Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis of Framed RC Building With IS:1893-2002 & IS:1893-2016
Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis of Framed RC Building With IS:1893-2002 & IS:1893-2016
Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis of Framed RC Building With IS:1893-2002 & IS:1893-2016
Submitted By
We are grateful to our families, who have provided us with moral and
emotional support in our lives. They have helped and supported us along the
way. Last, but not least, we would like to thank the authors of various research
articles that we have referred to.
Key Words: Seismic Analysis, Multi-storey Building, IS: 1893-2002, IS: 1893-
The study of the response of the structure under various dynamic loading
such as earthquake, wind, impulse, etc. is known as structural dynamics.
Determination of dynamic response in terms of displacement, velocity and
acceleration is very important in structural dynamics. In recent times, there
have been innumerable examples of devastation due to earthquakes recorded
worldwide and hence, seismic study and Seismic behaviour of any structure
plays the most important role in studying structural dynamic response of a
For the purpose of Seismic Analysis of any structure, IS: 1893 – 2002 Criteria
for Earthquake Design of Structures is followed and referred to, but after a
gap of 14 years, IS: 1893:2016 was released. With time being, due to
noticeable increase in earthquake calamities, design parameters for seismic
analysis required changes and are updated in IS: 1893:2016.
The proposed project presents the seismic load estimation and seismic
behaviour of the multi-storey building as per IS 1893:2002 and IS 1893:2016
recommendation.. Base shear, time period, maximum storey displacement are
the governing parameters for analysing seismic behaviour of a structure.
Hence, all the above mentioned parameters would be compared on the basis
of analysis done using both the IS Codal Provisions.
design of the framed building, simplifying torsional provisions and simplified
method of liquefaction potential analysis are carried out as extra items.
In the proposed research work, the differences among both the codal
provisions is studied and illustrated by performing seismic analysis on G+4
RC Framed structure in STAAD PRO Software according to IS-1893(Part-1) :
2002 as well as IS-1893(Part-1) : 2016
1.1 Background............................................................................................1
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................5
3.1 General..................................................................................................7
3.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................13
4.1 Background..........................................................................................15
4.2 comparative study using STAAD PRO................................................16
4.5 Conclusion...........................................................................................21
Table Title Page No.
Table 1: Comparison IS – 1893 (part-1): 2002 and 2016..................................9
Abbreviation Word(s)
The study of the response of the structure under various dynamic loading
such as earthquake, wind, impulse, etc is known as structural dynamics.
Determination of dynamic response in terms of displacement, velocity and
acceleration is very important in structural dynamics.
For the purpose of Seismic Analysis of any structure, IS: 1893 – 2002 Criteria
for Earthquake Design of Structures is followed and referred to, but after a
gap of 14 years, IS: 1893:2016 was released. With time being, due to
noticeable increase in earthquake calamities, design parameters for seismic
analysis required changes and are updated in IS: 1893:2016.
The sixth revision of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant
Design Of Structures" have been published by Bureau of Indian Standards
recently in December 2016. In this new code many changes have been
Various major changes included in the new edition of IS: 1893 (2016) -
"Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures" includes many major
parameters governing the estimation of seismic effect of any amplitude of
earthquake on a building.
In recent years, the researchers have keenly observed all recorded past
earthquakes and deriving inferences from all the past records. The sixth
revision of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
Of Structures" have been published by Bureau of Indian Standards recently in
December 2016.
Introduction of each chapter of this project and its contents are briefly
discussed here:
Anoj, S., Sanjay, K. and Manoj, D. (2018) ‘Seismic Analysis and Comparison
of IS 1893 (Part -1) 2002 and 2016 of (G+4) Regular and Irregular Building’ ,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology, Vol. 7, no. 6, June, pp. 7014 -7025.
Mayur, R., Bhavik, P. and Dr. R. P. Rethaliya (2018) ‘A Comparative Study of
Various Clauses of New IS 1893 (Part 1):2016 and Old IS 1893 (Part
1):2002.’, International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Vol. 6, no. 1, January, pp.1874-1881.
Dr.Sudhir K Jain (2016) has mentioned solved examples on the basis of IS-
1893 (Part-1): 2016. He has explained 1. Calculation of Design Seismic Force
by Static Analysis Method, 2. Calculation of Design Seismic Force by
Dynamic Analysis Method, 3. Location of Centre of Mass, 4. Location of
Centre of Stiffness, 5. Lateral Force Distribution as per Torsion Provisions of
IS 1893-2002 (Part I), 6. Lateral Force Distribution as per New Torsion
Provisions, 7. Design for Anchorage of an Equipment, 8. Anchorage Design
for an Equipment Supported on Vibration Isolator, 9. Design of a Large Sign
Board on a Building, 10. Liquefaction Analysis Using SPT Data, 11.
Liquefaction Analysis Using CPT Data.
Mayur et al. (2018) have studied IS – 8193 (Part-1): 2002 and IS – 8193
(Part-1): 2016 and have represented all the changes made in the code IS
-8193 (Part -1) in its sixth edition (2016 edition). They have shown all the
changes made in the new code in a tabular format and have summarized
there inferences from the comparison made.
Anoj et al. (2018) carried out seismic analysis of a G+4 Building. For the
purpose of study they have considered regular and irregular building located
in Zone – III as well as Zone- IV separately. ETAB Software is used for
seismic analysis for both the regular and irregular G+4 Building situated in
Zone III, IV as per IS-1893 (2002) and IS-1893 (2016). They have conducted
a comparative study of the effect of various changes made in both the codal
provisions on various governing seismic parameters like Base Shear,
Maximum Storey Displacement, Lateral Forces and Overturning Moment.
Anoj, S., Sanjay, K. and Manoj, D. (2018) ‘Seismic Analysis and Comparison
of IS 1893 (Part -1) 2002 and 2016 of (G+4) Regular and Irregular Building’ ,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology, Vol. 7, no. 6, June, pp. 7014 -7025.
PART-1 (2002) AND (2016)
Design of buildings wherein there is no damage during the strong but rare
earthquake is called earthquake proof design. The engineers do not attempt
to make earthquake proof buildings that will not get damaged even during the
rare but strong earthquake. Such buildings will be too robust and also too
The aim of the earthquake resistant design is to have structures that will
behave elastically and survive without collapse under major earthquakes that
might occur during the life of the structure. To avoid collapse during a major
earthquake, structural members must be ductile enough to absorb and
dissipate energy by post elastic deformation.
With rapid strides in earthquake engineering in the last several decades, the
seismic codes are becoming increasingly sophisticated. The first Indian
seismic code (IS 1893) was published in 1962 and it has since been revised
in 1966, 1970, 1975 and 1984. More recently, it was decided to split this code
into a number of parts, and Part 1 of the code containing general provisions
(applicable to all structures) and specific provisions for buildings has been
Considerable advances had occurred in the knowledge related to earthquake
resistant design of structures during the 18 years interval between the two
editions of the code. Some of these developments had been incorporated in
the 2002 version of the code, while many others were left out so that the
implementation of the code does not become too tedious for Indian
professional engineers.
For example, in the United States, the codes are revised every three years,
and hence, a typical building code in the United States has acquired
sophistication gradually over about six revisions during these 18 years. Since
the Indian code has had to make a quantum jump with respect to many of the
provisions, it still required considerable effort for an average professional
engineer to fully appreciate the new code and to be able to implement it
And in order to incorporate latest advances in seismic studies and their effect
on seismic behaviour of structures, Bureau of Indian Standard Codes has
come up with the sixth edition of IS: 1893 in the year of 2016 after a gap of 14
long years.
The revisions in major clauses has been presented in the table below with
critical comments on that.
Table 1: Comparison IS – 1893 (part-1): 2002 and 2016
Sr. IS- 1893 (Part-1): 2002 IS- 1893 (Part-1): 2016 Comments
1. Importance Factor (I):cl.6.4.2. Importance Factor Design horizontal Seismic coefficient
Importance Factor 1.5 was for (I):cl.7.2.3 Z I Sa
Ah = . .
important structures, and 1.0 for For Residential or 2 R g
all other buildings, Table-6. Commercial buildings, As “I” increases, Ah will increase and therefore Base
with occupancy more than Shear V b will increase. This may lead to increase in
200 persons, importance amount of lateral loads on the structure and eventually
factor 1.2 has been increases the sizes of the lateral load resisting members
assigned, in new code and reinforcement. Ultimately structure cost may
Table-8 increase, but at the same time, the structural strength is
also increased towards earthquake forces.
2. Soft story: cl. 4.20 A soft storey Soft story: cl. 4.20.1A In new code IS 1893-2016, the criteria for soft story are
is defined as the storey in which soft storey is defined as made stricter. The stiffness of lower story should not be
the lateral stiffness is less than the storeyin which the less than that of the upper story.Soft story is a source of
70 % of that in the storey above, lateral stiffness is less weakness in the structure and should be avoided.
orless than 80 % of the average than that in the storey
lateral stiffness of the three above.
storey above.
3. Weak story: cl. 4.25 As per old Weak storey: cl. 4.20.2As In new code IS 1893-2016, the criteria for weak story are
IS 1893-2002, a weak Storey is per new IS 1893-2016, a also made stricter. The design shear strength of lower
defined as the Storey in which weak Storey is defined as Storey should not be less than that of the upper
the lateral strength is – less than the Storey in which the Storey.Weak story is a source of weakness in the
80 % of that in the Storey above. lateral strength is less structure and should be avoided.
than that in the Storey
Inertia, i.e. Uncracked section is For RC and Masonry beams is considered.
considered. Structures :Ieq= 0.70 As concrete is seems to be cracked section all time, one
Igrossfor columns Ieq= 0.35 cannot consider the full MI of RC section for analysis.
Igrossfor beams Full
For Steel structures :Ieq= MI of RC members make structure stiff hence the
Igross for beams and deflection at top storey, drift of storey, lateral
columns displacement of storey etc. are estimated wrongly as
This clause of code takes smaller values. On the other hand by considering the
into account, the cracked cracked moment of inertia lateral deflection, drifts etc.
section properties.
7. Torsion irregularity: cl.7.1 Torsion irregularity: As per old code IS 1893-2002, torsional irregularity is
Table-4 Torsional irregularity As cl.7.1 based on 1.2 times average drift of structure, While as
per old code is Table-5 Torsional per new codeit is based on 1.5 times minimum
Δ2 > 1.2 (Δ1 + Δ2)/2 irregularity As per new displacement.
code is
Δmax > 1.5 Δmin.
When ,
Δmax > (1.5- 2.0) Δmin
Configuration shall be
8. Increase in allowable soil Increase in net pressure For determining percentage increase in net bearing
pressure cl. When on soils in design of pressure, soils have been classified in to four types,
earthquake forces are foundations cl. Type-A, B, C, and D in Table-2, which is not available in
considered, increase in New code IS 1893-2016, old code. Soil Type-D is included and designated as
allowable pressure in soils for gives percentage increase unstable collapsible, liquefiable soils.
different types of soils (Type-I, II, in net bearing pressure When N values are less than desirable N values in Table
III) and different types of and skin pressures for soil 1, it is stipulated that using suitable ground improvement
foundations, namely, piles, raft, types A, B, and C as 50%, technique, the N values should be increased. In old code
well foundations, etc., was given 25%, and 0% respectively compacting was suggested for increase of N. The new
in Table-1 from 25 % to 50 %. in Table-1. For soft soil no code is silent for the method. It is necessary to know, for
increase in bearing how much depth, the compaction is required. Dynamic
pressure shall be applied compaction is a costlier method and can be used in VIP
because, settlements structures.
cannot be restricted by
increasing bearing
Studying and after comparing IS – 1893 Part-1 (2002) and IS – 1893 Part-1 (2016) the following conclusions are made:
1. Importance factor for multi storey residential buildings has been changed from 1.0 to 1.2. As I increases, Ah will increase
and therefore Base shear VB will increase. This may lead to increase in size of lateral load resisting members and
reinforcement. Ultimately structure cost may increase.
2. Response spectra for Equivalent Static Method and Response Spectrum method are given separately, in both cases
Sa/g values will change. It will change the values of Ah and VB.
3. As per Old code IS 1893-2002 if Stiffness of masonry infill is not considered in analysis, it will increase the sizes of lateral
load resisting elements like-columns/shear walls.
4. As per IS 1893-2016 New code, Modelling with URM infill consider the stiffness of the infill in analysis thus, sizes of
columns/shear wall may decrease or increase as per the stiffness distribution.
5. In old IS 1893-2002 full section, i.e. full M.I. of columns and beams is considered.
6. In new code IS 1893-2016, cracked section with 70% MI of columns and 35 % MI of beams is considered.
7. As cracks may develop in structure after some period, MI of sections may reduce and hence for safety it is more
reasonable to consider cracked section properties in analysis.
8. As per new IS 1893-2016 Equivalent static analysis shall be applicable for regular buildings with height < 15m in seismic
Zone II.
IS: 1893-2016, being the latest Seismic Indian Code, provides amendments
regarding the design of the earthquake resistant building. Various
amendments and new guidelines were introduced in this code but the major
one was related to the dynamic seismic analysis. It stated that dynamic
seismic analysis shall be adopted for all the buildings other than regular
buildings lower than 15 m in height in seismic zone II.
The seismic codes are prepared with consideration of seismology of country,
accepted level of seismic risk, properties of construction materials,
Construction methods, and structure typologies etc.
Site Properties:
Details of building: G+4 RC framed structure
Plan Dimension: 16.50 m x 12.50 m ,
4m span in Y-direction
5m span, 6m span and 5m span in X-direction.
Outer wall thickness: 230mm
Inner wall thickness: 230mm
Column Dimension: 500 mm x 500 mm
Beam Dimension: 230mm X 600mm
Slab Thickness: 150 mm
Floor height : 3 m
Material Properties:
Steel: Fe-415
Concrete: M25
Loading on structure:
o Live Load: 4.0 KN/m2
o Slab Weight: 3.75 KN/m2
o Floor Finish: 1 KN/m2
o Wall Load: 10KN/m (Downwards)
o Wall Thickness: 230 mm
o Earthquake Load: As Per IS: 1893-2002 (Part-1), IS 1893-2016 (Part 1)
o Seismic Zone: V
Method of Analysis:
Slab Load applied in STAAD PRO Model
Seismic Parameters for STAAD PRO MODELING:
o According to for IS :1893 -2016 importance factor is 1.2 for residential
and Commercial buildings
Result of STAAD PRO Analysis:
Fy for DL at Mid Point on Top Storey according to 2016 Codal Provisions
Time period for loading = 0.36000 sec
SA/G = 2.500,
Load factor = 1.000
STAAD Pro Analysis as per IS: 1893-2016 (Part 1).
o Final "Vb" = 1463.77197 KN
STAAD Pro Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002(Part 1).
o Final "Vb" = 320.074 KN
S.K. Ahirwar, S.K. Jain & M.M. Pande, Earthquake loads on multi-storey
buildings as per IS 1893-1984 & IS 1893 – 2002: A comparative study, the 14th
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.