Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan: S No. Post Department/Subject Eligibility Criteria Date

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Gomal University

Dera Ismail Khan

Gomal University (GU) requires various teaching and non-teaching staff on fixed pay in the
following disciplines/sections. Those who fulfil the required criteria may submit their
complete applications along with bank draft/receipt.

S Post Department/Subject Eligibility Criteria Date

01 Assistant 1. Business Administration PhD in the relevant field Last date for
Professor 2. Botany from HEC recognized submission of
3. Environmental Science University /Institution. applications is
4. English Applicants applying for Monday 5th
5. Forestry serial no 6-9, should be October, 2020.
6. Animal Nutrition registered with PVMC. The list of
7. Physiology/Pharmacology shortlisted/
8. Clinical Medicine and eligible
Surgery candidates will
9. Animal Breeding and be uploaded on
Genetics Gomal University
10. Geology website on
11. Law October 7 and
12. Islamiat they shall appear
13. Computer Science for interview on
14. Mass Communication the dates
15. Mathematics mentioned in the
16. Pakistan Study/History uploaded list.
17. Public Administration
18. Psychology
19. Physics
20. Sociology
21. Sports Sciences
22. Political Science
23. Zoology

02 Deputy Establishment Section First division degree (16

Registrar years education) with six
years relevant experience in
a University or Government
Department or Autonomous
Organization in BPS-17 and
equivalent or above
03 Lecturer 1. English MPhil/LLM or equivalent Last date for
2. Law qualification in the relevant submission of
3. Pakistan Study field from HEC recognized applications is
4. Sport Sciences University /Institution Monday 5th
with no 3rd division in the October, 2020.
academic career The list of
04 Sub-  Directorate of Works Three years Diploma of eligible
Engineer Associate Engineer in Civil candidates for
field with 2 years’ experience screening test/
in the relevant field interview will be
05 Manager/Officer 1 Class DVM from an HEC posted on the

1. Dairy Farm Manager recognized Gomal University

2. Poultry Manager University/Institution with website.
3. Veterinary Officer no 3rd division in the
academic career.
Registration from PVMC is
06 Medical Officer MBBS from a recognized
Institution, with one year
House Job experience in a
recognized Hospital

07 Khala Girls Hostel Literate within the age limit Candidates are
(Peon) of 35-55 years. required to
appear for
interview on 9th
October in
provost section
1. Candidates are required to bring their CV along with original documents and a set of attested
copies of educational certificates/degrees, experience certificate, CNIC and a recent passport
size photograph.
2. Application can be downloaded from the University Website www.gu.edu.pk and submitted with
application processing fee of Rs 500/- through Bank Draft in favour of the Director Finance, Gomal
University or bank receipt deposited in Account No. 595-3, National Bank of Pakistan, Gomal
University Branch must be submitted with the application.
3. No TA/DA will be admissible.
4. The University reserves the right not to fill any position.
5. The University is authorized to rectify errors/omissions (if any) in the advertisement.

Tel: 0966 750239, Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gu.edu.pk

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