KP Ezine 2015 June
KP Ezine 2015 June
KP Ezine 2015 June
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1) As per the Gulbarga Theory “If the sub lord of the horary number furnished by the
querent is also either the star lord of the ascendant or of the Moon star lord among the
ruling planets, the result is YES”.
As per the horary chart the sub lord of the horary number furnished is Mars. The star lord
of the ascendant in the ruling planets is Rahu, and Rahu represents Mars. (Rahu is
aspected by Mars and it is also posited in Mars sign Scorpio).
So the answer for the query is YES, that is to say the answer sheets will be found.
2) As per K.P. rules in horary- if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 11th and relevant houses
under consideration the fructification of the event is promised.
As per the chart 11th cusp sub lord is Rahu which signifies 11th at both levels and thereby
it confirms that there is a promise of the event under consideration.
3) As per K.P. rules, for predicting the event that has to happen within 24 hours, we can fix
it by using the ruling planets.
A) Lagna point must contain the R.P. only.
B) The lagna sign lord, star lord and sub lord should be chosen according to the “first come
first served” basis depending upon the hierarchy in which they appear in the R.P. list at the
time of judgment.
C) A ruling planet is strong by virtue of its level of appearance and not by the number of
times it has appeared.
D) However when the R.P. repeats itself- lagna point should also contain the same
For pinpointing the events that are expected to take place within 24 hours, we need to see
when a proper lagna sign, star and sub arrive that contain in it the Ruling Planets that we
received at the time of judgment. In other words if one is expecting something to happen
within next 24 hours, our focus should be to trace the Asc. that will comprise of the sign
Lord, Star Lord and Sub Lord which were found in the list of R.Ps. at the time of judgment.
As per the chart the Ruling Planets at the TOJ are:
Rasi- Leo- Sun-Ven-Sun
Now I have to move the lagna on the sensitive zone of the RPs.
The first lagna that rises at 02.03.02 PM is Gemini.
The next lagna that rises is Cancer from 04.15.18 PM to 06.27.29 PM, whose sign lord is
Moon. Moon is not in the R.Ps.
The next lagna is Simha from 06.27.29 PM to 08.34.12 PM, and the sign lord is SUN which
is a powerful R.P. So the Lagna must be Simha. The stars that appear in Simha are Ketu,
Venus and Sun.
Kethu star is not in the list of R.Ps.
Venus star is in the list of R.Ps. and so it is chosen for arriving at the time of result.
In the sign Simha the Venus star starts at 13.20.00 degrees longitude at 19.24.23 hours.
So I thought that the result should come only when the Simha lagna falls on Venus star af-
ter 19.24.23 hours. At 19.29.51 hours the lagna comes on 14.37.41 degrees longitude and
the exact cusp falls on Sun (Sign Lord)- Venus (STL)- Venus (SBL)- Jupiter (SSBL). All are in
the ruling planets.
So I telephoned the teacher at 4.30.00 P.M. and stated that the answer sheets will be traced
only after 19.30.00 hours and that too with the help of the another teacher since the Moon
is aspected by Jupiter by its 5th aspect.
I received a phone call from the teacher at 19. 45 .00 hours confirming the retrieval of the
answer sheets. It was a wonderful experience for me to see that my third attempt in solving
a problem with the help of K.P. horary system was a success. My head bows with all the
reverence at the lotus feet of the great wizard of astrology for giving such a wonderful K.P.
horary system. I also owe my sincere thanks to Sri Kanak Ji for his unstinted support in
shaping my articles and publishing them in K.P. Ezine.
Once a lady from Sri Lanka, a new subscriber of KPEZine and a student of KP, had sought
my astrological reading in connection with the health condition of a baby girl by writing the
question, "I want6th CSL Venus is in house12, owner of house 6, in the star of Mars in house
12, owner of house 12, sub of Saturn in house 6, owner houses 9, 10.
to know whether this native has any disease and does she has to suffer from any disease
during on going Sun dasa?"
Birth details:
Baby Romaya, Female, 24 Sept.2014, 10.40 am, Castle Hospital, Colombo, Western
Province, Sri Lanka, 06.54N, 79.53E, Asc. Scorpio 15° 16' 58", Sun Vimsottari Maha Dasa
Balnce 01 Y, 06 M, 07 D, KP New Ayanamsha 23° 58' 21" , calculated by KPAstro 4.1
As the question is regarding the health matter of the native, I directly looked at the
Ascendant sub lord and found Jupiter is ruling the sub division of Lagna having the
lordship of 2 (Maraka) & 5 (Free from diseases), located in the 9th, Badhaka house for the
natives born in Scorpio fixed sign, and Jupiter is in the star of Mercury lord of 8 (Danger to
life) & 11 (Recovery from ill-health) in 11. Jupiter is in the sub of Venus+, the lord of 7
(Maraka) & 12 (Moksha/Renunciation/Hospitalization/Terminal/Untreatable), in the sign
Leo (Heart) and falls in 10th (Treatment not effective/Retirement from this World) house.
With these detrimental connection and signification of the Lagna sub lord Jupiter for 9, 8,
2, 7, 12 indicates that the native is not in a good health condition in the on going birth
Maha Dasa of Sun, which is in own star Sun in 10, lord of 10 and in the sub of Ketu in sign
Pisces representing Jupiter in 9 (Badhaka), lord of 2, 5.
Before scrutinizing the 6th cusp for diseases, a thorough check of Asc. cusp sub lord
Jupiter has been done to find any clue for the ill-health of the native. The house where
Jupiter is at the time of birth is Cancer, the 4th house of the natural Zodiac that is the seat
of the heart and in the natal chart it is 9th Badhaka house. The star lord of Jupiter is
Mercury. Although Mercury is a significator for 11 as owner and depositor, it is also a
disease maker ruling the chest, lungs, veins and gall bladder. The star where Jupiter
locates is Ashlesha, which rules lungs, stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, pancreas and
liver. The sub of Jupiter is Venus in the 10th Leo, which rules heart, gall bladder.Based on
these findings I concluded that something is wrong with any organ/s of the chest of the
House of disease
The 6th cusp sub lord Mars, also the lord of Lagna & 6 (Disease), rules blood and gall
bladder is in the 12, in the star of Saturn another ruler of gall bladder and the lord of 3
(away from home), 4 (End of life) in 12 (Hospitalization, Moksha). The sub of Mars is Rahu+
in the 11th Gemini (Lungs). Rahu represents Sun & Moon (Heart) for 10 (Treatment not
effective) and connected with 9 (Badhaka) by being its sub lordship. Mars is aspected by
Conclusion of Disease
1. Lagna cusp sub lord Jupiter rules blood, liver, brain, lungs, kidney and spleens. It is the
lord of Sagittarius a bilious sign and by being in the badhakasthana, Jupiter is connected
with Moon (heart, bile) and Saturn (2, 12, & Bile) and Mercury (lungs, gall bladder);
2. Saturn the bile forming planet is in the 12th, under the star of Jupiter (Badhaka) and in
the sub of Kethu a planet of mitigating, that too in the sign and sub of Jupiter;
3. The 6th (disease) cusp is in the sign of Aries, a fiery sign, which rules bile and is under
the rule of adversely affected Mars (12, 4, 6) and Venus (10,7,12);
4. The Leo, another fiery sign for bile control, is also under the rule of Sun (10) and Venus
(10, 7, 2);
5. Jupiter is in the star of Ashlesha, which rules breathing troubles, phlegm, jaundice and
nerves indigestion;
6. The 9th (Badhaka) cusp is in the Cancer sign, the lord of which Moon is also responsible
for bile making;
7. Mercury and Rahu are in the star of disease maker Mars. Mercury is in the sub of Venus
(10-10-10-7,12) while Rahu is in the sub of Jupiter in Badhakasthana. Both Mercury and
Rahu have double significations for 11 (Good health) but it is outweighed to help;
8. The Sun for 10 and the Moon for 9 & 10 are aspecting Kethu in the 5th. So Ketu in the
5th (Recovery from the ill-health) is overwhelmed by negative effects of Sun and Moon as
per the rules of nodes;
9. All the bilious signs of the natal chart i.e. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are adversely effect-
ed by detrimental cusps therein each sign and their rulerships.
10. Aries - House of disease: 6th cusp falls here and is under the rule of Mars (12-1-3,4-
1,6) and Venus (10-10-10-7,12);
11. Leo - The 10th cusp (12th to 11) is rule by Leo lord Sun (10-10-10-10) and Venus as
12. Sagittarius - Cusp 2 Markasthana falls here and rule by Jupiter (11-9-8,11-2,5) and
Venus as above.
It is to be well noted that the harmful role of Venus for all fiery signs with its lordship as
star or sub.
As per the above revelations, I concluded that the native is suffering from an irregular func-
tioning of the gall bladder.
1. The Bile is ruled by Saturn, Mars, Mercury and the Leo & Scorpio sign. The Gall Bladder,
the reservoir of the Bile is ruled by Saturn and as a receptacle by the Moon.
2. Biliousness is a disease of Sun and Mars.
3. Obstructions of the bile passage: Uranus, Neptune or Saturn in Gemini and afflicted Sun
or Moon. - "Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology" by Dr. H.L.Cornell
The above lady, the grand mother of the diseased infant, has informed me that she has
sought astrological guidance and any remedy from several astrologers in Sri Lanka including
a KP tution master, but no one had predicted the critical health condition and the longevity of
the baby. Luckily she has found the URL of KPEZine, while searching the NET for more infor-
mation of the symptoms of the said disease for her knowledge as a KP student. If she had not
come across the link for KPEzine and to contact me, it would have been a reason for her to
condemn the subject of astrology including KP system and leave the subject.
Question: I have a partnership in Biodiesel Company. Now we got good offer from a
company who wants to buy some shares of our company. The question is, would that deal
happen within 2 months?
Number: 129 (out of 249)
Date of Judgment: 16-01-2015; Friday; Time of Judgment: 12:09:38 PM IST
Place of Judgment: Kankariya-Ahmedabad; Long/lat: 23° N 00’, 72° E 36';
Aynamsha: 230.58'.37"
If the sub lord of the Ascendant (deal/transaction) cusp be the significator of 3 or 9 or 11,
then native will success in compete dealing, during the joint period of significators of 3, 9,
My Opinion: Ascendant sub lord does not indicate 3 or 9 or 11 at all, thus I don’t see any
deal to happen.
Princes Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born on May 2, 2015 at 8:34 A.M., DST 1 hr east of
GMT, at St. Mary’s Hospital, London, 51° n 31', 00° w 10', as per KP new ayanamsa: 23°
58' 51", making her a 11° 35' 33" Gemini rising Ascendant, with a 26° 45' 36" Virgo Moon
and a 17° 36' 51" Aries Sun (like her Grandmother, the Queen) and having Balance Dasa:
Mars 5 Y, 2 M, 12 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1 .
The name
P r i n c e s s
Diana of
Cambridge for
the newly born
royal baby
princess, the
fourth in line
to the throne,
seems to pay
a p p a r e n t
tribute to the
baby’s great
Q u e e n
Elizabeth II, to
her late grandmother, Princess Diana and to her paternal grandfather, Prince Charles as
Charlotte is the feminine form of Charles.
She will be attractive with considerable physical beauty as her 1st cuspal sub lord (CSL)
Saturn is in the sub of Venus (beauty) and the Ascendant lord Mercury is conjoined with
Venus in Taurus sign.
She is destined to become a people's princess. Because her tenth house Neptune @
Aquarius 15° 23' 06", like her grand mother Lady Diana, indicates that she will be popular.
Moreover, her Sun is in the eleventh house which is considered as house of 'love received'.
This is reinforced by Uranus @ Pisces 23° 54' 47" in her 11th house giving her drive,
charisma and vitality. For another thing her Uranus is in the sign of Pisces, which is very
compassionate and caring.
However sometimes the opposition between her 5 th lord Mercury and 9th, 10th lord Saturn
may lead to negative thinking and communication with people despite of her considerable
intellectual ability.
Her Moon (mind) is opposed to Uranus (rebellion) @ which is also square her Ascendant in
Gemini. Such double whammy Uranus will make her unpredictable and prone to rebellion
to go her own way which may be against royal tradition.
1st cuspal sub lord (CSL) Saturn is in house 6, owner of houses 9,10, in the star of own
Saturn and sub of Venus in house 12, owner of house 6.
10th CSL Rahu+ is in house 5 and the CSL of houses 3,4,10 having no planet in its stars,
conjoined by Moon in house 5, owner of house 3, and in the sign of Virgo representing
Mercury in house 12, owner of houses 1,2,5. Rahu is the star of Moon in house 5, owner of
house 3, and sub of Jupiter+ in house 3, owner of houses 7,8,11, being the CSL of house 9
having no planet in its stars.
1st CSL and career planet Saturn’s placement in her 6th house (health and service) indicates
a life of service, supported by aspecting Jupiter from house 3 (ability). Neptune is conjunct
the 10th cusps to be compassionate and service oriented. With these three planets in her
twelfth house, she will be very compassionate and pour much energy (Mars), thought
(Mercury) and love (Venus) into helping and serving (12th house) those in need. However
sometimes she may be in seclusion away from public view. The repeated signification of
houses 3,5 and 11 and 10th house Neptune indicate her talented potential in the fields of
artist and sports. Rahu conjunct Moon in the 5th house provides mental energy along with
highlighting the 5 th house affairs – intellect, creativity, artist, sports etc. It is supported by
the 5th CSL Moon's signification of houses 3,5,11 too.
5th CSL Moon is in house 5, owner of house 3, in the star of Mars in house 12, owner of 12,
and sub of Jupiter+ in house 3, owner of houses 7,8,11, being the CSL of house 9 having no
planet in its stars.
She will have love marriage as 7th CSL Mercury signifies marriage houses 2,7,11 and 5 (love)
and 5th CSL signifies house 7. Although the 7 th CSL is connected with dual planet Mercury
and dual sign Pisces, the legal second marriage may not be possible because the 2nd CSL
Venus does not signify house 7 (legal marriage). However married life may not be in
harmony as the 11th CSL Venus signifies houses 6, 10 (12th to houses 7,11) and 12
7th CSL Mercury (dual planet) is in house 12, owner of houses 1,2,5, in the star of Sun in
house 11, owner of house 4, and sub of Ketu+ in house 11, in sign Pisces (dual sign)
representing Jupiter in house 3, owner of houses 7,8,11, being the CSL of house 9 having
no planet in its stars, signifying houses 2,7,11 for promise of marriage.
2nd , 6th and 11th CSL Venus is in house 12, owner of house 6, in the star of Mars in house
12, owner of house 12, and sub of Saturn in house 6, owner of houses 9,10.
In KP 2nd, 6th and 11th houses are deem to be connected by being in the same sub Venus,
and 2nd and 11th CSL Venus also signifies the favorable house 6 for financial gain. So
despite 12th signification for loss and spending easy wealth is promised for her as shown by
connection of Uranus in 11th house with 11th lord Jupiter.
The most worrisome aspect in this horoscope is the indication of poor health by 1 st and 6th
CSLs’ strong signification of house 6 (sickness, disease) and 12 (hospitalization, defect).
My humble offering to all the senior astrologers here. Please guide me to continue to make
accurate predictions.
I am trying to forecast the outcome of a celebrity case that has lingered on for years. After
too many twists and turns, I read that the verdict will be declared in the case on May 6,
2015. The basic details of the case can be found here:
As we all know, Salman has been facing serious legal troubles for some time now. Hence it
was surprising for me to note the following significations in his ongoing DBA:
Sa(11, 10-11) is in the star of Ra(1), Ra is agent of Ve+(10, 2-7, [2, 3, 8]) in the sub of Mo
(10, 4).)
Ma(10, 1-8) is in the star of Su(8, 5), in the sub of Ve+(10, 2-7, [2, 3, 8]).)
Ra(1), Ra is agent of Ve+(10, 2-7, [2, 3, 8]), in the star of Su(8, 5), in the sub of Ve+(10, 2-7,
[2, 3, 8]).
The presence and frequency of the houses 6 8 12 in the DBA (of which at least one planet is
RA/KE/SA) determines the severity of litigation. A charge of culpable homicide not
amounting to murder does not seem supported by the above significations. At best these
stray indications of a 6 here or a 6 8 there talk of a litigation with 2-3 court dates, a
small penalty etc with no fear of imprisonment. In this case the facts tell us otherwise.
Whatever may ultimately happen, a case of culpable homicide is by no means a small affair.
So I thought to check if his horoscope is accurate. The ruling planets at the time I started
analyzing the horoscope (21/4/2015, 6:14:02PM, Pune) were DL: Mars; Asc: Mercury-Mars;
Moon: Venus-Moon in the descending order of strength. The planets ruling the ascendant
cusp for the kundali available were MA-VE-SA. Of this while MA and VE belong to the ruling
planets at the time of the judgment, SA is the outsider. I adjust the time to 14:13:19 to get
the combination of MA-VE-MA that ties up with the ruling planets. A big thank you, to the
ruling planets that have guided me!
Sa(11, 10-11) is in the star of Ra(1), Ra is agent of Ve+(10, 2-7, [6, 12]) in the sub of Mo(10,
Ma(10, 1-8) is in the star of Su(9, 5), in the sub of Ve+(10, 2-7, [6, 12]).
The presence of two of the litigation karaka houses together in SA (nakshatra level) and Ra-
hu (planet level) indicate litigation of some seriousness, which matches with the reality as
we see it. Another check is the high prevalence of the house combinations 3 6 8 which sug-
gests that Salman Khan has no inclination towards education. This is evidenced by the real-
ity of his leaving schooling at HSC level as per this link:
It is necessary for either RA/ KE/ SA to be in DBA for litigation to occur. So it makes sense
that the event (hit and run) that triggered the litigation happened in September 2002, just
as the Shani Dasha began after the Jupiter dasha ended in the second half of August. Liti-
gation is triggered with the houses 6 8 12 are represented in the DBA.
The houses for imprisonment are 2 (worry to family), 3 (away from residence), 8 (insult, loss
of reputation) and 12 (confinement).
As on May 6th, 2015, Salman will be running the DBA of SA-MA-RA. RA Antara ends on 11
June and the next one is of Jupiter which is from 11 June to 04-08-2015. As can be seen
from the significators table, between the DBA lords, the houses 2 3 8 12 are not signified
completely. At most the houses 2 3 and 8 are signified. This suggests that while the court
may fine Salman and he may even face loss of reputation (presence of house 8) , actual
confinement will not happen.
Note also the presence of 6 11, 1 6, 6 10 which also suggests a sort of a victory for Salman
Khan in the litigation. At this level, him not being found guilty of a non-bail able offence
should be considered victory enough. The presence of 5 and 9 houses in both Mars and Ra-
hu suggest that there is an element of "out of court settlement" that may have happened.
The houses of victory are also the houses for bail (6 10/ 10 11/ 6 11/ 11/ 10), so for any
lesser offense that Salman may be found guilty, bail will be readily available.
Note: I am not aware if speculating via amateur astrology on a court case that has been in
the public domain for years together is an offense. If so, my apologies. Causing offense is
not intentional. I am only learning astrology and putting up my predictions to help the edu-
cation process. I do not represent the above post, or indeed any post, as infallible. I am not
going into the morality of the things that have happened. If someone is guilty he will be
punished, either formally by a court of man or by karma. That is just how it is.
Aftermath: This was a tough study for a student like me, because I saw the combination of
loss of face (8) but did not see any actual confinement. This was odd, because if he were
found guilty, there had to be a prison term, so how could guilt + no jail go hand in hand?! I
surmised that while he may not be found guilty of culpable homicide he would be found
guilty of a lesser offense that would make him eligible for immediate bail (less than three
years prison sentence). But the stars had something even more astounding in store! He was
found guilty of the whole nine yards. But the electricity failed in the court house and he was
unable to get a full copy of the judgment. This (as per news reports) was used as the basis
by his counsel Mr. Harish Salve to argue successfully for his bail! The stars wrote a script
that would have made even Salim Khan proud.
On 19-04-2015, Sunday, the grand-parents of Mr. Desai Naga Sai Satya Ram came to me
for consulting about their grand-son’s further education along with his natal (K.P.) chart
which was erected by me.
The 4th CSL Sun(10-3) is in the star of Ketu(7) Ketu represents Saturn(11-8,9) and in the
sub of Rahu(1). Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-2).
The 9th CSL Jupiter+(10-7,10) is in the star of Venus(10-5,12) and in the sub of Rahu(1).
Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-2). Jupiter is a self-strong significator for 3-6-9
-12 houses as he does not have any planets in his stars and holds the cuspal sublordship of
The 11th CSL Ketu(7) Ketu represents Saturn(11-8,9). Ketu is in the star of Sun(10-3) and
in the sub of Mercury(9-1,4).
Mercury is the karaka (significator) for education. In this natal chart Mercury(9-1,4) is in
the star of Saturn(11-8,9) and in the sub of Jupiter(10-7,10). Jupiter is a self-strong signifi-
cator for 3-6-9-12 houses also.
Thus as mentioned above, all the educational cuspal sublords (Sun, Jupiter and Ketu) as
well as the chief karaka for education Mercury are signifying 4,9,11(educational houses)
and also 10th ( house of profession) along with 3-6-9-12. It indicates that this native is hav-
ing a very good education along with professional courses. There are plenty of chances for
this native to go abroad for his studies along with foreign assignment.
I strongly believe that this native will become a scientist. The reasons are mentioned below:-
NOTE:- The readers are requested to go through my article on Scientists for full detailed
explanation which is published in K.P. & Astrology Year Book 2014 (from page 177 to 233
page) edited by Prof. K. Subramaniam, S/O. Late Sri. K.S.K ji.
1) 10th CSL Moon(4-2) and in the star of Rahu(1) Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and
Moon(4-2). and in the sub of Saturn(11-8,9). 6th CSL Jupiter(10-7,10) is in the star of
Venus(10-5,12) and in the sub of Rahu(1). Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-
2) 10th CSL Moon(4-2) and in the star of Rahu(1) Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and
Moon(4-2). and in the sub of Saturn(11-8,9). 6th CSL Jupiter(10-7,10) is in the star of
Venus(10-5,12) and in the sub of Rahu(1). Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-
3) 10th CSL Moon is in the sub of Saturn(11-8,9). Both Moon and Saturn are in the sub of
4) Saturn(11-8,9) is in the star of Venus(10-5,12) and in the sub of Saturn(11-8,9).
5) Saturn is in the star of Venus who is the Ascendant Sublord. The Ascendant Sublord
Venus(10-5,12) is in the star of Mercury(9-1,4) and in the sub of Sun(10-3). 2nd CSL
Moon is in the sub of Saturn and she is aspected by Saturn also.
6) 9th CSL Jupiter and Saturn are in the star of Venus. Thus both Jupiter and Saturn are
well connected through a third planet Venus. 9th CSL Jupiter(10-7,10) is in the star of
Venus(10-5,12) and in the sub of Rahu(1). Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-
2).Jupiter is in the star of Venus who is the cuspal sublord of 8th cusp. Jupiter is as-
pecting Moon who is the 2nd Cuspal Sublord. Jupiter himself is a strong cuspal signifi-
cator of 9th cusp as he is not having any planets in his stars. Thus Jupiter, the 9th Cus-
pal sublord signifies 2-6-8-9-12.
7) The 12th CSL Jupiter+(10-7,10) is in the styar of Venus(10-5,12) and is in the sub of
Rahu(1). Rahu represents Mars(11-6,11) and Moon(4-2). Saturn is aspecting Jupiter
from Aries. Both Saturn and Jupiter are in the star of Venus(3rd Planet connection). Ve-
nus is the CSL of 8th cusp.
If the 9th cuspal sublord signifies 4 & 11, One will be successful in his Phd.
In this natal chart 9th CSL Jupiter+ is in the sub of Rahu Who represents Mars(11-6,11)
and Moon(4-2). Thus 9th CSL Jupiter as said above signifies 4 and 11. So this native will
be successful in his Phd. Definitely he will achieve the Doctorate.
In this chart, Jupiter the 9th CSL(10-7,10) Is in the star of Venus (10-5,12) and in the sub
of Rahu(1)
After considering all the above mentioned astrological points, I came to a conclusion and
declared boldly that this native will definitely become a Great Scientist. Hence I suggested
the parents of this native to admit their son into M.P.C group. As per my instructions this
boy is admitted into Narayana College, Kurnool, with M.P.C. group Intermediate Course.
Question: Is there a chance of losing present job and change of job indicated?
KP Horary Number. 46 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 21-07-2014, Monday; Time of Judgment: 13-36-24 PM IST
Place of Judgment. Kanakariya – Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36'.
Ayanamsha 23°.58’.12”; Dasa Days: 365.25
For job or business we check 2, 6, 10. 12th from above cusp 1, 5, 9 are negative cusp for 2,
6, 10. 12th bhava indicates loss, thus for retirement from job or business we have to
consider cusps 1, 5, 9, 12.
If the sub lord of the 10th or 6th cusp be the significator of 1, 5, 9 or 12 the querent can
retire from service during the joint period of the significators of 1, 5 or 9. These significators
are generally connected with the houses of service 2, 6 or 10.
If the cuspal sub lord of the 6th or 10th be the significator of 2, 6 or 10 service or earning is
promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 10.
Cusp 6th (Scorpio 020.57’.31”): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star
of Mars and sub of Saturn. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu
represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 1-2-5. Star lord Mars is occupant of
5, owner of 6. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5 owner of 9-10. Thus 6th CSL Rahu is
signifies 5-6 and connected with 5-1-2-9-10. Hence, leaving the present job and joining
another one is sure.
Cusp 10th (Aquarius 230.56’.29”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in
the star of Rahu and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 1-2-5. Star lord
Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represent Mercury. Sub lord
Venus is occupant of 1 owner of 12. Thus 6th CSL Mercury signifies 1-2-5 and is connected
with 5-1-2-12. Hence, you will leave present job and join another one, it is sure.
Ruling planets
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Day. Monday Moon — — —
Asc. Libra 150.18’.10” — Venus Rahu Venus
Moon. Taurus 01°.34'.16” — Venus Sun Jupiter
Ketu is aspected by Jupiter, hence Ketu represents Jupiter. The ruling planets are Moon,
Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment, the querent is running Sun dasa up to 05-05-2018. Running joint
period is Sun-Jupiter-Saturn up to 17-08-2014.
Dasa lord Sun is in the star and sub of Saturn. Sun is occupant of 2, owner of 4. Star and
sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 9-10. Dasa lord Sun signifies 5-9-10 and is
connected with 2-4. Thus dasa is OK, and dasa lord Sun is also in the RP.
Antra lord Saturn is not in RP, hence I go for next antra Mercury. But Mercury is also not
in the RP, next one is Ketu from 28-09-2014 to 15-10-2014.
Antra lord Ketu is in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. Ketu is occupant of 11. Ketu
is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 2, owner of 7-8-11. Star lord Mercury is
occupant of 1, owner of 1-2-5. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 9-10. Thus an-
tra lord Ketu signifies 1-2-5 and is connected with 11-2-7-8-5-9-10. Thus antra is OK, al-
so antra nath Ketu is in the RP.
Email :
Welcome back to another edition of the Novice Nook. Let’s get right to it. In the last issue, I
demonstrated a chart with a question about longevity. How long will the person represented
in the chart live?
For those of you that have some experience in KP, I filled in many of the fields but with
numbers and planets that were intentionally incorrect. The exercise was for you to
substitute the fields with the correct numbers and planets. After going over the chart, you
would have thus realized how to fix it for yourself. True, it was a challenging test.
For those of you that are totally new to KP, I filled in the fields with the corresponding
planets and numbers in this edition along with the steps and small explanations. Take a
look at the chart Ref #1216 and let’s begin.
Notice the set of six fields labeled Longevity. You will notice on the far left in the first field
the numbers 6, or 8 or 12. These houses of significance are representative of the second
field regarding to the life span of a person. Thus, if the cuspal sublord would be the
significator of these three houses 6 or 8 or 12, the life span of the person will be
approximately 33 years of age.
If you look at the next two fields you will find the listing of the houses of 1 or 5 or 9 or 11
( in another article, we will also discuss the checking of the 3rd and the 8th house) If the
cuspal significator represents one of these above houses, the life span of person would
approximately be about 66+ years of age.
In the last two fields, if the cuspal significator represents the 6th or 8th or 12th and 1 or 5 or
9 or 11, the life span the individual will be about 66 years.
Several things have been demonstrated without explanation. It would take an entire book to
explain everything including the nature of planets. This is where your own research will
uncover some of the things you don’t understand. For instance, if you are not sure what
Moksha or Maraka means, then you will have homework. If you are not sure what the
difference between conjoined and conjunct or even what an aspect is, then you have more
homework to do. If I give you everything, you would never appreciate this science as much
and have nothing to share with the rest of the readers. If you discover or see something,
email me a .
Now, below, see each field in descending order represents a step in determining how to
understand the chart you are reading.
Example-1 Longevity
Name: Female
DOB: 19-01-1997. Sunday: TOB: 11:59:00 AM I.S.T.
Place of Birth. L.G.Hospital- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36'., Aynamsha
There is a second phase to this which covers the Joint Period. The Joint Period is another
important aspect to determining the results of the individual or what some astrologers call
the native. Brace yourself though, there are certainly more than eleven steps you need to
know. Not that it is hard to learn, but we only have so much space in which to condense
all this information in. So remember, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
In the next edition, I will discuss the Joint Period in full. I created this chart to make it
easy for you to fill in for other charts for horoscopes that you cast. In time, we will add a
few fields now and then. The end result for this individual represented in the above chart,
was that the person was still-born. Until next month, keep working at this.
Question- 1: Transit in KP
Can you explain how to use transit for timing of event . Suppose for marriage we get 7
significators. Dasha bhukti is also of any of these 7 significators. How to decide the time of
fructification of this event. CR Bhatt ji's book says that in transit DBAS planets and or sun ,
moon - will be in star or sub of these same dbas planets .( or these significators of events). If
star level is not necessary and the event can happen if transit is in fruitful sub of significator
or dbas, then we will get many transit sensitive points. How to decide the right time ?
Thanking you .
Sir, i have a question regarding transit. For pinpointing timing after successfully clinching
DBAS significators, the transit of significators including Su & Mo be in the cusps of the natal
or horary chart or rashi? Becauz, cusps wld be overlapping the rashis?
For ex. For a transit in 2nd cusp, as 2nd 3rd rashi may be having 2nd cusp, so can transit go
up to 3rd rashi also, if star and sub corroborate the event?
Appreciate your answer on my query.
Answer - 1:
In KP the cuspal sub lord indicates whether a matter is promised or not. The significators
point out the time of event. Both dasa and transit must agree.
The DBA can be fixed by two ways. The first one is to check whether marriage is favorable
starting from the current running Mercury Dasa (for marraigable age). If it is favorable, to
check the current running Bhukti Jupiter and if the Bhukti is also favorable to choose the
most favorable Antara Moon, and so on. If the current Dasa or Bhukti is not favorable, to
move to the next or other favorable one. This is also the way done by KP astrologers without
using the RPs, and the same way is applied in the four step method. This is also a KP usual
way, not advancement to KP as some are saying.
After fixing the DBA or DBAS, it is to check whether the chosen DBAS agree with the transit
by the KP way.
Generally an event happens during the joint DBAS period of the significators when transit
agrees. Particularly at the time of event happening Sun, Moon and joint period DBAS lords
are generally found to be transiting mainly in the star or sub of the same joint period DBAS
lords or the significators of the event by the natal chart.
Note: The significators of the star and sub in which the DBAS lords are transiting should
be according to the bhava-based natal birth chart.
For accurate timing, it is to choose the transiting Sun and Moon, which are mostly found
in the star or sub of Sookshma lord at the time of event. For slow moving planets, in
addition to stars and subs, the bhavas they are transiting may be also taken into account
and needless to say the subs will decide the signification of transiting planets.
In using the sensitive points, for the chosen DBA of fruitful significators for an event to
materialize, say conjoined period of Sun, Venus, Mercury, then Sun sign, Venus star,
Mercury sub; Venus sign, Sun star, Mercury sub, and Mercury sign, Sun star, Venus sub
are the three sensitive and fruitful positions, which will be transited by Ascendant,
Luminaries and the planets ruling the Dasa, Bhukti and Anthara. The sensitive positions
when transited by the Ascendant degree, the exact hour and minute of the event can be
told. If Moon is moved to that sensitive degree the day of the event can be arrived at. If the
Sun, then month. If Jupiter, then the year can be arrived at.
Fast or short predictions can be given just based on the Ruling Planets directly. A timing of
an event can be fixed by using only the Ruling Planets calculated at a particular moment of
time without resorting to the Natal or Horary chart as follows:
1) If an event is likely to take place within a few hours, move the Ascendant counting from
the Ascending degree of the moment of judgment to the sensitive zone where one ruling
planet becomes the sign lord, second ruling planet becomes the star lord and third
ruling planet become the sub lord;
2) If the event is expected to happen within some days, move the Moon to such a sensitive
zone; or
3) If it is to take place in some months, move the Sun; or
4) If it is to happen in some years, Jupiter should be moved to find out the time of event.
In the chart attached, Jupiter is significator of 3,2,7,8,9,12. It is in the sub of Moon placed in
1, lord of 4. Do we consider Jupiter as a fruitful significator for getting a job. (note : I have
seen only the planet level for the sub of a planet - Moon. If we see the star of Moon which is
Sun who is lord of 5 placed in 11. Then we get 11 as well. There we can say that Jupiter is a
fruitful significator. ) Now my question is, do we consider Jupiter to be fruitful significator for
job or not?
It should be checked at all three levels of planet, its star and its sub according to the KP
fundamental rule: "The planet is the source, constellation indicates nature of the result
and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is favorable or not."
In addition, Jupiter+ has no planet in its stars and is the cuspal sub lord of houses 5,11,
and so Jupiter becomes the significator of houses 5,11.
KP is 3-step only, i.e. planet, star and sub levels, and doesn’t consider 4-step. i.e. star of
the sub.
Considering the star of sub, in this case sub Moon’s star Sun, is K.M. Subramaniam’s
Sublord Speaks and now it is called 4-step method which is KP based but not KP because
rules are different and the result may not be the same.
Answer- 3:
We select the strongest planet for marriage out of the three planets which are in the sub of
marriage houses. If it is still doubtful, Ketu bhukti can be chosen, as the nodes are stronger
than the planets.
Question - 4:
In KP- 5th Reader,, 9th Edition 2004, Pg, 254, under Chapter “ Ashtama Sani and Honour” it
is stated that;
Lord of Lagna offers grand success to a native if it would have occupied the constellation of
the lords of 1, 2, 3 6, 10, or 11 th house: The sub (according to Krishnamurti System ) in that
constellation must be ruled by one of the lords of 1, 2, 3 6, 10, or 11 th house.. . Then in their
conjoined period one can look for success
In the Example :
Lagna lord is Venus ( 21 0 Cp 25’ ). It is in the star of Moon, lord of 10 and is also in its own
(Venus) sub.. . So Venus will contribute for success.
Answer - 4:
As explained there in the book, “conjoined period” means Ve- Mo- Ve period.
Here “ruled” means signified or connected. For Rahu it is to apply Nodes’ signification rules.
Question - 5: A planet with no planet in its stars and a planet in its own stars
Planet having no planet in its stars and planet in own star: If [A ] a planet is not a star lord to
any one in a horoscope, [B] same planet alone in its own star, then what is the difference?
Please pass on the complete reference of where KSK or CR Bhatt has used specifically the
following parameters:
a) The sub lord of a cusp is a strong significator of that cusp, if there is no planet in the stars
of that sub lord (planet).
b) If the planet is not the cuspal sub lord of any house, it will have only positional status, i.e.
it will be the strong significator of the house occupied by that planet.
c) c) A planet in its own stars, having no planet in its stars, can have positional status but
cannot be the strong significator of the houses under its sub lordship
d) A planet in its own stars also having any other planet(s) in its stars can have neither
positional status nor the role of strong significator of the houses under its sub lordship
Answer – 5:
A planet having no planet in its stars becomes the strong significator of houses for which it
is the cuspal sub lord. For example, no planet is in the stars of Sun, and this Sun is the
CSL of 2,5,7 houses, then Sun becomes the strong significator of these houses. This is
already time tested rule practically applied by many KP astrologers.
This rule is related to the Golden Rule in KP, i.e. Take the planets which are posited in the
Regarding the rule of no planet in the stars of a planet or golden rule, there is no direct
spoon feeding references in the KP Readers other than the followings:
“Besides this Mercury is also the sub-lord of Asc.,2nd , 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th ,11th and 12th
cusp.” (KP Reader III, page 309/ 1971 edition, practical part, page 145).
“3rd, 7th and 9th cusps fall in the sub of Saturn. . . Hence take Saturn too as a very
strong significator”. (for foreign going) (KP Reader III, 1971 edition, practical part p
151) But it is rewritten in “KP Reader III, p 316” like this:“Please note that Saturn is
the sublord of 3rd and 9th cusp and no planet is tenanted in his star except himself.
So as I mentioned in the beginning of the article, Saturn has emerged as a strong
significator in the above case (foreign going, by owning the sub of relevant cusps and
not from analysis of bhavas”.
Answer – 5:
There are plenty of articles using RPs only in the “R.P. & K.P.” book, compiled by K. Subra-
maniam and H. Hariharan;
Some articles using RPs only are also available in “Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Part VI, Ruling Planet” book, compiled by K. Subramaniam.
Answer – 6:
A matter promised in the natal chart will happen during the joint dasa period which
signifies the required houses for that matter when transit agrees with the joint dasa (two to
four levels).
Dasa cannot give what is not promised in the natal chart. Transit cannot give what is not
shown in the dasa. Horary cannot give what is not promised in the natal chart.
Of course it's not easy to see this perfect harmony among natal chart, dasa and transit.
Question - 7: Aspects in KP
Can anyone please clear my confusion about aspects in KP system? Any source which can
teach me aspects is welcome. My studies have halted at aspects.
“I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. i shall use my time”. These simple
words were suggested in one or now popular .lames Bond novels, “You Live only once” ,
a fitting epitaph for him. If. therefore, any one fee’s the to know his days and the ways to
use them, he can consult profitably.; not only his Doctor but his Astrologer as well. There
are many who do not believe in the bad effects of ‘Rahukalam’ but all the same do not dare
to disregard it. So is the attitude of thousands to Astrology. They scoff at it. belittle it, call it
quackery and superstition. They have not the patience or the fairness to give it n study and
a trial before rejecting it so outright. There are still others who cannot resist the temptation
to have a try at it in private due to domestic compulsion, physical or mental suffering or
friendly advice.
It is not difficult for those who have belief in our Religion ant Veda to accept that
“Jyotisham” is a Sastra occupying an honoured place in our System as a “Vedanga”, a limb
or Anga of the Vedapurusha. An astronomer is a “Jyotisha” and “Jyotis" is light and
“Jyotisha” is “light of the moon or stars” or for that matter, light on the dark or out-of-sight
aspects of the past, present and the future. Thus implicit in this is, that planetary'
movements and positions at a given moment indicate, to a competent interpreter, the
nature of the difficulties, current and to come, and the possible solutions relative to a
particular time, period or aspect.
It has been rightly said that Astrology is a Science of tendencies, and a fatalistic or
deterministic approach to horoscopes and events is not called for. Astrology lays no claim
to infallibility but, within limits, it can compare favourably with any other science. Let us
not lose what it can offer for human progress and alleviation of suffering by set notions or
prejudices. Let us not also make the unpardonable mistake of transferring the admitted
deficiencies or the fallibility of the practitioner to the science itself. In this respect, it is no
worse or no better than other subjects which we readily accept as Sciences.
A study of the present book will reveal the depth of his knowledge and experience and his
capacity to deal with the doubts and difficulties which a practitioner, new or old, is likely to
come across and what is more, how the student should set about to resolve them. He has
thus done a distinct, service -to the cause of Jyotisham and to its proper study and prac-
tice. I am sure that both lovers of Astrology and practitioners thereof, will be greatly profit-
ed by this publication which in a sense may be called the teachers’ teacher.
The author has devised a patent method of his own - called after him. Krishnamurti
Padhdhati - which is claimed to have attained almost the infallibility of a formula. So be
Of late, we are finding Astrology coming into its own ns a subject of interest to and study
by eminent Scholars, Doctors of Philosophy, Literature, Medicine and Science, As-
tronomers and others, deeply immersed in research and modern scientific knowledge. It
has also been prescribed a subject of study on a par with other sciences in Universities.
Colleges of Astrology awarding of diplomas and degrees have come into vogue. One need
not accept or for that matter reject ancient or traditional knowledge and books merely be-
cause they are so. Systematic, unprejudiced and scientific studies on modern lines are all
to the good and are greatly to be welcomed. Books like the present one and astrologers like
our author are sure to fill an honoured place in such efforts.
I have great pleasure therefore in commending the author and his work. He has laboured
long and true and deserves well of us.
Astrology an Occult Science 1
History of Astrology 3
Nadis 8
Astrology available data incomplete 10
Qualification of an Astrologer 11
Advice to Administrator 12
Astrology-its use and Limitations 13
Karma-Inequality in life 15
Destiny, Fate inevitable 18
Shanti to Ward off evil 27
Branches of Astrology:
Medical astrology 34
Astro-Meteorology, Judicial Astrology 39
Natal Astrology 44
Horary Astrology 47
Electional Astrology, Kabala, Kerala and Omens 49
Who can learn Astrology * 53
The Earth :— 60
Pole Star, North Pole, South Pole, Equator, to locate a place on Earth,
Meridian International Date Line, Longitude, Latitude.