Phonics Cards 2.0a
Phonics Cards 2.0a
Phonics Cards 2.0a
1. This pack includes all 164 phonics cards for grades K-2. However, children in the grade
K course only need to learn cards 1-58. Children in grade 1 only need to learn cards
1-124. Children in grade 2 need to learn all 164 cards. If desired, children can learn
more cards than their current grade level requires.
2. These phonics cards include not only phonograms (le ers or le er combina ons that
represent a sound) but also common word families so children can quickly learn to
recognize and read word chunks.
3. This program does not include phonograms for single consonants that have one
sound. Child should know the sounds of all the consonants except c, g, and s (which
have mul ple sounds) before they start this course.
4. For most cards, child will just memorize the sound or sounds of the phonogram
or word chunk. However, for some phonograms, child will memorize addi onal
informa on such as, “/aw/ that we may NOT use at the end of words.”
5. For some vowels, not all possible sounds of the vowel are included. This is because
some of the sounds are uncommon, and it is easier to teach those sounds later than
confuse the child with so many different sounds they may not encounter o en.
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1 2
a e
3 4
i o
5 6
u g
7 8
s c
e a
/ĕ/ /ē/ /ă/ /ā/ /ah/
edge even as able father
o i
/ŏ/ /ō/ /oo/ /u/ /ĭ/ /ī/
o er ocean to come in hi
g u
/g/ /j/ /u/ /ue/ /oo/
go giant cut unit rule
c s
/c/ /s/ /s/ /z/
cut cent sat is
9 10
ad am
11 12
it og
13 14
ot un
15 16
en ip
am ad
og it
un ot
ip en
17 18
dad ham
sad yam
19 20
hit dog
sit jog
21 22
hot fun
not sun
23 24
zip pen
tip men
ham dad
yam sad
dog hit
jog sit
fun hot
sun not
pen zip
men tip
25 26
op in
27 28
ap ug
29 30
ill ell
31 32
ick ock
in op
ug ap
ell ill
ock ick
33 34
y th
43 44
sh ch
45 46
ck ng
47 48
ay ar
th y
/th/ - /TH/ /y/ /ī/ /ē/ /ĭ/
throw the yam my baby gym
ch sh
/ch/ /k/ /sh/ /sh/
chin school chef shut
ng ck
/ng/ /k/
sing luck
ar ay
/ar/ /or/ /ā/
car war day
49 50
ee wh
59 60
nk qu
61 62
er aw
63 64
or ed
wh ee
/wh/ /ē/
while feet
qu nk
/kw/ /ngk/
quick sank
aw er
/aw/ that we MAY use at the end of words /er/
paw her
ed or
/ed/ /d/ /t/ /or/ /er/
added flowed dipped horn work
65 66
69 70
oy oi
75 76
ow ou
77 78
ai au
79 80
ir ur
oi oy
/oy/ /oy/
that we may NOT use at the end of words that we MAY use at the end of words
oil boy
ou ow
/ow/ /ō/ /oo/ /ow/ /ō/
house soul youth how low
au ai
/aw/ /ā/
that we may NOT use at the end of words that we may NOT use at the end of words
pause pain
ur ir
/er/ /er/
nurse bird
81 82
ink ing
91 92
ank all
93 94
est ent
95 96
igh ight
ing ink
all ank
ent est
ight igh
97 98
oo oa
107 108
ea tch
109 110
dge ew
111 112
wr kn
oa oo
/ō/ that we may not use at the end of words /oo/ /ŏŏ/
boat food book
tch ea
/CH/ /ē/ /ĕ/ /a/
match clean head steak
ew dge
/oo/ /ū/ /j/
grew few badge
kn wr
/n/ used only at the beginning of a base word /r/
know write
113 114
117 118
steak mean
match witch break clean
steam head
watch kitchen dream bread
eigh oe
123 124
ti ey
125 126
ear ui
127 128
ie ph
oe eigh
/ō/ that we MAY use at the end of words /ā/
toe eight
ey ti
/ē/ /ā/ /sh/
key they crea on
ui ear
/oo/ /er/ /ear/
juice early hear
ph ie
/f/ /ē/ /ī/
phone grief pie
129 130
toe eight
hoe weight
Joe sleigh
oboe neighbor
131 132
key nation
monkey creation
money station
valley mention
133 134
juice ear
fruit fear
suite year
cruise near
135 136
early phone
earn dolphin
learn photo
yearn graph
eight toe
weight hoe
sleigh Joe
neighbor oboe
nation key
creation monkey
station money
mention valley
ear juice
fear fruit
year suite
near cruise
phone early
dolphin earn
photo learn
graph yearn
137 138
nephew pie
alphabet die
phantom cried
prophet dried
139 140
brief believe
thief cookie
piece field
chief grief
141 142
ough tough
143 144
dough ought
though fought
although cough
doughnut thought
pie nephew
die alphabet
cried phantom
dried prophet
believe brief
cookie thief
field piece
grief chief
tough ough
enough /o/ /ew/ /uf/ /off/ /aw/ /ow/
ought dough
fought though
cough although
thought doughnut
145 146
gn augh
steak 148
ei break
149 150
si mb
151 152
our ci
augh gn
/aw/ /n/
daughter gnat
steak pear
break wear ei
great tear /ā/ /ē/
bear swear vein receipt
mb si
/m/ /sh/ /z/
crumb mission vision
ci our
/sh/ /or/ /our/
special your hour
153 154
gnat caught
sign taught
gnome daughter
design laugh
155 156
lamb vision
climb mission
comb decision
dumb permission
157 158
detour special
fourth social
journey musician
nourish official
159 160
our receipt
hour receive
flour deceive
sour vein
caught gnat
taught sign
daughter gnome
laugh design
vision lamb
mission climb
decision comb
permission dumb
special detour
social fourth
musician journey
official nourish
receipt our
receive hour
deceive flour
vein sour
161 162
your source
pour course
mourn court
four tour
163 164