Logic Trust Integrity in The Global Economy Program

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Program Logic - Conferences

Trust Integrity in the Global Economy Program

Vision: Exploring ways to help create a just and equitable global economy
Mission Values Core Areas of program Core Focus Key Activities
 Trust Reshaping business around
Engaging business-people and integrity, trust and core
decision-influencers in honest  Integrity values: - Does the Annual international
conversations on the broad common good in our conference (Caux)
issues associated with Values in Business economy depend primarily
globalization and the human  Exploring personal on regulation, or on a
face of economics. transformation and a culture of service and
personal calling within integrity throughout
business and economic organizations? - How can
sector such a culture be

Bring together young people Uniting youth for a Sustainability Empowering young people Annual international
dreaming about making the sustainable future to take leadership for a conference (Caux)
new green economy a reality - Developing Young more
and support them in becoming Professionals leaders sustainable future
inspiring leaders for a self- - Creating Opportunities for
sustaining global movement. leadership development

Developing community- Annual international

Explore the issues related to Food Security based economies, fair conference (Caux)
healthy food production, trade and food
responsible marketing and sustainability - Food Sustainability
ethical consumption. Network (FSN) initiates and
coordinate activities with
key groups including:
farmers, consumers, Fair
Trade etc.

Project for 2012 - 2013

Program Logic - Conferences
Explore individual and Creating dialogue in Encouraging in-depth
collective steps towards a Exploring personal diversity, space for conversation, innovative
value-based, more sustainable transformation and a reflection and thinking and the
economy personal calling empowerment for action. implementation of inspired
Focus on ‘foundations of ideas.
trust and integrity’ and on Annual international
stories of transformation conference (Caux)
and empowerment.
Influence and impact the
mainstream institutions and
agencies that are shaping the
global economy eg.
-World Bank
- World Economic
- UN

Project for 2012 - 2013

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