Report On Smart Device
Report On Smart Device
Report On Smart Device
Submitted By
Name : Ariful Islam
ID : 19201011006
Department : CSE 3rd
Submitted to
Mushfiqa Rahman
Dept of CSE
Do you know what separates humans from other living beings?
Curiosity. Humans are curious. We question a lot. We are the ones who challenge the status quo of existing
rules and strive to build/produce something better. Such curiosity & efforts have promised us a life where
electronic devices & machines will probably become our best friend.
Yes, you read it correctly the vision to make machines smart enough to reduce human labour to almost
nil. The idea of inter-connected devices where the devices are smart enough to share information with
us, to cloud based applications and to each other (device to device).
Smart devices or “Connected devices” as they are commonly called, are designed in such a way that they
capture and utilize every bit of data which you share or use in everyday life. And these devices will use
this data to interact with you on daily basis and complete tasks.
Source: HP
HP did a small survey in which they estimated the rise of connected devices over the years and the results
are surprising. Are we moving towards a fully automated world?
These devices will bridge the gap between physical and digital world to improve the quality and
productivity of life, society and industries. With IoT catching up Smart homes is the most awaited feature,
with brands already getting into the competition with smart applicances. Wearables are another feature
trending second on the internet. With launch of Apple Watch and more devices to flow in, these
connected devices are going to keep us hooked with the inter-connected world.
A survey conducted by KRC Reserach in UK, US, Japan and Germany the early adopters of IOT has revealed
which devices are the customers more likely to use in the coming years. Smart Appliances like thermostat,
smart refrigerator to name a few are most liked by the customers and are seem to change the way we
If you are wondering what impact will IoT have on the economy then for your information as per the Cisco
report IoT will generate $14.4 trillion in value across all industries in the next decade. Yes, you are thinking
correctly IoT will bring a wave, nobody can forsee.
Now, to give you a glimpse of how applications of IoT will transform our lives I have listed down few areas
where IoT is much awaited and companies are preparing to surprise you with smart devices. For better
understanding, I’ve added Youtube Videos for you, see what our future holds.
1. Smart Home
With IoT creating the buzz, ‘Smart Home’ is the most searched IoT associated feature on Google. But what
is a Smart Home?
Wouldn’t you love if you could switch on air conditioning before reaching home or switch off lights even
after you have left home? Or unlock the doors to friends for temporary access even when you are not at
home. Don’t be surprised with IoT taking shape companies are building products to make your life simpler
and convenient.
Smart Home has become the revolutionary ladder of success in the residential spaces and it is predicted
Smart homes will become as common as smartphones.
The cost of owning a house is the biggest expense in a homeowner’s life. Smart Home products are
promised to save time, energy and money. With Smart home companies like Nest, Ecobee, Ring and
August, to name a few, will become household brands and are planning to deliver a never seen before
2. Connected Cars
The automotive digital technology has focused on optimizing vehicles internal functions. But now, this
attention is growing towards enhancing the in-car experience.
A connected car is a vehicle which is able to optimize it’s own operation, maintenance as well as comfort
of passengers using onboard sensors and internet connectivity.
Most large auto makers as well as some brave startups are working on connected car solutions. Major
brands like Tesla, BMW, Apple, Google are working on bringing the next revolution in automobiles.
3. Smart Cities
Smart city is another powerful application of IoT generating curiosity among world’s population. Smart
surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban
security and environmental monitoring all are examples of internet of things applications for smart cities.
IoT will solve major problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution, traffic congestion and
shortage of energy supplies etc. Products like cellular communication enabled Smart Belly trash will send
alerts to municipal services when a bin needs to be emptied.
By installing sensors and using web applications, citizens can find free available parking slots across the
city. Also, the sensors can detect meter tampering issues, general malfunctions and any installation issues
in the electricity system.
4. Industrial Internet
Industrial Internet is the new buzz in the industrial sector, also termed as Industrial Internet of Things (
IoT ). It is empowering industrial engineering with sensors, software and big data analytics to create
brilliant machines.
According to Jeff Immelt, CEO, GE Electric, IoT is a “beautiful, desirable and investable” asset. The driving
philosophy behind IoT is that, smart machines are more accurate and consistent than humans in
communicating through data. And, this data can help companies pick inefficiencies and problems sooner.
IoT holds great potential for quality control and sustainability. Applications for tracking goods, real time
information exchange about inventory among suppliers and retailers and automated delivery will increase
the supply chain efficiency. According to GE the improvement industry productivity will generate $10
trillion to $15 trillion in GDP worldwide over next 15 years.
5. Wearables
Wearables have experienced a explosive demand in markets all over the world. Companies like Google,
Samsung have invested heavily in building such devices. But, how do they work?
Wearable devices are installed with sensors and softwares which collect data and information about the
users. This data is later pre-processed to extract essential insights about user.
These devices broadly cover fitness, health and entertainment requirements. The pre-requisite from
internet of things technology for wearable applications is to be highly energy efficient or ultra-low power
and small sized.
6. IoT in agriculture
With the continous increase in world’s population, demand for food supply is extremely raised.
Governments are helping farmers to use advanced techniques and research to increase food production.
Smart farming is one of the fastest growing field in IoT.
Farmers are using meaningful insights from the data to yield better return on investment. Sensing for soil
moisture and nutrients, controlling water usage for plant growth and determining custom fertilizer are
some simple uses of IoT.
7.Smart Retail
The potential of IoT in the retail sector is enormous. IoT provides an opportunity to retailers to connect
with the customers to enhance the in-store experience.
Smartphones will be the way for retailers to remain connected with their consumers even out of store.
Interacting through Smartphones and using Beacon technology can help retailers serve their consumers
better. They can also track consumers path through a store and improve store layout and place premium
products in high traffic areas.
The future of IoT is more fascinating than this where billions of things will be talking to each other and
human intervention will become least. IoT will bring macro shift in the way we live and work.