Waste Delivery Receipt: Marpol Annex I - Oil Quantity (M) Marpol Annex V - Garbage Quantity (M)
Waste Delivery Receipt: Marpol Annex I - Oil Quantity (M) Marpol Annex V - Garbage Quantity (M)
Waste Delivery Receipt: Marpol Annex I - Oil Quantity (M) Marpol Annex V - Garbage Quantity (M)
The designated representative of the reception facility provider should provide the following form to the master of a
ship that has just delivered wastes/residues.
This form shall be retained on board the ship along with the appropriate Oil Record Book, Cargo Record Book or
Garbage Record Book.
2.1 Name of ship: 2.5 Owner or operator:
MARPOL Annex IV – Sewage Quantity (m3) MARPOL Annex VI – related Quantity (m3)
Ozone-depleting substances and
equipment containing such substances
Exhaust gas-cleaning residues
On behalf of the port facility I confirm that the above wastes/residues were delivered.
Signature: ……………………………… Full Name and Company Stamp: …………………………………………
Indicate the proper shipping name of the NLS involved.
Indicate the proper shipping name of the dry cargo.