2012 Trial General Mathematics Year 11 Paper

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Str"rdent Name:

Higher School
Certifi cate
Examination 2012

General Instructions Total marks * 80

' Reading time - 5 minutes
Section I
. V/orking time - 2 hours
. Write using black or blue pen 20 marks

' Calculators may be used

o Atternpt Questions I -20
. Draw diagrams using pencil o Allow'about 25 rninutes for this section
. A formula sheet is provided at
the back of this paper Section I I

60 marks

o Attempt Questions 21 -24

o Allow about t hour 35 minutes for this section

Care has beentakenlo ensure that this paper is/iee of errors and that it mirrors theformat and style of past Prelimincily papers. ]l'loreover, some
questions have been adapted from preyious IISC examinations as well as from examinations from a varietls of schools and other soutces, in an
attempt to provide stuc{ents with e.xposut"e trs a brocd r(tt'lge o,f'trsossible clttestirsns.
Section I
20 rnarkq
AIIow ahout 25 minutes for this sectiom

[Jse the multiple-choice answer sheet for Que stions X -2t]

1. Inthe formula f =U findthe value of Iwhen k:21 andA:7.


(A) D - 1.4 (B) il:"2.1 (C) D:7 (D) D - tr4"1

r3 Barry is a telephone salesperson who is paid a base wage of $400 per rveek and
receir,res a colnrltission of B .5o/o of aXl sales ahove $7000. Find Barry's wage in a rveek
if his sales total is $ 1 3 000.

(A) $er0 (B) $ees (c) $ 1s0s (D) $ 13400

3. Which of the figures drawn below is NOT a prism?

(A) (B)

(c) (D)
1. 683 000 in scientific notation is:

(A) 6.83 x l0a

(B) 6.83 x I 0s

(c) 68.3 x 104

(D) 683x105

5. The graph shor,vs the cost of sending parcels of different masses.

$2 80

s2 40

s2 0()



5009 I kg 2kg 3kg


Ahrned wants to send three parcels to a friend. One parcel w'eighs 150 g" the other tr,vo weigh 1.3 kg
each. How much cheaper is it to send them as one parcel rather than 3 separate parcels?

(A) $3.20 (B) $3.80 (c) $6.80 (D) $7.80

6. Four students set out to examine weather patterns in their local area.

. Amy measured the maximum temperature each day.

o Rohan measured the daily rainfall.
o John measured the daily hours of sunshine.
o Fred counted the total rainfall over a year.

For which student was the data discrete?

(A) Amy (B) Rohan (C) John (D) Fred

7. Raclar equipment rn a tower 30 m ahove sea level detects an object
at sea at an angle r:f'clepression of l1o
If the base of the tower is at sea level, how- far to the nearest metre is the ob.ject frorn the
hase of the

(A) 1.17 m (B) 31m (C) 14tm (D) tr44 rn

L Adam's has his height measured at l6zcm. This measurefitent is given to the
nearest centimetre" Between what heights could his actual height

(A) 160cm and l70cm.

(B) I 6l .9cm and lGZ. 1cln

(C) 161.Scnr and 16L5cm

(D) l6lcm and 163cm

9. The followirrg table show's ordered pairs for the equation 1

J/ =:
X -4 0 1
v 0 2 4

Which of the followi*g graphs represents the equation?

), =+, + Z
(A) (B)

10. The fishing authorities are concerned about the number of fish in a certain lake.
To investigate this they use the "capture - recapture" method. They capture 80
fish, tag them and release them. The following day they return and take a sample
of 20 fish from the lake, noting that 4 of these are tagged.

Estimate the number of fish in the lake.

(A) 100 (B) 200 (c) 300 (D) 400

11. A wage sheet of a small business shows one employee's details.

Emplo_yee Rate per hour lVormal hours Overlime (x2) lYage

Jack Singh $3 0.00 35 x $1230

.Iack worked some oveftime at double time rate which is missing from the wage
sheet. {,lsing the information on the \,vage sheet, find how'many hours of
overtime he u,'orked?

(A) 3 (B) s (c) 6 (D) 8

12. The table shown below shows the number of boys and girls in Mount
Alphabeta High School.

Year Bovs Cirls

7 85 68
8 7A 60
9 64 64
10 63 78
11 40 30
t2 34 44
Total 356 344

70 students from the school are to be surveyed.

On a proportional basis, how many Year 1 1 boys should be surveyed'?

(A) 4 (B) 7 (c) 30 (D) 40

13. Barbara, Angelique and Trish invested in a home in the ratto 4:7 : 9. On selling the
home, Trish made a profit of $11 250. What was Angelique's profit?

(A) $393 7 .5A (B) $s000 (c) $11 2s0 {n) $s7s0

14. The cylindrical water tank drawn below has a diameter of 3 m and a height
of 1m.

The capacity of the \n/Ater tank is closest to

(A) 7 r, (B) 70 L (c) 70il r, ( D) 7000 L

15. Solve the equation +J * 7

(A) x-4 (B) -r*5 (c) (D) x *12

16. Alisha wishes to invest $6500 for a period of 5 years. Which of the following
would provide the greatest amount?

(A) Compound interest at4.4% p.a. compounded quarterll'.

(B) Compound interest at4.8o/o p.a. compounded 6-monthl1..

(C) Compound interest atS%op.a. compounded annualll..

(D) Simple interest at5o/op.a.

17. Ted purchased a computer fbr $990 while on holidays in Australia.

This included l0o/o GST. When he left Australia he received a refund of the GST.
What was Ted's refund?

(A) $ 10 (B) $e0 (c) $ee (D) $qoo

18. A menu at the local ctrub is Enlrees A,,luin,g Desserts
shown : Prar,vns Irish Cheese cake
How many dif1erent 3 course Beef Steak Carrot cake
meals can be ordered?
Curry Chocolate cake

(A)1 (B) 8 (c) 18 (D) s12

19. The value of x is given by

A) 30 sin 280 SCALE
cos 280
sin 280 30
(D) 30 cos 28

10u'ct x 3htc'"
20" Simpli[,'
5uj x3btc''

(c) Zbt c"
u CI
e) zab2 c

End of Section I
Section II
60 marks
Attempt Questions 2tr f 21
Allow ahout t hour and 35 minutes for this section

Answer each question in the appropriate writing booklet.

All necessary working should lre shown in every question"

Question 2I (15 marks) Use a separate writing booklet.

(a) Convert the speed 100 km / h to metres per second.

(b) The scale on a building plan is 1:1000.

(i) If a building is 55m wide, how long in mm would it be draw'n on the plan?

(ii) A window's width is drawn 0.6mm wide on a plan. What is the actual width
of the window in metres?
(c) Write down the gradient of the line y = 11 -2x
(d) The cost ($) of printing n copies of a book can be found by using the formula
C = 450+3n. Determine the:

(i) cost incurred before even one book is printed; 1

(ii) cost of printing 250 copies; )


(iii) number of copies printed at a cost of $1 1250. )



8 cnr
Itot to scale

(x+4) crn

(i) Show-that the perimeter P cm of this quadrilateral is given by P = 5x +t2. 1

(ii) If the perimeter is 37 cm, calculate the value of x. I

(0 Judy's gross income last year was $70 000. She had allowable tax deductions of $6000.
Judy paid 1.5% of her taxable income for the medicare levy.
How much was Judy's Medicare levy?

(g.l Solve for x: iI = z(, + 3)

Question 22 (15 marks) Use a separate writing booklet.

(a) The data below shows the maximum monthly ternperature in degrees.

Jan" Feb" Mar. Apr. May June Julv Aug. Sept. Oct. Iriov Dsc.
2B 24 11
r'd Zr 16 15 \4 14 15 18 t9 /11
-/1 ?5

(i) Write a five-number summary of the data. 3

(ii) Draw a box-and-whisker plot of the data. a


(b) The figure drawn below is of a shed that is to be surrounded by a conuete path that is to
be 2.5 metres wide.

Concrete Path
.-''5 m

gm Shed


(i) Calculate the area of the concrete path.

(ii) The path is to be concreted to a depth of 0.15 metres. Calculate the amount
of concrete required in m3.
(iii) The concrete is made by mixing sand, gravel and cement into the ratio 4:2:1.
The concreters order an extra l0oZ of each to allow for wastage. Calculate the
amount of cement that is to be ordered, to 2 decimal places.

(c) If n=500(2)' ,frnd n when , =1. Writeyouranswercorrectto 2 significant


(d) Simplify s(:x - Z) * z{sx + 3)

Question 23 (15 marks) IJse a separate writing booklet

(a) F ind the size of the angle 0 to the nearest minute'?


(b) A paddock is surveyed using an offset survey. The field book entry is shown below.

B )
(i) Draw a sketch of the paddock. 65

c15 s5 )
(ii) Find the area of the paddock. 15 D10

(c) Mrs Jordan's kitchen measures -5000 mrn by 4000 mm, needs floor tiles.
The cost of the tiles is $105 per tnl. and a tradesperson charges $65 per m2 to lay
the tiles. What is the cost to have the kitchen covered in tiles? 3

(d) The mean of a set of 6 scores is 1 2. What is the new mean if 5 is added to the scores? 2
(e) The graph below shows the cost (in dollars) of hiring a boat. C is the cost of the hire
while d is the distance travelled in kilometres.





















OI 3 4 5 6 7 I Q t0 14 t5 t6 lq 2u

(i) [Jse the gr:aph to find the cost of travelling 10 km in a boat. I

(ii) How ftr can you travel in the boat if you spend $20"00? I
(iii) Find the gradient for the graph. t

(iv) Write an equation flcr the cost of'travel in a boat.

Question 24 (1 5 marks) tlse a separate writing booklet

(a) In the diagrarn RQ:

i nt
(i) Calculate the distance of QS
Not to Scale (to one decimal place).

(ii) Calculate the angle SPR, correct

to the nearest degree.

* 41m

(b) A box of wood is shown below. It has a square pyramid and a rectangular prism.
The block of wood has four identical triangular faces.


+* 4cm

(- 14cm

Calculate the surface area of the

block of wood (include the base of the

(c) The minimum stopping distance (d) of a car varies directly as the square of the
speed (v) of the car at the moment the brakes are applied.

(i) If a car takes 30 m to stop from a speed of 60 kmlh, how far would it
travel before stopping from a speed of 100 km/h?

(ii) "If the speed is doubled, the stopping distance

is doubled."
Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
Income Tax Payable
$t to $6 000 ${}
$6 001 to $20 000 ${} plus 1 7c {trr *ach $ 1 over $6 000
$20 001 to $50 00CI $2 380 plus 30c tor each $1 over $20 000
$50 001 to $60 000 $1 1 380 plus 42c for each $1 over $50 000
In excess of $50 000 $15 580 plus 47c flor each $1 over $60 000

Using the tax scale find the taxable income if the tax paid is $36 730. 3

End of Sectioxr I[


Area of an annulus Surf,ace area

1 - n{Rz -r') Sphere ,l * lrTt'2

fi - radius of outer circle Closed cylinder / * Zruh+Zm'
/': radius of inner circle r : radius
h - perpendicular height

Area of an ellipse Volume

A-nlb Cone

V -**^'h
f,[:- Iength of semi-major axis
b - length of semi-minor axis
Cylinder V - lfi")h

Pyramid V -*lt,
Area of a sector J
Sphere V -;n'''
.4,0? ,Tr'- J
360 r : radius
0- number of degrees in central angle h * perpendicular height
I - area of base
Arc length of a circle

o znr
l- 360
e- number of degrees in central angle

Simpson's rule for area approximation Sine rule


A x sin ,4 sin B sin C

h distance between successive Area of a triangle
measurements A*-ubsin('
d/ _ firstmeasurement 2

d u, _ rniddle measurement Cosine rule

dt - lastlTleasurement
c2 : a2 +b2 -ZabcosCl

{t- +b2 -c:2
cos {: *

Simple interest Declining balamce formula for depreciation

I = Ptn S - Vo$-r)"
P = initial quantity ,9 * salvage value of asset after ru periods
r - percentage interest rate per period, 7' := percentage interest rate per period,
expressed as a decimal expressed as a decirnal
t't - number of periods

Compound interest Mean of a sample

A: P(1 + r)" Y,
A - final balance l'l
P * initial quantity,
r * percentage interest rate per cornpounding period.,
x: Y,*
expressed as a decimal
* mean
"x - individual score
/l : nlrmt:er of scores
./': frequency

Future value {A) of an annuity Formulafora z-sc#re

+ r')" -,1
,l :rr[(1 5'

Lrl g * standard deviation

A,{ - contribution per period,
paid at the end of the periocl

Present value (r\') of an annuity Gradient of,a straight line

*'i-'jl rn*
tterfical chnnge in position

L r'(1 + r)" j horizontal chctnge in posit ion

Gradient-intercept form of a straight line
^- (1 + r)" y* \t't.x+h
rw * grad ient
h * y * intercept

Straight-line formula firr depreciation Probability of an event

^S-Vt)*iln The probability of an event rvhere outcomss
$ - salvage value of asset after n periods are equall,v likell, is given by:
V* - pltrchase price of the asset P(event) : nurnber o.lflavourable $]tcorngg
D* arnount of depreciation apportionecl total number of outcomes
per period
l'l - number of periods
Centre Nr:rnber Student Nunrber


Sample 2+4=? (A)2 (8)6 (C)8 (D)9

(A) o (B) o (c) o (D) o
If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the new answer.

(A) o (B) (c) (D (D) o

If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct answer, then indicate this by
writing the word coruect and drawing an affow as follows correct

(A) (}
(B) x (c) A X(D)o
1 (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)O t2 (A)o (B)o (C)o (D)o
2 (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)O 13 (A)c (B)c (C)o (D)o
3 (A)o (B)o (c)c (D)O 11 (A)o (B)o (C)o (D)o
I (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)O 1s (A)(} (B)o (c)c (D)(}
s (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)O 16 (A)c (B)() (c)o (D)o
6 (A)o (B)() (c)o (D)O 17 (A)c) (R)o (C)o (D)o
v (A)o (B)() (c)o (D)O 18 (A)o (B)o (c)c) (D)o
I (A)o (B)o (C)o (D)O Ie (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)o
e (A)o (B)o (c)o (D)C 20 (A)c) (B)o (c)o (D)c
10 (A)(} (B)() (c)o (D)C

11 (A)(} (B)() (c)o (D)O

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