A Framework For Intelligent Sensor Network With Video Camera For Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
A Framework For Intelligent Sensor Network With Video Camera For Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
A Framework For Intelligent Sensor Network With Video Camera For Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops)
0-7695-2300-5/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
x System becomes more fault-tolerant. In case of a many different areas. Due to the limitation of the
partial system failure the rest of the system is resources available on the WSN nodes, only the
capable of performing its task independently. applications that have low sampling rates and energy
x Overall system response time improves due to requirements have been reported. The examples of
anomaly detection through data processing on the these applications are habitat monitoring [3], product
nodes instead of central base station. quality monitoring through atmosphere control [2]. On
the other hand, the data rate is much higher in SHM
WSN based framework does not come only with application. Some researchers have developed new
the advantages, there are some limitations that have to platforms to overcome the limitations of sensor node
be considered and further evaluated. hardware [4, 5].
x Processing power & communication bandwidth In the area of WSN, researchers have been
available on the nodes are very limited. working on the services that are required in most of
x Each node has restricted battery life that has to be the applications. Time synchronization between the
preserved by efficient consumption. nodes of the network is one such service. Data from
x A multi-hop protocol is to be established for different sensor nodes can be accurately synchronized
communicating with the central base station. if a good time synchronization service is functional.
Ganeriwal et al. [9] propose a hierarchical approach for
Along with these, there are some other drawbacks time synchronization among nodes. It is called
in the use of WSN based system for SHM Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN).
applications. The research continues to address these Similarly, there are other key issues related to system
problems and to make WSN based solution more deployment and operation. These are discussed in [6].
robust and reliable for this domain. The system has to The research community in SHM has been in the
perform the regular sensing operation not only under process of evaluating and exploring the features of
the normal circumstances but also during extreme monitoring systems with WSN. We are mainly
weather and environmental conditions as well as after interested in addressing real life problems using novel
hazards occur. Another very important consideration is technologies within context of a complete SHM
the maintenance cycle span and overall life of the system as discussed in [10].
system. As part of this effort, first, we would like to
In this paper, we propose the basic characteristics address the issue of efficiently handling large amount
of an efficient framework that can be employed to of vibration data on resource-constrained WSN. In this
perform SHM for bridges. We use a WSN (MICA paper, we propose techniques that improve data traffic
motes [1]) that exploits the distributed processing on the network. At the same time, we emphasize the
available on its nodes. Distributed data interpretation usefulness of the proposed framework for interpreting
is used to intelligently detect local data trends (events) data to trigger certain events related to the data trend.
instead of just sending raw data to the base station in a Another novel contribution of this study will be the
dumb fashion. Examples of these events are “normal integration of video processing unit that enhances the
vibration detected”, “abnormal vibration detected” or capability of the SHM. Autonomous camera control
“large structure tilt detected”. Using this technique we and data synchronization between the video and sensor
can also reduce network traffic and improve the data are the key features of our framework.
battery life of the WSN. When a critical event is
detected on the bridge, we can prompt a video camera 3. Proposed system architecture
to pan/tilt/zoom into the local area and monitor
activity. Camera is attached to a video processing 3.1 Apparatus
module that can provide video frames of the area of
interest, synchronized with other sensor data. This way For testing and evaluation, MICA series motes
we can improve the conventional SHM system have been used for this study. This platform is
utilizing new technology. This framework has been equipped with Atmel’s microcontroller running on
tested in the laboratory environment. 8MHz, 868/916 MHz multi-channel RF transceiver
with effective data rate of 4-10Kbps, 512KB of serial
2. Related work flash memory for data storage and can run up to one
year on AA Batteries (using sleep modes) [1]. A
The area of WSN has greatly benefited from the sensor board, with different sensors, is attached to the
research carried out towards Smart Dust by Pister et main mote. Acceleration and temperature sensors are
al. [12]. The application of WSN has been shown in used in this framework. TinyOS, a component based
Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops)
0-7695-2300-5/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
operating system, runs on motes [7]. Information message to the GMs in range and confirms their
about these motes shows that they have limited availability. In case of an absent GM, it takes its
computing resources available. Motes build a network responsibilities in the cluster and tries to continue the
and send data to the base station. It records this data normal operations.
into a local data store and also transmits to a remote
observatory through wireless internet access. Figure 1
illustrates the point.
Base Station
Local Database
Figure 1. Apparatus deployment on the bridge
Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops)
0-7695-2300-5/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
The data from different sensors has to be synchronized assumed that we are not interested in any vibration
precisely. A scheme proposed by Ganeriwal et al. [9] readings below TL, therefore, we can reduce the
works fairly well for this application. sampling frequency but we do not want to go too low
so as to miss high frequency data in the start. We have
4.2 Event detection used values close to 80Hz for the Passive Mode
sampling frequency.
WSN can start sensing operation once the initial Once a SENSE_EVENT has been detected by the
setup services have completed. The sampling rate of sensing SM in a cluster, it sends the message in its
the temperature data is very low and only one mote cluster to the other SMs to switch to wakeup mode and
from a cluster has to send the temperature once after start sensing at a higher frequency (we used 150Hz).
every 5 minutes. On the other hand, the accelerometer All the SMs in that cluster switch to Active Mode
measures vibration and can also be used for tilt now. They remain in Active Mode for a limited time
detection. The sampling frequency on accelerometer but before going back to Passive Mode the mean shift
may be over 100Hz for SHM applications depending value will be checked and the decision will be taken
on the frequency band of interest. If all the SMs in the accordingly. During the Active Mode SMs use local
network sense simultaneously at this rate, we will have flash to store the data and start sending the data to the
too large a data to handle efficiently. local GM during the allotted time slice. Figure 3
We propose an event detection technique that also shows single and two mote case of SENS_EVENT
helps in reducing unnecessary network traffic. We and change in mode is depicted through color coding.
assume that vibration data is unnecessary if the
activity metric value is below a low threshold (TL)
value. We have used mean shift vector as the activity
M ( P ) 1 / n x ¦ ( xi P o )
i 1
Po is initial mean value, nx is the number
of data points and i is one data point. In our
experiments, we have used 15 for n x and 10 for TL but
these are parameters that can be manually tweaked to
suite noise conditions or user preference. The values a.
can also be changed on run-time throughout the
network. According to the tests, this metric performs
reasonably well in the lab setup. Figure 3.a shows the
vibration data from one sensor.
Using above mentioned method we detect two
events in the vibration data.
x First one is “normal vibration detected”.
SENSE_EVENT label is assigned to this event,
which is triggered when mean shift vector
magnitude is higher threshold value of TL. (See
Figure 3).
x Second one is “abnormal vibration detected”.
CAMERA_EVENT label is used for this event,
shows that mean shift value is higher than another b.
threshold TH. We have used TH = 25 in our Figure 3. Vibration detection (Time vs. Sensor reading)
a. Single mote data: The color change from green to red
experiments. depicts that mean shift exceeded the threshold value TL = 10.
b. Two time synchronized motes. SENSE_EVENT detected
During the normal mode of operation, with no simultaneously and the change is color coded.
vibrations in a cluster, the SMs are in Passive Mode.
Only one SM is performing sensing and others are in CAMERA_EVENT is triggered when the activity
sleep mode. This SM uses a lower sampling frequency metric is higher than some threshold value TH. It
for conservation of the battery life. Since we had means that there is significant vibration in that section,
Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops)
0-7695-2300-5/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
therefore, it should be visually observed. This event system. To further enhance the efficiency of this
message is passed to the base station through the system domain specific data compression on the nodes
intermediate GMs, then the base station uses the could be helpful.
location information about the sending mote and Many factors affect the performance of a SHM
requests camera to pan/tilt/zoom into the system. This includes environmental conditions, which
corresponding section of the bridge. A controller at a have to be observed in a real-life outdoor scenario
remote location can look at the live video if he/she over a longer period of time. It also remains to be seen
wishes; otherwise the video clip related to an activity that how well these algorithms perform in real-world
can be recorded into the database. Since we have the situation with problems like node failures, complex
data about the SM that triggered this event, we can civil structures, extreme weather conditions etc. Only
synchronize this data with the video frames. Figure 4 then a complete transition from the conventional SHM
shows a camera overlooking the structure being used to the WSN based SHM can be made.
in the lab. We have tested the triggering of a video camera
using event detection on mote data. Another
possibility is doing the reverse of this, i.e. triggering
sensors in an area if unusual activity is observed in the
video. There is interesting work in computer vision
community for activity recognition and detection of
abnormal activities in videos [11]. For example, the
normal activity on a bridge is the traffic in a
continuous flow but if there is a heavy truck broken
down on the bridge that will be abnormal activity.
This might induce heavy loading of the bridge
structure which could affect its health. We will further
Data Acquisition System evaluate system trigger based on real time processed
streaming video data.
6. References
Figure 4. Lab setup (in parallel with
conventional sensors)
[1] Crossbow Technology Inc. (http://www.xbow.com)
[2] Wireless Vineyard (www.intel.com/labs/features/ rs01031.htm)
4.3 Optimization techniques
[3] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J.
Anderson, “WSNs for habitat monitoring”, WSNA '02, ACM, 2002.
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[5] J. P. Lynch, A. Sundararajanb, K. H. Law, H. Sohn and C. R.
among the local SMs in a round-robin manner. Farrar, “Design of a Wireless Active Sensing Unit for Structural
x To reduce the amount of data being transmitted, a Health Monitoring”, International Symposium on Smart Structures
packet of data gets a common time-stamp instead and Materials, San Diego, CA, 2004.
of individual one’s for each data values. [6] S Sundresh, G. Agha, Ki. Mechitov, W. Y. Kim, and Y. Kwon,
Timestamp for individual data values can be “Coordination Services for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Intl.
recovered on the base station using the current Workshop on Advanced Sensors, SHM and Smart Structures, 2003.
sampling frequency information. [7] TinyOS (http://www.tinyos.net)
x Each value of accelerometer data is in 10-bit [8] A. Kottapalli, A. S. Kiremidjian, J. P. Lynch, E. C., T. W.
digital form. By default the TinyOS component Kenny, K. H. Law, Y. Lei, “Two-tiered wireless sensor network
returns this data in a 16-bit variable and about architecture for structural health monitoring”, Proc. SPIE Smart
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37.5% of the bit-space is wasted. We recover this
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and then unpacking on the receiving end.
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5. Conclusion
[11] I. Junejo, O. Javed, M. Shah, “Multi Feature Path Modeling for
Video Surveillance”, ICPR, 2004.
Experiments show that effective distributed
processing can enhance the effectiveness of the SHM
Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops)
0-7695-2300-5/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE