Title of Learning Segment: Grade or Class:: - Each Lesson in Learning Segment To Be 3-4 Pages

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ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template


Title of Learning Segment: Paper Weaving Grade or Class: 2

Prior Knowledge: How to correctly fold a paper and use scissors.

Central Focus/Big Idea: Students will look at Kente Cloth of Ghana and local patterns found at
Springs Made Creative textile mill in Rock Hill, SC. Using these patterns for inspiration, students
will use paper to construct a loom and woven pattern.
Learning Segment Overview (e.g. four lessons 45 minutes each)
Lesson 1 (Day 1) Introduction to Weaving and Patterns (Examples from Ghana and Rock Hill
Textiles) and begin creating their own loom.
Lesson 2 (Days 2-3) Review of Weaving and Pattern: Begin their own paper weave and add
skinny strips for detail.
Lesson 3 (Day 4): Workday: finishing details and students will write a sentence about their
choices for their weaving pattern.
Standard Learning Objective Summative Assessment
NVAS: # &text VA:Cn11.1.2a V: Compare and Teacher Checklist and Student
http://nationalarts contrast cultural uses of artwork Statement
standards.org from different times and places. - Is the weaving complete?
SCVAS: # & text VA.C NH.6 I can identify and use - Are the weft papers woven
https://ed.sc.gov different artistic styles, from various in an under/over pattern?
/instruction/stan cultures and time periods.
- Does the weaving have a
dards- color pattern?
- Is the weaving woven
VA.CR NH.2 I can use and combine tightly?
materials, techniques, and After completing their weave with a
processes to make art. color pattern, students will write a
sentence describing what and why
they made the choices they did.
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template

Standard, Objective, & Assessment use similar language from Standards

Academic Language Demands, as applicable:

1. Language Function: Students will identify the pattern they selected by writing a sentence on
the back of their paper weave. Students will have class discussions about weaving vocabulary.
Students will have seen patterns from Kente Cloth from Ghana and from Springs Made creative
in Rock Hill.
2. Vocabulary:
 Pattern: a repeated design
 Weaving: creating fabric by interlacing (crisscrossed) threads
 Loom: a frame that holds a weaving together while the artist is working
 Weft: the thread that moves from left to right
 Warp: the vertical thread through which the Weft is woven in and under/over pattern
3. Discourse: On Day one, during the introduction, the teacher will ask students to discuss
what a pattern is and where they find patterns in their daily lives. On Day 2, the teacher will
have students explain what they have learned about what a pattern is. Also, about the names of
the materials that make up a weave. (Loom, Weft, Warp) On Day 3, students will be able to
explain their own patterns they have chosen to use.
4. Practice: The students will engage in class discussions about weaving and the vocabulary
associated with this practice. Students will write a one to two sentence artist statement about
the pattern they chose to create.

Key Materials:
 Colorful Construction Paper 9x12
 Strips of Colorful Construction Paper (1x12)
 Skinny Strips of Construction Paper (.5x12)
 Scissors
 Pencils

Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L. Segment
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template

Standard Objective Formative Assessment

VA.CR NH.2 I can use and  talk about and identify The teacher will be observant and ask
combine materials, weaving examples. questions as the students work.
techniques, and processes to
 discuss Kente Cloth from - What do you need to do if your
make art.
Ghana. weaving is not tight?
VA.C NH.6 I can identify and  Discuss the use of - How can you use the paper to
use different artistic styles, patterns create a pattern?
from various cultures and  use the technique and - Your weaving papers are
time periods. process of weaving to sliding on top of each other,
create a paper weaving. how can you solve that
 create a paper loom for my problem?
weaving. - If you ended under the warp,
 weave the weft papers in what do you need to do to start
an under/over pattern. the next row?
 create a pattern with my
colorful weft papers.
 Use all materials and tools
in a safe and responsible

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

Day 1:
Art Talk (10 min.)
 Show and talk about examples of weavings and specifically discuss Kente Cloth from
 Show and talk about examples
Art Demo (5-10 min.)
 Give a demonstration on how to create a paper Loom.
 Talk about the safe way to use scissors. “Tools not Toys”
Art Making (15-20 min.)
 Students will choose a colorful piece of 9x12 construction paper and fold it short side to
short side. The folded paper should stay flat on the desk with the open part at the top.
 Students will use their two fingers to measure from the top of the paper. Draw a line
under the bottom finger. Extend the line from side to side.
 Students will write their name and class code above the line.
 At the bottom of the paper, students will again measure with their two fingers, this time
moving from left to right. Every two fingers, students will place a tick mark every two
finger spaces. These tick marks show where to cut on the paper.
 Students cut from the tick mark straight up to the top line. Stress the importance of not
cutting past the top line. They should not be cutting on their name.
 When each tick mark has been cut, students may open the paper to see their loom and
warp lines
Day 2:
Art Talk (5 min.)
 Ask students about weaving and Kente Cloth.
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template

 Ask students to give examples of patterns.

 Talk about creating an A/B Pattern or ABC Pattern when they begin their own weaving.
Art Demo (5-10 min.)
 Demonstrate how to weave a pattern into the paper loom.
 Talk about having the weft paper go under and over the warp.
 Talk about forming a pattern with the colors of the paper.
 Show students how to “beat the weft.”
Art Making (20-25 min.)
 Students will begin weaving, choosing one strip of paper at a time.
 Ensure that students continue in the under/over pattern.
 Remind students to “beat the weft” to keep their weavings tight.
Day 3:
Art Talk (5 min.)
 Discuss Kente Cloth and the process of weaving.
Art Demo (5-10 min.)
 Demonstrate how to add a second layer to the paper weavings by using skinny paper
Art Making (20-25 min.)
 Students will finish their original woven paper design.
 If time allows, students will add a second layer to the paper weavings by using the
skinny paper strips. The skinny strips are added by weaving directly on top of the original
larger paper strips.
 When students complete their piece, they must write 1 sentence on the back explaining
their pattern they chose to do in their weaving.

Theory/Theorists: Housen: Aesthetic Stages

- Examples of weaving from Ghana
- Examples of fabrics from Rock Hill, SC
- Examples of different patterns.
- Give a demo: Loom Demo, Weaving Demo, Detail demo
 Engagement:
- Speech: Information will be presented in an open discussion format.
- Visual: Information will be presented with visuals. (Pictures and Power Points)
- Tactile: Students will create their own loom and weaving pattern using paper.

 Expression: By correctly creating the loom, picking a pattern, correctly weaving under and
over the loom, adding detail with skinny strips of paper (weft), and justifying their pattern in
the sentence they will write after completing their paper weave.
 Individual student with special needs: Students will be assisted with all steps of the process
by teacher or aid.

Resources/ Books, dictionary, articles, websites cited correctly using APA

Artifacts/teacher or student made Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc
Reflection (Internship I only) What went well? Not so well? Next time I will do this differently…
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template

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