NSTP Anti Terror

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1.  What do you know about the Law?

The law is usually a rule of the country promulgated by a legitimate authority which
benefits the people, the society, and the country as a whole.
At first, I don’t know what the actual details of the Anti-Terror Act but I have heard it
from discussions and news from social media. I have observed that majority of post I’ve
seen on my news feed in Facebook reacted negatively to the Anti-Terror Bill.

2.  Are there differences between the Anti-Terror Act of 2020 and Human Security
Act of 2007? If yes, what are those   differences?
There are differences between Anti-Terror Act of 2020 and Human Security Act of 2007.
The Human Security Act states that criminals spreading fear and panic guilty of
terrorism would be punished for 40 years imprisonment without the benefit of parole
(early release of the prisoner) while the Anti-Terror Bill adds that criminals guilty of
terrorism from intimidating the government or destroy the fundamental political,
economic, or social structures of the country are punishable for life imprisonment
without the benefit of parole and R.A. No. 10592(sentence reduction for prisoners who
maintain good conduct in prison). The Human Security Act states that there is
conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement committing terrorism
while The Anti-Terror bill added inciting to commit terrorism which includes speeches,
proclamations, writings, emblems, and banners can be punished. In Human Security
Act, there must be a full trial from the court to make someone guilty of being a terrorist
while in the Anti-Terror Bill, the criminal can be declared within just 72 hours.

3.  Are these added or removed differences necessary?

I think the changes rather than being unnecessary, it can be dangerous and can be
abused because of the added inciting to terrorism, freedom of speech can be punished

4.  What can you say, overall, about the ATA 2020?
The Anti-Terrorism Act can deprive people in criticizing the wrongs of the government
because of the vague definition of terrorism especially inciting to terrorism. Rather than
protecting the security of citizens, this act protects the government more from criticism.
Freedom of speech can be wrongly punished just because it hurts the image of the

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