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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the
graduate degree in

Submitted By
ROLL NO: 150
Under the supervision of:


I declare the following
1. The word count of this term paper is around 12776 words.
2. That the material contained in this dissertation is the end result of
my own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the
bibliography and all references to all sources be they printed,
electronic or personal.
3. I agree to my term paper being submitted to a plagiarism detection
service, where it will be stored in a database and compared against
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4. In this event there is a high degree of similarity in content detected;
further investigations may lead to disciplinary actions including the
cancellation of my degree according to Jadavpur University rules and
regulations. I declare that ethical issues have been considered,
evaluated and appropriately addressed in this research.
5. I agree to an entire electronic copy or sections of the dissertation to
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DATE:15TH MAY,2019
ROLL N0:150
REGISTRATION NO-138122 OF 2016-17

Controller of Examination,
Jadavpur University,
Respected Sir,
I, Eashaa Saraogi, take full ownership of this work, titled "A
Comparative study of soft drinks based on consumer preferences and
All the references used are well acknowledged in the bibliography.
The dissertation paper is inpartialfulfillment of the requirements of
Graduation Degree in Bachelors of Business Administration (honors)
awarded by jadavpur university.

Yours Sincerely,
Eashaa Saraogi
Roll no:150
Registration No:138122 Of 2016-17


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who
provided me with the responsibility to complete this semester project .
A special gratitude to our Maam, Oindrila Chakraborty to include
this project in our syllabus which made us study different topics in
depth and improve our presentation skills . I would like to
acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of my Professors
whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement
helped me to coordinate my project work and helped assemble the
parts and gave us valuable suggestions . I thank all of them who have
directly and indirectly helped me in my project .


1.1Premise 9
1.2Background of the study 10
1.3Statement of the Research 12
Problem 13
1.4Rationale of the Study 13
1.5Beneficiary of the study
1.6Limitations of the study

2. Review of Background Literature

2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Research Gap

3. Objectives Of the study

4. Conceptual Framework
4.1 Indian Scenario 16
4.2 Digital Media 19
4.2.1 Digital Ecosystem
4.2.2 Search Engine
4.2.3 Display
4.2.4 Mobile Marketing
4.2.5 Social Media Marketing
4.2.6 Email Marketing
4.2.7 Video
4.2.8 Analysis
4.2.9 Content Management
4.2.10 Advance Targetting

4.2.11 Creative
4.2.12 Research and planning
4.2.13 Digital Strategy
4.3 Types of Digital Marketing 22
4.4 Digital Marketing Channels 23
4.4.1 Search Engine Optimisation
4.4.2 Search Engine Marketing
4.4.3 Social Media Marketing
4.4.4 Online Display of Ads
4.4.5 Online Reputation
4.4.6 Mobile Marketing
4.4.7 Email Marketing
4.5 Advantages of Digital Marketing
4.6 AIDMA as AISAS in Digital Era
4.7 Some Basic Terms in Digital
4.8 Types of Ads
4.9 Monetary Terms in Digital
Marketing 49
4.10 Branding in Digital era
4.11 Digital Marketing Vs Online
4.12 How Digital Marketing
influences consumer behaviour.
5. Research Methodology
5.1 Premise

5.2 Sampling Technique
5.3 Sample Size
5.4 Sampling Frame
5.5 Sample Unit
5.6 Research Design
5.7 Research Instrument
5.8 Data Collection Techniques
5.8.1 Primary Data
5.8.2 Secondary Data
6 Data Analysis and Finding
6.1 Premise 52
6.2 Demographic Profile 53
6.2.1 Age 54
6.2.2. Gender
6.2.3 Occupation 55
6.3 Digital Marketing as a tool to 56
grow Business
6.4 Respondents attitude towards 57
Online Purchases 58
6.5 Print Media VS Digital Media 59
6.6 Tools of Digital Marketing
6.6.1 Importance of the various tools 60
of digital marketing 61
6.6.2 Most preferred social media
6.6.3Importance of Online Platform
for various purposes

6.7 Opinion on Digital Marketing
6.8Factors limiting the success of
digital marketing
7. Deliberations on Research Findings
8. Conclusion and Recommendations
8.1 Conclusion
8.2 Recommendations
9. Managerial Implications
10. Bibliography


Digital marketing is the marketimg of products or services using

digital technologies,mainly on internet,but also including
mobilephones, display advertising,and any other digital medium.

Marketing and technology have always been inseparable. Currently,
there are over 1876 marketing technology vendors in the market. 60%
of these companies are planning on increasing their investments this
year! Marketing has now become one of the most lucrative industries
out there and is now a core component of market ecosystems all
around the world. With the rising popularity of the internet, digital
marketing has achieved exponential success through gradual
evolution. Given below is a concise guide on how digital marketing
has achieved explosive growth.

In 1981, IBM launched their first computer called the SQL, which was
adopted by the ANSI. During this time the market itself was still
finding a unified structure.  This is where digital marketing finally was
introduced as new features started to emerge. This included client
architecture, advents of servers, field sales channel automation,
contact strategy optimization, marketing resource management, and
analytics. After the first computer was introduced to the public, many
businesses had started to target this niche in the market. However,
very few of these businesses had actually managed to devise adequate
digital marketing services or products.

The early nineties are recognized as the pivotal years for the digital
marketing industry. By this point in time, there were over 16 million
of internet users. This spurred the growth of many innovations by
different companies. With the popularity of the internet, many CRM
vendors started to appear and were creating a coherent structure for
every digital marketing company. Furthermore, this when pioneers of
the industry claimed that information was rich in data and poor in

information. Basically, every business had a substantial amount of
data but lacked the resources to make any sense of this information.

The twenties or the digital era has witnessed the highest growth in
digital marketing services and products because by this time there
were over 558 million internet users. Google went public and Apple
launched their first smartphone! All of these innovations set a new
standard in the market and induced a ripple effect which resulted in
the expedited growth of digital marketing. By the early twenties, many
products and services were digitized and marketed on the internet.
This is exactly why digital marketing finally created a strong foothold
in the market.  However, this uncharted territory was still too fresh for
marketers to effectively offer service and products that would revamp
the entire market structure.

Furthermore, with the passing of time and as more products and

services became digitized, marketers finally created a strong foothold
in the market. Every year digital marketers were devising new and
improved methods of helping businesses market their products or
services using the latest digital trends in the market. Today digital
marketing is considered to be a prerequisite for every business that
wants to achieve success in the market.


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• To investigate different forms of digital marketing as per
demographic profile of customers.
• To identify the most effective digital marketing tool for various
purposes pertaining to consumers.
• To compare digital media with print media, based on customer
• To identify reasons to choose digital marketing by marketing
houses as per client ( awareness ceation, engage prospects,
lead generation, lead nurturing, lead conversion, reminder
• To explore consumer feedback based on importance of digital
marketing ( constant reminder, knowledge, awareness,
exposure to brands etc


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3.1. LiteratureReview
A literature review is a scholarly paper, which includes the current
knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and
methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature
reviewsare secondary sources, and do not report new or original
experimental work.
1.Chiara (2001) in her article examined the role of web in
In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are
discussed and conclusions as to the way in which branding
practice and theory are affected by the new technology are
drawn. This article explains the Web is both a distribution
and a communications channel that facilitates interaction
community building, openness and comparability.

2. Arora (2004) in his article examined that the global

online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn
by 2006. In India, the revenues at present are estimated to be
Rs. 80 cr. and are expected to increase six times more within
the next five years.

In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by a wider

industrial segment that includes automobiles, telecom,
education, banking, insurance, credit cards, FMCG (Fast
Moving Consumer Goods), apparel/clothing, durables,
media, business services and tourism. Out of these, it is
estimated that the banking, FMCG and insurance sectors
together account for 45% of the total advertising spend. In

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comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37%
of the total advertising revenue and financial service
companies spend 12% only. Some of the top
spenders in India are automobiles, followed by brands like
Pepsodent, Kellogg’s, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing
Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) loans and Sunsilk.
In addition to these the early adopters in the field of finance
and IT are also increasing their spending. Globally, the trend
is that almost 60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle,
Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL (America Online Launchers), and
Overture. Approximately, 90% of the Google revenues come
from advertising. In India, portals like indiatimes.com,
exchange4media.com, rediffmail.com, agencyfaqs.com etc
are attracting major online spender.

This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It

also gives the comparison between global trend and Indian
trend, which is useful for my research work.

3.Valen(2010) has published article “Is Your Marketing Smart”

Today advertisers not only need to cater to and directly

pinpoint a precise targeted audience, but they need to
customize their advertisements as well. In web media, you
have an idea of who will see your ads, and it create an
impact on your audience. For example, you know Femina
Magazine would be great to target women so you can
promote your new beauty product in this magazine. But

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when it comes to online venues, how can you target the right
audience when millions are browsing?

4.Suman (2010) in her work studied about online banner advertising.

Online banner advertising has great potential as an

advertising medium. It is easy to create, place and use. It
offers companies targeting well educated, innovative,
affluent males/females or students with great potential for
success as their segments are highly represented.

5.Graham (2012) has published his article entitled “Web

advertising’s future Marketing strategy”. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
published an equity research report analyzing the Internet marketing
and advertising industry. The report studies research from dozens of
companies and calculates the cost and effectiveness of advertising
across various media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing
brands, the Internet is more effective in driving recall than television,
magazines, and newspapers and at least as good in generating product

6. Nielsen (2012) in his article ‘How consumers act after

seeing social ads’, studied thatSocial media has not only
changed how people communicate online, but it has also
changed the consumption of other media too. Online social
connections are used to filter, discuss, disseminate, and
validate news, entertainment, and products for consumption.
(Ryan 2011: 15)

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7. Bondar (2008) has published his article on “sales and marketing

Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives people a

greater amount of information as we need. It is the best way
to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are
interested in buying, it is best for us to check the Web sites.
Also if we would like to make our own Web page we can do
this, without paying a lot of money. From where do we set
all this information? The answer is from advertising, which
we see, everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the
newspapers and more. Year after year we get more and more
new, interesting information and in the future the Internet
use will increase more than now.

8. Reddy (2013) in his work tried to explain that Marketing

is one of the business functions most dramatically affected
by emerging information technologies. Internet is providing
companies new channels of communication and interaction.
It can create closer yet more cost-effective relationships with
customers in sales, marketing and customer support.
Companies can use web to provide ongoing information,
service and support. It also creates positive interaction with
customers that can serve as the foundation for long term
relationships and encourage repeat purchases.


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The web is now established in India as a mass market media channel
for the wealthy. Email has become a mass market media channel for
office workers and professional classes, but the use is more fractured
than in Europe. The main changes in internet access both at home and
at work have happened in the last five years and have seen the internet
has become an essential part of office life. The number of people with
access continues to rise, but it is still only 5% of the country. The time
they spend online is rising too and the frequency of use is rising
people who have access use it a lot and continue to use it more and
more. In this report we have collated together a market snapshot of
how internet access and use in the country is developing.

Rapid growth, but among the wealthy

Internet access growth started accelerating in 2002 and both the web
and email have now mainstreamed as both a consumer and business
tool. Not surprisingly internet use is skewed massively towards
specific up-market demographics and professional classes that have
access as part of their working lives. The twenty something
professionals are graduating college with internet access part of their
personal landscape, so a clear cohort effect is in play – as this group
ages they replace the older generation where internet use is patchier,
and the digital behaviour on the whole, less engrained. Email has
become an important business tool for both domestic and international
firms, and the ability to overcome the geographic challenges of such a
large country have made it a quick replacement for fax services.
However, the role of the web goes far beyond business. For a new
generation of consumers, it’s become a key lifestyle and entertainment

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channel, with many strong nationally created entertainment, sport and
news sites traceable back to the mid-nineties. The strong home-grown
content industry India has had, complemented by a strong IT sectors
in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi have fuelled internet development.
In terms of international access, there is an additional pattern of strong
use of UK and US websites as well as international sports websites.

Online advertising in India

The internet advertising industry remains young in India and behaves

in a similar way to the Western European internet advertising industry
5-8 years earlier. It is enjoying fast growth, albeit from a low base.
The sector is dominated by financial services, IT/mobile and
recruitment, with consumer package goods and motoring accounting
for only small shares of the national online advertising market.
However Indian consumers have experienced web advertising from
the start of their use of the web so there is greater acceptance than in
some of the Western European markets at a similar stage in their
growth. The market is nationally driven with extra campaigns coming
from global brands, but most of the budget confined to national
businesses. However, negative perceptions about advertising remain
and overall national media have been sluggish to provide online
services comparable in quality to those in the UK and USA.

What are people doing online?

Email and information remain the strongest reasons people cite for
going online in India, but the use of video has grown rapidly in the

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past few years and will continue to do so, following trends from
Western Europe. National broadcasters as well as the BBC and
YouTube have all been early beneficiaries of online video viewing
from India. The role of social media is growing rapidly with over
60million people having profiles on social networking sites. This will
accelerate through to 2012 by which time internet access should have
broadened and social media become a standard element of web use
with most regular users having at least one social media profile.
Blogging and RSS use also prove to be significantly high at present;
this will continue, but relative to other tools, blogging’s share of voice
will decline throughout to 2010.

Consumer internet behaviour in India

For people with access, it’s a major part of their daily or weekly
schedule. The internet is a gateway to world knowledge as well as a
massive platform for national media and documentation. Once people
start using the internet their behaviour changes permanently and
already in India over two thirds of people with access use it several
times a week or more. Work audiences account for significant
amounts of the online total population. Access from internet cafes
remains extremely high, averaging 30% on working days

Mobile phone use in India

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This is the real mass market communication tool. There are around
300m mobile users in India (2008: 286million accounts). 92% of
mobile subscribers are on pre-paid connection and remaining 8% on
post-paid terms according to the IAMAI research of 2008. The Indian
telecommunications market has tremendous growth opportunities –
and according to IAMAI is set to exceed 500 million by 2010. Value
added services - SMS, Hello Tunes, Music on Demand and Airtel
Live - contributed to about 9.5% of the total revenues of the segment
and SMS alone accounted for 4.1% of the total revenue in the market
according to Go Broadband (2009). Mobile adoption has always been
higher, so for SMS marketing, that is the true mass market media
channel across many demographics. While mobile use is very high,
mobile devices and the web will not properly converge until late 2010
so this remains an SMS text platform rather than mobile internet.

Search engine marketing in India

The role of search is like most developed internet markets, although

there is a lack of accurate data due to challenges in researching the
market size effectively. Search is the largest segment of the online
advertising industry in most countries and search engine advertising is
rapidly growing in India, roughly doubling in size each year. Search
engine optimisation is believed to be a massive part of the marketing
mix in India but remains unquantified. Product development among
search engines will now increase, given India’s accelerating status as
an internet economy.

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Digital marketing is the promotion of your business, organisation

or brand using channels such as the Internet, mobile devices,
television and radio in addition to using creative online
advertising, video, podcasts and other such methods to
communicate your message.Internet marketing in particular plays
a huge part in any digital marketing strategy and is becoming the
core of many organisations overall marketing strategies,
particularly with regard to social media and viral marketing.

Digital marketing ecosystem is not only concerned with internet

marketing and social media marketing, in introduction we
discussed that peoples have a belief that internet or social media
marketing are same but not same, be clear from beginning itself.
Digital marketing ecosystem consists of internet marketing and
social media marketing. They are just a channel for
communication, digital ecosystem consists of integrating channels
and integrating services.

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4.2.1) Digital Ecosystem

•Search Engine (SEO/SEM)

•Displays (Banners, Rich media Banners)
Integrated •Mobile Marketing
•Social media

Channels •Email


Integrated •Content management

•Advanced Targeting
•Research + Planning

Services •Digital strategy

4.2.2) Search Engine

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the art of getting a website to

work better with search engines (like Google, Bing & Yahoo), and
to look for achievable, profitable, ranking opportunities through
keyword research. It is a quest for increased visibility in search
engines via relevant copy, quality links, domain trust, social
popularity and search engine connectivity.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a broader term than SEO and is

used to encompass different options available to use a search
engine’s technology, including paid ads. SEM is often used to
describe acts associated with researching, submitting and
positioning a website within search engines.

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4.2.3) Displays
Display advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains
text (i.e., copy), logos, photographs or other images, location
maps, and similar items. In periodicals, display advertising can
appear on the same page as, or on the page adjacent to, general
editorial content. Normal banners, Rich media banner, Interstitials
and pops are example of displays.

4.2.4) Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is used in reference to any marketing efforts on
or with a mobile device. It involves planning, creating, and
implementing a mix of initiatives to bring together sellers and
buyers via mobile devices. Mobile ads, Mobile websites, Apps
and Games are some of examples for mobile marketing.

4.2.5) Social Media Marketing

Social Media refers to any software tool that enables and
encourages engagement in conversation or sharing. Popular forms
of social media include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube,
Pinterest, Google + and blogs. Now all day’s social media become
platform for marketer to make conversation with customers.
Brands are now engaging customers through social media.

4.2.6) Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a type of direct marketing that involves
sending personalized, targeted messages to a specific audience.
Email Marketing is easy to use, low cost, and effective. Most of
the B2B business in present era in following email marketing, but
in B2C also email marketing is productive.

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4.2.7) Video
Marketers are now use video to make customers aware of brands and
to sharing the experience of other customers. YouTube ads are too
popular in video ads. In social media platforms also, brands are
sharing video.

4.2.8) Analysis
Analytics is the practice of evaluating data, and the process by which
a company arrives at a most advantageous decision. Here marketer
analysis the integrate channel to understand the effectiveness of
communication. Analysis may be based on numbers of visitor or like
in social media pages. Etc.

4.2.9) Content Management

After analysis the integrate channels marketer can able to understand
the problems with current contents. Later he can manage the content
to increase the engagement rate, content may be text in banners,
images or websites.

4.2.10) Advanced Targeting

Advanced targeting are techniques involving the sending of targeted
messages to a specific audience. It is used to increase the effectiveness
of a marketing campaign. Behavioural targeting is also a part of
advanced targeting, here marketer can target the customer based on
their past behaviour in online. Marketer can put ads in another
webpage where customer is going.

4.2.11) Creative
Creative is the artistic component of an ad or website. It usually
includes an image and copy present in ads or website. Marketer can
make those contents attractive to customers. Marketer will sometimes
change the entire design of websites, apps, etc.

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4.2.12) Research and Planning
Marketer will do some research to understand the behaviour, taste and
preference to customers in digital platform. This research may be
doing by using paid-tools like ComScore, Etc. Through this research
marketer can understanding where target audience is present or what
target audience would to do in online. After research marketer will
plan new campaigns based on those research reports. These campaigns
are more effective to reach the target audience properly.

4.2.13) Digital Strategy

Digital strategy is the process of specifying an organization's vision,
goals, opportunities and initiatives in order to maximize the business
benefits through digital media. Strategy will be different for each
brand, it will base on the brand objective and target groups interest. It
is actual a plan formulated by the marketer to explore the
opportunities. Strategy may be short term or long term, but it needs to
be fit with market situations.

4.3) Types of Digital Marketing

In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push

marketing strategy. Like that in digital marketing also pull and
push are types.

In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without

the recipient actively seeking the content, such as display
advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging
and web feeds with customized contents can also be classed as
push digital marketing when the recipient has not actively sought
the marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target your

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demographics and use your marketing dollars to promote your
product to the people you know are interested in what you must
sell. A push marketing campaign can be more expensive when it
comes to upfront costs, so you really need to be sure that your
marketing is going to reach the right people at the right time.
Behaviour targeting is good example for push digital marketing.

In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing,

social media, info graphics and other forms of visual messaging
and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing campaign
also includes public relations or other ways of reaching out to
potential or already realized customers who you want to keep
engaged. While a pull marketing campaign can be less expensive
to get started, you will incur costs in other ways. For example, if
you are running a social media campaign, you will need to hire
someone to manage your social media and respond to people who
leave comments or ask questions. Social media gets people talking
and that has a major impact on sales. Pull marketing also requires
a greater investment in time, but it gives you more ability to
entertain your customers and educate them about your company.

But don't get confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a
difference. If marketer is sending emails with customized content
or banners to specific group of customers is push digital
marketing. If marketer is sending emails with the same content or
banner to all customers is pull digital marketing.

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4.4.1.SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of

affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a
search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search
results. SEO may target different kinds of search,
including image search, local search, video search,
academic search,news search and industry-specific
vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how

search engines work, what people search for, the actual
search terms or keywords typed into search engines and
which search engines are preferred by their targeted
audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its
content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its
relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to
the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site
to increase the number of back links, or inbound links,
social book marking, directory submission is another SEO

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4.4.2SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet

marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing
their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through
optimization and advertising.] SEM may use search engine
optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content to
achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use
pay per click listings.

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4.4.3 SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Social media marketing is the process of gaining website

traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media marketing programs usually centre on efforts

to create content that attracts attention and encourages
readers to share it across their social networks. The

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resulting electronic word of mouth (eWoM) refers to any
statement consumers share via the Internet (e.g., web sites,
social networks, instant messages, news feeds) about an
event, product, service, brand or company. When the
underlying message spreads from user to user and
presumably resonates because it appears to come from a
trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or
company itself, this form of marketing results in earned
media rather than paid media.


In the context of the social web, engagement means that

customers and stakeholders are participants rather than
viewers. Social media in business allows anyone and
everyone to express and share an opinion or an idea
somewhere along the business’s path to market. Each
participating customer becomes part of the marketing
department, as other customers read their comments or
reviews. Theengagement process is then fundamental to
successful social media marketing.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the world's most popular social network for

both businesses and individuals. With over one billion
users, your friends and fans are likely already using the
platform -- and you should be too! In fact, people are 51%

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more likely to make a purchase after "liking" a brand
on Facebook. Face book marketing requires a good
intellects and unique thinking to make the campaign

In web marketing your content speaks aloud that is why

make sure your content should be relevant to your
audience and business.

Thumb rules:

• Emphasize on visualization. Rich visuals make the

best content and the best timelines.

• ‘Highlight’ posts to give them the full width of the

Facebook container. To make it more attractive

• ‘PIN’ posts, these posts stay at the top of the feed

promoting posts.

• Ensure FB apps have relevant info, your audience is

looking for

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• Analyse what works, and what doesn’t work:
Facebook Insight. Edge Rank. Social bakers

Twitter marketing (A game of 140 characters)

Twitter’s flexible, real-time platform allows you to get
creative and drive results at the same time. Whether
you’re looking to drive sales, increase brand awareness or
launch a product.
Twitter marketing is not much popular than face book but
still it has an impact on audience.

Thumb rules:

• Remember, you just have 140 characters to play

around. Compose your message within 120
characters or less and leave atleast20 characters so
that others can re-tweet (RT).

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LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn is the world's largest social network for
professionals. With over 161 million registered users in
more than 200 countries, more than two million
companies have created LinkedIn Company Pages to vie
for their attention. If you are in B2B business this
platform is very useful for you to connect with
companies’ directors and marketing person.

It is a visual discovery social network. It is a way of
sharing images of anything, from fashion to pets to pot
plants. You can create your own online pinboards to suits
any theme and sharewith likeminded people.

Pinterest completely revolves around the premise of being

creative and visual. 70% users are female and aged
between 25 and 44. So if you are targeting women
Pinterest is the right platform.

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How brands can use Pinterest
Pinterest does not encourage product pushing, this means
brands must look at crating boards that are culture and
lifestyle related. You can create boards on trends, behind
the scenes, preliminary sketches for products etc.


Instagram, the new revolutionary photo-sharing program,

making it easier than ever to share your best pictures with
the world. The social media program allows you to
upload, add digital filters, and then post your pictures on
your Instagram-feed, as well as other social networking

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sites. You can connect your Instagram account with
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare and your
email account. This makes it easy to share your pictures
on multiple platforms all at once.

Google +

Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that

enhances many of its online properties, and that it is not
simply a social networking website, but also an authorship
tool that associates web-content directly with its
owner/author. It is the second-largest social networking
site in the world after Facebook. 540 million monthly

34 | P a g e
active users are part of the Identity service site, by
interacting socially with Google’s enhanced properties,
like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments.In October
2013, Google counted 540 million active users who used
at least one Google+ service, of which 300 million users
are active in "the stream".

You tube
YouTube is a video Social Networking site, and the 2nd
most popular search site on the Internet after Google, who
owns YouTube. YouTube video watching is a significant
activity on the Internet, with over 1 billion visits to
YouTube daily and over 100 million videos watched
And it's easy for anyone who sees your video to rate it and
share it with his Social Network.

35 | P a g e
4.4.4.ODA (Online Display Ads)

Display advertising appears on web pages in many forms,

including web banners. Banner ad standards continue to

36 | P a g e
4.4.5ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Online reputation management coined by the public

relation. Basically, ORM is a process include-

 Undertake the comprehensive research and analysis

the online content.

 Track your users’ actions and opinions about brand.

 Reduce your risk of featuring amongst the negative

user sentiments.

 Enhance your web presence and create positive


4.4.6.MMT (Mobile Marketing)

Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile

device, such as a smart phone Mobile marketing can
provide customers with time and location sensitive,
personalized information that promotes goods, services
and ideas.

37 | P a g e
4.4.7.EMT (Email Marketing)

It usually involves using email to send ads, request

business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to
build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing
can be done to either sold lists or current customer


38 | P a g e
Digital Advertising is increasingly an inherent budgetary
component of many organizations today. Organizations of all sizes
use the medium to promote their products and services. So well,
why do so many organizations use the medium? Simply put, it is
due to the numerous advantages that online advertising offers.
These are discussed in the paragraphs ahead.

Reach - The ability of the online medium to target a certain

demographic of users is one of the greatest advantages of digital
advertising. In addition, the geographical reach of the online
medium is far greater than that of traditional media. It’s not only
cost effective to achieve a wider geographic area but the ads can
also be targeted to the desired audience. For example, if an
advertiser is keen on selling his or her products targeted to a
certain demographic of people, it is quite possible through online
advertising. Digital advertising has matured to the extent that web
publishers, media agencies and advertisers themselves know the
optimal ways and websites for a certain category of products or

Measurement - With various tools becoming available, tracking

effectiveness of ad campaigns is becoming possible today. In
other words, measuring Return of Investment (ROI) is
increasingly possible today. Organizations that were previously
reluctant to spend online, now realize that the online medium does
offer means to alleviate any such fears. Moreover, when properly
designed online marketing campaigns generate the desired results,
advertisers are further encouraged to continue advertising online.

39 | P a g e
Interactive and Engagement - The Internet is arguably the most
interactive and engaging medium among various others.
Interactive campaigns have become a norm with the power of the
online medium. One such advertisement worth mentioning is the
campaign by AXE where the end user could alter the smile of a
woman as he/she liked to i.e. in an interactive framework. The
advertisement struck an instant chord with the youth to which
AXE the brand is positioned for Customers are basically just a
click away from the advertisers. In other words, direct response
between end users and advertisers is possible through the online

Time - Through the Internet, an advertiser can reach a desired

target group or demographic in a much shorter time frame. For
example, if an advertiser needs to plan some sort of ambush
marketing, the online medium can be an effective means of
achieving it. Even otherwise i.e. for regular marketing campaigns,
the total time necessary to complete an online advertising
campaign is less than that of traditional advertising methods.

Cost - When compared to traditional forms of advertising, digital

advertising is cheaper. Various payment models are available
between the advertisers and publishers. Many a time, advertisers
are charged only when visitors click on their ads. The various
payment models are discussed in detail in the next section.

40 | P a g e
4.6 Branding in Digital Era
Today, brand custodians are the connected users who exist across
digital platforms. They are multifaceted. They are the publishers,
circulators, ambassadors, instigators and at the same time they are
the custodians as well. Their digitally connected existence has
power, credibility, influence, depth, and reach.[26] Their digital
messaging has the velocity, acceleration, and momentum required
to impact brands. Yet brands and their default custodians continue
to live blissfully in an illusion about the control they exercise over
their brand.

Brand is an enabler in the current age. It is the participants, the

brand conversations and the platforms that amplify the brand and
drive the brand philosophy.Businesses need to, therefore,
understand the consumers and the evolving digital sphere better
and continue to build brands within the digitally connected
ecosystem by focusing on the following 3 elements


Channles Engagements

41 | P a g e

The digital age has democratized individuals. They are no longer

passive consumers, but active and creative participants. They
expect and believe in the co-creation of an experience, thereby
evolving from consumers to users. They are becoming the most
credible and reliable source of the true picture of a brand.

Consumers are beginning to seek a relationship of fair exchange

between themselves and the businesses where each contributes
and everyone gains. Individuals are seeking a multidimensional
relationship that provides them with more than just the brand

The fair exchange relationship is also offering new opportunities

to the business to build more human connections. Businesses will
have to become receptive to this new age definition of relationship
that consumers seek. They may do well to go a step ahead and
create an environment that is receptive to this fair relationship.


With consumers evolving into users and participating in co-

creation, it is important for brands to offer those channels and
platforms that allow them to participate in this process. Users are
seeking channels that offer them more than just digital
promotional activities; they want channels that allow them the
freedom to be publishers of content, information and data, that

42 | P a g e
give them control over what content they produce and consume,
that allow them to co-create brand experience.

The channels also need to be device agnostic. Users are adapting

to the usage of different devices throughout the day to execute
tasks at hand. They might use a smartphone or tablet to complete
functional tasks etc. while on the move, but they use a PC for
heavy content creation and research. According to a google
research, 90 percent of people move between devices to
accomplish a task, with virtually all of them completing their task
in one day. The most popular starting point is the smartphone. In
most cases, the tasks are continued on a PC though tablets are also
becoming a popular option for continuingsocial networkingand
watching videos.

Businesses and brands need to accept that it is the consumer who

has become a more credible publisher by virtue of their access to a
device which is always on and active. Creating an environment of
device agnostic platforms and channels that allow co-creation of
content between brands and consumers will address this shift.


It is about creating a window with enhanced attention to influence

behaviour and motivations. With every business eyeing the
opportunity to engage users, it is critical to focus on engagement
by increasing brand salience and influencing buyer behaviour and
choice. Brands should be able to map a customer’s journey to
understand where they can add value and create an opportunity to

43 | P a g e
engage them. Brands need to understand that engagement is not
about pushing product messages; it is about capturing the
imagination and the attention of the user. It is about designing a
naturally engaging experience.


It’s easy to confuse the terms digital marketing and online marketing,
with the boom in Internet traffic over the past decade.

However, there are distinct differences between these two terms that
have implications for any marketing plan. Digital marketing is an
umbrella term that covers all types of marketing that involve
electronic media, and it’s been around since the invention of the radio
in 1896.

Digital marketing has grown and changed to include a multitude of

channels, which according to SAS include:

 Phone Apps
 Podcasts & Radio
 Electronic Billboards
 TV
 Online Marketing

One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the vast amount

of data available to you regarding what is working and what is not;
typically, with most forms of digital marketing, a company can see

44 | P a g e
exactly which pieces of their marketing plan are attracting attention
and converting those viewers into consumers. Using this data, you can
fine-tune your marketing plans to respond quickly to the ever-
changing needs of consumers.

Online marketing is the one subset of the digital marketing realm as a

whole and includes:

2.Social media
3.Mobile marketing
4.Content marketing
This subset of digital marketing is growing at an unprecedented rate.
Change in the online marketing world happens quickly, and savvy
marketers must stay on top of the latest trends and changes to continue
to attract new customers and retain current customers.

While online marketing has indeed become a central focus, it’s vital
for you to develop a marketing plan that includes more than just
online marketing. You must reach customers across a wide array of
platforms since it frequently requires more than one interaction with a
business or product for a person to become a customer. A
comprehensive marketing plan will reach customers both online and
offline, utilizing both digital marketing and one of its subsets, online

45 | P a g e
Digital Marketing: The Big Picture


Apparently, digital marketing has changed drastically since the

invention of the radio in 1896, but the radio is still a major player in
the digital marketing world, even more so with the massive rise in
popularity of podcasts in the last few years. Radio advertising has both
advantages and disadvantages; it’s geographically and
demographically targeted to a particular population in a given area.
This can make it very easy for you to reach a niche, geographic group;
however, if you are targeting a broader audience, radio very quickly
becomes too expensive. Securing enough spots on a variety of radio
channels can quickly eat up your budget. Similarly, podcasts tend to
have a niche group of listeners; if a product or business is targeted at a
very select group of people radio and podcasts might be the perfect
place to advertise.

Electronic Billboards

Electronic billboards are another great way to reach a geographically

concentrated population. As far as outdoor advertising (signs,
billboards, banners, etc.), electronic billboards are the most time-
sensitive and responsive. You can quickly update or change them, and
they tend to attract the eye more so than a traditional billboards. You
can even purchase time slots at high-traffic times of day to increase
the number of impressions your advertisement will receive. However,
as mentioned in Square 2 Marketing electronic billboards can quickly

46 | P a g e
become costly, and there’s no truly accurate way to measure their


Television and commercials have always been a powerful marketing

tool. According to Kissmetrics, consumers trust “TV ads an average of
15 percent more than online videos ads”. While online marketing has
been making significant inroads, having a presence on TV is still an
essential part of most large company’s marketing plans. In fact, TV
ads should always work in conjunction with a robust online campaign;
for many consumers, their first instinct after seeing an exciting
product or company on TV is to go online to check out their social
media, website and other online marketing channels. But the TV
commercial was the instigator, the part of a digital marketing strategy
that helped elevate their voice over that of the competition. There are
many factors to take into consideration before you jump into TV
advertising: demographics, the customer’s lifetime value, cost, etc.
However, quality, well-placed TV spot remains to be one of the best
ways to get your name out there among the competition.

Phone Apps

Phone apps are a newer form of marketing that has skyrocketed in

popularity right alongside mobile phones. According to Forbes, “53%
of marketing executives designing and deploying mobile apps, both
internal- and external-facing, as part of their marketing and business
development strategies.” As mentioned, apps can either be customer-

47 | P a g e
facing for consumer use or internal-facing to improve staff efficiency
and experience within a company. You should keep in mind that a
user won’t continue to use an app simply because it’s a mobile version
of the same website; it needs to bring something extra and a
personalized experience to the customer that they can’t get through a
website to be a successful marketing tool. According to Forbes,
building and maintaining a positive customer experience to keep
customers returning to the app is one of the biggest challenges facing
marketers in this arena.

The Online Customer

These are just a few of the platforms available for you when it comes
to digital marketing; as a whole, digital marketing is a mix of new and
old mediums where customers interact with you across a wide variety
of platforms for different experiences. However, the fastest-growing
subcategory of digital marketing is online marketing. In fact, many
digital marketing strategies now aim to drive those customers online.
A TV ad may direct viewers to a website; an electronic billboard may
encourage viewers to find them on social media. According to
a Forbes survey of retailers in 2016, 82 percent of customers do online
research before making a purchase, whether that purchase is
completed online or in stores. Apparently, it has become vital for you
to have an active online presence by implementing a multitude of
strategies meant to reach customers on a variety of online platforms.

48 | P a g e
A Website Cornerstone

The starting point for any online marketing strategy is your website.
Designing and implementing a fantastic marketing plan can drive a lot
of traffic to your site, but if it’s outdated and difficult to use, your
customers will simply switch to a competitor. Websites should be
visually appealing yet easy to use, and it is becoming increasingly
vital that they be mobile friendly as well. According to Small Business
Trends, 60 percent of all internet traffic is now mobile. A website that
is difficult to use on a phone or tablet will quickly lose customers to
the more mobile-friendly competition.

SEO v. Content Marketing

Of course, a good website begins with good content. Previously, many

marketers used a variety of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics
to bump their results up in a search engine’s algorithm. These tactics
included using certain keywords and link building, which creates links
back to a website so that Google or another search engine will
prioritize that site in their search results. However, since Google’s
algorithm has improved exponentially at weeding out false link-backs
and online consumers have become savvier overall, content marketing
has taken the place of SEO. As stated by Reliable Soft, companies are
focusing instead on having high-quality content in conjunction with
the SEO keyword strategies. While many SEO tactics in isolation may
have helped in the short term, content marketing creates a reliable

49 | P a g e
brand and a loyal group of customers for long-term success. One
strategy that is especially useful among niche groups is to act as an
information resource and social hub for those niche customers. For
example, a company that sells specialized hiking gear may also host
blogs and articles on backpacking or act as a social media gathering
point for hikers. In the end, good content marketing makes for long-
term, loyal customers.

Social Media

Social media is the one form of digital marketing that has received the
lion’s share of attention over the past decade, due especially to the
low-cost appeal of this platform. While social media is a vital part of
any online marketing plan, it must be paired with a robust website,
quality content marketing, and other marketing strategies to be
successful. Traditionally, social media was a “free” platform for
marketers, and in some cases, this remains true. However, platforms
like Facebook are moving increasingly to a “pay to play” format.
Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm now works to remove your business
content from its users’ newsfeed unless you pay for space, very
similar to traditional advertising on TV, radio or billboards. This does
not mean that you should ignore Facebook and other “pay to play”
platforms; however, you should take the limitations into consideration
when developing your marketing plans.

Sites like Instagram and Twitter haven’t taken these steps yet to
reduce the number of advertising in their users’ feeds. Still, savvy
marketers must take the sheer volume of advertisers that use these

50 | P a g e
sites into account; without an efficient, consistent strategy for using
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or other social media platforms, it’s easy
to be drowned out.

Social media is also an important platform for engaging with your

customers in a visible way. Managing what customers are saying
about you online is another important component of online marketing;
potential consumers are much more likely to believe the reviews,
comments, and complaints of another regular person than they are to
accept an ad. Social media platforms can be used to address criticism
and respond to customer complaints in a way that other potential
consumers see that you are concerned about them and their
experience. Through social media, a business can make itself seem
more human and personal by responding in a real way to its customers
in the online space.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an older but still a very viable form of online

marketing when done right. Remember that with email lists, potential
or current customers have given you permission to contact them, so
treat that relationship with respect. One way to to do this is to set and
abide by mutual expectations; if a customer asks to be emailed once a
week, you should only email them once a week. If you create a
monthly newsletter, that newsletter should be consistent. In the end,
the customer is in control of their email experience. After setting these
expectations, you must then determine the appropriate time to send
out a call to action. Similar to content marketing, it’s important to

51 | P a g e
intersperse good, informational content with pitch emails to not lose
potential customers by a high volume of sales pitches.



The main motive behind this research is zero moments of truth

(ZMOT) of Google. In 2012 Google done a research to understand
the change in consumer buying behaviour, for that they have taken
samples from U.S, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, France,

Australia, Poland, Turkey and Brazil. After the research they

arrived at a new concept called ‘ZMOT’, which showed the big
change in consumer buying behaviour in the digital era.

In past years marketer believed that consumer get ‘two moments’

to understand a brand. Marketing efforts at that period will try to
create stimulus in customers through advertisements and this
stimulus will lead customers toward ‘two moments. At that period
one model was coined by P&G in 2005 and CEO said "The best
brands consistently win two moments of truth. The first moment
occurs at the store shelf, when a consumer decides whether to buy
one brand or another. The second occurs at home, when she uses
the brand — and is delighted, or isn’t."

52 | P a g e
Let’s see an example to understand how this model works.

Stimulus is advertisement. Dad is watching a football game and

sees an ad for digital cameras. He thinks, “That looks good.”

First moment of Truth it will happen in the shopping Shelf. He

goes to his favourite electronics store, where he sees a terrific
stand- up display for that same digital camera. The packaging is
great. A young sales guy answers all his questions. He buys the

Second moment of truth is Experience or Post Purchase

behaviour. Dad gets home and the camera records beautiful
pictures of his kids, just as advertised. He becomes loyal to the

Later in 2012 Google coined a model and named it as ZMOT or

Zero Moment of Truth. Google coined this model through
research of 5000 shoppers and asked them a simple question, how
many sources of information you will collect before making a

53 | P a g e
purchase decision? The survey revealed that the average shopper
uses 10.4 sources of information, ranging from TV commercials
and magazine articles, to recommendations from friends and
family, to websites, ratings to blogs. [25] ZMOT model of
customer buying behaviour is like this.

Let’s take the pervious example; dad purchased the camera after
see television ad. But now, after seeing an ad dad will open his
laptop and make a search or ask in social networking sites or visit
company site or see customer rating before making an action.
Then only first moment of truth and second moment of truth will
come. So presence in digital is important for brands, they need to
use this platform to convince customers.

In this ZMOT report Google is advising brands to go for multi-

screen marketing. The reason for this was “77% of viewers use
another device while they are watching TV”. So if brands go for
multi- screen it will help to create efficient stimulus in customers.

54 | P a g e
5.1 Premise

The process through which the research study would be completed

is called research methodology. Research methodology describes
the method of conducting the research study. It shows the logical
sequence of the steps of research process from beginning to

This section explains and justifies the methodology used for

conducting this research. It begins with explaining the adopted
research philosophy, research approach and design. Further it
explains the data collection method, sampling technique and
sample size, data analysis method and data quality issues.

5.2 Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that has been used I this study is non-
probability sampling. In non-probability sampling (also known as
non-random sampling) not all members of the population have a
chance of participating in the study.

Furthermore, convenience sampling has been used. Convenience

sampling (also known as availability sampling) is a specific type
of non-probability sampling method that relies on data collection
from population members who are conveniently available to
participate in study.

The technique has been used because:

55 | P a g e
1. Possibility to reflect the descriptive comments about the
2. Cost effectiveness and time effectiveness compared to
probability sampling.

5.3 Sample Size

Determining an appropriate research population and proper sampling
procedure is an important aspect for a researcher in order to answer
research questions. Sampling is a calculated choice of number of the
people, representing a given population. Since, it is impossible for the
researcher to survey the whole population due to time, money and
access constraints it becomes important for the researcher to
determine sampling size, in order together findings from the
representative set of population.The sample size selected in this
research study is 100.

5.4 Sampling Frame

This study has beenundertaken in the city of Kolkata which is a
metropolitan city comprising from all classes of the society. This
study has been done here to get responses from people who fall under
different demographic variables andalso because of limited time and

The majority of the respondents are mostly businessmen and students

and also include professionals, employees, interns and homemakers.

56 | P a g e
5.5 Sample Unit
It is a single section selected to research and gather statistics of the
whole. In this study the sample unit are the people of Kolkata in

5.6 Research Design

The research design used in this study is Descriptive research design.
This helps to provide answers to the questions of who, what, when,
where and how associated with a research problem; a descriptive
study cannot conclusively ascertain answers to why. Descriptive
research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of
the phenomena and to describe ‘what exists’ with respect to variables
or conditions in a situation.

5.7 Research Instrument

The research instrument used here is an online questionnaire,
which consist of 17 questions. A questionnaire is a research
instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts
for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.

5.8 Data Collection Techniques

5.8.1 Primary data: To support the information given in my

project I have taken the help of questionnaire which I distributed
amongst various people of different age groups. Apart from the
questionnaire some of the data have been gathered through
interactions and observations.

57 | P a g e
5.8.2 Secondary data: Apart from the primary data I have also
taken help from websites, articles, magazines, newspapers to
support the primary data.

58 | P a g e

6.1 Premise

In this chapter the results of the data analysis are presented. The data
were collected and then processed in response to the problems posed
in chapter 1 of this research study. This chapter moves on to a
presentation of the findings produced by the original quantitative
analysis conducted as apart of this research project.

6.2 Demographic Profile

Demographic profiling has long been a tool utilised by marketers so
that they maybe as efficient as possible with marketing products and
services. By targeting certain groups who are more likely to be
interested in what you are selling, you can more efficiently expand
your marketing resources so that they may garner the maximum
amount of sales.

59 | P a g e
6.2.1 Age
The element highlights the age of the age of the respondents
considered in the study.


Below 18
18; 18% 18-28
46; 46% 50 and above

32; 32%

Age Group Number of %

Below 18 3 3%

18-28 46 46%

29-39 32 32%

40-49 18 18%

50 and above 1 1%

In this study the majority of the respondents were between the age of
18-28, which constitutes 46% of the total sample size followed by
people between 29-39 years of age which constitute 32% and people
belonging to the age group of 40 – 49 years constitute 18%. There are
only 3 respondents aged below 18 and only 1 above 50.

60 | P a g e
6.2.2 Gender


Prefer not to say
50; 50% 50; 50%

Gender NUMBER OF %

MALE 50 5O%
FEMALE 50 50%

As the male female percentage does not have any difference, we
can say that gender does not play any role in the effectiveness of
digital marketing.

61 | P a g e
6.2.3 Occupation


12; 12% Employee
6; 6% 28; 28% Businessman
31; 31%
22; 22%

Occupation Number of %
Student 28 28%

Employee 22 22%

Businessman 31 31%

Professional 6 6%

Homemaker 12 12%

Other 1 1%

The majority of the respondents in this study are businessmen,
they constitute 31% of the total sample size. Followed by
students which constitute 22%. The remaining respondents are
employees, professionals, homemakers and others (intern)
constituting 22%, 6%, 12% and 1% respectively.

62 | P a g e
6.3 Digital Marketing as a tool to grow Business

Would you use Digital Marekting as a tool to grow your


4; 4%

96; 96%

Out of the 100 respondents 96 people would use digital
marketing as a tool to grow their business. Certainly, they feel
that by doing so they would be able to reach out to more people.
And the remaining 4% are people who have not yet adopted the
growing trend.

63 | P a g e
6.4 Respondent’s attitude towards online purchases

Do you prefer online purchasing over offline


43; 43%
57; 57%

From the above pie chart, we can see that 57% of the
respondents are inclined towards online purchasing while the
remaining 43% still prefer offline purchasing. This shows that
people are becoming digitally inclined today but there is still a
lot of people who do not trust online purchase. Thus, there isn’t
much difference between online and offline purchase

64 | P a g e

How much do you spend on Online

Purchases monthly ?

11; 11% 5000-10000
12; 12%
44; 44% More than 20000

33; 33%


0-5000 44 44%
5000-10000 33 33%
10000-20000 12 12%
More than 20000 11 11%

In this segment 44% of the respondents prefer not to spend
more than 5000 rupees, while 33% people would like to spend
between 5000-10000 rupees bracket. As the amount of
expenditure on online purchases increase, the percentage of
respondents wanting to purchase online decreases.

65 | P a g e
6.5 Print Media VS Digital Media


How likely are you to use Print media on a scale of 1 to 5?

(5 being the most important)
15 28
10 21
5 10
5 4 3 2 1

Importance of print media

Defining Frequency OF ∑OF Valid Cumulative
Element (O) (F) % %
Most 28 5*28 140 28 28
Important 21 4*21 84 21 49
Neutral 35 3*35 105 35 84

Somewhat 10 2*10 20 10 94
Not at all 6 1*6 6 6 100
Total 100 355 100.00

Thus, Weighted Mean = ∑OF/N

= 355/100
= 3.55 (NEUTRAL)

66 | P a g e
The study found that 35% are neutral about using print media, while
28% believe it to be the most important. 21% think it to be somewhat
important and 10% feel it to be somewhat unimportant. And only 6%
of the people think that print media is not at all important. From the
above table we can see that the weighted mean is 3.55 which tells us
that on an average the respondents are neutral about print media.

How likely are you to use digital media on a scale of 1 to 5? (5

being the most important)
25 47
15 29
10 17
5 6
0 1
5 4 3 2 1

Defining Frequency OF ∑OF Valid Cumulative

Element (O) (F) % %
Most 47 5*47 235 47 47
Important 29 4*29 116 29 76
Neutral 16 3*16 48 16 92

Somewhat 4 2*4 8 4 96
Not at all 4 1*4 4 100
Total 100 411 100.00

67 | P a g e
Thus, Weighted Mean = ∑OF/N
= 411/100 =4.11

We can see that 47% of the respondents are highly likely to use
digital media while 4% think of it as not at all important and
these are those people who preferred not to use digital media as
a tool to grow business. The remaining category of the people
are passive about their choices.
Through this overall analysis we see that with the growing
competition and technology people are starting to choose digital
media over print media. The reaction of the respondents
towards print media was neutral while it was seen that
respondents think digital media to be important as it would help
them gain a competitive edge.




How important do you think the various tools of Digital

Marketi ng are?
40 38
40 37 36
33 33 31
29 29 30
30 26 24 24
21 19
12 12
9 8
10 6 6 5
Social Media Search Engine Email Marketing Paid Ad's Online Mobile
Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing

Very Important Important Neutral Not at all Important

68 | P a g e
Majority of the people think that social media marketing and
search engine marketingare very important tools of Digital
Marketing. Another chunk of the respondents think that Paid
ad’s and mobile marketing are quite important tools. 38% and
24% of the people believe that Email marketing and Online
marketing also have neutral importance as a tool in Digital
marketing. Overall we can see that only a few people think it to
be ineffective and majorly we get a positive towrads all the
digital marketing tools.


Which is the most effective Social Media according to



34 36
32 31 30
27 25 27
21 22
10 10
6 4 4 5 6
2 2 3 2
Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter Youtube

Most Effective Effective Neutral Least Effective Not at all effective


69 | P a g e
In this section we get a brief idea about the importance of the social
media platforms as a digital marketing tool. Facebook being the most
effective tool followed by Instagram and YouTube. Furthermore, we
see that LinkedIn and Twitter were considered to quite effective by
about 42% and 34% of the people respectively. Hence, we get an
overview of how crucial social media platforms are in today’s world

6.6.3 Importance of Online Platform for various purposes

How important are online platforms for the following

purposes on a scale of 1 to 5? (1 being the most






Shopping Banking Trading Educational Entertainment
Purposes Purposes

1 2 3 4 5

In the recent years there has been rapid growth in the usage of online
platforms for various purposes. Majority of the respondents feel that
online platforms are important in their lives. Banking and technology
go hand in hand and we can see that by the response of people.
Majority of them have chosen banking via online platforms highly
crucial as it rescues them from the tedious task of going to the bank

70 | P a g e
for minor transactions. Online platforms have been quite popular in
the ‘shopping’ and ‘Entertainment purposes’ segment while the
education segment has not quite adopted online platforms as a mode
of spreading knowledge yet. Therefore, the importance of online
platforms cannot be ignored in today’s fast-moving lives.


Indicate your preference to the following questi ons?

Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Reach of Digital Digital Marketing
is Flexible does not give is a tough task is fast Marketing at is costly
expected results large scale

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


It can be seen that factors like flexibility, pace and reach of digital
marketing have been strongly agreed upon. While people are highly
neutral about the cost and difficulty level. Even though few
respondents believe that there are certain drawbacks to digital

71 | P a g e
marketing, most of them agree to the fact that digital marketing is fast
and gives us the expected results.

6.8 Factors limiting the success of digital marketing

How limiting do you feel these factors are on the success

of Digital Marketing?

45 44 44
39 39
37 36
35 34 33

23 24
19 19
11 11
4 4 5 4 4
1 2 2 1 2
Lack of Budget Lack of Lack of Lack of Accurate Competition Creativity
Time/Resources Knowledge Measurement

Extremely Very Quite Not Very Not At All

Lack of resources is a major concern for 45% of the respondents
followed by the need for creativity in Digital marketing. One has to be
creative in order to advertise its products and services and have
greater market share in this cut throat competition.

Digital Marketing is comparatively a new innovation and not many

people have the required knowledge and accurate measurements yet.

Budget in general has been an issue for businesses and the added
expense of digital marketing makes the respondent skeptical about it
cost-return equation. But all these factors are equally important and
lack of any of them would cause problem in the success of Digital

72 | P a g e

Out of a total of 100 responses, 96% of the respondents believe in

the concept of digital marketing as a tool to promote business.

 Businessmen today are interested in expanding their business

and are either changing their business models to an online one
or beefing up existing marketing efforts with digital marketing
 Respondents consider digital marketing more cost effective
than traditional marketing. Digital Marketing has provided
business with better and much more cost-effective channel that
delivers results.
 Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms
because the customer will do research about the product
after seeing an ad or after getting stimulated.
 Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing and Social
Media Marketing such as Facebook have generated quick and
effective interaction with targeted audiences and delivers better
than average results in the terms of conversion rates.
 It is quite evident from the study that preference of people
towards online purchase is constantly increasing. Slowly the
trend is changing, people are now moving towards online
purchases from offline purchases.

73 | P a g e
 Social Media platforms has given a competitive advantage over
other methods of marketing as it has helped in capturing a large
market base in terms of shopping, trading, entertainment
purposes and highly in banking.
 Digital Media VS Print Media – So the big question is which
one is better?
That’s a complex and nuanced question but our research and
findings tell us that even though both of them have unique
advantages yet with the growing prevalence of smartphones,
tablets and other wireless networks, people prefer that most of
their work be done on a digitalized platform and their work gets
faster, easier, and less expensive.
 Traditional marketing techniques is going for a makeover. In
fact, what worked yesterday does not work today. So as per the
responses we see that businesses give importance and also are
willing to use all types of digital marketing tools to make their
business more successful and productive.

74 | P a g e

These are critical suggestion regarding the best course of action in a

certain situation. The whole idea of recommendation is to provide a
beneficial guide that will not only resolve certain issues, but result in a
beneficial way.

In my opinion I feel In India the Digital marketing is a new and

emerging concept in the present scenario of global competitive world.
The small-scale industries are the best beneficiary of this concept, but
they don’t have the awareness about the digital marketing usage. So
the Digital marketing agencies should give the awareness to them in
order to utilize the best way to advertising, to promote sales and as
well as to build their brand.

Therefore, the following recommendations should be kept in mind:

 Improve technical advancement in promotion of digital

 Collect and implement the feedback provided by the consumer
in the right way.
 Provide a transparent and good service to the consumer before
and after purchase.
 Creating awareness among the people about digital marketing.
 Complete description needs to provide about the product to the
online shoppers.

75 | P a g e

The limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or

methodology that impacted or influences the interpretation of the
findingsfrom the research. They are the constraints on
generalizability, applications to practise and or utility of findings that
results of the ways in which I had initially chose to design the study
and/or the method used to establish internal and external validity
The limitations of the study are
 The study is only conducted in the city of Calcutta and not the
entire country.
 The no. of respondents is only 100 which does not give us a
holistic picture of the entire population
 The time span for preparing the project was limited.

76 | P a g e
Digital Marketing is in its growth stage and it is growing rapidly.
Marketers are using various strategies to attract customer and retain

The study that has been conducted has found that gone are the days
when marketers had to go door to door to market their products as in
the present day with all the technological advancement people are
interested in the virtual world of marketing and so marketers of
different companies need to find out the right medium to market their
products and services. The study explains us that online marketing and
digital marketing are different but online marketing is the main aspect
of digital marketing and is the most effective medium of marketing.

The successful completion of this project indicates that the future of

marketing is in the hands of Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is
not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of integrated
services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these
components in an effective way to reach target groups and to build a
brand. In this digital era marketer is not the custodian for a brand,
people who are connected across the digital platforms are the
custodians. Brands want to build their presence over digital platform,
because customers have high affinity towards digital media than other
media’s. More than that customers are highly information seekers and
digital media is a very efficient platform for two-way communication
between brands and customers.

77 | P a g e
Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand.
Because it is more cost effective and it provides lot of touch points to
marketer. Brands can able to engage their target group in an effective
way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for
engagement, brands can increase their customers or they can retain
their existing customers. Digital platforms help to increase the impact
of brand recall in target groups.

The research focused on people’s attitude towards the increasing

trend of digital media and effective digital marketing has become
in today’s world.

I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for
marketers to understand the importance of digital marketing and
its tools and also to plan for future strategies. I conclude my
research by quoting again that “Brands can’t sustain without
digital presence”.

78 | P a g e


1. J Suresh Reddy has published article in Indian Journal of

Marketing. Title of article is “Impact of E-commerce on

2. Neelika Arora has published research article entitled

“Trends in Online Advertising” in advertising Express,

3. Sumanjeet has published article on “On Line Banner Advertising”-

in Indian Journal of Marketing.

4. Maria Chiara have originally published her article in the Journal

of Brand Management in September 2001. The title of this article
is “Branding on the Web: A real Revolution?”

5. Jaffrey Graham has published his article entitled “Web

advertising’s future Marketing strategy”

6. Advertising in social media: How consumers act after

seeing social ads. Adapted from Nielsen (2012: 10).
7. Vikas Bondar has published his article on “sales and marketing

79 | P a g e
• www.returnonweb.com
• http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1994/11/11
• https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/.../Narkiniemi_Johan
• www.kln.ac.lk/fcms/ICBI2011/ICBI%20CD/.../Papers/ICT
• http://offers.hubspot.com/facebook-for-business
• http://idagram.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/introduction-to-

80 | P a g e


1. AGE
 UNDER 18
 18-28
 29-39
 40-49
 50 and Above

 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say

 Student
 Employee
 Businessman
 Professional
 Homemaker
 Other

81 | P a g e
 NO


 NO


 0-5000
 5000-10000
 10000-20000
 More than 20000


 5- Most Important
 4- Important
 3-Neutral
 2-Somewhat Unimportant
 1-Not at all

82 | P a g e
 5- Most Important
 4- Important
 3-Neutral
 2-Somewhat Unimportant
 1-Not at all



Very Important Neutral Not at all

important important

 Social

 Search

 Email

83 | P a g e

 Paid Ad’s

 Online

 Mobile



Most Effectiv Neutra Least No

effectiv e l Effectiv t at
e e all






84 | P a g e

5 4 3 2 1








Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

 Digital
ng is

 Digital

85 | P a g e
ng does
not give
d results

 Digital
ng is a

 Reach
ng is

 Reach
ng is at
a large

 Digital
ng is

86 | P a g e



Extremel Very Quite Not Not

y very at all

 Lack of

 Lack of time/

 Lack of

 Lack of

 Competition

 Creativity

87 | P a g e
88 | P a g e

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