Unlock 5 Gujarat

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Botta) are 208 28 Reus, ure, itera ena /re/reae, siia : w/sU/eere/R=1/ema/rerera/¥e8 via 2aei COVID-194 uadd Gihe seuici cel, The Disaster Management Act, 200541 maha aay soci Bodh Yo aistcilel 1, @,03,808004 hal §. 40-3/2020-DM-ICA}ell sia 2eini oi. 24.03.2080 1 at Raw aul misus Baie Faentsel cain Reread agg aeauiai aie. cae GE Bede go aiaittia, Gladden goal] I MAEM e1,30.c€.40R0 HH Genus Bec ae Beis ugFad oessiee vig szcill aide, & waa Rea) COVID-194) 222) t2nd Ani National Disaster Management Authoritya) 2x) wm Boslu 25 Hone o1.30.0¢.20z001 gst SHis. 40-3/ 2020-DM-I(A) #1 sodadez 2 ani o1.31.16.2086 Ul lock downell waft Genacii Wiel B, ats sdador Wey Fare aadui wleels quoi gai Mua mga wig, zie gsi SetunT de @. 2 buell Bogle qe Hoicmett .30.06.goeca! GSH Begeia Ban TTTINT WBE Sze wile Sobctito? Deli cic1.10.a08e a1 coo SHEET @),34.90,20R0e! 87,00 SAIS el Lockdowndl ea Cenman! wi B cai sdadee Da Bion Mecarai Bes aasitell aicledls ayzional maga Gun 24h wg snacifela dau wid B, x Bea asia yd urine! Pai wis acd (Petu/acidicllae/aite) att Settee De Rawal Mecwlsi a/Ss 22 Lockdown atesdl asd adi, Pel us ede Lockdownsesial agaic vet dl a 3 Bes mesial yd aigd a2 Mana eQiae amet Resim 35 Rod Alsciatell WA, F wWiog aasizel By nen cre *RBIBS aR Lockdown? fl osa. U. cgitia didi uy Fed seta Bacealin a Gar sez iad aoa ad ube SCUILH SimteHes, CHC Has!e0 Ee /aidscidaad wegereaiel wea gyal wiua iad wid d, Activity Forall areas outside containment zones. 1] Cinema Valls. theatres, Multiplexes | Yes, With 50% capacity from 15 October, 2020, information & Broadcasting Department of the State Government will issue instructions. on the basis of the SUP issued by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of | tedia. 2 | Entertainment parks and similar | Yes, from 15th Oceober, 2020, places ‘SOP. in this regard, will be issued by Ministry of Heatth & Fan Welfare. Government of India. 3._| Swimming pools, From 15th October, 2020, Only for the purpose of training of sportspersons. Sports, Youth & Cultural Activities Department of the State Government will Issue Instructions, fon the basis of the SOP issued by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India 1 Business to Business (B23) Yes from 15th October, Exhibitions Instructionsin this respect will be issued by Todustries & Mines Department of the State Government on the basis of the SOP issued by Department of Commerce, Gaverument of India. | Parks & Garden Yes. — - _ ‘All religious places Yes, ai per State Government Order dated O7* June, 2020 with regards to the SOP issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India made effective trom 8 June, 2020. Hotels and Restaurants, Yes, as per the SOP made effective from Sth June2020 by Ministry of Health & Family | Welfare, Government of trudia Will remain open tll 23:00 Hours. No ume Limit will be applicable for take-away | facility, & | Shopping Malls. Yes, as per the SOP made effective from Bth June,2020 by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, | 9._| Shays “Yes, without Une limit. 10, | Libraries Yes, with 60% capacity VW. | GSRFE Bus Services’ City Bus | Ves with 755% capacity Services / Private bus services 12. | Metro Rall Services Yes. as per SOP Issued by Ministry of Housing and Urhan Affairs, Government of India / 13. | Auto Rickshaws Yes (1 Driver + 2 Passengers) Withface cover, 14, | Cabs, Taxis, Cab aggregators, Yes. (1 Driver « 3 Persons If seating capacity 1s 6 or more, 1 driver + 4 persons will be allowed } With face cover 15, | Private vehicles for Family usage. | Yes. [1 Driver + 3 Persons) with face cover, 16. | Two wheelers Vest) wi cover 5. wants, Dats, ca, MAbve, was wyEe, enias, amvsla aweale ae! other congregational ci, et.c¢.eeoq) ‘rieenitil Bad s2uai ade 100 eaBowlol afer a awe. zoRo Yel uta ZA. Guasa aiaic) WA aiaW.10.2080 uniblue 512d) 46 Boy aia cee easel ang, 8, genus) wer), coaching 226.81 Wt0.20%0 GE KAAS yor Aly See HE BNE, ease gat Bela seami aad. F 25 Ree Sena sie Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education, Government of India ari aor usu’ wae SOP @ cad ou eas uRRada anal ev Madu SOP/Instruction mba seit aaa), é. Department of Higher Educatlon (DHE), Ministry of Education, bodla ae Hovaue Wuadiy) Recall salen sla MAA/Geu Rewer Heed) vg seaiew te 23) ola aa, 2 G. Bedlan ag vistaen) Guell-auden gsviell siya wide eed ce) anfedds Bere) eee’) ThA 4a Aad rd yao Ma widicd Sealed WA. 38, Bei eR tot tanas HRS a atCMS2eN CIMA S2G:04 BE. 1a. Baa arto gsal Hiden Annexures Ini voix) avd The National Directives for COVID-19 4 cd yacued icin said 2a. aaa se) ceumbaai aoa MA aad a alsa eee wre a2812 aR! Gus) quae! 508 Bieic great er Esa im abe, 13. Bl VERauitel aUIUE) Bou HaSiofl WIEMMsiade) Gee sro Cut The Disaster Management Act, 2005 dsry The Indian Penal Cade, 18600 Paaeen Yen selva via ea, Syren aera eal gst ana) Aten i, ya Bae) wales 2fa(s1.eu.) ye Roun 5 > Um nernuicalle eal ata), rola, aiflaae. (Us itt) wDegeal jerzic OWES, Dew, wareiesie, C4 wes) Het, ins 2M gus aaa afta, a fieci2y, widlae., He, eed gue aioli tc fica, Bane, aiden, cain aa Mladen ane MBM, WAM Gis, villare. yee a Baer aii alan, aati, aidan, BMG ten He Roni), Vidas wesPideis wid ques Vella UBS 4M, grea arn, Dilla Oe, alee, yh esis Bee M7 wnterion agra), someday saaaied Ad evs! USINTD!) ena Fier Apadenled tein YB TBcd SOMEAT ert Ui fhe aie a) Hike Gaines) ~ avai 248, ods dc, SI. spaery aban orca, atelier? 2/- i coos caplall MIBHEE HA A apweicll wed] sidtand] seuiell oid] ween wee eee eens ae © d2easl — Hastdl ysoincies, Deze ~ 30, ail ae WReeniell aes! ARzai MARa sf AA eu ase a9 Mons ott vides Hd afar seule Roued sell enutiel atc ae, # Radsz st - dove,

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