Pneumatic Solenoid Control Box - 2

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1. Inspect box for damage, leaks and security.

2. Inspect hosing and fittings for security, leaks

and condition.

3. Wire harness for security, damage and


4. Open solenoid box access cover and inspect

components for the following:
The control box assembly is mounted to the
a. Solenoid valves for security, leaks and
MTT front bulkhead and controls spray functions
as commanded by the cab control box. The
assembly contains pressure protection valve,
b. Pneumatic regulator valve for security,
manual or electric shut-off valve/pressure
leaks and condition. Drain regulator
regulator, pneumatic solenoid valve bank and
wire terminal. The solenoids and shut-off valves
receive pneumatic pressure from the vehicle and
24 VDC power from the cab control box. Regulator Adjustment
Solenoid valves receive command signals from
cab control box to open or close the respective
spray head or BFV. The solenoid control box Regulator Bowl
also provides for spray head system over
pressurization protection.

Regulator Bowl
Shut Off/Pressure DIN Rail 40 Pin
Regulator Assy. Terminal Strip Receptacle

c. Pneumatic shut-off valve for security,

leaks and condition.

d. Pneumatic pressure protection valve for

security, leaks and condition.

e. All fittings and hoses for security and


f. Wire terminals and wiring for security

and damage.

Air Regulator Sub-D Solenoid Bank

Pressure Gauge Connector


REPAIR 9. Reinstall 3 side mount bolts.

Solenoid Valve Replacement
10. Reinstall solenoid bank foam gasket and top

11. cover. Secure the cover 4 mount screws.

12. Reinstall solenoid bank on mounting plate

and secure mounting bolts. Ensure solenoid
bank grounding wire is attached.

13. Reconnect the pneumatic supply hoses.

PN 304948 PN 304929
14. Reconnect the Sub-D connector to the top of
1. Ensure pneumatic pressure and electric the solenoid bank.
power is removed from the solenoid box.
15. Pressurize pneumatic spray system, check for
2. Disconnect the Sub-D connector from the top leaks as well as proper spray head operation.
of the solenoid bank.
Shut-off/Pressure Regulator Assembly
3. Disconnect the solenoid bank pneumatic
supply hoses.

4. Remove entire solenoid bank from the

mounting plate.

5. Label each solenoid valve section before


6. Remove 4 mounting screws from the

solenoid bank cover. Remove cover and 1. Ensure pneumatic pressure and electric
foam gasket from the top of the solenoid power is removed from the solenoid box.
2. Disconnect the pneumatic supply from the
7. Remove the 3 side mount bolts. right side of the regulator.

8. Remove the malfunctioning solenoid and 3. Remove 90 degree brass elbow from the
replace with serviceable solenoid. pneumatic supply hose left of the assembly.

4. Disconnect the power cable attached to the

Ensure the correct solenoid part number is top of the shut-off valve.
used to replace malfunctioning solenoid
(spray head valve #304929 versus the BFV 5. Remove the 4 mount screws securing the
#304948). Additionally, check to ensure the assembly to the mounting plate.
new solenoid is located in the correct
position within the solenoid bank stack-up.


6. Remove the assembly. g. Operate water pump at HIGH IDLE

making note of peak water pressure. If
7. Reconfigure new assembly. water pressure exceeds 120 psi (830 kpa)
refer to water pump tuning instructions
8. Install new assembly and secure with 4 and ensure water pump RPMs do not
mounting screws to the mounting plate. exceed 1,950 rpm)

9. Reattach the shut-off valve power cable.

10. Reconnect the pneumatic supply hoses to the Water pump RPM must not exceed 1,950
pressure regulator. rpm with engine at high idle. Failure to
keep water pump speed below 1,950
11. Charge air system with 125 psi (860 kpa) of RPMs will result in water pump failure.
air pressure.
h. Reduce engine speed to LOW IDLE.
12. Ensure all warning lamps are extinguished.

13. Turn SYSTEM ON.

Avoid sudden water pump stoppage
14. Adjust air pressure regulator to 90 psi (620 above LOW IDLE. If water pump
kpa) and fine tune pressure regulator as experiences sudden stoppage above LOW
follows: IDLE impeller, shaft, drive motor and
a. Install 0 – 160 psi (0 – 860 kpa) gauge to water pump damage will occur.
drain valve on spray bar.
i. Turn PUMP OFF.
b. Make unit safe for operation.

c. Ensure all spray system switches are

OFF. Engaging/disengaging the water pump
above LOW IDLE may result in water
d. Start engine. pump component damage and reduced
service life.
e. Turn SYSTEM ON.
j. Note air pressure.
f. Turn PUMP ON.
k. Adjust air pressure regulator. Ensure the
regulated air pressure is set 5 – 10 psi
(34-69 kpa) maximum above the HIGH
Engaging/disengaging the water pump IDLE water pressure reading [e.g: water
above LOW IDLE may result in water pressure = 75 psi (520 kpa) at high idle,
pump component damage and reduced regulated air pressure must be adjusted to
service life. and set at 80 to 85 psi or 550 to 585 kpa].


15. Pressurize pneumatic spray system, check for

leaks as well as proper spray head operation.
If spray heads partially open when water
pump is operated at HIGH IDLE, recheck air
pressure regulator setting.

16. Turn SYSTEM OFF.

17. Turn engine OFF.

18. Close and secure cover.

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