Brooms Legal Maxims PDF
Brooms Legal Maxims PDF
Brooms Legal Maxims PDF
QJorupU Slatu ^rlynnl IGibtatg
Cornell University Library
KF 159.B87 1874
T. & J. W. JOHNSON & CO.,
^^^ t
In this Edition the tlxt has been carefully revised, and redun-
dant or obsolete matter has been expunged, its place having been
H. B.
The Temple,
April 28M, 1870.
Maxims reported since the last issue of the Work have been in-
serted ; the text has been carefully revised ; and it is hoped that
this Book of Principles may, in its amended form, prove useful to
sifted and examined, and every effort has faithfully been made to
render the Book, in its present form, accurate and useful.
In regard to subjects of interest or importance to the Student,
here but incidentally touched upon, occasional references have been
given to my " Commentaries on the Common Law" —designed as a
H. B.
The Temple,
June lUh, 1858.
The Temple,
March 16(h, 1848.
exhibiting briefly the most important Rules of Law, and not merely
useful as a book of casual reference; and, secondly, because by
thismethod alone can the intimate connection which exists between
Maxims appertaining to the same class be directly brought under
notice and appreciated. It was thought better, therefore, to incur
Profession, and that the cxampFes adduced, and the authorities re-
ferred toby way of illustration, qualification or exception, may, in
some limited degree, add to their utility.
In conclusion, I have to express my acknowledgments to several
Professional Friends of Practical experience, ability and learning,
for many valuable suggestions which have been made, and much
useful information which has been communicated, during the prepa-
ration of this Work, and of which I have very gladly availed my-
self. For such defects and errors as will, doubtless, notwithstanding
careful revision, be apparent to the reader, it must be observed that
I alone am responsible. It is believed, however, that the Profes-
sional Public will be inclined to view with some leniency this
attempt to treat, more methodically than has hitherto been done, a
subject of acknowledged importance, and one which is surrounded
with considerable difificulty.
The Temple,
January 30(A, 1845.
Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et sub lege, quia lex facit
regem 47
Rex nunquam moritur 50
Rex non potest peccare 52
Non potest Rex gratiam facere cum injurifi, et damuo aliorum 63 . .
Nemo patriam In qu& natus est exuere nee ligeantiee debitum ejurare possit 75
quia parere
necesse est . 93
Ad quEestionem facti non'respondent judices, ad quaestionem legis non re-
spondent juratores 102 _
. . 166
Quod ab initio non valet in tractu temporis non convalescit
Argumentum ab inconvenienti plurimum yalet in lege
Nimia subtilitas in jure reprobatur, et talis certitude certitudinem confundit
. . . 178
. .
r .
Verba relata hoc maxime operantur per referentiam ut in eis inesse videntur
. . .651
Ad proximum antecedens fiat relatio nisi impediatur sententia
Contemporanea expositio
Qui haeret in liters hseret
est optima et fortissima in lege
in cortice
.... . . 680
*** Throughout this List, Wingate's Maxims are indicated hy the letter (W). Lofft's Reports (Ed.
1790), to which is appended a very copious Collection of Maxims, are signified hy the letter
(L). The Grounds and Rudiments of Law (Ed. 1761), by the letter (G); and Halkerston's
Maxims (Ed. 1823), by the letter (H) the reference in the last instance only being to the num-
ber of the Page, in the others to that of the Maxim. Of the above Collections, as also of those
by Noy (9th Ed.), and Branch (Gth Ed.), use baa, in preparing the following List, been freely
made. Some few Maxims from the Civil Law have also been inserted, the liigest being
referred to by the letter (D), as in the body of the Work.
The figures at the end of the line without the Parentheses denote the pages of this Treatise where
the Maxim is commented upon or cited.
A coMMUNi observantia non est re- Actor sequitur forum rei (Branch
cedendum (W. 203). M. 4).
A verbis legis non est recedendum 622 Actori incumbit onus probandi
Ab abusu ad usum non valet con- (Hob. 103).
sequentia (a). Actus curiae neminem gravabit 122 .
Absoluta sententia expositore non Actus Dei nemini facit injurium 230 .
secreta ....
Acta exteriora indicant interiora
sona 904, 905, 909, 915, 916, u. rea . 306, 316, 324, 367, 807, u.
Actio quaelibet it su^ via (Jenk.
(b) The law, observes Lord Bacon, makes this
Cent. 77). difference, that, if the parties have put it in the
Actionum genera maxime sunt ser- power of a third person, or of a contingency, to
vanda (L. 460). give a perfection to their act, then they liave put
it out of their own reach and liberty to revoke it
Actore non probante absolvitur but where the completion of their act or contract
reus (Hob. 103). depends upon the mutual consent of the original
parties only, it may be rescinded by express
(a) In Stockdale v. Hansard, 9 Ad. & B. 116 (36 agreement. So, in Judicial acts, the rule of the
E. C. L. R.), Lord Denman, C. J., observes, that civil law holds, sententia interlocutoria revocari
the above maxim cannot apply " where an abuse is, an order may be revoked, but a
potest, that
is directly charged and offered to be proved." judgment cannot.— Bac. M. reg. 20.
Conditio beneficialis quae statum quod minus est non licere 176 . .
non pertinent! (D. 50. 17. 36). Discretio est discernere per legem
Cum duo inter se pugnantia repe- quid sit justum .84, n.
. .
dendum est ....
quod credibile est cogitatum cre-
133, 135
. piciosa
Donatio non
Dona clandestina sunt semper aus-
289, 290
DiMNTjM sine injuria esse potest (H. Cent. 109).
12). Donatio perficiturpossessione acci-
Debile fundamentum fallit opus 180, 182 pientis (Jenk. Cent. 109).
toeblta sequuntur personam debito- Duo non possunt in solido unam
Excusat aut extenuat delictum in Fractionem diei non recipit lex (h.
capitalibus quod uon operatur ^
idem in civilibus 324 . . . Frater fratri uterino non succedet
Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia in baereditate paternfl, .530
identitas vera
Ex multitudine signorum colligitur
365, 366
. .
dere cogeris
Prustri probatur quod probatum
Prustri petis quod statim alteri red-
Expressio eorum quae taciti insunt Furiosus absentis loco est (D. 50.
nihil operatur . 669, 671, 753
17. 124. ^ I).
Expressio unius est exclusio alte- Furiosus solo furore punitur . . 15
rius, 607, 651, 653, 655, 658, 662, 664,
Purtum non est ubi initium habet
665, 672 detentionis per dominum rei (3
Expressum facit cessare taciturn, 607, Inst. 107).
651, 656, 657, 659, 666, 667, 669
Extra territorium jus dicenti im- Gknerale, nihil certi implicat (W.
pune non paretur . . 100,101 164).
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio . 730, Generalia specialibus non derogant
732, 739 (Jenk. Cent. 120) (6).
legis quam hominis . . 697, 698 C. P. 546 arg. Thames ConserTators ti. Hall, L.
R. 3 0. P. 419.
(c) In the TarioUB treatises upon the law of evi-
Lord Kenyon, C. J., 3 T. R. 722. See also Id. 38 dence will be found remarks as to the weight
4 T. R. 793 1 East 647, n. per Lord Campbell, C.
which should be attached to the confession of a
J., 4 E. & B. 832 (82 E. 0. L. R.) ; arg., Lyndon v. party. Respecting the above maxim, Lord Sto-
Standbridge, 2 H. & N. 48. well has observed, that, "What is taken pro
(a) Tbis maxim may properly be applied in confesso is taken as indubitable truth. The plea
those cases only where a witness speaks to a fact of guilty by the party accused shuts out all fur-
with reference to which he cannot be presumed ther inquiry. Habemus confiUntem reum is
liable to mistake ; see, per Story, J., The Santis- demonstration, unless indirect motives can be as-
sima Trinidad, 7 Wheaton (U. S.) R. 338, 339. sig nedto it." Mortimer v, Mortimer, 2 Hagg, 315.
Hsereditas nunquam ascendit 527, 528 . In eo, quod plus sit, semper inest
Hseres est aut jure proprietatis aut et minus (D. 50. 17. 110).
jure representationis (3 Eep. 40). In favorem vitae libertatis et inno-
Hseres est noruen juris, filius est centise omnia prassumuntur (L.
nbmeu naturse (Bac. M. reg. 11). 125).
Hseres legitimus est queni nuptiae In fictione juris semper sequitas ex-
demonstraat . . . .515 istit 127, 130
In judicio non creditur niai juratis
Id certum est quod certum reddi (Oro. Car. 64).
potest . . . 624, 625, 626 In jure, non remota causa, sed prox-
Idem est non esse et noa apparere 165 ima spectatur 216, 228, 853, n.
Id, quod nostrum sine factoest, Injuria non praesumitur (Co. Litt.
nostro ad alium transferri non 232. b.)
potest (a) (D. 50. 17. 11). Injuria non excusat injuriam, 270, 387,
Id possumus quod de jure possumus 395
(G. 183). In majore summS continetur minor
Ignorantia eorum quae quis scire (5 Rep. 115).
tenetur non excusat
Ignorantia facti excusat; ignoran-
267 . . .
exitus ...
In maleficiis voluntas spectatur non
324 .
non excusat
tia juris 253, 254, 263
Ignorantia juris, quod quisque scire
tenetur, neminem excusat
. . 253
muntur ....
In odium spoliatoris omnia praesu-
..2, n. . .
In prgesentifl, majoris cessatpotentia
In stipulationibus cum quseritur
HI, 112
Incaute factum pro non facto habe- quid actum sit verba contra stip-
tur (D. 28. 4. 1). ulatorem interpretanda sunt . 599
Incerta pro nnllis habentur (G. Intentio caeca mala (2 Bulstr. 179).
191). Intentio inservire debet legibus
Incivile est, nisi totd sententifl, in- non legis intentioni (Co. Litt.
spects de aliqua parte judicare 314 b).
(G. 194). Interest reipublicae ne maleficia re-
In consimili casu, consimile debet maneant impunita (Jenk. Cent.
esse remedium fG. 195). 31) (W. 140).
In contractis tacitfe insunt quse sunt Interest reipublicBB ut sit finis liti-
moris et consuetudinis . 842 . . um . . 331, 343, 893, n.
. .
Linea recta semper praefertur trans-
versali 529
Locus regit actum. («)
cum alterius detrimento et inju-
ria fieri locupletiorem (D. 50, 17,
Majus dignum trahit ad se minus
dignum . 176, u.
. . .
Jus accrescendi inter mercatores
commercii .....
locum non habet pro beneficio
Mala grammatica non vitiat char-
tam . . 686 ...
Jus constitui oportet in hia quas ut
plurimum accidunt non quee ex
pit textum
Malitia supplet aetatem
Maledicta expositio quae corrum-
inopinato . . . .43 .
Malus usus est abolendus
. .
. 921
Jus ex injuria non oritur 738, n. .
Mandata strictam recipiunt
Jus respicit aequitatem . 151 . .
interpretationem sed illicita la-
Jus superveniens auctori accrescit
tam et extensam (Bac. Max. reg.
Buccessori (H. 76).
16). (d)
Mandatarius terminos sibi positos
LsGES posteriores priores contra- transgredi non potest (Jenk.
riasabrogant . . . . 27, 29 Cent. 63).
Le salut du peuple est la supreme (a) See ( Neves v. Burrage, 14 Q. B. 504,
loi 2, n. 511-512 (68 E. C. L. R.).
Les lois ne se chargent de punir (6) "The law," says Lord Bacon, "giveth that
favor to lawful acts, that, although they be exe-
que les actions exterieures 311 .
cuted by several authorities, yet the whole act is
Lex aliquando sequitur aequitatem good;" if, therefore, tenant for life and remain-
(3WiIs. 119). derman join in granting a rent, "this is one
solid rent out of both their estates, and no double
LexAngliae sineparliamento mutari rent, or rent by confirmation:" Bac. Max. reg.
non potest (2 Inst. 619). 24; and if tenant for life and reversioner join in
Lex beneficialis rei consimili reme- a lease for life reserving rent, this shall enure to
the tenant for life only during his life, and after-
dium praestat (2 Inst. 689). wards to the rcYcrsioner: See 1 Crabb Real Prop.
Lex citius tolerare vult privatum 179.
damnum qukm publicum malum (c) Cited arg. Hodgson v. Beauchesne, 12 Moo.
P. C. C. 308 Lloyd v. Guibert, L. R. 1 Q. B. 115.
(Co. Litt. 152). (d) A principal is civilly liable for those acts
Lex neminem cogit ad vana seu only which are strictly within the scope of the
inutilia 252 agent's authority, post, p. 843. But if a man in-
cite another to do an unlawful act, he shall not,
Lex neminem cogit ostendere quod
in the language of Lord Bacon, "excuse himself
nescire praesumitur (L. 569). by circumstanceB not pursued;" as if ho com-
Lex nil frustra facit . 252 . . mand his servant to rob I. D, on Shooter's* Ilill,
and he doth it on Gad's Hill or to kill him by
Lex non cogit ad impossibilia 242 .'
(a) Cited per Bovill, C. J., Fletcher v. Alexan- (6) Applied to a patent, arg., Re Newall
der, L. R. 3 0. P. 331. Elliott, 4 0. B. N. S. 290 (93 E. 0. L. R.).
Nil consensu! tam contrarium est Non potest rex gratiam facere cum
quJim Tis atque metus 278, n. . injuria et damno aliorum . . 63
Nil facit error nominis cum de Non potest videri desisse habere,
corpora vel personfl, constat 634 . qui nunquam habuit (D. 50. 17.
Nil tam conveniens est naturali 208).
aequitati quim voluntatem domi- Non quod dictum est, sed quod
ni volentis rem suam in alium factum est, inspicitur (Co. Litt.
transferre ratum haberi (I. 2. 36. n.) (i).
1.40). Non Solent quae abundant, vitiare
Nimia subtilitas in jure reprobatur, soripturas . 627, n. .
Noscitur k sociis
588, 589, 592
constitutio, futuris formam
imponere debet, non praeteritis
pertinere .....
tas probandi possessiones ad se
dem rei cujus petitur dissolutio 166 .
6 BiDg. 319 (19 E. C. L. K.) ; Ilott v. Genge, 3
Non potest probari quod probatum Curt. 176.
(c) Cited 2 Bla. Com., 21et ed., 162; Co. Litt. 3
non relevat (a). a ; Arg., 1 M. 4 S. 172 ; per Buller, J., 3 T. K.
664. See, per Knight-Bruce, L. J., Boyae v. Koss-
(a) See A.-G. v. Hitchcock, 1 Exch. 91, 92, 102. borough, 3 De Q., M. & 0. 846.
torem ....
Omnia prssumuntur contra spolia-
Omnia prsesumuntur
niter esse acta donee probetur in
rit^ et solen-
Potior est conditio defendentis . 740
Potior est conditio possidentis 215, n.
niter esse acta 165, 942, 949, 950, 951 Prsesentia corporis toUit errorem
Omnia quae jure contrahuntur, con- nominis et Veritas nominis tollit
trario jure pereunt (D. 50. 11. errorem demonstrationis, 637, 639,
. 100). 640
Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt ipsius Prsesumptio violenta valet in lege
viri (Co. Litt. 112 a). (Jenk. Cent. 56).
Omnia rite acta prsesumuntur 944, n. Prior tempore, potior jure 354, 358 .
Omnium contributione
quod pro omnibus datum est (4
871, 873
sarciatur bono pensatur ....
Privatum incommodum publico
Optimus interpres rerum usus, 917, 930, Qdando abest provisio partis, adest
931 provisio legis (cifed 13 0. B. 960
Optimus legis interpres consuetude 685 (76 E. C. L. R.)).
Ordine placitandi seryato servatur Quando aliquid mandatur, manda-
etjus 188 tur et omne per quod parvenitur
prigine propria neminem posse ad illud . . . . . 485
voluntate su^ eximi manifestum Quando aliquid prohibetur, pro-
in unS, personS,
leges neque doli) malo inita sunt concurrunt asquum est ac si es-
omnimodo observa'nda sunt 698, 732 sent in diversis . . 531 .
Pacta dant legem contractu! (H. Quando jus domini regis et subditi
118.) concurrunt, jus regis praeferri
Pacta quae contra leges constitu- debet 69
tionesque vel contra bonos mores Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit,
Partus sequitur ventrem . 616, n. Quando res non valet ut ago, valeat
Pater est quem nuptise demonstrant 516 quantum valere potest , . 543
Perpetua lex est nullam legem hu- Quae ab initio inutilis fuit iostitu-
manam ac positivam perpetuam tio, ex post facto convalescere
esse, et clausula quse abrogatio- non potest (D. 50. 17. 210).
nem excludit ab initio non valet 27 Quae acoessionum locum obtinent
mune non laedunt (D. 50. IT. Qui sentit onus sentire debet et
commodum . . 712, 713, n.
Quae in curiS, regis acta sunt rit6 Qui tacet consentire videtur 138, 787
Qu89 in testamento ita sunt scripta, Quod k quoquo posufe nomine ex-
ut intelligi non possint, perinde actum est id eidem restituere ne-
sunt ac si scripta non essent (D. mo cogitur (D. 50. 17. 46).
50. 17. 73. i 3). Quod ab initio non valet in tractu
QuEe legi communi derogant strict^ temporis non convalescit 178 . .
Quicquid plantatur solo solo cedit, 401, Quod fieri debet facile prtesumitur
403, 417, 425, 431 (H. 153).
Quicquid solvitur, solvitur secun- Quod fieri non debet factum valet, 182,
dum modum solTentis quicquid ;
183, 297
recipitur, recipitur secundum Quod vitiosum est non potest
modum recipientis . . . 810 tractu temporis convalescere (D.
Qui cum alio contrahit, vel est, vel 50. 17. 29) 178
debet esse non ignarus condi- Quod meum est sine facto meo vel
tionis ejus (D. 50. 17. 19). defectu meo amitti vel in alium
Qui doit inheriter al p4re doit in- transferri non potest . . . 465
heriter al fitz . . . .517 Quod non apparet non est 164 . .
819, 820, 826, 827, 831, 839, 844, 846, Quod nullius est id ratione natu-
851, 853, 856, 865 ral! occupanti conceditur . . 353
Qui hseret in liters haeret in cortice 685 Quod remedio destituitur ipsS. re
Qui in jus dominiumve alterius suc- valetsi culpa absit , .212 .
cedit jure ejus uti debet 473, 478 . Quod aemel aut bis existit prsete-
Qui jure suo utitur neminem laedit 379 reunt legislatores .46 . .
Qui jussu judicis aliquod fecerit Quod semel meum est ampliua
non videtur dolo malo fecisse, meum esse non potest 465, u. .
jure .353, 355, 357, n., 359, 362 Quotiens dubia interpretatio liber-
(o) Cited per Parke, B., Morgan v. Thomas, 8 (b) See Louiavillo, R. C. v. Litaon, 2 Howard
Exch. 304. (U. S.)R. 523.
tatis secundum libertatem
est, Scribere est agere . . . 312,967
respondendum est (D. 50. 17. 20). Secundum naturam est, commoda
Quotiens idem sermo duas senten- cujusque rei eum sequi, qnem
tias exprimit ; ea potissimum sequuntur incommoda (D. 50. 17.
excipiatur, quae rei generandse' 10).
aptior est (D. 50. 17. 67). Seisina facit stipitem 525, 528 . .
in contrarium ....
Stabit prsesumptio donee probetur
Rex non potest peccare . . .52 communi legi (Jen]£. Cent. 24).
Rex nunquam moritur . . .50 Sublato principali tollitur adjunct-
Roy n'est lie per ascun statute, si um 180, u.
il ne soit expressement nosme . 72 Summa ratio est qute pro religione
facit 19
Salus populi supremalex, 1, 10, 187, n.
Salus reipublicas suprema lex 366 . (c) See Ditcher v. Benison, 11 Moo. P. C. C. 343.
(d) See Eeg. v. Millis, 10 CI. 4 Fin. 534 (cited
Scientia utrinque par pares contra-
post% where this maxim was applied; A.-G. u.
hentes facit "
772, 792, n.
. . Dean, 4o., of Windsor, 8 H. L. Cas. 392 Baker v. ;
Ubi eadem ratio ibi idem jus 103, u, 153, Verba relata hoc maxime operantur
155 per referentiam ut in eis inesse
Ubi jus ibi remedium, 191,192,204
videntur . . 673 . .
Ubi nullum matrimonium ibi nulla Veritas nominis tollit errorem de-
dos (Co. Litt. 32).
Ubi verba conjunctanon sunt sufB-
cit alterutrum esse factum (D.
Via trita via tuta ....
Vicarius non habet vicarium
. 637, 641
. .
(a) See as to this maxim, Goddard's Case, 2
Kep. 4 per B»yley, J., Styles v. Wardle, 4 B. & 0.
; sui mauifeste expressa, observe-
911 (10 E. C. L. R.) ; per Patteeon, J., Browne v..
tur (Co. Litt. 21 a).
Burton, 17 L. J. Q. B. 50; citing Clayton's Case,
5 Rep. 1, and recognising Steele v. Mart, 4 B. & Voluntas facit quod in testamento
C. 272, 279; Tapper v. Foulkes, 6 0. B. N. S. 797 scriptum valeat (D. 30. 1. 12. g 3).
(99 E. C. L. R). See, also, Shaw v. Kay, 1 Exch. .311
Voluntas reputatur pro facto .
412 per Jervis, C. J., Davis v. Jones, 17 C. B. 634
Cockram 840
v. Irian, Cookney v. Anderson, 101
Cockrill Sparkes, 104
V. Coombes v. Dibble, 720
Cocks V. Nash, 879, 881 Coombs V. The Bristol and Exeter R.
Cocksedge v. Cocksedge, 269 C, 818
Coddington v. Paleologo, 924 Oooraer v. Latham, 95
Coe V. Lawrance, 571 Cooper V. Blick, 629
Cooper V. Harding, 593 Cox V. Hickman, 827
V. Hubbock, STQ V. Hubbard, 295
V. Johnson, 906 u. Lee, 318
V. Law, 787 V. Leech, 108
V. Lloyd, 837 V. London (Mayor of), 922
V. Parker, 749, 891 t). Midland Counties R. C, 821
V. Phibbs, 253, 263 V. Mitchell, 350
V. Shepherd, 338 V. Morgan, 892
V. Simmons, 263, 905 V. Prentice, 716
u. Slade, 866 Coxhead v. Richards, 319, 322
V. Walker, 387, 655 Cracknell v. Thetford (The Mayor of),
V. Wandsworth Board of Works, 200, 607
115 Grafter v. Metropolitan R. C, 110
V. Willomatt, 478 Craig V. Lery, 167
c. Woolfitt, 41 Crane v. London Dock Co., 804
Cope V. Albinson, 762 V. Powell, 673
t). Cope, 581 Cranston v. Marshall, 788
V. Rowlands, 741 Craven v. Smith, 333
Copeman Gallant, 572
v. Craw V. Ramsay, 78
Copland Laporte, 580
v. Crawshay v. Maule, 456
Corbet's Case, 450 V. Thompson, 790
Corby v. Hill, 387 Crease v. Barrett, 963
Corcoran v. Gurney, 218 Creed v. Fisher, 108
Cork and Bandon R. C. v. Goode, 896 Creighton v. Rankin, 704
Corner v. Shew, 908 Crepps V. Durden, 25
Cornfoot v. Fowke, 793, 795, 797 Crespigny v. Wittenoom, 573
Cornforth v. Smithard, 104 Cripps V. Reade, 774
Cornill Hudson, 900
v. Crisp V. Anderson, 940
Cornish v. Abington, 293 Croft V. Alison, 848, 853
V. Cleiff, 652 V. Luraley, 490, 811
Keene, 362
V. V. Stevens, 323
Cornwell v. Metropolitan Commission- Crofts V. Beale, 754
ers of Sewers, 387 V. Haldane, 396
Corsar v. Reed, 167 V. Waterhonse, 238
Cort V. Ambergate, &c., R. C, 285, 880 Croll V. Edge, 56
V. Sagar, 480 Croockewit v. Fletcher, 156, 284, 551
Cory V. Thames Iron Works Co., 227 Crookenden v. Fuller, 522
Costar Hetherington, 349
V. Cropper v. Cook, 778, 920, 927 V. Michil, 96 Crosby v. Leng, 211
Cothay v. Fennel, 822 Cross V. Williams, 831
Cotterel v. Jones, 199 Crosse v. Gardner, 801
Couch V. Steel, 210, 858 Crossfield v. Morrison, 648
Counden ». Clerke, 614 V. Such, 456, 911, 914
Courtanld v. Legh, 382 Crossing «. Scuddamore, 542
Courtenay v. Earle, 202 Crossley D. Dixon, 171
V. Strong, 249 Crosthwaite v. Gardner, 869
Courtney v. Taylor, 547 Crotty V. Hodges, 155
Couturier v. Hastie, 499, 926 Crouch V. Great Northern Railway, 227
Coventry v. Apsley, 901 Crow V. Edwards, 136
Coverley v. Burrell, 782 V. Falk, 678
Cowan V. Milhourn, 214, 739 V. Rogers, 748
Coward v. Baddeley, 306 Crowder v. Long, 287, 837
1/. Gregory, 914 Crowther v. Farrer, 748
Cowell V. Edwards, 758 Cuckson V. Stone, 235, 345
Cowie V. Barber, 720 CuUen V. Butler, 590
Cowley V. Dunlop, 657 V. Thompson's Trustees, 824
Cowper V. Godmond, 903 Cumber v. Wane, 122, 890
V. Green, 748 Cumberland's (Countess of) Case, 404
Coxt». Burbidge, 393 Gumming v. Bedborough, 257, 272
„. Glue, 397 V. Forrester, 55
V. Godselve, 412 V. Ince, 278
V. Leigh, 440
V. Liversedge, 36
Jack V. M'Intyre, 560, 631
Jackson i/. Burnham, 83 V. Pye, 317
Paine v. Patrick, 712
Painter v. Abel, 755
Oakeley v. Pasheller, 704 ti. The Liverpool Gas Co., 89,
Oakes v. Turquand, 743 115
Oakley v. Portsmouth and Byde Steam Palgrave v. Wyndham, 910
Packet Co., 230 Palk V. Force, 678
Gates V. Hudson, 273 Palmer v. Blackburn, 663
O'Brien v. Bryant, 318 i;. Evans, 866
Wise, 485
V. V. Rolls, 463
Osborne's Case, 686 V. Tootal, 555, 564
Osborne v. Williams, 729 V. Winlow, 823
V. East India Co., 744, 949 Wiltes (The) Peerage, 34, 55, 56
V. Evans, 819 Wilton V. Dunn, 257
V. Eyton, 946 a. Royal Atlantic Mail Steam
V. Warrington, 769
Wren Weild, 199, 322
r-if<y\ the public good *that there should be, at all times, free pas-
' See Puff, de Jure Nat., Bk. 8, c. 5, s. 7 ; Grotius de Jure Bell, et Pac, Bk.
3, C.20, ». 7, ? 2.
Per BuUer, J., 4 T. R. 797.
»Noy, Max., 9thed., 36; 12 Rep. 12; Dyer 36 b.; Plowd. 322; Finch's
Law 39; Russell v. Mayor of New York, 2 Denio (U. S.) R. 461, 474.
• Absor u. Prench, 2 Show. 28; Dawes «. Hawkins, 8 0. B. N. S. 848, 856,
5 Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., Taylor v. Whitehead, Dougl. 749; per Lord
Ellenborough, 0. J., Bullard v. Harrison, 4 M. & S. 393 Dawes ». Hawkins, ;
2 Dougl. 745, 749.
Per Alderson, B., A. G. v. Lockwood, 9 M. & "W. 401.
' Per Lord Camden, Entick v. Carrington, 19 How. St. Tr. 1060.
* i. e., not to be made the common
right or property of more than one
Johnson, Diet., by Todd, ad verb.
^ As to sewerage rates, see Judgm., Taylor v. Loft, 8 Exch. 278.
6 Per Wilde, C. Veley, 12 Q. B. 407 (64 E. C. L. R.). "The
J., Gosling v.
law of England is most careful to protect the subject from the imposition of
any tax, except it be founded upon and supported by clear and distinct lawful
authority." Per Martin B., Gosling v. Veley, 4 H. L. Cas. 727. Per Lord
Id. 781. " The law requires clear demonstration that a tax is lawfully
imposed." Judgm., Burder v. Veley, 12 A. & B. 247 (40 E. C. L. R.). " It
4 broom's legal maxims.
is a well settled rule of law that every charge upon the subject must be
imposed by clear and unambiguous language." Per Bayley, J., Denn v.
Diamond, 4 B. & C. 245 (10 B. C. L. R.); per Bramwell, B., A. G. v. Lord
Middleton, 3 H. & N. 138.
^ In the case of an Action brought to obtain compensation
by a person
whose land has been taken possession of by the Crown or by any private indi-
vidual, the items recoverable will be : —
1. The value of the land; 2. The
consequential injury ; 3. The expense to which the complainant has been put
in maintaining his action. Per Pollock, C. B., Re Laws, 1 Bxch. 447.
As to the items recoverable in respect of depreciation of property under
the Lauds Clauses Act, 1845, see Duke of Buccleuch v. Metrop. Board of
Works, L. R. 3 Ex. 306.
' See per Lord Bldon, C, 1 My. & K. 162. Judgm., Tawney v. Lynn and
Ely R. C, 16 L. J. (Chan.) 282; "Webb v. Manchester and Leeds R. C, 4
My. & Cr. 116.
" See judgnl., Simpson v. Lord Howden, 1 Keen 598, 599 ; Lister v. Lobley,
7 A. &B. 124 (34E. C. L. R.).
•"The word 'statute' has several meanings. It may mean (ut supra)
what is popularly called an Act of Parliament or a code, such as the Stat, of
Westminster I., or all the Acts passed in one Session, which was the original
meaning of the word." Per Lord Campbell, C. J., Reg. v. Bakewell, 7 E. &
B. 851 (90 E. C. L. R ).
See per Lord Abinger, C. B., Stracey v. Nelson, 12 M. & W. 540, 541
property of large numbers of the community and the other will not,"
the Court will " assume that the legislature intended the former to
be applied to it."' Also as judicially observed, where large powers
are entrusted to a company to carry their works through a great
extent of country without the consent of the owners and occupiers
of land through which they are to pass, it is reasonable and just,
that any injury to property which can be shown to arise from the
prosecution of those works should be fairly compensated to the
party sustaining it,^ and likewise it is required that the authority
given should be strictly pursued and executed.'
In accordance with the maxim under notice, it was held, that,
where the commissioners appointed by a paving Act occasioned
damage to an individual, without any excess of jurisdiction on their
part, neither the commissioners nor the paviors acting under them
were liable to an action, the statute under which the commissioners
acted not giving them power to award satisfaction to the individuals
who happened to suffer; and it was observed, that some individuals
suffer an inconvenience under allsuch Acts of Parliament, but the
interests of individuals must give way *to the accommodation
of the public* privatum incommodam publico bono pensatur.^ '- •
Per Brie, C. J., The Vestry of Chelsea app., King resp., 17 C. B. N. S.
F. 610; per Lord Mansfield, C. J., R. v. Croke, 1 Cowp. 26; Ostler v. Cooke,
13 Q. B. 143 (66 E. C. L. R.).
* Plate Glass Company v. Meredith, 4 T. R. 794, and Boulton v. Crowther,
York, 1 Denio (D. S.) R. 595, 598; see Sutton v. Clarke, 6 Taunt. 29 (1 E.
C. L. R.) cited 10 C. B. N. S. 777, 779 (100 E. C. L. R.)
Alston v. Scales, ;
protect the rights of all individuals, and to save them from liabili-
ties beyond .those which the powers given by such Acts neces-
sarily occasion, they must always be carefully looked to, and must
not be extended further than the legislature has provided, or than
is necessarily and properly required for the purposes which it has
sanctioned.* It is, moreover, important to notice the distinction
which exists between public and private Acts of Parliament, with
' See per Wilde, C. J., 7 C. B. 226 (62 E. 0. L. R.) ; Mayor of Liverpool v.
tinction above mentioned becomes material, for public Acts bind all
With respect to private rights, necessity privileges a person acting under its
For the same reason, where one man attacks another, and the latter,
without *fighting flies, and, after retreating as far as he
safely can, until no other means of escape remain to him, - -'
then turns round and kills his assailant, this homicide is excusable
as being committed in self-defence the distinction between this kind
of homicide and manslaughter being, that here the slayer could not
otherwise escape although he would, — in manslaughter he would
not escape if he could.* The same rule extends to the principal
civil and natural relations of life; therefore, master and servant,
over, or until the latter is running away, this is revenge, and not
defence. There is another instance of necessity to be mentioned,
where a man, being in extreme want of food or clothing, steals
Post. Disc. Horn. 274.
' 4 Com. by Broom & Hadley 30, 31.
^ Ejus vero nulla culpa est cui p.arere necesse sit. D. 50, 17, 169.
• 4 Com., by Broom & Hadley, 211, 212.
= Fost. Disc. Horn. 274.
the Court, and the Court are bound to see that suitors obtain the
fruits of decisions in their favor.
For instance, by Interpleader, as to which see per Maule, J., 3 C. B. 341,
342 (54 E. C. L. R.). Per Rolfe, B., 15 M. & W. 197. Per Alderson, B., 14
Id. 801.
^ Per Vaughan, B., Garland v. Carlisle (in error), 2 Cr. & M. 77 ; s. c, 4
CI. &P. 701.
Judgm., Howden v. Standish, 6 C. B. 520 (60 E. C. L. R.). As to the
« 1 Hale, P. C. 45 1 Hawk., c. 1, s. 9.
act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason,
from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of
the act he was doing, or if he did know what he was doing, that he
did not know he was doing what was wrong. "If," said the ma-
jority of the judges, in answer to the questions proposed to them,
some years since, by the House of Lords, relative to insane crimi-
nals, "the accused was conscious that the act was one which he
ought not to do, and if that act was, at the same time, contrary to
the law of the land, he is punishable ; and the usual course, there-
fore, has been to leave the question to the jury, whether the party
accused had a sufficient degree of reason to know that he was doing
an act that was wrong ; and this *course we think is correct
'- -I
accompanied with such observations and explanations as the
circumstances of each particular case may require."^
Where the party charged with an offence was, at the time of its
privata. Death, it has been observed, is the last and farthest point
of particular necessity, and the law imposes it upon every subject,
that he prefer the urgent service of his king and country to the
safety of his life.'
The maxim above cited from the commentaries of Sir E. Coke is,
Bac. Max., reg. 5 ; Noy, Max., 9th ed., 34. In connection with the sub-
ject above considered, see the maxim " Lex nan cogit impossibilia," post.
'Dig. 11.7. 43. aPerCur. 1 Denio (U. S.) R. 206.
* See, for instance, Reg. v. Sharpe, Dears]. & B. 160.
Doct. & Stud., 18th ed., 15, 16; Noy, Max., 9th ed., 2; Finch's Law 75,
20 broom's legal maxims.
law, and if any human law should allow or enjoin us to commit it,
Co. Litt. 135, a.; Wing. Max. 5 (p. 7) Finch's Law 7; arg. Winsor v. ;
Reg., 6 B. &. S. 143, 164 (118 E. C. L. R.). Query whether the yerdiot in a
criminal case can be taken and recorded on a Sunday? Id.
See the preamble of Stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 31.
' Per Sir Geo. Grey, Feb. 19, 1866, Hans. Pari. Deb. 3d Series, vol. 181, p.
* Per Patteson, J., 3 D. & L. 330; per Erie, C. J., Mumford v. Hitchcocks,
181 b. Noy, Max., 9th ed., 2; Mackalley's Case, 11 Rep. 65, a; 3 & 4 Will,
4, c. 42, 8. 43.
Doe d. Williamson v. Roe, 3 D. &. L. 328.
6 Morris v. Barrett, 7 C. B. N. S. 139 (97 E. C. L. R.).
' But transmission of notice of chargeability of a pauper and order and
grounds of removal by the ordinary post would not be void under the above
statute, though made on a Sunday Reg. v. Inhabitants of Leominster, 2 B.
writ tested or returnable on a Sunday would be void. Chit. Arch. Pr., 11th
ed., 157, 187.
29 bk90m's legal maxims.
perform any duty which can interfere with the most scrupulous
observance of the Lord's day.°
If the day fixed for the commencement of term happens to be a
Sunday, it must, for the purpose of computation, and in the absence
of any express statutory provisions, be considered as the first day
of the term, although, as the courts do not sit, no judicial act can
be done, or be supposed to be done, till the following Monday.*
Where, however, the last day of term falls on a Sunday, it is enacted
by 1 Will. 4, c. 3, s. 3, that the Monday next following shall he
deemed and taken to be the last day of term.
Again, the stat. 29 Car. 2, c. 7, s. 1, enacts, that no tradesman,
Rawlins v. Ellis, 16 M. & W. 172. Be Eggingtori, 2 E. & B. 717 (75 B.
C. L. R.). See Samuel v. where service of a warrant
Buller, 1 Exch. 439,
of detainer on Sunday was held not to, be void. In Peroival v. Stamp,
9 Exch. 167, 171, Parke, B., observes that, " if an arrest be made on a
Sunday or in a way not authorized by law, the sheriff cannot afterwards make
that valid by detaining the party under a legal writ, but must first give him
an opportunity of going at large, and then execute the legal writ. But that
is not so with regard to an execution against goods."
2 Moore's Case, 2 Lord Raym. 1028.
= Chit. Arch. Pr., 11th ed.,'163, 1709; Rowberry v. Morgan, 9 Exch. 730;
4 Bing. 84 (13 E. C. L. R.). See also Williams v. Paul, 6 Bing. 653 (19 E.
C. L. R.), (observed upon in Simpson v. Nicholls. 3 M. &. W. 240) Beau- ;
42 (43 E. C. L. R.)
' Phillips V. Innes, 4 CI. &. Fin. 234.
25 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
horse, the defendant alone was in the exercise of his ordinary call-
ing, and it appeared that the plaintiflF did not know what his calling
was, so that, in fact, defendant was the only person who had
violated the statute: —The
Court held that it would be against
justice to allow the defendant to take advantage of his own wrong,
so as to defeat the rights of the plaintiff, who was innocent.' And
for the like reason, in an action by the endorsee against the acceptor
of a bill of exchange which was drawn on a Sunday, it was held
that the plaintiff might recover, there being no evidence that it
had been accepted on that day but the Court said, that, if it had
Bloxsome v. Williams, 3 B. & C. 232 (10 E. C. L. R.) ; cited 5 B. & C. 408,
409 (11 E. 0. L. R.).
' Begbie v. Levi, 1 Or. & J. 180.
' Crepps V. Durden, Cowp. 640; cited 4 E. & B. 422 (82 E. C. L. R.).
When the provisions of a later statute are opposed to those of an earlier, the
earlier statute is considered as repealed.
C. L. R.) 19 Vin. Abr. 525, " Statutes," (E. 6), pi. 132.
; See per Lord Ken-
yon, C. J., Williams v. Pritohard, 4 T. R. 2, 4; Ablert w. Pritchard, L. R. 1
C. P. 210 ; Rix V. Borton, 12 A. & E. 470 (40 E. C. L. R.) ; Dakins v. Seaman,
9 M. &.777. W.
« Vin. Abr. " Statutes," (E. 6), 132, cited arg. Phipson & Harvett, 1 Cr., M.
& R. 481.
« Dwarr. Stats., 2d ed., 533.
' Michell V. Brown, 1 B. & E. 267, 274 (102 E. C. L. R.), where Lord Camp-
bell, C..J., observes, " If
a later statute again describes an offence created by
a former statute, and affixes a different punishment to it, varying the proce-
dure, &e., giving an appeal where there was no appeal before, we think that'
the prosecutor must proceed for the offence under the later statute. If the
later statute expressly altered the quality of the offence, as by making it a
misdemeanor instead of a felony, or a felony instead of a misdemeanor, the
offence could not be proceeded for under the earlier statute, and the same con-
sequence seems to follow from altering the procedure and the punishment."
See Evans v. Rees, 9 C. B. N. S. 391 (99 E. C. L. R.).
^ Middleton v. Crofts, 2 Atk. 674, cited Wynn v. Davis, 1 Curt. 79. Vin.
Abr. " Statutes," (E. 6), pi. 132, cited arg. Macdougall v. Paterson, 11 C. B.
767 (73 E. C. L. R.).
» O'Flaherty v. M'Dowell, 6 H. L. Cas. 142, 157.
* " It is a rule of law that one private Act of Parliament cannot repeal an-
Gas and Coke Co., 11 C. B. N. S. 579 (103 E. C. L. R.) Great Central Gas Co. v.;
Where, then, both Acts are merely affirmative, and the substance
such that both may stand together, the later does not repeal the
former, but they shall both have concurrent efficacy.' For instance,
if, by a former law, an offence be indictable at the quarter sessions,
and the later law makes the same offence indictable at the assizes;
here the jurisdiction of the sessions is not taken away, but both
have concurrent jurisdiction, arid the offender may be prosecuted at
either, unless the new statute subjoins express negative words, — as
that the offence shall be indictable at the assizes, and not elsewhere.^
So, the general rule of law and construction undoubtedly is, that,
N. R. 7 ;
Langton v. Hughes, 1 M. & S. 597 Com. Dig. " Parliament," ;
(R. 9).
' 1 Com. by Broom & Hadley 93. See also the arguments in Reg. v. St.
Edmund's, Salisbury, 2 Q. B. 72 (42 E. C. L. R) Reg. v. Justices of Suffolkr ;
V. Emerson, 4 II. & C. 355 per Lord Abinger, C. B., A. G. v. Lookwood, 9M.
Taylor v. Vansittart, 4 E. & B. 910 (82 E. C. L. R.) per Parke B., Simpson ;
repugnant to its positive language.* But "the law *and
customs of England cannot be changed without an Act of
^ Id. s. 6. See Levi v. Sanderson, L. R. 4 Q. B. 330 ;Mirfin v. Attwood,
Id. ; Mount v. Taylor, L. R. 3 C. P. 645 ; Butcher v. Henderson, L. R. 3 Q.
B. 335.
' R. V. Justices of Middlesex, 2 B. & Ad. 818 (22 E. C. L. R.) ; Paget v. Foley,
2 Bing. N. C. 691 (29 E. C. L. R.).
= A. G. V. Chelsea Waterworks Co., Fitzgib. 195, citecj 2 B. & Ad. 826 (22
E. C. L. R.).
* Co. Litt. 115 b; Paget!). Foley, 2 Bing. N. C. 679 (29 E. C. L. R.); per
Lord Ellenborough, C. J., R. v. Aslett, 1 N. R. 7; Dresser v. Bosanquet, 4
B. & S. 460, 486 (116 E. C. L. R.).
' Bac. Abr., 7th ed., "Statute," (G).
« Merchant Tailors' Co. v. Trusoott, 11 Exch. 855; Salters' Co. v. Jay, 3 Q.
B. 109 (43 E. C. L. R.) ; Huxham v. Wheeler, 3 H. & C. 75.
Parliament, for this, that the law and custom of England is the
inheritance of the subject, which he cannot be deprived of without
his assent in Parliament.^"
Statutes, however, "are not presumed to make any alteration in
the common Act does expressly
law, further or otherwise than the
declare therefore, in all general matters the law presumes the Act
did not intend to make any alteration, for, if Parliament had had
that design they would have expressed it in the Act."^
» Per Story, J., 2 Gallis. (U. S.) R. 139. In the judgment of Kent, C. J.,
Dash V. Van Kleeck, 7 Johns. (U. S.) R. 503 et seq., the rule as to nova con-
stitutio is fully considered, and various cases and authorities upon this subject
are reviewed.
* Instances of retrospective legislation are given in the arg. The Wiltes
Peerage, L. R. 4 H. L. 146.
' D. 50, 17, 75.
^ Taylor, Elem. Civ. Law, 168.
35 broom's legal maxims.
tract with reference to the existing law only, unless there be enough
to show that they contracted with reference to possible alterations
in the law.^
Though a distinction must be noticed between new enactments
which affect vested rights and those which merely affect the pro-
cedure in courts of justice. When a new enactment deals with
rights of action, unless it is so expressed in the Act, an existing
right of action is not taken away. But where the enactment deals
with procedure only, unless the contrary is expressed, the enact-
ment applies to all actions whether commenced before or after the
passing of the Act.*
*It is, however, in general true, that a statute shall not
- -'
be so construed as to operate retrospectively, or to take
away a vested right, unless it contain either an enumeration of the
cases in which it is to have such an operation, or words which can
have no meaning unless such a construction is adopted.^
On various occasions it has, in accordance with the above doc-
trine, been laid down, that, where the law is altered by a statute
pending an action, the law, as it existed when the action was com-
menced, must decide the rights of the parties in the suit, unless the
L. R. 3 Q. B. 160.
= 7 Bac. Abr., 7th ed., " Statute" (C), p. 439. See Latless v. Holmes, 4 T.
R. 660 ;
Whitaker u.Wisbey, 12 C. B. 52 (74 E. C. L. R.) Doe d. John-
cited ;
son V. Liversedge, 11 M. & W. 517; Dash w. Van Kleeck, 7 Johnson (U. S.)
R. 477.
« Hitchcock V. Way, 6 A. & E. 943, 951 (33 E. C. L. R.) ; Paddon u. Bart-
lett, 3 A. & E. 895, 896 (30 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Lord Abinger, C. B., Chappell
V. Purday, 12 M. & W. 305, 306.
made before the new Act, but to be performed after, would sustain
an action without note in writing. The Court were of opinion that
the action lay, notwithstanding the statute, which was agreed did it
not extend to promises made before the 24th of June and judg- ;
justice, and has been acted upon in many cases.' * * * But this
' Gilmore v. Shuter, Jones R. 108 ; s. c, 2 Lev. 227.
* 2 Exch. 22, recognised in Pettamberdass v. Thackoorseydass, 7 Moore P.
C. C. 239; arg. James v. Isaacs, 12 C. B. 795 (74 E. C. L. R.) ;
Pinhorn v.
697 Parker v. Crouch, Id. 699. See also A. G. v. Sillem, 10 II. L. Gas. 704.
'- -^
every other similar case is, whether that intention has been
sufficiently expressed." In this case Eolfe, B., also remarks that
the principle as to nova constitutio " is one of such obvious conve-
nience and justice that must always be adhered to in the construc-
927 Boodle v. Davis, 8 Exoh. 351 Waugh v. Middleton, Id. 352 Larpent i>.
; ; ;
Perry v. Skinner, 2 M. & W. 471, 476. As to which see, however, per
Jervis, C. J., Reg. v. Mill, 10 G. B. 389, 391 (70 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Parke, B.,
Wallington v. Dale, 7 Exch. 907. See also Stocker v. Warner, 1 C. B. 148,
with this part of the subject, observe that, where an Act of Parliament
is passed to correct an error by omission in a former statute of the
same session, it relates back to the time when the first Act passed,
and the two must be taken together as if they were one and the
same Act, and the first must be read as containing in itself in words
the amendments supplied by the last.*
The injustice and impolicy of ex post facto^ or retrospective legis-
lation are yet more apparent with reference to criminal laws^ than
to such as regard property or contracts; and, with reference to the
operation of a new criminal law, the maxim of Paulus,' adopted by
Lord Bacon, applies, nunquam crescit ex post facto prwteriti delicti
The laws are adapted to those cases which most frequently occur.
Laws ought to be, and usually are, framed with a view to such
43 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
dental occurrence, or, in the language of the civil law, jus constitui
oportet in Ms quce ut plurimum accidunt non qum ex inopinato ;^ for,
D. 1. 3. 3. See Lord Camden's judgment in Entick v. Carrington, 19
How. St. Tr. 1061. Atkyns observes, that "laws are fitted ad ea quce
Sir R.
frequentius accidunt, and not for rare and extraordinary events and acci-
dents." See his "Enquiry into the Power of dispensing with Penal
Statutes," cited 11 St. Tr. 1208. "The rule is ad ea quce frequentius acci-
dunt leges adaptantur," per Bramwell, B., 9 H. L. Cas. 52; per Willes, J., 10
H. L. Cas. 429.
" 1). 1. 3. 10. ' See Wood's Treatise of Laws 121.
* Guthrie v. Fisk, 3 B. & C. 178 (10 B. 0. L. R.). Arg. A. G. v. Jackson,
Cr. & J. 108; Wing. Max. 716. Argumentum d, communiter accidentibus in
jurefrequens est, Gothofred, ad D. 44. 2. 6.
Williams v. Roberts, 7 Exch. 618, 628 ; see Thomas v. Watkins, Id. 630.
quitur;* "a casus omissus," observes Buller, J.,° " can in no case be
supplied by a Court of Law, for that would be to make laws.
Vaugh. R. 373; Fenton v. Hampton, 11 Moore, P. C. 0. 365 ; with which
ace. Doyle v. Falconer, L. K. 1 P. C. 32S.
' Reg. V. Inhabs. of Denton, 5 B. &S. 821, 828 (117 E. C. L. R.); Cobb v.
^D. 1. 3. 6.
* 5 Rep. 38. See Robinson v. Cotterell, 11 Bxch. 476.
* Jones V. Smart, 1 T. R. 52 ;
per Lord Abinger, C. B., Lane v. Bennett, 1
M. & W. 73 i
arg. Shepherd v. Hills, 11 Exch. 64.
Rex non debet esse sub hominb, sed sub Deo et sub lege,
(Bract. Lib. i. fo. 5.)
The king is under no man, yet he is in subjection to God and to the law, for
the law makes the king.
See further, on the subject of this chapter, Mr. Allen's Treatise on the
Royal Prerogative, ed. 1849, and Mr. Chitty's Treatise on the Prerogative of
the Crown, particularly chaps, i., ii., xv., xvi. 1 Com. by Broom & Hadley,
Mr. Allen, however, observes, at page 6 of his Treatise on the Royal Pre-
rogative, that " there is something higher, more mysterious, and
more remote
the king
from reality in the conception which the law of England forms of
than enters into the notion of a corporation sole."
48 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
therefore, will not lie against the king;^ for which rule, *in-
civil or criminal, but must do so by his judges; the law being "the
golden met-wand and measure to try the causes of the subjects, and
which protected his majesty in safety and peace," —the king being
thus, in truth, sub Deo et lege. This case shows also that an action
will not lie against the Crown for a personal tort, for it is there
laid down that " the king cannot arrest a man for suspicion of trea-
son or felony, as others of his lieges may ;" the reason 'given being
1 Bagshaw, Rights of the Crown of England, 29; Plowd. 212 a, 217 a, 238;
Allen, Royal Pre. 26; Bac, Abr. Prerogative (E. 2).
^ Post. As by or against foreign potentates in our courts,
to proceedings
see Wadsworth Queen of Spain, and De Haber v. Queen of Portugal, 17 Q.
" 1 Com. by Broom & Hadley, 3:J3; Finch's Law, by Pickering, 82.
cannot have remedy against the king. But although in these and
other respects, presently to be noticed, the king is greatly favored
by the exempted from the operation of various rules ap-
law, being
plicable to the subject, he is on the whole, and essentially, beneath
not superior to it, theoretically in some respects above, but practi-
cally bound and directed by its ordinances.'
' See the Debate in the House of Lords on Life Peerages, Hansard, voL
140, pp. 263, &c. In Howard v. Gosset, 10 Q. B. 386 (59 E. C. L. R.), Cole-
ridge, J., observes that "the law is supreme over the House of Commons as
over the Crown itself;" et vide post, p. 53.
' Jenk. Cent. 205. See Cooper's Account of Public Records, vol. 2, 323,
son and heir apparent at the instant of his birth, without gift or
creation, and as if minority could no more be predicated of him
than of the sovereign himself.'
The throne then goes by descent, not by succession, and if lands
be given to the king and his "heirs," this word " heirs" will be held
to include the "successors" to the Crown, although on the demise
of the sovereign, according to the course of descent recognised at
the common law, the land might have gone in some other channel.
Hence, if the king die without issue male, but leaving two daugh-
ters, lands held to him and his heirs will go to his eldest daughter
as succeeding to the Crown ; whereas, in the case of a subject, lands
whereof he was seised would pass to his daughters, in default of
male issue, as coparceners.* Similarly, if real estate be given to
the king and his heirs, and afterwards the reigning dynasty be
changed, and another family be placed upon the throne, the land in
question would go to the successor, and then descend in the new line.^
And a grant of land to the king for ever creates in him an estate
of perpetual inheritance,* *whereas the like words would but
•- -I
give an estate for life to any of his subjects.
In regard also to personal property, the Crown is differently cir-
cumstanced from an individual or from a corporation sole ; for,
Bac. Abr. Prerogative (A.)
' 1 Com. by Broom & Hadley, 295 ; 1 Plowd. 177, 234. And see the Stat.
3 & 4 Vict. c. 52.
' Per Lord Brougham, C, Coop. R. 125.
* Grant on Corporations 627. See also the Stat. 25 & 26 Vict., c. 37, re-
lating to the private estates of the Sovereign.
« Grant, Corp. 627. ^ 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley, 216.
according to the ordinary rule, sucli property will not, in the case
of a corporation sole, go to the successor — in the king's case, by
our common law, it does so.^ And it may be worthy of remark,
that the maxim, " the king never dies," founded manifestly in no-
tions of expediency, and in the apprehension of danger which would
result from an interregnum, does not hold in regard to other corpo-
rations sole. A parson, for instance, albeit clothed with the same
rights and reputed to he the same person as his predecessor, is not
deemed by our law to be continuously in possession of his office, nor
is it deemed essential to the preservation of his official privileges
(2 Rolle, R. 304.)
not above the laws,— and is bound by them equally with his sub-
Grant, Corp. 626.
Jenk. Cent. 9, 308.
53 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
manner, also, the king's grants are void whenever they tend to
' Chitt. Pre. Or. 5 ; Jenk. Cent. 203. See Fortescue, de Laud. Leg. Ang.
(by Amos) 28.
1 Hale, P. 0. 43, 44, 127. Per Coleridge, J., Howard v. Gosset, 10 Q. B.
386 (59 E. C. L. R.).
* Gledstanes v. The Earl of Sandwich, 5 Scott N. R. 719 ; R. v. Kempe, 1
Lord Raym. 49, cited Id. 720 ; Finch's Law 101 ; Vigers v. Dean, &c., of St.
Paul's, 14 Q. B. 909 (68 E. C. L. R.).
6 Chitt. Pre. Cr. 385. « See per Piatt, B., 2 E. & B. 884 (75 E. C. L. E.).
' Thomas v. "Waters, Hardr. 443, 448.
It does not seem, however, that the above doctrine can be extended
to invalidate an act of the legislature, on the ground that it was
obtained by a suggesfio falsi, or suppressio veri. It would indeed be
something new, as forcibly observed by Cresswell, J.," to impeach an
Act of Parliament by was obtained by fraud.
a plea stating that it
Beard v. Egerton, Id. 207 ; CroU v. Edge, 9 C. B. 486 (67 E. C. L. R.). See
Re». V. Betts, 15 Q. B. 540, 547 (69 E. C. L. R.).
" That a false suggestion of the grantee avoids an ordinary grant
of lands or tenements from the Crown, is a maxim of the common
law, and such a grant is void, not against the Crown merely, but
in a suit against a third person.' It is on the same principle that
a patent for two or more inventions, where one is not new, is void
altogether, as was held^in Hill v. Thompson,^ and Brunton v.
The rule upon the subject now touched upon, has been yet more
fully laid down,^ as follows :
— " If the king has been deceived by
any false suggestion as to what he grants or the consideration for
in terms so uncertain that you cannot tell how to apply it with that
precision which grants from one so especially representing the public
interest ought in reason to have; or if the grant reasonably con-
strued would work a wrong, or something contrary to law ; in these
and such like cases the grant will be either wholly void or restrained,
new," per Pollock, C. B., Hills v. London Gas Light Co., 5 H. & N. 340.
' Reg. u. Eastern Archipelago Co., 1 B. & B. 310, 337, 338 (72 E. C. L. R)
alleging such to be the custom of his manor ; and suppose that the
Phill. 306 ; Buron v.Denman, 2 Exch. 167, 189 Feather v. Reg., 6 B. &
; S.
257 (118 E. C. L. R.) Doe d. Leigh v. Roe, 8 M. & W. 579 ante, p. 48.
; ;
be pretended that the copyholder would have any right against the
bishop's successor. His right would be against the executor of the
bishop to whom the payment had been made, on an erroneous alle-
gation by him that there was a custom in his manor entitling him
to it. On the same principle, reasoning by analogy from the case
as it would have stood between subject and subject, the right of the
See per Jervis, C. J., Eastern Archipelago Co. v. Keg., 2 E. & B. 914 (75 E.
C. L. K.) ; De Bode v. Reg., 3 H. L. Cas. 449. A.a to ihe jurisdiction of a
court of equity, and the rules by which it will be guided, when the proceed-
ings are against the Crown, see per Lord Brougham, C, Clayton v. A. G.,
Coop. R. 120.
» Feather v. Reg., 6 B. & S. 294 (118 E. C. L. R.), following Tobin v. Reg.^
sioners of Woods and Forests), the sovereign was responsible for the
consequences of their negligence. The argument, with reference to
this plaint, turned chiefly upon the meaning of the legal maxim that —
the king can do no wrong ; and the Lord Chancellor, in deciding
against the petitioner, intimated an opinion, that since the sovereign
is clearly not liable for the consequences of his own personal negli-
r*f;o-| in 1^'^ DO right to redress can arise, *and the petition there-
fore which rests on such a foundation falls at once to the
ground."' The authority of the Crown would however afford no
defence to an action brought for an illegal act committed by an
officer of the Crown.
The ordinary maxim, respondeat superior,^ has then no applica-
tion to the Crown, for the Crown cannot, in contemplation of law,
command a wrongful act to be done. It may be stated moreover, as
& rule of the common law, that the Crown cannot be prejudiced by
the laches or acts of omission of any of its officers. Of which rule
an apt illustration presents itself in Reg. v. Renton.* There a per-
son had been taken into custody under a writ of extent, issued at
suit of the Crown, for certain penalties incurred by a violation of
not, in fact, been instigated by bad advisers, but have proceeded from
the personal delinquency of the monarch himself, the answer is, —
that there is no legal remedy, and that to such cases, so far as the
ordinary course of law is concerned, the maxim must be applied that
the sovereign can do no wrong.^ And lastly, if a subject, when
appearing as suitor in a court of justice, has aught to complain of,
it is against the judge that his remedy (if any) must be taken
not against the Crown : the Court indeed, even at the behest of the
king, can neither deny nor delay to do justice.^
t3 Inst. 236.)
The king cannot confer a favor on one subject which occasions injury and loss
to others.
' Per Pollock, C. B., 2 Exch. 220. ' Bla. Com., by Stewart, 256.
'The Stat. 20 Ed. 3, c. 1, contains these remarkable words: — "We have
commanded all nur justices that they shall from henceforth do equal law and
execution of right to all our subjects, rich and poor, without having regard to
any person, and without omitting to do right for any letters or commandment
which may come to th.%m. from us, or from any other or by any other cause."
Thus does our law, holding that the " king can do no wrong," in some cases
incapacitate him from doing it by express and positive ordinances.
* 3 Inst. 236 Vaugh. R. 338.
The maxim commented on supra, was cited
per Talfourd, J., in the Eastern Archipelago Co. v. Reg., 2 B. & B. 874 (75
E. C. L. R.). A similar doctrine prevailed in the civil law. See Cod. 7.
therein.' Nor can the king grant the same thing in possession fo
one, which he or his progenitors have granted to another.^ If the
king's grant reciting that A. holds the manor of Blackacre for life,
grants it to B. for life; in this case the law implies that the second
grant is to take effect after the determination of the first.^ And if
the king, being tenant for life of certain land, grant it to one and
his heirs, the grant is void, for the king has taken upon himself to
[-^^r-i yet (during its continuance) this *offence savors more of the
nature of a private injury to each individual in the neigh-
borhood, than of a public wrong.* So, if the king grant lands, for-
feited tohim upon a conviction for treason,, to a third person, he
cannot afterwards, by his grant, devest the property so granted in
favor of the original owner.
' Chitt. Pre. Cr. 119, 132, 386 ; Earl of Rutland's Case, 8 Rep. 57 Alcook ;
Scott N. E. 689, 719. Re Islington Market Bill, 3 CI. & F. 513. See Mayor
of Exeter v. "Warren, 5 Q. B. 773 (48 E. C. L. R.).
^ Per Cresswell, J., 1 C. B. 523 (50 E. C. L. R.) ; arg. R. v. Amery, 2 T. R.
565 ; Chitt. Pre. Cr. 125. But the grant of a mere license or authority from
the Crown, or a grant during the king's will is determined by the demise of
the Crown. (Id. 400.) See n. 1, supra.
' Earl of Rutland's Case, 8 Rep. 56 b.
* Case of Alton "Woods, 1 Rep. 44 a.
" By Stat. 22 "V"iot. o. 32, the Crown is empowered "
to remit, in whole or in
part, any sum of money which, under any Act now in force, or hereafter to be
passed, may be imposed as a penalty or forfeiture on a, convicted offender,
although such money may be, in whole or in part, payable to some party other
than the Crown.''
« Vaugh. R. 333.
(2 Inst. 273.)
Godb. 295; Hobart 347; Bae. Abr., 7th ed., "Prerogative;' (B. 6); ante
p. 62.
Hobart 347.
See Doe d. Watt ». Morris, 2 Scott 276 Goodtitle v. Baldwin, 11 East 488.
3 :
• Doe d. William IV. v. Roberts, 13 M. & W. 520. " The Crown certainly
may dedicate a road to the public, and be bound_by long acquiescence in public
user:" per Lord Denman, C. J., Reg. v. East Mark, 11 Q. B. 882-3 (63 E. C.
L. R.).
6 Judgm., Lambert v. Taylor, 4 B. & 0. 151, 152 (10 E. C. L. R.) ; Bac. Abr.,
7th ed., ''Prerogative" (E. 5).
has become due, the neglect of the officer of the Crown to give
notice of dishonor, or to make presentment of the bill, will not dis-
charge the drawer or indorsers ; and this likewise results from the
1 See Bac. Abr., 7th ed., "Prerogative" (E. 6), 467, and stat. 7 "Will. 4 & 1
' 2 Com. by Broom and Hadley, 450, 452 cited arg. Storie v. Bishop of ;
Baskerville's Case, 7 Rep. Ill; Bac. Abr., 7th ed., " Prei-ogative" (E. 6);
Hobart 166 : finch's Law 90.
how remote soever an epoch has necessarily remained inherent in
it, and we might vainly attempt to argue in support of so general a
proposition. During the discussion in the House of Lords on life
peerages, it was said that although the rights and powers of the
Crown do not suffer from lapse of time, nevertheless one of the
main principles on which our Constitution rests is the long-continued
usage of Parliament, and that to go back for several centuries in
order to select a few instances in which the Crown has performed a
particular act by virtue of its prerogative before the Constitution
was formed or brought into a regular shape to rely on such prece- —
dents, and to make them the foundation of a change in the compo-
sition of either House of Parliament, would be grossly to violate
the principles and spirit of our Constitution.^ But although the
most zealous advocate of the prerogative could not by precedents,
gathered only from remote ages, shape successfully a sound Consti-
tutional theory touching the powers and privileges of the Crown, it
would be far from correct to aflSrm that its rights can fall into desue-
tude, or, by mere non-user, become abrogated. Ex. gr. Assuming
that the right of veto upon a bill which has passed through Parlia-
ment has not been exercised for a century and a half, none could
deny that such a right is still vested in the Crown.
Where the title of the king and the title of a subject concur, the king's title
shall he preferred.*
a chattel be devised to the king and another jointly, the king shall
West on Extents 28, 30. ^ Hansard, vol. 140, p. 263 et seq.
6 2 Ventr. 268.
have it, there being this peculiar quality inherent in the prerogative
that the king cannot have a joint property with any person in one
Again, the rule of law is, that, where the sheriiF seizes under a
fi. fa., and, after seizure, but before sale,^ under such writ, a writ
of extent is sued out and delivered to the sheriff, the Crown is
entitled to the priority, and the sheriff must sell under the extent,
and satisfy the Crown's debt, before he sells under the fi. fa. Nor
does it make any difference whether the extent is in chief or in aid,
was indebted to the king's debtor,^ and would recover of such third
person what he owed to the king's debtor, in order to get payment
of the debt due from the latter to the Crown.* And the same
principle was held to apply where goods in the hands of the sheriff,
under a fi. fa., and before sale, were seized by the officers of the
customs under a warrant to levy a penalty incurred by the defend-
ant for an offence against the revenue laws ; the Court observing,
that there was no sound distinction between a warrant issued to
taken place at the earliest period of the day on which they are
primd facte, that the law made by the Crown, with the assent of
the Lords and Commons, is made for subjects, and not for the
Crown.' Thus in considering the question What is the occupa- —
tion of property which is liable to be rated under the stat. 43
Eliz. c. 2, s. 1? it has been observed^ that "the only occupier of
property exempt from the operation of the Act is the king, because he
is not named in the statute, and the direct and immediate servants of
the Crown, whose occupation is the occupation of the Crown itself,
L -I
strictly involved in the position that the Crown is not bound by
the Act." So the provisions in the C. L. Proc. Act, 1852, relating
to the abolition of writs of error (ss. 148-158), have been held not
1 Wright u. Mills, 4 H. & N. 491 Judgm. ; 9 Exch. 631. See Evans v. Jones,
3 H. &. C. ^3.
2 2 Inst. 713. ' Jenk. Cent. 307 : Wing. Max. 1.
Per Alderson, B., A. (i. v. Donaldson, 10 M. & W. 123, 124, citing Willion
distinction is laid down, that where the king has any prerogative,
estate, right, title, or interest, he shall not be barred of them by
the general words of an Act, if he be not named therein.' Yet, if
a statute be intended to give a remedy against a wrong,„the king,
though not named, shall be bound by it :° and the king is impliedly
bound by statutes passed for the public good, the preservation of
public rights, and the suppression of public wrongs, the relief and
maintenance *of the poor, the general advancement of learn- r^fTA-i
utes which tend to perform the will of a founder or donor f and the
king may likewise take the benefit of any particular Act, though
he be not especially named therein.'
Vin. Abr., " Statutes" (B. 10), pi. 11 5 Rep. 146; Willion v. Berkley,
Plowd. 236.
9 Judgm., R. V. Wright, 1 A. & E. 447 (28 B. C. L. R.). In A. G. v. Rad-
is not bound with
loff, 10 Exch. 94, Pollock, C. B., observes, that "the crown
reference to matters affecting its property or person, but ,is bound with re-
spect to the practice in the administration of justice."
74 broom's legal maxims.
A man cannot abjure Ms native country nor the allegiance which he owes to
his sovereign.
Of the above maxim we shall here very briefly state the signifi-
cance at —
common law, important modifications of its operation
being projected by the legislature.
" The law of England, and of almost all civilized countries,
arises from being born within the dominions and under the protec-
' Per Lord "Westbury, Udny v. Udny, L. R. 1 Sc. App. 457. See Moor-
house V. Lord, 10 H. L. Cas. 272 Shaw v. Gould, L. R. 3 H. L. 55.
26, et seq., where the cases which concern allegiance at common law, and the
operation of the statutes hitherto passed affecting it, are considered. And
see the stat. 21 & 22 Vict. c. 93 (and as to Ireland the stat. 31 & 32 Vict. c.
return for that protection whicli the Crown affords to the subject,
stance, nor by any thing but the united concurrence of the legis-
lature. The natural-born subject of one prince cannot, by any act
of his own, not even by swearing allegiance to another, put off or
*We shall merely add, that local allegiance is such as is
It is the duty of a judge, when reqtdsife, to amplify the limits of his jurisdiction.
as it has been often cited ;" per Lord Mansfield, C. J., 1 Burr. 304.
» Arg. B. V. Williams, 13 St. Tr. 1430 ; Et vide per Cresswell, J., Dart v.
demn them who, either out of pleasure to show a subtle wit, will
destroy, or out of incuriousness or negligence will not labor to sup-
port, the act of the party by the art or act of the law."^
*The action for money had and received may be men- r^oi-]
tioned as peculiarly illustrative of the principle above set
forth; for the foundation of this action is, that the plaintiflF is in
conscience entitled to the money sought to be recovered ; and it
has been observed, that this kind of equitable action to recover back
money which ought not in justice be kept is very beneficial, and,
therefore, much encouraged. money which ex aequo
It lies only for
et lono, the defendant ought to refund.* " The ground," observed
Tindal, C. J., in Edwards v. Bates,' "upon which an action of this
description is maintainable, is that the money received by the
defendants is money, which, ex cequo et bono, ought to be paid over
to the plaintifi". Such is the principle upon which the action has
sall V. Marshall, 1 C. B. N. S. 255 (87 E. C. L. R.) ; see also per Lord Mans-
field, C. J>, 4 Burr. 2239.
Per BuUer, J., 4 T. R. 344. See Ashmole v. Wainwright, 2 Q. B. 837 (42
E. C. L. R.).
'Hobart 125. "I do exceedingly commend the judges that are curious
and almost subtile * * to invent reasons and means to make acts according
to the just intent of the parties, and to avoid wrong and injury which by rigid
rules might be wrought out of the act." Per Lord Hobart, Id. 277. Cited
per Turner, V.-C, Squire v. Ford, 9 Hare 57.
< Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., Moses v. Maofarlane, 2 Burr. 1012 ;
Litt. v.
Martindale, 18 C. B., 314 (86 E. C. L. R.) per Pollock, C. B., Aikin v. Short,
1 H. & N. 214 Holt V. Ely, 1 E. & B. 795 (72 B. C. L. R.) Somes v. British
; ;
rested from the time of Lord Mansfield. When money has been
received without consideration, or upon a consideration that has
failed, the recipient holds it ex aequo et bono for the plaintiff."^
The power of directing an amendment of the record, which a
judge at Nisi Prius in certain cases possesses,' *may like-
L wise be instanced as one which is confided to him by the leg-
substantial justice."
The general maxim under consideration is also applicable with
reference to the jurisdiction of a judge at chambers, and to the im-
portant and arduous duties which are there discharged by him.^
The proceeding by application to a judge at chambers has indeed
been devised and adopted by the Courts, under the sanction of the
legislature, for the purpose of preventing the delay, expense and in-
convenience which must ensue if applications to the Courts were in
can save expense, it is clear that what the oflfioer of the Court may
do, the judge may do, and honijudicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,
i. e. justitiam."^
*Again, in construing an Act of Parliament, it is a set- r*nq-|
tied rule of construction, that cases out of the letter of a
statute, yet same mischief or cause of the making
within the
thereof, shall be within the remedy thereby provided;^ and, accord-
ingly, it is laid down, that for the sure and true interpretation of
all statutes (be they penal or beneficial, restrictive or enlarging of
the common law), four things must be considered: 1st, what was
the common law before the making of the Act; 2dly, what was the
mischief for which the common law did not provide; 3dly, what
remedy has been appointed by the legislature for such mischief; and
4thly, the true reason of the remedy: and then the duty of the
judges is to put such a construction upon the statute, as shall sup-
press the mischief, and advance the remedy to suppress subtle —
inventions and evasions for continuing the mischief pro privato
commodo, and to add force and life to the cure and remedy, accord-
ing to the true intent of the makers of the Act pro bono publico}
In expounding remedial laws, then, the Courts will extend the
remedy so far as the words will admit.* Where, however, a case
occurs which was not foreseen by the legislature, it is the duty of
the judge to declare it casus omissus ; or where the intention, if
entertained, is not expressed, to say of the legislature, quod voluit
non dixit; or where the case, though within the mischief, is
*not clearly within the meaning, or where the words fall ,-^q .-,
Collins V. Aron, 4 Bing, N. C. 233, 235 (33 E. C. L. R.)- See Clement v.
Salomons, 7 Exch. 522 per Parke, B., Id. 552 per Coleridge, J., In the matter
; ;
Rep. 61 b.
See, generally, as to the interpretation of statutes, post, Chap. VIII.
4 Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Turtle v. Hartwell, 6 T. R. 429.
The only court in this country which is not so fettered is the supreme
court of the legislature ;"* for " certain it is," says Lord Coke, " that
Curia Parliamenti suis propriis legibus subsisit."^
and regular. Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., R. v. Wilkes, 2 Burr. 25, 39.
6 Per Maule, J., Freeman v. Tranah, 12 C. B. 413, 414 (74 E, C. L. R.).
« 4 Inst. 50.
27(6 bona fides and honesty of purpose of a judge cannot be questioned, but
his decision may be impugned for error either of law or of fact.
The law, says Lord Bacon, has so much respect for the certainty
of judgments, and the credit and authority of judges, that it will
not permit any error to be assigned which impeaches them in their
trust and office, and in wilful abuse of the same, but only in igno-
rance and mistaking either of the law or of the case and matter in
fact ;' *and, therefore, it cannot be assigned for error, that ^
a judge did that which he ought not to do, as that he entered '- ^
a verdict for the defendant where the jury gave it for the plaintiff.^
It moreover a general rule of great antiquity, that no action will
lie against a judge of record for any act done by him in the exer-
cise of his judicial functions, provided such act, though done
mistakenly, were within the scope of his jurisdiction.' " The rule
that a judicial officer cannot be sued for an adjudication according
to the best of his judgment upon a matter within his jurisdiction,
and also the rule that a matter of fact so adjudicated by him can-
not be put in issue in an action against him, have been uniformly
"The doctrine," says Mr. Chancellor Kent,' "which holds a judge
exempt from a civil suit or indictment for any act done or omitted
to be done by him sitting as judge, has a deep root in the common
law. It is to be found in the earliest judicial records, and it has
Bac. Max., reg. 17; Bushell's Case, Vaugh. R. 138, 139; 12 Rep. 25.
Bac. Max., reg. 17 per Holt, C. J., Groenvelt v. Burwell, 1 Lord Raym.
tor, 1 B. & S. 658 (101 E. C. L. R.) Hamilton v. Anderson, Macq. So. App.
Cas. 363.
* Judgm., Kemp v. Neville, 10 C. B. N. S. 549 (100 E. C. L. R.) s. c. ;
Broom's Const. L. 734, and Note thereto. Id. 762 et. seq., where the cases are
collected per Erie, C. J., "Wildes v. Russell, L. R. 1 C. P. 730.
5 Yates V. Lansing, 5 Johnson (U. S.) R. 291 ; s. c. (in error), 9 Id. 396.
86 broom's 'legal MaXIMS.
the advancement of justice, that, being free from actions, they may
be free in thought and independent in judgment, as all who arc to
administer justice ought to be ; and it is not to be supposed before-
hand, that those who are selected for the administration of justice
will make an ill use of the authority vested in them. Even inferior
6 East 583, s. c, 7 East 65, in which case one of the judges of the Court of Com-
mon Pleas in Ireland was convicted of a libel. As to the principles which
guide the Court of Queen's Bench in interfering by criminal information
in the case of justices, see Reg. v. Badger, 4 Q. B. 468, 474 (45 E. C. L. B.).
The judges are not liable to removal, except upon address of both houses of
Parliament see Stats. 13 Will. 3,
; c. 2, and 1 Geo. 3, c. 23.
10 C. B. N. S. 523(100E. C.L. R.); (where the action was brought against the
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge) Tinsley r. Nassau, Mo. & ;
depend upon the truth or falsehood of the facts, or upon the evi-
given, and to have done all that the particular statute requires them
to do, in order to originate their jurisdiction, their conviction, drawn
up in due form, and remaining in force, is a protection and con-
clusive evidence for them in any action which may be brought
against them for the act so done.* That is to say, "in* an action
' Holroyd v. Breare, 2 B. & Aid. 473. See Judgm., Bradley v. Carr, 3
Scott N. R. 521, 52S.
^Carrattu. Morley, 1 Q.B. 18 (41E. C. L. R.) ; Andrews r. Harris, Id. 3, and
cases there cited. See Morris v. Parkinson, 1 Cr., M. & R. 163.
' Pike V. Carter, ?. Bing. 78 (It E. C. L. R.) ;
Lowther v. Earl of Radnor, 8
East 113 ;
Brown v. Copley, 8 Scott N. R. 350 ; Pitcher v. King, 9 A. &. E.
288 (36 E. C. L. R.) ;
2 Roll. Abr. 552, pi. 10.
* See, for instance, Newbould v. Coltman, 6 Exeh. 189 ;
Pedley v. Davis, 10
23 (68 E. C. L. R.).
bott, 14 Q. B. 1,
" Per Abbott, C. J., Basten v. Carew, 5 B. & C. 652, 653 s. c, 5 D. &: R. ;
Paley, Conv., 4th ed., 388.
11 & 12 Viot. c. which see Paley, Conv., 4th ed., 399 et seq.;
44, as to
Sommerville v. Mirehouse, & S. 652 {101 E. C. L. R.) Pease v. Chaytor,
1 B. ;
2 H. & N. 379.
' See Barry v. Arnaud, 10 A. & B. 646 (37 E. C. L. R.) cited Mayor of ;
equally placed beyond all control of the law. So, " the Courts of
justice, that is the superior Courts, Courts of general jurisdiction,
are not answerable, either as bodies or by their individual members,
for acts done within the limits of their jurisdiction. Even inferior
Courts, provided the law has clothed them with judicial functions,
are not answerable for errors in judgment; and where they may not
act as judges, but only haye a discretion confided to them, an erro-
neous exercise of that *discretion, however plain the mis-
carriage may be, and however injurious its consequences, *- -^
they shall not answer for. This follows from the very nature of
the thing. It is implied in the nature of judicial authority, and in
the nature of discretion, where there is no such judicial authority.
But where the law neither confers judicial power, nor any discre-
tion at all, but requires certain things to be done, every body,
whatever be its name, and whatever other functions of a judicial or
of a discretionary nature it may have, is bound to obey ; and, with
the exception of the legislature and its branches, every body is
Per Lord Brougham, 9 CI. & Fin. 289, 290, whose judgment has throughout
an especial reference to the subject of judicial liability.
^ As to libellous strictures upon the conduct of public functionaries, see
post, p. 110, n. 3.
• See per Pollock, C. B., Hagger v. Baker, 14 M. & W. 10. See Re Hopper,
L. R. 2 Q. B. 367 ;
Phillips v. Evans, 12 M. & W. 309 Fuller v. Fenwick, 3
minister of the Court who executes according to its tenor' the pre-
cept or process of the Court, will not be liable to an action.^ But
when the Court has not jurisdiction of the cause, then the whole
proceeding is coram non judice,^ and actions will lie against the
9 A. & E. 1 (36 E. C. L. R.] ; s. c, Broom's Const. L. 870, and Note
thereto, Id. ,966 et seq.
bility of the party at whose suit execution issued, or of his attorney, see Car-
ratt V. Morley, supra ; Coomer v. Latham, 16 M. & W. 713 Ewart v. Jones, ;
E. C. L. R.);i7os!!, p. 124, n. 4.
' As regards the liability of ministerial oflScers, an important distinction to
is such that the party may lawfully resist it,^ or, if taken on it, will
be released on habeas corpus, it is a warrant which, in that shape,
the magistrate had no jurisdiction to issue, which, therefore, the
officer need not have obeyed, and which, at common law, on the
principle above laid down, will not protect him against an action at
suit of the party injured.' Where the cause is expressed but
imperfectly, the officer may not be expected to judge as to the suf-
ficiency of the statement; and, therefore, if the subject-matter be
within the jurisdiction of the magistrate, he may be bound to exe-
cute it, and, as a consequence, be entitled to protection ; *but r^q-r-i
those in which there has been an order only, see Poster v. Dodd, L. R. 3 Q.
B. 67, 76.
' See Cotes v. MiohilJ, 3 Lev. 20 ; Moravia v. Sloper, Willes 30, 34.
" Reg. V. Tooley, 2 Lord Raym. 1296, 1302.
^ As to the legality of an arrest under a warrant which is not in possession
of the constable, see Galliard, app., Laxton, resp., 2 B. & S. 363 (110 E. C.
L. R.).
* Per Coleridge, J., 10 Q. B. 390 (59 E. C. L. R.). See in illustration of the
remarks, supra, Clark v. Woods, 2 Excb. 395, and cases there cited.
MlQ. B. 75 (63 E. C. L. R.). See also Reg. v. Inhabs. of Totness, Id. 80.
stated which are necessary to show that a tribunal has been law-
fully constituted, and has jurisdiction. There is good reason for
the rule where a special authority is exercised which is out of the
ordinary course of common law, and is confined to a limited locality,
as in case either of warrants for arrest, commitment, or distress, or
not show that the justice had jurisdiction over the subject-matter
upon which the warrant is granted.
By Stat. 24 Geo. 2, c. 44, s. 6, it is enacted, that no action shall
be brought against any constable, head-borough, or other officer,
or against any person or persons acting by his order or in his aid,
for any thing done in obedience to any warrant under the hand or
seal of any justice of the peace, until demand shall have been made
perusal and copy of such warrant, and the same *re-
r*Q81 °^ ^^^
fused or neglected for the space of six days after such
demand : that in case, after such demand and compliance therewith,
any action shall be brought against such constable, &c., for any
such cause as aforesaid, without making the justice or justices who
signed or sealed the said warrant defendant or defendants, then, on
producing or proving such warrant at the trial, the jury shall
give their verdict for the defendant or defendants, notwithstanding
any defect of jurisdiction in such justice or justices ; and if such
action be brought against the justice and constable jointly, then, on
proof of such warrant, the jury shall find for such constable, not-
withstanding such defect of jurisdiction as aforesaid : and this
statute applies as well where the justice has acted without jurisdic-
which he lawfully did under it;' and where the justice cannot be
liable, the officer is not entitled to the protection of the statute ; for
the Act was intended to make the justice liable instead of the
officer: where, therefore, the officer makes such a mistake as will
not make the justice liable, the officer cannot be excused.
Besides the statute 24 Geo. 2, c. 44, above mentioned, there are
other enactments, which, on grounds of public policy, specially
extend protection to persons who act bond fide, though mistakenly,
in pursuance of their provisions and as throwing light upon their
dence was given to show that A. B.'s fishery included the place
where the plaintiff was apprehended; the jury, however, defined the
by a few yards, but
limits of the fishery so as to exclude that place
they also found that A. B. and the defendants, " hond fide and
reasonably" believed that the fishery extended over that spot : it was
held, that the defendants were entitled to the protection of the stat.
7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 75, which is framed for the protection " of
persons acting in the execution" of that Act, and doing anything
in pursuance thereof. " The object of the clause in question,"
observed Pollock, C. B., in the course of his judgment, " was to
give protection to all parties who honestly pursued the statute.
Now, every act consists of time, place, and circumstance. With
regard to circumstance, it is admitted, that, if one magistrate acts
where two are required, or imposes twelve months' imprisonment
where he ought only to impose six, he is protected if he has a
general jurisdiction over the subject matter, or has reason to think
he has. With respect to time, the case of Cann v. Clipperton^
shows that a party may be protected although he arrests another
after the time when the statute authorizes the arrest. Place is
which the Act confers, or in discharge of the duties which it imposes." Per
Parke, B., Jowle v. Taylor, 7 Exch. 61 ; Downing v. Capel, L. R. 2 0. P. 461
Poulsum V. Thirst, Id. 449 ; Whattaan v. Pearson, L. R. 3 C. P. 422.
^ Per Williams, J., Roberts v. Orchard, 2 H. & C. 774, as explained in Leete
V. Hart, L. R. 3 C. P. 322, 324, 325 ; Heath «. Brewer, 15 0. B. N. S. 803 (109
E. C. L. R.).
" The calendar month required by the statute 5 & 6 Vict. u. 97, s. 4, begins
at midnight of the day on which the notice was given ; and generally it ends
atmidnight of the day with the corresponding number of the next ensuing
month in the calendar: " per Blackburn, J., Freeman v. Read, 4 B. & S. 185,
186 (116 E.G. L. R.).
^ See per Lord Cranworth, C, Hope v. Hope, 4 De G. M. & G. 345-6.
* See In re Tivnan, 5 B. &
645 (117 B. C. L. R.).
^ D. 2,1, 20 ; Story, Confl. Laws, | 539 arg. Canadian Prisoners' Case
C. 161.
conceded principle that the laws of a state have no force propria
It is a
vigore beyond its territorial limits. But the laws of one state are frequently
permitted by the courtesy of another, to operate in the latter for the promo-
tion of justice, when neither that state nor its citizens will suffer any incon-
venience from the application of the foreign law. This courtesy or comity is
established, not only from motives of respect for the laws and institutions of
foreign countries, but from considerations of mutual utility and advantage."
Per Ruggles, C. J., Hoyt v. Thompson, 1 Selden 'U. S.) R. 340.
Aa illustrating the maxim, supra, see Re Mansergh, 1 B. & S. 400 (101 E.
C. L. R.).
natural-born subjects when absent abroad, and may also enact that
they may be required to appear in the courts of their native country
even whilst resident in the dominions of a foreign sovereign. If a
statutory jurisdiction be thus conferred, courts of justice, in the
exercise of it, may lawfully cite and on non-appearance give judg-
ment in civil cases against natural-born subjects whilst they are
absent beyond seas in a foreign land. This jurisdiction depends on
the statute or written law of the country. Where it is not expressly
given, it cannot be lawfully assumed. If such a law does not exist
the general maxim applies, Extra territorium Jus dicenti iiwpune
non paretur}
Even Parliament has no power, save in respect of matters of pro-
cedure, to legislate for foreigners out of the dominions and beyond
the jurisdiction of the British Crown. ^ "It is clear," observed
Parke, B., in Jefferys v. Boosey,^ " that the legislature has no
power over any persons except its own subjects, that is, persons
natural-born subjects or resident or whilst they are within the
*limits of the kingdom. The legislature can impose no r^-iAg-i
duties except on them ; and when legislating for the benefit
of persons, must primd facie be considered to mean the benefit of
those who owe obedience to our laws, and whose interests the legis-
ture is under a correlative obligation to protect."
It is the office of the judge to instruct the jury in points of law — of the jury to
now the practice to leave it to the jury to decide whether the rasing
or interlining was before the delivery .°
Again, it is the duty of the Court to construe all written instru-
ments,^ as soon as the true meaning of the words in which they are
Bing. N. C. 217 (32 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 4 CI. & Fin. 557; Bushell's Case,
Vaugh. R. 149 per Lord Westbury, Fernie
v. Young, L. R. 1 H. L. 78.
As to the privince of the jury in ancient times, see Sir F. Palgrave's Essay
on the Original Authority of the King's Council, p. 53.
^ See for instance Caterall v. Hindle, L. R. 2 C. P. 368.
= 2 Inst. 49.
* Co. Litt. 255, a ; Altham's Case, 8 Rep. 308 ; Dr. Leyfield's Case, 10 Bep.
92, cited Jenkin v.M. & W. 728.
Peace, 6
» Co. Litt. 225, b. See Doe d. Fryer u. Coombs, 3 Q. B. 687 (43 E. C. L.
B.) ;
Alsager v. Close, 10 M. & W. 576. And see the maxim, uhi eadem ratio
ibi idem jus {post, Chap. IV.), where additional cases on this subject are
'"The construction of a specification, li,ke other written documents, is for
the Court. If the terms used require explanation, as being terms of art or of
scientific use, explanatory evidence must be given, and with its aid the Court
proceeds to the office of construction:" per Lord Chelmsford, C, Simpson i'.
Holliday, L. R. 1 H. L. 320.
' Even where a written instrument has been lost, and parol evidence of its
contents has been received, its construction is for the court Berwick v. Hors-
See per Maule, J., Doe d. Strickland v. Strickland, 8 C. B. 743, 744 (65 E. C.
L. R.) Booth V. Kennard, 2 H. & N. 84 Bovill v. Pimm, 11 Exch. 718 Lind-
; ; ;
E. C. L. R.).
5 v. Frith, 3 M. & W. 402
Morrell Doe d. Curzon v. Edmunds, 6 M. & W.
whilst, at the same time, they receive the law from the judge, viz.,
that according as they find the facts* proved or not proved, and the
inferences warranted or not, there was reasonable and probable
8^^*1*1 fo'" the prosecution, or the reverse; and this *ru]e
holds, however complicated and numerous the facts may be.'
Etting V. U. S. Bank, 11 Wheaton (U. S ) R. 59.
As the office of the jury in interpreting an ambiguous contract, see Smith
«. Thompson, 8 C. B. 44 (65 E. C. L. R.), cited post, Chap. Till.
Bolckow V. Seymour, 17 C. B. N.
2 S. 107 (84 E. C. L. R.) ; Rogers v. Had-
ley, 2 H. & C. 227.
^ Johnstone v. Sutton (in error), 1 T. R. 545, 547 per Maule, J., 9 C. B. ;
152 (67 E. C. L. R.) per Alderson, B., Hinton v. Heather, 14 M. & W. 134;
per Coleridge, J., Haddrick v. Heslop, 12 Q. B. 275 (64 E. C. L. R.) per Pol- ;
In cases of libel also, it has been the course for a long time for
the judge first to give a legal definition of the offence, and then to
leave it to the jury to say, whether the facts necessary to constitute
that offence are proved to their satisfaction ; and this course is
entitled to them, but the right to costs is given by the statute law.
Now, where the amount merely depends on a fact which it is neces-
sary to notice on the record, — as, for instance, where a successful
plaintiff or defendant is entitled to double costs, — the Court may
award them on the taxation ; but where the right to any costs is in
question, and depends upon a fact the determination of which is not
by the statute law vested in the Court, and which must be stated on
the record to justify *the award of costs contrary to the r^intr-i
usual course, the fact, if the opposite party insists upon it,
the words were spoken with the meaning assigned to them in the innuendo
Hemmings «..Gasson, E., B. & E. 346 (96 E. C. L. R.). See Bushell's Case,
Vaugh. R. 147 ; Ewart v. Jones, 14 M. & W. 774.
' Parmiter v. Coupland, 6 M. & W. 105. See also Padmore v. Lawrence,
11 A. E. 380 (39 E. C. L. R.)-, Alexander v. North-Eastern R. C, 6 B. & S.
340 (118 E. C. L. R.) Stace v. Griffith, L. R. 2 P. C. 420, and cases collected
» Ante, p. 105.
* Per Lord Gran worth, Di Sora v. Phillipps, 10 H. L. Cas. 633.
* Per Buller, J., Carpenters' Co. j). Hayward, Dougl. 375. It is also for the
jury and not for the Court to determine the amount of damages occasioned by
a tort, and the Court will not interfere unless they are grossly disproportioned
to the injury sustained, or unless the verdict were obtained by means of per-
jury, or there were fraud or misconduct on the part of the plaintiff, such as to
depi'ive the defendant of a fair opportunity of laying his case before the jury,
or unless it clearly appear that the jury acted under prejudice or misconcep-
tion of the evidence. See Smith Woodfine, 1 C. B. N. S. 660, 667 (87 E.
(91 E. 0. L. R.).
The Court will not grant a new trial in an action for slander on the ground
that the damages are low, unless there has been some mistake in point of law
on the part of the judge who presided, or in the calculation of figures by the
jury. See per Byles, J., Forsdike v. Stone, L. R. 3 C. P. 612 Rendall v. Hay- ;
\Co. Litt. 566 Burton v. Griffiths, 11 M. & W. 817 Graham v. Van Diemen's
; ;
Land Co., 11 Exch. 101 per Crompton, J., Great Western R. C. v. Crouch, 3
H. & V. 189; Hogg V. Ward, Id. 417 Goodwyn v. Cheveley, 4 H. & N. 631
L. R.).
Per Alderson, B., Bartlett v. Smith, 11 M. & W. 486; Boyle v. Wiseman,
llExch. 360.
"Per Pollock, C. B., Heslop v. Chapman, 23 L. J. Q. B. 52; Siordet v.
Kuczynski, 17 C. B. 251 (84 E. C. L. R.); per Pollock, C. B., Sharpies v.
Rickard, 2 H. & N. 57 Tattersall v. Fearnly, 17 C. B. 368. See 17 & 18 Vict,
c. 125, pi.
" See some instances mentioned, Judg., 11 M. & W. 768.
him, the judge ought to direct a non-suit. Formerly, if there were
a scintilla of evidence in support of a case, the judge was held
bound to leave it to the *jury. "But a course of recent
'- ^ decisions (most of which are referred to in Ryder v. Womb-
wdll)' has established a more reasonable rule, viz., that in every case,
before the evidence is left to the jury, there is a preliminary ques-
tion for the judge, not whether there is literally no evidence, but
whether there is any upon which a jury can properly proceed to
find a verdict for the party producing it, upon whom the onu» of
proof is imposed."^
It remains to add, that where the judge misconceives his duty,
and presents the question at issue to the jury in too limited and
restrained a manner, and where, consequently, that which ought to
have been put to them for the exercise of their judgment upon it as
a matter of fact or of inference, is rather left to them as matter of
law, to which they feel bound to defer, the Court in banco will in
its discretion remedy the possible effect of such misdirection by
granting a new trial.
So, likewise, in a penal action, the Court will grant a new trial
L. R. 4 Exch. 32.
the judge and jury, and the evidence where the action is brought for goods, —
alleged to be necessaries, supplied to an infant, see Ryder ». Womb well, supra
— for damages alleged to hare been caused by negligence, see Giblin v.
M'Mullen, supra; Heugh v. London and North-Western R. C, L. R. 5 Exch.
51; Welfare u.i London and Brighton R.' 0., L. R. 4 Q. B. 693; Daniel v.
Metropolitan R. C, L. R. 3 C. P. 591 ; Crafter v. Metropolitan R. C, L. R.
1 C. P. 300; Smith London and South- Western R. C, L. R. 5
u. C. P. 98—
for slander where there is some evidence of actual or express malice, see
Jackson v. Hopperton, 16 C. B. N. S. 829 (111 B. C. L. R.) ; and cases there
» See A.-G. v. Rogers, 11 M. & W. 670, cited in A.-G. v. Sillem, 2 H.
& C. 469.
A new trial cannot be had in a case of felony, Reg. v. Bertrand, L. R. 1 P.
The high court just named keeps all inferior jurisdictions within
the bounds of their authority and corrects *irregularities in
their proceedings. It commands magistrates and others to •-
ted the fact, that on its coming into any county the power and
authority of other criminal tribunals therein situate Arepro tempore
suspended f in prcegentid majoris cessat potestas minorisJ
' Upon which, however, much innovation has been made, advantageously
for the community, by recent legislation: see the C. L. Proc. Act, 1854, sects.
3-17 et seq., and various provisions of the County Court Acts.
2 E. V. Poole, Cas. tem. Hardw. 28.
» See 10 Rep. 73, b; Lord Sanchar's Case, 9 Rep. 118, b; 2 Inst. 166.
* See the maxim, Om,ne majus continet in se minus, post, Chap. IV.
» 3 Com. by Broom and Hadley 119; per Erie, J., Reg. v. Gillyard, 12 Q.
B. 530 (64 B. C. L. R.).
« 4 Inst. 73. See Stat. 25 Geo. 3, c. 18, ? 1.
' Per Coleridge, J., 13 Q. B. 740 (66 E. C. L. R.).
112 broom's legal maxims.
per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Harper v. Carr, 7 T. R. 275, and in R. v. Benn, 6 Id.
198 per Bayley, B., Capel c. Child, 2 Cr. & J. 558 (see Daniel v. Morton, 16
Q. B. 198 (71 E. C. L. R.) ; Bagg's Case, 11 Rep. 93, h;R.v. Chancellor, &o.
of the University of Cambridge, 1 Str. 557 ; R. v. Gaskin, 8 T. R. 209 ; Reg. v.
' Seneca Trag. Medea, cited 6 Rep. 52, a 11 Rep. 99, a; per Parke, B., 4
(111 E. C. L. B.).
' In re Pollard, L. R. 2 P. C. 106, 120.
^ R. V. Chancellor, &c., of Cambridge, 1 Str. 557 ;
per Maule, J., Abley v.
^ Paley, Conv., 4th ed., 67, 93, where many oases illustrating the text are
collected. See Bessell v. Wilson, 1 E. & B. 489 (72 E. C. L. R.).
' Painter Liverpool Oil Gaslight Co., 3 A. &. E. 433 (30 E. C. L. R.)
was held, that such order could be made upon an ex parte applica-
tion to the judge.'
Re Hammersmith Rent-charge, 4 Exoh. 87, citing Re Camberwell Rent-
charge, 4 Q. B. 151 (45 E. C. L. R.).
2 Per Cur. 2 Stra. 1173 ;
Roll. Abr., Judges, PI. 11 ; 4 H, L. Cas. 96, 240.
' C. 3, 5, 1.
* Bridgman v. Holt, 2 Show. P. Ca.
Prohibitions del Roy, 12 Rep. 63 (cited
126) ; In Gorham v. Bishop of Exeter, 15 Q. B. 52 (69 E. C. L.
4 Inst. 71.
R.) s. c, 10 C. B. 102 (70 E. C. L. R.)
5 Exch. 630; an argument based on;
the maxim above exemplified was vainly urged. See also Ex parte Medwin,
1 E. & B. 609 (72 E. C. L. R.) ; R. v. Hoseason, 14 East 606.
= rieta, fo. 2, c. 5 ; ante, p. 47.
damage feasant, and to detain the distress until fine paid for the
damages, at the lord's will, this prescription will be void, and the
plea consequently bad; "because it is against reason, if wrong be
done any man, that he thereof should be his own judge ;^ and it is
a maxim of la'w, non debet esse judex in proprid causd,
that aliquis
quia non potest esse judex et pars ;' nemo potest esse simul actor et
judex ;^ no man can be at once judge and suitor.
A leading case in illustration of this maxim is Dimes v. The Pro-
r*1181 P'^i®*0'"S of the Grand Junction
Canal,' *where the facts
were as under: the canal company filed a bill in equity
against a landowner in a matter touching their interest as copyhold-
ers in certain land. The suit was heard before the Vice-Chancellor,
who granted the relief sought by the Company, and the Lord Chan-
cellor —
who was a shareholder in the company, this fact being un-
known to the defendant in the suit affirmed the order of the Vice-
Chancellor. It was held on appeal to the House of Lords, that the
decree of the Lord Chancellor was under the circumstances voida-
ble and ought to be reversed. Lord Campbell, C. J., observing
" It is of the last importance that the maxim that no man is to be '
a judge in his own cause' should be held sacred. And that is not
which he is a party, but applies to a
to be confined to a cause in
cause in which he has an interest. * * * * "VVe have again and
again set aside proceedings in inferior tribunals, because an individ-
ual, who had an interest in a cause, took a part in the decision.
And it will have a most salutary effect on these tribunals when it is
Lindsayy 3 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 114. Re Dimes, 14 Q. B. 554 (68 B. C. L. R.)
Hopper, 3 H. & N. 766 Williams o. Great Western R. C, Id. 869;
Ellis V. ;
known that this high court of last resort, in a case in which the
Lord Chancellor of England had an interest, considered that his
decree was on that account a decree not according to law, and should
be set aside. This will be a lesson to all inferior tribunals to take
care, not only that in their decrees they are not influenced by their
personal interest, but to avoid the appearance of laboring under
such an influence."
The opinion delivered by the Judges to the House in the case
just cited' shows, however, that the decision of a judge made in a
cause in which he has an interest is, *in a case of neces- r-Hc-i-fQ-i
H. L. Cas. 787 citing Year Book, 8 Hen. 6, 19 2 Roll. Abr. 93.
3 ; ;
Per Lord Cranworth, C, Banger v. Great Western K. C, 5 H. L. Cas. 88.
See Ex parte Menhennet, L. R. 5 C. P. 16.
' Ranger v. Great Western R. C, 5 H. L. Cas. 72.
Per Parke, B.. Re Coombs, 4 Exch. 841. Russell Arbitr. 2d ed. 375.
5 Reg. V. Recorder of Cambridge, 8 E. &. B. 637 (92 E. C. L. R.).
' " There is no doubt that any direct pecuniary interest, however small, in
120 broom's legal maxims.
any part in the proceedings, unless indeed all parties know that he
is interested, and consent, either tacitly or expressly, to his presence
and interference.' In such a case, it has been recently held that
the presence of one interested magistrate -will render the Court im-
properly constituted, and vitiate the proceedings ; it being no answer
to the objection, that there was a majority in favor of the decision,
repair which was denied by the parish, the Court of Queen's Bench
granted a criminal information against the parish, on the ground
that two members of the grand jury were large landed proprietors
therein, took part in the proceedings on the bill, and put questions
to the witnesses examined before them; one of them, moreover,
having stated to the foreman that the road in question was useless,
and the bill having been thrown out by the grand jury ;^ for, "It is
the subject of enquiry, does disqualify a person from acting as a judge in the
matter." Per Blackburn, J., Reg. v. Rand, L. R. 1 Q. B. 232.
See further as to the interest which will or will not disqualify, Wildes v.
ing, came into court for a diflferent purpose, and did not in any way
influence the decision.^
It has been laid down^ that " even an Act of Parliament made
against natural equity, as to make a man a judge in his own case,
is void in itself; for jura naturce sunt immutabilia and they are
leges legum." But although it is contrary to the general rule of
make a person
law, not only in this country but in every other, to
judge in his own cause, " the legislature can, and no doubt in a
proper case would, depart from that general rule," and an intention
to do so being clearly expressed, the Courts would give effect to
and decide charges preferred against B., the maxim nemo sihi esse
judex vel suis j^is dicere debet would not apply.
Lastly, " There is no ground whatever for saying that the gov-
ernor of A colony cannot give his official consent to a legislative
measure in which he may be individually interested. It might as
well be asserted that the sovereign *of these realms could i-^^ 09-1
The above maxim " is founded upon justice and good sense ; and
affords a safe and certain guide for the administration of the law."^
In virtue of it where a case stands over for argument from term to
term on account of the multiplicity of business in the court, or for
judgment from the intricacy of the question, the party ought not to
be prejudiced by that delay, but should be allowed to enter up his
Reg. Justices of London, 18 Q. B. 421 (c) {83 E. C. L. R.).
2 Day Savadge, Hob. 85, 87, cited arg. 5 Exoh. 671.
= Per Blackburn, J., Mersey Docks Trustees v. Gibbs, L. R. 1 H. L. 110.
* Wildes V. Russell, L. R. 1 C. P. 722, 747.
s Judgm., Phillips v. Eyre, L. R. 4 Q. B. 244.
Per Cresswell, J., 12 C. B. 415 (74 E. C. L. R.).
122 broom's legal maxims.
judgment may be entered nunc pro tunc, for the delay is the act of
the Court, and therefore neither party should suffer for it.^
In a case involving issues both of law and fact, the issues of fact
were tried in the month of August, 1843, a verdict was found for
the plaintiff, and a rule for a new trial was discharged in Trinity
Term, 1844 in the same term the demurrers were set down in the
special paper, but did not come on for argument until May, 1845,
when judgment was given upon them for the plaintiff. The
r*19m *plaintiff having died in March, 1845, the Court made
absolute a rule to enter judgment as of Trinity Term, 1844.'
It being in accordance with the principles of the common law, irre-
spective of the Stat. 17 Car. 2, c. 8, that, wherever, in such cases as
the above, the delay is the act of the Court, and not that of the
party, the judgment may be entered nunc pro tune, unless, indeed,
it can be shown that the other party would be prejudiced by enter-
ing the judgment as prayed, which would, no doubt, be a sufficient
day, and there being only two days' sittings, it was made a rema-
net : the Court held that the plaintiff was not in default, so as to
1 Per Garrow, B., 1 Y. & J. 372.
2 Cumber v. Wane, 1 425 Moor v. Roberta, 3 0. B. N. S. 844 (91 E.
Stra. ;
C. L. R.) ;
per Tindal, 0. Harrison v. Ileathorn, 6 Scott N. R. 797 Toul-
J., ;
min V. Anderson, 1 Taunt. 384 Jenk. Cent. 180. See Lanman v. Lord And"
& J. 368, and Brydges v. Smith, 8 Bing. 29 (21 E. C. L. R.) Miles v. Wil" ;
liams, 9 Q. B. 47.
* Miles V. Bough, supra, and cases there cited Vaughan v. Wilson, 4 B. N.
E. C. L. R.).
an execution creditor liable to the person whose goods have been wrongfully
taken in execution for damage sustained by him in consequence of their sale
under an interpleader order: Walker o. Olding, 1 H. & C. 621. The above
and similar cases seem properly referable to the rule, Nullus videtur dolo
facere qui jure sua utifur, D. 50, 17, 55.
defendant who is taken in execution under a ca. sa. issued on a judgment
for lessthan £20, without the order of the judge who tried the cause, may
maintain an action of trespass against the plaintiff and his attorney Brooks :
trial before him, and yet, if he refused to hold his court, although
there might be a complaint in Parliament respecting his conduct,
no action would lie against him.^ So, in the case of a petition to
the Crown to establish a peerage, if, in consequence of the absence
of peers, a committee for privileges could not be held, the claimant,
although necessarily put to great expense, and perhaps exposed to
^^ inflicted *by a judicial tribunal, for which the law could
supply no remedy.
728 (101 E. C. L. R.) Morgan v. Morris, 3 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 323.
See another instance of rule, Calland v. Troward, 2 H. Bla. 324, 334 and see ;
2 6 Bac. Ab. 559, Trespass (B.) Six Carpenters' Case, 8 Rep. 290, cited
under the maxim acta exteriora indicant inieriora secreta, post, Chap. V.
' Arg. 11 Johnson (U. S.) R. 380.
The doctrine that " money to be laid out in land is to be treated as land,"
12(' broom's legal maxims.
not endure that a mere form or fiction of law, introduced for the
sake of justice, should work a wrong contrary to the real truth and
substance of the. thing.' "It is a certain rule," says Lord Mans-
field, C. J.,^ "that a fiction of law shall never be contradicted so as
*° defeat the end *for which it was invented, but for every
r*1 98T
other purpose it may be contradicted." Its proper opera-
tion is to prevent a mischief or remedy an inconvenience which
might result from applying some general rule of law. Hence, we
read that if a man disseises me, and during the disseisin cuts down
the trees or grass, or the corn growing upon the land, and after-
wards I re-enter, I shall have an action of trespass against him,
for after my regress the law as to the disseisor and his servants
supposes the freehold always to have continued in me ; but if my
disseisormakes a feoffment in fee, gift in tail, or lease for life or
years, and afterwards I re-enter, I shall not have trespass against
those who came in by title for this fiction of the law, that the
such entry ; this relation being " created by law for the purpose of
preventing wrong from being dispunishable upon the same principle
long established in Courts of Equity, " is in truth a mere fiction." Vide per
Kelly, C. B-., in Re De Lancey, L. R. 4 Ex. 358 ; s. c, affirmed, 5 Id. 1Q2.
So the doctrine, that a deed executing a power refers back to the instrument
creating the power, so that the appointee takes under him who created the
power, and not under him who executes it, is a fiction of law and so it was
considered in Bartlett v. Ramsden, 1 Keb. .570. See also per Lord Hardwioke,
C, Duke of Marlborough v. Lord Godolphin, 2 Ves. sen. 78, who explains the
above proposition Clere's Case, 6 Rep.
; 17.
Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., Johnson v. Smith, 2 Burr. 9,62. See 10 Rep.
40; Id. 89.
Mostyn v. Fabrigas, Cowp. 177 ;
per Bramwell, B., A.-G. v. Kent, 1 H. &
C. 28.
^ Liford's Case, 11 Rep. 51 ; Hobart 98, cited per Coleridge, J., Garland v.
to relate *to the first day of the term, but in practice judg- r^-ioq-i
ments were frequently signed in vacation ; and it was held
that, where the purposes of justice required that the true time
when the judgment was obtained should be made apparent, a party
might show it by averment in pleading and it was observed gener-
ally, that, wherever a fiction of law works injustice, and the facts,
which by fiction are supposed to exist, are inconsistent with the
real facts, a court of law ought to look to the real facts.^
Some of which are specified in the judgment in Barnett v. Earl of Guil-
ford, supra.
But now, by E. H. T., 1855, Reg. 56, "all judgments, whether inter-
locutory or be entered of record of the day of the month and year,
final, shall
whether in term or vacation, when signed, and shall not have relation to any
other day, but it shall be competent for the Court or a Judge to order a judg-
ment to be entered nunc pro tunc."
Lyttletou v. Cross, 3 B. & C. 317, 325 (10 E. C. L. R.).
^Whitaker i>.'"Wisbey, 12 C. B. 44, 58, 59 (74 E. C. L. R.). See Reg. v.
Edwards and Wright v. Mills, cited ante, p. 71, and the maxim de minimis
non curat lex, post.
6 36 Rep. 3 per Cur., "Waring v. Dewbury, Gilb. Eq. R. 223.
' Per Gould, J., Cage v. Acton, 1 Lord Raym. 516, 517.
were as follows : A ca. sa. having been sued out against the Countess
of Rutland, and the ofiicers entrusted with the execution of the
sheriff's warrant being apprehensive of a rescue, the plaintiff was
advised to enter a feigned action in London, according to custom,
against the said countess, to arrest her thereupon, and then take
her body in execution on the ca. sa. In pursuance of this advice,
the countess was arrested and taken to the Compter, " and at the
Low 17 Johnson (U. S.) R. 348.
V. Little,
has a general superintending power to prevent its -process from being used for
the purpose of oppression and injustice." Per Jervis, C. J., Webb v. Adkins,
14 C. B. 407 (78 E. C. L. R.). See Alleyne v. Reg., 5 E. & B. 399 (85 E. C.
L. R.) M'Gregor v. Barrett, 6- 0. B. 262 (60 E. 0. L. R.) ante, p. 126.
; ;
door thereof the sheriff came, and carried the countess to his house,
where she remained seven or eight days, till she paid the debt." It
was, however, held, that the said arrest was not made by force of
the writ of execution, and was, therefore, illegal ;
" and the enter-
ing of such feigned action was utterly condemned by the whole
Court, for, by color of law and justice, they, by such feigned means,
do against law and justice, and so make law and justice the author
and cause of wrong and injustice."
Again, in Hooper v. Lane^ it was held in accordance with the
spirit of the maxim under our notice, that if the sheriff having in
his hands two writs of ca. sa., the one valid and the other invalid,
arrests on the latter only, he *cannot afterwards justify the qo-i
arrest under the valid writ. Nor can the sheriff, whilst a
person is unlawfully in his custody by virtue of an arrest on an
invalid writ, arrest that person on a good writ " to allow the :
entered into by reason thereof will be void; if, for instance, a man
is under duress of imprisonment, or if, the imprisonment being law-
ful, he is subjected to undue and illegal force and privation, and in
results from the above rule of law, executio juris non hahet in-
jur iam.^
2 Roll. R. 301.
Per Rolfe, B., 11 M. & W. 756; and oases cited under the maxim, Ubijus,
ibi remedium, post, Chap. V.
2 Jarmain v. Hooper, 7 Scott N. R. 663: Walley v. M-Connell, 13 Q. B.
903 (66 E. C. L. R.) see Riseley v. Ryle, 11 M. & W. 16 Collett o. Foster, 2
; ;
" It was a common expression of the late Chief Justice Tindal, that the
course of the Court is the practice of the Court;" per Cresswell, J., Freeman
V. Tranah, 12 C. B. 414 (74 B. C. L. R.).
" The power of each Court over its own process is unlimited ; it is a power
incident to all Courts, inferior as well as superior; were it not so, the Court
would be obliged to sit still and see its own process abused for the purpose
of injustice." Per Alderson, B., Cooker v. Tempest, 7 M. & W. 502, cited,
per Willes, J., Stammers v. Hughes, 18 C. B. 535 (86 E. C. L. R.).
« Per Tindal, C. J., Scales v. Cheese, 12 M. & W. 687 Gregory v. Duke of ;
Brunswick, 2 H. L. Cas. 415; Hellish v. Richardson, 1 CI. & Fin. 221, cited
Newton v. Boodle, 6 C. B. 529 (60 E. C. L. R.) per Alderson, B., Ex parte
V. Howden, 4 CI. & Pin. 32. But see Fleming v. Dunlop, 7 CI. & Fin. 43.
1 Finney v. Beesley, 17 Q. B. 86 (79 E. C. L. R.).
See, for instance,
Per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., BoviU v. Wood, 2 M. & S. 25 15 East ;
« Per Holroyd, J., Sandon v. Proctor, 7 B. & C. 806, cited arg. Bradley v.
The acquiescence of a party who might take advantage of an error obviates its
wrong place, and this is done per assensum *partium, with
L " -I
the consent of both parties, and so entered of record, it shall
Per Lord Cottenham, C, Wallworth v. Holt, 4 My. & Cr. 635 Taylor v.
1 ;
Furnival v. Stringer, 1 B. N. C. 68.
« See Andrews v. Elliott, 6 E. & B. 338 (88 E. C. L. R.) (recognised in
Tyerman v. Smith, Id. 719, 724), which illustrates the above maxim; Law-
rence V. Wilcock, 11 A. & E. 941 (39 B. C. L. R.) ; Yansittart v. Taylor, 4 B.-
&B. (82B. C. L. R.).
910, 912
' Toml. Law. Diet., tit. Waiver. See Earl of Darnley v. London, Chatham
and Dover R. C, L. R. 2 H. L. 43 Ramsden v. Dyson, L. R. 1 H. L. 129, cited
1 Steph. PL, 6th ed., 136. See Brooke v. Brooke, Sid. 184.
2 Steph. PI., 6th ed., 112, 139, 140.
" Per Holt, C. J., Anon., 2 Salk. 519.
137 broom's legal maxims.
ceeding is a nullity, -whicli cannot be TvaiTed by any laches or sub-
and not allow the other party to proceed to incur expense. " It
is not reasonable afterwards to allow the party to complain of that
irregularity, of which, if he had availed himself in the first instance,
See 7 Johnson (U. S.) R. 611.
' Morrish
v. Murrey, 13 M. & W. 52. Booth v. Clive, 10 C. B. 827 (70 B.
C. L. R.) Hughes v. Great Western R. C, 14 C. B. 637 (78 B. C. L. R.).
The law so favors the public good, that it will jn some cases per-
mit a common error to pass for right ;^ as an instance of which may
be mentioned the case of common recoveries which were fictitious
proceedings introduced by a kind of jwia fraus to elude the statute
de Bonis, and which were at length allowed by the courts to be a
bar to an estate tail, so that these recoveries, however clandestinely
introduced, became by long use and acquiescence a most common
assurance of lands, and were looked upon as the legal mode of con-
veyance whereby tenant in tail might dispose of his lands and
*However, the above maxim, although well known, and r:t:-iAn-i
1 Lord Raym. 42. See also the remarks of Lord Brougham in Phipps v.
Ackers, 9 CI. & Fin. 598 (referring to Cadell v. Palmer, 10 Bing. 140 (25 B.C.
L. R.)), and in the Earl of Waterford's Peerage claim, 6 CI. & Fin. 172; also
in Devaynes v. Noble, 2 Russ. & My. 506 ; Janvrin v. De la Mare, 14 Moo. P.
C. C. 334.
^ Noy, Max., 9th ed., pp. 37, 38 ; Plowd. 33 b.
^ Isherwood v. Oldknow, 3 M. & S. 396, 397 ;
per Vaughan, B., Garland v.
another case, it was observed that " even communis error, and a
of patented inventions in the public service, and even the legal ad-
visers of the crown appeared also to have considered the right as
well settled. There was, further, little doubt that on the faith of
Bell, Diet, and Dig. of Scotch Law 284 ;
per Sir W. Scott, 2 Dods. Adm.
E. 163 Graham v. Berry, 3 Moo.
P. C. C. N. S. 223.
^ Jiidgm., 14 M. & W. 582 per Holt, C. J., 2 Lord Raym. 1095 Reg. v. St.
48'.-!, 493, 494 Evans v. Jones, 3 H. & C. 423 Page v. More, 15 Q. B. 684-6
(69 E. C. L. R.) Boosey v. Purday, 4 Exch. 145 (which illustrates the above
V. Davey, 4 A. & E. 892 (31 E. C. L. R.), a new trial was granted for mis-
direction, though the amount in question was less than \l. See Poole v.
Whitcombe, 12 C. B. N. S. 770 (104 E. C. L. R.).
under 40s.'
In further illustration of the maxim de minimis non curat lex,
we may observe that there are some injuries of so small and little
consideration in the law that no action will lie for them f for instance,
in respect to payment of tithe, the principle which may be extracted
from the case appears to be, that for small quantities of corn, invol-
*•'* ™^y ^^ observed, however, that for an injury to real
than 40s., and thereby deprive the plaintiif of his costs and ; sub-
Com., 21st ed., 262, whore the rule respecting land gained by alluvion is
referred to the maxim treated of in the text. The maxim " would apply only
with respect to gradual accretions not appreciable except after the lapse of
time," per Pollock, C. B., 2 H. & N. 138 and in Ford v. Lacey, 7 Id. 155.
(where the rights of a riparian proprietor, as regards the use of water run-
ning by his land, are explained and defined) Nuttall v. Bracewell, 4 II. & ;
C. 714 Rochdale Canal Co. v. King, 14 Q. B. 122, 136 (68 B. C. L. R.) Wood
; ;
are principals, because the law does not descend to distinguish differ-
sell, 3 E. &
B. 942 (77 E. 0. L. R.).
' ' White V. Beard, 2 Curt. 493. But where the amount of a poor-rate at so
much in the pound on the assessable value of premises involves the fraction
of a farthing, a demand by the overseer of the whole farthing is excessive and
illegal. Morton, app., Brammer, resp., 8 C. B. N. S. 791, 798 (98 E. C. L.
R.), citing Baxter v. Faulam, 1 Wils. 129.
* The Reward, 2 Dods. Adm. R. 269, 270.
* This maxim may likewise be applied as follows: — "When we say that
there is no evidence to go to a jury, we do not mean that there is literally
none, but that there is none which ought reasonably to satisfy a jury that the
fact sought to be proved is established." Per Maule, J., Jewell v. Parr, 13 C.
B. 916 (76 E. C. L. R.) ; ante, pp. 109, 110.
the mode of administbeing justice. 147
Every innovation occasions more harm and derangement of order by its novelty,
than hemejit by its abstract utility.
J., 13 East 321 9 Johnson (U. S.) R. 428 per Lord Hardwicke, C, Ellis v.
; ;
make the law to decide on it as I find it, not as I may wish it to be
;" per
the Roman law, ejus est interpretari cujus est condere,^ does not
under our constitution hold.
Our common-law system, as remarked by a learned judge, con-
cases which arise, and we are not at liberty to reject them, and to
abandon all analog}' to them, in those to which they have not yet
been judicially applied, because we think that the rules are not as
wanted, or although the principle and the policy of the rule may
be questioned.^ If, as has been observed, there is a general
1 Judgm., 14 M. & W. 589. ^ See Tayl. Civ. L., 4th ed., 96.
' As to the value of precedents : Palgr. Orig. Auth. King's Council, 9, 10.
" Anunnecessary departure from precedents, whether it spring from the love
of change, or be the result of negligence or ignorance on the part of the
pleader, ought not to be encouraged. It can only lead to useless litigation,
delay and expense." See per Cur., Austin v. Holmes, 3 Denio (U. S.) R. 244.
* Per Parke, J., Mirehouse v. Rennell, 1 CI. & Fin. 546. " When the law
has become settled, no speculative reasoning upon its origin, policy or expe-
diency, should prevail against it." 3 Denio (U. S.) R. 50.
Per Tindal, C. J., Mirehouse v. Rennell, 8 Ring. 557 (21 E. C. L. R.). See
" make bad law,"^ and miscra est servitus uhi jes est vagum aut in-
Per Lord Loughborough, 2 Ves. jun. 426, 427 per Tindal, C. J., Doe d.
Clarke v. Ludlam, 7 Bing. 180 (20 E. C. L. R.); per Pollock, 0. B., Reg. v.
See 4 CI. & Fin. 378 per Coleridge, J., 4 I-I. L. Cas. 611. " It is neces-
sary that courts of justice should act on general rules, without regard to the
hardship which in particular cases may result from their application.''
Judgm., 4 Exch. 718. See also Judgm., 3 Exch. 278.
' 4 Inst.
246 Shepherd v. Shepherd, 5 T. R. 51 n. [a] 2 Dwarr. Stats. 786
; ; ;
Bao. Aphorisms, vol. 7, p. 148 arg. 9 Johnson (U. S.) R. 427, and 11 Peters
7 T. R. 420.
See per Lord Cottenham, C, Lozon v. Pryse, 4 My. &. Cr. 617,
6 618.
Co. Litt. 24 b. A court of law will also, in some cases, notice equitable
see per Parke, B., 12 M. & W. 445, and in 16 L. J. Exch. 163. " I
r*l f^oi * ^^^ *law, but to vindicate the old one from misrepresen-
tation. For if it be found that the former decision is
ton, 4 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 405, Lord Westbury, C, observes, " The rules
which govern the transmission of property are the creatures of positive law,
and when once established, and recognised, their justice or injustice in the
abstract is of less importance to the community than that the rules themselves
shall be constant and invariable."
3 As to which, see Gifford v. Livingston, 2 Denio (U. S.) R. 392-3.
r*i c;a.1
*The following instances will serve to show in what man-
ner the above maxim may be practically applied :
1 The title of this division of the subject has been adopted from Noy's
2 Co. Litt. 10 a.
' Ashby V. White, 2 Lord Raym. 957 : the judgment of Lord Holt in this
celebrated case well illustrates the position in the text.
< Co. Litt. 97 b.
^ Secus, if the alteration be in a point immaterial, Aldous v. Cornwell, L.
R. 3 Q. B. 573, where the action was on a promissory note. See Andrews v.
comes void ;^ for the law will not permit a man to take the chance
of committing a fraud, and when that fraud is detected, of recover-
ing on the instrument as it was originally made. In such a case
the law intervenes, and says, that the deed thus altered no longer
continues the same deed, and that no person can maintain an action
upon it and this principle of the law is calculated to prevent fraud
and to deter men from tampering with written securities.^ The broad
principle thus recognised has been likewise established in regard to
bills of exchange and promissory notes;' on all such instruments a
duty arises analogous to the duty arising on deeds, and "a party who
has the custody of an instrument made for his benefit, is bound to
preserve it in its original state." The law having been long settled
as to deeds, was held to be also applicable to those mercantile
^instruments, which, though not under seal, yet possess pro- r-^-. rr-,
arg. Bamberger v. Commercial Credit Mutual Ass. Soc, 15 C. B. 676, 692 (80
same doctrine was extended to the case of bought and sold notes and ;
it was held, that a vendor, who, after the bought and sold notes had
ments, would strike at the root of all property, and that it is of the
most essential importance to the public interest that no alteration
whatever should be made in written contracts, but that they should
continue to be and remain in exactly^ the same state and condition
as when signed and executed, without addition, alteration, rasure,
or obliteration."*
p. 154, n. 5.
' Judgm., 1 H. & N. 912-3, recognising Davidson v. Cooper, supra. As to
testator may alter his will after execution without fraud or wrong,
the presumption is, that an alteration^ appearing on its *face, p^-. ^n-,
was, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, made sub-
sequent to its execution.^
There however, some things, for which, as Lord Coke ob-
serves, no reason can be given :^ and with reference to which the
words of the civil law holds true non omnium quce d majoribus
constituta sunt ratio reddi potest ;* and, therefore, we are compelled
to admit, that in the legal science, qui rationem in omnibus qucerunt
rationem subvertunt.^ It is, indeed, sometimes dangerous to stretch
the invention to find out legal reasons for what is undoubted law :
Digest,^ non possunt omnes articuli singillatirn aut legibus aut sena-
tUs-consultis comprehendi : sed cum in aliqud causd sententia eorum
manifesta est, is, qui jurisdictioni prceest, ad similia procedere atque
ita jus dioere debet. Nam, ut ait Pedius, quotiens lege aliquid
unum vel alterum introductum est, bona occasio est, ccetera, qace
r*1 'iRI
*t^'ndunt ad eamdem utilitatem, vel interpretatione, vel certe
jurisdictione suppleri.
Further, although it is laid down that the law is the perfection
of reason, and that it always intends to conform thereto, and that
what is not reason is not law, yet this must not be understood to
mean, that the particular reasons of every rule in the law can at
the present day be always precisely assigned : it is suflBcient if
such a case, it does not follow, from there being at this time no
apparent reason for such custom, that there never was.' If, how-
ever, it be in tendency contrary to the public good, or injurious or
prejudicial to themany, and beneficial only to some particular per-
son, such and must be repugnant to the law of reason, for
custom is
r*1 '^QH
*Again A clerk who has held preferment in one bishop-
ric is not, on being presented to a living in another bishop-
ric, bound, as a condition precedent to his examination on the
question of fitness, to produce letters testimonial and commendatory
from his former bishop — if Such a rule existed a door would thus
be opened to very arbitrary and capricious proceedings, rendering
the title of the clerk and the right of the patron dependent on the
will of the prior bishop —such a conclusion would be at variance
' Co. Litt. 70 b. Multa autem jure civili contra rationem disputandi pro
utilitate eommuni recepta esse innumerahilibus rebus prohari potest: D. 9, 2,
51, ^ 2.
2 D. 1, 3, 14.
' v. Smith, in error, 9 A. & E. 406, 416.
Arg. Tyson
* Judgm.,A. & E. 421, 422 (36 B. C. L. R.). See further as
9 to the rea-
with reason, and therefore repugnant to what is called " the policy
of the law."^
We may conclude these remarks with calling to mind the well-
known saying : lex plus laudatur quando ratione probatur^ —then
is the law most worthy of approval, when it is consonant to reason ;
and with Lord Coke we may hold it to be generally true, "that the
law is unknown to him that knoweth not the reason thereof, and
that the known certainty of the law is the safety of all."'
Reason is the soul of the law, and when the reason of any particular law
ceases, so does the law itself^
public duties, and the trust reposed in him ; but the reason
of this privilege ceases at a certain time after the termination of the
parliamentary session, because the public has then no longer an
immediate interest in the personal freedom of the individuals com-
posing the representative body, and cessante causd cessat effectus.''
Again, where trees are excepted out of a demise, the soil itself
'Liford's Case, 11 Rep. 49, cited Hewitt v. Isham, 7 Exch. 79, and post.
Chap. VI. s. 3.
160 broom's legal maxims.
manor where his own lands are situated and it seems that the right
*But the parties possessing the respective rights of
common, may, if they so please, inclose against each other,
and, after having done so, the right of common pur cause de vicin-
age can no longer be pleaded as an excuse to an action of trespass
if the cattle stray, for cessante ratione legis cessat lex.^
(33 E. C. L. R.).
" Sims B. Bond, 5 B. & Ad. 393 (27 E. C. L. R.).
has been laid down and acted upon in order to secure the punish-
ment of offenders; after the trial, however, and after the prisoner
has been either acquitted or convicted, the case no longer falls
within the reason on which the rule is founded, and then an action
for the civil injury resulting from the wrongful act is maintainable.^
The science of pleading, also, will be found to present many apt
illustrations of the axiom under consideration; *ex. gr., rHc-i^Q-i
Broom's Com., 4th ed., 539.
2Holmes v. Simmons, L. R. 1 P. & D. 528.
Stone V. Marsh, 6 B. & C. 557, 564 (13 E, C. L. R.) Wellock v. Constan- ;
tine, 2 H. & C. 146 per Buller, J., 4 T. R. 332. See White v. Spettigue, 13
his own title, such precise allegation would be necessary ; and the
reason of this difference is, that a party must be presumed to be
ignorant of his adversary's title, though he is bound to know his
Wliere the Court cannot take judicial notice of a fact, it is the same as if the
not look out of the record ;' and, on a special verdict they will
' The matter an indictment ought to be full, express, and certain, and
of to
import all the truth which is necessary by law 4 Rep. 44, 47. :
and shuts itself within its previous limits.* In general, the land
thus gained belongs to the Crown, as having been a part of the very
fundus maris; but if such alluvion be formed so imperceptibly and
insensibly, that it cannot by any' means be ascertained that the sea
ever was there idem est non esse et non apparere, and the land
thus formed belongs as a perquisite to the owner of the land adja-
Gwynne v. Burnell, 6 Bing. N. C. 453 (37 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 1 Scott N.
R. 711; 7 CI. & Fin. 572.
= Per Vaughan, J., 6 Bing. N. C. 539 (37 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 1 Scott N. R.
798. See arg. Mather Thomas, 10 Bing. 47.
' Shelton v. Braithwaite, 7 M. & W. 436 Bromage ;
v. Vaughan, 9 Q. B.
608 (58 B. C. L. B.) ;
Rippen, 7 Exch. 578.
Mellersh v.
up as a bar thereto.
tage of it, cannot rely upon the proceeding itself as a bar to the
adverse party; for otherwise the person aggrieved would be clearly
without redress. "It were impertinent and contrary in itself,"
says Lord Bacon, "for the law to allow of a plea in bar of such
matter as is to be defeated by the same suit, for it is included; and
otherwise a man could never arrive at the end and effect of his
rule. Thus, if a man be attainted and executed, and the heir bring
error upon the attainder, it would be bad to plead corruption of
blood by the same attainder; for otherwise the heir would be
without remedy ever to reverse the attainder.^ In like manner,
although a person attainted cannot be permitted to sue for any civil
97. 106 (10 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 1 Dow N. S. 178. This right has also been
referred to the principle, de minimis non curat lex, arg. 3 B. & C. 99 (10 B. C.
L. R.).
' Arg. Kinning v. Buchanan, 8 C. B. 286 (65 E. C. L. R.) ; ante, p. 96.
' Post, Chap. X.
' Bac. Max. reg. 2. Pusey v. Desbouvrie, 3 P. Wms. 317.
* Bac. Max. reg. 2. See 4 Bla. Com., 21st Loukes v. Holbeach, 4
ed., 392 ;
Bing. 420, 423 (13 E. C. L. R.), cited and commented on, Byrne v. Manning,
2 Dowl. N. S. 403.
cases which have been long established, because if they did so, they
would only disturb without finally settling the law. But when an
appeal from any of their judgments is made to the House of Lords,
however they may be warranted by previous authorities, the very
1 See 1 Taunt. 84, 93.
The same principle applies in the case of proceedings to reverse outlawry.
Jenk. Cent. 106 ;
Finch's Law 46 ;
Matthews v. Gibson, 8 East 527 ;
Craig r.
3My. &Cr. 191. See 1 Daniell's Ch. Pr. 3d ed., 354 et seq.
3 Per Knight Bruce, V.-C, 15 L. J. (Bankruptcy) 7.
per North, C. J., Barnardiston v. Soane, 6 St. Tr. 1094. See also, in further
illustration of the above maxim, Masters v. Lewis, 1 Lord Raym. 57.
« Per Lord Chelmsford, 11 H. L. Cas. 510, et vide opinion of judges, Id. 477.
168 broom's legal maxims.
The principal maxim seems also to apply, when the matter of the
plea is not to be avoided in the same but in a different suit: and,
therefore, if a writ of error be brought to reverse an outlawry in
any action, outlawry in another action shall not bar the plaintiff in
error; for otherwise, if the outlawry was erroneous, it could never
be reversed;^ the general rule, however, being that an outlaw
cannot enforce any proceeding for his own benefit.^
'.'a man shall not be allowed to blow hot and cold to affirm at one —
time and deny at another making a claim on those whom he has
deluded to their disadvantage, and founding that claim on the very
matters of the delusion. Such a principle has its basis in common
sense and common justice, and whether it is called estoppel,' or by '
any other name, it is one which courts of law have in modern times
most usefully adopted."
So where a vendor has recognised the right of his vendee to dis-
P. & D. 486.
7 H. & N. 913. See Van Hasselt v. Sack, 13 Moo. P. C. C. 185.
170 ekoom's legal maxims.
(109 E. C. L. K.) i
Freeman, app., Read, resp., 9 C. B. N. S. 301 (99 E. C. L.
6 E. &. B. 21f8, cited under the maxim, volenti non fit injuria, post, Chap. V.
6 Crossley v. Dixon, 10 H. L. Cas. 293, 310.
6 Per Rolfe, B., Ness v. Angas, 3 Exch. 813.
' Salomons v. Pender, 3 H. & C. 639.
tate, by a voluntary act, cannot afterwards use the power for the
purpose of defeating that voluntary act;" and if a bond be given
to the Crown under the stat. 33 Hen. 8, c. 39, binding all lands
over which he has at the time of executing the bond a disposing
power, the giving such bond is to be deemed a voluntary act on
the part of the obligor, so that he cannot by afterwards exercising
the power, defeat the right of the Crown.*
The maxim applies also in cases of estoppel,' and whenever the
Rogers v. Hadley, 2 H. & C. 227. ' Blackb. Contr. Sale 163.
3 M'Cance v. London and North Western R. C, 3 H. & C. 343.
• Per Maule, J., Blyth v. Dennett, 13 C. B. 181 per Crompton, ;
J., Ward v.
(117 E. C. L. R.) ; and see per Lord Brougham, C, Clayton v. A.-G., 1 Coop.
(Rep. temp. Cottenham) 124.
5 1 Swanst. 427, note.
• Reg. V. Ellis, 4 Bxch. 652, 661 ; s. c. affirmed in error, 6 Exch. 921.
' Some of which are considered, post, Chap. V. For instance, the owner
of land cannot treat the occupier as tenant and trespasser at one and the
same time.
As to the estoppel on acceptor of bill of exchange, Aehpitel v. Bryan, 5
B. & S. 723 (117 E. C. L. R.) ; Morris v. Bethell, L. R. 5 C. P. 47 ;
Phillips v.
mistake, abstains from setting him right, and leaves him to perse-
vere in his error, a Court of Equity will not afterwards assist the
real owner asserting his title to the land.^
(5 Rep. 115.)
is good ; and the other party ought to accept so much of the sum
rent authority to accept bills so as to bind him (even though such authority
has been fraudulently exercised) as against a person who has taken the bill
hand fide and without notice of the fraud, the acceptor is estopped from deny-
ing the acceptance, per Willes, J., 18 0. B. N. S. 432-3 (114 E. C. L. E.).
The estoppel against a bailee from disputing the title of his bailor, and
setting up a jus tertii, ceases when the bailment on which the estoppel is
Scotch doctrine of " approbate and reprobate," as to which see Kerr v. Wau-
chqpe, 1 Bligh 121.
2 Ramsden v. Dyson, L. R. 1 H. L. 129, 141, 168.
» See 17& 18 Vict. c. 125, s. 22 ;
28 & 29 Vict. o. 18, s. 3.
* Finch Law 21 D. 50. 17. 113.
; 110, pr.
to take what is due and return the difference f though if the cred-
itor knows the amount due to him, and is offered '''a larger r=ici7c-|
sum, and, without any objection on the ground of change,
makes quite a collateral objection, that will be a good tender.*
Where, however, a party has separate demands for unequal sums
against several persons, an offer of one sum for the debts of all,
B. & Aid. 63] (7 E. C. L. R.), and recognised Dean v. James, 4 B. & Ad.
546 (24 E. C. L. R.) ; Astley v. Reynolds, 2 Stra. 916 ; Wing. Max. p. 208.
Ademand of a larger sum than is due may he good as a demand of the
lesser sum Carr v. Martinson, 1 E. & E. 456 (102 E. C. L. R.).
(63 E. 0. L. R.).
5 1 Prest. Abstr. Tit. 316, 377.
175 broom's legal maxims.
y /,-, may do some of theni and need not do all.^ In these *cases,
the rule of the civil law applies IVon debet eui plus licet
quod minus est non licere ;^ or, as it is usually found expressed in our
books, cui licet quod majus non debet quod minus est non licere*' —
he who has authority to do the more important act shall not be
debarred from doing that of less importance ; a doctrine founded on
common sense, and of very general importance and application,
not only with reference to the law of real property, but to that
likewise of principal and agent, as we shall hereafter see. On this
r*1 771
*Further, it is laid down as generally true, that, where
more is done than ought to be done, that portion for which
there was authority shall stand, and the act shall be void quoad the
b ; 2 Inst. 307 ;
Noy Max. 9th ed. p. 26 ; Finch Law 22.
» 4 E(jp. 23 ; Wing. Max. p. 206.
° Co. Copyholder, s. 33 ; Noy Max. 9th ed. p. 25. See another example, 9
Kep, 48.
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 326-7.
excess only,^ quando plus fit quam fieri debet, videtur etiam illud
fieri quod faciendum est :^ as in the instance of a power above re-
ferred to, if a man do more than he is authorized to do under the
power, it shall be good to the extent of his power. Thus, if he have
power to lease for ten years, and he lease for twenty years, the lease
for the twenty years shall in equity be good for ten years of the
So, if the grantor of land is entitled to certain shares only of
the land granted ; and if the grant import to pass more shares than
the grantor has, it will nevertheless pass those shares of which he
is the owner.* Where also there is a custom that a man shall not
devise any greater estate than for life, a devise in fee will be a good
devise for life, if the devisee will claim it as such.'
Lastly, in criminal law, the principle above exemplified sometimes
applies, ex. gr., on an indictment charging a misdemeanor the jury
may find the prisoner guilty of any lesser misdemeanor which is
(Noy, Max. 9th ed., p. 16.)
That which was originally void, does not by lapse of time become valid.
Chilverscoton, 8 T. R. 178.
SD. 50,17,29,210.
and then the bishop dies, yet this lease will not bind his successor,
for those things which have a bad beginning cannot be brought
to a good end.* So, if a man seised of lands in fee make a lease
for twenty-one years, rendering rent to begin presently, and the
same day he make a lease to another for the like term, the
r*1 7Q1
*second lease is void ; and if the first lessee surrender bis
lease, the second lessee shall not have his term, because the
lessor at the making of the second lease had nothing in him but the
Again, in the case of a lease for years, there is a distinction be-
tween a clause by which, on a breach of covenant, the lease is made
absolutely void, and a clause which merely gives the lessor power to
1 Noy, Max. 9th ed., p. 16. See Doe d. Brammall v. Collinge, 7 C. B. 939
(62 B. 0. L. R.) ; Doe
Pennington v. Taniere, 12 Q. B. 998 (64 E. C. L. R.).
" Smith V. Stapleton, Plowd. 432; Noy, Max., 9th ed.,
p. 16.
° See De Montmorency v. Devereaux, 7 01. & Fin. 188.
* Doe d. Bryan v. Banks, 4 B. & Aid. 401 (6 E. 0. L. R.) Co. Litt. 215.a; ;
sucli son, and afterwards a son is born to him, -whose name is A.,
*So, where uses are raised by a deed which is itself void, r^ion-i
conveyance of a freehold infuturo,
as in the instance of the
the uses mentioned in the deed cannot arise.^ When the estate to
which a warranty is annexed is defeated, the warranty is also de-
feated f and when a spiritual corporation to which a church is ap-
propriate is dissolved, the church is disappropriated.*
In the ordinary case, also, of a will void by reason of its not
being duly attested according to the provisions of the statute, or on
account of the coverture of the testatrix at the time of making the
will, all the dispositions and limitations of property contained
therein are also necessarily void, nor can the original defect in the
instrument be cured by lapse of time.'
In the above and similar cases, accordingly, the maxim applies,
dehile fundamentum fallit opus^ —where the foundation fails all goes
to the ground.
tum. lb.
* Noy, Max., 9th ed., p. 20.
5 Gr. & Bud. of Law and Equity, p. 289; Noy, Max., 9th ed., p. 15.
'Noy, Max., 9th ed., p. 20; per Blackburn, J., Mersey Docks Trustees v.
1 Ante, p. 136-7.
- Jackson v. M. & S. 234; 1 Wms. Saund. 228 (1).
Pesked, 1
'Finch's Law Wing. Max. 113, 114. See, also, the judgment,
14, 36;
Davies dem., Lowndes ten 8 Scott N. R. 567, where the above maxim is cited
and applied.
* Gloss, in I. 5, Cod. 1. 14. Pro infectis: D. 1. 14, 3. Wood Inst. 25; 5
Rep. 38. This maxim holds true likewise in certain cases, some of which are
hereafter noticed, relating to contracts. Under the stat. 7 Geo. 2, c. 8, it was
held, that an executory contract to transfer stock which the party was not
possessed of might be void and illegal, and yet that the actual transfer of the
stock by such party, or on his procurement, might be legal ; and that the
apparent difficulty (which, in fact, arose from applying the principle quad ab
initio non valet tractu temporis non convalescit) disappeared on reference to
the provisions of the Act, which were framed with a view to secure in every
case an actual transfer of all stock bargained to be sold, and within the
mischief centemplatcd by which Act the above case does not consequently
fall; M'Callan v. Mortimer, in error, 9 M. & W. 636, 640; s. c, 7 M. & W.
20; 6 M. & W. 58. The maxim cited in the text may sometimes apply to an
order of justices of the peace, Reg. v. Lord Newborough, L. K. 4 Q. B. 585,
It may apply also in a criminal proceeding; thus, "It is very doubtful
whether a judge, has power to adjourn a case after the jury have retired to
consider the verdict, and it is also a doubtful question whether the having
refreshment would not have vitiated their verdict ; though, perhaps, the maxim
quod fieri non debet factum valet might have applied and the refreshment
having been ordered by the judge might not be illegal." Per Blackburn, J.,
Winsor v. Reg. 6 B. & S. 183 (118 E. C. L. R.).
8 C. B. 406, 433 (65 E. C. L. K.). See Pilbrow v. Pilbrow's Atmospheric
R. C, 5 0. B. 440 (57 E. 0. L. R.).
2 Per Lord Brougham, 6 CI. & Fin. 708; arg. 9 Wheaton (U. S.) R. 478.
" There is a known distinction between circumstances which are of the essence
In all such cases, it is true, that what ought not to have been done
is yalid when done. Thus, residence in the parish before procla-
mation is directed by the stat. 26 Geo. 2, c. 33, "For the better
preventing of Clandestine Marriages," as a requisite preliminary to
r*l 84.1
^^^ complied with, *the marriage will nevertheless be valid
under the 10th section, for here the legislature has expressly
declared, that non-observance of this statutory direction shall, after
the marriage has been solemnized, be immaterial.*- The applica-
bility of this maxim, in regard to the validity of a marriage irreg-
ularly solemnized, was also discussed in Beamish v. Beamish, which
will hereafter more conveniently be noticed.^
' See per Lord Brougham, 6 CI. & Tin. 708 et seq.
2 5 Irish C. L. Rep. 136; s. c, 6 Id. 142; 9 H. L. Cas. 274.
' Pinch's Law 62.
* Noy, Max., 9th ed., p. 17, and authorities cited, Id. n. (a).
' See Cuthbertson v. Irving, 4 H. & N. 742, 754; s. c, 6 Id. 135; Duke v.
Co. Litt. 97, 152 b. As to the argument ah inconvenienti, see per Sir W.
Scott, 1 Dods. 40:2; per Lord Brougham, 6 CI. & Fin. 671 ; 1 Mer. 420.
The argument ab inconvenienti was applied in Sheppard v. Phillimore, L.
R. 2 P. C. 450, 400.
Per Heath, J., 1 H. Bla. 61 per Dallas C. J., 7 Taunt. 527 (2 B. C. L.
R.) 8 Id. 762 (4 E. C. L. R.); per Ilolroyd, J., 3 B. & C. 131 (10 E. C. L.
' Per Sir J. Leach, V.-C, A.-G. v. Duke of Marlborough. 3 Madd. 540; per
cumstances, valid to this extent, that the law will sooner suflPer a
private mischief than a public inconvenience —a principle which we
have already had occasion to consider in its general application.
It is better to suffer a mischief which is peculiar to one, than an
inconvenience which may prejudice many."*
Lastly, in construing an Act of Parliament, the same rule applies.
The law does not allow of a captious and strained intendment, for such nice
pretence of certainty confounds true and legal certainty}
Papillon, 4 East 502 ; recognised Allen v. Hopkins, 13 JI. & W. 101 ; Aloinous
V. Nygren, 4 E. & B. 217 (82 E. C. L. R.) ; Shepeler v. Durant, 23 L. J. C. P.
* 10 Rep. 126.
» Co. Litt. 304, b ;
Wing. Max. p. 19. See Yonge v. Fisher, 5 Scott N. R.
893 ;
Jones r. Chune, 1 B. & P. 364; cited per Cresswell, J.,
per Eyre, C. J.,
from the Crown under the Great Seal shall not, propter apices juris, be made
void and of no effect. (Earl of Rutland's Case, 8 Rep. 112; cited arg., R. v.
Mayor of Dover, 1 Cr. M. & R. 732.) See also Richardson v. Barnes, 4 Exch.
« See Vander Donckt v. Thellusson, 8 C. B. 821 (65 E. C. L. B.).
to prevent the time of the court from being occupied with v^in and
useless speculations as to the meaning of ambiguous terms ;"" and,
therefore, as remarked by Sir E. Coke, "the order of good plead-
ing is to be observed, which, being inverted, great prejudice may
grow to the party tending to the subversion of law Ordine placi-
tandi servato servatur etjus."^
r*1 8Qn
However, in some cases, the Court may be bound to
Per Lord Abinger, C. B Eraser v. Welsh, 8 M. & W. 634.
*CHAPTER V. [*190]
no remedy by action, the law will in some cases give one in another
way — that the law looks not at the remote, but at the immediate
cause of damage — that the act of God shall not, by the instrumen-
tality of the law, work an injury —that damages shall not in general
which was done by himself, or with his assent, into a wrong —that
a man shall not take advantage of his own tortious act — that the
abuse of an authority given by law shall, in some cases, have a
retrospective operation in regard to the liability of the party
abusing it — that the intention, not the act, is regarded by the law,
and that a man shall not be twice vexed in respect of the same
cause of action.
^l^ove elementary maxim, whenever the *law gives any-
thing, it gives a remedy for the same lex semper dabit :
Johnstone v. Sutton (in error), 1 T. R. 512 Co. Litt. 197, b. See, also,
The reader is referred for general information as to the nature of legal rights
and remedies to Broom's Com., 4th ed., Bk. i. chap. 3. " Upon principle,
wherever the common law imposes a duty, and no other remedy can be shown
to exist, or only one which has become obsolete or inoperative, the Court of
Queen's Bench will interfere by mandamus." Judgm., 12 A. & E. 266.
See, also, Gosling v. Veley, 7 Q. B. 451 (53 E. C. L. R.).
< Per Holt, C. J., Ashby v. White, 2 Lord Raym. 953; per Willes, C. J.,
The by courts of law accordingly is, that the
principle adopted
novelty of the particular complaint alleged in an action on the case
is no objection, provided that an injury cognisable bylaw be shown
Co. Litt. 285, a. ' I. 4. 6. pr.
12 C. B. 177, 190 (74 E. C. L. R.) et vide per Coleridge, J., Gosling v. Veley,
C. L. R.).
« Jenk. Cent. 117.
principle to any case that may arise two centuries hence as it was
two centuries ago.^
r*lQ4n *^^ accordance with the spirit of the maxim, ubi jus ibi
for maliciously^ refusing to admit his vote, though his right was
never determined in Parliament, and though the persons for whom
he oflfered to vote were elected f and in answer to the argument,
that there was no precedent for such an action, and that establish-
ing such a precedent would lead to multiplicity of actions, Lord
Holt observed, that if men will multiply injuries, actions must be
multiplied too, for every man that is injured ought to have his
It is true, therefore, that, in trespass and for torts generally, new
actions may be brought as often as new injuries and wrongs are
repeated.^ And every statute made against an injury, mischief, or
grievance, impliedly gives a remedy, for the party injured may, if
135 (36 E. C. L. R.), and in Rochdale Canal Co. v. King, 14 Q. B. 122, 138
(68 E. C. L. R.). In connection with Ashby v. White, see also Pyrce v.
Belcher, 3 C. B. 58 (54 E. C. L. R.) s. c, 4 Id. 866 (where the maxim above
illustrated was much considered), and Tozer v. Child, supra; et vide Jenkins
V. Waldron, 11 Johns. (U. S.) R. 120.
* 2 Ld. Raym. 955; Millar v. Taylor, 4 Burr. 2344.
' Ashby V. White, supra, cited arg. 9 CI. & Pin. 274 Hilooat v. Archbishop
particular name to the extent of entitling him to prevent the assumption of that
name by a stranger. The right to the exclusive use of a name in connection
with a trade or business is and any person using that
familiar to our law ;
name after a relative right of this description has been acquired by another,
is considered to have been guilty of a fraud, or at least of an invasion of
years have elapsed, dig so near that it falls down, an action on the
case will lie, because the plaintiff has by twenty years' use acquired
a presumptive right to the support, and to infringe that right is an
injury.^ But, if the owner of land adjoining a newly-built
house dig in a similar manner, and produce similar results, in this
that a man may lawfully use his own property so as to cause dam-
age to his neighbor, which is not injuriosum ;* or he may whilst
pursuing the reasonable exercise of an established right,' casually
as to which see Solomon w. Vintners' Co., 4 H. & N. 598-9, cited per Wood,
V.-C, Hunt V. Peake, 29 L. J. Chanc. 785 North-Eastern B. C. v. Elliot, 10 ;
& N. 828, 834; Brown v. Robins, 4 H. & N. 186 Smart v. Morton, 5 E. & B. ;
144 (75 B. C. L. R.) Caledonian R. C. v. Sprot, 2 Maoq. Sc. App. Cas. 449
* Rogers v. Dutt, 13 Moo. P. C. C. 209, 237, 241, well illustrates the above
6 The Eleanor, 2 Wheaton (U. S.) R. 358 ; Panton v. Holland, 17 Johns.
(U. S.) R. 100.
Junction Canal Co., 7 Exch. 300 s. c, 15 Beav. 260 and in Smith w. Ken-
; ;
rick, 7 C. B. 566 (62 B. C. L. R.), and commented on per Coleridge, J., diss.,
Chasemore v. Richards, 2 H. & N. 190 et seq. s. c, 7 H. L. Cas. 349 Baird ; ;
son V. Peat, 3 H. & C. 647, 650; per Pollock, C. B., Dudden v. Guardians of
Clutton Union, 1 H. & N. 630. See Rawstron v. Taylor, 11 Exch. 369;
Broadbent Ramsbotham, Id. 602 Beeston v. Weate, 5 E. & B. 986 (85 B.
v. ;
= Ante, p. 150. Per Lord St. Leonards, 7 H. L. Cas. 93 per Lord Camp- ;
asked what further remedy he has for the inconvenience and trouble
he has been put to, the answer is, that, in point of law, if the pro-
r*i QQT ceedings have been adopted purely through mistake, *thougli
injury may have resulted to him, it is damnum absque in-
, It has been held too that an action does not lie against a man for
W. V'59, Gurney, B., says, " The plaintiff may have been extremely ill-used,
Yearsley v. Heane, Id. 322 recognised judgm., Phillips v. Nay lor, 3 H. & N.
road for *making their road under their Acts ; though the r^nnn-,
one road is made for the profit of the shareholders in the
company and the other is not. In either case the act is not wrong-
ful, because it is authorized by the legislature.^
"The rule," accordingly, "is well established that for any act
done which is injurious to property, but which an Act of Parlia-
ment has authorized to be done, though the consequence of the act
is damnum to the owner, it and the loss
ceases to be injuria;
would fall upon him, as no damages could be recovered in an action."
To prevent that injustice, the legislature sometimes says that in lieu
of an action the party affected shall have compensation in the
ner provided by the Act. Where, however, the particular Act of
Parliament does not authorize the wrong, and consequently the
action is not taken away, the case is not one for compensation, but
the remedy is by action.^
In most of the cases to which we have just been adverting, the
party aggrieved has no remedy, because no right has, in contempla-
tion of law, been invaded. Every injury, however, to a legal right
necessarily imports a damage in the nature of it, though there be no
pecuniary loss.' Thus, where a prisoner is in execution on final
process, the creditor has a right to the body of his debtor, every
hour till the debt is paid and an escape of the debtor, for ever so
566, 577 (45 E. C. L. R.), and Clifton v. Hooper, 6 Q. B. 468 Lloyd v. Harri- ;
it true that this election is only given where the plaintiff sues for a
misfeasance and not for a nonfeasance, for the action of case upon
tort very frequently occurs where there is a simple non-performance
of the particular contract, as in the ordinary instance of case against
shipowners for not safely and securely delivering goods according to
the bill of lading; the principle in all such cases being, that the
contract creates a duty, and the neglect to perform that duty, or
the nonfeasance, is a ground of action upon tort.^ So that, "where
Scott N. R. 1 ;
Gray v. Johnston, L. R. 3 H. L. 1, 14, where Lord Westbury
says, "A banker is bound to honor an order of his customer with respect to
the money belonging to that customer which is in the hands of the banker;
and it is impossible for the banker to set up a jus tertii against the order of
the customer, or to refuse to honor his draft, on any other ground than some
sufficientone resulting from an act of the customer himself."
As duty of a banker towards his customer, see also, Hardy v. Veasey,
to the
L. R. 3 Ex. 107 Prehn v. Royal Bank of Liverpool, L. R. 5 Ex. 92.
"An action," however, "will not lie at the suit of A. for the
breach by B. of a duty which B. owes to C."^ Nor *will
an action for a mandamus lie under the C. L. Proc. Act, L -
(following Brass Maitland, 6 E. & B. 470 (88 E. C. L. R.), and cases there
ed., pp. 652 et seg. See Blofeld v. Payne, 4 B. & Ad. 410 (24 E. C. L. R.)
Rogers v. Nowill, 5 C. B. 109 (57 E. C. L. R.) ; Wells v. Watling, 2 W. Bla.
*^^ ^® "°''' ^'i'^^*"^' ^y ^^J means true, as a general propo-
sition, that the actual injury offers, in an action ex delicto,
not universally true, and various cases occur to which it does not
apply, or at least in which the remedy cannot be in the shape of a
civil action to recover damages. Some of these are cases in which
the act done is a grievance to the entire community, no one of
whom is more than another. In such cases, the mode
injured by it
Per Taunton, J., 1 B. & Ad. 426 (20 B. C. L. R.); Wells v. Watland, 2
W. Bla. 1233; 1 Wms. Saunds. 346 a, note; cited per Martin, B., and Kelly,
0. B., Harop u. Hirst, L. R. 4 Ex. 43, 45, 47, which shows the test to be
whether the act complained of would if repeated operate in derogation of the
right of another; if so, an action will lie at the suit of the person whose
right may be affected, without proof of individual or specific damage.
See per Maule, J., Clow v. Brpgden, 2 Scott N. R., 315, 316 per Lord
pany, 7 Exch. 282 Northam v. Hurley, 1 E. & B. 665 (72 E. C. L. R.), recog-
ence to the question whether substantial damage must be proved, the wording
of a statute may be material ex. gr., see Rogers v. Parker, 18 C. B. 112 (74
the public, and an action on the case for a special and particular
injury to an individual.^ It is indeed an important rule, that
*the law gives no private remedy for anything but a rj^c^nn-,
R ; s. c, 2 CI. & Fin. 331 ; Nioholl v. Allen, 1 B. & S. 916, 934, 936 (101 E.
Litt. Groves, 6 Scott N. R. 645, and the cases there cited. See
56 a •
Rose v.
206 . broom's legal maxims.
Again, where the damage resulting from the act of another is too re-
mote,^ or in other words, flows not naturally, legally, and with sufiS-
cient directness from the *alleged injury, the plaintiff will
Steward v. Gromett, Id. 191 Walker v. Goe, 4 H. & N. 350 3 Id. 395 Assop
; ; ;
' Per Patteson, J., Kefley v. Partington, 5 B. & Ad. 651 (27 E. C. L. R.)
Bac. Abr., " Actions in General " (B.) Haddon v. Lott, 15 C. B. 411 (80 E.
C. L. R.) ;
Butler u.Kent, 19 Johns. (U. S.) R. 223. See also Boyle v. Bran-
don, 13 M. & W. 738, and cases cited under the maxim. In jure non remota
causa sed proxima spectatur, post, p. 216.
* Ricket V. Metropolitan R. C, L. R. 2 H. L. 175, 188, 196 Cameron v. ;
Cas. 577, 590, 600. See Knight v. Gibbs, 1 A. & E. 43 (28 E. C. L. R.)
Ward u. Weeks, 4 M. & P. 706.
^ Ashley v. Harrison, 1 Esp. 48 ;
Lumley «. Gye, 2 E. & B. 216 (75 E. C. L.
R.), be considered a leading case upon the above subject.
3 Powell V. Salisbury, 2 Yo. & J. 391 Lee v. Riley, 18 C. B. N. S. 722
(114 E. C. L. R.) Wanstall v. Pooley, 6 H. L. Cas. 910, note. See also Tar-
report,^ or for an act done in the course of discipline and under the
powers legally incident to his situation, notwithstanding that the
perversion of his authority is made the ground of the action ;* and
the principle of all such cases is, that the law will rather suffer a
private mischief than a public inconvenience.^ Again, the matter
litigated may be alieni fori,^ thus no action at law lies to recover
damages from an executor for not paying a general legacy,^ nor by
a cestui que trust against a trustee for breach of trust,* nor for dis-
turbance of a pew in the body of the church, unless attached to a
r*91 m ^'^'^s®-' I'^ these *cases there are remedies, but not by ac-
tions in the courts of common law ;" and, although it is
Waterworks Co., 11 Exoh. 783. See the maxim, Sic utere tuo ut alienum non
IcedaSfpost, Chap. VI., § 2.
See per North, C. J., Barnardiston v. Soame, 6 St. Tr. 1099 Henderson
L. R. 5 Q. B. 94. An action does not lie against a man for maliciously doing
his duty. Id. 114; Dawkins v. Lord Rokeby, 4 F. & F. 841. See Hodgkinson
V. Fernie, 3 C. B. N. S. 189 (91 E. C. L. R.).
« See per North, C. J., 6 St. Tr. 1098.
' 2 Wms. Exors., 6th ed., 1783 ; Barlow v. Browne, 16 M. & W. 126.
8 7 Chitt. PI., 7th ed., 3.
ordinarily true that " every wrong has its remedy," it is equally
true that " the remedy must be appropriately pursued."' We have,
moreover, already seen that, from motives of public policy, the
sovereign is not personally answerable for negligence or miscon-
duct ; and if such misconduct occurs in fact, the law affords no
remedy. We may add, that a mandamus, the object of which writ
is to enforce a clear legal right where there is no other means of
doing it, will not lie to the Crown, or its servants strictly as such,
to compel the payment of money alleged to be due from the Crown.
Lastly, where the act of another, though productive of injury to
an individual, amounts to a felony, the private remedy is (except
where the stat. 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93,' s. 1, applies)* suspended' until
justice shall have been satisfied ; for public policy requires that of-
fenders against the law shall be brought to justice; and, therefore,
*it is a rule of the law of England, that a man shall not r^oiiT
be allowed to make a felony the foundation of a civil action,
nor to waive the felony and go for damages;' and where, at the
trial of an action, the case is found to involve a charge of felony
against the defendant, which has not been prosecuted, the judge
may properly direct a verdict to be entered for him.' For a mere
1 Per Maule, J., Le(vis v. Clifton, 14 C. B. 255 (78 E. C. L. R.). See Ste-
vens Jeacocke, 11 Q. B. 731 (63 E. C. L. R.), cited arg. 1 H. & N. 382;
' Ante,
p. 57 Viscount Canterbury v. A.-G., 1 Phill. 306
; ;
In re Baron de
Bode, 6 Dowl. P. C. 776.
» Amended by 27 & 28 Vict. c. 95.
* See Pym Great Northern R. C, 2 B. & S. 759 (110 E. C. L. R ) s. c.
v. ;
W. 608. See also, per Sir W. Scott, The Hercules, 2 Dods. 375-6 1 H. Bla. ;
*QuoD Eemedio destituitoe ipsa Re valet si
Culpa absit.
(Bao. Max., reg. 9.)
him the thing itself by operation of law without any act of his own
sometimes it will give him a more beneficial remedy."^
On this principle depended the doctrine of remitter, which, prior
to the abolition of real actions, was applicable where one, who had
' White u. Spettigue, 13 M. & W. 60H, 606 ; Lee v. Bayes, 18 C. B. 599 (86
E. C. L. R.) ; Stone v. Marsh, 6 B. & C. 551 (13 E. C. L. B.) ; Marsh v. Keat-
ing, 1 Bing. N. C. 198 (27 E. C. L. R.).
^ Judgm., Reg. v. Kenriok, 5 Q. B. 64, 65
(48 E. C. L. R.) in connection ;
with which case, see Reg. v. Abbott, 1 Den. 0. C. 273 Reg. v. Eagleton, ;
Dearsl. 376, 515; Reg. v. Burgon, Dears]. & B. 11 Reg. v. Roebuck, Id. 24; ;
Reg. V. Keighley, Id. 145 ; Reg. v. Sherwood, Id. 251 ; Reg. v. Bryan,Id. 265;
Reg. V. Goss, Bell, 208 ;
Reg. v. Ragg, Id. 214; Reg. v. Lee, L. & C. 418.
^ Bac. Max., reg. 9 ; 6 Rep. 68.
the true property, or jus proprietatis, in lands, but was out of pos-
session, and had no right to enter without recovering possession by
real action, had afterwards the freehold cast upon him by some sub-
sequent and, of course, defective title, in which case he was remit-
ted or sent back by operation of lawand more certain
to his ancient
title,and the right of entry which he had gained by a bad title was
held to be, ipso facto, annexed to his own inherent good one, so that
bis defeasible estate was utterly defeated and annulled by the in-
prior right and hence the law adjudged him to be in by remitter, that
the freehold wfis afterwards cast upon him for he could not have re- ;
3 Com. by Broom & Hadley 15-17. See thia subject treated at length,
Vin. Ab., ''Remitter:" Shep. Touch., by Preston, 156, n. (82), 286.
Finch's Law 19 3 Com. by Broom & Iladley 16 Litt., s. 661.
; ;
3 3 Com. by Broom & Hadley 17. See also Bac. Max., vol. 4, p. 40.
of Lords,^ the law of remitter was much considered, and several im-
portant points were decided, which are here stated shortly, for
the consideration of tne reader. The facts of this case were as
under :
2dly, that G. W. was not remitted to his title under the estate tail,
r*9i f;i remitted, as the *estate tail had not been discontinued;
4thly, that the acts done by W. B. did not amount to a dis-
claimer by him of the estate tail, as a party cannot waive an estate
to which he would be remitted, where the remitter would enure to
the benefit of others as well as himself ; 5thly, that the right of
entry first accrued on the death of G. W., in 1779, when there was
first an available right of entry ; and, consequently, that the entry
by W. B. in 1790 was not too late and, 6thly, it was held, revers-
ing the judgment given in the court below, that the entry and re-
mitter of W. B., in 1790, did not operate to remit A. W. (his co-
land by one parcener cannot, since the passing of the statute 3 &
4 Will. 4, c. 27, be considered as the possession of a co-parcener,
and, consequently, that the entry of one cannot have the effect of
vesting the possession in the other.^
The principle embodied in the above maxim likewise applies in
the case of retainer,"^ that is, where a creditor made executor or
principle of retainer is by some writers referred to the maxim, potior est con-
ditio possidentis. See 2 Wms. Exors., 5th ed., 937 (n) ; 2 Fonblan. Eq.,
5th ed., 406 (m).
' A man
cannot be at once actor and reus in a legal proceeding nemo agit
in seipsum —
(Jenk. Cent. 40). See, in support and illustration of this
rule, per Best, C. J., 4 Ring. 151 (13 E. C. L. R.) Faulljnoru. Lowe, 2 Exoh. ;
595 (the authority of which case is questioned per Williams, J., Aulton v.
Atkins, 18 C. B. 253 (86 E. C. L. R.) ; Rose v. Poulton, 2 B. & Aid. 822.
* 3 Com. by Broom & Hadley 11.
« Id. 12. See Thomson v. Harding, 2 E &. B. 630 (75 B. C. L. R.)
216 broom's legal maxims.
In law, the immediate, not the remote, cause of any event is regarded.
" It were infinite for the law to consider the causes of causes,
and their impulsions one of another therefore it contenteth itself ;
entitle the assured to recover upon his policy, the loss must be a
direct and not too remote a consequence of the peril insured against;
and that, if the proximate cause of the loss or injury sustained be
not reducible to some one of the perils mentioned in the policy, the
underwriter will not be liable.'' If, for instance, a merchant vessel
cause damage to the assured." Judgm., Seagrave v. Union Mar. Ins. Co.. L.
R. 1 C. P. 320.
« Hagedorn v. Whitmore, 1 Stark. N. P. C. 157 (2 E. C. L. R.). See Grill
V. General Iron Screw Colliery Co., L. R. 3 C. P. 476 ; s. c, L. R. 1 C. P-
sea, or from fire, but remotely from the negligence of the master
and mariners;^ and, where a ship, insured against the perils of the
sea, was injured by the negligent loading of her cargo by the
natives on the coast of Africa, and being pronounced unseaworthy
was run ashore in order to prevent her from sinking and to save
the cargo, the Court held, that the rule Causa proxima non remota
spectatur must be applied, and that the immediate cause of loss,
viz., the stranding, was a peril of the sea.^
A policy of insurance contained the following clause: that "the
assurers took no risk in port but sea risk." It appeared that the
ship was driven from her moorings, and stranded within the port
of Cadiz; and that while she lay on dry land, and above high-
water mark, she was forcibly taken possession of and burnt by the
French troops. It further appeared that the cargo was not injured
by the stranding, and that no effort was made to unload the ship,
after she was stranded: it was held, that the loss of the cargo must
be attributed to the act of the French, which was a peril not
insured against, and not to the stranding of the vessel, which was
within the words of the policy that, although the stranding of the
' Judgm., Livie v. Janson, 12 Bast 653 ; citing Green v. Elmslie, Peake N.
P. C. 212; Hahn v. Corbett, 2 Bing. 205 (9 E. C. L. R.).
Walker v. Maitland, 5 B. & Aid. 171 (7 E. C. L. R.) Busk v. R. E, A. ;
Co., 11 Peters (U. S.) R. 220, 222, 223 Columbine Insurance Co. ». Law-;
rence, 10 Peters (D. S.) R. 517 The Patapsco Insurance Co. v. Coulter, 3
perils from which they were by the policy warranted free? The
Court unanimously held that the insurers were liable as for a
partial loss in respect of the coffee which remained on board
incapable of being saved —the proximate cause of the loss being a
peril of the sea —but that as to so much of the coffee as was got
ashore, and as to so much as would have been saved but for the
interference of the troops, this was a loss by a consequence of
Powell V. Gudgeon, 5 M. &
S. 431, 436 recognised Sarquy v. Hobson, 4
Bing. 131 (13 E. C. L. R.) Gregson v. Gilbert, cited Park, Mar. Insur., 8th
ed., 138. See also Bradlie v. Maryland Insurance Co., 12 Peters (D. S.) R.
404, 405.
of the light would have been followed by the loss of the ship if the
captain had not been out of his reckoning ? It seems to me that
these two events are too distantly connected with each other to
stand in the relation of cause and effect. I will put an instance of
what I conceive to be 'a consequence of hostilities' within the
meaning of this policy. Suppose there was a hostile attempt to
seize the ship, and the master, in seeking to escape capture, ran
ashore, and the ship was lost? there the loss would be a loss by the
consequences of hostilities within the terms of this exception. Or,
suppose the ship chased by a cruiser, and, to avoid seizure, she
gets into a bay, where there is neither harbor nor anchorage, and
in consequence of her inability to get out she is driven on shore by
the wind, and lost; that again would be a loss resulting from an
attempt at capture, and would be within the exception. But I will
suppose a third case —the ship chased into a bay where she is
unable to anchor or to make any harbor, and putting out again on
a change of wind, but, in pursuing her voyage, encountering a
storm, which, but for the delay she would have escaped, and being
overwhelmed and lost: there, although it may be said that the loss
never would have occurred but for the hostile attempt at seizure,
and that the consequence of the attempt at seizure was the cause
without which the loss would not have happened, yet the proximate
cause of loss would be the perils of the sea, and not the attempt at
order to avoid it, attempts to make the port by the other, and by
unskilful navigation runs aground and is lost — in my opinion that
would not be a loss within the exception, not being a loss proxi-
mately connected with the consequences of hostilities, but a loss by
a peril of the sea, and covered by the policy."
The preceding cases, conjointly with those below cited, in which
the maxim before us has, under different states of facts, been ap-
plied,' will sufficiently establish the general proposition, that, in
order to recover for a loss on a maritime policy, the loss must be
shown to have been directly occasioned by some peril insured
against;^ but this rule, although generally and substantially true,
must not be applied in all cases literally and without qualification.^
Thus, where a loss by fire was one of the perils insured against, and
the loss resulted from fire occasioned by the barratrous act of the
master and crew, it was held, that the loss by fire so caused was not
, „„^ within the policv.*
f So, where salvage
a is decreed by a
; ./
r*223n ./
where the loss resulted from the piratical act of emigrant passengers M'Swi- ;
(94 E. C. L. R.j.
^ See also, per Story, J., Smith v. Universal Insurance Company, 6 Whea-
ton (U. S.) R. 185; per Lord Alvanley, C. J., Hadkinson v. Robinson, 3 B,
& P. 388 i
Phillips v. Nairne, 4 C. B. 343 (56 E. 0. L. R.).
''See 14 Peters (U. S.) R. 108, 110, where several instances are given,
R. 219, 220.
mate cause; and the underwriters are held responsible for the loss
incurred, although salvage be not specifically and in terms insured
Again, it may, in general, be said, that everything which happens
to a ship in the course of her voyage, by the immediate act of God,
without the intervention of human agency, is a peril of the sea;^
for instance, if the ship insured is driven against another by stress
of weather, the injury which she thus sustains is admitted to be
direct,and the insurers are liable for it; but if the collision causes
the ship injured to do some damage to the other vessel, both vessels
being in fault, a positive rule of the Cc^urt of Admiralty requires
that the damage done to both ships be added together, and that the
combined amount be equally divided between the owners of the two;
and, in such a case, if the ship insured has done more damage than
she has received, and is consequently obliged to pay the balance,
this loss can neither be considered a necessary nor a proximate
effect of the perils of the sea. It grows out of a provision of the
law of nations, and cannot be charged upon the underwriters.'
*The maxim before us, however, is not to be applied in
. . . r*224"l
the class of cases above noticed, if it would contravene the '- -'
fundamental rule of insurance law, that the assurers are not liable
for a loss occasioned by the wrongful act of the assured, and the
manifest intention of the parties.* Thus, where a vessel laden with
hides and tobacco had, in the course of the voyage, shipped large
quantities of sea-water, and at the termination of the voyage it was
discovered that the sea-water had rendered the hides putrid, and
that the putrefaction of the hides had imparted an ill flavour to the
' See 14 Peters (U. S.) R. 108, 110. ^ Park, Mar. Insur., 8th ed., 136.
De Vaux v. Salvador,4 A. & E. 420, 431 (31 E. 0. L. R.) (cited 6 E. & B.
790 (88 E. C. L. R.)), the decision in which case is controverted, 14 Peters
(U. S.) R. 111. See per Lord Campbell, C. J., Dowell v. General Steam
Navigation Company, 5 E. & B. 195 (85 E. C. L. R.); per Sir W. Scott, 2
Dods. 85, and the maxim. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non Icedas -post, Chap. —
VI. ? 2.
« Judg., 6 E. & B. 948-9 (88 E. 0. L. R.).
224 broom's legal maxims.
tobacco, and had thereby injured it, it was held that the damage
thus occasioned to the tobacco was a loss by perils of the sea.'
But though the rule adverted to clearly holds in connection with
insurance law, that " no man shall take advantage of his own
wrong "^ the misconduct of the assured need not, in order to
exempt the assurers from liability, be the direct and proximate
cause —the causa causans —of the loss ; if their misconduct was
causa sine qud non,. the efficient cause of the loss, the assured will
gent and improper, though not barratrous, act of the master and
crew, whereby the ship becomes unseaworthy and is lost by perils
of the sea, which otherwise she would have overcome, the under-
writers will be liable.^
Judgm., Thompson v. Hopper, 6 E. & B, 950, 952 (88 E. C .L. R.) (citing
Bell V. Carstairs, 14 East 374, which is a leading case illustrating the quali-
fication of Lord Bacon's maxim adverted to supra). The judgment in Thomp-
son V. Hopper was reversed by the Exch. Ch. which differed from the Q. B.
in regard to the mode of applying the maxim supra. See s. c, E. B. & E.
1038, 1045, 1051 (96 E. C. L. R.), cited Aubei-t & Gray, 3 B. & S. 171-2 (113
E. C. L. R.).
' Sadler v. Dixon, 8 M. & W. 895, cited Wilton v. Atlantic Royal Mail
Steam Company, 10 C. B. N. S. 465 (100 E. C. L. R.).
and the Court held that the plaintiff" was entitled to recover, because
. the damage resulted from the negligence of the Captain in filling his
boiler before the proper timehad arrived for so doing, although it
was urged in argument, that the above maxim applied, and r^oofin
*that the immediate cause of the damage was the act of
Again, — the plaintiff" put on board defendant's barge a quantity
of lime, to be conveyed from the Medway to London ; the master
of the barge deviated unnecessarily from the usual course, and, dur-
ing the deviation, a tempest wetted the lime, and, the barge taking
fire in consequence thereof, the whole was lost. It was held, that
the defendant was liable, and that the cause of loss was sufl^ciently
proximate to entitle plaintiff" to recover under a declaration alleging
the defendant's duty to carry the lime without unnecessary devia-
tion, and averring a loss by unnecessary deviation ; a duty being
implied on the owner of a vessel, whether a general ship, or hired
for the express purpose of the voyage, to proceed without unneces-
sary deviation in the usual course.^
The maxim as to remoteness has an important application in con-
nection with the measure of damages :' the question which in prac-
tice most frequently presents itself, being — the particular item of
damage properly referable to the cause of action alleged and proved
to tell the jury only to give such as, for instance, where the seller brings an
action for the non-acceptance of goods, the price of which has risen since the
contract was made 2dly, general damages, which are such as the jury may
give when the judge cannot point out any measure by which they are to be
assessed except the opinion and judgment of a reasonable man 3dly, special ;
ties at the time they made the contract as the probable result of the
breach of it."^ Of this rule the former alternative clause may be
suflSciently illustrated by cases already cited,^ the latter is, in the
Hodgson V. Sidney, 4 H. & C. 492.
* Which was much considered in Wilson v. Newport Dock Co., 4 H. & C.
» Woodger v. Great Western E. C, L. B. 2 C. P. 318 Theo-
9 Exch. 341 ; ;
& E. 84, 90 (96 E. C. L. R.) Spark v. Heslop, 1 E. & E. 563, 602 (102 E. C.
L. R.).
Mere knowledge on the part of the contractor or bailee might not be suffi-
cient —
it must form part of the contract British Columbia Saw-Mill Co. v. :
applied in an action against the vendor of realty for breach of contract Cory :
96 (115 E. C. L. R.).
' Supra, n. 3. See also Lumley v. Gye, 2 B. & B. 216 (75 E. C. L. R.)
Crouch V. Great Northern R. C, 11 Exch. 742 ; Eandall v. Trimen, 18 C. B.
786 Hill V. Balls, 2 H. & N. 299, 305 Collen
; ; v. Wright, 8 E. & B. 647 (75
' " Dolus here means any wrongful act tending to the damage of another :"
Judgm., 6 E. & B. 948 (88 E. C. L. R.). " There can be no dolus without a
breach of the law:" per Wiles, J. (citing the above maxim), JefiFries v. Alex-
ander, 8 H. L. Cas. 637, and in Thompson v. Hopper, E., B. & E. 104 et vide ;
per Bramwell, B., Id. 1045 per Williams, J., Id. 1054
Fitzjohn v. Mackin-
' Bac. Max., vol. iv., p. 17. ' Bac. Max., reg. 1.
' See Reg. v. Bennett, Bell C. C. 1, where fireworks kept by the prisoner in
house, caused a person's death. Held, that the illegal act of the prisoner in
keeping the fireworks was too remotely connected with the death to support
an indictment for manslaughter.
« Reg. V. Pocoek, 17 Q. B. 34, 39,(79'E. C. L. R.) Reg. v. Hughes, Dearsl. ;
& B. 248. See also Reg. v. Gardner, Dearsl. & B. 40, with which compare
Reg. V. Martin, L. R. 1 C. C. 56.
to keep the wall in repair, yet that which comes by the act
of God, and is so inevitable that it can by no foresight or industry
of him that is bound be prevented, shall not charge such party.*
But there must be no default in the owner for, where the owner ;
of marsh lands was bound by the custom of the level to repair the
sea-walls abutting on his own land, and by an extraordinary flood-
tide the wall was damaged, the Court refused to grant a mandamus
to the commissioners of sewers to reimburse him the expense of the
repairs, it appearing, by affidavit, that the wall had been previously
presented for being in bad repair, and was out of repair at the time
the accident happened.^
In another more recent case, it was held, that a land-owner may
be liable, by prescription, to repair sea-walls, although destroyed
by extraordinary tempest and, therefore, on presentment against
such owner for suffering the walls to be out of repair, it ought not,
in point of law, to be left as the sole question for the jury, whether
the walls were in a condition to resist ordinary weather and tides
but it is a question to be determined on the evidence, whether the
Portsmouth and Ryde Steam Packet Co., 11 Exch. 618; BIyth v. Birmingham
"Waterworks Co., 11 Exch. 781.
' 1 Rep. 97.
^ R. V. Somerset (Commissioners of Sewers), 8 T. R. 312 ; "Wing. Max., p.
* Keighley's Case, 10 Rep. 139 ;
Reg. v. Bamber, 5 Q. B. 279 (48 E. C.
L. R.).
* R. V. Essex (Commissioners of Sewers), 1 B. & C. 477 (8 E. C. L. R.).
231 broom's legal maxims.
the absence of any special contract between the parties, the land-
lord is never liable to rebuild, even if he has received the value
from an insurance office ;* neither is the tenant, since the stat. 6
P^nqq-i rebuilt about seven months after; and it was held that the
relation of *landlord and tenant was not determined by
» Per Tindal, C. J., Simmons v. Norton, 7 Ring. 647, 648 (20 E. C. L. R.);
Cpm. Dig., " Waste'' (E. 5).
Bayne v. Walker, 3 Dow. R. 233 Leeds v. Cheetham, 1 Sim. 146 with which ; ;
East 533, and Spence v. Chodwick, 10 Q. B. 517, 530 (59 E. C. L. R.); per
Lord Campbell, C. J., Hall v. Wright, E., B. & E. 761 (96 E. C. L. R.) per ;
Martin, B., Id. 789; Brown v. Royal Insur. Co., 1 E. & E. 853, 859 (102 E. C.
L. R.) ; arg. Brecknock Co. v. Pritchard, 6 T. R. 751 recognised per Lord
of the premises by fire would not excuse the lessse from payment of the rent
according to his covenant: Hallett v. Wylie, 3 Johnson (U. S.) R. 44.
^ "The act of God is in some cases said to excuse the breach of a contract.
Boast V. Firth, L. B, 4 C. P. 1.
In Hall V. Wright, E., B. & E. 749 (96 E. C. L. B.), Crompton, J., observes,
" Where a contract depends upon personal skill, and the act of God renders
it impossible, as, for instance, in the case of a painter employed to paint a
picture who is struck blind, it may be that the performance might be excused,
and his death might also have the same effect."
And Pollock, C. B., remarks (Id. 793), "All contracts for personal services
which can be performed only during the lifetime of the party contracting,
are subject to the implied condition that he shall be alive to perform them,
and should he die his executor is not liable to an action for the breach of
contract occasioned by his death." See Stubbs v. Holywell B. C, L. E. 2
Ex. 311,314.
Where incapacity to perform a contract is occasioned by the act of God,
the contractor may be justified in determining the contract. See judgm.,
Cuckson V. Stone, 1 E. & B. 257 (102 E. C. L. B.).
to keep it in repair for two years —tte price to be paid upon the
completion of the whole. After some portions of the work had
been finished —other portions being in course of completion — the
premises, with the machinery and materials thereon, were acci-
dentally destroyed by fire: Held, that both parties were excused
from further performance of the contract, but that the plaintiff^
Per Williams, J., 9 C. B. N. S. 747 (99 E. C. L. R.) Com. Dig., " Condi-
tion," L. 12, D. 1; 2 Bla. Com. 2l8t ed., 340; Co. Litt. 206 a; Williams v.
Hide, Palm. R. 548. See Roll. Abr. 450, 451.
'Com. Dig., ''Condition," D. 1; Laughter's Case, 5 Rep. 22; followed in
Jones V. How, infra; Wing. Mas., p. 610. See per Crompton, J., Exposito v.
Bowden, 4 E. & B. 974, 975 (82 E. C. L. R.) s. c, 7 Id. 763 1 B. & S. 194
; ;
(101 E. C. L. R.).
* Jones V. How, 9 C. B. 1 (67 E. C. L. R.) ;cited arg. L. R. 2 C. P. 237. It
In a devise or conveyance of lands, on a condition annexed to
the estate conveyed, which is possible at the time of making it, but
afterwards becomes impossible by the act of God, there, if the
that which he cannot be sure that ho will he able to do (see per Maule, J.,
' Com. Dig. " Condition," D. 1 ; Co. Litt. 206 a; and Mr. Butler's note (1)
Moo. P. C. C. 116.
• Story on Bailments, 5th ed., s. 528 Collins v. Bristol and Exeter R. C, 1
H. & N. 517.
• As to the meaning of this word, see Fenwick v. Schmalz, L. R. 3 C. P.
321. See Sharp v. Grey, 9 Bing. 457 Perren v. Monmouthshire R. and Can.
Co., 11 C. B. 855.
' Per Lord Campbell, C. J., Denton v. Great Northern R. C, 2^ L. J. Q. B.
101, and cases there cited. See Kearon v. Pearson, 7 H. & N. 380.
period of sowing and the severance of the crop and the object of ;
either after the land has been sown, but before severance of the
crop, the occupier, or his personal representatives, as the case may
be, shall be entitled to one crop of that species only which ordi-
narily repays the labor by which it is produced within the
L J year *within which that labor is bestowed, though the crop
may, in extraordinary seasons, be delayed beyond that period.'
The following cases may also be noticed as applicable to the pres-
ent subject, and as showing that death, which is the act of God,
shall not be allowed to prejudice an innocent party if such a result
can be avoided :
—Lessor and lessee, in the presence of lessor's
attorney, signed an agreement that a lease should be prepared by
lessor's attorney, and paid for by lessee. The lease was prepared
accordingly, but the lessor, who had only a life estate in the property
to be demised, died, and the lease consequently was never executed.
It was held, that the lessor's attorney was entitled to recover from
lessee the charge for drawing the lease, for it was known to all the
Kingsbury v. Collins, 4 Bing. 202. See, also, Latham v. Atwood, Cro. Cai;. 515.
notice was posted, the woman had died, and upon this state of facts
the Sessions refused to hear the appeal, considering that the appel-
lant had not complied with the requirements of the statute. But
the Court of Queen's Bench held that as the duty of the appellant
to give the notice in question was cast upon him by the law, not
by his own voluntary contract he was excused from performing
that duty, inasmuch as it had become impossible by the act of God.^
The above general rule must, however, be applied with due cau-
tion:* ex. gr., notice of appeal having been given from the decision
of a revising barrister, a case was thereupon drawn up by the bar-
rister, and approved and signed by the attorneys of the respective
parties ; the revising barrister shortly afterwards died, and the case
approved and signed by the two attorneys was found amongst his
papers, but was not signed hy Mm. The Court of Common Pleas
held, that, under the stat. 6 &
7 Vict. c. 18, s. 42, they had no
and that the case did not fall within
jurisdiction to hear the appeal,
the operation of the general maxim under consideration.* And
where, after the indictment — arraignment—the jury charged —and
evidence given on a trial for a capital oifence, one of the jurymen
became incapable, through illness, of proceeding to verdict, the
court of oyer and terminer discharged the jury, charged a fresh
jury with the prisoner, and convicted him, although it was argued that
actus Dei nemini nocet, and that the sudden illness *was a ^
Godsend, of which the prisoner ought to have the benefit.'' - -•
B. 293 (42 E. C. L. K.). See also per Best, 0. J., Tooth v. Bagwell, 3 Bing.
375 (HE. C. L. R.).
' 15 Q. B. 88 (69 B. C. L. R.).
^ See, also, in further illustration of the maxim as to actus Dei, Newton v.
The law does not seek to compel a man to do that which he cannot possibly
attention must be directed. In the first place, it must see that the
nature of the *necessity pleaded be such as the law itself
L -'
would respect, for there may be a necessity which it would
not. A necessity created by a man's own act, with a fair previous
knowledge of the consequences that would follow, and under cir-
nature. Secondly, that the party who was so placed, used all prac-
do not mean all the endeavors which the wit of man, as it exists in
company, onus lies upon those who contest the demand of fulfil-
ment of proving that it is impossible f if they succeed in doing so,
the doctrine applies that " on mandamus, nemo tenetur ad impossi-
R.) Reg. V. Ambergate, &c., R. C, 1 E. & B. 372, 381 (72 E. C. L. R.). See
Per Lord Campbell, C. J., Reg. v. Ambergate, &c., R. C, 1 B. & B. 380
(72 E. C. L. R.). See Reg. v. Coaks, 3 E. &. B. 249 (77 E. C. L. R.).
244 broom's legal maxims.
upon such paddock the erections complained of, which were reason-
ably required for the purpose of their undertaking. Replication
that though the erections were reasonable, it was not necessary or
L. R.) ;
Wynn v. Shropshire Union R. and Can. Co., 5 Exoh. 420, 440, 441
Doe Lord Anglesey v. Churchwardens of Rugeley, 6 Q. B. 107, 114 (51 E,
C. L. R.). See also Doe d. Lord Grantley v. Butcher, Id. 115 (b).
2 Reid V. Hoskins, 6 E. & B. 953 88 E. C. L. R.) s. c, 5 Id. 729, 4 Id. 979 ;
Avery v. Bowden, 6 E. & B. 953, 962; s. c, 5 Id. 714. See Esposito v. Bow-
den, 4 E. &B. 963 (82E. C. L. R.);s. c, 7Id. 763; 1 B. & S. 194 (101 E. C.
L. R.) Pole V. Cetcovitch, 9 C. B. N. S. 430 (99 E. C. L. R.). Parties may
by apt words bind themselves by a contract as to any future state of the law
per Maule, J., Mayor of Berwick v. Oswald, 3 E. & B. 665 (77 E. C. L. B.)i
s. c, 5 H. L. Cas. 856; Mayor of Dartmouth v. Silly, 7 E. & B. 97 (90 E. C.
L. R.)
V. Fellows, 5 Bing. 265 (15 E. C. L. R.). See also Dodd, Eng. Lawy. 100.
247 broom's legal maxims.
and in Blight v. Page, 3 B. & P. 296, n. See Lloyd v. Crispe, 5 Taunt. 249
(1 E. C. L. B.); Bac. Abr., "Conditions," Q. 4; cited, Thornton v. Jenyns, 1
Scott N. R. 66.
another has contracted to do, certain things, and it should turn out
before anything is done under the contract, that the latter party
was incapable of doing what he engaged to do, the contract is at an
end the party contracting to pay his money is under no obliga-
tion to pay for a less consideration than that for which he has stipu-
lated.^ But if a party by his contract lay a charge upon himself,
he is bound to perform the stipulated act, or to pay damages for
1 Co. Litt. 206 a; Com. Dig., "Condition," D. 1 ; 1 Fonbl. Eq., 5th ed., 212.
per Cockburn, C. J., Earl of Shrewsbury v. Scott, 6 C. B. N. S. ITS
(95 E. C. L. R.). In regard to the distinction between conilitions precedent
and conditions subsequent, the leading case is Egerton v. Earl Brownlow, 4
H. L. Cas. 1. See Clavering v. Ellison, 7 H. L. Cas. 720.
' Chanter v. Leese, 4 M. & W. 295 per Holt, C. J., Courtenay v. Strong,
form it by the party with whom the contract has been made f and
this is in accordance with an- important rule of law, and which we shall
presently consider ; viz., " that a man shall not take advantage of
his own wrong.
To a declaration for breach of promise of marriage, a plea that
after the promise,and before breach, the defendant became afflicted
with disease, which rendered him " incapable of marriage without
great danger of his life, and therefore unfit for the married state,"
was recently held bad,^ in accordance with the general rule that a
Tour, 2 B. &
B. 678 (15 E. C. L. R.) cited and distinguished in Churchward
Qucere, whether the decision in Reg. v. Millis, 10 CI. & F. 534, applies to a
marriage "of necessity entered into where the presence of a minister in holy
where the church has not become void in the lifetime of the wife,
which a man may hold by the curtesy, because it is impossible ever
to have actual seisin of it, and impotentia exeusat legem}
The appellant having applied to justices to state a case under the
stat. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 43, received the case from them on Good
Friday, and transmitted it to the proper Court on the following
Wednesday. He was held to have sufBciently complied with the
requirements of the second section of the Act, which directs that
the case shall be *transmitted by the appellant within three r*2521
days after he has received it; for the offices of the Court
having been closed from Friday till Wednesday it would have been
impossible to have transmitted the case sooner.*
To several maxims in some measure connected with that above
considered, it may, in conclusion, be proper briefly to advert.
First, it is a rule, that lex spectat naturce ordinem,^ the law respects
the order and course of nature, and will not force a man to demand
orders may have been impossible." Per Lord Cranworth, Beamish ». Beam-
ish, 9 H. L. Cas. 348 per Lord Wensleydale, Id. 352.
Murray v. "Walter, 1 Cr. & Ph. 124. See Taylor v. Rundell, Id. 111.
2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 247. ^ Id. 248.
may be circumscribed by the fact of its being impossible to comply with the
statute on the last day of the period so fixed.
that which he cannot recover.^ Thus, where the thing sued for by
tenants in common is in its nature entire, as in a quare impedit, or
in detinue for a chattel, they must of necessity join in the action,
neminem cogit ad vana seu inutilia, —the law will not, in the lan-
guage of the old reports, enforce any one to do a thing which will
East 420 (a) per Willes, J., Bell v. Midland R. C, 10 C. B. N. S. 306 (100
E. C. L. R.).
* "It is said ignorantia juris haud excusat, but in that maxim the word
jus used in the sense of denoting general law, the ordinary law of the
country." " When the word jus is used in the sense of denoting a private
right, that maxim has no application." Per Lord Westbury, Cooper v.
Phipps, L. R. 2 H. L. 170.
' D. 22. 6. 1. The doctrines of the Roman law upon the subject treated in
the text are shortly stated in 1 Spence's Chan. Juris. 632-3.
' D. 22. 6. 9 pr. ; Cod. 1. 18. 10. The same rule is likewise laid down in
the Basilica, 2. 4. 9. See Irving's Civil Law, 4th ed., 74.
^ 2 Rep. 3 b ; 1 Plowd. 343 per Lord Campbell, 9 CI. & F. 324
; ;
per Erie,
C. J., Pooley V. Brown, 11 C. B. N. S. 575 (103 E. C. L. R.) ; Kitchen v.
Hawkins, L. R. 2 C. P. 22.
" Post, p. 267.
* " The maxim is ignorantia legis neminem excusat, but there is no maxim
which says that for all intents and purposes a person must be taken to know
the legal consequences of his acts." Per Lush, J., L. R. 3 Q. B. 639.
In reference the equitable doctrine of election, Lord Westbury, C,
observes, that although " it is true as a general proposition that knowledge
of the law must be imputed to every person,'' " it would be too much to
impute knowledge of this rule of equity.'' Spread v. Morgan, 11 H. L.
Cas. 602.
See also. Noble Noble, L. R. 1 P. & D. 691, 693.
• See per Maule, Martindale v. Falkner, 2 C. B. 719, 720 (52 E. C. L.
is, therefore, in the above qualified sense alone that the saying,
that " all men are presumed cognisant of the law,"' must be under-
The following case, decided by the House of Lords, will illustrate
the above general rule, and will likewise show that our Courts must
necessarily recognise the existence of doubtful points of law, since
the adjustment of claims involving them is allowed to be a good
consideration for a promise,^ and to sustain an agreement between
the *litigating parties : —The widow, brother, and sister, of
-'an American who died in Italy, leaving considerable per-
sonal estate in the hands of trustees in Scotland, agreed, by advice
of their law agent, to compromise their respective claims to the
succession, by taking equal shares. The widow, after receiving her
share, brought an action in Scotland to rescind the agreement, on
the ground of having thereby sustained injury, through ignorance
of her legal rights and the erroneous advice of the law agent; there
was, however, no allegation of fraud against him or against the
parties to the agreement. It was held, that, although the fair
inference from the evidence was, that she was ignorant of her legal
rights, and would not have entered into the agreement had she
known them, yet as the extent of her ignorance and of the injury
sustained was doubtful, and there was no proof of fraud or. im-
proper conduct on the part of the agent, she was bound by his acts,
from this rule, coupled with that as to ignorance of fact, are de-
East 38 per Lord Eldon, C., Bromley v. Holland, 7 Ves. jun. 23 Lowry v.
3 B. & P. 420 Dew v. Parsons, 2 B. & Aid. 562 (22 E. C. L. R.). See arg.
(C.) of the rent then due. A., notwithstanding this notice, paid the
rent to B. and was afterwards compelled, by distress, to pay the
amount over again to 0. Held, that the money having been paid
to B. with full knowledge of the facts, could not be recovered
In an action for money paid to the defendant's use by drawer
against acceptor of an accommodation bill, the plaintiff must show
not merely that the money paid pro tanto discharges the liability of
the acceptor to the holder of the bill, but also that it was paid at
Higgs V. Scott, 7 0. B. 63 (62 E. C. L. E.)- See Wilton v. Dunn, 17 Q. B.
294 (79 E. C. L. R.)-
' V. Sleigh, 5 Exch. 514.
Per Patteson, J., Duke de Cadaval v. Collins, 4 A. & E. 866 (31 E. C. L.
7 H, & N. 925, 926 (cited, ante, p. 169). As to the question',— when may
an account settled between parties be reopened on the ground of error? see
M'Kellar v. Wallace, 8 Moore P. C. C. 378 Perry v. Attwood, 6 E. & B. 691
(88 B. C. L. E.).
• D. 12. 6. 1.
had and The principle, it has been said,'' upon which the
action for money had and received to recover money paid by mis-
take is maintainable, is clear and simple " No man should by law —
be deprived of his money which he has parted with under a mistake,
and where it is against justice and conscience that the receiver should
retain it. If A. pay money to B. supposing him to be the agent of
C, to whom he owes the money, and B. be not the agent, it may be
"•"recovered back again. If A. and B. are settling an r^.TKQ-i
account, and make a mistake in summing up the items
A. paysB. lOOZ. too much he may recover it back again;" but the
law is different where money is paid with full knowledge of the facts.'
and the money would not have been paid if it had been known to
the payer that the fact was untrue, an action will lie to recover it
back, and it is against conscience to retain it,* though a demand may
be necessary in those cases in which the party receiving may have
been ignorant of the mistake. If, indeed, the money is intentionally
paid, without reference to the truth or falsehood of the fact, the
plaintiff, being a mere volunteer,' or if the plaintiff mean to waive
1 Moo. & Rob. 293; Strickland v. Turner, 7 Exch. 208; cited per Pollock, C.
B., 8 Exch. 49; Mills v. Alderbury Union, 3 Exoh. 590; Barber v. Brown, 1
C. B. N. S. 121 (87 E. C. L. R.).
"It seems from a long series of cases from Kelly ». Solari {supra), down to
Dails V. Lloyd, 12 Q. B. 531 (64 E. C. L. R.), that where a party pays money
under a mistake of fact he is entitled to recover it back although he may at ,
the time of the payment have had means of knowledge of which he has
neglected to avail himself;" per Erie, C. J., Townsend v. Crowdy, 8 C. B. N.
S. 493-4 (98 E. C. L. R.) Stewart v. London and Northwestern R. C, 3 H.
& C. 135.
2 Per Kelly, C. B., Freeman v. Jeffries, L. R. 4 Ex. 197, 198.
' Ante, p. 257.
* v. Duncan, 6 B. & C. 671 (13 E. C. L. R.); Bize v. Dickason,
See Milnes
1 T. R. 285; cited per Mansfield, 0. J., Brisbane v. Dacres, 5 Taunt. 162 (1
E. C. L. R.) Harris v. Lloyd, 5 M. & W. 432. It is a good plea to an action
all inquiry into the fact,' and that the person receiving shall have
the money at all events whether it be true or false, the latter is
render him liable, it must be shown that there was a previous authority or an
adoption of the payment;" per Martin, B., Wycombe Union v. Eton Union,
1 II. & N. 699.
1 Per Willes, J., Townsend v. Crowdy, 8 C. B. N. S. 490 (98 B. C. L. R.).
2 Per Parke, B., Kelly v. Solari, 9 M; & "W. 58, 59, recognised Bell v.
Gardiner, 4 Scott N. B. 621, 633, 634; per Ashhurst, J., Chatfield v. Paxton,
cited 2 East 471, n. (a). See D 22. 6. 9. ? 2.
' Per Parke, B., 9 M. & W. 58, 59, controverting the dictum of Bayley, J.,
Moo. & Rob. 293; Bell v. Gardiner, 4 Scott N. R. 621, 635. See per Dallas,
C. J., Martin v. Morgan, 1 B. & B. 291 (5 E. C. L. R.).
* Per Coltman, J., 4 Scott N. R. 633.
general rule, in accordance with tl*e maxim of the civil law, non
videntur qui errant consentire,^ that equity will relieve where an
act has been done, or contract made, under a mistake, or ignorance
'^^ ^ material fact;^ and, on the other hand, it is *laid down
as a general proposition, that in Courts of equity the igno-
rance of the law shall not affect agreements, nor excuse from the
legal consequences of particular apts,* and this rule, as observed by
Mr. J. Story, is fully borne out by the authorities.* For instance,
a bill was filed, to redeem an annuity, suggesting that it was part
of the agreement, that it should be redeemable, but that the clause
for redemption was left out of the annuity deed, under the idea
that, if inserted, the transaction would be usurious: the Court
refused relief, no case of fraud being established by the evidence.*
R. V. Eve, 5 A. & E. 780 (31 E. C. L. R.) ; Bodfield v. Padmore, Id. 785, n.
^D. 50. 17. 116, §2.
^ 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6fch ed., 165. See Scott v. Littledale, 8 E. & B. 815
(92 E. C. L. R.) ;
Simmons v. Heseltine, 5 0. B. N. S. 554, 565 (94 E. C. L.
Lord Eldon, C, Marquis Townshend v. Stangroom, 6 Ves. jun. 3o2 per Lord ;
by all parties, and after the death of one of the authors of the
settlement, especially where subsequent family arrangements have
proceeded on the footing of that construction.^ It is, however,
well settled that a Court of equity will relieve against a mistake or
ignorance of fact; and in several cases, which are sometimes cited
as exceptions to the general rule as to ignorantia juris, it will be
found that there was a mistake or misrepresentation of fact suffi-
brother, who was executor under the will, Lord Talbot, C, expressed
an opinion^ that the release should be set aside, and the daughter
^® restored to her orphanage *share, which amounted to up-
wards of 40,000Z. The decision thus expressed seems, in
part, to have rested on'the ground, thatthe daughter hadnot been in-
informed of the actual amount to which she would be entitled under the
custom, and did not appear to have known that she was entitled to
that when she should be fully apprised of this, and not till then,
Cockerillv. Cholmeley, 1 Russ. & My. 418, 424, 425 s. c, affirmed 1 CI. & F.
60; and see s. c, 3 Russ. 565, where the facts are set out at length; Marq. of
Breadalbane v. Marq. of Chandos, 2 My. & Cr. 711 s. c, 4 CI. & F. 43. ;
mistake kills one of his own family, this is no criminal action ; but
if a man thinks he has a right to kill a person excommunicated or
outlawed wherever he meets him, and does so, this is wilful murder.
For a mistake in point of law, which every person of discretion
not only may, but is bound and presumed to know, is, in criminal
cases, no sort of defence.^ Ignorantia eorum quce quia scire tene-
tur non excusat?
' See 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., 133 etseq.; per Lord Cottenham, C,
Stewart v. Stewart, 6 CI. & Fin. 964-971. See also Spence, Chanc. Juris. 633
et seq.
4 Com. by Broom & Hadley 26 ; Doct. and Stud., Dial. ii. c. 46. A plea
of ignorance of the law was rejected in Lord Vaux's Case, 1 Bulstr. 197.
one must be taken conclusively to know it without proof that he does know
it:" per Tindal, C. J., 10 CI. & F. 210.
Per Sir W. Scott, The Charlotta, 1 Dods. K. 392; per Lord Hardwicke,
Middleton v. Croft, Stra. 1056; per Pollock, C. B., Cooper v. Simmons, 7 H. &
N. 717 i
The Katherina, 30 L. J., P., M. & A. 21.
2 V. Bailey, Buss. & Ry. 1
R. R. v. Esop, 7 C. & P. 456 (32 E. C. L. R.).
per Alderson, J., Winter v. Henn, 4 C. & P. 498 {19 E. C. L. R.). As to the
application and meaning of the maxim, Volenti non fit injuria, in the eccle-
siastical courts, see per Sir J. Nicholl, Rogers v. Rogers, 3 Hagg. 57 cited, ;
sedge, Id. 92 2 Curt. 213 ; Shelf, on Marriage and Div. 445 et seq.
an adjacent field, the case would be very difierent, for the falling
into it would then be the act of the injured party himself.*
Again, if an action be brought for slander of title, the special
damage laid being, that a third party was thereby deterred from
purchasing the lands in question and the plaintiif was prevented
from disposing of the same, the action will fail if it appear that,
a resolution upon which the order appealed against was founded, was
held disentitled to appeal against the order.^
Dames, Id. 311, and cases citei post, Chap. VI. sect. 2.
* Judgm., Jordin v. Crump, 8 M. & W. 787, 788. See also Home v. Wid-
lake, Yelv. 141 cited and followed per Ruggles, C. J., Hamilton v. White, 1
Selden (U. S.) R. 12, 13. And see the cases hereafter cited in connection
with Jcrdin Crump, supra, and Barnes v. Ward, 9 C. B. 392
v. (67 E. C. L.
K.) ; with which ace. Hadley v. Taylor, L. R. 1 C. P. 53.
» Kendall v. Stone, 1 Selden (D. S.) R. 14.
« Harrup v. Bayley, 6 B. & B. 224 (88 E. C. L. R.).
There is also a large class of cases in which it has been held, that
money paid voluntarily cannot be recovered, although the original
payment was not required by any equitable consideration; and
these cases are very nearly allied in principle to those which have
been considered in treating of a payment made in ignorance of the
Thus, an occupier of lands, during a course of twelve years, paid
the property-tax to the collector, under stat. 46 Geo. 3, c. 65, and
an action for money had and received against the landlord, for any
part of the tax so paid, on the ground that the payment being vol-
untary, could not, according to the principle above stated, be recov-
ered.* So, where a tenant pays property-tax assessed on the pre-
See remarks on the maxim Sic utere tuo utalienum non lcedas,post, Chap.
VI. § 2.
2 Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., Bize v. Dickason, 1 T. R. 286, 287 Farmer v. ;
officii,^ be recovered.
All the cases, indeed, upon this subject, show, that where a
party is in, claiming under legal process, the owner of the goods
contending that the possession is illegal and paying money to avert
action for money had and received, if the claim turns out to have
been unfounded.
Where, on the contrary, money is voluntarily paid, with full
knowledge of all the facts, ^ or where a party pays the money,
Fulham v. Down, 6 Esp. 26, note ; Bull. N. P. 131 ; cited, 8 T. R. 576 ; Spragg
V. Hammond, 2 B. & B. 59 (6 E. C. L. R.) per ;
Dallas, C. J., Andrew v. Han-
cook, 1 B. & B. 43 (5 E. C. L. R.).
'Gumming v. Bedborough, 15 M. & W. 438 ; "Franklin v. Carter, 1 C. B.
750 (50 E. C. L. R.). See Payne v. Burridge, 12 M. & W. 727 Sweet v. Sea- ;
R.), which case is commented on, Parker «. Bristol and Exeter B. C, 6 Exch.
704, 706.
' Gates V. Hudson, 6 Exch. 346. See Kearns v. Duiell, 6 C. B. 596 (60 E.
C. L. R.).
Steele v. Williams, 8 Exch. 625 ; Traherne v. Gardner, 5 E. & B. 913 (85
E. C. L. R.) ; Re Combs, 4 Exch. 839, 841.
' Remfry v. Butler, E., B. & E. 887, 897 (96 E. C. L. R.), followed in Stray
V. Russell, 1 E. & E. 905, 911 (102 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c. Id. 916 ;
Chapman ».
time of paying the money, the party gives notice that he intends
to resist the claim, and that he yields to it merely for the purpose
of *relieving himself from the inconvenience of having his rH!97j.-i
L *" J
goods sold.'
so paid as money had and received to her use. " The interest of
the plaintiff," observed Tindal, C. J., " to prevent the sale, by sub-
mitting to the demand, was so great, that it may well be said, the
payment was made under what the law calls a species of duress."
The plaintiff having, in the month of August, pawned some
goods with the defendant for 201., without making any agreement
for interest, went in the October following to redeem them, when
the defendant insisted on having lOL, as interest for the 201. The
plaintiff tendering him 20Z., and il. for interest, knowing the same
to be more than the legal interest amounted to, the defendant still
insisted on having 10?. as interest; whereupon the plaintiff, finding
that he could not otherwise get his goods back, paid defendant the
sum which he demanded, and brought an action for the surplus
beyond the legal interest as money had and received to his use.
The Court held, that the action would well lie, for it was a payment
by compulsion.*
*In connection with cases such as the foregoing, it may |-^p_,-,
L -
be well to add that "the compulsion of law which entitles
a person paying the debt of another to recover against that other
pulsion of the law to entitle a person who has paid the debt, in
money was paid through necessity and the urgency of the case, it
but is told he cannot take him until he pays the bill, and he pays the bill
accordingly and gets his horse. Can C, who in order to get his horse is
obliged to pay the debt of another, sue that other in an action for money
paid? We are clearly of opinion that he could."
' Anon. V. Pigot, cited 2 Bsp. 723.
See Traherne v. Gardner, 5 E. & B.
913 (85 E. C. L. R.).
' Pickford v. Grand Junction R. C, 10' M. & W. 399. See Kent v. Great
Western R. C, 3 C. B. 714 (54 E. C. L. R.).
* Parker v. Great Western R. C, 7 M. & Gr. 253
(49 E. C. L. B.) cited, per ;
Williams, J;, Kearns v. Durell, 6 C. B. 602 (60 E. C. L. R.), and per Cress-
well, J., Devaux v. Connolly, 8 C. B. 657 (65 E. C. L. R.).
release, agreed in writing to pay 500Z., and to give bail for the
remainder of the sum. The 500?. was to be as a payment in part
of the writ, and both parties were to abide the event of the action,
the agreement containing no provision for refunding the money if
the action should fail. The 5001. was accordingly paid, and an
action having been brought to recover it back, the jury found for
the plaintiff, and that the defendant knew that he had no claim
upon the plaintiff. The Court of Queen's Bench discharged
a rule
for a new trial or to enter a nonsuit, on the ground that the arrest,
according to the finding of the jury, was fraudulent, and that the
money was parted with under the arrest to get rid of the pressure :^
it being a true position that, " if an undue advantage be taken of
Woods, 2 Exch. 395 Skeate «. Beale, 11 A. & E. 983, 990 {39 E. C. L. R.)
L. R.) Co. Litt. 146, b Jenk. Cent. 209; 2 Inst. 713 D. 50. 17. 134, § 1.
; ;
" No man is allowed to take advantage of his own wrong far less of his ;
wrong intention which is not expressed ;" per Willes, J., Rumsey v. North
Eastern R. C, 14 C. B. N. S. 653 (78 E. C. L. R.).
It " is contrary to all legal principle" that " the plaintiff can take advantage
of his own wrong." Per Willes, J., Ames v. Waterlow, L. R. 5 C. P. 55.
See also Dean, &o., of Christ Church v. Duke of Buckingham, 17 C. B. N.
S. 391 (112 E. C. L. R.).
' 2 Hale P. C. 386.
'Hale P. C. 482.
Dodd. 220, 221. See Perry v. Fitzhowe, 8 Q. B. 757 (55 B. C. L. R.), and
analogous cases cited post, Chap. VI. ? 2, ad fin.
' See Carmichael v. Carmiohael, 2 Phill. 101 Paull v. Simpson, 9 Q. B. ;
ing through a Ledge, -which had been kept by him in good repair,
because B.'s negligence was causa sine qud non of the mischief.'
So if a man be bound to appear on a certain day, and before that
day the obligee put him in prison, the bond is void.^
Hyde v. Watts' is strikingly illustrative of the maxim, that a man
shall not be permitted to take advantage of his own wrong. That
was an action of debt for work and labor, to which the defendant
pleaded a release under an indenture or trust deed for the benefit
of such of his creditors as should execute the same. The replica-
tion set out the indenture in hcec verba, by which it appeared that
the defendant covenanted, inter alia, to insure his life for 1500Z.,
and to continue the same so insured during a period of three years
and, in case of his neglect or refusal to eflfect or to keep on foot this
insurance, the indenture was to be utterly void to all intents and
purposes whatsoever :
—breach, that the defendant did not insure
his life, whereby the said indenture became utterly void. The ma-
terial question in the above case was, whether the deed, in ease of a
L. R.).
» 12 M. & W. 254, and cases cited, Id. 262, 263.
3 Smith V. Malings, Cro. Jac. 160. See The Mayor of Poole v. Whitt, 15
M. & "W. 571 Selby v. Browne, 7 Q. B. 632 (53 E. C. L. R.).
" Walker's Case, 3 Rep. 22; Wing. Max., p. 569. See Boodle v. Cambell,
8 Scott N. R. 104.
« Judgm., Doe d. Levy v. Home, 3 Q. B. 766 (43 E. C. L. R.) ; cited, per
Alderson, B., 15 M. & W. 576.
« 2 Shepp. Touchst., by Preston, 286.
day, and before that day the feoffor disseise the feoffee, and hold
him out by force until the day be past in this case, the estate of
the feoffee is absolute, because the feoffor shall not take advantage
To an action of covenant against a master for not teaching his
^PP'"^"''ice, it is a good plea that the *apprentice would
not be taught, and by his own wilful act prevented the
master from teaching him, for "the cause of the apprentice not
being taught is that he has made it impossible, and the master
cannot be called on to perform an impossibility."^
1 Co. Litt. 206, b.
Com. Dig., " Condition'' (D. 1). See Hayward v. Bennett, 3 C. B. 404
(54 E. C. L. R.); s. c, 5 Id. 593.
' Keys V. Harwood, 2 C. B. 905 (52 E. 0. L. R.).
' M'Intyre v. Belcher, 14 C. B. N. S. 654 (78 E. C. L. R.).
5 Stirling v. Maitland, 5 B. & S. 840, 853 (117 E. C. L. R.) citing Charnley ;
Fletcher, 1 H. & N. 915, and per Jervis, C. J., 6 E. & B. 961 (88 B. C. L. R.)
Bartholomew v. Markwick, 15 C. B. N. S. 711, 716 (109 E. C. L. R.) per ;
the person mixing them, the other party cannot tell what was the
original value of his property, he must have the whole.^ "At law,"
remarks Lord Kedesdale, in Bond n. Hopkins,* "fraud destroys
rights — if I mix my corn with another's he takes all ;° but if I induce
another to mix his corn with mine, I cannot then insist on having
the whole, the law in that case does not give me his corn." So,
where the plaintiff, pretending title to hay standing in defendant's
land, mixed some of his own with it, it was held that the defendant
thereby became entitled to the hay.°
By the mixture of bales of cotton on board ship, and their be-
coming undistinguishable by reason of the action of the sea, and
In general, the act of the officer is, in point of law, the act of
the sheriff, yet, where the officer is guilty of misconduct, and that
misconduct is produced by the act of the execution creditor, it is
not competent to the latter to say that the act of the officer, done
in breach of his duty *to the sheriff, and induced by the
execution creditor himself, is the act of the sheriff.^ Also, - -
if a man employs an
attorney to defend an action in which he has
no and the attorney defends the action accordingly, it does
not lie in the mouth of the person who employs him to say that he
was guilty of maintenance in employing him/
Again, where a party is sued by a wrong name, and suffers judg-
ment to go against him, without attempting to rectify the mistake,
Fisher v. Magnay, 6 Scott N. R. 588 Morgan v. Bridges, 1 B. & Aid. 647.
' 13 Peters (U. S.) R. 428. See Judgm., Trun^an v. Loder, 11 A. & E.
594-5 (39 E. C. L. R.).
6 Per Tindal, C. J., Emerson v. Brown, 8 Scott N. R. 222.
' Per Pollock, C. B., Tiling v. Hodgson, 13 M. & W. 638.
287 broom's legal maxims.
r*2881 ^PP^^^^ ^^ promote the ends of justice, *in various and dis-
similar circumstances. The maxim under review apphes
also with peculiar force to that very extensive class of cases in
which fraud is alleged to have been committed by one of the parties
to a transaction, and is relied upon as a defence by the other.
Both Courts of equity and Courts of law have, it has been observed
by Lord Mansfield, a concurrent jurisdiction to suppress and relieve
against fraud, although the interposition of the former is often
necessary for the better investigation of the truth, and in order to
dell, 17 Q. B. 390 (79 B. C. L. R.) Fermor's Case (3 Rep. 77), is also a lead-
ing case to show that the Courts will not sustain or sanction a fraudulent
transaction. In that case it was held, that a fine fraudulently levied by lessee
for years should not bar the lessor and see the law on this subject stated per
reasons, that the gift was fraudulent within the statute 1st, this :
gift has the signs and marks of fraud, because it is general, without
the donor possessed the goods and used them as his own, and fraud
is always apparelled and clad with trust, and a trust is the cover
of fraud ; and, 6thly, the deed states, that the gift was made
honestly, truly, and bond fide, and clausulce inconsuetce semper in-
dueunt suspieionem unusual clauses always excite suspicion.
In the foregoing case, it will be observed, that the principal
transaction was invalidated on the ground of fraud, according to
the principle, that a wrongful or fraudulent act shall not be allowed
to conduce to the advantage of the party who committed it nul ;
tindale v. Booth, 3 B. & Ad. 498 (23 E. C. L. R.). See this subject considered
in the Note to Twyne's Case, 1 Smith L. C, 6th ed., 1 ;
arg. Wheeler v.
R.) per Lord Ellenhorough, 0. J., Leonard v. Baker, 1 M. & S. 253 (28
E. C.
L. R.).
» 2 Inst. 713 ; Branch, Max., 5th ed., p. 141.
cussed in connection with the maxim, In pari delicto potior est con-
r+OQ-i n
It further appeared that no *claim had been made by the
plaintiff after the seizure, and that the plaintiff had con-
sulted with the execution creditor as to the disposal of the property,
without mentioning his own claim, after he knew of the seizure,
and of the intention to sell the goods ; it was held, that a jury
might properly infer, from the plaintiff's conduct, that he had
authorized the sale, and had, in point of fact, ceased to be the owner
and Lord Denman, C. J., in delivering the judgment of the Court,
laid down the following principle, which will be found applicable to
a large class of cases, and results directly from the maxim that no
man shall take advantage of Ms «wn wrong. " The rule of law,"
said his lordship, "is clear, that, where one, by his words or con-
duct, wilfully causes another to believe the existence of a certain
state of things, and induces him to act on that belief, so as to alter
pare Richards v. Johnston, 4 H. & N. 660. See Machu v. London and South
Western R. C, 2 Esch. 420 ; Foster v. Mentor Life Assurance Co., 3 E.'& B.
48 (77 E. C. L. R.).
' 10 A. & E. 90, 98 (37 E. C. L. R.). See Doe d. Groves v. Groves, 10 Q.
B. 486 (59 E. C. L. R.) ; Nickells v. Atherstone, Id. 944, 949.
584, 594, 597 North British Australasian Co., 2 H. & C. 175, 188,
Swan v.
S. 289 (89 E. C. L. R.) per Erie, C. J., White, app.. Greenish, resp., 11 C.
6 H. L. Cas. 655-6.
' Lord Chelmsford, C, 6 H. L. Cas. 656. See also in illustration
V-ide per
Martyn v. Gray, 14 C. B. N. S. 824 (108 E. C. L. R.) Stephens o.
of the text, ;
lead others to act upon and they have done so to their prejudice,
™*^® * verbal representation, on *the faith of which
another has acted, shall not afterwards be allowed to con-
a Court of law to rescind his own act, on the ground that such act
was a fraud on another person, whether the party seeking to do
this has sued in his own name or jointly with such other person.
L. R.) Fetch v. Lyon, 9 Q. B. 147, and cases there cited Braithwaite v. Gar-
; ;
Grote, Id. 359, where an agent represented himself as principal (citing Biok-
erton v. Burrell, 5 M. & S. 383) Humble v. Hunter, 12 Q. B. 310 (64 B. C.
L. R.).
Gibson ». Minet (in error), 1 H. Bla. 569.
Per Lord Tenterden, C. J., Jones v. Yates, 9 B. & C. 538 (17 E. C. L. R.)
6 ;
Sparrow v. Chisman, Id. 241 Wallace v. Kelsall, 7 M. & W. 264 which cases
; ;
Scott, 7 E. &
are recognised, Gorden v. Ellis, 8 Scott N. R. 305 ; Brandon v.
E. L. R.) Husband v. Davis, 10 C. B. 645 (70 E. C. L. R.).
B. 234 (90 C. ;
incident thereto ; ex. gr. where a lease has been forfeited,* and the
landlord can elect whether to enter or not ; if either by word or by
act he determine that the lease shall continue, and communicates
his determination to the tenant, the election is completed, and the
rule applies that "if a man once determines his election, it shall
"In order," however, "that a person who is put to his election should
be concluded by it, two things are necessary: — 1st, a full know-
ledge of the nature of the inconsistent rights and of the necessity
of electing between them 2d, an intention to elect manifested,
The following cases also illustrate the maxim that a man shall not be per-
mitted to take advantage of his own wrong or default respecting the right to;
= Cited per Martin, B., and Wilde, B., 6 H. & N. 787, 79.2.
« Per Blackburn, J., 10 H. L. Cas. 420-1 citing Clarke v. Dickson, E., B.
& E. 148 (96 E. C. L. R.), and Feret v. Hill, 15 C. B. 207 (80 E. C. L. R.)
' 10 H. L. Cas. 404.
and after his election, of which he was not aware, but before his
the rule that "no man shall take advantage of his own wrong,"
various instances are put by a learned judge,^ exemplifying that the
rule in question " only applies to the extent of undoing the advan-
tage gained, where that can be done, and not to the extent of tak-
ing away a right previously possessed." The instances adduced
are as under :
— " If A. lends a horse who uses it and puts it
to B.,
in his stable, and A. comes for it, and B. is away and the stable
locked, and A. breaks it open and takes his horse, he is liable to an
action for the trespass to the stable ; and yet the horse could not
entry, he could not be turned out if his title were good. So, if
will sell him more goods on credit if he pays what he already owes,
and he does so, and I refuse to sell, I may retain the money. So,
if I force another from a fishing-ground at sea, and catch fish, the
fish are mine."
The maxim, moreover, according to the opinion of the learned
judge whose words have been above cited, " is never applicable
where the right of a third party is to be aifected. * * * Can one
man by his wrongful act to another *deprive a third of r*qof)-i
his right against that other ? * * A. obtains goods from
B. under a contract of sale, procured by A. from B. by fraud. A.
sells to C. ; C. may retain the goods.^ Surely A. might recover
the price from C. at which he sold to him ;
yet he would in so doing
take advantage of his own wrong. So, if my lessee covenants at
the end of his term to deliver possession to me, and in order to do
so forcibly evicts one to whom he had sub-let for a longer term, and
I take possession without notice, surely I can keep it ; at least, at
the common law I could, So, if a sub-lessee at an excessive rent
purposely omits to perform a covenant, the performance of which
would be a performance of the lessee's covenant to his lessor, and
by such non-performance the lessee's covenant is broken, and the
first lessor enters and avoids the lease and evicts the sub-lessee, the
sub-lessee may defend himself against a claim for rent by his lessor ;^
yet there he takes advantage of his own wrong, because of the right
of the third person. So, if I sell goods, the property not to pass
till payment or tender, and the vendee has a week in which to pay,
and during that week I resell and deliver to a third person, no
action is maintainable against me as for a detention or conversion,
amount to trespasses.'
For instance, the law gives authority to enter into a common inn
or tavern in like manner to the owner of the ground to distrain
^ The remarks in illustration of the, maxim Actus nonfacit reum nisi mens
sitrea {post, p. 306), should be read in connection with those which imme-
diately follow.
See North v. London and South "Western R. C, 14 0. B. N. S. 132 (108
E. C. L. R.).
' The Six Carpenters' Case, 8 Rep. 290 per Erie, J., Ambergate, &e., R.
' Per Littledale, J., Smith v. Egginton, 7 A. & B. 176 (34 E. C. L. R.) ; dis-
tinguished in Moone v. Rose, L. R. 4 Q. B. 486, 492 (45 E. C. L R.). See
Taylor v. Cole, 3 T. R. 292.
^ Price V. Woodhouse, 1 Exch. 559.
^ Aitkenhead v. Blades, 5 Taunt. 198 (1 E. C. L. R.). See Ash v. Dawnay,
8 Exch. 237; Percival Stamp, 8 Exch. 167; cited, ^osi.
* Where the entry is effected in an unlawful manner, trespass of course
1 East 139.
' Harvey v. Pocock, 11 M. & W. which compare Price v. Wood-
740, with
house, 1 Exch. 559. As by the landlard of the act
to the effect of ratification
of the bailiff, see Lewis v. Read, 13 M. & W. 834, and oases cited, post, Chap.
any act subsequently done by him but the party grieved may
they came there by his own act.^ So, a man may sometimes justify
an entry on his neighbor's land to retake his own property which
has by accident been removed thither ; as in the instance of fruit
falling into the ground of another, or in that of a tree which is
blown down, or, through decay, falls into the ground of a neighbor:
in these cases, the owner of the fruit or of the tree may, by his plea,
show the nature of the accident, and that he was not responsible for
it,and thus justify the entry .^ This distinction must, however, be
remarked, that, if the fruit or tree had fallen in the particular direc-
tion in consequence of the owner's act or negligence, he could not
justify the entry.*
Another case also occurs, in which the law presumes a license,
Thus, if A. wrongfully place goods in B.'s building, B. may lawfully
go upon A.'s close adjoining the building, for the purpose of remov-
ing and depositing the goods there for A.'s use; that is to say, the
law allows a person to enter into a plaintiff's own close, for the pur-
^ Yin. Abr., " Trespass," (1) a cited, 3 M. & W. 485, and arg. Williams ».
c. 19, s. IJ
Lastly, it was resolved in the principal case, that a *mere
non-feasance will not make a man a trespasser ab initio.^ *-
' Vin. Abr., " Trespass," 516, pi. 17 (I. a) ; Roll. Abr. I. pi. 17, p. 566 ;
* " The law of England appears to me, both in spirit and in principle, to
prevent persons from redressing their grievances by their own act " per Pol- :
dal, C. J., and Park, J., 8 Bing. 192, 193 2 Roll. R. 55, 56, 208 6 M. & Gr.
; ;
» 8 Rep. 290 ;
West v. Nibbs, 4 C. B. 172, 187 (56 E. C. L. R.). See Gard-
306 broom's legal m,axims.
(3 Inst. 107.)
The act itself does not make a man guilty unless Ms intention were so.
Having just seen that the law will, in some cases, imply the
nature of a previous intention from a subseqiient act, we purpose in
the next place to consider the maxim, Actus non facit reum nisi
mens sit rea, with reference mainly to penal statutes, to criminal
law, and to civil proceedings for slander and libel; for, although
the principle involved in it applies in many other cases,' we shall
defer for the present the consideration of its meaning when so
applied, and restrict our remarks almost wholly in this place to an
examination of the important doctrine of criminal intention.
"Itis," says Lord Kenyon, C, J.,^ "a principle of natural jus-
tice and of our law, that the intent and the act must both concur
to constitute the crime;" "a man," as remarked by Erie, C. J,'
"cannot be said to be guilty of a delicit, unless to some extent his
mind goes with the act," and the first observation which suggests
^*®^^^ ^'^ limitation of the principle thus enunciated is, that
whenever *the law positively forbids a thing to be done, it
Martin, B., Id. 86. See Re Humphreys, 14 Q. B. 388 (68 E. C. L. R.J ; Reg.
infraction of tbe law the intention to break the law must be inferred,
where a man publishes a work manifestly obscene he must
ex. gr.,
be taken to have had the intention which is implied from that act.'
So it has been held,^ that a dealer in tobacco, having in his pos-
session adulterated tobacco, although ignorant of the adulteration,
is liable under the stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 93, s. 3, to the penalties
therein mentioned, and this decision merely aflSrms the principle
established in previous cases,' and shows that penalties may be in-
cessary to prove that the defendant knew .that the plaintiff was the
author inasmuch as he had infringed property of the plaintiff pro-
much considered, Bramwell, B., observes, " I think it cannot properly be said
that a man does an act with intent, unless he intends the act to bring about
the thing intended, or unless the act is particularly fitted to do so."
2 Reg. V. Woodrow, 15 M. & W. 404.
' Per Pollock, C. B., Atkyns v. Kinnier, 4 Esch. 782. See 24 & 25 Vict. c.
98, s. 14.
308 broom's legal maxims.
proved that the act of .killing was intentional, and done without
any justification or excusable cause. ^ And it is, as a general pro-
position, true, that if an act manifestly unlawful and dangerous be
done deliberately, the mischievous intent will be presumed, unless
the contrary be shown.*
It is also a rule, laid down by Lord Mansfield, and which has
been said to comprise all the principles of previous decisions upon
this subject,^ that, so long as an act rests in bare intention, it is
not punishable by our law ; but when an act is done, the law
judges not only of the act itself, but of the intent with which it was
done ; and if the act be coupled with an unlawful and malicious in-
tent, though in itself the act would otherwise have been innocent,
Per Lord Campbell, 9 CI. & Fin. 321 per Littledale, J., R. v. Moore, 3
B. & Ad. 188 (23 E. C. L. R.), and in Reg. v. Lovett, 9 C. & P. 466 (38 E. C.
L. R.) ;
per Lord EUenborough, C. J., Newton v. Chantler, 7 East 143, and in
R. V. Dixon, 3 M. & S. 15 (30 E. C. L. R.) ; cited Reg. v. Hicklin, L. R. 3 Q.
yet, the intent being criminal, the act likewise becomes criminal
and punishable.^
*It is accordingly important to distinguish an attempt^
from a bare intention; for the former a man may — and
most justly, in many cases —he made answerable; for the latter he
cannot be so. The "will is not to be taken for the deed," unless
there be some external act which shows that progress has been
made in the direction of it, or towards maturing and effecting it.
R. V. Scofield, cited 2 Bast P. C. 1028 ; Dugdale v. Reg., 1 E. & B. 435,
439 (72 E. C. L. R.).
^ Which Dr. Johnson defines to be an "essay" or ''endeavor" to do an
act: Diet, ad verb. See Reg. v. M'Pherson, Dearsl. & B. 197 Reg. v. Col- ;
carried into actual execution ; even in this case, however, the mere
treasonable intention, to wit, the compassing and imagining the
death of the sovereign, although strictly charged in the indictment
r*QiOT *® ^^ substantive treason^ cannot be brought within legal
*cognisance, unless accompanied by overt acts, which fur-
nish the means and evidence whereby the intention may be made
manifest.^ For instance, although mere words spoken by an indi-
vidual not relating to any treasonable act or design then in agita-
tion, do not amount to treason, since nothing can be more equivocal
scribere est agere ;' but even in this case the bare words are not the
treason, but the deliberate acj of writing them ; the compassing
and imagination, which is the purpose and intent of the heart, is
V. Seward, 1 A. & E. 713 (28 E. C. L. R.) per Bayley, J., R. v. Gill, 2 B. &
Aid. 205; 9 Rep. 56, 57. See also King v. Reg., 7 Q. B. 782, 795 (53 E. C.
L. R.) Lord Denman's judgm. in O'Connell v. Reg., by Leahy, p. 19 Gregory
481 (54 E. C. L. R.), which was an action on the case for conspiracy.
Dearsl. 515. Sfee Reg. v. Roberts, Id. 539 ; Reg. v. Gardner, Dearsl. & B.
p^qic-i *I'^ two cases, which were actions upon policies of life
insurance, the doctrine relative to criminal intention was
much considered. In the first of these, a proviso in the poHcy
declared that the same should be void, inter alia, in case the assured
"should die by his own hands;" and the learned judge, who pre-
' See Reg. v. Garrett, Dearsl. 232, in connection with which case see, now,
Stat. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96. a. 89.
'Reg. V. Collins, L. & C. 471.
' Hawk. P. C. by Garwood, Bk. 1, c. 1 ; 4 Com. by Broom & Iladley,
Chap. 2.
* D. 50. 17. 108. 6 D. 50. 17. 5 ; D. 1. 18. 13, I 1.
sided at the trial of the cause, left it to the jury to say, whether at
the time of committing the act which immediately occasioned death,
the deceased was so far deprived of his reason as to be incapable of
judging between right and wrong; and this question was answered
by the jury in the negative, a further question being, by assent of
parties, reserved for the Court, viz., whether the proviso included
only criminal self-destruction. After argument in banco, three
judges of the Court of Common Pleas held, in opposition to the
opinion of the Chief Justice, that the words of the proviso above
stated were large enough, according to their ordinary acceptation,
to include all intentional acts of self-destruction, whether criminal
or not, if the deceased was laboring under no delusion as to the
physical consequences of the act which he was committing, and if
the act itself was a voluntary and wilful act ; and they thought that
the question " whether at the time he was capable of understanding
and appreciating the moral nature and quality of his purpose," was
it might help to illustrate
not relevant to the inquiry, further than as
the extent of his capacity to understand the physical character of
the act itself.^ In a subsequent case,^ which came, by bill of excep-
tions, *before the Court of Exchequer Chamber, the proviso r^qif^-i
was that the policy should be void if the insured should
"commit suicide, or die by duelling or the hands of justice;" and
the majority of the Court held that the word "suicide" must be
interpreted in accordance with its ordinary meaning, and must be
taken to include every act of self-destruction, provided it were the
intentional act of the party, knowing at the time the probable con-
surance, and show in what manner and in what qualified sense the
maxim Actus non facit reum nisi mefris sit rea, must be understood,
when applied to this branch of the law.
With regard to persons of immature years, the rule is, that no
' Borradailev. Hunter, 5 M. & Gr. 639 (57 B. 0. L. R.) Dormay v. Borra- ;
Life Ass. Co., 25 Beav. 599. See Horn v. Anglo-Australian, &o., Ass. Co.,
30 L. J., Ch., 511 ;
Amicable Ass. Soo. v. Bolland, 2 Dow & C. 1.
3 Marsh V. Loader, 14 C. B. N. S. 535 (108 E. C. L. R.).
316 broom's legal maxims.
punished for any capital offence for within that age, an infant is, ;
' Reg. V. Philips, 8 C. & P. 736 (34 E. C. L. R.) ; Reg. v. Jordan, 9 C. &
P. 118 (38 E. C. L. R.) Brimilow, Id. 366 R. v. Groombridge, 7 C.
; Reg. v. ;
& P. 582 (32 E. C. L. R.). But an infant under fourteen years of age may
be a principal in the second degree. (R. v. Eldershaw, 3 C. & P. 396 (14 E.
C. L. R.). As to the liability of an infant for misdemeanor, see 4 Com. by
Broom & Hadley 17.
* The full definition of a libel, however, includes defamation of another by
signs; see Du Bost v. Beresford, 2 Camp. N. P. C. 511.
' Per Parke, B., Gathercole v. Miall, 15 M. & W. 321 Digby v. Thompson, ;
" A
communication, made bond fide upon any subject-matter in
in the hearing of other persons who were not interested in the fact,
Id. 603 ; Kine v. Sewell, 3 M. & W. 297 Goslin v. Corry, 8 Scott N. R. 21.
it seems clear that comments bond fide and honestly made upon the
conduct of the individual thus before the public, are perfectly justi-
fiable; and if an injury be sustained in consequence of such criti-
1 See Affleck v. Child, 9 B. & C. 403, 406 (17 E. C. L. R.), recognising the
rule laid down by Lord Mansfield, C. J., in Edmonson v. Stevenson, cited
Bull. N. P. 8 ; Pattison v. Jones, 8 B. & C. 578 (15 E. C. L. R.).
Judgm., Fountain v. Boodle, 3 Q. B. 11, 12 (43 E. C. L. R.) Somerville
' ;
C. L. R.).
^ Carr v. Hood, 1 Camp. 355, n. (recognised, Green v. Chapman, 4 Bing.
N. C. 92 (13 E. C. L. R.)) Campbell v. Spottiswoode, ;
3 B. & S. 769 (113 E.
C. L. R.) ;
Thompson v. Shakell, M. & M. 187 (22 E. C. L. R.) ; Soane v.
being wrong and intentional", and without just cause or excuse; but
in actions for slander primd facie excusable, on account of the
cause of publishing the slanderous matter, malice in fact must be
" It is matter of law for the judge to determine whether the occa-
sion of writing or speaking criminatory language which would
otherwise be actionable repels the inference of malice, constituting
what is called a privileged communication ; and if at the close of
the plaintiff's case there be no intrinsic or extrinsic evidence, of
malice," then, "it is the duty of the judge to direct a nonsuit or a
verdict for the defendant, without leaving the question of malice
to the jury, as a different course would be contrary to principle,
and would deprive the honest transactions of business and of social,
discussed are two important rules relative thereto, which are laid
down by Lord Bacon in his collection of maxims. The first is
In criminalibus sufficit generali% malitia intentionis cum facto parts
gradus. "All crimes," he remarks, "have their conception in a
corrupt intent, and have their consummation and issuing in some
particular fact, which, though it be not the fact at the which the
intention of the malefactor levelled, yet the law giveth him no
advantage of the error, if another particular ensue of as high a
nature." Thus, if a poisoned apple be laid in a certain place,
M'ith a view to poison A., and B. comes by chance and eats it, this
Q. B. 734.
Judgm., Cooke v. Wildes, 5 E. & B. 340 (85 E. C. L. R.), recognising
Q. B. 308 (71 E. C. L. R.) and, per Maule, J., Gilpin v. Fowler, 9 Exch. 615.
See also Homer v. Taunton, 5 H. & N. 661 Croft v. Stevens, 7 H. & N. 570.
323 broom's legal maxims.
j-^on .-. the *person who placed the apple was directed against A.,
and not against B.^
The second of Lord Bacon's rules above adverted to is as follows:
Mxcusat aut extenuat delictum in capitalibus quod non operatw
idem in civilibus. " In capital causes, in favorem vitce, the law
will not punish in so high a degree, except the malice of the will and
the party wronged than the pialice of him that was the wrongdoer.^
For instance, the law makes a difference between killing a man
upon malice aforethought, and upon present heat and provocation,
in malifieiis voluntas spectatur non exitus ;^ but, if I slander a
man, and thereby damnify him in his name and credit, it is not
material whether I do so upon sudden choler, or of set malice but ;
civil actions, where the intent may be immateri&l if the act done
were injurious to another ;° of which rule a familiar instance occurs
in the liability of a sheriff, who by mistake, seizes the goods of the
wrong party under a writ of fi. fa. So, on an action for the in-
•with a bad intent,"^ on the other hand, an act primd facie lawful
may he unlawful if done with an improper or lawless object: ex. gr.,
"I take it to be clear law," says Erie, J., in Reg. v. Pratt,^ "that
if in fact a man be on land where the public have a right to pass
and repass, not for the purpose of passing and repassing, but for
other and different purposes, he is in law a trespasser."
referred to was allowed only in favorem vitce, and did not extend to
Judgm., Stevenson v. Newnham, 13 C. B. 297 (76 E. C. L. R.); Dawkins
V. Lord Paulet, L. R. 5 Q. B. 94, 114.
4 E. & B. 867 (82 E. C. L. B.), citing Dovaston v. Payne, 2 H. Bla. 527.
Ante, p. 324.
Gray v. Reg., 11 CI. & Fin. 427 Mulcahy v. Reg., L. R. 3 H. L. 306. The
* ;
It is a rule of law that a man shall not he twice vexed for one and the same
bar to the plaintiiF's claim, although such claim might, in the first
our own law may be presumed to have derived its origin.' The res
Hale P. C. 300 if the matter sub judice be doubtful, the court cannot give
judgment upon it per Willes, J., Beckett v. Midland R. C, L. R. 1 C. P. 245.
and as directly founded on the general rule that "a man shall not
be twice vexed for the same cause." "If," as remarked by Lord
Kenyon, C. J., "an action be brought, and the merits of the ques-
Brisson. ad verb. Bes. Pothier, ad D. 42. 1. pr.
2 D. 50. 17. 207.
' D. 44. 2. 3. Pothier, ad D. 44. 1. 1. pr.
329 broom's legal maxims.
by either, the parties are concluded, and cannot canvass the same
question again in another action,^ although, perhaps, some objection
or argument might have been urged upon the first trial, which
would have led to a different judgment." In such a case, the mat-
ter in dispute having passed in rem judieatam, the former decision
is conclusive between the parties, if either attempts, by commencing
another action, to re-open the question.^
[-^nqn-i *"After a recovery by process of law," says the same
learned judge, " there must be an end of litigation; if it
were otherwise there would be no security for any person,"* and
great oppression might be done under the color and pretence of
law.' To unravel the grounds and motives which may have led to
& F. 510. See Doe d. Duntze v. Duntze, 6 C. B. 100 (60 B. C. L. R.) Fin- ;
Vict. c. 54.
^ Also, "
The law will never compel a person to pay a sum of money a
second time which he had paid once under the sanction of a cburt having
competent jurisdiction.'' Judgm., Wood u. Dunn, L. R. 2 Q. B. 80, citing
Allen V. Dundas, 3 T. R. 125.
ence should sometimes fall upon an individual, than that the whole
system of law should be overturned and endless uncertainty be in-
The general rule, then, both at law and in equity, is to refuse a
second where the propriety of the verdict in the former is not
^ See 1 Ves. jun. 134 as to granting a new trial where the proceeding is
' J., 1 Johnson (U. S.) R. 555.
See per Spencer,
* Rep. 9 per Willes, J., Great Northern R. C. v. Mossop, 17 C. B. 140
6 ;
his right to put it ir^ suit, either before that or any other court.
The conditions for the exclusion of jurisdiction on the ground of
res judicata, are, that the same identical matter shall have come in
and obtained a receipt. Not being able to find the receipt, and
having no other proof of the payment, B. was obliged to submit to
pay the money again ; but having afterwards found the missing
document,* he thereupon brought an action against A. for money
had and received, to recover back the amount of the sum the pay-
ment of which had been thus wrongfully enforced. But Lord Ken-
yon was of opinion at the trial, that, after the money had been paid
under legal process, it could not be recovered back again ; and this
down as a general rule, that, where money has been paid by one
party to the other after bond fide legal proceedings have been actu-
ally commenced, which money is afterwards discovered not to have
been really due, the party who has paid will nevertheless be pre-
Burr. 1009, must be considered as overruled see per Eyre, C. J., Phillips v. ;
In accordance also with the same principle, *it has been r*qqq-i
held that assumpsit will not by the party against whom
Chap. X.
* It must be taken as a positive rule, that when parties consent to withdraw
a juror, no future action can be brought for the same cause per Pollock, C. ;
B., Gibbs V. Ralph, 14 M. & W. 805 per Lord Abinger, 0. B., Harries v.
B. & E. 336 (96 E. C. L. R.) per Wightman, J., Mortimer v. South Wales
(per Kelly, C. B., Craven ». Smith, L. R. 4 Ex. 149); and nothing can be
assigned for error, in fact, which is inconsistent with the record (Irwin v.
Grey, 19 C. B. N. S. 585 (115 E. C. L. R.)).
As to the efficacy of a judgment of the House of Lords, see A.-G. v. Dean,
&c., of Windsor, 8 H. L. Cas. 369; Beamish v. Beamish, 9 Id. 274.
fact a matter contrary to the record," and "a record imports such
absolute verity that no person against whom it is admissible shall be
allowed to aver against it,"^ and this principle is invariably acted
Ub. i
1 Inst. 260.
Reed v. Jackson, 1 East 355.
» * 20 Howell St. Tr. 538.
Bremner, L. R. 1 C. P. 583.
« See Whittaker v. Jackson, 2 H. & 0. 926.
'Doei>. Huddart, 2 0r.,M. &R. 316; per Parke, B., Doe tJ. Strode u. Seaton,
Id. 731 : Doe v. Wright, 10 A. & E. 763 (37 E. 0. L. R.). The proper requi-
sites to a plea of judgment recovered are thus specified by Vinnius, lib. 4, tit.
13, B. 5 : Hcec autsm exceptio (rei judicatce) non aliter genti obstat quam si
eadem qucsstio inter easdem personas reoocetur ; itaque ita demum nocet si
omnia sinl eadem, idem corpus, eadem quantitas, idem jus, eadem causa
petendi, eademque conditio personarum ; cited, Arg. Ricardo u. Garoias, 12 CI.
& Fin. 368. See Nelson v. Couch, cited, ante, p. 331.
1 9 Q. B. 758, 767 (59 E. C. L. R.).
' Outram v. Morewood, 3 East 346, 365; Com. Dig. Estoppel (C.) ; 5 Rep.
32 b.
' Trevivan v. Lawrence, Salk. 276.
* Kinnersley v. Cope, 2 Dougl. 517, commented on, 3 Bast 366, and recog-
nised in Simpson v. Pickering, 1 Cr., M. & R. 529 Strutt v. Bovingdon, 5
afterwards be divided into two." The rule here laid down does
not, however, apply in the case of a joint and several contract, for
there the instrument sued on comprises the joint contract of all
1 Judgm., 13 M. & W. 504, 505, 507, citing Ward v. Johnson, 15 Mass. (U.
S.) R. 148 per Jervis, C. J., Buckland v. Johnson, 15 C. B. 164 (80 E. C. L.
R.) ;
per Bayley, B., Leohmere v. Fletcher, 1 C. &. M. 623; Higgens's Case,
6 Rep. 44 b, 46 a,, cited per Jervis, C. J., Price v. Moulton, 10 C. B. 570 (70
E. C. L. R.) ; Dick v. Tolhausen, 4 H. & N. 695. See Henry v. Goldney, 15
M. & W. 494 Haigh ; v. Paris, 16 M. & W. 144.
Per Parke, B., Morgan v. Price, 4 Exoh. 619.
King V. Hoare, 13 M. So W. 494, and cases there cited per Popham, C. J.,
Beardsley, 0. J., Dunckle v. Wiles, 5 Denio (U. S.) B. 303 Fetter v. Beal, 1 ;
on its face that the cause of action in the second case may be the
same as that for which the judgment was recovered in the former
action.^ A recovery in trover will vest the property in the chattel
sued for in the defendant, and Avill be a bar to an action of trespass
for the same thing ;^ and " If two jointly convert goods, and one of
them receive the proceeds, you cannot, after a recovery against
one in trover, have an action against the other for the same con-
version, on an action for money had and received to recover the
value of the goods, for which a judgment has already passed in the
former action."^
If, however, it be doubtful whether the second action is brought
fro eddem causd it is a proper test to consider whether the same
evidence would sustain both actions,* and what was the particular
point or matter determined in the former action ; for a judgment in
each species of action is final only for its own purpose and object,
and quoad the subject-matter adjudicated upon, and no further;
for instance, a judgment for the plaintiflF in "trespass aflBrms a right
of possession to be, as between *the plaintiff and defendant r^ooq-i
in the plaintiff at the time of the trespass committed, but
in a subsequent ejectment between the same parties, would not be
conclusive with respect to the general right of property in the locus
in quo? Where, in a action for the stipulated price of a specific chat-
tel, the defendant pleaded payment into court of a sum, which the
plaintiffs took out in satisfaction of the cause of action : it was held,
that the defendant in that action was not thereby estopped from suing
the plaintiffs for negligence in the construction of the chattel.^
Per Crompton, J., Wadsworth v. Bentley, 23 L. J. Q. B. 3 ;
Ricardo w.
Raym. 614.
' Per Jervis, C. J., 15 C. B. 161 (80 B. C. L. R.;) ; citing Cooper v. Shep-
herd, 3 C. B. 266 ; Adams v. Broughton, Andr. 18 ;
Jenk. Cent. 4th cent. cas.
* See Hadley v. Green, 2 Tyrw. 390 Wiat v. Essington, 2 Lord Raym. 1410
Boileau v. Rutlin, 2 Bxoh. 665, 681 ; recognised, per Parke, B., Buokmaster
V. Meiklejohn, 8 Bxch. 687. v. James, 13 M. & W. ]37, and the
See Carter
remark upon that case, per Pollock, C. B., Hutt v. Morrell, 3 Exch. 241.
^ Judgm., Boileau v. Rutlin, supra.
' Per Lord Mansfield, 0. J., Taylor d. Atkyns v. Horde, 1 Burr. 114. The
effect of a judgment in ejectment is, under the C. L. P. Act, 1852, s. 207,
" the same as that of a judgment in the action of ejectment heretofore used.'
< Doe d. Strode v. Seaton, 2 Or., M. & R. 728.
6 The order of a County Court judge under the 19 & 20 Vict. o. 108, s. 50,
and substantial suit, between parties who were really not in contest
with each other."
In connection with the finality of judgment,^ we may add that
*^® practice is " inveterate and every-day *occurrence at
chambers of setting aside judgments, whether regular or
irregular, whether after execution executed or before, on terms."'
We have in the preceding remarks, endeavored to point out the
aver against a record but where fraud can be shown this maxim does not
Rickerby, 2 M. & Gr. 777 (40 E. C. L. R.) Dodgson v. Scott, 2 Exch. 457; ;
The rule just cited, which is intended to avoid "the scandal and
absurdity"' of a circuity of action, is deserving of far more minute
consideration than can here be given to it. According to this rule
Chap. IX.
Judgm., Hill V. Smith, 12 M. & "W. 631 ;
per Pollock, C. B., Turner v.
Per Lord Denman, C. J., Walmesley v. Cooper, 11 A. & B. 221-2 (39 E.
C. L. R.) ;
per Jervis, C. J., 15 C. B. 62 (E. C. L. R.).
344 bkoom's legal maxims.
"the weekly sum of 21. lOs. during the said term of ten years."
Plaintiff entered into defendant's service under the agreement, but
some years afterwards fell ill, and was unable to attend personally
P^q^P-, that the plaintiff was not, *during any part of thetimefor
and in respect of which such wages were claimed, "ready
and willing, or able to render, and did not in fact, during any part
two promissory notes for 200Z. and 140?., the defendant pleaded in
bar that after the notes became due it was mutually agreed by
plaintiff, defendant, and A., that A. should pay to plaintiff 25Z.,
V. Jarvie, 2 H. & N. 114 Bell v. Richards, 2 II. & N. 311 Owen v. Wilkin-
; ;
rule that one partner cannot at common law sue his co-partners in
respect of a partnership debt/ and by cases already cited.*
Recurring maxim, we may add
to a consideration of the principal
to what has been above said concerning it, that where two or more
actions are brought by the same plaintiff at the same time against
the same defendant, for causes of action which might have been
' Beech, 11 Q. B. 852 (63 E. C. L. R.) s. c, Id. 842 cited in Frazer
Ford V. ; ;
'Ante, p. 344, n. 1.
346 broom's legal maxims.
first indictment were such that he could have been lawfully con-
victed upon it by proof of the facts contained in the second indict-
ment ; and if he be thus indicted a second time he may plead autre-
fois acquit, and it will be a good bar to the indictment ;* and this
In the case of a bill of exchange every party to the instrument may be sued
at the same time by the holder, for, by the custom of merchants, every such
party is separately liable per Pollock, C. B., 3 H. & C. 981. See Woodward
V. Pell, L. R. 4 Q. B. 55.
Where the master of a ship signs a bill of lading in his own name and is
sued upon it, and judgment is obtained against him, though not satisfied, the
owner of the ship cannot be sued upon the same bill of lading ; Priestly v.
1 Moo. Cr. Cas., 479. See Reg. v. Button, 11 Q. B. 929 (63 E. C. L. K.);
Reg. V. Machen, 14 Q. B. 74 (68 E. C. L. R.) Reg. v. Gaunt, L. R. 2 Q. B. ;
|)lea is clearly founded *on the principle, that no man shall r* 040-1
be placed in peril of legal penalties more than once upon
the same accusation nemo debet Ms puniri pro una delicto}
Which great fundamental maxim of our criminal law means that " a
man shall not twice be put in peril after a verdict has been returned
by the jury that ver4ict being given on a good indictment, and
jeopardy for one and the same offence," a plea of *autre- (-*q4Q-i
or the like, the prisoner was not lawfully liable to suffer judgment
for the ofi'ence charged on that proceeding," he cannot, after rever-
H. & N. 248.
Per Cockburn, C. J., Winsor v. Reg., L. R. 1 Q. B. 311 s. c, affirmed in ;
criminal cases, being that "a man shall not be twice vexed in re-
r*^^m ^*™^ offence.* So, it has been held *that a conviction for
^ Per Coleridge, J., Reg. v. Drury, supra; Reg. ». Green, Dearsl. & B. 113.
See also Lord Denman's judgment, O'Connell Reg., by Mr. Leahy, pp. 19
C. B. 39 (74 E. C. L. R.) ;
R. v.Mahon, 4 A. & E. 575 (31 E. C. L. R.) Anon., ;
Id. 576, n.
In Scott V. Lord Seymour, 1 H. & C. 219, an action was held maintainable
here by a British subject against another British subject for an assault com-
mitted at Naples, although proceedings for the same assault were pending in
a Neapolitan court. See Cox v. Mitchell, 7 C. B. N. S. 55 (97 E. C. L. R.)
Phillips V. Eyre, L. R. 4 Q. B. 225.
' Reg. V. Morris, L. R. 1 C. C. 90, 94.
See also, as bearing on the subject toucheji upon supra, Ward v. Broom-
head, 7 Exch. 726 ; Lievesley1 C. P. 570
v. Hookpayton v.
Gilmore, L. R. ;
nedy, 4 Exch. 417 as to a second arrest ^ro eddem causa, see Masters v. John.
son, 8 Exch. 63; Hamilton v. Pitt, 7 Bing. 230 (20 E. C. L. R.) et vide Mellin ;
V. Evans, 1 Cr. & J. 82, and Talbot v. Bulkeley, 16 M. & W. 196, where the
maxim commented on in the text is cited and applied.
« 4 Com. by Broom & Hadley 420 n. [g) 1 Chit. Crim. Law ; 452.
' 1 B. & Aid. 405.
352 broom's legal maxims.
entitled to the residue of the estate therein ; but the law upon this
subject has been much modified by successive enactments, and such
estate, if not devised, would, under the circumstances supposed,
now vest in the personal representatives of the deceased.^ It is,
moreover, a general rule, that whenever the owner or' person actu-
ally seised of land dies intestate and without heir, the law vests the
ownership of such land either in the Crown,^ or in the subordinate
lord of the fee by escheat ;* and this is in accordance with the spirit
of the ancient feudal doctrine expressed in the maxim. Quod nullius
est, est domini regis.^
to the undisposed oi personal estate of any person who happens to die without
next of kin:" 14 Sim. 18 Robson v. ;
A.-G., 10 CI. & Fin. 497 ; Dyke v. Wal-
ford, 5 Moore P. C. C. 434.
* 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 397.
« Fleta, lib. 3 ; Bac. Abr., " Prerogative" (B.).
' Goods are " '
derelict'which have been voluntarily abandoned and given
up as worthless, the mind of the owner being alive to the circumstances at
the time:" per Tindal, C. J., Legge v. Boyd, 1 C. B. 112 (50E.C.L. R.).
354 broom's legal maxims.
The reader is referred for information on these subjects to 2 Com. by
Broom & Iladley, Chap. VIII.
» See Rigg v. Earl of Lonsdale, 1 H. & N. 923 ; s. c, 11 Exch. 654 ; followed
in Blades v. Higgs, 12 C. B. N. S. 501 (104 E. C. L. R.) ; Morgan v. Earl of
Abergavenny, 8 C. B. 768 (65 E. C. L. R.) Ford v. Tynte, 31 L. J. Chanc.
H. & C. 644.
'2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 12; "Wood Civ. L.. 3d ed., 82 Holden ; !).
7 M. & W. 623.
" There is no authority," however, "nor sound reason for saying that the
goods of several persons which are accidentally mixed together thereby abso-
lutely cease to be the property of their several owners, and become bona
there be no instrument, they will ask when did the right arise
who had the prior right 'i^ It forms, moreover, the general rule
between encumbrancers and purchasers, that he whose assignment
ante, p. 286.
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 168, 170, 383. See Muggleton v. Barnett, 1
° Argument of Sir B. Sugden in Cholmondeley v. Clinton, 2 Meriv. 239
Scott V. Scott, 4 H. L. Cas. 1065, 1082.
357 broom's LEfiAL MAXIMS.
such third mortgagee thereby acquires the legal title, and, having
thus got the law on his side, with equal equity, will be permitted
to tack the first and third mortgages together to the exclusion of
equitable interest.'
It will, however, be borne in mind that the doctrine of tacking
only applies where the legal has been annexed to the equitable es-
& K. 297; 2 Sim. 257. See Hopkinson u. Rolt, 9 H. L. Cas. 514. "The
doctrine of tacking is founded on an application of the equitable' maxims
that he who seeks equity shall do equity to the person from whom he requires
it and where equities are equal, the law shall prevail.^' Coote Mortg., 3d
ed., 385.
3 3 Prest. Abs., Tit. 274, 275.
Brace v. Duchess of Marlborough, 2 P. Wms. 491, 495
; cited per Lord
Hardwicke, C, Willoughby v. Willoughby, 1 T. R. 773.
'Coote Mortg., 3d ed., 410. See also 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 310.
the title to goods, it does, in fact, resolve itself into this considera-
tion, — in whom did the title first become vested ? Thus, it is a
general rule of the law of England, that a man who has no
authority to sell cannot, by making a sale, transfer the property to
another ;* thai is to say, he cannot, in this manner, divest of his
property the party previously entitled. To this rule there is,
ing to the sale of goods and to market overt will be again adverted
to under the maxim, Caveat emptor, to which very comprehensive
principle it is usually referred.'
We may further observe, that the respective rights of execution
•''editors inter se^ must often be determined *by applying
the maxim
priority under consideration.
as to For in-
stance, where two writs of execution against the same person are
is bound to execute that writ first which
delivered to the sheriff, he
was first him f unless, indeed, the first writ or the pos-
delivered to
session held under it were fraudulent, in which case the goods
seized cannot be considered as in the custody of the law at the date
of the delivery of the second writ, which latter, therefore, shall
"no writ of fieri faciai, or other writ of execution, shall bind the
property of the goods of the party against whom such writ of
execution issued forth, but from the time that such writ
shall be delivered to the *sheriif ;" the operation of this
E. C. L. R.) ; 29 Car.
2, c. 3, s. 16. See Aldred v. Constable, 6 Q. B. 370 (51
B. C. L. R.) Atkinson Sher. L., 3d ed., 179.
Young, 5 B. & C. 660, 666 (11 E. C. L. R.). See also the cases cited, arg.
12 M. & W. 664.
clause being that if, after the writ was so delivered, the defendant
made an assignment of the goods, except in market overt, the
sheriflF might take them in execution.* But now, by stat. 19 & 20
Vict. c. 97, s. 1, "no writ o? fieri facias or other writ of execution,
and no writ of attachment against the goods of a debtor, shall
prejudice the title to such goods acquired by any person bond fide
in accordance with the strict rule, qui prior est tempore, potior est
jure.''' If, therefore, several persons simultaneously discover the
' Per Lord Hardwicke, C, Lowthal v. Tonkins, 2 Eq. Caa. Abr. 381 cited ;
4 East 539. " That the general property in goods, even after seizure, remains
in the debtor, is clear from this, that the debtor may after seizure, by
payment, suspend the sale and stop the execution ;" per Patteson, J., 9 Bing.
138 C23 E. C. L. R.) adopted per Alderson, B., Playfair v. Musgrove, 14 M.
& W. 246. And see, further, as to the statute, supra, per Lord Ellenborough,
C. J., 4 East 538 ; Briggs v. Sowry, 8 M. & W. 729, 739 ; Giles v. Grover, 9
Bing. 128 (23 E. C. L. R.).
2 See per Mellor, J., Hobson v. Thelluson, L. R. 2 Q. B. 651.
' Hunt V. Hooper, 12 M. & W. 664 ; Sturgis v. Bishop of London, 7 E. &
B. 542, 553 (90 E. C. L. B.). See Levi v. Abbott, 4 Exch. 588, 590.
* See 3 Wheaton (U. S.) R., App. 24.
same thing, the party first communicating it to the public under the
protection of the patent becomes the legal inventor, and is entitled'
patent may be
supported f yet, if a person merely substitutes, foi"
part of a patented invention, some well-known equivalent, whether
chemical or mechanical, this, being in truth but a colorable varia-
tion, will amount to an infringement of the patent :' and where let-
' Per Abboit, C. J., Forsyth v. Riviere, "Webs. Pat. Cas. 97, note ;
per Tin-
dal, C. J., Cornish v. Keene, Id. 508.
^ See Norman Pat. Chap. 8.
The Househill Coal and Iron Co. v. Neilson, 9 CI. & Fin. 788. See Brown
V. Annandale, Webs. Pat. Cas. 433. And generally, in regard to the ques-
tion, what is such prior user as will avoid a patent, see Norman Pat., Chap. 5.
Stead V. Williams, 7 M. & Gr. 818 (49 E. C. L. R.) Stead v. Anderson, 4 ;
C. B
806 (56 E. C. L. R.). See Booth v. Kennard, 2 H. & N. 84.
Boulton V. Bull, 2 H. Bla. 463 s. c, 8 T. R. 95 Hall's Case, Webs. Pat.
; ;
Cas. 98 cited, per Lord Abinger, C. B., Losh v. Hague, Id. 207, 208 Holmes
5 H. L. Cas. 505. And see further on this subject, Newton v. Grand Judo-
tion R. C, 5 Exch. 331 Newton v. Vaucher, 6 Exoh. 859.
C. P. 410.
* Per Lord Cairns, C, L. R. 3 H. L. 108.
See the cases cited, 4 H. L. Cas. 959, 960, 974.
« See 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, s. 1.
'4 H. L. Cas. 815, where the cases bearing on the above subject are col-
* Chappell V. Purday, 14 M. & W. 303 ;
Boucicault v. Delaflel, 33 L. J.
man shall so use his own property as not to injure his neighhor
that theowner of the soil is entitled likewise to that which is above
and underneath it that what is annexed to the freehold becomes,
in many cases, subject to the same rights of ownership that " every —
man's house is his castle."
Enjoy your own property in such a manner as not to injure that of another
ards, 7H. L. Cas. 388 per Pollock, C. B., Bagnall v. London & North-Westr
(116E. C. L. R.).
* I. 1. 8. 2.
Lord Truro,' " is restricted against using his property to the pre-
judice of others ;" and, as further remarked hy the same learned
Lord, " the principle embodied in the maxim, Sic utere tuo ut
alienum non Icedas, applies to the public in at least as full force as
In the first place, then, we must observe that the invasion of an
established right will in general, per se, constitute an injury, for
which damages are recoverable ; for in all civil acts our law does
not so much regard the intent of the actor as the loss and damage
of the party sufiFering. In trespass qu. el. fr., the defendant
pleaded, that he had land adjoining plaintiff's close, and upon it a
hedge of thorns ; that he cut the thorns, and that they, ipso invito,
fell upon the plaintiff's land, and the defendant took them off as
the preceding chapter, that actus nonfaoit reum nisi mens sit rea-}
the intent and the act must concur to constitute the crime.^
Accordingly, in considering whether a defendant is hable to a
plaintiff for damage which the latter may have sustained, the ques-
tion in general not whether the defendant has acted with due
^^^^ ^^^ caution, but *whether his acts have occasioned the
damage; and this doctrine is founded on good sense. For
when one person in managing his own affairs causes, however inno-
cently, damage to another, it is obviously only just that he should
be the party to suffer. He is bound sic uti suo ut non Icedat
In the next place it may be laid down, as a true proposition, that,-
^ See Lambert v. Bessey, T. Raym. 422; Weaver v. Ward, Hob. ]34; per
Blackstone, J., Scott v. Shepherd, 3 Wils. 403 per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Hay-;
craft V. Creasy, 2 East 104 ; Turberville o. Stampe, 1 Id. Raym. 264 cited ;
2 Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Fowler v. Padget, 7 T. R. 514 ; cited, 3 Inst. 54;
Borradaile v. Hunter, 5 Scott N. R. 429, 430.
' Per Lord Cranworth, Rylands v. Fletcher, L. R. 3 H. L. 341, citing Lam-
bert V. Bessey, stipra, n. 1.
& S. 462 adopted per Abbott, C. J., Turner v. Hayden, 4 B. & C. 2 (10 E. C.
L. R.).
' Judgm., Degg Midland R. C, 1 H. & N. 781 approved in Potter v;
v. ;
572 (100 E. C. L. R.) Manley v. St. Helen's Canal and R. C, 2 H. & N. 840
don, Id. 507 Melville v. Doidge, 6 C. B. 450 Grote v. Chester and Holyhead
; ;
H. & N. 440 s. c, 1 H. & C. 544, which well illustrates the maxim commented
on, supra. See Dodd v. Holme, 1 A. & E. 493 (28 E. C. R. R.) recognised, ;
826, where the maxim Respondeat superior applied to exonerate the defend-
that his neighbor may not be injured by its fall the house may, ;
Where a person builds a house on his own land, which has been
previously excavated to its extremity for mining purposes, it has
been held that he does not thereby acquire a right to support for
the house from the adjoining land of another ; at least, such right
will not be acquired until twenty years have elapsed since the house
first stood on exc9,vated land, and was in part supported by the ad-
joining land, in which case a grant from the owner of the adjoining
land of such right to support may be inferred ; and this case is an
M. & W. 352 ;
judgm., Gayford v. Nicholls, 9 Exch. 707, 708. See Jeffries d.
As between the owner of the surface of the land and the owner
of the subjacent mineral strata, and as between the owners of ad-
joining mines, questions frequently arise involving a consideration
of the maxim. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non Icedas,^ and needing an
interpretation of it not too much infringing on the rights of owner-
ship. In Humphreys v. Brogden,^ the plaintiff, being the occupier
of the surface of land, sued the defendant in case, for negligently
and improperly, and without leaving any sufficient pillars and sup-
ports,and contrary to the custom of mining in that district,
working the subjacent minerals, per quod the surface gave way.
Issue being joined on a plea of not guilty to this declaration, it
was proved at the trial that plaintiff was in occupation of the sur-
face, which was not built upon, and defendant of the subjacent minerals,
but there was no evidence showing how the occupation of the supe-
rior and inferior strata came into *difFerent hands. The r^qyn-i
jury found that the defendant had worked the mines care-
fully and according to the custom, but without leaving sufficient
support for the surface. And the Court of Q. B. held, that upon
this finding the verdict should be entered for the "plaintiff, because
of common right the owner of the surface is entitled to support
from the subjacent strata.
The primd facie rights and obligations of parties so situated
relatively to each other, as above supposed, may, however, be varied
by the production of title deeds or other evidence.^
In Smith v. Kenrick,* the mutual obligations of the owners of
Williams, 5 Exch. 792, 800 ; followed in Bibby v. Carter, 4 H. & N. 153. As
to the right of the owner of land to lateral support, see, also, judgm., 12 Q.
B. 743 (64 E. C. L. R.) ; Hunt v. Peake, cited ante p. 196, n. 3.
1 See In re Groucott v. Williams, 4 B. & S. 149 (116 E. C. L. K).
' 12 Q. B. 739 (64 E. C. L. B.) (with which compare Hilton v. Whitehead,
Id. 734) ; Haines v. Roberts, 7 E. & B. 625 (90 E. C. L. R.) s. c, 6 E. & B. ;
works,^ is damnified without any fault of his own; and it seems but
reasonable and just, that the neighbor who has brought something
on his own property, which was not naturally there, harmless to
sioners, L. R. 4 C. P. 279.
' St. Helen's Smelting Co. v. Tipping, 11 H.
L. Gas. 642.
* Judgm., Fletcher v. Rylands, L. R. 1 Ex. 280, adopted per Lord Cairns,
C, in s. c, L. R. 3 H. L. 340.
the water without the license or the grant of the proprietor above.'
Where, therefore, the owner of land applies the stream running
through it to the use of a mill newly erected, or to any other pur-
pose, he may, if the stream is diverted or obstructed by the pro-
prietor of land above, recover against such proprietor for the conse-
quential injury to the mill; and the same principle seems to apply
where the obstruction or diversion has taken place prior to the erec-
tion of the mill, unless, indeed, the owner of land higher up the
stream has acquired a right to any particular mode of using the
water by prescription, that is, by user continued until the presump-
tion of a grant has arisen.^
What has been just said applies generally to surface water, ilow-
ing naturally over land —between which and water so artificially
Mason v. & Ad. 1 (27 B. 0. L. R.) AVright v. Howard, 1 Sim.
Hill, 5 B. ;
& Stu. 190 Judgm., 12 M. & W. 349 cited Judgm., Embrey v. Owen, 6
; cited ;
11 Exch. 369 Broadbent v. Ramsbotham, Id. 602. See, also, Whaley v. Laing
2 Judgm., Mason v. Hill, 5 B. & Ad. 25 (27 E. C. L. R.), where the Roman
the course below. If the stream flows at its source by the opera-
tion of man, that is, if it is an artiflcial stream, the owner of the
land at its commencement of the flow is not subject
source or the
to any rights or liabilities towards any other person, in respect of
the water of that stream. The owner of such land may make him-
self liable to duties in respect of such water by grant or contract
but the party claiming a right to compel performance of those
duties must give evidence of such right beyond the mere suffering
by him of the servitude of receiving such water."'
Rights and liabilities in respect of artificial streams when first
flowing on the surface are entirely distinct from rights and liabili-
ties in respect to natural streams so flowing. The water in an arti-
flow is the property of that party, and is not subject to any rights
neighbor for receiving the flow as of right for twenty years, such
user is evidence that the land from which the water is sent into
the neighbor's land has become the dominant tenement having a
right to the easement of so sending the water, and that the neigh-
bor's land has become subject to the easement of receiving that
right to and control over the stream, such stream may become sub-
ject to the laws relating to natural streams."^
*With respect to water flowing in a subterraneous course,
it has been held, that, in this, the owner of land through ^ J
which it flows has no right or interest (at all events, in the absence
of an uninterrupted user of the right for more than twenty years),
which will enable him to maintain an action against a landowner,
who, in carrying on mining operations in his own land in the usual
manner, drains away the water from the land of the first-mentioned
owner, and lays his well dry ;^ for, according to the principle
already stated, if a man digs a well in his own land, so close to the
soil of his neighbor as to require the support of a rib of clay or of
stone in his neighbor's land to retain the water in the well, no
action would lie against the owner of the adjacent land for digging
away such clay or stone, which is his own property, and thereby
letting out the water; and it would seem to make no diff'erence as
to the legal rights of the parties if the well stands some distance
within the plaintiff's boundary, and the digging by the defendant,
which occasions the water to flow from the well, is some distance
within the defendant's boundary, which is, in substance, the very
case above stated.^
The principle which the above instances have been selected to
168 (where see, particularly in reference to the maxim supra, per Coleridge,
J., diss.) s. c, 7 H. L. Cas. 349
; South Shields Waterworks Co. v. Cookson,
15 L. J. Ex. 315.
= Judgm., 12 M. & W. 352, 353.
377 broom's legal maxims.
of free passage along the street, which right may be sometimes in-
Per Story, J., The Marianna Flora, 11 Wheaton (U. S.) R. 42.
' Ante, p. 207.
•See Mayor of Colchester v. Brooke, 7 Q. B. 339 (53 E. C. L. E.) Morant ;
the liability of the owner of a vessel, anchor, or other thing, which having
been sunk in a river obstructs the navigation, see Brown v. Mallett, 5 C. B.
599, recognised 2 H. & N. 854; Hancock v. York, &c., R. C, 10 C. B. 348
(70 E. C. L. R.) White v. Crisp, 10 Exch. 312; per Bovill, C. J., Vivian v.
See further as to what may constitute a nuisance, Reg. ti. Bradford Nav.
Co., 6 B. & S. 631 (118 E. C. L. R.) Cleveland v. Spier, 16 C. B. N. S. 399
(111 E. C. L. R.).
• Com. "Action upon the Case for a Nuisance" (C); Aldred's Case,
9 Rep. According
58. to the Roman law it was forbidden to obstruct the
may be defeated in any other way in which it might have been de-
the defendant, the Court of Queen's Bench held the plea bad, be-
cause it did not show a right to cause offensive smells in the plain-
tiff's premises, nor that any smells had, in fact, been used to pass
beyond the limits of defendant's own land.^
Again, if the owner of adjacent land erects a building so near
(115 B. C. L. R.).
^ Flight V. Thomas, 10 A. & E. 590 See also Holford v.
(37 E. C. L. R.).
Hankinson, 5 Q. B. 584 (48 E. C. L. R.) Arkwright v. Gell, 5 M. & W. 203;
W. 237.
the house of the plaintiif as to prevent the air and light from enter-
ing and coming through the plaintiff's windows, an action will, in
some cases, lie.' The law on this subject formerly was, that no
action would lie, unless a right had been gained in the lights by
prescription ;^ but it was subsequently held, that, upon evidence of
an adverse enjoyment of lights for twenty years or upwards unex-
plained, a jury might be directed to presume a right by grant or
otherwise, even though no lights had existed there before the com-
mencement of the twenty years f and although, formerly, if the
period of enjoyment fell short of twenty years, a presumption in
favor of the plaintiff's right might have been raised from other cir-
cumstances, it is now enacted by 2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 71, s. 6, that no
presumption shall be *allowed or made in support of any r^tcooo-i
terrupted shall have had notice thereof, and of the person making
or authorizing the same to be made." The last section of this Act
is applicable not only to obstructions preceded and followed by por-
^ In regard to the right to enjoyment of light and air, see White v. Bass, 7
H. & N. 722: Frewen v. Philipps, 11 C. B. N. S. 449 (103 E. C. L. R.).
See D. 8. 2. 9. ' 2 Selw. N. P., 12th ed., 1134.
» Vaughan
v. Menlove, 3 Bing. N. C. 468 (32 E. C. L. R.) Tuberville v. ;
R. C, L. R. 1 Q. B. 277, 286.
them, but the plaintiff hastily pulled him round, and the horse then
ran over a lime heap lying before another man's door; by the shock
the shaft was broken, and the horse, being thus still more frightened,
ran away, and, the chaise being upset, the plaintiff was thrown out
and hurt : it was held, that, as the immediate and proximate cause
of the injury was the unskilfulness of the driver, the action could
not be maintained.''
In very many recent cases, of which some only can be cited here°
without adequate analysis or discussion, the *doctrine of r*qQc-|
contributory negligence has been considered. The result
of such cases seems to be that where the doctrine referred to is
Parnaby v. Lancaster Canal Co., 11 A. & E. 223, 243 (39 E. C. L. R.)
Birkett v. Whitehaven Junction R. C, 4 H. & N. V30 Chapman v. Rothwell, ;
H. & C. 744.
385 broom's legal maxims.
ordinary and common care and caution, that, but for such negli-
gence or vrant of ordinary care and caution on his part, the misfor-
tune would not have happened. In the first case the plaintiff would
be entitled to recover; in the latter not, as but for his own fault
the misfortune would not have happened. Mere negligence or want
of ordinary care or caution would not, however, disentitle him to
recover, unless it were such that but for that negligence or want of
ordinary care and caution the misfortune could not have happened,
nor if the defendant might by the exercise of care on his part have
avoided the consequences of the neglect or carelessness of the plain-
tiff."' Ordinary *care, it has been observed, must mean
r*3861 .
- J that degree of care which may reasonably be expected from
a person in the plaintiff's situation f and, in the absence of such
ordinary care on the part of the plaintiff, the case will fall within and
be governed by the general rule of the English law, that no one can
maintain an action for a wrong where he has consented or has diredh^
and materially contributed to the act which occasions his loss.*
Per Wightman, J., Tuff ». "Warman, 5 0. B. N. S. 585 (94 E. C. L. R.)
Wetherley v. Regent's Canal Co., 12 C. B. N. S. 2, 8 (104 E. C. L. R.) Ellis ;
explained per Lord Campbell, C. J., Dowell v. Steam Nav. Co., 5 E. & B; 195
(85 E. 0. L. R.) Holden v. Liverpool New Gas & Coke Co., 3 C. B. 1 (54 E.
115, as to which see per Williams, J., Tuff jj. Warman, 2 C. B. N. S. 750 (89
E. C. L. R.) Waite v. North Eastern R. C, E., B. & E. 719, 727 (96 E. C. L.
V. Steam Nav. Co., 5 E. & B. 195 (85 E. C. L. R.) Morrison v. General Steam ;
Sewers, 10 Exch. 771, 774, where Alderson, B., says, " Suppose there is an
387 broom's legal maxims.
understood, conflict -with the rule already stated,^ that " no man by
his wrongful act can impose a duty."'
In Bird v. Holbrook* the defendant for the protection of his
were sound, the above ruling was correct^ and, on the whole we may,
inclosed yard with several dangerous holes in it, and the owner allows the
public to go through the yard, does that cast on him any obligation to fill up
the holes? Under such circumstances caveat viator.^' See Corby «. Hill, 4
C. B. N. S. 556 (93E. C. L.R.).
' See Collis b. Selden, L. R. 3 C. P. 495 Seymour v. Maddox, 16 Q. B. 326 ;
Williams, J., Corby v. Hill, 4 C. B. N. S. 565 (93 E. C. L. R.) and with which ;
compare Chapman v. Rothwell, E., B. & B. 168, 170 (96 E. C. L. R.) Belch ;
C. L. R.), and in judgm., 1 H. & N. 780 Ilott v. Wilkes, 3 B. & Aid. 304 (5 ;
ion with Gibbs, C. J., in Deane v. Clayton, 7 Taunt. 489 (2 B. C. L. R.), which
was an action for killing plaintiff's dog by a spike placed on defendant's land
for the preservation of his game.
been judicially observed in the Admiralty Court, that " there are
four possibilities under which an accident of this sort may occur.
In the first place, it may happen without blame being imputable to
either party, as where the loss is occasioned by a storm, or any
other vis major. In that case, the misfortune must be borne by the
party on whom it happens to light, the other not being responsible
to him in any degree. Secondly, a misfortune of this kind may
arise where both parties are to blame, where there has been a want
of due diligence or of skill on both sides. In such a case, the rule
of law is, that the loss must be apportioned between them, as having
been occasioned by the fault of both of *them. Thirdly,
it may happen by the misconduct of the suffering party
only, and then the rule is, that the sufferer must bear his own bur-
then. Lastly, it may have been the fault of the ship which ran the
H. & N. 424.
Stubley V. London and North Western R. C, 4 11. & C. 83 ;
Stapley v. Lon-
don, Brighton, and South Coast R. C, Id. 93 Nicholson v. Lancashire and ;
other down ; and, in this case, the injured party would be entitled
to an entire compensation from the other.^
Again with reference to restitution in a case of capture. Lord
.& W. 391 Dowell v. Steam Nav. Co., 5 E. & B. 195 (85 E. C. L. R.)
Tuff k. ;
'-Warman, cited ante, p. 385; Morrison v. General Steam Nav. Co., 8 Exch.
733 General Steam Nav. Co. v. Morrison, 13 C. B. 581 (76 E. C. L. R.).
The onus probandi lies on the party seeking to recover compensation, Mor-
gan u. Sim, 11 Moo. P. C. C. 307.
See further as to the principles of law applicable in cases of collision.
Bland v. Ross, 14 Moo. P. C. C. 210; The Milan, 1 Lush. Adm. R. 388.
As to exemption from liability under stat. 17 & 18 Vict. u. 104, s. 388, see
General Steam Nav. Co. y. British and Colonial Steam Nav. Co., L. B. 4 Ex.
238 The lona, L. R. 1 P. C. 426 The Velasquez, Id. 494.
; ;
' " The law of England, in its care for human life, requires consummate
caution in the person who deals with dangerous weapons ;'' per Erie, C. J.,
Potter V. Faulkner, 1 B. & S. 805 (101 E. C. L. R.) Rylands v. Fletcher, L. ;
for negligence,, for misuse, for gross want of skill in the use ; above
all, for anything which may be qualified as legal fraud. So, on
the othei* hand, as the lender lends for beneficial use he must be
responsible for defects in the chattel, with reference to the use for
which he knows the loan is accepted, of which he is aware, and
owing to which directly the borrower is injured."*
Lynch v. Nurdin, 1 Q. B. 29, 35 (41 E. C. L. R.), with which compare,
Mangan v. Atterton, L. R. 1 Ex. 239 Lygo v. Newbold, ;
Exoh. 302 Great 'J ;
^ Lynch v. Nurdin, supra. See Waite v. North Eastern R. C, E., B. & E.,
Illidge Goodwin, 5 C. & P. 190 (24 E. C. L. R.). ^-2.
719 (96 E. L. C. R.) v. ;
Blakemore v. Bristol & Exeter R. C, 8 E. & B. 1035, 1050-1 (92 B. C. L. Ji
B.) followed in McCarthy v. Young, 6 H. & N. 329, 336.
* Citing the maxim of the Roman law, Adjuvari quippe nos, non decipi,
not liable for 'damage arising from an inherent defect in the chattel
delivered to him to be carried. '^
Nor will a railway *com-
Jackson v. Smithson, 15 M. & W. 563, 565; May v. Burdett, 5 Q. B. 101
{58 E. C. L. R.). S^ee also Mason v. Keeling, 1 Lord Raym. 606 ; Jenkins w.
2 H. & C. 332.
* See "Wright v. Pearson, L. R. 4 Q. B. 582.
« Stat. 28 & 29 Vict. o. 60.
As to damage done by a dog to plaintiff's game, see Read v. Edwards, 17
C. B. N. S. 245 (112 E. C. L. R.).
^ Wakeman v. Robinson, 1 Ring. 213, 215 (8 E. C. L. R.); Hammack v.
tributory negligence must be kept in mind, and the rule which has,
at p. 268, been briefly noticed, that Volenti nonfit injuria.
From the maxim Cujus est solum ejus est usque ad caelum, it fol-
lows, that a person has no right to erect a building on his own land
which interferes with the due enjoyment of adjoining premises, and
occasions damage by overhanging them, or by the
thereto, either
flow of water from the roof and eaves upon them, unless, indeed, a
legal right so to build has been conceded by grant, or may be
presumed by user, and by operation of the stat. 2 & 3 Will. 4,
c. 71.
Where the declaration alleged that the defendant had erected a
house upon his freehold, so as to project over the house of the plain-
tiffs ad nocumentum liheri tenementi ipsorum, but did not assign
any special nuisance, the Court, on demurrer, held the declaration
good, inasmuch as the erection must evidently have been a nuisance
productive of legal damage;' and, in a modern case, it was held,
C. 381.
2 Post, p. 401.
' Baten's Case, 9 Rep. 53. See also Penruddock's Case, 5 Rep. 100.
C. L. R.).
As to the distinction between injuries to realty of a permanent and of a
merely temporary kind, see also Hammersmith and City R. C. v. Bi'and, L.
R. 4 H. L. 171 ; Ricket v. Metropolitan R. C, L. R. 2 H. L. 175.
Case will by the reversioner for a permanent injury to a chattel let out
fr. at the suit of the occupier of every field over which his balloon
might happen to pass since the question, whether or not the action
was maintainable, could not depend upon the length of time for
which the superincumbent air was invaded
and the Lord Chief
Justice further remarked, that, if any damage arose from the object
which overhung the close, the remedy was by action on the case,
and not by action of trespass.^
It must be observed, moreover, that the maxim under considera-
tion isnot a presumption of law applicable in all cases and under all
circumstances; for example, it does not apply to chambers in the
inns of court;* for " a man may have an inheritance in an upper
that whatever is in a direct line between the surface of any land and
the centre of the earth belongs to the owner of the surface ; and
hence the word "land," which is nomen generalissimum, includes
not only the face of the earth, but everything under it or over it
and, therefore, if a man grants all his lands, he grants thereby all
his mines, his woods, his waters, and his houses, as well as his fields
and meadows.^ Where *however, a demise was made of
L 4 premises lately in the occupation of A. (particularly de-
' Norris v. Baker, 1 Roll. Kep. 393, ad Jin. See Brook v. Jenney, 2 Q. B.
265 (42 E., C. L. R.).
* Pickering u. Rudd, 4 Camp. 219; per Shadwell, V.-C. E., Saunders ».
Smith, ed. by Crawford 20 Kenyon v. Hart, 6 B. & S. 249, 252 (118 E. C. L.
2 See Reynolds v. Clarke, 2 Ld. Raym. 1399 ; Fay v. Prentice, 1 C. B. 828
(50 E. C. L. R.).
' Per Maule, J., 1 C. B. 840 (50 E. C. L. R.).
» Co. Litt. 48 b.
• 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 15, 17.
scribed), part of -which was a yard, it was held, that a cellar, situate
under the yard, and late in the occupation of B., did not pass
the demise; for though prim d facie it would do so, yet that might
be regulated and explained by circumstances.*
The maxim, then, above cited, gives to the owner of the soil all
that lies beneath its surface, and accordingly the land immediately
below is his property. Whether, therefore, it be solid rock, or
porous ground, or venous earth, or part soil and part water, the
person who owns the surface may dig therein, and apply all that
is there found to his own purposes, and pleasure ;^
at his free will
that the owner of the freehold has a right to the mines and minerails
underneath, yet this presumption may be rebutted by showing a
distinct title to the surface, and to that which is beneath ; for mines
may form a distinct possession and different inheritance : and, in-
deed, it frequently happens that a person, being entitled both to
the mines and to *the land above, grants away the land, r-^.„^-.
excepting out of the grant the mines, which would other- ^
wise have passed under the conveyance of the land, and also re-
servinor to himself the power of entering upon the surface of the
land which he has granted away, in order to do such acts as may
be necessary for the purpose of getting the minerals excepted out
of the grant, a fair compensation being made to the grantee for so
entering and working the mines. In this case one person has the
land above, the other has the mines below, with the power of get-
ting the minerals and the rule is, according to the maxim Sic
utere tuo ut alienum non Icedas, already considered, that each shall
so use his own right of property as not to injure his neighbor;
that if a man builds on his own land with the materials of another,
the owner of the soil becomes, in law, the owner of the building
also quia ovine quod solo incedificatur solo eedit.* In this case,
law, by our own law writers —Britton, Bracton, and Fleta.* Ac-
cording to the Roman law, indeed, where buildings were erected
upon, or improvements made to property, by the party in posses-
sion, bond fide and without notice of any adverse title, compensa-
tion was, it seems, allowed for such buildings and improvements to
the party making them, as against the rightful owner ;'' and although
this principle is not recognised by our own common law, nor to its
2, s. 12.
Sed quamvis cedificiumjundo cedat, fundi tamen dominus condemnari solet
ut cum duntaxat recipiat, reddito mmptu quo pretiosior factus est, aut super
fundo atque cediflcio pensio imponatur ex meliorationis cestimatione si malue-
rit: Gothofred. ad. 1.2.1. 30.
/ 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., s. 388 ; 2 Id., s. 1237 ; ante, p. 174. Where
a sale is set aside on account of the inadequacy of the consideration, the pur-
chaser will be allowed for lasting and valuable improvements : Sugd., V. &
P., 14th ed., 287.
402 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
specting each.
1. The general property in trees being timber, is in the owner
of the inheritance of the land upon which they grow ; that in
bushes and underwood, on the other hand, is in the tenant. The
tenant cannot indeed, without renderincj himself liable to an action
on the case for waste, do anything which will change the nature
of the thing demised; he cannot, for instance, stub up a wood, or
destroy apark paling; neither can he destroy young plants destined
to become trees, nor grub up or cut down and destroy fences nor ;
^^®''> '"^'' down trees *which are not timber, either by
by such growth.^
It follows from the rule just stated, that if trees, being timber,
^ Konney v. Browne, 3 Ridgw. Par. Cas. 462, 519 cited, arg. Austin v.
Chambers, 6 CI. & Fin. 31. See, per Lord Brougham, C, Perrott v. Palmer,
3 My. & K. 640.
' Lord D'Aroy v. Askwith, Hob. 234 ;
judgm., Phillipps v. Smith, 14 M. &
W. 51^9 ;
per Tindal, C. J., Berriman v. Peacock, 9 Bing. 386, 387 (23 E. C.
L. R.) ; Com. Dig., "Biens" (II.).
are blown down by tbe wind, the lessor shall have them, for they
are part of his inheritance, and not the tenant for life or years ;
but, if they be dotards, without any timber in them, the tenant for
life or years shall have them.'
So, where timber is severed by a trespasser, and by wrong, it
timber, which he could not oth&rwise do ; but this clause does not
extend to allow destructive or malicious waste, such as cutting down
timber which serves for the shelter or ornament of the estate.' A
tenant for life without impeachment of waste has as full power to
cut down trees for his own use as if he had an estate of inheritance,
and is equally entitled to the timber if severed by others, so that
an action of trover for such timber will not lie against him at suit
"'^"*' '^ ^^^ tenant *for life cut timber so as not to leave
enough for repairs, or, if he cut down trees planted for
tion was granted to restrain the tenant for life from destroying
timber which had formed an ornament and shelter to the original
Lastly, it is an inseparable incident to an estate tail, that the
tenant shall not be punished for committing waste by felling tim-
ber ; but this power must be exercised, if at all, during the life of
the tenant in tail ; for, at the instant of his death, it ceases. If,
therefore, tenant in tail sells trees growing on the land, the vendee
must cut them down during the life of the tenant in tail; for other-
wise they will descend to the heir as part of the inheritance.^ Ten-
ant in tail, after a possibility of issue extinct, is not liable for
Packington's Case, 3 Atk. 215. Pyne v. Dor, 1 T. R. 55.
profits of the land ;^ and these, in certain cases, are distinct from
the realty, and subject to many of the incidents attending personal
The rule upon this subject at common law, and irrespectively of
a recent statute hereinafter noticed, as already stated,^ is, that those
only are entitled to emblements who have an uncertain estate or in-
which is determined by the act of God, or of the law,
terest in land,
between the period of sowing and the severance of the crop.*
Where, however, the tenancy is determined by the tenant's own
act, as by forfeiture for waste committed, or by the marriage of a
feme copyholder or a tenant durante viduitate, or in other similar
cases, the tenant is not entitled to emblements; for the principle on
which the law gives emblements is, that the tenant may be en-
couraged to cultivate by being sure of receiving the fruit of his
labor, notwithstanding the determination of his estate by some un-
foreseen and unavoidable event.* By this rule, however, the tenant
is not entitled to all the fruits of his labor, or such right might be
extended to things of a more permanent nature, such as trees, or to
more crops than one, since the cultivator very often looks for a com-
pensation for his capital and labor in the produce of successive
years ; but the principle is limited to this extent, that he is entitled
to onfe crop of that species only which ordinarily repays the labor
Com. Dig., "Biens'^ [G. 1). ' Ante, p. 239.
3 Co. Litt. 55 a. ' Com. Dig., " JBiens " (G. 2).
« Weld, 5 B. & Ad. 117, 118 (27 E. C. L. R.
Judg., Graves v. citing Kings- )
for life, and not to the grantee's executor ; and, if a man sows land,
and lets it for life, and the lessee for life dies before the corn is
severed, the reversioner, and not the lessee's executor, shall have
the emblements, although, if the lessee had sown the land himself,
it would have been otherwise.^
Further, the under-tenants or lessees of tenant for life will be
entitled to emblements in cases where tenant for life shall nofhave
them, viz., where the title estate determines by the act of the last-
1 Arg. Knevett v. Pool, Cro. Eliz. 464 ; Woodf., L. & T., 9th ed., 588.
Co. Litt. 55 b.
3 Gland's Case, 5 Rep. 116; 1 Roll. Abr. 726, "Emblements," (A.). But
in this case the marriage —
was void ab initio causa prcecontractus ; and there-
fore the supposed husband never had any estate: see Davis v. Eyton, 7 Bing.
159, 160 (15 E. C. L. R.).
* Bulwer v. Bulwer, 2 B. & Aid. 470, 472; Woodf. L. & T., 9th ed., 588.
lord shall have it; for the tenant knew the expiration of his term,
and, therefore, it was own folly to sow that of which he could
never reap the profits. * But where the tenancy for years, or from
have the emblements in the same manner as a tenant for life would
be entitled to them;^ and, if the lessee of tenant for life be dis-
seised, and the lessee of the disseisor sow, and then the tenant for
life dies, and the remainderman enters, the latter shall not have
But the lessee would be entitled to emblements, if there was a special
covenant to that effect: Co. Litt. 55 a, and Mr. Hargrave's note (5).
' Woodf. L. & T., 9* ed., 588.
Knevett v. Pool, Cro. Eliz. 463.
* Co. Litt. 55 b.
"Per Bosanquet, J., 7 Bing. 160 (20 E. C. L. R.) ; Com. Dig., " Biens,"
such farm or lands until the expiration of the then current year of
his tenancy, and shall then quit, upon the terms of his lease or
holding, in the same manner as if such lease or tenancy were thea
*cletermined by effluxion of time or other lawful means
during the continuance of his landlord's estate;" and the
section further provides for an apportionment of the rent as between
the tenant and the succeeding landlord or owner. The above Act
applies to any tenancy in respect of which there is a substantial
claim to emblements.^
It has been mentioned that emblements are subject to many of
the incidents attending personal property. Thus, by stat. 11 Geo.
2, c. 19, they may be distrained for rent,^ they are forfeitable by
outlawry in a personal action, they were devisable by testament
before the statute of wills, and at the death of the owner they vest
in his executors and not in his heir.^ So, where tenant in fee or
in tail dies after the corn has been sown, but before severance, it
however, tenant in fee sows land, and then devises the land by will
and dies before severance, the devisee shall have the corn, and
not the devisor's executors f and although it is not easy to ac-
count for this distinction, which gives corn growing to the devisee,
but denies it to the heir,^ it is clear law that the growing crops
pass to the devisee of the land unless they be expressly bequeathed
by the will to some one else.' The remainderman for life shall
L. R.).
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 282.
* Com. Dig., " Biens," (G. 2)
Co. Litt. 55 b, note (2), by Mr. Hargrave.
« Anon., Cro. Eliz. 61 Co. Litt. 55 b, n. (2) Spencer's Case, Winch. 51.
; ;
In the case of strict tenancy at will, if the tenant sows his land,
and the landlord, hefore the corn is ripe, or before it is reaped,
puts him out, yet the tenant shall have the emblements, since he
could not possibly know when his landlord would determine his
will, and therefore could make no provision against it but it is ;
otherwise when the tenant himself determines the will, for in this
wards sow the land, and the conusee extend the land, the latter
shall have the emblements f and where judgment was given against
a person, and he then sowed the land and brought a writ of error
to reverse the judgment, but it was afSrmed, it was held, that the
recoveror should have the corn.*
evidence into the contract is consistent with the terms of such con-
tract ; but evidence of custom is inadmissible, if inconsistent with
the express or implied terms of the instrument ; and this rule ap-
gations, but those imposed by custom, w^ere in full force where the
contract did not vary them ; and the Court seems to have held, that
the custom operated, unless it could be collected from the instru-
ment, either expressly or impliedly, that the parties did not mean
to be governed by it. On the second trial, the Lord Chief Baron
Thompson held, that the custom prevailed, although the written
instrument contained an express stipulation, that all the manure
made on the farm should be spent on it, or left at the end of the
tenancy, without any compeifsation being paid ; such a stipulation
certainly not excluding by implication the tenant's right to receive
rights of landlord and tenant may be governed by the terms of the agree-
consume three-fourths of the hay and straw on the farm, and spread
the manure ^arising therefrom, and leave such of it as r*4-|f;-|
should not be so spread on the land for the use of the
landlord on receiving a reasonable price for it.
Griffiths V. Puleston, 13 M. & W. 358. See Kimpton v. Eve, 3 Ves. & B. 349.
just, for he who sows ought to reap, and it is for the benefit and
B. 224 (5 E. C. L. R.).
» Per Taunton, J., 1 A. & E. 933 (28 B. 0. L. R.) ; citing Com. Dig.,
which are severable therefrom.' But, in its correct sense, the word
Per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., Elwes v. Maw, 3 East 51 ;
per Abbott, C.
J., Colegravev. Bias Santos, 2 B. & C. 78 (9 E. C. L. R.).
2 Ibid.
» Per Parke, B., Minshall v. Lloyd, 2 M. & "W. 459 ; Judgm., L. R. 3 Ex.
" There is no doubt that sometimes things annexed to land remain chattels as
much after they have been annexed as they were before. The case of pictures
hung on a wall for the purpose of being more conveniently seen, may be men-
tioned by way of illustration. On the other hand things may be made so
completely a part of the land as being essential to its convenient use, that
even a tenant cOuld not remove them. An example of this class of chattel
may be found in doors or windows. Lastly, things may be annexed to land
for the purposes of trade, or of domestic convenience or ornament, in so per-
manent a manner and yet the tenant who
as really to form a part of the land,
has erected them remove them during his term, or it may be
is entitled to
within a reasonable time after its expiration." Judgm., L. R. 4 Ex. 329 ;
419 broom's legal maxims.
hold or not, it has been observed that it was really one of fact, depend-
ing on the particular circumstances of the case, and principally on
two considerations ; 1st, the mode and extent of annexation to the
soil or fabric of the house, whether the machines could easily be re-
*°^ ^^^ annexation, whether it was for the permanent and
substantial improvement of the dwelling, in the language of
the Civil Law perpetui usAs eausd,^ or in that of the Year Book,'
B. N. S. 798, 808.
^ Judgm., Wiltshear v. Cottrell, 1 E. & B. 690 (72 E. C. L. R.) per Parke, ;
B., Sheen v. Rickie, 5 M. & W. 182 per Martin, B., 10 Exoh. 507. See Hors-
' If the injury be very trifling, the law will not regard it, in accordance
with the maxim De minimis non curat lex (ante, p. 142) ; judg., Martin v.
utensil (and the building covering the same falls within the same
principle), was an accessory to a matter of a personal nature, it
E. & B. 244 (90 E. C. L. R.), where the right to remove ornamental fixtures
as between the executors of an incumbent and his successor is considered.
' Judgm., 3 East 51, 52; per Story, J., delivering the judgment in A''an
Ness V. Pacard, 2 Peters (D. S.) E. 143, 145.
' 3 East 38.
' Viz., Lawton
Lawton, 3 Atk. 13, which was the case of a fire engine to
113, which was also the case of a fire-engine and Lawton v. Salmon, 1 H. ;
Bla. 259, n., which was trover for salt pans brought by the executor against
the tenant of the heir-at-law.
* Lawton Lawton, 3 Atk. 13 Lord Dudley v. Lord Word, Amb. 113.
v. ;
' Cited inLawton v. Lawton, 3 Atk. 13 but see the observations respecting;
this case by Lord Hardwicke in Lawton v. Salmon, 1 H. Bla. 259, n. Lord Dud- ;
ley Lord Ward, Ainb. 113 and in Ex parte Quincey, 3 Atk. 477, and Bull.
w. ;
N. P. 34. It seems that no rule of law can be extracted from a case of the par-
ticulars of which so little is known see per Lord Cottenham, Fisher v. Dixon,
12 CI. & Fin. 329 and see as to the cider-mill case, per Wood, V.-C, Mather
^ Per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., 3 East 54. See Winn v. Ingelby, 5 B. &
Aid. 625 (7 E. C. L. R.) ; R. v. St. Dunstan, 4 B. & C. 686, 691 (10 B. C. L.
R.) ; Harvey
Harvey, Stra. 1141.
' Fisher v. Dixon, 12 CI. & Fin. 312. In this case the exception in favor of
trade was held not applicable ; the judgments delivered contain, however,
some remarks as to the limits of this exception, which are well worthy of con-
sideration. See also Mather v. Fraser, 2 K. & J. 536, 545 judgm., Climie v. ;
which latter cases also show that the decisions establishing a, tenant's right
to remove trade fixtures [post, p. 425) " do not apply as between mortgagor
and mortgagee any more than between heir-at-law and executor."
< Per Best, J., Colegrave v. Dias Santos, 2 B. & C. 80 (9 E. C. L. R.).
424 broom's legal maxims,
the land, whether the annexation in fact took place prior or subse-
quent to the date of the devise, according to the maxim, Quod
adificatur in ared legatd cedit legato; and, therefore, by a devise
^^® result of various recent decisions" is that the *old
maxim quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit applies in all its
610; per Parke, B., Hitchmau v. W.ilton, 4 M. & W. 416; per Patteson, J.,
Hare v. Horton, 5 B. & Ad. 730 (27 E. C. L. R.). See Steward v. Lombe, 1
B. &
B. 506, 513 (5 E. C. L. R.) Ryall v. Rolle, 1 Atk. 175; Thompson ».
E. C. L. R.).
* 2 B. & C. 76 (9 E. C. L. R.). See Manning v. Bailey, 2 Exch. 45.
Collected in Climie v.Wood, L. R. 3 Ex. 257, affirmed L. R. 4 Ex. 328,
with which ace. Longbottom u. Berry, L. R. 5 Q. B. 123. See Tebb v. Hodge,
L. R. 5 C. P. 73.
not general, but contains a stipulation that " the fixtures are to be
taken at a valuation," those things only should in strictness be
valued which would be deemed personal assets as between heir and
executor, and would not pass with the inheritance.*
C. L. R.). See Trappes v. Harter, 2 Cr. & M. 153 cited Hellawell v. East- ;
wood, 6 Exch. 313 and in Ex parte Barclay, 5 De G., M. & G. 412 but said,
per Cresswell, J., to have been overruled (Wilde v. Waters, 16 C. B. 647 (81
E. C. Ti. &)) Trappes v. Harter has, however, frequently been recognised as
an authority Mather v. Eraser, 2 K. & J. 536. It was cited and distinguished
which the executor has been permitted to remove even these against
the heir.' But on the whole, as observed by a learned writer, it
would seem that the law is by no means clearly settled respecting
the right of the executor of tenant in fee to fixtures set up for orna-
ment or domestic convenience.^
Secondly, we have already observed,^ that the heir is more
favored in law than the remainderman or reversioner, and, there-
the preceding classes : thus, the tenant may take away during the
has quitted possession, such fixtures as he has himself put upon the
^See Harvey v. Harvey, Stra. 1141 ; Squier v. Mayer, 2 Freem. 240 ; Beck
V. Rebow, 1 P. Wms. 94.
= 1 Williams Executors, 6th ed., 697.
' Ante, p. 418.
* Lawton v. Lawton, 3 Atk. 13 ; Lord Dudley v. Lord Ward, Amb. 113.
° Co. Litt. 53 a; per Kindersley, V.-C, Gibson v. Hammersmith B. C, 32
L. J. Chano. 340 et seq. Trover does not lie for fixtures until after severance;
these, there are many distinctions, some of which are nice and intricate."
demised premises, either for the purposes of trade, or for the orna-
ment or furniture of his house
:' but here a distinction must be
observed ^between erections for the purposes of trade r*40Q-i
annexed to the freehold, and those which are for purposes
merely agricultural.^ With respect to the former, the exception
engrafted upon the general rule is of almost as high antiquity as
the rule itself, being founded upon principles of public policy, and
originating in a desire to encourage trade and manufactures. With
respect to the latter class, however, it has been expressly decided
that to such cases the general rule must (irrespective of the stat. 14
& 15 Vict. c. 25) be applied.
In the leading case on this subject,' it was held that a tenant
in agriculture, who erected at his own expense, and for the neces-
sary and convenient occupation of his farm, a beast-house, and car-
penter's shop, &c., which buildings were of brick and mortar, and
tiled, and let into the ground, could not legally remove the same
Grimes v. Boweren, 6 Bing. 437 (19 E. C. L. R.) and per Tindal, C. J., Id. ;
Id. 893.
See also Powell, app., Farmer, rasp., 18 C. B. N. S. 168, 178 (114 E. C. L.
R.); Powell, app., Boraston, resp. Id. 175.
Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Penton v. Bobart, 2 East 90; judgm.. Earl of
Mansfield v. Blackburne, 3 Bing. N. C. 438 (32 E. C. L. R.). A nurseryman
may, at the end of his term, remove trees planted for the purpose of sale
Amos & Fer., Fixtures, 2d ed., 68.
Elwes V. Maw, 3 East 38. See Smith v. Render, 27 L. J. Ex. 83 ;
cases there cited.
incumbent *shed is erected as a mere accessory to a personal
chattel, as an engine, it may, as coming within the defini-
tion of a trade fixture, be removed ; but where it is accessory to the
realty it can in no case be removed.'
Where the tenant of a farm or land, with the consent in writing
of his landlord, erects at his own cost farm-buildings, engines, or
trade and agriculture, they will now be the property of the tenant,
and removable by him, subject to the provisions of the statute be-
in fact, very usual to introduce into a lease a covenant for this pur-
pose, either specifying what fixtures shall be removable by the
tenant, or stipulating that he will, at the end of the term, deliver
up all fixtures annexed during its continuance to the landlord's
Fixtures 87 cited by Lord Tenterden, C. J., Lyde v. Russell, 1 B. & Ad. 395
apartment, and for taking a certain brass plate from the outer door
of the dwelling-house, the defendant pleaded, first, not guilty ; and,
secondly, as to removing the brass plate, that the plaintiif was not
possessed thereof; no evidence was given as to whether it was or
was not a fixture, nor was any question as to this point raised at
the trial. The jury assessed the damages separately, for the break-
ing and entering, and for the removal of the door-plate and the ;
Court held, that, after verdict, it must be assumed that the said
and that the defendant, having treated it as
plate was not a fixture,
an independent chattel, and thereby thrown the plaintiff off his
guard, could not, the verdict being against him, turn round and
treatthe matter differently;* for this would *have been r*4oi-|
"blowing hot and cold," and therefore inadmissible, as
opposed to a principle already mentioned.*
It is also worthy of notice, that the right of property in fixtures
may be modified by proof of a special usage prevailing in the par-
ticular neighborhood :° and it may, also, as in case of landlord and
tenant, be modified by evidence of the intention of the parties ex. ;
gr., a chattel placed by the owner upon the freehold of another, but
severable from it without injury thereto, does not necessarily be-
come part of the freehold, it is matter of evidence whether by
agreement it does not remain the property of the orignal owner."
See Bishop v. Elliott, 11 Exch. 113 Stansfield v. Mayor, &c., of Ports-
« Wood Hewett, 8 Q. B, 913 (55 E. C. L. R.), followed in Lancaster v.
tiff", and, being possessed of certain goods in the said house, died,
any time after, and all the goods which he had at the day of his
death. This writ plaintiff" delivered to the sheriff's, and told them
that divers goods belonging to B. at the time of his death were in
the defendant's house ; upon which the sheriff's charged the jury to
make inquiry according to the said writ, and the sheriff's and jury
observes, "'No doubt the maxim Quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedUis viell
mere putting a chattel into the soil by another cannot alter the ownership of
the chattel. To apply the maxim, there must be such a, fixing to the soil as
reasonably to lead to the inference that it was intended to be incorporated
with the soil."
" In connection with what has been said supra, respecting the right to fix-
tures as between landlord and tenant, may be consulted the cases cited ante,
p. 425, which concern mortgagor and mortgagee.
' Nemo de doma sud exirahi debet, D. 50. 17. 103.
2dly. It was resolved in the principal case, that when any house
is recovered by ejectment, the sheriff may break the house, in
order to deliver seisin and possession thereof to the lessor of the
' Semayne's Case, 5 Rep. 91 ; cited per Tindal, C. J., Hollier v. Laurie, 3
C. B. 339 (54 E. C.L. R.).
' In determining what is a burglarious entry of a dwelling-house, our law
has, in favorem vitce, resorted to many refinements and much nicety of con-
struction. See per Coltman, J., 6 C. B. 10 (60 E. C. L. R.).
'Hale P. C. 481, 488. By stat. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 100, s. 7, no punishment
or forfeiture shall be incurred by any person who shall kill another ^n his
own defence.
' 1 Hale P. C. 481, 484, et seq.
6 1 Hale P. C. 484 R. v. Scully,
; 1 C. & P. 319 (12 E. C. L. R.).
433 broom's legal maxims.
practice usual for the lessor of the plaintiff to point out to the
sheriff the premises recovered, and then the sheriff gives the lessor,
Sdly. The third exception to the general rule is, where the exe-
cution is at suit of the Crown, as where a felony or misdemeanor
has been committed, in which case the sheriff may break open the
outer door of the defendant's dwelling-house, having first signified
p^ J qc-| *But bare suspicion touching the guilt of the party will
not warrant the proceeding to this extremity, though a
felony has been actually committed, unless the officer comes armed
with a warrant from a magistrate grounded on such suspicion.'
1 Bep. 91.
5 ' Upton v. Wells, 1 Leon. K. 145.
'Ad. Eject., 4th ed., 300, 301. See per Patteson, J., Doe d. Stevens v.
Swindall, 12 M. & W. 783 Launock v. Brown, 2 B. & Aid. 592, which was
a case of arrest for a misdemeanor Burdett v. Abbot, 14 East 157, 158, where
the plaintiff was arrested under the Speaker's warrant for a breach of privi-
lege I'oster on Homicide 320. As to the power of arrest under the warrant
4thly. In all cases where the outer door of a house is open the
sheriff may enter and do execution, either of the body or goods of
the occupier, at the suit of any subject of the Crown, and the land-
lord may, in such case, likewise, enter to distrain for rent, or may
even open the outer door in the ordinary manner — as by lifting the
latch — to levy the distress,'^ or he may, it has been held, for that
purpose enter through an open window.* But the sheriff cannot,
in order to execute a writ of ca. sa. or *ji. fa. at suit of r^Aoa-i
a private person, break open the outer door of a man's
house even after request made, and refusal to open it.* " Nothing
is more certain than that in the ordinary cases of the execution of
B. 590, 594.
|-^ .„„, fore, let a house, except one *room, which he reserved for
the house being open, a constable broke open the door of the inner
room occupied by A. in order to arrest him ; it was held that tres-
pass would not lie against the constable.^ So, where it appeared
that the front door of the house was in general kept fastened, the
usual entrance being through the back door, and that the sheriff,
having entered by the back door while it was open in the night,
broke open the door of an inner room in which A. B. was with his
family, and there arrested him ; the arrest was held to have been
lawful.'' In an action of trespass against a sheriff for breaking and
spoiling a lock, bolt, and staple, affixed to the outer door of plain-
Dann, Cas. temp. Hardw. 167. See "Woods v. Durrant, 16 M. & W. 149;
Hutchison v. Birch, 4 Taunt. 619.
« Williams v. Spenoe, 5 Johns. (U. S.) R. 352.
' Hubbard Mace, 17 Johns. (0. S.) R. 127.
the purpose aforesaid, open the outer door, and, in so doing, did
break and spoil the lock, &c., doing no unnecessary damage.' The
Court held that the plea was good, although it was not shown how
the defendant entered into the house, nor who fastened the
outer door ; they also thought it sufficiently appeared that ^ -•
there was no other way of getting out than that adopted; and that,
in the absence of the plaintiff, the sheriff was excused from making
a demand, and was justified in breaking the lock, &c., as matter of
necessity, in order to get the goods out to execute the writ. In
the previous case of White v. Whitshire,^ it had been held that,
though the sheriff cannot break open a house in order to make exe-
cution under a fi.fa., yet, is open, and the bailiffs enter
if the door
and are disturbed by the parties who are within
in their execution
the house, he may break into the house and rescue his bailiffs, and
so take execution. In this case, as observed by the Court in Pugh
V. GrifBth, above cited, the breaking into the house was justified,
because the plaintiff himself had occasioned the necessity of it; but
it does not follow that there may not be other occasions where the
outer door may be broken.'
The privilege which, by the fourth resolution in Semayne's Case,
was held to attach to a man's house, must, however, be strictly con-
fined thereto, and does not extend to barns or outhouses uncon-
nected with the dwelling-house.* It admits also of this exception,
that if the defendant escape from arrest, the sheriff may, after
demand of admission and refusal, break open either his own house
or that of a stranger for the purpose of retaking him.^ Moreover,
if the sheriff breaks open an outer door when he is not justified in
doing so, this, it would seem, does not vitiate the execution, but
merely *renders the sheriff liable to an action of trespass.^
A sheriff's officer, in execution of a bailable writ, peace-
ably obtained entrance by the outer door ; but before he could
1 Pugh V. Griffith, 7 A. & E. 827 (34 E. C. L. R.).
" Palm. R. 52 Cro. Jac. 555.
make an actual arrest, was forcibly expelled from the house, and
the outer door fastened against him. The officer thereupon, having
obtained assistance, broke open the outer door and made the arrest
and it was held that he was justified in so doing; for, the outer
door being open in the first instance, the officer was entitled to
enter the house under civil process, and, being lawfully in the
house, "the prosecutor was guilty of a trespass in expelling him;
and that, the act of locking the outer door being unlawful, the pro-
secutor could confer no privilege upon himself by that unlawful act.
the officer was not, under the circumstances, requisite to justify him
in breaking open the outer door for " the law, in its wisdom, only
5thly. It was resolved that a man's house is not a castle for any
one but himself, and shall not afford protection to a third party who
flies thither, or to his goods, if brought or conveyed into the house
to prevent a lawful execution, and to escape the ordinary process of
law. In these latter cases, therefore, the sheriff may, after request.
and denial, break open the door, or he may enter if the door be
*op6'^'^ It must be observed, however, that the sheriff
does so at his peril and if it turn out that the defendant
Semayne's Case, supra; per Tindal, C. J., Cook v. Clark, 10 Bing. 21;
C. L. R.).
Davies v. Williams, 16 Q. B. 546, 556.
2 Perry v. Fitzhowe, 8 Q. B. 757 (55 B. C. L. R.) ; Jones v. Jones, 1 H. &
C. 1.
' Burling u. Read, 11 Q. B. 904, 908 (63 E. C. L. R.) ; Davison v. Wilson,
Id. 890.
* See Newton v. Harland, 1 M. & Gr. 644 (39 E. C. L. R.) Pollen v. ;
Brewer, 7 C„B. N. S. 371 (97 E. C. L. R.) per Cresswell, J., Davis v. Burrell,
10 C. B. 825 (70 E. C. L. R.), per Parke, B., and Alderson, B., 14 M. & W.
437. In Delaney v. Fox, 1 C. B. N. S. 166 (87 E. C. L. R.), the point above
mentioned was also raised. See Butcher v. Butcher, 7 B. & C. 399 (14 E. C.
L. R.).
= Per Parke, B., Harvey v. Brydges, 14 M. & W. Ui ;
s. c, 1 Exch. 261.
See per Cresswell, J., Meriton v. Coombes, 9 C. B. 789.
• 14 M. & W. 442: cited judgm.. Blades v. Higgs, 10 C. B. N. S. 721 (100
(97 E. C. L. R.).
' See per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Taunton v. Costar, 7 T. R. 432.
sulting from the principle that the public safety should supersede
the private), — yet, in the words of an eminent lawyer,' " This rule,
*^** una'fi's house is his castle, when ^applied to
r*AA91 ^'^^^'J
arrests in legal process, hath been carried as far as the
true principles of political justice will warrant —perhaps beyond
what, in the scale of sound reason and good policy, they will war-
opposed to those more wise and liberal views *wliicli have rn:jAO]
now long prevailed. It is, indeed, generally admitted,^
that, under the Saxon sway, the power of alienating real property
was altogether unrestricted ; and that land first ceased to be aliena-
ble when the feudal system was introduced into this country, shortly
after the Norman conquest ; for, although the Conqueror's right to
the crown of England seems to have been founded on title, and not
on conquest, yet, according to the fundamental principle of that
system, all land within the king's territories was held to be derived,
either mediately or immediately, from him as the supreme lord, and
was subjected to those burthens and restrictions which were incident
to the feudal tenure. Now
tenure originated in the mutual con-
of this latter practice, the chief lords had many times lost their
escheats, marriages, and wardships of lands and tenements belong-
ing to their fees, enacted, " that from henceforth it shall be lawful
to every freeman to sell at his own pleasure his lands and tenements,
or part of them, so that the feoffee shall hold the same lands and
tenements of the chief lord of the same fee, by such service and
customs as his feoffee held before."
This statute, it will be observed, did not extend to tenants in
capite ; and although by the subsequent Act, 17 Edw. 2, c. 6, Be
Proerogativd Regis, it was declared that no one holding of the Crown
by military service can, without the king's license, alien the greater
part of his lands, so that enough shall not remain for the due per-
formance 'of such service : from which it has been inferred that,
at all events, this question was set at rest by the subsequent stat. 34
Edw. 3, c. 15, which rendered valid such alienations as had been
made by tenants holding under Henry 3, and preceding sovereigns,
although there was a reservation of the royal prerogative as regarded
alienations made during the reigns of the two first Edwards.
Having thus remarked, that, by a fiction of the feudal law, all
land so given, but that it shall remain unto the issue of them to
whom it was given after their death, or shall revert unto the giver,
or his heir, if issue fail." The effect, therefore, of the above statute
was to prevent a tenant in tail from alienating his estate for a
greater term than that of his own life ; or rather, its effect was to
founded their argument upon the assumption that a recovery properly suf-
fered would destroy an entail, although they decided that, under the particu-
lar circumstances of that case, the entailhad not been destroyed.
° Except where the reversion was in the Crown, 34 & 35 Hen. 8, c. 20. As
Further, under the Act for abolishing fines and recoveries, 3 &
4 Will. 4, c. 74, a tenant in tail may, by any species of deed duly
enrolled, and otherwise made in conformity with the Act, absolutely
dispose of the estate of which he is seised in tail in the same man-
ner as if he were absolutely seised thereof in fee;^ and the sale of
accordance with the spirit of the feudal laws, imposed upon the aliena-
ure. It is, indeed, true, that, by the above statutes, some restric-
tion was imposed Upon the right of alienating by will lands held by
military tenure; yet since such tenures were, by the stat. 12 Car.
2, c. 24, converted into free and common socage tenures, we do, in
fact derive from the Acts passed in the reign of Hen. 8, the im-
portant right of disposing by will of all (except copyhold') lands
to the respective effects of the stats. 4 Hen. 7, c. 24, and 32 Hen. 8, c. 36, see
452, 455.
3 S. 1.
* Wright Tenures 147.
« Mildmay's Case, 6 Eep. 42 ; Co. Litt. 206 b.
common recovery, such condition would have been void ; for, by the
wishing to devise his estates to each son and his issue successively
in remainder, and to prevent the possibility of alienation, so as to
purport: "that the lands and tenements were given to his eldest
son upon such condition ; that, if the eldest son alien in fee or in
fee tail, &c., or if any of his sons alien, &c., that then their estate
^'^°"1'^ cease and be void, and that then *the same lands
and tenements immediately should remain to the second son,
and to the heirs of his body begotten, et sic ultra, the remainder to
his other sons;" and livery of seisin was made accordingly. "But,"
observes Littleton,^ it "seemeth by reason, that all such remainders
1 Ware v. & C. 433 (21 E. C. L. K.)
Cann, 10 B.
' 6 Rep. 41 Taylor v. Horde, 1 Burr. 84 Corbet's Case,
; arg., ; 1 Rep. 83
Portington's Case, 10 Rep. 35.
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley
593, 611.
* Litt. s. 720 ; Co. Litt. 379 b (1). ^ Litt. s. 721.
in the form aforesaid are void and of no value." And if, in the
case put, the eldest son had aliened in fee, the estates would there-
upon have vested in the alienee, and the parties in remainder would
.have been barred; that is to say, the condition which the testator
attempted to annex to the estate would have been inoperative.
We may, in connection with this subject, likewise refer to Sir W.
Blackstone's celebrated judgment in Perrin v. Blake,^ where a dis-
tinction is drawn between those rules of law which are to be con-
sidered as the fundamental rules of the property of this kingdom,^
and which cannot be exceeded or transgressed by any intention of
a testator, however clearly or manifestly expressed, and those rules
of a more arbitrary, technical, and artificial kind, which the inten-
tion of a testator may control. Amongst rules appertaining to the
first of these two classes. Sir W. Blackstone mentioned these : — 1st,
Not only will our Courts oppose the creation of a perpetuity -by
deed, but they will likewise frustrate the attempt to create it by
will and, therefore, " upon the introduction of executory devises,
and the indulgence thereby allowed to testators, care was taken that
the property which was the subject of them should not be tied up
beyond a reasonable time, and that too great a restraint upon alien-
diction which courts of equity exercise, for the protection of the in-
the beginning and the end of the twenty-one years ; thus, if laud is devised
with remainder over in case A.'s son die under the age of twenty-one, and
A. dies leaving a son in venire sa mere, then if the son marries in his twenty-
first year, and dies leaving widow enceinte, the estate vests, nevertheless,
in the infant in ventre sa m&re, and does not go over. See, per Lord EldoD,
C, Thellusson v. Woodford, 11 Ves. jun. 149.
^ Cadell V. Palmer, 10 Bing. 140. See Lord Dungannon v. Smith, 12 01. &
Fin. 546, distinguished in Christie v. Gosling, L. R. 1 H. L. 279, 292 ; Spencer
V. Duke of Marlborough, 3 Bro. P. C. 232.
' 4 Ves. jun. 227 ; s. c, 11 Id. 112, in which case Mr. Hargrave's argument
respecting perpetuities is well worthy of perusal.
* See also, per Wilmot, C. J., Bridgeman v. Green, Wilmot, Opin. 61.
orate review of the cases and authorities, held that a gift to the sole
and separate use of a woman, whether married or unmarried, with
a clause against anticipation, was good against an after-acguired
husband ; and this decision has been in subsequent cases fully recog-
nised and adopted.*
The reason of the rule thus established is fully stated by his lord-
ship, in a subsequent case, in these words :
— " When first, by the law
of this country, property was settled to the separate use of the wife,
equity considered the wife as a feme sole, to the extent of having a
dominion over the property. But then it was found that that,
though useful and operative, so far as securing to her a dominion
over the property so devoted to her support, was open to this diffi-
4 My. & Cr. 377, 390. See Wright v. Wright, 2 Johns. & Hem. 647, 652.
' 4 My. & Cr. 378. *
Baggett v. Meux, supra.
' Per Lord Cottenham, Rennie v. Ritchie, 12 CI. & Fin. 234.
455 broom's legal maxims.
20 & 21 Vict. c. 85, for amending the law relating to divorce and
matrimonial causes, a fime covert will, for her protection, be con-
sidered as a feme sole with respect to her acquired property, and
for the purpose of suing and contracting.'
Conformable to the spirit of the elementary maxim now under
consideration is the stat. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 57, intituled " An Act
to enable married women to dispose of reversionary interests in
personal estate."
Having thus observed that our law favors the alienation of real
property, or to use the words of Lord Mansfield, that " the sense
of wise men, and the general bent of the people in this country,
have ever been against making land perpetually unalienable;" and
having seen that " the utility of the end was thought to justify any
means to attain it,"^ it remains to add, that the same policy obtains
with reference to personalty ; and, in support of this remark, may
be adduced the well-known rule of the law merchant, that, for the
encouragement of commerce, the right of survivorship, which is
^""^^^^ *^^ '^^ ^® ^° merchants* — to trade fixtures also,
v.Such, 8 Exch. 825 and Morgan v. Marquis, 9 Exch. 145, the signification
Per Sir J. Leach, M. R., Phillips v. Phillips, 1 My. & K. 663 and in ;
shall determine the interest of the legatee, and create a new interest
in another."'
it for his support and maintenance, it was held that, on the in-
The distinction between a proviso or condition subsequent and a
limitation above exemplified, may be further explained in the words
of Lord Eldon, who says " There is no doubt that
: property may
be given to a man until he shall become bankrupt. It is equally
*^^^*''' generally *speaking, that, if property is given to
a man for his life, the donor cannot take away the inci-
dents to a life estate, and * * * a disposition to a man until he
shall become bankrupt, and after his bankruptcy over, is quite dif-
ferent from an attempt to give to him for his life, with a proviso
that he shall not sell or alien it. If that condition is so expressed
as to amount to a limitation, reducing the interest short of a life
estate, neither the man nor his assignees can have it beyond the
period limited."^
but likewise the various measures which have from time to time
r-^ , rq-, been adopted, as well for simplifying the forms of convey-
ance as for rendering the realty liable to *debts,* and
Younghusband v. Gisborne, 1 Colly. 400.
' Brandon v. Robinson, 18 Ves. 433, 434.
1 Vern. 164.
^ The feudal restraint of alienation necessarily prevented land from being
subject to the debts of the tenant ; but by Stat. Westm. 2, 13Edw. 1, st. 1,
c. 18, one moiety of the land was made liable to execution. Wright Tenures
169, 170.
Bell Diet. & Dig. of Scotch Law 242.
^ Craig, Jus Feud., 3d ed., 66. ' Co. Litt. 19 a.
2 Hep. 71. ' Wright Tenures 151, 152.
on the part of his mother. Why? Because the law has already
said how a fee-simple estate shall descend."
In The Marquis of Salisbury v. Gladstone,* the validity of a
custom came under consideration that the copyholders of inher-
itance of a certain manor miglit, without license from the lord,
break the surface, and dig and get clay without limit, from and out
of their copyhold tenements, for the purpose of making the same
into bricks, to be sold off the manor. In giving his opinion in
well, J., and Watson, B., in Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 E. & B. 123 (92 E. C.
^^ possible, be complied with, and carried into *efiFect in a
court of justice,' a person taking under a will may have a
right of alienating the property devised in his lifetime, and yet have
no power of disposing of it by any testamentary instrument. For
instance, A. devised his copyhold and real estates to B., his heirs
Bell, Diet, and Dig. of Scotch Law 242. See 1 Kyd on Corporations 50;
2 Id. 195 Skin. K. 481, 502.
^ Gibson V. Dickie, 3 M.
& S. 463, cited arg. Parker v. Rolls, 14 C. B. 697
(78 E. C. L.R.).
' By 1 Vict. c. 26, s. 10, every -will executed as prescribed by that Act will
419 ;
Doe d. Earl of Egremont v. Burrough, 6 Q. B. 229 (51 E. C. L. B.)
Doe d. Blomfield v. Eyre, 3 C. B. 557 (54 E. C. L. R.).
' As illustrating this well-known principle, see per Lord Brougham, Pren-
dergast v. Prendergast, 3 H. L. Cas. 218, 219 et vide post, Chap. VIIL
defectu meo amitti vel in alium transferri non potest,^ where factum
may be translated "alienation," and defectus "forfeiture;"^ and it
' This maxim is well illustrated by Vyuer v. Mersey Docks, &c., Board, 14
C. B. N.S. 753 (108 E. C. L. R.).
^ 1 Prest. Abs. Tit. 147, 318. The kindred maxims are, Quod semel mmm
est amplius meum esse non potest, Co. Litt. 49 b ;
Duo non possunt in solido
unam rem possidere, Co. Litt. 368 a. See 1 Prest., Abs. Tit. 318 ; 2 Id. 86,
286 ; Adm. R. 157 2 Curt. 76.
2 Dods. ;
' See Bromage v. Lloyd, 1 Exoh. 32; Bishop v. Curtis, 18 Q. B. 878 (83 B.
C. L. R.) ; Lysaght
Bryant, 9 C. B. 46 (67 E. C. L. R.).
Wilson, L. R. 4 C. P. 57.
' Co. Litt. 384 b.
1 D. 50. 17. 54 ; Wing. Max., p. 56. ^ 3 Prest. Abs. Tit. 25, 222.
» Mackeld. Civ. Law 179. * 3 Prest. Abs. Tit. 25 ; Id. 244.
' The reader will find this subject elaborately considered in Mr. Butler's
note (1) Co. Litt. 330 b; Machell v. Clarke, 2 Lord Raym. 778; 1 Cruise
Dig., 4th ed., 80.
« See Shelford Real Prop. Stats., 6th ed., 595.
468 broom's LEGAL MAXIMS.
to the elementary rule above noticed, for the lord of a manor having
only a particular interest therein as tenant for life, may grant by
copy for an estate which may continue longer than his own estate
in the manor, or for an estate in reversion, which may not come
into possession during the existence of his own estate.* The special
signee, although greater than that which the assignor himself pos-
sessed. A jury found that the lessor had nothing in the land when
he made the lease to the plaintiif, and afterwards the lessor entered
and ejected him, and was held that this lease was good as between
t^'"^®*? ^^^ ^^^ relation of landlord and tenant would *there-
seised of the land at the time when the lease was made.*
In mercantile transactions, as well as in those unconnected with
real property, the general rule undoubtedly is, that a person can-
not transfer to another a right which he does not himself possess.
give a floating right of action at the suit of any one into whose
hands the writing may come, and who may thus acquire a right of
action better than the right of him under whom he derives title.""
there are some exceptions, one of which arises out of the rule of
Chap. IX.
nary chose in action, and has no better right than his assignor.
When he does so, he is affected by fraud, which he knew of before
the endorsement."
*Further, by a sale in market overt, one wrongfully in
possession of a chattel may convey a good title to a bond
goods, and the question whether or not the property in them has
passed, will depend upon the real contract entered into by the
parties ;
yet, if the consignor and original owner endorses and de-
power of the latter to transfer the property in- the goods to a bond
fide purchaser for a valuable consideration, and thus to deprive
himself of any right of stoppage in transitu which he might have
had as against the consignee prior to such transfer.^ " The actual
liolder of an endorsed bill of lading," said Tindal, C. J.,'
"may, undoubtedly, by endorsement, *transfer a greater
' Post.
Per Cockburn, C. J., Fuentes v. Montis, L. R. 4 C. P. 96.
ment. It is confined to the case where the person who transfers the right is
himself in actual and authorized possession of the document, and the trans-
feree gives value on the faith of it, without having notice of any circumstance
which would render the transaction neither fair nor honest."
^ See judgm., Gurney v. Behrend, 3 E. & B. 633, 634 (77 E. C. L. R.) 1 ;
* A.S to this rule in equity, see Mangles v. Dixon, 3 H. L. Cas. 702, cited
Higgs V. Assam Tea Co., L. R. 4 Ex. 396 Rodger v. The Comptoir d'Es-
R. 4 Q. B. 44, 48. ]f a man gives a license and then parts with the property
over which the privilege is to be exercised, the license is gone Colman v. :
notice in connection with the law of contracts, which has been re-
served for especial consideration in a subsequent portion of this
Where, then, a person pays a bill of exchange on account and for
the honor of a party to the bill, the person making such payment
becomes holder of the bill as upon a transfer from the party for
whom the payment was made that is ; to say, he is put in the situ-
ation of an endorsee under such party and is clothed with all the
a chattel, and the transfer of the right of action for the same. It
is, indeed, a well-known rule of law, that a chose in action, ex. gr.
L. R. 1 Q. B. 372.
" Per Blackburn, J., Goodman v. Boycott, 2 B. & S. 9, 10 (110 E. C. L. R.)-
1 Jones V. Carter, 8 Q. B. 134 (55 E. 0. L. R.). See, now, stat. 8 & 9 Vict,
c. which renders wagers illegal.
^ Tempest w. Kilner, 2 C. B. 300, 308 (52 E. C. L. R.); per Buller, J.,
Master v. Miller, 4 T. R. 341. See Jones v. Robinson, 1 Exch. 454.
' See per Willes, J., Balfour v. OS. Man. of the Sea Fire and Life Ass. Co.,
27 L. J. C. P. 19.
Per Bayley, J., Price v. Seaman, 4 B. & C. 528 (10 E. C. L. R.).
753 with which compare Liversidge v. Broadbent, 4 II. & N. 603 Com. Dig.,
; ;
Action upon the case upon assumpsit (B. 1. 3). See also Ex parte Lane, De G.
Bankruptcy Gas. 300 Eastern Union R. C. v. Cochrane, 9 Exch. 197 London,
; ;
643. The common law rule forbidding the assignment of a chose in action
does not bind the Crown see Story Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., 405.
^ See 2 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., 427, 428 Rodick v. Gandell, 1 De. G., ;
M. & G. 763.
475 broom's legal maxims.
*Without attempting to enumerate the various rights
which are assignable, either by the express act of the party,
or by the operation of the law, we may observe generally, that the
maxim, assignatus utitur jure auctoris, is subject to very many re-
strictions^ besides those to which we have just alluded; for instance,
although the assignee of the reversion in land is, by the common
law, entitled to sue upon covenants in law,^ and has, under the stat.
* Per Lush, J., Elliott v. Johnson, L. R. 2 Q. B. 122, citing Standen v.
Policies of life and marine insurance are now assignable under stats. 30 &
31 Vict. c. 144, and 31 & 32 Vict. c. 86.
> Per Parke, B., Gaters v. Madeley, 6 M. & W. 426, 427 ; Fleet v. Perrins,
cedit jure ejus uti debet ; and the same principle applies where a
subsequent transfer of the property made by such assignee.'
Whoever grants a thing is supposed also tacitly to grant that without which
the grant itself would he of no effect.
" If you grant anything, you are presumed to grant to the ex-
tent of your power that also without which the thing granted
cannot be enjoyed."? Thus, in The Caledonian Railway Company
V. Lord Cranworth, C, in reference to the right to support,
observes, " If the owner of a house were to convey the upper story
to a purchaser, reserving allbelow the upper story, such purchaser
would, on general principles, have a right to prevent the owner of
the lower stories from interfering with the walls and beams upon
' As to a sale or wrongful conversion by bailee for hire, see Cooper ».
Willomatt, 1 C. B. 672 (50 B. C. L. R.)Bryant -e. Wardell, 2 Exch. 479
' 2 Macq. So. App. Cas. 449, 450, 451. See Great Western R. C. w. Fletcher,
5 H. & N. 689.
of it, are granted also, and shall pass inclusive, together with the
thing by the grant of the thing itself, without the words cum perti-
nentiis,^ or any such-like words.' And a right of way appurtenant
to land passes to the tenant by a parol demise of the land, although
nothing is said about it at the time of the demise.*
Parke, B., Richards v. Rose, Id. 220 and distinguished in White ; v. Bass, 7
H. & N. 729, 732 ; Buokby v. Coles, 5 Taunt. 311 (1 E. C. L. R.) ; Robertson
V. Gantlett, 16 M. & W. 289.
The mode of creating and nature of a way of necessity were much con-
sidered in Pearson v. Spencer, 1 B. & S. 571 (101 E. C. L. R.).
A way of necessity can only arise by grant express or implied
right of
Proctor Hodgson, 10 Exch. 824. See arg. Grove v. Withers, 4 Exch. 879.
The right to use a drain may pass impliedly by the grant of a house, Pyer
V. Carter, 1 H. & N. 916 (which "went to the utmost extent of the law,'' per
R. 2 Ex. 289; Ewart v. Cochrane, 4 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 117, 122; Hall v.
Lund, 1 H. & C. 676. See Polden v. Bastard, 32 L. J. Q. B. 372.
» Howton V. Prearson, 8 T. R.
56 Noy Max., 9th ed., 54, 56 Plowd. Com. ; ;
16 a Finch Law 63 Clarke v. Cogge, Cro. Jac. 170 Beaudely v. Brook, Id.
; ;
16 M. & W. 289.
' Where minerals are granted by deed, it must prima, facie be presumed
that the minerals are to be enjoyed, and, therefore, that a power to get tljem
must also be granted or reserved as a necessary incident : per Lord Wensley-
dale, Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 H. L. Cas. 360 ;
per Martin, B., s. c, 8 E. &
B. 149 (92 E. C. L. R ).
* 1 Wms.- Saund. 323, n. (6) Shep. Touch. 89 Co. Litt. 59 b Liford's
; ; ;
Case, II Rep. 52; Foster v. Spooner, Cro. Eliz. 18; Saunders' Case, 5 Rep.
12; Noy Max., 9th ed., p. 56 ; Doe d. Rogers v. Price, 8 C. B. 894 (65 E. C.
L. R.).
' Hewitt V. Isham, 7 Exch. 77, 79; Liford's Case, II Rep. 52; Ashmeadv.
Ranger, I Ld. Raym. 552.
' I Wms. Saund. 323, note (6), adfinem.
ments, shall have free entry, egress, and regress, to cut and carry
them away.^ The right to emblements does not, however, give a
title to the exclusive occupation of the land. Therefore, it seems,
that, if the executors occupy till the corn or other produce he ripe,
the landlord may maintain an action for the use and occupation of
the land.^ On the same principle, where a tenant is entitled to an
away -going crop, he may likewise be entitled by custom to retain
possession of that portion of the land on which it grows ; and, in
this case, the custom operates as a prolongation of the term, or
rather of the legal right of possession as to such portion.'
So, it has been observed, that when the use of a thing is granted,
everything is granted by which the grantee may have and enjoy
such use ; as, if a man gives me a license to lay pipes of lead in
his land to convey water to my cistern, I may afterwards enter, and
dig the land, in order to mend the pipes, though the soil belongs to
another, and not to me.*
And where an Act of Parliament empowered a railway company
to cross the line of another company by means of a bridge, it was
held, that the first-mentioned company had, consequently, the right
of placing temporary scaffolding on the land belonging to the latter,
if the *so placing it were necessary for the purpose of con- r^^^oq-i
structing the bridge,' for uhi aliquid conceditur, conceditur
etid sine quo res ipsa esse non potest. And a person lawfully ex-
posing goods for sale in a public market has a right to occupy the
soil with baskets necessary and proper for containing the goods.
In a modern case, it was held, that a certain coal-shoot, water
and other pipes, all which were found, by special verdict, to be
Litt. 8. 68 ; Co. Litt. 56 a, 153 a, cited 1 M. & S. 660 (28 E. C. L. R.).
Woodf. L. & T., 9th ed., 586.
C, Blackesley v. Whieldon, 1 Hare 180 per Story, J., Charles River Bridge ;
tain passage for the purpose of using the said ooal-shoot, and using,
cleaning, and repairing the said pipes, likewise passed to the lessee
as a necessary incident to the subject-matter actually demised,
although not specially named in the lease.^
In a deed of conveyance of certain land, the grantor excepted
and reserved out of the grant all coaL-mines, together with sufficient
way-leave and stay-leave to and from the said mines, and the lib-
erty of sinking pits : the Court held, that, as the coals were ex-
cepted, and a right to dig pits for getting those coals reserved, all
and, further, that a pond for the supply of the engine, and likewise
the engine-house, were necessary accessories to such an engine, and
were, therefore, lawfully made.^
Again, the power of making by-laws is, on the same principle,
Taylor, 1 H. & N. 706, 711 ; citing Dand v. Kingsoote, supra, and Earl of
Cardigan v. Armitage, 2 B. & 0. 197 (9 E. C. L. R.) ; Hodgson v. Field, 7
East 613.
" R. V. Westwood, 7 Bing. 20 (20 E. C. L. R.). See Chilton v. London and
Croydon R. C, 16 M. & W. 212 Calder and Hebble Nav. Co. v. Pilling, 14
1 "Wms. Saund. 233, n (6), ad finem; Lord Darcy v. Askwith, Hob. 234
with such offence.' So, constables, whose duty it is to see the peace
kept, may, when necessary, command the assistance of others.^ In
like manner, the sheriff is authorized to take the posse comitat4s, or
P. C. 505; Frost v. Oliver, 2 E. & B. 301 (75 E. C. L. R.), with which cases
compare Organ v. Brodie, 10 Exch. 449 Story on Agency, 4th ed., 110, 179,
242, 299. The maxim cited supra has indeed a very wide applicability in
connection with the law of Principal and Agent, see ex. gr. Bayley v.
"Wilkins, 7 C. B. 886 (62 E. C. L. R.). It was unsuccessfully relied on in
Brady ». Todd, 9 0. B. N. S. 592 (99 E. C. L. R.) with which compare Miller
« 12 Rep. 131.
of the railway.^
On the other hand, quando aliquid prohibetur, proJiihetur et
omne per quod devenitur ad illud^ whatever is prohibited by law —
to be done directly cannot legally be effected by an indirect and
" a mere devise for carrying into effect that which the legislature
has expressly said shall not be done;^ of which maxim the follow-
ing instances must suflBce : — The donee of a power of appointment
1 Judgm., 4 Moo. P. C. C. N. S. 219, 221 ; Kielley v. Carson, 4 Moo. P. C.
T. R. 301, 415. See Hughes v. Statham, 4 B. & C. 187, 193 (10 E. C.L.R.);
Duke of Marlborough v. Lord Godolphin, cited 2 T. R. 251, 252. A court of
law will not use a power which it has for the purpose of indirectly exercising
a power which it has not A.-G. v. Bovet, 15 M. & W. 71. " In actions for
colorable evasion of the right secured to the party " per Tindal, C. J., 7 CI. :
must exercise the power without any indirect object, and in doing
so must act with good faith and sincerity, and with an entire and
single view to the real purpose and object of the power, and for
the purpose of accomplishing any bye or sinister object which he
may *desire to effect.^ If a tenant, under covenant not r^^Q/i-i
to "let, set, assign, transfer or make over" the indenture
of lease, give a warrant of attorney to confess judgment to a cred-
itor, for the express purpose of enabling such creditor to take the
lease in execution under the judgment, this is in fraud of the cove-
nant, and the landlord, under a clause of re-entry in the lease for
breach of the condition, may recover the premises in ejectment
from a purchaser under the sheriff's sale. In this case, the tenant
could not, by any assignment, under-lease, or mortgage, have con-
veyed his interest to a creditor, and, consequently, he cannot con-
vey it by an attempt of this kind. If the lease had been taken by
the creditor under an adverse judgment, the tenant not consenting,
it would not have been a forfeiture ; but in the above case, the
tenant concurred throughout, and the whole transaction was per-
formed for the very purpose of enabling the tenant to convey his
term to the creditor.^
But, although the above is, no doubt, the general rule, and is
B., Price v. "Worwood, 4 H. & N. 513. In Hill v. Cowdery, 1 II. & N. 360,
365, Bramwell, B., citing Croft v. Lumley, observes, that the doctrine there
laid down is, that "when a person covenants that he will not do an act, he
does not break his covenant if he does an act which indirectly brings about
the result provided against."
' Per Lord Lyndhurst, C, Hills v. Croll, 1 Cooper Pract. Cas. 86 Colraan ;
The incident shall pass iy the grant of the principal, hut not the principal
by the grant of the incident?-
and does not exist for the sake of any other thing. All that belongs to a
principal thing, oris in connexion with it, is called an accessory thing [res
accessoria)." Mackeld. Civ. Law 155. See ex. gr. Ashworth app., Hey-
worth, resp., L. R. 4 Q. B. 316,' 319.
^ ^^ Accessio is the general name given" in the Roman Law "to every
accessory thing, whether corporeal or incorporeal, that has been added to a
principal thing from without, and has been connected with it, whether by the
powers of nature or by the will of man, so that in virtue of this connexion it
is regarded as part and parcel of the thing. The appurtenances to a thing
are to be noticed as a peculiar kind of accession they are things connected ;
with another thing, with the view of serving for its perpetual use." Mackeld.
Rom. Law 155, 156.
• See Mackeld. Civ. Law 279, 281 ; I. 2. 1., De Berum Divisione; Brisson.
ad verb. " Aceessorium."
cipale, is, then, derived from the Roman law, and signifies that the
accessory right follows the principalmay be illustrated by the ;^ it
^ Bell. Diet, and Dig. of Scotch Law, p. 7. See also Co. Litt. 389 a.
2 See also Chanel v. Robotham, Yelv. 68 Wood v. Bell, 5 E. & B. 772 (85
E. C.L. R.).
' National Guaranteed Manure Co. v. Donald, 4 H. & N. 8.
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 339 Litt. s. 229 Co. Litt. 143 a.
; ;
493 broom's legal maxims.
although the conveyance of the m&uor: primd facie draws after it the
advowson also, yet it is always competent for the owner to sever the
advowson from the manor, either by conveying the advowson away
from the manor, or by conveying the manor without the advowson;'
r*4q4n and hence there is a *marked distinction between the pre-
ceding cases and those in which the incident is held to be
inseparably connected with the principal, so that it cannot be sev-
dent to a manor, the manor cannot be granted and the court re-
' Judgm., Moseley v. Motteux, 10 M. & W. 544; Bac. Abr., *' Grants"
(I. 4).
vol. i. p. 227.
» Shep. Touch. 89 ; 1 Crabb Real. Prop. 488. See Pannell v. Mill, 3 C. B.
625 (54 E. C. L. R.) ; Graham v. Ewart, 1 H. & N. 550; s. c, 11 Bxch. 320;
pass therewith, and on which the assignee of the lessee, or the heir
or devisee of the covenantor, is in many cases liahle, according to
the kindred maxim of law, transit terra cum onere;\ a maxim, the
principle of which holds not merely with reference to covenants,
but likewise with reference to such customs as are annexed to land
— it is laid down that the custom of gavelkind, being
for instance,
a custom by reason of the land, runs therewith, and is not affected
by a fine or recovery had of the land but "otherwise it is of lands ;
in ancient demesne partible among the males, for there the custom
runneth not with the land simply, but by reason of the ancient
demesne ; and, therefore, because the nature of the land is changed,
by the fine or recovery, from ancient demesne to land at the com-
mon law, the custom of parting it among the males is also gone."'^
With reference to titles, moreover, one of the leading rules is
cessante statu prim itivo cessat derivativus^ — the derived estate ceases
on the determination of the original estate; and the exceptions to
this rule have been said to create some of the many difiiculties
"The law," says Lord Bacon, "doth not allow of grants except
there be a foundation of an interest in the grantor; for the law
that will not accept of grants of titles, or of things in action which
are imperfect interests, much less will it allow a man to grant or
encumber that which is no interest at all, but merely future. But
of declarations precedent, before any interest vested, the law doth
allow, but with this difference, so that there be some new act or con-
veyance to give life and vigor to. the declaration precedent."*
With respect to the first part of the above rule, viz., that a dis-
to transfer the freight to the mortgagee." Per Martin, B., Rusden v. Pope,
L. R. 3 Ex. 276.
' 3 Inst. 139.
3 4 Com. by Broom & Hadley 35. See Stat. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 94.
* Bac. Max., reg. 14. ' Judgm., 1 C. B 386.
« Tit., " Grants," a. 65. See also Vin. Abr., " Grants" (H. 6) ;
Noy Max.,
9th ed., 162; Com. Dig., " Grant" (D).
498 broom's legal maxims.
learning in the law, that a man cannot grant or charge that which
he hath not." And again, it is said, that if a man grants unto me
all the wool of his sheep, meaning thereby the wool of sheep which
grantor at *that time has, the grant is good;' but a
r*4QQ1' *^®
man cannot grant all the wool which shall grow upon his
sheep that he shall buy hereafter, for then he hath it neither
actually nor potentially.^ So, it has been held, that a man cannot
by deed of bargain and sale pass the property in goods which
are not in existence,^ or, at all events, which are not belonging to
the grantor at the time of executing the deed ;* " the law," indeed,
"has long been settled, that a person cannot by deed, however
solemn, assign that which is not in him ;"* and, in accordance with
this principle, where a bill of sale purported to be an absolute
assignment of furniture and farming stock, " and other things,
which are now, or which at any time during the continuance of this
security shall be in, and about, and belonging to the dwelling-
house," the Court of Queen's Bench held, that such deed could not
operate as an assignment of the goods thereafter to be brought upon
the premises, and not specified therein.^
*''' ^'^^ ^^ observed, however, that, according to the dis-
tinction just stated, a grant of the future produce of pro-
Perkins, tit. " Grants," a. 90.
'Grantham Hawley, Hob. 132. See Shep. Touch., by Preston, 241.
branded sheep and herds of cattle, on a run in the colony of New South
AT ales, with the issue, increase, and produce thereof, was held limited to the
issue and increase of the specific sheep, and not to include sheep afterwards
brought upon the run, though in substitution for those specified in the origi-
nal mortgage.
' " If a chattel is sold, and at the time of the sale the chattel does not exist,
the contract is not binding upon the purchaser ;" per Martin, B., Strickland
V. Turner, 7 Exch. 215 ; Barr v. Gibson, 3 M. & "W. 390 Couturier v.
citing ;
Grantham v. Hawley, Hobart 132.
' Petch V. Tutin, 15 M. & W. 110; recognising and following Grantham v.
In connection with the subject above touched upon, the stat. 17 & 18 Vict-
c. 36, intituled " An Act for preventing Frauds upon Creditors by secret Bills
livery subsequent, which gives effect and validity to the prior con-
after shall be seised, and after I purchase lands, and J. S., my at-
torney, doth demise them, this is a good demise, because the demise
of my attorney is a new act, and all one with a demise by myself;"
and "Where by deed indented a man represents himself as the
owner of an estate, and affects to convey it for valuable considera-
tion, having at the time no possession or interest in the estate, and
where nothing therefore can pass, whatever be the nature of the con-
veyance, there if by any means he afterwards acquire an interest in
the estate, he is estopped, in respect of the solemnity of the in-
1 Per Sir John Leach, V.-C, Bensley v. Burdon, 2 Sim. & St. 526.
' Citing Robinson u. Macdonnell, 5 M. & S. 228.
P. 272.
Shower v. Pilck, 4 E.xch. 478 Flory v. Denny, 7 Exch. 581 cited per Wil-
; ;
Parke, B., Oulds v. Harrison, 10 Exch. 575; Milnes v. Dawson, 5 Exch. 950.
* 1 Vict. c. 26, s. 24 O'Toole v. Browne, 3 E. & B. 572 (77 E. C. L. R.)
per Sir J. Leach, M. R., Gittings v. M'Dermott, 2 My. & K. 73. See per Lord
Brougham, C, 1 My. & K. 485.
'D. 34.4, 4; 4 Rep. 61. "Delivery" of a will implies " something whereby
the party acknowledges that the instrument is a complete act containing his
final mind— that it is no longer ambulatory ;" per Parke, B., Curteis v. Ken-
rick, 3 M. & W. 471 et vide per Lord Abinger, C. B., Id. 472
Vincent v. ;
™^^6s the *present effect of such an instrument different
a man by deed limit lands to the use of himself for life, with re-
It is the consent of the parties, not their concubinage, which constitutes a valid
and Wife the important judgments delivered in Reg. v. Millis, 10 CI. & Fin.
534; Beamish v. Beamish, 9 H. L. Cas. 274; Brook v. Brook, Id. 193; Dol-
phin V. Robins, 7 H. L. Cas. 390 Shaw v. Gould, L. R. 3 H. L. 55, 79 Fen-
; ;
ton V. Livingston, 3 Macq. Se. App. Cas. 497 Yelverton v. Longworth, 4 Id.
Wright, E., B. & E. 746 (96 E. C. L. R.), which contain learned researches
respecting the nature and requisites of the marriage contract ; Cruise Dig.,
4th ed., vol. 3, tit. 29, chaps. 1, 2, 3, which
Descent and Consan-treat of
guinity and the elaborate judgment of Kindersley, V.-C, respecting the
operation of the stat. 3 <fc 4 Will. 4, c. 106, in Re Don's Estate, 4 Drew. 194.
' As to this maxim, see, per Lord Campbell, C, 9 H. L. Cas. 335; as to its
The above maxim lias been adopted from the civil law' by the
common lawyers, who, indeed, have borrowed (especially in ancient
times) almost all their notions of the legitimacy of marriage from
the canon and civil laws f and by the latter, as well as by the
earlier ecclesiastical law, marriage was a mere consensual con-
tract, only differing from other contracts of this class in being in-
' Per Lord Brougham, in Reg. v. Millis, 10 CI. & Fin. 719. See also Lord
Stowell's celebrated judgment in Dalrymple v. Dalrymple (by Dodson), p. 10
(a), where many authorities respecting this maxim are collected. See also
the remarks upon this case, 10 CI. & Fin. 679 and, per Cresswell, J., Brook
Annulling Bill, supra, well illustrates the maxim cited in the text.
* The following authorities may be referred to, as explanatory of the law of
Hamilton v. Hamilton, 9 CI. & Fin. 327 Stewart v. Menzies, 8 Id. 309; Bell
rick, L. R. 1 So. App. Cas. 470, the presumption of a marriage prior to the
birth of children arising from cohabitation and acknowledgment was held to
be completely rebutted by evidence of the strongest kind.
10 CI. & Fin. 534 (as to whioh case, see the observations of Lord Campbell,
C. 9 H. L. Cas. 338-9 of Dr. Lushington, Catterall v. Catterall, 1 Robertson
5S2 per Willes, J., Reg. v. Manwaring, Dearsl. & B. 139) Beamish v. Beam-
ish, 9 H. L. Cas. 274. See 7 & 8 Vict. c. 81, s. 83 ; 5 & 6 Vict. c. 113 ; 19 &
20 Vict. c. 119.
' Beamish v. Beamish, 9 H. L. Cas. 274.
» 4 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 743, 746, 862, 893.
exist together, the civil and religious ; that, besides the civil con-
tract, that is, the contract per verba de prcesenti, which has always
remained the same, there has at all times been also a religious cere-
mony, which has not always remained the same, but has varied from
time to time, according to the variation of the laws of the Church
with respect to which ceremony, it is to be observed, that, whatever
at any time has been held by the law of the Church to be a suffi-
instance, the Church has held, as it often has done, down to the
not be found in any period of our history, either that the Church
of England has held the religious celebration sufficient to constitute
* valid marriage, unless it *was performed in the presence
of an ordained minister, or that the common law has held
a marriage complete without such celebration."^
In support of the position thus laid down, the learned Chief
Justice, whose words we have above quoted, refers to the state
' 10 CI. & Fin. 655, 656.
fectly open, we find no case in which it has been held that a mar-
riage between Quakers was a legal marriage, on the ground that it
provisions, we may observe that the stat. 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 85, recog-
nises marriage as essentially a civil contract ; and by the 20th sec-
the provisions of the Act in any registered building may, after due
notice and certificate issued, contract and solemnize marriage at
the ofiice of the superintendant registrar in the manner therein
pointed out.^
10 CI. & Fin. 671, 673.
' See Shelf. Marriage, Index, " Statutes."
» See also 19 & 20 Vict. o. 119.
511 broom's legal maxims.
persons, one of whom has attained the age of twenty-one, and the
other of whom is within that age, the first is so far bound by the
contract as to be liable to an action, if be broken f but the latterit
full age, that party may disagree, and declare the marriage void,
founded on the civil law ; whereas the canon law pays greater re-
gard to the constitution than the age of the parties, and, if they
are hahiles ad matrimonium, the marriage is good, whatever be
' Per Lord Lyndhursfc, C, 10 CI. & Pin. 837. As to a plea of exoneration
and the evidence necessary to support it, see particularly King v. Gillett, 7
M. Sc W. 55, 59. See also the cases cited ante, pp. 250, 284.
' Per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., Warwick v. Bruce, 2 M. & S. 209 (28 E.
C. L. R.) ; s. c, affirmed in error, 6 Taunt. 118 (1 E. C. L. R.) ; Holt v. Ward,
2 Stra. 937.
' Judgm., 2 Stra. 939. * Id.
their respective ages ; and in our law the marriage will be good to
this extent, that, if at the age of consent they agree to continue
together, they need not be married again. If, moreover, the hus-
band be of years of discretion, *and the wife under twelve,
when she comes to years of discretion he may disagree as •- -'
clared. It has, moreover, been held, that the language of the 17th
1 Com. by Broom & Hadley 526, 527.
See also 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 85, s. 12 ; 19 & 20 Vict. c. 119, ss. 2, 17, 18.
514 broom's legal maxims.
section only goes to require consent, and the marriage is not abso-
lutely void if solemnized without it.^
nified under the great seal, and any marriage contracted without
such consent is void ;
provided, that such of the said descendants
as are above the age of twenty-five, may, after a twelvemonth's
P^r, p-i notice *given to the Privy Council, contract and solemnize
marriage without the consent of the Crown, unless both
Houses of Parliament shall, before the expiration of the said year,
nection with which case, see also Reg. v. Chadwick, 11 Q. B. 173 (63 E. C.
L. R.).
The common law takes him only to be a son whom the marriage proves to he so.^
The word " heir "* in legal understanding, signifies him to whom
lands, tenements, or hereditaments, by the act of God and right of
blood, descend, of some estate of *inheritance, for Beus
solus hceredem facere potest non homo, and he only is heir ^ J
Drew. 194.
• Co. Litt. 7 b ; cited 5 B. & C. 440, 454. The rule respecting property in
the young of animals is in accordance with the Roman law, partus sequiiur
ventrem: I. 2. 1. 19 ; D. 6. 1. 5, ^ 2 ;
per Byles, J., 6 C. B. N. S. 852 (95 E. C.
L. R.).
• Shaw V. Gould, L. R. 3 H. L. 55. See Birt «. Boutinez, L. R. 1 P. & D.
516 broom's legal maxims.
son, the sonmust have been born after actual marriage between bis
father and mother and this is a rule juris positivi, as indeed are all
and canon law, pater est quern nuptioe demonstrant,^ by which the
subsequent marriage between the father and mother was held to
rifr-,r,~, make the son *born before marriage legitimate; and this
rule of descent, being a rule of positive law, annexed to the
his birth, though legitimate by the law of Scotland,' could not take
real estate in England as heir, the father having died intestate.
And in Re Don's Estate, Kindersley, V.-C, held that the father
of an ante natus born in Scotland, and legitimated by the subse-
quent marriage of his parents, could not, under the statute 3 & 4
Will. 4, c. 106, succeed to real estate whereof the son had died
seised in England.*
The rule of descent just referred to is, then, one of a positive,
inflexible nature, applying to and inherent in the land itself, which
is the subject of descent, — of the same nature and character as that
rule which prohibited the descent of land to any but those who
were of the whole blood to the last taker, — or like the custom of
gavelkind or borough English, which causes the land to descend in
the one case to all the sons together, in the other to the younger
son alone.^
If, moreover, the parent be incapable of inheriting land himself,
he has no heritable blood in him which he can transmit to his
i.D. 2.4.5.
^•2C\.&. Fin. 571 s. c, 1 Scott N. R. 828
; 6 Bing. N. C. 385 (37 E. C. L.;
R.) 5 B. & C. 438 (11 B. C. L. R.) explained per Lord Brougham, renton
; ;
V. Livingstone, 3 Maoq. Sc. App. Cas. 432 per Lord Cranworth, Id. 544.
through such relation if he had not been attainted, unless such land
shall have escheated in consequence of such attainder before the
firstday of January, 1834. This Act, however, by sec. 11, shall
not extend to any descent which shall take place on the death of
any person dying before that day.
*There is likewise another rule of law immediately r^riq-i
connected with, and similar in principle to,*the*preceding,
which may be here properly mentioned, it is as follows: Qui ex
damnato coitu nasountur inter liberos non com^utentur^ —neither a
bastard^ nor any person not born in lawful wedlock can be, in the
legal sense of the term, an heir ;^ for a bastard is reckoned by the law
' N. R. 842.
1 Soott
Per Kindersley, V.-C, 27 L. J. Chanc. 102, 103 s. c, 4 Drew. 194. See ;
further as to the former law upon the subject above adverted to, Kynnaird v.
Leslie, L. R. 1 C. P. 389.
' Co. Litt. 8 a.
* " The strictly technical sense of the term 'bastard' is one who is not born
in lawful wedlock :" per Kindersley, V.-C, 27 L. J. Chanc. 102.
'(Slanville, lib. 7, c. 13 ; Shaw v. Gould, ante, p. 516.
619 broom's legal maxims.
r*fi901 ^^^^^' *° ^'^ *heir ex parte maternd. But this has been
mate child of the woman, the was void by the stat. 27 Eliz.
' See the argument, Stevenson's Heirs v. Sullivant, 5 Wheaton (U. S.) R.
226, 227 ; Id. 262 note.
" 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 398 ; Co. Litt. 3 b ; Finch Law 117, 118.
' 6 H. & N. 849 ; s. c, 5 Id. 401.
L. 55 ;
per Abbott, C. Lacon v. Higgins, 3 Stark. 1H3 (3 E. C. L. R.)
V. Millis, and Re Don's Estate, ante, pp. 505, 507 ; Connelly v. Connelly, 7
Moore P. C. C. 438.
By stat. 4 Geo. 4, o. 91, marriages performed by a minister of the Church
of England any British embassy or factory, or in the ambas-
in the chapel of
sador's house, or by an authorized person within the British lines, are de-
clared to be valid. See Lloyd v. Petitjean, 2 Curt. 251.
The marriage of an officer celebrated by a chaplain of the British army
within the lines of the army when serving abroad, is valid under the 9 Geo.
4, c. 91, although such an army is not serving in a country in a state of actual
hostility, and though no authority for the marriage was previously obtained
from the officer's superior in command: The Waldegrave Peerage, 4 CI. <fe
Fin. 649.
' 1 Scott N. R. 839.
» Per Abbott, C. J., 5 B. C. 451, 452 (11 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Holroyd and
Bayley, JJ., Id. 454.
521 broom's legal-maxims.
of the person. The owner in any country may dispose of his per-
r^cpo-i which *the property is, but the law of the country of which
he was a subject, that will regulate the succession."^ Mo-
hilia sequunter personam,^ is the maxim of our own as of the Eoman
Law. The personal estate of a testator accompanies him wherever
he may reside and become domiciled, so that he acquires the right
of disposing of and dealing with it, according to the law of his
By law, no inheritance can vest, nor can any person be the actual
complete heir of another, till the ancestor is dead ; before the hap-
pening of this event he is called heir-apparent, or heir-presump-
tive,* and his claim which can only be to an estate remaining in the
ancestor at the time of his death, and of which he has made no tes-
stone, 3Maoq. Sc. App. Cas. 547 per Lord Brougham, Bane v. Whitehaven;
L. J., P. M. & A. 1 ; s. c, 1 Swab. & Tr. 441 ; Anderson !;. Lanerwille, 9 Id.
* 2 Bla. Com., by Stewart 231 ; Co. Litt. 8 a.
^ Per Patfceson, J., Doe d. Winter v. Perratt, 7 Scott N. R. 23, 24 ; s. c, 9
CI. & Fin. 606 ;
per Littledale, J., 5 B. & C. 59; 2 Com. by Broom & Had-
ley 211.
So it has been said that " a -".vill takes effect only on the testator's
death; during his life it is subject to his control, and, until it was
consummated by his death, no one had, in a legal view, any interest
in it Nemo est hceres viventts."^
The general rule being, that the law recognises no one as heir
until the death of his ancestor, it follows, that though a party may
be heir-apparent, or heir-presumptive, yet he is not very heir, living
the ancestor ; and therefore, where an estate is limited to one as a
purchaser under the denomination of heir, heir of the body, heir
male, or the like, the party cannot take, as a purchaser, unless, by
the death of the ancestor, he has, at the timewhen the estate is to
vest, become very heir. But this rule has been relaxed in many in-
stances, and an exception engrafted on it, that, if there be suffi-
cient on the will to show, that by the word "heir" the testator
meant heir-apparent, it shall be so construed; and in such a case
the popular sense shall prevail against the technical.^ In other
words, the authorities appear to establish this proposition, that,
prim d facie, the word "heir" is to be taken in its strict legal
being given, and the ancestor being cestui que vie, the rule of law
would plainly be excluded. So, a devise to A. for life, remainder
to the right heirs of B. now living, vests the remainder in B.'s heir-
apparent or presumptive; and a devise to A. for life, remainder to
the right heir of B., he paying to B. an annuity upon coming into
Per Spencer, J., Mann v. Pearson, 2 Johnson (U. S.) R. 36.
2 Doed. Winter v. Perratt, 10 Bing. 207, 208, 229 (25 E. C. L. R.). See s.
c, 7 Scott N. R. 45, et seq. ; Egerton v. Earl Brownlow, 4 H. L. Cas. 103,
137 1 Fearne Cont. Rem., 10 ed., 210, and see further, as to the rule, supra,
maxim has no place, nor can it have in any in which the person
speaking knows of the existence of the parent, and intends that the
devise to the child shall take effect during the life of the parent.
It would appear that the question proper to be asked in each such
case would be, " Did the testator use the word '
heir ' in the strict
legal sense, or inany other sense ?" and, if the answer should be,
that he used the term, not in the legal and technical, but in some
popular sense, the sense thus ascertained should be carried out.^
It is not the right hut the seisin, which makes a person the stock from which
the inheritance must descend?
the church in case of an advowson, and the like. But he could not
be accounted an ancestor, who had had only a bare right or title to
of any person, thus understood, made him the root or stock from
which all future inheritance by right of blood was to be derived
and this was expressed by the maxim, Seisina facit stipitem}
The rule of law, therefore, with respect to the descent
*of land, where such descent took place prior to the 1st of L -
January, 1834, was, and still is,^ that the heir had not plenum
dominium, or full and complete ownership, till he had made an
actual corporeal entry into the land for, if he died before entry
shall extend to the last person who had a right thereto, whether he
did or did not obtain possession or receipt of the rents and profits
thereof; and sec. 2 enacts, that such person shall be deemed the
The effect of these statutory provisions may be thus illustrated.
If A. died seised of land, and B., his heir, *died without
making entry according to the former law, the heir of A., ^ - J
and not of B., would have succeeded to the land, that is, would —
have had the right of entry thereon but, by the operation of the;
The Stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 106, does not apply to any descent which took
heir to him ; for the issue in tail claim per formam doni, that is,
they are as much within the view and intention of the donor, and
as personally and precisely described in the gift, as any of their
ancestors.^ Likewise, if the estate which descended was of a kind
in which the owner cannot acquire actual seisin of the land (as is
was, that the claimant must trace his descent from, or, as it was
usually expressed, make himself heir to, the purchaser.^
The above was an express rule of the feudal law, and remained
an invariable maxim^ until the recent stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 106,
ally descend, but not ascend. Yet if the son in this case die with-
' Cruise Dig., 3d ed., vol. 3, p. 439 (cited arg. 7 Scott N. R. 236); Id. 4th
ed., p. 386.
^ Ratcliff's Case, 3 Rep. 42 a. See judgm., Doe d. Andrew v. Hutton, 3 B.
& P. 648.
3 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 378 ; 3 Cruise Dig., 4th ed., 331.
* Sect. 3.
out issue, and his uncle enter into the land as heir to the son, and
afterwards the uncle die without issue, living the father, the father
shall have the land as heir to the uncle, and not as heir to the son,
for he should rather come to the land by collateral descent than by
lineal ascent.
It was, moreover, a necessary consequence of this rule, coupled
with the maxim, Seisina facit stipitem, that if, in the instance above
put, the uncle did not enter into the land, the father could not inherit
it, because a man claiming as heir in fee simple by descent must
make himself heir to him who was last seised of the actual free-
hold and inheritance; and if the uncle, therefore, did not enter,
he would have had but a freehold in law, and no actual free-
hold, and the last person seised of the actual freehold was the
son, to whom the father could not make himself heir.^
The maxim, Hoereditas nunquam ascendit, therefore, applied only
to exclude the ancestors in a direct line, for the inheritance might
ascend indirectly, as in the preceding example, from the son to the
The above rule has, however, been altered with respect
*to descents on deaths on or after the 1st of January, 1834, r*roq-|
it being enacted by stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 106, s. 6, that
every lineal ancestor shall be capable of being heir to any of his
issue ; and in every case where there shall be no issue of the pur-
chaser, his nearest lineal ancestor shall be his heir in preference to
any person who would have been entitled to inherit either by
tracing his descent through such lineal ancestor, or in consequence
of there being no descendant of such lineal ancestor, so that the
father shall be preferred to a brother or sister, and a more remote
lineal ancestor to any of his issue other than a nearer lineal ances-
tor or his issue. But by sect. 7 it is provided, that none of the
maternal ancestors of the person from whom the descent is to be
until all his paternal ancestors and their descendants shall have
failed ; and also that no female paternal ancestor of such person,
nor any of her descendants, shall be capable of inheriting until 3,11
his male paternal ancestors and their descendants shall have failed,
cousins, D. and E., had intermarried, and had issue a son, F., and
• Co. Litt. 10 b ; Fleta, lib. 6, c. 1. '3 Cruise Dig., 4th ed., 333.
' Hale Hist., 6th ed., 322, 323 ; 3 Cruise Dig., 4th ed., 333.
* Fort, de Laud. Leg. Ang.,by Amos, p. 15.
» Per Kindersley, V.-C, 27 l" J. Chanc. 102.
D. had married again and had issue, G., and F. died seised, r*cq-i-|
*Q. could not have taken as half brother of P., but he
might as maternal cousin to him ;* Quando duo jura in und per-
sond concurrunt ceqwum est ac si essent in diversis.^
The law on this subject has been, however, entirely altered and
materially improved by the stat. 3 & 4 Will 4, c. 106, s. 9, which
enables the half blood to inherit next after any relation in the same
degree of the whole blood and his issue, where the common ancestor
is a male, and next after the common ancestor where a female, so
that the brother of the half blood on the part of the father shall
inherit next after the sisters of the whole blood on the part of the
father and their issue, and the brother of the half blood on the
part of the mother shall inherit next after the mother.
We may add that the rule excluding the half blood did not hold
on the descent of the Crown. Therefore, if a king had issue a son
and a daughter by one venter, and a son by another venter, and
died on the death of the eldest son without issue, the younger son
(3 Rep. 41.)
The brother^ s possession of an estate in fee simple makes the sister to be heir.
had issue a son and a daughter by one venter, and a younger son
3 Cruise Dig., 4th ed., 386. See also Hbme's Hist, of England, vol. 4, pp.
242, 265.
by another venter, and the father died, and then the elder son
entered and died, the daughter would have inherited the land as
heir to her brother, who was the person last actually seised.' This
rule, however, did not apply to estates tail.^ And the doctrine of
possessio fratris has been held not to affect the descent of a dignity
by writ.'
In the words of the civil law, jura sanguinis nullo jure eivili
Noy Max., 9th ed., p. 72. See further as to this doctrine, per Abbott, C.
Max., 9th ed., p. 73. See also the argument in Tolson, dem., Kaye, deft., 7
Scott N. R. 236 et seq., where the authorities on the above point are cited
and reviewed.
There might, however, be a possessio fratris of an equitable as well as of
a legal estate Buchanan v. Harrison, 1 Johns. & H. 662.
* Ante, p. 526.
« D. 50. 17. 8 Bao. Max., reg. 11.
» Bac. Max., reg. 18.
this is not so. In the case of the husband, the contract will be
made after the death of the wife or child, and so after the rela-
tion which gives validity to the contract is at an end, to some
purposes. But if the husband can contract for this, it is because
P^cor-. *a contract for the burial of those who are pcrsonce con-
junctce with him by reason of the marriage is as a contract
for his own personal benefit; and, if that be so, we do not see why
the contract for the burial of the husband should not be the same
as a contract by the widow for her own personal benefit. Her
coverture is and so she may contract: and her infancy is,
at end,
for the above reasons, no defence, if the contract be for her
personal benefit. It may be observed, that, as the ground of our
will not follow from it that an infant child or more distant relation
would be responsible upon a contract for the burial of his parent or
The maxim under consideration does not, however, apply so as
dence that the parent has either sanctioned or ratified the contract.
If, says Lord Abinger, C. B.,^ a father ,does any specific act from
which it may reasonably be inferred that he has authorized his son
to contract a debt, he may be liable in respect of the debt so con-
Forder, L. R. 3 Q. B. 559.
principle of law, that a father is not under any legal obligation to
pay his son's debts, except, indeed, by proceedings under the 43
Eliz.,1by which he may, under certain circumstances, be compelled
to support his children according to his ability
but the mere moral
and are most frequently cited with reference to the mode of con-
struing deeds and written instruments and some remarks have been
which exhibit and tend to elucidate most clearly the meaning, ex-
consistent with this plan, the more modern judgments of the courts
of law have been especially consulted and selected for reference, be-
cause the principles of interpretation are better understood at the
present day, and, consequently, more clearly defined and more cor-
rectly applied than they formerly were. The importance of fixed
and determinate rules of interpretation is manifest, and not less
P^rqQ-| owing *to the use of inaccurate terms and expressions, fre-
insure just and uniform decisions ; and they are equally so where
it becomes the duty of a court of law to unravel and explain those
intricacies and ambiguities which occur in legislative enactments,
and which result from ideas not sufficiently precise, from views too
plied, reference being always had to the general scope and intention
of the instrument, the nature of the transaction, and the legal
rights and situation of the parties interested.
res magis valeat quam pereat,^ and 2dly, that such a meaning shall
be given to it as may *carry out and effectuate to the fullest
L J extent the intention of the parties. These maxims are, in-
370 (93 E. C. L. R.). See Blackwell v. England, 8 E. & B. 541, 549 (92 E.
C. L. R.).
" If a plea admits of two constructions, one of which gives a sensible effect
to the whole, and the other makes a portion of it idle and insensible, the
Court is bound to adopt the former construction :" per Williams, J., Peter v.
and means to make acts effectual according to the just intent of the
parties;' they will not, therefore, cavil about the propriety of words
when the intent of the parties appears, but will rather apply the
words to fulfil the intent, than destroy the intent by reason of the
insufficiency of the words.
It may, indeed, chance that, on executing an agreement under
seal, the parties thereto failed to contemplate the happening of
some particular event, or the existence of some particular state of
facts at a period subsequent thereto ;' and all the Court can do in
such a case, is to ascertain the meaning of the words actually used;
and, in construing the deed, they will adopt the established rule of
construction, "to read the words in their ordinary and grammatical
sense, and to give them effect, unless such a construction would
lead to some absurdity or inconvenience, or would be plainly
repugnant to the intention of the parties to he collected from other
parts of the deed."* For "the golden rule of construction," to
which we shall presently revert,* "is that words are to be construed
according to their natural meaning, unless such a construction would
either render them senseless or would be opposed to the general
scope and intent of the instrument, or unless there be some very
cogent reason of convenience in favor of a different interpreta-
Deeds, then, shall be so construed as to operate according to the
intention of the parties, if by law they may; *and if they
cannot in one form, they shall operate in that which by •- -'
law will effectuate the intention : Quando res non valet ut ago,
valeat quantum valere potest J For, in these later times, the judges
have gone further than formerly, and have had more consideration
for the substance, to wit, the passing of the estate according to the
' Crossing v. Soudamore, 2 Lev. 9 per Lord Hobart, Hob. R. 277, cited
Earl of Berkeley v. Archbishop of York, 6 East 105 1 Ventr. 216. See also;
the instances of the above rule mentioned in Gibson «. Minet, 1 H. Bla. 614,
548 broom's LEftAL MAXIMS.
equivalent to a disclaimer.^
So, if a man makes a feoffment in fee, with a letter of attorney
to give livery, and no livery is given, but there is, in the same deed,
a covenant to stand seised to the uses of the feoffment, provided
-there be a consideration sufficient to raise the uses of the covenant,
this will amount to a covenant to stand seised.^ And, where A.,
in consideration of natural love and of 100?., by deeds of lease and
*i'Gl'^^se, granted, released, and confirmed certain premises,
after his own death, to his brother B., in tail, remainder
to C, the son of another brother of A., in fee; and he covenanted
and granted that the premises should, after his death, be held
by B. and the heirs by C. and
of his body, or his heirs, ac-
cording to the true intent of the deed; it was held, that, although
the deed could not operate as a release, because it attempted to
per Willes, C. J., Smith v. Paokhurst, 3 Atk. 136 ; cited Marquis of Cholmon-
deley v. Lord Clinton, 2 B. & Aid. 637 Tarleton v. Staniforth, 5 T. E, 695;
per Maule, J., Borradaile i'. Hunter, 5 Scott N. R. 431, 432; 2 Wms. Saund.
96 a, n. (1) ; 3 Prest. Abstr. Tit. 21, 22; 1 Id. 313.
' Shep. Touch. 82, 83 ; Co. Litt. 49 b; cited 5 B. & C. 106 (11 E. C. L. E.).
Lord Wellesley v. Withers, 4 E. & B. 750 ; cited and explained in Bence
V. Gilpin, L. R. 3 Ex. 82.
* Shep. Touch. 82, 83.
" Roe V. Trammarr, Willes R. 682. See the cases collected 2 Wins. Saund.
96 a, n. (1) ; 1 Prest. Abstr. Tit. 313 ;
1 Rep. 76 Perry v. Watts, 4 Scott N.
charter will bear a double construction, one of which will carry the
grant into effect, the other which will make it inoperative, the
former is to be adopted.' And generally, " if words have a double
intendment, and the one standeth with law, and the other is against
law, they are to be taken in the sense which is agreeable to law."^
In accordance with the same principle of construction, where
divers persons join in a deed, and some are able to make such deed,
and some are not able, this shall be said to be his deed alone that
is able;^ and if a deed be made to one that is incapable and another
that is capable, *it shall enure only to the latter.* So, if r^r^c-i
mortgagor and mortgagee join in a lease, this enures as
the lease of the mortgagee, and the confirmation of the mortgagor.^
And if there be a joint lease by tenant for life and remainderman,
such lease operates during the life of the tenant as his demise, con-
firmed by the remainderman, and afterwards as the demise of such
last-mentioned party.*
The preceding examples may sufiice to show that where a deed
cannot operate in the precise manner or to the full extent intended
by the parties, it shall, nevertheless, be made as far as possible to
effectuate their intention. Acting, moreover, on a kindred princi-
ple, the Court will endeavor to affix such a meaning to words of
obscure and doubtful import occurring in a deed, as may best carry
out the plain and manifest intention of the parties, as collected
from the four corners of the instrument, — with these qualifications,
however, that the intent of the parties shall never be carried into
effect contrary to the rules of law, and that as a general rule, the
Court will not introduce into a deed words which are not to be found
there,^ nor strike out of a deed words which are there, in order to
Shep. Touch. 80, adopted per Martin, B., Fussell v. Daniel, 10 Exch. 597
the intent of the parties, that the one should divest himself of the
possession, and the other come into it for such a determinate time,
whether they run in the form of a license, covenant, or agreement,
will of themselves be held, in construction of law, to amount to a
lease for years as effectually as if the most proper and pertinent
words had been made use of for that purpose.* " The rule,"
observes Parke, B., "which is laid down in all the cases, is, that
you must look at the whole of the instrument to judge of the inten-
tion of the parties, as declared by the words of it, for -the purpose
of seeing whether it is an agreement or a lease.
The rules applicable and cases decided with reference to the
AVhite V. Burnby, 16 L. J., Q. B. 156 ; secus as to mere surplusage, post.
" See Burton v. Reevell, 16 M. & "W. 307 ; Bond v. Rosling, 1 B. & S. 371
(101 E. C. L. R.).
» See Rollason v. Leon, 7 H. & N. 73.
"*Bac. Abr. "Leases" (K.) ;and 2 Shep. Touch., by Preston, 272; cited,
judgm., Doe d. Parsley v. Day, 2 Q. B. 152 et seq. (42 E. C. L. R.) Alderman ;
and technical rule of law. "A technical rule is one which is established by
authority and precedent, which does not depend upon reasoning.or argument,
but is a fixed established rule to be acted upon, and only discussed as regards
its application — in truth the is law." Such a rule is that where a deed is'
made inter partes —no one who is not expressed to be a party can sue upon a
covenant contained in it ; Chesterfield, &o., Colliery Co. v. Hawkins, 3 H. &
C. 677, 691, cited in Gurrin v. Kopera, Id. 699.
1 See Doe d. Rogers v. Price, ^ 0. B. 89-t (65 E. C. L. R.).
Per Tindal, C. J., Courtney v. Taylor, 7 Scott N. R. 765
2 Wood v. The :
429 (50 E. C. L. R.), where the distinction between express covenants and
covenants in law is pointed out. Per Crompton, J[., 2 B. & S. 516 (110 B. C.
L. R.).
'Per Parke, B., Great Northern R. C. v. Harrison, 12 C. B. 609 (74 B. C.
L. R.) judgm., Rashleigh v. South Eastern R. C, 10 C. B. 632 (70 E. C. L.
R.), as to which case see Knight v. Gravesend and Milton Waterworks Co., 2
II. & N. 10, 11.
Judgm., Bj-adburne v. Botfleld, 14 M. & W. 064, 572; Haddon v. Ayres
to Pordage v. Cole, 1 Wms. Saund. 319, are specified various cases in which
the Court has done great violence to the strict letter of covenants, for the
purpose of carrying into effect what was considered to be the real intention'
of the parties.
See Marsden v. Moore, 4 H. & N. 504, where Pordage v. Cole is cited and
by unavoidable accident, —
by fraud, by surprise or ignorance,
Chap. X.
both with the patentee and the public, willing to give to the
patentee, on his part, the reward of a valuable patent, but taking
care to secure to the public, on the other hand, the benefit of that
proviso {i. e., the proviso requiring a specification) which is intro-.
duced into the patent for their advantage, so that the right to the
patent may be fairly and properly expressed in the specification.^
In construing *a specification accordingly, the whole instru- r*ccq-|
ment must be taken together, and a fair and reasonable in-
terpretation is to be given to the words used in it f the words of
the specification being construed according to their ordinary and
proper meaning, unless there be something in the context to give
them a different meaning, or unless the facts properly in evidence,
Morgan v. Seaward, Id. 173, who observes: ''It is the duty of a party who
takes out a patent to specify what his invention really is and although it is ;
the bounden duty of a jury to protect him in the fair exercise of his patent
right, it is of great importance to the public, and by law it is absolutely
necessary, that the patentee should state in his specification, not only the
nature of his invention, but how that invention may be carried into effect."
' Beard v. Egerton, 8 C. B. 165 (65 E. C. L. R.).
* Judgm., Elliott V. Turner (in error), 2 C. B. 446, 461 (52 E. C. L. R.).
As to construing a specification which contains terms of art, see Betts v. Men-
zies, 10 H. L. Cas. 117.
553 broom's legal maxims.
place, from the terms used in it, which terms are themselves to be
Robertson v. French, 4 East 135, 136; cited, per Lord Tenterden, C. J.,
Doe Underdown, Willes R. 296 per Buller, J., Smith v. Coffin, 2 H. Bla.
V. ;
450 cases cited, arg. Ley v. Ley, 3 Scott N. R. 168 Doe d. Amlot v. Davies,
; ;
14 Moo. P. C. C. 142.
* Per V.-O. E., De Beauvoir v. De Beauvoir, 15 L. J. Chanc. 308 s. c, ;
is,what was the testator's intention at the time he made the will
and then the law carries that intention into eifect as nearly as it
search out what was the scope of his will ; secondly, to make such
a construction, so that all the words of the will may stand; for to
add anything to the words of the will, or in the construction made
to relinquishand leave out any of the words is maledicta glosm.
But every string ought to give its sound. "^
In a modern case, involving important interests,* the following
were laid down as the leading and fundamental rules for construing
a will. In the first place, the intention of the testator ought to be
the only guide of the Court to the interpretation of his will ;
yet it
" The general rule in interpreting a will and codicil is that the whole of
the will takes effect, except in so far as it is inconsistent with the codicil."
Judgm., Robertson v. Powell, 2 H. & C. 766-7 ;
citing Doe d. Hearle v. Hicks,
1 CI. & P. 20; judgm., Richardson v. Power, 19 C. B. N. S. 799 (115 E. C.
L. R.).
' J., Blamford v. Blamford, 3 Buls. 103.
Per Dodderidge, See Parker v.
Tootal, 11 H. L. Cas. 143.
' Earl of Scarborough v. Doe d. Savile, 3 A. & E. 897
(30 E. C. L. R.).
* In Doe d. Sams v. Garlick, 14 M. & W. 701, Parke, B., observes, that dif-
ficulties have arisen from confounding the testator's intention with his mean-
ing. " Intention may mean what the testator intended to have done, whereas
the only question in the construction of wills is on the meaning of the words."
In Grover v. Burningham, 5 Exch. 194, Kolfe, B., also observes, " We are to
ascertain by construing the will non quod voluit sed quod dixit, or rather we
are to ascertain quod voluit by interpreting quod dixit." And see, per Lord
Wensleydale, Grey v. Pearson, 6 H. L. Cas. 106 and in Slingsby v. Grainger, ;
7 H. L. Cas. 284.
the words of the will, in order to determine the operation and effect
of the devise, but that the legal consequences which may follow
from the nature and qualities of the estate, when once collected
from the words of the will itself, should be altogether disregarded ;*
assume that the testator was ignorant of the legal consequence and
effect of the disposition which he has himself made f and a person
ought to direct his meaning according to the law, and not seek to
™0'^-'*^ **^® '^^ according to his meaning; for, if a man
were assured, that, whatever words he made use of, his
meaning only would be considered, he would be very careless about
the choice of his words, and the attempt to explain his meaning in
each particular case would give rise to infinite confusion and uncer-
' Judgm., Earl of Scarborough v. Doe d. Savile, 3 A. & E. 962, 963 (30 E.
C. L. R.) ; cited 8 M. & W. 200.
^ At the same time the circumstance, that the language if strictly construed
will lead to a consequence inconsistent with the presumble intention, is not to
be left out of view, especially if other considerations lead to the same result
judgm., QuickC v. Leach, 13 M. & W. 228.
' 3 A. & E. 963, 964 (30 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Parke, B., Morrice v. Langham^
8 M. & W. 207.
* Plowd. 162.
to them so far as the rules of law will permit. Our first duty is
to construe the will, and this we must do exactly in the same way
as if the rule against perpetuity had never been established, or
were repealed when the will was made, not varying the construction
in order to avoid the effect of *that rule, but interpreting
the words of the testator wholly without reference to it."' •-
which this rule was applied,^ and which, notwithstanding the recent
statutory alteration of the law, may be mentioned as apposite to
point 1001. by her will, and possessed nothing but a few articles of
furniture of her own to answer the bequest ; and the learned Judge
' The rule does not apply to any will made or republished since the stat. 1
Vict. c. 26, came into operation. See sect. 27, which provides that real and
personal property over which the testator has a power of appointment shall
pass by a general devise or bequest, unless a contrary intention shall appear.
' Denn d. Nowell v. Eoake, 6 Bing. 475 s. c, 4 Bligh. N. S. 1 Doe
; ; d.
• Earl of Hardwicke v. Douglas, 7 CI. & Fin. 815 per Lord Kenyon, C. J.,
II Moo. P. C. C. 526, 543; per Martin, B., Biddulph v. Lees, E., B. & E.
317 {96 E. C. L. R.) per Alderson, B., Lees v. Mosley, 1 Yo. & Coll. 589;
cited arg. Greenwood v. Rothwell, 6 Scott N. R. 672. See also arg. Testing
V. Allen, 12 M. & W. 286 Jack v. M'Intyre, 12
CI. & Fin. 158 ;
Jenkins v.
*The following observations of V.-C. Knight Bruce,
although having reference to the particular circumstances
of the case immediately under his consideration, show clearly the
general principles which guide the Court in assigning a meaning to
such children to whom that term could be applied, the bequest would
be limited to them, although it might also appear that the testator
had other children born out of wedlock : and no evidence would be
admissible to show that he intended that his property should be
equally distributed amongst all his children, whether legitimate or
illegitimate. But if, upon the evidence, it should appear that the
testator never was married, so that it was impossible to apply the
language of his will in its strict and primary sense, and if it
S. 798 (115 E. C. L. R.) Ralston v. Hamilton, 4 Maoq. So. App. Cas. 397;
Cas. 601, —
of the words "eldest male lineal descendant," Thellusson v. Lord
Rendlesham, 7 H. L. Cas. 429.
• ' Per Lord Langdale, M. R., Farrant v. Nichols, 9 Beav. 329, 330 Slater ;
in itself sufficient to pass the fee-simple; but the Court will never-
theless examine the context and other parts of the will to ascertain
if anything be there introduced to qualify its import; and the
material question, if the late act does not apply, is, whether the
word is to be understood as describing the quantity of interest of
the testator in the property devised, or the local situation of the
property only, or whether the meaning is left in too great uncer-
tainty to defeat the claim of the heir-at-law, which cannot be done
without express words or necessary implication.^
Lastly, in determining whether an estate tail or a life estate only
passes under the words of a given testamentary instrument made
before the 1st January, 1838,* the same general rule of interpreta-
1 Judgm., Walker v. Petchell, 1 C. B. 661 (50 E. C. L. R.) ; Bamford u.
Lord, 14 C. B. 708 (7S E. C. L. E.) ; Biss v. Smith, 2 H. & N. 105, 113. See
Eden v. Wilson, 4 H. L. Gas. 257 ; Darley v. Martin, 13 C. B. 683 (76 E. C.
L. E.).
^"Estate,'' in Latin, status, "indicates the condition of the owner with
regard to his property:" 2 Com. hy Broom & Hadley 206.
» Doe c?. Lean w. Lean, 1 Q. B. 229, 239, 240 (41 E. C. L.R.), and cases
cited ; arg. Hoare v. Byng, 10 CI. & Fin. 528 ; Lloyd v. Jackson, L. R.
2 Q. B. 269 Manning v. Taylor, 4 H. & C. 382 Doe d. Tofield
; ; v. Tofield, U
East 246 Smith v. Smith, 11 C. B. N. S. 121 (103 E. C. L. E.)
; ;
Doe d. Bur-
ton V. White, 2 Exch. 797 s. c, 1 Id. 526 Burton v. White, 7 Exch. 720 Doe
; ; ;
Haw V. Earles, 15 M. & W. 450, the maxim above considered was applied in
determining th« construction of a will, per Piatt, B., diss. The reader is
also referred to 2 Jarm. on Wills, 3d ed., 255, et seq. ; Sanderson c. Dobson,
1 Exch. 141 s. c, 7 C. B., 81 (62 E. C. L. R.)
; Doe d. Roberts v. Williams, ;
As to the doctrine of " implication" and examples of it, see per Lord West-
bury, C, Parker v. Tootal, 11 H. L. Cas. 161.
* By stat. 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. c. 26, a devise of real estate without words of
apparent on the will, and the particular intention cannot take effect,
the words shall be so construed as to give effect to the general in-
tention.' The doctrine of cy-pres though fully recognised at law,
^® shall, therefore, sum up this part of our subject
*with observing, that the only safe course to pursue in
construing a will is to look carefully for the intention of the testa-
Bering, 2 De G., M. & G. 173. See per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Bradenell v.
sidered Jarm. Wills., 3d ed., 233 Ironmongers Co. v. A.-G., 10 CI. & Kin.
] ;
908 Miles v. Farmer, 19 Ves. 483. The entire doctrine of equity with regard
to trusts, and especially such as are raised in a will by precatory words, will
at once occur to the reader as fraught with illustrations of the maxims com-
mented on in the text.
2 Co. Litt. 322 b.
» Judgm., 3 A. & B. 964 (30 E. C. L. R.).
^oint to any other' — and, lastly, that where the particular intention
of the testator cannot literally be performed, effect will, in many
cases, be given to the general intention, in order that his wishes
may be carried out as nearly as possible, and ut res magis valeat
qudm pereat.
It may not be uninteresting further to remark, that the rules laid
down in the Roman law upon the subject under consideration, are
almost identical with those above stated, as recognised by our own
jurists at the present day. Where, for instance, ambiguous expres-
sions occurred, the rule was. that the intention of him who used them
should especially be regarded, In ambiguis orationibus maxime
sententia spectanda est ejus *qui eas protulisset,^ a rule r*f;«en
which we learn was confined to the interpretation of wills
wherein one person only speaks, and was not applicable to agree-
ments generally, in which the intention of both the contracting par-
ties was necessarily to be considered f and, accordingly, in another
passage in the Digest, we find the same rule so expressly qualified
and restricted Cum in festamento ambigue aut etiam perperam
scriptum est benigne interpretari et secundum id quod credibile est
cogitatum credendum est* —where an ambiguous, or even an erro-
neous expression occurs in a will, it should be construed liberally,
and in accordance with the testator's probable meaning. In like
manner we find it stated, that a departure from the literal meaning
of the words used is not justifiable, unless it be clear that the testa-
tor himself intended something different therefrom: Hon aliter a
significatione verborum recedi oportet qudm cum manifestum est aliud
sensisse testatorem f and, lastly, we find the general principle of in-
terpretation to which we have already adverted thus concisely
worded In testamentis plenius voluntates testantium interpre-
tantur,^ that is to say, a will shall receive a more liberal con-
struction than its strict meaning, if alone considered, would permit.'
' The question as to what will pass under the word " portrait" in a will is
elaborately discussed, Duke of Leeds v.Earl Amherst, 9 Jur. 359 s. c, 13 ;
Sim. 459.
2 D. 50. 17. 96. ' Wood Inst. 107.
' D. 34. 5. 24; vide Brisson. ad verb. "Perperam;'' Pothier ad Pand. (ed.
1819), vol. 3, p. 46, where examples of this rule are collected.
' D. 32. 69. pr. applied per Knight Bruce, L. J., 2 De G., M. & G. 313.
^D. 50. 17. 12.
•Cujac. ad. loc., cited 3 Pcithier ad Pand. 46.
intention of the parties who made them -^ and the preceding re-
reason upon their face to believe that they were not intended to
inops consilii: "This," observed Lord Tenterden, "we cannot say of the
legislature, but we may say that it is magnas- inter opes inops." 9 B. & C.
particularly to the common law, in Reg. v. Millis, 10 CI. & Fin. 749 also, ;
per Vaughan, J., 9 A. & E. 980 (36 E. C. L. R.) judgm., Fellowes v. Clay, 4
Fin. 607 per Parke, B., Ryder v. Mills, 3 Exch. 869, and in Wroughton
Turtle, 11 M. & W.
"All Acts which restrain the common law ought
themselves to be restrained by exposition :'' Ash v. Abdy, 3 Swanst. 664.
Mere permissive words shall not abridge a common law right, ante, p. 34.
Ex parte Clayton, 1 Russ. & My. 372 per Erie, C. J., Caswell app., Cook ;
Exch. 479 per Wilde, C. J., 5 C. B. 135 (57 E. C. L. R.). S6e, per Bramwell,
Reeves, L. R. 3 C. P. 66.
571 broom's legal maxims.
are not to be extended by any labored construction, but that you must
adhere to the strict rule of interpretation; and if a person who is
subjected to a duty in a particular character or by virtue of a
particular description no longer fills that character, or answers that
description, the duty no longer attaches upon him, and cannot be
levied."' A penalty, moreover, must be imposed by clear words."
The words of a. penal statute^ shall be restrained for the benefit of
him against whom the penalty is inflicted.
Mills, 3 Exoh. 869, et seq.; Coe v. Lawrance, 1 E. & B. 516, 520 (72 E. C. L.
R.) Archer v. James, 2 B. & S. 61, 103 (110 E. C. L. R.).
statute was much considered, and there (Id. 530) Bramwell, B., says, "The
law that governs this case is a written law, an Act of Parliament, which we
must apply according to the true meaning of the words used in it. We must
not extend it to anything not within the natural meaning of those words,
but within the mischief or supposed mischief intended to be prevented, nor
must we refuse to apply it to what is within that natural meaning, because
not, or supposed not to be within the mischief:" see also, per Pollock, C. B.,
Id. 509.
"I suppose 'within the equity' means the same thing as 'within the
mischief -of the statute :" per Byles, J., Shuttleworth v. Le Fleming, 19 C.
discover what that object was.^ "The only rule," it *has p^^-gn
been said, "for the construction of Acts of Parliament is, '- -'
the makers of the Act, and the mischiefs which they intended to
Per Lord Tenterden, C. J., Haltou v. Cave, 1 B. & Ad. 538 (20 E. C. L.
K.); judgjm., Salkeld v. Johnson, 2 Exch. 283, and cases there cited; per
Barrett, 11 CI. & Fin. 590; arg., Sterry v. Clifton, 9 C. B. 110 (67 E. C.
L. R.).
' Plowd. 369.
' Per Tindal, C. J., delivering the opinion of the judges in the Sussex
Peerage, 11 CI. & Fin. 143.
See further as to the office of the preamble, per Buller, J., R. v. Robinson,
2 East P. C. 1113, cited R. v. Johnson, 29 St. Tr.-303.
The tUle of a statute "is certainly no part of the law, and in strictness
ought not to be taken into. consideration at all :" judgm., Salkeld v. Johnson,
2 Exch. 283, and cases there cited. See 8 H. L. Cas. 603 (/») per Willes, J., ;
and City R. G. v. Brand, L. R, 4 H. L. 171, 203 (but see per Lord Cairns,
Id. 217) Eastern Counties R. C. v. Marriage, 9 H. L. Cas. 32.
769 (73 B. C. L. R.) per Maule, J.^ Gather v. Capper, 15 C. B. 706 (80 B. C.
Palmer, 4 Exch. 281, 282 and Heslop v. Baker, 6 Exch. 75 per Burton, J.,
; ;
Warburton v. Loveland d. Ivie, 1 Huds. & Brooke 648 per Pollock, C. B., ;
' Per Maule, J., Arnold v. Ridge, 13 C. B. 763 (76 E. C. L. R.) ; aec. per
Byles, J., cited ante, p. 569.
''1 Exch. 546; s. c, (in error), 8 Id. 778, where the rules of construction
applicable to statutes were much considered. See also, per Pollock, C. B.,
Waugh V. Middleton, 8 Exch. 356, 357.
' " It
a good rule, in the construction of Acts of Parliament, that the
Judges are not to make the law what they may think reasonable, but to
expound it according to the common sense of its words :" per Cresswell, J.,
Biffin V. Yorke, 6 Scott N. R. 235. See also, judgm., R. v. Hall, 1 B. & C.
123 (8 E. C. L. R.) ; cited 2 C. B. 66 (52 E. C. L. R.), and in The Lion, L. R.
2 P. C. 530; Stracey v. Nelson, 12 M. & W. 541 ; United States v. Fisher, 2
Cranch (U. S.) Wheaton (U. S.) R. 169.
R. 286 ;
cited 7
* Judgm., Smith v. Bell, 10 M. & W. 389 Turner v. Sheffield R. C, Id. 434:
which have a fixed technical signification : as, for instance, the ex-
pression " heirs of the body," which conveys to lawyers a precise
idea, as comprising in a legal sense, only certain lineal descendants;
and this expression shall, therefore, be construed according to its
known meaning.^
It is also a rule of the civil law adopted by Lord Bacon, which
was evidently dictated by common sense, and is in accordance with
the spirit of the maxim which we have been considering, that,
where obscurities, ambiguities, or faults of expression render the
meaning of an enactment doubtful, that interpretation shall be
preferred which is most consonant to equity, especially where it is
in conformity with the general design of the legislature. In am-
bigud voce legis ea potius accipienda est signijicatio quce vitio caret,
error), 1 Cr. & J. 105; Price v. Barker, 4 E. & B. 760, 777 (82 E. C. L. R.)
Henderson v. Stobart, 5 Exch. 99.
' Judgm., Walsh v. Trevanion, 15 Q. B. 751.
578 broom's legal maxims.
frecfuently been narrowed and restrained,' where *therehas
appeared something- to connect it with a restrictive cov-
enant, or where there have been wordsin the covenant itself amount-
ing to a qualification:^ and it has, indeed, been said, in accordance
with the above rule, that, "however general the words of a
covenant may be, if standing alone, yet, if from other covenants in
We have also already observed, that covenants are to be construed
as independent or restrictive of each other, according to the appa-
rent intention of the parties, upon an attentive consideration of
the whole deed : every particular case, therefore, must depend upon
^he precise words used in the instrument before the Court, and the
distinctions will be found to be nice and difiicult.*
& S. 265.
' Judgm., Smith v. Compton, 3 B. & Ad. 200 (23 E. C. L. R.).
^ Judgm., Hesse v. Stevenson, 3 B. & P. 574. See the maxim as to verba
generalia —post.
* 1 Wms. Saund.. 0th ed., 60, n. [I) ;
ante, p. 548.
6 Per Buller, J., 5 T. R. 526 ; 1 Wms. Saund. 60, n. {I).
" Per Wilde, C. J., Richards v. Bluok, 6 C. B. 441 (60 E. C. L. R.}.
saying, "and each of them;" it was held, that the general words
at the beginning of the covenants by the lessees extended to all the
subsequent covenants throughout the deed on the part of the
lessees, there not being anything in the nature of the subject to
restrain ths operation of those words to the former part only of
the lease.
Again, words may be transposed, if it be necessary to do so in
order to give effect to the evident intent of the parties ;^ as, if a
lease for years be made in February, rendering a yearly rent
payable at Michaelmas-day and Lady-day during the term, the law
will make a transposition of the feasts, and read it thus, "at Lady-
day and Michaelmas-day," in order that the rent may be paid
yearly during the term. And so it is in the ease of an annuity.^
And, although courts of law have no power to alter the words, or
to insert words which are not in the deed, yet they may and ought
must be rejected.'
It seems, however, to be a true rule, that this rejection of repug-
nant matter can be made in those cases only where there is a full
already observed, " if a deed can operate two ways, one consistent
with the intent, and the other repugnant to it, the Courts will be
ever astute so to construe it, as to give effect to the intent," and
the construction must be made on the entire deed.'
A marriage settlement recited that it was the intention of the
parties to settle a rent-charge or annuity of lOOOZ. per annum on
the intended wife, in case she should survive her husband. In the
body of the deed the words used were, " lOOOZ. sterling lawful
money of Ireland." It was held that the words "of Ireland"
must be excluded, for the expression could have no meaning, unless
some of the words were rejected, and it is a rule of law, that, if the
first words used would give a meaning, the latter words must be ex-
cluded.^ So, we read that, if one makes a lease for ten years " at
r*f^891 ^^® ^^^^ °^ ^^^ lessor," this is a *good lease for ten years
certain, and the last words are void for the repugnancy.'
And without multiplying examples to a like effect, the result of the
authorities seems to be that " when a court of law can clearly col-
lect from the language within the four corners of a deed or instru-
ment in writing the real intentions of the parties, they are bound
to give effect to it by supplying anything necessarily to be inferred
' Bac. Ab., tit. Leases and Terms for Tears, L. 3, cited and distinguished
not what the testator may be supposed to have intended, but the
meaning of the words he has used, and these we must construe ac-
cording to their ordinary and grammatical sense, unless some obvi-
ous absurdity, or some repugnance or inconsistency with the declared
intentions of the writer, to be collected from the whole instrument,
followed from it, or, it may be added, some inconsistency with the
subject on which the will is rpeant to operate, and then the sense
might be modified so as to avoid those consequences, but no farther."
*Where, however, two clauses or gifts in a will are irre-
another paramount rule, Tvhich is, that, before all things, we must
look for the ^intention of the testator as we find it ex-
'- -^
pressed or clearly implied in the general tenor of the will;
and when we have found that on evidence satisfactory in kind and
degree, to that we must sacrifice the inconsistent clause or words,
trary ;
yet the foundation of this rule, as of every other established
for the interpretation of wills, obviously is, that it was supposed to
of the testator."
And, in the same case, Parke, B., stated the principal rules ap-
plicable to the interpretation of wills, to be, "that technical words
are primd facie to be understood in their strict technical sense
that the clause is, if possible, to receive a construction which will
' Sherratt v. Bentley, 2 My. & K. 157. And see, also, per Lord Brougham,
C, Id. 165.
As to construing a will and codicil, ante, p. 554, n. 3.
15 & 16 Vict. c. 57, says, "We must deal with the Act in the ordinary way,
that is, put on it a reasonable construction and if the words are ambiguous,
had been put upon the same words before and unless there is ;
statutes, to act upon the principle of *giving full effect to
their language, and of declining to mould that language,
in order to meet either an alleged inconvenience or an alleged
equity, upon doubtful evidence of intention, that nothing will in-
duce me to withdraw a case from the operation, of a section which
is within its words, but clear and unambiguous evidence that so to
dence of what it has intended to say in the other; and if the clear
language be in accordance with the plain policy and purview of the
whole statute, there is the strongest reason for believing that the
interpretation of a particular part inconsistently with that is a
wrong interpretation. The Court must apply, in such a case, the
same rules which it would use in construing the limitations of a
deed it must look to the whole context, and endeavor to give effect
L. R.). See also per Parke, B., Perry v. Skinner, 2 M. & W. 476.
inoperative, the intention of the party who has made use of it may
frequently be ascertained and carried into effect by looking at the
adjoining words, or at expressions occurring in. other parts of the
same instrument, for quce nan valeant singula junata juvant^ —
words which are ineffective when taken singly operate when taken
conjointly : one provision of a deed, or other instrument, must be
construed by the bearing it will have upon another.*
It is not proposed to give many examples of the application of
the maxim Noscitur a sociis, nor to enter at length into a consider-
ation of the very numerous cases which might be cited to illustrate
it: it may, in truth, be said to be comprised in those principles
which universally obtain, that courts of law and equity will, in
C. 644 (8 E. C. L. R.) arg., 13 Bast 531. See also Bishop v. Elliott, 11 Exch.
113 s. c, 10 Id. 496, 519, which offers an apt illustration of the maxim
yet this results from the particular words used, and from the par-
ticular facts existing in each individual case ; so that one decision,
ered as material and operative words, and to have the due effect
assigned to them in the construction of this instrument; and this
will be done by allowing them to comprehend and cover other
cases of marine damage of the like kind with those which are
*specially enumerated, and occasioned by similar causes;
that is to say, the meaning of the general words may be
ascertained by referring to the preceding special words.'
That the exposition of every will must be founded on the whole
instrument, and be made ex antecedentibus et consequeniibus, is, ob-
' See judgm., Cullen v. Butler, 5 M. & S. 465 cited in Davidson v. Bur- ;
V. Schwabe, 3 C. B. 437 (54 E. 0. L. R.), the same maxim was likewise ap-
plied in similar circumstances ; see Dormay v. Borradaile, 5 C. B. 380 (57 E.
C. L. R.).
not militating with any other provision respecting the same subject-
matter, notwithstanding that a more probable disposition for the
testator to have made may be collected from such assisted construc-
tion. For instance, if a man should devise generally his lands,
after payment of his debts and legacies, his trust^ estates
*would not pass; for, in such case, Noscitur a sociis what r^cq-i-i
the land is which the testator intended to pass by such de-
vise : it is clear he could only mean lands which he could subject to
the payment of his debts and legacies. But, from a testator having
given to persons standing in a certain degree of relationship to him
a fee-simple in certain land, no -conclusion which can be relied on
can be drawn, thaj; his intention was to give to other persons stand-
ing in the same rank of proximity the same interest in another part
of the same land ; and where, moreover, the words of the two de-
vises are diiferent, the more natural conclusion is, that, as the testa-
tor's expressions are varied, they were altered because his intention
in both cases was not the same.^
In addition to the preceding remarks, a few instances may here
conveniently be referred to, illustrating the distinction between the
conjunctive and the disjunctive, which it is so essential to observe
in construing a testamentary instrument.
A leasehold estate for a long term was devised after the death of
A., to B. for life, remainder to his child or children by any woman
^ Judgm., Right Compton, 9 East 272, 273 11 East 223 Hay v. Earl of
v. ; ;
417; arg. 1 M. & S. 333 (28 E. C. L. R.). See Sanderson v. Dobson, cited
ante, p. 564 and per Byles, J., Jegon v. Vivian, L. R. 1 C. P. 24
; s. c, 2 Id. ;
422, L. R. 3 11. L. 289 Doe d. Haw v. Earles, 15 M. & W. 450. See, also,
Vandeleur v. Vandeleur, 3 CI. & Fin. 98, where the maxim is differently ap-
whom he should marry, and his or their executors, &c., for ever,
upon condition, that, in case the said B. should die, "an infant,
unmarried, and without issue," the premises should go over to
his father and his three other children, share and share alike,
1 Co. Litt. 225 a ; 10 Rep. 58 ; Wing. Max. p. 13; D. 50. 17. 110. § 3.
' Doe d. Everett Cooke, 7 East 272 Johnson v. Simcock, 7 H. & N. 344
v. ;
The words of an instrument shall be taken most strongly against the party em-
ploying them.
" The prevailing rule is, that the words of a contract must be
construed most strongly against the contractor,"' a rule " which,
however, ought to be applied only where other rules of construction
' Per Coleridge, J., Cooper v. Harding, 7 Q. B. 941 [5?, E. C. L. R.) ;.judgm.,
Stephens e. Taprell, 2 Curt. 465 ;
per Channel!, B., Pearson w. Hull, Local
Board of Health, 3 H. & C. 944.
The maxim supra was applied to construe a statute in Hardy v. Tingey, 5
Exch. 294, 298 to ascertain the meaning of libellous words in Walieley v.
Cooke, 4Exoh. 511, 519.
^ Arg., 7 Howard (U. S.) R. 637, citing Lincoln College Case, 3 Rep. 596.
' Per Channell, B., Bastifell ». Lloyd, 1 H. & C. 395.-
* Judgm., Lindus v. Melrose, 3 H. & N. 182 approved in Alexander; v.
indenture, because in the former case the words are those of the
grantor only.^ But though a deed-poll is to be construed against
the grantor, the Court will not add words to it, nor give it a
meaning contradictory to its language.^
If, then, a tenant in fee simple grants to any one an estate for
life generally, this shall be construed to mean an estate for the life
of the grantee, because an estate for a man's own life is higher
than for the life of another / and a grant is, in the absence of any
clear indication of the intention of the parties, to be construed
Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Barrett v. Duke of Bedford, 8 T. R. 605; per
Lord Eldon, C. J., 2 B. & P. 22 per Bayley, J., 15 East 546 per Park, J., 1
; ;
B. & B. 335 (5 E. C. L. R.) Miller v. Mainwaring, Cro. Car. 400 3 Ves. jun.
; ;
the construction of a lease between the lessor and lessee, the lease
*^® *° ^® distinguished from cases of a like nature which
have arisen on wills. In general, where there is a question
on the construction of a will, neither party has done anything to
preclude himself from the favor of the Court. But, in the present
instance, the legal maxim applies, that a deed shall he construed
most strongly against the grantor}
The rule of law, moreover, that a man's own acts shall be taken
most strongly against himself, not only obtains in grants, but ex-
tends, in principle, to other engagements and undertakings.^
Thus, the return to a writ of fi. fa. shall, if the meaning be
doubtful, be construed against the sheriff; nor, if sued for a false
return, shall he be allowed to defend himselfby putting a construc-
tion on hisown return which would make it bad, when it admits of
another construction which will make it good.^
In like manner, with respect to contracts not under seal,'the gen-
erally received doctrine of law undoubtedly is, that the party who
makes any instrument should take care so to express the amount of
his own liability, as that he may not be bound further than it was
his intention that he should be bound and, on the other hand, that ;
the party who receives the instrument, and parts with his goods on
P^-QQ-i the faith of it, should rather have a construction *put upon
it in his favor, because the words of the instrument are not
his, but those of the other party.*
This principle applies to a con-
dition in a policy of insurance which " being the language of the
Doe d. Davies v. Williams, 1 H. Bla. 25, 27.
' 1 H. Bla. 586.
A release in deed, being the act of the party, shall be taken most strongly
against himself; Co. Litt. 264 b ; cited judgm., Lord v. Beech, 11 Q. B. 869
{63E. C. L. R.).
" Although the words of a covenant are to be construed according to the
intent of the parties, yet they are to be taken most strongly against the party
who stipulates:" per Holroyd, J., Webb v. Plummer, 2 B. & Aid. 752. See
West London R. C. o. London and North Western R.C., 11 C. B. 254, 309,
Grote, 15 M. & W. 359. See also Boulton v. Jones, 2 H. & N. 564, and cases
there cited ;Carr v. Jackson, 7 Bxch. 382.
« Edis V. Bury, 6 B. & C. 433 (13 E. C. L. R.) ; Black v. Bell, 1 M. & Rob.
599 broom's legal maxims.
In the Roman law, the rule under consideration for the construc-
tion of contracts may be said, in substance, to have existed, al-
the case with regard to conveyances, pleadings, and the like," and
in reference to a charter-party, it has been observed,' that "gener-
ally speaking, where there are several ways in which the contract
might be performed, that mode is adopted which is the least pro-
fitable to the plaintiff and the least burthensome to the defendant."
Further, in reference to the same instrument, it has been remarked
Exoh. 166.
In M'Call V. Taylor, 19 C. B. N. S. 301 (115 E. C. L. R.), the instrument in
question was held to be neither a bill of exchange nor a promissory note.
'D. 45. 1.99. pr.
^ Brisson. ad verb. " Promissor," "
Stipulatio ;" 1 Pothier, by Evans, 58.
» D. 45. 1. 38, § 18. * D. 45. 1. 99. pr. ; D. 2. 14. 39.
6 2 Kent Com., 7th ed., 721 ; 20 Conn. (U. S.) R. 281 ; Paley Moral Phil.,
4th ed., 125, 127 ; 1Duer Insur. 159, 160.
" Per Maule, J., Cockburn v. Alexander, 6 C. B. 814 (60 E. C. L. E.), and
in Gether v. Capper, 15 C. B. 707 (80 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 18 Id. 866.
that the merchant "is in most cases the party best acquainted with
the trade for which the ship is taken up, and with the difficulties
this were otherwise."' Nor does the maxim just cited apply to the
pleading of matters which are peculiarly within the knowledge of
the opposite party .^
It has indeed frequently been laid down that ambiguity is cured
by pleading over ; and that at subsequent stages of the cause, that
two senses, and if understood in one sense it will sustain the action,
the sense which will sustain the action." It has, however, been ob-
served that "there is no distinction in the mode of construing a
plea, whether it comes before the Court upon a motion for judg-
ment non obstante veredicto, or upon a demurrer."* In either case
the plea is to receive a fair and reasonable construction ; and we
may add, that, in construing a plea it ought to be read like any
other composition, and that no violent or forced construction ought
to be made beyond the ordinary and fair meaning of the words em-
ployed, either to support or to invalidate it.'
tiff is presumed to state his case in the most favorable way for him-
®®^^' ^^'^' t'lfii'efore, if he has *left anything material to
his case in doubt, it is assumed to be in favor of the other
party;"' though the rule that an ambiguous pleading is to be con-
strued contra proferentem, is subject to an exception already
[a) ;
per Parke, B., Norman v. Thompson, 4 Exoh. 750 Smith u. Keating, 6 ;
° Per Lord Cottenham, C, Columbine v. Chichester, 2 Phill. 28 ; and in
A.-G. V. Mayor of Norwich, 2 My. & Cr. 422, 423 Vernon v. Vernon, ; Id. 145 i
noticed, and does not apply to the pleading of matters which are
peculiarly within the knowledge of the other party.^
It must further be observed, that the general rule in question,
being one of some strictness and rigor, is the last to be resorted to,
and is never to be relied upon but when all other rules of exposi-
tion fail.^ In some cases, indeed, it is possible that any construction
which the Court may adopt will be contrary to the real meaning of
the parties ; and, if parties make use of such uncertain terms in
their contracts, the safest way is to go by the grammatical construc-
tion, and if the sense of the words be in equilihrio, then the strict
rule of law must be applied.'
Moreover, the principle of taking words fortius contra profe-
rentem does not seem to hold when a harsh construction would
work a wrong to a third person, it being a maxim that Constructio
legis nan faeit injuriam.* Therefore, if tenant in tail make a lease
for life generally, this shall be taken to mean a lease for the life of
the lessor,' for this stands well with the law ; and not for r^/^n^-i
*the life of the lessee, which it is beyond the power of a
tenant in tail to grant.^
Acts of Parliament are not, in general, within the reason of the
rule under consideration, because they are not the words of parties,
but of the legislature ; neither does this rule apply to wills.'
now fully established to be, that any ambiguity in the terms of the
402 (84 E. C. L. R.) per Maule, J., Portsmouth Floating Bridge Co. v. Nance,
(as to the remarks of Lord Eldon in which case, see per Alderson, B Lee v. ,
that they shall do nothing else ; that they shall do and shall forbear
all that they are thereby required to do and to forbear, as ivell with
reference to the interests of the public as with reference to the in-
terests of individuals."^ Acts of Parliament, such as here referred
to,^ have been *called "Parliamentary bargains made with r^tcgng-i
they may pay their money into Chancery, and the' land is at once
vested in them by a parliamentary title. But in order to enable
them to exercise this power, they must follow the words of the Act
strictly." And it is clear that the words of a *statute will rifCtr\'r-\
Per Alderson, B., Lee v. Milner, 2 Yo. & C. 611, 618; adopted, judgm.,
694 "Webb v. Manchester and Leeds R. C, 1 Railw. Cas. 576, 599 per Lord
' Per Pollock, C. B., -Eastern Archipelago Co. v. Beg., 2 E. & B. 906, 907
(75 B.C. L. R.);s. c, Id. 310.
^ Post, p. 651.
* " It is established on the best authority, that in construing grants from
the Crown, a different rule of construction prevails from that by which grants
from one subject to another are to be construed. In a grant from one sub-
ject to another, every intendment is to be made against the grantor, and in
favor of the grantee, in order to give full effect to the grant ; but in grants
from the Crown an opposite rule of construction prevails. Nothing passes
except that which is expressed, or which is matter of necessary and unavoid-
able intendment, in order to give effect to the plain and undoubted intention
of the grant. And in no species of grant does this rule of construction more
especially obtain than in grants which emanate from, and operate in deroga-
tion of, the prerogative of the Crown:" ex. gr. where a monopoly is granted.
Judgm., Feather v. Reg., 6 B. & S. 283-4 (118 E. C. L. R.) ;
citing per Lord
Stowell, The Rebeckah, 1 Rob. 227, 230.
mondeley v. Lord Clinton, 2 Her. 343 judgm., Doe d. Gord v Needs, 2 M. &
don V. Turner, 3 Atk. 257; Harris v. Bishop of Lincoln, 2 P. Wms. 136, 137 ;
per Tindal, G. J., Doe A. Winter v. Perratt, 7 Scott N. R. 36. See also, per
Littledale, J., and Parke, J., in Shortrede «. Cheek, 1 A. & E. 57 (28 E. C.
L. R.).
^ Baylis u. A.-G., 2 Atk. '/'SQ ; Hunt u. Hort, 3 Bro. C. C. 311 ; cited, 8 Bing.
254 (21 E. C. L. R.).
Per Parke, J., Doe d. Gwillim u. Gwillim, 5 B. & Ad. 129 (27 E. C. L. R.).
* See Wigram, Extrin. Bvid., 3d ed., 120, 121.
the subject, parol evidence to explain the meaning of the will could
not legally be admitted.'
If, then, as further observed in the treatise already cited, a tes-
tator's words, aided by the light derived from the circumstances
with reference to which they were used, do not express the inten-
tion ascribed to him, evidence to prove the sense in which he in-
tended to use them is, *as a general proposition, inadmissi- r^c-i-i-i
above observation, will, since the will is insensible and not really
expressive of any intention, be void for uncertainty.^
The we have just been con-
rule as to patent ambiguities which
sidering by no means confined in its operation to the interpreta-
and dies possessed of a greater number, the legatee and not the
executor has the right of selection.^
On the whole, then, we may observe, in the language of Lord
Bacon, that all ambiguity of words within the deed, and not out
of the deed, may be helped by construction, or, in some cases, by
election, but never by averment, but rather shall make the deed
void for un certainty .°
The general rule, however, as to patent ambiguity must be re-
intent being carried into effect f in cases falling within the scope
such cases the Court were *to reject the only mode by
which the meaning could be ascertained, viz., the resort to ^ ^
Wigram, Ex. Evid., 3d ed., 66.
' Eer Sir Thos. Plumer, M. R., Colpoys v. Colpoys, 1 Jao. R. 463, 464, where
several instances are given ; Collision v. Curling, 9 CI. & Fin. 88.
' 2 Phill. Evid., 10th ed., 392 ; Wigram, Extrin. Evid., 3d ed., 101 ;
Williams, J., Way v. Hearn, 13 C. B. N. S. 305; judgm., Bradley v. Washing-
ton Steam Packet Co., 13 Peters (U. S.) E. 97. " A latent ambiguity is raised
by evidence :" per Coleridge, J., Simpson v. Margitson, 11 Q. B. 25 {63 E. 0.
L. R.).
Where parol evidence has been improperly received to explain a supposed
latent ambiguity, the Court in banco will decide upon the construction of the
instrument without regard to the finding of the jury upon such evidence:
Brufif ». Conybeare, 13 C. B. N. S. 263 (106 E. C. L. R.).
' Bac. Max., reg. 23 ; Plowd. 85 b ; Miller v. Travers, 8 Bing. 248 (21 E.
C. L. R.).
614 broom's legal maxims.
ment that it was his intention to levy the fine to the younger is
good, and stands well with the words of the fine.' So, if one de-
vise to his son John, when he has two sons of that name,^ or to the
^°^ ^^ '^- ^-5 *^nd two persons, as in the case of a
r*fi1 ^1
second marriage, meet that designation,^ evidence is admis-
sible to explain which of the two was intended. Wherever, in
short, the words of the will in themselves are plain and unam-
biguous, but they become ambiguous by the circumstance that there
are two persons, to each of whom the description applies, then parol
evidence may remove the ambiguity so created.*
be admitted to
2 M. & W. 129 Richardson v. Watson, 4 B. & Ad. 792 (24 E. 0. L. R.). And
see the cases on this subject, cited, 2 Phill. Evid., 10th ed., 393, et seq.
* Per Alderson, B., 13 M. & W. 206, and in Smith u.'jeffryes, 15 M. & W.
Eradley, 1 Cr. & J. 90 Doe d. Beach v. Earl of Jersey, 3 B. & C. 870 (10 E.
' Per Patteson, J., and Coleridge, J., 4 A. & E. 81, 82 (31 E. C. L. R.).
explain the ambiguity, and to show what the parties really meant.
" Where there is an election between two meanings, it is, properly,
a question for the jury."'
Where, we shall hereafter see, a contract is entered into with
reference to a known and recognised use of particular terms em-
ployed by the contracting parties, or with reference to a known and
established usage, evidence may be given to show the meaning of
those terms, or the *nature of that usage, amongst persons r*(^-iq-i
conversant with the particular branch of commerce or busi-
ness to which they relate. But cases of this latter class more pro-
perly fall within a branch of the law of evidence which we shall
separately consider, viz., the applicability of usage and custom to
the explanation of written instruments.^
arrear in the manor of S., this will not amount to a grant of rent
out of the manor of S., for the rent is granted to be issuing out of
the manor of T>., and the parties have expressly limited out of
what land the rent shall issue, and upon what land the distress
shall be taken.
show that the agreement was in reality different from that which it
''^^i'^^i^ts under the *instrument, or the subject-matter to
* Earl of Bath's Case, Cart. R. 108, 109, adopted 1 Fonbl. Eq., 5th ed'.,
445 n.
is not ambiguous."
The following cases may be mentioned as falling within the scope
of the preceding remarks : 1st, where the instrument is in a foreign
language, in which case the jury must ascertain the meaning of the
terms upon the evidence of persons skilled in the particular lan-
guage ;° 2dly, ancient words may be explained by contemporaneous
usage; 3dly, if the instrument be a mercantile contract, the mean-
ing of the terms must be ascertained by the jury according to their
acceptation amongst merchants ; 4thly, if the terms are technical
terms of art, their meaning must, in like manner, be ascertained by
the evidence of persons skilled in the art to which they refer. In
such cases, the Court may at once determine, upon the inspection of
the instrument, that it belongs to the province of the jury to ascer-
' Per Tindal, C. J., Shore v. Wilson, 5 Scott N. R. 1037. For au instance
of the application of this rule to a will, see Doe
Oxenden v. Chichester, 3
Taunt. 147 ; s. c. (affirmed in error), 4 Dow 65 cited and explained, Wigram
tain the meaning of the words, and, therefore, that, in the inquiry,
extrinsic evidence to some extent must be admissible.^
It may be scarcely necessary to observe, that the maxim under
consideration applies equally to the interpretation of an Act of
Parliament; the general rule being, that a verbis legis non est rece-
Per Erskine, J., 5 Soott N. R. 988 per Parke, B., Clift c.'Sohwabe, 3 C.
good, for there is a certain period fixed, beyond which it cannot last,
though it may determine sooner ,on the death of the lessor, or his
ceasing, to be parson.'
*It is true, said Lord Kenyon, C. J., that there must be p^^g,-,
a certainty in the lease as to the commencement and '- -*
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 279, 280 6 Rep. 35; Co.
; Litt. 45 b.
' Goodright d. Hall v. Richardson, 3 T. R. 463.
' Co. Litt. 96 a, 142 a; Parke v. Harris, 1 Salk. 262.
* Daniel v. Gracie, 6 Q. B. 145 (51 B. C. L. R.). See Pollitt v. Forrest, 11
Q. B. 949 (63 E. C. L. R.).
° Co. Litt. 6 a ; 4 Cruise Dig., 4th ed., 269. See also, Maugham v. Sharpe,
17 C. B. N. S. 443, 463 (112 E. C. L. R.).
The 3fiSoe of the habendum is to limit, explain, or qualify the words in the
premises ; but if habendum are manifestly contradictory and
the words of the
repugnant to those in the premises, they must be disregarded Doe d. Timmis :
city all liberties which London has, without saying what liberties
London has.^
An agreement in writing for the sale of a house, did not by
description ascertain the particular house, but it referred to the
deeds as being in the possession of A. B., named in the agreement.
The Court held the agreement sufficiently certain, inasmuch as it
appeared upon the face of the agreement that the house referred to
was the house of which the deeds were in the possession of A. B.,
and, consequently, the house might easily be ascertained before the
Master, and Id certum est quod certu'm reddi potest.^
A testator, having devised his estates in a particular way, directed
that a different disposition of them should take place "in case
certain contingent property and effects in expectancy shall fall in
1 Com. Dig. " GranV (E. 14), (G. 5) Finch Law 49.
Surplusage does not vitiate that which in other respects is good and valid.
*^ cause and all matters of difference were referred to
382 ;
Reg. v. Oxley, 6 Q. B. 256 (51 E. C. L. R.) ; to a conviction, Chaney v.
Vict. c. 18, Allen, app., House, resp., 8 Scott N. R. 987 ; cited, arg., 2 C. B.
10 C. B. 650, 656 (70 E. C. L. R.) per Coltman, J., 6 Scott N. R. 892; per
163 (63 E. 0. L R.) cited per Parke, B., Graham v. Gibson, 4 Exch. 771;
respecting it may be thus *stated and qualified : as soon as
there is an adequate and sufficient definition, with conve-
cable to the entire land, and then the words of description that
include and denote the entire subject matter are followed by words
Fisher, 4 Exoh. 604; recognised in Wood v. Rowcliffe, 6 Exch. 407, 410 Har- ;
^ D. 33. 4. 1, I 8.
» Judgm., Webber o. Stanley, 16 C. B. N. S. 755 (111 E. C. L. R.).
* Thomas v. Thomas, 6 T. R. 676. See also Mosley v. Massey, 8 East 149
per Parke, J., Doe d. Smith v. Galloway, 5 B. & Ad. 51 (27 E. C. L. R.) fol- :
Freem. 293 Hobart 32, 171 Greene v. Armstead, Id. 65 Vin. Abr., " Devise"
; ; ;
applies to one subject only; and the Court, in these cases, rejects
no words but those which are shown to have no application to any
Dale, which I have by descent on the part of rhy father, and it was
not so, the release would be valid, for this thing was certainly
enough expressed by the first words, and the last words were
superfluous and of no effect."* That is to say, if the thing released
^ See also per Lefroy, C. J., Roe v. Lidwell, 11 Ir. C. L. R. 326, cited arg.,
Skull V. Glenister, 16 C. B. N. S 89 (111 E. C. L. R.).
London Grand Junction R. C. v. Freeman, 2 Scott N. R. 705, 748. See
Reg. Wilcock, 7 Q. B. 317 (53 E. C. L. R.)
V. Jack v. M'Intyre, 12
; CI. k
Pin. 151 Omerod v. Chadwick, 16 M. & W. 367
; ; followed, per Wightman, J.,
Reg. V. Stretfield, 32 L. J. M. C. 236.
' See Wigram, Ex. Ev., 3d ed., 142, 165 judgm., Morrell
v. Fisher, 4 Exch.
604; Mann v. Mann, 14 Johis. (U. S.) R. 1.
* Plowd. 191 ; cited and adopted judgm., Nightingall v. Smith, 1 Exch. 886 ;
wife part of his stock in the 41. per Cent. Annuities of the Bank
of England, and it was shown by parol evidence, that, at the time
he made his will, he had no stock in the 41. per Cent. Annuities,
but that he had had some, which he had sold out, and of which he
had invested the produce in Long Annuities : it was held in this
house, situated within the abuttals, but not in the occupation of S.,
would pass.' So, where an estate is devised, called A., and de-
and, per Parke, B., Morrell v. Fisher, 4 Exch. 599. And, as illustrating the
passage above cited, compare Doe d. Hubbard v. Hubbard, 15 Q.'B. 227 {69
E. C. L. R.) ;
with Doe d. Compton v. Carpenter, 16 Id. 181 (71 E. C. L. E.).
^ Judgm., 1 Exch. 887. ^ 3 Ves. jun. 306.
W., who resided at L., and who usually 'went by the name of
Edward only and it was remarked, that, according to the general
rule of law and of construction, if there had been two persons each
fully and accurately answering the whole description, evidence
might be received, or arguments from the language of the will, and
from circumstances, might be adduced show to which of those to
persons the will applied; but that where one person, and one only,
fully and accurately answers the whole description, the Court
is bound to apply the will to that person. It was, however, further
observed, that an exception would occur in applying the above rule,
where it would lead to a construction of a devise manifestly con-
trary to what was the intention of the testator, as expressed by
his will, and that the rule must be rejected as inapplicable to a
March, but the plaintiif's attorney stated that it was the only notice
*s®'"^s'^ i'l t^® cause, the judge at the trial allowed the
be read; and the Court held that it was
document to
admissible, on the ground that, as only one notice had been served,
the misdescription was merely Falsa demonstratio quae non nocet.'
But, although an averment to take away surplusage is good, yet
it is not so to increase that which is defective in the will of the testa-
1 Phil. R. 285, 286.
2 v. Cooper, 14 M. & W. 399.
Per Anderson, C. J., Godbolt, R. 131, recognised 8 Bing. 253 (21 E. C. L.
* Ante, p. 632. And see per Lord Ellenborough, 0. J., Doe d. Harris v.
Greathed, 8 East 103 Hob. R. 172; Doe d. Renow v. Ashley, 10 Q. B. 663
(59 E. 0. L. R.).
' Miller V. Travers, 8 Bing. 244 (21 E. C. L. R.), and the observations on
city of L., inadequate to meet the charges in the will, — and estates
this decision by Sir James Wigmm, in the treatise already referred to, and,
per Lord Brougham, Mostyn v. Mostyn, 5 II. L. Gas. 168.
' 8 King. 249, 250.
^ 2 Phil. Evid., 8th ed., 715 et seq.
'^^^'^^ i® *^"® illustrated *by tim :
—" If I give a horse to
J. D., when present, and say to him, '
J. S. take this,' it is
of the Nativity, and not of the Passion embroidered upon it, yet, if
I had no other box and no other suit, the gifts valid, for would be
there is certainty sufficient, and the law does not expect a precise
former part only will pass ; as, if I grant all my land to D., held
^y *'^' ^' '^'^'•^^ I purchased of J. N., specified in a de-
mise to J. D., and I have land in D., to a part of which
G. 140.
In Drake v. Drake, 8 H. L. Cas. 179, Lord Campbell, C, observes, "There
is a maxim that the name shall prevail against an error of demonstration j
but then you must first show that there is an error of demonstration, and
until you have shown that, the rule Veritas nominis tollit errorem demonstra.
tionis does not apply. I think that there isno presumption in favor of the
name more than of the demonstration."
The maxim supra was applied per Byles, J., Way v. Hearn, 13 C. B. N. S.
the above description applies, and have also other lands in D., to
which it is in some respects inapplicable, this grant will not pass all
my land in D., but the former portion only."^ So, if a man grant
all his own occupation in the town of W., no
estate in his estate can
pass except what is in his own occupation and is also situate in
that town.^
In a recent important case' connected with criminal procedure
the maxim Prcesentia corporis tollit errorem nominis was judicially
applied, the facts being as under :
—Preparatory to a trial for mur-
der, the name of A., a juror on the panel, was called, and B.,
another juror on the same panel, appeared, and by mistake an-
swered to the name of A., and was sworn as a juror. A conviction
ensued, which a majority of the Court for the Consideration of
Crown Cases Reserved held ought not to be set aside, one of the
learned Judges thus founding his opinion upon the maxim cited :
" The mistake is not a mistake of the man, but only of his name.
The very man who, having been duly summoned, and being duly
qualified, looked upon the prisoner, and was corporeally presented
and shown to the prisoner for challenge, was sworn and acted as a
juryman. At the bottom the objection is but this, that the officer
of the Court, the juryman being present, called and addressed him
by a wrong name. Now, it is an old and rational maxim of law,
that where the party to a transaction, or the subject of a transac-
tion, are either of *them actually and corporeally present, p. „.^-,
the calling of either by a wrong name is immaterial. Free- - '-
sense, and shows how it applies, not only to persons, but to things.
In this case, as soon as the prisoner omitted the challenge, and
thereby in effect said, I do not object to the juryman there stand-
ing,' there arose a compact between the Crown and the prisoner
Bac. Works, vol. 4, pp. 73, 75, 77, 78 Bac. khv. " Grants" (H. 1)
; ; Toml.
Law Diet. " Gift;" Noy Max., 9th ed., p. 50.
'7 Johns. (D. S.) R. 224.
' Reg. V. Mellor, 27 L. J. M. C. 121.
' Zlhi supra.
not being the lawful wife of the testator, properly fills the descrip-
tion of his 'dear wife Caroline.' Formerly the name was held to
1 Jackson v. Clark, 7 Jotos. (U. S.) R. 223, 224 recognised 18 Id. S4.;
Blayne v. Gold, Cro. Car. 447, 473, where the rule was applied to a
» 3 Atk. 9 ; Dyer 50. • 5 C. B. 422 (57 E. C. L. R.).
Caroline was de facto the testator's wife ; and she lived with him
as such down to the time of his death. It is possible that the first
marriage may not have been a valid one. At all events, if Mary
was his lawful wife, all that can be said is that the testator had
been guilty of bigamy. It is not the case of a description that is
altogether inapplicable to the party, but of a description that is in
a popular sense applicable. The competition is between one whom
the testator clearly did mean, and another, whom it is equally clear
that he did not mean. Interpreting the langyiage he has used in
its proper and legitimate manner, and regard being had to the cir-
It is, lastly, a rule, which may be here noticed, that, Non accipi
debent verba in demonstrationem faham quce competunt in limita-
tionem veram,^ — if it be doubtful upon the words, whether they
import a false ^reference or description, or whether they r*/^ lo-i
be words of restraint, limiting the generality of the former
name, the law will not intend erroi* or falsehood^ — " where words
can be applied so as to operate on a subject-matter and limit the
^ Bac. Max., reg. 13.
2 Bac. Max. reg. 13, cited 8 East 104.
3 Taunt. 147 judgm., Morrell v. Fisher, 4 Exoh. 604; per Willes, J., Josh «.
certainty in the words of the devise; and here it would seem that
evidence of intention would not be admissible, the description
lar purport which occur both in the civil law and in our own re-
^ See this subject considered, "Wigram Extria. Ev., 3d ed., 166, 167.
' "Wigram Extrin. Ev., 3d ed., 163.
' See Phillimore Roman Law 35.
* I. 2. 20. 29 ; compare D. 30. 1. 4 ; also 2 Domat, Bk. 2, tit. 1, s. 6, i 10,
19;Id. s. 8, § 11.
" I. 2. 20. 30. See "Whitfield v. Clemment,
Mer. 402. 1
= 1. 2. 20. 30. "Wood Inst., 3d ed., 165.
' Id. ;
*It may probably be unnecessary to remind the reader that the cases
decided with reference to the rule of construction considered in the preceding
pages are exceedingly numerous, and that such only have been noticed as
seemed peculiarly adapted to the purposes of illustration. A similar remark
is equally applicable to the other maxims commented on this chapter.
'"y***®" ^^ '^impendendo" (for past and future council), if
V. Lings, L. R. 4 C. P. 387.
General words may be controlled by the recital in an instrument. See
Bank of British North America v. Cuvillier, 14 Moo. P. C. 0. 187, and oases
there cited.
^ Bac. Max., reg. 10 ; 6 Rep. 62.
' The maxim supra was accordingly applied to restrain the words of a gen-
eral covenant by a Railway Company to " efficiently work " a line demised
Peardon v. Underbill, 16 Q. B. 120 (71 E. C. L. R.).
' 1 T. R. 703.
Thorpe v. Thorpe, 1 Lord Raym. 2.'55 s. c, Id. 662.
Per Eyre, J., Gilb. Cas. 240. See Seller v. Jones, 16 M. & W. 112, 118
^Sansom u. Bell, 2 Camp. 39; Com. Dig., '^
ParoW (A. 19); Evans v.
Eavle, 10 Exch. 1.
« 3 Inst. 76.
' Shep. Touch. 88 ; Co. Litt. 42 a ; Com. Dig. " Parols " (A. 7).
8 Wood V. Rowcliffe, 6 Exch. 407.
See also with reference to a release, the authorities cited, ante, p. 544, n.
5, p. 646, n. 3.
Where the words in the operative part of a deed of conveyance are of
doubtful meaning, the recitals and other parts of the deed may be used as a
test to discover the intention of the parties, and to fix the true meaning of
those words: judgm., Welsh Trevanion, 15 Q. B. 751 (69 E. C. L. R.).
'^^^ object of which are to guard against any accidental
omission ; but in such cases it is meant to refer to estates
1 3 Inst. 76.
' Per Maule, J., Borradaile v. Hunter, 5 Scott N. R. 431, 432. See in illus-
' Per Lord Mansfield, 0. J., Moore v. Magrath, 1 Cowp. 12 Shep. Touch., ;
by Atherley, 79, n.
• Per Lord Eldon, C, Church v. Mundy, 15 Ves. 396 adopted per Tindal, :
limitation, is primd facie a devise for life only; but this rule will
give way to a different intention, if such can be collected from the
instrument, and the estate may be accordingly enlarged.' So,
words Avhich v^ovXA primd facie give an estate tail may be cut down
to a life estate, if it plainly appear that they were used as words of
purchase only, or the other provisions *of the will show, p^^^„-,
The doctrine, however, that the general intent must overrule the
particular intent, observes Lord Denman, C. J., has, when applied
to the construction of wills, been much and justly objected to of
Cas. 571.
650 broom's legal maxims.
such class,"' the eifect of general words when they follow particular
words being thus restricted.*
arising from the relation of landlord and tenant.^ So, although the
word "demise" in a lease implies a covenant for title and a cove-
nant for quiet enjoyment, yet both branches of such impjied cove-
nant are restrained by an express covenant for quiet enjoyment.'
And, where parties have entered into ^written engage- r^/^co-i
ments with express stipulations, it is manifestly not desira-
ble to extend them by implications ; the presumption is, that having
expressed some, they have expressed all the conditions by which
they intend to be bound under that instrument.^ And it is an or-
dinary rule that " if authority is given expressly, though by aflBrm-
329 ;
Gainsford v. Griffith, 1 Saund. R. 58
Deering v. Far- ; Vaugh. R. 126 ;
4 Taunt. 329; per Lord St. Leonards, Monypenny v. Mony penny, 9 II. L.
Cas. 139. See Messentw. Reynolds, 3 C. B. 194 (54 E. C. L. R.). By stat. 8
& 9 Vict. c. 106, s. 4, it is enacted, that the word " give " or " grant " in a
deed executed after the 1st of October, 1845, shall not imply any covenant in
law in respect of any hereditament, except by force of some Act of Parlia-
ment. A covenant for quiet enjoyment, however, is also implied by the word
"demise" in a lease for years; and this implication is not taken away by
either of the recent stats. (7 & 8 Vict. c. 76, and 8 & 9 Vict. c. 106).
By agreeing to let a lessor impliedly promises that he has a good title to
let. Stranks John, L. R. 2 C. P. 376.
v. St.
much freight for "goods delivered at A.," it was held, that freight
could not be recovered pro rata itineris, the ship having been
wrecked at B. before her arrival at A., although the defendant
accepted his goods at B. ; for, the action being on the original
agreement, the defendant had a right to say in answer to it, non
hoeo in foedera veni.^ In order to recover freight pro rata itineris,
Per Willes, J., North vStafford Steel, &o., Co., v. Ward, L. R. 3 Ex. 177.
To show the caution necessary in applying the above rule may be cited
M. & A. 194.
* See Petoh v. Tutin, 15 M. & W. 110.
^ In Doe d. Lloyd v. Ingleby, 15 M. & W. 465, 472, the maxim was applied
by Parke, B., diss., to a proviso for re-entry in a lease, and this case will
serve to illustrate the above remark.
« Cook V. Jennings, 7 T. R. 381 See Vlierboom v. Chapman, 13 M. & W. 230.
In Powkes v. Manchester and London Life Ass. Co., 3 B. &. S. 917, 930
the owner must, in such a case, proceed on the new agreement im-
plied by law from the merchant's behavior.^
Again, on a mortgage of dwelling-houses, foundries, and other
premises, " together with all grates, boilers, bells, and other fix-
tures inand about the said two dwelling-houses and the brewhouses
thereunto belonging;" it was held, that, although, without these
words, the fixtures in the foundries would have passed, yet, by
them, the fixtures intended to pass were confined to those in the
*dwelling-houses and brewhouses.^ So, where in an in- r^ccc-i
strument there are general words first, and an express ex-
ception afterwards, the ordinary principle of law has been said to
apply expressio unius exclicsio alterius.^
The case of Doe d. Spilsbury v. Burdett,* furnishes a good illus-
(113 E. C. L. R.), the principal maxim, supra, was applied to a policy of in-
surance. See 8 E. & B. 301 (92 E. C. L. R.).
1 Per Lawrence, J., 7 T. R. 385 ;
Mitchell v. Darthez, 2 Bing. N. C. 555,
571 (29 E. C. L. R.).
Hare v. Horton, 5 B. & Ad. 715 (27 E. C. L. R.) ; cited Mather v. Frazer,
2 K. & J. 536. See Ringer v. Cann, 3 M. & W. 343 ; Cooper v. Walker, 4 B.
&C. 36,49 (10 E. C. L. R.).
' Spry V. Flood, 2 Curt. 365.
* 7 Scott N. R. 66, 79, 101, 104 ; s. c, 9 A. & E. 936 (36 E. C. L. R.) ; 4 A.
& E. 1 (31 E. C. L. R.). The decision of the House of Xords in the above
case went upon the principle, expressio unius exclusio alterius (per Sir H.
Jenner Fust, Barnes v. Vincent, 9 Jur. 261 ; s. c. (reversed in error), 5 Moore
P. C. C. 201), and the opinions delivered in it by the judges will also be
found to illustrate the importance of adhering to precedents, aTjic, p. 149
the argument ab inconvenienti, p. 184, and the general principle of construing
an instrument ut res magis valeat quam pereat, p. 540 Doe d. Spilsbury v. ;
in witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set ray
hand and seal, this 12th of December, 1789." And then followed
**'^® attestation, thus: "Witness C. B., E. B-, A. B." It
was decided by the House of Lords that the power was
well executed; and this case was distinguished from several,' in
which the attestation clause, in terms, stated the performance of
one or more of the required formalities, but was silent as to the
others, and in which, consequently, the power was held to have
been badly exercised, on the ground, that legal reasoning would
necessarily infer the non-performance of such others in the presence
of the witnesses, but that a general attestation clause imported an
attesting of all the requisites.
The operation of the principle under consideration is, moreover,
the same, whether the contract be under seal or by parol. For in-
stance, in order to prevent a debt being barred by the Statute of
Limitations, a conditional promise to pay "as soon as I can," or
"as soon as convenient," is not sufiBcient, unless proof be given of
the defendant's ability to perform the condition; and the reason is,
'^°''^g ®°' ^^''^ '^P some other *matter in excuse of non-
payment, from this conduct the jury may infer an admis-
sion that the valid ground of defence does not in fact exist.'
Marsh. 102; s. u., 6 Taunt. 402 (1 E. C. L. R.). See per Patteson, J., 7
Scott N. R. 120, 121 per Tindal, C. J., Id. 126.
Downes, 2 Or. & M. 459. See Irving v. Veitch, 3 M, & W. 90, 112; Broom's
Com., 4th ed., 185.
' Campbell v. Webster, 2 C. B. 258, 266 (52 E. C. L. R.).
knowing at the time that the purchaser wants it for the purpose of
carrying a lady, and the horse though sound proves to be unfit for
that particular purpose, this would be no breach of the warranty.
So, with respect to any other kind of warranty : the maxim ex-
dence, that the tenant had also agreed to pay the ground-rent, the
Court refused to admit the evidence.^
^ See the maxim, Nihil tarn conveniens est naturali cequitati quam unum-
quodque dissolvi eodem ligamine quo ligatum est —post, Chap. IX., and the
maxim, Optimus interpres rerum usua post, Chap. X. —
^ Per Bayley, J., Grimman v. Legge, 8 B. &
C. 326 {15 E. C. L. R.) Moor- ;
E. 383, 385; per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Id. 137; Cowley v. Dunlop, Id. 568;
Cutters. Powull, 6 T. R. 320; s. c, 2 Smith L. C, 6th ed., 1 (with which
compare Taylor v. Laird, 1 H. & N. 266 Button v. Thompson, L. R. 4 C. P.
330) ;
per Buller, J., Toussaint v.Martinnant, 2 T. R. 105 per Parke, B., ;
burn, J., Fowkes V. Manchester and London Life Ass. Co., 3 B. & S. 930 (113
E. C. L. R.).
' Per Maule, J., Dickson v. Zizinia, 10 C. B. 610, 611 (70 E. C. L. R.).
* Preston v. Merceau, 2 W. Bla. 1249; Rich v. Jackson, 4 Bro. C. C. 515.
658 broom's legal maxims.
the buyer to show that the article sold is not according to the war-
ranty. Where, however, an article is sold by description merely,
and the buyer afterwards discovers a latent defect, in this case
expresssum facit cessare taciturn ; he must, therefore, go further,
and show that the description was false within the knowledge of
See Sweetland v. Smith, 1 Or. & M. 585, 596 Doe d. Rogers v. Pullen, 2 Bing.
N. C. 749, 753 (29 E. C. L. R.), where the maxim considered in the text is
applied by Tindal, C. J., to the case of a tenancy between mortgagor and
• Earl of Hardwicke v. Lord Sandys, 12 M. & W. 761.
' Powell V. Edmunds, 12 East 6.
action, that the colt was only three years old.^ So, upon a sale of
' Budd V. Fairmaner, 8 Bing. 48, 52 (21 E. C. L. R.). See per Pavke, B.,
Mondel v. Steel, 8M. & W. 865; and the cases cited under the maxim caveat
emptor — post, Chap. IX.
» Parkinson v. Lee, 2 East 314, recognised, 8 Bing. 52 (21 E. C. L. R.).
See, also, Laing v. Fidgeon, 6 Taunt. 108 (1 E. C. L. R.) Chanter u. Hop- ;
kins, 4 M. & W. 399 ; recognised, Pacific Steam Nav. Co. v. Lewis, 16 M. &
W. 783; and in Prideaux v. Bunnett, 1 C. B. N. S. 613, 617 (87 E. C.
L. B.).
' As to implied warranties and undertakings, see, under the maxim Caveat
emptoi — post, p. 768.
* Shepherd v. Pybus, 4 Scott N. R. 434 ;
Gardiner v. Gray, 4 Camp. 144.
° Bigge V. Parkinson, 7 H. & N. 955.
660 broom's legal maxims.
the part of the vendor was to supply the particular article ordered,
and that undertaking has been performed by him. If, on the other
hand, the article ordered by the defendant were not a known
ascertained article; as if he had merely ordered, and plaintiff had
agreed to supply, a machine for printing two colors, the defendant
would not be liable unless the instrument were reasonably fit for the
purpose for which it was ordered.^ As we shall, in the ensuing
*But although the maxim, JExpressio unius est exelusio
Mody V. Gregson, L. R. 4 Ex. 49.
' Ollivant Bayley, 5 Q. B. 288 (48 E. C. L. R.) Prideaux v. Bunnett, 1
v. ;
with respect to which they are silent, yet it has long been settled, that,
in commercial transactions, extrinsic evidence of custom and usage is
admissible for this purpose.' The same rule has, moreover, been
applied to contracts in other transactions of life, especially to those
between landlord and tenant,^ in which known usages have been
established and prevailed; and this has been done upon the princi-
ple of presuming that in such transactions the parties did not mean
to express in writing the whole of the contract by which they
intended to be bound, but a contract with reference to those known
usages.' Whether such a relaxation of the strictness of the
common law was wisely applied where formal instruments have
been entered into, and particularly leases under seal, may, it has
been observed, well be doubted; but this relaxation has been
establishedby such authority, and the relations of landlord and
tenant have been so long regulated upon the supposition that all
customary obligations, not altered by the contract, are to r;(:f5(:'o-]
rerum usus post, Chap. X.
^ Ante,
pp. 412 et seq.
' Per Parke, B., Smith v. "Wilson, 3 B. & Ad. 728 (23 E. C. L. R.).
son, cited ante, p. 413, is the leading case upon the subject above noticed.
"Judgm., 4 Scott N. R. 446.
' Per Story, J., 2 Peters (U. S.) R. 148.
*^ statute, it has been said,^ is to be so construed, if
Yeats V. Pym, 6 Taunt. 446 ; Clarke v. Roystone, 13 M. & W. 752; Suee
V. Pompe, 8 C. B. N. S. 538 (98 E. 0. L. R.). See Palmer v. Rlackburn, 1
Ring. 61 (8 E. C. L. R.).
^ Spartali v. Benecke, 10 C. B. 212, 223 (70 E. C. L. R.) ; Dickenson v. Jar-
dine, L. R. 3 G. P. 639 ; Johnstone v. Usborne, 11 A. & E. 549, 557 (39 E. C.
L. R.) ; Trueman v. Loder, Id. 589 (as to which case see Dale v. Humfrey, E.,
& B. 370 (88 E. C. L. R.) ; cited in Rogers v. Hadley, 2 H. & C. 249 Stewart ;
son V. Fell, 5 M. & S. 240 Cates v. Knight, 3 T. R. 442, 444 cited arg., Albon
; ;
Plowd. 205 b.
» See arg., R.Woodland, 2 East ]66 and in K. v. Bell, 7 T. R. 600 R. v.
v. ; ;
for Smelting Lead v. Richardson, 3 Burr. 1344 Steer Par. L., 3d ed., 486, ;
' In connection with which see, now, stat. 30 & 31 Vict. c. 102, s. 3.
and, above all, that they do not make it speak entirely contrary to
what, as may be gathered from the whole terms and tenor of the
contract, was the intention of the parties.'
makes unlawful that which was *lawful before, and ap-
points a specific remedy, that remedy must be pursued, and
no other; yet where an offencewas antecedently punishable by a
common law proceeding, as by indictment, and a statute prescribes
a particular remedy in case of disobedience, that such particular
remedy is cumulative, and proceedings may be had either at com-
mon law or under the statute." And where a charter incorpo-
rating a trading company declared in case "the defendants should
fail to enter into and execute a deed of settlement, and deposit it
Eastern Archipelago Co. v. Reg., 2 E. & B. 856 (75 E. C. L. R.) s. c, 1 ;
81. In Hobart R. 170, it is said that this rule " is to be understood having
respect to itself only, and not having relation to other clauses." The rule
'interpretation op deeds, etc. 670
and if the words "and the survivor of them" are added, they will
be mere surplusage, because, by law, the term would go to the sur-
vivor.' So, upon a lease reserving rent payable quarterly, with a
proviso that, if the rent were in arrear twenty-one days next after
the day of payment being lawfully demanded, the lessor might re-
enter, it was held, that, five years' rent being in arrear, and no
sufficient distress on the premises, the lessor might re-enter without
a demand, and the above maxim was held to apply for, ; previous
to the stat. 4 Geo. 2. c. 28, a demand was necessary as a conse-
quence of law, whether the lease contained the words "lawfully
demanded" or not. Then the statute says, that "in all cases
where half a year's rent shall be in arrear, and the landlord has a
right of entry," the remedy shall apply, provided there be no suffi-
cient distress ; that is, the statute has dispensed with the demand
which was required at the common law, whether expressly provided
for by the stipulation of the parties or not.^ In like manner, if
Again, every interest which is limited to commence and is capa-
former estate were determined, while a vested estate may take effect
words or acts."^
1 See per Willes, 0. J., 3 Atk. 138 ; 1 Prest. Abst. Tit. 108, 109.
' Kenwood v. Oliver, 1 Q. B. 409, 411 (41 E. C. L. R.) ; recognised in Bowen
V. Owen, ] I Q. B. 130, 135 (63 E. C. L. R.).
° Bae. Max., reg. 21
Words to which reference is made in an instrtiment have the same effect and
operation as if they were inserted in the clause referring to them}
may be consulted in connection with the above maxim. See also Ridgway
V. Wharton, 6 H. L. Cas. 238 ; cited judgm., Barker v. Allen, 5 H. & N. 72 .
Co., 28 L. J. Chanc. 153. See Galway v. Baker, 5 CI. & Fin. 157 Brain v. ;
674 broom's legal maxims.
the plan ;" and by applying the maxim. Verba illata messe viden-
tur, the Court of Exchequer considered on the above state of facts,
that it was the same thing as if the map or plan referred to in the
annexed plea, and the annexed plea, is in the cause, and Verba
relata inesse videntur ; therefore it amounts to the same thing as
if the affidavit were intituled ; and the plaintiff could prosecute for
perjury on this affidavit."'
So, with reference to an indictment, it has been observed, that
*' there are many authorities to show that one count thereof may
refer to another, and that under such circumstances the maxim ap-
plies. Verba relata inesse videntur."*
Harris, 10 Exch. 908 ;
Reg. v. Caledonian R. C, 16 Q. B. 197 (71 E. C. L.
1 North Eastern R. C, 10 H. L. Cas. 333, 353.
Elliot V.
v. Earl of Jersey, 11 M. & W. 183, 188
Llewellyn Lyle v. Richards, L. B. ;
though the Courts will not construe a will with the same critical
precision which would be prescribed to a grammarian for instance, ;
where the words " the said estates," occurring in a will, seemed in
strictness to refer to certain freehold land, messuages, and tene-
ments, before devised, on which construction the devisee would only
have taken an estate for life, according to the strict rule which ex-
isted prior to the stat. 1 Vict. c. 26 ;
yet it was observed by Lord
Ellenborough, that, in cases of this *sort, unless the testa- (-^i-yp-i
Moo. P. C. C. 427.
* See Clayton v. Lord Nugent, 13 M. & W. 200.
Now the rule usually laid down upon this subject is, that where
matter is introduced by way of exception into a general clause, the
plaintiff must show that the particular case does not fall within
such exception, whereas a proviso need not be noticed by the
plaintiff, but must be pleaded by the opposite party. ° " The differ-
®"'^® '®' *"^^^'^6 ^"^ exception is incorporated in the body
of the clause, he who pleads the clause ought also to plead
the exception ; but when there is a clause for the benefit of the
field, C. J., R. V. Jarvis, cited 1 East 646, note ; Stevens v. Stevens, 5 Exch.
In accordance with the first of the above rules, where one sectjon
of a penal statute creates an offence, and a subsequent section
specifies certain exceptions thereto, the exceptions need not be
negatived by the party prosecuting.^ So, where the exception is
Lord Denman, C. J., Palk v. Force, 12 Q. B. 672 (64 E. C. L. R.). See Roe
V. Bacon, 4 M. & S. 366, 368; Paddock w. Forrester, 3 Scott N. R. 715; 1
Wms. Saunds. 262 b. (1) R. v. Jukes, 8 T. R. 542.
' Simpson v. Ready, 12 M. & W. 736 (as to which case see, per Alderson,
B., Mayor of Salford v. Ackers, 16 M. & W. 92) per Parke, B., Thibault v. ;
Relative words refer to the next antecedent, unless by such a construction the
meaning of the sentence would be impaired.
p. 678, n. 2.
^Com. Dig. "Parols" (A.
14, 15); Jenk. Cent. 180; Dyer 46 b; Wing.
Max. p. 19. Wardell, 2 Bxoh. 479; Piatt v. Ashley, 1 Exoh.
See Bryant u.
« Per Tindal, C. J., 1 A. & B. 445 (28 B. C. L. R.). See Bsdaile v. Mac-
his other lands, situated in H. and M. and the will contained this
subsequent clause :
" And should M. have lawful issue, the said
property to be equally divided between her lawful issue." It was
held, that these words, " the said property," did not comprise the
lands in H. and M. devised to the nephew, although it was argued
that they must, according to the true grammatical construction of
the will, either comprise all the property before spoken of, or must
refer to the next antecedent.^
R.) Beckh v. Page, 7 Id. 861 Earl of Kintore v. Lord Inverury, 4 Maoq.
; ;
scoton, 8 T. R. 178.
' Peppercorn v. Peacock, 3 Scott N. R. 651 Hall v. Warren, 9 H. L. Cas.
420. See also Doe d. Gore v. Langton, 2 B. & Ad. 680, 691 (22 E. C. L. R.)
IN Lege.
(2 Inst. 11.)
(33 E. C. L. R.) ; R. V. Davie, Id. 374; Senhouse v. Earle, Amb. 288; Co.
Litt. 8 b ; Lockwood v. Wood, 6 Q. B. 31 (51 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Lord Eldon,
C, A.-G. V. Forster, 10 Ves. jun. 338 ; Reg. v. Dulwich College, 17 Q. B. 600
(79 E. C. L. R.).
' Weld V. Hornby, 7 East 199; R. v. Osbourne, 4 East 327.
* Chapman v. Bluck, 4 Bing. N. C. 187, 195 (33 E. C. L. R.).
'Per Tindal, C. J., Doe d. Pearson v. Ries, 8 Bing. 181 (21 B. C. L. R.).
=2 H. L. Cas. 861 et vide, per Lord Campbell, Id. 863.
upon it by judges who lived at the time when the statute was made, or
soon after, as being best able to determine the intention of the legis-
lature, not only by the ordinary rules of construction, but especially
from knowing the circumstances to which it had relation ;^ and
where the words of an Act are obscure or doubtful, and where the
sense of the legislature cannot, with certainty, be collected by inter-
preting the language of the statute according to the reason and
grammatical correctness, considerable stress is «Jaid upon the light
in was received and held by the contemporary members of
which it
the Profession. " Great regard," says Sir E. Coke, " ought, in
construing a statute, to be paid to the construction which the sages
of the law, who lived about the time or soon after it was made, put
upon because they were best able to judge of the intention of
it ;
the makers at the time when the law was made."^ And, " it is by
no means an inconvenient mode of construing statutes to presume
that the legislature was aware of the state of the law at the time
they passed.^
to what has been above said, stress was r^oo^-i
laid by several of the judges delivering their opinions in
the Fermoy Peerage Case,* upon the usage observed in the creation
of Irish Peerages, since the passing of the Act of Union. And in
Salkeld v. Johnson,' the Court of Exchequer, referring to the stat.
2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 100, intituled " An Act for shortening the time
required in claims of modus decimandi, or exemption from or dis-
charge of tithes," observe, that they propose to construe it " accord-
ing to the legal rules for the interpretation of statutes, principally
by the words of the statute itself, which we are to read in their
' 2 Phill. Evid., 9th ed., 347; Bank of England v. Anderson, 3 Bing. N. C.
666 (11 E. C. L. E,.). See the resolutions in Heydon's Case, 3 Rep. 7, cited
ante, p. 83 which vide per Pollock, C. B., A.-G. v. Sillem, ante, p. 571
; as to
Lord Camden's judgment in Entiok v. Carrington, 19 How. St. Trials 1043,
et seq.; per Coleridge, J., Reg. v. Archb. of Canterbury, 11 Q. B. 595, 596
L. R.).
« Cited Dwarr. Stats., 2d ed., 562, 703 2 Inst. 11, 136, 181 per Holt, C.
; ;
» 2 Exch. 273.
citingThe Fermoy Peerage Case, 5 H. L. Cas. 716 and see the remarks of ;
the same learned judge in Gwyn v. Hardwicke, 1 H. & N. 53 per Lord Camp- ;
' Post, Chap. X., where the admissibility of usage to explain an instrument
He who considers merely the letter of an instrument goes hut skin-deep into its
Tbe law of England respects the eifect and substance of the mat-
ter, and not every nicety of form or circumstance.' The reason
and spirit of cases make law, and not the letter of particular prece-
dents.^ Hence it is, as we have already seen, a general and com-
prehensive rule connected with the interpretation of deeds and
written instruments, that, where the intention is clear, too minute
on the strict and precise signification of
a stress should not be laid
words.' For instance, by the grant of a remainder, a reversion
may pass, and e converso ;* and if a lessee covenants to leave all
the timber which was *growing on the land when he took r*f;Q(>-|
it, the covenant will be broken, if, at the end of the term,
he cuts it down, but leaves it there ; for this would be defeating the
intent of the covenant, although a literal performance of it.'
the Court declared that they did not consider themselves bound to
find out a meaning for it.^
seemed most valuable for the purpose here indicated such, indeed, ;
Doe d. Wyndham v. Carew, 2 Q. B. 317 (42 E. 0. L. R.) Berdoe ; v. Spit-
tle, 1 Exoh. 175. See Moverly v. Lee, 2 Ld. Raym. 1223, 1224.
" Ante, p. 573 et seq.
J., 7 T. R. 196 Fowler v. Padget, Id. 509; 11 Rep.
Per Lord Kenyon, C. ;
525 (32 E. C. L. R.) Co. Litt. 381 b. See Vincent v. Slaymaker, 12 East
372 ; arg., Bignold v. Springfield, 7 CI. & Fin. 109, and cases there cited.
3 Rep. 27. According to the Roman law, semper in obscuris quod mini-
mum est sequimur, D. 50. 17. 9, which is a safe maxim for guidance in our
own ; see per Maule, J., Williams v. Crosling, 3 0. B. 962 (54 E. C. L.' R.).
» Judgm., R. V. Hall, 1 B, & C. 123 (8 E. C. L. R) ; cited 2 C. B. 66.
8 Life of Sir Wm. Jones, by Lord Teignmouth (ed. 1804), p. 262.
The form of agreement and the convention of parties overrule the law.
"^^^ above may be regarded as the most elementary
^principle of law relative to contracts,^ and may be thus
stated in a somewhat more comprehensive form : The conditions
annexed to a grant or devise, the covenants inserted in a convey-
ance or lease, and the agreements, whether written or verbal,
entered into between parties, have, when duly executed and per-
fected, and subjected to certain restrictions, the force of law over
^'^^^^ ^^ parties, which the law implies ; but, where there
is an express stipulation to the contrary, it puts an *end
to the general rule of law.^ The general lien of a banker, also, is
As to the lien of a shipowner on the cargo for freight, see How v. Kirch-
ner, 11 Moo. P. C. C. 21 ; Kirchner v. Venus, 12 Id. 361.
Martindale 1 Q. B. 395 (41 E. C. L. R.); cited in Page v. Edul-
v. Smith,
jee, L. R. 1 In Spartali v. Benecke, 10 C. B. 216 (70 E. C. L. R.),
P. C. 145.
Wilde, C. J., observes, " If a vendor agrees to sell for a deferred payment,
the property passes, and the vendee is entitled to call for a present delivery
without payment." See also per Blackburn, J., Calcutta and Burmah Steam
Nav. Co. V. De Mattos, 32 L. J. Q. B. 328.
" See Benson v. Paull, 6 E. & B. 273 (88 E. C. L. R.).
^ Carter v. Carter, Cas. temp. Talb. 271.
* See also Frank v, Frank, 1 Chanc. Cas. 84.
who was placed with him, and died three weeks afterwards, the
Court decreed a return of 100 guineas, although the articles
provided that, if the attorney should die within the year 601. only
should be returned.'- With respect to this case. Lord Kenyon,
indeed, observed,^ that in it the jurisdiction of a Court of equity
had been carried "as far as could be;" but the decision seems, from
^^® facts stated in the pleadings,* *to be supportable upon
a plain ground of equity, viz. that of mutual mistake,
misrepresentation, or unconscientious advantage,* and, consequently,
not really opposed to the spirit of the maxim. Modus et conventio
vincunt legem.
The rule under consideration, however, is subject to restriction
and and does not apply where the express provisions of
any law are violated by the contract, nor, in general, where the in-
terests of the public, or of third parties, would be injuriously
aifected by its fulfilment :
Pacta, quce contra leges oonstitutionesque
vel contra honos mores fiunt, nullam vim haberre, induhitati juris
est;^ and privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat.^ "If the
thing stipulated for is in itself contrary to law, the paction by
which the execution of the must be held illegal act is stipulated as
intrinsically null, pactis privatorum juri publico non derogatur. It
have interposed to enforce, had the act come otherwise within its
Not only is the consent or private agreement of individuals
ineffectual in rendering valid any direct contravention of the law,
but it will fail altogether to make just, sufiicient, or effectual that
which is unjust or deficient *in respect to any matter which
the law declares to be indispensable and not circumstantial
' Newton v. Rowse, 1 Vern., 3d ed., 460. See Re Thompson, 1 Exch. 864.
Hale v. Webb. 2 Bro. Chan. Rep. 80.
' See 1 Vern., 3d ed., 460 (2).
* 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., 537, et vide Id., 9th ed., 452-3.
»C. 2. 3. 6.
• D. 50. 17. 45, §1 i
D. 2. 14. 38 ; 9 Rep. 141.
' Per Dr. Lushington, arguendo, Phillips v. Innes, 4 CI. & Fin. 241 ; arg.,
Per Martin, B., Kelsall v. Tyler, 11 Exch. 534.
' 1 Pothier Oblig. 108, 109. « D. 2. 15. 3, pr.
done by or to the owner of a particular estate, *the valid-
ity of which he is estopped from disputing, and which
could not have been done if the particular estate continued to ex-
ist;" as in the case of a lessee taking a second lease from the
lessor, or a tenant for life accepting a feoflfment from the party in
See also per Lord Kenyon, C.
J., Doe d. Mitohinson «. Carter, 8 T. R. 61
' Lyon V. Reed, 13 M. & W. 285, 306 ; commented on, Niekells v. Ather-
stone, 10 Q. B. 944 (59 E. C. L. R.). As to a surrender by operation of law,
see also Davison Gent, 1 H. & N. 744 Doe d, Hull o. Wood, 14 M. & W.
v. ;
' Similarly applied in 8 Johns. (U. S.) R. 401 Co. Litt. 338 a. It may ;
possibly happen, too, that the direction of a particular legal tribunal will
have to be disregarded by a judge, as opposed to the common law ; see
per Coleridge, J., 15 Q. B. 192 (69 E. C. L. R.). And see other instances, in
connection with illegal contracts, post. Et vide per Lord Truro, C, Ellcock
entitled to call for a conveyance of .the fee, and to have a good title
to the legal estate, made out. But, upon the principle under con-
sideration, a man may, by express stipulation, or by contract, or
even b'y consent testified by acquiescence or otherwise, bind himself
to accept a title merely equitable, or a title subject to some encum-
brance ; and whatever defect there may be, which is covered by
this stipulation, must be disregarded by the conveyancer to whom
the abstract of title is submitted, as not affording a valid ground of
According to the same principle, if a man, being tenant for life,
has a power to lease for twenty-one years for his own benefit, he
may renounce a part of the rigtit so given, and grant a lease for
any number of years short of the twenty-one, i. e., he may either
exercise his right to the utmost extent of the power, or he may stop
back into the inheritance that portion which he did not choose to
absorb for his own use.*
Again, the right to estovers is incident to the estate of every
tenant for life or years (though not to the estate of *a
strict tenant at will), unless he be restrained by special
covenant to the contrary, which is usually the case ; so that here
per Martin, B., 8 E. & B. 151 (92 E. C. L. R.) per Pollock, C. B., and Bram- ;
well, B., 2 H. & C. 308, 309. See Enohin v. Wylie, 10 H. L. Cas. 1, 15.
» Prest. Abs. Tit. 221.
stance on the day when the bill becomes due and, in case of refusal ;
hands eifects of the drawer for the purpose of discharging the bill
benefit of another party ; thus, the rule that a child within the age
of nurture cannot be separated from the mother by order of removal,
' See further, as to partnership liability, post, under the maxim qui facit
per alium facit per se.
« Ante, p. 692.
' 7 Eep. 23. See Brinsdon v. Allard, 2 E. & E. 19 (102 E. C. L. R) ; Slater
V. Mayor, &o., of Sunderland, 33 L. J. Q. B. 37.
has been established for the benefit and protection of the child, and
therefore cannot be dispensed with by the mother's consent.'
One case may, however, be mentioned to which the rule applies,
without the qualification —
that, viz.^ of a release by one of several
Reg. V. Birmingham, 5 Q. B. 210 (48 E. C. L. R.). See Reg. v. Combs, 5
E. & B. 892 (85 E. C. L. R.).
^ Nicholson v. Revill, 4 A. & E. 675, 683 (31 E. C. L. R.), recognising Cheet-
ham ». Ward, 1 B. & and cited in Kearsley v. Cole, infra, and Thomp-
P. 630,
son V. Lack, 3 C. B. 540j (54 E. C. L. R.) Co. Litt. 232 a judgm., Price v.
; ;
is this —
that though the creditor may be entitled, after a certain period,, to
make a demand and enforce payment of the debt, he is not bound to do so ;
and provided he does not preclude himself from proceeding against the prin.
cipal, he may abstain from enforcing any right which he possesses. If the
creditor has voluntarily placed himself in such a position that he cannot sue
the principal, But mere delay on the par,
he thereby discharges the surety.
unaccompanied by any valid contract with the principal, will
of the creditor,
not discharge the surety: per Pollock, C. B., Price v. Kirkham, 3 H. & C.
' See Harrison v. Seymour, L. R. 1 C. P. 518 ;
Union Bank of Manchester
V. Beech, 3 H. & C. 672; Skillett v. Fletcher, L. R. 2 C. P. 469, and cases
there cited.
' Per Lord Lyndhurst, Oakeley v. Pasheller, 4 CI. & Fin. 233. See further
705 broom's legal maxims.
the wife to waive this agreement, and that any benefit which her
children might have taken under it was defeated by her waiver.^
Lord Cottenham, C, Creighton v. Rankin, 7 CI. & Fin. 346 Manley v. Boy- ;
it, and goes with it ; and, inasmuch as the lessee had taken
upon himself to bear the charges of the reparations, the yearly rent
was the less, which was to the benefit of the assignee, and Qui sentit
eommodum sentire debet et onus.^
The following case may also serve to illustrate the same principle
— A company was empowered under a Act to make the river
' Co. Litt. 231 a. See Moule v. Garrett, L. R. 5 Ex. 13, and cases there
'Dean and Chapter of Windsor's Case, 5 Rap. 25 cited per Tindal, ; C. J.
Tremeere v. Morison, 1 Ring. N. C. 98 (27 E. C. L. R.) which case ; is fol-
lowed in Sleap v. Newman, 12 C. B. N. S. 116, 124 (104 E. C. L. R.).
preserve a new passage in lieu of the old one which they had de-
stroyed for their own benefit.' So, the undertakers of the Aire
and Calder Navigation, who were empowered by Act of Parliament
to make certain drains in lieu of those previously existing, were
held bound to cleanse the drains snbstituted by them in pursuance
of the Act, the power to make such substitution having been con-
ferred on them for their own benefit.^ In the two preceding cases,
as well as in others of a like character, the maxim under consider-
ation is directly applicable.^
*Bo, it has been designated a principle of "universal
application" that "where a contract has been entered into
by one man as agent for another, the person on whose behalf it has
been made, cannot take the benefit of it without bearing its burthen.
The contract must be performed in its integrity."^
a private room for the purpose of showing his goods in ; and to this
request the innkeeper acceded, at the same time telling the guest
that there was a key, and that he might lock the door, which, how-
ever, the guest *neglected to do : it was held, that the jury r*rynQ-|
it has been observed, are obvious, since the holder of property can
only alienate or transfer to another that beneficial interest in it
Calye's Case, 8 Rep. 32, is the leading case as to the liability of innkeepers.
See also in connection therewith, Armistead v. ^yilde, 17 Q. B. 261 (79 E. C.
L. R.) ; Cashill v. Wright, 6 E. & B. 891 (88 E. C. L. R.) ; Dansey v. Richard-
son, 3 B. 144 (77 E. C. L R.) Day v. Bather, 2 11. & C. 14.
e; & ;
' Abbott Shipp., 5th ed., 286 ; cited Lucas v. Nockells, 1 CI. & Fin. 457.
"which are regulated by the statute law and the law merchant, trans-
fer to another a better right than he himself possesses ,' the grantee
shall not be than he who made the grant f
in a better condition
and, therefore, privies in blood, law, and estate shall be bound by,
and take advantage of, estoppels.'
In administering equity the maxim Qui sentit commodum sentire
debet et onus, may properly be said to merge in the yet more com-
prehensive rule equality is equity —upon the consideration of
which it is not within the scope of our present plan to enter. The
following instances of the application in equity of the maxim more
immediately under our notice must suffice. The legatee of a house,
held by the testator on lease at a reserved rent, higher than it
could be let for after his death, cannot reject the gift of the leape
and retain an annuity under the will, but must take the benefit cum
onere^ A testator gives a specific bequest to A., and directs that
in consideration of the bequest, A. shall pay his debts, and makes
A. his residuary legatee and executor, the payment of the debts is,
testator. The court will not permit him to take that which cannot
he his but by virtue of the disposition of the will, and at the same time
to keep what, by the same will, is given or intended to be given to
another person. It is contrary to the established principles of
equity that he should enjoy the benefit, while he rejects the condi-
tion of the gift."^ Where, therefore, an express condition is
In return, the law will exclude all injurious competition, and deem
®^^*'y ^^^ ferry a nuisance, which subtracts from him *the
r*71 ^n
ordinary custom and toll.^ The franchise is, therefore,
construed to extend beyond the local limits, and to be exclusive within
a reasonable distance, this being indispensable to the fair enjoyment
of the right of toll; and the same principle applies equally to the
grant of a bridge, for the duties attaching to the grantee are, in
this case also, publici juris, and pontage and passage are but difiFer-
Where the right is equal) the claim of the parly in actual possession shall
against every person not having a better title. "He that hath
possession of lands, though it be by disseisin, hath a right against
all men but against him that hath right ;"° for, "till some act be
^ Com. Dig. Pischary (B).
^ Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 11 Peters (U. S.) E. 630, 631.
^ " Perhaps the maxim that he who partakes the advantage ought
to bear
the loss' * * is only the consequence, not the cause, why a man is made
liable as a partner:" per Blackburn, J., Bullen v. Sharp, L. R. 1 C. P. 111.
* The maxim Qui sentit onus sentire debet et commodum is applied also in
equity. See, for example, Pitt v. Pitt, 1 T. & R. 180; Coote Mortg., 3d ed.,
517 [d) ;
Francis Max. 5.
' Doot. & Stud. 9. "I take it to be a sound and uncontroverted maxim of
law, that every plaintiff or demandant in a court of justice must recover upon
the strength of his own title, and not because of the weakness of that of his
adversary ; that is, he shall not recover without showing a right, although
the adverse party may be unable to show any. It is enough for the latter
that he is in possession of the thjng demanded until the right owner calls for
it. This is a maxim of common justice as well as of law:" per Parker, C. J.,
Goodwin V. Hubbard, 15 Mass. (U. S.) R. 204.
own better than mine ; for without a better right, Melior est con-
ditio possidentis."^
So mere possession will support a trespass qu. cl. fr., against
any one who cannot show a better title.'' And to the like effect are
the rules of the civil law Non possessori incumhit necessitas pro-
handi possessiones ad se pertinere,^ and in pari causd possessor
potior haberi debet.^
*In like manner it is a rule laid down in the Digest, r-if^n-i c-i
of judgment, it shall appear from the whole record that the plain-
tiff had no cause of action, the Court will never give judgment for
him, for Melior est conditio defenedentis?
So, if a loss must fall upon one of two innocent persons, both
' 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 368.
^ Hobart 103, 104 Jenk. Cent. 118
per Lee, C. J., Martin v. Straohan, 5
T. R. no n. See Feret v. Hill, 15 C. B. 207 (80 E. C. L. R.) (cited and ex-
plained per Maule, J., Canham v. Barry, Id. 611); Davison v. Gent, 1 H. &
N. 744.
^Vaughan R., 58, 60; Hobart 103. See Asher v. Whillock, L. R. 1 Q.
B. 1.
parties being free from blame, and justice being thus in equilihrio,
and took it to the plaintiffs, who melted it, and sent a piece to an
assayer to be assayed at defendant's expense. They subsequently
purchased the bar, paying for a certain number of ounces of silver,
which by the assay it was calculated to contain, and which was af-
Per Bayley, J., East India Co. v. Tritton, 3 B. & C. 289 (10 B. C. L. R.)
arg., 3 Bing. 408 (11 E. C. L. R.). See Simmons v. Taylor, C. B. N. S. 528
(89 E. C. L. R.)Holland v. Russell, 32 L. J. Q. B. 297, which
; illustrates the
maxim supra with reference to the law of marine insurance.
2 T. R. 70.
3 Ante, p. 258; Shand v. Grant, 15 C. B. N. S. 324 (109 E. C. L. R.).
* See Jones v. Ryde, 5 Taunt. 488, 495 (1 E. C. L. R.) ; Devaux v. Connolly,
8 C. B. 640(65E. C. L. R.).'
' Cox V. Prentice, 3 M. & S. 344 cited 8 C. B. 658-9 (65 E. C. L. R.). See
*loss, might recover the note from the defendants; and it r*7-ir7-i
was observed, tha,t, if, even if the loss of the note had not
been duly advertised, yet, had been received under circum-
if it
stances inducing a belief that the receiverknew that the holder had
become possessed of it dishonestly, the true owner would be entitled
to recover its value from the receiver, the negligence of the owner
being no excuse for the dishonesty of the receiver ; but it was further
remarked, that cases might occur in which the negligence of the one
party would be an excuse for the negligence of the other, and
might authorize the receiver to defend himself according to the
above maxim.'
The rule, however, upon this subject, as above intimated, has, by
several more recent decisions, been materially altered, and now is,
that where a party has given consideration for a bill or note, gross
negligence alone will not be suflScient to disentitle him to recover
upon it; "gross negligence," it has been observed, "may be evi-
dence of mala fides, but is not the same thing. "^
And in a recent case,^ the law bearing on the subject before us, is
thus stated — that " a person who takes a negotiable instrument bond
fide for value has undoubtedly a good title, and is not affected by
the want of title of the party from whom he takes it. His having
themeans of knowing that the security has been lost or stolen, and
may amount to negligence and
neglecting to avail himself thereof, ;
tion confers title. To this despotic but necessary principle, the or-
dinary rules of tbe common law are made to bend. The misappli-
cation of a genuine signature written across a slip of stamped paper
(which transaction being a forgery would, in ordinary cases, convey
no title), may give a good title to any sum fraudulently inscribed
within the limits of the stamp. * * * Negligence in the maker of
an instrument payable to bearer makes no diiference in his liability
mand: the one, that he must draw justice from a pure fountain,
and the other, that Potior est conditio possidentis."^ Agreeably to
this rule, where money is paid by one of two parties to such a con-
tract to the other, in a case where both may be considered as partioeps
criminis, an action will not lie after the contract is executed to re-
cover the money. If A. agree to give B. money for doing an ille-
& S. 290 Cowie v. Barber, 4 M. & S. 16. See Edgar v. Fowler, 3 East 222
tiff deposited with the defendant the half of a 501. bank note, by
way of pledge to secure the payment of money due from the plain-
tiff to the defendant, such debt having been contracted for wine
and suppers supplied to the plaintiff by the defendant, in a brothel
kept by her, to be there consumed in a debauch. An action
brought to recover the half note so deposited failed on application
of the principal maxim, which, observed the Court, " is as thoroughly
settled as any proposition of law can be. It is a maxim of law,
established, not for the benefit of plaintiffs or defendants, but is
Smith, L. R. 5 Q. B. 40.
See s-tat. 16 & 17 Vict. c. 119, s. 5.
Bell, 1M. & S. 751, cited, judgm., M'Callan v. Mortimer, 9 M. & W. 642;
Goodall V. Lowndes, 6 Q. B. 464 (51 E. C. L. R.). See Keir v. Leman (in
error), 6 Q. B. 308 (51 E. 0. L. R.) ;
per Gibbs, C. J., S Taunt. 497 (4 E. C.
L. R,).
' 1 Story Eq. Jurisp., 6th*ed., p. 69.
* Taylor v. Chester, L. R. 4 Q. B. 309.
gal agreement originally entered into between himself and the de-
^Seejudgm., L. R. 4 Q. B. 314.
' Simpson v. Bloss, 7 Taunt. 246, 250
(2 E. C. L. E.), (recognised and fol-
lowed in Fivaz v. Nicholls, 2 C. B. 501, 513 (52 E. C. L. R.)) with which com- ;
9 A. & E. 641 (36 E. C. L. R.) which cases are cited and explained per
a defence, the obligation on him arising out of the fact that the
money was received by him to the use of the plaintiff, which cre-
ated a promise in law to pay.^
Again, where defendant entered into a composition-deed, together
with the other creditors of plaintiff, under an agreement that plain-
tiff should give defendant his promissory notes for the remainder of
the debt, which were accordingly given, and the amount thereof
ultimately paid by plaintiff, it was held, that he might *re- r^T-ac-i
cover such amount from defendant in an action for money
paid and money had and received for, as observed by Lord Ellen-
cated as par delictum, when one holds the rod and the other bows
to it.2
« 3 E. & B. 642
(77 E. 0. L. R.), (reversing judgment in s. c, 2 E. & B.
118 (75 E. C. L. R.)), followed in Geere o. Mare, 2 H. & C. 339. See A.-G.
V. IloUingworth, 2 H. & N. 416 ; O'Connor v. Bradshaw, 5 Exch. 882.
r*79f!T ™3;de *after the illegal transaction between the plaintiiF and
defendant had terminated ; that it formed no part of such
transaction,and was consequently unaffected by it. The judgment
thus given was, however, reversed in error upon reasoning of the
following kind, which seems conclusive; the original agreement —
was clearly tainted with illegality, inasmuch as all lotteries are
prohibited by the stat. 10 & 11 Will. 1; and by the 12
3, c. 17, s.
and is the creature of that illegal agreement; and if the law would
not enforce the illegal contract, so neither will it allow parties to
enforce a security for purchase-money which, by the original
bargain, was tainted with illegality."
The decisions come to in Fisher v. Bridges,^ and Simpson v. Bloss,
already cited,^ establish conclusively this rule, that -jv-hen a demand
connected with an illegal transaction can be sued on without the
necessity of having recourse to the illegal transaction, the
plaintiff *may maintain an action ; but, wherever it is
' Paxton V. Popham, 9 East 408 ; The Gas Light Co. v. Turner. 6 Bing. N.
C. 324 (37 E. C. L. R.) ; 5 Id. 6Q6 (35 E. C. L. R.).
' Followed in Geere v. Mare, 2 H. & C. 339.
' Ante, p. 722.
* See per Watson, B., A.-G. v. Hollingsworth, 2 IT. & N. 423.
Callaghan, 8 CI. & Fin. 374 ; Bowes v. Foster, 2 H. & N. 779 Doe d. Rich-
Cas. 682.
* Merryweather Nixan, 8 T. R. 186. See per Lord Lyndhurst, C. B.,
cited Shacliell v. Rosier, 2 Bing. N. C. 647 (29 E. C. L. R.). See also Camp-
bell V. Campbell, 7 CI. & Fin. 160 Blackett v. Weir, 5 B. & C. 387 (11 E. C.
L. R.).
' Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., 8 T. R. 186 ;
cited, 8 Bing. 72 (21 E. C. L. R.).
728 broom's legal maxims.
est conditio possidentis, should prevail, and the Court should refuse
relief, —both parties to the agreement, which was impeached by the
bill, having been guilty of a violation of the law, —remarked that
" Courts both of law and equity have held, that two parties may
concur in an illegal act without being deemed to be in all respects
in pari delicto;" and his Honor thought, under the circumstances
before him, that the par delictum between the parties had not been
in fact established, the agreement being substantially the mere act
of the father.*
' Per Lord Denman, C. J., Betts v. Gibbins, 2 A. & E. 75 (29 E. C. L. R.).
' Reynell v. Sprye, 1 De G., M. & G. 660 ; 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 9th ed.,
" Osborne v. "Williams, 18 Ves. 379 ; see arg., Clough v. Ratoliffe, 16 L. J.
Chanc. 477 ;
s. c, 1 De G. & S. 164 ; 1 Story Eq. Jurisp., 9t.h ed., 286.
tinction accordingly existed in the civil law between dolus bonus and
dolus malus : the former signifying that degree of artiiice or dex-
terity which a person might lawfully employ to advance his own
interest, in self-defence against an enemy, or for some other justifi-
able purpose f and the latter including every kind of craft, guile,
E. C. L. R.) with which compare Eeret v. Hill, Id. 207 Reynell v. Sprye, 1
; ;
As to the meaning of the word " fraud," compare per Lord Romilly, diss.,
Spackman v. Evans, L. R. 3 H. L. 239 per Lord Cairns, Reese River Silver ;
« Per Lord Abinger, C. B., 4 M. & W. 657 per Ashhurst, J., 8 T. R. 93. ;
this rule, which applies not only where the contract is expressly ille-
R.), and 1 Bing. N. C. 656 (27 E. C. L. R.) ; Ritchie v. Smith, 6 C. B. 462 (60
E. C. L. R.) ; Cundell v. Dawson, 4 C. B. 376 (56 E. C. L. R.) ; Sargent v.
Wedlake, 11 C. B. 732 (73 E. C. L. R.).
' Allen V. Resoous, 2 Lev. 174 Walker ; v. Perkins, 3 Burr. 1568 ; Wetherell
V. Jones, 3 B. & Ad. 225, 226 (23 E. C. L. R.) ; Edgerton v. Earl Brownlow,
4 H. L. Gas. 1.
' Judgm., Bank of United States v. Owens, 2 Peters (U, S.) R. 539.
' D. 2. 14. 27, § 4.
1 Bulatr. 38
Hobart 72 Dyer 356. ; ;
C. L. R.).
for a note entered into by him for the purpose of inducing the
prosecutoi" of an indictment for perjury to withhold his evidence;
for the plaintiff, it was contended that the bond was good and law-
ful,the condition being singly for the payment of a sum of money,
and that no averment should be admitted that the bond was given
upon an unlawful consideration not appearing upon the face of it
but it was held, that the bond was void ah initio, and that the facts
might be specially pleaded and it was observed by Wilmot, C. J.,
delivering the judgment of the Court, that " the manner of the
transaction was to gild over and conceal the truth and whenever ;
courts of law see such attempts made to conceal such wicked deeds,
they will brush away the cobweb varnish and show the transactions
in their true light." And again, "this is a contract to tempt a
™^'^ **'° transgress the law, to do that which is injurious
to the community : it is void by the common law ; and the
reason why the common law says such contracts are void is for the
public good : you shall not stipulate for iniquity. All writers upon
our law agree in this —no polluted hand shall touch the pure foun-
tains of justice."'
It is, obviously, to the interest of the public that " the suppres-
sion of a prosecution should not be made matter of private bar-
gain ;" and it was accordingly held in a recent case,^ that a
promissory note given in consideration of the payee's forbearing to
Holroyd, J., 2 B. & Aid. 103 per Martin, B., Horton v. Westminster Im-
It does not fall within the plan of this work to enumerate, much
less to consider at length, the different grounds on which a contract
may be invalidated for illegality.^ We shall merely cite some few
cases in illustration of the above remarks. In strict accordance
with them, it has been held, that no action could be maintained on
a bond given to a person in consideration of his doing, and in-
ducing others to do, something contrary to the terms of letters
patent; and that the obligee was equally incapable of recovering,
whether he knew or did not know the terms of the letters patent
the ignorance, if in fact it existed, resulting from his own fault.
" The question," said Lord Tenterden, in the case here alluded to,
"comes to this : can a man have the benefit of a bond *by r*7qp-i
the condition of which he undertakes to violate the law ?
subject, in addition to those already cited Simpson v. Lord Howden, 9 CI. & :
Fin. 61 cited per Lord Campbell, C. J., Hall v. Dyson, 17 Q. B. 791 (79 E.
C. L. R.) (as to which see Hills v. Mitson, 8 Exch. 751) and per Lord St. ;
L. Cas. 605 Jones v. Waite, 9 CI. & Fin. 101 Mittelholzer v. Fullarton, 6 Q.
; ;
In the great case of Atwood v. Small, 6 CI. & Fin. 232, the effect of fraud on
a contract of sale was much considered but this case properly falls under ;
to become dupes, and to pay their money for that from which they
could derive no advantage."
In scire facias against the defendant as member of a certain
steam-packet company, the plea stated that the original action was
for a demand in respect of which neither the defendant in the sci.
fa., the packet company, nor the defendant in the original action
(the public ofiScer of the company), was by law liable, as plaintiff
registered officer and the plaintiff well knowing the premises, the
said officer fraudulently and deceitfully, and by connivance with
plaintiff", suffered the judgment in order to charge the defendant in
set. The Court held the plea to be good, and further observed, that
fraud no doubt vitiates evert/thing ;' and that, upon being satisfied
of such fraud, they possessed power to vacate, and would vacate,
their own judgment.^
To take another illustration of the maxim before us, wholly dif-
ferent from the preceding: — "There is no *doubt," it has
been observed,^ "that where a right of action has accrued,
parties cannot by contract say that there shall not be jurisdiction
to enforce damages in respect of that right of action." But the
general policy of the law does not prevent parties " from entering
into such a contract, as that no breach shall occur until after a ref-
son V. Bxoh. 457, and cases cited ante, p. 731. Et vide per Pollock,
Scott, 2
C. B., Rogers v. Hadley, 32 L. J. Ex. 248.
' Per Lord Cranworth, C, Scott v. Avery, 5 H. L. Cas.
847, affirming s. c,
8 Bxoh. 487 ; Tredwen v. Holman, 1 H. & C. 72 ; Scott v. Corporation of
Liverpool, 28 L. J. Chanc. 230, 235, 23Q ; s. c, 27 Id. 641 ; Giles v. Spencer, 3
on the other hand, the contract is to pay for the loss, with a subse-
quent contract to refer the question to arbitration, contained in a
distinct clause collateral to the other, then that contract for refer-
ence shall not oust the jurisdiction of the courts, or deprive the
party of his action.^
Further, it is an indisputable proposition, that as against an in-
nocent party, " no man shall set up his own iniquity as a defence
any more than as a cause of action."* Where, however, a contract
or deed is made for an illegal purpose, a defendant against whom it
matter is, ex turpi causd non oritur actio, and whether it is an im-
moral or an illegal purpose in which the plain tiif has participated
it comes equally within the terms of that maxim, and the effect is
the same; no cause of action can arise out of either the one or the
The principle on which the rule above laid down depends is, as
stated by Chief Justice Wilmot, the public good. " The objection,"
says Lord Mansfield,'' "that a contract is immoral or illegal as
between plaintiff and defendant, sounds at all times very ill in the
mouth of the defendant. It is not for his sake, however, that the
objection is ever allowed, but it is founded in general principles of
policy, which the defendant has the advantage of, contrary to the
real justice as between him and the plaintiff — by accident, if I may
so say. The principle of public policy is this : ex dolo malo non
oritur actio. No court will lend its aid to a man who founds his
* Holman v. Johnson, Cowp. 343 and Lightfoot v. Tenant, 1 B-. & P. 554;
Scott N. R. 558.
upon that ground the Court goes, not for the sake of the defendant,
but because they *will not lend their aid to such a plaintiiF. r*y4Q-|
So, if the plaintiff and defendant were to change sides, and
the defendant were to bring his action against the plaintiff, the
latter would then have the advantage of it, for where both are
equally in fault. Potior est conditio defendentis."^
It may here be proper to observe, that, although a Court will
not assist in giving effect to a contract which is " expressly or by
465 Quids V. Harrison, 10 Exch. 572 Jessopp v. Lutwyche, Id. 614 Rose-
; ; ;
gal in part as against public policy, and yet good as to the residue.
Where, for instance, the .defendant covenanted that he would not,
during his life, carry on the trade of a perfumer " within the cities
of London and Westminster, or within the distance of 600 miles
from the same respectively," the Court held that the covenant was
divisible, and was good so far as it related to the cities of London
See per Holt, C. J., Bartlett v. Viner, Carth. 252; cited judgm., De Begnis v.
Avmistead, 10 Bing. 110 (25 E. C. L. R.) and in Fergusson u. Norman, 5
per Parke, B., Bodger Arch, 10 Exch. 337 cited Amos «. Smith, 1 H. &
v. ;
C. 241. And see Jones v. Giles, 10 Exch. 119, 144; s. c affirmed in error, ,
1 Chesman v. Nainby, 2 Ld. Raym. 1456, 1459 Pigot's Case, 11 Rep. 27. ;
part of a covenant, the contract is .altogether void ; but where you can sever
them, whether the illegality be created by statute or by the common law,
you may reject the bad part and retain the good." Per Willes, J., Pickering
V. Ilfracombe R. C, L. K. 3 C. P. 250.
Hopkins v. Prescott, 4 C. B. 578 (56 E. C. L. R.), and cases there cited.
See Sterry v. Clifton, 9 C. B. 110 (67 E. C. L. R.).
' Jadgm., Stevenson v. Newnhara, 13 C. B. 302, 303 (76 E. C. L. R.) ; per
Parke, B., 2iExch. 541 ; Reese River Silver Mining Co. v. Smith, L. R. 4 H.
L. 64 ; Oakes
Turquand, L. R. 2 H. L. 325.
' Fleming, 1 A. & E. 40 (28 E. C. L. R.) Clarke v. Dickson,
Campbell v. ;
^^''^^'^y made upon the yet more general principle, that a
^man shall not be permitted to take advantage of *his own
Hardey, 6 Scott N. R. 477. See, per Parke, B., Jackson v. Cobbin, 8 M. &
W. 797 Harrison v. Heathorn, 6 Scott N. R. 735 10 Rep. 56 C. 2. 21. 6.
; ;
^ Williams v. East India Co., 3 East 192 cited, per Lord Ellenborough, C. ;
result in his favor. If, however, such should not appear to be the
intention of the grantor, and yet an express limitation of the use
should prevent the estate from resulting at law, there would still be
in equity a resulting trust in his favor. Even in the case of a deed,
moreover, it is necessary to observe the distinction between a good
and a valuable consideration the former is such as that of blood,
' Lanipleigh v. Brathwait, Hob. 105; per Park, J., Reason v. Wirdnam, 1
of making any contract of hiring and service concerning the advocacy in liti-
gation." Judgm., Kennedy u. Broun, 13 C. B. N. S. 727 (106 E. C. L. R.)
where the cases are collected. See Broun v. Kennedy, 33 L. J. Chano. 71.
D. 2. 14. 7, § 4 C. 4. 65. 27 Brisson. ad verb. " Nudus."
; ;
being, upon the whole, more fit that a voluntary grantee r^nAcn
*should be disappointed, than that a fair purchaser should
be defrauded.^
consideration for a simple contract has been defined thus :
" any act of the plaintiff from which the defendant derives a benefit
or advantage, or any labor, detriment, or inconvenience sustained
Gully V. Bishop of Exeter, 10 B. & C. 606 (21 B. C. L R.). See Bao. Max.,
reg. 18.
'2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 480, 3 Id. 158; 10 B. & C. 606 (21 E. C. L.
^Judgm., Doe d. Otlcy v. Manning, 9 66. See 2 Q. B. 860 (42 E. C.
L. R.).
' 1 Selw. N. B., 10th ed., 41 ;
judgm., 2 E. & B. 487-8 (75 E. C. L. R.) ;
Parke, B., MOas u. Hall, 5 Exeh. 49 Braoewell
Williams, L. §. 2 C. P.
; v.
1 Cook*. Wright, 1 B. & S. 559 (101 E. C. L. R.). See also as to the suf-
ficiency of a consideration, Hart v. Miles, 4 C. B. N. S. 371 (93 E. C. L. R.),
and cases infra.
" Peate v. Dicken, 1 Cr., M. & R. 422 ; Tipper v. Bicknell, 3 Bing. N. C.
710 (32 E. C. L. R.) Harper
Williams, 4 Q. B. 219 (45 E. C. L. R.).
; v.
' Bourne v. Mason, 1 Ventr.
6; Liversidge v. Broadbent, 4 H. & N. 603,
610, and Tweddle v. Atkinson, 1 B. & S. 393 (101 E. C. L. R), also illustrate
themaxim supra.
'Kaye v. Button, 7 M. & Gr. 807 (49 E. C. L. R.) ; recognising Edwards v.
It will be evident from the cases just cited, and from the addi-
tional authorities presently referred to, that, in defining nudum
pactum to be, ubi nulla subest causa propter eonventionem, the word
causa must be taken to mean a consideration which confers that
which the law regards as a benefit on the party ; it must not be con-
founded with the motive which induces or disposes a person to enter
into a contract;^ nor will it sufiice, if colorable merely and illusory.^
An agreement was entered into between plaintiff, who was the
widow, and defendant and S. T., who were the executors of J. T.,
by which, after reciting that J. T. had * verbally expressed
his desire that plaintiff should have a certain house, &c.,
during her life, and reciting also, that defendant and S. T. were de-
sirous that such intention should be carried into effect : it was
witnessed that, ''
in consideration of such desire, and of the pre-
mises," the executors would convey the house, &c., to the plaintiff for
her life ;" provided nevertheless, and it is hereby further agreed
and declared," that the plaintiff should, during her possession, pay
to the executors \l. yearly towards the ground-rent, payable in re-
spect of the said house and adjoining premises, and should keep the
said house, &c., in repair : it was held, that the agreement so to pay,
and keep the premises in repair, was a consideration for the
agreement by the defendant and S. T., and that respect for the
wishes of the testator formed no part of the legal consideration for
Kenyon, Id. 450 Meyer v. Haworth, 8 A. & E. 467 (35 E. C. L. R.) See
in which case is qualified, 2 B. & Ad. 812; 11 A. & B. 450 (39 E. C. L. R.);
per Pollock, C. B., I II. & C. 716; 2 Wms. Saund., 5th ed., 137 o. note (&).
* Beaumont v. Reeve, 8 Q. B. 483 (55 E. C. L. R.); cited and recognised
Fisher v. Bridges, 3 E. &
B. 642 (77 E. 0. L. R.) s. c, 2 Id. 118 (75 E. C. L. ;
gave, and the defendant received no value, the action will fail."
*^^* "^^^ under review, we may *proceed to observe, that,
not only must the consideration for a promise be suflScient
o.Larkan, 10 Exch. 776. The proposition stated in the text is more fully set
forth per Lord Campbell, C. J., Fitch v. Jones, 5 E. & B. 238 (85 E. C. L. R.).
See also Munroe v. Bordier, 8 C. B. 862 (65 E. C. L. R.) judgm., May v. ;
L. R.).
* See Playford v. United Kingdom Telegraph Co., L. R. 4 Q. B. 706
Abel, 2 H. & C. 113 Collins v. Brook, 5 11. & N. 700 s. c, 4 Id. 270.
; ;
^ Per Lord Campbell, C, Robertson v. Fleming, 4 Maoq. So. App. Cas. 177.
As to privity in connection with the relation of attorney and client, see
Fish V. Kelly, 17 C. B. N. S. 194 (112 E. C. L. R.) Helps v. Clayton, Id. 553. ;
consideration that the former had disbursed the money for him, he
pay the money, then the subsequent promise would not be a bare
or naked one, but would couple itself with the precedent request,
and with the merits of the party which were procured by that
request, and would, therefore, be founded upon a good considera-
tain event; at the trial, the following agreement was proved: "In
consideration of the plaintiff's having agreed to stay proceedings
against B., &c. ;" it was held that the contract was an executory
Bate, Dyer 272, and 1 Roll. Abr. 11. See particularly Roscorla v. Thomas,
3 Q. B. 234 (43 E. C. L. R.).
' Lampleigh v. Brathwait, Hob. R. 106 ;
per Parke, J., Reason v. Wirdman,
1 C. & P. 434; 1 Wms. Saund. 264 (1).
" Tanner v. Moore, 9 Q. B. 9 (58 E. C. L. R.).
In Paynter v. Williams,^ the facts were these: —A r^rrro-i
*pauper, whose settlement was in the parish of A., resided
in the parish of B., and, whilst there, received relief from the parish
of A., which relief was afterwards discontinued, the overseers
objecting to pay any more, unless the pauper removed into his own
parish. The pauper was subsequently taken ill, and attended by
the plaintiff, an apothecary, who, after continuing to attend him
for nine weeks, sent a letter to the overseers of A., upon the
receipt of which they directed the allowance to be renewed, and it
was held, that the overseers of A. were liable to pay so much of the
apothecary's bill as was incurred after the letter was received, for
they knew of the plaintiff's attendance, which knowledge amounted,
under the circumstances of the case, to an acceptance, retainer, or
adoption of the plaintiff's services, and created a legal liability.'
The law will also imply an antecedent request where the con-
sideration consists in this — that the plaintiff has been compelled to
do that to which the defendant was legally compellable —on which
principle depends the right of a surety, who has been damnified, to
recover an indemnity from his principal,' or contribution from a
co-surety or joint contractor.''
Where, moreover, the consideration is past, it appears r*7c:q-i
*to be unnecessary to allege a request, if the act stated as
the consideration cannot, from its nature, have been a gratuitous
^ See also 1 Wins. Saund. 264 (1); Simpson v. Eggington, 10 Exch. 845;
Streeler v. Horlook, 1 Bing. 34 (8 E. C. L. R.).
1 Cr. & M. 810.
^ 1 Cr. &. M. 819, 820; Wing v. Mill, 1 B. & Aid. 104; Atkins v. Banwell,
2 East 505.
* Toussaint v. Martinnant, 2 T. R. 100 ; Done v. Walley, 2 Exch. 198.
' Per Lord Kenyon, C. Batard v. Hawes, 'A E. & B. 287,
J., 8 T. R. 186 ;
153, 168 Browne v. Lee, 6 B. & C. 689 (13 E. C. L. R.) Cowell v. Edwards,
; ;
can be a debtor for money paid unless it was paid at his request."'
In assumpsit for work and labor done by the plaintiflF for the de-
fendant, in consideration whereof the latter promised to pay, after
judgment by default and error brought, it was objected, that this
was a past consideration, and, not being laid to be done at the de-
fendant's request, it could be no consideration to raise an assump-
sit ; and the Court said, they took the rule of law to be, that a past
consideration is not suflScient to support a subsequent promise, un-
less there was a request of the party, either express or implied, at
the time of performing the consideration, and the judgment was ac-
cordingly reversed.*
*^ distinction will be noted between cases like the above,
and those in which it has been held that an express pro-
mise may effectually revive a precedent good consideration, which
might have been enforced at law, through the medium of an implied
promise, had it not been suspended by some positive rule of law, as
inLewis v. Campbell, 8 C. B. 541, 547 (65 E. C. L. R.) and per Parke, B., ;
Hutchinson v. Sydney, 10 Exch. 439. See the Forms 15 & 16 Vict. c. 76,
Sched. (B.) Nos. 3,4.
* Hayes v. Wan-en, 2 Stra. 933, cited 1 Wms. Saund. 264 (1). See, in fur-
ther illustration of the subject above touched upon, Dietrichsen v. Giubelei,
14 M. & "W. 845 per Parke, B., King v. Sears, 2 Cr. M. & R. 53
; ; Emmens v.
(41 E. C. L. R.).
ity by some provision of the statute or common law meant for his
advantage, he may renounce the benefit of that law ; and *if r^ia-i-i
he promises to pay the debt, which is only what an honest
man ought to do, he is then bound by the law to perform it."
Debts, for instance, barred by the Statute of Limitat'ions, " are un-
questionably a sufficient consideration for every promise absolute
or unqualified, qualified or conditional to pay them.' Promises to
pay a debt simply, or by instalments, or when the party is able, are
all equally supported by the past consideration, and, when the debts
have become payable instanter, given in evidence " in sup-
may be
port of the ordinary indebitatus counts. " So when the debt is not
already barred by the statute, a promise to pay the creditor will
revive it and make it new
and a promise to an executor to
a debt,
pay a debt due to a testator creates a new debt to him. But it
does not follow that though a promise revives the debt in such
cases, any of those debts will be a sufficient consideration to sup-
port a promise to do a collateral thing, as to supply goods or per-
form work and labor.' In such case it is but an accord unexecuted,
and no action will lie for not executing it."'
1 3 B. & P. 249.
Ml A. &E. 438 (39 E. C. L. R.).
* Hawkos V. Sanders, Cowp. 290 ; Atkins v. Hill, Id. 288.
* Judgm'., Earle v. Oliver, 2 Exoh. 90.
' See Lee v. Wilmot, L. R. 1 Ex. 364; Bush v. Martin, 2 H. & C. 311.
" Citing Reeves v. Ilsarne, 1 M. & W. 323.
'Judgm., 2 Exoh. 90; per Parke, B., Smith v. Thorne, 18 Q. B. 139 (83 E
C. L. R.).
in many cases voidable only, not absolutely void, so that the lia-
*^o™^'^ 'S absolutely void;^ and, therefore, if the record
states that goods were supplied to a married woman, who,
after her husband's death, promised to pay, this is not sufficient,
18 Vict. c. 90, in renewal of bills given while that law was in force
to secure payment of money lent at usurious interest, having been
held valid, the receipt of the money being a sufficient consideration
Per Patteson, J., 8 A. & B. 470 (35 E. C. L. R.). See the note [a] to
creditor, that, if he would prove that her husband had owed him 201., she
would pay the money. This was held a good consideration, " because it was
a trouble and charge to the creditor to prove his debt.'' See Cope v. Albin-
son, 8 Exch. 1S5. ,
express, must be identical with that which would have been implied
by law from the particular transaction ; in other words, " a past
tiff in this, to wit, that the said horse was vicious. On motion in
arrest of judgment, this declaration was held bad; for the executed
consideration, though laid with a request, neither raised by impli-
cation of law the promise charged in the declaration, nor would sup-
port such promise if express ; the Court in this case observing,
that the only promise which would result, from the consideration, as
stated, and be co-extensive with it, would be to deliver the horse
upon request.^
*In an action against the public officer of an insurance
and loan company, the second count of the declaration
stated, that it was agreed between the company and the plaintiff,
that,from the 1st of January then next, the plaintiff, as the attor-
ney of the said company, should receive a salary of lOOZ. per
annum, in lieu of rendering an annual bill of costs for general
business ; and in consideration that the plaintiff had promised to
fulfil the agreement on his part, the company promised to fulfil the
same on their part, and to retain and employ the plaintiff as such
attorney f the verdict being in favor of the plaintiff, the judgment
was afterwards arrested by the Court of Common Pleas, upon this
ground, that there was no sufiBcient consideration to sustain that
part of the count above referred to, which alleged a promise to
retain and employ the plaintiff, the Court holding that the language
of the agreement, as stated, imported an obligation to furnish
actual employment to the plaintiff in his profession of an attorney,
and that inasmuch as the consideration set forth was in the past,
Per Parke, B., Atkinson v. Stevens, 7 Exch. 572 judgm., Earle v. Oliver ;
6 Id. 160 (60 E. C. L. R.) 4 Id. 479 (56 E. C. L. R.) cited Payne v. New
; ;
that the plaintiff had promised to perform his part of the agree-
ment, such consideration being a past or executed promise was
exhausted by the like promise of the company to perform the agree-
ment, and did not enure as a consideration for the additional part
of the promise alleged to retain and employ the plaintiff in the
sense before mentioned, as also to perform the agreement. The
view thus taken, however, was pi-onounced erroneous by the Court
of Exchequer Chamber, and afterwards by the House of Lords,
who held that the averment as to retaining and *employ- r*7(^p-i
ing the plaintiff was not to be understood as importing a
contract beyond the strict legal effect of the agreement, whence it
Per Lord Tenterden, C. J., Spiller v. Westlake, 2 B. & Ad. 157 (22 E. C.
Caveat Emptor.
(Hob. 99.)
Let a purchaser beware.
Thorpe v. Thorpe, 1 Ld. Raym. 662; s. c, 1 Salk. HI, is a leading case
upon this subject.
'D. 21.2. 1. »C. 8. 45.6.
* and Stud, bk. 2, eh. 47.
5 See Worthington v. Warrington, 5 C. B. 635 (57 E. C. L. R.).
' Co. Litt. 102 a. " I have always understood that in purchases of land the
rule is Caveat emptor:" per Lawrence, J., Gwithin v. Stone, 3 Taunt. 439.
' Hobart 99.
though literally true, yet was made out by racking the woods be-
yond the course of husbandry, that would be a fraud in the repre-
sentation, which might be relieved against and he further remarked, ;
that the maxim Caveat emptor does not apply " where there is a
positive representation essentially material to the subject in ques-
tion, and which, at the same time, is false in fact," provided proper
diligence be used by the purchaser in the course of the transaction.^
By agreement for the purchase of a piece of land, entered into
between the defendants, who were the assignees of B., and the
plaintiff, it was stipulated on behalf of the defendants that they
should not be obliged to make any warranty of title, the plaintiif
having agreed to accept a conveyance of such right or title as might
be the defendants', with all faults and defects, if any. Before any
conveyance was executed, the plaintiff asked the defendants whether
any rent had ever been paid for the land, and they replied that none
had been paid by the bankrupt, nor by any person under whom he
claimed, whereas, in fact, rent had been paid by the person who had
sold the land to the bankrupt. The
having been evicted,
sued the defendants for recovery of his purchase-money, and the
judge having left to the jury the question whether the non-commu-
nication of the fact of payment of rent was fraudulent or not, a
verdict was found for the defendants. This verdict the Court in
1 Sugd., V. & P., 14th ed., 328, et seq. ; 1 Story Eq. Jurisp., 9th ed., Chap.
Lowndes v. Lane, 2 Cox 363. «
banc *refused to set aside, and Bayley, J., observed, " I r*'7'7i -i
' Early v. Garrett, 9 B. & C. 928, 932 (17 E. C. L. R.) ; Duke of Norfolk v.
Worthy, 1 Camp. 337 White v. Cuddon, 8 CI. & Fin. 766
; ; Turner v. Harvey,
1 Jac. 169, 178 ; Phillips v. Duke of Bucks, 1 Vern. 227.
' Sugd. V. & P., 14th ed., 1.
' Ibid. 333. See also 1 Story, Eq. Jurisp., 6th ed., 247.
* Sugd. V. & P., 14th ed., 335.
the former case, the rule is, Vigilantihus non dormientibus jura
suhveniunt, and in the latter, Scientia utrinque par pares contra-
hentes facit —the law will not assist an improvident purchaser, nor
^''^ ^* interpose where both the contracting parties were
*equa]ly well informed as to the actual condition of the
subject-matter of the contract.^
It will appear from the foregoing brief observations that the
maxim Caveat emptor applies, with certain specific restrictions and
qualifications, both to the title and quality of the land sold. '
may further remark, that, as to the title, it applies equally, whether
the vendor is in or out of possession, for he cannot hold the lands
without iome title; and the buyer is bound to see it, and to inspect
1 Attwood V. Small, 6 CI. & Fin. 232, 233; see Wilde v. Gibson, 1 H. L.
Cas. 605 commented on, Sugd. V. & P., 14th ed., 328-330.
Equity will not
" interpose in favor of a man who wilfully was ignorant of that which he
ought to have known, a man who, without exercising that diligence which
the law would expect of a reasonable and careful person, committed a mis-
take, in consequence of which alone the proceedings in court have arisen
per Lord Campbell, Duke of Beaufort v. Neeld, 12 CI. & Pin. 248, 286.
' See Sugd. V. & P., 14th ed., 1.
* Per Lawrence, J., 2 Bast 323 ;
judgm., Stephens v. De Medina, 4 Q, B.
428 (45 E. C. L. R.) per Erie, 0. J., Thackeray
v. "Wood, 6 B. & S. 773 (118
E. C. L. R.) per Martin, B., Id. 775.
ancestors only, and his title is actually conveyed to the buyer, the
rule of Caveat emptor applies against the latter, so that he must,
at his peril, perfect all that is requisite to his assurance ; and, as
he might protect his purchase by proper covenants, none can be
added.' An administrator found, among the *papers of rir-'7iA-\
the injury when the land was let ; but it was contended, that under
the above circumstances, there was an implied warranty on the
part of the plaintiff that the eatage was wholesome food for cattle
the rule of law was, however, stated to be, that, if a person con-
tract for the use and occupation of land for a and at specific time,
' 12 M. & W. 62, 64. In Kintrea v. Perston, 1 H. & N. 357, it waa held
that upon a contract for the sale of an agreement for a lease, it is not an im-
plied condition that the lessor haspower to grant the lease. See Jinks v.
Edwards, 11 Exch. 775. A covenant for quiet enjoyment during the term,
is implied by law from a demise by parol, but not a covenant for good title.
was held, that assumpsit for use and occupation would lie against a
tenant who held under a parol agreement, by which the landlord
was to do the necessary repairs, and who quitted, because the pre-
mises, owing to the landlord's default, were in an untenantable state,
although there had not been and could not be any actual beneficial
*occupation during the period for which the rent was r*Y77l
We shall, in the next place, consider how far the maxim Caveat
emptor applies in the case of a sale of goods and chattels, first, in
M. & W. 5. As to this case, see 12 M. & W. 60, 87 and per Coltman,
11 ;
there the law implies a contract on his part that it shall be fit for
the purpose for which it is ordinarily used.^ And upon a sale not
by sample, and without warranty, of merchandise, which the buyer
^^^ '^° opportunity of inspecting, a condition that the
^article shall fairly and reasonably answer the description
in the contract is implied.^
Where the defendant, a broker, bought for the plaintiff certain
scrip certificates in a projected railway company, which turned out
to be spurious, but which were, in fact, the only certificates which
passed current in the market, in an action brought to recover the
price paid for them from the defendant, the proper question for the
jury was held to be, whether the plaintiff had or had not obtained
for his money that particular thing which he desired to purchase.'
It has been held, however, that the vendor of the bill of exchange
impliedly warrants that it is of the kind and description which on
the face of it it purports to be.^
judgment of the seller to select goods which shall be applicable to the pur-
pose for which they are ordered, there is an implied warranty that they shall
be reasonably fit for that purpose. Judgm., Bigge v. Parkinson, 7 H. & N.
961 judgm., Emmerton v. Mathews, Id. 593.
Brown v. Bdgington, 2 M. & Ur. 279 (40 E. C. L. R.) ; and Jones «.
Bright, 5 Bing. 533 (15 E. C. L. R.); as to which oases see per Lush, J.,
Readhead v. Midland R. C, L. R. 2 Q. B. 418, 419, 428 (42 E. C. L. R.) s. ;
opinion,* and the vendee may himself institute inquiries into the
truth of the assertion, the affirmation must be considered a " nude
assertion," and it is the vendee's fault from his own laches that he
is deceived.' Either party may, therefore, be innocently silent as
to grounds open to both to exercise their judgment upon ; and
Ante, p. 659 ; Sharp v. The Great "Western R. C, 9 M. & W. 7.
' D. 4. 3. 37 ;
per Byles, J., 17 C. B. N. S. 597 (112 E. C. L. R.).
' See per Sir Jas. Mansfield, C. J., Vernon v. Keys, 4 Taunt. 488, 493 arg., ;
B. for the false affirmation, there being no express warranty nor any evidence
of fraud: Davis Meeker, 5 Johns. (U. S.) R. 354.
' Per Buller, T. R. 57 Allen v. Lake, 18 Q. B. 560 (83 E. C. L. R.)
J., 3 ;
Jones I). Clark, 27 L. J. Ex. 165; Vernede v. "Weber, 1 H. & N. 311 Simond ;
Aid. 240 (7 E. C. L. R.) Freeman v. Baker, 5 B. & Ad. 797 (27 E. C. L. R.)
Where the vendor affirms that the thing sold has not a defect,
which is a visible one, and obvious to the senses, the rule, Caveat
emptor, is without doubt applicable Sa quce commendandi causd
in venditionihus dicuntur, si palam appareant, venditorem non
obligant.^ It is, indeed, laid down by the older authorities, that
defects, apparent at the time of a bargain, are not included in a
warranty,^ however general, because they can form no subject of
deceit or fraud; and, originally, the mode of proceeding for breach
Per Lord Mansfield, C. J., 3 Burr. 1910 ; cited per Best, C. J., 3 Bing. 77
(11 H. C. L. R.) ; arg., Jones v. Bowden, 4 Taiint. 851. See Laidlaw v. Or-
gan, 2 Wheaton (U. S.) R. 178 ; arg., 9 Id. 631, 632; per Abbott, C. J., Bow-
ring V. Stevens, 2 0. & P. 341 (12 E. C. L. R.).
As to what will constitute fraudulent concealment in the view of a court of
equity, see Central R. C. of Venezuela ». Kisch, L. R. 2 H. L. 99. By such
court the maxim, Qui vult decipi decipiatur, is recognised ; see Rynell v. •
(50 E. C. L. R.).
2 D. l;i. 1. 43. pr.
* See as to warranty, Bartholomew v. Bushnell, 20 Conn. (U. S.) R. 271
^ 3 T. R.
51 Com. Dig., "Action upon the Case for a Deceit" (A. 1)
per Maule, J., Howard v. Shepherd, 9 C. B. 312 (67 E. C. L. R.) and per ;
M. (few. 413. In connection with this subject, see also Longmeid u. Holli-
day, 6 Exch. 761, 766 cited in Francis v. Cockrell, L. R. 5 Q. B. 194 Ger-
; ;
502, 508 (95 E. C. L. R.) ; Morgan v. Evans, 3 CI. & Pin. 205 Marq. of Salis- ;
had agreed to purchase, that the receipts were 180Z. per month, and
B., to the knowledge of defendant, communicated this representa-
tion to plaintiff, who hecame the purchaser instead of B. it was ;
Pilmore v. Hood, 5 Bing. N. C. 97 (35 B. C. L. R.). See Dobell v. Ste-
tee, &c., Co., 7 Exch. 744 Barker v. Windle, 6 E. & B. 675 (88 B. C. L. R.]
must appear that the representation was contrary to the fact ; 2dly,
that the party makirig it knew it to be contrary to the fact ; and,
3dly, that it was the false representation which gave rise to the
Pickering v. Dowson, 4 Taunt. 779, 786 cited, Kain v. Old, 2 B. & C. 634 (9
Per Lord Brougham, Attwood v. Small, 6 CI. & Fin. 444, 445 Milne v.
(97E.C. L. R.).
< 6 CI. & Pin. 444, 445.
° Anderson v. Fitzgerald, 4 H. L. Cas. 503-4 ; Wheelton v. Hardisty, 8 E.
& B. 185, 232; Jones v. Provincial Insur. Co., 3 C. B. N. S. 65 (91 E. C. L.
789 broom's legal maxims.
it, and it forms no part of the contract, it cannot vitiate the right of
the party to recover." In applying the principle thus set forth,
action,"^ yet the law will infer an improper motive, if what the de--
fendant says is false within his own knowledge and is the occasion
of damage to the plaintiff.' In Polhill v. Walter,* a bill was pre-
s^"*^*^ ^'^^ acceptance at the *office of the drawee, who was
absent. A., who lived in the same house with the drawee,
being assured by one of the payees that the bill was perfectly regu-
lar, was induced to write on the bill an acceptance, as by the pro-
curation of the drawee, believing that the acceptance would be sanc-
tioned,and the bill paid by the latter. The bill was dishonored when
due, and the endorsee having, on proof of the above facts, been non-
' Powkes J). Manchester and London Life, &c., Assur. Co., 32 L. J. Q. B.
153 judgm., 3 C. B. N. S. 85 (91 E. C. L. R.).
Bates, 2 E. &
B. 476, 491 (75 E. C. L. R.) Tatton v. Wade, 18 C. B. 371
B. 786 (86 E.'C. L. R.) per Lord Campbell, C. J., Wilde w. Gibson, 1 H. L.
and 5 Scott N. R. 596, 599 and per Parke, B., 2 Exch. 541 Eastwood v.
; ;
yet the defendant was held to be liable, because he had made a rep-
resentation untrue to his own knowledge; and the plaintiff, acting
upon the faith of that representation, and giving credit to the accept-
ance, which, in the ordinary course of business, was its natural and
necessary result, had in consequence thereof sustained damage. It
was observed in this case, that the defendant must be taken to have
intended that all persons should give credit to the acceptance to
whom the bill might be offered in the course of circulation, and that
the plaintiff was one of those persons.
The case just cited show that there may be legal
will suffice to
fraud, without proof of any morally fraudulent motive for the par-
ticular act, from which it is inferred and we may observe, gener- ;
jidei, this only means that the good faith which is the basis of all
the contract. It further appeared that the plaintiff was fully aware
of the existence of the brothel, but that the agent was not. It was
held by the majority of the Court of Exchequer {dissentiente Lord
Abinger, C. B.), that it was not sufficient to support the plea that
the representation turned out to be untrue, but that, for that pur-
pose, it ought to have been proved to have 'been fraudulently made;
whereas, ,the principal, though he knew the fact, was not cognisant
of the representation being made, and never directed the agent to
In Wheelton v. Hardisty, 8 E. & B. 270 (92 E. C. L. R.), Lord Campbell,
C. J., intimates that " the voice of Westminster Hall was rather in favor of
the dissentient Chief Baron."
^ In Udell V. Atherton, 7 H. & N. 172 (where the authorities are collected),
the Judges of the Court of Exchequer were equally divided in opinion as to
the mode of applying the proposition supra, to the facts before them. See
judgm., Barwick v. English Joint Stock Bank, L. R. 2 Ex. 265.
' Per Parke, B., Murray v. Mann, 2 Exch. 540, and in Cornfoot v. Fowke,
6 M. & W. 373.
* Judgm., Wheelton u. Hardisty, 8 E. & B. 260 (92 E. C. L. R.).
Mudgm., Barwick v. English Joint Stock Bank, L R. 2 Ex. 265.
V. Matthews, 10 CI. & Bin. 934 cited North British Insur. Co. v. Lloyd, 10
Nevell, L. R. 4 C. P. 212.
Adverting to Cornfoot v. Fowke, and Fuller v. Wilson, supra, Wilde, B.,
observes: "The artificial identification of the agent and principal by bringing
the words of the one side by side with the knowledge of the other, induced
the apparent logical consequence of fraud. On the other hand, the real
innocence of both agent and principal repelled the notion of a constructive
fraud in either:" Udell v. Atherton, 7 H. & N. 184.
2 In error, 5 Q. B. 820 (48 B. C. L. R.), reversing judgm. in s. c, Id. 804.
» 14 M. & W. 651.
false to the knowledge of the party making it, this would in general
9 Q. B. 197, 207, 208 (58 E. C. L. R.).
^ Atkinson v. Pocock, 12 Jur. 60 ; s. c, 1 Exch. 796 ; referring to Chandelor
V.Lopus, Cro. Jac. 4, and Cornfoot v. Fowke, 6 M. & W. 358. "It seems to
us that a statement false in fact, but not false to the knowledge of the party
making it, as in Polhill v. Walter, nor made with any intention to deceive,
wiU not support an action, unless from the nature of the dealing between the
parties a contract to indemnify can be implied :'' judgm., Rawlings v. Bell, 1
C. B. 959, 960 (50 E. C. L. R.).
should turn out to be false.' "If," says Made, J.,^ "a man,
having no knowledge whatever on the subject, takes upon himself
to represent a certain state of facts to exist, he does so at his peril;
r*7QaT ^^^ if 't ^6 done either with a view *to secure some benefit
to himself, or to deceive a third person, he is in law guilty
of a fraud ; for he takes upon himself to warrant his own belief of
the truth of that which he so asserts. Although the person making
the representation may have no knowledge of its falsehood, the
representation may still have been fraudulently made." And again
— "I apprehend it to be the rule of law," says Lord Cairns,' "that
if persons take upon themselves to make assertions as to which they
are ignorant, whether they are true or untrue, they must, in a civil
to keep the goods purchased. In such a case the vendor sells '
his own,' and that is what is equivalent as a warranty of title."*
As between vendor and purchaser, indeed, the result of the older
authorities seems to be, that, where a person sells goods to which
in fact he has no title, he will not be responsible to the purchaser
if the latter be subsequently disturbed in his possession by the true
E. C. L. R.) ; Spedding v. Novell, L. R. 4 C. P. 212 ; Simons v. Patchett, 7 E.
& B. 568 (90 E. C. L. R.) ; Randell v.Trimen, 18 0. B. 786 (86 E. C. L. R.).
See Wilson v. Miers, 10 C. B. N. S. 348 (100 E. C. L. R.).
D. 21. 2. 1. Voet ad Pand., 6th
i. p. 922. "By the civil law
ed., vol.
vendors were bound to warrant both the and estate against all defects,title
whether they were or were not cognisant of them." 1 Sugd. V. & P., 11th
ed., p. 2 this doctrine was however qualified as there stated.
^ Kent
Com., 7th ed., vol. 2, pp. 008-9. See Defreeze x>. Trumper, 1 Johns.
(U. S.) R. 274 ; Rew v. Barber, 3 Cowen (U. S.) R. 272.
* Judgm., MorleyAttenborough, 3 Exch. 510 cited per Pollock, C. B.,
u. ;
Bandy ij. Cartwright, 8 Exch. 916 and commented on per Lord Campbell, C.
J., Sims t). Marryatt, 17 Q. B. 290-1 (79 E. C. L. R.); per BoviU, C. J.',
the scienter or fraud, being the gist of the action, where there is no warranty
for there the party takes upon himself the knowledge of the title to the horse,
and of his qualities." See Robinson Anderton, Peake N. P. C. 94; Street
In support of this proposition as regards quality, see the cases ante, pp.
779 et seq. In Hill v. Balls, 2 H. & N. 304, Martin, B., remarks, " In my
view of the law, where there is no warranty, the rule Caveat emptor applies
to sales, and except there be deceit, either by a fraudulent concealment or
fraudulent misrepresentation, no action for unsoundness lies by the vendee
against the vendor upon the
sale of a horse or other animal."
5 Judgm., Hall Conder, 2 C. B. N. S. 40 (89 E. C. L. R
v. ; recognising
B. & Ad. 638 (24 E. C. L. R.). See Walker v. Mellor, 11 Q. B. 478 (63 E. C.
L. R.).
' Robinson v. Rutter, 4 E. & B. 954 (82 E. C. L. R.).
* Peer v. Humphrey, 2 A. & E. 495 (29 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Abbott, C. J.,
Dyer v. Pearson, 3 B. & C. 42 (10 E. C. L. R.);post p. 804.
The second vendee of a chattel cannot, in general, stand in a
better situation than his vendor.' For instance, if a master intrusts
his servant with the care of plate or other valuables, and the servant
*sells them, still, unless they are sold in market overt, the
may recover them from the purchaser.^ And we
find down that "the owner of property wrongfully taken
it laid
has a right to follow it, and, subject to a change by sale in market
overt, treat it as his own, and adopt any act done to it."^ It has
been said, indeed, that if the real owner of goods suiFer another to
1 Per Littledale, J., Dixon v. Yates, 5 B. & Ad. 339 (27 E. 0. L. E.) ; ante
p. 470 et seq.
' Per Abbott, C. J., Baring v. Corrie, 2 B. & Aid. 143 ;
per Holroyd, J., Id.
149 ; Cro. Jac. 197.
'Per Pollock, C. B., Neate v. Harding, 5 Exch. 350; citing Taylor v,
Plumer, 3 M. & S. 562 (30 E. C. L. R.).
* Per Abbott, 0. J., 3 B. & C. 42 (10 E. C. L. R.)
per Bayley, J., 6 M. & ;
S. 23, 24 per Best, C. J., 3 Bing. 145 (11 E. C. L. R.). See also Gordon v.
see per Bramwell, B., Higgons v. Burton, 26 L. J. Ex. 334 per Willes, J. ;
not authorized to sell;' and the like protection has been extended
tohand fide advances upon goods and merchandise in the hands of
an agent when made under similar circumstances.^ It has been
' See also stat. 39 & 40 Geo. 3, C.-99, ss. 12, 13. A metropolitan police
magistrate may order goods unlawfully pawned to be delivered up to their
owner ; 2 & 3 Vict. c. 71, s. 28.
' This section likewise contains a proviso that restitution shall not be
awarded in the case of any valuable security which shall have been bond fide
paid or discharged by the party liable to the payment thereof, or in that of
a negotiable instrument taken by transfer or delivery for a just and valuable
consideration, without notice or cause to suspect that the same had been
The above section does not apply to the case where a trustee banker, or
agent intrusted with the possession of goods, or documents of title to goods,
is prosecuted for any misdemeanor under the Act.
* The order of restitution under the corresponding enactment previously in
force (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 57) was held to be " cumulative to the ordinary
made bond fide, but not in market overt, and the plaintiff gave
notice to the defendant, who subsequently sold the goods in market
overt, after which the plaintiff prosecuted the felon to conviction,
the plaintiff was held entitled to recover from the defendant the
value of the property in trover.' It is, however, now well estab-
lished that the obligation which the law imposes on a plaintiff to
prosecute the party who has stolen his goods before proceeding for
their recovery, does not apply where the action is against a third
party, innocent of the felony.^
*One rather peculiar case may here properly be men-
tioned, which is not only illustrative of the general legal ^ -
it; both were ignorant of its existence; and when the purchaser
discovered that there was a secret drawer containing the purse and
money, it was a simple case of finding,' and then the law applicable
to all cases of finding would apply to this. It was further observed,
' Peer v.Humphrey, 2 A. & E. 495 (29 E. C. L. R.). See also Parker v.
Patrick, 5 T. R. 175, which was decided under stat. 21 Hen. 8, c. 11, repealed
by 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 27, s. 1. As to the statutes respecting stolen horses (2 P.
& M. c. 7, and 31 Eliz. c. 12), see 2 Bla. Com., 21st ed., 450 Oliphant's Law ;
«. Gross, 32 L. J. Q. B. 129.
that the old rule/ that "if one lose his goods, and another find
them, though he convert them, animo furandi, to his own use, it is
believe that be bought the contents of the bureau, if any, and con-
sequently had a colorable right to the property in question.
Lastly, we may observe, that negotiable instruments form the
most important exception to the rule, that a valid sale cannot be
made except in market overt of property to which the vendor has
no right. In the leading case on this subject, it was decided, that
property in a bank-note passes, like that in cash, by delivery, and
that a party taking it hond fide,^ and for value, is entitled to retain
it owner from whom it has been stolen.* It is,
as against a former
however, a general rule, that no title can be obtained through a
forgery, and hence a party from whom a promissory note was
stolen, and whose endorsement on it was subsequently forged, was
held entitled to recover the amount of the note from an innocent
^°1*^<^'' ^o"" value." And if a person obtains in good faith
*change for a check which turns out to be worthless, the
loss must fall on him." It should further be observed, that every
1 3 Inst. 108.
^ See this rule with its qualifications considered at length : Broom's Com.,
4th ed., 955 et seq. \
^ See Hilton u. Swan, 5 Bing. N. C. 413 (35 E. C. L. R.), and the next-note.
* Miller v. Race, 1 Burr. 452. The reader is referred for full information
on this subject, and also on that of bona fides in the holder, to the Note
appended to the above case, Smith L. C, 6th ed., vol. 1, p. 477; judgm.,
Guardians of Lichfield Union v. Greene, 1 H. & N. 884, 889 ante, p. 470. ;
Where a banker pays a forged check or letter of credit, the banker must.
in general, bear the loss British Linen Co. v. Caledonian Insur. Co., 4 Macq.
So. App. Cas. 107 Young v. Grote, 4 Bing. 253 (13 E. C. L. R.).
Per Abbott, C. J., Gorgier v. Mieville, 3 B. & C. 47 (10 E. C. L. R.).
— — ;;;
Money paid is to be applied according to the intention of the party paying it;
" According to the law of England, the debtor may, in the first
For more detailed information than Can here be offered in regard to this
right to appropriate is transferred to the other party ;" per Wilde, C. J., Har-
dingham v. Allen, 5 C. B. 797 (57 E. C. L. R.) ; and in Wood v. The Copper
Miners' Co., 7 Id. 935 (62 E. C. L. R.).
' Per Tindal, C. J., Mills v. Fowkes, 5 Ring. N. C. 461 (35 E. C. L. R.)
per Bayley, J., 2 B. & C. 72 (9 E. C. L. R.) ;
per Sir L. Shadwell, V.-C. E.,
Greenwood v. Taylor, 14 Sim. 522 ; Toulmin v. Copland, 2 CI. & Fin. 681.
See James v. Child, 2 Or. & J. 678 ; Newmarch v. Clay, 14 East 239 ; Id.
243 {c)'.
of the civil law Bum in re agendd hoc fiat : ut vel creditori libe-
rum sit non accipere vel debitori non dare, si alio nomine exsolutum
quis eorum velit ; cceterum postea non permittitur. What is intended
must be said at the time."^
Thus succinctly, in the above proposition, has the law relative to
the principal maxim been explained, and, in accordance with this
explanation, it has been hel.d, that, where the defendant, being in-
debted to the plaintiff for goods supplied to his wife dum sola, and
to himself after the marriage, made a payment without any specific
appropriation, the plaintiff might apply the money in discharge of
the debt contracted by the wife dum sola f" that where part of a
debt was barred by the Statute of Limitations, a payment of money
made generally might be applied in liquidation of that part
*and that a creditor receiving money without any specific r*o-io-|
appropriation by the debtor, shall be permitted in a court
of law to apply it to the discharge of a prior and purely equitable
debt.'' Moreover, it has been held that the creditor is not bound to
state at the time when a payment is made, to what debt he will
apply it, but that he may make such application at any period
before the matter comes under the consideration of a jury.°
A case further illustrating the practical operation of the doctrine
respecting the appropriation of payments may here be presented
from a modern judgment;' — Suppose a contract, under seal,
whereby a builder contracts to build a house, and the owner of the
land covenants to pay lOOOZ. as the price of the work, and also to
Per Byles,
J., Kitchini). Hawkins, L. R. 2 C. P. 31.
' Mills V. Fowkes, 5 Bing. N. 0. 455 (35 E. C. L. R.) Williams i;. Griffit ;
he pleases ;
yet, where the accounts are treated by the parties as
one entire account, this rule does not apply. ^ For instance, in the
case of a banking account, where all the sums paid in form one
blended fund, the parts of which have no longer any distinct ex-
istence, there is no room for any other appropriation than that
which arises from the order in which the receipts and payments
^^^ place, *and are carried into the account. Presuma-
bly, it is the sum first paid in that is first drawn out. It
is the first item on the debit side of the account that is discharged
or reduced by the first item on the credit side. The appropriation
1Per Bayley, J., Bodenham c. Purohas, 2 B. & Aid. 45. See Labouohere
I). Tapper, 11 Moo. P. C. C. 198.
ismade by the very act of setting the two items against each other.
Upon that principle all accounts current are settled, and particu-
larly cash accounts.' In like manner, where one of several part-
ners dies, and the partnership is in debt, and the surviving partners
continue their dealings with a particular creditor, and the latter
joins the transactions of the old and the new firm in one entire ac-
count, then the payments made from time to time by the surviving
partners must be applied to the old debt. In that case it is to be
presumed that all the parties have consented that it should be con-
sidered as one entire account, and that the death of one of the
partners has produced no alteration whatever.^ It must be borne
in mind, notwithstanding the preceding remarks, that, although the
payment of money on account generally, without making a specific
appropriation of it, would, in many cases, go to discharge the first
Per Sir Wm. Grant, M. K., Clayton's Case, 1 Mor. 608 ; cited per Erie,
C. J., 8 C. B. N. S. 786 (98 E. C. L. K.) Pennell v. Defifell, 4 De G., M. & G.
ton's Case, supra, see also the remarks in the Law Mag. (Aug. 1855) p. 36.
Ordinarily, " where two parties settle an account of moneys due to each
side, cross items allowed in such account may be treated as payments
judgm., Roberts v. Shaw, 4 B. & S. 56 (116 E. C. L. R.).
' Per Bayle'y, J., Simpson v. Ingham, 2 B. & C. 72 (9 E. C. L. R.) Smith ;
Noble,^ but the principle was never applied to cases where the obli-
gations were alio jure, nor to other cases, as, for instance, where
in dealings between B. and C, the latter directs B. to receive
moneys due to him, the law will not presume an appropriation of
these moneys to the payment of a debt due to A. and B. in the
absence of any specific directions."'
Where a bill of exchange or promissory note has been given by
a debtor to his creditor, it is not unfrequently a matter of some
diflBculty to determine whether the giving of such instrument should
be considered as payment, and as operating to extinguish the origi-
nal debt ; or whether it should be regarded merely as security for
its payment, and as postponing the period of payment until the bill
not made when the time has run out, payment of the debt may be
enforced as if the note had not been given. If payment be made
at or before the expiration of the extended time allowed, it is then
for the first time that the debt is paid."'
He who does an act through the medium of another party is in law considered
as doing it himself.
& B. 459 (75 E. C. L. R.) per Erie, C. J., Martin v. Reid, 11 C. B. N. S. 735
self made it, or that the contract was made on his behalf by an agent au-
which, for certain purposes, identifies the agent with the principal:
Payment to an authorized agent,' as an auctioneer, in the regular
*<'°^''^^ °f ^^^ employment,'' is payment to his principal^
Thus :
—M. employed R. & Co., bankers in Edinburgh, to
thorized to act for hiin at the time, or whose act has been subsequently rati-
contract between the two parties to the suit." See Lee v. Everest, 2 H. & N.
285, 291 Cooms v. Bristol and Exeter R. C, 3 H. & N. 1.
R. & Co. wrote to M., announcing the fact of its payment, but
never actually credited him in their books with the amount; the
house in India having failed, it was held that R. & Co. were the
been actually made, they became ijjso facto liable to him for the
amount received, and that he could not be called on to suffer any
loss occasioned by the conduct of the sub-agents, as between whom
by stating that the defendant had not paid, without saying, " or
caused to be paid;" had the defendant caused to be paid, he
had paid, and, in such a case, the payment might be pleaded in dis-
charge.^ So payment to an agent, if made in the ordinary course
of business, will operate as payment to the principal.^ On the
same principle, the delivery of goods to a carrier's servant is a de-
1 ^^^'^U '^^ them to the carrier f and the *delivery of a check
to the agent of A. is a delivery to A.^ Railway com-
panies, moreover, are not to be placed in a diiferent condition from
all other carriers. They will be bound in the course of their busi-
ness as carriers by the contract of the agent whom they put forward
as having the management of that branch of their business. So
that, where it appeared from the evidence, that certain goods were
undoubtedly received by a railway company, for transmission on
some contract or other, and that the only person spoken to respect-
ing such transmission was the party stationed to receive and weigh
the goods; it was held, that this party must have an implied
authority to contract for sending the goods, and that the company
were consequently bound by that contract.^ It has been held, that
the station-master of a railway company has not, though the general
manager of the company has,* implied authority to bind the company
by a contract for surgical attendance on an injured passenger.'
1 Gyse V. Ellis, 1 Stra. 228.
^ See Williams Deacon, 4 Exch. 397
v. ; Kaye v. Brett, 5 Exoh. 269; Par-
rott V. Anderson, 7 Exch. 93 Underwood ; v. Nioholla, 17 C. B. 239 (84 E. C.
L. R.).
^ Dawes v. Peck, 8 T. R. 330 ;
Hodgson, 2 Camp. 36 per Lord
lop V. Lambert, 6 CI,. & Fin. 600, and cases cited in 3 Com. by Broom & Had-
ley 161-3. But an acceptance by the carrier is not an acceptance by the
consignee per Parke, B., Johnson v. Dodgson, 2 M. & W. 656.
Where an agent for the sale of goods contracts in his own name,
and as a 'principal, the general rule is, that an action may be sup-
ported, either in the by whom the contract was
name of the party
made, and privy to it, or *of the party on whose behalf and rj^onn-i
for whose benefit it was made.' Even where the agent is
a factor, receiving a del credere commission, the principal may, at
any period after the contract of sale has been concluded, demand
payment of the sum agreed on to himself, unless such payment
had previously been made to the factor, in due course, and
according to the terms of the contract.^ The following rules,
respecting the liability of parties on a contract for the purchase of
goods, are likewise illustrative of the doctrine under consideration,
and are here briefly stated on account of their general importance
and applicability: — 1st, an agent, contracting as principal, is
V. Bond, 5 B. & Ad. .393 {27 E. C. L. R.) : Duke of Norfolk v. Worthy, Camp. 1
Cr., M. & R. 413 per Lord Abinger, C. B., 5 M. & W. 650; Garrett v. Hand-
W. 844.
' Hornby v. Lacy, 6 M. & S. 172 ; Morris v. Cleasby, 4 M. & S. 566, 574
Sadler v. Leigh, 4 Camp. 195; Grove v. Dubois, 1 T. R. 112; Scrimshire v.
B., Barber v. Pott, 4 H. & N. 767 Smethurst v. Mitchell, 1 E. & E. 622, 631
authority, the principal is not bound by acts done beyond the scope
of his legitimate authority^' If A. employs B. to work for C,
without warrant from C, A. is liable to pay for the work done f
nor would it in this case make any difference, if B. believed A. to
be in truth the agent of C. ; for, in order to charge the last-men-
tioned party, the plaintiff must prove a contract with him, cither
express or implied, and with him in the character of a principal,
directly, or through the intervention of an agent.^
The question, how far an agent is personally liable, who, having
in fact no authority, professes to bind his principal, has on various
occasions, been discussed. There is no doubt, it was observed in a
L. R.) per Lord Abinger, C. B., Aoey w. Fernie, 7 M. & W. 154 Davidson
sias, E., B. & E. 930 (96 E. C. L. R.) Williamson v. Barton, 7 H. & N. 899.
Per Lord Holt, C. J., Ashton v. Sherman, Holt R. 309 (3 E. C. L. R.)
cited 2 M. & W. 218.
' Thomas v. Edwards, 2 M. &W. 215.
' Smout t). Ilbery, 10 M. & W. In this case, which was an action of
1, 9.
debt, a man, who had been in the habit of dealing with the plaintiff for meat
supplied to his house, went abroad, leaving his wife and family resident in
this country, and died abroad —
Held, that the wife was not liable for goods
supplied to her after his death, but before information of his death had been
' ''AH persons directly concerned in the commission of a fraud are to be
treated as principals. No party can be permitted to excuse himself on the
ground that he acted as the agent or as the servant of another:" per Lord
Westbury, C, Cullen v. Thomson's Trustees, 4 Macq. So. App. Cas. 432-3.
essence, from the former case, to state as true, what the individual
making such statement does not know to be true, even though he
does not know it to be false, but believes, without *sufS- r;i.o9c-i
of the first of the two classes of decisions just alluded to; and
cases, in which the agent never had any authority to contract at all,
but believed that he had, as where he acted on a forged warrant of
attorney, which he thought to be genuine, and the like, are instances
of the second class.^ To the various states of facts just put, we
may add that if a person contracts as agent with another, he will
in law be held to impliedly undertake and promise that he is what
he represents himself to be, so that for any direct damage arising
In further illustration of the rule before us, reference may be
made to the contract of insurance, which has been said^ to be a
contract uberrimce fidei,'^ the principles which govern it being those
of an enlightened and moral policy. The underwriter must be pre-
sumed to act upon the belief that the party procuring insurance is
deducible from the authorities on this subject is, that where a party
orders insurance, and afterwards *receives intelligence ma- r;icQ9i7-i
of the bank at the house of the bank's agents, and were appro-
priated by F. to his own pul-poses. F. was afterwards executed for
other forgeries. It appeared from the special verdict, that F.'s
partners were ignorant of the fraud, but might, with common dili-
' Per Abbott, C. J., Sandilands v. Marsh, 2 B. & Aid. 678 per Lord Wens- ;
leydale, Ernest v. Nioholls, 6 11. L. Cas. 417, 418 and in Cox v. Hickman, 8
H. L. Cas. 268, 304, 312 ; Waugh v. Carver, 2 H. Bla. 235 judgm., 1 Jly. &
V. Crowther, 1 Or. & J. 316 Bond v. Gibson, 1 Camp. 185 Lewis v. Reilly,
; ;
1 Q. B. 349(41E. C. L. R.).
<2C1. &F. 250.
conformity with the unanimous opinion of the Judges, that the cus-
tomer could maintain an action against the partners for money had
and received. The general proposition, it was observed, was not
disputed, that if the goods of A. are wrongfully taken and sold, the
fix the innocent partners with liability under the circumstances dis-
closed upon the special verdict. In another more recent case,^ the
plaintiffs in equity, who were the executors and trustees of a tes-
B. to recover the sum paid over as above stated, it was held that
the fraudulent representation of A. must be taken to be the act of
the firm —that the relief was properly in equity, and that the de-
fendant was civilly liable for the fraud of his co-partner.
Without attempting to enter at length upon the subject of part-
nership liabilities, incurred through the act of an individual
member of the firm, we may observe, that wherever a contract is
had in fact authority to make it. "It would," moreover, "be very
dangerous to hold," as matter of law, "that a person who allows
an agent to act as a principal in carrying on a business, and invests
him with an apparent authority to enter into contracts incidental to
it, could limit that authority by a secret reservation."'
Assumpsit for work and labor, in writing certain literary articles,
was brought against the defendants, *whose names appeared r^oon-i
as proprietors of a newspaper in the declaration filed under
6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 76; they had in fact ceased to be so before the
contract was entered into, at which time L. was the sole proprietor
the jury found that the contract was made by L. on his own behalf,
without any authority from the defendants ; and also, that the
plaintiff, when be supplied the articles in question, did not know
the defendants to be proprietors ; it was held, that, although the
declaration above mentioned was, under the provisions of the stat.
(s. 8), conclusive evidence of the fact that the defendants were
proprietors, yet the real question was with whom the contract had
been made, and that upon the finding of the jury the defendants
were not liable.^
2 M. & W. 172; and Tredwen v. Bourne, 6 M. & W. 461, were cited per Cur.
As to the liability of a partner on a contract prior to his joining the concern,
see Beale v. Mouls, 10 Q. B. 976 (59 E. C. L. R.).
— —
that he had constituted the secretary his agent to pledge his credit
for all such things as were necessary for the working of the
committee, and to enable it to go on. "Where," observed Alder-
son, B., "a subscription has been made, and there is a fund, it is
express or implied, is, whether such contract was made by the de-
fondant, by himself or his agent, with the plaintiff or his
agent, and this is a question *of fact for the decision of
the jury upon the evidence before them. The plaintiff, on whom
the burthen of proof lies in all these cases, must, in order to
recover against the defendant, show that he (the defendant) con-
tracted expressly or impliedly ; expressly, by making a contract
with the plaintiff; impliedly, by giving an order to him under
such circumstances as show that it was not to be gratuitously
executed : and, if made by the defendant
the contract was not
personally, it must be proved that it was made by an agent of the
defendant properly authorized,* and that it was made as his con-
the slightest doubt, and the proper decision of all these questions
depends upon the proper application of these principles to the facts
See Riley v Paokington, L. R. 2 C. P. 536 ;
Maddiok v. Marshall, 17 C.
B. N. S. 829 (112 E. C. L. R.) ; s. c, 16 Id. 387 ; Burbridge v. Morris, 3 H. &
C. 664.
of each case, and the jury are to apply the rule with due assistance
from the judge." In the course of the judgment from which we
have already made so long an extract, the Court further observed,
that an agreement to be a provisional committee-man is merely an
agreement for carrying into effect the preliminary arrangements for
petitioning Parliament for a bill, and thus promoting the scheme,
but constitutes no agreement to share in profit or loss, which is the
characteristic of a partnership, although if the provisional commit-
tee-man subsequently acts he will be responsible for his acts. They
likewise remarked, that *where the list of the provisional
committee has appeared in a prospectus, published with the
defendant's consent, knowledge, or sanction, the context of such
prospectus must be examined, to see whether or not it contains any
statement affecting his liability, as, names of a
for instance, the
managing committee, in which case it will be a question whether
the meaning be that the acting committee shall take the whole man-
agement of the concern, to the exclusion of the provisional commit-
tee, or that the provisional committee-men have appointed the acting
committee, or the majority of it, on their behalf and as their agents.'
In this latter case, moreover, it must further be considered whether
the managing and delegated body is authorized to pledge the credit
of the provisional committee, or is merely empowered to apply the
funds subscribed to the liquidation of expenses incurred in the
formation and carrying out of the concern.^
The preceding remarks have reference merely, as will have been
company or projected com-
noticed, to the right of a creditor of a
pany with which the defendant has become connected in an action ;
1See Judgm., 15 M. & W. 530, 531 ; Wilson v. Viscount Curzon, Id. 532 ;
' The letter of allotment may likewise empower the directors to apply the
deposits in discharge of necessary expenses: Jones v. Harrison, 2 Exch. 52.
* Watts V. Salter, 10 C. B. 477 (70 E. C. L. R.).
^The authority of a counsel to bind his client by a compromise was much
considered in Swinfen v. Swinfen, 1 C. B. N. S. 364 (87 E. C. L. R.) s. c, ;
solicitor to bind his client by a reference, see Fray v. Voules, 1 E. & E. 839
(102 E. C. L. R.) I
Chown v. Parrott, 14 C. B. N. S. 74 (108 E. 0. L. R.).
home/ for necessary disbursements and for repairs, and bind the own-
ers forrepayment; but his authority is limited by the necessity of the
case,and he cannot make them responsible for money not actually
necessary for those purposes, although he may pretend that it is.
He may make contracts to carry goods on freight, but cannot bind
his owners by a contract to carry freight free. With regard also
to goods put on board the ship, the master may sign a bill of lading,
and acknowledge thereby the nature, quality, and condition of the
goods ; his authority, however, to give bills of lading being limited
to such goods as have been put on board.
Further, the liability of the husband for necessaries supplied to
the wife results from her authority being implied by law to act as
^^^ husband's agent, and to contract on his behalf for this
' Manby v. Scott, 1 Lev. 4 ; s. c, 1 Sid.109 Mont.ague v. Benedict, 3 B. &
380 (27 E. C. L. R.) Crowder v. Long, 8 B. & C. 602 (15 E. C. L. R.) Smart
; ;
the sheriff was not liable for a subsequent escape.^ Nor will the
wrong complained of be neither expressly
sheriff be liable if the
where the bailiff derived his authority, not from the sheriff, but
from the whose instigation he acted f and it is not com-
plaintiff, at
his duty to the sheriff, and which he has himself induced, is the act
of the sheriff.'
One additional exemplification of our principal maxim must suf-
fice: A contractor for supplying forage for the use of Her Majesty's
forces is exempted by the stat. 3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 32, from the
' Doe V. Trye, 5 Bing. N. C. 573 (36 E. C. L. R.) ; Ford Leche, 6 A. & E.
M'Adam, 3 Y. & J. 1.
» Per Bayley, J., 8 B. & C. 603, 604 (15 E. C. L. R.).
* London and South Western R. C, app., Reeves, resp., L. R. 1 C. P. 580,
Hughes V. Jones, 1 B. & Ad. 388 (20 E. C. L. R.) Wilson r. Thorpe, 6 M. & ;
process all over the kingdom, and that only by virtue of his
*S.'s wife was managing his business,
in the habit of
and inter and endorsing bills in
alia of drawing, accepting,
his name. On one occasion a promissory note was endorsed by S.'s
daughter, in his name, in the presence, and by the direction of her
mother, who then delivered it to the plaintiff. Upon an issue as to
the endorsement of the said note by S., the question was held to be
one of fact, whether or not the evidence showed an authority given
by the husband to the wife to endorse in the way mentioned. The
maxim, Delegatus non potest delegare, observed Maule, J. "'has no
application at all here;" and again, "there was evidence that the
wife had the general management of her husband's business. And
when he authorized her to draw, accept, and endorse bills, in his
name, that they may fairly be extended to authorizing her to
trates the former part of the rule stated supra. See Baker v. Cave, 1 H. &
N. 674.
' Entiok V. Carrington, 19 Howell St. Trials 1063.
' Parker v. Kett, 1 Ld. Raym. 658, cited in Bridges v. Garrett, L. R. 4 C.
P. 591.
» 1 Ld. Raym. 659 ; Leak v. Howell, Cro. Eliz. 533.
select some person, pro hdc vice, to write the name of her husband
for her/
The rule as to delegated functions must, moreover, be understood
Stephens v. Elwall, 4 M. & S. 259; Com. Dig., " Trespass" (C. 1). See Col-
lett V. Foster, 2 H. & 356 Bennett v. Bayes, 5 H. & N. 391.
JSf. ;
A person who deals with the goods of a testator, as agent of the executor,
cannot be treated as executor de son tort, whether the will has been proved
or not: Sykes v. Sykes, L. R. 5 C. P. 113.
843 broom's legal maxims.
*^ railway company may be liable in trover for a con-
The rule, indeed, so far as regards
version by their agent.^
the method of applying the maxim before us, being the same be-
tween a private individual and a railway company as it is where the
same matter is in dispute between two private individuals.*
In the case of domestic servants, and such agents as are selected
by the master, and appointed to perform any particular work, al-
though, possibly, not in his immediate employ or under his direct
or personal superintendence, the maxim, Respondeat superior, is
also very often applicable.
" Upon the principle that Qui facit per alium facit per se," it
was said, in a leading case upon this subject, "the master is respon-
sible for the acts of his servant, and that pei'son is undoubtedly
liable who stood in the relation of master to the wrong-doer —he
who had selected him as his servant, from the knowledge of, or
belief in, his skill and care, and who could remove him for miscon-
duct, and whose orders he was bound to receive and obey, and
whether such servant has been appointed by the master directly,
or intermediately through the intervention of an agent authorized
by him to appoint servants for him, can make no diiference."^
1 Com. by Broom & Hadley, 518 ; ei vide per Piatt, B., Stevens v. Midland
Coanties R. C, 10 Exch. 356; Eastern Connties R. C. v. Bvoom, 6 Exch. 314.
= Ante, p. 824, n. (6).
Scrivener v. Pask, L. R. 1 C. P. 715, 719, shows that to charge a principal
for the misrepresentation of his agent, three things must be proved : (1) the
ajjency ;
(2) that the agent was guilty of fraud or misrepresentation ; and (3)
that the principal knew of and sanctioned it.
appoints the master, and desires the master to *appoint and r^oj^r-i
select the crew: the crew thus become appointed
by the
owner, and are his servants for the management and government of
the ship, and if any damage happens through their default, it is
the same as if it happened through the immediate default of the
owner himself.' By a policy of insurance, however, the assured
makes no warranty to the underwriters that the master and crew
shall do their duty during the voyage; and their negligence or
misconduct is no defence to an action on the policy, where the loss
has been immediately occasioned by the perils insured against ; nor
can any distinction be made in this respect between the omission by
the master and crew to do an act which ought to be done, and the
doing an act which ought not to be done, in the course of the navi-
gation.^ In the case just supposed, however, if the ship be char-
tered for the particular voyage, or for a definite period, it is always
a question of fact under whose direction and control the vessel was
at the time of the occurrence complained of; and this question
must be solved by ascertaining whose are the crew, and by consider-
ing whether the reasonable interpretation of the charter-party is,
that the owners meant to keep the control of the vessel in their
own hands, or to make the freighter the responsible owner pro
tempore:^ and a state of facts *might perhaps occur in r^oAon
which the charterer would be answerable as well as the
' Per Littledale, J., 5 B. & C. 554 (11 E. C. L. E.) ; Martin v. Temperley, 4
Q. B. 298 (45 E. C. L. R.) ; Dunford v. Trattles, 12 M. & W. 529 ; Bland v.
Scurr, L. R. 2 Q. B. 86.
that the servant should drive, and whatever the servant does in
order to give effect to his master's will may be treated by others as
the act of the master, Qui facit per alium facit per se."^ The
general rule being that " a master is responsible for all acts done
R.), Coleridge, J., observes, " The maxims Qui facit per alium facit per se,
and Respondeat superior, are unquestionable but where they apply, the '
wrongful act is properly charged to be the act of him who has procured it to
be done; he is sued as a principal trespasser, and the damage, if proved,
flows directly and immediately from his act, though it was the hand of
— —
another and he a free agent that was employed."
Judgm., Hutchinson v. York, Newcastle & Berwick R. C, 5 Exch. 350.
See Sharrod v. The London and North Western R. C, 4 Exch. 580, 585
citing Gregory v. Piper, 9 B. & C. 591.
' Per Lord Holt, 0. J., Tuberville v. Stampe, 1 Lord Raym. 266 Seymour ;
employed in his master's service, nor acting within the scope of his
authority :° as if a servant, authorized merely to distrain cattle
Barwick v. English Joint Stock Bank, L. B. 2 Ex. 259.
' Per Lord Cranworth, C, Ranger v. Great Western R. C, 5 H. L. Cas.
86, 87.
» Ellis V. Sheffield & B. 767 (75 E. C. L. R), and
Gas Consumers' Co., 2 E.
Hole V. H. & N. 488 cited in Picard
Sittingbourne and Sheerness R. C, 6 ;
L. R.); per Lord Kenyon, C. J., 8 T. R. 533; per Ashhurst, J., Fenn v.
Harrison, 3 T. R. 760; Gregory v. Piper, 9 B. & C. 591 (17 E. C. L. R.);
Huzzey v. Field, 2 C. M. & R. 432.
Lyons v. & E. 512 (35 E. C. L. R.).
Martin, 8 A.
2 Brown Copley, 8 Scott N. R. 350. The ground and extent of the
sheriff's liability are explained, per Jervis, C. J., Gregory v. Cotterell, 5 E. &
B. 584 (85 E. C. L. R.) per Maule, J., Smith v. Pritohard, 8 C. B. 588 (65
' As between and owner of ship, post, p. 864 captain of ship and
pilot ;
Company,^ " of any one other than the party actually guilty of any
wrongful act, proceeds on the maxim Quifacit per alium facit per
se; the party employing has the selection of the party employed ;
Sheffield Gas Co., 2 E. & B. 767 (75 E. C. L. R.) Blake v. Thirst, 32 L. J.;
Id. 462.
' 4 Exch. 244, 255 ;
followed in Butler v. Hunter, 7 II. & N. 826, 834 per ;
304 (74 E. C. L. R.) Gayford v. Nioholls, 9 Exoh. 702 Grote v. Chester and
; ;
P. C. 438 (3 E. C. L. R.) Brady v. Giles, 1 M. & Rob. 494 per Patteson, J.,
injured while they are jointly engaged in the same service, B. will
under ordinary circumstances have no claim against C. for A. and ,
B., " hkve both engaged in a common service, the duties of which
impose a certain risk on each of them ; and, in case of negligence
on the part of the other, the party injured knows that the negli-
gence is that of his fellow-servant and not of his master. He knew
when he engaged in the service that he was exposed to the risk of
injury, not only from his own want of skill or care, but also from
the want of it on the part of his fellow-servant; and he must be
supposed to have contracted on the terms, that as between himself
and his master he would run this risk."^ And the principle here
' Dynen v. Leaoh, 26 L. J. Ex. 221 ; Senior v. Ward, 1 E. & E. 385 (102 E.
C. L. R.).
^ Dynen v. Leaoh, supra; Priestley v. Fowler, 3 M. &
"W. 1. See Wiuter-
bottom V. Wright, 10 M. & W. 109 Mellors v. Shaw, 1 B. & S. 437, 446.
more V. .Jay, Id. 354; Tarrant v. Webb, 18 C. B. 797, 804 (86 E. C. L. R.) ;
" The rule has been settled by a series of cases be'ginning with Priestley v.
Fowler Exch. 343), and ending with Morgan v. Vale of Neath R. C. (L.
R. 1 Q. B. 149), that a servant when he engages to serve a master undertakes
as between himself and his master, to run all the ordinary risks of the service,
including the risk of negligence upon the part of a fellow-servant when he is
acting in the discharge of his duty as servant of him who is the common master
of both :' per Brie, C. J., L. R. 1 C. P. 296. See also Murphy v. Smith, 19 0.
B. N. S. 361 (115 E. C. L. R.) ; Gallagher v. Piper, 16 C. B. N. S. 669 (111
E. C. L. R.).
Stated may be applied where the work on which the one servant is
' So in Barwiok English Joint Stock Bank, L. R. 2 Ex. 265-6, the Court
"But," continues Lord Cranworth, " do the same principles
apply to the case of a workman
by the want of care of a injured
fellow-workman engaged together same work ? I think not. in the
' Ace, per Lord Chelmsford, C, Bartonshill Coal Co. v. MoGuire, 3 Maoq.
Sc. App. Cas. 306.
^ 3 Maoq. II. L. Cas. 282-4. (The learned lord whose words are above
cited then proceeds to comment seriatim on the following cases : Priestley v.
Stewart, 2 Id. 30). Bartonshill Coal Co. v. McGuire, 3 Macq. So. App. Cas.
300; Hall V. Johnson, 3 H. & C. 589 Senior v. Ward, 1 E. & E. 385, 391
C, 2 H. & N. 728.
7 H. & N. 937, 943-4 s. c, 6 Id. 349.
with his business. But the master, in the event of his not
personally superintending and directing the work, is to select proper
and competent persons to do so, and to furnish them with adequate
materials and resources for the work.
In Blakemore v. The Bristol and Exeter Railway Company,*
Shaw, B. &
437 (101 E. 0. L. R.).
1 S.
' Lord Cairns, C, Wilson v. Merry, L. R. 1 Sc. App. Cas. 332.
^^ ^^^ between the company and *consignee, to which con-
tract the deceased was in no way privy.
It has been held that the owner of realty is not responsible for
a nuisance committed thereon by the occupying tenant, unless, in-
deed, he has been a party to the creation of the nuisance after the
demise, or has demised land with the nuisance existing.^ The
question moreover was on a recent occasion raised, but not decided,
"whether, in any case, the owner of real property, such as land or
houses, may be responsible for nuisances occasioned by the mode
in which his property is used by others, not standing in the rela-
tion of servants to him, or part of his family ;" and the Court ob-
served that " it may be thatsome cases he is so responsible. But
then his liability must be founded on the principle that he has not
taken due care to prevent the doing of acts which it was his duty
to prevent, whether done by his servants or others. If, for in-
stance, a person occupying a house or a field should permit another
to carry on there a noxious trade, so as to be a nuisance to his
neighbors, it may be that he would be responsible, though the acts
complained of were neither his acts nor the acts of his servants ; he
would have violated the rule of law Sic utere tuo ut alienum non
Icedas."^ And to the foregoing observations the Court add that
"in none of the more modern cases has the alleged distinction be-
tween *real and personal property," in regard to the civil
liability of its owner, "been admitted."^
With respect to public functionaries, having authority, such as
judges civil or ecclesiastical, or magistrates, these parties are, in
general, protected from the consequences of an illegal and wrongful
act done by an olEccr or other person employed in an inferior min-
isterial capacity, provided that the principal himself acted in the dis-
cbarge of his duty, and within the scope of his jurisdiction, and of
the authority delegated to him. The principle, however, on which
a private person or a company is liablfe for damage caused by the
neglect of servants has been held applicable to a corporation which
has been intrusted by statute to perform certain works, and to
receive tolls for the use of such works, although those tolls, unlike
the tolls received by the private person or the company, are not
applied to the use of the corporation, but are devoted to the mainte-
nance of the works, and in case of any surplus existing, to a pro-
portionate diminution of the tolls.*
"The law requires that the execution of public works by a public
body shall be conducted with a reasonable degree of care and skill;
and if they, or those who are employed by them, are guilty of neg-
ligence in the performance of the works intrusted to them, they are
responsible to the party injured."^
' Judffm., Reedie v. London and North Western R. C, 4 Exch. 256 (citing
Rich «. Basterfield, supra,and Bush v. Steinman, 1 B. & P. 404 Gandy v. )
"'"" ^^ ordinary case, moreover, where such commissioners
*in execution of their office enter into a contract for the
performance of work, it seems clear that the person who contracts
to do the work "is not to be considered as a servant, but a person
carrying on an independent business, such as the commissioners
were fully justified in employing to perform works which they could
not execute for themselves, and who was known to all the world as
performing them."^ And the person thus employed may himself
by virtue of an express statutory clause, be protected or absolved
from liability to a suit whilst acting under the direction of the com-
missioners.^ And a shipowner is not responsible at common law^
for injuries occasioned by the unskilful navigation of his vessel
whilst under the control of a pilot whom the owner was compelled
to take on board, and in whose selection he had no voice.*
It is clear, also, that a servant of the Crown, contracting in his
official capacity, is not personally liable on the contracts so entered
into : in such cases, therefore, the rule of Respondeat, superior does
not apply, such exceptions to it resulting from motives of public
policy ; for no prudent person would accept a public situation at
*Iiastly, the maxim Respondeat superior, does not apply
in the case of the sovereign ; for, as we have before seen,
the sovereign is not liable for personal negligence ;^ and, therefore,
the principle, Quifacitper alium facit per se —which is applied to
render the master answerable for the negligence of his servant, be-
cause this has arisen from his own negligence or imprudence in
selecting or retaining a careless servant — is not applicable to the
sovereign, in whom negligence or misconduct cannot be implied, and
' See also stat. 17 & 18 Vict. c. 104, s. 388 Gen. Steam Nav. Co.
; v. British
and Colonial Steam NaT. Co., L. R. 4 Ex. 238 ; The Lion, L. R. 2 P. C. 525.
* The Ilalley, L. R. 2 P. C. 193, 201, 202.
cipal directed the agent so to act, or really meant he should so act, or after-
wards ratified the illegal act, or that he appointed one to be his general agent
to do both legal and illegal acts :" Cooper v. Slade, 6 H. L. Cas. 793 and see ;
the trespass is clearly exempted from liability, and whether the in-
jury "is an act of state without remedy, except by appeal to the
justice of the state which inflicts it, or by application of the indi-
of strangers. And the civil law does not, it is believed, differ from
the common law on this subject."'
448 ; England
Marsden, L. B. 1 C. P. 529. See Saunderson v. Griffiths, 5
B. & C. 909 (11 E. C. L. R.); Underbill v. Wilson, 6 Ring. 697 (19 E. C. L.
E.) Kynaston v. Crouch, 14 M. & W. 266.
wise, though the act was not enforceable, yet, if ratified, it would
Per Blackburn, J., Lord v. Lee, L. R. 3 Q. B. 404, 408.
'Smith Merc. Law, 5th ed., 124, 138, and cases there cited; judgm.,
Wilson V. Tumman, 6 M. & Gr. 242 (46 E. C. L. R.). See Hasleham v.
Young, 5 Q. B. 833 (48 E. C. L. R.). The maxim is applied to a notice to
quit, given by the agent and subsequently recognised by the lessors, who
were joint tenants: per Abbott, C. J., Goodtitle v. Woodward, 3 B. & Aid.
686, 692 (5 B. C. L. R.). See Wright v. Cuthell, 5 East 491 as to a policy ;
of insurance, per Buller, J., Wolff u. Horncastle, 1 B. & P. 323; arg., 13 East
280 ; as to a past consideration, ante, p. 756.
» Per Best, 0. J., Maclean v. Dunn, 4 Bing. 727 (13 E. C. L. R.).
* Wilson V. Tumman, 6 M. & Gr. 242 (46 E. C. L. R.) Ancona v. Marks, 7 ;
' Bird Brown, 4 Exch. 798, 799 per Lord "Wensleydale, Ridgway u.
V. ;
" But the authorities go much further, and show that, in some
cases, where an act, which if unauthorized would amount to a tres-
pass, has been done in the name and on behalf of another, but with-
out previous authority, the subsequent ratification may enable the
party, on whose *behalf the act was done to take advan- [-^hot-o-i
the act complained of could be said to have been done for the use
or benefit of the company, ex. gr., the assault and imprisonment of
a party liable to the company for not having paid his fare, is an act
of a servant of the company which manifestly might have been for
their benefit ; it might therefore be ratified by them.^
By the common law, says Sir E. Coke,^ "he that receiveth a
trespasser, and agreeth to a trespass after it be done, is no tres-
passer, unless the chattel was seized for his use.° In a well known
' Ace. per Bovill, C. J., Ainsworth v. Creeke, L. R. 4 C. P. 486; cited in
Medwin v. Streeter, Id. 496.
' Judgm., Eastern Counties R. C. v. Broom, 6 Exch. 326, 327 ; Roe v. Bir-
kenhead, Lancashire and Cheshire R. C, 7 Exch. 36.
' 4 Inst. 317 ; cited per Parke, J., 4 B. & Ad. 616 ;
per Willes, J., Stacey,
app., Whitehurst, resp., 18 C. B. N. S. 356 {114 E. C. L. R.) ; arg., Nicoll v.
Glennie, 1 M. & S.590 6 Scott N. R. 897.
; See another application of the
maxim to a tort, per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., 9 East 281.
* Judgm., 6 Exch. 327 James v. Isaacs, 12 0. B. 791 (74 E. C. L. R.).
case, it was held, that, where goods are wrongfully seized by the
sheriff under a valid writ oifi.fa., the execution-creditor does not,
by a subsequent become liable in trespass for the
ratification only,
original seizure ; at page 871 was laid down by
and the rule stated
Tindal, C. J., delivering the judgment of the Court.^ Trespass
does not lie who improperly caused an attach-
against an attorney
ment Chancery under which the plaintiff was
to be issued out of
arrested and detained until discharged by an order of the Lords
Justices ; nor would trespass under such circumstances lie as against
the attorney's client who, though not ordering the plaintiff's arrest,
knew of it and did not interfere. Where an execution is set aside
on the ground of an erroneous judgment, the plaintiff or his attor-
ney is no more liable than is the sheriff who executes the process.^
A landlord authorized bailiffs to distrain for rent due to him
from the tenant of a farm, directing them not to take anything
except on the demised premises. The bailiffs distrained cattle of
another person (supposing them to be the tenant's) beyond the
boundary of the farm : the cattle were sold, and the landlord re-
ceived the proceeds. It was held, that the landlord was not liable
P^n„r-i in trover for the value of the cattle, unless it were found
*by the jury that he ratified the act of the bailiffs with
knowledge of the irregularity, or that he chose, without inquiry,
to take the risk upon himself, and to adopt the whole of their acts.'
Generally speaking, the subsequent ratification of an act done
as agent, is equal to a prior authority. This proposition, however,
is not universally true. In the case of a tenant from year to year,
who has by law a right to a half-year's notice to quit, if such notice
be given by an agent without the authority of the landlord, the
tenant is not bound by it.'' Where, moreover, a person commits a
tortious act, — as, if he seize goods, claiming property in them him-
1 Tumman, 6 M. & Gr. 242 (46 B. C. L. R.) followed in Woollen
Wilson V. ;
(66 B. C. L. R.) ;
per Blackburn, J., Lord v. Lee, L. R. 3 Q. B. 408 ;
V. Lemoyne, 5 C. B. N. S. 530 (94 E. C. L. R.) ; Collett v. Foster, 2 H. & N
356, 361.
* Judgm., 2 Exch. 188.
the Crown ratifies an act, the character of the act becomes altered ;
for the ratification does not give the party injured the double
option of bringing his action against the agent who committed the
trespass, or the principal who ratified it ; but a remedy against the
Crown only."*
viz., Qui faeit per alium facit per se Respondeat superior and — —
Omnis ratihahitio retrotrahitur et mandato priori cequiparatw will —
often simultaneously claim attention from the practitioner, where a
state of facts involving the relation of principal and agent is placed
before him. It may well therefore be imagined, that the eff"ort
(2 Inst. 360.)
of the Legislature.^
We propose, in the next place, to consider the three following
species of obligations : viz., by record, by specialty, and by simple
contract; as to the first of which it will sufiice to say, that an ob-
hgation by record may clearly be discharged by a release under
seal;' and that a judgment or decree of the House of Lords can,
due regard being had to constitutional principles, only be reversed
or corrected by Act of Parliament.^
*In the case of a specialty, no rule of our common law r*Q7Q-i
is better established than that such a contract can, before
breach, only be discharged by an instrument of equal force f that
a subsequent parol, that is to say, written or verbal agreement, not
under seal, dispensing with or varying the time or mode of per-
Games, 3 H. & C. 299) Litt. 8. 507, and the commentary thereon Shep.
; ;
ton, 1 Q. B. 522 (41 E. C. L. R.) Rippinghall v. Lloyd, 5 B. & Ad. 742 (27
p. 282.
« See Cocks v. Nash, 9 Ring. 341 (23 E. C. L. R.); judgm., Doe d. Muston
V. Gladwin, 6 Q. B. 962 (51 E. C. L. R.).
^ See 2 M. & Gr. 751 (40 E. C. L. R.). A parol license could not be pleaded
as such in discharge of a covenant Rawlinson v. Clarke, 14 M. & W. 187,
: see
191, 192; Thames Haven Dock and R. C. v. Brymer, 5 Exch. 696; s c, 2
Exch. 549 Mutual Guarantee Co. v. Froane, 7 H. & N. 5, 14 Thames Iron
Works Co. V. Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., 13 C. B. N. S. 358, 376 (106 E.
C. L. R.).
< See Peytoe's Case, 9 Rep. 79 b.
' See Harris v. Goodwyn, 2 Scott N. R. 459 Gwynhe v. Davy, Id. 29.
' Spence v. Healoy, 8 Exch. 668, and cases there cited Id. 669, (6).
after the making of the bond in question, and before any of the
breaches of covenant alleged, the said M., and others as his sureties,
executed and delivered to the plaintiffs, and the plaintiffs accepted
and received from them, another bond " in full satisfaction and dis-
chage of" that declared upon, and of all covenants, &c., contained
therein. The bond thus alleged to have been given in lieu of that
declared upon was similar to it, save that the defendant was not
named therein as a surety. The Court held, that the plea thus put
on the record was clearly bad, because an accord and satisfaction
cannot be pleaded to an action upon a deed before breach,^ and
there was nothing in the second deed which could operate as a
release of that previously executed.
Again, where there has been a breach of a contract under seal,
and the damages are unliquidated, accord with satisfaction of the
damages resulting from such breach may be a good plea to an
^''tion on the specialty ; for this ^defence is by no means
equivalent to setting up a parol contract in contravention
of a prior contract by deed, the action being founded, not merely
on the deed and the subsequent wrong, which wrong is the cause of
action and for which damages are recoverable.^ "Nothing," how-
ever, "can discharge a covenant to pay on a certain day,
cited 1 Selw. N. P., 10th ed., 511. As to the plea of accord and satisfaction
in debt on bond before the day of payment, see Id. 541 in an action for ;
libel, Boosey v. Wood, H. & C. 484 and as
3 ; to the plea of solvit post diem
in an action, see Broom's Gom., 4th ed., 177.
' Blake's Case, 6 Rep. 43.
That, in order to relieve a party liable on a specialty, there
either be an agreement under seal to that express effect, or
an accord and satisfaction after breach, the damages being unliqui-
' Per Parke, B., Poole v. Tumbridge, 2 M. & W. 223, 226.
^ Judgm., Massey v. Jolmson, 1 Exch. 253.
" Judgm., Haldane v. Johnson, 8 Exch. 696.
* 3 E. & B. 83 (77 E. C. L. R.), with which compare Braddick v. Thompson,
8 East 344.
» See per Tindal, C. J., Harris v. Goodwyn, 2 Scott N. R. 466 ; s. c, 2 M. &
Gr. 405 (40 E. C. L. R.).
Exch. 839, 851.
^ See De Bernardy v. Harding, 8 Exch. 822.
^ 'Goldham u. Edwards, 17 C. B. 141 (84 E. C. L. R.). " It is a general
rule of law, that a simple contract may before breach be waived or discharged
without a deed and without consideration but after breach there can be no;
V. Dawher, 6 Exch. 851. See Harmer v. Steele, 4 Exch. 1, where the waiver
set up was before breach.
* See Eden v. Blake, 13 M. &, W. 614 (which presents a good illustration of
this rule) ; Abrey v. Crux, L. R. 5 C. P. 37 Laurie v. Scholefield, L. R. 4
Nicklin, 2 Exch. 93 ;
Shelton v. Livius, 2 Cr. & J. 411 Martin v. Pycroft, 2
Cr. M. & R. 422 per Bayley, J., Lewis v. Jones, 4 B. & C. 512 (10 E. C. L.
R.) per Lord Abinger, C. B., Allen v. Pink, 4 M. & W. 140, 144
Knapp v. ;
N. 76?.
But an equitable defence to an action is admissible only where it sets up
matter in respect of which a court of equity would have granted relief uncon-
ditionally : Flight V. Gray, supra.
1 Judgm., Goss Lord Nugent, 5 B. & Ad. 64, 65 (27 E. C. L. R.) Har-
V. ;
*Where a contract is required to be in writing by the
statute law, it clearly cannot be varied by any subsequent
verbal agreement between the parties ; for, if this were permitted,
the intention of the legislature would be altogether defeated.* A
1 D. 50. 17. 35. 2 cro. Car. 383.
' Judgm., 7 M. & W. 59. In Wood v. Leadbitter, 13 M. & W. 838, it was
held that a parol license to enter and remain for some time on the land of
another, even though money were paid for it, is revocable at any time, and
without paying back the money. In this case the law respecting the revoca-
tion of a license was much considered. See also Roffey v. Henderson, 17 Q.
B. 586 (79 B. 0. ; L. R.) Adams v. Andrews, 15 Q. B. 284 (69 E. C. L. R.)
Taplin v. Florence, 10 0. B. 744 (70 E. C. L. R.).
As to the proper mode of pleading a contemporaneous or subsequent agree-
ment, varying that entered into between the parties, see per Parke, B., Heath
V. Durant, 12 M. & W. 440, which was an action of assumpsit on a policy of
• With reference to the Statute of Frauds, see Goss v. Lord Nugent, 5 B. &
Ad. 58 (27 E. 0. R. R.) ; Caton v. Caton, L. R. 2 H. L. 127; per Maule, J.,
contract, for instance, falling within the operation of the 4th sec-
tion of the Statute of Frauds cannot be waived and abandoned in
part; for the object of the statute' was to exclude all oral evidence
as to contracts for the sale of land; and, therefore, any contract
sought to be enforced must be proved by writing only ;and if such
a contract could be verbally waived in part, the new contract be-
tween the parties would have to be proved partly by the former
written agreement, and partly by the new verbal agreement.^ And
this reasoning applies also to a contract for the sale of goods falling
same statute. Such
within the operation of the 17th section of the
by a subsequent verbal agree-
a contract cannot be varied or altered
ment. Where, therefore, a contract for the bargain and sale of
goods is made, stating a time for the delivery of them, an agree-
ment to substitute another day for that purpose must, in order to
be valid, be in writing.^
*A. entered into the service of B., as clerk, under a
written agreement, which specified the salary to be payable '- -
"at the following rates, viz., for the first year, 70Z. ; for the second,
90Z.; for the third, 110?.; for the fourth, 130Z. ; and 150Z. for the
fifth and following years that you may remain in my employment :"
it was held, that this agreement was one required by the Statute of
Frauds to be in writing, and that, there being a precise stipulation
for yearly payments, evidence was inadmissible to show, that, at or
after the date of the was verbally agreed between the
agreement, it
parties, that the salary should be paid quarterly. " This appears
to me," said Tindal, C. J., "to be a contract within the Statute of
Lastly, the maxim which has been here considered has been held
to apply in some cases which do not fall within the law of contracts :
[89 E. C. L. R.).
ns M. & W. 34, 38 ; Cooper v. Parker, 14 C. B. 118 (78 E. C. L. R.).
= Co. Litt. 212 b ;
per Parke, B., 15 M. & W. 34.
* Per Littledale, J., Rennell u. Bishop of Lincoln, 7 B. & C. 160 (14 E. C.
L. R.) ; s. c, 8 Bing. 490 (21 E. C. L. R.) ;
citing Fairchild v. Gaire, Yelv.
60; s. c, Cro. Jac. 65 ; 3 Burn Eccles. Law, 9th ed., 541.
— —
The laws assist those who are vigilant, not those who sleep over their rights^
Leather Cloth Co. v. American Leather Cloth Co., 11 H. L. Cas. 535 Spaok- ;
The maxim applies also where there has been undue delay in instituting a
suit for divorce on the ground of adultery 20 & 21 Vict. c. 85, s. 31 and
; ;
cases cited in Inderwick, Div. Acts, p. 27. See also Castleden v. Castleden,
4 Macq. Sc. App. Cas. 159.
« Doe d. Watson v. Jefferson, 2 Bing. 118, 125 (9 E. C. L. R.).
' See, for instance, Camidge v. Allenby, 6 B. & C. 373 (with which com-
field Union v. Greene, N. 884. The maxim supra, was applied, per
1 H. &'
Cas. 317.
894 broom's legal maxims.
accrued was allowed to bring his action at any time within ten years
after its removal ; and now, by stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 27, s. 2, no
person shall make an entry or distress, or bring an action to re-
cover any land or rent, but within twenty years next after the time
at which the right to make such entry or distress, or to bring such
action, shall have first accrued' to some person through whom he-
claims ; or, if such right shall not have accrued to any person
through whom he claims, then within twenty years next after the
time at which the right to make such entry or distress, or to bring
such action, shall have first accrued to the person making or
' In Wilson v. Braddyll, 9 Exoh. 718, 720, Pollock, C. B., observes, " Par-
ties are entitled to make a covenant, which shall operate as a
by agreement
release but they cannot enter into a covenant to the effect that a matter shall
be pleadable in bar which in point of law is no bar.'' Nor could two parties
agree that the Statute of Limitations should not be pleaded to a debt. Id.
Respecting the doctrine of adverse possession before the stat. 3 & 4 Will.
' See as to the operation of the above section, Manning v. Phelps, 10 Exch.
59, and cases there cited.
^ Sect. 17.
' See Dixon v. Iloldroyd, 7 E. & B. 903 (90 E. C. L. R.).
' An by a railway company for calls under the 8 & 9 Vict,
action of debt
c. 16, and the Company's Special Act, must be brought within twenty years
not recovered within the time prescribed, has been acquitted or re-
leased. Besides, a debtor ought not to be obliged to take care for
ever of the acquittances which prove a demand to be satisfied;
176, " applies in terms to actions at law only, though by analogy courts of
equity have adopted the provision ; but the 85th section of the Com. Law
Proc. Act, 1854, cannot alter the effect of the Statute of Limitations in Courts
of law."
See Harris v. Quine, L. R. 4 Q. B. 653.
See 3 &4 42 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97, ss. 10, 1 1.
Will. 4, c. 27, s. ;
3, c. 127, s. 5; 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 27, ss. 40, 41, 42; and 3 & 4
Will. 4, c. 42, s. 3, "shall be entitled to any time within which to
commence and sue such action or suit beyond the period so fixed
^°^' ^^^ same by the enactments aforesaid, *by reason only
of such person, or some one or more of such persons, being
at the time of such cause of action or suit accrued beyond the seas,
or in the cases in which by virtue of any of the aforesaid enact-
ments imprisonment is now a disability, by reason of such person
or some one or more of such persons being imprisoned at the time
of such cause of action or suit accrued."'
Also by the next ensuing section of the Act just cited^ it is
further enacted that, "where such cause of action or suit with re-
accrued, by reason only that some other one or more of such joint
debtors was or were at the time such cause of action accrued be-
yond the seas ; and such person or persons, so entitled as aforesaid,
shall not be barred from commencing and suing any action or suit
against the joint debtor or joint debtors who was or were beyond
seas at the time the cause of action or suit accrued after his or their
return from beyond seas, by reason only that judgment was already
recovered against any one or more of such joint debtors who was
not or were not beyond seas at the time aforesaid."
*The 14th section also provides in reference to the 21
-' Jac. 1, c. 16, s. 3, and 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 42, s. 3, that
L. R.), Lord Campbell, C. J., observes, that the above 10th section of the Act
prevents any action being commenced after the period has elapsed within
which the right to bring the action is limited by statute irrespective of the
circumstance that the plaintiff has been abroad or in prison. See Townsend
V. Deacon, 3 Bxch. 706.
19 & 20 Vict. c. 97, s. 11.
and in case for slander, two years. Where defendant caused dam-
age to the plaintiff's ancient house by working coal mines near to
it, the act having been done more than six years before the com-
mencement of the damage having occurred within
action, but the
that period, the Statute of Limitations was held to be no answer to
the action.* And to a plea *ofthe Statute of Limitations r^af\i)-\
in an action of trespass for taking coal from under the
plaintiff's land, a replication that the trespasses were fraudulently
concealed from the plaintiff till within the six years was not al-
Lastly, in connection with this part of the subject, it may be ob-
served, that "no judgment in any cause shall be reversed or avoided
for any error or defect therein, unless error be commenced or
brought and prosecuted with effect within six years after such judg-
WooUey, 8 E. & B. 778, 784 (92 E. C. L. R.) Flood v. Patter-
Jackson v. ;
' 21 Jac. », 3.
1, c. 16, 3 See Coventry v. Apsley, Salk. 420.
bring error be, " at the time of such title accrued, within the age
of twenty-one years, feme covert, non compos mentis, or beyond the
seas, then such person shall be at liberty to bring error as afore-
said, so as such person commences or brings and prosecutes the
same with effect, within six years after coming to or being of full
age, discovert, of sound memory, or shall return from beyond the seas;
and if the opposite party shall, at the time of the judgment signed
or entered of record, be beyond the seas, then error may be brought,
provided the proceedings be commenced and prosecuted with effect
within six years after the return of such party from beyond seas."^
It is not intended, nor would it be consistent with the plan of
this work, to consider, in detail, either from what period limitation
runs, or the mode in which a claim may be taken out of the opera-
when barred by any statute, may be revived
tion of the statute, or,
by a subsequent promise or acknowledgment. These subjects will
be found minutely treated of in works devoted to an exposition of
the law of real property, and of contracts and *mercantile
transactions. There, is, however, one maxim which natu-
rally suggests itself in this place, a'nd which is illustrated by those
provisions in the different statutes of limitations, which, in the case
of infancy and coverture, and others similar, suspend their opera-
tion until removal of such disability. The maxim alluded to is ex-
Bing. 748 (23 E. C. L. R.). See, also, Davies v. Humphreys, 6 M. & W. 153 ;
second, from the time when the event occurred.' Where, however,
the breach of contract, which, in assumpsit, is the gist of the action,^
occurred more than six years before the commencement of the pro-
ceedings, the statute" will afford a good defence, although the plain-
tiif did not discover the injury resulting from the breach, r^qn^-i
till within the six *years.^ So, in trover, the six years run
from the conversion, though it was not discovered at the time.''
of this clause of the Act, see Curlewis v. Lord Mornington, 7 E. & B. 283
(distinguishing Rhodes v. Smethurst, supra), judgm., Sturgis v. Darell, 4
H. & N. 629.
The personal representatives are, as a general rule, entitled to
®"® °° *^^ covenants broken in the lifetime of *the cove-
nantee ; as for rent then due, or for breach of covenant for
quiet enjoyment,^ or to discharge the land from encumbrances.^ A
distinction must, however, be remarked between a covenant running
with the land, and one purely collateral. In the former case,
where the formal breach has been in the ancestor's lifetime, but the
substantial damage has taken place since his death, the real and
not the personal representative is the proper plaintiff; whereas, in
the case of a covenant not running with the land, and intended not
to be limited to the life of the covenantee, as a covenant not to fell
'^^^ personal representative, moreover, may sue, not *only
for the recovery of all debts due to the deceased by specialty
B., Beckham v. Drake, 2 H. L. Cas. 596, 624 per Parke, J., Carr v. Roberts,
* Rioketts v. Weaver, 12 M. & W. 718, recognising Raymond v. Fitch,
supra. As covenant respecting
to a a, chattel, see per Parke, J., Doe d.
Rogers v. Rogers, 2 Nev. & Man. 555 ;—in an indenture of apprenticeship,
Baxter v. Burfleld, 2 Stra. 1266 ; Cooper, app., Simmons, resp., 7 H. & N
Wma. Saund. 112, n. (1) ; Edwards v. Grace, 2 M. & W. 190 Webb v. Cow-
executor might sue for the breach of contract, and recover damages
to the extent of the injury to the personal estate.'
The personal representatives, on the other hand, are liable, as
far as they have assets, on all the covenants and contracts of the
deceased broken in his lifetime,^ and likewise on such as are broken
after his death, for the due performance of which his skill or taste
was not required,' and which were not to be performed by the de-
ceased in person.* "The executors," observes Parke, B.,' "are
in truth contained in the person of the testator, with respect to all
^^® contracts, except indeed *in the case of a personal con-
tract, that is, a contract depending on personal skill, in
which is always implied the condition that the person is not pre-
vented by the act of God from completing the work. That condi-
tion is peculiar to personal contracts." The distinction must,
moreover, be noticed between a mere authority and a contract, the
former being revoked by death, whereas the latter is not determined
thereby, except as above mentioned.^
Further, the personal representatives are liable on a covenant by
deceased for their performance of a particular act, as for payment
of a sum of money ;^ for building a house left unfinished by the de-
ceased ;* or on his contract for the performance of work by the
plaintiff, before the completion of which he died, but which was
265, 276.
'Per Parke, B., Siboni «. Kirkman, 1 M. & W. 423; per Patteson, J.,
Wentworth v. Cock, 10 A. & E. 445, 446 (37 E. C. L. R.) Hopwood v. Wha-
ley, 6 C. B. 744 (60 E. C. L. R.) ; Bac. Abr. " Executors and Administrators;'
(P. 1) Com. Dig. "Administration," (B. 14).
debt of the deceased, were not admitted to wage their law, and,
consequently, were deprived of a legal defence which the deceased
himself might have made use of; but this reason did not apply to
assumpsit, which, therefore, might always have been brought.*
Now, however, by stat. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 42, s. 13, wager of law is
"^910 m 1 ...
enacted, that the executors, in such *cases, shall have an
action against the trespassers, m
. ,.,•
like manner as
whose executors they are should have had if they were living.'
This Act has always been expounded liberally f and, by virtue of
it, executors may maintain ejectment, quare impedit, trover,
or replevin, the conversion or taking having been in the testator's
lifetime.^ Case also lies by an executor against a sheriff for a false
return to a fi. fa. made in the lifetime of testator,^ or for an escape
on final process.* '
And here we may remind the reader that the right of an execu-
tor to the personal estate of the testator derived from the will,
and the property in the personal goods and chattels of the testator
is vested in him immediately upon the testator's death, and he is
Dig. " Administration " (B. 13) 1 Wms. Saund. 217 n. See Doe d. Stace v.
Notwithstanding, however, the statutory exceptions above noticed
to the general rule which was recognised by the common law, this
rule still applies where a tort is committed to a man's person,
feelings, or reputation, as for assault, libel, slander, or seduction of
his daughter: in such cases, no action lies at suit of the executors
or administrators, for they represent not so much the person as the
personal estate of the testator or intestate, of which they are in
law the assignees.*
Again, prior to the 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93, (amended by 27 & 28
Vict. c. 95,) an action was not maintainable against a person who,
These words have reference, " not to the nature of the loss or injury sus-
tained, but to the circumstances under which the bodily injury arose, and
the nature of the wrongful act, neglect, or default complained of:" thus, if
the deceased had by his own negligence materially contributed to the acci-
dent whereby he lost his life, inasmuch as he, if living, could not have main-
tained an action for damages, although there had been negligence on the part
of the defendant, an action would not lie under the statute Pym v. Great :
fore, affect the class of cases above mentioned, viz., where a tort is
' See, further, as to the operation of the above statute, Broom's Com., 4th
ed., 715 et seq.
" With reference to this statute, see Richmond v. Nicholson, 8 Scott 134
. Powell V. Rees, 7 A. & B. 426 (34 E. C. L. R.).
' ] Wms. Saund. 216, n. (1). See Bacon v. Smith, 1 Q. B. 348 (41 E. C. L.
R.). Where chattels, wrongfully in the possession of testator, continued
in specie in the hands of his executor, replevin or detinue would have been
maintainable to recover the specific goods; Bro. Abr., " Detinue,'' pi. 19 Le ;
Mason u. Dixon, Sir W. Jones, 173, 174. See Crossfieldu. Such, 8 Exch. 825.
* 1 Wms. Saund. Com. Dig., ^^Administration" (B. 15); 2
216, u. (1);
Inst. 382 ; Champneys, 4 Taunt. 884. By stats. 30 Car. 2, st. 1, c.
Ireland v.
7, and 4 & 5 Will. & M., c. 24, s. 12, the representatives of an executor or
administrator who has committed waste are rendered liable see 2 Wms. on :
C, observed, that if the case had been between subject and subject,
an action could not have been supported, upon the principle that
Actio personalis moritur cum persond : and, although it was con-
tended that a different rule prevails where the sovereign is a party,
that some authority should be adduced for such a distinction.^
For a tort committed to the person, it is clear, then, that at com-
mon law no action can be maintained against the personal represent-
atives of the tort-feasor, nor does the stat. 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93, as
amended by 27 & 28 95, supply any remedy against the
Vict. c.
son, 3 Exch. 558 ; "Warren v. Lugger, Id. 579 Bryan v. Clay, 1 E. & B. 38
(72 E. C. L. R.) ; Martin v. Roe, 7 B. & B. 237 (90 E. C. L. R.) Wise «. Met- ;
*CHAPTER X. [*917]
(where the custom alleged was designated, per Williams, J., as " uncertain,
indefinite, and absurd") Constable v. Nicholson, 14 C. B. N. S. 230 (108 E.
854; Wilson v. Willes, 7 East 121 Broadbent v. Wilkes, Willes 360 s. c. (in
; ;
error), 1 Wils. 63 (which also shows that a custom must be reasonable] with ;
this case compare Rogers v. Taylor, 1 H. & N. 706 Carlyon v. Lovering, Id. 784. ;
scent ; or, again, the custom of Kent, which is contrary to the law
of escheat.* Referring to a peculiar custom respecting the descent
of copyhold land in a manor, Cockburn, C. J., observes in a recent
case,^ that such "local customs are remnants of the older English
tenures, which, though generally superseded by the feudal tenures
introduced after the dominion of the Normans had become firmly
estabhshed, yet remained in many manors which
places, probably in
notice of the custom of borough English, and the nature of this custom need
not, therefore, be specially set forth in pleading. (Judgm., Doe d. Hamilton
V. Clift, 12 A. & E. 579 (40 E. C. L. R.)). The same remark applies to the
custom of gavelkind. (Co. Litt. 175 b.)
' See 2 Com. by Broom & Hadley 170.
^ Muggleton
v Barnett, 2 H. & N. 681
s. 'c, 1 Id. 282 ante, p. 461.
; ;
•Judgm., Tyson v. Smith (in error), 9 A. & E. 421 (36 E. C. L. R.) Co. ;
Litt. 33 b. See Lord Falmouth v. George, 5 Bing. 286, 293 (15 E. C. L. R.).
A custom for all the inhabitants of B., as such, to enter the close of the
plaintiff and take fish there without limit would be bad Lloyd v. Jones, 6 C. :
only to the lord.' So, a custom, that, the lord of the manor shall
have 3Z. for every pound-breach of any stranger,* or that the lord
of the manor may detain a distress taken upon his demesnes until
fine be made for the damage at the lord's will, is bad.° In these
and similar cases,' the customs themselves are held to be void, on
the ground of their having had no reasonable commencement, as —
being founded in wrong and usurpation, and not on the voluntary
consent of the people to whom they relate -^ for it is a true princi-
ple, that no custom can prevail against right, reason, or the law of
nature. The will of the people is the foundation of that custom,
which subsequently becomes binding on them ; but, if it be ground-
ed, not upon reason, but error, it is not the will of the people,'
Mousley ». Ludlam, 21 L. J. Q. B. 64; Dalby v. Hirst, 1 B. & B. 224.
In Cuthbert u. Gumming, 10 Exch. 809; s. c, 11 Exch. 405, a question
arose as to the reasonableness of an alleged usage of trade. See Grissell v.
Bristowe, L. R. 4 C. P. 36; Cropper v. Cook, L. R. 3 C. P. 194; Baines t).
Ewing, L. R. 1 Ex. 320.
^ The Marquis of Salisbury v. Gladstone, 9 H. L. Cas. 692 (cited ante,
461, and followed in Blewett, app., Jenkins, resp., 12 C. B. N. S. 16 (104 E. C.
L. R.)), is important with reference to the reasonableness of a custom et vide ;
the custom, and the revival would give it a new beginning, which
must necessarily be within time of memory, and consequently the
custom will be void. But this must be understood with regard to
an interruption of the right ; for an interruption of the possession
only, for ten or twenty years, will not destroy the custom. As, if
prove; but, *if the right be in any way discontinued for a r*Q9q-i
single day, the custom is quite at an end.^
212 4 Inst. 274, Hilton v. Earl Granville, 5 Q. B. 701 (48 E. C. L.
Liu. 8. ;
R.] (which isan important case with reference to the reasonableness of a mano-
rial custom or prescriptive right), commented on, but followed in Blackett v.
Bradley, 1 B. & S. 940, 954 (101 E. 0. L. R.). See also Rogers v. Taylor, 1
H. & N. 706 ;
Clayton v. Corby, 5 Q. B. 415 (48 E. C. L. R.) (where a pre-
scriptive right to dig clay was held unreasonable) cited, per Lord Denman,
are found consonant to reason and in harmony with the principles of law,
they have always been rejected as illegal ;''
judgm., Cox v. Mayor of London,
1 H. & C. 358 ; s. c, L. K. 2 H. L. 239.
^ See as to the proofs whence immemorial usage, or the legal origin of a
toll, may be presumed, Holford, app., George, resp., L. R. 3 Q. B. 639, 649,
650 ; Bryant v. Foot, Id. 497 Lawrence b. Hitch, Id. 521 Shepherd v. Payne,
; ;
Fifthly, the custom must have been peaceably enjoyed and acqui-
esced in, not subject to contention and dispute. For, as customs
owe their origin to common consent, their being immemorially dis-
puted, either at law or otherwise, is a proof that such consent was
Sixthly, a, custom, though established by consent, must, when es-
tablished, be compulsory, "and not left to the option of every man,
whether he will use it or no. Therefore a custom that all the in-
habitants shall be rated towards the maintenance of a bridge will be
good; but a custom that every man is to contribute thereto at his
own pleasure is idle and absurd, and indeed no custom at all."^
1 Com. by Broom & Hadley 69.
' Id. 73. 3
* judgm., 10 Q. B. 57 (59 E. C. L. R.) per Bayley, J., 2 B. & C. 839 (9
Id. ; ;
has been more frequently applied to them than to others ;' but it
may be stated generally, that where the words used by parties have,
by the known usage of trade, by any local custom, or amongst par-
ticular classes, acquired a peculiar sense, distinct from the popular
sense of the same words, their meaning may be ascertained by re-
R.) ;
per Lord Hardwicke, C, 1 Ves. sen. 459. See Startup v. Macdonald, 7
Scott N. R. 269 (where the question was respecting the reasonableness of the
time at which a tender of goods was made, in the absence of any usage of
trade on the subject) ; Ooddington v. Paleologo, L. R. 2 Ex. 193, 197.
Evidence of former transactions between the same parties is receivable for
the purpose of explaining the meaning of the terms used in their written
contract: Bourne v. Gatliff, 1 L CI. & Fin. 45.
See, further, Johnston v. Usborne, 11 A. & E. 549 (39 E. C. L. R.) Stewart ;
N. S. 691 (95 E. C, L. R.) ; Foster v. Mentor Life Ass. Co., 3 E. & B. 48 (77
E. C. L. R.).
may be admitted to show that a person whose name appears
Parol evidence
at thehead of an invoice as vendor, was not in fact a contracting party:
Holding V. Elliott, 5 H. & N. 117, or to show that there never was any con-
tract between the parties, Rogers v. Hadley, 2 II. & C. 227 Kempson v. ;
36; Maxted v. Paine, L. R. 4 Ex. 81, 203 Davis v. Haycock, L. R. 4 Ex. 373 ;
tiif 's brokers by the defendants, without djsclosing the name of their
r*Q9fi"i principal, who afterwards became insolvent, and *did not
accept the oil. In order to charge the defendants, proof
was given at the trial of a custom in the trade, that when a broker
purchased without disclosing the name of his principal, he was liable
not be doubted, in the present case, that in fact this contract was
made with the usage understood to be a term in it: to exclude the
usage is to exclude a material term of the contract, and must lead
to an unjust decision."'
Besides cases such as have been just considered, there is another
extensive class of decisions referred to in a former chapter,^ in which
evidence of usage is admitted to explain and construe ancient
grants or charters, or to support claims not incompatible therewith.'
For is there any difference in this respect between a private deed
and the king's charter :* in either case, evidence of *usage r^aQfin
may be given to expound the instrument, provided such
usage is not inconsistent with, or repugnant to, its express terms.'
So, theimmemorial existence of certain rights or exemptions, as a •
See, however, judgm.. Hall v. Janson, 4 E. & B. 510 (82 E. C. L. R.) judgm., ;
9 B. & C. 424, 435 (17 E. C. L. R.) Stammers v. Dixon, 7 East 200 per Lord
Brougham, C, A.-G. v. Brazen Nose Coll., 2 CI. & Fin. 317 per Tindal, C. ;
dence raising a presumption that the same course was adopted from
an earlier period, and so to prove contemporaneous usage and en-
joyment Such a deed may, therefore, be
at the date of the deed.
construed by evidence of the manner in which the subject to which
it refers has been possessed or used Optimus interpres rerum usus.^
[-^qq-i-i Lastly, evidence of usage is likewise admissible to aid *in
interpreting Acts of Parliament, the language of which is
Ante, p. 613.
Per Lord Wensleydale, "Waterpark v. Furnell, 7 H. L. Cas. 684 citing
Weld V. Hornby, 7 East 199 Duke of Beaufort v. Swansea, 3 Exch. 413 A.-
; ;
G. V. Parker, 1 Yes. 43 3 Atk. 576; per Lord St. Leonards, A,-G. v. Drum-
mond, 1 Dru. & W. 368. See the maxim as to contemporanea expositio ante, —
p. 682. As to construing the rubrics and canons see Martin v. Mackonochie,
L. R. 2 A. & E. 195.
' Vaughan R. 169 per Crowder, J., The Termoy Peerage, 5 H. L. Cas.
Almost all the injuries, it has been observed, which one individ-
ual may receive from another, and which Jay the foundation
of numberless actions, involve in them questions peculiar to the
trades and conditions of the parties; and, in these cases, the jury
must, according to the above maxim, attend to the witnesses, and
decide according to their number, professional skill, and means of
knowledge. Thus, in an action against a surgeon for ignorance,
the question may turn on a nice point of surgery. In an action
on a policy of life insurance, physicians must be examined. So,
for injuries to a millworked by running water, and occasioned by
the erection of another mill higher up the stream, mill-wrights and
engineers must be called as witnesses. In like manner, many ques-
tions respecting navigation arise, which must necessarily be
decided by a jury, as in the ordinary case of deviation on a policy
of marine insurance, of seaworthiness, or where one ship runs
down another at sea in consequence of bad steering.^
The Schooner Reeside, 2 Sumner (U. S.) R. 567.
^ Johnstone v. Sutton (in error), 1 T. K. 538, 539.
933 broom's legal maxims.
With respect to the admissibility in evidence of the opinion of a
medical man as to the state of mindi of a prisoner when on his trial
nation of the truth of the facts deposed to which it is for the jury
to decide, and the questions are mere questions upon a matter of
science, in Avhich case such evidence is admissible. But where the
facts admitted are not disputed, and the question becomes substan-
which they were not present; and the opinion of an artist is evi-
has been expressly decided that witnesses are not receivable to state
their views on matters of legal or moral obligation, nor on the man-
ner in which others would probably have been influenced if particu-
lar parties had acted in one way rather than another.^ For in-
stance, in an action on a policy of insurance, where a broker stated,
on cross-examination, that in his opinion certain letters ought to
have been disclosed, and that, if they had, the policy would not
have been underwritten : this was held to be mere opinion, and not
evidence.^ And, in like manner, it seems, notwithstanding some
' Phil. Ev., 10th ed., 522. So evidence as to the genuineness of hand-
writing given by a witness possessing the requisite experience and skill is
admissible, although little or no weight has, by many judges, been thought
to be due to testimony of this description. 2 Phil. Ev., 10th ed., 308 Doe d. ;
And now by stat. 17 & 18 Vict. c. 125, s. 27, it is enacted that " comparison of
a disputed writing with any writing ^roKed to the satisfaction of the judge to be
genuine shall be permitted to be made by witnesses and such writings, and the
evidence of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the Court and
jury as evidence of the genuineness, or otherwise, of the writing in dispute."
' Judgra., 5 B. & Ad. 846 (27 E. 0. L. R.). See also Greville v. Chapman,
6 Q. B. 731.
' Carter v. Boehm, 3 Burr.
1905, 1913, 1914 Campbell v. Rickards, 5 B.
; &
Ad. 840 (27 E. C. L. R.) with which compare Rickards v. Murdock, 10 B.
; &
935 bkoom's legal maxims.
cumstances.^ Thus, it has been said,^ that the time of sailing may
How far it is so, must essentially de-
be very material to the risk.
pend upon the nature and length of the voyage, the season of the
year, the prevalence of the winds, the conformation of the coasts,
the usages of trade as to navigation and touching and staying at
and other circumstances political
port, the objects of the enterprise,
and otherwise, which may retard or advance the general progress of
the voyage. The material ingredients of all such inquiries are
mixed up with nautical skill, information, and experience, and are
to be ascertained in part upon the testimony of maritime persons,
and are in no case judicially cognisable as matter of law. The ulti-
mate fact itself, which'is the test of materiality, that is, whether the
risk be increased so as to enhance the premium, is,' in many
'"*^®®' ^'^ inquiry dependent upon the judgment of under-
writers *and others who are conversant with the subject of
C. 257 (21 E. C. L. R.), and Chapman v. Walton, 10 Bing. 57. Upon the
above subject see 1 Arnould Mar. Ins., 2d ed., pp. 189 et seq.
1 Per Gibbs, C. J., Durrell v. Bederly, Holt N. P. C. 285 (3 E. C. L. R.).
2 3 Stark. Ev., 3d ed., 887, 888.
' Per Story, J., delivering judgment, M'Lanahan v. Universal Insurance
Co., 1 Peters (U. S.) R. 188.
' Thfi Sussex Peerage, 11 CI. & Fin. 85. See also Di Sora v. Phillipps, 10
H. L. Cas. 624 ;
per Lord Langdale, M. R., in Earl Nelson v. Lord Bridport,
8 Beav. Baron de Bode v. Reg., 8 Q. B. 208, 246, 250, et seq. (55 B. C.
527 ;
L. E.); The Perth Peerage, 2 H. L. Cas. 865, 874. "A long course of prac-
tice sanctioned by professional men, is often the best expositor of the law ;"
Kirkland v. Nisbet, 3 Maoq. So. App. Cas. 766.
2 Ante, p. 102.
' Wardour v. Berisford, 1 Vern. 452; s. c, Francis, M., p. 8. Sanson i'.
Rumsey, 2 Vern. 561, affords another illustration of the maxim. See also
Dalston v. Coatsworth, 1 P. Wms. 731 ; cited, per Sir S. Romilly, S.-G., arg.,
Lord Melville's Trial, 29 St. Tr. 1194 ; Gartside v. Ratcliff, 1 Chanc. Cas. 292.
* 1 Smith L. C, 6th ed., 323 ; 1 Vern. 19. The maxim likewise applies to
the spoliation of ship's papers : The Hunter, 1 Dods. Adm. R. 480, 486 ;
Emilie, 18 Jur. 703, 705.
5 3 Stark. Ev., 3d ed., 937.
cided that the devisee under the first will was entitled to the estate;
hut Lord Mansfield ohserved, that, in case the devisee under the
first will had destroyed the second, it would have been a good
ground for the jury to find a revocation.^
the duration of his term. And this direction was upheld by the
Court in banco, Maule, J., observing, that the plaintiff had the
means of showing the quantum of his interest, and that "the non-
production of the lease raised a presumption that the production of
it would do the plaintiff no good."
If indeed the evidence alleged to be withheld is shown to be un-
attainable, the presumption contra spoliatorem ceases, and the infe-
"*'''" ^^^'^^'^"^ ^* admissible. If, therefore, *a deed be in
the possession of the adverse party, and not produced, or if
to produce it, and he refuses to do so, the result is the same, for
the object is then unattainable by the party offering the secondary
The fabrication of evidence, we may further remark, is calculated
to raise a presumption against the party who has recourse to such
a practice, even stronger than when evidence has been suppressed
or withheld.
A considerable degree of caution should, nevertheless, be applied
in cases of this latter description, more especially in criminal pro-
ceedings,^ for experience shows that a weak but innocent man will
sometimes, when appearances are against him, have recourse to
falsehood and deception, for the purpose of manifesting his inno-
cence and ensuring his safety.^
All acts are presumed to have been rightly and regularly done.
supposeth the best beginning the law can give them."° And
again, "it is a maxim of the law of England to give effect to
every thing which appears to have been established for a considera-
ble course of time, and to presume that what has been done was
done of right, and not of wrong. "° This maxim applies as well
' Judgra., Doe d. Gilbert v. Ross, 7 M. & W. 121 ; Marston v. Downes, 1 A.
& E. 31 (28 E. C. L. R.) ; Cooke v. Tanswell, 8 Taunt. 450 (4 E. C. L. R.).
^ As to the maxim in such cases, see, per Mounteney, B., 17 Howell St. Tr.
1430; Norden's Case, Fost. C. L. 129.
' 1 Stark. Ev., 3d ed., 564, 565.
* Jenk. Cent. 185 Roberts v. Bethell, 12 C. B. 778 (74 E. C. L. R.), seems
' Per Pollock, C. B., 2 H. & N. 623 and in Price v. Worwood, 4 II. & N.
514, where the same learned judge observes, "The law will presume a state
of things to continue which is lawful in every respect ; but, if the continu-
ance is unlawful, it cannot be presumed."
943 •
beoom's legal maxims.
more than twenty years, with the knowledge of the lessor, was evi-
<56nce from which a jury might presume a license.^ Where,
indeed, a private right is in question, the *presumption
omnia riU essa acta may, as already stated, under various and
wholly dissimilar states of facts arise ex diuturnitate temporis. —
Thus, the enrolment of a deed may be presumed ; where there has
been a conveyance by lease and release, the existence of the lease
may be presumed on the production of the release; and livery of
seisin, the surrender of a copyhold estate, or a reconveyance from
the mortgagee to the mortgagor, may be presumed.'
Again, where acts are of an ofiScial nature, or require the concur-
rence of oflScial persons, a presumption arises in favor of their due
Co. Litt. 232; Van Omeron i;. Dowick, 2 Camp. 44; Doe d. Phillips i'.
& Ad. 550 (27 E. C. L. R.). See Reg. v. St. Paul, Covent Garden, 7 Q. B.
232 (53 E. C. L. R.) Reg. v. Justices of Warwickshire, 6 Q. B. 750 (51 E. C.
«D. 50. 17. 207; Co. Litt. 103 a; judgm., Magrath v. Hardy, 4 Bing. N". C.
796 (33 E. C. L. R.) per Alderson, B., Hopkins v. Francis, 13 M. & W. 670
A family Bible is in the nature of a record, and being produced from the
proper custody, is itself evidence of pedigrees entered in it : Hubbard v. Lees,
L. R. 1 Ex. 255,- 258.
not to. be deprived of its eifect unless it is clearly proved to the sat-
isfaction of the judge that wrong this decision is ; but he must con-
sider the whole circumstances together, and if he still feels satisfied
upon the whole of the case that the decision is wrong, he ought un-
doubtedly to overturn it; it is only to he considered a.s prirrd facie
right. The onvs probandi lies on the opposite party to show that
it is wrong, and, if he satisfies the conscience of the judge that it is
' Sutton V. Johnstone, 1 T. K. 503. See Luml.ey v. Gye, 3 E. & B. 114 (77
E. C. L. R.)-
2 Per Bayley,
J., Lyttleton v. Cross, 3 B. & C. 327 (10 E. C. L. R.) Reg. ;
app., Beck, resp., 8 Exch. 400; Doe d. Tatum v. Catomore, ]6 Q. B. 745, 747
(71 E. C. L. R.), with which compare Doe d. Shallcross v. Palmer, Id. 747.
See Trott v. Trott, 29 L. J., P., M. & A. 156.
' Per Lord Brougham, McGregor v. Topham, 3 H. L. Cas. 147, 148 per ;
787, 788 {80 E. C. L. B.). And see Reg. v. Manwaring, Dearsl. & B. 132,
144 ;
ante, p. 507, n. 5.
* Per Lord Brougham, 2 H. L. Cas. 373 Lord Lyndhurst, Mor. ;
citing per
ris V. Davies, 5 CI. & P. 265. See Lapsley
1 II. L. Cas. 498 The v. Grierson, ;
Saye and Sele Peerage, Id. .507 per Erie, J., Walton v. Gavin, 16 Q. B. 58
' The Braye Peerage, 6 CI, & Pin. 757 ;
The Vaux Peerage, 5 CI. & Fin.
obligation, it has, indeed, been *said,° lies upon a court of
justice than that of supporting long continued enjoyment
by every legal means, and by every reasonable presumption this ;
where a fee has been received for a great length of time, the right
to which could have had a legal origin, it may and ought to be as-
legal memory, that is, from the reign of Richard I. to the present
time, unless the contrary is proved."'
required to do an act, the not doing of which would make him guilty
of a criminal neglect of duty, it shall be intended that he has duly
performed it unless the contrary be shown stahit prcesumptio donee
probetur in contrarium ;^ negative evidence rebuts this presumption,
that all has been duly performed.' Thus, on an indictment for the
non-repair of a road, the presumption, that an award, in relief of
the defendants, was duly made according to the directions of an
inclosure *Act, may be rebutted by proof of repairs subse-
quently done to the road by the defendants ; for, if the fact ^ -'
= Max. 712 Hob. R. 297 per Sir W. Scott, 1 Dods. Adm. R. 266
"Wing. ;
; ;
Davenport u. Mason, 15 Mass. (U. S.) R., 2d ed., 87. "It seems reasonable
that presumption which is not founded on the basis of certainty, should yield
to evidence which is the test of truth." Id.
' Per Lord EUenborough, C. J., R. v. Haslingfleld, 2 M. & S.
561 recog- ;
" Reg. V. Silkstone, 2 Q. B. 520 (42 E. C. L. R.), and cases cited, Id. p. 729,
note [p).
atnine, and may control, the inferior court, must be enabled, some-
how or other, to see that there is jurisdiction such as will support
the proceeding ; but in what way it shall so see it is not material,
provided it does so see it.' The rule, therefore, may be stated to
be, that, where it appears upon the face of the proceedings that the
inferior court has jurisdiction, it will be intended that the proceed-
ings are regular f but that, unless it so appears, — that is, if it
1 Stark. Evid., 3d ed., 58, 59, from which valuable work many of the
remarks appended to the above maxim have been extracted. See Armstrong
Normandy, 5 Exch. 409 Keg. v. Ambergate, &c., B. C, 1 E. & B. 372, 381
i,. ;
ten., 7 Scott N. B. 141 ; Doe d. Bacon v. Brydges, Id. 333 Lord Trimlestown
V. Kemmis, 9 01. & Fin. 781, cited Boileau v. Butlin, 2 Exch. 665, 667. The
general rule stated in the text has, however, been departed from in certain
cases for instance, in questions relating to manorial rights, public rights of
fact, and the *judgment of the Court upon facts found,
although evidence against the parties and all claiming under
them, are not, in general, to be used to the prejudice of strangers.^
As between the parties to the original suit, it will be merely
necessary to observe, that the judgment of a court of concurrent
jurisdiction directly upon the point is as a plea, a bar, or as evi-
dence, conclusive, between the same parties upon the same matter
directly in question in another court.^ But, where the judgment
of a court of competent jurisdiction has been pronounced in rem,
and has actually operated upon the status of a particular thing, it
743. As to the weight due to, and efficacy of a foreign judgment, see 2
Smith L. C, 6th ed., pp. 725 et seq.
* 1 Stark. Evid., 3d ed., 61, 62 ;Pim v. Currell, 6 M. & W. 234.
See Cammell v. Sewell, 5 H. & N. 728 ; s. c, 3 Id. 617, which was finally
decided, however, by reference to the lex loci contractus.
that purpose, since it must be presumed that the court has made a
faithful record of its own proceedings. Moreover, the mere fact
that such a judgment was given can never be considered as res
inter alios acta, being a thing done by public authority neither ;
Having thus noticed that the general rule as to res inter alios
acta is not applicable, first, where a judgment is in rem, and,
credit' was given to A., by -whom they were built under a contract,
and not to the defendant. A., who had become a bankrupt since
the railing was furnished, was called as a witness for the defendant,
and having stated that the order was given by him, he was asked
what was the state of the account between himself and the defend-
ant in reference to the building of the houses at the time of his
bankruptcy. To this question *A.'s reply was, that the r^ofjQ-i
defendant had overpaid him by 350Z. On the part of the
plaintiff it was insisted that the state of the account between A.
and the defendant was not admissible in evidence; that it was res
inter alios acta; and that the inquiry was calculated improperly to
influence the jury. It was held, however, by the Court in banc,
that the evidence was properly received and Erie, J., remarked,
would fall within the description of res inter alios acta ; but, if it
that the work for which the charge was made was actually done. (See Doe
d. Gallop V. Vowles, 1 M. & Rob. 261.) Moreover, it will not be a valid objec-
tion to the admissibility of an entry, that it purports to charge the deceased,
and afterwards to discharge him for such an objection would go to the very
root of this sort of evidence. (Per Lord Tenterden, C. J., Rowe v. Brenton,
3 Man. & Ry. 267.) In The Sussex Peerage, 11 CI. & Fin. 112, Lord Brough-
am remarks that, " The law in Higham v. Ridgway has been carried far
enough, although not too far." It is applied in Reg. v. Overseers of Bir-
mingham, 1 B. &,S. 763 (101 E. C. L. R.), (where a declaration was against
th6 proprietary interest of the party making it), with which ace. Reg. v. Exe-
ter, L. R. 4 Q. B. 341, 345.
first entry that the defendant had received the 100?.; and, by the
second, he could have shown that the object for which the money
was placed in defendant's hands had not been attained. Conse-
quently, the declaration might be considered as the entry of a fact
within the knowledge of the deceased, which rendered him subject
to a pecuniary demand.* And, generally, it may be observed, that
the rule as to res inter alios acta does not apply to exclude entries
made by receivers, stewards, and other agents *charging
themselves with the receipt of money; such entries being L J
that a person who has parted with his interest in property cannot
be. allowed to divest the right of another claiming under him by
any statement which he may choose to make ;' and, therefore, the
declarations of a person who had conveyed away his interest in an
by a person (since *deceased) who had no
*'"® °^ business,
interest to mis-state what had occurred. The case^ usually
referred to as establishing the above rule, was an action brought by
the plaintiff, who was a brewer, against the Earl of Torrington, for
beer sold and delivere4 and the evidence given to charge the de-
fendant showed, that the usual way of the plaintiff's dealing was, that
the drayman came every night to the clerk of the brewhouse, and
gave him an account of the beer they had delivered out, which he
set down in a book kept for that purpose, to which the draymen
signed. their names; and that the drayman was dead whose name
appeared signed to an entry stating the delivery of the beer
in question. This was held to be good evidence of a delivery.
In another important case on this subject, at the trial of an action
of ejectment, it was proved to be the usual course of practice in an
attorney's ofiBce for the clerks to serve notices to quit on tenants,
and to indorse on duplicates of such notices the fact and time of
service; that, on one occasion, the attorney himself prepared a
notice to serve on a tenant, took it out with him, together with two
others, prepared at the same time, and returned to his office in the
evening, having indorsed on the duplicate of each notice a memo-
randum of his having delivered it to the tenant; and two of the
notices were proved to have been delivered by him on that occasion.
The indorsements so made were held admissible, after the attorney's
death, to prove the service of the third notice.'
Doe d. Sweetland v. "Webber, A. & E. 733 (28 E. 0. L. R.). As to
declarations against interest, see also The Sussex Peerage, 11 CI. & Fin. 85 ;
Smith Blakey, L. R. 2 Q.
V. B. 326 per Lord Denman, C. J., Davis v. Lloyd,
= Doe d. Patteshall v. Turford, 3 B. & Ad. 890 (23 E. C. L. R.) ; cited, per
Sir J. Romilly, M. R., Bright v. Legerton, 29 L. J.,
Chanc, 852, 854 Stapyl- ;
6 Exch. 601. See Doe d. Padwiok v. Skinner, 3 Exch. 84 ; Reg. v. St. Mary,
Warwick, 1 E. <fc B. 816, 820, 825 (72 E. C. L. R.) ; Reg. v. Inhabs. of Worth,
4 Q. B. 132 (45 E. C. L. R.). See also Poole v. Dicas, 1 Bing. N. C. 649 (27
E. C. L. R.).
' Chambers v. Bernasconi (in error), 1 C, M. & R. 347 per Blackburn,
Smith V. Blakey, L. R. 2 Q. B. 332; per Parke, J., 3 B. &.Ad. 897, 898 (23
E. C. L. R.)
per Pollock, C. B., Milne v. Leister, 7 II. & N. 795.
' See Ford «. Elliott, 4 Exch. 78 ;
per Pollock, C. B., Milne v. Leister, 7 H.
& N. 796. '
at the time and it was further observed, that this was not only
good evidence, but the best evidence which the nature of the case
So, where a bankrupt has done an equivocal act, his declarations
accompanying the act have been held admissible to explain his in-
tentions and, in order to render them so, it is not requisite that
So, in cases of treason and conspiracy, it is an established rule,
consider, whether the rule scribere est agere applies,^ or whether the
evidence in question is merely the narrative of some third party of
a particular occurrence, and therefore, in its nature hearsay, and
original evidence.
The substance of the preceding remarks, showing the more im-
portant limitations of the general rule, Res inter alios acta aUeri
nocere non debet, may be thus stated in the words of a learned
judge :
— One great principle in the law of evidence is, that all such
facts as have not been admitted by the party against whom they
are offered, or some one under whom he claims, ought to be proved
under the sanction of an oath, (or its statutory equivalent,) either
on the trial of the issue, or some other issue involving the same
question, between the same parties, or those to whom they are
privy. To this rule certain exceptions have been recognised, some
from very early times, on the ground of necessity or convenience
1Aveson v. Lord Kinnaird, 6 East 188 1 Phill. Evid., 10th ed., 149.
' Per Bayley, J., Watson's Case, 32 Howell St. Tr. 7 ; Reg. v. Blake, 6 Q.
B. 126 (51 E. C. L. R.).
*Anie, p. 312.
' Per Parke, B., 7 A. & E. 384, 385 (34 E. C. L. R.). For additional
information as to the maxim respecting res inter alios acta, the reader is
Lewis, 12 C. B. N. S. 249.
As to interrogatories tending to criminate, see Edmunds v. Greenwood, L.
R. 4 C. P. 70 Villehoisnet v. Tobin, Id. 184.
party interrogated ceases, the privilecre will cease also ;' as if the
prosecution to which the witness might be exposed or his liability to
a penalty or forfeiture *is barred by lapse of time, or if
the offence has been pardoned or the penalty or forfeiture '- -^
The rule Nemo tenetur sevpsum aocusare, which has been desig-
nated' "a maxim of our law as settled, as important and as wise as
almost any other in it," is, however, sometimes trenched upon, and
the privilege which it confers is in special cases abrogated.^ And
the legislature will sometimes on grounds of policy extend indem-
nity — partial or entire — to a witness whose privilege is taken away°
or not insisted on ; thus by the 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96 ("An Act to
consolidate and amend the statute law of England and Ireland re-
lating to larceny and other similar offences") it is enacted (s. 85),
that nothing ia any of the preceding ten sections of that Act con-
tained which relate to frauds by agents, bankers, and factors, "•shall
enable or entitle any person to refuse to make a full and complete
discovery by answer to any bill in equity, or to answer any question
or interrogatory in any civil proceeding in any court or upon the
hearing of any matter in bankruptcy or insolvency ; and no person
shall be liable to be convicted of any of the misdemeanors in any
of the said sections mentioned by any evidence whatever in respect
of any act done by him, if he shall at any time previously to his
' Wigr. on Discovery, 2d ed., p. 83, where the equity cases upon the point
supra, are collected.
^ See Ex parte Fernandez, and Reg. v. Boyes, ante, 967, n. 5, and 968, n. 1.
' Per Coleridge, J., Dearsl. & B. 61.
* It was held by a majority of the Court of Criminal Appeal, that the
examination of a bankrupt taken under the repealed statute 12 & 13 Vict. c.
which any party aggrieved by any ofifence against any of the said
sections might have had, if this Act had not been passed ; but no
conviction of any such oifender shall be received in evidence in
any action at law, or suit in equity against him, and nothing in the
said sections contained shall aifect or prejudice any agreement en-
tered into or security given by any trustee having for its object the
restoration or repayment of any trust property misappropriated."
The disclosure of any such illegal act as above j-eferred to, in
order to be available as a protection, must have been made bond
fide, and must not have been a mere voluntary statement, made for
the express purpose of screening the person making it from the
penal consequences of his act.^
Lastly, in Reg. v. Gillyard,' the facts were as under :
— a malt-
But the conviction nevertheless, was quashed as being " a fraud and
mockery, the result of conspiracy and subornation of perjury,"
Having thus briefly touched upon some few rules relating chiefly
to the admissibility of evidence, and having considerably exceeded
the limits originally prescribed to myself, I now feel compelled re-
luctantly to take leave of the reader, trusting that, however slight
or disproportioned this attempt to illustrate our legal maxims may
appear, when compared with the extent and importance *of r*q7q-i
the subject, I have yet, in the language of Lord Bacon,
applied myself, not to that which might seem most for the ostenta-
tion of mine own wit or knowledge, but to that which might yield
most use and profit to the student and have affbrded some mate-
on attainder, 166.
redress by court of, 91. «'^''T'
limitation of time for writ o f, 902.
ESCAPE. See Sheriff.
de son tort, 216, 279.
may sue for breach of covenant in
testator's lifetime, 904.
on what contracts he
may sue, 905,
M GAVELKIND, 495. ,,--,.
GRANT. See Deed. ^'*/'
'^I'-'-j iM^ /»X) THE Curtesy.
some acts relating to, 805. in favor of title, 943, 944. 'H'^^ftt-
right of actioH by, iTL i j/ law of, 356.
debt for,
unaer^^Tiule, 194. veat Emptoe, Contract, Lien, Mas-
PERSONA CONJUNGTA, 533. ter AND Servant.
PETITION OP RIGHT, right of set off, 161.
remedy by, for wrong occasioned by adoption of contract, 708.
the Crown, 59, 61. general rule, qui facit per alium facit
or its servants, 62. per se, 817.
Crown may plead and demur to, 73. payment to by agent, 818, 820.
when it will not lie, 60. delivery of goods to carrier, 820.
PHYSICIAN, agency for sale of goods, 821.
whether he can sue for fees, 746, u. del credere, 822.
PLEADING. See Estoppel. liability of agent, 818, 823, 826.
effect of pleading over, 136, 601. co-partnership, 827, 828.
ambiguity in, 601. railway companies, 830.
surplusage in, 627, n., 628.' agency how constituted, 832.
certainty in, 187. husband, 836.
apices juris, ib. sheriff, 837.
ambiguous, shall be taken fortius con- master of ship, 836.
tra proferentem, 601. ratification of agent's act, 868, 871.
cured by pleading over, ib. in actions of tort, 8T2.
of proviso, 677. agent cannot delegate his authority,
effect of videlicet in, 628, u. 839.
POLICY OF INSURANCE, except in certain cases, 841.
revival of, 261. liability of master for tort by servant,
Court will consolidate several actions 843.
on the same, 346. exceptions, where the tort is wil-
on a life, whether avoided by suicide ful, 848.
of assured, 315. public functionaries, 863.
interpretation of, 553. servants of the Crown, 865, 866.
effect of warranty in reference to, 789. criminal law, 865, n.
concealment in reference to, 792. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY.
whether affected by conduct of mas- surety, when released, 703, 704.
ter and crew, 845. PRIVATE ACT,
how vitiated, 792. how construed, 8, 604.
evidence in action on, 934r936fl ^
rule as to, 532. <J:^*f^'t*'''^ what are, 318-323.
POWER, 'ii^b^-T^^^ PRIVITY, 754, 755, 817 n.
execution of, 558. "' PROCESS
by will, 558, 655. cannot be served on Sunday, 22.
of power to lease 700, mistaken serving of, whether action-
PRACTICE, able, 198.
necessity of adhering to rules of, 133 PROMISSORY NOTE. See Negotia-
135. ble Instrument.
prior tempore portior jure, 353. is assignable, 476.
988 INDEX.
^l.,c:^'tfe!^ /.
passes by grant of reversion, 493. ^'y'^^d-lt
by the Crown, where preferment has RES JUDICATA, I
c. 20 447, n. ;
5 & 6 Ed. 6, c. 16; 743. 52; 972. c.
2 P. & M. c. 7; 806, u. 9 Geo. 14; 41, 838.
4, c.
13 Eliz. t. 4; 70, n. c. 91 521, n. ;
c. 6; 144. 922, n.
1 Jac. 1, c. 21 805. ; t. 100; 684.
21 Jac. 1, c. 3; 362. 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 2 281. ;
9 &
10 Vict. c. 9.3 210, 912, 915.
; c 102 665, n.
stand, 135.
Judge, Limitation, Misdemeanor,
Pleading, Sheriff.
TUR, 673. ^ f-^ / „
whether it lies against disseisor, or
against his grantee, 128.
VERDICT, Irx^^ "-^y^ P^ f^^
aider by, 181. ? ^7i ljfIi^^uA,0^
by relation, ib.
for taking goods of wrong party, 133.
presumption as to, 945. t-*-"^^^ n J--