6th Floor, 'A' Wing, Janpath Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi - 110001 Phones:23739722/23717249/23355408 Fax: 23717250 E-Mail: Cgewho@nic - in

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~ ~~~m W+t~I~ "CJ)~lui 31lql'<i ~

Central Government Employees

Welfare Housing Organisation

(Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India)

9""OT ~, \' ~, ~ 1fCA,

6th floor, 'A' Wing, Janpath Bhawan,
~, ~ ~- 110001
Janpath, New Delhi -110001
~ : 23739722/23717249/23355408
Phones :23739722/23717249/23355408
1Ji"<m : 23717250 Fax: 23717250
E-mail : [email protected]

January 16,2012


Shri E Natarajan,
31 , Kalibari Apartments,
Udyan Marg,
New Delhi-l10001

Subject: Information under RTI Act 2005

Reference: Your letter dated Nil enclosing an IPO ofRs. 10/- dated 23.12.2011

Dear Citizen.

This has reference to your Rn letter dated Nil (received in our office on 23.12.2011)
regarding CGEWHO's Chennai Phase-II Housing Project.

2. Pointwise reply to your query is as under;

Copy of Certificate along with letter of ,
1. Information enclosed in (four pages) as
M/s VSR Constructions Ltd for Annexure-l.
effecting the change of name into M/s
SriEo ~ro-i~ctsyyt-L!Q.
2. Whether change of name of a Yes, Article of Agreement is enclosed
Contractor is allowed under CGEWHO as Annexure-Il (two pages)
Rules; if so , under which rules this had
been effected.
3. Copy of file notings during the process Information to your query is enclosed as I
-of ~~e Qf name of this contracJor0- , Arinexure- III ( one page )
4. In a reply to USQ No.3201 in the Direction ofGoverning Council (GC) of I
Rajya Sabha, it has been said that Rs. , CGEWHO is enclosed in the form of I
95,53,313/- has been accounted as a I MoM (47th) dated 11-08-2011 is I
relief to the beneficiaries of Chennai enclosed as Annexure-IV (7 pages)
Phase II project. Copies of
correspondence between the Ministry of ,
!Io~sing ~d W~ ~d t~e QG~~0.~,

'I'.., .

~ ~A.I~I

copy of note file of CGEWHO witha
regard to this relief and copy of minutes
of the 9ov~~ CQuncil.
5. Details on source of funding of this May refer to the reply/enclosure of Q-4
relief to the beneficiaries of Chennai please.
PhaseII as well as beneficiaries of other
~roie~ts. -

3. It is informed that the RTI Act provides Indian citizen the right with respect to review
the decision as to the amount of fees charged or the form of accessprovided. Therefore, in
case any citizen wants to go for an appeal in connection with above, s/he may appeal to the
Appellate Authority indicated below within thirty days from the date of issue of this letter .

Shri M. Narayanan,
Director (Tech) & Appellate Authority (RTI),
CGEWHO-HQ, 6th Floor, , A' Wing,

Janpath Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-ll 0 001.

Tel No.011 23717249/23355408
Fax No.011 23717250;
E-mail Address: [email protected]
s faithfully,

(M K.Maity
Dy Director- AdIIIrI-&
Tel No.011-23717249/23355408
Fax No.011 23717250
E-mai1 ill : [email protected]
Encl: 14 pages.

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