F G A Aircc P: Ormatting Uides FOR Uthors OF Apers
F G A Aircc P: Ormatting Uides FOR Uthors OF Apers
F G A Aircc P: Ormatting Uides FOR Uthors OF Apers
This paper gives complete guidelines for authors submitting papers for the AIRCC Journals.
Network Protocols, Wireless Network, Mobile Network, Virus, Worms &Trojon
This document describes, and is written to conform to, author guidelines for the journals of
AIRCC series. It is prepared in Microsoft Word as a .doc document. Although other means of
preparation are acceptable, final, camera-ready versions must conform to this layout. Microsoft
Word terminology is used where appropriate in this document. Although formatting
instructions may often appear daunting, the simplest approach is to use this template and insert
headings and text into it as appropriate.
The following formatting rules must be followed strictly. This (.doc) document may be used as
a template for papers prepared using Microsoft Word. Papers not conforming to these
requirements may not be published in the conference proceedings.
2.2. Title
The title is to be written in 20 pt. Garamond font, centred and using the bold and “Small Caps”
formats. There should be 24 pt. (paragraph) spacing after the last line.
2.3. Authors
Author names are to be written in 13 pt. Times New Roman format, centred and followed by a
12pt. paragraph spacing. If necessary, use superscripts to link individual authors with
institutions as shown above. Author affiliations are to be written in 12 pt. Times New Roman,
centred, with email addresses, in 10 pt. Courier New, on the line following. The last email
address will have an 18 pt. (paragraph) spacing following.
2.4. Abstract
The Abstract section begins with the word, “Abstract” in 13 pt. Times New Roman, bold italics,
“Small Caps” font with a 6pt. spacing following. The abstract must not exceed 150 words in
length in 10 pt. Times New Roman italics. The text must be fully justified, with a 12 pt.
paragraph spacing following the last line.
2.5. Keywords
The Keywords section begins with the word, “Keywords” in 13 pt. Times New Roman, bold
italics, “Small Caps” font with a 6pt. spacing following. There may be up to five keywords (or
short phrases) separated by commas and six spaces, in 10 pt. Times New Roman italics. An 18
pt. line spacing follows.
2.7. Text
Main-body text is to written in fully (left and right) justified 11 pt. Times New Roman font with
a 6pt. (paragraph) line spacing following the last line of each paragraph, but a 12pt. (paragraph)
line spacing following the last paragraph. Do not indent paragraphs.
All inserts, figures, diagrams, photographs and tables must be centre-aligned, clear and
appropriate for black/white or greyscale reproduction.
Figures (eg, Figure 1) must be numbered consecutively, 1, 2, etc., from start to finish of the
paper, ignoring sections and subsections. Tables (eg, Table 1) are also numbered consecutively,
1, 2, etc., from start to finish of the paper, ignoring sections and subsections, and independently
from figures
All figures, tables, etc. must have a caption, centre-justified in 11 pt. Times New Roman.
Captions precede tables but follow figures. Tables and figures must appear as close to their
point of reference as satisfactory formatting of the final document permits.
2.9. Acknowledgements
An (unnumbered) acknowledgements section may be inserted if required.
2.10. References
References should be cited in the main text, in passing [1] or explicitly as in [2]. The full
references should be given as below (essentially IEEE format), in the order in which they are
cited, in 10 pt. Times New Roman, with a 6pt spacing between each.
Papers in this format must not exceed twenty (20) pages in length. Papers should be submitted
to the secretary AIRCC. Papers for initial consideration may be submitted in either .doc or .pdf
format. Final, camera-ready versions should take into account referees’ suggested amendments.
The authors would like to thank everyone, just everyone!
[1] Lee, S.hyun. & Kim Mi Na, (2008) “This is my paper”, ABC Transactions on ECE, Vol. 10, No.
5, pp120-122.
[2] Gizem, Aksahya & Ayese, Ozcan (2009) Coomunications & Networks, Network Books, ABC
Short Biography