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Our phonics sample lesson is filled with fully annotated information - lesson plans,
detailed teacher’s notes and photocopiable worksheets and resources - to show you
just how easy (and fantastically fun) it is to use Jolly Phonics; the world-famous, multi-
sensory phonics programme proven in boosting children’s reading and writing skills!

This sample lesson focuses on our three key

• The Phonics Handbook (photocopiable resource)
• Phonics Teacher’s and Pupil Books (write-in books)
• Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard (software)

Each of these resources teach the same content,

providing structured daily lesson plans and detailed
teacher notes for 1 year of learning. They are designed
to provide alternative options, so teachers can choose
which is most appropriate for their class.
sson plan for lett
We’ve also included information about several of our le e


supplemental resources which, used alongside our key oun


resources, are an excellent way of reinforcing children’s


5 Key Skills of Jolly Phonics

1 Learning the
letter sounds 2 Learning letter
formation 3 Blending
4 Identifying
the sounds in 5 Learning
tricky words
Children are taught Using different multi- Children are taught Listening for the Tricky words have
the 42 main letter sensory methods, how to blend the sounds in words irregular spellings
sounds. This includes children learn how sounds together to gives children and children learn
alphabet sounds and to form and write read and write new the best start for these separately.
digraphs, such as sh, the letters. words. improving spelling.
th, ai and ue.

From The Phonics Handbook

The Phonics Handbook contains a page of teacher notes for each of the 42 letter
sounds. The sample lesson plan below is for the letter sound /r/.

It contains all the information the teacher needs to plan their lesson, from
introducing the letter sound, a variety of multi-sensory methods to practise blending,
as well as extension activities and further information.

Page 56, Photocopy Section 2: Sound Sheets

1. Lesson Objective
The letter sound of focus
for this lesson.
2. Storyline
An engaging way of 2
introducing the letter
sound and the action that
will be used.

3. Action 4
The action - from the
story - to accompany the 5
letter sound for multi-
sensory learning.

4. Flash Card
The flash card to be used
in this lesson, from the 8
photocopiable section (see
page 4).

5. Letter Formation
How to introduce the
written version of the
letter sound.

6. Blending
Practise how to blend
the letter sound, using
the accompanying sound 9
sheet (see page 3).

7. Word Bank
A selection of simple Essentia
words that children can The beg Reading:
inning o
now practise blending, Phonics f The
contain H a n d b
revising their knowledge s compr ook
8. Extension Activity 9. Further Phonics informa e h ensive
of previously learnt letter tion on
sounds. Suggestions for activities Useful information to key skil t h e5
to reinforce the new letter extend understanding or ls of
the pro
sound. noting alternatives. .

From The Phonics Handbook

As well as the page for teachers, each letter sound in The Phonics Handbook is
accompanied by a sound sheet that can be photocopied for every child in the class.
The sample sound sheet below is for the letter sound /r/.

The sound sheet provides children with the opportunity to practise both blending
and letter formation, whilst the inclusion of the action allows children to gradually
build up a bank of all the letter sounds.
Page 57, Photocopy Section 2: Sound Sheets

10. Colouring Sheet

A picture from the story, 10
in reference to the action,
for the children to colour

11. Letter Formation

An opportunity for the
children to practise writing
the letter sound.

12. Action
The image and description
of the action for the letter

12 13
13. Blending Practice
Practise blending the
new letter sound with a
few simple words that
include previously learnt
letter sounds. The dots
underneath indicate the
number of sounds in each

From The Phonics Handbook

The Phonics Handbook doesn’t only contain teacher notes and sound sheets. There
is also a vast range of additional content, such as flash card sheets - for the teacher
or each child to create a set of flash cards with each letter sound - and various
activity sheets to practise blending. There are even homework sheets for the children
to practise at home! Here, we’ll show you a sample of some of the sheets that can
be used to accompany the sample lesson letter sound /r/.

Page 118, Photocopy Section 3: 1. Flash Card Sheets

Flash Card Sheets Once the children have been taught the letter sound /r/, you can add
1 this flash card to allow for revision (as well as all previously learnt
letter sounds). As soon as the children see the letter sound /r/ on
the flash card, they should be able to call out the sound and do the

You may even want to photocopy these flash cards so that you can
have multiple sets, perhaps for several different groups, or even for
each child.

2. Sound Book Sheets

In a similar vein to the flash cards, these sheets are perfect for
giving to each child to create their own sound book and take home.
Containing the letter sounds taught so far, children can add the letter
sound /r/ to their books. They can then practise the letter sounds
for homework. However, it’s also important to go through the book
regularly with each child at school to see how well they are getting

Page 126, Photocopy Section 4: Page 130, Photocopy Section 5:

Sound Book Sheets Word Box Sheets 3. Word Box Sheets
2 3 These Word Boxes provide
groups of regular blending
words that use the letter
sound /r/ and those
previously learnt. (These
sheets will eventually
progress to more complex,
multisyllabic words.) They
provide the stepping
stones between letters,
words and books.

You can photocopy this

sheet so that each child
can take home their own
Word Box for further

From The Phonics Handbook

Teachers can follow the scope and sequence timetable at the beginning of the
Handbook to plan each lesson, teaching and practising each of the key skills of the
programme. With photocopiable sheets for each of the 42 letter sounds, along with
additional photocopiable content during the second and third terms, teachers are
able to develop confident writers and readers - who enjoy learning to do so!

Page 143, Photocopy Section 7: 4. Matching Letters, Words and Pictures

Matching Letters, Words and Pictures As the children are taught the letter sound /r/, they can be given a
4 photocopy of the letter sound, word and picture from this sheet. This
can then be added to the other letter sounds previously learnt for a
variety of different activities. For example, the children may pick a
picture and listen for the initial sound in the word. If they can hear
the /r/ sound, they must look for the picture to match it.

5. Homework Writing Sheets

As about 40% of words are so regular that they can be spelt
correctly by listening for the sounds and writing the corresponding
letters, the children can each be given a photocopy of a list each
week for parents to dictate to them at home. With the letter sound
/r/ expected to be taught in the second week, children should be
given List 2, which has simple words with letter sounds from phases
1 and 2.

Children should write their spellings in a separate book which can be

brought back in to class for you to check, to identify how well each
child is doing.

Page 167, Photocopy Section 11: Page 175, Photocopy Section 12:
Homework Writing Sheets Tricky Word Sheets 6. Tricky Word Sheets
5 6 Children should also be
introduced to several
tricky words - words
that cannot be read and
written simply by blending
and listening for the
sounds - throughout the

(These should not be

introduced as early as the
letter sound /r/, but we
didn’t want you to think
we’d forgotten about

From Phonics Teacher's Book

The Phonics Teacher’s Book contains a set of structured daily lesson plans, which
correspond to the daily activities in the Phonics Pupil Books. The sample lesson plan
below is for the letter sound /r/.

It contains all the information the teacher needs to plan their lesson, from
introducing the letter sound, a variety of multi-sensory methods to practise blending,
as well as segmenting practise and further activity ideas.
1. Lesson Objective Page 45, Part 2: Teaching with Phonics Pupil Book 1
The letter sound of focus
for this lesson. 1
2. Flash Card
The letter sounds 2 8
previously learnt, that
should be quickly revised
with flash cards before 3
introducing the letter
sound /r/.
3. Storyline
An engaging way of
introducing the letter
sound and the action that
will be used.
4. Action
The action - from the
story - to accompany the
letter sound for multi-
sensory learning.
5. Letter Formation 4 9
How to introduce the
written version of the
letter sound. 10
6. Blending
Practise how to blend
the letter sound, using
the accompanying sound 6
sheet (see page 7).
7. Sounding
Practise listening for
the letter sound /r/ in a
variety of words. 7

8. Sound Sheet
The corresponding sound
sheet from the Pupil Book.

9. Word Bank 10. Dictation 11. Further Ideas

A selection of simple words for children to Dictating words from the Suggestions for activities
practise blending with the new letter sound and sound sheet and word banks to reinforce the new letter
previously learnt letter sounds. to practise segmenting. sounds.
From Phonics Pupil Book 1

Accompanying the Phonics Teacher’s Book are the Phonics Pupil Books. The sample
sound sheet below is for the letter sound /r/ from the Phonics Pupil Book 1. (The
Phonics Pupil Books 2 and 3 follow - all three are covered in the Teacher’s book.)

The sound sheet provides children with the opportunity to practise both blending
and letter formation, whilst the inclusion of the action allows children to gradually
build up a bank of all the letter sounds.

Page 11, Pupil Book 1: Letter sound /r/

12. Colouring Sheet 12

A picture from the story,
in reference to the action,
for the children to colour

13. Action
The image and description
of the action for the letter

14. Letter Formation

An opportunity for the
children to practise 15
writing the letter sound.

15. Sounding
Practise listening for
the letter sound /r/ in a
variety of words.

16. Blending Practice

Practise blending the Essentia
new letter sound with a The beg Reading:
inning o
Phonics f
few simple words that Teacher the
contain ’s
include previously learnt s compr Book
informa e h ensive
letter sounds. The dots tion on
underneath indicate the key skil the 5
ls of
number of sounds in each the pro
word. .

From Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard

Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard is our most comprehensive resource for introducing
the 42 letter sounds, tricky words and alternative letter sounds. The sample lesson
plan slide below is for the letter sound /r/.

It contains a variety of interactive slides - which include audio - with teacher’s notes
for each slide. This first slide is the perfect introduction to the new letter sound,
with multiple audio options to accompany the letter sound and action.
Introducing the letter sound /r/ slide

1 2


1. Songs and Jingles 2. Storyline 3. Letter and scene 4. Action

Two audio options - Jolly Audio for the story, The capital and lower The image and description
Songs and Jolly Jingles an engaging way of case letter sounds, of the action for the letter
- to introduce the letter introducing the letter along with a picture to sound.
sound in a memorable sound and the action that accompany the story,
and fun way. will be used. which references the
5. Toolbox 6. Teacher Tools 7. Letter Formation Downlo
A toolbox in order to Full, printable teacher’s Shows the direction the versions d demo
interact with the slide notes for each slide, along pencil needs to move to Mac for PC and
and navigate within the with the ability to cover correctly write the letter. www.jo free at
programme. parts of the slide, and (This is embossed on some co.uk
reset. other products.)

From Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard

After a quick revision of previous letter sounds, and the introduction of the new
letter sound /r/, children are given the opportunity to see and practise the letter

There are then multiple activities - which can be done as a class on the whiteboard,
and printed for individual use later - to reinforce learning. All of these slides are
supported by printable teacher notes so that the lesson is easily planned!

8 9

10 11

8. Letter Formation Practice 9. Class Activity

One of multiple slides to practise letter formation. The One of multiple slides of activities for the class to
children can watch how the letter should be correctly play. This fun game keeps multiple children - who can
formed, before taking it in turns to practise in front of play at the same time - engaged, providing a fantastic
the class on the whiteboard. opportunity to practise the new letter sound whilst
revising previously learnt sounds.

10. Teacher’s Help 11. Printable Worksheets

Accessed by pressing the blue icon in the right corner One of multiple slides of printable worksheets. The
of the screen, these are available for every slide to teacher can print class sets of these so that each child
explain the objective of each slide. These are printable - can work individually after the initial lesson on the
either individually or for all slides - to help the teacher whiteboard as a whole class. It also allows children to
easily prepare the lesson. build up their own bank of letter sounds.

Other Fantastic Jolly Phonics Resources

This sample lesson plan has shown how the three core resources - The Phonics
Handbook, The Phonics Teacher’s & Pupil Books, and Jolly Phonics for the
Whiteboard - can be used individually or together to teach the new letter sound /r/.

But we also have lots of excellent supplemental resources which can be used to
further consolidate children’s learning!

Jolly Phonics Flashcards

Picture Flashcards: On one side of the flashcard is the

letter sound /r/ with a simple word written underneath
that contains this letter sound. On the reverse of the
card is a picture relating to the word, with dots which
indicate the number of sounds in the word.

Jolly Phonics Cards: includes a flashcard with the

letter sound /r/ as well as many regular word blending
cards that contains this letter sound. It also includes
flashcards with alternative vowel spellings and tricky

Jolly Phonics Workbooks

The workbook has a full page on the letter sound

/r/ which includes a shortened version of the story
to introduce the action - which is also included
at the bottom with a description - along with an
accompanying picture. On the adjacent page there are
several activities including letter formation practice and
words to blend.

In total, there are 7 workbooks covering all of the 42

letter sounds, including alternative spellings of vowels.

Jolly Stories

The spread for the letter sound /r/ in this beautiful,

fully illustrated board book includes lots of different
aspects. It has a large letter embossed so that the
formation can be felt by the children and contains a
number of words for reading and spelling along with
the Jolly Phonics action.

In total, there are 7 enchanting stories across 80 full

colour pages, along with tips and advice for teachers
and parents.

Other Fantastic Jolly Phonics Resources

Such a diverse range of resources allows children’s learning to continue both inside
and outside of the classroom. Whilst the teacher may wish to use these resources
with their class or in small groups, many of these are brilliant resources to advise to
parents who are looking to support their child at home.

They provide a range of activities and stories to keep children occupied, allowing
the perfect revision of letter sounds learnt earlier in the day at school!

Jolly Songs

The CD allows children to hear the song for the letter

sound /r/. In the book, there are lyrics to the song
to go along with the accompanying picture and the
action. Children can learn the lyrics to sing along with
the CD, as well as doing the action, to create multiple
ways of learning the new letter sound.

In total, the book has a song for each of the 42 letter

sounds, as well as several games and activities.

Finger Phonics and Big Books

This double page spread has a picture to introduce

the letter sound /r/, as well as displaying the storyline
and action. The big books are perfect for use with the
whole class to introduce the sound and action.

The letter sound formation on the smaller, board book

is embossed, allowing each child to easily feel how to
correctly form this letter sound.

Each Finger Phonics and Big Book covers a different

phase of letter sounds.


This selection of posters allows you to decorate your

class with the letter sound /r/, as well as all of the
other letter sounds, alternative spellings and alphabet.

The Letter Sound Poster (far left) contains all 42 letter

sounds. These can also be put around the classroom
courtesy of the Wall Frieze (bottom). Meanwhile,
the Alternative Spellings Poster (centre) displays the
different spellings of nine vowels and the Alphabet
Poster (right) is ideal for teaching the skills required to
look up words in a dictionary.

w se o u r f u ll ra nge of
B ro
fantas tic Jo lly Ph
pro ducts at
www.jo llylearning

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