Assertiveness Exercises

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The key takeaways are that assertiveness involves asking for what you want, sharing expectations confidently, expressing opinions freely, saying no to things you don't want to do, and being honest about thoughts and experiences. Some assertiveness techniques discussed include the broken record technique, positive and negative enquiry, and using 'I' statements when responding.

Some of the different assertiveness techniques discussed include the broken record technique of repeating your assertion clearly and consistently, positive enquiry of responding to compliments by asking questions, negative enquiry of responding to criticism by asking questions, and using 'I' statements when responding.

Some tips provided for saying 'No' assertively include starting small using written communication if uncomfortable, taking time and not feeling pressured, letting go of guilt since you don't owe agreement, and using phrases like 'I will have to get back to you' or 'I can't make a decision now'.



Meenakshi Ganesh |

Assertiveness is…
o Asking for what you want
o Sharing your expectations confidently
o Expressing your opinions freely
o Saying “No” to things you don’t want to do
o Being honest about your thoughts and experiences

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Bring the attention of your audience over a key
concept using icons or illustrations
Meenakshi Ganesh |
Embrace Your

Meenakshi Ganesh |

Never be ashamed to
Want 5
Meenakshi Ganesh |
Who do I want to be?
o Beliefs
o Values
o Behavioural patterns
o Talents
o Knowledge
o Skills

Decide which of these elements in your current state you

want to keep, to strengthen, to develop and to get rid of.

Meenakshi Ganesh |
What do I want to
o Physical activities
o Relationships, emotions and romance
o Money and wealth
o Career, achievements and respect
o Fun, creativity and travel
o Spirituality
o Technology

Don’t be constricted by any limitations – Consider this your Bucket List

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Check your

Meenakshi Ganesh |

Be Optimistic
Have optimistic expectations that the environment will respond positively to
your needs, under three conditions:

o There is no need escalation (greed, gluttony etc.), inflation (neediness, lack of

focus etc.) or perversion (weird fetishes etc.)

o You clearly communicate your needs, since other people can’t read your

o You know there will always be some some haters and blockers who will work
against you.

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Face your Fears
o Overcome your fear or anxiety by overcoming it

o Expose yourself to small situations that make you uncomfortable

• Join a meetup and introduce yourself to a few people

• Say your first no; do it by e-mail if it’s easier the first time
• Ask for a raise when you complete a demanding project
• Don’t run away from conflict, but try to manage it
• Find one thing you like about your boss and compliment it
• Smile the next time somebody cuts you off

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Change your Inner Voice
o Pay attention to guilt, shame and doubt when you confront your needs

o Check your emotional substitution

• Are you angry because you’re ashamed? Are you over-compensating because you feel guilty? Are you pushy
because of self-doubt?

o Actively change the way you talk to yourself

• They will feel offended if I say/do this -> I need to say/do this and will help them manage their feelings

• I should be grateful for what I have been given -> I have earned what I have

• I don’t think I deserve this -> I have the right to want more

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Say it with your Body
o Feel comfortable taking space with your body
o Keep a nice posture in a confident pose
o Speak slowly with a relaxed and clear voice
o Go for direct eye contact and smile
o Have physical contact with other people (when appropriate)
o And when things get tough, breathe and calm yourself, other people and
the atmosphere down

Meenakshi Ganesh |
4 Practical

Meenakshi Ganesh |

1. “I Statement”
From Monika Hoyt on YouTube : Assertiveness Techniques: These are the only 3 you will ever need!

When you _________, I feel ____________ because I _____________.

(facts only) (emotion word) (something about me)

In the future, I would like ____________.

(precise action)

Meenakshi Ganesh |
2. Fogging

When faced with an aggressive or manipulative individual or situation, you

acknowledge their assertions without agreeing or countering.

It’s as though arguments are thrown into the fog, but nothing is returned.

Meenakshi Ganesh |
3. The Broken Record
Keep repeating your assertion clearly and consistently.

Especially useful in situations where you cannot or do not want to compromise.

Meenakshi Ganesh |
4. Active Enquiry
Positive Enquiry
An assertive way of responding to compliments or positive comments by
asking a question that elicits more information while accepting them.

For example :

Someone says - I loved your presentation.

Passive response – “Thanks, it was nothing great / it didn’t take much effort”

Positive Enquiry – “Thanks. Was there a specific part that you liked? I’ll make sure I do it more often”

Meenakshi Ganesh |
4. Active Enquiry
Negative Enquiry
An assertive way of responding to complaints or criticism by asking a question
that elicits more information while standing your ground.

For example :

Someone says - I did not like the way you handled that project

Aggressive response – “Screw you. Where were you when I was struggling?”

Negative Enquiry – “I appreciate your feedback. Where specifically do you think I could have done better?
Is there a way you could have helped me?”

Meenakshi Ganesh |
5. Saying No
- Start small. Use written words (e-mail, texts) if you’re not comfortable saying it out loud.

- Take your time. Don’t get pressured into saying “Yes”. You can always put it off for
when you’re better prepared.

- Let go of guilt. You do not owe an agreement if it’s not right for you.

Some phrases for passive to assertive transition –

o I will have to get back to you about that.
o That sounds interesting, but I will have to check on some details before I can get back to you.
o I can’t make a decision on this right now. Shall we set up an appointment to speak about this next week?
o Some people will try to bully you into “caving” and making a decision right away — use the “broken
record” technique if necessary

Meenakshi Ganesh |
5. Saying No
- Be mindful of your tone and language. Frame your response in “I statements”.

- Use fogging to defuse a potentially explosive situation. Acknowledge their assertions

without agreeing or disagreeing.

- Pause before making an assertion. Use the time and the silence to compose yourself.

Some phrases for aggressive to assertive transition –

o I get where you’re coming from. Allow me to present my point of view. (Frame an I statement)
o I’m not sure I get this. Could you help me understand this better? (buying time to collect your thoughts)
o Thank you for sharing your point of view. (Fogging)

Meenakshi Ganesh |
Sources and More Reading :

How to become more assertive with a few simple exercises

Monika Hoyt on YouTube : Assertiveness Techniques: These are the only 3 you will ever need!

Meenakshi Ganesh |

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