Reliability and Validity: Marilyn K Simon

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Reliability and Validity

Marilyn K Simon
What Makes a Good Instrument?

 Validity
 Does the instrument measure what it’s
supposed to?
 Reliability
 Does the instrument produce the same
results when completed under the same
 Are the measurements consistent?

 We want to hit the bull’s eye

Source: Trochim, W. M. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 1st ed.

1999. Available on the World Wide Web at

 Validity denotes the extent to which an

instrument is measuring what it is
supposed to measure.
 It indicates extent of relationship
between a scale and the measure of
independent criterion variable.
 For an instrument (and thus research)
to be trustworthy we need to be able
to assume that the data collected are
both reliable and valid.
Content Validity

 is concerned with the relevance

of contents of items, individually
and as a whole.
 Methods:
 Correlating experts’ judgment
 Item-item or item-total correlation
Criterion - Related Validity

 Correlating the test scores

obtained on a criterion variable
with the variable being predicted
– usually the dependent variable.
 Methods:
 Correlating the test with criteria
during data collection (Concurrent
Construct Validity

 is concerned with the extent to which an instrument

may be said to measure a theoretical construct or trait.
Construct is similar to a concept, which is formally
proposed with a definition and is related to empirical
 Methods:
 Factor analysis (Factorial validity)
 Correlating with other theoretical measure with
which the developing instrument should correlate
(Convergent validity)
 Correlating with other theoretical measure with
which the developing instrument should not
correlate (Discriminant validity)
Predictive Validty
 Predictive validity involves testing a
group of participants for a certain
construct, and then comparing the
outcome with results obtained at
some point in the future.
 There is a time gap in collection of
data from the test to the criterion
Reliability Vs Validity

 Reliability has to do with the quality of

 Reliability is the "consistency" or
"repeatability" of measures.
 Reliability does not imply validity.
 In terms of accuracy and precision,
reliability is analogous to precision,
while validity is analogous to accuracy.
Types of Reliability
 Inter-rater reliability: is assessed by having two or
more independent judges score the test
 Test-retest reliability: is measured by administering
a test twice at two different points in time. This type
of reliability assumes that there will be no change in
the quality or construct being measured. In most
cases, reliability will be higher when little time has
passed between tests.
 Parallel-forms reliability: is gauged by comparing
to different tests that were created using the same
 Internal Consistency reliability: is used to judge
the consistency of results across items on the same
Cronbach’s alpha
 Cronbach's alpha (a) is a measure of
internal consistency, that is, how closely
related a set of items are as a group.
 A "high" value of a is often used (along
with substantive arguments and possibly
other statistical measures) as evidence that
the items measure an underlying (or latent)
 We generally look for a values between 0.7
and 0.8.
Steps to computing Cronbach’s a
with SPSS
 Enter the data into SPSS
 Select "Analyze"
 Select "Scale"
 Select "Reliability Analysis"
 A pop-up window will appear for reliability analysis. In this
window are two boxes, one to the left and one to the right.
The left contains the variables, or items, entered in SPSS,
the box to the right, which is labeled "Items," is where one
moves those scale items for which Cronbach's a is desired.
 Click on the "Statistics" button
 check mark next to "Scale" and "Scale if item deleted.”
 Click Continue and Run statistics.
 See for step-by-step guidance.
Computing Cronbach's Alpha
Selecting the Statistics for the
Completing the Specifications
Cronbach’s a
 The result will indicate if the two factors
that are being compared are correlated.
 The results will indicate if respondents who
rate high (low) scores for one item also
tended to select high (low) scores for the
 If a is low, the ability to predict scores from
one item would not be possible.
Alternate-Form Method

 Construction of two tests that

supposedly sample the same
 Parallel-form or equivalence method
They are given to the same
participants Correlation coefficient
(Pearson r) > 0.70
Split-Half Method

 Splits the questionnaire into two

random halves, calculate scores,
and correlates them Odd and even
numbers of the scale.
 Correlation coefficient (Pearson r)
Spearman-Brown prophecy formula is
often used.
Concluding Remarks
 The importance of an instrument achieving
a reasonable level of reliability and validity
cannot be overemphasized.
 If an instrument lacks validity or reliability,
the meaning of individual scores becomes
 A score of 90 on an invalid or unreliable
test would be no different from a score of

DeVellis, R.F. (2003). Scale development.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Thomas J., & Nelson, J. (2003). Research
Methods in Physical Activity. Champaign,
Il: Human Kinetics.
Trochim, W. M. The Research Methods
Knowledge Base, 1st ed. 1999. Available

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