Tublay Is Politically Subdivided Into 8 - Ambassador Is The Largest Barangay in Terms of Land Area (11.52 KM ), While Tuel Is The Smallest (4.79 KM )
Tublay Is Politically Subdivided Into 8 - Ambassador Is The Largest Barangay in Terms of Land Area (11.52 KM ), While Tuel Is The Smallest (4.79 KM )
Tublay Is Politically Subdivided Into 8 - Ambassador Is The Largest Barangay in Terms of Land Area (11.52 KM ), While Tuel Is The Smallest (4.79 KM )
TOTAL 17,892 16,555 ▴
The Ibaloi, Kankana-ey and the Kalanguya indigenous people inhabit the municipality of Tublay town
of Benguet. The town is known for its wonderful tourist destinations, to name a few, the Bengaongao
cave, Winaca Village, and the Tuel hot spring.
Interestingly, its people perform the age-old cañao which is part of its rich culture and tradition. The
cañao is a community feast, following some rituals performed by the community. Each indigenous
group have their own term for cacao: the Kankana-ey call it sida, the Ibaloi peshet, and the
Kalanguya kecheng.
A cañao may be performed by a family or by the whole community, where the latter would be a
grand cañao. Cañao may be performed for thanksgiving, healing, marriage and different
ceremonies. It is generally celebrated with prayers by the Mambunong (an elder recognized to
perform the traditional prayers). Aside from the prayers, traditional dances called tayao and bendian
are offered. On this occasion, food, including wat-wat (big slices of meat) and tapey (traditional rice
wine) are offered. The celebration may last for two to three days depending on the nature of the
In today’s modern times, many of the native traditions are slowly disintegrating or adopting to social
changes. The cañao, usually performed in the community, still has the authentic dances and food
but sometimes a modern evangelical church service is included. There are communities that do not
perform the cañao anymore. The main reason is because the practice costs much money, especially
for the required pigs to be butchered.
Another reason cited by Lakay (elder) Adawey is that the mambunongs who perform the traditional
rituals and prayers are now aged. Some elders already left this world without teaching this special
skill (of performing the ritual) to the youth of today.
I believe that one of the reasons for the disintegration of our culture is that the youth do not
appreciate its importance. They believe they can live in this modern world by setting aside these
practices. Even the skills of playing the gangsa or gong fails to draw interest from the youth.
Culture refers to the meaningful practices in our community. It includes the ritual for thanks giving for
a bountiful harvest and for the good health of the umili, the people in the community. It provides
social norms or roles that make us significant members of the community. We are now living in a
modern period of cultural diversity. Some say that our culture remains and can persist. But with the
changing times, we have to move now to support its persistence.
Culture represents an adjustment to the various conditions in life, including the physical, social, and
supernatural environment. In order to preserve our culture; one must appreciate the beauty of it.
Although we are living in a modern world, it is not bad if we still perform it, because it is the culture
we have grown up with and that we need to preserve.
The Bendian Dance, some called it Bendayan or Bindiyan is a circle dance that is long known as a
dance to celebrate the arrival of successful headhunters. It is a part of every Benguet festivity with
the circles slowly giving way to other formations and interpretations. The circular movements of the
dance symbolizes unity and harmony among the people of Benguet.