Design and Fabrication of Automatic Shoe Polishing Machine: Technical Report
Design and Fabrication of Automatic Shoe Polishing Machine: Technical Report
Design and Fabrication of Automatic Shoe Polishing Machine: Technical Report
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Abstract — In this work an attempt has been made Hari Sudhan et al. discussed about Arduino
to design and fabricate an automatic shoe polishing ATMEGA-328 Microcontroller. In this study, the
machine to make the shoe polishing process simpler. authors explained that Arduino UNO ATMEGA-328
This project focuses on automation of the shoe is most suitable microcontroller for various
polishing and shining process without any human applications such as industries, laboratory and
involvement in the process. This machine uses lead robotics [5].
screw mechanism, dc motors for actuation, springs Ranjani et al. explained about controlling the
for gripping the shoe, Arduino UNO ATMEGA-328 speed of dc motor by Pulse Width Modulation
microcontroller and L298 motor driver circuit. (PWM) using Labview and microcontroller. In this
study, authors explained about using L298 motor
Keywords — Lead screw mechanism, dc motor, driver circuit board to drive induction loads such as
motor driver circuit, roller brush, arduino, shoe. dc motors and stepper motors at different speeds and
also at the same speed [6].
I. INTRODUCTION Kumar Dewangan et al. explained about PWM
A shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect based automatic closed loop speed control of dc
and comfort the human foot while doing various motor. In this study, the authors examined about
activities. Shoe is generally made from leather which controlling speed of the dc motor at varying load
requires extreme care and regular polishing to condition by means of PWM method, using Atmega-
maintain its shiny appearance. This requires a waxy 8L microcontroller as feedback system. It was
paste or cream known as the shoe polishing wax concluded that constant speed can be maintained at
which is first applied to the shoe evenly using a cloth varying load condition by PWM [7].
or a brush. Buffing is then carried out by vigorously From the literature, it is seen that fewer efforts
rubbing it in order to obtain a shiny surface. This have been made in developing a fuly automatic shoe
also extends the life of the shoe. The application of polisher. Generally the process of shoe polishing is
this wax is a manual and time consuming process. time consuming and involves human interaction.
This machine is intended to grip the shoe at the This project focuses on automation of the shoe
right place, apply a layer of polishing wax all around shining process which could be operated by any
the shoe and perform buffing action in order to person and does not involve any human involvement
obtain a shiny effect and to assure minimum damage in the process.
to the shoe.
Gouda et al. designed a shoe sole cleaning and II. DESIGN & FABRICATION
shoe polishing machine. In this study authors Fig. 1 shows the design of an automatic shoe
explained about shoe sole cleaning and polishing polisher. The design has been made using Solid
machine which uses gear train mechanism [1]. Works software. It has a wooden base which
Liu et al. did research on control system for supports the whole structure of the setup. The shoe
ceramic polishing machine. In this study, authors can be mounted on the carriage which is fixed firmly
explained about automated ceramic polishing to a gripper. The gripper helps to position the shoe at
machine with gantry type structure instead of pre- the right place. The wooden base cut to the required
existing cantilever structure [2]. dimensions and the aluminium frame is mounted on
Gohil and Patel designed a lead screw mechanism the base. The carriage is mounted on the aluminium
for vertical door wrapping. In this study, authors frame via guide rails. The lead-screw is coupled to
explained mainly about designing an automated the carriage by the nut assembly and it is supported
machine which works on lead screw mechanism for by roller bearings at its extreme ends. Arm is
wrapping of door [3]. fabricated by cold forging and welding. All
Abdullahi Badamasi analyzed the working mounting brackets are made from aluminium
principle of arduino. In this study, the author channels and are clamped to the arm. The roller
mentioned about the softwares being used as C and brush is fabricated on a PVC base, attaching the
C++ for programming of arduino and an easy bristles by an adhesive. The wax dispenser is made
interface with the board is possible by means of the on a PVC base, layered with sponge. All motors are
USB slot provided [4]. coupled to respective components by means of
D. Analysis
This study focuses on the design and fabrication
of a fully automatic shoe polishing machine. The
following conclusions can be drawn from the study.
This machine is able to grip the shoe perfectly
and apply a layer of polish.
It performs buffing action to give the shoe a
shiny appearance.
The machine assures minimal damage to the
shoe being polished.
It reduces the time required to perform the task
significantly when compared to manual process.
It reduces human involvement to a
considerable level.
This machine is economical when compared to
the available semi-automatic machines.
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[8] K. Mahadevan, K. Balaveera Reddy, ―Design Data Hand