Strategic Planning Foundations - Mike Figliuolo
Strategic Planning Foundations - Mike Figliuolo
Strategic Planning Foundations - Mike Figliuolo
Kelby Schwender
Dr. Plummer
BA 422W - Strategic Business Planning
Before You Begin Planning
● A Strategic plan, essentially, explains what your
process: Tactical are still going to be off doing their own work but
that is OK because later the team will come back
together to work on the “vision, mission, and
needs guiding principles”
○ This process may happen multiple times
during the strategic planning process
Defining the Strategic Environment
● To begin the strategic planning process,
businesses need to make sure they assess the
marketing in which they will competing in
● According to Dr. Michael Porter “there is a set of
Assessing the market five forces to evaluate all the different dynamics
that can affect your business which will in turn
allow you to be able to identify where the major
threats and opportunities are that your business
1. “Look at competitive rivalry”
2. “Look at the threats of new entry”
3. “Look at the threat of substitution”
4. “Evaluate buyer power”
5. “Look at supplier power”
● SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats
Conduct a SWOT ○ Strength & Weakness = These are
typically in your business, capabilities that
analysis your business may have or do not have
○ Opportunities & Threats = These can
either be internal or external “market-
facing opportunities”
● A SWOT analysis is essential where your
business team will brainstorm and discuss ideas
Extracting insight
● Once a SWOT analysis has been conducted, a
from a SWOT business should now sit down and reevaluate and
analyze the ideas and discussions that were had.
analysis This is the time to “synthesize ideas and look for
major themes that emerge from the SWOT
Setting Your Strategic Direction
● One of the steps in the strategic planning process
is to set a direction for the business and when
setting the direction there are four elements to
competencies ●
initiative they are thinking about pursuing”
“As you look at your organization’s core
competencies and understand what you’re great
at, you can then use that to look at any
opportunity you’re thinking about pursuing, be it
a new product, a new market, or a new initiative,
and plotting on this grid to determine what your
initial approach to that opportunity should be.
And that will then help you prioritize the
initiatives you think about pursuing, and the ones
that you don’t.”
Evaluating and Prioritizing Opportunities
● In order to identify a businesses high- and low-
Understanding priority initiatives, there must be “a common set
of criteria that everyone across the organization
strategic filters is going to use to conduct the evaluations;” these
are strategic filters
● A business should create a consistent set of
filters because this allows for companies to
quickly evaluate their initiatives and help the
company stay on the path that they desire to
reach their goals.
● When creating your strategic filters, the process
to do so is similar in the way that you create your
businesses vision and mission
● “Look at your vision, your mission you goals and
your guiding principles because those are all
Creating strategic going to be filters that help keep you going in the
right direction.”