Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
It is required for the company like Disney manage the social media as well and the company
must focus in to it as it is one of the important areas for the company. It can be seen that the
company is having around 300 million in the facebook which is a great number for the
company. On the platform like YouTube Disney has been published or generated around 365
million video views. Disney analysed that they need to make the content or the demographic
should be for the 12 years old teen to late teens to cater their strategy. The other reasons may
be for this is the integration of many games on facebook.
It has to be believed that if the company like Disney is able to get more likes and share on the
social media platform that means the people are taking more interest in these posts and in the
company and its content. However the likes and the shares are not considered as the brand
popularity of the company across the social media. Apart from that, Disney is basically
focused in the emotional experience with the audience. The majority of the audience foer
Disney is the teenagers or the children, so it is required to connect with them in order to
provide better entertainment. If they will able to provide the better entertainment the
company will automatically get more likes in the social media.
8000 like
6000 comment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
st ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
po p p p p po po po po po po po po
Number of Post
It can be seen that the data which has been collected from the official facebook page of the
Disney. There are many posts which show that the content of the company is very much liked
by its users the content is well managed by the company. it shows that the interest of the
people regarding this gait is very positive and the people loves its programs as well as the
content it published. There are many people who are following the company in their official
page. And the company is able to contact with them as they can provide information related
to the upcoming programs which they have posted in the page and it get many likes and
views. By analysing this it can be understood that the people is getting attracted by the post
which they are posting and it is turning the company more profitable. It can be seen that there
are some of the post which are not very well managed by the company which need to be more
attractive for the people to draw their attention.
Pinterest Data of Disney:
Pintrest Chart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
st st st st st st st st st t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2
Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos
40000 Like
30000 Comment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
o st ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
P P P P P Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po
Number of Post
Based on the above data it can be understood that the post on the instagram has been reached
to many people and the people found it very attractive. There are many post which has been
like by around 90 k people which can be seen in the chart post number 5. These data has been
taken by the official instagram post of the company. There is little post which has been
disliked by the people; however it is very less in the amount. The company needs to focus on
the post which can attract many people as it will provide the company more business. The
company is focused on the animation as well as the movies and variety of shows which the
company has been operating it will be the best platform for the company to promote the
various shows on the social media and it will promote the company and its brand.
Twitter post of Disney
Number of People
10000 comment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ost ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
P P P P P Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po
Number of Post
The company has the official twitter post with around 5.95 million followers all around the
world. The company is doing great in terms of promoting the various shows on to the social
media platform. It can be seen that the number 8 post has been like by around 24000 people
on the twitter which means it has attracted better amount of people as the content is found
attractive by the people on twitter. People also rewet many times as the post they have found
is interesting and unique. There are many posts which are not like by the users of Disney
which they need to work on with. As it is required to have some of the better post which can
able to draw attention of the people as well as the new ones.
Business Segments of Disney:
The company has getting a stronger brand as the company has been increased their business
segments which allow the company to become a well known brand in the market. the
company is getting is revenue from different business segments which has been started by
Disney which has been mentioned below:
The Disney Comprise of the five major business segments which are as follows:
1. Media Networks: Disney’s major revenue has been generated through the media
networks which are around 46% of the company. The company comprise of a wide
range of broadcast, cable, radio and the digital businesses. The company has two
divisions in which it has grouped first is the Disney/ABC Television group, and
ESPN. These things help the company to be recognised as a brand for the market.
2. Parks and Resorts: the company started the Disneyland in Anaheim, California ion
1955. The company has created the park on the idea of quality time with the family
and friends where all the children and the parents can have fun together. The idea of
creating these parks was struck in the mind of the Walt Disney when he has visited an
amusement park with her daughters. After that in 1966 the company has started to
seek another site for developing a new theme park, after that Disney world has
announced the plans for making theme parks, hotels for that the company has
purchased thousand of arcs of land near Orlando, Florida.
3. Walt Disney Studios: for over 90 years the Walt Disney studios has been the
foundation on which the Walt Disney Company has built on. In the present time the
company brings the movies, music and the stage plays provide to many customers all
around the world. There are many movies which have been created under this banner.
There are many movies which has been created under the following banners are the
Disney which includes the Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animations
Studios: Marvel Studios; Lucas film; and Touchstone pictures.
4. Disney Consumer Products: Disney can be considered as one of the largest licensing
deals, as the company has many products and characters or the merchandise that
require license to the various toymakers. Disney is one of the largest licensor and it
provide license to many of the company or the toy makers to make and produce toys.
These toys shipped all around the world and these provide a huge revenue to the
companies as these license has been sold out to these toy makers at huge price money.
Apart from that, the company has many Publishing worldwide which has been the
largest publisher of the children books and magazines and digital content.
5. Disney Interactive: it has been seen that the companies which able to provide the
better interactive is able to do great in market also. As there are many things which
Disney is providing to the target audience. The company is consists of Interactive
entertainment games as well as the educational material. All the products which has
been released by the company on the various platform like mobile, consol games and
the digital content.
It has been seen that there are social media is one of the platform by which the company
Disney is able to hold many of the consumers to its company. It should be understand that the
branding of the company is very vital for the Disney. However, the company is focused on
the social media by the help of the content which they make. It has been seen that that the
company is able to make the content for the target audience which is generally the teenagers.
If they able connect the people emotionally then the people will automatically join and share
the content of the social media and it will able to provide the better recognition to the brand
name Disney.
The company has many spread its identity all across the social media. The company has
created many official pages in various platforms like the facebook, instagram, Pinterest and
Twitter. The use of the social media for the company like Disney is to provide the
information related to its new programs or movie which they are going to launch or its
subsidiary is producing movies. The company is trying to promote the various movies and
shows. It is basically a promotion platform for the company. It helps the company to create a
reputation among the people and create a strong brand. The company has a strong follower in
the twitter with around 14.5 million. The company is also having a huge following in the
instagram with around 13.9 million followers and in facebook it has 50.3 million followers
and in the pinterest it is around 512730 followers. By the calculation it can be seen that the
company is having a strong viewership and the fan following. By analysing the data it can be
understood that the company needs to provide a good amount of content in the social media
in order to connect with their users. The company has provided some of the promos of the
movies which have the thousands of likes and comments across all the social media stages
which have been provided. These posts help the company to get more attention towards its
products which is the movies and the shows. If the company is able to attract more users then
the company will have the more views which will lead to more sales of their merchandises.
The company is also focusing on the business segments which will be depended on the brand
and its popularity. The company has five major segments in the market to generate the
revenue. If the company is able to make movies like star wars it can also increase the sales of
the toys and many more which will help the company to sell its licence in higher cost. The
company can also earn more by the theme parks and by the media network if they able
connect with the target audience. It will provide more revenue to the company and it can be
more useful to the company and its partners.