1. Project Outline
Sr. No. Particulars
(Rs. in Cr.)
A Civil Construction Cost 450.83
B Add GST Charge 12% on (A) 54.10
C Cost of Utility Shifting 0.75
D Total Civil Construction Cost (A+B+C) 505.68
IC/Pre-operative expenses @1% of total Civil 5.06
Construction Cost
F Financing expenses (1.77%) on Debt …….
G Interest during construction (IDC) (10.25%) …….
Estimated Project Cost as on Bid Date
H …….
LA and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Cost (LA
I 46.91
and R&R)
J Environment Cost 4.70
K Sub Total (I+J) 51.61
Total Capital Cost (including R&R, TC,
L Afforestation, EMP) ……
= (H+K)
M Per Km. Cost (Cr./Km.) …….
1.4 Reports
a) Whether Feasibility Report (FR) and/or Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been
prepared? Please indicate whether it is approved by Competent Authority
(RO/CGM level).
Final Feasibility Report (FFR) has been prepared for the project, and same has been
submitted to NHAI (HQ) office.
b) Whether FFR/DPR has been prepared as per NHAI Circular (Policy Matter
-10.1.16/2017) No. 11014/11/2016-HR-I dated 12.06.2017.
•If Not, reasons therefore and whether FR/DPR now updated to account for
the provisions in above circular and check list submitted
1.5 Whether the proposal is an Original Cost Estimate or a Revised Cost Estimate?
Yes, Land Acquisition is under progress. Status of Land acquisition is given below
Description Present Status
1 Total Land Required (Ha) 117.063 excluding Wayside Amenities
2 Existing ROW (Ha) 0.000
3 Addl. Land Required (Ha) 117.063
4 3A Status 117.063 Ha published.
5 3D Status Under process
1.7 Project is approved under which head/ categories of Bharatmala Pariyojna and
Notification of the NH and entrustment to NHAI.
Competent Authority (Member (T) has approved to take up the subject Project
Packages on Hybrid Annuity Mode.
1.9 Details of the Project.
i) Salient features of the projects as per the following format
Sr. Description Details
(i) Length 19.562 km (Design Km 445+100 to Km. 464+662)
(ii) Total Civil Construction Cost Rs.450.83 Cr.
Type of Pavement Flexible in general and Rigid at Toll Plaza location
(iii) Major Bridges 01 Nos.
(iv) Minor Bridges 03 Nos. (Main carriageway)
(v) Culverts 39 Nos. Box Culvert
(vi) Flyover/Overpass NIL
(vii) Elevated Structure 04 No.(elevated structure over pond (major bridge))
(viii) ROB 1 No.
(ix) RUB NIL
(x) VUP/LVUP/VOP 6 Nos./3 Nos./1 Nos.
(xii) Minor Junctions NIL
(xiv) Interchanges 2 Nos.
(xv) Length of Service Road/Slip Details LHS RHS
Road/ Connecting Road Slip Road 2.025Km 2.025Km
Connecting Road 0.437 km 0.302 km
(xvi) Toll Plaza / Ramp Toll Booths One Toll Plaza of 12 +12 lane Toll Plaza at km 455.800
Ramp Toll Booths - 4 nos. (2 booths on either side) at
Interchange location at km 448+000.
(xvii) Bus bays / Bus Shelters NIL
(xviii) Truck lay Byes NIL
(xix) Way Side Amenity 1 nos. of Rest Area at Ch.453+000
ii) Total traffic (No. of PCUs) and the Month & year in which traffic survey conducted
Traffic surveys on the project highway are carried out in the Year 2018.
Chainage Section
No. PCUs
1 420+000- 464 +662 Vizianagram -Vishakhapatnam 24064
iii) Alignment Plan and Longitudinal section showing radius of curvature and
gradient of Highway and approaches to structures (Minor/Major bridges/
VUPs/PUPs/ Flyover/interchanges) to be enclosed.
Alignment plan and longitudinal sections with requisite details are enclosed.
iv) Cross section of main Highway in general and various structures (culvert/ Minor/
Major bridges/ VUPs/PUPs/Flyover/interchanges) to be enclosed.
S. No. Clause No. Manual Provision Modified Provision
The median shall be as per Typical cross section as
1. 2.5 Median
given in Annex-I (Schedule-B)
The shoulder width shall be as per Typical cross
2. 2.6 Shoulders
section as given in Annex-I (Schedule-B)
Slip Roads / Connecting Roads are proposed. The
Slip /
roadway width of Slip/Connecting road shall be as
3. Connecting
per Typical cross section as given in Annex-I
Typical cross- The typical cross section shall be as given in
4. 2.17
sections Annex-I (Schedule-B).
In fill section the embankment side slope shall be
5. minimum 1.5(H):1(V). The embankment height >6m
Fill Side Slope
shall be designed in accordance with IRC: 75.
Type of The type of pavement shall as specified in Annex-I of
6. 5.2
Pavement Schedule-B.
Design requirements for new pavement sections
7. 5.4 for New
shall be as specified in Annex-I of Schedule B.
Width of The Overall Deck Configuration of all structures shall
8. 7.3
Structures be as per Schedule B.
W- Beam metal crash barriers shall be provided in
entire length on both sides of median and shoulder
Road Side and edge excluding stretches covered by bridges and RE
9. 9.7.1 (i) Median Safety wall structures, where concrete barriers to be
Barriers provided. Thrie- beam metal crash barriers shall be
provided at edge of carriageway and along
slip/connecting road as per site condition and design.
In addition to Section 12.10 and 12.11 of Manual,
Patrol Unit(s)
12.10 NHAI Circular Ref. NHAI/ Policy/ guidelines/
10. and Strengthening the incident management services/
12.11 2018 Policy no 12.19 dated 20.03.18 shall be
Traffic Additional specification for Advance Traffic
11. 12.14 Management Management System shall be as given in Annex-II of
Systems Schedule D.
vi) Justification for adopting Standards deviated from relevant Manual and
IRC/MoRTH Standards
Cross-sections have been proposed in line with Trans Haryana & Trans Rajasthan
No. of lane/Width: 6 Lane Divided Carriage way with 2 x 10.5m (MCW) + 4x0.5m (shy off
both sides of carriageway) + 2 x 3.0m (earthen shoulder)
Slip Road Width – 7m
MSA and CBR of soil for calculating pavement thickness:
The Rigid pavement compositions at Toll Plaza/ Toll Booth locations are given below.
• Width of Connecting Road: 3.75m wide and 1m treated shoulder both sides
• In case VUPs/PUPs/CUPs nos. of peak hour traffic and PCU on main NH and
crossroad separately of per following table.
There is no direct intersection proposed. The major / minor intersections are proposed
with Slip Road/ Connecting Road as per site conditions and wherever required Grade
Separators in the form of Interchange, VUP and LVUP has been proposed.
At present due to Eastern Ghats, commercial traffic has to travel long distance to
reach Raipur. With the present green field alignment, the distance to Raipur from
Vizag reduces to 464 Km against 590 Km at present and substantial reduction in
travel time from 14 hr at present to 7 hrs. The development of this highway would
boost economics activities along the proposed highway and also would open up the
under developed area of Odisha and Chhattisgarh.
2.2 Indicate year-wise outputs/deliverables for the project in a tabular form.
2.3 Indicate final outcomes for the project in the form of measurable indicators
which can be used for impact assessment/evaluation after the project is
complete. Baseline data or survey against which such outcomes would be
benchmarked should also be mentioned.
Direct benefit accruable from the project cannot be translated into monetary
terms. This is a scheme for improvement of infrastructure facility, which will
automatically bring socio-economic growth in the region.
3. Project Cost
Sr. No. Particulars
(Rs. in Cr.)
A Civil Construction Cost 450.83
B Add GST Charge 12% on (A) 54.10
C Cost of Utility Shifting 0.75
D Total Civil Construction Cost (A+B+C) 505.68
IC/Pre-operative expenses @1% of total Civil
E 5.06
Construction Cost
F Financing expenses (1.77%) on Debt …….
G Interest during construction (IDC) (10.25%) …….
Estimated Project Cost as on Bid Date
H …….
LA and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Cost (LA 46.91
and R&R)
J Environment Cost 4.70
L Sub Total (I+J)
Total Capital Cost (including R&R, TC,
M …….
Afforestation, EMP) = (H+L)
Sr. No. Particulars
(Rs. in Cr.)
I Per Km. Cost (Cr./Km.) …….
3.2 Cost justification with respect to normative cost as per the following format
Reference of
Civil Per Unit as Reasons for
Normative Normative
S. Length/ Cost Civil compared Additional Justification of
Description Unit No. cost in cost circular
No. Sqm (Rs. In Cost in to cost (Cr.) Higher Cost /
(Cr.) on Dated
Cr.) (Cr.) Normative Remarks
A Normative Costs for Roadworks
1 Normative Cost for Flexible Road
Table -1 (A)
S.No. 8. Page
no. 4 for
6 Lane Divided flexible Estimated Cost <
(i) Km 13.71 113.10 8.25 8.61 -0.36 -4.94
Carriageway pavement of Normative Cost
the circular for
2 Normative Cost for Approach Road
Table -4 (1)
S.No. 1.3 pg
no.6 for
VUP/LVUP/ROB flexible Slightly higher than
(i) 3.60 47.34 13.15 13.60 -0.45 -1.62
Approach pavement of normative cost
the circular for
Roadworks Cost 17.310 160.44 -6.56
B Normative Costs for Structures
Table -4 S.
No. 1.3
VUP Estimated Cost <
1 Sqm 9 8826 25.10 0.0028 0.0030 -0.0002 -1.38 normative
/VOP/Interchange Normative Cost
cost for
Table -4
Slightly higher than
2 LVUP Sqm 3 1051 3.66 0.0035 0.0030 0.0005 0.51 S.No. 2.3
normative cost
Reference of
Civil Per Unit as Reasons for
Normative Normative
S. Length/ Cost Civil compared Additional Justification of
Description Unit No. cost in cost circular
No. Sqm (Rs. In Cost in to cost (Cr.) Higher Cost /
(Cr.) on Dated
Cr.) (Cr.) Normative Remarks
cost for
These are 5 no's
Table -5
Major Bridge & 3
S.No. 1
no's minor bridges
3 Bridges Sqm 8 22104 77.49 0.0035 0.0032 0.00031 6.75 normative
Therefore per sqm
cost for
cost is slightly higher
than normative cost.
Structure Portion 106.25
C Other Miscellaneous Work
(@ Rs.-17.08/ m
Unlined and V
i Km 28.98 0.049 0.0017
type drain
Reference of
Civil Per Unit as Reasons for
Normative Normative
S. Length/ Cost Civil compared Additional Justification of
Description Unit No. cost in cost circular
No. Sqm (Rs. In Cost in to cost (Cr.) Higher Cost /
(Cr.) on Dated
Cr.) (Cr.) Normative Remarks
jersey type 5505/
iv Filter Media Cum 21937.20 5.36 0.00024 (@ Rs.-2442/cum
Breast wall (@ Rs- 9858.82/
v Rm. 3701.00 3.65 0.00099
( height upto 3m.) Rm.)
Toe wall ( Height
vi Rm. 3042.00 2.57 0.00085 (@ Rs- 8459/ Rm.)
upto 2 m.)
Traffics Signs &
2 LS 3.88
Toll Plaza /Toll
3 Booth on LS 2 1.169 26.48
Interchange Ramp
(@ Rs- 2819.40/
4 Boundary Wall Rm 28984 8.17 0.00028
Highway Lighting
(@ Rs- high mast
(8 no high mast
5 No. 175 1.49 0.009 light 800000& single
light& 167 no
arm 50898 / no.)
single arm)
6 No. 40 0.20 0.005 (@ Rs- 50000 / no)
(@ Rs.-83878740.48
7 Interchange No. 2 77613 16.78 8.39
/ no
Way side
(@ Rs- 57398439.93
8 amenities (Area 2 No. 1 5.61 5.61
/ no)
Slip/connecting (@ Rs -10368.17
9 Km 4.79 4.97 1.04
road /m.)
10 ROB Sqm 1 2803 22.06 0.0079 (@ Rs - 78632 /Sqm.
(@ Rs-27,52,786
11 Culvert No. 55 4468 15.14 0.0034
Miscellaneous 184.14
Works Cost
Total Project 504.93
Cost including
Reference of
Civil Per Unit as Reasons for
Normative Normative
S. Length/ Cost Civil compared Additional Justification of
Description Unit No. cost in cost circular
No. Sqm (Rs. In Cost in to cost (Cr.) Higher Cost /
(Cr.) on Dated
Cr.) (Cr.) Normative Remarks
3.3 In case land is to be acquired, the details of land cost, including cost of
Rehabilitation/Resettlement needs to be provided.
3.5 Whether price escalation during the project time cycle has been included in
the cost estimates and at what rates?
No price escalation during the project time cycle included in the cost estimates.
The basic rates of construction work have been taken from Common Schedule of Rate
Andhra Pradesh 2019-20, which is applicable as on date & as per market rate/MoRTH
Standard Data Book (whichever is cheaper). Analysis of rate has been carried out as per
MoRTH Standard Data Book.
3.6 Whether the Project involves any foreign exchange element, the provision
made or likely impact of exchange rate risks?
3.7 In case of the Revised Cost Estimates, a variation analysis along with the
Report of the Revised Cost Committee needs to be attached.
4. Project Finance
4.1 Indicate the sources of project finance: budgetary support, internal and extra
budgetary sources, external aid, etc.
The project is included in the investment approval for Phase-I of Bharatmala Pariyojna &
featuring at Sr.No.7 (Page No.20) of MoRTH Office Memo dated 21.12.2017
5. Project Viability
5.1 For projects, which have identifiable stream of financial returns, the financial
internal rate of return may be calculated.
As per standard NHAI Policy, Financial Analysis for 20 years reveal following
5.2 In case of projects with identifiable economic returns, the economic rate of return
may be calculated. In such cases project viability will be determined by taking
both financial and economic returns together.
The economic internal rate of return is 15.98 % for development of the project road for
six lane divided carriageway with flexible pavement which is more than the present 12%
of discounted rate and larger positive value of NPV of net benefits indicate the firm
viability of project for the proposed improvement and hence recommended for
5.3 In case of proposals where both financial and economic returns are not readily
quantifiable, the measureable benefits/outcomes imply may be indicated.
Not Applicable
Approvals/Clearances Status Remarks
1 Land Acquisition Status Under Sr.
Description Present Status
Progress No
1 Total Land Required 117.063 excluding
(Ha) Wayside Amenities
2 Existing ROW (Ha) 0.000
3 Addl. Land Required
4 3A Status 117.063 Ha
5 3D Status Under process
2 Environment clearance Required Under Progress.
3 Status of ROB Required (1 ROB) GAD uploaded. Joint Site Visit with
clearance Railway Authority conducted and observation are
Approvals/Clearances Status Remarks
being complied.
4 Cutting of Live Trees Required 2391 trees
5 Forest Clearance Required Under Progress
6 CRZ Clearance Not Not Required
Project Milestone-I
Project Milestone-I shall occur on the date falling on the 180th (One Hundred and
Eightieth)] day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-I”).
Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-I, the Concessionaire shall have expended
not less than 10% (ten per cent) of the total capital cost set forth in the Financial
Project Milestone-II
Project Milestone-II shall occur on the date falling on the [365th (Three hundred and
Sixty-Fifth)] day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-II”).
Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-II, the Concessionaire shall have expended
not less than 30% (thirty per cent)] of the total capital cost set forth in the Financial
Package. Provided, however, that at least 70% (seventy percent) of the expenditure
referred to hereinabove shall have been incurred on physical works which shall not
include advances of any kind to any person or expenditure of any kind on plant and
Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone –II, the Concessionaire shall have
commenced construction of the Project and achieved 30% Physical Progress.
Project Milestone-Ill
Project Milestone-Ill shall occur on the date falling on the 550th (Five Hundred and
Fiftieth] day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-Ill”).
Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-Ill, the Concessionaire shall have
commenced [construction of all Project Facilities and expended not less than 60% (sixty
per cent)] of the total capital cost set forth in the Financial Package.
The Scheduled Completion Date shall be the [730th (Seven Hundred Thirtieth)] day from
the Appointed Date.
On or before the Scheduled Completion Date, the Concessionaire shall have completed
the Project in accordance with this Agreement.
7.5 Please indicate what arrangement has been made for impact assessment after the
project is complete?
(Manoj Kumar)
CGM (Tech.)
Tel No: 011-25074100,200
Extn no: 1347
e-mail: …………[email protected]
Item wise checklist regarding compliance as per NHAI Circular (Policy Matter -10.1.16/2017)
No. 11014/11/2016-HR-I dated 12.06.2017
1. ROW / Land and Related aspects:
(i) The Land for any Expressway will be acquired with a ROW of Not Applicable. RoW of 60 m in
100 mtrs. general has been adopted in plain
and rolling terrain, However at
forest stretch ROW of 45m is
(ii) As for the four – lane / Six-lane Highway Road Projects, Considered
experience shows that all the existing two-lane Roads
requiring up gradation to 4/6-lane involve acquisition of Land,
shifting of utilities, felling of trees and other statutory
clearances etc. As such, keeping in view a futuristic approach,
it has been decided that the land for any 4/6 Lane Highway
Road will be acquired with a Row of 60 mtrs irrespective of the
width of the carriageway.
(iii) Land (Minimum 5 acres, Length and depth preferably in the Not Applicable
ratio of 3:2) shall also be acquired for establishment of Way-
side amenities at suitable locations at distances varying
between 30 to 50Kms on both sides of the Highway.
(iv) All efforts shall be made to avoid any road alignment through No National Parks and Wildlife
National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, even if it requires Sanctuaries are affected
taking a longer route/ Bypass. However, where it becomes
absolutely unavoidable and necessary to keep the alignment
through such reserve forest/restricted areas, Land would be
acquired with ROW of not more than 30mtrs. The cross-
section in such areas may be kept as 3.25m,(Shoulder/Utility
Corridor) + 10.5m (Three – Lane one side Carriageway) +
2.5m (Median) + 10.5m (2nd Three-Lane Carriageway) +3.25m
(Shoulder/Utility Corridor).
a. Use barricading of the Row with plantation of hedge- a. Boundary wall is proposed at
like species (Ficus /Poplars) within a 3.0m wide strip the end of Proposed RoW.
area, dug up to 0.6 to 0.9m, of which 2.0 mtrs to serve Plantation proposed along the
as a Utility Corridor. boundary of RoW based on
availability of Land.
c. Earmark width of 1.5 mtrs for construction of a drain so c. Drain is proposed along the
as to be able to capture the rainwater flow from the project road
Service Road (wherever provided) and the main
d. Three lane with paved shoulders: Main carriageway – d. Three lane with paved
10.5 mtrs, paved shoulder – 1.5 mtr and earthen shoulders: Main carriageway –
shoulder – 2.0 mtr (Total – 14 mtr). 10.5 mtrs, paved shoulder – nil,
shyness – 2x0.5mtr and
earthen shoulder – 3.0 mtr
(Total – 14.5 mtr).
(i) The structures on roads viz. Bridges, ROBs (Road Over Considered
Bridges, and Flyovers), RUBs (Road Under Bridges) etc.
are designed for more than 50 years. It is difficult to
increase the width of the structures at a later date which
may also have larger financial implications apart from
construction related issues in running traffic. Therefore, it
has been decided to keep provision for all the structures
including approaches comprising of retaining structures as
6-Lane (Length of such approaches shall, in no case, be
less than 30m on either side) on all the four – Lane
highways except in the following cases (i) Reserve Forest
(ii) Wild life Areas (iii) Hilly Areas (iV) Urban Areas where
site conditions do not permit this.
(iii) Highway projects shall be designed for separation of local Flyover/VUP/LVUP are provided as
traffic especially for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), for per requirement based on site
longitudinal movements and crossing facilities through conditions.
viaduct(s) located at convenient walking distance.
Provision of PUPs and CUPs with size of 7.0m x 3.0m, as
specified in Para 2.10 of the IRC specifications, has
proved to be insufficient keeping in view the increased use
of mechanization in agriculture practices. These
structures do not support the easy passage / crossing for
the tractors with trolleys so often used for agricultural
operations. As traffic on cross roads is increasing day-by-
day, it has been decided to substitute the provision of
Pedestrian Underpass (PUP) / Cattle Underpass (CUP)
[for Para 2.10 of IRC specifies the dimensions of 7.0m x
3.0m] with a VUP Grade-II with a minimum size of 12 m
(lateral clearance) x 4m (vertical clearance). Out of 12m
lateral width, 2.5m width on one side shall be raised for
pedestrian sidewalks with grills to make pedestrian
movement convenient and safe. These structures shall be
located at the most preferred place of pedestrian/
cattle/day-to-day crossings. Depending on the site
conditions, feasibility of clubbing the crossing facilities
through shall not be depressed as any such depression, in
the absence of proper drainage facilities becomes water –
logged rendering the same unusable. Ideally, the bed
level of the crossings should be a bit higher with proper
connectivity to a drain, which could serve the drainage
requirements of the main carriageway, the underpass and
the service road as well.
(iv) Wherever the alignment of 4-lane Highway road project is Considered with Vertical Clearance
retained in-situ while passing through inhabited areas (e.g. for:
villages), it should be ensured that Service Roads are
provided on both sides of the carriageway, connected Interchange – Min. 5.5 mtr
underneath with a cross-over structure (VUP/PUP/CUP).
Thus each habitation should preferably have crossing VUP – 5.5 mtr
facility at the highways with a vertical clearance of 4 mtrs.
LVUP – 4.0 mtr
(i) Road safety shall be the focus of design. The roads shall Considered
be forgiving, having self-explaining alignment, safe
designed intersections/interchanges segregation and safe
crossing facilities for VRUs with crash barriers at
hazardous locations.
(iii) As availability of suitable sight distance has a large effect Entire road has been designed for
on road safety, the alignment of all the NHs should be Intermediate Sight Distance.
finalized in such a way so as to have double the stopping
sight distance available to the road users at all locations.
(iv) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) shall be in Considered and same is
place for all 4/6 lane roads of NHAI being put to tolling. mentioned in Schedule D
This would provide real time information, guidance and
emergency assistance to users. ATMS would include
outdoor equipment including emergency call boxes,
variable message sign systems, meteorological data
system, close circuit TV camera (CCTV) system in
addition to any other equipment required to meet the
objective. Indoor equipment System, CCTV monitor
system and management of call boxes system with
uninterrupted power supply, all housed in a central control
centre. In this connection, NHAI’s policy circular
no.11041/218/2007-Admn dated 15.09.2016 may be
(i) The minimum number of toll lanes at the toll plazas should Location of Toll Plaza has been
be carefully designed taking into consideration the fixed as per NHAI Policy duly
projected peak hour toll able traffic, permissible service considering site constraints. All Toll
time, adopted toll collection system and the capacity of Lanes to be equipped with Hybrid
service lanes. The number of lanes at any toll plaza ETC equipments, 2 lanes on each
would, however, be not less than four times the number of side shall be full ETC lanes and
lanes for which the highway has been designed. same is mentioned in Schedule C
Eventually, all the lanes have to be designed/equipped
with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems and one lane
at the extreme outer side for Over Dimensioned Vehicles
(ODV) should be earmarked in each direction.
(ii) Car lanes and lanes for commercial vehicles shall be Considered and same is
earmarked at the toll plaza with outer lanes earmarked for mentioned in Schedule C.
the commercial vehicles. At least 50% of the total lanes
on each side shall be equipped with weigh-in-motion
facility for dedicated use by commercial vehicles followed
by a static weigh bridge on either side. Number of lanes
with weigh-in-motion facility may be suitably increased
depending on proportion of commercial vehicles in total
traffic. Provision should be kept for acquisition and
earmarking of about one acre area for parking of the
overloaded vehicles.
7. Use of Technology