Offer For C Check On KT-1150-M Engine Against Customer Job No. E20003
Offer For C Check On KT-1150-M Engine Against Customer Job No. E20003
Offer For C Check On KT-1150-M Engine Against Customer Job No. E20003
Plot no. 380/374, Bungalow No. 3, Manorama Estate, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751010
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Authorized Dealer of M/S CUMMINS INDIA LIMITED.
E 20003.13 This job will not be undertaken by "Srnivasa Sales & Service"
E 20003.14 This job will not be undertaken by "Srnivasa Sales & Service"
SUB TOTAL 103800.00
Add SGST & CGST @ 9% each 18684.00
GRAND TOTAL 122484.00
E. & O. E.
Terms & Conditions:
1. Time Required: 7 to 10 days from the date of handing over the engine for the job.
2. Transportation of engine components: The engine components which are to be cleaned, pressure tested and
repaired are to be brought to our workshop at Bhubaneswar. The to & fro transportation charges to carry the
Engine Components are to be borne by M/s Sadhav Offshore Engineering Company.
3. Payment: 70% of the total service charges is payable in advance along-with techno-commercial clear order and
balance 30% payment should be cleared within 7 days after submission of invoice from our end.
4. Warranty: As there is no major kind of job being carried out, the warranty towards poor workmanship will be
given for 3 months from the date of handing over the engines for normal operation.
5. Materials: The above quoted prices are purely service charges. Cost of spares will be extra if we need to supply.