Numerical Modeling of the Flow of a Power Law Ceramic Slurry in the Tape
Casting Process
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AES Montreal, CA
rheometer experiments the constants in the produce multi-layer capacitors and electronic
Ostwald power law are identified for the substrates [1,2]. This method basically starts
considered LSM material and applied in the with a specially produced slurry which can be
thin film processes, extrusion, coatings, spray with experimental findings of the wet tape
is governed by the simple advection equation: boundaries are implemented as wall boundaries
numerical result for as compared material in the reservoir forces the ceramic to
to the experiment may be caused by the flow in the -direction (and – , side flow, see
neglecting of the side effect flow which can Figure 3) which is neglected in the numerical
The authors would like to acknowledge the
support of the Scientific Research Council for
Technology and Production Sciences (FTP)
(Contract No. 09-072888, OPTIMAC), which
is part of the Danish Council for Independent
Research (DFF).
Our thanks are also directed to Miss R.
Bulatova and Dr. Christian R. H. Bahl for
Figure 7. Oscillations in the tape interface in providing us with experimental data.
the casting direction with the slurry height of
(a) 7074 and (b) 21222 . References
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