Column Design Sheet

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References Calculation Remarks

NEd = 49.00 kN
NEd = 49 kN

A= NEd
grade steel 0
= 45.2 x 10
= 427.8145 mm²
A = 4.278145 cm²

Trial section: 127×76×16 UKC S275

A= 21.1 cm²

Assume, S275, fy = 275 N/mm²

From the table of section properties,UKC 127 x 76 x 16, S275, which

has A = 21.1 cm²

Depth h= 127 mm
Width of cross section b= 76.2 mm
Flange thickness tf = 9.6 mm
Web thickness tw = 5.6 mm
Radius of gyration iz = 1.7 cm
Section area A= 21.1 cm²
Plastic modulus, y-y Wpl,y = 104 cm³
Section classification
For section classification coefficient Ɛ is,
fy = 275
Ɛ= 0.924416

Outstand flange : flange under uniform compression

9Ɛ = 8.319746

/ =2.70<9Ɛ

Therefore, the flange outstand in compression is Class 1.

References Calculation Remarks

Internal compression part : web under compression.

33Ɛ = 30.50574

/ =11.1<33Ɛ

Therefore, the web under compression is Class 1

Therefore, the section is Class 1 under compression Class 1

Buckling length
Buckling length about y-y axis,
L= 3 m
Lcr,y = 1.0 (L) = 3m

Compression resistance of cross section

NEd < NC, Rd

NC, Rd = A (fy)
= (21.1 x 10 ) (275)
= 5802 kN > NEd (ok!)

Design moment on column due to beam reactions

Mly,Ed = ((h/2) + 100) x Ned

= ((127/2) + 100) x 49.0 /1000
= 8.0115 kNm

My,Ed = Mly,Ed X 0.5 My,Ed=46.76kNm

My,Ed = 4.00575 kNm

Flexural buckling resistance

λ1 = 93.9Ɛ = 86.80269 _ 3000
_ = 17

λ ̅ =  ( 2.03

Table 6.2   ℎ⁄ 1.667 > 1.2 , tf < 40mm, so use buckling curve 'b'

Imperfection factor, α = 0.34

_ 0.7
Eq.(6.47) _ 1= 1

, , =  χ /��
197.285 kN Nb,z,Rd= 2444.8kN

References Calculation Remarks

Lateral torsional buckling resistance moment

λ ̅ =0.9λ ̅ 1.829707 For rolled and equivalent welded section

χ =  1/(∅��+ √(∅��² −�λ ̅ ² ))

∅LT = 0.5[1 + ���(λ ̅�� − λ ̅��,0)+ �λ ̅LT²] λ ̅ ,0= 0.4

�= 0.75
Tab 6.5&6.3 For welled I-sections with h/b<2, use buckling curve 'c',
SO, ���= 0.49
∅LT = 2.10571

χ =  0.286328

χ ≤1.0

χ ≤  1/(λ ̅�� 0.298701 OK

∴ χLT = 0.286328
=  (0.28633   
, =  χ /��1 for Class 1

= 8.186 kNm Mb,Rd=265.65kNm

Combined bending and axial compression buckling (simplified)

/( , , 0.737713 <1

Therefore, UKC 127×76×16 is adequate.

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