Divergent Paths - Fools Errand PDF
Divergent Paths - Fools Errand PDF
Divergent Paths - Fools Errand PDF
◆ Fo o l' s E r r a n d ◆
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B y F o r r e s t He c k
Divergent Paths
Fool's Errand
Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the
third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
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Divergent Paths: Fool's Errand is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open Game License version 1.0a
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Divergent Paths
Divergent Paths
use the initiator’s highest attack bonus, may deal lethal
or nonlethal damage, and do not provoke attacks of What is Lock?
opportunity (as if the initiator possessed the Improved Similarly to mechanics like hit points, armor class,
Unarmed Strike feat). A character may make these attacks and attack rolls, there is some amount of necessary
with any part of his body, and applies his full Strength abstraction required to make lock function. In the
bonus on damage rolls. They can even make these default description of Fool’s Errand maneuvers, locking
attacks if their hands are full or if they attacked with is implied to be a strong grip or hold, but the exact
each of their hands already this turn. specifics of a character’s lock depends on the player,
In all other ways, these are treated as normal unarmed the GM, and the situation. It may be that a character
strikes (including gaining benefits from class features, literally wrestles the targets, that they use their reach
feats, magic items, and the like). These benefits apply and skill with a blade to keep their targets from moving
to all unarmed strikes made as part of Fool’s Errand freely, or even potentially that their targets are forced
strikes, not just additional ones that a strike may grant. into stillness through sheer killing intent. In some cases,
If the character cannot make their additional unarmed a particular explanation for locking a creature may
strikes from a Fool’s Errand maneuver (such as if they warrant a Will save instead of a Reflex save, at the GM’s
used the steel-shattering fist maneuver with a ranged option. Even in such a case, however, locking is not a
weapon against a target outside their reach), they may mind-affecting ability.
still initiate the maneuver without making these attacks. Regardless of how they’re doing it, however, a
A character cannot substitute other weapons for the character can lock as many creatures as they are able to
additional unarmed strikes granted by Fool’s Errand reach (provided they have the actions to do so).
maneuvers, even if they have an ability that would
normally allow them to use a weapon as if it were an
unarmed strike. Gauntlets, however, can be used freely, Once you’ve locked a creature, they cannot voluntarily
as attacks with gauntlets are considered unarmed strikes move from their space without escaping the lock (see
by default. below). If you lock another creature that is flying or
New Condition: Locked otherwise midair, they remain in the air and do not fall.
As this is an ability that hinders movement, creatures
Several Fool’s Errand maneuvers and related abilities under the effects of a freedom of movement spell or slip
allow you to lock your target. You may only lock creatures the bonds power cannot be locked. You can end the lock
within your melee reach (including that of reach as a free action, and it automatically ends if the locked
weapons or other effects that extend your reach). Locking creature is no longer within your reach.
a creature does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and You can move freely as long as each creature you’ve
even though it is not an attack, it is treated as a melee locked remains within your reach, or can drag creatures
attack for the purposes of targeting, line of effect, miss when you move by moving at half speed. If your
chances, and ending an invisibility spell or similar movement takes place during a maneuver, you can drag
effects. Attempting to lock or drag a creature ends any creatures by halving the distance you would normally
Stealth you have, though you can still use Stealth after move (to a minimum of 5 feet, even if halving it would
you've locked a creature (if you are otherwise able to result in a lower distance). You must still follow all the
do so while observed, such as by having the hide in restrictions of your movement (such as where you can
plain sight ability or making a successful Bluff check). move, or where you must end your movement).
Similarly, locked creatures can use Stealth against you if When dragging a creature, they move in the same
they have a means to do so, through successfully hiding direction as you, relative to your spaces (even if that
from you using Stealth does not end the lock. movement takes them to a harmful location). If you
A creature targeted by a character’s lock must succeed would drag them into a space they cannot enter (such
at a Reflex save (DC 12 + 1/2 your highest initiator level + as a wall or that of another creature), you must either
your Strength modifier or highest initiation modifier, relinquish your lock on them, change direction, or stop
whichever is higher) or become locked. Locking counts moving. Otherwise, you can freely drag them along
as a Fool's Errand maneuver for the purposes of with you, regardless of your relative sizes or location.
abilities or effects that increase a maneuver's save DC, The movement of dragged creatures does not provoke
and the bonus for using a discipline weapon as part of attacks of opportunity, and your movement does not
the attempt is already included in the DC. If you can provoke attacks of opportunity from creatures you’re
substitute another ability modifier for melee attack rolls dragging. If you would drag a creature into a space that
or CMB checks (such as through the Weapon Finesse or can’t support them or a hazardous location (such as the
Agile Maneuvers feats, or the soulknife’s Focused Offense air for a nonflying creature or a pit of lava), they may
blade skill), you may use your that ability instead of your make a saving throw to escape the lock (see below). If
Strength or initiation modifier for determining your lock they succeed, they are not dragged, escape the lock, and
save DC. fall prone in their space.
Divergent Paths
On its turn, a creature can attempt to escape your lock The Best Weapon is Theirs: Counter – Make a Climb
whenever it tries to move. In order to do so, the creature check to negate an attack; if the attack was with a
must succeed at a Reflex save with the same DC as when weapon, you also disarm the attacker.
they were locked. A creature can use their Strength Windmill Waltz Flurry: Strike – Make a weapon attack
instead of their Dexterity on this saving throw (but and two unarmed strikes, moving before, after, or
not the one to evade the initial lock). Success indicates between attacks.
that the locked creature escapes and can move freely;
failure means they remain locked, though their action 4th Level
is still spent (and are treated as having moved, for the Make Them Humble: Counter – You can break through
purposes of taking 5-foot steps). Teleportation effects freedom of movement and slip the bonds.
allow a creature to automatically escape your lock, as Night Falls: Strike – You pin and silence a locked creature.
do effects that cause you to no longer have the creature The Sincerest Form of Flattery: Counter – Copy a
within your reach. A creature that does not attempt to maneuver you just observed.
move during their turn can make a Reflex save against Tornado Slam: Boost [lock] – Make a Climb check to
the lock as a free action at the end of that turn. You knock the target prone; if successful you may throw
cannot lock a creature in the same turn that it escaped them up to 30 feet and move with them, locking them
your lock. afterwards.
If you become helpless, all of your locked creatures
are released. 5th Level
Blade-Dance Ballet: Strike – Make a weapon attack
Fool's Errand Maneuvers and three unarmed strikes, moving before, after, or
between attacks.
1st Level Lesson IV: The Ladder: Stance – Your training allows
Iron Grip: Strike [lock] – Make an attack, then lock the you to climb and leap across the air.
target. Moment of Mastery: Counter – Parry attacks from a
Lesson I: Balance: Stance – You gain Improved Unarmed single creature for one round.
Strike, can use Climb in place of Acrobatics, and can Surround from Within: Strike [lock] – Make an attack
easily stand when prone. and lock each adjacent opponent.
Lesson II: Control: Stance [lock] – Your unarmed strikes
lock the target, and locked creatures take a scaling 6th Level
penalty on attack rolls against creatures other than you. Flowing Dance of the Fool: Strike – Move up to your
Lock Step: Counter – Make a Climb check to negate an speed as a full-round action and lock a creature, then
attack by a locked opponent. make an attack or initiate another strike at the end of
One-Two Punch: Strike – Make two unarmed strikes. your movement.
Whirlwind Sweep: Strike – Make a Climb check to Lesson V: Expression: Stance – Your unarmed strikes
knock the target prone; if successful you may throw can be made at range, and affect a cone-shaped area
them up to 10 feet. behind the target.
No Escape: Counter – You stop a creature from escaping
2nd Level your lock, or follow their retreat.
Bob and Weave: Boost – Move around an opponent and Tempest Tango Blitz: Strike – Make two weapon attacks
make them flat-footed against your next attack. and two unarmed strikes, moving before, after, or
Death at Ten Paces: Boost – Your next melee attack this between attacks.
turn can be made at a range of up to 30 feet. To the Skies: Boost – Throw each creature you have
Lead and Follow: Counter [lock] – Lock a creature you locked upwards; you can follow one into the air to slam
hit with an attack of opportunity. them back down with a strike or other attack.
Hurricane Kick: Strike – Momentarily fly before making
a weapon attack. 7th Level
Steel-Shattering Fists: Strike – Make a weapon attack Lightning Strikes Twice: Boost – Your attack
and an unarmed strike, each of which ignores hardness reverberates moments later to strike a foe twice.
and damage reduction. Finger of God: Boost [lock] – Make a Climb check to
knock the target prone; if successful you may throw
3rd Level them up to 5 feet per initiator level and attack them.
Adamantine Grip: Strike [lock] – Make an attack, then You move with them, lock them afterwards, and can
lock the target. If you succeed, the target is also attempt to steal a weapon during your movement.
entangled for as long as they are locked. Utter Commitment: Strike – Make a single attack for
Lesson III: Suppression: Stance [lock] – Creatures are massive damage.
flat-footed against your first attack each turn, and you
can lock one creature each round as a free action.
Divergent Paths
Endless Dance of Death: Strike – Make three weapon Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance) [lock]
attacks and three unarmed strikes, moving before, Level: 1
after, or between attacks. Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Lesson VI: Supremacy: Stance [lock] – You can lock one Range: Personal
creature each round as a free action and when you hit Target: You
with an attack of opportunity, you take no movement Duration: Stance
penalty when dragging locked creatures, and your
The second important lesson you learned was to understand
mastery of the Fool’s Errand discipline allows you to
and tightly grasp the flow of combat to negate the
introduce new concepts into your style.
movements of your enemies. When you damage an adjacent
Sky-Shattering Throw: Strike – Make a Climb check to
creature with an unarmed strike while maintaining this
knock the target prone; if successful you deal damage
stance, you may make a lock attempt against that creature.
and may throw them a massive distance.
In addition, creatures you have locked take a –2 penalty on
9th Level attack rolls against creatures other than you. This penalty
increases by –1 for every four initiator levels you possess.
Proof of Victory: See text – You use your mastery of
disparate techniques to emulate another maneuver. LOCK STEP
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter)
Maneuver Descriptions Level: 1
The maneuvers in this section are first by level, then in Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
alphabetical order within a given level. Range: See text
Target: One locked creature
1st Level Duration: Instantaneous
IRON GRIP You match your enemy’s movements, preventing them from
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) [lock] acting freely. You can initiate this counter in response to a
Level: 1 creature you have locked making a melee or ranged attack.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action Make a Climb check, using your opponent’s attack roll as
Range: Melee attack the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated.
Target: One creature ONE-TWO PUNCH
Duration: Instantaneous
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
The most basic technique of the Fool’s Errand discipline is Level: 1
simple: grab hold, and don’t let go. Make a melee attack. It Initiation Action: 1 standard action
deals weapon damage as normal, and regardless of whether Range: Melee attack
or not your attack hit, you may make a lock attempt against Target: One creature
the target. Duration: Instantaneous
LESSON I: BALANCE With quick footwork and equally-quick fists, you deliver
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance) a pair of deadly blows. Make two unarmed strike attacks
Level: 1 against the same target with a –2 penalty on your attack
Initiation Action: 1 swift action rolls. They deal weapon damage as normal.
Target: You
Duration: Stance Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
Level: 1
The first lesson a Fool’s Errand trainee is taught is merely Initiation Action: 1 standard action
to stand. By learning to balance both your body and your Range: Melee attack
mind, you can calmly proceed through your forms and drills, Target: One creature
even in the midst of combat. While you maintain this stance, Duration: Instantaneous
you gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, can
make Climb checks in place of Acrobatics checks, and can You spin, sweeping your target’s legs while at the same time
stand up from the prone position as a free action without using your momentum to grab and throw them. Choose one
provoking attacks of opportunity. If you already possess creature within your reach and make a Climb check with a
the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, you also gain Greater DC equal to their CMD. If you succeed, you may throw the
Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, using your initiator level target up to 10 feet in any direction (including up). The target
instead of your base attack bonus for the purposes of its falls prone (taking falling damage, if applicable) in the last
effect. If your initiator level is below 3, treat it as 3 for the unoccupied space in that direction. Your target’s movement
purposes of the feat. during this strike does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Divergent Paths
2nd Level Duration: Instantaneous
BOB AND WEAVE With a powerful leap and a twist, you take brief flight, before
crashing down with a deadly blow. As part of initiating this
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost) strike, you may move up to your land speed as if you had a
Level: 2 fly speed with average maneuverability, then make a melee
Initiation Action: 1 swift action attack against a creature within your reach at the end of this
Range: 5 ft. movement. This attack deals weapon damage as normal. If
Target: One adjacent creature your movement ends in a location that cannot support you,
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) your attack occurs before you fall (you take falling damage
You duck under your opponent’s guard, delivering an as normal). If you have a means to fly, glide, or hover after
attack in their blind spot. When you initiate this boost, your movement, you may do so. You can make Climb checks
choose a creature you are adjacent to. You may move to in place of Fly checks during the movement of this strike.
any unoccupied space adjacent to that creature, without
provoking attacks of opportunity. You cannot move more STEEL-SHATTERING FISTS
than your speed in this way (though you can treat the Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
target's space as empty for the purposes of determining Level: 2
how far you moved). Regardless of whether or not you Initiation Action: 1 standard action
moved, the target then becomes flat-footed against your Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text)
next attack against them this turn. Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Ceaseless training breaking boards and shattering plates
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost) of stone and steel have taught you how best to strike hard
Level: 2 surfaces. As part of this strike, make an attack with a weapon
Initiation Action: 1 swift action you are wielding and an unarmed strike attack, each against
Range: Personal the same target. You take a –2 penalty on your attack rolls
Target: You during this strike. Each attack deals weapon damage as
Duration: 1 turn normal, ignores hardness, and automatically overcomes
Through a combination of immense speed and honed skill, damage reduction.
you can use wind pressure to strike a target at a distance.
After initiating this boost, you can make your next melee 3rd Level
strike or melee attack this turn against a target within 30 ADAMANTINE GRIP
feet. You can only target a single creature, even if the strike
would normally affect multiple targets. Attacks made under Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) [lock]
the effects of this boost are treated in all ways as melee Level: 3
attacks, rather than ranged ones (for example, you do not Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver
take the normal –4 penalty for shooting into melee). Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
LEAD AND FOLLOW Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter)
Level: 2 After striking with your weapon, you follow with an iron grip.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Make a melee attack. It deals weapon damage as normal,
Range: Melee attack and regardless of whether or not your attack hit, you may
Target: One creature make a lock attempt against the target. If your lock attempt
Duration: Instantaneous is successful, the target also becomes entangled for as long
as they remain locked.
Battle is a dance, and you happen to know all the steps. Your
opponents tend to not. You can initiate this counter when LESSON III: SUPPRESSION
you hit a creature with an attack of opportunity. Make a
lock attempt against that creature. If you succeed, their Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance) [lock]
movement is also halted (they do not move, but still spend Level: 3
their action). Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
HURRICANE KICK Range: Personal
Target: You
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
Duration: Stance
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action The third chapter in your training taught you to assert and
Range: Melee attack (see text) maintain pressure on the field of battle. You never let up,
Target: One creature and your constant assault can unbalance even the most
Divergent Paths
experienced warriors. While you maintain this stance, 4th Level
the target of your first attack on each turn becomes flat-
footed against that attack. In addition, you can make a lock MAKE THEM HUMBLE
attempt against an adjacent creature once per round as a Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter)
free action. You may also make a lock attempt against any Level: 4
adjacent creature you hit with an attack of opportunity. If Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver
you interrupt a creature’s movement with a successful lock, Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
they still spend their action. Range: Personal
Target: You
THE BEST WEAPON IS THEIRS Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter) Your training has shown you that while magic is an
Level: 3 advantage, it is not insurmountable if you simply apply
Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver enough brute force. You can initiate this counter when one
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action of your abilities would be negated by a freedom of movement
Range: Personal spell, the slip the bonds power, or effects that replicate either
Target: You of these effects. Make a dispel check (DC 11 + the effect’s
Duration: Instantaneous caster level or manifester level) against the effect, using your
As a disciple of the Fool’s Errand discipline, you are taught initiator level as your caster level. You gain an additional
to never rely on your body alone—though you are a deadly +1 bonus on your dispel check for every 4 Climb ranks you
weapon, a sword is deadlier. You’ve learned to steal the possess. If you succeed, the effect is dispelled and your
advantage when you find yourself unarmed versus an ability functions as normal. If the effect originated from an
armed opponent. You can initiate this counter in response item (such as a ring of freedom of movement) or a non-spell,
to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make non-power ability, the effect is instead suppressed for 1d4
a Climb check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the rounds. If the ability has no caster level, use its originator’s
DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated. If the attack was Hit Dice.
made with a melee weapon, you can make a disarm attempt
against your attacker, using your Climb check’s result in NIGHT FALLS
place of your combat maneuver check. This disarm attempt Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and if you Level: 4
successfully disarm your attacker and have a free hand, you Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver
may catch the weapon. If you used this counter to negate Initiation Action: 1 standard action
a ranged attack with a weapon, you instead catch that Range: Melee attack
weapon or piece of ammunition (you need not attempt a Target: One locked creature
disarm). Duration: See text
WINDMILL WALTZ FLURRY Open combat is not your only battlefield—you are also
adept at ending fights before they start. Make a lock
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) attempt against a creature you are already locking. If you
Level: 3 succeed, that creature becomes pinned and silenced for as
Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver long as they are locked. They can attempt to escape the
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action lock as a move action, as normal, even though they cannot
Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text) actually move (they take no penalty on their checks for
Target: See text being pinned). If you successfully pin a flat-footed creature
Duration: Instantaneous in the same turn that you locked them, they cannot make
You dance across the battlefield, delivering a quick series a sound in response (potentially allowing you to take them
of blows with weapon and body alike. As part of this strike, down silently).
make an attack with a weapon you are wielding and two
unarmed strike attacks. You take a –2 penalty on your THE SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY
attack rolls during this strike. These attacks can be made Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter)
against any valid targets for an attack (such as creatures, Level: 4
objects, or squares), and can be made in any order. After Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver
each attack, you may move up to 5 feet without provoking Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
attacks of opportunity. In addition, you may move up to Range: Personal
your speed before or after resolving this strike. Unlike the Target: You
previous movement, this movement provokes attacks of Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
opportunity as normal. You can initiate this counter in response to a maneuver (not
a stance) being initiated by another creature you can see.
You gain that maneuver as a readied maneuver, regardless of
Divergent Paths
your available disciplines and initiator level. You can initiate LESSON IV: THE LADDER
that maneuver once before losing the knowledge needed to Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance)
use it. If you recover or initiate this counter (such as with the Level: 5
warder’s extended defense ability) or ready new maneuvers Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers
before you initiate the copied maneuver, it is expended Initiation Action: 1 swift action
immediately and lost. In effect, you “trade” this maneuver Range: Personal
for the copied one. You can only copy a maneuver of up Target: You
to one level higher than the maximum maneuver level a Duration: Stance
character of your initiator level could learn (for example, if
you are initiator level 9th, you can use this counter to copy Your first lesson was how to fall; your fourth lesson is how
a maneuver of up to 6th level). to not. Your intense training has given you the ability to
climb the very air, grasping the world with your hands and
TORNADO SLAM kicking off with your feet. While you maintain this stance,
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost) [lock] you become immune to falling damage and gain a special
Level: 4 mode of movement.
Prerequisites: One Fool’s Errand maneuver By spending a move action, you gain the ability to make
Initiation Action: 1 swift action a number of leaps through the air this turn equal to 1/2
Range: Melee attack your ranks in the Climb skill. Making a leap is a free action,
Target: One creature and each leap moves you up to 10 feet in any direction
Duration: Instantaneous (unlike with a fly speed, you neither gain nor lose distance
for moving vertically in this way). You need not jump off
You deliver a brutal blow that blasts the target away, then of a physical object; you can leap off the air through sheer
give them no respite before following up with further power and skill. If you end your turn with leaps remaining,
attacks. Choose one creature within your reach and make a these leaps are expended, and you remain hovering in the
Climb check with a DC equal to their CMD. If you succeed, air until your next turn (at which point you fall unless you
you may throw the target up to 30 feet in any direction must spend another move action to gain leaps). Otherwise,
(including up). The target falls prone (taking falling damage, you fall. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as
if applicable) in the last unoccupied space in that direction, normal.
and you may move to any other unoccupied space adjacent
to where they landed. If you do, you automatically lock
them (they receive no saving throw). Neither yours nor your
target’s movement during this boost provokes attacks of
5th Level
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text)
Target: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
You follow a slash of your sword with several quick jabs or
kicks. As part of this strike, make an attack with a weapon
you are wielding and three unarmed strike attacks. You take
a –2 penalty on your attack rolls during this strike. These
attacks can be made against any valid targets for an attack
(such as creatures, objects, or squares), and can be made
in any order. After each attack, you may move up to 5 feet
without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition,
you may move up to your speed before or after resolving
this strike. Unlike the previous movement, this movement
provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Divergent Paths
If you initiate a maneuver or use an ability that would action (such as Vital Strike) or initiate a readied strike
allow you to move a distance equal to or greater than your with an initiation action of 1 standard action against that
land speed (such as windmill waltz flurry or a strike that creature. If you initiate a strike, it is expended as normal.
includes a charge attack), you may gain leaps as if you had Your movement during this strike provokes attacks of
spent a move action rather than making that movement. opportunity as normal, except from the target.
You still gain any other benefits or penalties from the ability
in question (such as a charge attack’s bonus on attack rolls LESSON V: EXPRESSION
and penalty to AC). Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance)
Level: 6
MOMENT OF MASTERY Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter) Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Level: 5 Range: Personal
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers Target: You
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Duration: Stance
Range: Personal The fifth lesson you learned expanded on the precepts and
Target: You concepts of the earlier teachings. By striking the air itself,
Duration: 1 round you create a cascade of pressure that delivers your blow
You deliver a series of perfectly-placed parries against your beyond your reach. While you maintain this stance, you can
foe’s attacks. You can initiate this counter in response to a make unarmed strikes at range. Your unarmed strikes have
melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an a range increment of 10 feet and a maximum range of five
attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. If your attack range increments. Otherwise, they are treated in all ways
roll is higher than your opponent’s, their attack is negated. as melee attacks rather than ranged ones, allowing you to
You may repeat this process each time that creature attacks shoot into melee without taking the normal –4 penalty, or
you for one round. to initiate normally melee strikes at range. In addition, each
of your unarmed strikes also affects a 15-foot cone through
SURROUND FROM WITHIN the target (see the Cones sidebar). Use the result of the
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) [lock] initial attack roll and compare it to the AC of each creature
Level: 5 caught within the area to determine if an affected creature
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers is hit.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action You do not apply the effects of strikes or boosts to the
Range: Melee attack cone’s effects, and neither you nor the initial target of your
Target: Adjacent opponents unarmed strike is affected by the cone. If you use this stance
Duration: Instantaneous with an ability that turns the attack into an area of effect
(such as a zealot’s destruction augment), each attack makes
You cleverly place yourself in a position to strike at all
only one cone, originating from the closest affected creature.
enemies. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the
AC of each adjacent opponent. If the attack roll hits a target, NO ESCAPE
it deals weapon damage as normal. After resolving your
attacks, you may make a lock attempt against each target Discipline: Fool's Errand (Counter) [lock]
struck Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers
6th Level Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) [lock] Duration: Instantaneous
Level: 6 You swiftly react to your opponent’s movements, redoubling
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers your grip or following their path. You have even learned
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action the techniques needed to ride along with a target fleeing
Range: Melee attack (see text) through magical methods. You can initiate this counter in
Target: One creature (see text) response to a creature you’re locking succeeding on their
Duration: Instantaneous saving throw to escape your lock or otherwise taking
With a blindingly-fast sprint, you drag an opponent into a movement that would cause them to escape your lock
vicious combination attack. As part of this strike, you may (including by teleportation or other effects that would
move up to your speed. At any point in this movement, you normally escape a lock, but not if they used freedom of
can make a lock attempt against a creature within your movement or a similar effect to outright become immune
reach. If you successfully lock them, you drag them along to your lock). Choose one of the following effects:
with you without the normal penalty to your movement • Their movement is canceled and they remain locked
speed. When your movement ends, you can take an attack (their action is still spent).
Divergent Paths
• They succeed on their roll to escape, and at the end Duration: Instantaneous
of their movement, you may move to any unoccupied With a mighty effort, you entrust those in your grip to the
space adjacent to the creature (or the nearest sky. When you initiate this boost, you launch each creature
unoccupied space, if there are none adjacent to them), you’re locking upwards up to 5 feet for each rank you have
regardless of how far they moved or how they moved. in the Climb skill. They are no longer locked by you, and
Then, you may make a lock attempt against that fall to the ground (landing prone) unless they have some
creature. In the case of movement by teleportation, method of remaining in the air, such as by hovering with
you are also considered to have teleported. a fly speed. You may follow one of the launched creatures
TEMPEST TANGO BLITZ into the air and immediately attack that creature using any
of your remaining actions for your turn (such as by initiating
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) a strike). If you successfully hit with an attack, they fall and
Level: 6 take falling damage afterwards, regardless of whether or not
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers they have a fly speed. You also fall unless you have a way of
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action remaining in the air, though you take no falling damage when
Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text) using this ability. Neither yours nor your targets’ movement
Target: See text during this boost provokes attacks of opportunity.
Duration: Instantaneous
You mix attacks with your body and attacks with your 7th Level
weapon to carve a whirling path through your enemies. As FINGER OF GOD
part of this strike, make two attacks with weapons you are
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost)
wielding and two unarmed strike attacks. You take a –2
Level: 7
penalty on your attack rolls during this strike. These attacks
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers
can be made against any valid targets for an attack (such as
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
creatures, objects, or squares), and can be made in any order.
Range: Melee attack
After each attack, you may move up to 10 feet without
Target: One creature (see text)
provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, you may
Duration: Instantaneous
move up to your speed before or after resolving this strike.
Unlike the previous movement, this movement provokes Every sword on the battlefield is your weapon, even if your
attacks of opportunity as normal. foes happen to be holding them for safekeeping. Choose
one creature within your reach and make a Climb check
TO THE SKIES with a DC equal to their CMD. If you succeed, you may
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost) throw the target up to 5 feet per initiator level you possess
Level: 6 in any direction (including up). The target falls prone (taking
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers falling damage, if applicable) in the last unoccupied space in
Initiation Action: 1 swift action that direction, and you may move to any other unoccupied
Range: Melee reach space adjacent to where they landed. Neither your target’s
Target: Creatures you’re locking
Some Fool’s Errand maneuvers allow an initiator to create cone-shaped areas with their attacks. These cones function as
cone-shaped bursts (and thus won’t go around corners), start from any corner of the initial target’s square, and widen
as they go, as normal for cones. They must be aimed away from the initiator in the direction of the target (though they
may be aimed to the side, if they wish). In the below diagram for 15-foot cones, the first three cone placements are valid,
and the fourth is not.
Divergent Paths
movement nor your movement during this strike provokes that turns the attack into an area of effect (such as a zealot’s
attacks of opportunity. destruction augment), it makes only one cone, originating
If you have a free hand and there is a weapon within your from the closest affected creature.
reach at any point during this maneuver’s movement (treat 8th Level
your movement as a straight line to your new space), you
may pick that weapon up. If that weapon is wielded or worn ENDLESS DANCE OF DEATH
by a creature, you must succeed at a disarm attempt to Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
grab the weapon. This disarm attempt does not provoke an Level: 8
attack of opportunity, and you use a Climb check in place of Prerequisites: Three Fool’s Errand maneuvers
your combat maneuver check. This ability does not give you Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
any special ability to wield or carry the weapon in question Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text)
if you normally couldn’t (such as if it’s improperly-sized for Target: See text
you or too heavy to lift). Duration: Instantaneous
After you move during this boost, you can make a melee
attack against the creature you threw (potentially using the There is seemingly no end to your assault. As part of this
weapon you grabbed during the movement). strike, make three attacks with weapons you are wielding
and three unarmed strike attacks. You take a –2 penalty
LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE on your attack rolls during this strike. These attacks can
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Boost) be made against any valid targets for an attack (such as
Level: 7 creatures, objects, or squares), and can be made in any order.
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers After each attack, you may move up to 10 feet without
Initiation Action: 1 swift action provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, you may
Range: See text move up to your speed before or after resolving this strike.
Target: One creature (see text) Unlike the previous movement, this movement provokes
Duration: 1 round (see text) attacks of opportunity as normal.
Your blow reverberates through the target’s body, echoing LESSON VI: SUPREMACY
again moments after you strike. You can use this boost when Discipline: Fool's Errand (Stance)
you hit a creature with an attack to cause that creature to Level: 8
be struck by your attack again at the start of your next Prerequisites: Three Fool’s Errand maneuvers
turn. They take half the damage they took from the initial Initiation Action: 1 swift action
attack (including any bonus damage), and are also affected Range: Personal
by any additional effects, such a save against a condition, a Target: You
delivered touch spell, or the effects of a maneuver or stance. Duration: Stance
This boost’s effect is not replicated on the second hit of the
attack. As a master of your art, you can fluidly combine the styles of
the Fool’s Errand discipline with the others you’ve studied
UTTER COMMITMENT and trained in. When you enter this stance, choose another
Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike) stance you know of 7th level or lower. You gain the benefits
Level: 7 of that stance for as long as you maintain this stance. In
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers addition, you can make a lock attempt against an adjacent
Initiation Action: 1 standard action creature once per round as a free action. You may also
Range: Melee attack make a lock attempt against any adjacent creature you hit
Target: One creature (see text) with an attack of opportunity. If you interrupt a creature’s
Duration: Instantaneous movement with a successful lock, they still spend their
action. Dragging creatures you’ve locked does not penalize
Your dedication to your training and determination to exceed your movement speeds. You can change the second stance
has brought you past the normal limits. By committing you’re benefiting from as a swift action (as if entering that
everything to one punch, you can destroy any enemy. Make stance).
an unarmed strike attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage
as normal plus additional points of damage equal to 7 times SKY-SHATTERING THROW
your initiator level. Regardless of whether or not your attack Discipline: Fool's Errand (Strike)
hits, your attack also affects a 30-foot cone through the Level: 8
target (see the Cones sidebar). Use the result of the initial Prerequisites: Three Fool’s Errand maneuvers
attack roll and compare it to the AC of each creature caught Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
within the area to determine if an affected creature is hit. Range: Melee attack
Creatures hit by the cone take half the damage of the initial Target: One locked creature
attack, and neither you nor the initial target of your attack Duration: Instantaneous
is affected by the cone. If you use this strike with an ability
Divergent Paths
You grip your opponent and throw them, converting all of At its heart, the Fool’s Errand discipline is founded on
your strength into their momentum. Choose one creature stolen ideas. You have seen and experienced a great many
you’re locking and make a Climb check with a DC equal to maneuvers and techniques, and in a moment of perfect
their CMD. If you succeed, you may throw the target up to clarity, you can recall your wealth of knowledge and create
100 feet in any direction (including up) for each rank you a brand new move, if only for a moment. You can initiate
have in the Climb skill. If the target would enter the space this maneuver to emulate another maneuver (not a stance)
of a solid object (including the ground) or another creature, off the following list.
they stop, and both they and the object or creature they • An 8th-level or lower maneuver of a discipline you
collided with take damage as if they had fallen a distance know at least one maneuver or stance from.
equal to the remaining distance the target would have • A 7th-level or lower maneuver of a discipline you do
traveled (up to a maximum of 20d6, as normal). This not know at least one maneuver or stance from.
damage is treated as falling damage, and may be reduced by
Fly checks or other abilities as normal. The target then falls You must follow any restriction that maneuver has (such
prone in the space they land in. as if a counter is normally initiated in response to something,
or if a maneuver has restrictions on what actions it can be
taken with). The save DCs of any saving throws prompted
9th Level by the maneuver are determined using this maneuver’s level,
PROOF OF VICTORY and as such are equal to 19 + your initiation modifier. In
addition, observers trying to identify the exact maneuver
Discipline: Fool's Errand (See text) you’ve used have great difficulty; a successful Knowledge
Level: 9 (martial) check to identify this maneuver only reveals the
Prerequisites: Four Fool’s Errand maneuvers maneuver it is emulating. An observer must beat the DC by
Initiation Action: See text 10 or more in order to fully understand what you’ve done.
Range: See text In all other ways, this maneuver acts as the maneuver you
Target, Effect, or Area: See text are emulating.
Duration: See text
Divergent Paths
Chapter 2: Character Options
Archetypes and Class Options
Each alternate class feature presented in an archetype
either replaces or alters one or more specific class The contender is an archetype for the brawler base class
features from the base class. detailed in Chapter 1 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:
When an archetype includes multiple alternate class Advanced Class Guide.
features, a character must take all of them—often
blocking the character from ever gaining certain Contender (Archetype)
standard class features, but replacing them with other “Hey... Come on... Three against one isn't fair! You'll need
options. All class features of the base class that aren’t to bring at least ten to make it even!”
mentioned among the alternate class features of an —Larret the Indomitable, a contender
archetype remain unchanged and are acquired normally Some warriors focus on a single style, honing it to
when a character reaches the appropriate level. If an perfection. Some believe that the true master is one
alternate class feature replaces a base class feature, who has practiced their technique ad infinitum.
the archetype doesn’t count as having that base class Others disagree, never ceasing to learn new tricks and
feature for the purpose of meeting any requirements or techniques for use on the field of battle. Contenders
prerequisites. On the other hand, if an alternate class are such warriors. Though they may have a preferred
feature alters an existing class feature, it is considered to method they specialize in, a contender’s true strength
be the core class feature for the purposes of meeting any is in the knowledge and experience they have acquired,
requirements or prerequisites, even if it was renamed. combining their fragments
A character can take more than one archetype, but of mastery into a glorious
none of the alternate class features can replace or alter whole to destroy their
the same class feature of the base class. enemies.
If a class feature has a series of improvements (such
as a fighter’s weapon training or a ranger’s favored
enemy), it can be replaced either entirely or partially.
By default, an alternate class feature replaces the entire
original class feature and
all of its improvements. For
example, if a class feature
states that it replaces trap
sense without mentioning a
specific bonus, it replaces trap
sense entirely.
If an alternate class feature replaces one
instance of a class feature that’s part of a
series, the next time the character would
gain an improvement to that ability, the new
improvement counts as the lower-level ability that
was replaced by the archetype, and all subsequent
improvements follow suit. For example, if the
barbarian’s 3rd-level trap sense +1 were replaced,
the barbarian would gain trap sense +1 at 6th level,
trap sense +2 at 9th level, and so on.
If an archetype gains a class skill as a result of
a new martial discipline becoming available
to them or as part of an ability that grants a
martial discipline, that archetype is not
considered to be incompatible with other
archetypes that alter or replace class skills.
An archetype that otherwise alters the
base class’ skill list follows the normal
archetype compatibility rules.
Divergent Paths
Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as
long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level
Maximum maneuvers he knows; the contender need not replace
Maneuvers Maneuver the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level.
Level Known Readied Stances Level Known He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level.
1st 3 3 1 1 A contender’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each
2nd 4 3 1 1 contender level is counted as a full initiator level.
Maneuvers Readied: A contender can ready all three
3rd 5 3 1 1
of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances
4th 6 4 2 2 in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready
5th 6 4 2 2 more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready.
A contender must always ready his maximum number
6th 6 4 2 2
of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers
7th 7 4 3 3 by performing martial forms for ten minutes. The
8th 7 4 3 3 maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to
9th 8 4 3 4 practice again and change them. The contender does not
need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order
10th 8 5 3 4 to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes
11th 9 5 4 5 practicing, he can change his readied maneuvers.
12th 9 5 4 5 A contender begins an encounter with all his readied
maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times
13th 10 5 5 6
he might have already used them since he chose them.
14th 11 5 5 6 When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the
15th 11 6 5 6 current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can
16th 12 6 5 6 be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as
described below).
17th 13 6 5 6 In order for the contender to recover maneuvers,
18th 14 6 5 6 he must use his ambush class feature (see below).
19th 14 6 5 6 Alternately, the contender may take a brief moment of
rest, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action.
20th 15 7 5 6
Stances Known: A contender begins his career with
Maneuvers: A contender begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to
knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines contender. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can
available to him are Fool’s Errand and two other select an additional stance to learn. The maximum
disciplines of his choice. level of stances gained through contender levels is
Once the contender knows a maneuver, he must limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver
ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended
below). A maneuver usable by contender is considered and the contender does not have to ready them. All the
an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or stances he knows are available to him at all times, and
its discipline’s description. A contender’s maneuvers are he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as
not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless
attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description.
The contender learns additional maneuvers at higher Unlike with maneuvers, a contender cannot learn a
levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver new stance at higher levels in place of one he already
Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained knows.
through contender levels is limited by those listed in that This ability replaces knockout, awesome blow,
table as well, although this restriction does not apply improved awesome blow, and bonus combat feats
to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through gained at 5th, 11th, 14th, and 20th levels.
other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Ambush (Ex): A contender’s style is as much about his
Study feat. A contender must meet a maneuver’s own positioning as it is about his enemies.’ By striking
prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter at his opponents when they are most vulnerable, he
in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are can keep the pace up and his foes down. Whenever a
used. contender successfully attacks or locks a target that is
Upon reaching initiator level 4th, and at every even denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target
numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, actually has a Dexterity bonus or not) or that he is
and so on), the contender can choose to learn a new flanking, he can recover a single expended maneuver.
maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, He cannot recover a maneuver he initiated since the
he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. end of his last turn with this ability. At 1st level, the
Divergent Paths
contender can use this ability once per round. At 4th maneuver checks with the trained maneuver to his lock
level and every four levels thereafter, he can use this save DC and to his saving throws against lock attempts.
ability an additional time per round. This ability alters maneuver training, but does not cause
Martial Flexibility (Ex): A contender has an eclectic the contender archetype to be incompatible with other
mix of techniques and stratagems that he’s picked up archetypes that alter the maneuver training class feature.
during his training and battles. As such, he’s adept at
mixing and matching them to fit the enemy at hand.
When a contender uses his martial flexibility class
feature, he can choose to temporarily learn and ready
a new maneuver (but not a stance) instead of a combat The night terror is an archetype for the vigilante base
feat. He can only gain maneuvers of up to his maximum class detailed in Chapter 1 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying
maneuver level known when using this ability. The Game: Ultimate Intrigue.
maneuver is immediately exchanged with one of his
currently-readied maneuvers (if that maneuver is Night Terror (Archetype)
expended, the new maneuver is also expended). When “..."
he initiates or otherwise expends the new maneuver, he —The Vulture, as he takes down his prey
can choose to lose it, returning the original maneuver to Some vigilantes are masters of the unexpected. Plying
his current readied maneuvers. Otherwise, the maneuver the roofs and alleyways of their territories, these terrors
is lost after 1 minute and the original maneuver returns, of the night seem like ghosts—they appear in an instant
taking its place in the contender’s readied maneuvers. from nowhere, then vanish into the darkness just as
The contender can use this ability to gain maneuvers quickly. Wielding surprise and shadow as easily as
from any discipline that he knows at least one contender fist and blade, night terrors stalk their targets with a
maneuver from. He must otherwise qualify for the persistence like no other.
maneuver as normal. Maneuvers: A night terror begins his career with
For example, if a contender has Fool’s Errand, Steel knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines
Serpent, and Thrashing Dragon as his available disciplines available to him are Eternal Guardian, Fool’s Errand,
from this class, then he could use martial flexibility to Tempest Gale, and Veiled Moon.
gain a maneuver from one of those disciplines. If he later Once the night terror knows a maneuver, he must
took the Advanced Study feat to add an Elemental Flux ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied,
maneuver to his contender maneuvers known, he could below). A maneuver usable by night terrors is considered
then use martial flexibility to gain an Elemental Flux an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or
maneuver. The same goes for maneuvers added to his its discipline’s description. A night terror’s maneuvers
contender maneuvers known by prestige classes. are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not
This ability alters martial flexibility, but does not cause provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one.
the contender archetype to be incompatible with other The night terror learns additional maneuvers at higher
archetypes that alter the martial flexibility class feature. levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver
Point of Contention (Ex): A contender is extremely Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained
capable of controlling the flow of a battle, and the through night terror levels is limited by those listed in
movements of his enemies. Starting at 2nd level, when a that table as well, although this restriction does not apply
contender hits an adjacent creature with a melee attack, to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through
he can make a lock attempt against them as a free action other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced
(even if it isn’t his turn). He can use this ability once per Study feat. A night terror must meet a maneuver’s
round at 2nd level, twice per round at 8th level, and prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter
three times per round at 15th level. in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are
When a contender would move, he can choose to forgo used.
his movement to move each creature he is locking up to Upon reaching initiator level 4th, and at every even
the distance he could have moved while dragging them. numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th,
They must remain within his reach, and they must be and so on), the night terror can choose to learn a new
able to be moved into their new spaces (for example, he maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect,
could not move a creature through a wall or another he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one.
creature). This movement does not provoke attacks of He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as
opportunity. The contender cannot use this ability to long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level
forgo forced movement (such as if he were bull rushed); maneuvers he knows; the night terror need not replace
it only functions for his own actions. the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He
This ability replaces brawler’s flurry. can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A
Maneuver Training (Ex): A contender can choose to night terror’s initiation modifier is Charisma, and each
train lock with this class feature. If he does so, he adds night terror level is counted as a full initiator level. A
the bonus that would normally be applied to his combat night terror also uses his Charisma instead of his
Divergent Paths
Intelligence and Wisdom for any vigilante class features Vigilante Specialization (Ex): A night terror’s vigilante
he gains. specialization is stalker. Unlike a normal stalker vigilante,
Maneuvers Readied: A night terror can ready all three his hidden strike damage is 1d8 at 1st level, and increases
of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances by 1d8 at 4th level and every four night terror levels
in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready thereafter. Whenever a night terror would deal hidden
more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A strike damage to a creature with a melee attack, he can
night terror must always ready his maximum number forgo this additional damage to make a lock attempt
of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by against that creature instead. When he does so, he gains
meditating on the nature of his mission or practicing a bonus to his lock save DC equal to the number of
weapon drills for ten minutes. The maneuvers he hidden strike dice he has. If his lock attempt is successful,
chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again he is considered to have done hidden strike damage to
and change them. The night terror does not need to sleep the target for the purposes of vigilante talents and class
or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his features. This ability alters vigilante specialization.
maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes meditating Improvisational Expert (Ex): A night terror is an expert
or practicing, he can change his readied maneuvers. at using anything around him to his advantage, striking
A night terror begins an encounter with all his readied deadly blows with mundane objects and using his
maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times location to incredible effect. At 1st level, a night terror
he might have already used them since he chose them. becomes proficient with improvised weapons, and
When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the as such does not take the normal –4 penalty on attack
current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can rolls for using them. He treats improvised weapons as
be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as unarmed strikes for the purposes of affecting them with
described below). an amulet of mighty fists or similar items.
In order for the night terror to recover maneuvers, he At 8th level, the night terror can weaponize the
must momentarily retreat from the battle to position environment around him; he can make attacks with
himself for a new ambush. As a full-round action, the unattended objects within his reach as if he was wielding
night terror gains the ability to use the Stealth skill while them, regardless of whether or not his hands are full or
being observed for one round, then can make a Stealth what he’s otherwise wielding. This ability only gives him
check to hide and move up to his speed. When he does the ability to attack with objects around him; it does not
so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal grant him the ability to make additional attacks, nor is
to his night terror initiation modifier (minimum 2). The he considered to have extra “hands” for the purposes of
night terror does not take a penalty on his Stealth check fighting with two weapons.
from moving while using this ability, and his movement At 15th level, the night terror is so adept at using
is not reduced for dragging locked creatures. Alternately, whatever is at hand to fight that he can strike opponents
the night terror may adjust his approach, reassessing his with objects nearby by throwing or ricocheting things
targets and recovering a single maneuver as a standard into them. He can make attacks with any unattended
action. objects within 30 feet of him against targets that are
Stances Known: A night terror begins his career with adjacent to or sharing a space with the objects. These
knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to are treated as attacks with thrown weapons, though he
night terror. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can need not have the objects on hand, does not take the
select an additional stance to learn. The maximum normal –4 penalty for shooting into melee, and treats
level of stances gained through night terror levels is the object’s space as the attack’s origin for the purposes
limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver of determining cover and concealment. He must have
Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended line of effect to both the object and the target to make an
and the night terror does not have to ready them. All the attack in this way.
stances he knows are available to him at all times, and Night Terror Talents: A night terror can choose from
he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as the following vigilante talents in addition to the normal
a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless list. This ability alters vigilante talents, but does not
otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. cause the night terror archetype to be incompatible with
Unlike with maneuvers, a night terror cannot learn a other archetypes that alter the vigilante talents class
new stance at higher levels in place of one he already feature. A night terror can take the Combat Skill, Fist
knows. of the Avenger, Heavy Training, Nothing Can Stop Me,
This ability replaces the vigilante talents gained at 4th, and Unkillable vigilante talents as if he were an avenger
8th, 16th and 20th levels. This ability does not cause the vigilante.
night terror archetype to be incompatible with other Discipline Focus (Ex): The night terror gains Discipline
archetypes that alter the vigilante talents class feature, Focus as a bonus feat for a discipline he has access to,
so long as it still has a vigilante talent at each of these even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. He retains the
levels to give up. feat’s benefits even if he doesn’t know three maneuvers
of that discipline.
Divergent Paths
Just the Wind (Ex): When a night terror misses an attack succeed at a save to escape the lock (using the vigilante’s
against an unaware opponent, he can immediately make lock save DC), regardless of the vigilante’s location. If
a Stealth check opposed by a Perception check by the they escape, the target can choose to grab and wield
creature with the highest Perception modifier among the weapon used to keep them restrained; this does not
opponents who could perceive the attack. Success causes provoke attacks of opportunity and takes no action. The
the attack to go unnoticed and his targets to remain lock from this ability is only the base lock condition; it
unaware that they’re being attacked at all. The night does not include any additional effects (such as the pin
terror must be at least 6th level to select this talent. from night falls).
Magic Tricks (Ex): The night terror gains Quick Draw
as a bonus feat and adds Mithral Current to his list of New Feats
available disciplines. As the night terror is proficient Fool’s Errand Style (Combat, Style)
in all objects as weapons, he may use his Quick Draw You can deliver debilitating holds.
feat to draw any object he carries or wears, including Prerequisites: Climb 3 ranks, one Fool’s Errand stance
alchemical items and magic items. If a night terror with known.
this talent uses an alchemical item or an item holding Benefit: Whenever you would make an attack against
doses of contact or injury poison as an improvised melee a creature you’re locking, you can forgo your attack to
weapon, the target is also subjected to that item’s effects cause them to become sickened or entangled for one
(splash weapons deal damage in an area around the round. Successive uses of this ability do not increase the
target normally, but do not affect the night terror when duration of these conditions (though you may apply both
used in this way). If he uses a consumable item in this conditions to a target). In addition, you can make a lock
way, it expends the item. attempt against an adjacent creature once per round as
Pin to the Wall (Ex):* Whenever the night terror would a free action.
deal hidden strike damage to a creature with a ranged
attack, he can forgo this additional damage to make a Fool’s Errand Scholar (Combat)
lock attempt against that creature instead (see page 1). Your studies have taught you a wide variety of strategies.
If his lock attempt is successful, the target is affected Prerequisites: Fool’s Errand Style, Climb 7 ranks.
as if he had used the stay put vigilante talent on them, Benefit: When you activate Fool’s Errand Style, choose
and he is considered to have done hidden strike damage a combat feat you qualify for. You gain the benefit of that
to the target for the purposes of vigilante talents and combat feat for as long as you maintaining Fool’s Errand
class features. The night terror must have the stay put Style. If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such
vigilante talent to select this talent. as Stunning Fist) or grants a resource (such as Extra Ki),
Silent Takedown (Ex): When the night terror successfully any uses of that feat or its resource count towards that
locks a creature by foregoing his hidden strike damage, feat's limit, even if you regain the feat later. You can only
that creature loses the ability to speak for as long as they gain a single feat using this ability per encounter; if you
are locked. This prevents the target from calling out leave Fool’s Errand Style and activate it again, you regain
for help, using spells with verbal components, or doing the feat you chose the first time.
anything else that requires speaking. The night terror Fool’s Errand Sensei (Combat)
must be at least 4th level to select this talent. You’ve mastered several of the Fool’s Errand discipline’s
Stalker Art (Ex or Su): The night terror gains a single secret techniques.
stalker art of his choice (see the stalker base class in Prerequisites: Fool’s Errand Style, Fool’s Errand
Path of War and Path of War: Expanded). If he selects a Scholar, Climb 11 ranks.
stalker art that modifies the deadly strikes class feature, Benefit: You gain access to the following two special
that talent applies to his hidden strikes instead, and actions in combat.
the talent counts as a stalker vigilante talent with an
asterisk (*) for the limitation of only one applying to a • Combo Breaker (Ex): You can expend a readied boost
given hidden strike. Stalker arts requiring the use of ki as an immediate action when you are hit with and
points can be selected only if the night terror has a ki take damage from with a melee or ranged attack.
pool from another source. Selecting a stalker art as a Make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding.
vigilante talent does not qualify the night terror for the Further attack rolls by your opponent (including
Extra Stalker Art feat. touch attacks) during this turn are rolled against
Stay Put (Ex):* Whenever the night terror succeeds at your attack roll’s result, rather than your AC.
a lock attempt with a weapon (such as with his hidden • Rising Dragon Fist (Ex): You can expend a readied
strikes ability), the vigilante can relinquish the weapon counter as a swift action while prone to stand up
to cause the target to remain locked within their space, and cause one adjacent creature to become flat-
independent of the vigilante. The vigilante is no longer footed against your next attack against them this
considered to be locking the target, and as such cannot turn.
drag them. However, the target remains locked until they
Divergent Paths
Quicksilver Grip (Combat) to identify maneuvers, psionic powers, and spells, even
Your grip is as fluid as mercury, while remaining as when distracted or threatened. A Fool does not lose this
unbreakable as steel. benefit if he violates his oath or leaves the organization,
Prerequisites: Quick Draw, two Fool’s Errand though there may be repercussions from other members.
maneuvers known, two Mithral Current maneuvers Description: As an organization, the Fellowship of Fools
known. claims to trace its founding back to the group of masters
Benefit: Whenever you hit a locked creature with a who invented the modern form of its discipline. It is a
weapon, you may sheath that weapon. You are considered loose collection of teachers and students; members lack
to be threatening all creatures you’re locking with your authority within the organization outside of the respect
sheathed weapons, and can draw a weapon when that they have claimed for themselves. The central rule
making attacks of opportunity against such creatures. In of the Fellowship is that anyone who wants to learn is to
addition, you combine the techniques of your favored be allowed to learn, regardless of background, affiliation,
disciplines, allowing you to treat normally-supernatural or inclinations. Individual teachers are permitted their
Mithral Current maneuvers as extraordinary abilities. own rules regarding the behavior of their students
(especially when it comes to political or school rivalries),
Vortex Rush (Combat) but outright refusing to share knowledge with allies is
You trace paths of elemental fury across the battlefield.
an act that the Fellowship of Fools does not take kindly to.
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers known,
In effect, the Fellowship of Fools is less of an
two Fool’s Errand maneuvers known.
organization and more an interconnected collection of
Benefit: While you maintain an Elemental Flux
different schools, each sharing their wealth of techniques
stance, whenever you move as part of a maneuver or
with each other. Individuals and schools do maintain
combat maneuver, or force creatures to move as part
their own bevy of secret skills and forbidden arts, but as
of a maneuver or combat maneuver (including when
a whole, the styles and stratagems known to a Fool tend to
dragging a locked creature), you and those creatures
be known to many. Both master and disciple are expected
leave behind a trail of energy in every square exited
to never stop learning, and cease training only when
during the movement. Creatures entering or passing
they are no longer able to. In addition, those who join
through a trail takes points of damage equal to your
the organization are expected to bring something new to
initiation modifier of your active element's associated
the table; even a single idea from a prospective student is
energy type. A creature can only take this damage once
enough. As such, the styles practiced by the organizations
per action; for example, if a creature moved (or was
of the Fellowship are constantly evolving, and they tend
dragged) across a trail multiple times in the same action,
to have heavy amounts of competition among members,
they would only take the damage once. Each trail you
each racing to climb the peak of perfection.
create with this feat is considered to be part of the same
Despite their origin and symbol, the Fellowship of
trail for the purposes of damaging creatures multiple
Fools has no qualms about accepting mages and similar
times, and your trails vanish one round after you make
beings into their ranks. However, though they have no
them. You do not take damage from your own trails, and
objections to magic, they do object to arrogance—many
may suppress or resume this ability as a free action. This
members take great pride in their skills, and those who
is a supernatural ability.
“cheat” to get ahead, rather than blending magic into
their more physical techniques, often find themselves
New Martial Tradition making dangerous rivals and enemies.
The Fellowship of Fools Common Tasks: A member of the Fellowship of Fools
Alignment: Any. is both a student and a teacher; their exact tasks depend
Symbol: A damaged spellbook, its pages torn out. greatly on who they have learned from or trained
Disciplines: Fool’s Errand. under, but adventuring Fools are expected to go out
Oath: The Fellowship of Fools is an exceptionally loose of their way to learn new techniques and incorporate
organization; they have few rules, mostly pertaining to them into their personal styles. Outside of personal
behavior among other members of the tradition and obligations, the complex network of competition and
the sharing of knowledge. As such, the oath sworn by rivalry between different member groups also results
adherents of the tradition varies from person to person, in occasional friendly skirmishes and small-scale “wars.”
though it always retains one core tenet: that they will not Though these tend to not end in widespread bloodshed,
refuse knowledge to one willing to learn. members are expected to take part if they are affiliated
Unlike some organizations, the Fellowship has no with the groups in question. Finally, though it is nearly
restrictions on the joining of other groups, so long as the impossible to be ejected from the organization (even by
member stays true to their promises. breaking one’s oath), some members are occasionally
Allegiance Benefit: A member of the Fellowship (or blacklisted as a result of unwarranted murder of their
Fool)’s training includes gaining approximate knowledge fellows or for malevolently misteaching students, and
of many techniques and magics. A Fool can always members in good standing might be sent to deal with
choose to take 10 on Knowledge and Spellcraft checks them (sometimes permanently).
Divergent Paths
Available Services: Owing to its lack of a true
central authority, the services of the Fellowship of Fools
vary greatly. A member can expect others within the
organization to provide food, shelter, and knowledge,
but beyond that, aid gained depends entirely on the
whims and specialties of the members in question. There
are no rules requiring more than a bare minimum to be
given, but the Fellowship does have a complex network
of favors and promises that can be tapped or entered
into in order to get what one needs.
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