Bacterial and Viral Conjunctivitis: What Is Conjunctivitis? Treatment
Bacterial and Viral Conjunctivitis: What Is Conjunctivitis? Treatment
Bacterial and Viral Conjunctivitis: What Is Conjunctivitis? Treatment
What is conjunctivitis? Treatment
Conjunctivitis is an infection which affects the thin layer Conjunctivitis will normally get better on its own,
of tissue that covers part of the front of the eye and without any medical treatment, in around one to two
the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). It is not normally weeks. Bathing and cleaning the eyelids with sterile
serious, and is sometimes referred to as pink or red eye. pads and clean water, or sterile wipes, is normally all
that is needed.
There are three forms of conjunctivitis – bacterial,
viral and allergic. This leaflet looks at bacterial and Occasionally, if the infection does not improve within
viral conjunctivitis. If you are experiencing allergic two weeks, you may need to be referred to a specialist
conjunctivitis,we have produced a separate leaflet or hospital.
on this.
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Risk factors Antibiotic drops or ointment may speed up how
Bacterial conjunctivitis quickly bacterial conjunctivitis clears up by a few days.
Children and the elderly are more at risk of a bacterial However, it should get better without any drops or
conjunctivitis. Also, people with weaker immune ointment.
systems such as those with diabetes and people who
don’t wash their hands before inserting or removing Viral conjunctivitis
contact lenses are more at risk. Antibiotic drops or ointment will not help with viral
conjunctivitis. There is currently no effective treatment
Viral conjunctivitis for this, but artificial tears, using a cold compress (such
Viral conjunctivitis often follows a recent cold or sore as clean cotton wool balls soaked in cold water), and
throat. a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as
Ibuprofen may make your eyes feel more comfortable.
Conjunctivitis usually causes a pink or red, gritty-feeling You should not wear contact lenses until the
in the eye. It often starts in one eye, usually spreading conjunctivitis has completely cleared up. When you
to the other. It may also cause your eyelids to stick start wearing them again, you should start a new case
together in the morning. and, if they are disposable, use new lenses.
The NHS says that you don’t need to stay away from
work or school if you have conjunctivitis, unless you are
feeling particularly unwell. However, if you work in close
contact with others, or share equipment such as phones
and computers, you shouldn’t return to work until the
discharge has cleared up. If there are a number of cases
of conjunctivitis at your child’s school or nursery, you
may be advised to keep them away until the infection
has cleared up.
Treatment method
Wash your hands before and after cleaning
your eyelids.
Rub the moistened pad or cotton wool ball
firmly but gently along the eyelid edges to
remove the crusts.