The document outlines the Indian government's initiatives to promote adult education and literacy. It discusses the key disadvantages of illiteracy, success factors for adult literacy programs, and innovative new government initiatives. The initiatives include developing an adult education curriculum framework, improving access through community centers and public institutions, training volunteer instructors, increasing community participation, strengthening teaching and learning materials, and leveraging technology. The overall aim is to provide high-quality lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
The document outlines the Indian government's initiatives to promote adult education and literacy. It discusses the key disadvantages of illiteracy, success factors for adult literacy programs, and innovative new government initiatives. The initiatives include developing an adult education curriculum framework, improving access through community centers and public institutions, training volunteer instructors, increasing community participation, strengthening teaching and learning materials, and leveraging technology. The overall aim is to provide high-quality lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
The document outlines the Indian government's initiatives to promote adult education and literacy. It discusses the key disadvantages of illiteracy, success factors for adult literacy programs, and innovative new government initiatives. The initiatives include developing an adult education curriculum framework, improving access through community centers and public institutions, training volunteer instructors, increasing community participation, strengthening teaching and learning materials, and leveraging technology. The overall aim is to provide high-quality lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
The document outlines the Indian government's initiatives to promote adult education and literacy. It discusses the key disadvantages of illiteracy, success factors for adult literacy programs, and innovative new government initiatives. The initiatives include developing an adult education curriculum framework, improving access through community centers and public institutions, training volunteer instructors, increasing community participation, strengthening teaching and learning materials, and leveraging technology. The overall aim is to provide high-quality lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
Ministry of Education Department of School Education and Literacy Government of India New Delhi ADULT EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING
National Literacy Mission Authority 2
Disadvantages of being a Non-literate member of a community
It has innumerable disadvantages, including the inability to :
➢ carry out basic financial transactions
➢ compare the quality/ quantity of goods purchased against the price charged ➢ fill out forms to apply for jobs, loans, services etc. ➢ comprehend public circulars and articles in the news media ➢ use conventional and electronic mail to communicate and conduct business Cont…
National Literacy Mission Authority 3
Disadvantages of being a Non-literate member of a community
➢ make use of the internet and other technology to
improve one’s life and profession ➢ comprehend directions and safety directives on the street, on medicines etc. ➢ help children with their education ➢ be aware of one’s basic rights and responsibilities as a citizen of India ➢ appreciate works of literature ➢ pursue employment in medium or high-productivity sectors that require literacy
National Literacy Mission Authority 4
Key success factors of Adult literacy programmes ➢ Volunteerism and community involvement and mobilization ➢ Political will ➢ Organizational structure ➢ Proper planning ➢ Adequate financial support and ➢ High-quality capacity building of educators and volunteers
National Literacy Mission Authority 5
Strong and Innovative Government Initiatives for Adult Education- NCFAE
➢ An adult education curriculum framework will
be developed ➢ A new and well-supported constituent body of the NCERT that is dedicated to adult education
National Literacy Mission Authority 6
Strong and Innovative Government initiatives for Adult Education- NCFAE ➢ The curriculum framework for adult education will include five types of programmes, each with clearly defined outcomes: ▪ Foundational literacy and numeracy ▪ Critical life skills (including financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial skills, health care and awareness, child care and education, and family welfare) ▪ Vocational skills development (for obtaining local employment) ▪ Basic education (including preparatory, middle, and secondary stage equivalency) and ▪ Continuing education (including adult education courses in arts, sciences, technology, culture, sports, and recreation etc.) National Literacy Mission Authority 7 Strong and Innovative Government initiatives for Adult Education- Access ➢ Suitable infrastructure - all interested adults will have access to adult education and lifelong learning ➢ Use of schools/ school complexes after school hours and on weekends and public library spaces ➢ Such Adult Education Centres (AECs) could also be included within other public institutions such as HEIs, Vocational training centers etc.
National Literacy Mission Authority 8
Strong and Innovative Government Initiatives for Adult Education- Instructors/Educators ➢ Instructors/educators will be trained by the National, State, and district level resource support institutions to organize and lead learning activities and coordinate with volunteer instructors ➢ Qualified community members including from HEIs will be encouraged to take a short training course and volunteer, as adult literacy instructors, or to serve as one-on-one volunteer tutors ➢ Community members will be recognized for their critical service to the nation ➢ States will also work with NGOs and other community organizations to enhance efforts towards literacy and adult education
National Literacy Mission Authority 9
Strong and innovative Government Initiatives for Adult Education- participation of community ➢ Social workers/ counsellors who would be engaged to track non-enrolled students and dropouts will also gather data of parents, adolescents, and others interested in adult education opportunities both as learners and as teachers/ tutors ➢ The social workers/counsellors will connect them with local Adult Education Centers (AECs) ➢ Opportunities for adult education will also be widely publicized, through advertisements and announcements and through events and initiatives of NGOs and other local organizations
National Literacy Mission Authority 10
Strong and Innovative Government Initiatives for Adult Education- TLM ➢ Schools, colleges, universities and public libraries - will be strengthened and modernized to ensure an adequate supply of books ➢ Both public and private sector agencies/ institutions will devise strategies to improve the quality and attractiveness of books published in all Indian languages ➢ Steps will be taken to enhance online accessibility of library books and further broad basing of digital libraries
National Literacy Mission Authority 11
Strong and Innovative Government initiatives for Adult Education- TLM ➢ Setting up rural libraries and reading rooms in disadvantaged regions ➢ Widely available reading material in Indian languages ➢ Establishing social book clubs across India and across subjects, and fostering greater collaborations between education institutions and libraries
National Literacy Mission Authority 12
Strong and Innovative Government initiatives for Adult Education- use of technology ➢ Technology will be leveraged to strengthen and even undertake all initiatives ➢ Quality technology-based options for adult learning such as apps, online courses/ modules, satellite- based TV channels, online books, and ICT-equipped libraries and Adult Education Centers etc. will be developed ➢ Quality adult education could also be conducted in an online or blended mode