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Speight's Ale House Shepherd's Arms All Day Menu

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The kitchen have rustled up a great selection of Southern favourites with

generous portions to suit a real hunger. As master brewer, I have prepared a few
tasting notes and selected the perfect partner for these great dishes

Speight’s Ale H o u s e S h e p h e r d ’s A r ms
A ll D a y Me n u
No Surcharge Public Holidays
*GF – Gluten Free


A le H o u s e L o a f
Garlic or plain butter Half $6.50 Whole $12.50
Served with pesto, hummus and balsamic olive oil Half $11.50 Whole $14.50

Soup of the Day $12.00

Chef’s choice of fresh homemade soup. Served with a slice of Ale House bread

S t e w a r t I s l a n d S e a f o o d Chow der $14.00

A selection of seafood bound in a beautiful creamy seafood stock, delicately
flavoured with fresh herbs. Served with a slice of Ale House bread

T h e A l e H o u s e ‘ H o t W i n g s’ 4 wings $7.00 8 wings $14.00 12 wings $20.00

Chicken wings in a special hot sauce… be careful and get extra napkins!

C a t lin s C a l a m a r i $14.00
Calamari tossed in a cajun spice served with a selection of dips and wedge of lemon

Mo e r a k i M u s s e l s $15.00
Fresh green-lipped mussels steamed open in white wine and finished in a lime,
chilli, onion and coriander coconut cream broth *GF


Tin a k o r i V i l l a g e S a l a d
A bed of salad greens, beans, spring onions, capsicum, toasted cashew nuts,
crispy noodles, topped with a mango and coriander dressing and finished
with your choice of:
Marinated beef strips $19.00
or Cajun spiced calamari $19.50

Mille r s F l a t V e g e F i l o $17.50
An oven baked golden filo parcel filled with kumara, pumpkin, feta, herb and spinach
served on a bed of salad. Chunky potatoes and a chilli tomato jam to finish it off
G o ld f i e l d s C h i c k e n P a r c el $18.00
Sautéed chicken, sundried tomato, apricot and soft cheeses, wrapped in golden filo
pastry topped with guacamole on a bed of salad with crispy potatoes
Once again a Speight’s Pilsener.

'T h e C h e f s C h o i c e ' P a s t a $18.50

We’ve got the chef to come up with something delicious. Ask wait staff for todays
offering and beer match

Tin a k o r i G o u r m e t O p e n Beef Sandw ich $19.00

Marinated strips of prime beef laid upon a thick slice of pane de casa house bread
topped with caramalised onions. Served with coleslaw, chips and tomato sauce
Enjoy with everyone’s favourite - Speight’s Gold Medal Ale.


B lu e ’ n ’ G o l d $25.00
A real favourite, Southern blue cod lightly fried in Speight’s beer batter, served with
Ale House coleslaw, fries, tatar sauce and a lemon wedge
Enjoy this with a Speight’s Gold Medal Ale!

Mo e r a k i M u s s e l s $25.00
Fresh green-lipped mussels steamed open in white wine and finished in a
lime, chilli, onion and coriander coconut cream broth. Served with a slice of
Ale House bread *GF
Tastes great with a Speight’s Pilsener.

A o ra k i S a l m o n $27.50
A succulent salmon fillet served on wasabi mash and drizzled with a yoghurt,
cucumber & mint relish with your choice of garden salad or vegetables *GF
Try a cleansing Speight’s Summit Golden Lager
The kitchen have rustled up a great selection of Southern favourites with
generous portions to suit a real hunger. As master brewer, I have prepared a few
tasting notes and selected the perfect partner for these great dishes


R e g ’s P i e $19.50
Homemade pie of the day served with fries and salad
Ask the wait-staff to suggest a suitable beer to have with today’s pie.

“ G e o r g e S t ” C h i c k e n B u rger $20.50
Toasted burger bun with a buttermilk crusted chicken breast, bacon, brie,
cos lettuce and tomato. Finished of with garlic aioli and served with fries
Perfect with a Speight’s Pilsener.

Mu s te r e r ’s M o r n i n g M e a l $20.50
Scrambled eggs served with toasted pane di casa house bread, smokey bacon,
crispy potatoes, slow-roasted tomatoes, field mushrooms and kransky sausage
Go on - have a Speight’s Gold Medal Ale.

G ra n d m a ’s L a m b ’s F r y $19.50
Thinly sliced lamb’s liver, seared with bacon and mushroom, bound in a rich
Speight’s Old Dark gravy, served on mash and topped with caramelised onions
Perfect with a Speight’s Old Dark.

G o ld f i e l d s P a r c e l s ( 2 ) $25.00
Sautéed chicken, sundried tomato, apricot and soft cheeses, wrapped in golden
filo pastry topped with guacamole on a bed of salad with crispy potatoes
Once again a Speight’s Pilsener.

Sausage and Mash $23.50

A Cumberland free range pork sausage from our very own Wadestown Gourmet
Butchery over mash topped with caramelised onions and smothered in
our rich Ale House gravy.
Speight’s Porter has the complex flavours to enhance this dish.

C lu t h a P o r k R i b s $26.50
Classic pork ribs drizzled with BBQ sauce, served on golden fries and coleslaw
The full flavour of Speight’s Distinction Ale goes perfectly here.

B la c k C h e r r y C h i c k e n $26.50
Tender chicken breast with cashew nuts, soft cheese and herbs, wrapped in smokey
bacon and oven-roasted. Laid on Ale House mash with black cherry sauce, served
with garden salad
Accompany with a Speight’s Gold Medal Ale.
To k o n u i P o r k B e l l y $25.50
Oven baked pork belly on kumara mash with bacon wrapped beans, sage roasted
baby beetroot and topped with a hoisen jus
This dish is even more tempting with a Speight's Porter.

S h e a r e r ’s L a m b S h a n k 1 shank $19.50 2 shanks $26.50

Tender and delicious lamb shank, oven braised with thyme and garlic in a rich
Ale House gravy, topped with mint glaze and served on Ale House mash.
Served with your choice of vegetables or a garden salad
Once again Speight’s Distinction Ale goes perfectly here.

The 'Drunken' Steak $28.50

300gm prime NZ sirloin marinated in Speight’s Old Dark, cooked to your liking
and served with golden fries and salad. Accompanied by your choice of topping:
Creamy mushroom, Roasted garlic or Peppercorn sauce
Perfect with a Speight’s Old Dark.

K a it a n g a t a B e e f F i l l e t $29.50
200gms of prime NZ beef fillet with a potato bake, portobello mushroom
and topped with a dijon mustard sauce. Served with a medley of vegetables
Enjoy this dish with a glass of Speight’s Distinction.

W in t o n L a m b R u m p $31.00
Tender and delicious lamb rump cooked medium rare, served on couscous with
a mushroom compote and finished with a hoisin and rosemary jus
Go on, enjoy this with a Speight's Gold Medal Ale, good on ya mate!

Sp e c ia l E x t r a s
Onions $4.00 Eggs $4.00
Chips $5.00 Wedges $5.50
Side Salad $4.00 Ale House Mash & Gravy $5.00
Seasonal Vegetables $4.00

Vi si t our w e b site www.sh e p h e r d s.c o .n z

If you now have a hankering for something sweet, here’s the best on offer.


Lazy Sundaes $12.00

Relax into sundaes of vanilla icecream, whipped cream and your choice of sauce:
Chocolate, Strawberry, Caramel

F io rd l a n d M o o s e $12.00
Rich dark chocolate mousse with passionfruit wine coulis and Speight’s Porter

C ro m w e l l C r u m b l e $12.00
Traditional cinnamon apple and sultana crumble served with vanilla icecream

G o u rm e t I c e c r e a m $12.00
Dunedin’s own specialty gourmet icecream – Speight’s Old Dark, topped with
caramel coffee sauce

F a rm h o u s e C h e e s e c a k e $12.00
Chef’s cheesecake of the day. Served with thick cream

Chocolate Mud Cake $12.00

Rich chocolate mud cake topped with a porter sauce served with
Speight’s Old Dark icecream

Icky Sticky Date Pudding $12.00

Rich date pudding served with toffee sauce, vanilla icecream and thick cream

Cheese Board
A tasty selection of cheese, served with mango chutney, grapes and crackers.
Pakari Aged Cheddar, Kikorangi Blue or Mainland Brie.
Select 1 $12.00
Select 2 $18.00
Select 3 $22.00

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