reservados.
Red privada para licenciados del SIS. 18/06/2008