Wallstreetjournaleurope 20170622 The Wall Street Journal Europe
Wallstreetjournaleurope 20170622 The Wall Street Journal Europe
Wallstreetjournaleurope 20170622 The Wall Street Journal Europe
Saudi Monarch Upends Succession INSIDE
Saudi Arabia’s king
named his 31-year-old son DUBAI—Saudi Arabia’s King med bin Salman on Wednesday
Mohammed bin Salman, the Salman designated his son as congratulated him and dis-
country’s minister of de- his successor, paving the way cussed the “priority” of ending
fense, as his successor. A1, A4 for the young, aggressive support for terrorism and how
Romanian lawmakers derly monarch’s 31-year-old same subject. Mr. Kushner will
ousted the prime minister son and minister of defense. also meet with Palestinian Au-
after only six months in of- His influence soared when his thority President Mahmoud Ab-
fice following massive anti- The new heir, left, kisses the hand of the cousin he replaced.
father became king in early bas and his senior advisers in
corruption protests. A3 2015. He then set about leading Middle East Crossroads: What the reshuffle means................. A4 the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Queen Elizabeth unveiled an ambitious economic over- Meet the kingdom’s new crown prince.............................................. A4 As next in line to the
the Conservative govern- haul to reduce the kingdom’s State oil company IPO plan buoyed................................................................. A4 throne, Prince Mohammed bin
ment’s legislative agenda, dependence on oil and to usher
in a more muscular Saudi for-
Salman could become a rarity:
a young Saudi king. The 81-
confirming Britain’s negoti-
ating aim in Brexit talks. A3 eign policy in the region. posts, including interior minis- ing terrorism and was widely year-old King Salman and his RAISES CHINA
Philippine militants
Prince Mohammed bin Sal-
man succeeds Prince Moham-
ter. His ouster effectively ends
the political career of a royal
praised for combating the threat
from al Qaeda in the kingdom.
predecessors have taken
power as septuagenarians or
aligned with Islamic State med bin Nayef, a nephew of the who was one of Washington’s President Donald Trump in a octogenarians, with little incli-
attacked a village and king, who was stripped of all his most trusted partners in fight- phone call with Prince Moham- Please see SAUDI page A4 BUSINESS & FINANCE, B1
fought security forces in
the south of the country. A5
Democrats bemoaned a
loss in a Georgia race that
Japan Wants Tourists, Except Those Moscow
In Mario Costumes Driving Go-Karts
Oracle #1
had been seen as their best
shot of gaining a House seat
before the 2018 midterms. A6 i i i
Targeted 21
The FBI said the man A tourist boom is catering to a Western U.S. States
who shot GOP lawmakers
at a baseball practice didn’t
appear to have methodi-
conception of Japanese culture In Election SaaS Enterprise
cally planned his attack. A7 Applications Revenue
France’s Macron re- BY ALASTAIR GALE Nintendo Co., introduced a BY BYRON TAU
vamped his government, re- AND RIVER DAVIS quarter-century ago and now AND ERICA ORDEN
placing the justice minister played on videogame consoles
who led a centrist party. A3 TOKYO—On their recent globally. A new business here WASHINGTON—Russian
ISIS bombed a Mosul
mosque where the group de-
honeymoon in Japan, Jason
and Nicole Francis savored the
temples of the ancient capital
takes advantage of Mario
Kart’s popularity and loose
regulations on go-karts to of-
government hackers targeted
voting systems in nearly two
dozen states, seeking vulnera- #1
clared a caliphate. WSJ.com of Kyoto and unwound at a re-
sort with a private
fer self-driving tours of Tokyo
and other cities,
bilities to exploit in future
elections and aiming to under-
CONTENTS Markets Digest..... B6 hot spring. Later with costumes of mine public faith in the integ-
Business News...... B3 Middle Seat.......... A12
they dressed up as characters from rity and legitimacy of U.S.
Capital Account.... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
a lime-green dino- the game pro- democratic elections, current
Oracle Salesforce
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4
Heard on Street.... B8 U.S. News............. A6-7 saur and an Italian vided. The com- and former U.S. officials testi- Cloud Cloud
Life & Arts......... A9,12 Weather................... A12 plumber and sped pany, MariCar, fied Wednesday. 14.5% 12.4%
Markets...................... B8 World News........ A2-5
through the says it books thou- The House and Senate intel-
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; streets of Tokyo in sands of trips a ligence committees held si-
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
go-karts. month and most of the cus- multaneous hearings on al- 1,000+ Employees Segment, 2015
“I picked Yoshi because I tomers are non-Japanese. leged Russian meddling,
always pick Yoshi in the It’s part of a tourism boom offering the public new details
game,” said Mr. Francis, a 35- that is changing the face of about the extent, scope and
year-old emergency-services the world’s third-largest econ- federal response to threats to
worker in New Jersey, explain- omy. Many businesses are sell- the integrity of U.S. election oracle.com/applications
ing his decision to don the di- ing a slice of what foreigners systems. Source: IDC “Worldwide SaaS Enterprise Applications Market Shares, 2015: The Top 15 by Buyer Size,”
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & nosaur costume. perceive as authentically Japa- Three current officials with doc #US41913816, Dec. 2016; Table 4. For the purposes of this report, SaaS enterprise applications include
the following application markets: CRM, engineering, ERP, operations and manufacturing, and SCM.
Company. All Rights Reserved
The game is Mario Kart, a nese. But while visitors are en- the Department of Homeland Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
racing challenge from Japan’s Please see MARIO page A2 Please see page A2
A2 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
for shareholders.
buying Whole mazon launched Prime, Washington. Thus, GE Capi- Yet while good for share-
Foods, the stock market got which offers free deliv- Annual free cash flow tal bulked up on residential holders in the short run, this
a taste of something long ery in exchange for an $40 billion GE mortgages and commercial is no recipe for growth in
missing: volatility. annual fee, in 2005. John 30 Amazon real estate in the run-up to the long run. GE’s cash flow
The turmoil, however, was Blackledge, an analyst at Co- 20 the financial crisis. From is shrinking despite the com-
confined to retail. While the wen & Co., notes Amazon has 2010 to 2013, the company pany’s focus on preserving
two companies’ stocks rose repeatedly innovated in ways announced many acquisi- it, while Amazon’s is grow-
sharply and their competi- that make Prime even more 0 tions in oil and gas services, ing despite that company’s
tors’ tanked, the rest of the valuable to subscribers: the –10 only to see the price of oil readiness to spend it.
market remained placid. In- Kindle e-book reader lending crash, taking orders with it.
2000 ’05 ’10 ’15
deed, months of historically library, streaming video and Growth is hard for any mazon is clearly not a
low market volatility has be- music, discounted access to Market capitalization company that dominates its template for most com-
gun to look like dangerous FreeTime, which offers chil- $600 billion markets as much as GE does. panies. Defying conven-
complacency. dren’s books, games and me- 500 Amazon GE’s size also attracts debili- tional wisdom usually fails,
Yet there is another, poten- dia content, and Amazon tating political scrutiny. Its which is why for every suc-
tially more troubling explana- Family, which offers discounts proposed acquisition of Hon- cessful long shot like Amazon
tion: stagnation. Muted mar- on baby products. Innovation 300 eywell was derailed by Euro- there are hundreds if not
kets may be the inevitable is also exceptionally rapid. 200 pean antitrust regulators just thousands of failed startups.
product of steady, sluggish Mr. Blackledge says Prime 100 GE before Mr. Immelt took over. Amazon has come near death
growth, low and predictable Now, which offers same-day It took 18 months for Mr. Im- more than once, and may
interest rates, declining busi- delivery, launched in New melt’s purchase of Alstom’s again. Moreover, the larger it
ness startups and failures, York in less than four months 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 power business to clear regu- gets, the more it will bump
and decreased competition. after conception without so Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. latory barriers. GE Capital af- against the constraints of size,
In other words, the problem much as a focus group. ter the financial crisis became such as antitrust concerns. As
is, there aren’t enough Ama- Amazon is now profitable, If Amazon is one extreme turing moves—even how five the poster child of dangerous, for GE, a history of reinven-
zons disrupting the stock yet cash retention remains in how companies invest, uncollected aviation ac- unregulated finance. In re- tion suggests it is more likely
market and the economy. secondary to retaining cus- General Electric Co. is the counts were affecting profit. sponse to new regulations to be around in 125 years than
Since Jeff Bezos founded tomers. Asked by an analyst in other. It has long been fas- Chief Executive Jack and pressure from Wall is Amazon. Given investors’
Amazon in 1994, he has put April whether Alexa, a voice- tidious about capital and Welch perfected this ap- Street, Mr. Immelt largely tendency to go to extremes,
expansion and innovation activated assistant, was boost- cash deployment. On its last proach in the 1990s, and it dismantled the business. now may be a bad time to buy
ahead of profit. In its early ing sales, the company’s fi- quarterly earnings call, the continued under his succes- Investors still want GE to Amazon shares, or sell GE’s.
years, free cash flow—cash nance chief, Brian Olsavsky company meticulously laid sor, Jeffrey Immelt. Last return cash to shareholders, Yet the country as a whole
from operations minus capi- responded: “The monetization, out profit growth by product week, Mr. Immelt said he and it has obliged, spending badly needs some rules-defy-
tal spending—hovered around as you might call it, is…not our and business segment, the would retire, after 16 years $79 billion on share buybacks ing risk-taking. For business,
zero. Mr. Bezos approaches primary issue right now. It’s sources of margin improve- struggling to restore growth. and dividends between 2012 that means a bit more Ama-
new products like a venture about building great products ment, cost savings antici- In part, that reflected how and 2016 compared with $50 zon in the boardroom and a
capitalist. Many will flop (like and delighting customers.” pated from specific restruc- financial engineering had in- billion of capital expenditures. bit less GE.
$739 million in the period WSJ/THE college rankings. The seat warmer. Earlier this year, Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | A3
Belgians Say Slain Bomber Acted Alone
Officials say failed Wednesday.
Police conducting the raid
attacker sympathized on Zariouh’s apartment in a
with Islamic State; small, redbrick townhouse
took away a laptop, a phone
travelers escape injury and a tablet computer and
hard drive, witnesses and offi-
BY VALENTINA POP cials said. Officials briefed on
AND JULIAN E. BARNES the investigation said such
electronic devices could pro-
BRUSSELS—Belgian author- vide more clues about his con-
ities said that a 36-year-old tacts before the attack.
Moroccan man shot dead by a U.S. officials said they have
soldier in a Brussels train sta- offered assistance, as is stan-
tion tried to use a homemade, dard practice, in analyzing any
nail-packed bomb and had electronic devices recovered
would have restricted prosecu- of aging rural voters. opening of Parliament after
tors from investigating public But that program has been the election this month, the
officeholders for corruption. delayed as protesters—primar- queen read out a list of bills
That ordinance was crucial ily in urban centers, home to that Prime Minister Theresa
to the leader of Mr. Grinde- some of Europe’s fastest-grow- May hopes to pass in the two
anu’s party, Liviu Dragnea, who ing wages—push for a crack- years to come, ranging from
is under indictment for abuse down on corruption. Many plans to improve data protec-
of office. Mr. Dragnea says he have been enticed home from tion in the wake of a recent
is innocent, and his party ar- Western Europe by rising cyberattack on the National
gues that increasingly exhaus- wages, and a chance to reform Health Service to an outline
tive corruption investigations— an ex-communist dictatorship of major bills related to Brit-
partly funded by the European into something closer to the ain’s exit from the European
Union—have made governing standard of governance they Union, set for March 2019. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, in the distance, presided over the opening of the new Parliament.
Romania too difficult. feel they experienced abroad. Whether Mrs. May can
Still, days of protests “More and more people pass the bills through Parlia- agenda thin and disappointing. To stay in power, Mrs. side her on a table rather
pushed Mr. Grindeanu to with- look at Europe, look at the ment is another story: Her “This is a government May’s government will have than on her head. The proces-
draw the ordinance. That U.S., and understand it’s not poor electoral performance without a majority, without a to rely on cooperation from sion around the queen, as she
move freed prosecutors to like the ’90s, when your entire has diminished her authority mandate, without a serious other parties to pass legisla- arrived from the palace, was
keep pursuing corruption dream was ‘how do I get out in the legislature. Having legislative program, led by a tion. Without official support also smaller.
cases against the ruling party. of here,’ ” said Laura Stefan, a fallen short of a majority, her prime minister who has lost from the DUP, this is unlikely The queen, whose address
But it also sparked a rivalry former director in the Roma- Conservative Party will re- her political authority and is to work in the long term, par- was written by Mrs. May’s
with Mr. Dragnea, who first nian Ministry of Justice. “Now, quire support from Northern struggling to stitch together a ticularly at a moment of his- team, confirmed the govern-
nominated the then-obscure Mr. Romania is a country worth Ireland’s Democratic Unionist deal to stay in office,” Mr. toric change for a country ment’s plans to convert EU leg-
Grindeanu as prime minister in fighting for.” Party to pass legislation. Af- Corbyn said. “We will use ev- deeply divided over what its islation into U.K. law to smooth
ter days of discussion the two ery opportunity to vote down new relationship with the EU the transition out of the bloc.
parties haven’t reached an government policies that should look like. The government also plans to
agreement, but talks are con- failed to win public support Wednesday’s ceremony had implement legislation to estab-
tinuing. and we will use every oppor- less pomp than usual. The lish new national policies on
Mrs. May said earlier that tunity to win support for our need for hasty arrangements areas including immigration.
while the election result program.” for opening Parliament after The government also said
wasn’t one she had hoped for, To continue as prime min- the snap election, along with the U.K. would put in place a
she would respond with “hu- ister, Mrs. May will need a the queen’s lavish birthday legislative framework to al-
mility and resolve” to the majority of Parliament’s 650 celebration just days ago, led low it to operate its own in-
message the electorate sent lawmakers to approve the Buckingham Palace to tone dependent trade policy, a sig-
her government. agenda laid out in the Queen’s down arrangements. nal the government intends
“We will work hard every Speech. Parliament is ex- For the first time since not to be subject to the com-
day to gain the trust and con- pected to give Mrs. May only March 1974—the last time a mon external tariffs of the
fidence of the British people, a narrow win in a vote on minority government took of- EU’s customs union.
making their priorities our June 29, suggesting she will fice in Britain—the queen The speech omitted several
priorities,” Mrs. May said. likely face difficulties ahead traveled to Parliament in a policies the party campaigned
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of in running a minority govern- car rather than in a royal car- on, including a key pledge to
the main opposition Labour ment, which are rarities in riage; she wore a day dress, cut annual migration to tens
Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu in Parliament on Wednesday, Party, speaking in Parliament, the U.K. and have tended to rather than traditional formal of thousands from the current
before the vote of confidence that led to his removal. called the Conservatives’ be short-lived. robes, and her crown was be- level of about 250,000.
ow that he is gone which Mr. Trump seemed to
By Yaroslav Trofimov (and replaced at the endorse Saudi claims to lead
interior ministry by a the entire Muslim world.
33-year-old nephew of Mo- Shortly thereafter, Saudi
Brace for more turbulence. hammed bin Nayef), Saudi Arabia and its allies moved
The dynastic struggle in Arabia’s regional posture is against Qatar—securing, at
Saudi Arabia is over, and likely to become even more least at first, Mr. Trump’s
power—for all practical pur- adventurous. backing.
poses—is now in the hands of “Mohammed bin Salman
a young generation of princes is much more willing to use n Tuesday, however—
determined to show the Mid- Saudi hyper-nationalism as a just hours before the
dle East who’s the boss. way to solidify domestic so- Saudi leadership shake-
Mohammed bin Salman, cial change,” said Andrew A Saudi-led airstrike left an auto repair shop in flames in the northwestern city of Saada, Yemen. up—the U.S. State Depart-
appointed on Bowen, a specialist on the ment issued an unusually
Wednesday as kingdom at the American En- ruler of the United Arab Emir- This means that—despite the of government (including a strong rebuke of the Saudi
the kingdom’s terprise Institute, a Washing- ates, Mohammed bin Zayed— consolidation of power in Ri- younger brother as ambassa- and Emirati embargo on Qa-
crown prince ton think tank. “It’s a risk has by contrast advocated yadh—the change in the dor to Washington), it in- tar, which houses a major U.S.
and desig- when you put a very head- showcasing the kingdom’s kingdom’s behavior may be creasingly seemed just a mat- military base in the region. To
nated succes- strong, stubborn, impulsive, military and financial might. less dramatic than many ex- ter of time before Mohammed many in the Middle East, this
sor to his 81- more nationalist leader in “Now you are going to see pect, cautioned Saudi analyst bin Nayef was forced out. was a signal that Saudi lead-
year-old father, King Salman, that position compared to more decisiveness, be it in the Mohammed Alyahya, a non- Yet few expected this time ers may have been overconfi-
is the face of bold changes Mohammed bin Nayef, who war in Yemen or in the recent resident fellow at the Atlan- to be so short: As the consen- dent in their dealings with
launched by once staid Saudi was slow, deliberate and disturbance of relations with tic Council. sus among Western diplomats Washington, too.
Arabia in the past two years. pragmatic.” Qatar. The Saudi foreign pol- “In terms of foreign policy, in Riyadh went, Mohammed “I do not see so far that
At just 31 years of age, he While Mohammed bin icy is going to be more open economic policy and defense, bin Salman needed to show the Trump administration has
is the architect of the bloody Nayef didn’t publicly criticize and more dynamic,” predicted I don’t foresee a seismic shift some actual achievements be- given the Saudis a blank
war in Yemen, the initiator of his young rival, he supported Ahmad al-Ibrahim, a Saudi because Mohammed bin Sal- fore making the move. check,” said Riad Kahwaji,
painful economic overhauls, a more traditional Saudi ap- political commentator and man has already been in With the war in Yemen CEO of the Institute for Near
the instigator of moves to ag- proach of acting behind the businessman. charge of these files for quite bogged down, Qatar refusing East and Gulf Military Analy-
gressively counter Iran and, scenes and building regional some time,” Mr. Alyahya said. to capitulate and the House sis in Dubai. “It is too early to
more recently, the catalyst of consensus—including in rela- ohammed bin Nayef, Indeed, over the past sev- of Saud forced to roll back talk of this as an achievement
a Saudi-led regional cam- tions with Qatar and Iran. of course, exercised eral months, as Mohammed unpopular austerity mea- because we are yet to see
paign to isolate tiny Qatar. Mohammed bin Salman— only limited author- bin Salman widened his au- sures in April, the only such what the Trump administra-
His 57-year-old cousin, the who has developed close ties ity outside his internal-secu- thority with the appointment success has been Mohammed tion will actually give to the
now-removed crown prince with the activist de facto rity turf in recent months. of young princes to key levers bin Salman’s ability to de- Saudis in the near future.”
what you need to know would direct into a new sov- the Saudi state-run oil com- In particular, investors were
about Prince Mohammed bin ereign-wealth fund aimed at pany, known as Saudi Aramco, cheered when index compiler
Salman. encouraging the develop- will list a portion of its shares MSCI Inc. said it had added
Known as MbS, Moham- ment of technology and in- publicly—a move driven by Saudi Arabia to its watch list
med bin Salman wasn’t a dustrial sectors. “By 2020, Prince Mohammed that has for possible classification as
widely known figure before we’ll be able to live without been opposed in parts of the an emerging market as early
his father became king in oil,” Prince Mohammed said country. as 2018—a move prompted in
2015 and appointed him dep- after the plan’s announce- Some people had feared part by Prince Mohammed’s
uty crown prince and de- ment in 2016. Prince Mohammed’s initiatives reform program.
fense minister. He is the el- As minister of defense, would stall or end if Moham- The prince’s ascent comes
dest son of King Salman’s Mohammed bin Salman has med bin Nayef—the crown at a time of general economic
third wife, Fahdah bin Falah Mohammed bin Salman, left, with Saudi King Salman in April overseen Saudi Arabia’s Ye- prince who was replaced strain caused by faltering oil
bin Sultan. He obtained a men campaign, which began Wednesday—became king. prices, with crude falling into
bachelor’s degree in law at prince. His promotion passed Saudi royal court say King in March 2015 with the aim “Those dissenting voices a bear market on Tuesday and
King Saud University in Ri- over scores of older family Salman sees Mohammed bin of countering the Houthi will likely be silenced for down again on Wednes-
yadh and worked for several members, including several Salman as a national figure rebels and restoring the de- now,” said Helima Croft, head day morning.
government bodies before prominent half-brothers. who represents the king- posed president, Abed Rabbo of global commodity strategy The value of the Aramco
his first prominent national Since then he has become dom’s restless younger gen- Mansour Hadi, to power. He for RBC Capital Markets, in a IPO will largely depend on oil
job in 2013, when he was the face of the kingdom’s eration. Mohammed bin Sal- is also the architect of the note to clients on Wednes- prices, which were below $46
named head of the Crown ambitious economic over- man has long worked at his Saudi backing of rebels op- day morning. “It will be full a barrel for Brent crude on
Prince’s Court, with the rank hauls and its war to oust Ira- father’s side, including as a posed to Syrian President steam ahead with the Wednesday—25% lower than
of minister. nian proxies from Yemen. He special adviser when Salman Bashar al-Assad. Mohammed planned partial listing of the $60 the Saudis are pri-
In 2015, Mohammed speaks to Western media was the governor of Riyadh. bin Salman was among the Saudi Aramco.” vately targeting.
bin Salman took over two of outlets, discussing Saudi “The king trusts him with first foreign leaders to visit The Aramco initial public “With the IPO at the cen-
the country’s most sensitive Arabia’s challenges with a everything and he sees him President Donald Trump, offering has been billed as the ter stage, the kingdom needs
portfolios—the economy and degree of openness unseen as the only one that can forging a warmer relation- most valuable listing ever, po- higher [oil] prices,” said Am-
defense—before being ele- before in the kingdom. truly transform this country. ship with the U.S. after years tentially fetching as much as rita Sen, chief oil analyst
vated to deputy crown People close to the He is the definitely the gate- of tension. $100 billion when it takes at Energy Aspects.
success depends on the sup- 31 out of 34 members of the yond the oil sector. “I admire his energy,” said
port he receives from the Allegiance Council, a senior The economic pressures a Saudi close to a powerful worries many Saudis that he and Rebecca Ballhaus
wider Al Saud family, espe- Saudi official at the royal have precipitated broader so- line of the family. “But at the is overconfident.” in Washington
cially if some of the economic court said. The council is cial changes. Long an ultra- same time it worries me and —Maria Abi-Habib in Beirut contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | A5
Congo Crisis
Sparks Flood
Of Refugees
BY NICHOLAS BARIYO raping underage girls in the
Philippine Rebels Hit Second Town GERMANY bor nearly twice as many vi-
BY BEN OTTO ruses that either threaten hu-
Rising Asia Exports mans today, or could threaten
MANILA, Philippines—Mili- Seen Countering U.S. them in the future than the next
tants aligned with Islamic mammal on the list—primates.
State attacked a village and German exports to Asia are Rodents came in third.
fought with security forces in rising strongly this year, a trend —Betsy McKay
the southern Philippines, that could mitigate the risks to
spreading a bloody conflict Europe’s largest economy should UNITED KINGDOM
about 50 miles south of where U.S. President Donald Trump
government forces have been make good on his protectionist BOE Officials Divided
battling Islamist insurgents promises. On Rate-Rise Need
for more than a month. Data showed Germany’s ex-
Members of the Bangsamoro
European Union Seeks Role in Pyongyang Talks many unknown viruses may be
out there, who carries them and
where they are likely to be.
count surplus—which roughly
measures the gap between do-
mestic saving and investment—
The European Union is in Warmbier, the American col- participants believe the EU cessions from Pyongyang on its Using a database of 2,805 rose to 3.3% of gross domestic
discussions with South Korea lege student imprisoned in could facilitate negotiations nuclear program, a senior U.S. mammal-virus connections, the product last year from 3.2% the
and China about taking a po- North Korea for more than a with North Korea, drawing on official said. There would be a researchers found that bats har- previous year. —Tom Fairless
tential role as a broker for ne- year before returning home its members’ diplomatic ties concern, the official said, that
gotiations with North Korea with a severe brain injury, has with Pyongyang and on its ex- the process would be used to
added to pressure in Washing- perience in helping to negoti- water down Washington’s call
By Jeremy Page in ton for more strenuous action ate the 2015 nuclear deal with for a full dismantling of North
Beijing and Laurence against Pyongyang. Iran, the officials said. Korea’s nuclear program.
Norman in Brussels President Donald Trump EU officials have discussed The Wall Street Journal re-
said Tuesday that China has the matter with Chinese Pre- ported this week that the U.S.
on ending its nuclear program, been unable to crack down on mier Li Keqiang during his has held secret talks with
according to EU officials in- North Korea, pointing to a new visit to Brussels this month, North Korea for more than a
volved in the effort. direction for U.S. policies. and with South Korea’s special year, hoping to free U.S. pris-
The discussions reflect con- “While I greatly appreciate the envoy, Cho Yoon-je, in May. oners and establish a diplo-
cern in Brussels, Seoul and efforts of President Xi & China Any role for Brussels would matic channel for efforts to
Beijing that sanctions alone to help with North Korea, it has need backing from Washington constrain Pyongyang’s nuclear
won’t persuade Pyongyang to not worked out,” Mr. Trump and EU member states, neither and missile programs.
halt its nuclear program and said in a Twitter message. of which is assured. The Trump EU officials said they
that negotiations are needed A series of meetings in re- administration doesn’t see Brus- wouldn’t do anything to under- ANCIENT RITUAL: A Druid joins hundreds of people who gathered
to avoid military conflict. cent weeks in Brussels and Bei- sels as having the necessary le- mine U.S. moves to tighten eco- at Stonhenge to watch the sun rise at 4:52 a.m. Wednesday, the
The death this week of Otto jing have focused on ways that verage to help extract real con- nomic sanctions on Pyongyang. longest day of the year at the prehistoric monument.
A6 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Democrats Bemoan
Loss in Georgia Race
BY REID J. EPSTEIN district, local critics said they creases for the rich.
AND JANET HOOK could have done better if party Rep. Tim Ryan, an Ohio
officials in Washington had Democrat who challenged Mrs.
WASHINGTON—Recrimina- listened to their pleas that the Pelosi in a party leadership
tions in the Democratic Party race was competitive and de- election late last year, attri-
came swiftly following Jon Os- voted more resources to driv- buted Mr. Ossoff’s loss to the
soff’s expensive loss in Tues- ing up turnout in African- “toxic” Democratic brand and
day’s special election in Geor- American neighborhoods. Republican advertising tying
gia, a race that had been Democrats need to win at Mr. Ossoff to Mrs. Pelosi.
viewed as the party’s best shot least 24 seats from Republi- “It’s quite clear that these
of Alaska. Tuesday to predict the bill’s surance Corp. said it plans to Kushner has divested his interest it would pull out of the ACA
Senate Majority Leader passage, saying that “we’re expand its offerings in the Af- in Thrive Capital, his brother’s in- marketplaces in Wisconsin and
Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) con- going to make every effort to fordable Care Act marketplaces, vestment firm, which is a major Indiana next year. The India-
firmed Tuesday that the bill’s pass a bill” that overhauls the as insurers faced a federal dead- Oscar shareholder. napolis-based insurer, which
text would be released Thurs- health-care system. line Wednesday for initial filings Oscar is betting on the mar- had previously said it would
day and a vote held likely next The majority leader has sig- to participate in the health law’s ketplaces at a time when their leave the exchange in Ohio,
week, triggering an intensified naled that whatever the out- exchanges next year. future is uncertain, as Senate Re- cited a “volatile” insurance mar-
effort to secure the votes of come, he wants to act on the Oscar, which has been un- publicans aim to vote soon on a ket in its latest pullback an-
senators like Ms. Murkowski. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska) bill quickly. Republican leaders der a spotlight partly because health overhaul bill. Other insurers nouncement, and it said that
An assessment of the bill’s im- in Washington on Tuesday. have said they are eager to of its tie to President Donald now making exchange-plan filings “planning and pricing for ACA-
pact by the nonpartisan Con- tackle the next big item on the Trump’s administration, said it for next year said they may still compliant health plans has be-
gressional Budget Office is ex- was one of two Senate Repub- GOP agenda, an overhaul of aims to begin selling ACA plans change their minds about partici- come increasingly difficult due
pected by early next week. licans to oppose confirmation the tax system. in Tennessee for the first time pating in coming months. to a shrinking and deteriorating
Mr. McConnell’s schedule of Education Secretary Betsy Democrats are stepping up in 2018, and re-enter the ex- Mario Schlosser, Oscar’s individual market, as well as
gives him limited time to nail DeVos. And the Senate GOP their criticism of Republicans change in New Jersey, where it chief executive, said the insurer continual changes and uncer-
down support for a bill whose health bill could pose specific for writing the bill behind sat out this year. The insurer believed that ultimately the tainty in federal operations,
emerging shape has raised problems for Alaskans, causing closed doors and leaving little also will expand the regions marketplaces will stabilize, and rules and guidance,” including
alarms among conservatives some of the state’s other time for the public to review it where it sells ACA plans in Cal- the “apocalyptic scenario…just the future of federal payments
and centrists alike. The major- elected officials to hesitate. before the vote. “This is much ifornia and Texas, and will con- won’t come to pass, not this that help reduce health costs
ity leader can lose no more Ms. Murkowski has raised more akin to a reality TV show tinue selling plans in its home year, and not in the future.” Os- for low-income ACA enrollees.
than two of his 52 GOP sena- concerns over the bill’s ex- reveal than the legislative pro- market of New York. Last car is working closely with hos- —Anna Wilde Mathews
tors, prompting an urgent out- pected cuts to Medicaid, as cess,” said Sen. Chris Coons
reach to senators like Ms. well as a provision effectively (D., Del.).
Murkowski who face compli- cutting off funding for Planned Mr. McConnell faces chal- states. That raises the possi- Alaska is unique in facing don’t get insurance on the job
cated pressures at home. Parenthood Federation of lenges on both ends of the bility that GOP leaders could both high health-care costs with tax credits or subsidies
It won’t be easy to secure America. GOP spectrum. But he is also tweak the bill to address those and high premiums; because would be especially problem-
the support of Ms. Murkowski, “What they provide for contending with lawmakers, issues, such as beefing up tax of its small population, its atic in Alaska if those credits
who has been willing to break women is an important level including Ms. Murkowski, wor- credits or directing more Med- sickest residents have driven aren’t structured to take into
with party leaders in the past. of access to care, and I don’t ried about the bill’s impact on icaid funding to states with costs up sharply. Republican account areas with high
As recently as February, she think we ought to be rolling specific conditions in their expensive health care. plans to provide people who health-care costs.
approach and shown an in- ways to do a better job of ar- this year to pay his legal bills. rected him to “make certain
creasing willingness to leave ticulating the president’s mes- At that point Mr. Pence that whatever method [of pay-
reporters’ questions unan- sage and his agenda and we’ll hadn’t been presented with ment] is used is compliant
swered. continue to have those discus- the options for paying his le- with all federal law and regu-
Amid speculation about sions internally,” he said. gal bills, another person said. lation.”
how long he will remain the For now, Mr. Spicer—a for- When he reviewed them, he It would be legal to pay for
main face of the briefings, Mr. mer communications director decided he wouldn’t use the a personal attorney with funds
Spicer has also been more White House press secretary Sean Spicer is seen less in public. for the Republican National leadership PAC, called the raised by a leadership PAC. Yet
likely to say he hasn’t talked Committee—has avoided wad- Great America Committee. such an action would poten-
to Mr. Trump about major pol- Multiple U.S. intelligence said will be voted on next ing into hot-button issues. It isn’t clear how Mr. Pence tially expose the vice presi-
icy issues. agencies say the Russians did week. The same inquiry was Mr. Spicer said Tuesday he will pay his legal fees, which dent to criticism that he is
On Tuesday, Mr. Spicer’s interfere, but Mr. Trump has made of Mr. Spicer on Mon- didn’t know whether the presi- can be a daunting expense, es- tapping well-heeled donors to
first on-camera briefing in been reluctant to embrace day during an off-camera me- dent recorded conversations pecially for public officials of pay his legal team.
more than a week, he was their assessment. Russia has dia briefing. “That’s a good with Mr. Comey, a question re- relatively limited means. President Donald Trump, a
asked if the president believes denied any meddling. question,” he replied then. porters have asked him re- A financial disclosure Mr. multibillionaire, has at least
Russia interfered with the Mr. Spicer also said Tues- Mr. Spicer’s lower-key ap- peatedly since Mr. Trump sug- Pence released last year ap- four attorneys representing
2016 election. day he didn’t know whether proach follows a tumultuous gested the possibility in a peared to show a negative net him in the probe into Russia’s
“I have not sat down and the president has seen the period for the communications tweet last month. worth, not counting his state alleged interference in the
talked to him about that spe- Senate health-care bill, which team after the firing of James —Rebecca Ballhaus pension or his residence. He 2016 presidential election and
cific thing,” Mr. Spicer said. his fellow Republicans have Comey as Federal Bureau of contributed to this article. reported no significant savings possible collusion.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | A7
in a lot of aspects of his life,” told Mr. Slater in response,
Timothy Slater, head of the citing the continuing investi-
criminal division at the Fed- gation.
eral Bureau of Investigation’s Separately, Mr. Scalise
Washington field office, said “continues to make good prog-
at a press conference. ress,” according to a state-
Officials at the event pro- ment Wednesday from Med-
vided new details of Mr. Hodg- The FBI’s Timothy Slater, right, along with two police chiefs, shares investigative findings about last week’s shooting in Alexandria, Va. Star Washington Hospital
kinson’s final days before his Center, which upgraded his
June 14 rampage outside Mr. Slater confirmed that tack plans or targets. names on the list.” taken photos, but he said condition to “fair” from “seri-
Washington which critically investigators had found a list Rather, Mr. Slater said, a Mr. Slater said Mr. Hodg- those appeared to be the pho- ous.” He is now “beginning an
injured Rep. Steve Scalise (R., with the names of six mem- review of Mr. Hodgkinson’s kinson hadn’t searched online tos of a tourist. extended period of healing
La.) and wounded three oth- bers of Congress on the web searches found “only…a for information about the “It appears that…he was and rehabilitation,” the hospi-
ers. shooter but declined to say cursory search of two of the baseball game they were prac- running out of money, he was tal said.
Mr. Hodgkinson opened fire who was on the list. The FBI members.” ticing for in Virginia. not employed at the time of Mr. Scalise was near death
at a practice of Republicans doesn’t consider this a “hit He added, “We don’t know Mr. Hodgkinson visited the the event,” Mr. Slater said. when he was brought to the
preparing for a congressional list,” Mr. Slater said, because what the list was for.… There’s office of Sen. Bernie Sanders “He was married for 30 years hospital after being shot in
charity game. Mr. Hodgkinson, Mr. Hodgkinson’s internet no indication that that was a (I., Vt.) in April, Mr. Slater and that appears that mar- the hip by the gunman, and
armed with a rifle and hand- search history didn’t suggest list to target, or there was any said, and had visited other riage was not going so well.… has undergone multiple sur-
gun, was fatally shot by police. he had formulated specific at- threats associated with those congressional buildings and It was just a pattern of life, geries.
House floor next month, im- ports. The community of pri- Shuster said.
proves on a version he intro- vate pilots has also raised The FAA’s efforts to mod-
duced last year that never concerns that the fees they ernize its air-traffic control
reached the floor. Mr. Shuster pay for using the airspace systems would become the re-
said this version has “increased would rise. sponsibility of the new entity.
support across the spectrum,” Rep. Shuster said private Mr. Shuster said many of the
including from President Don- pilots of small planes would be FAA’s modernization efforts to
ald Trump and more aviation exempt from paying user fees. date haven’t yielded the prom-
Washington Dulles Airport in Virginia. The White House supports privatization of air-traffic control. industry stakeholders. Small airports will still have ised changes.
TRUMP ADMINISTRATION a seasonally adjusted annual EDUCATION have since been removed from
rate of 5.62 million, the National the online review website. One re-
Path for Foreign-Born Association of Realtors said Yale Dean Out After view of an Asian restaurant said
Founders at Risk Wednesday. Economists had ex- Being Placed on Leave it would be perfect for “white
pected a modest decline from trash,” according to the student
The Trump administration plans April. Compared with a year ear- June Chu, a Yale University newspaper, while another implied
to dismantle a regulation that lier, sales were up 2.7% last dean who was put on leave last that an ice cream treat would be
would have helped more foreign- month. month after being tied to a string good for a white person “who has
born entrepreneurs build startups “The fact that sales of exist- of racially insensitive reviews on no idea what mochi is.”
in the U.S. without a traditional ing homes rose in May—despite Yelp, has formally left the school. —Melissa Korn
visa, according to people briefed incredibly limited selection, Head of Pierson College Ste-
on the administration’s plans. shrinking times on market and phen Davis wrote in a letter EMPLOYMENT
The International Entrepreneur rapidly rising prices—is a testa- Tuesday that Ms. Chu left her
Rule, enacted by the Obama ad- ment to just how strong the position at the school “and Visa Allotment to Rise
ministration in the final days of draw to homeownership is right wishes the best to the students.” For Seasonal Workers
his presidency and set to go into now for millions of Americans,” Ms. Chu didn’t immediately re-
effect next month, would have said Svenja Gudell, Zillow’s chief spond to an email inquiry, or to a The Department of Homeland City workers and volunteers shore up levee gaps in Lafitte, La.
let foreign entrepreneurs apply to economist. message left on a cellphone Security said Wednesday it would
work in the U.S., provided their
startup raised $250,000 from es-
tablished U.S. investors.
Sales have seesawed from
month to month so far in 2017
and hit a 10-year high in March.
number listed under her name.
Ms. Chu, who taught psychol-
ogy and Asian-American studies
make more visas available for
seasonal summer workers, re-
sponding to complaints from
Gulf Coast Braces for
The Department of Homeland
Security plans to file an official
notice to delay that rule by eight
At the same time, increasingly
scarce inventory is driving up
prices faster than household in-
and was dean of the residential
Pierson College, apologized in
mid-May for two reviews that
businesses and members of Con-
gress about a significant shortfall.
By law, the number of H-2B visas
Tropical Storm Cindy
months with the intention of re- comes are growing. “The way to were deemed offensive and as- is capped at 66,000, divided be- BY ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES main threat Cindy poses is
scinding it, these people say. The solve this housing shortage, sured administrators and stu- tween the summer and winter from rainfall. The storm is ex-
delay will give the administration housing crisis that is developing, dents those were the only such seasons. This year, the allotment Residents along the U.S. pected to dump 6 to 9 inches
more time to complete the re- is to just build more homes,” posts. But the Yale Daily News, was exhausted in March. The vi- Gulf Coast from Texas to Flor- of rain from southeastern Lou-
scinding process, the people said. said Lawrence Yun, chief econo- the student newspaper, pub- sas, which are for temporary, ida braced Wednesday for isiana to the Florida panhan-
The DHS’s decision isn’t final mist for the National Association lished more posts by her. nonagricultural jobs, are used in tropical storm Cindy, which is dle, with some spots getting
and still could change, the peo- of Realtors. The posts, about area restau- tourism and other industries. expected to unleash torrential soaked with as much as 12
ple cautioned. After filing an offi- —Ben Leubsdorf rants, movie theaters and gyms, —Laura Meckler rains that could trigger what inches.
cial delay, the DHS will open a the National Hurricane Center Forecasters warned that po-
comment period which could af- described as “life-threatening tential flash flooding could be
fect the outcome of the rule. flash flooding.” fatal.
“We cannot speculate on the On Wednesday morning, a Forecasters said a storm
outcome of the DHS review of the 10-year-old boy died as a re- surge could produce inunda-
rule. When the review is final, we sult of the storm in Fort Mor- tion of 1 to 3 feet along the
will make the decision public," said gan, Ala., on the Gulf Coast, Gulf Coast. The system could
Dave Lapan, a DHS spokesman. said Capt. Steve Arthur of the also spawn tornadoes from
The San Francisco Chronicle Baldwin County Sheriff’s Of- southern Louisiana to the Flor-
earlier reported on the possible fice. He was on vacation from ida panhandle, they said.
delay and rescinding of the rule. St. Louis with his family and “This is going to be a seri-
—Douglas MacMillan was hit by a heavy object in a ous event,” said New Orleans
and Laura Meckler wave, Capt. Arthur said. Mayor Mitch Landrieu at a
around the world under Mr. benefits. Driver groups in bit,” she said, since it shows globally. She added that Uber
Kalanick. other countries echoed the they “actually want to take re- is already making changes to
Uber has for years faced sentiment. sponsibility and change.” how it works separately from
opposition in the U.S. and “We saw how Travis treated In Asia, Uber faces a clutch Mr. Kalanick’s resignation, in-
abroad from taxi companies, his drivers,” said Sayah Baar- of fast-growing, homegrown cluding an announcement this
regulators and—increasingly— oun, head of a driver’s union startups that are capitalizing week that it will start imple-
its own disgruntled drivers, in France, referring to an inci- on factors such as local knowl- menting changes drivers have
who argue that the company dent where Mr. Kalanick was edge and better relationships asked for, such as allowing
co-founded by Mr. Kalanick is videotaped arguing with an with regulators in the battle riders to tip drivers.
a scofflaw that rolls into coun- Uber driver. “But for us, the for ride-hailing turf. Singa- —Natalia Drozdiak
tries and tries to gain market larger battle continues.” Mr. pore-based startup GrabTaxi in Brussels and Dan Strumpf
share while flouting local reg- Kalanick later said he was Holdings Pte. and Indonesia’s in Hong Kong
ulations. “ashamed” of the behavior Go-Jek, a motorcycle-hailing contributed to this article.
Uber counters that it is
mainly the victim of lobbying
Arianna Huffington has become the main voice for Uber’s board. by taxi monopolies that take Uber’s Chaotic Year: enly underpaid New York City
advantage of riders and driv- drivers for the past 2½ years.
ers, forcing Uber into the A Timeline u June 1 Uber says its head of
ommendations was endorsed product, operations and in France, Germany, Italy, u Feb. 23 Google parent Al- making a disparaging remark
by the board. other areas. Spain, the Netherlands, Swe- phabet Inc. sues Uber for al- about women during a meeting
The investors who drafted Mr. Kalanick’s departure ex- den, and other countries— legedly stealing trade secrets to address problems with the
the letter include Bench- poses Uber’s leadership short- sometimes only after a court to jump-start its own autono- company’s workplace culture.
mark, whose partner Bill comings and raises the ques- order. mous vehicle program. u June 13 Mr. Kalanick says he
Gurley is an Uber board mem- tion of who can lead a Those legal fights, many u Feb. 28 A video shows CEO would take an indefinite leave
ber; Menlo Ventures; Lower- company whose defiantly com- initiated by Uber to challenge Travis Kalanick berating an from the company.
case Capital; First Round petitive startup culture and laws that restrict it, won’t go Uber driver. u June 20 Mr. Kalanick resigns
Capital; and Fidelity Invest- leadership style reflected the away just because Mr. Kalan- Scandals have dogged Uber. u May 23 Uber says it mistak- following investor pressure.
ments, according to people fa- pugnacious chief executive. ick is no longer CEO. An offi-
miliar with the matter. Mr. Ka- Mr. Kalanick didn’t respond
lanick handed in his to a request for comment.
resignation just hours after
the letter was sent and after
speaking with one board mem-
ber, who counseled him to
The next CEO will face a
nearly unprecedented set of
challenges, including restoring
rattled employees’ faith in the
MIMS company. If Uber is right and it
can maintain an advantage like
this in the long term, it could
endure a long war of attrition
Uber’s service is still better
in the suburbs and commuter
towns, but Lyft is starting to
reach more of them, having
quarter tripled from a year
earlier. Even if Uber continues
to be the most notorious com-
pany in Silicon Valley, momen-
step aside, according to a per- company, as well a business Continued from Page One with its competitors. But since added 150 markets in the past tum—and its $7.2 billion cash
son familiar with the matter. that lost at least $2.8 billion sorely in need of a moat. neither Uber nor its competi- four months. Most important, hoard—should guarantee its
last year and another $708 mil- Mr. Kalanick, who initially tors are public companies, no both companies generate the survival. The danger is the
lion in this year’s first quarter, announced a leave of absence one knows the actual unit cost bulk of their revenue in the company fails to meet the in-
due in large part to cash incen- last week, wrote then that the of their rides. biggest U.S. markets—not co- flated expectations of its lofty
Mr. Kalanick will tives necessary to keep drivers company must evolve into In the U.S., Uber’s biggest incidentally, the markets in valuation.
likely remain a figure driving. Uber management is “Uber 2.0,” acknowledging it competitor, Lyft, has rapidly which Uber claims to have be- Google, Apple, Facebook
also tasked with a tremendous needs a complete overhaul of closed the distance with Uber come profitable. and Amazon weren’t first mov-
in the company he shift in culture from the one its corporate culture. But it’s by some of the most important In China, another key bat- ers in their industries, but
co-founded in 2009. crafted under Mr. Kalanick not clear how Uber the cater- measures, and has reached tleground, Uber bowed out en- they had superior technology
that often operated in a legal pillar becomes Uber the but- that point with far less invest- tirely. Uber continues to ag- and infrastructure. Apple’s
gray area, including pushing terfly. ment. Lyft is now in the same gressively pursue international brand and proprietary soft-
ahead in cities where its ser- “We think the company’s number of markets as Uber, markets, but this growth is ware and services gave it the
Mr. Kalanick had been on vice was barred, and reward- back is to the wall, and there is and in major cities can match costing it dearly. Uber lost pricing power to generate
indefinite leave from the com- ing high performers despite no more room for continued Uber on both price and speed $708 million in the first quar- huge profits. Google’s search
pany as of last week, a move misbehavior. screwups,” early Uber investor of service, says a company ter of 2017, despite logging and ad technology outclassed
he said was necessary to Even before Uber’s string of Mitch Kapor said last week. spokesperson. Lyft’s share of $3.8 billion in revenue. its competitors. Facebook capi-
mourn the sudden death of his scandals began earlier this Mr. Kapor, who in February co- rides in the U.S. grew from 10% In some respects, Uber still talized on the network effect
mother last month in a boat- year, Mr. Kalanick had come to wrote an open letter to Uber to 25% between June 2015 and has the wind at its back: Over- that increased its utility as
ing accident, and with an aim embody an extreme version of about the company’s “toxic” June 2017, according to TXN all demand for rides is surging. more people joined. Amazon
to re-emerge as a newly invig- the archetypal brash startup culture, suggested last week Solutions, which tracks credit- Uber has said the number of got so good at building cloud
orated leader. CEO who succeeds by thumb- that Mr. Kalanick should come card transactions. rides it completed in the first services for itself that it
“This is a bold decision ing his nose at convention and back only if he is “genuinely started selling them to oth-
and a sign of his devotion pushing the boundaries of es- committed to Uber 2.0.” ers—reaping huge profits.
and love for Uber,” said mem- tablished business practices. Assuming there is a magic Ridesharing Hits the Fast Lane And Uber? Aside from the
bers of Uber’s board in a Uber—with a valuation of pill to fix Uber’s culture, the Car services with self-employed drivers are rapidly outpacing cash, it has a (tarnished) brand
statement Tuesday. “By step- nearly $70 billion that exceeds next step will be fixing the traditional employee-based local transportation providers. and an app that has been
ping away, he’s taking the companies such as Ford Motor business. widely copied. Uber once could
time to heal from his per- Co.—was the epitome of a new Uber’s original approach 800 thousand plausibly claim that the com-
sonal tragedy while giving breed of startup using soft- was more sprint than mara- pany with the most customers
700 Number of drivers for Self-employed drivers
the company room to fully ware to reshape long-en- thon. Believing he could pre- could support the most driv-
embrace this new chapter in trenched industries from emptively wipe out the compe- 600 ridesharing and traditional (Ex: Uber and Lyft) ers, creating a virtuous circle
Uber’s history.” transportation to hospitality tition by amassing more transportation companies where mass plus engineering
Mr. Kalanick will likely re- to health care. money and market share early might yield an unbeatable cus-
main a figure in the company But the mood changed at on, Mr. Kalanick employed a 400 Uber founded March 2009 tomer experience.
that he co-founded in 2009 Uber after a former software hyperactive management style Now, the preponderance of
since he will keep his board engineer alleged chauvinism at that prized speed over integ- its competitors, ably luring
seat and, along with co- the ride-hailing firm in Febru- rity. But the finish line never 200 away customers and drivers,
founder Garrett Camp and ary. A series of blows, includ- really appeared. suggests that the ride-sharing
early employee Ryan Graves, ing a lawsuit from Google par- Uber still believes that it market will come to resemble
holds a majority of Uber’s vot- ent Alphabet Inc. over has superior technology and Company-employed drivers (Ex. taxis and limos) something far less sexy—and
ing rights. Mr. Camp is chair- allegedly stolen technology, data science that gives it lower 1997 2015 less profitable. Uber may just
man of the board. only added to investors’ doubts costs per ride than competi- Source: Brookings Analysis of Census Bureau and Moody's data be a gigantic taxi company af-
When Uber announced Mr. about Uber’s leadership. tors, says a source close to the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ter all.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | A9
a tune with a verify the songs posers really don’t know what su-
propulsive beat, they use with pervisors do. Or maybe they had
tight horn riffs websites and apps bad experiences. That created a
and lyrics that are that identify them, little bit of confusion.”
total gibberish. such as Tunefind This year, the Academy voted to
“Prisencolinensi- and Shazam. add the music-supervision cate-
nainciusol” was re- An official embrace gory (along with a new Emmy for
corded in 1972 by an Ital- by the television industry reality-series casting). Music su-
ian singer, Adriano Celentano, was slower to come. After form- pervisors have submitted about 90
replicating the sound of American ing the Guild of Music Supervisors entries, the Academy says. Voting
English. in 2010 (which includes members on nominees ends Monday. All
The song is catchy, cool and ob- working in film, advertising, Emmy nominees will be announced
scure, but Ms. Phillips says it was games and other mediums) ambas- July 13, ahead of the September
chosen more for the way it under- sadors for the craft made inroads awards show.
scores the relationship between with the organization that runs Neither the Academy Awards
the two characters, an ex-con and the Emmys, the Academy of Tele- nor the Golden Globes honor mu-
her parole officer, in a romance vision Arts and Sciences. Starting sic supervisors.
that soon involves murder. The in 2015, music supervisors were al- Supervisors had to supplement
tune’s swagger symbolizes the lowed to join the Academy as their Emmy submissions with writ-
confidence they give one another, members of the music branch, ten answers to 10 questions, such
but its nonsense lyrics telegraph which oversees awards for music as: “What was your creative con-
that the bravado is hollow. direction (typically performance tribution to advancing the story Malone found herself dealing with songs for each musical moment.
When music clicks in a scene on shows) and composition. line in the episode submitted?” court-appointed lawyers to negoti- After winnowing them down to
and “How did your work support ate with the estate of a rapper about 20, they play them against
character development?” who was shot to death in 2013. the scene and debate how the
Jen Ross, music supervisor for Only 10 seconds of “Let Me Find songs interact with the scene
the hip-hop drama “Empire,” sub- Out” by Montgomery, Ala., native through their mood, lyrics and
mitted a song-packed episode that Doe B can be heard in the first ep- tempo.
bounces among Eminem, Theloni- isode of the FX series as it plays Before selecting a handful of the
ous Monk and an original tune on the car stereo of an under- songs to edit into the scene and
that addressed gun violence. In ground rapper and his sidekick. present to the show’s creators for
one scene record-label bosses Despite the hassle, the song was a a final decision, Mr. Golubić gets
meet with mogul Lucious Lyon, more authentic choice for those preapproval to license the songs
played by Terrence Howard. A dec- characters than “something you from their rights holders; he
adent song by French Montana would hear on the radio in L.A.,” learned not to suggest songs with-
and Drake (“No Shopping”) transi- says Ms. Malone, who often tracks out knowing that he can deliver
tions to a triumphant one from down emerging southern rappers them.
Frank Sinatra and Count Basie’s and producers with direct mes- “Sometimes the amount of re-
orchestra (“The Best Is Yet to sages on Instagram and Twitter. search is epic, going to the far cor-
Come”). With “Atlanta” creator Donald ners of the world [to track down
The contrast could seem abrupt Glover she co-submitted an epi- licensing approvals] under the
“but is absolutely believable in the sode for Emmy contention that hopes that maybe we’ll pitch the
world of Lucious Lyon,” Ms. Ross peaks with the Funkadelic song song” to “Better Call Saul” produc-
says. “Just like real human beings, “Hit It and Quit It.” ers, says Mr. Golubić, who submit-
the characters are shaped by the For the AMC series “Better Call ted an episode of the series that
Terrence Howard stars in ‘Empire,’ above. Below, Dan Stevens as David music that surrounds them.” Saul,” Mr. Golubić and his team showcased acts from Little Richard
Haller in ‘Legion.’ “Atlanta” music supervisor Jen consider hundreds of pre-existing to Norwegian producer Todd Terje.
we’re talking about a movie where boob” on the NBC series “Parks ant, Mass., got into acting as a
we’re organized crime bosses of and Recreation”), a gigolo (Com- student when he joined an improv
the suburbs, but Frank has a really edy Central’s “Kroll Show”) and, group at Middlebury College in
nice, very sweet emotional arc,” currently, an unhinged detective Middlebury, Vt. At the Upright Cit-
says Mr. Mantzoukas, best known (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”). izens Brigade, he met future col-
as the exuberantly uncouth Rafi on As a self-styled casino kingpin laborators like Ms. Poehler and in
the FX series “The League.” “I’ve new routes to center stage. Audi- star of “Master of None,” the Net- in “The House,” Mr. Mantzoukas 2010 made the jump to “The
never had a part this big, to have a ences are getting used to seeing flix comedy he co-created. Rob moves with a ludicrous suburban League,” a series with largely im-
performance that starts in one outside-the-box actors in comedies Delaney was largely known for his posse. They blow wads of cash provised dialogue that ran until
place and ends in a very different that defy TV sitcom and movie profane stand-up before co-writing around with leaf blowers and 2015.
kind of place.” formulas. Quirkiness, not a square his layered character for the Ama- force-feed a man frozen yogurt Thanks to some of his over-the-
Mr. Mantzoukas is one of a jaw, is often at a premium. zon series “Catastrophe.” Kumail straight from the spigot to collect top roles, fans often assume Mr.
string of unconventional support- Several actors are writing their Nanjiani, the socially stunted com- on a gambling debt. Mantzoukas is just like his unsa-
ing actors stepping into larger way into leading roles, creating puter programmer Dinesh in “Sili- Mr. Mantzoukas drew on his vory characters. “The frequency
screen roles in recent years. characters informed by their own con Valley,” becomes a romantic own romantic breakups to play the with which people say insane stuff
Thanks to the explosion of enter- experiences. Aziz Ansari was an leading man in his new semi-auto- other side of Frank, a wounded to me in bathrooms is crazy,” he
tainment options, actors who used ensemble player in “Parks and biographical movie, “The Big Sick.” sad-sack who walks around in a says. “I have to tell people, ‘I’m an
to stay on the fringes are finding Recreation” but broke out as the Actresses Amy Schumer big smelly poncho after his wife actor.’”
A10 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
REVIEW & OUTLOOK Anatomy of a Witch Hunt
Americans won’t be associations interspersed with claims
The Next Step on North Korea really good citizens
until they read Timur
from the Trump dossier to make the
innocuous, incidental and routine
he death of Otto Warmbier, a 22-year- The report dispels the misconception that Kuran and Cass Sun- seem nefarious.
old student held in a North Korean North Korea obtains the materials and tech- stein’s 1999 law review Maybe Mr. Schiff is a cynic, or maybe
article about “avail- Harvard Law sent him back into the
prison for 17 months, saddened and an- nology for its weapons programs through an
ability cascades.” world with the same skull full of mush
gered Americans. We don’t invisible network that can’t BUSINESS
Their launching with which he arrived. But ever since,
know what mistreatment led New sanctions against be stopped by sanctions. It WORLD
point is the process by every faulty or incomplete recollection
to his brain damage, but the finds that the same small By Holman W.
fact that Pyongyang concealed
China’s traders and number of Chinese individu- Jenkins, Jr.
which we (i.e., human of a meeting with a Russian has been
beings) decide to be- promoted in the media as proof of trea-
his condition for more than a financiers might work. als and companies that domi- lieve what others be- son by Trump associates.
year is damning enough. The nate legal trade with the lieve, and judge the truth of a proposi- The president’s obvious irritation
incident is a reminder of the North also supply it with tion by how familiar it is. with being called a traitor is proof that
regime’s brutality and is one more reason for “dual use” goods to build nukes and missiles. Such “availability cascades” drive he is a traitor.
the Trump Administration to increase sanctions These individuals and their shell companies government policy in good ways and Whether the Russia incubus did more
to prevent Kim Jong Un from developing a mis- are also dependent on access to the interna- bad, but usually bad. An example the harm to Mr. Trump’s vote or Hillary’s
authors analyze in detail is 1989’s fake vote during the election is impossible to
sile capable of hitting the mainland U.S. with tional financial system.
“Alar” cancer scare that devastated U.S. know. But Mr. Trump won, so under the
a nuclear warhead. As sanctions have tightened, this network apple growers. hindsight fallacy his victory is now
U.S. and Chinese officials were due to meet in has grown smaller and more consolidated. Which brings us to today’s question: proof that he conspired with Russia.
Washington Wednesday to discuss the problem. That’s because there are only a few individuals How did it become widely believed in
But Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that he who have the skills and connections within the first half of 2017 that a U.S. presi-
no longer holds out hope that Beijing will change China and North Korea to continue trade under dent committed treason with Russia? The Trump-Russia scare is
Pyongyang’s behavior. He tweeted, “While I these circumstances. Pyongyang will find it Consider what has passed for proof from the same playbook as
greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & hard to replace them. in the media. Tens of thousands of
China to help with North Korea, it has not The U.S. stumbled across this North Korean Americans have done business with the fake-cancer scare.
worked out. At least I know China tried!” vulnerability in September 2005 when the U.S. Russia since the collapse of the Soviet
Mr. Trump built up expectations of Chinese Treasury named Macau’s Banco Delta Asia a Union, not to mention before.
In 2009 President Obama made the The term “availability bias” origi-
help after his April summit with President Xi “primary concern” for North Korean money first of his two trips to Russia with a nated in the work of Amos Tversky and
Jinping. That was a long shot given China’s laundering. The bank was forced to freeze $25 gaggle of U.S. business leaders in tow. Daniel Kahneman, whose Nobel Prize-
failure to rein in its ally in the past. But it million in North Korean assets, but the knock- Of these many thousands, four were winning research gave birth to the field
made sense diplomatically, putting Mr. Xi on on effects were huge. Trade that depended on associated with the Trump campaign, of behavioral economics.
notice that tougher U.S. action would follow the bank ground to a halt, and other banks cut and now became evidence of Trump col- Mr. Kahneman went on to write
if he failed to deliver while avoiding the ap- their business with North Korea. lusion with Russia. 2011’s indispensable “Thinking, Fast
pearance of a threat. In a tragic miscalculation, the Bush Admin- Every president for 75 years has and Slow,” and I’m here to tell you that
As the Journal reported last week, the Ad- istration released the frozen funds two years sought improved relations with Russia. journalists especially pride themselves
ministration asked Beijing to crack down on later in return for North Korea returning to the That’s what those endless summits were on their fast thinking—the kind that
some 10 Chinese companies and individuals six-party disarmament talks, which went no- about. Mr. Trump, in his typically bom- mistakes randomness for pattern, con-
bastic way, also promoted improved re- fuses correlation with causation and
that trade with North Korea. If China did not where. North Korea moved most of its trading
lations with Russia. Now this was evi- gives excessive rein to emotional and
do so, the U.S. said it is prepared to act unilater- network to China, and the Obama Administra- dence of collusion. cognitive biases.
ally against them by the end of the summer. In tion let the North Korea problem grow as it fo- Russian diplomats live in the U.S. and Notice I don’t say reporters and edi-
light of Warmbier’s death and the North’s prep- cused on other priorities. rub shoulders with countless Ameri- tors are so dumb they can’t free them-
arations for a sixth nuclear test, the U.S. can North Korea is now a few years away from cans. Such shoulder rubbing, if Trump selves from such errors. I say that such
now move with dispatch to use tougher sanc- fielding an intercontinental missile, and U.S. associates were involved, now is proof errors are their stock in trade.
tions to deprive those on that list from access options are dwindling. A pre-emptive mili- of crime. The original allegory of fast thinking,
to the international financial system. tary strike is the last resort because the Kim The Alar pesticide scare only took off of course, is the old folklore tale, “the
Skeptics are right that United Nations sanc- regime could kill millions in South Korea when activists whom Messrs. Kuran and emperor’s new clothes.” In his 1922
tions have done little to stop North Korea’s with conventional and nuclear weapons. But Sunstein label “availability entrepre- book “Public Opinion,” Walter Lipp-
weapons programs. But those sanctions are now that Beijing has been given the chance neurs” peddled deceptive claims to a mann explained how journalists reduce
credulous “60 Minutes.” We would complex, novel realities to off-the-shelf
far-less stringent than those that forced Iran to help and either refused or failed, the U.S.
probably not be having this Russia dis- “stereotypes.”
to the negotiating table. And a new report and its allies have to use every sanctions and cussion today if not for the so-called Or as a colleague once said of Stalin,
from the Washington research group C4ADS other tool available to prevent the Kim re- Trump dossier alleging improbable, lu- “[He] tries to force life into a ready-
suggests that the North’s trading network is gime from doing to millions what it did to rid connections between Mr. Trump and made framework. The more life re-
highly vulnerable to the new sanctions. Otto Warmbier. the Kremlin. sists . . . the more forcefully he mangles
It had no provenance that anyone and breaks it.”
was bound to respect or rely upon. Its Come to think of it, that’s not a bad
Free Speech for Sex Offenders alleged author, a retired British agent
named Christopher Steele, supposedly
way of describing how the D.C. anthill
has reacted to the unexpected, exotic,
nsympathetic plaintiffs serve a salu- “speaking and listening in the modern public had Russian intelligence sources, but high-risk, possibly providential experi-
tary purpose in the law, reminding square” (Packingham v. North Carolina). why would Russian intelligence blow ment of the Trump presidency.
the cover of their blackmail agent Mr. We mean every descriptor. His very
politicians and the public that princi- In a concurrence, joined by Chief Justice John Trump, whom they presumably so unsuitability, the mood of the American
ples must govern even in un- Roberts and Justice Clarence carefully and expensively cultivated? public that elected him, the obscure im-
savory circumstances. The A hard case that makes Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito They wouldn’t. passe of American politics that brought
U.S. Supreme Court rose to good First Amendment agreed that the law was over- Yet recall the litany of Rep. Adam him to power—all these signs deserve
the occasion on Monday, rul- broad but cautioned that the Schiff, who declared in a House Intelli- more respect than they’re getting.
ing 8-0 that the First Amend- law in the internet age. majority’s opinion may go too gence Committee hearing: “Is it possible His Torquemadas don’t and can’t
ment protects the right of far and discourage states from that all of these events and reports are know whether America’s democracy, in
even sex offenders to use so- enacting more narrowly tai- completely unrelated and nothing more the improbable Mr. Trump, found a le-
cial media. lored laws protecting minors. Justice Alito men- than an entirely unhappy coincidence?” ver to move it forward, but there’s
Lester Packingham was 21 years old when he tioned teenage dating sites or sites “where mi- His litany actually consisted of in- something repugnant in their desire not
nocuous, incidental and routine Trump to find out.
was convicted of statutory rape for having sex nors communicate with each other about
with a 13-year-old. In 2010 he posted a remark personal problems” as possible examples. But
about a traffic ticket on Facebook and ran afoul states must not “burden substantially more LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
of a North Carolina law that made it illegal for speech than is necessary to further the govern-
a sex offender “to access a commercial social ment’s legitimate interests,” he added.
networking Web site where the sex offender Justice Kennedy’s opinion also notes that
Qatar Responds to U.A.E., Saudi Charges
knows that the site permits minor children to the decision “should not be interpreted as bar- In his June 14 op-ed “Qatar Can- The ambassador writes that the
become members or to create or maintain per- ring a State from enacting more specific laws not Have It Both Ways,” United Arab U.A.E. did not act “in haste”
sonal Web pages.” than the one at issue. Specific criminal acts are Emirates (U.A.E.) Ambassador against Qatar, yet the U.A.E. never
Packingham challenged the law as an in- not protected speech even if speech is the Yousef Al Otaiba demands that Qa- brought any of its complaints to
fringement on his First Amendment right to use means for their commission.” The broad ban on tar be “all in” in the fight against the responsible entities at the Gulf
terrorism. I can assure him that we Cooperation Council (GCC) before
social media. The Justices agreed. Even if well using social media seems to have been North
are. The better question might be, launching aggressive diplomatic
intentioned, “the Government ‘may not suppress Carolina’s fatal mistake. where do the U.A.E. and the other and economic measures against us.
lawful speech as the means to suppress unlawful The internet poses new challenges for the nations currently boycotting Qatar Instead, as leaked emails show, the
speech,’ ” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for law, but the High Court’s unanimous and robust stand on this existential threat? ambassador and the U.A.E. govern-
the majority. Barring sex offenders from all so- defense of the First Amendment shows that tra- Ambassador Otaiba must cer- ment privately conspired against
cial media would block them from a source of ditional American rights still apply, as they tainly be aware that the United Na- Qatar in the shadows.
current events, potential employment and should no matter the media platform. tions and the U.S. Treasury Depart- It has become clear that the cur-
ment list 10 times as many rent campaign against Qatar is not
suspected terrorists and terrorist fi- about terrorism, Al Jazeera or any
The Tax-and-Spend Capitulation nanciers from the boycotting coun-
tries as from Qatar. Surely his excel-
of the other issues highlighted by
the boycotting nations. It is about
lency also remembers that the Qatar’s independence, which some
ruce Rauner spent a chunk of his personal boring states and repair its fisc. It includes U.A.E. was singled out in the 9/11 apparently view as a threat. We
fortune running for Governor in 2014 to nothing on right-to-work and little workers’ Commission’s report for its role in would like our brothers in the GCC
save Illinois from its tax-and-spend polit- compensation reform. It doesn’t give local laundering money to terrorists, and to know that we are a threat to no
ical class. More than two years governments the collective- that Emiratis, not Qataris, were one. But they should also under-
later it looks like the former A U.S. governor bargaining reforms they need among the hijackers who flew stand that Qatar is a sovereign na-
private-equity star has made cries uncle on taxes and it fails to solve the state’s planes into the Twin Towers. tion, and that we will not be bullied.
better investments. $130 billion or so in unfunded Ambassador Otaiba calls upon Qa- H.E. SHEIKH MESHAL
On Tuesday evening the and economic reform. pension liabilities. tar “to return to the community of BIN HAMAD AL-THANI
Governor with the worst job The Governor’s capitula- responsible nations,” and criticizes Ambassador of Qatar to the U.S.
in America explained why he tion may have been triggered television news channel Al Jazeera Washington
for inciting violence, though he fails
and his fellow Republicans have offered to by the latest downgrade by Moody’s and Stan-
to mention that the U.A.E. financed Instead of encouraging Saudi Ara-
raise taxes for the sake of ending a multiyear dard & Poor’s in the state bond rating to near the military coup that overthrew bia and the emirates to boycott Qatar,
budget impasse with Democrats. He said he’ll junk status, with a warning that another down- Egypt’s first democratically elected we should encourage tolerance and
accept a four-year increase in the flat state in- grade could come this summer. Mr. Rauner government, and that the U.A.E. al- compromise. Look at Israel. As much
come tax to 4.95% from the current 3.75%, ex- doesn’t want to run for re-election next year legedly bankrolled the coup plotters as Israel is opposed to Iran and
pand the sales tax and implement a cable and as Governor Junk. who attempted to overthrow the Hamas, it maintains a cordial relation-
satellite TV tax. But the rating agencies have never met a tax elected government in Turkey. ship with Qatar. Maybe Qatar could
This is a political defeat by any definition increase they didn’t like. They merely want to become the bridge for peaceful coex-
since Mr. Rauner campaigned on lowering the see more revenue coming in so they can judge istence of the two important factions
income tax to 3%, not on restoring the rate if bondholders will get repaid. The real threat Theresa, Come What May, in Islam, Sunnism and Shiism.
Instead of allowing ourselves to
close to what it was under the last Democratic to long-term bondholders is an unrestrained Didn’t Blame Anyone Else be drawn into sectarianism, we
Governor. The “temporary” 5% rate partially tax-and-spend political culture that drives
Regarding British Prime Minister should endeavor to work efficiently
sunset in December 2014. Democrats who run more people out of the state and pension liabil- Theresa May’s recent electoral wipe- with the two factions, especially if
the legislature refused to negotiate over a bud- ities ever upward. out (“Britain’s Lesson for Conserva- we want to bring peace in the Mid-
get unless Mr. Rauner agreed to a tax increase, The political tragedy is that Mr. Rauner tives,” Review & Outlook, June 12): dle East and eradicate terrorism.
and now they’re refusing to make notable didn’t make this mess; he was elected to clean Perhaps, to borrow from Churchill, PROF. HESKEL M. HADDAD
spending or economic reforms in return. it up. Former Governors Rod Blagojevich and this is her finest hour. I haven’t President
Mr. Rauner is also proposing to freeze prop- Pat Quinn, a crook and a schnook, borrowed heard her suggest that her loss was The World Organization of Jews
erty taxes and says the deal will reduce the some $17 billion through pension-obligation due to voter misogyny. Nor foreign From Arab countries
state’s backlog of unpaid bills by at least $4 bil- bonds. Since 2009 the state bond rating has influence. Nor her postnasal drip. New York
lion. The property-tax freeze could provide been downgraded 21 times. The biggest culprit Nor any of the 10,000 excuses that
last year’s losing American presi-
some election contrast with Democrats. But a is state House Speaker Michael Madigan, who Letters intended for publication should
dential candidate gave for her cam- be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
freeze isn’t a reduction from already sky-high fronts for the government unions. paign mismanagement. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
property levies, and the current backlog of un- Mr. Madigan hasn’t said if he’ll accept Mr. I’m happy to report to the British or emailed to [email protected]. Please
paid state bills is $15.1 billion. Rauner’s offer, and perhaps he’s holding out for people and the world that Theresa include your city and state. All letters
The bigger problem is that his proposed even more concessions. Mr. Rauner may come May is no Hillary Clinton. are subject to editing, and unpublished
deal includes almost none of the reforms Illi- out the political loser, but the citizens of Illi- GREG DEBSKI letters can be neither acknowledged nor
nois desperately needs to compete with neigh- nois will suffer the most. Howell, N.J.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | A11
meet our alliance commitments.” rebuilding the military. This figure is
orth Korea is making The situation President Trump in- a floor, not a ceiling.
alarming progress in its herited is dire. America today faces For context, compare it with the
ballistic-missile and nu- an array of threats more serious and projections from the Pentagon’s fiscal
clear-weapons programs. complex than at any time in the past 2012 budget. Because this was the
China and Russia are de- 75 years. last budget prepared prior to the
veloping and fielding advanced weap- President Obama and his policies Budget Control Act, it was also the
ons against which the U.S. may not be are largely to blame. The 2011 Budget last one based on assessing the
able to defend. Al Qaeda operates in Control Act, which mandated across- threats America faces and what
dent, Jean-Claude Juncker, has gone tive while using the same amount of quisitions. And the two countries de- as another starting point. The
ast fall Sweden practiced de- further, proposing that the EU inte- resources,” said Niklas Granholm, a pend on each other for training and Franco-German led operation in Mali
fending its Baltic Sea island of grate its armed forces. This week Swedish defense analyst. Bilateral in- maintenance. France and the U.K., could expand into an EU African
Gotland from invasion by a EU leaders will meet to discuss a tegration saves money by maximiz- meanwhile, are seven years into a bi- command, he says. Starting small
powerful enemy. But the Swedish more-modest version of that con- ing capabilities. lateral agreement that includes a works in the military, too.
Air Force didn’t use its own crews cept: joint military missions, use of While no modern country pairing joint expeditionary force. Joint acquisitions could also ad-
and aircraft to play the red side, EU battle groups and an EU pool of has gone as far as Sweden and Fin- Other European countries could vance integration. Denmark, Italy,
leaving that role to the Finnish Air helicopters. land, Belgium and the Netherlands adopt the Swedish-Finnish model, the Netherlands, Norway and the
Force. Sweden and Finland are inte- Their modesty is understandable: but the challenge is national pres- U.K. are buying the F-35 joint strike
grating their armed forces, and the An alliance that operates 177 weap- tige: It takes a certain amount of hu- fighter. If these countries can break
burden-sharing goes far beyond ons systems would struggle to inte- Instead of waiting for mility for decision makers to give up the bad habit of insisting on national
playing the enemy in exercises. It’s grate even small sections of its an EU army, member some control in exchange for added variations, it would go a long way to-
a better model for efficient defense armed forces. Add to that some capabilities. Success also requires a ward building a partly integrated air
than an EU army. members’ skepticism of anything re- countries could form history of armed-forces collabora- force. Collective decision making is
Europe’s militaries are notoriously sembling an EU army. their own integrated tion, including joint exercises. And as tricky, but a partially integrated air
wasteful and woefully underfunded. But European countries can no lon- retired Gen. Vincenzo Camporini, an force would give each country more
The European Union’s member states ger ignore their inefficiencies. “We armed forces. Italian former chief of defense, value for its investment.
spend an average of 1.3% of gross do- have big shortages of deployable points out, military integration re- There’s another reason the time
mestic product on defense, compared troops and available planes,” Mr. Rob- quires a common foreign policy. is ripe for bottom-up European
to 3.6% by the U.S. EU members also ertson said. “That won’t be solved operate a joint navy. “When operat- But for countries that have en- armed-forces integration. Two gen-
have a multitude of weaponry, but it through new battle groups.” ing the ships, it means you’re 100% joyed many years of close relations erations ago, few troops were fluent
suffers from enormous disarray: Sweden and Finland-style integra- interoperable and standardized,” and have similar equipment, armed- in another language. Today almost
There are 177 weapons systems tion would be a much more viable so- said Dick Zandee, a former head of forces integration can be a highly every officer speaks English. The in-
among members, while the U.S. only lution. Discussions between the two policy and planning at the European practical solution. A combined tegrated Swedish and Finnish units
has 30. “We Europeans spend on de- countries began a decade ago but Defense Agency who is now a senior Czech and Slovak air force would, communicate in English, as does the
fense,” observed George Robertson, sped up after Russia seized Crimea. fellow at Clingendael, the Nether- for example, multiply the two neigh- Dutch-Belgian navy. “Integration is
the former NATO Secretary-General The two air forces are in the process lands Institute of International Re- bors’ power. Lithuania could maxi- possible with English as the work-
and U.K. Defense Secretary. “We just of integrating, and the navies have es- lations. “In theory, you can even mize its capabilities by integrating ing language,” said Mr. Zandee.
need to spend more wisely.” tablished a task group. swap crews.” parts of its armed forces with Po- “Even French commanders are fine
Earlier this month, the European Each country can use the other’s The Belgians and the Dutch have land, while Poland would gain well- with English.”
Commission announced a €5.5 bil- exercise ranges and landing fields, already bought minehunters and trained troops.
lion ($6.13 billion) defense fund that and troops may be commanded by frigates together without insisting Countries could also team up with Ms. Braw is a nonresident senior
will coordinate defense-research in- officers from the other side. “This is on national specifications, a consis- the existing pairs. Mr. Camporini fellow at the Atlantic Council.
granular list of caveats. But the blog’s Keep them at home on a hard, nonpo- with “hydration” these days. ter” and you will be deluged with sto-
t’s summer! Time to dig in the author, Karl Neumann of the Ameri- rous surface, free of dirt and obsta- It’s always seemed to me that drink- ries linking the stuff to just about ev-
sand, gulp from the hose, play at can Academy of Pediatrics, lays out cles, checking frequently for venom- ing when thirsty does the trick. No. ery illness except gout. Some study,
the park, and leap with joy. his own don’ts: “Studies show that ous spiders, disease-bearing insects Now there’s a new product on the mar- endlessly reported, found that hose
Unless you’re a kid—in which case, children playing in the sand are more and sewage. Children should be in ket called Gululu, which is a water bot- water contained “PVC plastic addi-
find yourself a comfy sofa in a dark, likely to become ill than children steel-toed work boots at all times, as tle with a Wi-Fi connection. The Gululu tives, which can cause birth defects,
quiet room and settle in. This is the merely walking on it. And the risk of well as oven mitts and chain mail. liver toxicity, and cancer.” Naturally, in
season your parents are bombarded illness increases with digging in the But even that isn’t enough. Simply these stories there is no mention of
with the kind of warnings previously sand, being ‘buried’ in it, and digging keeping the kids at home doesn’t en- Digging in wet sand is how many cisterns of water a child
associated with incoming torpedoes. in wet sand.” sure they’re safe, especially if they would have to guzzle for any of these
The basic message: Don’t have fun, Got it. Keep your kids on dry sand. make it into the backyard. Parents dangerous. ‘Dry sand issues to ever develop.
it’s too dangerous. No, wait: “Dry sand presents prob- magazine warns that “bees are at- presents problems, too.’ Being a kid these days is no walk
Yes, that would be the same kind lems, too.” So, Mr. Neumann warns: tracted to flowers, so don’t put fra- in the park. But that’s just as well.
of summer fun your parents end- “Discourage children from lying di- grances or floral-patterned clothing And don’t ask about water. Yet another Parents magazine mas-
lessly reminisce about. “Remember rectly on the sand.” on kids.” Surely you’ve seen swarms terpiece warns that to keep children
when digging in the sand at the While you’re at it: “Walking bare- of bees chasing children in floral safe at the playground, you should
beach was a fun activity for young footed is another ‘don’t.’ Have chil- prints, convinced they are flowering app allows parents to monitor how “walk away if you see cement, as-
children,” says the website Kids- dren wear lightweight, ventilated, shrubs in work boots? much water their child is drinking. The phalt, dirt, or grass: These surfaces
TravelDoc. “Sorry. No more. Based hard-soled footwear that covers the The American Academy of Pediat- cagey gadget even knows if the kids are linked to head injuries.”
on recent findings, only with lots of toes. This helps prevent stubbed toes, rics, meanwhile, suggests that if your are secretly not drinking—pouring out So are walls, if you bang your
do’s and don’ts is frolicking in the lacerations, puncture wounds, and moppets still insist on playing out- water to stop their parents from tex- head against them. My summer ad-
sand a healthy activity, says the U.S. burns from hot sand. Ideally, foot- side, the little daredevils at least ting them to drink more. vice to parents is therefore short
Environmental Protective [sic] wear should be worn for wading in “limit sun exposure during the peak To make the sipping less oner- and sweet. Tell your kids they can’t
Agency.” the water.” intensity hours—between 10 a.m. and ous—it really does get tiring if you’re swim alone, get into a stranger’s car,
4 p.m.” That shouldn’t put a crimp in not thirsty—an animated character or let their parents buy them a high-
anyone’s day, should it? on the bottle’s built-in screen grows tech water bottle.
The academy is afraid that kids happier and healthier the more the And then stop reading other
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY will get too much sun. It’s also afraid child drinks. Let’s hear it for more safety tips.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson they’ll get too little sun and end up screen time!
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp with rickets. A related fear is that Gululu’s other advantage is it keeps Ms. Skenazy is founder of Free-Range
Gerard Baker William Lewis kids won’t get enough water be- the little ones from drinking the Kids and a contributor to Reason.com.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
Huerta, an Obama appointee, and worry they’ll be hit with user fees
other senior officials in the every time they practice landings
trenches on air-traffic control say in a Cessna 172.
the FAA just isn’t structured to be Providers have concluded that
a high-tech developer and opera- Strong headwinds can lead to landing delays at congested airports like Los Angeles International. New technology in making small planes pay small fees
tor. They argue splitting the use at London’s Heathrow Airport had dramatically reduced those delays. It will take years to reach the U.S. is a billing nightmare and would
agency would let it focus on safety reduce safety. You don’t want pri-
regulation of airlines and air-traf- world. Strong headwinds cause big technology and cut costs—13% communicating with airborne vate pilots avoiding air-traffic con-
fic controllers instead of the po- delays: If planes are spaced 5 over the past 11 years. planes by text won’t come until trollers to save money. So service
tentially conflicting role of being miles apart and it takes longer to Flying in remote areas of Can- 2019 at the earliest. providers charge a one-time, re-
the watchdog over its own control- fly the 5 miles, fewer land each ada, pilots send text messages to Privatization was first proposed quired annual fee. In Canada, the
lers. The controllers’ union also hour and some end up circling in controllers and get electronic re- in Congress in 1974, but then and annual fee for small propeller air-
supports the idea after seeing the holding patterns. So NATS Hold- sponses. Requests for altitude every time since it has failed to craft is aviation’s best bargain:
technology other countries are us- ings Ltd., the United Kingdom’s changes are automatically checked gain support. Sometimes Republi- C$65, or about $49.
ing and facing the threat of fur- privatized air services provider, for conflicts before they even pop cans like the idea; sometimes Others argue airlines would
lough in past budget showdowns. developed a tool to let controllers up on controllers’ screens. One Democrats. Rep. Bill Shuster, Re- have too much control. That de-
Privatized ATC organizations easily optimize spacing by time, mouse click can approve a request, publican chair of the House trans- pends on how you set up the
say their big advantage, in addi- not distance. When the tool went update the plane’s flight plan and portation and infrastructure com- board of directors. In Canada, air-
tion to steady funding and borrow- into use in 2015 after two years of alert other controllers. It’s faster, mittee, proposed legislation in lines get four seats on a 15-mem-
ing, is that they can continuously development, headwind delays more efficient and more accurate 2016. It never got out of commit- ber board.
take on small projects that make were reduced by 50%. than U.S. procedures, and results tee. Some complain that sending
incremental improvements. When Time-based separation could in better flights for passengers. Legislation is being drafted government assets to a company
you’re a government agency beg- have a big impact at large U.S. air- The FAA has implemented digi- again, with White House backing. would be a huge giveaway. Yet the
ging for appropriations, you pitch ports. But it won’t be operational tal communications at 55 major Proponents say they are making current FAA infrastructure was
big, attention-getting programs. for arrivals and approach until fis- airports to deliver flight plans on progress addressing many of the paid for by travelers and shippers.
But big projects are exponentially cal year 2022 at the earliest. the ground. That saves time, espe- criticisms of past proposals. But If the new ATC organization had to
more complex and prone to delay. Canada privatized its ATC oper- cially in stormy situations where the headwinds will again be stiff. buy the assets from the govern-
Take London’s Heathrow Air- ations more than 20 years ago and lots of flights are getting new Opponents warn of higher ticket ment, travelers and shippers
port, one of the busiest in the has since leapfrogged the U.S. in routes, and can reduce errors. But prices. But passengers are already would be paying for it again.
© 2017 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ5617
Euro vs. Dollar 1.1144 À 0.07% FTSE 100 7447.79 g 0.33% Gold 1243.40 À 0.19% WTI crude 42.53 g 2.25% German Bund yield 0.267% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.156%
slowed for the first time in ther Shanghai or Shenzhen— banks’ hands, however, is a ser-
20 weeks in early June. to benchmarks such as its vice done only for a good price,
The headwinds to oil re- Emerging Markets Index, Mr. Peters added, giving firms
main strong and prices which is tracked by funds with like his an edge.
could still fall further in the some $1.6 trillion of assets un- Who is getting the short end
weeks ahead. der management world-wide. of the deal? Banks are being
But unless China’s growth The approval—which came hit because they have less flex-
slowdown proves much ug- before the start of Chinese ibility in trading, and because
lier than expected—or U.S. stock trading Wednesday and Exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen, seen here, have a combined $7.5 trillion market cap. asset managers now have more
consumers sit out the peak followed three years of rejec- analysts, more data and elec-
driving season in July and tions by MSCI—drew a muted part gained 0.4%. sion. After discussions with it would admit roughly half of tronic tools that allow them to
August—oil’s slippery slope reaction from mainland in- The tepid response was big fund managers such as the largest number of compa- trade directly with one an-
probably won’t carry it back vestors. The Shanghai Com- viewed in the market as a re- BlackRock Inc., the world’s nies it had considered includ- other, analysts say.
down to the soggy depths of posite Index closed up 0.5%, flection of the relative cau- largest money manager by as- ing in past years. “A client has a lot of trans-
January 2016. while its Shenzhen counter- tion apparent in MSCI’s deci- sets, the index provider said Please see MSCI page B2 Please see BOND page B2
B2 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
First Round Capital....A8
General Electric.....A2,B2
General Motors...........B4
Oscar Insurance..........A6
Rolls-Royce Holdings..B2
GE Is Big Player at Air Show
Anthem.......................A6 Go-Jek.........................A8 S Acquisition spree gives
Aviva ........................... B8
GrabTaxi Holdings ...... A8
Salesforce...................A8 U.S. firm aerospace
Saudi Aramco ............. A4
B HNA Group..................B8 Shenzhen Metro expertise and a strong
Bank of New York Group ....................... B5
Snowflake Computing B4 presence in Europe
BC Partners.................B5 Ifo Institute................B8 SoftBank Group..........B4
Benchmark..................A8 Innovation Network State Street................B8
Corp. of Japan .......... B1 BY DANIEL MICHAELS
BlackRock....................B1 Superior Livestock
British American K Auction......................B1 AND ROBERT WALL
Tobacco ..................... B8 Kellogg.........................B5 T
Brown Brothers L Tesla............................B4
LE BOURGET, France—One
Harriman...................B1 Theranos......................B3 of the biggest European play-
Lofty Labs...................B4
C Lowercase Capital......A8 Toshiba........................B1 ers at this year’s Paris Air
China Vanke................B5 Tsinghua Unigroup......B4 Show isn’t a European com-
Cybereason..................B4 U pany at all. It is General Elec-
Menlo Ventures..........A8
D tric Co.
A-B F-H Nistér, David...............B4 across the Continent, setting it said, “GE’s size has always French rival, which was building Aero, an important supplier
Anderson, Kevin ......... B2 Friedman, Bart............A8 O-P apart from many of its peers. been and I believe will always engines for the supersonic Con- near Milan whose private-equity
Anderson, Sterling ..... B4 Gurley, Bill..................A8 Orr, Chris.....................B2 European deals are familiar be a threat for Rolls-Royce corde, and today their CFM In- owner was looking to exit.
Block, Keith ................ A8 Huffington, Arianna...A8 turf for John Flannery, who last and for the others, including ternational joint venture is the Last year, GE acquired 3-D
Patel, Rakesh..............B2
C K-L Pottenger, Carol..........B5 week was named GE’s new chief their own customers.” The world’s biggest producer of jet printing companies in Ger-
Camp, Garrett.............A8 Kalanick, Travis.....A1,A8 R-S
executive officer starting in Au- British aircraft-engine maker engines. In 2007, GE bought U.K. many and Sweden that are im-
Catz, Safra..................A8 Kapor, Mitch...............A8 gust. He made his mark at the is GE’s biggest rival in power- airplane-electronics maker portant suppliers to Avio, Wal-
Ryan, Tim....................B5
Chia, Chin-Ping ........... B2 Karpathy, Andrej.........B4 company leading GE’s biggest ing the largest jetliners. Smiths Aerospace, expanding its ter and GE’s engine division in
Sen, Amrita ................ A4
Cohn, Jeffrey..............A8 Keller, Jim...................B4 industrial acquisition ever, the But Mr. Schulz said size has aviation business beyond en- the U.S. Mr. Joyce said that
Croft, Helima..............A4 Lattner, Chris..............B4 Staggs, Tom................A8
$17 billion purchase of France’s drawbacks, making companies gines and landing gear. when GE wanted to boost its
Cullinan, Brian ............ B5 M-N V-Y Alstom SA power business. less flexible as they try to pro- The company’s massive 3-D activities, it had to strike
D Mio, Victoria...............B2 Vell, Dora....................A8 GE is now trying to turn its tect broader corporate interest plane-leasing business, GE deals in Europe because that
Div, Lior.......................B4 Musk, Elon..................B4 Yu Liang ...................... B5 collection of disparate European and, as a result, fail to offer the Capital Aviation Services, is where the expertise resided.
aerospace assets into a whole most competitive product. Being known as Gecas, largely oper- Last week, on the day GE
that is greater than the sum of leaner “I hope gives us more cre- ates from Ireland and London. named Mr. Flannery its new
“The opening of the Great governing share suspensions, nese companies, said Kevin An- contributed to this article.
- . / 0
/ ., **
* ' 1
2 3
4* *56 7
more like banks used to.
'12 ** 8* '12 **#
8* '12 **#
ADVERTISE TODAY Now, instead of just calling New Day
96 '12
8 8 12 4
banks for quotes on bonds, big Banks stepping out of bond markets...
;<6+ 6 7 .6 funds often amass large stock-
: =< ' 1
!" 2 Amount of debt securities U.S. banks stockpile for each $1 billion
Continued from the prior page piles of their own and then call
12 7 7 4* *56#
, 7 , (44) 20-7572-2123 parency now and, in many banks to tell them at what
outstanding in the market
7 +, *
6 ! 7
. ;<6+ ways, more than a dealer,” said price they are willing to sell, $25 million
' 1
2 / >
3*+ , 6, "# $"%& Robert.Monaghan Chris Orr, co-head of European said David Lloyd, head of insti-
:** * 7
8* ( * , !?% @wsj.com investment-grade credit trad- tutional public debt at M&G In- 20
: =<
= $$$@ 66
& ?$ " $A$$ , ' ** #
ing at Swiss bank Credit Suisse vestments, a £265 billion ($335
6 7 + 66 " ?$ " $A$$
, ' ' 1#2 For more information visit: Group AG. billion) asset manager. 15
But ultimately, if banks It is hard to pin down the
+ 3 ,6 ' B*
: 6 7 )6*+ $ ?$ " ' wsj.com/classifieds
1$! %&2 ' *4 trade less, it is the small inves- cost of trading because it var- 10
, 7 8* ( *
. ;<6+ )6 ' 4 6
tor who suffers, analysts say. ies depending on the risk and
> 6* < 8 C Smaller asset managers are re- maturity of the asset, as well 5
.6*77 -- ! !? .
: =<
: =< $$ D ' A 4 8** liant on banks; they don’t have as daily moves. Large funds
5 **, 87 5 > 4 )
the capacity to stockpile bonds say that roughly 1% of the
5 ** 56 0
7 4 ** themselves. money they can make on a
6 4 + 3#
* bond may be spent on buying 1980 ’90 2000 ’10
*6 7B4 E 7 or selling it to a bank, with
…could hurt small investors more than the big funds.
76* 6 7 4** some reporting only slight in-
6 ;<6+ 6> :
Ultimately, if banks creases since the crisis. Cumulative returns since 2007 for U.S. dollar corporate-bond funds
/ 6, 77 7 *
7 6
. .6
,+ 77 *
trade less, it is the Some smaller funds say that 60%
for them, this cost could go up Large funds
E, 7, #
. .6 7 D%% small investor who to 15%, an increase of roughly a
© 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Small funds*
+ 7 7B*#
7 3 4* *56 All Rights Reserved. suffers, analysts say. fifth after 2008. 40
+ 7 + 77
6 6* 77 7 6 Larger funds tend to outper-
form smaller ones, although 20
there are many other possible
To be sure, banks have long reasons. Individual U.S. dollar
trading small blocks can be five and 2016, while those manag- –20
Businesses times as pricey as doing it in ing less than that yielded only 2008 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
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© 2017 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ5493
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B4 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
AND LAURA STEVENS ing a $13.7 billion deal to buy
Whole Foods Market Inc. That
The battle between the came after Wal-Mart in recent
King Kong and Godzilla of re- years slashed grocery prices
tail has moved into the cloud. in part to head off Amazon’s
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is online incursion into the busi-
telling some technology com- ness. More recently, Amazon
panies that if they want its lowered its Prime member- BY TIMOTHY W. MARTIN
business, they can’t run their ship fee by nearly half for AND ROBERT MCMILLAN
applications serving the re- people who obtain govern-
tailer on Amazon.com Inc.’s ment assistance, targeting a Japan’s SoftBank Corp. is
leading cloud-computing pro- Wal-Mart stronghold. investing $100 million in a
vider, Amazon Web Services, Their cloud battle takes aim Boston-based cybersecurity
several tech companies say. at the financial advantage AWS firm run by former Israel
Amazon’s rise as the domi- gives Amazon. The company’s counterintelligence members,
nant player in renting on-de- global retail business operates the latest high-profile cash in-
months after Tesla hired him by the end of 2017. ing no human intervention—
away from Apple Inc. Amid the Autopilot drama, and no clients were affected,
“Chris just wasn’t the right Tesla is on the eve of begin- said Lior Div, Cybereason’s
fit for Tesla, and we’ve de- ning production of the Model chief executive, and a former
cided to make a change,” Tesla 3, its foray into less-expensive decorated Israeli cyberintelli-
said Tuesday. vehicles. The $35,000 car is gence officer, in an interview.
Mr. Lattner followed Tesla’s supposed to help boost the The firm’s clients, including
statement with a posting on company’s production to SoftBank and Lockheed Martin
Twitter: “Turns out that Tesla Elon Musk vowed one of Tesla’s cars will drive itself from Los Angeles to New York by year-end. 500,000 next year from about Corp., use Cybereason often in
isn’t a good fit for me after all. 84,000 last year. tandem with legacy services
I’m interested to hear about with steering, braking and Anderson, a leader in developing Mr. Keller joined Tesla in 2016 The hard-charging Mr. Musk offered by Symantec Corp. or
interesting roles for a sea- changing lanes, sparked a safety the system. Tesla sued Mr. An- from chip maker Advanced Mi- has seen several executives McAfee LLC.
soned engineering leader!” debate after a Tesla driver in derson over his efforts to create cro Devices Inc. leave in recent years, including “Today we’re the last line
Mr. Lattner didn’t respond Florida died in a crash a year a competing startup; the lawsuit The company also said An- the chief financial officer. of defense, but I would argue
to a request for comment. ago while using the semiauton- was settled in April. drej Karpathy, an expert in None of the hurdles, how- we’re the only line of de-
The program, under pressure omous system. In March, David Nistér left computer vision who worked ever, seem to have damped en- fense—because the first line of
from Mr. Musk to demonstrate U.S. regulators closed their his job as the vice president of recently as a research scientist thusiasm for his vision among defense is not working,” said
a Tesla vehicle can drive itself investigation of the crash in Autopilot vision for chip at OpenAI—a nonprofit co- investors, who have sent the Mr. Div, 39 years old.
by year-end, has grappled with January by concluding Autopilot maker Nvidia Corp. founded by Mr. Musk—would company’s stock to record Cybereason is one of sev-
an exodus of talent and ques- didn’t contain a safety defect. On Tuesday, Tesla said it had become director of AI and Au- highs, pushing Tesla past Gen- eral new cybersecurity start-
tions about the safety of the Mr. Lattner’s hiring in Janu- elevated Jim Keller, vice presi- topilot vision. eral Motors Co. as the largest ups attracting interest from
technology. Tesla’s Autopilot ary coincided with the departure dent of Autopilot hardware, to The team has an ambitious U.S. auto maker by market deep-pocketed investors. Ta-
system, which can assist drivers of Autopilot director Sterling also oversee Autopilot software. agenda. Even as Mr. Musk last capitalization. nium, the world’s most valu-
able cybersecurity startup,
valued at $3.75 billion, and
subscriptions for live-streaming The Toshiba chip unit is en- Eva Dou in Beijing and tional Security Agency.
services such as Netflix Inc. joying a demand boom for Timothy W. Martin in Seoul —Mayumi Negishi
NBC Sports wants to build a tournament around ‘Rocket League.’ —Sarah E. Needleman NAND flash memory, in which contributed to this article. contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, June 22, 2017 | B5
A Clash Over VIX Bragging Rights
BY BEN EISEN idea of a volatility index long lished research on the idea of
respond to calls to his cellphone
or emails requesting comment.
Under Mr. Wang’s leadership,
Vanke rose to the top of China’s
PwC Will Add Outside Directors
property boom in the late 1990s INTESA SANPAOLO M&A BY MICHAEL RAPOPORT
selling high-end apartments and
became one of the country’s Bank Weighs a Deal Citigroup Makes PricewaterhouseCoopers
biggest home builders by sales For Parts of Rivals A Hire From UBS LLP is adding independent di-
in the process. Mr. Wang took rectors to its governing board,
almost no shares in his com- Intesa Sanpaolo SpA said it Citigroup Inc. has hired a se- a first for the private partner-
pany, an unusual move among is willing to buy at a symbolic nior investment banker from ship and an unusual move for
Chinese tycoons who tend to re- price, on certain conditions, parts UBS Group AG to head up any Big Four accounting firm
tain close ownership of their of two troubled Italian lenders, mergers and acquisitions for the in the U.S.
firms. City officials sought out raising the prospect that Italy’s U.S. bank’s Europe, Middle East PwC has named two new
Mr. Wang to do business on his second-largest bank could help and Africa operations. members to its board of part-
terms, noted a 2014 Harvard save their businesses. Alison Harding-Jones will fo- ners and principals from out-
Business Review article on Chi- Intesa said its board has cus on increasing Citi’s market side the firm: Carol Pottenger,
nese management thinking. given the green light to acquire share in the EMEA countries a retired U.S. Navy vice admi-
Shenzhen Metro, a subway some assets and liabilities of and sectors, the bank said in a ral who was one of the first
operator, is now Vanke’s larg- Banca Popolare di Vicenza SpA release. The 47-year-old invest- women selected for sea duty,
est investor, with a 29% stake. and Veneto Banca SpA, two ment banker was most recently and Carlos Gutierrez, a former The auditing firm chose Carol Pottenger and Carlos Gutierrez.
Baoneng remains the second midsize Italian banks that asked head of Asia-Pacific M&A at Kellogg Co. chief executive
largest. Shenzhen Metro’s role in March to tap government Switzerland’s UBS. who served as commerce sec- emy Awards in February. At board members to get more
in Vanke is the strongest a money to stay afloat. Currently based in Hong retary under President George the event, the wrong film was diverse perspectives on its
government has ever had in Intesa said any purchases Kong, Ms. Harding-Jones will W. Bush. The firm made the announced as the best-picture business and avoid group-
the company. The developer would have to take place under move to London to take up her announcement Wednesday af- winner because a PwC partner think, Mr. Ryan said in an in-
can build real-estate projects terms that wouldn’t dent the new role in October. Ms. Hard- ter The Wall Street Journal re- gave a presenter the wrong terview. The move also aligns
on top of subway stations in lender’s capital buffer or affect ing-Jones has also been ap- ported the move. envelope. PwC more with the require-
Shenzhen. its dividend-payout policy. The pointed vice chairman of EMEA The company and other big The board move was in the ments its audit clients face, he
—Pei Li contributed bank won’t raise fresh capital to corporate and investment bank- accounting firms are partner- works long before that, said said. “It’s absolutely the logi-
to this article. complete the transaction, it ing, Citi said. ships that generally have gov- Tim Ryan, the firm’s U.S. cal thing to do,” Mr. Ryan said.
said. The bank has had a strong erning boards made up of chairman. He said Brian Culli- “It’s a big message that we are
A rescue of Veneto and Vi- performance so far this year ad- their own personnel. nan, the partner behind the open to hearing different
cenza would be an important vising on deals in the EMEA re- PwC said the move to en- Oscar mistake, was and re- points of view.”
step in fixing the problems of gion. The bank is ranked at the hance its governance isn’t re- mains on PwC’s board. The new board members
Italian banks. The sector has top of the M&A league table for lated to its snafu at the Acad- PwC decided to add outside will join the board July 1.
been struggling with insufficient EMEA, working on transactions
Union cleared the way for a mul- EMEA M&A and one of three
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
tibillion-dollar rescue of Banca co-heads of Citi’s new global Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: [email protected]
Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, communications group, which re- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 06/16 USD 303610.13 0.5 6.5 -3.2
another major trouble spot in sulted from the combination of
the system, by approving a re- its global media and telecom in- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
Wang Shi has climbed Mount structuring plan for the lender. vestment-banking divisions. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
Everest twice. —Giovanni Legorano —Ben Dummett All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: [email protected]
B6 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
20138.79 t 91.62, or 0.45% Year-to-date s 5.36% 388.50 t 0.71, or 0.18% Year-to-date s 7.49% 2435.61 t 1.42, or 0.06% Trailing P/E ratio 24.09 23.85
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 308.75 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.75 17.87
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.95 2.19
All-time high: 2453.46, 06/19/17
Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.
International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2763.27 –3.54 –0.13 2193.75 • 2791.48 9.3 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1885.16 –2.60 –0.14 1471.88 • 1956.39 9.8 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1005.84 –2.83 –0.28 691.21 • 1044.05 26.6 5.250 Australia 2 1.680 32.8 35.0 34.8 91.5 1.698 1.623 1.681
4.750 10 2.402 25.0 26.9 25.6 46.2 2.428 2.492 2.171
Americas DJ Americas 583.23 –0.69 –0.12 480.90 • 588.61 7.9
3.000 Belgium 2 -191.6 -180.4 -127.8 -0.559 -0.530 -0.512
-0.564 -190.7
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 60753.97 –12.19 –0.02 48954.41 • 69487.58 0.9
0.800 10 0.593 -155.9 -157.2 -148.5 -142.1 0.588 0.752 0.289
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15137.60 –12.00 –0.08 13609.58 • 15943.09 –1.0
0.000 France 2 -0.477 -183.0 -183.1 -172.6 -122.0 -0.483 -0.452 -0.454
Mexico IPC All-Share 48989.77 –43.28 –0.09 43902.25 • 50154.33 7.3
1.000 10 0.608 -154.5 -155.2 -142.8 -129.1 0.607 0.809 0.419
Chile Santiago IPSA 3606.90 –36.62 –1.01 3061.18 • 3786.05 11.9
0.000 Germany 2 -0.655 -200.7 -201.1 -196.4 -134.0 -0.663 -0.690 -0.574
U.S. DJIA 21410.03 –57.11 –0.27 17063.08 • 21535.03 8.3
0.250 10 0.267 -188.5 -189.9 -186.7 -165.8 0.261 0.369 0.052
Nasdaq Composite 6233.95 45.92 0.74 4574.25 • 6341.70 15.8
0.300 Italy 2 -0.318 -167.0 -165.6 -152.9 -79.1 -0.308 -0.254 -0.026
S&P 500 2435.61 –1.42 –0.06 1991.68 • 2453.82 8.8
2.200 10 1.913 -24.0 -23.6 -10.5 -33.5 1.924 2.131 1.375
CBOE Volatility 10.83 –0.03 –0.28 9.37 • 26.72 –22.9
0.100 Japan 2 -0.098 -145.1 -145.9 -143.2 -101.0 -0.111 -0.157 -0.244
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 388.50 –0.71 –0.18 308.75 • 396.45 7.5 0.100 10 0.061 -209.2 -210.3 -219.5 -184.9 0.056 0.042 -0.140
Stoxx Europe 50 3191.51 –8.68 –0.27 2626.52 • 3279.71 6.0 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.613 -196.5 -197.7 -188.8 -130.2 -0.629 -0.613 -0.537
Austria ATX 3110.32 12.20 0.39 1981.93 • 3212.50 18.8 0.750 10 0.469 -168.3 -169.1 -166.6 -155.6 0.469 0.571 0.154
Belgium Bel-20 3869.94 –40.26 –1.03 3127.94 • 4055.96 7.3 4.750 Portugal 2 0.035 -131.7 -137.7 -99.9 -35.5 -0.029 0.275 0.411
France CAC 40 5274.26 –19.39 –0.37 3955.98 • 5442.10 8.5 4.125 10 2.895 74.3 68.8 93.6 144.9 2.847 3.173 3.158
Germany DAX 12774.26 –40.53 –0.32 9214.10 • 12951.54 11.3 2.750 Spain 2 -0.297 -165.0 -165.5 -157.5 -76.9 -0.307 -0.300 -0.004
Greece ATG 823.32 –3.69 –0.45 517.10 • 827.56 27.9 1.500 10 1.366 -78.6 -77.5 -67.8 -19.6 1.385 1.559 1.513
Hungary BUX 35945.23 –44.46 –0.12 25126.36 • 36168.63 12.3 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.702 -205.4 -206.7 -197.2 -135.3 -0.719 -0.698 -0.588
Israel Tel Aviv 1439.32 3.13 0.22 1372.23 • 1490.23 –2.1 1.000 10 0.460 -169.2 -170.7 -172.6 -112.8 0.453 0.511 0.582
Italy FTSE MIB 21071.91 261.89 1.26 15017.42 • 21828.77 9.6 1.750 U.K. 2 0.214 -113.8 -121.6 -115.7 -25.9 0.132 0.117 0.507
Netherlands AEX 520.48 –0.40 –0.08 409.23 • 537.84 7.7 4.250 10 1.035 -111.7 -116.1 -114.2 -41.9 0.998 1.095 1.290
Poland WIG 61162.22 320.28 0.53 42812.99 • 62666.49 18.2 1.250 U.S. 2 1.352 ... ... ... ... 1.348 1.274 0.766
Russia RTS Index 973.33 –7.70 –0.78 885.22 • 1196.99 –15.5 2.375 10 2.152 ... ... ... ... 2.159 2.236 1.710
Spain IBEX 35 10740.70 –5.40 –0.05 7579.80 • 11184.40 14.8
Sweden SX All Share 592.69 –2.06 –0.35 443.66 • 598.42 10.9 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8985.61 –37.94 –0.42 7475.54 • 9136.95 9.3 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 51402.69 242.12 0.47 48935.90 • 54716.53 1.5 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 6/20/2017
Turkey BIST 100 99390.12 120.85 0.12 70426.16 100000.7 27.2
• 9 Commodity Exchange Last price Net
One-Day Change
U.K. FTSE 100 7447.79 –24.92 –0.33 5788.74 • 7598.99 4.3 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 377.00 -1.00 -0.26% 399.25 368.25
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1625.79 –5.82 –0.36 1308.52 • 1643.59 14.3 Soybeans (cents/bu.) CBOT 929.50 -9.25 -0.99 1,034.50 915.50
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5665.70 –91.60 –1.59 5103.30 5956.50 –0.00 Wheat (cents/bu.) CBOT 479.25 -8.50 -1.74 502.00 430.75
• 2 Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 115.575 -0.325 -0.28 127.650 99.400
China Shanghai Composite 3156.21 16.20 0.52 2854.29 • 3288.97 1.7 Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,843 -75 -3.91 2,281 1,767
Hong Kong Hang Seng 25694.58 –148.46 –0.57 20172.46 • 26063.06 16.8 Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 121.95 -2.65 -2.13 163.75 121.85
13.28 -0.54 -3.91 20.50 13.23
India S&P BSE Sensex 31283.64 –13.89 –0.04 25765.14 • 31311.57 17.5 Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US
Cotton (cents/lb.) 68.19 -0.78 -1.13 75.72 68.13
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 20138.79 –91.62 –0.45 14952.02 • 20230.41 5.4
Robusta coffee ($/ton)
ICE-EU 2072.00 -2.00 -0.10 2,286.00 1,885.00
Singapore Straits Times 3201.77 –28.65 –0.89 2729.85 • 3271.11 11.1
Copper ($/lb.) 2.6095 0.0375 1.46% 2.8495 2.4850
South Korea Kospi 2357.53 –11.70 –0.49 1925.24 • 2381.69 16.3
Gold ($/troy oz.)
COMEX 1247.20 3.70 0.30 1,300.30 1,155.00
Taiwan Weighted 10349.72 25.26 0.24 8458.87 • 10349.72 11.8
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.470 -0.006 -0.04 18.780 16.125
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group
London close on June 21 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,899.50 23.50 1.25 1,972.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 19,675.00 -25.00 -0.13 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 5,699.00 -11.00 -0.19 6,156.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,140.00 3.00 0.14 2,445.00 2,022.00
s Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,572.00 21.50 0.84 2,958.50 2,450.50
WSJ Dollar index Bulgaria lev 0.5697 1.7554 –5.5 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 9,045.00 45.00 0.50 11,095.00 8,780.00
Croatia kuna 0.1502 6.657 –7.2 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 186.30 -4.00 -2.10 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1144 0.8974 –5.6
–5 Euro Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2441.00 -25.00 -1.01 2966.00 2390.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0424 23.587 –8.2
s Denmark krone 0.1498 6.6750 –5.6 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 42.63 -0.88 -2.02 58.30 42.06
–10 Yen 0.003601 277.69 –5.6
Hungary forint NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.3722 -0.0300 -2.14 1.7930 1.3609
Iceland krona 0.009492 105.35 –6.7 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4043 -0.0145 -1.02 1.8561 1.3902
–15 Norway krone 0.1171 8.5379 –1.2
0.2620 3.8167 –8.8
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.918 -0.012 -0.41 3.5750 2.8990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01669 59.926 –2.2 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 45.12 -1.13 -2.44 60.18 44.60
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1141 8.7618 –3.8 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 406.25 -6.50 -1.57 529.00 402.50
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0261 0.9746 –4.3
Turkey lira 0.2836 3.5266 0.1 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1282 7.8009 0.6
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0384 26.0137 –3.9
Argentina peso-a 0.0613 16.3247 2.9
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2661 0.7898 –2.5 Cross rates London close on Jun 21
Brazil real 0.3002 3.3314 2.3 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.008966 111.53 –4.7
Canada dollar 0.7506 1.3323 –0.9 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003062 326.59 –2.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6508 0.3773 0.02
Chile peso 0.001504 664.70 –0.8 Australia 1.3252 1.6776 1.3596 0.0119 0.1699 1.4765 0.9946 ...
Macau pataca 0.1244 8.0361 1.5 Egypt pound-a 0.0551 18.1435 0.1
Colombia peso 0.0003279 3049.86 1.6 Canada 1.3323 1.6868 1.3671 0.0119 0.1708 1.4847 ... 1.0055
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2328 4.2962 –4.2 Israel shekel 0.2824 3.5407 –8.0
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7213 1.3864 –4.0 Kuwait dinar 3.2940 0.3036 –0.7 Euro 0.8974 1.1361 0.9208 0.0080 0.1150 ... 0.6735 0.6772
Mexico peso-a 0.0551 18.1635 –12.4
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.845 0.5 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 0.003 Hong Kong 7.8009 9.8773 8.0032 0.0699 ... 8.6935 5.8554 5.8872
Peru sol 0.3058 3.2702 –2.5
Philippines peso 0.0199 50.284 1.4 Qatar rial 0.2721 3.675 1.0 Japan 111.5340 141.2100 114.4400 ... 14.2980 124.2800 83.7200 84.1700
Uruguay peso-e 0.0353 28.300 –3.6
Singapore dollar 0.7188 1.3912 –3.9 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7504 –0.01 0.9746 1.2339 ... 0.0087 0.1250 1.0861 0.7315 0.7355
Venezuela bolivar 0.098850 10.12 1.2 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008740 1144.10 –5.3 South Africa rand 0.0766 13.0471 –4.7
U.K. 0.7898 ... 0.8104 0.0071 0.1012 0.8802 0.5928 0.5960
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065274 153.20 3.2 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7546 1.3252 –4.6 Taiwan dollar 0.03288 30.417 –6.3 U.S. ... 1.2661 1.0261 0.0090 0.1282 1.1144 0.7506 0.7546
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 88.98 0.02 0.02 –4.26
China yuan 0.1464 6.8297 –1.7 Thailand baht 0.02940 34.010 –5.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon
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B8 | Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
HNA Deals Pile Up Risks U.S. Blue Chips
Chinese conglomerate HNA
Group Co. is copying the fi-
nancing strategies of hedge
funds and private-equity firms
Oil Falls Further
as it pursues its quest to be- BY RIVA GOLD AND AKANE OTANI rel—its lowest settlement
come one of the world’s larg- since August—after govern-
est companies. The Dow Jones Industrial ment data showed U.S. oil out-
HNA, a sprawling group Average posted a second con- put continuing to rise last
that operates in everything secutive day of losses Wednes- week. Energy shares in the
from airlines to hotels, has day as oil prices continued S&P 500 fell 1.5%, deepening
been on an overseas acquisi- their slide, their declines for the year.
Email: [email protected]
Trump Plan Offers a Potential Bonanza for Trust Banks over the past decade and a
half they have staged a spec-
tacular recovery as investors
Among the biggest win- on making loans. Instead, of their total assets freed up, and 26% at State Street. This have got used to ever tighter
ners from President Donald they tend to invest in safe, according to analysts at Trust Surplus assumes the banks make regulation and focused in-
Trump’s deregulatory agenda highly liquid assets like Goldman Sachs Group. Percent of total assets exempt large, instantaneous adjust- stead on the industry’s big
could be a handful of banks Treasury bonds or else just J.P. Morgan Chase, which from altered leverage ratio ments to their balance cash flows and emerging-
that don’t often garner much hold cash on deposit with also has a sizable custody sheets, which isn’t realistic. markets exposure. British
attention. the Federal Reserve. business, would see around State Street 38% But it still illustrates the po- American Tobacco’s divi-
Northern Trust Corp. 35%
Custody or trust banks, in- These are among the as- 21% of assets exempted. At Bank of New York Mellon 33% tential power of changes in dend yield is now 3.1%—
cluding Bank of New York sets that the Treasury De- other large banks the ratio J.P. Morgan Chase 21% leverage calculations. lower than that of the FTSE
Mellon and State Street, spe- partment now wants to ex- ranges from 12% to 17%, ac- Citigroup 17% Since the Treasury report 100, in a rare reversal. If
cialize in safekeeping the se- clude from calculating total cording to Goldman’s analy- Wells Fargo 17% was released, shares of BNY there is a substantial gain
Morgan Stanley 15%
curities and other assets of leverage, according to the sis. Bank of America 12% Mellon and State Street have for an investor picking up
institutional investors such as department’s report on Since around 2014, BNY risen 2.4% and 2.8% through Aviva’s tobacco shares, it is
Note: Includes cash, U.S. Treasuries, and
mutual funds and insurers. banking regulation last week. Mellon and State Street have deposits with the Federal Reserve Tuesday, respectively, com- hard to see it at these prices.
They stand to benefit more If the change goes through, shrunk their balance sheets Source: Goldman Sachs pared with a 0.8% rise in the Investment returns
than other banks from poten- it would be a windfall to the and issued billions of dollars THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. KBW Nasdaq Bank Index. shouldn’t play a part in an
tial changes to how regulators custody banks. of preferred shares to bring These moves seem minor ethically motivated decision.
calculate lenders’ total lever- If these assets were ex- down their leverage ratios. If as a result. compared with the potential But it helps if ethics and in-
age. cluded from leverage calcula- leverage calculations are Analysts at Keefe, earnings upside. As bank de- vestment strategy point in
Custody banks take some tions, BNY Mellon, State loosened, it would allow Bruyette & Woods estimate regulation slowly moves for- the same direction. The deci-
cash deposits from their in- Street, and smaller competi- them to call back the pre- the regulatory shift could ward, look for the trust sion may prove easier for
vestor clients, but their busi- tor Northern Trust could ferred shares, lever up again, boost 2018 earnings per banks to keep rising. Aviva than it was for early
ness models aren’t focused have between 33% and 38% or both. Earnings would rise share by 19% at BNY Mellon —Aaron Back quitters. —Stephen Wilmot