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For alarms with more priorities or for example a choice between a warning and an error.
For two-level limit switches like for example low (01B), normal (00B) and high (10B).
For making it possible with the same function name for a function with three or four states no matter if
this is controlled by means of a toggle- or changeover switch or it is controlled by means of more
monostable push-buttons. If only one-bit-values were used each of the monostable buttons should have
its own function code, however this would make it impossible to name a changeover switch, because
the name of the switch should then actually change after the position.
For showing the progress of a command like for example stopped/closed (00B), starting/opening (01B),
running/open (11B) and stopping/closing (10B).
For making it possible for two gauges to work together on one signal, for example in case of big
shutters with two limit switches with each a communication interface. One gauge has 0 as the most
significant bit and therefore sends 00B and 01B, and the other has 1 as the most significant bit and
therefore sends 10B and 11B.
Note that the two bits are just 4 states of the same status - newer two different signals!


These data types are used for all kind of text strings in 8-bit ASCII or 16-bit Unicode. The ASCII type is also
used for XML data.

5.4 Data Conversion to XML

When data are converted to XML, it is not necessary to specify the SI unit, the data type or the resolution. For
example, the unit for mass flow is implied to kg/s, and therefore need not to be specified and the value is just
the data shown as a floating-point number as shown below.
<function name="MassFlow 1" value="36.127"/>
Like a pocket calculator, an exponent is only necessary, if the data would otherwise be out of range. The value
is the same no matter if the source data is in FIX or FLOAT format. The only difference is the number of digits,
which depends on the resolution (FIX18, FIX34, FLOAT32 or FLOAT64).
With PNS, it is for the first time possible to expand a simple number on a drawing to a full XML telegram. If for
example a button with the number AV8SFB2EH104 is pressed and time stamp is enabled (long telegram with
the data type TIME) this may cause the following telegram in the MIS/MES system:
<siteArea name="Avedoere 8">
<productionLine name="Solid fuel boiler 2">
<equipment name="Emergency stop 104">
<function name="Command 1" value="11B" TIME="26.13:27:15.567"/>

Note that in this case, a B suffix is added to the Boolean value to indicate that the value is binary and not
Of course, the XML conversion may be done at any time or even be omitted if the receiver understands the PNS
codes. In this way, PNS is also very useful with low speed communication channels like a base band telephone
line or in an SMS message on a mobile phone.

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