Verderflex Dura 10 INT English Datasheet
Verderflex Dura 10 INT English Datasheet
Verderflex Dura 10 INT English Datasheet
iDura 10
The Verderflex iDura 10 is a complete “ready to use” Dura 10 hose pump with pump mounted inverter and standard hose burst
The iDura 10 is a compact, industrial hose pump with superior secondary containment for dosing, metering, sampling and sump
emptying in chemical and industrial processing complexes, food and beverage facilities and clean and wastewater treatment
plants. The pump mounted inverter provides the flexibility of local pump control or automatic monitoring and control real time via
external systems. The factory connected hose burst sensor will stop the pump unit on hose burst for enhanced plant operator’s
peace of mind & the inverter’s local controls reduces ownership costs by speeding up the infrequent hose changes.
Pump Features
Ideal for abrasive or high solid content slurries
Self-Priming, problem free pumping of gaseous liquids
Easily pumps viscous liquids
Gentle low shear pumping action
Dry running capabilities
Long life hoses
No seals or valves
iDura Features
Variable speed control, between maximum and minimum flow rates
Standard hose burst protection automatically stops the pump on a hose burst.
Intuitive speed and directional controls with real-time monitoring of parameters using built-in display.
Displays nominal flow rate1
Scalable 4-20mA speed control input as standard, MODBUS/CANBUS digital remote control optional 2
Technical Data
5 Temperature Limit for PP insert is 40°C and for PVDF insert is 80°C.
6 Temperature Limit for Verderlube is 50°C.
7 Suitable for application above 50°C, but subject to maximum temperature limit of the hose and applications involving strong oxidising
agents and nitrogenous compounds.
iDura 10
Performance Range
48 35 23.3
65 47 31.3
78 56 37.3
97 70 46.7
125 90 60.0
Performance Curve
Actual flows will vary according to suction conditions, discharge pressure and normal component production tolerances.
iDura 10