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Building Green

for the Future

Case Studies of Sustainable Development in Michigan
“The principles of green
building, whether part of
LEED certification process or
independently undertaken,
make good economic sense
for all parties involved.”
- Greg Markvluwer
Herman Miller
case study, pg 36
Building Green
for the Future
Case Studies of Sustainable Development in Michigan

Zeb Acuff • Aaron Harris • Larissa Larsen • Bryan Magnus • Allyson Pumphrey

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

June 2005
“There is no better atmosphere
in which to promote and create
sustainable architectural
solutions than a school. Forest
Hills Eastern High School
embraces these solutions in
Western Michigan.”
- J. Michael Washburn,
Forest Hills case study, pg 62
executive summary 3

Executive Summary
Green buildings use resources–energy, water, materials, less than to slightly more than comparable buildings,
and land–more efficiently and effectively than buildings with an average premium of 2% (Source: The Costs
that are simply built to code. Green developers and and Benefits of Green Buildings). As the number of
builders create healthier working, learning, and living green building projects continues to rise, costs will
environments with more natural light and cleaner air. continue to drop, and this modest premium will
Working and living in such buildings improves occupant likely evaporate.
health, comfort, and productivity. By building green,
The notion that green buildings cost significantly more
developers save money by reducing construction costs
than traditional buildings is due to the learning curve
and creating sustainable buildings that are in high
with regard to sustainable technologies, and an imprecise
demand. Owners save money by reducing operation and
definition of green buildings. Costs for green buildings
maintenance costs, lowering utility bills, and increasing
continue to decrease as materials become standard and
occupant productivity.
practitioners become more proficient in new technolo-
In Michigan and elsewhere, common misperceptions gies. Perceptions of “green” also are changing: people
persist, claiming that green buildings cost more than are realizing that sustainable technologies need not be
traditional ones and that there is no market for them. exotic or expensive, and green buildings need not be
Some people think that green buildings will not visibly different than other buildings unless so desired.
“work” in Michigan. Green buildings are simply products of intelligent,
integrated design that meet or surpass the requirements
This Michigan-specific handbook dispels these
of any standard development project.
misperceptions and demonstrates that the cost premium
for green buildings is minimal. Many green buildings The market in Michigan has begun to realize the real
cost less in the long-term and help create healthier financial benefits of these projects, and the environmen-
social and natural environments. Green development tal and social benefits highlight developers’ and owners’
has thrived in Michigan for over a decade now, as is concerns for their employees and society at large. The
evident from the case studies included in this handbook. state of Michigan stands at the forefront in developing
green buildings and continues to develop resources and
Over the last few years, the green building movement
support for green building activities. Michigan ranks
has gained momentum and attention nationally and
eighth nationally for green development projects in
now in the state of Michigan. The United States Green
progress and sixth nationally for LEED-certified
Building Council (USGBC), a national non-profit
projects (Source: USGBC LEED registered and
organization, has grown dramatically in membership
certified projects).
and its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) rating system has been adopted nationally and Throughout Michigan, private developers, public
internationally as the de facto green building standard. companies, government agencies, and educational
institutions are adopting green building practices.
Positive consensus is almost universal on the environ-
The case studies in this handbook highlight examples
mental and social benefits of green buildings. Lately,
from across the state, demonstrating how different
consensus is emerging on the financial benefits of green
organizations and agencies plan, design, and benefit
buildings as well. Published studies emphasize that
from green buildings.
capital costs for these buildings range from significantly
“We made natural features
marketing tools. And we’re
proving that using
these concepts can help
sell houses faster.”
- Mick McGraw
Bailey’s Grove case study,
pg 82
table of contents 5

Table of Contents
6 Case Study Matrix
7 User’s Guide to Building Green for the Future
9 The Benefits of Green Development
12 Green Development Perceptions and Realities
14 The Economic Case for Green Buildings
16 The Green Development Spectrum
18 The Importance of Integrated Design
20 The Market for Green Buildings
23 Segmenting the Market for Green Buildings
24 The USGBC and LEED
25 The Bottom Line: Why Green Development?
25 References
27 Case Study Matrix

30 Helmus Building
36 Herman Miller MarketPlace
42 East Hills Center

50 Everett Marshall Building, Eastern Michigan University
56 Zeeland West High School
62 Forest Hills High School

70 IHM Motherhouse
76 Green Built Demonstration Home
82 Bailey’s Grove

90 Malletts Creek Branch Library
96 DEQ Southeast Michigan District Office

103 Urban Catalyst Associates

104 Acknowledgements
105 Partnerships
6 case study matrix


DEQ Southeast Michigan District Office Warren

Green Built Demonstration Home Grand Rapids

Malletts Creek Branch Library Ann Arbor

Herman Miller MarketPlace Zeeland

Everett Marshall Building Ypsilanti

Zeeland West High School Zeeland


East Hills Center Grand Rapids

Helmus Building Grand Rapids

Forest Hills High School Ada

IHM Motherhouse Monroe

Bailey’s Grove Kentwood


Page Number 30 36 42 50 56 62 76 70 82 90 96

Brownfield Redevelopment • •
Stormwater Management • • • • •
Materials Use • • • • • • • • •
Energy Efficiency • • • • • • • • •
Key Topics

Water Efficiency • • • • •
Social Benefits • • • • • • • •
Development Processes • • • • • • •
Cost-Benefit Analysis • • •
Funding Sources • • • •
Reduced Capital Costs • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
Benefits of Green Development

Lower Operating Costs

Reduced Risks & Liabilities • • • •

Less Environmental Impact • • • • • • • • • • •
Healthier Indoor Environment
and Improved Productivity
• • • • • • • •
Stronger Social Networks • • • • • • •
Increased Environmental Awareness • • • • • • • •
Under $1 million • •
• •

$1 million - $10 million

$10 million - $50 million • • •

Over $50 million • • •
user’s guide 7

User’s Guide to
Building Green for the Future
Building Green for the Future was designed to be building activities and projects. We firmly believe that
a starting point to help interested parties learn more if the people featured in this handbook succeeded in
about green design and sustainability in Michigan. green building projects, you will too!
Each case study may not be directly applicable to all
This handbook recognizes that readers’ interests and
your projects, but several learning points from individual
background knowledge will vary and is therefore not meant
cases are widely applicable.
to be read cover-to-cover – although it is certainly possible
The cases in this handbook were chosen because we and worthwhile. Rather, it is meant as a reference tool on
found them to be inspirational and demonstrate how the subject of green development, with the case studies
practical and approachable green and sustainable serving as prime examples. The following elements will
development can be. Hopefully this handbook will optimize your time and learning:
evoke greater thought, discussion, and eventual green

Segmentation of Learning Objectives Case Order

This handbook is divided into two complementary sections: The case studies are grouped by category–commercial, educational,
residential, and institutional–to help you find the cases most
• The fact-based and practical application section includes detailed
relevant to you.
information about the economic, social, and health benefits of
green buildings; the importance of integrated design; and the Consistent Case Study Format
existing market for green buildings.
A standard design template is used for all the cases, making it
• The Michigan-specific case study section shares the unique sto- easy to move between the case studies, identify areas of interest,
ries behind each green building project. These detailed cases and make comparisons.
highlight the benefits and practical applications defined in the first
Resources and Contact Information
This handbook is intended to help expand your green development
Case Study Matrix
network. Wherever possible, additional resource information
Located on pages 6 and 27, the matrix identifies cases by specific within the cases is provided on products and services, as well
topic and area of interest. as contact information for the developers, architects, and owners
of the projects covered.
Green Development Spectrum
Terms Easily Referenced and Defined
On page 16, the Green Development Spectrum conceptually presents
examples of green development, ranging from simple actions with With such a wide audience for this handbook, individual levels
short payback periods to more intricate actions requiring longer of understanding and knowledge will vary. For this reason, the
investment time horizons. The examples also indicate which of the handbook highlights in red and defines those terms that may be
cases demonstrate each action. unfamiliar to some readers.
“You can only
be as green as your
client lets you be.”
- Shannan Gibb-Randall
Malletts Creek case study, pg 90
the benefits of green development 9

The Benefits of Green Development

Green Development. Environmental Design. on sustainable components to the project later on.
Green Buildings. Sustainable Development. In this handbook, this integrated design approach is
High-Performance Buildings. These terms refer to examined, by highlighting case studies that detail the
the same fundamental concept: improving the built benefits. Real examples of the following benefits are
environment while minimizing the impact on the natural highlighted throughout the case studies. On page 6,
environment. The array of terms is necessary, in that the case matrix visually highlights the benefits and
each has a slightly different connotation; in this hand- points you towards the appropriate cases.
book a wide, but selective, set of terms is used to best
describe the projects that are showcased.
Financial Benefit #1: Green buildings reduce
In the last 15 years,
capital costs.
green development
Sustainable Development has evolved and • Reusing portions of existing structures, when possible,
“Sustainable development is spread significantly. significantly reduces construction material costs and
development that meets the Nowadays, sustain- the amount of waste sent to landfills.
able forest products,
needs of the present without • Maximum use of natural daylight reduces the number
low-VOC paints
compromising the ability of and size of lighting fixtures required.
and adhesives,
future generations to meet energy-efficient
their own needs.”
• Smaller, less expensive mechanical systems are used
lighting, and recycled when buildings are designed with energy efficiency
carpeting are standard in mind. (Helmus Building pg 30)
Source: World Commission on
Environment and Development construction and
(The Brundtland Commission), renovation materials. • Minimizing impervious surfaces reduces stormwater
1987, Our Common Future, Committed industry handling and the need for traditional paving materials.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
practitioners continue (Malletts Creek Library pg 90)
to refer to their
• Materials from demolition are recycled, creating
feelings of responsi-
new sources of revenue from the sale of salvageable
bility and their desire to “do the right thing”; however,
materials and diverting waste streams from the landfill.
the emphasis on the economics of environmentally
(IHM Motherhouse pg 70)
conscious decisions has become increasingly important
as these practices make their way into the mainstream.
Recent studies indicate that the economic benefits
have been substantiated; more and more the focus Benefits of Green Development
is on demonstrating the financial benefits of these
products and practices as well as highlighting the Financial
environmental benefits. 1. Reduced capital costs
2. Lower operating and maintenance costs
The benefits of these buildings are many and, for this
3. Reduced risks and liabilities
discussion, have been grouped into three categories–
financial, environmental, and social (see table to right). Environmental
These benefits are impressive and studies show that 1. Less impact on the natural environment
they are optimized when the developers and owners 2. Healthy environments and improved productivity
begin thinking green from the outset of the project,
lowering costs by reducing the need to retrofit or tack Social
1. Stronger social networks
2. Increased environmental awareness

Source: Urban Catalyst Associates

10 the benefits of green development

Financial Benefit #2: High performance buildings Financial Benefit #3: Sustainable buildings result
reduce operating and maintenance costs. in lower risks and liabilities.
• High efficiency water fixtures dramatically cut water • Projects with demonstrable social and environmental
consumption levels. Additionally, graywater systems benefits enjoy the support of the public, and thereby
filter and reuse water (in toilets and for landscaping) help in avoiding roadblocks to securing government
that otherwise flows into the sewer system. (Malletts approval and minimize the holding costs of real
Creek Library pg 90) property. (Bailey’s Grove pg 82)
• Fewer light fixtures and the use of motion sensors • Incorporating innovative materials and systems into
and timing devices decreases energy consumption. a project staves off future expenditures related to
Also, installing compact fluorescent light bulbs which compliance with new regulations (e.g., energy codes).
last longer, means fewer bulb changes. (Zeeland High School pg 56)
• Increased use of daylight improves employee morale • Energy and water efficient structures make buildings
and reduces energy operating costs. (Herman Miller less vulnerable to fluctuations in utility prices and
pg 36) better able to deal with temporary service disruptions.
• Healthier buildings mean less employee sick time • Improved ventilation reduces toxics and molds that
and higher productivity, thus lower operating costs. contribute to sick building syndrome.
(Herman Miller pg 36)
• Native plants do not require the herbicide and
• Structures designed to take advantage of passive pesticide applications that can contaminate the
heating and cooling minimize wear on HVAC groundwater or be harmful to building occupants.
systems and consistent indoor temperatures reduce (Malletts Creek Library pg 90)
HVAC demands and energy consumption.
• Longer lasting equipment and more efficient systems
Environmental Benefit #1: Green buildings
result in lower maintenance costs. (Forest Hills pg 62)
reduce the impact on the natural environment.
• Green flooring materials (such as renewable,
• Reuse of land for an infill development project reduces
recyclable cork) last for decades, requiring little
the impact of additional roads and sewers on the
to no maintenance beyond cleaning. ( IHM
environment and promotes walking and transit use.
Motherhouse pg 70)
(East Hills Center pg 42)
• Light colored roofs or green roofs reduce cooling
• Conscientious construction methods divert tons
energy needs in the summer months. (Malletts Creek
of waste materials from landfills and minimize
Library pg 90)
site disturbance.
• Informed choice of building materials reduces
the demand on natural resources and can improve
the quality of the building.
• Stormwater reuse reduces the demand for potable
“Five years ago, the cost of green building came water and municipal groundwater withdrawals.
at a higher premium, but now a lot of green products are
• Smart growth helps protect green and open spaces as
comparable [in price] with traditional products.” well as reduce sprawl which results in occupants not
Lynn Rogien commuting as far, in turn reducing vehicle emissions.
Everett Marshall Building Case Study pg 50 (Bailey’s Grove pg 82)
• The use of renewable wood and recycled content
materials is encouraged.
• Reduced energy consumption means fewer power
plant emissions.
the benefits of green development 11

Environmental Benefit #2: Healthier working and Social Benefit #2: Environmentally responsible
living spaces improve occupant productivity. development increases environmental awareness.
• Maximizing the use of natural light leads to • Outdoor signs, interior displays, guided tours, and
significant gains in productivity, increases retail sales, the presence of unusual building features pique the
and creates better learning environments for students. curiosity of the public and expand their understanding
(Forest Hills HS pg 62) of our relationship and responsibility to the natural
environment. (Everett Marshall Building pg 50)
• Interior finishing materials minimize the release
of VOCs, improve indoor air quality and increase • Individuals who learn about green building principles
productivity as users feel more comfortable in their and sustainable behaviors apply these practices to
new surroundings and have fewer sick days. (Everett their lives, spreading the impact of a single green
Marshall Building pg 50) development project through other communities.
(IHM Motherhouse pg 70)
• Even minor changes to the indoor environment of
a building, such as individual heating and lighting • Construction trades and other industries may apply the
controls or operable window sashes, improve comfort innovative practices learned in a sustainable building
and productivity in workspaces, thus boosting morale. project to their future work on other projects.

Social Benefit #1: Sustainable buildings foster

stronger social networks.
• Infill development of sustainable buildings prevents
resources from leaving communities and revitalizes
neighborhoods and districts. (East Hills Center pg 42)
• Local transportation of materials reduces air emissions
and petroleum consumption, therefore reducing our
dependence on foreign oil as well. (Warren DEQ
pg 96)
• Redeveloped abandoned buildings become attractive
anchors in communities and encourage additional
improvements that repair vital urban fabric of long-
neglected cities and towns. (East Hills Center pg 42)
• Locally produced and purchased materials sustain the
community and resulting decreased transportation
costs yield financial as well as environmental benefits.
Everett Marshall Building case study pg 50
12 green development perceptions and realities

Green Development
Perceptions and Realities
The practice of green development is spreading rapidly through the state of Michigan and the nation. However, misperceptions
still prevent some projects from maximizing financial, environmental, and social benefits. The following are some of the most
common misperceptions regarding green building.

Perception Perception
The high costs of green development are not Green building materials are not the same quality as
financially feasible. traditional materials, are not readily available, and it is
difficult to find contractors who know how to use them.

Reality Reality
Over the life of a sustainable building, net costs are Green products are usually just as durable as non-
typically lower than traditional development, primarily green ones; for certifications such as Green Seal
through energy savings. In many green projects, the (, it is required that a green product
productivity gains more than repay any increase in perform at least as well as any comparable non-green
capital costs. In fact, often a green building will pay product on the market. In some cases, specific “green”
for itself sooner than a traditional structure. A key products are unnecessary for a project; one can use
factor in cost effective green development is integrating traditional materials in a sustainable manner through
sustainability into the project from the outset, an integrated design approach that considers building
designing from the start a green project, rather than operation. For example, spacing the lights farther apart
tacking on green elements to a traditional building. near exterior windows to take advantage of sunlight
In any given project, integrating sustainability leads or using motion sensors on restroom lights requires
to lower capital costs. In the end, sustainable develop- no new technology, just commonsense design. As for
ment is not about spending money to be “green.” contractors, they typically do not need special training
Simply, sustainable green development saves money. to work with sustainable products, and to the extent
More information about the economics of green that they may, manufacturers can suggest contractors
building is located on pg 14-15. familiar with their products. The cases in this
handbook list some websites for green building
materials used in the various projects.
green development perceptions and realities 13

Perception Perception
Green development would be easier if the demand Creating sustainable buildings is too large
were greater. a commitment.

Reality Reality
Demand for green development projects is growing Each case in this handbook demonstrates that green
rapidly and the building industry is accumulating data and sustainable design is indeed feasible. On page16,
on the benefits of green practices. As it becomes the Green Development Spectrum demonstrates that
clearer that this is not unusual or extreme design, and green development practices can range from simple to
the extensive benefits of green development become more intricate. In addition to the resources provided
more widely known, the demand will continue to grow. in this handbook, the Michigan Department of
In some cases, the solution to perceived soft demand is Environmental Quality (DEQ) maintains extensive
repositioning green development to better highlight resources to help anyone incorporate green concepts
the efficiency, lower costs, and improved health and into any facility, from residential to commercial.
productivity gains of a sustainable project (hence, the These can be found at their website:
term “high performance buildings”). More information
about green building demand is located on pg 20-22.

Perceived Barriers to Sustainable Design

(The Insiders Guide to Marketing Green Buildings, Adds significant costs 78%
Yudelson 2004)

Hard to justify 47%

Not comfortable 39%

with new ideas

Market not 24%

14 the economic case for green buildings

The Economic Case

for Green Buildings
The largest obstacle facing the development of sustain-
able buildings is the perception that construction costs
are higher. Some aspects of green buildings can cost Payback Period
incrementally more to build, but over the lifetime of the
building these costs are more than recouped. In “Green A basic form of cost-benefit analysis is called
Building Costs and Financial Benefits,” Gregory Kats “simple payback.” In this analysis, the initial costs
calculated that a premium is paid for LEED-certified are divided by the projected annual savings. The
buildings in the construction phase, but (1) the premium result is the number of years required for the
is not as costly as many believe, and (2) these costs are
investment to pay for itself.
recouped over a short period and lead to future savings.
Kats and his team studied 40 LEED buildings, all of Example: Consider the lighting retrofit of a 10,000
them offices and schools; the two Platinum-certified sq. ft. commercial office building. Installing high-
buildings came in at a 6.8% premium, the nine Gold efficiency lamps and electronic ballasts will cost
buildings averaged a 2.2% premium, the 21 Silver build- $13,000 (266 fixtures at $50 each). Annual savings
ings averaged 1.9%, and the eight Certified buildings are projected to be $4,800 per year (80,000 kWh
averaged 0.7%. Kats also pointed out that developers
at $0.06/kWh). The simple payback period for this
can avoid these premiums with proper planning and
improvement would be $13,000/$4,800 annually=
integrated design (see pg 18). Furthermore, over a
20-year period, savings from energy efficiency, emissions 2.7 years. That is, the improvement would pay for
reductions, water savings, reduced operations and main- itself in 2.7 years.
tenance costs, and improved productivity, these buildings
Source: Department of Energy Building Technologies Program:
clearly hold a positive net present value (NPV). The
Select Cost Analysis Method (2004)
NPV box on pg 15 explains how to calculate a NPV
and the chart on pg 15 represents Kats’ calculation
of NPV for a typical green building. The economic benefits from the 40 California-based
projects that Kats studied include gains from reduced
The key to developing and selling green buildings energy consumption, emissions reductions, water
is to identify and articulate the benefits, as Kats has consumption savings, reduced waste, operations and
done in his example. Proving this economic case maintenance cost savings, and improved productivity
requires making clients comfortable with two concepts: and health gains.
(1) that the present value of lifetime economic
benefits (like those resulting from greater efficiency) • Reduced Energy Consumption: The buildings
can be calculated, captured, and recouped, and (2) studied consumed an average of 28% less
that dollar values can be assessed on the less tangible purchased energy than conventional buildings.
benefits such as increased employee productivity and According to Kats, national average energy costs
improved learning environments for students. are $1.55/sq. ft. which works out to a 20-year
NPV of $5.79/sq. ft.
To better explain these concepts to clients, it may be
helpful to compare investments in green projects to • Emissions Reduction: Recognizing that there
investing in the stock market. For example, a payback is a cost to global climate changes, Kats estimates
on an investment in energy efficient light fixtures or a conservatively the value of buildings’ emissions
white roof is typically in less than three years. That is reductions. Assuming costs of $5/ ton of CO2
equivalent to an annual return of nearly 26%. This (studies have calculated as high as $125) and
investment also has less risk than investing in most $1/ton for NOX, Particulate Matter, and SOX,
stocks; unless energy prices fall substantially this return the study calculates that the average emissions
is quite safe. If this were a stock, most people would reduction of 36% for the buildings studied
jump at the chance to buy it; we should consider the results in a 20-year NPV of $1.18/sq. ft.
returns on the building investment in the same light.
the economic case for green buildings 15

• Water Consumption Savings: The study found Kats’ analysis is compelling. Even if one discounts the
that green buildings typically cut their water value of emissions reductions and productivity gains, the
consumption by 50% and estimates a 20-year savings from energy and water efficiency, construction
NPV of $0.51/sq. ft. for these savings. waste reduction, and reduced O&M costs dwarf the aver-
age premiums paid for these LEED-certified buildings
• Reduced Waste: Of 21 green buildings studied,
and result in significantly positive NPVs. Simply, green
17 reduced construction waste by at least 50%,
buildings save their owners money. By demonstrating the
and eight reduced construction waste by more
value of green buildings in these terms, developers should
than 75%. Kats’ conservative assumptions produce
be much more able to convince customers of the impor-
a 20-year NPV of only $0.03/sq. ft. for the
tance of green and sustainable design.
reduced waste, but he estimates that this figure
should be closer to $0.50/sq. ft. based on average The Kats study is not the only report on the subject.
national waste-related costs. The full report, as well as several other studies on the
economic analysis of green buildings and productivity,
• Operations and Maintenance Savings:
is available on the USBGC’s website at
Assuming a modest 5% reduction in O&M costs
Click on “Resources” and then “Research.”
for green buildings, and an average cost of
$3,000/person/ year, Kats estimates that green
buildings have a 20-year NPV of $8.47/sq. ft. for Net Present Value (NPV)
reduced O&M costs.
Payback period is simple to calculate and is
• Productivity and Health Gains: The value of
convenient to evaluate an investment, but it does
improved worker productivity and healthier
built environments is difficult to calculate, but not indicate good or bad investments. Net present
is perhaps the most significant benefit of green value (NPV) calculates the relative success of an
buildings. Kats cites eight studies that calculate investment. To calculate NPV, take the initial
the impact on productivity from improved lighting premium required and add the sum of the present
to range from a 3% to 34% gain with a mean of values of all future savings. Present values are future
7%. Additional studies demonstrate a 1%-1.5% cash flows in current dollars, keeping in mind that a
productivity gain from healthier indoor environ- dollar today is worth more than a dollar a year from
ments. Kats’ analysis results in a 20-year NPV of now. The rate used to calculate present value should
$36.89/sq. ft. to $55.33/sq. ft. represent your other investment options.

Example: Consider the project described in the

Category 20 year NPV/sq. ft. payback example. Assume the fixtures will last five
Reduced Energy Consumption $5.79 years and that an alternative investment would
return 10%.
Emissions Reduction $1.18
Water Consumption Savings $0.51 Initial premium: -$13,000
Reduced Waste $0.03
PV of savings Yr. 1: $4,800 / 1.1 = $4,364
Operations and Maintenance Savings $8.47 PV of savings Yr. 2: $4,800 / (1.1)2 = $3,966
Productivity and Health Gains $36.89 to $55.33 PV of savings Yr. 3: $4,800 / (1.1)3 = $3,606
PV of savings Yr. 4: $4,800 / (1.1)4 = $3,278
Cost Premium for Green Buildings (2%) ($4.00)
PV of savings Yr. 5: $4,800 / (1.1)5 = $2,980
Total 20 -Year NPV $48.87 to $67.31 Present Value of all savings: $18,196

Source: Greg Kats, “The Costs and Benefits of Green Buildings”

Net Present Value = $18,196 - $13,000 = $5,196

Investing in efficient lighting is $5,196 better

(in today’s dollars) than an alternative investment
that would return 10% (note: 1.1 is called the
“discount factor” and is calculated by adding 1
to the rate of return on your other investments).
Source: Urban Catalyst Associates
16 the green development spectrum

The Green Development Spectrum

The technologies and practices that comprise green Projects on the right side of the spectrum still result
development represent various levels of effort and in significant returns on investment, but may require
impact. Within the Green Development Spectrum a longer investment horizon. Some of these examples
on the opposite page, examples of green development may have fewer tangible financial benefits, but clients
are qualitatively ranked by their relative complexity and are often motivated to pursue them by less tangible
the degree of commitment typically required to pursue or more difficult to quantify benefits, such as:
them. Easy to implement practices with little cost and
• Positive environmental impacts
effort are on the left end of the spectrum. At the other
end of the spectrum are those practices that require • Improved employee moral
greater financial investment, more commitment, or
are just more complex in nature. • “Doing the right thing”

IHM Motherhouse case study pg 76

the green development spectrum 17

This spectrum illustrates many of the actions characterizing the practice of green development,
however, it is not a complete list of green development practices. Individual project distinctions,
such as the characteristics of a particular site and the size and scope of a project, influence the ordering
of actions along the spectrum. Specific cases in this handbook that highlight these actions are referenced.

Simple Actions Complex Actions

Smaller Commitment Larger Commitment

Cluster development to Preserve and relocate trees Pursue brownfield

maximize density 1. Bailey’s Grove, p 82 redevelopment opportunities
Site Planning 1. Bailey’s Grove, p 82 1. East Hills Center, p 42
2. DEQ SE Michigan District Office , p 96

Design functional landscaping Reduce impervious surfaces, Install green roofs and stormwater
1. East Hills Center, p 42 use porous pavements cisterns
Stormwater 2. Forest Hills School, p 62 1. Bailey’s Grove, p 82 1. Helmus Building, p 30
Management 3. IHM Motherhouse, p 70 2. East Hills Center, p 42
4. Bailey’s Grove, p 82 3. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90
5. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90 4. DEQ SE Michigan District Office , p 96

Install energy efficient Buy “green power” or use Generate renewable energy on-site
fixtures and appliances passive solar design 1. Zeeland West HS, p 56
1. Helmus Building, p 30 1. Herman Miller MarketPlace, p 36 2. Forest Hills School, p 62
Energy 2. Forest Hills School, p 62 2. East Hills Center, p 42 3. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90
Consumption 3. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76 3. Forest Hills School, p 62
4. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90 4. Zeeland West HS, p 56
5. DEQ SE Michigan District Office , p 96 5. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90
6. DEQ SE Michigan District Office , p 96

Install energy efficient HVAC unit, Install an Energy Recovery Ventilator Install a geothermal system
additional insulation and / or a 1. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76 1. Zeeland West HS, p 56
Heating and Air white roof 2. IHM Motherhouse, p 70
Conditioning 1. Helmus Building, pg 30
2. Forest Hills School, p 62
3. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76
4. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96

Use low-VOC paints, carpets, and adhe- Use Insulated Concrete Forms Reuse part of existing structure
sives for exterior walls or interior materials
1. Marshall Building, p 50 1. East Hills Center, p 42 1. Helmus Building, p 30
Materials Use 2. IHM Motherhouse, p 70 2. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76 2. IHM Motherhouse, p 70
3. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76 3. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96
4. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90
5. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96

Manage demolition waste streams Orient and design building Protect natural areas and create
1. Helmus Building, p 30 to optimize daylight permanent easements
Construction & 2. IHM Motherhouse, p 70 1. Herman Miller MarketPlace, p 36 1. Forest Hills School, p 62
Design Processes 3. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90 2. Zeeland West HS, p 56 2. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76
4. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96 3. Forest Hills School, p 62 3. Bailey’s Grove, p 82
4. Malletts Creek Branch Library, p 90

Install low-flow sinks and showers Install dual flush toilets Install graywater system
1. IHM Motherhouse, p 70 and waterless urinals 1. Forest Hills School, p 62
2. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96 1. Helmus Building, p 30 2. IHM Motherhouse, p 70
2. Herman Miller MarketPlace, p 36
3. Green Built Demonstration Home, p 76
4. DEQ SE Michigan District Office, p 96
18 the importance of integrated design

The Importance of Integrated Green Building Design Process

Integrated Design “Integrated design creates cost-effective green

buildings. Developing an interdisciplinary team that
fully participates in the design and implementation
stages encourages us to expand our thinking beyond
Although developers can reap energy savings by taking the immediate design problem and to develop more
minor energy efficient improvement measures, the creative solutions to creating great places to live
long-term economic benefits of sustainable projects and work.”
are maximized when developers integrate an upfront Source: Len Pilon, Director of Workplace Strategy,
whole-building design approach into their projects. Herman Miller.
Focusing on long-term benefits in the initial stages
of planning insures high performance and multiple
benefits at lower cost increases.
When professionals practice early-stage integrated
design, buildings immediately perform better in the the true cost of a white roof is less than a conventional
present and the future. Additional benefits from an black roof taking into account just one year of energy
integrated-design approach include improved operations savings, and it continues to provide savings over the
of the building’s systems. The systems are designed life of the building.
early on to work together and significant cost savings
Although not covered in detail in this handbook, another
are achieved by promoting synergies among artificial
example of integrated design is the Ford Rouge plant in
lighting, daylighting, and mechanical systems.
Dearborn, MI. By installing a green roof on the plant,
Concerns from those inexperienced with green develop- storm water runoff was reduced so significantly that the
ment include perceptions of additional time and expense plant did not need to install several expensive storm
resulting from these concepts. These issues and more are water retention basins. Not only did this reduce capital
addressed below. costs, it also meant that Ford did not have to use more
of its valuable land for the basins, and will not have to
maintain them going forward.
What is Integrated Design? The key to success in integrated design is to think of
In integrated design, multi-disciplinary teams of these different disciplines as a cohesive structure. By
building professionals work together from the pre-design starting early and involving the essential components
phase through post-occupancy to optimize a building’s of a first-rate “design team” – developers, architects,
environmental sustainability, performance, and cost engineers, clients/potential tenants – mistakes and
savings. This design approach recognizes that a success- miscommunications diminish and opportunities to
ful green building is best achieved by planning the site, maximize savings increase. By working together
structure, components, and systems as interdependent throughout the design process, team members identify
parts of a whole system, and optimizes their interaction highly attractive solutions to design needs that might
for economic and environmental benefits. not otherwise be found.

One example of integrated design is the installation

of a white roof such as in the Forest Hills case on page How do I create the right team?
62. A white roof may cost substantially more than a black A design team shapes the function, comfort, appearance,
roof and on that basis, a traditional building design might and performance of any building. Owners, developers,
discount it. However, if you consider the impact a black architects, major sub-contractors, occupants, and
roof has on cooling demand during the summer months - commissioning agents come together early in the
it requires a much larger heating and cooling system to project. This essential collaboration reduces waste
handle the load - this is where integrated design comes and allows systems normally designed independently
in. Under this viewpoint, the cost of the white roof is from each other to operate optimally.
offset by a savings from installing a smaller HVAC
system and lower ongoing energy costs. Many times
the importance of integrated design 19

When assembling your team, select team members How do I find local architects, engineers,
committed to meeting the project’s goals. Team and financing sources with experience in
members do not each need to be experts in the field green building and energy efficiency?
of green design, but must fundamentally understand
the benefits of green buildings, agree with the project Several resources identify potential members of
goals, and have a strong desire to work with sustainable integrated design teams. Keep in mind, however, you
design and green buildings. may already work with people who are familiar with
green design or who are interested in learning more.
The size of the team and the aggressiveness of the To build a team, start by contacting people who have
design goals determine who should be on the team. pursued green and sustainable projects, such as those in
The team members must communicate effectively with this handbook’s case studies. Several of these individuals
one another on all design decisions. Communication is are experts themselves and have extensive Michigan-
critical because when a decision affects the performance based networks with whom they work. Another resource
of another team member’s area, the team will be better is the DEQ (, which can point
able to evaluate the consequences up front and make you towards many more green projects around the state.
modifications to the design in the early stages. A useful
tool for establishing communication between team The USGBC also has a list of accredited professionals
members and developing goals is a design charrette. who have taken an exam and have demonstrated
familiarity and some expertise with green building issues
and process. To find this list, go to,
Does Integrated Design cost more to implement? open the “LEED” link and then click on “Accredited
Professionals”. In addition, organizations such as The
Early integration of design and engineering planning American Institute of Architects (AIA) provide online
reduces costs. Integrated design projects keep within directories of their members and can identify knowl-
the original budget because they eliminate redundancies edgeable green building professionals. Visit the AIA
built into standard structures, thereby decreasing both website (, select “find an architect” and
hard costs (i.e. construction costs) and soft costs (i.e. “advanced search.” Input a project category, state,
architectural and engineering fees). and city, and under “types of services,” select
“sustainable design.”
In addition, by emphasizing the up-front integration
and planning stages, project proposals are planned
ahead of time and initial cost savings are realized - a
major advantage when working with city planning and
development review processes. Also, identifying potential
obstacles early in the process diminishes the possibilities "When project design and construction professionals have
of costly errors and design mistakes. The Integrated completed a few LEED-certified projects they become
Green Building Design Process Graph on graph below familiar with the intent of the process and the certifica-
represents the costs of integrated design efforts at tion requirements, allowing them to prepare materials
various stages of time. more efficiently. With each LEED project completed,
we have found the design and LEED- documentation
time is significantly reduced."

- Steve Hamstra, Zeeland West High School, pg 56


Potential Cost-Effective
Green Building Strategies
Level of Design

Programming Schematic Design Construction Construction Occupancy

Design Development Documents

Source: Green Building and the Integrated Design Process,
Alan Scott, AIA (
20 the market for green buildings

The Market for Green Buildings

The market for green or sustainable buildings has The Market in Michigan
experienced significant demand increases over the past
With nine LEED-certified projects, Michigan ranks
several years. In just five short years, USGBC LEED-
6th in the US behind California (34), Washington (20),
certified buildings have captured nearly 3% of the
Pennsylvania (16), Oregon (14), and Georgia (10) -
entire new building market in the United States, and
(see Figure 2). In addition to the nine projects already
the number of projects registering for certification
LEED certified in Michigan, 59 additional projects
continues to grow: over 670 new LEED registrations
have registered for certification (see Figure 3 for a
occurred in 2004 (See Figure 1). Jerry Yudelson, author
categorical breakdown of all LEED-certified and
of The Insider’s Guide to Marketing Green Buildings
registered buildings in Michigan).
and USGBC board member, believes that this growth
rate will continue far into the future. Source: USGBC LEED registered and certified projects.

The market
Figure 1 for these buildings is broad and deep.
Educational buildings and commercial offices represent
1/3 of all LEED buildings, and green buildings are
popping up in all building categories (see Figure 3). “I’m not sure that anyone could have predicted the
Buildings registered for LEED certification are located rapid expansion of the market for high performance,
in all 50 states, clearly demonstrating the extensive sustainable green buildings, but the demand is
reach of the market. As the market begins to better undeniable. . . . Everything has changed.”
understand green and sustainable buildings, as well
as the far-reaching benefits of these buildings, demand - Pamela Lippe, Executive Director of Earth Day
will continue to grow. Additional information about New York (preface to “The Costs and Benefits of
LEED and the USGBC is located on pg 24. High Performance Buildings”)

LEED-Registered Projects in the US

Project Type Registered Projects Percent of Total
Commercial Office 470 18%
Education (K-12 & Higher) 429 16%
Multi-Unit Residential (apartment, dormitories) 148 6%
Laboratory 147 5%
Assembly (conv. center, place of worship, theater) 143 5%
Interpretive Center (museum, visitor center, zoo) 142 5%
Library 121 5%
Industrial (manufacturing, warehouse, pub. works) 118 4%
Campus (corporate campus school) 116 4%
Retail (store, supermarket, art gallery) 113 4%
the market for green buildings 21

Figure 2

LEED-Certified Projects in Michigan

Project City LEED Rating Case page number
The Herman Miller MarketPlace Building Zeeland Gold Page 36
Ice Mountain Bottling Plant Stanwood Certified
Herman Miller C1 Main Site Zeeland Gold
Forest Hills School Grand Rapids Certified Page 62
Ford Rouge Visitor Center Dearborn Gold
Herman Miller BG Main Site Zeeland Certified
Steelcase Wood Furniture Manufacturing Plant Caledonia TBD
Detroit Lions HQ & Training Facility Allen Park Certified
Helmus Building Grand Rapids Silver Page 30
Source: USGBC LEED registered and certified project.

Figure 3

LEED-Registered and Certified

“According to the U.S. Green Building Council,
Projects in Michigan
Michigan currently ranks 8th in the nation for the
Project Type Count number of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly
Commercial Office 29 building projects currently on the drawing board.
If this trend continues, Michigan could become
K-12 Education 8 a model state for green building activity.”
Higher Education 5
- Carolyn Kelly, Great Lakes Bulletin News Service,
Industrial 4 “Green Goals ’LEED’ To Calls to Enhance Building
Rating System,”
Retail 3
Multi-unit Residential 3
Public Order & Safety 2
Laboratory 2
Interpretive Center 2
Healthcare 2
Assembly 2
Stadium 1
Library 1
Daycare 1
Other 3
Total 68
Source: USGBC LEED registered and certified projects.
22 the market for green buildings

State Level Initiatives Michigan-Specific Green Organizations

Promoting strong growth of green buildings, Michigan’s The following Michigan-based organizations support
DEQ emphasizes specific aspects of green development, sustainable development initiatives and can help you
such as green infrastructure and innovative stormwater expand your network.
design, to encourage communities to include these
• Center for Sustainable Systems,
aspects in their urban redevelopment plans. The DEQ
University of Michigan
promotes green development through education and
technical and financial assistance. More information
about DEQ activities can be found at • Detroit Green Map
In addition, in April 2005, Governor Jennifer Granholm
(Michigan green building suppliers/resources)
announced Executive Directive No. 2005-4 which
directs the Department of Management and Budget • Environmental House Green Building Resource
(DMB) to reduce energy use in all state-owned and Center - Ann Arbor
operated buildings 10 percent by December 31, 2008,
and to reduce grid-based state energy purchases 20
percent by 2015. The Governor’s directive requires • Home and Building Association of Greater Grand
immediate adoption of an array of energy conservation Rapids - Green Built Certification
improvements in lighting, heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, as well as mechanical improvements to • Interstate Renewable Energy Council
cut energy costs.
Among building initiatives, the directive requires that • Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
all new buildings for state agencies, universities, and
community colleges be LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design) certified. This effort is • Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth
designed to ensure that all new state facilities are energy - Energy Office
efficient in operation and maintenance and are designed,1607,7-154-25676---,00.html
to have minimal impact on the environment. The
• Michigan Interfaith Power & Light Partners Program
Governor’s executive directive also creates an annual
Governor’s Energy Efficiency Award program to
recognize energy efficiency efforts by state agencies. • o2 Michigan
• University of Detroit Mercy - School of Architecture
• University of Michigan School of Natural Resources
and Environment
• USGBC Detroit Chapter
• USGBC West Michigan Chapter
segmenting the market for green buildings 23

Segmenting the Market

for Green Buildings
Sustainable buildings provide benefits that matter to Often clients view benefits differently. For example,
all clients. The table below outlines three theoretical one person interested in reducing costs will respond
categories of clients ranging from those seeking to well to the idea of downsizing an HVAC unit as a result
reduce costs to “green leaders” looking to create of improved efficiency and insulation. In this case, focus
marquee buildings that demonstrate their commitment your message on the cost savings; efficiency is a means
to the environment and society. Within each category, to save money. Another client, on the right side of the
the table breaks down (1) the key drivers that shape spectrum, may value efficiency in itself. The client may
clients’ decisions about a project, (2) an example of how be interested in saving money on the project, but will
you might position a green or sustainable building be motivated primarily by the conservation of resources.
concept to clients, (3) examples of benefits that resonate
with clients, and (4) common concerns and mispercep-
tions to expect from these clients. This segmentation
of client types is designed to correspond to The Green
Development Spectrum on page 17 of this book.

Cost Reduction Seekers Green Leaders

• Construction costs • Energy efficiency • Making a statement with a marquee

Key Decision • Operating costs • Political correctness or building
Drivers • Potential future liabilities Public Relation benefits • Being a green innovator
• Functional building improvements • Waste minimization • Demonstrating commitment
to sustainability

Possible • “Sustainable design saves you money.” • “Sustainable design saves money • “A green or sustainable building is an
Positioning and helps protect the environment.” opportunity to demonstrate what you

• Capital costs savings (construction phase) • High energy-efficient building process • Work environment boosts employee
Supporting • Lower operating costs equals less waste productivity, supports local economy,
Benefits • Healthier and safer working environments • Building’s efficiency saves resources and protects the environment
throughout its life

• Do not want to be viewed as • Cost concerns exist • Needs committed developer and contractor
Concerns & “environmentalists” • Skeptical about green technologies • The market may not yet exist
Misperceptions • Believes that “green buildings” cost more

Source: Urban Catalyst Associates

“The key is to find a person’s ’hot buttons’ for pursuing green development.
Whether their reason for doing so is environmental benefits, chemical sensitivity,
or energy efficiency, focusing on that purpose will make the project more easily

- Lynn Rogien, Everett Marshall Building Case, page 50

24 the usgbc and leed


What is the USGBC? Universities and Colleges Pursuing LEED
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) • Brown University
is a coalition of leaders across the building industry • Dartmouth College
whose primary goal is to promote buildings that are
environmentally responsible, profitable, and provide • Harvard University
healthy surroundings for occupants. USGBC-member • Northern Michigan University
organizations range from product manufacturers and
architects to federal, state, and local government • Northwestern University
agencies. • Ohio State University
• Penn State
What is LEED? • UC Berkeley

The USGBC created and maintains the LEED

(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Corporations Pursuing LEED
Green Building Rating System, the emerging national
standard for high-performance, sustainable buildings. • Bank of America
The USGBC has developed LEED criteria for the • Ford
following categories:
• Goldman Sachs
1. New commercial construction and major renovation
• Johnson & Johnson
projects (LEED-NC)
• JPMorganChase
2. Existing building operations (LEED-EB)
• Pfizer
3. Commercial interiors projects (LEED-CI)
• Raytheon
4. Core and shell projects (LEED-CS)
• Toyota
5. Homes (LEED-H)
6. Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) Shortcomings of LEED:
For each category there is a checklist of available points LEED is not the only certification standard available
that a specific project can earn to receive one of four for sustainable buildings, but it is the most common
levels of certification: Certified, Silver, Gold, and and covers the widest range of building types. However,
Platinum. To be considered for certification, a LEED is not perfect; two major criticisms of LEED
project must first register with the USGBC. are (1) it focuses primarily on the structure/site and
does not do enough to encourage “smart growth,” and
(2) the point system drives people to focus on getting
Who is pursuing LEED certification? points for the sake of getting points instead of under-
scoring the importance of the underlying objectives.
As of the writing of this handbook, over 1,600 projects
were registered for LEED. Registered projects cover a
wide range of building types led by commercial offices
“Don’t just think about LEED standards
(18%) and educational facilities (16%). Not only are
small companies and organizations building LEED- for LEED projects. The principles behind LEED
certified projects, corporations and other large entities should be incorporated whether certification
are also involved, which means they are regularly is pursued or not.”
answering to and convincing shareholders and other
stakeholders of the benefits of pursuing LEED - Steve Hamstra Zeeland West High School, pg 56
certifications. The following is a sample of some
of the organizations pursuing LEED:
the bottom line: why green development 25

The Bottom Line:

Why Green Development
The 1987 World Commission on the Environment commercial building industries as grants, tax incentives,
and Development defined sustainable development and government support are increasingly allocated to
(in a broader context than real estate development) more energy efficient and sustainable projects. As noted,
as “development that meets the needs of the present Michigan leads the way, as other states are quickly
without compromising the ability of future generations catching on to the possibilities of sustainable and
to meet their own needs.” Traditional building practices green building development.
often do not stand up to this ideal, necessitating ineffi-
Undertaking green development projects demonstrates
cient energy use, using non-recyclable construction
a commitment to quality, permanence, and stewardship
materials, and over-consuming land, timber, plastics,
that improves an owner’s or a developer’s reputation in
and chemicals. Green development projects, on the
the community and in the industry as a whole. Those
other hand, respect future generations and provide
involved with sustainability are viewed as innovators,
today’s developers and building users with the satisfac-
exemplars, and leaders in their fields and good people
tion of “doing the right thing” by owning the financial,
to do business with in the future. In his Site Planning
environmental, and social responsibilities of beneficial
and Design Handbook, Thomas Russ writes that
“buildings once reflected an elegance of design, a
Driven by external market pressures and associated thoughtful construction based on awareness of the
prices, green building is fast becoming the industry environment. Buildings in this tradition were active
standard, and with energy and petroleum costs rising, working machines.” Green development is “active”
the demand for energy-efficient technology will continue building that reminds us of our connection to a world
to increase. State and federal regulations demand that larger than ourselves, a world to be inherited by our
industries become increasingly leaner and more energy children. Our responsibility today is to create and
efficient, and that future policies and incentives reward maintain sound environmental, social, and fiscal legacies.
those who incorporate energy efficiency into their The practice of sustainable, green development is the
projects. Clearly, this is the case in the residential and crucial pillar of that responsibility.

REFERENCES: The USGBC. “Certified Project List” and “Registered

Project Search.” LEED. The US Green Building
“Everyone Benefits from Green Building.” Boston
Council 15 Mar. 2005. US Department of Energy web-
Mayor Menino’s Green Building Task Force Report,
Fall 2004.
World Commission on Environment and Development
(The Brundtland Commission), 1987, Our Common
Future, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kats, Gregory. The Costs and Benefits of Green Buildings.
Yudelson, Jerry. (2004). The Insider’s Guide to Marketing
Massachusetts: Massachusetts Technology Collaborative,
Green Buildings. Portland, OR: Green Building
Marketing, 2004.
“Productivity and Green Buildings.” Environmental
Building News,, October 2004
Russ, Thomas. Site Planning and Design Handbook.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
case study matrix 27


DEQ Southeast Michigan District Office Warren

Green Built Demonstration Home Grand Rapids

Malletts Creek Branch Library Ann Arbor

Herman Miller MarketPlace Zeeland

Everett Marshall Building Ypsilanti

Zeeland West High School Zeeland


East Hills Center Grand Rapids

Helmus Building Grand Rapids

Forest Hills High School Ada

IHM Motherhouse Monroe

Bailey’s Grove Kentwood


Page Number 30 36 42 50 56 62 76 70 82 90 96

Brownfield Redevelopment • •
Stormwater Management • • • • •
Materials Use • • • • • • • • •
Energy Efficiency • • • • • • • • •
Key Topics

Water Efficiency • • • • •
Social Benefits • • • • • • • •
Development Processes • • • • • • •
Cost-Benefit Analysis • • •
Funding Sources • • • •
Reduced Capital Costs • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
Benefits of Green Development

Lower Operating Costs

Reduced Risks & Liabilities • • • •

Less Environmental Impact • • • • • • • • • • •
Healthier Indoor Environment
and Improved Productivity
• • • • • • • •
Stronger Social Networks • • • • • • •
Increased Environmental Awareness • • • • • • • •
Under $1 million • •
• •

$1 million - $10 million

$10 million - $50 million • • •

Over $50 million • • •
This grand entrance to Bazzani’s offices
was achieved by removing the former
mezzanine, opening the space to create
the current entrance.
31 commercial

Project type Commercial

Project scale Building
Construction type Renovation - Urban
Date completed July 2002
Address 959 Wealthy SE, Grand Rapids MI 49506
Subjects Energy Efficiency
Materials Use
Social Benefits
Lessons Learned
Total project costs $1,042,800 (soft costs)
$249,000 (building acquisition)
Building 9,480 sq. ft.
Cost $110/sq. ft. (soft costs,
excluding building acquisition)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Helmus Building

Built in 1918, the Helmus Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was a dry storage warehouse for most of its life.
After going vacant and falling into a state of disrepair, much like the surrounding neighborhood, Guy Bazzani
purchased the building in 1999. Bazzani bought the Helmus Building not only for its redevelopment potential,
but because of his commitment to the local community.
For over a decade, Bazzani has been active in real estate development in the area, and sustainable building
design and development are at the core of his business practices. Intending to locate his offices in the Helmus
Building, he sought to demonstrate the economic, social, and environmental value of sustainable design with
this project; the Helmus renovation project is an historic rehabilitation that salvaged 100% of the original shell,
and more than 50% of the non-shell materials. The super-insulated and super-efficient building pays dividends
in many ways: utility and water bills are significantly lower than comparables, and the improved insulation of
the building envelope have enabled Bazzani to downsize the HVAC systems, reducing construction costs as well
as future replacement costs.
The Helmus Building is more than just energy and water efficient. Under its one roof, the building mixes
residential, commercial, and retail uses. Sustainable materials – including low-VOC paints, recycled carpeting,
and recycled content ceiling pads – were used throughout the renovation. Most important, this project affected
more than Bazzani Associates and its customers; the renovation of the Helmus Building sparked the
revitalization of the surrounding community.

VOC - Volatile organic compounds; Secondary petrochemicals which evaporate readily into the atmosphere at normal
temperatures. They include light alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, dichloroethylene, benzene, vinyl
chloride, tolulene, and methyl chloride. These potentially toxic chemicals are used as solvents, degreasers, paint thinners,
adhesives, and fuels and contribute significantly to photochemical smog production and certain health problems. Signs and
symptoms of VOC exposure may include eye and upper respiratory irritation, nasal congestion, headache, and dizziness.
32 commercial

Energy Efficiency
Initially, the exterior walls of the Helmus Building consisted of only Energy Efficiency
brick. Upon renovation, all exterior walls were super-insulated using
the Icynene Insulation System, an open-cell foam insulation with 1st floor offices = 4,740 sq. ft.
an R21 rating. Additionally, the energy efficiency of the walls was Annual natural gas = $1,229
increased through the use of thermal breaks, vapor barriers,
and low-E glass in all the windows. The building was built to Annual electricity = $1,987
ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999 energy efficiency standards, and Total of $0.68/sq. ft./yr
Bazzani estimates that his super-insulated building saves him
roughly $2,444 annually in gas and electric utility costs.
In addition to super-insulating the walls, several energy efficient devices were installed throughout the building,
including dimmable compact fluorescent lights, timers for all light fixtures, and occupancy sensors. ENERGY
STAR-rated appliances and equipment also were installed throughout the building. One of the most innovative
approaches to conserving energy was the design of the building’s awnings, positioned at an angle to shade the
storefront windows in the summer and to allow maximum sunlight penetration in the winter to optimize passive
solar gain.
To complete the energy-efficient envelope of the building, Bazzani installed a Carlisle-Syntec 2,511-square-
foot green roof. Using plants that require little water and maintenance, the green roof helps release moisture,
cool the building in the summer, and reduce stormwater runoff, in addition to conserving energy and prolong-
ing the life of the roof. Additionally, the green roof was designed as a usable rooftop garden providing addition-
al green space for occupants of the building to enjoy.
Bazzani’s investments in efficiency created immediate and long-term savings. The improved insulation of the
building allowed them to downsize HVAC equipment, reducing construction costs. According to Nathan Gillette,
Project Manager for Bazzani Associates, “We almost couldn’t find HVAC equipment small enough for the build-
ing and ended up using a residential unit.” They selected a Bryant 350MAV Furnace and a Bryant 533A central
air conditioner. The downsized HVAC equipment coupled with the building’s energy efficient envelope offer
significantly reduced annual energy costs at $0.68 per square foot per year.

In addition to cooling the

building in the summer,
reducing water runoff,
improving energy
efficiency, and prolonging
the life of the roof, this
green roof creates new
usable space for occupants.

thermal breaks - An insulating barrier which provides a separation between construction elements that are
exposed to the outside. A thermal break minimizes the possibility of condensation on surfaces of exterior framing.
vapor barriers - An impermeable membrane that blocks the flow of air through the building envelope.
Vapor barriers protect the building envelope structure and insulation from condensation damage,
prevent air leakage, and maintain interior humidification.
helmus building 33

Bazzani’s emphasis on
sustainability and
environmentally friendly
materials results in very
comfortable and attractive
residential space.

The Helmus Building

offers its tenants nicely
appointed workspace with
ample daylight.

Materials Use
Reuse is always the optimal choice for any material that reaches the end of its intended life, and Bazzani
Associates wholeheartedly embraced the reuse concept when renovating Helmus. In fact, Bazzani reused
100% of the building’s existing frame and more than 50% of the “non-shell.” One of the most unique reuses
was the loading dock, which originally was two feet higher than the rest of the first floor to accommodate
delivery trucks. Rather than sending all the concrete from the loading dock to a landfill, Bazzani disconnected
it from the walls and lowered it to ground level, providing a perfectly surfaced floor for what is now the
building’s new garage.
Finishing materials were selected to maximize sustainability. Interface carpeting with recycled nylon and
backing material was used on the floors throughout the Helmus Building as were Armstrong Cirrus ceiling
tiles containing 72% recycled content. All paints, stains, and sealants were low-VOC products. As a result of
the carefully developed and implemented waste management plan, the renovation project generated less than
25% of the waste normally generated by new construction of a similar building.

low-E glass - Low-emissivity windows: glazing that has special coatings to permit most of the sun’s
light radiation to enter the building, but prevents heat radiation from passing through.

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers

34 commercial

Social Benefits
Incorporating multiple uses into one facility ensures that the capital and energy invested in the project are
used to a higher potential while delivering social benefits, such as reducing transportation demands and
creating a more vibrant community. Bazzani Associates’ core staff of five and Clean Water Action, a local
non-profit, inhabit the office space on the first floor of the Helmus Building. Guy Bazzani and his wife reside
on the second floor, where two additional residential units are nearing completion. Finally, local individuals
and businesses rent storage units in the basement.
Guy Bazzani has a proven track record of personal involvement in the community, including his work with
local non-profits and his involvement with the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum and EDGE2 advisory
committee (Economic Development and Growth through Environmental Efficiency). The Bazzani’s Helmus
Building project has extraordinarily impacted the surrounding community. When Bazzani bought the building
in 1999, the neighborhood was plagued with drugs and prostitution. In fact, the police often used the Helmus
Building for stakeouts.
After years of decay, Bazzani’s redevelopment catalyzed the revitalization of the surrounding area. As a result
of the renovation, the city invested in new street lighting, paved the main street with recycled bricks, and
implemented a program to curb graffiti that has plagued the area. Just after the completion of the building,
several new and local businesses moved into the neighborhood.

Lessons Learned
According to Guy Bazzani, the historic preservation and renovation of the Helmus Building in Grand Rapids
went fairly smoothly, although the project hit a snag when Bazzani wanted the state’s Historic Commission
to approve new low-E glass windows for the building. The Commission originally rejected the permit request
because of the building’s “historic” designation and the Historic Commission’s concern that the low-E glass
would not match the reflective properties of other historic windows in the area. After several presentations
to the Commission, Bazzani’s request for the new windows was approved.

• LEED-NC Silver
• Best Exterior Renovation, Grand Rapids Historic Preservation Commission
• Outstanding Commercial Historic Preservation, City of Grand Rapids
• NBA Award (Neighborhood Business Alliance) for Best Façade
• Certificate of Excellence for Best Reuse of a Building
• 2003 Outstanding Historic Preservation Project Award
• 2003 Outstanding Historic Preservation Volunteer Award

“We almost couldn’t find HVAC equipment small enough for the building and ended up using a residential heating unit.”
- Nathan Gillette
helmus building 35

The Bottom Line

The Helmus Building illustrates what can be accomplished despite the limitations of
a renovation project and a historic rehab. Bazzani’s investments in energy efficiency
resulted in reduced capital requirements (downsizing HVAC equipment, for example)
and will pay future dividends through reduced utility bills. Furthermore, his pursuit
of a mixed-use structure insures that his investments will be fully utilized while also
delivering social benefits to society and the building’s occupants.

Located inside Bazzani’s apartment, this spiral staircase provides

access to the green roof to barbecue, take in summer rays,
or just enjoy the view.

Interviews with Nathan Gillette and Rachel Lee
The Helmus Building, Bazzani Associates
The Helmus Building Story, Bazzani Associates

Contact Information
Builder and Developer Bazzani Associates,
Nathan Gillette AIA, LEED-AP, CNU, Project Design
Manager, Bazzani Associates,
(616) 774-2002, [email protected]
Rachel Lee Neighborhood Development Liaison,
Bazzani Associates, (616) 774-2002,
[email protected]
Architect of Record DTS Architects, 62 Commerce St. SW
Suite 200,G.R., MI, 49503 (616) 451-4707
Contact: Dave Sobota

Resources for further information

Icynene Insulation System - Interface Flooring Systems -

Armstrong Ceiling Tiles - Carlisle-Syntec Rooftop Planting Systems -
Bryant HVAC Systems -
The MarketPlace is one of the only LEED
Gold buildings in Michigan and has won
numerous awards for its innovative design.
37 commercial

Project type Commercial

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Greenfield
Date completed January 2002
Address 855 East Main Ave., Zeeland, MI
Subjects Development Processes
Energy Efficiency
Social Benefits
Lessons Learned
Cost Benefit Analysis
Total project costs $8,455,000 (land excluded)
Building square footage 95,000 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $89/ sq. ft.

Zeeland, MI

Herman Miller MarketPlace

The MarketPlace grew from the need to reduce the size of functional areas and to move employees into one
building. Before working together in the MarketPlace, employees worked in four different buildings, each with
its own lease. Rather than renew each lease, Herman Miller decided to condense resources and construct one
high-performing, centrally located building to house those employees.
Herman Miller collaborated with The Granger Group of Companies, a Michigan-based development company
with head offices in Lansing and Grand Rapids, to design and develop the building. The two companies formed
a unique partnership, both believing in the economic, social, and environmental benefits of building an energy-
efficient, LEED-certified building. As both the developer and owner of the building, Granger understood that a
unique and energy-efficient property could easily be marketed as a healthier and more productive workplace.
If Herman Miller vacated the lease, Granger felt that it would be easier to lease a high-performing building
compared to a traditionally built office building. The Granger Group offered to build at LEED Silver standards.
The subsequent lease agreement mandated that a LEED-rated project tie the cost of the base rent directly into
achieving that rating. Although the initial goal was to achieve the LEED Silver rating, the building earned the
more coveted Gold rating.

“Marketplace is a prime example of how Herman Miller continues to take a leadership

role in bringing the environmental sustainability ethic to the corporate workplace.”

-Len Pilon, HM director of Workplace Strategy and Facilities.

38 commercial

Development Processes
The Granger Group is committed to green building because, not only is it environmentally sound, it makes the
most economic sense in both the short and long terms. By building green and marketing its skill and expertise
developing these types of buildings, Granger differentiates itself from its competition. Furthermore, as green
building costs have begun to equalize with traditional building costs and as market demand pushes costs lower,
the return on investment (ROI) time period is decreasing. According to Greg Markvluwer, developer at the
Granger Group, Granger has earned a two-to-five-year payback on all the initial fixed costs on of their green
design projects. “Even if you don’t go for LEED certification, consider all the benefits of green building design.
The principles of green building, whether part of a LEED-certification process or independently undertaken,
make good economic sense for all parties involved,” said Greg Markvluwer.
For Granger, integrated design was an essential component of this project. As the project was conceptualized,
Granger offered Herman Miller a flexible, LEED-influenced building outline that supported Herman Miller’s
goals. The design process involved not only Granger and Herman Miller, but included the architecture and
design team. Working cooperatively in these functional areas made reaching the goals of energy efficiency
and LEED certification much easier.

Prior to the completion

of the MarketPlace,
Herman Miller employees
worked in four separate
buildings. By condensing
employees and resources
into one energy-efficient
building, Herman Miller
saved on rental and
energy expenses.

“This project is sure to draw attention from around the country. MarketPlace is an outstanding demonstration of
businesses simultaneously achieving strong economic and environmental performance through smart building design.”
-Christine Ervin, US Green Building Council President and CEO
herman miller marketplace 39

The materials used within the MarketPlace provide

for optimal exterior daylight to penetrate into the
interior. Specific acoustical absorbent materials
help to lower reflected noise levels.

Energy Efficiency
MarketPlace achieves
significant energy savings
by using standard HVAC
products available from
multiple manufacturers.
The HVAC system’s
installed cost is less than
$14 per square foot and realizes a 40% reduction in energy use over ASHRAE standard 90.1. The building
automation system–including highly efficient rooftop units, variable air volume energy-recovery units, and
perimeter radiant heating–allows users to control systems.
Abundant daylighting decreases the energy needed for indoor lighting, with glass accounting for more than
62% of the building’s exterior walls. Carefully selected light sources maintain an average of 0.9 watts per
square foot and minimize lighting-system energy demands. The lighting strategy provides adequate general
light in coordination with passive daylighting. Task lighting at the work surface is used only when needed.

Social Benefits
By condensing resources and moving employees from four separate buildings into the one, more
collaborative MarketPlace building, employee productivity and overall satisfaction at the company increased.

Organizational Effectiveness Worker Effectiveness

Job Satisfaction Privacy
Culture and Corporate Image Comfort
Collaboration Personalization
Work Group Process Quality Lighting
Communication Workspace Layout
Control over Environment

These findings illustrate the link between workplace design features, changes in key employee behaviors,
and measurable outcomes related to greater efficiencies in the workplace environment. The health and
social benefits easily transfer to the residential environment.

Employee Effectiveness Measures 20% decrease in personal

travel distance
17% increase in satisfaction with
quality of lighting 7% increase in worker productivity
following the move to a green,
13% increase in perceived availability
day lit facility
of alternative settings to do
individual work

Source: Herman Miller

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-conditioning Engineers

40 commercial

Lessons Learned
Herman Miller realizes that sustainable design must begin early in the design process, not as an add-on at the
end of a project. Developers need to set roles and expectations at the beginning of the project as LEED points
can be lost by simple mistakes. For example, the project lost a LEED point because an HVAC filter was installed
backwards. The intent was there, but the execution of this particular point was not.
This project achieved its LEED Gold rating because the corporate client is committed to the environment. Mike
Volkema, chairman and CEO of Herman Miller, Inc., says that in regard to the company’s commitment to the
environment, "We strive to contribute to a world of ecological balance and economic abundance. We build
sustainability into all aspects of our business.” This dedication to sustainable business practices allowed
the Herman Miller project to receive its well-earned Gold rating.

Cost Benefit Analysis

The total amount saved in operational costs over a seven-year lease has been calculated at $1,001,000.
The following value metrics of the project indicate the savings over a traditional 100,000 square-foot building
with a seven-year lease:
• Building costs, including tenant improvements: 33%
• FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment): 11%
• Operations costs for 5 months of occupancy: 41%
• Churn costs: (IFMA baseline: 44% churn at $748 per move): 66%

Traditional Leased Marketplace Savings

Building Costs (including TI) $135/sq. ft. $89/sq. ft. $4,600,000
FF&E Costs $31/sq. ft. $27.58/sq. ft. $341,920
Utility Costs $1.97/sq. ft. $1.17/sq. ft. $0.80/sq. ft. ($560,000/7years)
Churn Costs $1.58/sq. ft. $0.55/sq. ft. $1.04/sq. ft. ($726,017/7 years)
Source: Herman Miller

• Finalist for Business Week/Architectural Record “Good Design is Good Business 2003”
• State of Michigan AIA Award for Sustainable Design, 2004
• Environmental Design and Construction, Excellence in Environmental Design Runner Up Award 2003
• Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) Exemplary Sustainable Business Award

PowerPoint presentation supplied by Len Pilon of Herman Miller
Case Study developed by USGBC,
Case Study developed by US DOE,

“Herman Miller MarketPlace exhibits unusual interior flexibility while providing a significantly high level of amenity and indoor
environmental quality including water and light, and the ability of the site to detain a 100-year storm event. This is a promising
prototype for an economically viable, environmentally sensitive, and sustainable solution in the speculative office market.”
-Jury naming the MarketPlace a top 10 project in the world, AIA Committee on the Environment.
herman miller marketplace 41

The Bottom Line

Herman Miller discovered that no matter how committed a company is to green
design, sustainability cannot be accomplished without the assistance and guidance
of others. Successful sustainable design depends on the commitment of all the
members of the team, including the architect, client, and contractor.

By incorporating integrated design from the beginning, the developer, client, and
design team realized even greater long-term savings and benefits than initially
projected. MarketPlace is Michigan’s first developer-owned LEED project, and
joins less than fifty Gold-certified projects nationwide. This distinction places
MarketPlace among the country’s best buildings defined by environmental respon-
sibility, construction, and operating costs, and as a healthy place to live and work.

Contact Information
The entire design team worked to create an effective
building without losing track of the initial cost. The Client Paul Murray, Herman Miller,
target was an HVAC system that requires 40% lower [email protected]
energy costs than what is budgeted in the baseline Developer Greg Markvluwer, The Granger Group,
model ASHRAE 90.1 - 1999. [email protected]
Architect Mike Corby, AIA, Integrated Architecture

Resources for further information
Once an abandoned brownfield site,
the East Hills Center now serves as
a focal point for the community.
43 commercial

Project type Commercial

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Urban Infill
Date completed October 2004
Address 1001-1009 Lake Dr. SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Subjects Brownfield Redevelopment
Stormwater Management
Social Benefits
Materials Use
Funding Sources
Total project costs $800,000 (building shell)
Building square footage 7,200 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $111/sq. ft.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

East Hills Center

Located at the center of five different neighborhoods and four business districts, the site of the East Hills
Center was a prime piece of real estate. The site had been abandoned for over 15 years and was badly
contaminated when, in 2002, Guy Bazzani partnered with the East Hills Neighborhood Association to purchase
and redevelop it. Today the property is home to a brand new 7,200-square-foot commercial building with zero
stormwater discharge and superior energy efficiency. The tenant-owners are proud to be part of what is rapidly
becoming the focal point of the community.
The property was originally home to three residential properties and, in 1932 the properties were converted
into a single gas station site. The site remained a gas station until Shell Oil Company shut it down in 1987,
and razed it in 1989. After lying vacant for 15 years, the soil was severely contaminated by the leaking
underground storage tanks of the former gas station. For many years, Shell tried to get rid of the property
in bulk with other vacant sites, but could not find a willing buyer. In 1994, a neighboring business could not
get a loan due to the contamination of the Shell site, convincing the East Hills Neighborhood Association to
pursue Shell Oil to clean up the site.
In 1998, Shell Oil Company sold the site to Cherokee Festival Holdings, a holding company in California. In
2001, Cherokee began shopping the property around to large fast-food franchises, refueling the neighborhood
association’s campaign to find a property owner to work in cooperation with the surrounding businesses.
In February 2003, Bazzani became the official owner of the site, deeding the design rights of the future exterior
building to Neighborhood Association, thus protecting the neighborhood’s historic character for perpetuity.
Now almost complete, the mixed use Center is home to two businesses and one nonprofit: Cobblestone,
a clothing shop; Marie Catrib’s of Grand Rapids, a gourmet neighborhood bistro; and the offices of the West
Michigan Environmental Action Council. The property provides an excellent example of urban infill and
brownfield redevelopment, and also serves as a community redevelopment catalyst, motivating the city
as well as local business owners to invest in the community, its buildings, and the neighborhood infrastructure,
creating a sense of pride for local residents.

brownfield - Abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities/sites where

expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.
44 commercial

Brownfield Redevelopment
Bazzani Associates purchased the site, with a stipulation that Shell would cover all remediation costs.
A Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) determined the level of existing contamination, prescribed
remediation strategies, and protected future owners from liability. Upon completion of the BEA, Shell spent
$520,000 on site remediation before the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) signed off
on the redevelopment of the site.
As part of Shell’s clean up efforts, the contaminated soil was removed from the site and hauled to a toxic
waste dump. Additionally Shell used a bioremediation technique of hydrogen-peroxide injection commonly
used to clean up petroleum ground water and soil contamination. The presence of hydrogen peroxide in
the groundwater and soil increases available oxygen which, in turn, increases the microbe activity and
the breakdown of the petroleum hydrocarbons present in the soil and groundwater.
Before construction started, Bazzani installed a 60-mil polyethylene liner six feet below the footings of the
building. The liner spans the entire footprint of the building plus three feet in all directions, and is designed
to divert any remaining hydrocarbons rising from beneath the building away from its footprint. Otherwise,
the hydrocarbons could seep through the foundation and make their way into the building itself.

Stormwater Management
Stormwater runoff is fast becoming a significant problem for city sewer- and water-processing systems
and may lead to the contamination of drinking water. Had the East Hills Center followed a traditional
design process, it too would have contributed to the stormwater runoff problem; however, Bazzani pursued
a different route. When completed, the EHC will have zero stormwater discharge into the city’s sewer system.
A green roof covers the entire building and a rain garden in the parking lot filters all surface runoff before it
reaches the water table.

Before any construction

could begin, Shell had to
remove all contaminated soil
from the site.

bioremediation - The use of living organisms to clean up oil spills or remove other pollutants from soil, water, or wastewater.

green roof - A roof of a building which is partially or completely covered with plants. It may be a tended roof garden or a more self-maintaining system.
Green roofs increase roof life span, reduce stormwater runoff, reduce the urban heat island effect, and provide amenity space for building users.
east hills center 45

The green roof on top of the East Hills Center

offers better energy efficiency, reduced water runoff
as well as less maintenance over the life of the roof.

As part of the agreement with the

DEQ regarding the redevelopment
of the once-contaminated site,
Bazzani agreed to cap the entire
site to prevent migration of soil
contaminants and to eliminate
direct contact with any remaining
contamination. After negotiating
with the DEQ, Bazzani installed
the rain garden which technically
did not need to be capped. The
two parties agreed that laying 14”
of clay soil below the topsoil of the rain garden satisfied the capping requirement for the site. The rain garden
cost Bazzani about $8,000, and should last for 50 years with only minor maintenance and trimmings.
The green roof, a Carlisle-Syntec green roof system, was installed in October 2004, using multiple varieties
of Sedum that absorb rain water and minimize runoff from the building. As for the life expectancy of the roof
system, the dirt and garden, with periodic replanting and minimal maintenance, can last forever. Bazzani
expects the roof membrane that runs underneath the system to last 30 to 40 years or longer. Such roofing
systems carry a 15-20 year warranty, and this one costs roughly $37,000.

Social Benefits
The local community initiated the campaign to save the East Hills Center site, and Guy Bazzani understood
the importance of community involvement. Recognizing the vested interests that the surrounding businesses
and residents had in the future of the property, Bazzani implemented a community-based planning approach,
allowing all stakeholders to remain involved in the process. During the pre-design stage, Bazzani hosted a
design charrette for local business owners, residents, and non-profits to help shape the design of the East
Hills Center. As the process progressed, Bazzani continued to work with the Neighborhood Association to
solicit feedback and shape the building to meet everyone’s needs.
Further supporting the community and creating a more stable local economy, Bazzani chose to set up the five
units in the EHC as condominiums and to sell them rather than rent them. By offering ownership of the units,
the EHC development created a sense of pride for the new owners. From Bazzani’s perspective, not only was
he helping the community and the local business owners, he was better able to cover his construction costs
which increased as a result of the brownfield remediation and stormwater-management technologies that
needed to be implemented. The units sold at 10-20% premium over appraised value which Bazzani attributes
to three factors:
1. Benefits of ownership,
2. Contextual fit of the design with its surroundings, and
3. Positive attributes of the sustainable technologies implemented.

rain garden - A landscaping feature that is planted with native plants and is used to manage
stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs, sidewalks, and parking lots.
design charrette - An intensive design process that involves the collaboration of all project stakeholders at the beginning
of a project to develop a comprehensive plan or design. Although it may take place only over a few short days, it establishes
groundwork for communication and a team-oriented approach to be carried throughout the building process.
46 commercial

Materials Use
Material choices were driven by the motivation to obtain LEED Silver certification for the core and shell of the
building. All of the exterior and primary interior walls were built using Eco-Block Insulating Concrete Forms
(ICFs) consisting of concrete poured between two sheets of expanded polystyrene panels (construction grade
Styrofoam). The Eco-Block system used in the East Hills Center provides an insulation value of R-24 and
reduces tenants’ utility bills. Furthermore, the walls offer superior sound dampening which is important to
retail and commercial tenants.
To further improve the sustainability of the building, Bazzani chose to use high fly-ash concrete, using a
waste product from coal-fired electrical generation industry that otherwise would be sent to a landfill. The
concrete used for the project was supplied by Consumers Concrete. Bazzani simply told Consumers that he
wanted a high fly-ash concrete, and Consumers created the mix to match the requirements of the building
design. According to Nathan Gillette of Bazzani Associates, the fly-ash concrete demonstrated incredible
strength. The targeted design strength for the concrete was 3,500 psi. On day seven, the crush test came
in at 4,200 psi, and on day 28, the crush test was near 5,700 psi, vastly exceeding the target.
Another innovative design aspect was Bazzani’s use of passive solar design throughout the building. The south
facing building proved the ideal setup for the use of light shelves, which provide shade in the summer months
to keep the building cool and reflect daylight deep into the building all year round. By increasing the daylight
that reaches the depths of the building, not only is more natural light provided, the building requires fewer,
less powerful, installed lights, resulting in decreased electricity bills.

Funding Sources
As part of the community’s involvement with the project, Bazzani deeded the design rights for the building
back to the East Hills Neighborhood Association in exchange for the $32,000 that it had raised towards the
purchase of the site. The State of Michigan Cool Cities Initiative selected the project as the recipient of a
Catalyst Grant, providing Bazzani Associates with $50,000 towards the development of the East Hills Center.
The grant also provided the Neighborhood Façade Improvement Program with $30,000, and $20,000 toward
a way-finding program, both of which benefited the East Hills Center project by improving the facades of
neighboring businesses and by providing a unified image for the neighborhood.

• Michigan Cool Cities catalyst grantee
• LEED-Commercial interior - Platinum is goal (West Michigan Environmental Action Council office)
• LEED-Core and Shell - Gold

passive solar - Systems that collect, move, and store heat using natural heat-transfer mechanisms such as conduction and air convection currents.
light shelves - A daylighting strategy that allows natural light to bounce off a shelf located in a window and onto the
ceiling to bring light deep into the interior of a space.
way-finding program - A process of using spatial and environmental information to find one’s way around, a critical element of easily navigating
buildings and campuses.
east hills center 47

The Bottom Line

The East Hills Center demonstrates two key points: (1) along with the challenges
that come with a brownfield redevelopment project, the engagement of stakeholders
is crucial and significant liability issues need to be dealt with; and (2) the project
demonstrates the power that a community can exert when efforts are coordinated.
The East Hills Neighborhood Association managed what many would consider
impossible and, in the end, everyone is better off as a result of their efforts.

This sign was developed by the Neighborhood Association Contact Information

to rally support during the negotiations with Shell. Design/Builder Bazzani Associates
Nathan Gillette AIA, LEED-AP, CNU, Project Design
Manager, Bazzani Associates,
(616) 774-2002, [email protected]
Rachel Lee Neighborhood Development Liaison,
Bazzani Associates, (616) 774-2002,
Interviews with Nathan Gillette and Rachel Lee
[email protected]
Bazzani Takes Green into the Mainstream, Business Owners Marie Catrib’s of Grand Rapids:
West Michigan Commercial Development (616) 454-4020
& Real Estate Quarterly, November 1, 2003
Uptown’s Cool City District, Bazzani Associates (616) 774-3483
West Michigan Environmental Action

Resources for further information

Syntec Rooftop Planting Systems - Consumers Concrete Corporation -
Insulated Concrete Forms For more information on bioremediation:
The heart of the Everett Marshall Building
seamlessly integrates material use (linoleum,
recycled plastic fabrics), lighting efficiency
(skylights, open floor plans), and social oppor-
tunities (common seating areas, long views).
51 educational

Project type Educational

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Urban Infill
Date completed August 2000
Address Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Subjects Materials Use
Social Benefits
Funding Sources
Energy Efficiency
Lessons Learned
Total project costs $14 million;
interiors and technology: $2.2 million
Building square footage 75,000 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot: $187/sq. ft. (overall)
$29/sq. ft. (interiors and technology)

Ypsilanti, Michigan

Everett Marshall Building

An early example of green development in Michigan, the Everett Marshall Building at Eastern Michigan
University (EMU), exemplifies for students, faculty, and visitors the sound principles of universal design
and environmental sensitivity. The building opened in the fall of 2000, and although the shell of the building
was not constructed to be green, the designer and project team extensively researched sustainability and
indoor air quality issues for the FF&E (furniture, fixtures, and equipment).
Louise Jones, a professor of Interior Design at EMU and creator of the interior plans for the Marshall Building,
was motivated by environmentally responsible design, a concept that combines sensitivity to human health
issues with concern for ecological health. The philosophy of universal design meets and surpasses the
Americans with Disabilities Act compliance regulations and underlies the plans for the Marshall Building,
setting it apart as a unique example of sustainable development in an institutional context.

“Five years ago, the cost of green building came

at a higher premium, but now a lot of green products are
comparable [in price] with traditional products.”
Lynn Rogien
52 educational

Materials Use
For the Marshall Building, the design team carefully selected sustainable flooring and furnishing materials.
These materials were chosen based on their recycled content, their ability to be recycled in the future, and the
sustainability of their production methods. In some cases, the green materials chosen for the project were less
expensive than their traditional counterparts because they were made from materials diverted from the waste
stream. Ordering green materials in 1998 was challenging, says Jones, because nobody was familiar with them;
today the challenge arises from a company’s tendency to greenwash their products, leaving the consumer with
the responsibility to search out the best sustainable materials.
The variety of environmentally responsible flooring materials used throughout the Marshall Building illustrates
the durability and attractiveness of going green. Cork flooring provides excellent insulation and sound
absorption properties and lasts for decades without showing significant wear. A renewable resource, cork
is sustainably harvested from live trees and can be re-harvested every 10 years for approximately 200 years.
Similarly, bamboo grows rapidly and is continually harvested to provide attractive, stronger-than-steel flooring
planks. Linoleum, used in the high-traffic hallways of the Marshall Building, incorporates renewable natural
components into long-lasting flooring material with natural bactericidal properties.
Madera tile, a wood composite material, looks like natural slate without the weight, brittleness, or cold feel
of stone. These tiles are harder than hardwood flooring, moisture-proof, and warranted for durability. The
bathrooms of the Marshall Building feature textured Crossville Eco-Cycle tile, a porcelain tile made from
95% factory-recovered waste clay. The manufacturer offers this easy-to-clean, attractive tile at a reduced
cost because it is generally considered production waste.
Office cubicle partitions from Knoll’s Equity product line incorporate recycled and recyclable materials,
including gypsum substrates and fabrics made from pop bottles, all constructed without harmful adhesives.
Metal surfaces of cubicles, tables, and chairs feature a powder-coat finish that reduces wasted paint during
production. Desktops in faculty offices are either biocomposite materials or recycled urban wood (i.e., shipping
pallets) sealed to prevent off-gassing. Most of the office chair fabrics and frames were once pop bottles.
The suppliers shipped the furniture using blankets as protection, removing the need for packaging waste.

Linoleum flooring made

from linseed oil,
wood flour, and pine
rosin presents a durable
and attractive appear-
ance in hallways and
common areas.

greenwash - Also called faux green; to falsely claim a product is environmentally sound.
biocomposite - A synthetic material composed of various natural components.
off-gassing - The emission of chemical compounds from a newly-painted, finished, carpeted, or furnished room into the air.
everett marshall building 53

In this office area, recyclable cubicle elements,

biocomposite desktops, and Solenium flooring
surround occupants with green materials.

The DesignTex Corporation

in cooperation with William
McDonough, an industry leader
in sustainable design, created
many of the fabrics used
throughout the Marshall Building.
In typical fabric processing,
over 8000 chemicals are used;
of these, only 32 chemicals have
no adverse effect on human
or environmental health. The
wool-and-ramie chair fabric in
the Marshall Building furniture uses these green chemicals. Waste from this fabric production process
becomes garden mulch and is fully compostable.
Solenium, “resilient textile flooring” from Interface, looks like carpet but behaves like tile: it can be vacuumed
and wet-mopped and provides an attractive floor for Marshall Building office areas. Solenium is produced from
recycled materials and can be completely recycled as Solenium flooring. In fact, Eastern Michigan University
leases the floor from Interface, which collects the tiles, separates the layers, and creates new product after the
useful life of the existing system.

Social Benefits
A primary motivator for the interior design of the Marshall Building was the concept of universal design.
Moving beyond the requirements of the ADA or the accommodations of barrier-free design, universal design
seeks to allow all persons, regardless of ability, weight, height, or age, equal access to a facility and its
amenities. As implemented in the Marshall Building, this concept appears in the selection of wider doorways,
height-adjustable chairs and tables, bi-level teaching podiums with two sets of controls for educational tech-
nology installations, easily-movable classroom furniture, and open-access areas in lecture halls where fixed
seating predominates, in addition to typical installations such as an elevator and accessible bathrooms.
Universal design is also concerned with maintaining high indoor air quality (IAQ) levels. The most basic
solution for IAQ is to use paints that contain low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which do not
release harmful chemicals into the closed indoor environment. Low-VOC flooring adhesives, interior paints,
and furniture finishes help maintain good IAQ. In the Marshall Building, mold-inhibiting ceiling tiles and
a voluntary fragrance-free policy for those in the building maintain indoor air quality at a higher level than
outside the building (based on OSHA tests).

VOC - Volatile organic compounds; Secondary petrochemicals which evaporate readily into the atmosphere at normal
temperatures. They include light alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, dichloroethylene, benzene, vinyl
chloride, tolulene, and methyl chloride. These potentially toxic chemicals are used as solvents, degreasers, paint thinners,
adhesives, and fuels and contribute significantly to photochemical smog production and certain health problems. Signs and
symptoms of VOC exposure may include eye and upper respiratory irritation, nasal congestion, headache, and dizziness.
54 educational

Funding Sources
The sustainable interior design of the Marshall Building faced a double hurdle from a financial perspective.
At the time of construction, state universities faced state-imposed budget restrictions. Additionally, green
materials were relatively new to the building market and only available at higher costs. The University was
willing to pay for standard materials, but the designer wanted environmentally responsible materials.
The project manager, The Christman Company, offered to double-bid traditional and green materials to
demonstrate cost differences.
Upon seeing the cost comparisons, the University funded some of the green materials; a private grant
for the construction of the building covered many of the other material costs. “Five years ago, the cost of
green building came at a higher premium,” says Christman’s Lynn Rogien, “but now, a lot of green products
are comparable [in price] with traditional products.” Low-VOC paints do not cost appreciably more than
regular paints; the cost difference in flooring materials varies, but life cycle costs need to be included in
the comparison.

Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is a wise choice when working within a tight budget. Up-front investments in efficient
lighting and heating systems save costs and reduce energy demand. In addition to daylight meters and
occupancy sensors that turn off lights, building and interior design contributes to efficient energy use. In
the Marshall Building, office floors are different colors (green or gold) throughout the building; darker floors
absorb solar heat while lighter floors prevent sunny offices from becoming uncomfortably warm. The two
main entrances to the building incorporate double-door airlocks that minimize heating and cooling loss,
and a prominent central staircase encourages students, faculty, and staff to use human energy instead of
an electrical-powered elevator to move between floors.

Lessons Learned
One challenge still faced by the occupants of the Marshall Building involves the regular cleaning and
maintenance of the environmentally responsible building. As is typical in an institutional setting, custodial
services change periodically as the University continually bids out the work. Due to the nature of the green
materials (e.g., no need to wax some floors) and the desire to maintain healthy indoor air quality, new
custodial crews must learn the proper use of green cleaning products.

The prominent location of this

recycled-rubber staircase encourages
walking instead of elevator use.

“If the project team takes a system-wide, integrated approach to green materials and considers
life cycle costs, LEED silver [certification] can be attained at little to no cost increase.”
- Lynn Rogien
everett marshall building 55

The Bottom Line

As demonstrated by the Everett Marshall Building, environmental responsibility can
be incorporated into a tightly budgeted project. “Green materials don’t cost more to
use,” says Lynn Rogien, “if you are smart about their use and take the time to get
educated. If the project team takes a system-wide, integrated approach to green
materials and considers life-cycle costs, LEED silver [certification] can be attained
at little to no cost increase.” Knowing why an individual wants to pursue green
development (e.g., energy efficiency) and stressing this reason throughout the
renovation process leads to successful projects.

Home to the College of Health and Human Services Educational signage displayed throughout the building
at Eastern Michigan University, the Marshall informs occupants of the benefits of green development.
Building boasts an environmentally responsible
interior design and the distinction of being a
Michigan green building pioneer.

Contact Information
Client College of Health and Human Services,
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Contractor Lynn Rogien, The Christman Company,
Lansing, MI, (517) 482-1488,
[email protected]
Interior Designer Louise Jones, Arch D., LEED AP, Interior
Design Program Director, Eastern Michigan
University, Ypsilanti, MI,
[email protected]

Guerin, Denise, Louise Jones and Delores Ginthner. (2004). “Environmentally Responsible Interior Design: A Case Study.”
eJournal of Interior Design, 30(3).
Students at Zeeland West High School
not only learn from their teachers, but
also gain an education in sustainable
living from the building and natural
environment around them.
57 educational

Project type Educational

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Greenfield
Date completed August 2002
Address 3390 100th Avenue, Zeeland, MI, 49464
Subjects: Energy Efficiency
Stormwater Management
Funding Sources
Lessons Learned
Total project costs $25 million ($16.2 million building costs)
Building square footage 173,500 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $144 total/sq. ft.
(building alone: $93/sq. ft.)

Zeeland, Michigan

Zeeland West High School

In the fall of 1996, residents of Zeeland, a fast-growing community on Michigan’s west coast, opened a new
high school facility, Zeeland East High School. Soon after, however, district officials realized that the district
would need additional space in the very near future. In 2002, after receiving approval for a bond issue, the
second high school building, Zeeland West High School (ZWHS), opened next to the 1996 building. The dual
facility provides classroom space for over 1500 students, with room for expansion planned into the site design.
The school district wanted Zeeland West to be “a high performance school for high performance students.”
Energy savings, achieved through building design and on-site power generation, provide the community with
a public building that respects the environment and fulfills the goals set out by the school district. Green
elements–including photovoltaic panels, a geothermal heat exchange system, and a wind turbine–allow
teachers to integrate environmental awareness into their curricula. “The building is like a textbook,”
says project engineer Steve Hamstra.

“We, as architects, need to realize that the spaces we

design impact the quality of people’s lives.”
Steve Hamstra

photovoltaic - (PVs) Solid state cells (typically made from silicon) that directly convert sunlight into electricity.

geothermal - Geothermal power is energy generated by utilizing naturally

occurring geological heat sources. It is a form of renewable energy.
58 educational

The geothermal system at

Zeeland West comprises
20 miles of pipes extending
Energy Efficiency 400 feet into the ground.
From the start, the school district recognized that an energy-efficient Instead of using the more
building would result in significant cost savings over the life of the common propylene glycol,
school. For educational facilities, utilities are typically the second the heat exchange medium
or third highest expenses. By integrating energy conservation with is potable water; in the
on-site generation, ZWHS saves $40,000-$50,000 each year on energy rare event that the system
costs alone. The reduced maintenance costs associated with the develops a leak, the risk
energy efficiency improvements are difficult to quantify but no less of environmental damage
significant; the district saves an estimated $20,000 per year through is minimal.
less frequent mechanical-system repairs and light bulb replacements.
Throughout the planning process for Zeeland West, the designers
worked to reduce energy costs by reducing energy loads. The long
axis of the school is oriented east-west, minimizing the negative
effects of solar gain while maximizing opportunities for daylight
harvesting. High-performance windows with specially designed
shades admit daylight to classrooms and office spaces while reducing
unnecessary solar heating. Interior science laboratories lack outside
windows, but employ clerestories to bring daylight into these spaces. Throughout the new school, low-energy
artificial lighting contributes to the building’s reduced electricity demand, even in the gymnasium where
high-efficiency fixtures use 41% less energy than typical gym lights.
District guidelines specify that schools have black rubber roofs to maximize solar heating in the winter, even
though snow covers the roofs for most of the season and black roofs retain summer heat. With the installation
of a white roof made of thermopolyolefin at ZWHS, the cooling load of the building was cut in half, and
insulating the roof to increase its R-value resulted in an additional 25% energy savings. To save energy,
occupancy sensors and automatic thermostats in each room in the building turn off lights and lower room
temperatures to save energy.

The simple action of using light-colored roofing materials reduces the absorption
of solar radiation and the energy costs to counteract associated heating.

white roof - A daylighting strategy that allows natural light to bounce off a shelf located in a window and
onto the ceiling to bring light deep into the interior of a space.
R-value - Low-emissivity windows: glazing that has special coatings to permit most
of the sun’s light radiation to enter the building, but prevents heat radiation from
passing through.
zeeland west high school 59

The wind turbine at Zeeland West High School represents the

collaboration of numerous individuals and firms, including
the utility company, local contractors, and the school district.

A collection of innovative
energy-harvesting equipment
allows Zeeland West to decrease
its dependence on purchased
electric and gas power. A 120-
loop geothermal exchange system
located under the marching band
practice field provides a stable
source of winter heating and
summer cooling. Photovoltaic
panels produce power from
sunlight, and their installation
at ground level, instead of on
the roof, slightly decreases their
efficiency but allows for direct
student observation. A 10kW,
23-foot-diameter wind turbine
mounted on an 85-foot tower
behind the school converts wind
power into electric power, saving
the district $1,200 each year on
electricity costs.
In energy comparisons of schools throughout the state, Michigan does not factor the presence of air
conditioning units into its calculations. Located in the southern part of Michigan, ZWHS is fully air conditioned
(including the gymnasium); however, with its energy-saving equipment, the school uses only two-thirds the
energy of the average Michigan school. The public has enthusiastically accepted this “green” high school,
finding it more comfortable than Zeeland East and shifting many programs to the new building. This extended
use results in additional operating hours and energy use at ZWHS, but the school is still 25% less energy
consumptive than other schools.

Stormwater Management
While Zeeland West High School’s primary green development emphasis focuses on energy efficiency, elements
of the site design and landscaping contribute to responsible stormwater management as well. By siting the new
school adjacent to the existing Zeeland East campus, the district shares parking, building, and athletic facilities
between the two schools, reducing the need for additional impervious surfaces on the site. A recent initiative
involves replacing 11 acres of turf grass with native prairie plantings. This conversion will decrease stormwa-
ter runoff, provide additional educational opportunities, and save the district more than $250,000 (in reduced
maintenance) over 10 years.

Funding Sources
Funding for the ZWHS project came from a variety of sources. The initial revenue was generated in 1999 from
a $39 million bond issue passed by local residents. AEP, a regional power company, provided a $5,000 grant for
the photovoltaic panels. The on-site wind turbine came from donations from individuals and organizations.
A grant from the Zeeland Board of Public Works, along with services donated from a local electrical contractor,
covered the installation costs. Another local contractor donated a tower to the school to mount the turbine.
In the end, Zeeland West’s project costs were below average to average for a Michigan high school.

“Well-designed, energy efficient mechanical systems cost from zero percent to a maximum of ten
percent more. The key is designing a building to minimize the need for mechanical systems.”
-Steve Hamstra
60 educational

Lessons Learned
Zeeland West High School’s design is progressive and the project marked the first sustainable school
construction project in the state. Other schools across Michigan have embraced principles of green develop-
ment since, but ZWHS stands as a model of environmentally sound choices in an educational facility. Based
on the success of this project, the local school district changed its collective view of facility management,
and the board of education included sustainable operation as one of its five overall goals.
GMB Architects-Engineers, the architectural and engineering consultants for the project, discovered the
importance of up-front education to the process of green development. Zeeland West was GMB’s first
large-scale geothermal project, requiring those involved-GMB, the school district, and the contractors-to
learn about installation and operation procedures. A pre-bid information session for potential contractors
minimized the chances of “surprise” costs derailing the project.
After completing construction and opening the school, the project team realized that the daylight harvesting
controls posed a challenge to effective calibration and operation. Building users needed to learn to properly
use the low-energy lights. From this, GMB learned that in the future, artificial lights needed to stay on,
although dimmed, even when not needed, so that building occupants would not think the lights were broken.
For ZWHS, integrated design allowed mechanical systems to be “right-sized,” saving on both capital and
operating costs by not installing more capacity than necessary. Steve Hamstra from GMB says, “Well-designed,
energy-efficient mechanical systems cost from 0% to a maximum of 10% more. The key is designing a build-
ing that minimizes the need for mechanical systems.” Examining the design early in the project allowed the
project team to work together efficiently and to avoid over-designing the building’s mechanical systems.

Zeeland West High School not only provides a place for learning, but serves as a learning
tool itself. Through the Internet, students monitor in real-time the geothermal system,
photovoltaic panels, wind turbine, and the building’s overall energy use. The impact of
changing weather conditions on the school’s power generation and use is tracked and
teachers are able to incorporate this information into the school’s science curricula.

Integrating the power

generation and energy use
monitoring programs into the
curriculum at Zeeland West
HS give students the unique
opportunity to more closely
observe and understand the
link between humans
and the environment.

“The building is like a textbook, not just a receptacle for education.”

- Steve Hamstra
zeeland west high school 61

The Bottom Line

Zeeland West High School set the standard as the first “green” school in Michigan.
The incorporation of energy-saving and energy-producing features into an
educational building demonstrates the feasibility and desirability of green
development and, at the same time, provides environmental awareness to students,
parents, faculty, and the community. Steve Hamstra believes that architects can
learn from this project by recognizing that “the spaces we design impact the quality
of people’s lives.” Designing sustainable spaces and facilities positively impacts
communities for years to come.

Lighting in large areas, such as school gymnasiums, often accounts for a large portion of utility costs.
In the gym at Zeeland West High School, lights are only used when needed instead of remaining on
throughout the day (as is typical with older gymnasium lighting).

Awards Contact Information

Client David Van Ginhoven, Asst. Superintendent
• Association of School Business Officials Certificate of Excellence
of Business, Zeeland Public Schools,
(awarded to GMB), October 2003, New K-12 School Building category
Zeeland, MI, (616) 748-3006,
[email protected]
Architect/Engineer Stephen Hamstra, P.E., LEED AP, GMB
Architects-Engineers, Holland, MI,
(616) 796-0200, [email protected]
Architects integrated natural features
and common walking space outside of
the school to encourage more connection
with the outside environment.
63 educational

Project type Education

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Greenfield
Date completed August 2004
Address 2200 Pettis NE, Ada MI
Subjects Energy Efficiency
Materials Use
Social Benefits
Lessons Learned
Cost Benefit Analysis
Total project costs $25,385,000
(land & furniture excluded)
Building square footage 214,000 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $118/ sq. ft.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Forest Hills Eastern High School

History The guiding principle of Forest Hills Eastern High School/Middle School building design was to create a
self-directed, collaborative, and technology-enriched environment for students now and into the future. The
design needed to improve utilization and energy efficiency beyond the standard that currently existed in school
buildings. The school would open as a 7th -12th grade building and migrate to a 9th -12th grade building to
include thematic “schools within a school”, with flexible teaching and studio spaces.
Unique spaces within the school include Interactive Learning Centers, the Great Hall, and the studios. These
are spaces that enhance the educational environment through their flexibility, variety, and use of wireless
technology. The Interactive Learning Centers are student- teacher collaborative spaces incorporated within
each of the building’s academic wings. They are technology-rich spaces designed to facilitate large group
presentations, small group study, and quiet individual research.
The Great Hall, like the Greek Forum, is a place for “seeing and being seen,” for academics, for social
interaction, for meeting friends, sharing a meal, and for building community. Ideally, all of these activities
happen simultaneously within this space.
The studios are designed to accommodate a multitude of enrichment programs, and thus are the most flexible
spaces in the building. The studios are larger than the classrooms and equipped with additional storage,
enhanced technology and power infrastructure, and plumbing. Their exposed structure ceilings and movable
partitions provide additional volume for the space.
The classrooms are consciously designed to be different from classrooms of the past. They utilize large
double doors open to the Interactive Learning Center, a mobile teaching station for the instructor, and wireless
technology to encourage collaborative and project-based learning.

“I really wanted to be involved in the development of the new Forest Hills Eastern High/Middle School from the
beginning. URS listened to what we asked, and because of their careful designing and Barnes Management’s ability
to bring the project together so fast, we’ve got a school with cutting edge technology that has been specifically designed
to optimize the students’ learning experience.”
- Linda LaBerteaux, Principal of the New Eastern High/Middle School.
64 educational

Active energy efficiency

design decisions at Forest
Hills Eastern include:
Energy Efficiency (1) energy efficient lighting,
The building design responded to existing site constraints by carefully (2) tiered lighting control,
considering the building’s placement on the site, the development of (3) a building energy
the building section and footprint, the use of operable windows when- recovery system,
ever possible, the creation of an efficient HVAC system, and an inno- (4) an energy management
vative utility solution. The building section was designed to take system, and
advantage of the existing change in the site’s topography--moving (5) a comprehensive building-
from southwest (low) to northeast (high). The building maximizes this commissioning program.
grade change to control the safety and security of the entry, enhance
the spatial impact of the entry sequence, and provide the best view of the rest of the site to the Great Hall.
Examples of creative material use include burnished and glazed block throughout the interior in place
of painted block, steel frame construction which allows for quick and efficient change of the interior
partitions, a white roof membrane to increase solar heat reflectivity, concrete paving instead of asphalt
paving, sun-shading devices on the southwest elevation, and porcelain ceramic tile.
Passive energy efficiency design decisions include: (1) building envelope insulation to meet or exceed
industry norms, (2) white EDPM roof to reduce thermal heat gain, (3) the introduction of natural light deep
into the building, (4) shading devices to control thermal gain through fenestration, (5) gas-filled insulated
low-E glass, (6) an irrigation retention pond, (7) concrete paving instead of asphalt paving, and (8) on-site
constructed wetlands instead of a public sewer connection.
An onsite gravel mining operation supplied the needed gravel requirements for the site. This approach was
possible because of the site’s soil composition and the expertise of the site excavator. The on-site operation
was identified as both a cost-savings opportunity for the school, and as a means to reduce fuel consumption
for transporting materials to the site.
In addition, the site’s irrigation retention pond is supplied by a horizontal well located uphill from the pond,
eliminating the need for a traditional well. This system captures subsurface water to maintain the pond’s
capacity, removes the need to tap into the area’s aquifer, and eliminates the pump required to maintain the
pond’s operational level. The project also includes an on-site sewage treatment system for reduction in sanitary
waste water to the city’s sewer.

Teacher and student

absenteeism runs as much
as 40 percent lower in
schools with fresh ventilation
and lots of daylight.
They also tend to
feel happier and more
contented at school.
(Source: Environmental
Protection Agency, The Indoor
Air Quality Solution)

white roof - A daylighting strategy that allows natural light to bounce off a shelf located in a window and
onto the ceiling to bring light deep into the interior of a space.

low-E glass - Low-emissivity windows: glazing that has special coatings to permit
most of the sun’s light radiation to enter the building, but prevents heat radiation
from passing through.
forest hills eastern high school 65

Natural sunlight through the windows decreases

overall lighting energy expenses for Forest Hills.

Materials Use
Forest Hills Eastern High
School/Middle School imple-
mented creative techniques to
maximize energy output and
savings by using innovative
materials and design processes.
The school is served by a central
chilled water system and a
central heating water system
that transfers energy out to the
building. The building has eleven main air handling systems that heat and ventilate the entire building.
Ten of the eleven systems (gymnasium excluded) are conditioned by the chilled water system and the central
chilled water system incorporates thermal ice storage for off-peak chilled water generation. The ice storage
tanks have a storage capacity of 1725 ton-hours. The use of ice storage allows the building to reduce both
electrical demand and overall energy costs. The ice storage system uses a chiller to make ice at night when
electric utilities lower their rates. Chilled water is generated by a 330-ton packaged air-cooled chiller. Both
chiller and storage tanks sit outside in the chiller yard.
The central heating plant is powered by five gas-fired modular boilers. The modules allow
the boilers to match the system load over a wide range. Using modular boilers provides a
Electrical System Features
high level of redundancy and ease of future replacement. Each module achieves a thermal
The Forest Hills Eastern efficiency of 88%.
High School/Middle School
Ventilation is delivered to the building using two distinct strategies. For areas which have a
building is served by a 2500-
consistent occupancy load, such as classroom wings, media center, and music areas, there
amp main electrical distribu-
is a constant ventilation rate. The ventilation air is pre-treated through one of seven energy
tion system, at 480Y/277V, 3
recovery units, reducing heating and cooling needs. For areas with large fluctuations in
phase, 4 wire. The distribu-
occupancy, such as the Great Hall and gymnasium, the occupancy is determined by the level
tion equipment is centrally
of carbon dioxide in the space. The ventilation dampers modulate to maintain an acceptable
located to deliver power to
level of carbon dioxide.
the many different wings of
the structure. All feeder con- The interior lighting controls combine multiple switching, occupancy sensors, an energy
ductors were designed to management system, lighting contactors, and time switches to provide an increase in energy
have a maximum voltage savings with the ability for user intervention, ease of use, and flexibility. The interior lighting
drop of 2% or less. Branch power allowance, determined by using a space-by-space method, illustrated that the majority
circuit conductors were of the areas had lighting power densities that were equal to, or less than, requirements of
designed to have a maximum ASHRAE 90.1-1999.
voltage drop of 3% or less.
Exterior lighting is controlled by the building energy management system with control
input from photocells and occupancy, and building use schedule. Maximum energy efficient
security illumination is provided at building entrances, exits, and parking lots. Electric vehicle
recharging stations were installed at the base of the parking lot light poles to accommodate
3% of the total vehicle parking capacity.

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers

66 educational

Social Benefits
Sustainably-built schools have health, social, and educational benefits. School facilities that have ill-advised
designs, inadequate ventilation, poor acoustics, dim lighting, and inefficient heating and cooling systems can
create conditions that impair a student’s ability to learn. In fact, recent research reveals a strong connection
between the use of daylighting in school buildings and student performance. Incorporating natural daylight
was a main objective for Forest Hills and the architects made efforts to incorporate large windows that would
both increase the amount of daylight coming into the building and provide students and teachers with outside
views of nature.

According to a recent study conducted by the architectural firm Innovative Design,

students clearly benefit from daylighting in school buildings. Benefits include:
Students who attended daylighted schools outperformed students who didn’t by 5-14%.

The impact of daylighting exposure increases. Eighth graders improved by 21% between
1992 and 1995, compared to a country average of 10%.

Source: Rebuild America: Helping Schools Make Smart Choices About Energy

Lessons Learned
Early programming meetings with the school district guided the architects design to meet the community’s
needs. One of the most influential early programming sessions involved input from Superintendent
Washburn’’s Business Advisory Committee. This group of local business leaders provided insight into
the employable skills necessary for success after high school.
After the sessions, it was clear that one of the challenges was to create a facility that was designed to allow
for a smooth transition from middle school and high school to the business world. Forest Hills Eastern High
School/Middle School meets this challenge by creating spaces that supplement the traditional classroom
and encourage unique forms of interaction.

Cost Benefit Analysis

During the planning process, the community decided that a school facility is an excellent place to teach
environmental responsibility, and the decision to approach a sustainable architectural solution was driven
more by the community desire to do the right thing than by financial necessity. As a result, a formal
cost-benefit analysis was not completed.

Base Building Case FH Eastern Savings

Energy Costs $184,000/yr $124,000/yr $60,000/yr ($60,000/ 7years)

“Flexibility, collaboration, and community support were the keys to this successful project.”
- Michael Van Schelven, senior project designer for URS Corporation
forest hills eastern high school 67

The Bottom Line

Green building is smart economically, educationally, and socially. Parents,
teachers, administrators, and students are increasingly more aware of the
benefits of healthy, environmentally sensitive buildings, and the consensus
and collaboration help build the new Forest Hills School. Even in a public school
system, collaboration towards green building can work. The Forest Hills Eastern
High School is a prime example.

Energy efficient lighting is dominant throughout Contact Information

Forest Hills. Large open spaces allow for greater Client Forest Hills Public Schools, Tom Walters,
interaction and help to create a stronger community. [email protected]
Architect Mike Van Schelven, URS Corporation,
[email protected]
Construction Manger Russ Barnes, Barnes Management,
[email protected]

Resources for further information
The Motherhouse retains its historic
1930s appearance while being completely
and sustainably renovated inside.
71 residential

Project type Residential

Project scale Building
Construction type Renovation - Urban
Date completed January 2003
Address 610 West Elm Avenue, Monroe, MI 48162
Subjects Energy Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Materials Use
Development Processes
Social Benefits
Total project costs $56 million
Building square footage 376,000 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $150/sq. ft.

Monroe, Michigan

IHM Motherhouse

In 1845, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), founded a ministry of education in
Monroe, Michigan. Since then, the IHM community has expanded greatly, teaching in schools and communities
throughout the world and promoting a sense of spiritual connection between humanity and the environment.
The 280-acre campus in Monroe remains the “home office” of the IHM community. Today, its centerpiece, the
376,000 square-foot Motherhouse, provides space for worship, administrative offices, and residences for aging
IHM Sisters whose healthcare needs require special accommodations.
Following the destruction of the previous structure by fire, the existing Motherhouse was constructed in the
early 1930s. Despite the hardships of the Great Depression, the community was able to fund reconstruction
and employ builders who took great pride in their craftsmanship. The 18-inch-thick brick and concrete walls
and the interior spaces of the Motherhouse, finished with terrazzo, Flint Faience tiles, and period chandeliers,
convey a sense of elegant permanence. Estimates of the life of the structure extend into the 23rd century.
In the 1990s, the Sisters determined that the Motherhouse no longer met the changing needs of the IHM
community. The utility systems throughout the building were outdated and failing; a complete reinstallation
of plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems was required. Faced with the option of building a completely new
structure, the Sisters instead chose to renovate the Motherhouse, reusing the site and building shell but
replacing most of the interior. By sustainably renovating the Motherhouse, the IHM community emphasized
their strong belief in responsible stewardship and educated the construction industry and the general public
about the principles of green living.

“Earth-friendly can be done in an old building, and cost effectively.”

- Sr. Janet Ryan
72 residential

The Geothermal System

232 holes, 450 feet deep
54 miles of closed-loop pipe
Energy Efficiency Underground temperature:
Conversion to energy efficient lighting is one of the least labor
intensive components of green development. At the Motherhouse,
Depression-era lighting fixtures were adapted to use compact fluores- Temperature of water
cent bulbs, reducing energy costs and requiring less maintenance. The when entering building:
appropriate lighting was carefully selected for each space, reducing 72o (due to friction)
the amount of over-lighting. The large number of windows throughout
the Motherhouse allows the residents to take full advantage of natural daylight; the installation of
both occupancy sensors and light meters allows the lights to be turned on only when needed. In 2004,
despite tripling the building’s electrical capacity, the Sisters saved over $187,000 on electricity.
As part of the renovation, 800 windows were removed, refurbished (instead of purchasing new windows),
and reinstalled with high-efficiency glass and operating sashes that allow the residents to control fresh air,
heating, and cooling in their rooms. In addition to the windows, individual thermostats were installed in each
room to minimize unnecessary heating and cooling of large spaces, and a heat recovery system was installed
on the ductwork to prevent warmed air from escaping the building.
One of the many unique features of the Motherhouse renovation is the building’s source of heating and cooling
energy for the building. A closed-loop geothermal energy system circulates water through the building and into
the earth, providing heat in the winter and removing heat in the summer. In addition to the thermal mass of the
building structure, which evens out the indoor temperature, the geothermal system allows supplemental heating
and cooling systems to work less often than typically needed in Michigan. The system, which effectively “uses
the Earth as a giant radiator,” is the largest residential geothermal field in the country.

Interior spaces combine

green technology,
such as energy-efficient
lighting and low-VOC
paints, with elegant
features of the
original construction.

geothermal - Geothermal power is energy generated by utilizing naturally occurring geological heat sources.
It is a form of renewable energy.
ihm motherhouse 73

The Sisters chose to refurbish 800 original windows,

simultaneously saving costs and reducing wastes. The
windows can now be opened, allowing residents to
control room temperature and fresh air supply.

Water Efficiency
One challenge to the Sisters’
efforts toward sustainability was
their desire to convert common
bathroom facilities on each floor
into private baths in each resi-
dent’s room, resulting in the
installation of 300 new toilets and
over 250 individual showers, more
than double the previous amount.
To counterbalance this increased
Water Savings demand, low-flow fixtures were
installed, including showerheads that use only 1.8 gallons of water per minute (a typical shower uses
5000 fewer gal/day as 4.5 gallons per minute (gpm), bathroom faucets that use 1.5 gpm instead of the usual 4 gpm, and
compared to pre-renovation high-velocity toilets that use less water per flush.
The original 1930s-era plumbing required complete replacement; as a result, the Sisters decided to further
Est. 7500 fewer gal/day reduce their use of potable water by installing a graywater system in the Motherhouse. Wastewater from
as compared to traditional sinks and showers travels through a separate network of pipes to a constructed wetland behind the building.
installation of new In 7-10 days, the plants and soils in the wetland filter the graywater, which is then returned to the
configuration Motherhouse, marked with a biodegradable blue dye, and used only for flushing toilets throughout
In 2004, water bills the building. Only then, after being used twice, is the wastewater sent to the municipal sewer system.
were 50% less than According to the EPA average water use in the Great Lakes region is 287 gallons per person per day; at this
pre-renovation expenses rate, the 210 residents of the Motherhouse would use over 60,000 gallons of water each day. Even without
Source: IHM Motherhouse accounting for the thrifty water use of the IHM Sisters, the water-saving renovation measures result in
more than 12% less water use as compared to a traditionally built structure.

Materials Use
The Sisters specified the use of many sustainable materials as part of the renovation. New Interface tiled
carpets have the dual benefits of not off-gassing after installation and of being easily replaceable if necessary:
a single 12”x12” tile can be replaced instead of an entire room. Cork flooring, used throughout the building,
is sustainably harvested, provides superior sound-absorption capacity, and lasts for decades without an
appreciable loss in quality. Cork was one of the original flooring materials in the 1932 Motherhouse and
the tiles that remain today cannot be distinguished from the newly installed cork floors.

Green Building Materials in the Motherhouse

Renewable cork and linoleum flooring
Interface carpeting
Benjamin Moore low-VOC paints
Trex recycled plastic and wood product on veranda
Natural gypsum wallboard
Mineral wool insulation

graywater - Wastewater discharged from sinks, showers, kitchens, or other non-industrial

operations, excluding toilets and kitchen solid-waste disposal systems.
off-gassing - The emission of chemical compounds from a newly-painted, finished,
carpeted, or furnished room into the air.
74 residential

Development Processes
Throughout the renovation process, the IHM community illustrated its commitment to the environment by using
sustainable methods and products. Materials removed from the building were recycled, reused in the renovated
building, and otherwise diverted from the normal waste stream. Lynn Rogien, of the Christman Company and
construction manager for the project, estimates that recycling alone “probably saved 20% in dump fees.” Concrete
from demolished walls and floors was crushed and used on the site as temporary roads for construction traffic,
and removed marble slabs were reinstalled as counters and windowsills.
Eight hundred windows were made operable and reused, along with over 500 refurbished cherry doors. More than
45,000 square feet of carpeting was removed from the old Motherhouse; half of the carpet was recycled and the
remainder was sent to an incinerator. Recycle Ann Arbor, a private non-profit organization, hauled away - at no cost
- over five truckloads of reusable toilets, sinks, and other materials still of functional use. Rogien said, “We were
still sending away the same amount of material [from the site], but it cost us less” to send wastes to a recycler
than to a landfill.
Concurrent with the structural renovation of the Motherhouse, the Sisters educated themselves about sustainable
site planning and restored much of the campus grounds, preserving working agricultural fields and a unique oak
savanna ecosystem present on the site. Five acres of turf grass lawn were converted to prairie meadows, requiring
fewer chemical inputs and less overall maintenance, and providing habitat for wildlife. The stormwater runoff from
the building, parking lots, and driveways is now handled by a system of vegetated swales that allow the water to
percolate into the ground rather than being conveyed off site by storm sewers.

Social Benefits
Part of the sustainability of the Motherhouse and campus comes from its ability to be adaptively reused as the
physical needs of the IHM community change. Each resident’s room in the Motherhouse was redesigned so that,
with the removal of selected walls, the building can be converted to private apartments when no longer needed to
house the IHM Sisters. Additionally, plans are being created for the future development of a sustainable community
on the campus, organized around a covenant of sustainable principles including pedestrian-focused travel,
shared amenities, and common green spaces.
For more than 150 years, the mission of the IHM community has been to educate; this call continues today as
the Sisters share their experience and knowledge about green development. The Sisters established a non-profit
organization, the River Raisin Institute, to disseminate information on sustainable living, manage a tour program
at the Motherhouse, and coordinate a series of speakers and consultation services for organizations interested
in implementing sustainability. In the fall of 2005, the Motherhouse will host a conference for construction
tradespersons learning how to incorporate green practices and materials into their future building projects.
The renovation project of the IHM Motherhouse succeeded in having a minimal impact on the environment but
a profound impact on everyone involved. Sharon Venier, of the River Raisin Institute, says, “The IHM community,
architects, construction company, and its subcontractors learned together how sustainable renovation and
restoration can have [a] beneficial environmental impact.” As with the 1930s construction workers involved in
building the original Motherhouse, the contractors and tradespersons who worked on the Motherhouse renovation
carry with them a sense of pride and a new understanding of the impacts of their work. “The contractors and
subcontractors who worked on this project are now, in turn, implementing earth-friendly practices on other
projects, thus changing the marketplace of the future,” says Venier.

• 2003 EPA Clean Air Excellence award - Community Projects category • Michigan Historic Preservation Network Building award
• 2003 Build Michigan award - Over $5 million category • Registered for LEED certification (silver certification expected)

“The Sisters gave us an education on what green was.”

- Lynn Rogien
ihm motherhouse 75

The Bottom Line

Sister Janet Ryan, a member of the project team, promotes the Motherhouse
renovation as an example of how “Earth-friendly [renovations] can be
accomplished in an old building, and [accomplished] cost effectively”. While
its sheer magnitude places the project in a unique class, the opportunities for
demonstrating innovative sustainable systems makes the Motherhouse renovation
an extraordinary example for developers throughout the state. A truly sustainable
practice propagates itself by demonstrating its benefits and educating others;
by that measure, the IHM Motherhouse will positively impact the environment
and the community for generations to come.

Instead of replacing the original light fixtures, the Sisters Three acres of constructed wetlands behind the Motherhouse filter wastewater
cleaned and updated the lights to use compact fluorescent bulbs, from sinks and showers. In seven to ten days, this recycled graywater returns
saving energy costs. to the building to flush toilets.

References Contact Information

Mission for the Millennium booklet and fact sheets (from IHM) Client Sharon Venier, Monroe Campus Long Range
IHM website - Master Plan Staff Assistant, Monroe, MI,
EPA. “How We Use Water In These United States” (734) 240-9754, [email protected]
( Contractor Lynn Rogien, The Christman Company,
Interview with Sharon Venier, 1/26/2005 Lansing, MI, (517) 482-1488,
Interview with Sister Janet Ryan, IHM, 2/9/2005 [email protected]
Interview with Lynn Rogien, 2/21/2005
Architect Jane S. Rath, AIA, Principal, Susan
Maxman & Partners, Architects,
Philadelphia, PA, (215) 985-4410,
[email protected]

Resources for further information

IHM Website -
This traditional-looking single family home
demonstrates what is possible in terms of energy
efficiency and the use of green building materials.
77 residential

Project type Residential

Project scale Building
Construction type New Construction - Greenfield
Date completed May 2004
Address 4465 Burton Forest Ct, Grand Rapids MI
Subjects Development Processes
Materials Use
Energy Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Cost Benefit Analysis
Building square footage 2,732 (3 Bed, 3 Bath)
Hard cost $96/sq. ft.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Green Built Demonstration Home

For over 35 years, Lee Kitson has been building residential homes in Grand Rapids. In 2003 his company
embarked on a project to highlight the benefits of energy efficiency and sustainable materials in residential
settings. Kitson’s energy efficient demonstration home maximizes the impact of cutting edge energy- and
water-conservation technologies as well as environmentally sound materials.
Kitson used the environmentally sound products and services that were provided at promotional prices
(see figure below for a comparison of hard costs with and without discounts). He then donated the project’s
proceeds to Green Built Inc, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable buildings to the Greater Grand
Rapids Home Builders Association. The home is part of a seven-acre development that consists of 15 sites,
with homes ranging in size from 1,500 sq. ft. to 2,800 sq. ft., and sale prices from $240,000 to $395,000.
Many of the green enhancements came at little-to-no increase in construction costs, and simply relied on
early material and design decisions. Some aspects, such as the basement wall construction and energy
efficient windows, provide financial savings over the long run, but require a slightly longer time horizon
to recover the premium paid. The environmental benefits of the green materials and equipment were also
factored into decision making.

Construction Costs
Area Square Ft Cost w/o discounts per sq. ft. Cost w/ discounts per sq. ft.
Main Floor 1,682 $235,500 $140.01 $221,500 $131.69
Lower Level 1,050 $26,500 $25.24 $26,500 $25.24
Total Hard Cost 2,732 $262,000 $95.90 $248,000 $90.78
Lot Cost $65,000 $65,000

Source: Lee Kitson Builders Inc.

Note: Costs do not include marketing and commissions, construction fees, overhead, closing costs, or indirect construction costs.

"Of the $10.00/sq. ft. premium paid, approximately $5.00 is added energy savings features and $5.00 is for
ENERGY STAR appliances and other items which we would not include in standard home pricing.”
- Lee Kitson
78 residential

Development Processes
Developers’ design decisions go a long way to protect the environment. For example, in the Demonstration
Home project, builders only removed those trees on the property that stood where the structure or driveway
would stand; leaving a wooded property that has a dedicated conservation easement from the rear of the
building to the rear of the lot. Such decisions may not be entirely feasible on a heavily wooded properties,
but builders can work to preserve the existing habitat by making important decisions about tree removal
early on in the process.
Kitson avoided additional architectural costs for the project by basing the Demonstration Home plan on other
homes he had built. Modifications to the plan included the addition of a retaining wall by the front porch so
that a portion of the lower front was exposed to the south. Also, he opened the foyer dormer to the living area
with a southern exposure, adding significant daylighting to the main living area.

Materials Use
The Demonstration Home structural framing used finger-jointed studs, manufactured with small pieces of
wood and adhesive. The framing is truer, reduces site waste, and does not require lumber from large trees,
helping to protect forests. Builders used similar products for floor joists, rim joists, and headers. Kitson
employed a “raised heel” design for the roof trusses, allowing the insulation to extend over the exterior walls,
and resulting in superior insulation along wall-to-roof joints. The sprayed foam product, Icynene, insulates the
walls and ceiling; maintains its seal even with structural shrinkage; is water-based; and contains no CFCs,
HCFCs, formaldehyde, or VOCs.
Reducing the use of virgin resources, builders used carpeting made from recycled PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate) manufactured from yarn produced from reclaimed 2-liter soda and other bottles. The floors in
the kitchen, rear entry, and foyer were manufactured using cork harvested from living trees without harming
the trees. Finally, the bathroom flooring is Marmorette linoleum by Armstrong, made from softwood powder,
linseed oil, pine tree resins, cork, chalk, and jute backing, all of which are natural and renewable resources.
Outside, the home’s deck was constructed with WeatherBest composite materials. WeatherBest products are
manufactured with a composite of up to 50%+ wood fiber and thermoplastic polymers. The product’s benefits,
over using 100% wood-decking materials, include superior durability, fewer maintenance requirements, and
decreased use of forest resources.

Water Efficiency
Kitson decided to install Caroma dual-flush toilets, which allow users to
choose a small flush (0.8 gallons per flush) or a larger flush (1.6 gallons per
flush) based on need. These toilets cost more than traditional toilets, but
improved water efficiency covers the increased cost over the life of the toilet.
The dishwasher is an ASKO D3000 and uses less than four gallons of water
(a typical dishwasher uses 7-10 gallons) and needs only 1 1/2 tablespoons of
detergent per load. ASKO also manufactured the clothes washer and dryer,
with an estimated annual utility (electricity and water) cost of $112 for the
pair, compared to $360 for a traditional residential top-load washer and
dryer or between $170 and $260 for comparable front load units.

By allowing the user to select a full (1.6 gallon) flush or a half

(0.8 gallon) flush, this toilet reduces overall water consumption.

“This is a plan derived from others we have built. We did not have to make any expensive or radical changes to the typical design plan.”
- Lee Kitson
green built demonstration home 79

This “on demand” system eliminates the need

to keep an entire tank of water hot 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Benefits include lower utility bills
and a continuous supply of hot water.

Energy Efficiency
Builders constructed the
Demonstration Home’s foundation
with a wall system by Great Lakes
Superior Walls that uses pre-cast
concrete, Styrofoam, and concrete
studs. For additional insulation
and air sealing, the foundation
walls were sprayed with a
bio-based foam insulation
produced by Advanced Insulation
Technology LLC. The insulation is
soybean-oil based, water blown, and does not contain formaldehyde or emit CFCs or HCFCs, resulting in
foundation walls with an insulation R-value of R-18.
The windows in the house are Pella Proline wood windows with aluminum exterior cladding. Meeting the
highest ENERGY STAR rating, the windows contain insulated low-E glass. In addition to their superior
insulation properties, Pella windows contain more than 20% recycled content.
Builders chose equipment for the HVAC system based primarily on improving energy efficiency. The Bryant
Plus furnace is a two-stage, variable-speed unit with an efficiency rating of 96.6%. The Bryant thermostat
allows the owner to control the unit’s fan speed and to establish different temperature profiles for each
day of the week. The Bryant SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating) air-conditioning unit uses Puron,
a chlorine-free refrigerant.
The entire HVAC system feeds through a Guardian Plus HEPA filter that filters particles as small as 0.3
microns. Finally, Kitson installed an UltimateAir Energy Recovery Ventilator. With an efficiency of 96%,
the ventilator exchanges stale air with fresh filtered air while transferring heat and moisture between
the two. The UltimateAir unit filters out 95% of pollens and optimizes lower outdoor air temperatures,
reducing the load on the AC unit.
Water is heated using a Rinnai Tankless water heater that heats water as needed rather than heating a tank
full of water 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Rinnai unit easily heats water for the entire house and,
saves as much as 50% on hot water heating bills. All the appliances installed in the house are ENERGY STAR
rated with the exception of the dryer (ENERGY STAR does not rate dryers).

Estimated Annual Energy Cost*

Use MMBtu Cost Percent of total
Heating 50.2 $323 28%
Cooling 3.4 $80 7%
Hot Water 18.2 $110 10%
Lights/Appliances $469 41%
Service Charges $150 13%
Total $1,132 ($0.41/sq. ft.) 100%
*Source: Energy Efficient Homes Midwest

biobased - A commercial or industrial product that is composed of biological products or renewable domestic, agricultural, or forestry products.
R-value - A unit of thermal resistance used for comparing insulating values of different
materials; the higher the r-value of a material, the greater its insulating properties.
low-E glass - Low-emissivity windows: glazing that has special coatings to permit most of the sun’s light radiation
to enter the building, but prevents heat radiation from passing through.
80 residential

Cost Benefit Analysis

The total cost premium associated with the efficiency and environmental “extras” for this house comes
to $20,475, adding about $128/month to the owner’s mortgage payments. According to Kitson, if builders
installed only the products that deliver superior energy efficiency (96% furnace, advanced thermostat, extra
insulation, water heater, Proline windows, and Superior Walls), the cost premium would be $8,580, adding
about $53/month to mortgage payments. Kitson estimates that these investments alone would result in
heating savings of $449/year, cooling savings of $120/year, and water heating savings of $54/year. These
savings work out to $52/month, offsetting the increase in mortgage payments.
Installing all the extras (beyond just the energy efficient investments) listed in the table below would incur an
additional premium of $11,895 ($20,475 - $8,580) above that paid for just the energy efficiency investments
mentioned above. Additional savings include reduced electricity consumption from the fluorescent lights and
ENERGY STAR appliances and water consumption savings from dual flush toilets, dishwasher, washer, and
dryer. In fact, the washer and dryer alone would save more than $248/ yr over a traditional top load pair.
Other investments included in the additional premium may not indicate clear financial benefits, but would
provide other benefits. Low-VOC paints and floor coverings provide a healthier indoor environment as does
the HEPA filter. The composite materials used for decking offer improved durability and will outlast a deck
made of traditional wood. The Energy Recovery Ventilator offers savings by reducing the load on the AC unit
and it ensures a fresh air supply for the house.
Following guidelines established by the Home Energy Rating System Council (HERS), Energy Efficient Homes
Midwest calculates that the Demonstration Home will significantly reduce emissions to 12,827 lb/yr of CO2,
17 lb/yr of SO2, and 22 lb/yr of NOx. Currently, it is difficult to assign dollar values to these reductions;
however, some environmentally conscious consumers understand that these reductions are important,
assign their own values to them, and are prepared to pay the extra initial costs for the enhancements.

Cost Analysis
Item Description Cost Premium*
Appliances ENERGY STAR dishwasher, washer, dryer, and refrigerator $1,400
Lighting Fluorescent fixtures and bulbs $200
HVAC High efficiency furnace, AC unit, thermostat, and HEPA filter $3,590
Insulation Icynene and bio-based insulations $2,000
Landscaping Preparation for rain garden installation $1,500
Fireplace Intellifire variable BTU fireplace $400
Paints Low-VOC paints $600
Energy Recovery Stirling Energy Recovery Ventilator (EVR) $2,100
Wiring Wiring for EVR, hot water thermostat, exhaust fans, etc... $435
Plumbing Caroma dual flush toilets and Rinnai tankless hot water heater $1,050
Water softener Braswell water softener $2,000
Windows Pella Proline Insulshield windows $800
Deck and frame Composite decking, TJI joists, finger joint studs $900
Walling Superior insulated concrete basement walls $3,500
TOTAL $20,475

*Represents the amount that Kitson estimates would be paid over typically installed equipment.

• ENERGY STAR Rating: 5 Star Plus
• Energy Rating Points: 92.3
• Efficient Home Comparison: 61.5% Better
green built demonstration home 81

The Bottom Line

This Demonstration Home project is a clear example of the Green Development
Spectrum described on page 16 of this handbook. Many of the investments in
energy efficiency pay for themselves very quickly. However, other items, such
as all-natural linoleum and energy-recovery ventilators create healthier living
environments but the savings are less tangible and vary for each customer.

Energy efficient appliances and lighting as well as sustainable Contact Information

materials in the cabinets, surfaces and flooring all come Developer and Contractor Lee Kitson Builder, Inc.:
together in a beautiful state of the art kitchen.
Lee Kitson Owner, Lee Kitson Builder, Inc.,
(616) 363-6860, [email protected]
Interview: Lee Kitson (1/17/2005)
Energy Rating Report - 4465 Burton Forest Ct., Energy
Efficient Homes Midwest
Green Built Demonstration Home - 4465 Burton Forest Ct.,
Lee Kitson Homes

Resources for further information UltimateAir Energy Recovery Ventilators -

Icynene Insulation System - Caroma Toilets -
WeatherBest Composite decking and railings - Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters -
Great Lakes Superior Walls - ASKO Appliances -
Pella Windows - Armstrong Floorings -
Mick McGraw created Bailey’s Grove with
the goal of building a unique community
that respected and integrated the natural
surroundings within the development.
83 residential

Project type Residential

Project scale Site
Construction type New Construction - Greenfield
Date completed Fall 2005
Address 2130 Enterprise SE, Kentwood, MI 49508
Subjects Development Processes
Site Planning
Social Benefits
Cost Benefit Analysis
Total project costs Not provided
Total Acreage 364 acres

Kentwood, Michigan

Bailey’s Grove

History Bailey’s Grove, a mixed-use community developed by Eastbrook Homes in Grand Rapids, is a 364-acre
community of 1000 homes and condominiums, and 45 acres of wooded open space. The initial idea for
the development began in the early 1990s, when local Grand Rapids developer and CEO of Eastbrook Homes
Mick McGraw, and land planner David Jensen toured the undeveloped site, immediately recognizing the beauty
of the natural surroundings. Their goal was to develop and build a unique community with modern amenities
that respected and incorporated the natural surroundings.

“We made natural features marketing tools.

And we’re proving that using these concepts can help
sell houses faster.”
Mick McGraw
84 residential

Development Processes
Bailey’s Grove was created as a sustainable living environment that stressed community, human interaction,
and a connection to the natural surrounding. Developer Mick McGraw wanted to build a village-like living
environment where people from varying social and economic backgrounds could live and play together.
According to McGraw, diversity is increasingly important when building residences and developments. With
these goals, Bailey’s Grove looks different from traditional greenfield developments. In place of the typical
suburban design where suburban-style tract houses side-by-side dominate, Bailey’s Grove incorporates
greater green space, smaller streets, and more pedestrian-friendly walking paths.
Bailey’s Grove is the only large-scale development of its kind in the state of Michigan. With the design and
size of the development (364 acres), McGraw worked more closely with city officials, community leaders, and
environmental organizations to get the development successfully built. Sharing the vision of the development
with these groups was relatively easy for McGraw, but achieving approval for it was more challenging. One of
the principle struggles was convincing city officials to allow for the construction of narrower streets throughout
the development. Smaller streets give the development a more intimate feel, allow for more green space
preservation, reduce the amount of impervious surface, and help reduce infrastructure costs.

First, McGraw gathered support and developed several “champions” among city officials who supported
Bailey’s Grove. Second, he developed trust with city officials, community organizations, and the environmental
community who opposed elements of the development. He listened and addressed their concerns, and followed
through on actions he promised them. And third, McGraw expressed his feelings about what he thought was
important for the development. Throughout, he remained committed to his vision and goals and was steadfast
in fighting for those elements he believed were crucial to the development.

Community and recreational

activities are important to
Bailey’s Grove residents and
have become a major selling
point in attracting new
customers and retaining
existing residents.

On addressing urban sprawl: “The only population growth in Michigan is birth over death. People and
development are not creating urban sprawl, mandated large-lot sizes are a principle cause of urban sprawl.”
- Mick McGraw
bailey’s grove 85

Compared to traditional greenfield developments,

Bailey’s Grove incorporates proportionally more
green space alongside smaller streets and more
pedestrian-friendly sidewalks.

Site Planning
Site Planning and integrated
design were crucial to Bailey’s
Grove. The development included
over 350 acres, and McGraw found
it most effective to work back-
wards from his ultimate vision of
how the development would look
and feel. The master plan relied
heavily on natural environment
inclusion, and McGraw and his
development staff spent signifi-
cant time throughout the entire development process walking the site and surveying the land and its natural
features. According to McGraw, this sensitivity to the environment is an element often overlooked. “Developers
worry too little about nature and too much about sewer and infrastructure issues,” McGraw says. “Working
with the land is as much art as it is science and, we developers must understand when enough is enough.
It is important to understand the land and know how much it is willing to give.”
As part of the preservation efforts, McGraw took a natural features inventory to determine what needed to
be saved, with special attention paid to saving the existing trees on the site and moving those that would be
in the way of houses elsewhere on the property. In total, 1,000 trees were uprooted and moved to other
locations on the site. By preserving existing trees, McGraw not only saved money, but preserved the rural
atmosphere that he wanted for Bailey’s Grove. In fact, in 2003, Bailey’s Grove won the prestigious “Building
With Trees Award of Excellence”, an award presented annually by the National Arbor Foundation to developers
who employ environmentally friendly techniques to complement the natural surroundings.
Another important natural preservation goal was wetland protection. Originally, there were almost 10
significant wetlands on the property, all of which were integrated into the overall design. In addition, the
development team designed a massive wetland on the property to attract birds and create species habitat.
In the process, McGraw discovered that to preserve and maintain the wetlands, there must be a constant
source of water as well as constant care and attention to the wetlands’ preservation. The wetlands act as
a natural stormwater system and their integration into the development assists in the overall goal of
natural preservation.

On working with environmentalists and preservationists: “We are often more aligned with their (environmentalists) thoughts.
We have developed an understanding of what we’re both trying to do. At the end of the day I think those in the development
community have a great desire not to use any more land than we have to.”
- Mick McGraw
86 residential

Social Benefits
Bailey’s Grove was designed to accommodate people with a range of economic backgrounds and lifestyles.
Homes range from single apartment units to large 4-5 bedroom single-family homes, and are not segmented
by type within the development. The different units complement and mesh with one another within the
development. This distinct diversity that Bailey’s Grove creates is usually found only in urban areas;
McGraw managed to create such diversity in a suburban environment.
Bailey’s Grove adapts to people’s changing lifestyle needs and is responsive to the changing housing demands
of its residents. McGraw is building long-term relationships with his customers and reports that Bailey’s
Grove residents who must move due to changing family needs are moving to new homes within the develop-
ment rather than outside of Bailey’s Grove. “A family could move three or four times over several decades,
yet could remain in Bailey’s Grove for the entire time,” says McGraw. From a sales and marketing perspective,
this benefit attracts and retains homebuyers and owners. The very elements that attracted customers to
Bailey’s Grove are the same elements that are keeping them.

Cost Benefit Analysis

McGraw believes in two methods for residential development: (1) traditional use of available land so
that each homeowner owns a spacious lot, and (2), McGraw’s preferred way, condensed individual lots
to incorporate community open space into the overall development. McGraw says that “Builders confined
to two-acre lot sizes are frustrated because fixed-lot sizes cost more money in infrastructure and other
costs, and they eat up valuable land.”
Bailey’s Grove is an example of cluster development designed to have an average of 4 units per acre.
McGraw placed more homes on less land to save on land acquisition and infrastructure costs.

Used Homes per acre Total Number of Units Total Acreage Used
Traditional Development 2.5 residential units 1,638 units 655 acres
Bailey’s Grove 4.5 residential units 1,638 units 364 acres

A planned community can consume about 45% less land, cost 25% less for roads,
15% less for utilities and 5% less for housing (Watershed Protection Techniques).

• National Arbor Day Foundation, Building With Trees, 2003
• 2003 Conservationalist of the Year, Issac Walton League of America
• Deemed partner in water quality preservation efforts by MDEQ, 1997
• Acknowledged by the Grand Valley Metro Council for injecting community-stabilizing
principles into the Bailey’s Grove plan, 2000
bailey’s grove 87

The Bottom Line

Innovative new development projects like Bailey’s Grove face the same
challenges that traditional projects face, in that community input, city approval,
and continued commitment to a goal are all essential elements. Mick McGraw
worked through these challenges to create a development that respects and
preserves the natural environment.

Environmental preservation is often viewed as a hindrance to development,

whether it is in an urban, suburban, or rural setting. The Bailey’s Grove
development proves that environmental preservation and sensitivity can coexist
with development. Furthermore, not only are they not mutually exclusive, but
integrating components of nature and conservation as a marketing tool helps
sell homes and retain customers.

Bailey’s Grove was designed to have an average of 4.5 units per Contact Information
acre. Traditional development typically has 2.5 units per acre. Developer Mick McGraw CEO, Eastbrook Homes,
(616) 455-0200
References Land Planner David Jensen, David Jensen Associates, Inc.
“Eastbrook Homes’ McGraw Lands on Land-Use Council,” David
(303) 369-7369
Cruzak, Grand Rapids Business Journal, March 3, 2005
Engineer Medema VanKooten, Dale VanKooten,
“Builders and Developers Honored for Tree Conservation Efforts,”
(616) 451-0639
National Association of Home Builders, Land Development.
Volume 16, Number 4, Fall 2003
Interview with Kristy Harrington (Eastbrook Homes)
Interview with Mick McGraw (Eastbrook Homes)

Resources for further information (Building with Trees Award)
With its solar orientation, open floor plan, large
exterior windows, and chimney-like structures in
the roof, the building’s design captures the maximum
amount of natural sunlight to provide a dynamic
and pleasurable atmosphere for learning.
91 institutional

Project type Institutional

Project scale Building and Site
Construction type New Construction - Urban Infill
Date completed January 2004
Address 3090 East Eisenhower Parkway,
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Subjects Energy Efficiency
Stormwater Management
Materials Used
Social Benefits
Development Processes
Lessons Learned
Funding Sources
Total project costs $4.38 Million
Building square footage 14,000 sq. ft.
Cost/square foot $462/sq. ft.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Malletts Creek Branch

of the Ann Arbor District Library

History The Malletts Creek branch of the Ann Arbor District Library was built to replace the existing 4,500-square-foot
Loving Branch and to further the mission of the Library. The Library selected the local architecture firm,
Luckenbach Ziegelman Architects, PLLC, to begin site designs. Early in the process, the firm discovered that
Malletts Creek flowed directly through the site in an underground pipe below the surface. Almost immediately,
the Library began to assess its options for sustainable site development.
With the assistance of the local watershed advocacy group, Malletts Creek Association, and the project’s
landscape architecture firm, InSite Design Studio, Inc., the Library’s Board of Trustees reviewed the
implications and opportunities that the building site possessed. Board President J.D. Lindeberg, an
environmental engineer, teamed up with Josie Barnes Parker, the director of the Library, to convince
the Board of Trustees to expand the notion of sustainable site development to include the building.
This approach would allow the Library to exhibit and showcase the benefits of sustainable development
in a highly visible public institution.
Convincing the Board of the benefits of sustainable development involved preparing life-cycle cost analyses
(based on a 40-year life cycle) and annual energy- and HVAC-savings projections, as well as discussing
public perception and education opportunities. The Library’s decision to move forward with a sustainable
design approach was due in part to the new building’s tremendous energy savings, reducing the long-term
cost of the building.

life-cycle cost analyses - An objective assessment of the cost of a design feature that allows for production, sales,
operation, maintenance, and demolition or recycling costs. The cost also encompasses all the environmental burdens
of the product or process through its entire service life.
92 institutional

Energy Efficiency
The building utilizes several energy efficiency techniques and technologies, ranging from simple methods to
calibrated systems-monitoring devices. Principally, the building design capitalizes on its solar orientation for
both solar heating and use of natural light. Several techniques fully capture these natural benefits; for example,
dark-stained concrete floors in key areas capture heat from the winter sun to contribute to the building’s
thermal mass. To counter the intense heat from the summer sun and minimize traditional AC-unit reliance,
motorized awnings and sunshades extend to shade the building’s interior. Also, light level sensors minimize
the use of artificial light when outside sunlight is at sufficient reading levels.
The building also utilizes convection cooling with its four large chimney-like roof structures, as seen in
the building photograph below. These structures conduct the circulation of natural air into the operable
windows, through the building, and out the top of the chimneys. This method of ventilation reduces the
use of forced-air circulation systems and meets indoor air quality requirements. In winter when the
chimneys are closed, monitor fans located inside the chimneys re-circulate trapped heat.
The building’s heating system is a circulating hot-water radiant system in the flooring units. This highly
efficient system produces consistent warmth for the entire building and eliminates the noise from a traditional
forced-air system.
The vegetated green roof contributes to thermal mass, insulating the building from extreme temperatures,
thereby reducing the load on heating and cooling units. The R-value of a conventional roof is R-19; the
Malletts Creek Library green roof has an R-value of R-30.

The Malletts Creek

Branch of the Ann
Arbor District Library
features several green
technologies both inside
and out; a green roof,
bioswales in the parking
lot, solar panels, and
recycled materials.

convection cooling - The transfer of heat via a fluid green roof - A roof of a building which is partially or completely covered with
motion (typically air). In distributed power systems, plants. It may be a tended roof garden or a more self-maintaining system.
this is accomplished by the movement of air over the Green roofs increase roof life span, reduce stormwater runoff, reduce the urban
module or heatsink surface. heat island effect, and provide amenity space for building users.
R-value - A unit of thermal resistance used for comparing insulating values of different materials; the higher the r-value of a material,
the greater its insulating properties.
malletts creek branch 93

The sediment trap in the bioswales capture sediment and

pollutants from the parking lot runoff, protecting the habitats
and water quality of Malletts Creek and further downstream.

Stormwater Management
Recently, Washtenaw County
passed new, more stringent
watershed guidelines. These
new guidelines mandate that new
development must be responsible
for 100% of the stormwater that
falls onto the site, i.e. capturing,
storing, and cleaning the storm-
water before being slowly
discharged into conventional
storm sewer systems, and
ultimately into the Huron River. The position of the Library’s site directly above Malletts Creek increases
the importance of handling stormwater responsibly. The Library selected the landscape architecture firm,
InSite Design Studio, Inc, precisely because of its experience and technical knowledge solving similar
challenging stormwater problems.
InSite Design’s plan for the 2.66 acre site utilizes a variety of stormwater management methods. These
include careful site grading, a vegetated swale, bioswales within the parking lot, and a vegetated green roof.
The grading of the site allows the stormwater to travel the longest possible distance on the surface of the
site along a vegetated swale before it enters the detention area. This swale provides the greatest opportunity
for the stormwater to evaporate, infiltrate, or be taken up by the native plants, and reduces the amount of
stormwater that enters the detention area. This long travel path for the water allows for the reduced size
of the detention pond.
The bioswales within the parking lot utilize a highly engineered system for collecting stormwater from the
parking lot and dealing with the sediments and pollutants that parking lot runoff carries with it.
The bioswales at the Malletts Creek site are designed to capture a maximum of 6” of stormwater runoff, which
handles the first flush of most storm events. This first flush is the stormwater that falls at the beginning of a
storm event and contains the most polluted water that flows into conventional systems. By capturing and
cleaning this water, this system controls much of the overall water
quality of stormwater that is discharged into Malletts Creek.
By using native vegetation
In addition to adding to the building’s thermal mass, the vegetated and a grading plan, the
green roof contributes significantly to stormwater absorption. With parking lot design and
its eight varieties of sedum plants and 3.5” of growing medium, the landscape plan:
green roof reduces stormwater runoff by as much as 50% with zero • reduce impervious surface
runoff in light rain. Plus, the roof water that does reach the ground is • eliminate the need for
directed into the vegetated swale and becomes part of the larger irrigation
stormwater system. • allow for trench footings

for building construction

• reduce landscape


bioswales - A depression in the land designed to capture and infiltrate stormwater by utilizing appropriate vegetation planted on the
bottom and side slopes.
first flush - The condition, often occurring in storm sewer discharges, in which a disproportionately
high pollutional load is carried to the first portion of the discharge or overflow.
94 institutional

Sustainable and Recycled

Materials in the Malletts
Creek Branch Library

• Cork flooring
Woven carpet
Materials Use •

• Stained concrete
At every level, materials for the construction of the Library were
• Butcher block table
carefully selected not only for their durability, aesthetics, and cost
and shelving tops
effectiveness, but for their sustainability. Luckenbach Ziegelman
• Certified wood beam
Architects researched the materials’ recycled content, energy
structural frame
consumption for manufacturing and transport, recyclability, and
• 50% recycled-content
the extent to which they would become renewable resources. Other
gyp board
considerations for materials included sound-proofing and acoustic
• Copper cladding
quality, light-reflecting ability, and maintenance requirements.
• Masonry units

Social Benefits
The Malletts Creek Branch Library capitalizes on its role as a community amenity by showcasing the
application of sustainable building principles in a publicly accessible location. Public education about
sustainable development begins before the visitor even enters the Library, with interpretive signage located
outside the building explaining the stormwater management techniques within the parking lot and on top of
the building. Inside the building, the open floor plan and exposed structural elements allow visitors to view
aspects of the building construction, such as roof joist construction and electrical conduits. The Library is
developing educational signage for the interior of the building to highlight the sustainable materials, energy
conserving technologies, and the building’s use of sunlight and precipitation that it plans to display in the
fall of 2005.

Development Processes
During the construction process, great care was taken to maximize the diversion of waste materials from
landfills by collecting materials that could be reused or recycled. Construction supervisors for the building
project, Skanska USA Building, Inc., sorted waste materials into various piles such as cardboard, wood,
metal, drywall, and concrete. Subcontractors were responsible for their own waste products, providing
further incentive to recycle materials. By encouraging recycling of waste materials, 60% of all waste
products generated from construction were successfully diverted from landfills.
Skanska also was committed to preserving water quality during the construction process. By first grading
the bioswales and permanent site contours, all the stormwater was absorbed on site during the entire
construction process, thereby protecting Malletts Creek from sedimentation, erosion, and pollution.

Lessons Learned
Turning the concept of a sustainable library into a reality was a learning process for all parties involved.
Integrating new concepts of sustainability while working through the usual complications of working in
sync with builder, subcontractors, architects, landscape architects, client, and the public proved challenging,
but well worth the effort.

Funding Sources
The Library received a grant from the EPA for $236,000 to finance the vegetated green roof and water-quality
monitoring in the bioswales. The water-quality monitoring program focuses on chemical analysis of the
stormwater that travels from the bioswales into the detention pond, before flowing into Malletts Creek.
In addition the Library raised $144,750 in matched funding to contribute to the building fund.
malletts creek branch 95

The Bottom Line

Education for everyone involved proved to be crucial to the success of the project.
Early in the process, board members of the Library needed to learn to look beyond
the higher upfront costs to realize the sustained energy savings for the life of the
building. During the process, both the architect and landscape architect learned the
value of allowing flexibility in scheduling and material choices. Upon completion of
the project, all parties involved agreed that the key to the success of this project
was the unwavering commitment of the Library to create a sustainable building that
would serve not only the needs of the Library and its community, but the needs of
the environment, creating a lasting example that will guide future generations to
sustainable solutions for development needs.

The library features several sustainable building materials, Contact Information

such as cork flooring and energy efficient lighting. Client Ann Arbor District Library, Josie Barnes Parker, Director,
References (734) 327-4263, [email protected]
Ann Arbor District Library. Malletts Creek Branch Floor Plan. Contractor Skanska USA Building, Inc., Anthony Bango,
Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor District Library, 2004 Vice President Preconstruction, (248) 351-8300,
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Ann Arbor District [email protected]
Library: Innovative Storm Water System. Lansing, MI: 2004 Architect Luckenbach Ziegelman Architects, PLLC
PowerPoint Presentation: Carl Luckenbach, FAIA, Phone: (734) 997-9444,
LZA_malletts.ppt [email protected]
CAM Magazine Article: Malletts Creek Branch Library - A New Landscape Architect InSite Design Studio, Inc., Andrea Kevrick, ASLA,
Chapter in Green Building by Mary E. Kremposky Fall 2004 pp. 44-54 (734) 995-4194, [email protected]

Resources for further information$3003
97 institutional

Project type Institutional

Project scale Building & Site
Construction type New Construction - Urban Infill
Date completed January 2005
Address 27700 Donald Court, Warren, MI
Subjects Energy Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Development Processes
Total project costs Not provided
Building square footage 68,150 sq. ft.;
35,926 sq. ft. occupied by MDEQ

Warren, Michigan

DEQ Southeast Michigan District Office

Since 1989, the Southeast Michigan District Office of the DEQ has been located in an office park in Livonia.
When its lease expired, the agency–which serves St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties–began
thinking about relocating to a more central location. The agency was also aware that it needed to “practice
what it preaches” through sustainable development practices to build the first green state office building.
The current site for the District Office in Warren was formerly the site of the Warren Army Tank Plant grounds.
In operation from 1941 to 1996 and the production site of Sherman tanks for World War II, the site’s residual
contamination qualified the land as a brownfield. The contamination on the land had been cleaned up to meet
development codes and standards, and the agency wanted to set an example for other state agencies and
private organizations and saw this site as a prime opportunity to live by their own environmental standards.
The DEQ also chose to develop on the Warren Tank Plant site because of lower leasing costs and the
centralized location in Warren. The DEQ pre-signed the lease with ProVisions LLC and hired a local architecture
firm and contracting company to develop plans for the sustainable building. The new DEQ office is located
within an office and manufacturing development on Van Dyke Avenue.
The Warren DEQ building utilizes green building techniques to conserve energy, reduce fossil fuel emissions,
and use recyclable materials. These sustainable techniques range from simple actions with small commitments
to complex actions with larger commitments. (See page 16 to view the green development spectrum.)

brownfield - Abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities/sites where expansion
or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.
98 institutional

“By using wind power to

Energy Efficiency help supply electricity to the
The simple actions the DEQ building utilizes include the use of
building, more than 1 million
natural daylighting and lighting fixtures that use zoned automatic
pounds of CO2 will be elimi-
sensors and timers. The open floor plan of the building with its
nated from the atmosphere
minimal floor-to-ceiling partitions utilizes sunlight that penetrates the
over a two-year period.”
large windows on the exterior of the building. Other simple techniques
for energy efficiency include automated controls for the HVAC systems - Kevin King, office space
administrator for the DEQ.
and a tankless water heater that heats water only on demand, rather
than continually, thereby saving energy.
A unique feature of the building is its white membrane-covered roof. The reflective nature of the
white roof minimizes the need for air-conditioning on hot summer days by reflecting rather than absorbing
the heat of sunlight. Although this feature cannot be easily seen by visitors and employees, the reduced
energy bills are hard to ignore.
Examples of more complex energy efficient techniques used by the DEQ include the purchasing of green wind
power and the use of hybrid fleet vehicles. Although sustainable energy sources such as wind power are not
widely available yet in the state of Michigan, the DEQ has purchased wind power from utility companies in
other regions of the country while still utilizing electricity through the existing power grid. The purchased wind
power is then traded in for vouchers to use traditional energy without increasing the demand for traditional
energy. By using clean energy sources the DEQ is promoting the use of sustainable energy sources rather
than energy sources that consume fossil fuels.
The DEQ is participating in the testing and use of hybrid gasoline-electric motor vehicles in its roughly
30-vehicle fleet. Several of these vehicles are ethanol-85 capable, and a few of the vehicles are gas-electric.
Although the uninformed visitor will not detect most of the energy efficient technologies utilized by the
DEQ building, the DEQ has already begun to see reduced energy usage and savings benefits. In total the
DEQ expects to reduce their overall energy usage by 35%.

The rolling file system

requires less space than a
traditional filing system
consuming less interior
square footage.

white roof - White roof, or ’cool roofs,’ help to better reflect solar energy and thus radiate away absorbed heat. White roof applications have a smooth,
bright white surface to reflect solar radiation, reduce heat transfer to the interior, and save on summertime air conditioning.
deq southeast michigan district office 99

The large exterior windows allow more natural daylighting,

improve the work environment inside, and lower electicity usage.

Materials Use
All of the materials used in the
construction of the new DEQ
building have a sustainable
component to them - whether
from a local source or containing
recycled content or materials.
A tremendous effort was made
to ensure a sustainable source
for building materials. All
materials were shipped from
sources less than 500 miles
away, reducing fossil fuel emissions and supporting the local economy.
Perhaps the most impressive materials-feat the DEQ performed that exemplifies their commitment to the
environment is their reuse of office cubicle dividers and conference room seating. Old cubicle dividers
where dismantled, cleaned, repainted, and reupholstered to provide new office spaces in the current building.
In addition to diverting waste from a landfill, this process produced a savings of $717,000 - a considerable
amount for the state-funded agency. Conference room chairs were also rebuilt, saving the DEQ $130 per chair.
The interior of the building was finished with low-VOC paints and adhesives to improve the indoor air quality
for employees. Also, separate bins are located throughout the building for recycling several materials including
white paper, newsprint, corrugated cardboard, batteries, and non-food polystyrene.

Water Efficiency
Water efficiency was a top priority in the design and development of the building, not only for environmental
reasons but also for cost saving purposes. The technologies utilized inside the DEQ building reduce overall
potable water usage by 20% and utilize stormwater for irrigation on the outside of the building.
Building technologies include motion-sensor controlled water faucets, waterless urinals, and air-assisted
dual-flush toilets in the restrooms. These water-efficient technologies made for an interesting and educational
transition for employees from the old office into the new office. A source of many laughs in the first few weeks
of occupancy, the effectiveness of the technologies was soon taken seriously when evidence of lower water
usage became apparent.
Outside the building, stormwater is collected from the roof and parking lot and stored in an underground
stormwater retention vault. Some of this stormwater is utilized for irrigating the native landscape plants,
which are adapted to hot, dry Michigan summers and therefore require less irrigation and maintenance.
Using this stormwater for irrigation reduces the need for potable water and saves the DEQ money in
reduced water bills.

The white roof minimizes the need for

air conditioning by reflecting rather
than absorbing the heat from sunlight.

VOC - Volatile organic compounds; Secondary petrochemicals which evaporate readily into the atmosphere at normal temperatures.
They include light alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, dichloroethylene, benzene, vinyl chloride, tolulene, and
methyl chloride. These potentially toxic chemicals are used as solvents, degreasers, paint thinners, adhesives, and fuels and contribute
significantly to photochemical smog production and certain health problems. Signs and symptoms of VOC exposure may include eye
and upper respiratory irritation, nasal congestion, headache, and dizziness.
100 institutional

Development Processes
Because the site is located on a brownfield, restrictions have been placed on the type of use of the site.
Office space for the DEQ fit the use requirements and the previous landowner had already cleaned up most
of the site, making the site an ideal site for the new District Office.
In addition to the benefits of the site qualifying as a brownfield, its location along Van Dyke Avenue also
meant access to existing utilities and infrastructure. By developing on previously-developed land, known
as urban infill development, the project required minimal development costs, as opposed to suburban or
greenfield development. These reduced development costs allowed the DEQ to direct funds to other
sustainable infrastructure uses, such as the installation of the underground stormwater retention vault.
This buried concrete vault stores collected stormwater for irrigation and slow release into the storm sewer
system, thereby reducing the effects of first flush on urban waterways and downstream ecosystems.

• Currently applying for LEED Silver Rating

Extra office space

controlled by energy-
saving light fixtures
on sensors allow for
flexiblity as the needs
of the buildings’
occupants change.

first flush - The condition, often occurring in storm sewer discharges, in which a disproportionately
high pollutional load is carried to the first portion of the discharge or overflow.
“The new Southeast Michigan District Office is a demonstration of the DEQ’s commitment to being a leader in promoting environmentally sound busi-
ness practices. I hope that we see many more of these green buildings being constructed not only by the state, but by private companies across Michigan.”
- Steven E. Chester, DEQ Director
deq southeast michigan district office 101

The Bottom Line

The new DEQ building is successful in utilizing several green technologies - from
simple to complex - to conserve the precious resources of energy, water, money,
and the environment while living up to their own standards of environmental
protection and stewardship. Because of the success and influence of the Warren
DEQ building, the state plans to build an even more environmentally-friendly office
building in Bay City in the next 18 months to two years, according to Kevin King,
office space administrator for the DEQ. “The new Southeast Michigan District
Office is a demonstration of the DEQ’s commitment to being a leader in promoting
environmentally sound business practices. I hope that we see many more of these
green buildings being constructed not only by the state, but by private companies
across Michigan” says Steven E. Chester, DEQ Director.

The DEQ took extra steps to recycle office furniture by Contact Information
dismantling, repainting, and reupholstering the cubicle Client Robert McCann, Michigan Department of Environmental
dividers and office chairs.
Quality, Press Secretary, (517) 241-7397,
[email protected]
The Detroit News article by Gene Schabath: Michigan Saves By Going Contractor Joe Newood, Cunninham-Limp, Project Manager,
Green, March 16, 2005 (248) 489-2300, [email protected]
DEQ Press Release: DEQ Moves in to New Warren Office, March 1, Architect Gillett Associates, (248) 489-2345
2005, revised by Pat Watson Developer Edward Girodat, ProVisions LLC, Project Executive,
Interview with Edward Girodat, ProVisions LLC
(248) 988-9341, [email protected]

Resources for further information
urban catalyst associates 103

Urban Catalyst Associates

Urban Catalyst Associates Aaron Harris
Urban Catalyst Associates (UCA) is an interdisciplinary team of Aaron will complete his final year at the University of Michigan in
recent University of Michigan graduate students who have combined spring 2006 with both an MBA from the Ross School of Business
their experiences, interests, and educations to create a positive and an MS from the School of Natural Resources and Environment.
impact on the future of the State of Michigan. The team holds a Prior to Michigan, Aaron co-founded Harris Brothers LLC, a real
strong passion for fostering innovative, sustainable development estate development/management company based in Chicago and
that will shape the evolution of the new urban environment. focused on green building design and environmentally sensitive
renovation projects. Upon completion of graduate studies, Aaron
In collaboration with the Michigan Department of Environmental
plans to return to the real estate field to pursue urban brownfield
Quality, Urban Catalyst Associates developed this handbook to serve
redevelopment projects. Aaron graduated from the University
as inspiration and ready reference to the development community
of Wisconsin-Madison with a BA in Sociology (Honors) and a
and other interested groups. As the State furthers its investment
Certificate in Environmental Studies. Aaron can be contacted
in green development, the UCA team hopes that this handbook
via email at [email protected].
will encourage developers to infuse elements of environmental
sustainability into their planning and development processes. Allyson Pumphrey
Urban Catalyst Associates can be contacted via email at Allyson graduated from the School of Natural Resources &
[email protected]. See the contact information below Environment with a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture
for information on contacting individual team members. in April 2005. Prior to attending the University of Michigan, she
received her BS in Landscape Horticulture & Design from Purdue
Zeb Acuff
University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Allyson has experience
Zeb holds Master’s degrees from the School of Natural Resources in residential site design and urban redevelopment projects.
and Environment and the Taubman College of Architecture and Her professional interests include urban trails and greenways,
Urban Planning, both at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. brownfield redevelopment, and urban design. Allyson is employed
He is also a 2001 graduate of the College of Agriculture and Natural by InSite Design Studio, Inc. in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Allyson can be
Resources at the University of Delaware. Zeb has extensive experi- contacted via email at [email protected].
ence in farmland preservation and local planning research, as well
Larissa Larsen
as familiarity working with demographic and social science media.
His professional interests include parks and recreation planning, Larissa Larsen, Ph.D., is an assistant professor with positions
non-motorized transportation, trails and greenway development, in both the School of Natural Resources and Environment and
and public transit systems. Zeb and his wife currently reside in the Urban Planning Program at the University of Michigan.
Dexter, Michigan. Zeb can be contacted via email at Larissa has a Master’s in Landscape Architecture degree from the
[email protected]. University of Guelph in Canada and a Ph.D. in regional planning
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to
Bryan Magnus
becoming a professor, Larissa practiced landscape architecture
Bryan graduated from the University of Michigan in April, 2005, and urban planning in Chicago. Her current research investigates
with an MBA from the Ross School of Business and a MS from the ecological and social impacts of urban settlement patterns.
the School of Natural Resources. His undergraduate degree is in Larissa can be contacted via email at [email protected].
Finance and Actuarial Math from Bryant University in Smithfield,
Rhode Island. Bryan has extensive knowledge of socially and
environmentally responsible business with an emphasis on renew-
able energy and alternative transportation. He has interned with
General Motors’ Fuel Cell Activities Group as well as Honeywell’s
Transportation Systems, and is currently employed by Honeywell
TS as a Marketing Analyst. Bryan, his wife Lynn, and their “child”
Meadow (dog) live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Bryan can be contacted
via email at [email protected].
104 acknowledgements

Urban Catalyst Associates would like to thank:

Caroline Eisner, Editor All of our case study contacts: Photos courtesy of:
Tish Holbrook, Graphic Designer
Anthony Bango Bazzani Associates, Inc.
for their technical assistance
Russ Barnes Kevin Beswick
and enthusiasm
Josie Barnes-Parker Denyse Burkhart
Kris Christensen GMB Architects-Engineers
The Michigan Department
of Environmental Quality Mike Corby G. Meadows

Amy Butler, Maggie Fields, Nate Gillette InSite Design Studio, Inc.
Amy Petersen, Bob Sweet, Edward Girodat LeeKitson Homes
Janice Tompkins, Veronica Willard
Stephen Hamstra Luckenbach Ziegelman Architects
Kristy Harrington URS Corporation
Andrea Kevrick
Lee Kitson
Dr. Louise Jones
Rachel Lee
Carl Luckenbach
Manda Magee
Greg Markvluwer
Mick McGraw
Paul Murray
Len Pilon
Lynn Rogien
Sr. Janet Ryan
Mike Van Schelven
Sharon Venier
Tom Walters

Your help was invaluable and

your accomplishments exemplary.

This project would not have been possible without the generous financial support from the following:



This material is based on work supported by the University of Michigan’s Center for Local, State, and Urban
Policy. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy.
Designed by

C This handbook has been printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.

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