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Heart Sutra-Devanagari With Translation

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AayR ÉgvtI à}aparimta ùdy sUÇ

ärya bhagavaté prajïäpäramitä hådaya sütra

The Exalted One, the Lady of Conquest, the Sutra on the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom

nm> svR}ay.
namaù sarvajïäya ||
I bow to omniscience

Aw à}aparimtaùdysUÇ<.
atha prajïäpäramitähådayasütraà ||

@v< mya ïut<,

evaà mayä çrutaà |
Once I heard this teaching

@kiSmNsmye ÉgvaÜajg&he ivhrit Sm g&Økªqe pvRte mhta

iÉ]us<"en sax¡ mhta baeixsÅv s<"en,

ekasminsamaye bhagavänräjagåhe viharati sma gådhraküöe parvate mahatä
bhikñusaìghena särdhaà mahatä bodhisattva saìghena |
The Conqueror was staying on Vulture’s Peak, in the Keep of the King. With him was a great
gathering of monks, and a great gathering of warrior saints.

ten olu smyen ÉgvaNg<ÉIravs<baex nam smaix< smapÚ>,

tena khalu samayena bhagavängambhérävasambodha näma samädhià samäpannaù |
At a certain moment the Conqueror went into deep meditation on the part of the teaching known
as the “awareness of the profound.”
ten c smyen AayRavlaeikteñrae baeixsÅvae mhasÅvae g<ÉIraya<

à}aparimtaya< cy¡ crma[ @v< Vyvlaekyit Sm, p<c

SkNxa<Sta<í SvÉavzUNy< Vyvlaekyit,

tena ca samayena äryävalokiteçvaro bodhisattvo mahäsattvo gambhéräyäà
prajïäpäramitäyäà caryaà caramäëa evaà vyavalokayati sma | païca
skandhäàstäàçca svabhävaçünyaà vyavalokayati |
At that moment too did the realized being, the great warrior, the lord of power, Loving Eyes, see
into this one deep practice, the practice of the perfection of wisdom. And he saw perfectly that the
five heaps - the five parts of a person - were empty of any nature of their own

Awayu:maÂairpuÇae buÏanuÉavenayaRvlaeikteñr< baeixsÅv<

mhasÅvmetdvaect , y> kiíTk…lpuÇae g<ÉIraya< à}aparimtaya<

cya¡ ctuRkam> kw< izi]tVy>,

athäyuñmäïcäriputro buddhänubhävenäryävalokiteçvaraà bodhisattvaà
mahäsattvametadavocat | yaù kaçcitkulaputro gambhéräyäà prajïäpäramitäyäà
caryäà cartukämaù kathaà çikñitavyaù |
And then, by the power of the Enlightened One, the junior monk named Shari Putra turned and
asked this question of the great warrior, Loving Eyes, the realised one, the lord of power:
“If any son or daughter of noble family hoped to follow the deep practice of the perfection of
wisdom, what would they have to do?”

@vmu´ AayaRvlaeikteñrae baeixsÅvae mhasÅv Aayu:m<t<

zairpuÇm @tdvaect ,
evamukta äryävalokiteçvaro bodhisattvo mahäsattva äyuñmantaà çäriputram
etadavocat |
This then is the answer that the lord of power, the realized one, the great warrior Loving Eyes
gave to the junior monk named Shari Putra:
y> kiíCDairpuÇ k…lpuÇae va k…lÊihta va g<ÉIraya<

à}aparimtaya< cya¡ ctuRkamStenEv< VyvlaekiytVy<,

yaù kaçcicchäriputra kulaputro vä kuladuhitä vä gambhéräyäà prajïäpäramitäyäà
caryäà cartukämastenaivaà vyavalokayitavyaà |
“Here, Shari Putra, is what any son or daughter of noble family should see who hopes to follow
the deep practice of the perfection of wisdom

p<c SkNxa<Sta<í SvÉavzUNyaNsmnupZyit Sm, êp< zUNyta

zUNytEv êp<, êpaÚ p&wkœ zUNyta sUNytaya n p&w¢Up<, yÔƒp<

sa zUNyta ya zUNyta tÔƒp<,

païcaskandhäàstäàçca svabhävaçünyänsamanupaçyati sma | rüpaà çünyatä
çünyataiva rüpaà | rüpänna påthak çünyatä sünyatäyä na påthagrüpaà | yadrüpaà sä
çünyatä yä çünyatä tadrüpaà |
“See first all five heaps - all five parts to a person - as being empty of any essence of their own.
Your body is empty; emptiness is your body. Emptiness is nothing but your body, and your body
is nothing but emptiness.”

@v< vednas<}as<Skariv}anain c zUNyta,

evaà vedanäsaïjïäsaàskäravijïänäni ca çünyatä |
“The same is true of your feelings, and your ability to discriminate between things, and the other
factors that make you up, and all the different kinds of awareness that you possess: all of them
are empty”.

@v< zairpuÇ svRxmR zUNytal][a AnuTpÚa AinéÏa Amla

Aivmla AnUna As<pU[aR>,

evaà çäriputra sarvadharma çünyatälakñaëä anutpannä aniruddhä amalä avimalä
anünä asampürëäù |
“And thus we can say, Shari Putra, that every existing thing is emptiness. Nothing ever begins.
Nothing ever ends. Nothing is ever impure. Nothing ever becomes pure. Nothing ever gets less,
and nothing ever becomes more.”

tSmaÄihR zairpuÇ zUNytaya< n êp< n vedna s<}a n s<Skara n

tasmättarhi çäriputra çünyatäyäà na rüpaà na vedanä saïjïä na saàskärä na vijïänaà
“And thus can we say, Shari Putra, that with emptiness there is no body. There are no feelings.
There is no ability to discriminate. There are none of the other factors that make you up, and
there is no awareness.”

n c]unR ïaeÇ< n ºa[< n ijþa n kayae n mnae n êp< n zBdae n

g<xae n SàòVy< n xmaR>,

na cakñurna çrotraà na ghräëaà na jihvä na käyo na mano na rüpaà na çabdo na
gandho na sprañöavyaà na dharmäù |
“There are no eyes; no ears: no nose: no tongue: no body; no mind; nothing to see; nothing to
hear; nothing to smell; nothing to taste; nothing to touch; and nothing to think of.”

n c]uxaRtuyaRvÚ mnaexatunR xmRxatunR mnaeiv}anxatu>.

na cakñurdhäturyävanna manodhäturna dharmadhäturna manovijïänadhätuù ||
“There is no part of you that see. There is no part of you that is aware of what you see; and this is
true all the way up to the part of you that thinks, and the part of you that is aware that you are

n iv*a naiv*a n ]yae yavÚ jramr[< n jramr[]y>,

na vidyä nävidyä na kñayo yävanna jarämaraëaà na jarämaraëakñayaù |
“There is no misunderstanding your world. There is no stopping this misunderstanding, and the
same is true all the way up to your old age and your death, and to stopping your old age and
your death.”
n Ê>osmudyinraexmagaR,
na duùkhasamudayanirodhamärgä |
“There is no suffering. There is no source of this suffering. There is no stopping this suffering.
There is no path to stop this suffering.”

n }an< n àaiÝnaRàaiÝ>,
na jïänaà na präptirnäpräptiù |
“There is no knowledge. There is nothing to reach. And there is nothing not to reach.”

tSmaCDairpuÇ AàaiÝTven baeixsÅvana< à}aparimtamaiïTy

ivhrit icÄavr[>,
tasmäcchäriputra apräptitvena bodhisattvänäà prajïäpäramitämäçritya viharati
cittävaraëaù |
“Thus it is, Shari Putra, that warrior saints have nothing to reach; and because of this, they are
able to practice the perfection of wisdom, and stay in this perfection of wisdom

icÄavr[naiStTvadÇStae ivpyaRsait³aNtae inóinvaRn>,

cittävaraëanästitvädatrasto viparyäsätikränto niñöhanirvänaù |
This frees them of every obstacle in their minds, and this frees them from all fear. They go beyond
all wrong ways of thinking, and reach to the ultimate end of nirvana.”

ÈyXvVyaiSwta svRbuÏa> à}aparimtamaiïTyanuÄra<

tryadhvavyästhitä sarvabuddhäù prajïäpäramitämäçrityänuttaräà
samyaksambodhimabhisambuddhäù |
“All the Enlightened Beings of the past, and present, and the future too follow this same
perfection of wisdom, and thus bring themselves to perfect enlightenment; to the matchless state
of a totally enlightened Buddha.”
tSmaJ}atVy> à}aparimtamhamÙae mhaiv*amÙae =nuÄrmÙae

=smsmmÙ> svRÊ>oàzmnmÙ> sTymimWyaTvat

à}aparimtayamutae mÙ>,
tasmäjjïätavyaù prajïäpäramitämahämantro mahävidyämantro 'nuttaramantro
'samasamamantraù sarvaduùkhapraçamanamantraù satyamamithyätvät
prajïäpäramitäyämukto mantraù |
“Thus are they the sacred words of the perfection of wisdom, the sacred words of great
knowledge; sacred words of the unsurpassable; sacred words that are equal to the One beyond all
equal; sacred words that you put a final end to every form of pain; sacred words you should know
are true, for false they cannot be; sacred words of the perfection of wisdom, which here I speak for

t*wa gte gte pargte pars<gte baeix Svaha.

tadyathä gate gate päragate pärasaìgate bodhi svähä ||

@v< zairpuÇ g<ÉIraya< à}aparimtaya< cyaRya< izi]tVy<

evaà çäriputra gambhéräyäà prajïäpäramitäyäà caryäyäà çikñitavyaà bodhisattvena
“And thus it is, Shari Putra, that great warrior saints must train themselves in the profound
perfection of wisdom.”

Aw olu Égvan ,

tSmat smaxeVyuRTwayayRvlaeikteñrSy baeixsÅvSy

mhasÅvSy saxukarmdat ,

saxu saxu k…lpuÇ @vmetTk…lpuÇ,

atha khalu bhagavän | tasmät samädhervyutthäyäryavalokiteçvarasya bodhisattvasya
mahäsattvasya sädhukäramadät | sädhu sädhu kulaputra evametatkulaputra |
With this, the Conqueror stirred himself from his deep state of meditation. He turned to the great
warrior, to the realized one, Loving Eyes, the lord of power, and blessed his words, saying,
“True.” “True,” he said, and “True” again. “Thus it is, o son of noble family; and thus is it.

@vmetÌMÉIraya< à}aparimtaya< cy¡ ctRVy< ywa Tvya

inidRòmnumae*ye svRtwagttErhRiÑ> sMyKsMbuÏE>,

evametadgambhéräyäà prajïäpäramitäyäà caryaà cartavyaà yathä tvayä
nirdiñöamanumodyaye sarvatathägatatairarhadbhiù samyaksambuddhaiù |
One should follow the profound perfection of wisdom just as you have taught it. Every one of
Those Gone Thus rejoice in your words as I do.”

#dmvaecÑgvananNdmnaAayu:mÂairpuÇ AayaRvlaeikteñrí

baeixsÅvae mhasÅv> sa c svaRvtI

p;RTsdevmanu;asurNgNxvRí laekae Égvtae

idamavocadbhagavänänandamanä äyuñmaïcäriputra äryävalokiteçvaraçca bodhisattvo
mahäsattvaù sä ca sarvävaté parñatsadevamänuñäsurangandharvaçca loko bhagavato
bhäñitamabhyänandanniti ||
And when the Conqueror had spoken thus, the junior monk Shari Putra took joy; and the
warrior, the realised one, Loving Eyes, the lord of power, took joy as well. And all the assembled
disciples took joy, and so did the entire world - with its gods, and its men, and near-gods and
spirits too - take joy. All sang their praises of what the Conqueror had spoken.

à}aparimtaùdysUÇ< smaÝ<.
prajïäpäramitähådayasütraà samäptaà ||
Thus ends the sutra of the greater way known as The Lady of Conquest, the Heart of the
Perfection of Wisdom.

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