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Substructure Calculations Example

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Design of Abutment

Data for loading is taken as per the standard superstructure drawing for road bridges

From Standard Super structure Drawing

On each
Load Condition Items Under Unit Remarks
Under No Live V No EQ 619 kN
Under Maximum V No EQ 967 kN
Distance between dirt wall and bearing centre 650 mm
Height of Deck 2200 mm
Ht of pedestal 150 mm
Width of Main Girder 400 mm
Spacing of Girder 2500 mm
No. of longitudinal girders 3.0 no

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Design of Abutment

A Design of Abutment
1 Design Data
a. Materials and Properties
Concrete = M30
Reinforcement = Fe 500

Basic Permissible Stresses of Concrete as per IRC:21-2000

Characteristics strength of concrete, fck = 30 MPa
Permissible direct compressive stress, σco σco = 7.5 MPa
Permissible flexural compressive stress, σc σc = 10 MPa
Maximum Permissible shear stress, Ʈmax τmax = 2.2 MPa

Basic Permissible Stresses of Reinforcing Bars as per IRC:21-2000

Characteristic strength of steel, fy fy = 500 MPa
Permissible Flexural Tensile Stress, σst σst = 240 MPa
Permissible Direct Compressive Stress, σco σco = 205 MPa

b Design Data
Modular Ratio, m = 10.00
Neutral Axis Depth factor, k=(mσc)/(mσc+σst) = 0.29
Lever Arm Factor, j= (1-k/3) = 0.902
Moment of resistance coefficient, R= 0.5*k*j*σc = 1.326

Seismic coefficient for seismic zone V

Seismic coefficient for seismic zone V 0.15

c Unit Weight of Materials as per IRC:6-2000

Concrete (cement reinforced) = 25 kN/m3
Macadam (binder premix) = 22 kN/m3
Water = 10 kN/m
Backfill = 18 kN/m3

2 Geometrical Properties
Effective Span of Bridge deck = 25 m
High Flood Level, HFL = 1685.620 m
Maximum Scour Level = 1680.074 m
Lowest River Bed Level = 1682.123 m
Top Level of Foundation = 1,679.574 m
Bottom Level of Foundation = 1677.574 m
Final RL of the road = 1689.974 m
Final Level of Bearing (Bottom of pedestal) = 1687.624 m
Clearnace above HFL = 2.004 m
Check for the scour level = 2.500 m OK

a Geometry of Abutment
Height of abutment, H = 10.40 m
Minimum Seating Width= 305+2.5*span+10*Ht of abutment = 471.50 mm

Expansion Joint
Width of expansion joint >= le x 10^3 * 0.000011/°Cx50° x 1/2 = 6.88 mm
>= 5 x 10-4 x le x 103 x 1/2 = 6.25 mm
>= 20mm 20.00
Adopt Width of expansion joint = 50.00 mm
Distance between dirt wall and center of bearing (from superstructure) = 650.00
Height of dirt wall,h2 = 2.35 m

Thickness of dirt wall>=200mm 0.2 m

Adopt Thickness of dirt wall ,b3 = 0.4 m

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Design of Abutment

Width of stem of abutment =H/10 = 1.04 m

Adopt Width of stem of abutment,b1 = 1.500 m

Minimum Thickness of abutment cap = 200 mm

Adopt thickness of abutment cap,h3 = 700 mm

Length of abutment = 8.4 m

Foundation Type Open Foundation

Size of approach slab

Length = 3.5 m
Width = 7.5 m
Thickness = 0.3 m
Equivalent Live Load Surcharge height [IRC:6-2000, 217.1] 1.2 m
Height of stem of abutment,h4 = 7.3500 m

h1 (m) h2 (m) h3(m) h4(m) h5(m) h6 (m)

8.05 2.35 0.70 7.350 2.00 0.15

b1(m) b2 (m) b3 (m) b4(m) b5 (m) b6 (m) b7 (m) b8 (m) b9 (m)

1.50 0.50 0.40 0.65 2.10 4.46 4.04 10.50 10.00

b3 b4






P1 P2

b6 b1 b2 b7

Heel b8 Toe b9

Calculation of weight,C.G,seismic force of abutment stem

Eleme Area Weight Zi
Yi (m) AiYi AiZi Seismic load Moment
nt (m2) (kN) (m)
P1 11.025 2315.25 0.75 3.68 8.269 40.517 347.288 1276.282
P2 1.838 385.875 1.66667 2.45 3.063 4.502 57.881 141.809
P3 1.470 308.7 0.65 7.70 0.956 11.319 46.305 356.549
P4 0.940 197.4 -0.2 9.225 -0.188 8.672 29.610 273.152
Total 15.273 3207.23 12.099 65.009 481.084 2047.791

C.G from back of abutment,y = 0.792 m

from bottom of abutment,z = 4.257 m
Position of CG of bearing from back of abutment = 0.65 m
Eccentricity in y- direction, ey = 0.142 m

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Design of Abutment

3 Load Calculation of Abutment Stem

Load Calculation
i) DL from Super Structures per abutment = 1857.00 kN
Load of superstructure on an abutment per unit length (DL ss) = 221.07 kN/m
Eccentricity of DL acting through bearing,e = 0.14 m
Moment due to DL of superstructure about CG of abutment = 31.43 kN/m-m

ii) Weight of approach slab [Take half of total weight of approach slab] = 98.44 kN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DL Ap.S) = 11.72 kN/m
Distance of point of application from base of abutment = 2.54 m

Moment due to Weight of approach slab about CG of abutment = 29.79 kN/m-m

iii) LL from superstructure

a) Due to IRC Class A wheel load, in longitudinal direction

1.2 1200
4.3 4300
3 3000
3 3000
3 3000
10.5 15980

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6

Position from right
Loads Values (KN)
support (m)
W1 114 25
W2 114 23.8
W3 68 19.5
W4 68 16.5
W5 68 13.5
W6 68 10.5
LL on abutment at left support considering 1 train = 385.73 kN
LL on abutment at left support considering 2 trains = 771.46 kN
Impact Factor = 1.50
LL on abutment per unit length at left support including impact = 137.76 kN/m

b) Due to IRC Class AA tracked load, in longitudinal direction


3.60 3600


Load of 1 track = 350.00 kN

Track length in longitudinal direction = 3.60 m
LL on abutment at left support = 649.60 kN
Impact factor = 1.25
LL on abutment per unit length at left support including impact = 96.67 kN/m

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Design of Abutment

c) Due to IRC Class AA wheeled load, in longitudinal direction



W1 W2


Load of 1 axle = 200.00 kN

Distance between two axles = 1.20 m
LL on abutment at left support = 390.40 kN
Impact factor = 1.25
LL on abutment per unit length at left support including impact = 58.10 kN/m

d) Due to IRC Class 70R tracked load, in longitudinal direction


4.57 3600

Load of 1 track = 350.00 kN
Track length in longitudinal direction = 4.57 m
LL on abutment at left support = 636.02 kN
Impact Factor = 1.25
LL on abutment per unit length at left support including impact = 94.65 kN/m

e) Due to IRC Class 70R wheeled load, in longitudinal direction

25 30480

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7


Position from right

Loads Values (KN)
support (m)
W1 80 25
W2 120 21.04
W3 120 19.52
W4 170 17.39
W5 170 16.02
W6 170 12.97
W7 170 11.6

LL on abutment at left support = 668.95 kN

Impact Factor = 1.25
LL on abutment per unit length at left support including impact = 99.55 kN/m

Maximum LL on abutment at left support including impact = 137.76 kN/m

Moment due to LL about CG of abutment = 19.59 kN/m-m

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Design of Abutment

iv) Load due to braking effort.

Braking Load due to Class AA tracked Loading= 0.2xW = 140 kN
Braking Load due to Class AA wheeled Loading= 0.2xW = 80 kN
Braking Load due to Class 70R Tracked Loading= 0.2xW = 140 kN
Braking Load due to Class 70R Wheeled Loading= 0.2 xW = 200 kN
Braking Load due to Class A Loading = 110.8 kN
Maximum Braking Load = 200 kN
Braking load acts at 1.2m above the wearing coat. So point of =
application of braking load from bearing is 3.63 m
Horizontal braking load per unit length (F br ) = 23.81 kN/m
Distance from abutment base = 11.68 m
Moment due to braking about the abutment base = 277.98 kN/m-m
Vertical reaction due to braking load per unit length (F br ) = 3.45 kN/m

v) Load due to temperature variation

Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete (C ) = 0.0000117

Length of main girder (L) = 25000.00 mm
Width of girder = 400.00 mm
Assume width of bearing = 500.00 mm
Differential temperature (T) = 30.00 degree
Number of main girder = 3.00
Assume shear modulus due to elastomer (G) = 1.20 N/mm2
Elongation of girder (D) = C*L*T = 8.775 mm
Plan area of bearing (A) = 250000.00 mm2
Longitudinal force transmitted to the abutment (F) =(G*A*D)/T = 87.75 kN
Lateral force due to resistance of bearing = 175.50 kN
Lateral force due to resistance of bearing per m length of abutment = 20.89 kN/m
which acts at a distance (bearing level) from abutment base = 8.20 m

At fixed bearing
Fh = 200.00 kN
Rg = 1857.00 kN
Rq = 1157.18 kN

Horizontal force =Fh-0.05*(Rg+Rq) = 49.29 kN

Horizontal force = Fh/2+0.05*(Rg+Rq) = 250.71 kN

At free bearing
Horizontal Force=0.05*(Rg+Rq) = 150.71 kN

Lateral force due to resistance of bearing = 250.71 kN

vi) Seismic Load due to DL and LL

Description Total Load (kN) Seismic Load (kN) Moment (kNm)
Superstructure DL 1857.00 278.55 8.200 2284.11
Abutment shaft P1 2315.25 347.29 3.68 1276.28
Abutment shaft P2 385.875 57.88 2.45 141.81
Abutment shaft P3 308.7 46.31 7.7 356.55
Abutment shaft P4 197.4 29.61 9.225 273.15
Approach slab 98.44 14.77 10.25 151.35
Total 5162.66 774.40 4483.25

Total load in longitudinal direction = 532.48 kN

Total load in transverse direction = 632.48 kN
Seismic Load in transverse direction per unit length, F shT = 75.30 kN/m
Seismic Load in longitudinal direction per unit length, F shL = 63.39 kN/m

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Design of Abutment

Vertical reaction on abutment per unit length when seismic load

VL =
acts in longitudinal direction, F s 154.88 kN

viii) Self Weight of Abutment

Self Weight = 3207.23 kN
Load due to self weight per unit length, DL Ab = 381.81 kN/m

ix) Seismic Load due to the self weight of abutment

hT hL
FSAb =FSAb =(Z/2)x(I/R)x(Sa/g)xW = 481.08 kN
Seismic Load due to self weight of abutment per unit length, F SAb = 57.27 kN/m

x) Load due to static earth pressure

Load due to active earth pressure is found by Coulomb's theory.
PA=0.5xγsoilxH xKA
γsoil = 18 kN/m
H = 10.40 m

KA= 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 (ф−α) 1

x 1
𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 α∗cos(δ+α) sin ф+δ ∗sin ф−𝑖 2 2
[1+ ]
where, cos α−𝑖 ∗cos 𝛼+𝛿
angle of internal friction (ф) = 33 °
i = 0 °
δ=(2/3)xф = 22.00 °
α = 0 °
KA = 0.264
PA = 257.45 kN/m
Horizontal component of load per unit length, PEP = PAcosδ = 238.70 kN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length, PEPV(S)= PAsinδ = 96.44 kN/m

xi) Load due to dynamic earth pressure

Load due to active earth pressure is found by Mononobe Okabe theory.
2 dyn
PA=0.5xγsoilxH xKA
γsoil = 18 kN/m
H = 10.40 m

= 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 (ф−α−ψ) 1
(1±α𝑣)x x 1
𝑐𝑜𝑠ψ∗𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 α∗cos(δ+α+ψ) sin ф+δ ∗sin ф−𝑖−ψ 2 2
[1+ ]
cos α−𝑖 ∗cos 𝛼+𝛿+ψ
angle of internal friction (ф) = 33 °
i = 0 °
δ=(2/3)xф = 22.00 °
α = 0 °
αh=(Z/2)x(I/R)x(Sa/g) = 0.15
αv=(2/3)αh = 0.1
ψ= −1
αℎ = 9.46 °
𝑡𝑎𝑛 ( )
1 ± α𝑣
KAdyn = 0.42
PA = 407.96 kN/m
Horizontal component of load per unit length, PEPH(D)= PAcosδ = 378.26 kN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length, PEPV(D)= PAsinδ = 152.83 kN/m
xii) Surcharge Load
Height of earth fill taken as surcharge load,h = 1.2 m
Psur= KAxγsoilxhxH = 59.41 kN/m
Horizontal component of load per unit length, PsurH=Psurcos(δ) = 55.08 kN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length, PsurV=Psursin(δ) = 22.26 kN/m

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Design of Abutment

Summary of loads and moments

Case A: Responses of abutment at its bottom non seismic load condition

Loads Pu Hx Hy Lever arm Moment

Dead Load due to Super Structure DLss 221.07 0 0.14 31.435
Dead load of Approach slab DLAp.S 11.72 0 2.54 29.791
Maximum Live load on Super
LLss 137.76 0 0.14 19.588
Structure LL
Horizontal braking load FLHB 0 23.81 11.68 277.976
Load due to Frictional Fcst 0 29.85 8.20 244.740
Dead load due to abutment DLAb 381.81 0 0.00 0.000
Vertical load due to earth pressure PEP 96.44 0 3.67 353.726

Horizontal load due to earth pressure PEP 0 238.70 4.37 1042.637
vertical load due to surcharge Psur 22.26 0 3.67 81.629
horizontal load due to surcharge Psur 0 55.08 5.20 286.439
Total 871.06 0.00 347.44 516.169 1851.79
Net Moment 2,367.96

Case B: Responses of abutment at its bottom in seismic load condition

Loads Pu Hx Hy Lever arm Moment

Dead Load due to Super Structure DLss 221.07 0 0.14 31.435
Dead load of Approach slab DLAp.S 11.72 0 2.54 29.791
Maximum Live load on Super
Structure LL (20%) LLss 27.55 0 0.14 3.918
Horizontal braking load (50%) FLHB 0 11.90 11.7 138.988
Seismic Load in longitudinal direction FS 0.00 63.39 8.2 519.806
Vertical Component of Seismic force FsVL 154.88 0.00 0.14 22.023
Load due to temperature variation (50%)Fcst 0 14.92 8.20 122.370
Dead Load due to abutment DLAb 381.81 0 - 0.000
Vertical load due to earth pressure PEPV(D) 152.83 0 3.67 560.536
Horizontal load due to Static PEPH(S) 238.70 4.37 1042.637
earth pressure Dynamic PEP 0 139.56 5.2 725.703
Vertical load due to surcharge PsurV 22.26 0 3.67 81.629
Horizontal load due to surcharge PsurH 0 55.08 5.20 286.439
Total 972.12 0.00 523.56 729.331 2835.94

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Design of Abutment

Load Calculation considering Buoyancy

The seismic load will be lesser than that for N+T case due to submerged part of the substructure which will be under
Depth of abutment shaft below HFL = 6.046 m
Abutment width at HFL = 1.589 m

Calculation of the Moment at the C.G.

Total Load(kN)
Description Moment
Vertical Hx Arm

Superstructure DL 221.07 - 0.14 31.43

Abutment shaft P1 above HFL 48.90 - - -
Abutment shaft P1 below HFL 136.04 - - -
Abutment shaft P2 above HFL 1.45 - - -
Abutment shaft P2 below HFL 26.69 - - -
Abutment shaft P3 36.75 - - -
Abutment shaft P4 23.50 - - -
Approach slab 11.72 - 5.20 60.94
Backfill 89.35 4.37 390.27
Backfill vertical component 36.10 3.67 132.40
Load due to temperature variation - 29.85 8.20 244.74
horizontal load due to surcharge - 55.08 5.20 286.44
Total 595.46 174.28 982.38 163.84

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Design of Abutment

4 Design of abutment stem section

Abutment section will be designed for case A and the section adequacy will be checked for Case B.
Design Vertical Load = 871.06 kN
Design Horizontal Load = 347.44 kN
Design Moment = 2367.96 kNm

Depth of abutment stem:

Thickness of stem = 2,000 mm
Required Effective depth of stem = 1,336.13 mm
Clear cover = 75.00 mm
Diameter of rebar = 32.00 mm
Effective depth of stem provided = 1,909.00 mm
> Required.Ok.
Main Vertical Reinforcement (in the side of backfill)
Moment, M = 2367.96 kNm
Area of Steel required , Ast = 5,730.20 mm
Minimum Area of Steel(.12%) 2,290.80 mm2
Required Spacing = 140.41 mm
Provided Spacing = 120.00 mm
Area of Steel provided = 6,704.76 mm
> Required.Ok
Provide ф32mm bar @ 120 mm c/c as main vertical bars.
Outer Vertical Reinforcement (in the side of river)
Take 0.12% of gross cross sectional area of abutment stem as outer vertical reinforcement.
Area of steel required, Ast=(0.12*bd) = 2,400.00 mm
Provide Diameter of bars = 25.00 mm
Number of bars per meter = 5.00 no.s
Spacing Required 204.61 mm
Provided Spacing = 120.00 mm
Area of Steel provided = 4,092.26 mm2
> Required.Ok
Provide 25mm- ф120 mm bar c/c as outer vertical reinforcement.

Horizontal Reinforcement
25% of Main reinforcement area 1,676.19 mm
Area of steel required, Ast
Take 0.12% of gross cross sectional
Max of
area of abutment stem as outer vertical = 16,837.38 mm2
Provide Diameter of bars = 16.00 mm
Number of bars = 83.71 no.s
Spacing of bar required = 175.61 mm
Spacing of bar Provided 150.00 mm
Area of steel provided = 19,712.00 mm2
> Required.Ok
Provide 16mm bar @ 150 mm c/c as horizontal reinforcement on both side.

Check for shear

Design horizontal force = 347.44 kN
Corresponding shear stress, Ʈv = 0.18 N/mm
Percentage of area of tension steel, pt = 0.35 %
Grade of concrete = 30 Mpa
Permissible shear Stress in concrete τc = 0.26 N/mm2
For Solid Slab value of K = 1
Permissible Shear Stress in Slab (K*τc) = 0.26 N/mm2
>Design shear.Ok
Check for stresses for Case B
Bending Moment = 3565.273 kNm
Effective depth of slab provided, d = 1,909.00 mm
Tensile stress in steel due to given moment = 308.827 N/mm2
Horizontal force = 523.56 kN
Corresponding shear stress in concrete = 0.27 N/mm2

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Design of Abutment

Check for stress
Section modulus, Z = 1.49E+10 mm3
Gross area of concrete, Ag = 1.29E+07 mm2
Net area of concrete,Ac = 1.29E+07 mm2
Cross sectional area of steel, Ast = 6,704.76 mm2
Cross sectional area of steel, Asc = 4,092.26 mm2
Height of Rectangular Section ,D(m) = 2,000.00 mm
Width of rectangular section,B (m) = 1,000.00 mm
Clear cover d' = 50.00 mm
Eff section for the abutmnet,d = 1,950.00 mm
Design modulus,m 10.00

Interaction condition check:

Stress A: (N+T) B: (N+T+B) C: (N+T+S)
Design vertical load, P (kN) 871.06 595.46 972.12
Design Moment, M (KN.m) 1,851.79 1,146.22 2,835.94
Assume Neutral Axis ,x 479.91 500.12 435.81
Section area of segment ,(Acg)=BxD2 479,914.19 500,116.12 435,810.46
Effective Area,
Aeff=(m-1)xAst+mXASC+Acg= 607,304.66 627,506.59 563,200.94
Distance of CG eff from physical centroid
of whole section is,e'=((Acg* x̄ )+(m- 631.79 627.87 638.81
∴e-e'=M/P-e' 1,494.12 1,297.05 2,278.48

Ieff= (bh3/12)+ mxAscx(x+e')^2+ Acgx(D/2-

1.01E+11 1.04E+11 9.58E+10
x/2-e')2+ (m-1) x Ast x (x-e')2)

Neutral Axis depth y= Ieff/(Aeff*(e-e')) 111.71 127.99 74.62

Calculated Neutral Axis 479.91 500.12 435.81
Check for neutral axis 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct stress, σco,cal=P/(Ac+1.5xmxAs) 0.08
0.07 0.05

Bending compressive stress, σc,cal =M/Z 0.16

0.16 0.08

Combined stress =(σco,cal/σco)+(σc,cal/σc)<1

0.08 0.04 0.08

Allowable ratio 1.00 1.00 1.50

Resultant compressive stress
0.23 0.12 0.23
( σco,cal + σc,cal )< 10
Allowable stress 10.0 Mpa 10.0 Mpa 15.0 Mpa

Compressive stress in concrete= 6.16 3.71 10.08

Allowable stress 10.0 Mpa 10.0 Mpa 15.0 Mpa

Max Tensile stress in steel 188.76 107.50 350.24

= m(P/Aeff-(P(e-e')(d-D/2+e')/Ieff)
Allowable stress 240.0 Mpa 240.0 Mpa 360.0 Mpa

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Design of Abutment

5 Design of abutment cap

Vertical reaction due to =
Dead Load = 1,857.00 KN
Live Load including impact = 1,157.18 KN
Total vertical reaction = 3,014.18 KN
Width of Abutment Cap,W = 2,100.00 mm
Assume cap thickness = 700.00 mm
Effective depth 652.00 mm
Provide minimum area of steel @ 0.8% assuming cap thickness 652 2
= 2,608.00 mm
mm, area of steel required /m of cap .
Diameter of bar = 16.00 mm
Clear Cover 40.00 mm
Required Spacing = 155.00 mm
Provided Spacing = 150.00 mm
Area of Steel provided = 2,681.90 mm
> Required.Ok
Provide ф16mm bar @ 150 mm c/c at both top and bottom layers in both way.

As per IRC: 78-2000 , Clause 710.10.04 the two layer of mesh reinforcement, one at 200mm from the other at 100mm
from top of abutment cap each is provided

Check for bearing stresses in cap:

Check for bearing stresses in pedestal:
The allowable bearing pressure with nearly uniform distribution on the loaded area of a footing or base under a bearing or
column shall be given by following equation,
Length of pedestal = 0.56 m
Width of pedestal = 0.40 m
Thickness of pedestal = 0.15 m
C = C0(A1/A2)1/2
Permissible direct compressive stress in concrete,C0= 7.50 MPa
Dispersed largest concentric area similar to A2, A1= 0.60 m²
Loaded area, A2= 0.22 m²
Therefore, C= 12.30 MPa
Actual compressive stress= 10.00 MPa

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Design of Abutment

6 Design of Dirt Wall

The dirt wall is designed as a cantilever slab.
Height of dirt wall = 2.050 m
Width of dirt wall = 0.400 m

Forces acting on dirt wall:

i) Horizontal force due to earth pressure, PA=0.5xγsoilxH xKA
γsoil = 18 kN/m
H = 2.05 m
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 10.00 kN/m
Distance of point of application from toe of dirt wall = 0.86 m
Moment at toe of dirt wall due to earth pressure = 8.612 kN/m-m

ii) Horizontal force due to surcharge = 11.711 kN/m

Distance of point of application from toe of dirt wall = 1.025 m
Moment at toe of dirt wall due to surcharge = 12.003 kN/m-m

iii) Self weight of dirt wall = 20.500 kN/m

Live load due to 70R load = 20.238 kN/m
Distance of point of application from toe of dirt wall = 0.200 m
Moment at toe of dirt wall due to self weight = 8.148 kN/m-m

Total Moment = 28.764 kN/m-m

Effective depth required = 147.259 mm
Diameter of bars = 16.000 mm
Clear cover = 40.000 mm
Effective depth provided = 352.000 mm

Area of steel required,Ast = 377.486 mm2

Spacing required = 532.634 mm
Spacing provided = 150.000 mm
Area of steel provided = 1340.413 mm

Provide 16mm dia bars @150mm c/c.

Provide 16mm dia bars @150mm c/c as distribution bars.

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Design of Abutment

7 Design of RCC stoppers




Base width of stopper, b1" = 0.75 m

Top Width of stopper, b2" = 0.6 m
Height of stopper, h1" = 1 m
Height of stopper, h2" = 0.5 m
Length of stopper, l = 1.70 m

Horizontal force acting on the stopper above abutment cap= 10% of

vertical load 185.700 kN
Friction resistance = 278.550 kN
For additional factor of safety, assuming an extra lateral force in excess
of frictional resistance taking αR=0.2 in worst case.
Fs = 371.400 kN
Difference = 92.850 kN
Moment at the base of stopper = 92.850 kNm
Effective depth required = 264.577 mm
Clear Cover = 25.000 mm
Diameter of bar = 12.000 mm
Effective depth provided = 719 mm
> Required.Ok.
Area of steel required = 596.560 mm2
Required Spacing = 190.00 mm
Provided Spacing = 150.00 mm
Area of Steel provided = 753.98 mm
> Required.Ok
Provide ф12mm bar @ 150 mm c/c as main reinforcement.

Maximum shear stress = 0.07 N/mm2

Percentage of area of steel provided = 0.06 %
Grade of concrete = 30 Mpa
Permissible shear stress = 0.20 N/mm
< Provided.Ok.

Provide nominal shear reinforcement, φ12 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c.

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Design of Abutment

7 Design of return wall


h1' 3.55 m
h2' 1.50 m

h2 2.350 m

h3 0.70 m

b1' 3.000 m
b1 1.500


Thickness of return wall assumed = 400.000 mm

i) Horizontal force due to earth pressure,PA=0.5xγsoilxH xKA
γsoil = 18 kN/m3
H = 3.55 m
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 30.00 kN/m
Distance of point of application from return wall bottom = 1.49 m
Moment due to earth pressure = 37.80 kN/m-m

ii) Horizontal force due to surcharge = 20.280 kN/m

Distance of point of application from bottom of return wall = 1.500 m
Moment at bottom of return wall due to surcharge = 25.706 kN/m-m

Total moment at the bottom of return wall = 63.50 kN/m-m

Effective depth required = 218.804 mm

Diameter of bars = 16 mm
Clear cover = 50.00 mm
Effective depth provided = 342.00 mm
Area of steel required = 857.76 mm
Required spacing = 234.404 mm
Provided spacing = 150.000 mm
Area of steel provided = 1340.413 mm
Provide 16mm dia bars @150mm c/c in horizontal direction as main bar.
Provide 16mm dia bars @150 mm c/c in vertical direction as distribution bars.
In the fillet joint, provide 12mm dia bars@200mm c/c as nominal reinforcement.
The return wall should be properly anchored to the abutment, back wall and cap.

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

B Design of Abutment Open Foundation

1 Design Data
a. Materials and Properties
Concrete = M30
Reinforcement = Fe 500

Basic Permissible Stresses of Concrete as per IRC:21-2000

Characteristics strength of concrete, fck = 30 MPa
Permissible direct compressive stress, σco σco = 7.5 MPa
Permissible flexural compressive stress, σc σc = 10 MPa
Maximum Permissible shear stress, Ʈmax τmax = 2.2 MPa

Basic Permissible Stresses of Reinforcing Bars as per IRC:21-2000

Characteristic strength of steel, fy fy 500 Mpa
Permissible Flexural Tensile Stress, σst σst = 240 MPa
Permissible Direct Compressive Stress, σco σco = 205 MPa

b Design Data
Modular Ratio, m = 10.00
Neutral Axis Depth factor, k=(mσc)/(mσc+σst) = 0.29
Lever Arm Factor, j= (1-k/3) = 0.902
Moment of resistance coefficient, R= 0.5*k*j*σc = 1.326

2 Geometrical Properties
Effective Span of Bridge deck = 25 m
High Flood Level, HFL = 1685.62 m
Maximum Scour Depth = 1680.074 m
Lowest River Bed Level = 1682.123 m
Top Level of Foundation 1679.574 m
Bottom Level of Foundation = 1677.574 m
Clearance above HFL = 2.00 m
Level of Bearing = 1687.62 m
Rl of road = 1689.974 m

h1 (m) h2 (m) h3(m) h4(m) h5(m) h6 (m)

8.050 2.350 0.700 7.350 2.000 0.150
b1(m) b2 (m) b3 (m) b4(m) b5 (m) b6 (m) b7 (m) b8 (m) b9 (m)
1.500 0.500 0.400 0.650 2.100 4.460 4.040 10.50 10.00

b3 b4






P1 P2

b6 b1 b2 b7

Heel b8 Toe b9

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

Foundation base length, b8 = 10.500 m

Total width of foundation,b9 = 10.000 m
Abutment base length = 8.4 m
Foundation projection beyond abutment stem = 0.8 m
C.G of abutment shaft from back of abutment,y = 0.792 m
Angle of internal friction of soil = 33 degree
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 300 kN/m

Calculation of vertical load on foundation base

Due to Dead Load
Superstructure = 1857.00 kN
Abutment Shaft = 3207.23 kN
Soil behind abutment = 8349.12 kN
Soil infront of abutment steam 1818.00 kN
Approach slab = 196.875 kN
Horizontal and Vertical Earth Pressure
Static Earth Pressure per m = 365.98 per m
Dynamic Earth Pressure (only) per m = 213.98 per m

Loss in weight due to buoyancy

Depth of abutment shaft below HFL = 6.046 m
Abutment width at HFL = 1.589 m
Loss in weight of abutment shaft = 911.288 kN
Loss in weight of soil behind abutment = 2696.516 kN
Total buoyant force on abutment = 3607.804 kN
Buoyant force on foundation base = 2100 kN

Calculation of Moments at Foundation Base Level

Resisting Moment From toe of footing
Description Total Load (KN) Lever arm (m) Moment (KN-m)
Superstructure DL 1857.00 5.39 10,009.23
Superstructure LL 1157.18 5.39 6,237.22
Abutment shaft 3207.23 5.248 16,830.90
Foundation Base 5250 5.25 27,562.50
Approach Slab 196.88 8.3 1,628.16
Back Fill 8349.12 8.27 69,047.22
Total 20017.40 131315.23

Resisting Moment From toe of footing with considering buoyancy

Description Total Load (KN) Lever arm (m) Moment (KN-m)
Superstructure DL 1857.00 5.390 10,009.23
Abutment shaft 2295.94 5.248 12,048.64
Backfill and Approach Slab 5849.48 8.3 48,375.19
Foundation Base 3150 5.25 16,537.50
Total 13152.42 86970.56

Overturning Moment From toe of footing

Description Total Load (KN) Lever arm (m) Moment (KN-m)
Earth pressure Static 3074.26 5.208 16,010.74
Earth Pressure Seismic 1797.40 6.200 11,143.90
Surcharge 462.71 7.050 3,262.10
Braking 200.00 11.6 2,320.00
Temperature 250.71 10.050 2,519.63
Total 5785.08 35256.37

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

Calculation of Seismic moment.

A. Maximum Load Condition

Total Load Moment

Description Seismic Load (kN) Lever Arm (m)
(kN) (kNm)

Superstructure DL 1857.00 278.550 10.20 2841.210

Abutment shaft P1 2315.25 347.288 5.675 1970.857
Abutment shaft P2 385.875 57.881 4.450 257.572
Abutment shaft P3 308.7 46.305 9.7 449.159
Abutment shaft P4 197.4 29.610 11.225 332.372
Approach slab 196.875 29.531 12.25 361.758
Foundation Base 5250 787.500 0.075 59.063
Total 10511.10 1576.665 6271.989

B. Case of buoyancy and no live load

The seismic load will be lesser than that for N+T case due to submerged part of the substructure which will be under

Total Load Moment

Description Seismic Load (kN) Lever Arm (m)
(kN) (kNm)
Superstructure DL 1857.00 278.550 10.20 2841.210
Abutment shaft P1 above HFL 410.76 61.614 8.698 535.919
Abutment shaft P1 below HFL 1142.694 171.404 5.023 860.963
Abutment shaft P2 above HFL 12.146 1.822 8.481 15.451
Abutment shaft P2 below HFL 224.238 33.636 5.548 186.618
Abutment shaft P3 308.700 46.305 9.7 449.159
Abutment shaft P4 197.4 29.610 11.225 332.372
Approach slab 196.875 29.531 12.25 361.758
Backfill below HFL 2157.213 323.582 5.023 1625.352
Backfill above HFL 3495.391 524.309 10.223 5360.008
Foundation Base 3150 0.075 0.000
Total 13152.42 1500.362 12568.808

Summary of Moments and Forces

Vertical Loads
Case I Case II Case III
Max Load Buoyancy +No LL Case I + Seismicity
sup.+abutment+soil+ 13610.22 10,002.42 13610.22
DL of foundation base 5250 3150 5250
Live Load 1157.184 0 1157.184
Total 20017.40 13152.42 20017.40

Horizontal Loads
Case I Case II Case III
Max Load Buoyancy +No LL Case I + Seismicity
Earth Pressure due to
backfill 2005.070 2005.070 3177.360
Longitudinal Forces 450.71 0 450.7092
Seismic Force 0 0.000 1576.665
Total 2455.780 2005.070 5204.734

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

Resisting Moments
Case I Case II Case III
Max Load Buoyancy +No LL Case I + Seismicity
Superstructure DL+LL 16246.452 10,009.23 16246.452
Abutment + Soil filling
DL+approach Slab 87506.280 60423.830 87506.280
Foundation Base DL 27562.500 16537.500 27562.500
Total 131315.232 86970.560 131315.232

Overturning Moments
Case I Case II Case III
Max Load Buoyancy +No LL Case I + Seismicity
Earth Pressure due to
19272.836 19272.836 30416.739
Breaking 2320.000 2320.000
Temperature 2,519.63 2519.62746
Seismic force 0 6271.989
Total 24112.464 19272.836 41528.355

Loads and moments per meter width of the foundation base will be as follows:
Case I Case II Case III
Max Load Buoyancy +No LL Case I + Seismicity

ΣP (kN) 2001.740 1315.242 2001.740

ΣH (kN) 245.578 200.507 520.473
ΣMR (kNm) 13131.523 8697.056 13131.523
ΣMO (kNm) 2411.246 1927.284 4152.836

Design of foundation base

As per IRC
Case I: Max Load Case II: Buoyancy+ No LL Case III: Case I + Seismicity
Check 5.45 4.51 3.16
overturning >2.Safe. >2.Safe. >1.5.Safe.
Check 4.08 3.28 1.92
sliding = >1.5.Safe. >1.5.Safe. >1.25.Safe.
0.5ΣP/ ΣH
e σmax σmin e σmax σmin e σmax σmin
Check -0.11 179 202 0.103 132.621 118 0.76 273.932 107
Bearing 1.75 300.0 0 1.75 300.0 0 1.75 450.0 0.0
Capacity ok< ok<
ok< 1.75 ok> 0 ok< 1.75 ok< 300 ok> 0 ok< 450 ok> 0
300 1.75

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

Design of Heel Slab

Downward pressure i.e. Pressure due to slab and m backfill = 237.20 kN/m
Case I: N+T Case
σmax σmin σH σT Y1 Y2 Y3 Net downward pressure @
(KN/m2) (KN/m2) (KN/m (KN/ (m) (m) (m) A B
2 2
179.15 202.13 )
192 m)
188 4.46 2.000 4.040 35.1 44.829

Moment at B = 381.136 kNm

Effective depth of section required = 536.044 mm
Clear cover provided = 75.000 mm
Assume diameter of bar = 32.000 mm
Effective depth of section provided = 1909 mm
Area of steel required = 922.306 mm
Minimum area of steel required @ 0.15% = 3000 mm
Spacing required = 268.08 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm
Provided area = 4021.239 mm
Provide 32mm dia bars @200 mm c/c at top of footing for heel slab and continue the same for toe slab

Development length of bar beyond face of abutment

Design Anchorage length, ld=α1α2l0
α1 = 1
α2 = 0.229
lo=1.4x56φ = 2525 mm
Design Anchorage length, ld = 600.000 mm
Provide anchorage length = 600.000 mm

Maximum shear force at B = 178.17 kN

Shear stress = 0.0933 N/mm
% area of tension steel = 0.211 %
Grade of concrete = 30 Mpa
Corresponding permissible shear stress = 0.22 N/mm2
Shear reinforcement is not required. Provide side face reinforcement 20 mm dia bars.
Case III: N+T+S Case
σmax σmin σH σT Y1 Y2 Y3 Net downward pressure @
(KN/m ) (KN/m ) 2 (KN/m (KN/ (m) (m) (m) A B
273.93 107.35 )
178 m2)
209.8 4.46 2.00 4.04 130 27.36

Moment at B = 951.672 kNm

Stress in steel = 137.447 N/mm
Permissible value = 319.2 N/mm
Maximum shear force at B = 350.58 kN
Shear stress = 0.184 N/mm
Permissible shear stress = 0.327 N/mm
Shear reinforcement is not required. Provide side face reinforcement 20 mm dia bars.
Distribution reinforcement
Assume diameter of bar = 25.000 mm
Effective depth of section provided = 1909 mm
Minimum area of steel required @ 0.12% = 2290.8 mm2
Spacing required = 214.28 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm
Provided area = 2454.369 mm
Provide 25mm dia bars @200 mm c/c at top of footing in transverse direction in both toe and heel slab.

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Design of Open foundation of Abutment

Design of toe slab

Downward pressure i.e. pressure due to slab and 2.5 m backfill = 95 kN/m
Case I: N+T Case
σmax σmin σH σT Y1 Y2 Y3 Net downward pressure @
(KN/m ) (KN/m ) (KN/m (KN/
2 2
(m) (m) (m) C D
2 2
179.15 202.13 )
192 m)
188 4.46 2.00 4.04 93 84.15

Moment at C = 710.796 kNm

Effective depth of section required = 732.037 mm
Clear cover = 75.000 mm
Assumer diameter of bar = 32.000 mm
Effective depth of section provided = 1909 mm
Area of steel required = 1720.046 mm
Minimum area of steel required@ 0.15% = 3000 mm
Spacing required = 268.08 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm
Provided area = 4021.239 mm2
Provide 32 mm dia bars @200 mm c/c at bottom and continue the same @150 mm C/C for heel slab.

Development length of bar beyond face of abutment

Design Anchorage length, ld=α1α2l0
α1 = 1
α2 = 0.428
lo=56φ = 1792 mm
Design Anchorage length, ld = 775.000 mm
Provide anchorage length = 775.000 mm

Maximum shear force at C = 357.83 kN

Shear stress = 0.187 N/mm
% area of tension steel = 0.211 %
Grade of concrete = 30 Mpa
Corresponding permissible shear stress = 0.22 N/mm2
Shear reinforcement is not required. But provide minimum 12mm @300 mm c/c. Provide side face
reinforcement 4-12mm dia bars.

Case III: N+T+S Case

σmax σmin σH σT Y1 Y2 Y3 Net downward pressure @
(KN/m2) (KN/m2) (KN/m (KN/ (m) (m) (m) C D
273.93 107.35 )
178 m2)
209.8 4.46 2.00 4.04 115 178.93

Moment at C = 1285.875 kNm

Stress in steel = 185.714 N/mm
Permissible value = 319.2 N/mm
Maximum shear force at C = 593.415 kN
Shear stress = 0.311 N/mm
Permissible shear stress = 0.327 N/mm
Provide 16mm dia bars @110 mm c/c at bottom as distribution bars for both toe and heel slab.
Distribution reinforcement
Assume diameter of bar = 25.000 mm
Effective depth of section provided = 1909 mm
Minimum area of steel required @ 0.12% = 2290.8 mm2
Spacing required = 214.28 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm
Provided area = 2454.369 mm2
Provide 25mm dia bars @200 mm c/c at bottom as distribution bars for both toe and heel slab.

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