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Mal Kukura April 21, 2016 at 8:06 pm

Nobody does it better than Bob did – writing and speaking – not even one othe here ever came close
but there was one successor considered – only one – the dauphin, liscencee the Double T Saloon. I will
know you when and if you turn up.
Ellis doesn’t live here anymore but Ellis Gold is golden and only Ellis is good enough to qualify as being as
enduring as the alchemic gold of Hermes, the deity of authentic literati.
The golden wordsmith from Murwillumbah is still here still.
So much better than the rest.
What does it mean?
It is magical.
That is what it means – it is magical.
Bob is magical.
The three Steves are magical.
All TT readers are magical beings – even the poor unfortunates so afflicted by the Unglückliches
Bewusstsein that they hide behind their flimsy aliases in the bleachers and drop their batonga bunker
buster bombs.
All those mature human beings of good will who made TT the sanctuary Bob fashioned for us around his
table for talk – you know who you are – the sane and moderate – the intelligent and compassionate – I
need nit name you but you know I know who you are – the world is a better place for each of you too.
Love is the answer.
All residues of defilement gone.
Utterly clean.
Every human being is a magical entity capable of the most stupendous feats of perception as Bob
showed over and again.
The illusions of unsatisfactoriness projected onto other people are the symptoms of spiritual and
cognitive fragmentation.
There is a revolutionary vanguard already working on the non-violent global cognitive revolution for
liberation of the people from the dogmatic beliefs of the dominant world view.
The revolutionary vanguard consists of independent revolutionists who value freedom and autonomy
above all else and yet who have the power to form temporary autonomous zones of like minded change
agents committed to the liberatory project .
We want a sustainable global habitat for humanity and we want it NOW.
Bob laid the corner stone.
The direction is set.
Love is enough.
23. Mal Kukura April 22, 2016 at 5:04 pm
Cela suffit
Taman Shud
Rien ne va plus
Enough is not yet enough for the narcissist-in-chief, commandante of the mechanical-condor totem clan
of readily available cyber-drones badged with the many aliases spilling their putrid bigoted hate speech
and other shoddy products of their Unglückliches Bewusstsein all over this – the last of the public
threads left.
from the Funeral Notice thread –
Ellis doesn’t live here anymore.

Mal Kukura
April 21, 2016
Enough it is.
I’d not’ve expected I’d ever think so, but I do.
I think the time has come to advise, if anyone can, that Anne and Jack shut down the public pages of
Table Talk: Bob Ellis on Film and Theatre.
The mechanical condor drone squadron can fly off to some other locale and release their pay loads
If no one else will, then rest assured, some merciful intervener will bring down the final curtain out of
respect for the magical being of the golden wordsmith now resident in Ellis Gold.
There is one Bon and only one honest John.
24. Mal Kukura April 22, 2016 at 7:13 pm
It is a magical moment – shut it down Hughie.
25. Dalì April 23, 2016 at 3:56 am
What are you doing, and why? If you have a request so serious that it just must be raised now, in these
catacombs, why embroider it so gaudily that I must attempt a decoding and risk a stumble as I uncloak
You seem to be declaring to everyone here that if I do not vilify/malign Mal Kukura for posting what he
does, I agree/align with its contents. If that is so, I trust they see that the logical misstep is in fact your
own, not mine.
You seem to be spotlighting to everyone here some dereliction of duty on my part if I do not comply
with your request. I trust they notice that you have extracted a term I used to describe my approach to
posting without seeking to ‘steer’ people and leaving it to them to align or malign; and that you have
here ascribed it to what you declare to be an insipid neutrality which jeopardises the greater good in the
guise of silence.
I would have thought that silence was the most specious of the charges which could be levelled at me. In
my four years here, there have been no more than a dozen days which weren’t polluted by at least one
(sometimes ten or more) appearance of that rheumy-red eye from Alex the droog leader. Apart from
some two thousand posts, maybe, I created a dozen videos, penned eight or so film reviews, and at least
thirty poems. You want to accuse me of silence in front of everyone here? I imagine they’d be more
inclined to subsitute a charge of gross over-indulgence.
But you meant a different silence, did you not? As you chose to mint it, “Silence is a most powerful
symbol and act of approbation.”
Yes, but silence is what silence does. Silence is many things besides consent. Silence is golden, Silence is
a virtue. Silence can never be misquoted. Leonardo said silence strengthens authority, Voltaire thought
silence far preferable to adding to the quantity of bad writing, Theroux thought it the unbearable
repartee. My favourite Silence is the woman conjured up by the ribald multi-pseudo Ben Franklin to rail
against hoop petticoats. I shall seek her out in the bloggersphere as Mickey One. Dalì was
unpromiscuous and exclusive to Bob and Table Talk. But I digress.
Yes, silence and the greater good. You wish to cast me as Marceau to your Bentham? You seem to be
implying to everyone here that my selfish timorous wishes blind me to the greater good. I trust they
have noted who it was who lullabyed the great host while he lay dying and the blog was in its usual
uproar, and who it was who since he died has posted three times words and pictures in pursuit of the
precise greater good that I am now accused of neglecting. And who it was who objected to the flurry of
surreptitious incursions made by Claire as soon as the man who rejected and expelled her had died and
lay unburied. And of course I hope they have noted who it was who violently attacked me for defending
the blog the late host and family, and who vociferously defended her misconduct and who now makes
polite and earnest request of the person on whom he visited that savage outburst.
So Fedallah, I ask again What are you doing, and why? Why are you so drawn to conflict that even now
as we head for the vents and scramble for the lifeboats, you want to pit one against the other? Is that
the final order of your business here? Just get on with helping with the winding up and stop being such
an intellectual fop. I love you, but I am not your fag. Do your own dirty work.

o Mal Kukura April 24, 2016 at 11:23 pm

This is only to be read by anybody other than the honourable person I most admire who appears here
on Table Talk using the cyber moniker Dali. Not under any circumstances is this to be read by anyone
other than those who love you (does this cognitively fragmented anally retentive fudger pack-attacker
control freak with twenty six faces really take all this seriously?)
You, oh honourable and illustrious driver of the “Dali” vehicle, are a model for how a cyber alias can be
employed by an honest, sane person of integrity who is seeking extra protection from the cowardly
cyber pack attacker types who use aliases for violent and criminal purposes to insult abuse defame and
Thank you for your lead comment above – it confirms what I thought but didn’t really know for sure
because I’ve not read any of the comments posted here by the self-promoting primary offender (see
appendix below) who uses multiple aliases and who may or may not have assistance from one or more
of the usual suspects who come in on stinky waves of a plague and disappear for months then return
again and again on nefarious but futile destructive coordinated missions to discourage free speech in
cyber space.
How are we to know for sure if they’re only one, or two or a few, since they lack the courage to come
out from behind the instrumental cyber-shields they use to protect themselves from the natural
consequences of threatening violence, defamatory bullying, cowardly stalking and the usual collection of
standard trolling vulture techniques.
I do a daily meta-data count (see Appendix below) of new comments and I see who posts them, as well
as when and where they’re posted, but I don’t read any of the comments posted by the notoriously
savage and despicably violent “lil’ king condor” nor do I read the comments posted behind the other
aliases used by the condor commandants in chief driving all the electro-mechanical cyber drones using
the multi-pseudos controlled by the solitary and demented narcissist – lil’ king condor and his
assistant(s) – if there are any – so that gives me a means of measuring the intensity of the psychotic
reactions it/he/she has to my comments that are frantically shat all over the place by the solitary control
freak using the recurrent alias cluster to post anonymous abusive, insulting pejorative off-topic ad-hom
comments that were not ever originally initiated or originally provoked by me, but always initiated by
each and every one of them – a number now more than twenty, all under the command of lil king
Aliases are not persons – just as corporations are not persons. An alias is a protective device. When used
for inflicting damage to try to control the comments of targeted persons it is like a virtual armour-plated
cyber-attack vehicle. An alias is more like a car or a tank and it’s a mistake to treat it as though it’s a
person, especially when it’s one of a multiple cluster of aliases in use by one or even a few anonymous
person(s) who remain(s) hidden inside the cyber-attack-vehicle to inflict injury for personal gain.
I’ve always made it clear here that I do use parody as irreverently as possible – but only to illuminate the
ad hom tactics of those who prefer rhetoric to reason and who initiate and originate off-topic pejorative
ad hom attacks on readers they envy. I simply mimic them to awaken them and you can see it working
very effectively here in the escalating of the violent threats and lying tantrums of lil’ king condor.
I’m yet to take the next natural step beyond parody – which is to abandon parody in favour of even
more effective and decisive methods of leading the fragmented self-mutilators like lil’ king condor to the
truth about the magical nature of being.
Strange that the last refuge of the naïve enemies of a sustainable democratic constitutional planetary
polity, like the puny naïve larval being I’ve renamed “lil king condor”, should reject the supreme
knowledge about the absolutely beautiful divine truth, that it/he/she too is a magical sentient being
capable of the most stupendous feats of perceiving.
Instead of the peace, love and freedom offered, it/he/she tires in vain to satisfy itself that it has
vanquished and defeated those it envies most, especially the haute-literatus dauphin – the only Table
Talker, ever considered by Bob as a possible successor.
Sanity and wholeness are the same – the agonizing condition of cognitively incompleteness is a
consequence of habitual practices of self-mutilation. Materialism and atheism are mental illnesses
symptomatic of the perverted practices of self-fragmentation and mental dismemberment. An
impoverished integrity is a natural consequence of the immaturity of those cowards who lack the
courage to use their own reasoning powers without guidance.
Standing on two feet, thereby discover the truth about the nature of being.
That is the only way out of the trap set – a Politeia cave – where only reflections and shadows are seen.
Leaping over the gutless gate is liberation from illusion and an end to the chronic unsatisfactoriness that
so defiles.
Lauzi Fifty
Between birth and death,
Three in ten are followers of life,
Three in ten are followers of death,
And men just passing from birth to death also number three in ten.
Why is this so?
Because they live their lives on the gross level.
He who knows how to live can walk abroad
Without fear of rhinoceros or tiger.
He will not be wounded in battle.
For in him rhinoceroses can find no place to thrust their horn,
Tigers no place to use their claws,
And weapons no place to pierce.
Why is this so?
Because he has no place for death to enter.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:37 am
We must go on.
The name ‘TableTalk’ is now a brand, worthy of being taken world wide.
The format works and could work with other people of fine intellect as hosts. Waleed Ali, Tim Minchin.
Why Not.
Why Not is a pseudonym for a suggester of forbidden truths, thoughts, odd and disparate facts.
Something our late host did very well.
Think big TT’ers.
Dalì April 24, 2016 at 6:49 am
DQ – that put me in mind of an early Eagles song ‘My Man’ written to mourn their friend Gram Parsons
My man’s got it made
He’s gone far beyond the pain
And we who must remain go on living just the same
We who must remain go on laughing just the same

31. Mal Kukura April 23, 2016 at 7:33 pm

Beware of parody.
This is the fifty seventh comment on this thread for April 23, 2016.
This is by far the largest daily count of comments for more than a week. Why is that and who’s posting
most of them and why? I am the greatest?
Narcissism and materialism are serious mental diseases.
Send her down Huey is a fair dinkum Aussie bush saying that Slim Dusty borrowed and I adapted to
“shut it down”, now that the migratory queen condor using smoke and mirrors to look like a whole flock
rooting for their champion from the bleachers.
What does it mean?
It’s magical is what it means.
Or perhaps you disagree.
Bob is the best – so much better than the rest. Nobody comes even close.
We’ll see what we shal see.

Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 11:19 pm

Thank you Dali for filtering the radioactive detritus that I avoided by following the sage advice to not
read comments posted below mine by the usual suspects.
I really had no idea they worked themselves up into such a frenzy, dishonouring themselves so
spectacularly at this auspicious time on these the final threads where we continue to celebrate the life
of our comrade.
It’s like reading your own obituary and wondering if you’re really still here or dreaming.
Most artists of any repute seem to concur in avoiding exposure to their critics’ toxic comments knowing
full well that the critics are persons of modest endowments who must resort to the common techniques
of the parasite, the vampire and vulture to survive.
I decline the offer to help them for they stinketh so repulsively and I have interests elsewhere.

39. Mal Kukura April 24, 2016 at 7:33 pm

This is comment number 88 for April 24, 2016 on this “Recording of Speeches at Bob’s Funeral” thread.
It’s a new daily record – for Table Talk since the removal of the “Easter 1” thread after Bob’s last magical
golden words were spoken
Easter 1
Bob Ellis
March 25, 2016
Rachel Kohn’s Easter show had its usual waking gentleness – how Christianity is about forgiveness,
footwashing and communal rejoicing and nothing to do with the burning down of the castles of the
capitalists – and as enjoyable in its usual way.
And it seems to me there is no point in this religion at all. It starts, like infancy, with a sense of obligation
to our betters, and goes from there. It starts with our need to pay back. And what do we owe for being
here? And if this is our obligation, what does it mean? Further questions on this might be asked in the
course of the day
Nobody does it better than Bob.
Not even one among us here even comes close.
If anyone did they’d already have their own blog and we’d all be there commenting, but we are here.
Still, Bob is here still too.
That is why – the golden wordsmith is the only one among us worthy of golden status – Thoth told me
it’s so.
Yes Table Talkers of good will, Thoth who symbolizes the divinity of magic and writing – Thoth/
Hermes/Mercury – protector of the legacy of the golden wordsmith from Murwillumbah and of all
who’re brave enough to act to preserve and extend the defending and protecting of free speech in cyber
space where the neo-liberal fascists who continue to seek to brutally and savagely subjugate the world,
are being ignominiously exposed and defeated.
Here is some more golden magic that demonstrates why Bob is so much better than the rest.
It’s important, I think, to get it said, and say it soon. To make peace, to kiss it better. No memorial
indulgence, no golden chariot pulled by black horses with tossing manes through thinly falling snow will
ever be as good as those clear words said, ‘I love you. I’ll miss you. It was good for the world that you
were here.’”
Bob Ellis 1999
We love you. We miss you. It was incredibly good for the world that you were here.
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:44 am
Tehuti made me do it
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:32 am
Johnny please come out to play in our empty garden
Repost from the archives:
Mal Kukura
February 12, 2016 at 6:25 pm
Yes Helvi – the call for banning brought to my mind a threat of violence made a day or two before
February 9, 2016 at 7:28 pm
I wonder how the persons who call for banning would feel if someone wrote something like that about
someone else they favour like Wood and Stone for example.
If you saw Wood and Stone on the street and Wood and Stone had managed to pool a few drops of
courage to say “kBites left this blog because of … stalking”, would you then assault Wood and Stone and
leave Wood and Stone bloody and broken as a reminder of the consequences of writing that KBites left
this blog because of stalking?
Below I will use my bugle to toot a last post as a tribute to K.bites and John S Almond – it is a long and
winding road from December 2013, in which you and Dali and a few others too decorate the tree we
grew together.
If this is the last dance, the possibility inferred by our courageous host, then it could be interesting to
see just who does drop by, from the ‘good’ old days.
Ryutin, John S Almond, K Bites, Jeremy Dixon, Phill and many more….

Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:24 pm

James Munro
judy barton
Hugh Weiss
Glow Worm
Doug Quixote
Incontinent Norbac Dor
Bleacher Boy
Bill Ralston
Max Headgear
Bee Emm
Happy annie
E Layton
Please try if possible not to encourage those using this thread to tell more lies and make more threats of
physical violence.
If you’re more concerned with abusing and insulting persons who don’t follow tedious strictures on
spelling words the way you want and other minor deviations from arbitrary rules and those who do not
obediently following all the other sanctimonious demands made in fraudulent group control freak
tantrums, then why not start your own blog and deal with you private illusions elsewhere.
They don’t belong here.
Here we continue to honour BoB Ellis’ magical life and prolific legacy of golden literary artifacts, to which
this thread serves as the open portal for all who wish to enter.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Very well said:
It is what it is. And for me it has been a sustained cavalcade of brilliant insights into the ideas and
feelings of a great erudite and cultured australian, a chance to launch a thousand missiles a week at the
enemy, and a four year long sunbury with loud music skinny dipping and experimentation of all kinds.
Nothing will change that. It is what it is. It always will
Like you, I also made my recommendations (for informal collective corrective moderating actions) and
was ignored, as you were. You and the person using the alias “allthumbs”, have been by far and away
the two Table Talkers least likely to engage in any pejorative ad hom commentary and when you did, it
was always only after you were first attacked by the primary offender using multiple aliases to simulate
pack attacks or one of more the usual suspects.
I admire you and allthumbs both for the restraint you’ve both shown, even though you’ve both been
savagely attacked and only because you’ve been very influential here.
Although I admire your restraint, and although I practice similar restraint elsewhere, I’ve followed a
different strategy here, always in defence of and to protect the principle of freedom of expression and
assertion of our inalienable freedom from unprovoked ad hom pejorative attacks by similulated pack-
attackers and any other anonymous stalkers, trolls and cyber-bullies.
I’ve experimented with the strategy of parody, that is, by mimicking the attackers and intentionally
leaving them no option but to criticize their own ad hom pejorative attacks methods which I reflect on
them and tell them so.
I’ve not ever written any pejorative ad hom comment addressed to any inanimate cyber vehicle which
has not first been used by anonymous attackers to attack me – and the archives prove this beyond any
doubt as I’ve demonstrated time and again.
I’ve not ever written any pejorative ad hom comment addressed to any real person here ever, although
one or two or a few real person(s) who remain(s) still anonymous has/have used somewhere between
two and twenty six different aliases to attack me without provocation in each and every case – again
documented in the archives.
There’s an abundance of positive statements I’ve made and addressed to each and every inanimate
cyber-vehicle used by the attacker(s) who uses the two or up to twenty six aliases to simulate off-topic,
pejorative ad-hom pack attacks to discourage freedom of expression here and in cyber space in general.
I’ve advised this hostile simulator and its assistant(s) if there is one or two or a few, that it/they too are
magical and miraculous beings – perceivers who have the potential to transcend their delusional
existential states of differentiated being in which they struggle to find relief from the suffering that
causes the extreme unsatisfactoriness they internalize and project in their vain efforts to purge
themselves of the dogmatic beliefs of the dominant ideology of materialism that has been rammed
down their throats stuck up their arses forcefully against their will as part of their intiatio into the
system of cultural hegemony.
Plato’s allegory of the cave serves to illustrate the fate of these poor tormented sods who‘re paid to
launch unprovoked attacks to discourage free expression in cyber space.
As always – I urge them to stand on their own two feet and refuse to obey their masters and take the
opportunity so few ever have to liberate themselves from their cognitive caves and begin to crawl
towards the light in the hope that someday soon they too might emerge from their cave and know the
whole truth about the stupendous reality that sentient beings see themselves to be when they awaken
from the ignorance of the ugly stinky, defilements that cognitive fragmentation results in.
Unification of cognitive fragments is the only way to integrity for the fragmented dismembered psyche
once the spiritual gangrene of nihilism sets in.
How ironic that my persistent urging to awaken to the awesome truth about the miracle of divine and
magical being should be responded to with a chorus of obedient helpless slaves insisting that they are
not worthy and nor is anyone else.
Have it your way if you must.
You are what you are.
It is what it is.
“a sustained cavalcade of brilliant insights”
Talk about magical.
Or maybe you disagree.
44. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 1:48 am
April showers off that huge wide Indian Ocean, not seen for years, are here again tonight in the west.
Send her down Huey.
Shutting this blog down as I suggested several days ago will help ensure that Ellis Gold remains in a
primordial condition.
This thread “Recording of Speeches at Bob’s Funeral” really still is and always was intended to be no
more than a sign post pointing towards “Ellis Gold” where the speeches referred to can be accessed in
their totality.
Nothing else matters.
The supreme knowledge of the absolutely beautiful divine awareness that is magical is what “it” means.
This is IT.
No other thing matters.
45. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:57 am
Anyone can shut the blog down if they really want – especially when after a request like the one made
on April 24, 2016 at 11:57 pm, the same vulture troll activity continues as contemptuously as before.
The archives clearly demonstrate the mentality and character structure of the control freak personality
type of those responsible for this new display of subhuman aggression.
Big Sunday
Bob Ellis
February 7, 2016
Can Turnbull survive the Hanson-Young challenge if Andrews, Foley and Baird join it? Can he send back
little children to their persecutors for ninety years on Nauru when his electorate, specifically, believes he
is a different sort of man?
We’ll see how it plays out. One would have thought the amiable, quirky, comforting presence on Q&A
was not the man to do this sort of thing.
He has to keep the Abetz-Abbott-Morrison-Dutton mob sweet. But does he?
This is the difficulty with Turnbull. We know who he is, or we think we do, but he’s a man, an attitude, a
stance, without a party.
Is there anyone like him in the party? Frydenberg? Sinodinos?
We will see what we shall see.
Cccccc Hhhhhh
February 8, 2016 at 6:16 am
… Since when did longevity on this blog allow you Brr Mm authority over others?
It’s a poor argument.
The best poster in the short history of this site was Y Yiiii but unfortunately she withdrew when Xxxxxxx
began stalking her – hitting up on her – as his his chronic habit.
I call it for what it is Brr Mm and your bullying is water of a duck’s back.
I’ll take my orders from Bob, no one else thank you.
And of course, the manipulating piss freak Xxxxxxx can’t read this – he has the blinkers on, so stop being
so protective.
Xxxxxxx February 9, 2016 at 1:33 pm
Cccccc Hhhhhh,
…Do you understand me?
If I saw you on the street …
I’d leave you bloody and broken
The impoverished integrity and psychic corruption that are exposed by this threat of violence, are not
eradicated by the pretense of an apology and it is the same subhuman depravity evident again now in
the continuing contempt shown by those enemies of free speech who’ve posted comments here after
the April 24, 2016 at 11:57 pm call for cessation of hostile ad hom comments.
The control freak character structure and personality type of those with these uncontrollable aggressive
tendencies who claim moral superiority and falsely assert knowledge and powers far beyond any other
readers here is exposed as the fraud already illuminated repeatedly despite the twenty seven aliases
used to create the appearance of a gang of cyber-bullies ready to follow their fuehrer to do damage to
all who get in their way of suppressing free speech in cyber space.
Shut her down Huey.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 9:56 pm
I don’t read comments written below mine by the dubious person(s) using those two aliases because of
many past performance deficits by the anonymous person(s) using these two aliases – but I will quote
the advice of the same person who made the above quoted threat of physical violence which they seem
to condone, since it applies to the same practice on this thread in particular – the obsessive posting of
pejorative off-topic ad-hom comments under mine.
Ecce Homo
February 9, 2016 at 1:33 pm
that you post under me knowing I can’t and won’t see betrays your child’s mind
so needy of my attention
so many mentions
so often
so needlessly
so personally
You see …, that’s the trouble between us – it isn’t about ISIS, terror, politics, these are not necessarily
incommensurable positions, what is incommensurable is our personalities.
I despise much about you on many points bar one blinding
I do not need to constantly reference you to affirm or establish my personality on this blog
Do you understand me
If I saw you on the street and you had managed to pool your few drops of courage to say it to me direct,
I would leave you bloody and broken as a reminder of consequence
46. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:51 am
War out of sight, sacrifice out of mind
By Andrew J. Bacevich APRIL 24, 2016
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:52 am
47. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:55 am
Concentrated Media Power is Real Power: We’ve Let Markets Rule the Public’s Airwaves
byLaura Flanders
Friday, April 22, 2016
48. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:59 am
Union bashing is a global fascist strategy
To See the Real Story in Brazil, Look at Who is Being Installed as President — and Finance Chiefs
by Glenn Greenwald
Friday, April 22, 2016
The Intercept
o Inanimate Carbon Rod April 25, 2016 at 7:30 am
You, the personification of desecration.
I hope The Authorities investigate you.
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:34 pm
A conversation with Noam Chomsky on organizing for a next system
MARCH 24, 2016
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:37 pm
Bill Moyers
APRIL 20, 2016
Campaign Finance Reform —
It’s Not Just Liberals Anymore
Bill sits down with former Bush administration lawyer Richard Painter to discuss why conservatives
should care about the influence of money in politics — and how they can fight to get it out.
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:39 pm
The left loses the election in Peru
Immanuel Wallerstein
15 Apr 2016
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:00 pm
That it has.
That we’re here still continuing to defend and protect the inalienable reality of universal freedom of
expression in spite of the heavy though futile opposition to freedom, reinforces our awareness of the
courage and spirit of the editor in chief we readers honour by our comments to that effect.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 6:50 pm
E Layton – your comment reminds me of a poster that was thrust in front of me a few days ago.
It was allegedly produced by an adolescent shock jock for 2GB.
The thrust of it was that more than two million supporters of the Australian Greens Political Party should
be sent to Syria and tortured and murdered there because they “preach tolerance”.
Nobody, including you can possibly have the knowledge that would be needed to make the obvious
prejudiced and heavily biased judgements you make of the tens of thousands of people who have been
reading Table Talk.
To lump together such a large group of people, they way you have done here, especially when the
identity group is a political one rather than only racial, religious, gender based or ethnic, is reminiscent
of the genocidal tactics used by the NSDAP to eradicate all political opposition in Germany after the
Enabling Act of 1933.
They used the same sort of language you use above.
As one Table Talker has consistently advised – we define ourselves by what we write here – you have
defined yourself as something that comes in khaki – like Hitler Youth – or was it just a mistake in your
enthusiasm to contradict DQ.
As I recall you’ve not previously shown yourself to be so bigoted.
If it is a one off aberration you may yet be able to dig yourself out of the deep hole dived into.
Please pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again if you dare.
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 9:05 pm
Too bloody right Paul – you too made this a better place, still.
the mob in that room buoyed my spirits, all sternly, but lovingly, overseen by the wonderful Bob.
What a reviver it was, to access Bob’s dissection of their daily nastiness; usually with sidesplitting,
sardonic wit. To say much more would achieve not much.
Vale Bob, and thank you all
As you say “we saw a few here”.
The best thing about this portal thread pointing to the mother lode of the great literatus is that we are
shedding radiant light on just how exceptional a national treasure our comrade was and still is still.
Thank you Paul H.

52. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:28 pm

o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 5:31 pm
DQ – for some reason the embed code you posted had “?t=5” added to the end of the one I found when
I opened your link.
Strange that both seem to work but display differently.
Hope you don’t mind that I reposted using the modified code since I thought you intended it appear as it
does now.
53. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 7:15 pm
Meta data update
30 comments already by yesterday’s “winner” with an impressive score of 33.
I don’t read this incontinent juvenile troll’s comments. Are all of them off-topic pejorative ad hom
comments or do some actually address the thread topic:
Recording of Speeches at Bob’s Funeral
April 11, 2016
Dear Table Talk Readers,
I have posted a recording of the speeches made at Bob’s funeral in Ellis Gold</blockquote
I haven't yet ever parodied this one preferring to ignore it. I avoid ever mentioning the badged code
name it hides behind and I haven't ever addressed a comment to it like 'lil king condor does routinely to
attack targeted readers
This comment is not addressed to anyone in particular – it's intention is to expose the covert activity of
the troll in question.
I do notice that it posts below almost every comment I make.
What motivates a person using an alias to come here and do what the person using this alias is doing?
There's little doubt that this person isn't here to join us in celebrating the golden wordsmith and
encouraging all who arrive here to enter Ellis Gold.
Perhaps someone else wearing a lead suit to protect against the radiation can take a look at what this
person is trying to do and why it's here making thirty forty fifty comments a day at this stage as the
curtain comes down on this thread.
For what purpose?
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 7:19 pm
Happy Hour has arrived –
Meta data updates on troll activity will resume in due course until the final curtain descends.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 7:22 pm
Just one thing before I go – the parody has now begun but on a very limited scale
31 to a paltry 22
Nolo Contendre
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 10:09 pm
Ίδε ό άνθρωπος
February 9, 2016 at 1:33 pm
that you post under me knowing I can’t and won’t see betrays your child’s mind
so needy of my attention
so many mentions
so often
so needlessly
so personally
I do not need to constantly reference you to affirm or establish my personality on this blog
Do you understand me
Who’ll be the first to state clearly that they don’t condone the use of this blog to make threats of
physical violence against other readers?
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 10:34 pm
Ecce Homo squared or cubed
There’s a belching lying envious treacherous steamer now in the race – only two hours to go – the gap is
closing – who’ll win the prize for highest comment count for Anzac Day?
Shut her down Huey.
Rid us of these foreign devils.
Put them on slow boats to M’Anus Island, then send them onwards to Cathay and if they stay away for
five years or more beware for they may well betray some day and Faust will feast like vultures on their
dried out dendritic entrails.
So serious is it.
This is IT.
Lets get really serious and show how much more sanctimonious we can be than they are.
Lets talk about how much we revere this day and this portal while we continue to work on our off-topic
pejorative ad-hom comments to earn the pounds of flesh offered up for perfidy that comes so naturally
to those with no integrity.
Huey is on first.
Pardon me Madamoiselle, is this the last train to Clarksville.
Can I get off here in front off ya or shall I do it front of you in Chattanooga.
This then is the fourth type of madness, which befalls when a man, reminded by the sight of beauty on
earth of the true beauty, grows his wings and endeavours to fly upward, but in vain, exposing himself to
the reproach of insanity because like a bird he fixes his gaze on the heights to the neglect of things
below; and the conclusion to which our whole discourse points is that in itself and in its origin this is the
best of all forms of divine possession, both for the subject himself and for his associate, and it is when
he is touched with this madness that the man whose love is aroused by beauty in others is called a lover.
It is impossible for a soul that has never seen the truth to enter into our human shape; it takes a man to
understand by the use of universals, and to collect out of the multiplicity of sense-impressions a unity
arrived at by a process of reason. Such a process is simply the recollection of the things which our soul
once perceived when it took its divine journey, looking down from above on the things to which we now
ascribe reality and gazing upwards towards what is truly real. That is why it is right that the soul of the
philosopher alone should regain its wings; for it is always dwelling in memory as best it may upon those
divine things which divine beings owe their divinity to dwelling upon. It is only by the right use of such
aids to recollection, which form a continual initiation into the perfect mystic vision that a human can
become perfect in the true sense of the word. Because s/he stands apart from the common objects of
human ambition and applies herimself to the divine, s/he is reproached by most humans for being out
of hiser wits; they do not realize that s/he is in fact captivated by divine awarweness.
Phaedrus Letters VII VIII
Transl Walter Hamilton, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973
Do you understand me
o Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 10:47 pm
Ugly looking spoilers are on the track now – expect a spectacular collision along the way – the front
runner is losing ground but is an unknown and may well have saved the energy needed for a burst of
comments in the last eighty minutes of the 101st anniversary of the first Anzac sacrifice of so many
young lives by the boy soldier who was made First Lord of the Admiralty just in time.
Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 11:36 pm
I don’t read your comments due to your dubious past performance and your relentless and obsessive
posting under me of piss-weak, off-topic, pejorative ad-hom attack comments.
Still you are still posting under me still knowing I won’t see it
still you betray your child’s mind
still so needy of my attention
still so many mentions
still so often
still so needlessly
still so personally
still you need to constantly reference me
Do you understand furball yet
Still this parody
Still a reflection of your ad hom tactics.
If it repulses you so, then stop or your will go blinder than you are, and be assured I’ll not post under
you or go anywhere near you – I’ve no interest in what you write about me or anything else you write
for that matter.
There’s so much that’s so much more interesting like the cave of the dogmatic atheistic materialist
cultural hegemony in which you’re trapped and how to get out and how to discover the supreme
knowledge of the magical nature of your own being and be free of this suffering you’re subjecting
yourself to by indulging your animal instincts and abandoning the precious chance you have to become
fully human.
Love is enough.
You can if you try.
Give it a go.
57. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 11:00 pm
If only looks could kill.
Belcher boy has been spotted on the track looking pretty fearsome but not in the race – still stuck in the
same tired MO of sanctimonious posting of envious off-topic piss-weak pejorative ad-hom comments
criticizing other readers and quite unable to come up with anything original – a mere shadow of the
former literary athlete who once dazzled all with exceptionally talented original compositions now
reduced to the secondary status of obsessively posting under me knowing I do not read his stuff written
for an audience of simian cretins or maybe for nobody.
The sun is going down for the fool on the hill and the twin Furballft who saw it all coming and taught us
all that
“you post under me knowing I won’t see it
you betray your child’s mind
so needy of my attention
so many mentions
so often
so needlessly
so personally
I do not need to constantly reference you
Do you understand me”
58. Mal Kukura April 25, 2016 at 11:54 pm
With only fifteen minutes left in the race the pace setter now has the support of this spoiler who
dropped yet another of those stinky things on tghe track right in front of me at 11:01 pm – right below a
comment of mine that made no mention of any person but was a parody of the 40 comments yesterday
and a similar number today.
If you don’t like that, it won’t stop by posting below my comments because I don’t look at them.
Would you perhaps like to be threatened with physical violence – will that stop you posting under me.

60. Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 4:51 pm

What is Integrity?
Can those who condone the use of this blog to publish threats of criminal assault, and who congratulate
those who do so, also claim integrity?
Why are so many weaponized aliases being used for the same purpose of similulating a cyber-bully-
pack-attack by obsessive posting of pejorative off-topic ad-hom comments under the comments of
other readers instead of honouring our comrade by composing and posting original on-topic comments
pertaining to: “Recording of Speeches at Bob’s Funeral”?
How may we who continue to celebrate the life and literary work of Bob Ellis, contribute to this
particular thread, knowing as we all now do, that the public pages of Table Talk are slated for imminent
closure by Bob’s heirs?
IT really is magical. This is IT.
Once fully liberated from the dogmatic beliefs that fragment and dismember, unification of cognitive
fragments becomes possible. Then, true integrity is experienced ontologically.
Carl Jung, based on his experience as a clinician, coined the term “individuation” to describe the process
by which human beings may become complete and whole, as did Bob Ellis. This can be discerned from a
comprehensive reading of his body of work – of which a valued sample is available on this site on the
pages of Ellis Gold.
Abe Maslow, a co-founder of the human potential movement, although he didn’t coin the term,
popularized “self-actualization” to signify the same sort of process of maturation that Buddhists call
enlightenment, and the ancient Greek philosophers recognized as scientific ascent to divine awareness.
All involved becoming whole, unification, integration. An integral consciousness is the only way to
genuine integrity.
In 1998, the Peruvian born American author Carlos Castaneda, was dying of liver cancer when he
completed his manuscript for his last book, knowing he’d soon begin his “definitive journey”. Below is a
quote of some his last words in print – they concern his description of his experience as a younger man,
of his own particular awesome experience of unification of his cognitive fragments.
While I sat at Ship’s that morning, everything that had happened to me in heightened awareness, to the
most minute detail, in all the years with don Juan became again a continuous memory without
Don Juan had lamented that a male sorcerer, who is the nagual, perforce had to be fragmented because
of the bulk of his energetic mass. He said that in each fragment lived a specific range of a total scope of
activity; and the events that the male sorcerer had experienced in each fragment had to be joined
someday to give a complete, conscious picture of everything that had taken place in his total life.
Looking into my eyes, he had told me that that unification takes years to accomplish, and that he had
been told of cases of naguals who never reached the total scope of their activities in a conscious
manner, and lived fragmented.
What I experienced that morning at Ship’s was beyond anything I could have imagined in my wildest
fantasies. Don Juan had said to me time after time that the world of sorcerers was not an immutable
world, where the word is final, and unchanging; but that it’s a world of eternal fluctuation where
nothing should be taken for granted.
The jump into the abyss had modified my cognition so drastically that it allowed now the entrance of
possibilities both portentous and indescribable.
But anything that I could have said about the unification of my cognitive fragments would have paled in
comparison to the reality of it. That fateful morning at Ship’s, I experienced something infinitely more
potent than I did the day that I saw energy as it flows in the universe for the first time – the day that
after having been on the campus of UCLA, I ended up in the bed of my office/apartment without actually
going home in the fashion my cognitive system demanded in order for the whole event to be real.
In Ship’s, I integrated all the fragments of my being. I had acted in each one of them with perfect
certainty and consistency, and yet I had had no idea that I had done that. I was, in essence, a gigantic
puzzle, and to fit each piece of that puzzle into place produced an effect that had no name.
I sat at the counter at Ship’s, perspiring profusely, pondering uselessly, and obsessively asking questions
that couldn’t be answered: How could all this be possible? How could I have been fragmented in such a
fashion? Who are we really? Certainly not the people all of us have been led to believe we are. I had
memories of events that had never happened, as far as some core of myself was concerned. I couldn’t
even weep.
“A sorcerer weeps when he is fragmented,” don Juan had said to me once. “When he’s complete, he’s
taken by a shiver that has the potential, because it is so intense, of ending his life.”
I was experiencing such a shiver! I doubted that I would ever meet my cohorts again. It appeared to me
that all of them had left with don Juan. I was alone.
I wanted to think about it; to mourn my loss; to plunge into a satisfying sadness the way I had always
done. I couldn’t. There was nothing to mourn; nothing to feel sad about. Nothing mattered. All of us
were warrior travelers, and all of us had been swallowed by infinity.
All along, I had listened to don Juan talk about the warrior traveler. I had liked the description
immensely, and I had identified with it on a purely emotional basis. Yet I had never felt what he really
meant by that, regardless of how many times he had explained his meaning to me.
That night, at the counter of Ship’s, I knew what don Juan had been talking about. I was a warrior
traveler. Only energetic facts were meaningful for me. All the rest were trimmings that had no
importance at all.
The Return Trip
Starting on the Definitive Journey
The Active Side of Infinity
Carlos Castaneda 1998
This really is IT
Nothing else matters.
Who are we really?
Certainly not the people all of us have been led to believe we are.
We are all magical

Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:01 pm

Jean Gebser also had a lot to say about integral consciousness – well worth reading
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:02 pm
D.T. Suzuki wrote extensiv ely about the same topic from a Zen Buddhst point of view
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:03 pm
Unity was a core principle of the ancient Greek philosophers
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:04 pm
Parmenides was not the least of them
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:05 pm
Spinoza revived the unity principle in the 17th century and was harasseed relentlessly for it.
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:07 pm
Hegel and the other post Kantian revolutionaries were closet Spinozists first and foremost – integral
consciousness was their cure for the disease of materialist madness
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:07 pm
Karl Marx stood upside down and told the world that Hegel was standing on his head
• Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:09 pm
Nietzsche hated them all then saw the light but missed out on unity because he got the clap
• Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Husserl revived Descartes and Thales as founders of the ancient and modern mutant species of the new
Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 8:31 pm
Yes Kev your right.
My wishes of course, as with all humans, are known only to me.
Dali reports above that two named readers were going to approach Anne and Jack to request that this
thread be deactivated to terminate commenting.
What are their wishes – those two messengers and the two to be approached?
What happens here is their decision and theirs alone.
What’s erroneously distorted into my “wish” is simply my acknowledgement of the advice previously
given that Ann and/or Jack had already decided to continue the Ellis Gold pages and that these, the
public pages, would be de-activated since, of course, Bob is no longer writing the leads that are the most
essential element and without which there really is no blog to speak of.
Those amongst us who’re here to honour our comrade have taken advantage of the opportunity to
celebrate his life and work in harmony with the intent of this thread to direct readers to Ellis Gold for
the speeches including Stephen Ramsay’s magic speech.
Shut ‘er down Huey, is just an old Australian colloquialism modified to suit the hope for a deluge of rain
to wash off the short lived guano droppings leaving only the pure gold that endures for all time.
A prophetic metaphor for the immanence of the final curtain. Send her down Huey.
Until that times comes there’ll be no cessation of defences and protection of the precious gift of free
expression although the gold and the other precious metals and gems of literary merit are highly
preferred to guano.
o Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 8:42 pm
What a great choice Heather – did he really say that? Of course he did.
“big fat mafia wedding”
… and this too:
“The Calabrian mafia was found to have assisted some Liberals into federal parliament, ‘out of the
goodness of our hearts, comprende,’ their Griffith spokesman Salvador Corleone swore, ‘with no
thought of any reward or, how you say, kickback.’ He denied that one of these was Steve Ciobo, ‘a man
of extreme probity, so extreme we have had to come around and talk to him quietly about it.’ Ciobo
denied being Italian, locked the door and crawled under the bed.”
June 29, 2015
Those were the days my friends.
63. Mal Kukura April 26, 2016 at 8:50 pm
Here comes the rain.

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