Dos and Don'Ts After Donating Blood: DO Do Not
Dos and Don'Ts After Donating Blood: DO Do Not
Dos and Don'Ts After Donating Blood: DO Do Not
• Rest in the blood donation centre • Lift anything heavy with the
for at least 20 minutes donation arm
• Keep pressure bandage/plaster • Take part in strenuous activity
on your arm for at least 30 • Exercise
minutes after donating • Drink alcohol
• Drink plenty of fluids • Take a hot bath or shower
• Eat a salty snack at the donor • Stand for long periods
• Eat regular meals during the day
• Seek help if you feel faint, have
pain or excessive bruising
If you feel faint after leaving the donation centre – light-headed, dizzy, shaky, hot or
nauseous – lie down and raise your legs if possible.
Make sure you tell someone that you are feeling unwell so they can keep an eye on
Move slowly and carefully, taking care to sit and stand up slowly when you feel well
Drink plenty of fluids.
If you do not feel better within a few hours consult your doctor or your local blood
donation helpline.
Bruising is possible after blood donation, and although sometimes the bruise may
look quite serious and dramatic most are harmless and will disappear over time.
Aftercare Sheet Oct18
▪ Rest: allow time for the arm to heal, avoid lifting heavy objects such as heavy
shopping or weights at the gym. Light gentle movement is recommended.
After 36 hours return to normal activity.
▪ Ice: place an ice pack or a pack of frozen vegetables, wrapped in a cloth, onto
the affected area. Do not place the ice directly onto the skin as this my cause
freeze burns.
▪ Compression: press on the area where the needle was inserted.
▪ Elevation: when resting raise your arm on a pillow whenever possible.
After 36 hours place heat on the affected area, in the form of a warm cloth. This can
be applied to the bruise for approximately 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day and may help
increase blood flow to the bruised area allowing the skin to reabsorb the bruise more
Arm pain
You should be comfortable during your donation session. If your arm hurts or feels
sore while giving blood please alert a member of staff.
Pain or discomfort in the arm or hand may be related to a possible tendon or nerve
injury, or a punctured artery. These are very rare risks associated with needle
insertion, and clinic staff will be able to help in such an event.
If the pain persists after the donation session do not stop arm normal arm
movements as this could cause further complications – gentle exercise will help your
If you experience any of the following please contact your doctor or your local blood
donation helpline to gain medical assistance as early as possible:
If any of the following symptoms arise a punctured artery may have occurred. This is
when the needle is inserted into an artery rather than a vein.
If this happens make sure you raise your arm and apply firm pressure. Then go to
the Accident and Emergency department at your nearest hospital, ask someone to
Aftercare Sheet Oct18
take you or dial the local emergency phone number and take this information with
You must not use this arm to donate blood in the future.
If your HAEMOGLOBIN level was too low to donate blood
There are three common reasons:
Aftercare Sheet Oct18