Mini Lesson Evaluation Teacher Name: - Evaluator's Name
Mini Lesson Evaluation Teacher Name: - Evaluator's Name
Mini Lesson Evaluation Teacher Name: - Evaluator's Name
1. How was the teacher’s demeanor? Was s/he confident? Did s/he seem nervous? In control?
Authoritative? Overly authoritative? Overly friendly? Approachable? Unapproachable?
3. How was the general pace and timing of the lesson and activity? Was there enough time? Was the lesson
and activity appropriate for the 20-minutes allotted?
4. Was there a clear connection between the mini lesson and mini activity…and was the focus on writing?
5. Was the lesson and activity appropriate for the context? Was the lesson and activity appropriate for the
age-level of students?
6. Did the teacher define specialized terms? Was the level of vocabulary appropriate for the age-level of
7. Was the lesson and activity engaging? Was it interesting?
8. Was there an appropriate introduction and conclusion to the lesson and activity?
9. Do you think that students in the specified context would have benefited from this and how?
10. Did the teacher incorporate comprehension checks? For example, did s/he check-in with students to
make sure that everyone was understanding and on-task?
11. Could you imagine how this lesson fit within a broader course or assignment context? If so, how? If
not, what changes would you suggest?
13. Comment on things that can be improved and provide specific recommendations: