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Emigre Fonts

Thank you for your font purchase!

To protect your investment, please make sure your registration is complete.

Registered owners receive free technical support for 60 days. You are automatically registered when purchasing
fonts directly from Emigre. When purchasing from a dealer, register your Emigre fonts online within 30 days of
purchase at: http://www.emigre.com/fontreg
Please inform us if you have a change of address so that we may keep you current on any upgrades at:
[email protected]

Font Installation
See the installation instructions page below or go to: http://www.emigre.com/EFTS.php
To avoid problems, do not attempt to alter the names of any font files. If you have a font management utility
installed, please refer to its user's guide to determine if the instructions given here apply.
Macintosh PostScript, Macintosh TrueType and Windows formats are sold separately.
Emigre Fonts

Click on a section below:

User License
Installation Instructions
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
Feature Examples: Alphabetic
Feature Examples: Numeric
OpenType Typographic Features
Mrs Eaves Features


Emigre, Inc. Email: [email protected]

Technical Support: [email protected]

Emigre Online: http://www.emigre.com

Font registration: http://www.emigre.com/fontreg

Copyright © 1990, 1998-2002, Emigre, Inc. Emigre Fonts is a trademark of Emigre Graphics. Apple, Macintosh, LaserWriter,
and Finder are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Windows is a
trademark of Microsoft.
Emigre Fonts User License - Software License Agreement
You agree to the following user licensing terms:
1. The Emigre Font Software is licensed for use at one (1) location with a maximum of six (6) devices. For example: five (5)
CPUs and one (1) printer or output device.
2. Use of the Emigre Font Software at more than one (1) location or with more than six (6) devices requires a Multi-Device Site
License upgrade. A device may be, but is not limited to, a printer, rasterizer, video display terminal, CPU, workstation or any
device where the font software is rasterized or display of the Emigre Font is generated from font software outlines using Adobe
Type Manager or similar software. For example, a display terminal shall be considered a device if the Emigre Font outline is
embedded or otherwise included for viewing by end users in a multimedia CD.
3. Except as permitted herein, you may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, alter or other-
wise copy the Emigre Font Software.
4. You are permitted to make a single back-up copy. The Emigre Font Software or documentation may not be sublicensed, sold,
leased, rented, lent, or given away to another person or entity.
5. The Emigre Font Software may be returned or exchanged only if defective. Defective software will be replaced when accom-
panied by a valid sales receipt and Emigre is notified within one (1) week of purchase.
6. You agree that any derivative works created by you from the Emigre Font Software, including, but not limited to, software, EPS
files, or other electronic works, are considered derivative works under U.S. Law and use of the derivative work is subject to the
terms and conditions of this License Agreement. Derivative works may not be sublicensed, sold, leased, rented, lent, or given
away without written permission from Emigre. Emigre shall not be responsible for unauthorized, modified and/or regenerated
software or derivative works. Embedding of the Emigre Fonts Software in any form is strictly prohibited without an additional
7. The Emigre Font Software is protected under domestic and international trademark and copyright law. You agree to identify
the Emigre fonts by name and credit Emigre's ownership of the trademarks and copyrights in any design or production credits.
8. Any breach of the terms of this Agreement shall be cause for termination. In the event of termination, and without limitation of
any remedies under law and equity, you agree to immediately return the Font Software to Emigre and certify that no copy
remains in your possession or control.

FONT EMBEDDING Embedding of the Emigre Fonts Software in digital documents or in any other form is governed by a sepa-
rate license agreement. If an embedding license is desired, the licensee must represent and warrant that licensee's encryption of
the embedded Emigre Fonts is secure enough to prevent any access or use by others. For more information regarding an
Embedding License go to: http://www.emigre.com/Embedding.php
The Emigre Font Software is licensed for use at a single location for use with a maximum six (6) devices. For example: (1)
printer with up to five (5) CPUs. The Emigre Font Software may not be shared between locations or business entities. Each
additional location and/or entity must purchase a separate license to be used in accordance with the terms of the Emigre Font
Software License. License upgrades may be purchased for use with additional devices. The upgrade price is calculated as a
percentage of the original price of the software. To determine the number of devices, add up all CPUs, workstations, printers,
and other devices that use the fonts. The following is cumulative:
1 - 6 devices (standard license)
7 -12 devices: add 50 percent
13-60 devices: add 20% for each 6 devices
61-150 devices: add 15% for each 6 devices
151-300 devices: add 10% for each 6 devices
over 300 devices: add 5% for each 6 devices
Very large or unlimited uses of the Emigre Font Software will require a custom license agreement.
For information about various license options go to: http://www.emigre.com/EULOptions.php
User License

Click on a section below:

Installation Instructions
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
OpenType Typographic Features
Installation Instructions

OpenType system requirements:

Macintosh OS 8.1 or higher with Adobe Type Manager 4.6 or higher.
Microsoft Windows 95 or higher with Adobe Type Manager 4.1 or higher.

For the most recent installation instructions, please see http://www.emigre.com/support

Macintosh Installation for OS X Windows Installation:

(“Native” for Carbon/Cocoa Applications) For Microsoft Windows 95 or later.
Requires Adobe Type Manager 4.1 or later.
1. Quit all applications. ATM Light is available for free from Adobe's Web site:
2. Select the OpenType (.otf) font files to install.
(Be sure to select the fonts themselves, not a folder 1. Open the ATM Control Panel.
containing the fonts.)
2. Click the Add button.
3. Drag and drop the icons into the Fonts folder in
the Library folder. Click OK to install the fonts. 3. In the Directories list box, choose the appropriate
drive and directory that contain the font(s) you want
to add.
Macintosh Installation for OS 8.x and OS 9.x
Requires Adobe Type Manager 4.6 or later. 4. Select the fonts you want to install and click the
ATM Light is available for free from Adobe's Web Add button. ATM will copy the appropriate PFM (font
site: metrics) and PFB (PostScript outline fonts) files to
http://www.adobe.com the default target directories. The newly added fonts
will now appear in the Installed ATM Fonts list.
1. Quit all applications.
5. Exit from the ATM Control Panel.
2. Select the OpenType (.otf) font files to install.
(Be sure to select the fonts themselves, not a folder 6. Quit and restart Windows to use the new fonts.
containing the fonts.)

3. Drag and drop the icons into the Fonts folder

inside the System folder. Click OK to install the

Installation Instructions

Click on a section below:

Emigre Fonts User License
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
OpenType Typographic Features
Basic Character Set: Macintosh

This key map applies to Emigre’s standard character set. See the KEY CHAR SHIFT OPT. OP-SH
OpenType Features section for additional characters available in Mrs
A a A å Å
Eaves OpenType.
B b B ı
C c C ç Ç
D d D Î
E e E ´ ´
Composite Characters
F f F ƒ Ï
option - e + a = á
G g G © ˝
option - e + e = é
H h H ˙ Ó
option - e + i = í
I i I ˆ
option - e + o = ó
J j J Ô
option - e + u = ú K k K
option - e + E = É L l L Ò
option - i + a = â M m M Â
option - i + e = ê N n N
option - i + i = î O o O ø Ø
option - i + o = ô P p P
option - i + u = û Q q Q œ Œ
option - n + a = ã R r R ® ‰
option - n + n = ñ S s S ß Í
option - n + o = õ T t T † ˇ
option - n + A = Ã U u U ¨ ¨
option - n + N = Ñ V v V
option - n + O = Õ W w W „
option - u + a = ä X x X
option - u + e = ë Y y Y ¥ Á
option - u + i = ï Z z Z
option - u + o = ö 1 1 ! ¡ ⁄
option - u + u = ü 2 2 @ ™ EURO
option - u + y = ÿ 3 3 # £ ‹
option - u + A = Ä 4 4 $ ¢ ›
option - u + O = Ö 5 5 % fi
option - u + U = Ü 6 6 § fl
option - ` + a = à 7 7 & ¶ ‡
option - ` + e = è 8 8 * • °
option - ` + i = ì 9 9 ( ª ·
option - ` + o = ò 0 0 ) º ‚
option - ` + u = ù
` ` ~
option - ` + A = À
- - _ – —
[ [ { “ ”
] ] } ‘ ’
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
; ; : … Ú
Click on a section below: ' ' " æ Æ
Registration , , <
Emigre Fonts User License . . >
Installation Instructions / / ? ¿
Basic Character Set: Windows
\ \ « »
OpenType Typographic Features
Basic Character Set: Windows

This key map applies to Emigre’s standard character set. The characters shown below are accessed by typing the
See the OpenType Features section for additional corresponding character position number on the numeric
characters available in Mrs Eaves OpenType. keypad while pressing the ALT key.
ANSI Set: 0128 EURO 0203 Ë IBM Ext. 128 Ç
Note about Numbers:
0131 ƒ 0204 Ì Set: 129 ü
Some Emigre fonts include both lining and old style
0132 „ 0205 Í 130 é
0133 … 0206 Î 131 â
Lining numerals are aligned with the height of the
capital letters, creating an even appearance with upper- 0134 † 0207 Ï 132 ä
case text. 0137 ‰ 0209 Ñ 133 à
Old style numerals, also called "non-lining," have 0140 Œ 0210 Ò 134 å
ascenders and descenders like the lowercase letters, 0145 ‘ 0211 Ó 135 ç
with emphasis along the x-height, thus creating an even 0146 ’ 0212 Ô 136 ê
appearance within lowercase text. 0147 “ 0213 Õ 137 ë
For more information about lining and old style figures, 0148 ” 0214 Ö 138 è
see: www.emigre.com/EFoGC.html 0149 • 0216 Ø 139 ï
0150 – 0217 Ù î
Euro Symbol 0151 —
0218 Ú 141 ì
Emigre fonts include the Euro symbol in both 0153 ™
0219 Û 142 Ä
ALT 0164 and ALT 0128 key positions. 0156 œ
0220 Ü 143 Å
For information about the Emigre Euro font, see: 0159 Ÿ
www.emigre.com/Euro.html 0223 ß 144 É
0161 ¡ æ
0224 à 145
0162 ¢
0225 á 146 Æ
0163 £
0226 â 147 ô
0164 EURO
0227 ã 148
0165 ¥
0228 ä 149 ò
0169 ©
0229 å 150 û
0171 «
0230 æ 151 ù
0174 ®
0231 ç 152 ÿ
0176 °
2 0232 è 153 Ö
3 0233 é 154 Ü
ê ¢
0181 µ 0234 155
0235 ë 156 £
0182 ¶
1 0236 ì 157 ¥
» 0237 í 159 ƒ
/4 0238 î 160 á
/2 0239 ï 161 í
/4 0240 ∂ 162 ó
¿ 0241 ñ 163 ú
0192 À 0242 ò 164 ñ
0193 Á 0243 ó 165 Ñ
Basic Character Set: Windows 0194 Â 0244 ô 168 ¿
Click on a section below: 0195 Ã 0245 õ 171 /2
Registration 0196 Ä 0246 ö 172 /4
Emigre Fonts User License 0197 Å 0248 ø 173 ¡
Installation Instructions 0198 Æ 0249 ù 174 «
Basic Character Set: Macintosh 0199 Ç 0250 ú 175 »
Feature Examples 0200 È 0251 û 225 ß
OpenType Typographic Features 0201 É 0252 ü 227 ¶
Mrs Eaves Features
0202 Ê 0255 ÿ 230 µ
Feature Examples: Alphabetic Continued on next page >

(Roman, Italic & Bold)

All Caps (Roman, Italic & Bold)

Small Caps (Roman only)

All Small Caps (Roman only)

Petite Caps "Denominator" (Roman only)

All Petite Caps "Denominator + All Small Caps" (Roman only)

Ordinals (Roman only)

abdehilmnorst 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Mlle Mme No Dr 1er 1re 2e

Ordinal Caps "Ordinal + Small Caps or All Caps. (Roman only)

abdehilmnorst 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Mme No Dr 1re 2e

Basic Ligatures (Roman, Italic & Bold)

W X V Y Z Wre Xying oVers aYnities aZoating

Discrectionary Ligatures (Roman, Italic & Bold)

A B C D E H KO P V c m g i k s u v
Accented Ligatures (Roman, Italic & Bold)

&D FG ; > U T Q 57 e d L j r

Feature Examples: Alphabetic

Click on a section below:

Registration Basic Character Set: Windows
Emigre Fonts User License More Feature Examples
Installation Instructions OpenType Typographic Features
Basic Character Set: Macintosh Mrs Eaves Features
Feature Examples: Numeric

Proportional Old Style Numbers (Roman, Italic & Bold)

1234567890 Old style for use in lower case text

Proportional Lining Numbers (Roman, Italic & Bold)


Tabular Old Style Numbers (Roman, Italic & Bold)

1234567890 For setting tabular presentations

Tabular Lining Numbers (Roman, Italic & Bold)

1234567890 For Setting Tabular Presentations

Superior Numbers & Scientific Inferior Numbers (Roman only)

01234567890123456789 22 H2O Footnote36 h2=a2+b2

Numerator & Denominator (Roman only)

Fractions and Arbitrary Fractions (Roman only)

H N O G I J K L M ⁄/¡º ⁄/¡§ ‹/¡§ ⁄/£™ ‹/£™ ⁄/§¢ ⁄/¡ºº

Ornaments (Access via Glyphs Palette from Type / Insert Glyphs)

Q S T q f u QQQ SSS TTT qqq fff uuu

Feature Examples: Numeric

Click on a section below:

Emigre Fonts User License
Installation Instructions
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
More Feature Examples
OpenType Typographic Features
OpenType Typographic Features Continued on next page >

The OpenType format makes it possible to incorporate These alternate glyphs allow OpenType fonts to include
typographic features, such as small caps, ligatures, various features, such as small caps, ligatures, old style
old style numerals and lining numerals, all within one numerals and lining numerals. Because these features
font file, thereby simplifying font management and are stored within a single font file, they are accessed
usage. The Mrs Eaves OpenType package contains through the application feature menu, rather than as
the equivalent of over 17 fonts. It includes everything separate fonts through the font menu. (Accessing these
in the Regular package, the Smart Ligatures package features requires an application which supports
and more! OpenType features, such as Adobe InDesign 2.0)

For example, installation of Mrs Eaves Roman

OpenType requires installing just one file which is
equivalent to installing over 14 files with the Type1
PostScript format.

Cross Platform
OpenType is also a cross-platform format. An
OpenType font file can be installed on both Macintosh
and Windows platforms, and installation requires
installing just one file per font style. In comparison, the
Type1 PostScript format requires installation of mul-
tiple files per font style which differ between Macintosh
Having features incorporated into one font file has
and Windows.
several advantages, including:
• The ability to change fonts or styles without loosing
Advanced Typography
feature tags. For example, if lining numbers have been
The Mrs Eaves OpenType fonts include hundreds of
selected for Mrs Eaves Roman, and a portion of the text
characters, many with alternate forms.
is changed to Mrs Eaves Bold, the lining numbers will
automatically be used for the Bold.
• More comprehensive kerning. Because all characters
are within one font file, an OpenType font may contain
kerning between features. For example, kerning pairs
can be provided between ligatures and the regular
• Improved text handling of ligatures. Because ligatures
are handled as live text, it is possible to spell check text
with ligatures. The application reads an “ffi” ligature as
three characters instead of one. Ligatures can also be
edited as live text; each character within a ligature can
be selected and edited.
“Glyphs palette” from Adobe InDesign 2.0

1. 2. 3. 4.
1. no ligatures
OpenType Typographic Features
2. ligatures activated
Click on a section below:
3. select the “i” and change to “o”
Emigre Fonts User License 4. ligatures can be edited as regular text
Installation Instructions
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
Feature Examples
Mrs Eaves Features
Mrs Eaves Features To access the Mrs Eaves OpenType features with Adobe
InDesign 2.0, select the following features from the
OpenType menu. Note that some features require
The following features are provided in the Mrs Eaves multiple items to be activated in the InDesign OpenType
OpenType package: menu.
All Caps
All Caps
Small Caps Select “All Caps”
Small Caps
All Small Caps
Select “Small Caps”
Petite Caps
All Petite Caps All Small Caps
Select “All Small Caps”
Petite Caps
Ordinal Caps
Basic Ligatures Select “Denominator”
All Petite Caps
Discretionary Ligatures
Select “Denominator” + “All Small Caps”
Accented Ligatures
Proportional Old Style Numbers Ordinals
Select “Ordinals”
Proportional Lining Numbers
Ordinal Caps
Tabular Old Style Numbers
Tabular Lining Numbers Select “Ordinals” + “AllCaps” or “Small Caps”
Basic Ligatures
Superior Numbers
Select “Ligatures”
Scientific Inferior Numbers
Numerator Discretionary Ligatures
Select “Discretionary Ligatures”
Proportional Old Style Numbers
Arbitrary Fractions
Ornaments Select “Proportional Old Style”
Proportional Lining Numbers
Select “Proportional Lining”
All Caps
Basic Ligatures Tabular Old Style Numbers
Select “Tabular Old Style”
Discretionary Ligatures
Tabular Lining Numbers
Accented Ligatures
Proportional Old Style Numbers Select “Tabular Lining”
Superior Numbers
Proportional Lining Numbers
Select “Superscript/Superior”
Tabular Old Style Numbers
Tabular Lining Numbers Scientific Inferior Numbers
Select “Subscript/Inferior”
All Caps Select “Numerator”
Basic Ligatures
Select “Denominator”
Discretionary Ligatures
Accented Ligatures Arbitrary Fractions
Select “Fractions” numbers following a slash will be
Proportional Old Style Numbers
turned into fraction denominators, all other numbers will
Proportional Lining Numbers
Tabular Old Style Numbers be turned into fraction numerators.
Tabular Lining Numbers
Open the Glyphs Palette from Type / Insert Glyphs
Then select “Ornaments (ornm)”
Mrs Eaves Features

Click on a section below:

Emigre Fonts User License
Installation Instructions
Basic Character Set: Macintosh
Basic Character Set: Windows
Feature Examples
OpenType Typographic Features

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