Hd465-7eo SM Sen01081-08 PDF
Hd465-7eo SM Sen01081-08 PDF
Hd465-7eo SM Sen01081-08 PDF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
01 Specification SEN01085-02
Specification and technical data SEN01086-02
40 Troubleshooting SEN01102-03
Failure code table and fuse locations SEN01660-02
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
Table of contents 1
00 Index and foreword
Index SEN01083-08
Composition of shop manual....................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ......................................................................................................................... 4
01 Specification
Specification and technical data SEN01086-02
Specification drawing................................................................................................................... 2
Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 3
Weight table ................................................................................................................................ 9
Fuel, coolant and lubricants ........................................................................................................ 10
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
40 Troubleshooting
Failure code table and fuse locations SEN01660-02
Failure codes table ...................................................................................................................... 2
Fuse locations ............................................................................................................................. 13
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
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SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
Failure code [CA554] Common rail pressure sensor: In-range error .......................................... 14
Failure code [CA559] Supply pump no-pressure feed error 1..................................................... 15
Failure code [CA689] Engine Ne speed sensor error ................................................................. 18
Failure code [CA731] Engine Bkup speed sensor phase error ................................................... 20
Failure code [CA757] All engine controller data lost error........................................................... 21
Failure code [CA778] Engine Bkup speed sensor error .............................................................. 22
Failure code [CA1228] EGR valve servo error 1......................................................................... 24
Failure code [CA1625] EGR valve servo error 2......................................................................... 25
Failure code [CA1626] Short circuit in bypass valve solenoid drive system ............................... 26
Failure code [CA1627] Disconnection in bypass valve solenoid drive system............................ 28
Failure code [CA1628] Bypass valve servo error 1 ..................................................................... 29
Failure code [CA1629] Bypass valve servo error 2 ..................................................................... 30
Failure code [CA1631] Bypass valve lift sensor high error.......................................................... 32
Failure code [CA1632] Bypass valve lift sensor low error ........................................................... 34
Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET (datalink timeout) error ........................................................... 35
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sensor supply voltage high error ............................................... 36
Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sensor power supply low error .................................................. 38
Failure code [CA2249] Supply pump no-pressure feed error 2................................................... 39
Failure code [CA2271] EGR valve lift sensor high error ............................................................. 40
Failure code [CA2272] EGR valve lift sensor low error ............................................................... 42
Failure code [CA2351] Short circuit in EGR valve solenoid drive system ................................... 44
Failure code [CA2352] Disconnection in EGR valve solenoid drive system ............................... 46
Failure code [CA2555] Intake heater relay voltage low error ...................................................... 47
Failure code [CA2556] Intake heater relay voltage high error..................................................... 48
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 5 SEN01666-03
Failure code [D19HKB] Short circuit in stop lamp relay output system....................................... 3
Failure code [D5ZKKZ] Trouble in front brake cut valve system
(Disconnection or short circuit) ............................................................................................ 4
Failure code [DAF9KM] Wrong connection of connector ............................................................ 6
Failure code [DAFRKR] Abnormal CAN communication (machine monitor) .............................. 8
Failure code [DAQ0KK] Lowering of power supply voltage in transmission controller
direct power supply .............................................................................................................. 10
Failure code [DAQ0KT] Abnormality in transmission controller nonvolatile memory .................. 12
Failure code [DAQ2KK] Transmission controller solenoid power supply voltage low error......... 13
Failure code [DAQ9KQ] Disagreement of model selection signal (Transmission controller) ...... 14
Failure code [DAQRKR] Abnormality in CAN communication (Transmission controller) ............ 14
Failure code [DAQRMA] Disagreement of option setting (Transmission controller) ................... 15
Failure code [DB10KT] Abnormality in retarder controller nonvolatile memory........................... 15
Failure code [DB12KK] Trouble in retarder controller solenoid power supply system ................ 16
Failure code [DB13KK] Retarder controller battery direct power supply voltage low error ......... 18
Failure code [DB19KQ] Disagreement of model selection (Retarder controller)......................... 20
Failure code [DB1RKR] Abnormality in CAN communication (Retarder controller) .................... 22
Failure code [DB1RMA] Disagreement of option setting (Retarder controller)............................ 24
Failure code [DB2RKR] Abnormality in CAN communication (Engine controller) ....................... 26
Failure code [DBB0KK] (or VHMS_LED display: “n9” o “01”)
VHMS controller: Low source voltage (input)....................................................................... 30
Failure code [DBB0KQ] (or VHMS_LED display: “nF” o “11”)
(VHMS controller: Disagreement of model selection signals) .............................................. 32
Failure code [DBB3KK] (or VHMS_LED display: “n9” o “05”)
VHMS controller battery power supply: Low source voltage (input) .................................... 33
Failure code [DBB5KP] (or VHMS_LED display: “n9” o “04”)
(VHMS controller 5 V power supply output: Low output voltage)......................................... 36
Failure code [DBB6KP] (or VHMS_LED display: “n9” o “02”)
(VHMS controller 24 V power supply output: Low output voltage)....................................... 38
Failure code [DBB7KP] (or VHMS_LED display: “n9” o “03”)
(VHMS controller 12 V power supply output: Low output voltage)....................................... 40
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
Failure code [DHP4KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Front right) ......... 16
Failure code [DHP4KZ] Disconnection or ground fault in suspension
pressure sensor system (Front right) ................................................................................... 18
Failure code [DHP5KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Front left) ........... 20
Failure code [DHP5KZ] Disconnection or ground fault in suspension
pressure sensor system (Front left) ..................................................................................... 22
Failure code [DHP6KA] Trouble in suspension pressure sensor system (Right rear)................. 23
Failure code [DHP6KX] Trouble in suspension pressure sensor system (Right rear)................. 24
Failure code [DHP6KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Right rear).......... 26
Failure code [DHP6KZ] Disconnection or ground fault in suspension
pressure sensor system (Right rear).................................................................................... 26
Failure code [DHP7KA] Trouble in suspension pressure sensor system (Left rear) ................... 27
Failure code [DHP7KX] Trouble in suspension pressure sensor system (Left rear) ................... 28
Failure code [DHP7KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Left rear) ............ 30
Failure code [DHP7KZ] Disconnection or ground fault in suspension
pressure sensor system (Left rear) ...................................................................................... 31
Failure code [DHT5KX] Disconnection, ground fault in torque converter
inlet oil pressure sensor ....................................................................................................... 32
Failure code [DHT5L6] Trouble in torque converter oil pressure sensor..................................... 34
Failure code [DHU2KX] Trouble in front accumulator oil pressure sensor.................................. 36
Failure code [DHU3KX] Trouble in rear accumulator oil pressure sensor................................... 38
Failure code [DHU6KX] Trouble in ABS control valve pressure sensor (Front right) .................. 40
Failure code [DHU7KX] Trouble in ABS control valve pressure sensor (Front left) .................... 42
Failure code [DHU8KX] Trouble in ABS control valve pressure sensor (Rear right)................... 44
Failure code [DHU9KX] Trouble in ABS control valve pressure sensor (Rear left) ..................... 46
Failure code [DJF1KA] Disconnection in fuel level sensor.......................................................... 48
Failure code [DK30KX] Trouble in steering angle potentiometer ................................................ 49
Failure code [DK51L5] Trouble in manual retarder potentiometer and retarder swich signal ..... 50
Failure code [DK52KX] Trouble 1 in hoist lever potentiometer sensor........................................ 54
Failure code [DK53L8] Trouble 2 in hoist lever potentiometer sensor ........................................ 56
Failure code [DK54KX] Trouble in body positioner sensor.......................................................... 58
Failure code [DKD0L6] Trouble in steering speed sensor........................................................... 60
Failure code [DKH0KX] Inclinometer sensor signal out of range ................................................ 62
Failure code [DKH1KX] Abnormality in inclinometer sensor ....................................................... 64
Failure code [DLF1KA] Disconnection in transmission input shaft speed sensor system........... 66
Failure code [DLF1LC] Trouble in transmission input shaft speed sensor.................................. 68
Failure code [DLF2KA] Disconnection in transmission intermediate shaft
speed sensor system ........................................................................................................... 70
Failure code [DLF2LC] Trouble in transmission intermediate shaft speed sensor ...................... 72
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 7 SEN01668-03
Failure code [DLF6KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Front right)................................ 3
Failure code [DLF6L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Front right) ........................................... 4
Failure code [DLF7KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Front left) .................................. 5
Failure code [DLF7L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Front left) ............................................. 6
Failure code [DLF8KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Right rear) ................................ 8
Failure code [DLF8L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Right rear)............................................ 10
Failure code [DLF8LC] Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Right rear)............................... 12
Failure code [DLF8MA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Right rear)................................ 13
Failure code [DLF9KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Left rear)................................... 14
Failure code [DLF9L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Left rear) .............................................. 16
Failure code [DLF9LC] Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Left rear) ................................. 18
Failure code [DLF9MA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Left rear) .................................. 19
Failure code [DLT3KA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor system......... 20
Failure code [DLT3LC] Trouble in transmission output shaft speed sensor ................................ 22
Failure code [DLT4KA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor ..................... 24
Failure code [DLT4MA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor..................... 26
Failure code [DV00KB] Short circuit in buzzer output ................................................................. 28
Failure code [DW2AKA] Disconnection in main pressure variable valve output ......................... 30
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
Failure code [DW2AKB] Ground fault in main pressure variable valve output circuit.................. 32
Failure code [DW2AKY] Hot short in main pressure variable valve output circuit....................... 34
Failure code [DW2AL1] Defective reset of main pressure variable valve ................................... 36
Failure code [DW2ALH] Malfunction of main pressure variable valve ........................................ 38
Failure code [DW35KZ] Trouble in output system of auto suspension solenoid 1
(Disconnection or short circuit)............................................................................................. 40
Failure code [DW36KZ] Trouble in output system of auto suspension solenoid 2
(Disconnection or short circuit)............................................................................................. 42
Failure code [DW72KZ] Trouble in kick-out solenoid output system
(Disconnection or short circuit)............................................................................................. 44
Failure code [DW73KZ] Trouble in hoist select valve output system
(Disconnection or short circuit)............................................................................................. 46
Failure code [DW78KZ] Trouble in brake cooling valve (BCV) (rear wheel) output system
(Disconnection or short circuit)............................................................................................. 48
Failure code [DWNBK4] Trouble in ASR shut-off valve (Valve keeps operating) ........................ 50
Failure code [DWNBKA] Disconnection in ASR shut-off valve output circuit .............................. 52
Failure code [DWNBKB] Ground fault in ASR shut-off valve output circuit ................................. 54
Failure code [DWNBKY] Short circuit in ASR shut-off valve output circuit .................................. 56
Failure code [DWNBMA] Trouble in ASR shut-off valve (Valve does not operate) ..................... 57
Failure code [DWNDKZ] Trouble in ABS cut-off valve (Front) system ........................................ 58
Failure code [DWNDMA] Defective ABS cut-off valve (Front)..................................................... 60
Failure code [DWNEKZ] Trouble in ABS cut-off valve (Rear) system ......................................... 62
Failure code [DWNEMA] Defective ABS cut-off valve (Rear) ..................................................... 64
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 8 SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX11K4] Trouble in rear brake proportional pressure reducing
solenoid valve (Valve keeps operating)................................................................................ 4
Failure code [DX11KA] Disconnection in rear brake proportional pressure reducing
solenoid valve output circuit ................................................................................................. 6
Failure code [DX11KB] Short circuit in rear brake proportional pressure reducing
solenoid valve ...................................................................................................................... 7
Failure code [DX11KY] Short circuit in rear wheel proportional pressure reducing
solenoid valve output circuit ................................................................................................. 8
Failure code [DX11MA] Trouble in rear wheel proportional pressure reducing
solenoid valve (Valve does not operate) .............................................................................. 9
Failure code [DX13KA] Disconnection in hoist EPC valve output circuit..................................... 10
Failure code [DX13KB] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit ........................................ 12
Failure code [DX13KY] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit ........................................ 14
Failure code [DX17K4] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(right) (Valve keeps operating) ............................................................................................. 16
Failure code [DX17KA] Disconnection in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(right) output circuit .............................................................................................................. 18
Failure code [DX17KB] Ground fault in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(right) output circuit .............................................................................................................. 20
Failure code [DX17KY] Short circuit in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(right) output circuit .............................................................................................................. 22
Failure code [DX17MA] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(right) (Valve does not operate)............................................................................................ 22
Failure code [DX18K4] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(left) (Valve keeps operating) ............................................................................................... 24
Failure code [DX18KA] Disconnection in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(left) output circuit................................................................................................................. 26
Failure code [DX18KB] Ground fault in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(left) output circuit................................................................................................................. 28
Failure code [DX18KY] Short circuit in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(left) output circuit................................................................................................................. 30
Failure code [DX18MA] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve
(left) (Valve does not operate) .............................................................................................. 30
Failure code [DX21KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right).............. 31
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
Failure code [DX21KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right) ................ 32
Failure code [DX21KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right)...................... 33
Failure code [DX21MA] Defective ABS control valve (Front right) .............................................. 34
Failure code [DX22KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left) ................ 35
Failure code [DX22KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left)................... 36
Failure code [DX22KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left) ........................ 37
Failure code [DX22MA] Defective ABS control valve (Front left) ................................................ 38
Failure code [DX23KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) .............. 39
Failure code [DX23KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) ................. 40
Failure code [DX23KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) ...................... 41
Failure code [DX23MA] Defective ABS control valve (Rear right) .............................................. 42
Failure code [DX24KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left)................. 43
Failure code [DX24KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left) ................... 44
Failure code [DX24KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left)......................... 45
Failure code [DX24MA] Defective ABS control valve (Rear left)................................................. 46
Failure code [DX25MA] Defective ABS front wheel system control valve................................... 47
Failure code [DX26MA] Defective ABS rear wheel system control valve ................................... 47
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 9 SEN01670-02
Failure code [DXH1KA] (Lockup clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ......................... 3
Failure code [DXH1KB] (Lock-up clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)............................ 4
Failure code [DXH1KY] (Lockup clutch solenoid output circuit:
Short circuit to power source line)........................................................................................ 5
Failure code [DXH2KA] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ................................. 6
Failure code [DXH2KB] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ..................................... 8
Failure code [DXH2KY] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line) .... 10
Failure code [DXH3KA] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ................................. 14
Failure code [DXH3KB] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) .................................... 16
Failure code [DXH3KY] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit in power source line) ... 18
Failure code [DXH4KA] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ................................ 22
Failure code [DXH4KB] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit).................................... 24
Failure code [DXH4KY] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit:
Short circuit to power source line)........................................................................................ 26
Failure code [DXH5KA] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection)............................... 30
Failure code [DXH5KB] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) .................................. 32
Failure code [DXH5KY] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit in power source line) . 34
Failure code [DXH6KA] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection)................................ 38
Failure code [DXH6KB] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ................................... 40
Failure code [DXH6KY] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line) .. 42
Failure code [DXH7KA] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) .................................. 46
Failure code [DXH7KB] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)...................................... 48
Failure code [DXH7KY] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line)..... 50
Failure code [DXHHKA] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ............................... 52
Failure code [DXHHKB] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ................................... 54
Failure code [DXHHKY] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit:
Short circuit to power source line)........................................................................................ 56
Failure code [F@BBZL] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “38”)
(Blow-by pressure: High error)............................................................................................. 60
Failure code [F@BYNR] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “62”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (F): Abnormal heat) ................................................................... 62
Failure code [F@BYNS] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “61”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (F): Overheat) ............................................................................ 64
Failure code [F@BZNR] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “72”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (R): abnormal heat) ................................................................... 66
Failure code [F@BZNS] (or VHMS_LED display “n3” o “71”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (R): Overheat)............................................................................ 68
Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode) SEN01671-02
Before troubleshooting of electric system ................................................................................... 3
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SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
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00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
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SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01083-08
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01083-08 00 Index and foreword
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (02)
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
Safety notice 1
(Rev. 2008/02)
Important safety notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with
the situation.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
q If the load is unstable or the wire rope 13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-
or chains are twisted, lower the load ure, turn the power switch OFF. When
and lift it up again. turning on a switch which was turned OFF
q Do not lift up the load slantingly. by the electric shock prevention earth
13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol- leakage breaker, check that the devices
lowing. related to that switch are not in operation
q When lifting down a load, stop it tem- state.
porarily at 30 cm above the floor, and 14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,
then lower it slowly. stop the operation.
q Check that the load is stable, and 15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist at
then remove the sling. the specified position and raise the hook
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire to at least 2 m above the floor. Do not
ropes and chains used for the sling leave the sling installed to the hook.
work, and put them in the specified
place. 7. Selecting wire ropes
1) Select adequate ropes depending on the
5. Precautions for using mobile crane weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to
a Read the Operation and Maintenance the table below.
Manual of the crane carefully in advance
and operate the crane safely. Wire ropes
(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing)
6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane (JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)
k When raising a heavy part (heavier Nominal
Allowable load
than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas- diameter of rope
sembly and assembly, the weight of a mm kN ton
part heavier than 25 kg is indicated 10 8.8 0.9
after the mark of 4. 12 12.7 1.3
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire 14 17.3 1.7
ropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, over 16 22.6 2.3
wind stop device, electric shock preven- 18 28.6 2.9
tion earth leakage breaker, crane collision 20 35.3 3.6
prevention device, and power application
25 55.3 5.6
warning lamp, and check safety.
30 79.6 8.1
2) Observe the signs for sling work.
40 141.6 14.4
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place.
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east, 50 221.6 22.6
west, south, and north) and the directions 60 318.3 32.4
of the control buttons without fail.
5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not move a The allowable load is one-sixth of the
the crane while the slung load is swinging. breaking strength of the rope used
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the (Safety coefficient: 6).
crane is moving longitudinally or laterally.
7) Do not drag a sling.
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
leaves the ground and check safety, and
then lift it up.
9) Consider the travel route in advance and
lift up a load to a safe height.
10) Place the control switch on a position
where it will not be an obstacle to work
and passage.
11) After operating the hoist, do not swing the
control switch.
12) Remember the position of the main switch
so that you can turn off the power immedi-
ately in an emergency.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
8. Precautions for disconnecting and con- a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint of
necting hoses and tubes in air conditioner hoses and tubes)
1) Disconnection
k For the environment, the air condi-
tioner of this machine uses the
refrigerant (air conditioner gas:
R134a) which has fewer factors of
the depletion of the ozone layer.
However, it does not mean that you
may discharge the refrigerant into
the atmosphere as it is. Be sure to
recover the refrigerant when dis-
connecting the refrigerant gas cir-
cuit and then reuse it.
a Ask professional traders for collecting a For tightening torque, see the precautions for
and filling operation of refrigerant installation in each section of "Disassembly
(R134a). and assembly".
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a)
to the atmosphere.
k If the refrigerant gas gets in your
eyes or contacts your skin, you
may lose your sight and your skin
may be frozen. Accordingly, put
on safety glasses, safety gloves
and safety clothes when recover-
ing or adding the refrigerant.
Refrigerant gas must be recovered
and added by a qualified person.
2) Connection
1] When installing the air conditioner cir-
cuit hoses and tubes, take care that
dirt, dust, water, etc. will not enter
2] When connecting the air conditioner
hoses and tubes, check that O-rings
(1) are fitted to their joints.
3] Check that each O-ring is not dam-
aged or deteriorated.
4] When connecting the refrigerant pip-
ing, apply compressor oil for refriger-
ant (R134a) (DENSO: ND-OIL8,
VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S :
ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46))
to its O-rings.
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one
of them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the
engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.
01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.
40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is
divided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also
explained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.
90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
3. Filing method
File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition
q Revisions
Revised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.
4. Symbols
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will
be used practically.
Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when
selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.
Tightening Places that require special attention for tightening torque during
torque assembly.
Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.
Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.
5. Units
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-
ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
Standard size Tolerance
Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.046
–0.076 +0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with
a crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping
of the connector may separate, or the sol-
dering may be damaged, or the wiring
may be broken.
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or
water stuck to the connector pins
(mating portion).
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or dam-
age to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the con-
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt
stuck to the connector, wipe it off
with a dry cloth. If any water has
got inside the connector, warm
the inside of the wiring with a
dryer, but be careful not to make
it too hot as this will cause short
a If there is any damage or break-
age, replace the connector.
2] Fix the connector securely.
Align the position of the connector
correctly, and then insert it securely.
For connectors with the lock stopper,
push in the connector until the stop-
per clicks into position.
3] Correct any protrusion of the boot and
any misalignment of the wiring har-
For connectors fitted with boots, cor-
rect any protrusion of the boot. In
addition, if the wiring harness is mis-
aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-
tion, adjust it to its correct position.
a If the connector cannot be cor-
rected easily, remove the clamp
and adjust the position.
q If the connector clamp has been
removed, be sure to return it to
its original position. Check also
that there are no loose clamps.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
3) Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12- q Disconnection q Connection (Example of
pole) incomplete setting of (a))
Disconnection (Left of figure)
While pressing both sides of locks (a)
and (b), pull out female connector (2).
Connection (Right of figure)
1] Push in female connector (2) horizon-
tally until the lock clicks.
Arrow: 1)
2] Since locks (a) and (b) may not be set
completely, push in female connector
(2) while moving it up and down until
the locks are set normally.
Arrow: 1), 2), 3)
a Right of figure: Lock (a) is pulled
down (not set completely) and
lock (b) is set completely.
(1): Male connector
(2): Female connector
(a), (b): Locks
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer
and electronic control circuits. These con-
trol all of the electronic circuits on the
machine, so be extremely careful when
handling the controller.
2) Do not place objects on top of the control-
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or
a vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short
time. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the
body, disconnect all wiring harness con-
nectors connected to the controller. Fit an
arc welding ground close to the welding
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is
blocked with a rag, there is danger of dirt
entering or of the surrounding area being
made dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Do
not simply drain oil out onto the ground, but
collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,
or take it back with you for disposal.
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried
out with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.
7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the
machine, carry out oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-
cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used to
remove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles that
the filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-
not remove, so it is an extremely effective
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
q 114 engine
q 107 engine
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
q 95, 125 – 170, 12V140 engine 4. Turn-housing type (Round green connector)
4) While pressing lock (E) of the connector, q 140 engine
pull out connector (5) in the direction of Example)
the arrow. Intake air pressure sensor in intake mani-
fold (CANNON-04): PIM etc.
Fuel pressure in common rail: PFUEL etc. 1) Disconnect connector (6) according to the
(AMP-3) following procedure.
1] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of
the arrow.
a When connector is unlocked,
housing (H1) becomes heavy to
2] Pull out housing (H1) in the direction
of the arrow.
a Housing (H1) is left on the wiring har-
ness side.
Injection pressure control valve of fuel
supply pump: PCV (SUMITOMO-2)
Speed sensor of fuel supply pump:
a Pull the connector straight up.
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym-
bols. The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.
Example: AEX 0.85 L - - - Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nomi-
nal No. of 0.85
Indicates color of wire by color code.
Color codes are shown in Table 3.
(Table 1)
Type Material temperature Example of use
range (°C)
Low-voltage Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
General wiring
wire for AV tor tric appliance
(Nominal No. 5 and above)
automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Thin-cover Conduc- Annealed copper for elec- –30 to +60
low-voltage tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for (Nominal No. 3 and below)
automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Heat-resis- Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
General wiring in extremely
tant low-volt- tor tric appliance
AEX –50 to +110 cold district, wiring at high-tem-
age wire for Heat-resistant crosslinked
Insulator perature place
automobile polyethylene
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
2. Dimensions
(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32
eter of strand
0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 –
AV Standard – – – – – – – 4.6
er D
AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 – 3.8 4.6
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow &Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White
Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and
the second color is the color of the marking.
Example: “GW” means that the background is Green and marking is White.
(Table 4)
Type of wire AVS or AV AEX
Charge R WG – – – – R –
Ground B – – – – – B –
Start R – – – – – R –
Light RW RB RY RG RL – D –
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB – – –
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW – – –
O – – – – – – –
Others Gr – – – – – – –
P – – – – – – –
Sb – – – – – – –
Dg – – – – – – –
Ch – – – – – – –
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
3) If the part is not under hydraulic pressure, the following corks can be used.
Nominal Dimensions
Part Number
number D d L
06 07049-00608 6 5 8
08 07049-00811 8 6.5 11
10 07049-01012 10 8.5 12
12 07049-01215 12 10 15
14 07049-01418 14 11.5 18
16 07049-01620 16 13.5 20
18 07049-01822 18 15 22
20 07049-02025 20 17 25
22 07049-02228 22 18.5 28
24 07049-02430 24 20 30
27 07049-02734 27 22.5 34
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
a When operating the hydraulic cylinders for the first time after reassembling cylinders, pumps and other
hydraulic equipment removed for repair, always bleed the air as follows:
1) Start the engine and run at low idle.
2) Operate the work equipment control lever to operate the hydraulic cylinder 4 – 5 times, stopping the
cylinder 100 mm from the end of its stroke.
3) Next, operate the hydraulic cylinder 3 – 4 times to the end of its stroke.
4) After doing this, run the engine at normal speed.
a When using the machine for the first time after repair or long storage, follow the same procedure.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
Type 1
1. Disconnection
1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2)
into mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1)
a The adapter can be pushed in about
3.5 mm.
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter
(3), press rubber cap portion (4) against
adapter (3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)
3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull
it out. (Fig. 3)
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out,
prepare an oil receiving container.
2. Connection
1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and
insert it in mating adapter (3), aligning
them with each other. (Fig. 4)
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After inserting the hose in the mating
adapter perfectly, pull it back to check its
connecting condition. (Fig. 5)
a When the hose is pulled back, the
rubber cap portion moves toward the
hose about 3.5 mm. This does not
indicate abnormality, however.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
Type 2
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn
lever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (7) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 8)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
Type 3
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1),
push cover (10) straight until it contacts
contact surface (b) of the hexagonal por-
tion at the male end. (Fig. 11)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (9) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 12)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until the sliding prevention ring
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
a Fig. A a Fig. B
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the
torque below.
a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.
7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.
Tightening torque
Thread size
Bolts and nuts
mm Nm kgm
6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
8 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
10 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.61
12 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.22
14 — —
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine
series to the torque below.
9. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
Conversion table 1
Method of using the conversion table
The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the
method of using the conversion table, see the example given below.
Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898
Kilogram to pound
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.84
10 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.89
20 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.93
30 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.98
40 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03
50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.12
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.17
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.21
90 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26
50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.586
60 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.228
70 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.870
80 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.511
90 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.978
60 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.577
90 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777
kgm to ft.lb
1 kgm = 7.233 ft.lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1
10 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.4
20 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.8
30 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.1
40 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4
50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.8
60 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.1
70 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.4
80 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.7
90 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1
100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4
110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7
120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1
130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4
140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7
150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0
160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4
170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7
180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0
190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
kg/cm2 to lb/in2
1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0
10 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2
20 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5
30 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.7
40 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9
50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.2
60 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.4
70 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,124
80 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,266
90 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408
100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550
110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693
120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835
130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977
140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119
150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262
160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404
170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546
180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688
190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830
200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973
210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115
220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257
230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399
240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi-
grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column)
of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees.
When convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Fahren-
heit temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left.
When convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Centi-
grade values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.
1°C = 33.8°F
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
–40.4 –40 –40.0 –11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8
–37.2 –35 –31.0 –11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6
–34.4 –30 –22.0 –10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4
–31.7 –25 –13.0 –10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2
–28.9 –20 –4.0 –9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
00 Index and foreword SEN01084-05
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01084-05 00 Index and foreword
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (02)
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification 1
Specification and technical data
Specification drawing ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Fuel, coolant and lubricants .......................................................................................................................... 10
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
Specification drawing 1
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification SEN01086-02
Specifications 1
Machine model HD465-7E0
Empty kg 43,180
Gross kg 98,180
Gradeability (sin ) % 37
Dumping angle ° 48
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification SEN01086-02
Hoist cylinder
Steering cylinder
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
Empty kg 46,280
Gross kg 109,280
Struck m3 29
Dump body capacity
Heaped (2 :1) m3 40
Gradeability (sin ) % 37
Dumping angle ° 48
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification SEN01086-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
Hoist cylinder
Steering cylinder
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification SEN01086-02
Weight table 1
This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or handling component.
Unit: kg
Machine model HD465-7E0 HD605-7E0
Serial Number 10001 – 10037, 10101 and up 8001 – 8032, 10101 and up
Operator's seat 63 63
Steering cylinder 44 44
Demand valve 26 26
Steering valve 20 20
Hoist valve 34 34
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
01 Specification SEN01086-02
Refill capacity
70 215 122 — — 95
( )
Since Komatsu genuine Supercoolant (AF-NAC)
is added to the cooling water, the latter does not
need to be replaced while the atmospheric tem-
perature is above – 10°C. If the atmospheric
temperature drops below – 10°C, adjust the con-
centration of AF-ACL according to the operation
and meintenance manual.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01086-02 01 Specification
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01088-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Radiator, torque converter oil cooler, after cooler, work equipment oil
cooler, fuel cooler 1
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01088-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01088-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Fuel system 1
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01088-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01088-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Output shaft 1
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01088-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between flywheel size Shaft Hole clearance limit
and bearing
–0.015 –0.010 –0.045 –
100 0.02
–0.015 –0.045 0.005
Clearance between shaft and –0.010 0 –0.005 – Replace
2 55 0.10
bearing –0.040 –0.015 0.040
Clearance between bearing +0.006 –0.008 –0.039 –
3 150 0.06
and cover –0.024 –0.033 0.016
Clearance between bearing +0.025 +0.005 –0.050 –
4 85 0.013
and shaft +0.003 –0.025 0.002
Standard size Repair limit
Wear of oil seal contact sur- Repair or
5 –0.1
face of coupling 110 replace
Standard backlash Backlash limit
6 Backlash at spline
0.080 – 0.231 0.4
Standard backlash
Original dimension: Lo
(Dimension at smallest width: L) Replace
Defomation of rubber cushion
7 90 81
75 67
External No cracks
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01088-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
1. Engine
2. Output shaft
3. Front drive shaft
4. Brake cooling pump
5. Torque converter transmission charge pump
and brake cooling brake control pump
6. PTO
7. Torque converter
8. Transmission
9. Rear drive shaft
10. Differential gear
11. Drive shaft
12. Brake
13. Tire
14. Final drive
15. Parking brake
16. Steering, hoist and hoist control pump
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Drive shaft 1
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
1. Torque converter
2. Transmission
3. Oil filler tube
4. Hydraulic pump (SDR(30)100+25)
5. Torque converter valve
6. Transmission oil filter
7. Brake cooling oil control valve (BCV)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Torque converter 1
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Outer diameter of oil seal
1 –0.087
contact surface of the coupling 110 109.8
Inner diameter of the seal ring
2 contact surface of the input 35 35.1
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between clutch size Shaft Hole clearance limit
housing and piston (outside) –0.5 +0.097 0.500 –
420 0.88
–0.7 +0.097 0.797
Clearance between clutch –0.110 +0.081 0.110 –
4 295 0.30
housing and piston (inside) –0.191 +0.081 0.272
Inner diameter of the seal ring +0.040
5 135 135.5
contact surface of the retainer +0.040
Inner diameter of the seal ring +0.030
6 75 75.1
contact surface of the sleeve +0.040
Wear of the stator Width 3.95 3.55
7 –0.1
shaft seal ring
Thickness 5.1 ±0.1 4.59
Inner diameter of outer race
8 free wheel transmission sur- 127.844 ±0.009 127.874
Outer diameter of inner race
9 free wheel transmission sur- 108.883 ±0.013 108.853
Inner diameter of sliding por- +0.012
10 109 109.04
tion of bushing (*1) –0.010
Thickness of sliding portion of –0.1
11 5 4.5
bushing (*1) –0.1
12 Thickness of the clutch disc 5.4 ±0.1 4.8
Backlash between input shaft
13 0.17 – 0.45
and PTO gear
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between PTO gear size Shaft Hole clearance limit
and bearing +0.018 –0.015 –0.030 –
50 —
+0.002 –0.012 –0.002
Clearance between bearing –0.015 +0.004 –0.018 –
15 90 —
and case –0.015 –0.018 0.019
*1. Refer to “Method of measuring dimension of bushing sliding portion“
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
q When the lockup clutch is “disengaged“, drive q When the lockup clutch is “engaged“, drive
case (4) and turbine (6) are disconnected, and case (4) and turbine (6) are connected, and
the torque converter functions as normal. stator (9) is dragged and turned by the pump
q The engine power is transferred through the (5) and turbine (6).
damper and drive shaft to coupling (1). q The engine power is transferred through the
q The power transferred to coupling (1) rotates damper and drive shaft to coupling (1).
input shaft (2), clutch housing (3), drive case q The power transferred to coupling (1) rotates
(4) and pump (5) integrally. input shaft (2), clutch housing (3), drive case
q The power transferred to the pump (5) rotates (4) and pump (5) integrally.
turbine (6) using the oil as a medium. q As the lock up clutch is engaged, the power
q The power is transferred from turbine (6) to transferred to the drive case (4) directly rotates
boss (7) and to transmission input shaft (8) that turbine (6).
is splined to boss (7). q The power is transferred from turbine (6) to
boss (7) and to transmission input shaft (8) that
is splined to boss (7).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Oil flow
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between the torque size clearance limit
Shaft Hole
1 converter relief valve and the
valve body –0.035 +0.016 0.035 –
32 0.081
–0.045 +0.016 0.061
Clearance between the main –0.035 +0.016 0.035 –
2 32 0.081
relief valve and the valve body –0.045 +0.016 0.061
Clearance between the main
–0.030 +0.011 0.030 –
3 pressure variable valve 14 0.071
–0.040 +0.016 0.051
and the valve body
Standard size Repair limit
Installation Installation Installation
Free length Free length
4 Main relief valve spring length load load
1213.2 N 1153.8 N
123 99.5 119.3
{123.8 kg} {117.6 kg}
Torque converter relief valve 331.2 N 315.0 N
5 137 93.5 132.9
spring {33.8 kg} {32.1 kg}
Poppet spring 32.0 N 30.8 N
6 26 17.0 25.2
(T/C relief and main relief) {3.3 kg} {3.1 kg}
Main pressure variable valve 108.0 N 102.4 N
7 40.5 33.0 39.3
spring {11.0 kg} {10.5 kg}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Principle of operation
q While no current is supplied to solenoid (1), q If a current is supplied to solenoid (1), the oil
chambers (A) and (B) are connected and the pressure in chamber (A) increases and valve
oil pressure decreases. (2) is pushed to the left. As a result, the drain
q If the oil pressure in chambers (A) and (B) is circuit of chamber (B) is blocked and the oil
low, the hydraulic force in chamber (C) of main pressure in chamber (B) increases.
relief valve (4) is balanced with the force of q If the oil pressure in chamber (B) increases,
spring (5), thus the oil pressure is regulated. the hydraulic force in chamber (B) of main
relief valve (4) is balanced with the force of
spring (5), thus the oil pressure is regulated.
q Since the diameter of piston (3) is larger than
that of chamber (C), the oil pressure is regu-
lated lower when solenoid (1) is "energized"
than when solenoid (1) is "deenergized".
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Transmission 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Installation Installation Installation
Free length Free length
1 H clutch spring length load load
70.6 N 60.0 N
40.4 32.0 38.0
{7.2 kg} {6.1 kg}
48.9 N 41.6 N
2 3rd clutch spring 52.0 49.1 48.9
{5.0 kg} {4.2 kg}
113.5 N 96.6 N
3 R clutch spring 87.5 79.5 82.3
{11.6 kg} {9.9 kg}
113.8 N 97.1 N
4 2nd clutch spring 68.0 57.85 63.9
{11.6 kg} {9.9 kg}
157.8 N 134.1 N
5 1st clutch spring 75.0 64.4 70.5
{16.1 kg} {13.7 kg}
Total thickness of 3 discs and Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
2 plates for H clutch 27.8 ±0.22 25.8
Total thickness of 5 discs and
7 45.0 ±0.30 42.0
4 plates for L clutch
Total thickness of 4 discs and
8 35.0 ±0.26 32.3
3 plates for 4th clutch
Total thickness of 4 discs and Replace
9 36.6 ±0.26 33.9
3 plates for 3rd clutch
Total thickness of 5 discs and
10 52.0 ±0.32 47.7
5 plates for R clutch
Total thickness of 4 discs and
11 44.8 ±0.28 42.1
4 plates for 2nd clutch
Total thickness of 4 discs and
12 44.8 ±0.28 42.1
4 plates for 1st clutch
5.4 ±0.10 4.8
13 Thickness of a disc 2nd,1st
L,4th 5.0 ±0.10 4.4
H,2nd,1st 5.8 ±0.10 5.6
Thickness of a
14 L,4th,
plate 5.0 ±0.10 4.8
Wear of the trans- –0.01
Width 2.56 2.30
15 mission input shaft –0.03
seal ring (small) Thickness 1.7 ±0.10 1.55
Wear of the trans- –0.01
Width 3.0 2.70
16 mission input shaft –0.03
seal ring (large) Thickness 3.1 ±0.10 2.95
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Wear of the H car-
17 rier and 4th ring Width 3.95 3.56
gear seal ring
Thickness 4.95 ±0.1 4.8
Wear of the 3rd sun Width 4.0 3.6
18 –0.03
gear seal ring
Thickness 4.6 ±0.12 4.45
Wear of the L and –0.01
Width 4.0 3.6
19 4th clutch collar –0.03
seal ring Thickness 5.1 ±0.12 4.95
Wear of the 3rd –0.01
Width 4.0 3.6
20 and R carrier seal –0.04
ring Thickness 6.3 ±0.15 6.15
Wear of the 2nd –0.01
Width 4.0 3.6
21 and 1st carrier seal –0.04
ring Thickness 4.0 ±0.15 3.85
Wear of the 2nd –0.1
Width 3.95 3.56
22 and 1st carrier seal –0.1
ring Thickness 5.25 ±0.1 5.1
Wear of the 2nd –0.01
Width 4.0 3.6
23 and 1st carrier seal –0.04
ring Thickness 4.0 ±0.15 3.85 Replace
Backlash between H sun gear
24 0.13 – 0.36
and planetary pinion
Backlash between H planetary
25 0.16 – 0.41
pinion and ring gear
Backlash between 3rd sun
26 0.14 – 0.36
gear and planetary pinion
Backlash between 3rd plane-
27 0.15 – 0.39
tary pinion and ring gear
Backlash between R sun gear
28 0.14 – 0.36
and planetary pinion
Backlash between R planetary
29 0.13 – 0.34
pinion and planetary pinion
Backlash between R planetary
30 0.15 – 0.39
pinion and ring gear
Backlash between 2nd sun
31 0.16 – 0.41
gear and planetary pinion
Backlash between 2nd plane-
32 0.16 – 0.41
tary pinion and ring gear
Backlash between 1st sun
33 0.13 – 0.36
gear and planetary pinion
Backlash between 1st plane-
34 0.17 – 0.44
tary pinion and ring gear
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Deterioration of disc internal
35 Repair limit: 0.3
Thickness of thrust washer Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
36 Replace
(H, 3rd and R planetary pinion) 2 ±0.1 1.6
Thickness of thrust washer
37 3 ±0.1 2.4
(2nd, 1st planetary pinion)
Location Standard clearance Clearance limit
H gear
0.30 – 0.80 1.5
3rd gear
0.30 – 0.80 1.5
train Replacement of
Side clearance
38 R gear thrust washer
of planetary pinion 0.30 – 0.80 1.5
train or carrier
2nd gear
0.30 – 0.80 1.5
1st gear
0.30 – 0.80 1.5
Stepped-type wear of seal ring Standard size Amount of wear
mating surface — Max 0.05
Contact surface of Standard size Amount of wear
output shaft oil seal 120 119.8
Clutch Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
No. size Shaft Hole clearance limit
H –0.5 +0.097 0.5 –
430 0.88
(outside) –0.7 +0.097 0.797
H –0.135 +0.097 0.135 –
405 0.36 In case there is
(inside) –0.232 +0.097 0.329
damage on the
L and 4th –0.5 +0.081 0.5 – surface such as
275 0.86
(outside) –0.7 +0.097 0.781 streaks by sei-
L and 4th –0.110 +0.081 0.110 – zure, but the
255 0.30
(Middle) –0.191 +0.097 0.272 clearance can
Clearance between L and 4th –0.5 +0.063 0.5 – be maintained
41 175 0.84
cylinder and piston (inside) –0.7 +0.097 0.763 within the spec-
ified limit after
3rd, R, the repair, the
2nd –0.5 +0.063 0.5 – parts can be
430 0.87
and 1st –0.7 +0.097 0.763 reused.
(outside) Replace if dam-
3rd –0.125 +0.089 0.125 – aged severely.
395 0.33
(inside) –0.214 +0.097 0.303
R and 1st –0.125 +0.089 0.125 –
380 0.33
(inside) –0.214 +0.097 0.303
2nd –0.125 +0.089 0.125 –
375 0.33
(inside) –0.214 +0.097 0.303
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Disc clutch
Structure Operation
When clutch is "engaged" (fixed)
q Disc clutch is used for fixing ring gear (1). It q The oil from ECMV is sent with pressure to the
consists of piston (2), plate (3), disc (4), pin (5), rear side of piston (2) through oil the passage
return spring (6) and washer (8). of housing (7) and pushes piston (2) leftward.
q Inside teeth of disc (4) are engaged with out- q Piston (2) contacts plate (3) closely against
side teeth of ring gear (1). disc (4) to stop rotation of disc (4) by use of the
q Plate (3) is assembled to clutch housing (7) friction force generated between them.
with pin (5). q Since inside teeth of disc (4) are engaged with
outside teeth of ring gear (1), move of ring gear
(1) is stopped.
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
L ring gear (2) of the L clutch and 1st ring gear (3) of the 1st clutch are fixed hydraulically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
L ring gear (2) of the L clutch and 2nd ring gear (13) of the 2nd clutch are fixed hydraulically.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
H sun gear (14) of the H clutch and 2nd ring gear (13) of the 2nd clutch are fixed hydraulically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
L ring gear (2) of the L clutch and 3rd ring gear (15) of the 3rd clutch are fixed hydraulically.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
H sun gear (14) of the H clutch and 3rd ring gear (15) of the 3rd clutch are fixed hydraulically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
L ring gear (2) of the L clutch and 4th clutch drum (19) of the 4th clutch are fixed hydraulically.
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
H sun gear (14) of the H clutch and 4th clutch drum (19) of the 4th clutch are fixed hydraulically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
L ring gear (2) of the L clutch and R ring gear (21) of the R clutch are fixed hydraulically.
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
1. H clutch ECMV F6 Q Q Q
2. Lockup clutch ECMV F7 Q Q Q
3. L clutch ECMV N
4. 4th clutch ECMV
R1 Q Q
5. 3rd clutch ECMV
6. R clutch ECMV L/U: lockup clutch ECMV
7. 2nd clutch ECMV
8. 1st clutch ECMV Outline
9. Last chance filter
q Lockup clutch ECMV operates when traveling
10. Valve seat
forward at the speed higher than the set speed
of transmission controller.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
For H, L, 4th, 3rd, R, 2nd, 1st clutches
a Don't try to disassemble it since adjustment for maintaining the performance will be needed.
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
A: To clutch *1:
P: From pump Stamp of the name-
T: Drain Operated clutches
Dr: Drain
P1: Clutch oil pressure pickup port Lockup K*******
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
Outline Operation
q This valve is used to switch the clutch in order When traveling in torque converter range
to regulate the clutch oil pressure to the set
Since the modulation waveform is used for the
pressure application characteristics to the
clutch, ECMV is capable of connecting the
lockup clutch smoothly, thereby reducing
shocks resulting from gear shift. Above also
prevents generation of peak torque in the
power train. These arrangements make the
machine comfortable to operator and enhance
durability of the power train.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01089-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01089-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01090-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Axle 1
1. Wheel hub
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Repair or
2 Wear of oil seal sliding surface –0.130
280 — replace
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01090-01
1. Differential Specifications
2. Axle housing Reduction ratio
3. Brake Differential: 3.538
4. Final drive Final drive : 4.737
Differential: T030-CD (95 liters)
Final drive : T030-CD (32 liters each side)
Tire size : 24.00-35 (HD465-7E0)
24.00R35 (HD605-7E0)
Rim size: 17.00-35
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01090-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Differential 1
1. Coupling Specifications
2. Cross shaft Type: Spiral bevel gear, splash-type lubrication
3. Bevel gear (No. of teeth: 46) Reduction ratio: 3.538
4. Side gear (No. of teeth: 24) Differential: Straight bevel gear, splash-type
5. Pinion gear (No. of teeth: 17) lubrication
6. Bevel pinion (No. of teeth: 13) Oil: T030-CD (95 liters)
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Wear of oil seal contact sur- Repair or
7 –0.100
face of coupling 150 — replace
Thickness of side gear thrust –0.100
8 6 5.5 Replace
washer –0.050
Backlash between bevel gear
9 0.41 – 0.56 Adjust
and pinion
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01090-01
Final drive 1
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Backlash between planet gear Standard backlash Repair limit
and sun gear 0.22 – 0.67 0.8
Backlash between planet gear
9 0.28 – 0.77 1.0
and ring gear
Repair or
10 Curvature of drive shaft Repair limit: 1.5 TIR
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
11 Thickness of spacer Replace
51.5 ±0.1 50
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01090-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Wheels 1
Front wheel
1. Tire
2. Rim assembly
3. Valve
Rim size: 17.00 x 35
Tire size : 24.00-35 (HD465-7E0)
24.00R35 (HD605-7E0)
Rear wheel
1. Rim assembly
2. Valve
3. Extension
Rim size: 17.00 x 35
Tire size : 24.00-35 (HD465-7E0)
24.00R35 (HD605-7E0)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01090-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01090-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01091-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Steering column 1
1. Steering shaft
2. Steering column
3. Lock lever
4. Yoke
5. Joint shaft
6. Steering valve
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01091-01
Steering linkage 1
1. Center lever
2. Tie rod
3. Arm (A-frame)
4. Knuckle arm
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01091-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01091-01
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between inner and size Shaft Hole clearance limit
outer for knuckle arm bushing
0.150 –
165 0.7
Clearance between bushing –0.035 +0.054 0–
6 85 0.3
and pin –0.035 +0.054 0.089
Clearance between steering
–0.025 +0.069 0.055 –
7 cylinder mounting pin and 45 0.3
–0.064 +0.030 0.133
Clearance between inner and 0.120 –
8 80 0.4
outer bushing 0.250
Clearance between tie rod –0.025 +0.069 0.055 –
9 40 0.3
mounting pin and bushing –0.064 +0.030 0.133
Clearance between inner and 0.120 –
10 110 0.4
outer bushing 0.250
Clearance between arm –0.030 +0.076 0.060 –
11 55 0.3
mounting pin and bushing –0.076 +0.030 0.152
Clearance between inner and 0.110 –
12 100 0.5
outer bushing 0.180
Clearance between arm –0.030 +0.091 0.075 –
13 70 0.3
mounting pin and bushing –0.076 +0.045 0.167
Clearance between center
–0.030 +0.197 0.167 –
14 lever mounting pin and bush- 55 1.0
–0.076 +0.137 0.273
Clearance between inner and 0.120 –
15 80 0.4
outer bushing 0.250
Clearance between tie rod –0.025 +0.069 0.055 –
16 40 0.3
mounting pin and bushing –0.064 +0.030 0.133
Clearance between suspen-
–0.030 +0.046 0.030 –
17 sion cylinder mounting pin and 60 0.3
–0.076 +0.054 0.122
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01091-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Brake piping 1
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Brake valve 1
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
1. Rod Function
2. Spool q This valve operates the brake depending on
3. Cylinder the parking brake release pressure controlled
by the secondary brake pedal.
A: To parking brake valve
P: From accumulator
T: To brake system tank
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Relay valve 1
1. Spool Function
2. Upper cylinder q This valve operates the front brake depending
3. Lower cylinder on the parking brake release pressure con-
4. Spool trolled by the secondary brake pedal.
A: To front brake
P: From accumulator
Pp: From secondary brake valve
T: To brake system tank
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
1. Connector Function
2. Solenoid q This valve is installed on the brake oil circuit
between the brake valve and the front brake.
A: To front brake When the front brake off switch of the opera-
P: From brake valve tor's seat is pressed, the solenoid is energized,
T: To brake system tank and the valve cuts off the circuit between the
brake valve and the front brake.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Accumulator 1
1. Valve
2. Top cover
3. Cylinder
4. Piston
q The accumulator is installed between the accu-
mulator charge valve and the brake valve. It is
charged with nitrogen gas between cylinder (3)
and free piston (4), and uses the compressibil-
ity of the gas to absorb the pulse of the hydrau-
lic pump or to maintain the braking force and to
make it possible to operate the machine if the
engine should stop.
Front brake
Gas used : Nitrogen gas
Charge amount : 3,500 cc
Charging pressure: 11.8 MPa {120 kg/cm2}
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
Slack adjuster 1
1. Cylinder Specifications
2. Check valve Piston operation pressure:
3. Piston 9.8 – 19.6 kPa {0.1 – 0.2 kg/cm2}
Check valve cracking pressure
A: Inlet port (When cooling pressure is 0):
B: Outlet port 1.74 ± 0.05 MPa {17.8 ± 0.5 kg/cm2}
Check valve closing pressure:
1.09 ± 0.05 MPa {11.1 ± 0.5 kg/cm2}
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between body and size Shaft Hole clearance limit
–0.030 +0.074 0.030 –
55 0.25
–0.076 +0.074 0.150
Standard size Repair limit Replace
Spring Installed Installed Installed
Free length
5 Slack adjuster spring coefficient length load load
0.45 N/mm 45.6 N
97 — —
{0.046 kg/mm} {4.7 kg}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. When brake pedal is depressed
q Before the brake is depressed, piston (4) is
returned by the distance of stoke (S) (full
stroke). When the brake pedal is depressed,
the oil discharged from the brake valve flows
from port (P) of the slack adjuster and is
divided to left and right cylinders (2), where it
moves piston (4) by stroke (S) to the left and
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
Brake 1
1. Piston
2. Pad
3. Disc
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Wear of pad (remaining thick- Standard size Repair limit
ness of wear material) 19.5 3.0 Replace
5 Missing portion of pad — Ratio of surface: 10%
Correct or
6 Face runout of disc (Note 1) 0.15 0.50
Wear of disc
7 30 Less than 27
(thickness of disc) Replace
Open crack in radial direction
8 Damage to disc surface — Electric wear, marked damage
(Note 2)
Note 1: • If there is excessive face runout of the disc, check the front wheel bearing also.
Note 2: • If the depth of the scratch exceeds 1.5 mm.
• If the whole pad is worn, the disc has been rubbed by mistake by the pad rear plate, the rear plate
metal is melted to the disc, or there is protrusion.
• If there are vertical scratches other than concentric scratches.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Inner gear
2. Retainer
3. Outer gear
4. Plate
5. Disc
6. Damper
7. Piston
8. Spring (for parking brake)
9. Cylinder
10. Cylinder (for parking brake)
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Backlash between outer gear Standard size Repair limit
and plate 0.21 – 0.64 2.2
Backlash between inner gear
12 0.21 – 0.64 2.2
and disc
Standard size Repair limit
13 Thickness of plate
2.4 2.15
14 Thickness of disc 5.1 4.6
15 Thickness of damper 6.9 5.1 Replace
16 Thickness of damper 3.4 3.0
Distortion of disc friction Standard distortion Repair limit
surface Max. 0.45 0.7
Distortion of plate and damper
18 Max. 0.50 0.7
friction surface
Assemble thickness of plate Standard size Repair limit
and disc 97.9 90.9
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q When the brake pedal is released, the pres- q With the parking brake switch in the parking
sure at the back face of brake piston (7) is position, the parking brake solenoid is demag-
released, so the piston is moved to the left in netized and the parking releasing hydraulic
the direction of the arrow by the internal pres- pressure is released. Then, the parking brake
sure, and this releases the brake. is engaged through the parking brake piston
(10), brake piston (7), plate (4), and disk (5)
pressed by spring force.
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01092-02
1. Connector Function
2. Solenoid q The parking brake solenoid is installed in the
brake oil circuit between the secondary brake
B: To parking brake valve and the rear brake. When the parking
P: From secondary brake valve brake switch is set to PARK, the solenoid valve
T: To brake system tank is demagnetized and cut off the parking brake
release oil pressure. Then, the spring force of
brake will operate the parking brake.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01092-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Suspension 1
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
1. Front suspension
The front suspension cylinder functions as a
shock absorber and spring, and is connected
by spherical bearings to the lower arm (A-
frame) and main frame. The wheels move up
and down in accordance with the retraction
and extension of the suspension cylinder to
maintain the proper alignment for the wheels
and to improve the stability of the machine.
2. Rear suspension
The differential housing is supported by the
frame and two radius rods at the bottom, and at
the top by two inverted-V-shaped rods and two
suspension cylinders. It is connected to these at
both ends by spherical bearings. It transmits the
load and motive force through the top and bot-
tom rods.
The inverted-V-shaped rods at the top also
function to maintain the center of the machine
Employment of the inverted-V-shaped link im-
proves the rolling steering characteristics.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Suspension cylinder 1
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Measuring method:
Measure protrusion and elongation of stopper.
All the conditions below must be fulfilled.
Elongation :
Max. 5 mm
12 Deformation of stopper Protrusion:
Max. 2 mm
No cracks
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Measuring method:
Measure protrusion and elongation of stopper.
All the conditions below must be fulfilled.
Elongation :
Max. 5 mm
15 Deformation of stopper Protrusion:
Max. 2 mm
No cracks
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Feed valve
2. Cylinder
3. Rod
4. Valve (for bleeding air and mounting pressure sensor)
5. Ball
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between piston rod size Shaft Hole clearance limit
and bushing
–0.043 +0.306 0.103 –
180 0.5
–0.106 +0.060 0.412
Clearance between piston rod –0.043 +0.246 0.043 –
7 180 0.4
and bushing –0.106 +0.246 0.352
Clearance between cylinder –0.050 +0.115 0.05 –
8 220 0.8
and wear ring –0.260 –0.008 0.375
1) Retracting action
When the machine is traveling and it hits a
bump or object on the road, the wheels are
pushed up, and the cylinder rod is pushed
inside the cylinder.
When this happens, the nitrogen gas inside
chamber (7) is compressed, the oil in chamber
(6) is sent through both orifices (4) and (5) to
cavity (2), and cavity (2) is filled more quickly
than when extending.
2) Extending action
When the machine has passed any bump or
object on the road surface, the cylinder rod is
pushed up by the weight of the wheels and
axle and the pressure of the nitrogen inside
chamber (7).
As a result, the amount of oil in cavity (2) is
reduced, and pressure is applied to the oil
remaining in cavity (2). 1. Valve (for bleeding 7. Nitrogen gas chamber
This pressurized oil closes orifice (4) with and mounting pres- 8. Cylinder rod
check ball (3), and is sent to chamber (6) sure sensor) 9. Cylinder
through only orifice (5), so the flow of oil pass- 2. Cavity 10. Feed valve
ing through the orifice is controlled so that it is 3. Check ball
less than during retraction. 4. Orifice a: When extending
In this way, the amount of oil returning to 5. Orifice b: When retracting
chamber (6) is restricted to provide a shock 6. Oil chamber
absorbing effect.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Rod
2. Rod
3. Axle
4. Suspension cylinder
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01093-03
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between rod mount- size Shaft Hole clearance limit
ing pin and bushing
–0.030 +0.046 0.030 –
70 0.1
–0.076 +0.046 0.122
Clearance between inner and 0.110 –
6 100 — — 0.5 Replace
outer bushing 0.180
Clearance between suspen-
–0.030 +0.046 0.030 –
7 sion cylinder mounting pin and 70 0.3
–0.076 +0.046 0.122
frame or axle
Clearance between inner and 0.110 –
8 100 — — 0.5
outer bushing 0.180
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01093-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 01-08 (02)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Hydraulic tank 1
1. Breather
2. Drain
3. Oil level gauge
Capacity: 97 l
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Steering valve 1
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
1. When steering is at neutral
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. Steering to right
(When steering wheel is turned to the right)
q When the steering wheel is turned (to the q The oil returning from the steering cylinder
right), input shaft (1) rotates. When this hap- flows from port (LT) trough port (E) and port (R)
pens, valve spool (3) moves down. (Input shaft and goes back to the tank.
(1) has a spiral groove in which ball (8) moves, q At the same time, the oil pressure at port (P) is
so when input shaft (1) rotates, torsion bar (9) restricted by valve spool (3), and passes
is twisted, and all (8) moves up or down to trough port (A), so a lower oil pressure (the
move valve spool (3).) drop in pressure (pressure difference) differs to
q The oil from the steering control valve flows according to the area of the opening of the
from port (P) through port (A) and port (G) and spool) than the pressure at port (P) is applied
goes to port (F). to port (LS).
q The oil at port (F) then passes between stator q The steering control valve spool is actuated by
(6) and rotor (12) in the metering position. After the difference in pressure between the oil pres-
the amount of oil flowing to steering cylinder is sure at port (P) end and the oil pressure at the
measured here, it enters the inside of valve port (LS) end. As a result, only the necessary
spool (3), passes through hole (a) in the valve amount of oil flows to the steering circuit, and
spool through port (RT) and flows to the steer- remaining oil flows from the steering control
ing cylinder. valve to the hoist valve.
q In this way, the two cylinders are actuated and
the wheels turn to the right.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
3. Steering to left
(When the steering wheel is turned to the left.)
q When steering wheel is turned (to the left), q At the same time, the oil pressure at port (P) is
input shaft (1) rotates. When this happens, restricted by valve spool (3), so a lower oil
valve spool (3) moves up. pressure than the pressure at port (P) is
q The oil from the steering control valve flows applied to port (LS).
from port (P) enters port (B) passes trough q The steering control valve spool is actuated by
hole (a) in valve spool (3), and enters the the difference in pressure between the oil pres-
inside of the valve spool. sure at port (P) end and the oil pressure at the
q The oil inside valve spool (3) passes between port (LS) end. As a result, only the necessary
stator (6) and rotor (12) in metering portion. amount of oil flows to steering circuit, and
After the amount of oil flowing to the steering remaining oil flows from the steering control
cylinder is measured here, it flows to port (F). valve to the hoist circuit.
q The oil at port (F) passes trough port (LT) and
flows to steering cylinder.
q In this way, the two cylinders are actuated and
the wheels turn to the left.
q The oil returning from the steering cylinder
flows from port (RT) trough port (D) and port
(R) and goes back to the tank.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Steering cylinder 1
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between piston rod size Shaft Hole clearance limit Replace
and bushing bushing
–0.030 +0.163 0.036 –
55 0.567
–0.104 +0.006 0.267
Clearance between piston rod +0.039
2 45 — — 1.0
supports shaft and bushing +0.039
Clearance between cylinder Replace
3 bottom support shaft and bush- 45 — — 1.0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length Installed Installed Installed
Free length
12 Spool return spring x O.D length load load
213.6 x 363.6 N 342.0 N Replace
140 —
32.5 {37.1 kg} {34.9 kg}
3.4 N 3.1 N
13 Check valve spring 42.2 x 17 33.5 —
{0.345 kg} {0.315 kg}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q The steering control valve acts to divide the oil
sent from the steering pump and the hoist
pump for the work equipment, and sends it to
the steering circuit and hoist circuit according
to the pressure signal from the steering valve.
q Steering control valve is a load sensing type
and is controlled the steering control valve
spool according to the operation of steering. In
other words, if the steering is not being oper-
ated (when no oil is needed in the steering cir-
cuit), the steering control valve sends all the oil
from the pump to the hoist valve. When the
steering circuit is operated the amount of oil
needed for steering is sent to the steering cir-
cuit, and the rest is sent to the hoist valve. In
this way, the hydraulic power loss in the steer-
ing circuit is reduced.
1. When steering valve is at neutral.
The oil from the steering pump enters port (A).
At the same times, the oil from the hoist pump
enters port (B). When the steering valve is at
neutral, port (P) of the steering valve is closed,
so the pressure at port (P) rises. The pressure
from port (P) passes through orifice (a), enters
the chamber (C), and moves spool (2) to the
Port (LS) and chamber (D) are connected to
the tank, and the force moving spool (2) to the
left is only the force of spool return spring (1).
The pressure in chamber (C) rises until it over-
comes the set pressure of spool return spring
(1). As a result , spool (2) stops in the position
shown in diagram on the right, and all the oil
from the steering pump and hoist pump flows
to the hoist valve.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Steering relief valve q When the pressures in port (A) and port (B)
balance with the poppet spring force (set pres-
sure), the pilot poppet (3) will open. Oil in port
(B) will escape through port (D) to port (C), and
the pressure in port (B) will lower.
1. Main valve
2. Valve seat
3. Pilot poppet
4. Spring
5. Adjustment screw q When the pressure in port (B) lowers, the ori-
fice of the main valve (1) generates a differen-
Function tial pressure between ports (A) and (B), and
the pressure in port (A) pushes to opens the
q This valve is located in the steering control
main valve (1) to release oil from port (A).
valve and release oil from the pump to prevent
the pump from being damaged when the steer-
ing cylinder comes to the stroke end, or when
an abnormal pressure occurs. (This valve sets
the maximum pressure of the circuit.)
q Port (A) is connected to the pump circuit, and
port (C) is connected to the tank drain circuit.
q Oil flows through the orifice of the main valve
(1), and port (B) is filled with oil.
q Also, the pilot poppet (3) is seated to the valve
seat (2).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Hoist valve 1
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
T: To tank
P: From flow amplifier
A1: To hoist cylinder bottom
B1: To hoist cylinder head
PA: From EPC valve (pressurized side in lowering or floating operation)
PB: From EPC valve (pressurized side in lifting operation)
1. Body
2. Spool
3. Retainer
4. Spring (lifting)
5. Relief valve
6. Spring (floating)
7. Spring (lowering)
8. Retainer
9. Retainer
10. Retainer
11. Check valve
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length Installed Installed Installed
Free length
12 Relief valve poppet spring x O.D. length load load
259 N 233 N
49.3 x 12.8 41.9 —
{26.4 kg} {23.8 kg}
If damaged or
44 N 40 N
13 Check valve spring 32.6 x 10.9 24.5 — deformated,
{4.5 kg} {4.1 kg}
replace the
156 N 140 N spring
14 Spool return spring (lifting) 51.3 x 34.5 50 —
{15.9 kg} {14.3 kg}
124 N 112 N
15 Spool return spring (lowering) 34.2 x 28.7 32 —
{12.7 kg} {11.4 kg}
927 N 849 N
16 Spool return spring (floating) 74.0 x 36.0 55.5 —
{94.5 kg} {85.1 kg}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Hoist valve HOLD position
q Oil from the steering control valve flows into q Since both the bottom side port and the head
chamber (C). Since the hoist spool (2) blocks side port of the hoist cylinder are blocked, the
the path to the hoist cylinder, oil flows through hoist cylinder is locked where it is.
chamber (D) to the tank.
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
q When the hoist lever in the cab is set to the q Oil flows out of chamber (A), flows in the bot-
RAISE position, pressurized oil from the sole- tom side of the hoist cylinder, extends the hoist
noid valve pushes the hoist spool (2) to the left. cylinder and raise the body.
q Therefore, oil from chamber (C) opens the q On the other hand, the return oil from the head
check valve (11) and flows into chamber (A). side flows out of chamber (B), flows into cham-
ber (D) and to the tank circuit.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q When the hoist lever in the cab is set to the q Since the bottom side and the head side of the
FLOAT position, pressurized oil from the sole- hoist cylinder are connected through the hoist
noid valve pushes the hoist spool (2) to the valve, the hoist cylinder is in a free state.
right. Then, chambers (C), (D), (B), (H) and
(D) are all connected.
q Oil from the steering control valve flows from
chamber (C) through chamber (B) to the host
cylinder and from chamber (C) through cham-
ber (D) to the oil cooler circuit.
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
q When the hoist lever in the cab is set from the q On the other hand, the return oil from the head
FLOAT position to the LOWER position, pres- side of the hoist cylinder flows out of chamber
surized oil from the solenoid valve pushes the (A) and flows into chamber (H).
hoist spool (2) to the right further from the q At the time of lowering, the output pressure of
FLOAT position. Therefore, oil from chamber the solenoid valve rises over the cracking pres-
(C) pushes to open the check valve (11) and sure of the pilot check valve, and therefore, the
flows into chamber (B). return oil from chamber (H) returns through
q Then, oil flows into the head side of the hoist chamber (D) to the tank.
cylinder through chamber (B), retracts the hoist
cylinder and lowers the body.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
EPC valve 1
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Hoist cylinder 1
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between cylinder and size Shaft Hole clearance limit
–0.043 +0.264 0.089 –
170 0.707
–0.143 +0.046 0.407
Clearance between piston rod –0.036 +0.207 0.103 – Replace
2 100 0.693
and bushing –0.123 +0.067 0.393
Clearance between piston rod +0.004
3 70 — — 1.0
support pin and bushing –0.019
Clearance between cylinder sup- +0.004
4 70 — — 1.0
port pin and bushing –0.019
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Hydraulic pump 1
Steering, hoist and hoist control pump
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Model Standard clearance Clearance limit
1 Side clearance 0.16 – 0.20 0.24
SBR(1)-6 0.10 – 0.15 0.19
Clearance between inside SDR(30)-80
diameter of plain bearing and 0.06 – 0.131 0.20
2 SDR(30)-80 Replace
outside of diameter of gear
shaft SBR(1)-6 0.06 – 0.119 0.20
Model Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
SDR(30)-80 –0.5
3 Depth to knock in pin 10
SDR(30)-80 –0.5 —
SBR(1)-6 9.1 ± 0.3
4 Rotating torque of spline shaft 15.8 – 28.5 Nm {1.6 – 2.9 kgm}
Rotating Delivery Delivery
Model speed pressure amount limit
Discharge amount (rpm) MPa {kg/cm2} ( /min)
( /min) —
— Oil: EO10-CD
Oil temperature: 45–55°C SDR(30)-80
184.5 170.4
SDR(30)-80 2,500 20.6 {210}
SBR(1)-6 13.8 12.6
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Clearance between gear case Model Standard clearance Clearance limit
and side plate, gear SDR(30)-100 0.16 – 0.20 0.24
Clearance between inside
2 diameter of plain bearing and SDR(30)-100 0.06 – 0.131 0.20
outside diameter of gear shaft Replace
Model Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
3 Depth to knock in pin –0.5
SDR(30)-100 10 —
4 Rotating torque of splined shaft 13.7 – 23.5 Nm {1.4 – 2.4 kgm}
Standard Delivery
Delivery delivery amount
Delivery amount Model speed
pressure amount limit
— Oil: EO10-CD (rpm) —
( /min.) ( /min.)
Oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
20.6 MPa
SDR(30)-100 2,500 230.9 213.4
{210 kg/cm2}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Model Standard clearance Clearance limit
1 Side clearance SDR(30)-100 0.16 – 0.20 0.24
SAR(1)-25 0.10 – 0.15 0.20
Clearance between inside SDR(30)-100 0.06 – 0.131
diameter of plain bearing and
2 0.20 Replace
outside of diameter of gear SAR(1)-25 0.06 – 0.119
Model Standard size Tolerance
Depth to knock in pin SDR(30)-100 –0.5
10 —
4 SAR(1)-25 –0.5
5 Rotating torque of spline shaft 8.9 – 16.7 Nm {0.9 – 1.7 kgm}
Delivery Standard Delivery
Rotating pressure delivery amount
Model speed MPa
Discharge amount amount limit —
— Oil: EO10-CD {kg/cm2} ( /min) ( /min)
Oil temperature: 45–55°C
SDR(30)-100 20.6 {210} 230.9 213.4
SAR(1)-25 24.5 {250} 56.5 50.8
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01094-02
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Model Standard clearance Clearance limit
1 Clearance between gear case
and side plate, gear SBL(1)-014 0.10 – 0.15 0.19
Clearance between inside
2 diameter of plain bearing and SBL(1)-014 0.06 – 0.119 0.20
outside diameter of gear shaft Replace
Model Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
3 Depth to knock in pin –0.5
SBL(1)-014 10 —
4 Rotating torque of splined shaft 2.0 – 4.9 Nm {0.2 – 0.5 kgm}
Standard Delivery
Delivery delivery amount
Delivery amount Model speed
pressure amount limit
— Oil: EO10-CD (rpm) —
( /min.) ( /min.)
Temperature: 45 – 55°C
20.6 MPa
SBL(1)-014 3,500 45.7 42.4
{210 kg/cm2}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01094-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
System diagram
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q The automatic greasing system adds the hours of operation of the equipment, and every time the total
reaches 2 hours, it carries out greasing.
q Operation is sensed by checking the controller power ON signal output when the starting switch is
turned ON.
q The amount of grease for each work equipment pin is set according to the load on the pin.
Item Unit Specification value
Greasing interval Hour (H) 2
Greasing time Minutes (min) 15
When starting switch is turned on and controller power source is
Automatic Method of Start of calculation turned on
greasing calculating
controller When starting switch is turned off and controller power source is
greasing End of calculation
turned off
interval (See
figure below) Greasing timing When total calculation for greasing interval (hatched area) Reaches 2
Max. pressure kg/cm2 245
Discharge amount cc/min 12
grease pump Tank capacity cc 1,600
G2-L1 (For standard specification, when machine is shipped)
Grease used –
*G0-L1(For cold areas, available for supply)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Components of system
No. Name of signal Input/output signal
1 Motor Input
2 Pressure pickup switch Input
3 Motor Output
4 Pressure pickup switch Output
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
1. Motor Specification
2. Tank Model: LD10FP
3. Air bleed plug
4. Pump
5. Pressure switch
6. Connector
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
q If abnormal pressure is generated in the circuit 2) Release of pressure, waiting for work
at discharge port (P) end, safety valve (12) q When the greasing is completed, motor (1)
opens and releases the pressure to return cir- rotates in reverse, and eccentric shaft (2)
cuit (T) to protect the equipment from damage. rotates clockwise.
q Pressure release spool (7) is moved to the left
by pin (8) of eccentric shaft (2) and pressure
release hook (9).
q As a result, discharge port (P) and return cir-
cuit (T) are interconnected, and the pressure in
the circuit is released to tank (5).
q When this happens, pump piston (4) moves in
a reciprocal motion, but the discharged grease
flows to return circuit (T), so the pressure does
not rise.
q When the pressure in the circuit drops, indica-
tor (10) is pushed back, and pressure switch
(11) is turned OFF motor (1) stops.
If pressure switch (11) is not turned off, the
controller automatically rotates motor (1) in the
opposite direction to release the pressure.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN04679-00
2) Resetting
q When the pump enters the pressure release
mode, measurement piston (1) is pushed back
up by spring (4).
q When this happens, the grease in piston
chamber (D) passes from oil passage (E)
through the inside of pilot piston (6), and enters
measurement chamber (C) to reset the system
to the initial stage in preparation for the next
time of actuation.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN04679-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (02)
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
ROPS cab 1
1. Front wiper
2. Front glass
3. Air conditioner fresh filer
4. Door (Left)
5. Rear glass
6. Door (Right)
7. Washer tank
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01095-02
Air conditioner 1
1. Receiver dryer
2. Air conditioner unit
3. Compressor
4. Condenser
5. Hot water return port
6. Hot water take-off port
q The air conditioner makes a pleasant operating
environment in the cab for the operator and
acts to reduce fatigue.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01095-02
q The cooler circulates refrigerant through evap-
orator to cause heat exchange (dehumidifica-
tion and cooling).
q Air taken in by the blower and intake unit is
cooled with evaporator and then blown out
from the grill through the duct.
q The heater circulates engine coolant in heater
core to cause heat exchange (heating).
q Air taken in by the blower and intake unit is
heated with heater core and then blown out
from the grill through the duct.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Receiver dryer
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01095-02
1. Fin Function
2. Tube q It cools and liquefies the high-pressure and
high-temperature gas which compressed by
A: Refrigerant gas inlet port compressor.
B: Refrigerant gas outlet port a If the fin crushes or is clogged with dusts, heat
exchange efficiency is degraded and complete
liquefaction of refrigerant becomes unavail-
able. As the result, pressure in the refrigerant
circulation circuit will be increased, applying
extra load to the engine or degrading the cool-
ing effect. Thus, care must be used in its han-
dling and daily inspection.
Fin pitch (mm) 1.5
Total heat dissipation surface (m2) 6.55
Max. pressure used (MPa {kg/cm2}) 3.6 {3.6}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Case Function
2. Clutch q Other than circulating the refrigerant, it com-
presses the refrigerant gas from the evapora-
A: Suction service valve tor to high-pressure, high-temperature gas so
B: Discharge service valve that it may be easily regenerated (liquefied) at
normal temperature.
q Its built-in magnet clutch turns on or off
depending on the evaporator temperature and
refrigerant pressure.
Number of cylinder – Bore x Stroke
7 – 29.3 x 27.4
Piston capacity (cc/rev) 129.2
Allowable maximum speed (rpm) 4,000
Refrigerant oil used Sanden: SP-10
Refrigerant oil refilling volume (cc) 135
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01095-02
1. Monitor
2. Camera
3. Cable
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01095-02
1. Camera Specifications
2. Connector TV signal method:
As per Japanese standard TV method
Scanning method: 2:1 Interlace method
Image sensor:
1/4 inch color CCD with 250,000 pixels
Lens: 1.7 mm, 1:2.8
Angle of view: Horizontal; Approx. 118 deg.,
Vertical; Approx. 97.6 deg.
Electronic zoom: Approx. 1.4 power
Using luminance range:
Min. luminance of object; 3 lux
Power supply voltage:
DC 5.5 V – 99.5 V for main unit
(supplied by monitor)
Power consumption: Max. 120 mA
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01095-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Network data
1. From machine monitor to each controller
q Switch input data
q Option setting data
2. From each controller to machine monitor
q Display data related to each controller
q Service mode data
q Troubleshooting data
3. From transmission controller to machine monitor
q Model selection data
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Machine monitor
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
46. Rotary switch [SW1] a When setting, follow the instruction in Testing
47. Rotary switch [SW2] and adjusting, Adjusting machine monitor, and
48. Rotary switch [SW3] do not change them.
49. Dipswitch [SW5-4] a When moving the switches, use a precision
50. Dipswitch [SW5-3] screwdriver and turn slowly.
51. Dipswitch [SW5-2] a Be careful not to touch anything except the
52. SI Spec, Non-SI Spec selection switch [SW5-1] switches inside the grommet.
53. Dipswitch [SW6-4] a Be careful not to let any dirt or dust get in.
54. Dipswitch [SW6-3] a After completing the setting, return the grom-
55. Dipswitch [SW6-2] met securely to its original position.
56. Dipswitch [SW6-1]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Related A1
operation When A2
machine Immedi-
Display Display Display range/ Display Central monitor ately
No. item category Device Color conditions method Remarks
warn- Alarm check after
ing buzzer switch is turning
lamp oper- key ON.
When the
Backlight LED Amber small lamp is Lit up during — —
lit up. operation
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Related When
operation machine Immedi-
Display Display Display range/ Display monitor ately
No. item category Device Color conditions method check after Remarks
Central switch is turning
warn- Alarm oper-
ing buzzer ated. key ON.
Note: When machine
monitor check
Scale: switch is oper-
white, red 50 – 135°C ated, pointer
Gauge Move- Back- (102°C or higher Analog — — — starts at current
ment ground in the red zone) display (Note) position and
Coolant color: moves around
5 temper- black indication range
11 ature and then returns
to starting point.
At 102°C or Lit up during
Caution LED Red higher warning
When the
Backlight LED Amber small lamp is Lit up during — —
lit up. operation.
When any
problem or
When any prob- failure occurs,
Display lem or failure the action
code is dis- Note 1:"KOMATSU" is
charac- occurs on the displayed in the
ter: played in the
Action Action machine, * Dis- upper col- — — Note 1 Note 2 upper column.
7 code code LCD black played in the Note 2:"Program No." is
Back- umn and rem-
upper and lower edies or displayed in the
ground columns on the lower column.
color: character display. description of
green problem in
the lower col-
The failure
Press machine code
monitor mode (6 digits) and
selector switch > detection
during the occur- controller are
rence of the displayed in For information on how
Failure Failure problem or the upper col- to operate display, see
code code failure on the umn and the — — the Operation & Main-
machine. faulty system tenance Manual.
* Appears in the or descrip-
upper and lower tion of prob-
columns on the lem in the
character display. lower
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Related When
operation machine Immedi-
Display Display Display range/ Display monitor ately
No. item category Device Color conditions method check after Remarks
Central Warn- switch is turning
warn- ing oper- key ON.
ing buzzer ated.
meter Display Switch screen
Reset of character: Press machine by operating
time to black monitor mode machine For details, see the
Other selector switch
displays change fil- LCD Back- monitor mode Operation & Mainte-
ter and oil. ground " " selector nance Manual.
Telephone color: switch
7 number green ">" or "<".
When the down by a
Night Backlight LED Green small lamp is step when the — —
lighting lit up. small lamp is
lit up.
8 warning LED Red During system Lit up when
lamp is abnormal abnormal.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Related When
operation machine Immedi-
Display Display Display range/ Display monitor ately
No. item category Device Color conditions method check after Remarks
Central Warn- switch is turning
warn- ing oper- key ON.
ing buzzer ated.
When transmis-
mission Lit up when
LED Red sion control sys-
tem is abnormal
Retarder When retarder
Lit up when
22 system LED Red control system is
caution abnormal
When the body is
lifted and inclined Lit up when
23 tion LED Red
excessively abnormal.
from side to side.
Seat- When the seat-
lit up
24 belt LED Red belt is not — —
During non-
caution fastened.
turned OFF.
See the operation: Note: Operates when
Body lit up the shift lever is in
25 LED Red instruction
caution manual During non- (Note) (Note) other than the "N"
operation: position.
turned OFF.
Emer- When the emer- lit up
26 gency LED Red gency steering is During non- — —
steering operated. operation:
turned OFF.
Turn operation:
lit up
27 signal, LED Green During operation During non- — —
right operation:
turned OFF.
Turn operation:
lit up
28 signal, LED Green During operation During non- — —
left operation:
turned OFF.
Head- operation:
light, lit up
29 LED Blue During operation During non- — —
beam Pilot operation:
turned OFF.
30 When the shift
LED Green lever is in the "R" Lit up (*) — — * Blinks when the neu-
(R) position position tral safety is operated.
30 When the shift
LED Orange lever is in the "N" Lit up — —
(N) position position
30 When the shift
LED Green lever is in the "D" Lit up (*) — — * Blinks when the neu-
(D) position position tral safety is operated.
30 When the shift
LED Green lever is in the "6" Lit up (*) — — * Blinks when the neu-
(6) position position tral safety is operated.
30 When the shift
LED Green lever is in the "5" Lit up (*) — — * Blinks when the neu-
(5) position position tral safety is operated.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
In suspension Lit up in "soft"
38 mode LED Green — —
"soft" mode mode
(soft) (if
When ABS is
ABS (if lit up
39 LED Orange operated. — —
equipped) During non-
turned OFF
When ASR is
ASR (if lit up
40 LED Orange operated.
equipped) During non-
turned OFF
When electric
intake air heater
Preheat- lit up
41 LED Red for preheating — —
ing During non-
engine is
Pilot operated.
turned OFF
matic When auto- When ready
retarder matic retarder is to be
42 LED Green — —
being ready to be oper- operated:
ready (if ated. lit up
matic Back-
retarder ground
When automatic Display of set * Zero is displayed
43 LCD retarder switch is — — when the set speed
set speed color: turned ON. speed (*)
(if gray is cancelled.
matic During
When automatic
retarder operation:
retarder switch is
unit lit up
44 LED Green turned ON and — —
display During non-
the unit km/h is
(km/h) operation:
(if turned OFF
matic When automatic
retarder retarder switch is
lit up
45 display LED Green turned on and — —
During non-
unit the unit MPH is
(MPH) (if selected.
turned OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Use this function to check the electric system fail-
ure history of respective controllers being memo-
rized by the machine monitor. Regarding the error
code being used in the electric equipment system
failure history, refer to the Chapter "Troubleshoot-
ing". When the fault is repaired and after checking
and confirming that normal operation has been
restored, delete the fault history.
2) Vehicle system failure history screen 4) Engine reduced cylinder function screen
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Outline Outline
Use this function to lubricate an engine without This function is being explained in the section "Fil-
starting the engine to drive a vehicle after a long- ter and oil changing time indication on the character
term storage. display" in the Chapter "Handling" in the Operation
Regarding the engine start method using this func- and Maintenance Manual. Use this function to
tion, refer to the Section "No injection cranking change filter oil replacement interval and stop func-
operation of engine" in the chapter "Inspection and tion.
Outline Outline
Use this function to correct installation errors of Use this function to display fuel consumption
sensors, solenoid valves, and compensate produc- amount per operation hour.
tion tolerances of parts and components. Use this
function to change control characteristic data in
response to user's request.
Regarding the adjusting method using this function,
refer to the Section "Adjustment using monitor" in
the chapter "Inspection and Adjustment"
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Outline Outline
The engine mode controlled automatically accord- For details of this function, see "Related to VHMS
ing to the load on the machine, etc. is fixed forcibly. controller" of "Payload meter (having VHMS)".
This function is used to check the performance in
each engine mode.
Outline Outline
Use this function to order the snapshot data taking Use this function to indicate the installation status of
in, this function is used only having VHMS. When the optional equipment and to change the settings.
do the inspection used this function, see "Inspec- Use this function when optional equipment is
tion and Adjustment" of "Inspection using VHMS". installed or removed.
Regarding the setting change method using this
function, refer to the Section "Adjustment using
monitor" in the chapter "Inspection and Adjustment"
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
This function operates on factory setting mode.
Since this function is for factory use only, do not
touch it.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
3) Selection of displaying the fault history of electric system and clearing the entire fault history of
electric system (second layer)
A current fault is displayed prior to the restored ones.
Pressing the > switch displays the next newer fault.
Pressing the < switch displays the next older fault.
After the oldest fault in memory was displayed, a screen is displayed allowing to select clearing the
entire fault history of electric system of the relevant controller.
Pressing the t switch changes the screen to the [Select displaying abnormalities in electric system]
screen on the first layer.
Pressing the U switch changes the screen to the [Clear individually the fault history of electric sys-
tem] or [Clear the fault history of electric system] screen.
* If the history consisted of one fault, pressing the switch does not change the screen to that for all-
out clearing (but change the screen to that for individual clearing).
4) Clearing individually the fault history of electric system, and clearing the entire fault history of elec-
tric system (the third layer)
Select YES or NO with the < or > switch.
Cursor (_) blinks on the selected item. Pressing the t switch changes the display as follows, with
the history reset if YES was selected, or not if NO was selected:
i) If No (cancel) was selected, the display returns to the [Display the fault history of electric
system] screen of the relevant fault (i.e., the screen before entering the [Clearing individually
(entirely) the fault history of electric system] screen).
ii) If YES (clear ) was selected, the display returns to the [Display the fault history of electric sys-
tem] screen of a fault next to the relevant fault. If the fault history to be shown exhausts, the
screen returns to the [Select displaying the fault history of electric system] screen.
By default, the cursor is on NO (no reset) to prevent resetting by error.
A current fault cannot be cleared. If it was selected, a peep sounds for one second to notify that the
operation is cancelled.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Press the t switch and < switch for more than five seconds to go to the [ID Entry] screen.
2. Enter ID with the < and > switch, and press the U switch to go to the screen for service persons.
3. Press the < and > switch to display the [Select the real-time monitor] screen, then press the U switch to
fix the screen.
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
4. Press the switch U, and the [Monitor information display/selection] screen appears. Press the switch <
and the switch > to display the [Transmission controller information display/selection] screen, [Engine
controller information display/selection] screen, [Retarder controller information display/selection]
screen, [ABS controller information display/selection] screen (if equipped) and [2 item display function
selection] screen in order.
5. Pressing the U switch, while each selection screen is shown, displays the [One-item display] screen or
the [Select information on 2-item display] screen.
In the case of 1-item display, pressing the < and > switch changes the items shown in turn, displaying the
information each controller has.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
How to Enter an ID
After the screen was changed from another, “00000” is shown.
Enter a number 0-9 in the cursor position.
The cursor is at the highest digit first. Each time the < or > switch was pressed, the number changes by 1
within a range 0-9.
If the desired number was entered, press the U switch.
The cursor moves to the second highest digit. Repeat the procedures mentioned above until the last num-
ber is filled in the lowest digit.
If the lowest digit was entered, press the U switch, and the screen changes to that for displaying/selecting
the second item. Alternately, pressing the t switch returns the screen to that for displaying/selecting two
In the case of 2-item display, enter the IDs of the information to be displayed, and the two items are shown
simultaneously. The IDs shown are the same as those on the 1-item display screen.
6. In the case of 1-item display, pressing the < and > switch changes the items shown in turn, displaying
the information each controller has.
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
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SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 Application ver. No. 20021 VERSION (APP) Application ver. No. is displayed.
3 Data ver. No. 20222 VERSION (DATA) Data ver. No. is displayed.
6 DIP switch 5-1, 2 30900 SW5-1, SW5-2 SW5-1: Selection of SI or non-SI specifi-
SW5-2: Unused
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
0 – 30 V
– Unused
For 7831-46-7000*, normally OFF
For 7831-46-8000*, normally ON
SW5-2: Unused
– Unused
– Unused
– Unused
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
0 0000000 (Switch = ON) D-IN-16: ARSC system switch (Upper) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
0 1 000000 (Switch = ON) D-IN-17: ARSC system switch (Lower) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
00 1 00000 (Switch = ON) D-IN-18: ABS system switch (Upper) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
000 1 0000 (Switch = ON) D-IN-19: ABS system switch (Lower) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
0000 1 000 (Switch = ON) D-IN-20: ASR system switch (Upper) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
00000 0 00 (Unused) D-IN-21: ASR system switch (Lower) (If equipped)
If not equipped: 0
000000 1 0 (Switch = ON) D-IN-22: Front brake cut-off switch
If not equipped: 0
0000000 0 (Unused) D-IN-23: Unused
1 000 (Headlight Hi/Lo selector switch = ON) D-OUT-0: Headlight Hi/Lo selector switch
0 1 00 (Buzzer = ON) D-OUT-1: Buzzer
00 0 0 (Unused) D-OUT-2: Unused
000 0 (Unused) D-OUT-3: Unused
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
7 Exhaust temperature (REAR) 42611 EXHAUST TMP R Display exhaust temperature (REAR)
8 Exhaust temperature (REAR) 42613 EXHAUST TMP R Display exhaust temperature (REAR)
13 Shift lever N signal 42500 SHIFT LEVER N Display shift lever N position
14 Stop run flag 45000 STOP RUN FLAG Display discrination the STOP or RUN
15 Suspension pressure (F.L.) 32805 SUS PRESS (FL) Display suspension pressure (F.L.)
16 Suspension pressure (F.L.) 32811 SUS PRESS (FL) Display suspension pressure (F.L.)
17 Suspension pressure (F.R.) 32804 SUS PRESS (FR) Display suspension pressure (F.R.)
18 Suspension pressure (F.R.) 32810 SUS PRESS (FR) Display suspension pressure (F.R.)
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Flat ground: 0.0 [° ] (When Front up: plus, Measure- When PLM (having VHMS) is setted up.
ment range: +/–15°)
Flat ground: 2.6 [V] When PLM (having VHMS) is setted up.
4.15 [V] at +15°
1.06 [V] at –15°
Payload [t] (Always, Metric ton) When PLM (having VHMS) is setted up.
Rated payload [t] (Always, Metric ton) When PLM (having VHMS) is setted up.
When shift lever is N position: ON When PLM (having VHMS) is setted up.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
19 Suspension pressure (R.L.) 32807 SUS PRESS (RL) Display suspension pressure (R.L.)
20 Suspension pressure (R.L.) 32813 SUS PRESS (RL) Display suspension pressure (R.L.)
21 Suspension pressure (R.R) 32806 SUS PRESS (RR) Display suspension pressure (R.R.)
22 Suspension pressure (R.R) 32812 SUS PRESS (RR) Display suspension pressure (R.R.)
26 Out put signal D_OUT_0–7 40946 D-OUT-0--3 Display input signal condition
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
0 000 (External display lamp: Green= light ON) D-OUT-0: External display lamp Green
0 0 00 (External display lamp: Yellow = light ON) D-OUT-1: External display lamp Yellow
00 0 0 (External display lamp: Red = light ON) D-OUT-2: External display lamp Red
000 1 (VHMS is in action) D-OUT-3: VHMS is in action
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. Enter ID with the < and > switch, and press the
U switch to go to the screen for service per-
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
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SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Adjusting function
Regarding the adjusting method using this function,
refer to the Section "Adjustment using monitor" in
the chapter "Inspection and Adjustment"
This section will describe the operation method
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
a. Maintenance interval time change (4) The cursor moves to the second highest digit.
Repeat the procedures mentioned in (2) and (3)
until the last number is filled in the lowest digit.
(5) After the lowest digit is entered, press the U
a If the entered value represents the interval
time which can be set, the screen changes to
the confirmation screen.
a If the entered value represents the interval
time which cannot be set, the time doe not
(6) The cursor is returned to the highest digit.
a The interval time can be set up to 50 h.
(7) If a wrong number is entered, unless the cursor
is positioned at the highest digit, press the t
switch to bring the cursor to the highest digit,
and do the procedures from the beginning again.
a At this time, the entered values remain
(8) When the cursor is positioned at the highest
digit, pressing the t switch changes the
screen to the higher layer.
q Press the <> switch to select YES/NO.
q The cursor (_) blinks on the selected item
When YES is selected, pressing the t switch
accepts the change. When NO is selected,
pressing the t switch cancels the change, and
How to enter interval time goes to the "maintenance item selection"
(1) Enter a number from 0 to 9 in the cursor posi- screen.
tion. a The cursor is positioned at NO by default to
(2) The cursor is positioned at the highest digit prevent from mistakenly carrying out the reset
first. Each time the > or < switch is pressed, operation.
the number is changed in the INC/DEC order q When the interval time is changed, the remain-
by 1 within a range 0 to 9. ing time on the timer is as follows.
(3) If the desired number is entered, press the U [Set interval time – time elapsed from the previous
switch to apply it. operation]
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SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
*1. Press the U switch to change the screen to the "All item timer stop" screen.
*2. In the case that "All item timer stop" is selected
*3. When all item stop is carried out:
The timer functions for all items are disabled, and the screen returns to the "Maintenance monitor
selection" screen.
When the specific item is carried out, the setting is made to disable the function.
When cancel is carried out:
The operation is cancelled and the screen returns to the "maintenance selection" screen.
*4. When "All item valid" is selected
*5. Press the <> switch to select YES/NO.
The cursor (_) blinks on the selected item
a The cursor is positioned at NO (not change) by default to prevent from mistakenly carrying out the
reset operation.
*6. When all item valid is carried out:
Regardless of whether specific item is valid or invalid, the interval time set to the timer before the timer
was disabled is effective for all items.
The remaining time on the timer is reset.
Meanwhile, the number of reset times is not incremented but remains the same.
The screen returns to the "maintenance monitor selection" screen.
Setting is made valid for each item.
When cancel is carried out:
The operation is cancelled and the screen returns to the "maintenance selection" screen.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
English message
No. Item Interval [h] ID number
[11 one-byte characters]
1 Pre fuel filter 500 P FUEL FILT 41
2 Engine oil 500 ENG OIL 01
3 Engine oil filter 500 ENG FILT 02
4 Transmission oil filter 500 TM FILT 13
5 Fuel filter 1,000 FUEL FILT 03
6 Corrosion resistor 1,000 CORR RES 06
Torque converter, transmission and
7 1,000 TC/TM/BK OIL 24
rear brake cooling oil
8 Brake oil filter 1,000 BK OIL FILT 14
9 Brake cooling oil filter 1,000 BK C FILT 16
10 Hydraulic oil filter 2,000 HYD FILT 04
11 Differential case oil 2,000 DIFF OIL 11
12 Final drive oil 2,000 FNL OIL 08
13 Steering hoist oil 4,000 HYD OIL 10
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
*1 Lower column
Upper column q Displays travel distance (km or mile) since the
q Displays fuel consumption (L/km or L/mile) for previous reset
every 1 km (or mile) since the previous reset q Counting will stop when the upper limit
q Calculation is made based on the above fuel 9999999.9 is reached.
consumption and the travel distance *3
q Counting will stop when the upper limit Upper column
99999.9 is reached. q Displays accumulated fuel consumption (L)
Lower column since the previous reset
q Displays average fuel consumption (L/h) since q Counting will stop when the upper limit
the previous reset 9999999.9 is reached.
q Counting will stop when the upper limit 9999.9 Lower column
is reached. q Displays elapsed time (h) since the previous
*2 reset
Upper column q Counting will stop when the upper limit
q Displays accumulated fuel consumption (L) 9999999.9 is reached.
since the previous reset
q Counting will stop when the upper limit
9999999.9 is reached.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
*4 *6
(if equipped the VHMS) Setting of gain compensation value
q Display loaded quantity {ton} from the last 1) In order to change the screen, display the cur-
reset on the upper line. rent setting value and place the cursor on the
q Stop at the upper limit of 999999999.9. symbol (+/–).
q Whether short ton or metric ton is used 2) While the cursor is being positioned at the
depends on option settings. symbol, repeat '+', '<–>', '–', each time the >, /,
q Display the number of loadings from the last or < switch is pressed.
reset on the upper line. 3) Press the U switch to confirm the symbol. o
q Stop at the upper limit of 999999999.9. The cursor moves to the highest digit.
a The above data should be obtained from the 4) The cursor is positioned at the highest digit
value calculated by VHMS when PLM built into first. Each time the >, /, or < switch is pressed,
VHMS is enabled. the number is changed in the INC/DEC order
a VHMS sends load capacity to a monitor panel by 1 within a range 0 to 9 (the highest digit is 0
at the time of determination of 1 cycle. to 2).
a When load capacity at the time of determina- 5) If the desired number is entered, press the U
tion of 1 cycle is received, the monitor panel switch to apply it.
adds the loaded quantity to the last value and 6) The cursor moves to the lower digit. Repeat
add 1 to the number of loadings. the procedure mentioned in 4).
*1 – *4 7) The cursor moves to the lowest digit. Press
q Calculation is made only when engine is oper- the U switch. (When the number is confirmed,
ating and optional equipment is provided. the screen returns to that of the previous
*5 layer.)
q Press the U switch to delete data in the 8) While the number is being entered, pressing
screen (*1), (*2), (*3) and return to the screen the t switch makes the number remain
of the previous layer. unchanged and the cursor returns to the posi-
q Press the t switch to return to the screen of tion of the symbol. Pressing the t switch
the previous layer without resetting the current again change the screen to the previous
screen. screen.
a Reset the data when "initializing the monitor 9) When the number is not within the range from
panel" and when "turning the optional functions – 50.0 to + 50.0 while the lowest digit is con-
OFF", in addition to the above resetting opera- firmed, the number remains unchanged and
tion. the cursor returns to the position of the symbol,
as is the case for pressing the t switch.
Obtaining fuel consumption level [L]
q The monitor panel calculates the accumulated Procedures with the monitor panel:
fuel consumption (L) based on the instanta- q Default value: 0.0%
neous fuel consumption [L/h] supplied from the q Specify the setting value to compensate the
engine controller. accumulated fuel consumption (L) in the range
q The accumulated fuel consumption (L) is com- of [– 50.0 to + 50.0]
pensated using the fuel adjusting function
[FUEL ADJUST] on the service mode.
q The instantaneous fuel consumption [L/h] sup-
plied from the engine controller is compen-
sated in accordance with the table shown
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Start the snapshot and exit it during recording.
After 7 minutes 30 seconds have elapsed, a move
to "READY" takes place when U switch is pressed
on the "SNAPSHOT" screen.
When 7 minutes 30 seconds have not elapsed, a
move to the "EXECUTING" screen takes place.
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SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Machine monitor
No. Specification
1 CN1 1 – – –
2 CN1 2 – – –
3 CN1 3 – – –
8 CN1 8 – – –
9 CN1 9 – – GND
10 CN1 10 – – GND
17 CN1 17 – – GND
18 CN1 18 – – GND
19 CN1 19 – – GND
20 CN1 20 – – GND
*1: NSW +24 V input port is active even if the setting is made to KEY OFF when power is supplied directly
from battery.
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
– – – – – OPEN (RESERVED)
– – – – – OPEN (RESERVED)
Used to detect improper connector,
MODE SW2-1 > Q Q Q Q Mode SW2 upper side
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Machine monitor
No. Specification
29 CN2A 9 – – GND
38 CN2A 18 I A D_IN_0 (0 – 30 V)
44 CN2B 6 – – GND
50 CN2B 12 I A A_IN_1 (0 – 30 V)
*1: NSW +24 V input port is active even if the setting is made to KEY OFF when power is supplied directly
from battery.
*2: Setting is made to PULL UP.
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Machine monitor
No. Specification
59 CN3A 9 – – GND
62 CN3A 12 I D –
68 CN3A 18 – – NC
72 CN3B 4 I A A_IN_8 (0 – 5 V)
73 CN3B 5 I A A_IN_10 (0 – 5 V)
74 CN3B 6 – – GND
77 CN3B 9 I A A_IN_7 (0 – 5 V)
78 CN3B 10 I A A_IN_9 (0 – 5 V)
79 CN3B 11 – – GND
80 CN3B 12 – – NC
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
CAN (+) Q Q Q Q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Machine monitor
No. Specification
86 CN4 6 – – GND
87 CN4 7 – – GND
89 CN4 9 – – NC
90 CN4 10 – – NC
91 CN4 11 – – NC
92 CN4 12 – – NC
93 CN5 1 – – NC
94 CN5 2 – – RA232C_1_RTS
95 CN5 3 – – RA232C_1_RD
96 CN5 4 – – RA232C_2_RD
97 CN5 5 – – RA232C_2_RTS
98 CN5 6 – – NC
99 CN5 7 – – NC
106 CN5 14 – – NC
107 CN6 1 – – –
108 CN6 2 – – –
109 CN6 3 – – –
110 CN6 1 – – NC
111 CN6 5 – – –
112 CN6 6 – – NC
113 CN6 7 – – –
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
CAN (–) Q Q Q Q
– Q Q Q Q
– Q Q Q Q
– Q Q Q Q
– Q Q Q Q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1 SW1 0 I D
2 SW1 1 I D
3 SW1 2 I D
4 SW1 3 I D
5 SW1 4 I D
6 SW1 5 I D
7 SW1 6 I D
8 SW1 7 I D
Rotary switch (16 pousitions)
9 SW1 8 I D
10 SW1 9 I D
11 SW1 A I D
12 SW1 B I D
13 SW1 C I D
14 SW1 D I D
15 SW1 E I D
16 SW1 F I D
17 SW2 0 I D
18 SW2 1 I D
19 SW2 2 I D
20 SW2 3 I D
21 SW2 4 I D
22 SW2 5 I D
23 SW2 6 I D
24 SW2 7 I D
Rotary switch (16 positions)
25 SW2 8 I D
26 SW2 9 I D
27 SW2 A I D
28 SW2 B I D
29 SW2 C I D
30 SW2 D I D
31 SW2 E I D
32 SW2 F I D
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Model name
Signal name HD325-7 HD465-7E0 HD465-7R Remarks
HD405-7 HD605-7E0 HD605-7R
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
33 SW3 0 I D
34 SW3 1 I D
35 SW3 2 I D
36 SW3 3 I D
37 SW3 4 I D
38 SW3 5 I D
39 SW3 6 I D
40 SW3 7 I D
Rotary switch (16 positions)
41 SW3 8 I D
42 SW3 9 I D
43 SW3 A I D
44 SW3 B I D
45 SW3 C I D
46 SW3 D I D
47 SW3 E I D
48 SW3 F I D
50 SW5 2 I D
51 SW5 3 I D
52 SW5 4 I D
54 SW6 2 I D
55 SW6 3 I D
56 SW6 4 I D
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01096-02
Model name
Signal name HD325-7 HD465-7E0 HD465-7R Remarks
HD405-7 HD605-7E0 HD605-7R
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
ON: SI specification
– – – –
OFF: Non-SI specification
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01096-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
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SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
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SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Transmission controller 1
q The transmission controller controls the trans- 8. The self-diagnostic function is installed for
mission system. each of the input and output systems.
It has the following features and functions. 9. The self-diagnostic function is displayed
1. The gear shifting patter is set in the power on the monitor.
mode or economy mode. 10. If a trouble is detected, its contents are
2. In the braking mode, the brake is used and sent to the network.
the gear shifting point is heightened to in- 11. It uses the machine monitor to display if the
crease the brake cooling pump speed. Ac- failure is still existing.
cordingly, the retarder cooling effect is 12. It provides an escape function for use
increased and the engine is used as a when there is a failure in the electrical sys-
brake efficiently. tem.
3. It controls the brake through the retarder
controller for the torque converter lock-up
solenoid valve and overrun prevention.
4. To reduce the gear shift shocks, the throt-
tle correction command is output to the en-
gine controller to adjust the engine speed
during gear shifting operation.
5. Speed sensors are installed to 3 places of
the transmission input shaft, intermediate
shaft and output shaft to sense slip of the
transmission clutch and protect the trans-
mission when the hydraulic system has a
6. It connects to the network and shares var-
ious data with other controllers.
7. It receives the model selection data (what
model it is mounted on) through the net-
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
Signal name Signal name
No. signal No. signal
1 – – 21 –
2 – – 22 Network Low Imput/output
3 – – 23 –
4 – – 24 –
5 Shift lever position 5 Input 25 Shift lever position D Input
6 Shift lever position L Input 26 Shift lever position 3 Input
7 T/M main variable valve operation Input 27 Coolant level Input
8 – – 28 – –
9 – – 29 GND (for input shaft speed, output shaft Input
10 – – 30 Transmission output shaft speed Output
11 – – 31 –
12 – – 32 Network High Input/output
13 – – 33 – –
14 – – 34 – –
15 Shift lever position 6 Input 35 Shift lever position R Input
16 Shift lever position 2 Input 36 Shift lever position 4 Input
17 Air cleaner clogging switch Input 37 – –
18 – – 38 – –
19 – – 39 GND (intermediate shaft speed) Input
20 Transmission intermediate shaft speed Input 40 Transmission input shaft speed Input
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
Signal name Signal name
No. signal No. signal
1 Power supply 24V Input 21 GND Input
2 Proportional solenoid power supply 24 V Input 22 Proportional solenoid power supply 24 V Input
ECMV Hig 1st, 4th, main oil quantity change ECMV Rev. 2nd, lock-up, T/M lubrication oil
3 valve (-) Output 23 quantity variable valve (-) Output
4 – – 24 KEY switch ACC Input
5 ECMV 2nd (+) Output 25 ECMV Rev (+) Output
6 ECMV Low (+) Output 26 ECMV Hig (+) Output
7 – – 27 – –
8 Torque
converter oil pressure sensor power
supply (24V) Output 28 – –
9 Fill switch 2nd Input 29 Fill switch Rev Input
10 Fill switch Low Input 30 Fill switch Hig Input
11 Power supply 24V Input 31 GND Input
12 Proportional solenoid power supply 24 V Input 32 GND Input
13 ECMV output Low, 3rd (-) Output 33 GND Input
14 KEY switch ACC Input 34 – –
15 ECMV 3rd (+) Output 35 ECMV lock-up (+) Output
16 ECMV 4th (+) Output 36 ECMV 1st (+) Output
17 – – 37 T/M main pressure variable valve Output
18 – – 38 – –
19 Fill switch 3rd Input 39 – –
20 Fill switch 4th Input 40 Fill switch 1st Input
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Economy mode:
When the machine is being used under light load,
such as when traveling unloaded or on flat ground,
the shift-up point and shift-down point are both low-
ered, the engine speed is maintained at a lower
level, and the fuel consumption, noise, and trans-
mission shock are reduced. In this mode, the maxi-
mum engine output is limited.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
1. Power mode down a slope with the foot brake applied and
q The optimum shift-up point is selected the engine speed is kept low by the gear speed
between 2,100 and 1,750 rpm according to the maintaining function, the cooling oil becomes
accelerating condition of the machine and gear insufficient and the brake tends to overheat.
speed. q If the travel speed lowers below 1 km/h or the
q The optimum shift-down point is selected foot brake is not applied or the lock-up is kept
between 1,200 and 1,400 rpm according to the turned on for a long period, the lock-up is
accelerator pedal position and gear speed. turned off and a gear speed proper for the
travel speed is selected.
2. Economy mode
q The optimum shift-up point is selected 4. Lock-up
between 2,100 and 1,750 rpm according to the q The point to turn ON the torque converter lock-
accelerating condition of the machine and gear up is set properly in the range from 1,250 to
speed. 1,500 rpm according to the torque converter
q The optimum shift-down point is selected inlet speed (engine speed) and outlet speed
between 1,200 and 1,400 rpm according to the (transmission input shaft speed) and accelera-
accelerator pedal position and gear speed. tor pedal position.
q The lockup-off point is 1,100 rpm.
3. Braking mode
q When the machine moves off downhill with the
q While the foot brake is operated, if the travel
accelerator pedal released, the lock-up is not
speed lowers below about 20 km/h at the 4th
en ga ged u nt il l th e ac c el er a tor pe dal is
gear speed, about 15 km/h at 3rd gear speed,
depressed or foot brake is applied.
or 11 km/h at the 2nd gear speed, the current
gear speed (F4, F3, or F2) is maintained.
Accordingly, if the operator drives the machine
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Gear shift lever positions and method of shift- 4) Gear shift lever position N
ing At the neutral position, none of the transmis-
1) Gear shift lever position D sion clutches are actuated.
When shifting up (in power mode)
I) When the gear shift lever is set at position D, Time when gear cannot be shifted
the transmission is set to F2 torque converter q In the automatic shift range, no-shift time is
range. secured during each gear shifting operation to
II) When the accelerator pedal is depressed, the prevent a malfunction caused by transient
engine speed rises and accelerates. When the change of the speed at the gear shifting opera-
transmission input shaft speed reaches 1,250 tion. The gear is not shifted in this no-shift
– 1,500 rpm, the lock-up clutch is engaged, so time.
the torque converter is directly engaged and q The no-shift time is controlled finely for each
the transmission is set to direct travel. gear shift pattern by the all-range electronic
III) As the engine speed rises further and reaches modulation system.
1,750 – 2,100 rpm, the transmission shifts up
to F3. The no-shift time for each gear shift pattern is
While the transmission is shifting up, the roughly shown below.
engine speed is also lowered (a command is
output to the engine controller) in order to
reduce the shock when shifting gear.
IV) Immediately after shifting up, the engine speed
momentarily goes down, but as the machine
accelerates, it rises again and the transmission
shifts up to F4 to F7 in the same way as in III)
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
5 Transmission intermediate shaft 31300 T/M SPEED:MID Intermediate shaft speed is output
6 Transmission output shaft speed 31400 T/M SPEED:OUT Output shaft speed is output
7 Fuel level 04201 FUEL SENSOR Resistance-converted value of fuel level sensor
(A_IN_5) is output
8 Fuel level 04201 FUEL SENSOR Input voltage of fuel level sensor (A_IN_5) is out-
9 Alternator R 04301 ALTERNATOR R Alternator R terminal input state (A_IN_0) is output
10 Torque converter oil temperature 30100 T/C OIL TEMP Torque converter oil temperature (A_IN_1) is out-
11 Torque converter oil temperature 30101 T/C OIL TEMP Torque converter oil temperature (A_IN_1) voltage
is output
12 Transmission oil temperature 32500 T/M OIL TEMP Transmission oil temperature is output
13 Transmission oil temperature 32501 T/M OIL TEMP Transmission oil temperature voltage is output
14 Steering oil temperature 32701 STRG OIL TEMP Steering oil temperature (A_IN_3) is output
15 Steering oil temperature 32702 STRG OIL TEMP Steering oil temperature (A_IN_3) of search
voltage value is output
16 Torque converter oil pressure 32600 T/C OIL PRESS Torque converter oil pressure (A_IN_10) conver-
sion value is output
17 Torque converter oil pressure 32605 T/C OIL PRESS Torque converter oil pressure (A_IN_10) of input
voltage is output
18 Accumulator oil pressure (front) 35500 ACC OIL PRE F Pressure-converted value of front accumulator oil
pressure (A_IN_8) is output
19 Accumulator oil pressure (rear) 35501 ACC OIL PRE R Pressure-converted value of rear accumulator oil
pressure (A_IN_9) is output
20 Accumulator oil pressure (front) 35504 ACC OIL PRE F Voltage sensed by front accumulator oil pressure
(A_IN_8) is output
21 Accumulator oil pressure (rear) 35505 ACC OIL PRE R Voltage sensed by rear accumulator oil pressure
(A_IN_9) is output
22 Solenoid output (H) 31600 ECMV H DIR ECMV output command current to HIGH clutch is
23 Solenoid output (L) 31601 ECMV L DIR ECMV output command current to LOW clutch is
24 Solenoid output (1st) 31602 ECMV 1 DIR ECMV output command current to 1st clutch is
25 Solenoid output (2nd) 31603 ECMV 2 DIR ECMV output command current to 2nd clutch is
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
4.72 V = 0 °C
4.33 V = 30 °C
3.55 V = 60 °C
2.20V = 100 °C
1.61 V = 120 °C
x1 [°C] (0 – 150 [°C])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mV] (0.00 – 5.00 [V])
---- [Other than above]
4.72 V = 0 °C
4.33 V = 30 °C
3.55 V = 60 °C
2.20 V = 100 °C
1.61 V = 120 °C
x1 [°C] (0 – 150 [°C])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mV] (0.00 – 5.00 [V])
---- [Other than above]
4.72 V = 0°C
4.33 V = 30°C
3.55 V = 60°C
2.20 V = 100°C
1.61 V = 120°C
x1 [MPa] (0.00 – 5.00 [MPa])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mV] (0.00 – 5.00 [V])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [MPa] (0.00 – 5.00 [MPa])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [MPa] (0.00 – 5.00 [MPa])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mV] (0.00 – 5.00 [V])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mV] (0.00 – 5.00 [V])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mA] (0 – 1000 [mA])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mA] (0 – 1000 [mA])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mA] (0 – 1000 [mA])
---- [Other than above]
x1 [mA] (0 – 1000 [mA])
---- [Other than above]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
26 Solenoid output (3rd) 31604 ECMV 3 DIR ECMV output command current to 3rd clutch is
ECMV output command current to 4th clutch is
27 Solenoid output (4th) 31605 ECMV 4 DIR
ECMV output command current to REV clutch is
28 Solenoid output (R) 31606 ECMV R DIR output
29 Solenoid output (Lockup) 31609 ECMV LU DIR ECMV output command current to lockup clutch is
30 Angle sensor 32900 ANGLE SENSOR Angle sensor input (A_IN_7) angle conversion is
Angle sensor input (A_IN_7) of voltage value is
31 Angle sensor 32903 ANGLE SENSOR
Brake output (front wheel) direction Brake command amount of brake (retarded) con-
32 33807 BK OUTP DIR F
value troller
Brake output (rear wheel) direction Brake command amount of brake (retarded) con-
33 33806 BK OUTP DIR R
value troller
Throttle modified value to be sent to engine con-
34 Throttle modified value 36000 THROTTLE MOD troller is output
35 Low clutch trigger modification value 38900 TRIGGER MOD L Low clutch trigger modification value is output (all
oil temperature mode)
36 High clutch trigger modification value 38901 TRIGGER MOD H High clutch trigger modification value is output (all
oil temperature mode)
37 1st clutch trigger correction value 38902 TRIGGER MOD 1 1st clutch trigger correction value is output (all oil
temperature mode)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
Hexadecimal number show below
Display of 8 characters
AA: Low temperature correction value [x10msec]
BB: Medium temperature correction value [x10msec]
CC: Normal temperature correction value [x10msec]
DD: High temperature correction value [x10msec]
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
Hexadecimal number show below
Display of 8 characters
AA: Low temperature correction value [x10msec]
BB: Medium temperature correction value [x10msec]
CC: Normal temperature correction value [x10msec]
DD: High temperature correction value [x10msec]
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
39 3rd clutch trigger correction value 38904 TRIGGER MOD 3 3rd clutch trigger correction value is output
(all oil temperature mode)
40 4th clutch trigger correction value 38905 TRIGGER MOD 4 4th clutch trigger correction value is output
(all oil temperature mode)
41 Reverse clutch trigger correction 38906 TRIGGER MOD R Revolution clutch trigger correction value is output
value (all oil temperature mode)
42 Clutch FILL switch 38919 FILL HL1234R Every each clutch of FILL SW recognition condi-
tion is output
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
Hexadecimal number show below
Display of 8 characters
AA: Low temperature correction value [x10msec]
BB: Medium temperature correction value [x10msec]
CC: Normal temperature correction value [x10msec]
DD: High temperature correction value [x10msec]
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
Hexadecimal number show below
Display of 8 characters
AA: Low temperature correction value [x10msec]
BB: Medium temperature correction value [x10msec]
CC: Normal temperature correction value [x10msec]
DD: High temperature correction value [x10msec]
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
Hexadecimal number show below
Display of 8 characters
AA: Low temperature correction value [x10msec]
BB: Medium temperature correction value [x10msec]
CC: Normal temperature correction value [x10msec]
DD: High temperature correction value [x10msec]
7F=127 (MAX)
80=-128 (MIN)
[1 (ON), 0 (OFF)] by data to support right under HLR1234R attend H: H Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
and display L: L Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
1: One Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
Example 2: Two Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
011000: F1 time 3: Three Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
001001: R2 time 4: FOUR Fill SW recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
000000: N time R: R Fill switch recognition [1:ON, 0:OFF]
100010: F4 time
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
1111111 (Finished with all clutches learning)
0000000 (Unlearned in all clutches)
*0******: Transmission oil filter clogging D_IN_1: Transmission oil filter switch 1
****1***: Cranking D_IN_3: Emergency escape switch
******0*: Non-operation emergency steering D_IN_4: C terminal signal
******1*: Operation emergency steering D_IN_6: Emergency steering relay
*******1: Shift lever N D_IN_7: Shift lever N
1*******: L fill D_IN_8: Fill signal L
*1******: 4th fill D_IN_9: Fill signal 4th
**1*****: H fill D_IN_10: Fill signal H
***1****: 1st fill D_IN_11: Fill signal 1st
****1***: 2nd fill D_IN_12: Fill signal 2nd
*****1**: 3rd fill D_IN_13: Fill signal 3rd
******1*: R fill D_IN_14: Fill signal R
10010000: F1 time
00010010: R1 time
00000000: N time
11000000: F6 time
10000000: Shift lever R D_IN_16: Shift range R
01000000: Shift lever D D_IN_17: Shift range D
00100000: Shift lever 6 D_IN_18: Shift range 6
00010000: Shift lever 5 D_IN_19: Shift range 5
00001000: Shift lever 4 D_IN_20: Shift range 4
00000100: Shift lever 3 D_IN_21: Shift range 3
00000010: Shift lever 2 D_IN_22: Shift range 2
00000001: Shift lever L D_IN_23: Shift range L
*0******: Lowering of coolant level D_IN_25: Coolant level
**0*****: Clogging of air cleaner D_IN_26: Air cleaner switch
***0****: Operation of main pressure variable valve D_IN_27: Main pressure variable valve pressure switch
****0***: Operation of main oil flow selector valve D_IN_28: Main oil flow selector valve pressure switch
*****0**: Operation of lubricating oil flow variable valve D_IN_29: Lubricating oil flow variable valve pressure switch
* Plane does not use
* Plane does not use
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Timer Outline
2. Battery If the engine should stop when the machie is travel-
3. Emergency steering oil pressure switch ing, or there is any abnormality in the hydraulic
4. Emergency steering motor pump and the steering circuit oil pressure is
5. Emergency steering pump become below the specifed value, the emergency
6. Steering control valve system automatically actuates an electric pump to
ensure the hydraulic pressure for the steering,
thereby making it possible to use the steering.
This system can also be operated manually.
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
Relay timer
1. Dial Outline
2. Lock This relay timer is a delay timer to prevent emer-
3. Pin gency steering system from malfunctioning.
After the current flows in the coil for the time set by
Set time: 1 seconds the timer, the relay contacts are switched.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
S: Soft
M: Medium
H: Heard
Set mode
Control pattern Function Content of control Empty Loaded
Distinguishing To set damping force Internal pressure of front sus-
empty/loaded according to load on pension cylinder is measured
machine and compared with standard
Anti-roll To prevent the chas- This detects the travel speed
sis from rolling when and steering angle, and
turning at high speed switches the mode according to (When
certain conditions.
(Not controlled when traveling
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Connector Function
2. Solenoid q The automatic suspension solenoid valve is
installed in the circuit between the hydraulic
A: To hydraulic cylinder head pump and the suspension cylinder. The valve
B: To hydraulic cylinder bottom switches oil pressure of the hydraulic cylinder
P: From pump which is installed to the front suspension,
T: To transmission oil pan according to signal from the retarder controller.
Two solenoid valves are combined to select
three modes of Soft, Medium and Hard.
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Retarder controller
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal
1 SUS press sensor (RL) Input 13 ARSC set SW Input
2 Strg potentio Input 14 Retard lever Input
3 Retard oil temp (R) Input 15 Alternator R Input
4 GND (SIG) – 16 Sens PWR Output
5 Retard SW (rear) Input 17 Service brake press SW Input
6 Brake system filter Input 18 Validation SW2 Input
7 SUS press sensor (RR) Input 19 Hoist laver (main) Input
8 Body position sensor Input 20 Hoist laver (SUB) Input
9 – Input 21 GND (Analog GND) –
10 GND (SIG) – 22 Pot PWR Output
11 – Input 23 – Input
12 Memory clear SW Input 24 Validation SW1 Input
Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal
1 – Output 21 S_NET Input/Output
2 Strg hoist filter SW Input 22 CAN0 L Input/Output
3 Strg hoist lever SW Input 23 CAN1 L Input/Output
4 232C RxD Input 24 *FEW SW Input
5 Brake wear SW (RL) Input 25 – Input
6 – Input 26 – Input
7 ENG oil level SW Input 27 – Input
8 – Output 28 TM & Brake oil level SW Input
9 Body float signal Output 29 GND (pulse GND) –
10 Wheel speed (RR) Input 30 T/M output shaft speed Input
11 – Output 31 GND (S_NET GND) –
12 Can SH – 32 CAN0_H Input/Output
13 Eng oil filter Input 33 CAN1_H Input/Output
14 232C TxD Output 34 GND (232C_GND) –
15 – Input 35 Key SW C (Engine start) Input
16 – Input 36 Brake wear SW (RR) Input
17 Retard cooling filter Input 37 Steering speed Input
18 Stop lamp relay Output 38 Battery requid level SW Input
19 – Output 39 GND (pulse GND) –
20 Wheel speed (RL) Input 40 – Input
Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal Pin No. Signal name Imput/output signal
1 VB (controller PWR) Input 21 GND (controller GND) Input
2 VIS (solenoid PWR) Input 22 VIS (solenoid PWR) Input
3 Input 23 Input
(solenois common GND) (solenois common GND)
4 – Output 24 Key SIG Input
5 Hoist EPC valve Output 25 – Output
6 – Output 26 ASR valve (RL) Output
7 Auto SUS SOL1 Output 27 Lever kick out sol Output
8 +24 V for sensor Output 28 F/B cut valve Output
9 Parking brake press SW Input 29 – Input
10 ASR press SW (RL) Input 30 Shut off valve SW Input
11 VB (controller PWR) Input 31 GND (controller GND) Input
12 VIS (solenoid PWR) Input 32 GND (controller GND) Input
SOL_COM (solenois com- 33 GND (controller GND) Input
13 Input
mon GND) 34 Reserve –
14 Key SIG Input 35 – Output
15 ASR shut off valve Output 36 ASR valve (RR) Output
16 Retard valve R Output 37 Auto SUS SOL2 Output
17 Hoist change valve Output 38 – Output
18 BCV relay Output 39 Secondary brake SW Input
19 – Input 40 ASR check SW Input
20 ASR press SW (RR) Input
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Suspension pressure (right) 32816 SUS PRESS (R) Converted pressure of suspension pressure sen-
29 sor (A_IN_9) is output.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Judgment of empty/loaded truck 39400 EMPTY OR LOAD Judgment of empty/loaded truck is output.
ASR output (L) command 39601 ASR OUTP DIR L Output command value to ASR (L) solenoid is out-
33 ASR output (R) command 39603 ASR OUTP DIR R Output command value to ASR (R) solenoid is
34 Input signal D_IN_0--7 40932 D-IN--0-----7 Input signal stats of D_IN_0 – D_IN_7 are output
as they are.
35 Input signal D_IN_8--15 40933 D-IN--8-----15 Input signal stats of D_IN_8 – D_IN_15 are output
as they are.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
Relationship between retarder lever potentiometer and output to proportional solenoid valve
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
4. Control when starting switch is turned to 4) While running the engine at low idle, raise
ON, OFF, or START the body and float it at the maximum
Starting switch at ON: height, and then lower it to the seat.
The output is set to HOLD, regardless of the Repeat this operation 10 times.
position of the lever. 5) While running the engine at high idle,
If the engine is not started, even if the hoist raise the body and float it at the maximum
lever is operated, the condition remains at height, and then lower it to the seat.
HOLD. Repeat this operation 10 times.
Starting switch at OFF:
The hoist valve is closed and the dump body is
held in position regardless of the position of the
Engine started:
Immediately after the engine is started, the out-
put is set to HOLD, regardless of the position
of the lever.
After the lever is moved to the HOLD position,
it becomes possible to carry out normal opera-
6. Calibration function
To absorb any inherent error in the dump body
potentiometer, calibration is carried out to rec-
ognize the dump body seating and the body
cylinder stopper condition.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
1. Lever
2. Rod
3. Spring
4. Spring
5. Retainer
6. Body
7. Body
8. Bushing
9. Solenoid
10. Nut
11. Rod
12. Detent spring
13. Retainer
14. Ball
15. Seat
16. Potentiometer
17. Lever
18. Rod
19. Rod
20. Detent spring
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q When lever (1) is operated, rod (18) moves up
or down according to the amount the lever is
operated, and rotates potentiometer (16).
q The amount the control lever is operated (trav-
els) is detected by the potentiometer, and this
is sent as a signal voltage to the controller.
q One potentiometer is installed and outputs two
related signal voltages as shown in the "Output
voltage characteristics" graph.
1. Dump lever operated to FLOAT
q When LOWER rod (2) is pushed by lever (1)
and moves down, ball (14) contacts protrusion
(a) of rod (11) during the stroke. (Before start
of actuation of mechanical detent)
q When rods (2) and (11) are pushed in further,
ball (14) is being held by detent spring (12).
While pushing retainer (13) up, it escapes to
the outside, and rod (11) passes over protru-
sion (a).
q When this happens, rod (18) on the opposite
side is pushed up by spring (4). Ball (14) is
moved to the small diameter side of protrusion
(b) of rod (19) by retainer (13) that is being
held by detent spring (20).
q Even if the lever is released, rod (18) is held in
position by the pushing force of the ball and
protrusion (b) of rod (19), so the lever is held at
the FLOAT position.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01097-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01097-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Principle of calculation
1. Outline
A dump truck is supported by 4 suspension
cylinders. By measuring the total of the loads
on each cylinder, it is possible to know the load
mass on the springs of the dump truck.
The measurement of the load mass is obtained
by calculating the difference between the mass
when empty and the mass when full.
The load on each cylinder can be calculated
from the internal pressure and sectional area
of the suspension cylinder.
W = PB SB – PT (SB – ST)
W = Load bearing on suspension cylinder
PB = Bottom pressure
PT = Top pressure
SB = Cross-sectional area of cylinder
ST = Cross-sectional area of rod
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
4. Correction on slope
If the dump truck is loaded on a slope, the
measured mass is different from the mass
measured on a level ground. To solve this
problem, the longitudinal inclination of the
dump truck is measured and the measured
mass is corrected according to the inclination
angle. (Correction range of inclination angle: ±
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
Left face
4. Model selector switch 0 – F rotary selector switch According to model selector code table
5. Memory card use switch 2-stage selector switch Up : Not used Down : Used
6. Clinometer use switch 2-stage selector switch Up : Not used Down : Used
7. Mass unit setting switch 2-stage selector switch Up: t (Metric ton), Down: US ton (Short ton)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Left (1) (2)
(memory card not used)
No. 5 Bottom
(3) (4)
(memory card used)
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
(*1) When load is less than 50% of correct mass, display shows 0 t.
(*2) For details of conditions taken as dumping, see v) Content of memory (1).
(*3) The aggregate mass display is shown in units of 100 t. (Rounded to the nearest 100)
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Engine operation number Integer 1-65535 Consecutive number for operation of engine
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
e) Other data
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
f) Calibration data
a These are saved in RAM each time calibration is performed.
a The maximum limit in memory for calibration data is 15 sets.
The above data items a) – g) are retained even when the power is switched OFF.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
vi) Forced display of aggregate load mass, total x) Service check mode
number of cycles By operating the switches of payload meter ,
Forced display of existing abnormalities and it is possible to forcibly carry out display, set-
warnings ting, and correction of the following items.
By operating the TOTAL/SFT switch of payload
meter II, it is possible to carry out forcible dis- a) Detailed calibration data display
play of these items. The display shows the date, suspension
For details, see the Operation and Mainte- pressure, etc. when the latest calibration
nance Manual. was carried out.
vii) Operator check mode b) Detailed load mass calculation data dis-
By operating the switch of payload meter , it play (analog data)
is possible to carry out the following items. The display shows the suspension pres-
For details, see the Operation and Mainte- sure and machine angle used when calcu-
nance Manual. lating the present load mass.
a) Memory card dump
b) Data all clear c) Memory card dump (service area)
c) Abnormality, warning exists/cancelled, This writes all the data displayed for Items
input signal condition display 6-6 and 6-7 to the memory card inserted in
d) Machine ID setting the machine.
e) Open ID setting
f) Limit speed setting a This function is available only when the
g) Option code setting No. 5 switch on the left side of the control-
h) Time, date correction ler (memory card use switches) is set for
viii) Dimming of display portion
It is possible to adjust the brightness of the d) Data all clear (service area)
payload meter display portion to 10 levels This forcibly deletes all the calibration data
with the LIGHT/INC switch. and analog data, except for the latest cali-
bration data.
ix) Downloading saved data
It is possible to download any data recorded in a Before clearing the data, always download
payload meter to a PC through a cable the data to a PC or carry out a) Card
(ANSI/E1A RS-232C). dump.
For details, see the PC software manual pro-
vided by Komatsu. e) Input signal condition display
This displays some of the signal condi-
tions for the sensors input to payload
meter and the present recognition con-
dition of the payload meter.
f) Forced initialization
This forcibly deletes all the data in payload
meter .
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
2. Every time the CAL/CLE switch (1) is pressed, From CALO flashing Remarks
the display changes in the order shown on the Last 2 digits of year for date
right. when CAL was carried out
Month and day for date when
2 CAL was carried out
3. If MODE switch (2) is pressed at any time dur- Hour and minute for date
ing the display in Steps 1. or 2., the display will 3
when CAL was carried out
return to CHEC. (End) 4
Model selection switch (decimal
value) when CAL was carried out
5 x 98kPa P'FL (Front left) Suspension
pressure less than
6 x 98kPa P'FR (Front right) 100 x 98 kPa: XX.X
7 x 98kPa P'RL (Rear left) More than 100 x 98 kPa:
8 x 98kPa P'RR (Rear right)
t Mass on front axle Less than 100 t:
(= x/4DF2 (P'FL+P'RL)) XX.X
t Mass on rear axle More than 100 t:
10 XXX.X
(= x/4DR2 (P'RL+P'RR))
Appears when value is
Angle of tilt when CAL was negative
11 x O
180 rad carried out
(–) X.XX
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. Every time the LIGHT/INC switch (1) is pressed, From ALLO flashing or A.FUL
the display changes in the order shown on the flashing
17 ALLO flashing
Returns to (1) and
repeats sequence
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
(c) Operation for memory card dump (service area) (d) Operation for data all clear (service area)
1. Set to CHEC display, then press TOTAL/SFT 1. Set to CHEC display, then press LIGHT/INC
switch (1) switch (1) and CAL/CLEswitch (2) at the same
Display: Cd : dP time for at least 2 seconds.
Display: A : CLE
2. Press TOTAL/SFT switch (1) again.
The main display will go out and memory card 2. Press CAL/CLE switch (2).
access lamp (3) will light up. The display will become A.CLE (lighted up),
When the memory card dump operation is and when the data all clear operation is com-
completed, it will return automatically to the pleted, it will return automatically to the CHEC
CHEC display. (End) display. (End)
If it is desired to stop the memory card dump If it is desired to stop the data all clear opera-
operation when the display is Cd : dP, press tion when the display is A : CLE, presss
MODE switch (2), and the display will return to MODE witch (3), and the display will return to
CHEC without performing the memory card CHEC without performing the data all clear
dump operation. operation.
The memory card dump function can be used a Before clearing the data, download the
only when the No. 5 switch (memory card use necessary data to a PC or carry out the
switch) on the left side of the controller is set to card dump operation in Item (c).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
(e) Operation for input signal condition display (2-d) Battery charge signal condition
Display: C4:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
Engine running: C4 : oo
Engine stopped: C4 : — —
(2-e) Analog spare input 1 signal condition
Display: C5:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
X.X .... Input signal (V)
(2-f) Analog spare input 2 signal condition
Display: C6:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
X.X .... Same as C5
(2-g) Digital spare input 1 signal condition
Display: C7:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
1. Set to CHEC display, then press TOTAL/SFT
switch (1) and CAL/CLR switch (2) at the same
Hi:C7 : oo
time for at least 2 seconds.
Lo: C7 : — —
Display: S : CHE
(2-h) Digital spare input 2 signal condition
2. Every time CAL/CLR switch (1) is pressed, the
Display: C8 : XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
display changes in the order shown below.
X.X .... Same as C7
(2-a) Parking brake, brake lock switch signal condi-
(2-i) Travel speed display
tion [HD1200-1]
Display: C9 : XX
Display: C1:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
X.X .... Travel speed (km/h)
Either one ON:CL : oo
(2-j) Travel distance display
Both OFF:CL : — —
Travel distance with machine in present
(2-a’) Shift lever position signal condition
condition (empty or loaded) for that cycle
[except HD1200-1]
Display: C1: XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
XXXX .... (m)
"N":CL : oo
* If the value goes above 9999m, the display
Except "N":CL : — —
starts again from 0.
(2-b) Dump lever position signal condition
Go to next page
Display: C2:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
F. FLOAT:C2 : oo
Except FLOAT:C2 : — —
(2-c) Engine oil pressure signal condition
Display: C3:XX (lights up for 3 seconds)
Engine running:C3 : oo
Engine stopped:C3 : — —
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
(g) Operation for setting extra load mass when (h) Operation for setting load mass fixed display
loading and cycle data record value
1. Set to CHEC display, then press TOTAL/SFT 1. Set to UP : XX display, then press CAL/CLR
switch (1) and LIGHT/INC switch (2) at the switch (4)
same time for at least 2 seconds.
Display: PL : XX (present set value)
Display: S.5EL
If it is necessary to correct the setting, press
2. Press CAL/CLR switch (3). LIGHT/INC switch (2) and correct.
Display UP : XX present set value: for+: X
When the correction operation is completed,
for–: – X
press MODE switch (1) at any time to return to
If it is necessary to correct the setting, press
the CHEC display. (End)
LIGHT/INC switch (2) and correct.
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
( i ) Operation for setting loading completion recog- ( j ) Operation for setting loading start recognition
nition travel distance load mass
1. Set to PL: XX display, then press CAL/CLR 1. Set to O.SEL display, then press CAL/CLR
switch (4) switch (4)
Display: O.SEL Display: P.SEL
4. Press CAL/CLR switch (4) again. 4. Press CAL/CLR switch (4) again.
Display: XXX Display: XXXX
If it is necessary to correct the setting If it is necessary to correct the set-
for the hundreds, press LIGHT/INC ting for the thousands, press LIGHT/
switch (2) and correct. INC switch (2) and correct.
5. If CAL/CLR switch (4) is pressed again, the 5. If CAL/CLR switch (4) is pressed again, the
display will return to XXX, so it is possible to display will return to Step 3, so it is possible to
correct the units again. correct again.
6. When the correction operation from Step 1. is 6. When the correction operation from Step 1. is
completed, pressMODE switch (1) at any time completed, press MODE switch (1) at any time
to return to the CHEC display after displaying to return to the CHEC display. (End)
O.XXX (input value). (End)
If it is impossible to set the input values even If it is impossible to set the input values even
when MODE switch (1) is pressed, it displays when MODE switch (1) is pressed, it returns to
O.XXX (input value) and returns to Step 2. Step 1.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
( l ) Operation for setting display range of external 6. Press CAL/CLR switch (4) again.
display lamps
Display: E.XXX
(present value of lamp 5)
If it is necessary to correct the dis-
play range for lamp 5, press LIGHT/
INC switch (2) and correct.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. Self-diagnostic function
The controller always observes the condition of the sensors and outputs, and if any abnormality occurs,
it displays an error message.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
Saving abnormality,
warning data (PC soft- Remarks
ware display code)
— Display timing for other
than HD1200-1: Shift
lever position N
Records —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01098-02
Saving abnormality,
warning data (PC soft- Remarks
ware display code)
Records Calibration cannot be
(000-025) performed when there is
Records (000-071) —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01098-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
VHMS controller
a For details of the basic precautions, outlines,
method of sending and receiving data, and the
procedure for the initial setup, see Testing and
1. Voltage of power supply: DC20V - DC30V
2. Size (mm): W272 x D169 x H72
The VHMS controller collects and stores signals
from each sensor and signals from the machine
controller. It also gives commands for transmitting
the accumulated data through the communications
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
1. Power supply voltage: DC12V – DC30V
2. Size: W306 x D152 x H52 (mm)
Installation location
Install under assistant's seat.
Connector portion
CN1A (ORB-A): AMP070-14
CN1B (ORB-B): AMP070-10
CN2: Communications antenna cable connector
1. Type : Helical whip antenna (1)
2. Impedance : 50 z
3. Input terminal: M-P type
4. Length : 165 ± 20 mm
a : Communications antenna mount
Installation location
Install pole at right front of machine and set
antenna on top of it.
The antenna transmits the data collected and accu-
mulated by the VHMS controller through the com-
munications satellite to the computer center.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Principle of measurement
1. Outline
4. Correction on slope
If the dump truck is loaded on a slope, the
measured mass is different from the mass
measured on a level ground. To solve this
problem, the longitudinal inclination of the
dump truck is measured and the measured
mass is corrected according to the inclination
angle. (Correction range of inclination angle: ±
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
When there is not a problem in installation and wir- 4. The storage place of the data file made by the
ing of the payload meter but there are the following download software is not found.
problems, check the above setting again. a Wrong setting of the model and serial No.
1. Items related to the payload meter are not dis- with the VHMS initial setting tool.
played on the machine monitor.
5. Data cannot be downloaded.
"The payload is not displayed when the
a Wrong setting of the model, serial No.,
machine is loaded and stopped", "There are
and variation code with the VHMS initial
not the manus related to the payload meter on
setting tool.
the match marks", etc.
a Wrong setting of rotary switch 2 (SW2) of 6. Date and time of the downloaded data are
transmission controller wrong.
a Wrong setting of the date and time with
2. While the payload meter (having VHMS) is not
the VHMS initial setting tool.
set, there are the menus related to the payload
meter on the machine monitor.
a Wrong setting of rotary switch 2 (SW2) of
transmission controller
3. While the payload meter (having VHMS) is set,
the payload does not match to the lighting con-
dition of the red lamp of the outside indicator
a Wrong setting of the model and serial No.
with the VHMS initial setting tool.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
Operating method
Select "PLM" in Service mode 1 on the machine monitor.
For method of selection, see Testing and adjusting, "Special functions of machine monitor (EMMS)".
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
ii) Check that measurement of the iv) Check the input value.
weight of the empty dump truck has
been completed.
q [ ] switch:
After getting ready for drive,
press this switch and start
driving the dump truck.
q [>] switch: q [ ] switch:
Number at cursor moves for- Return to the screen for input-
ward. ting values.
q [<] switch: Drive the dump truck for about 3 min-
Number at cursor moves back- utes (at a speed higher than 8 km/h)
ward. to enter the relationship between the
q [ ] switch: Enter number at cursor. weight of the dump truck and the sus-
q [ ] switch: pension pressure under that weight.
Return to the largest position
of the number to input the
value again. If this switch is
pressed again, inputting of the
value is stopped and the previ-
ous screen appears.
q Inputtable range
43.6 [t] (Operating weight ± 13%)
(metric ton)
46.8 [t] (Operating weight ± 13%)
(metric ton)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q [
] switch:
Stop measurement and return
to the previous screen.
As measurement is executed, the q [>], [<] switches:
number of [ ] increases. When mea- Select "EMPTY WEIGHT" or
surement is finished, the next screen "LOADED WEIGHT".
appears automatically. q [ ] switch: Enter the selection.
3) Load the dump truck to measure the q [ ] switch:
weight of the fully loaded dump truck. Return to the previous screen.
If the weight of the empty dump truck
has been input and the dump truck
has been driven for about 3 minutes,
"LOADED WEIGHT" is displayed
when the menu is selected.
Check the unit of the input value. The
unit is indicated in the ( ) on the right
side of WEIGHT.
(METRIC): metric ton
(SHORT): short ton
ii) Check that measurement of the weight
of the fully loaded dump truck has
been completed.
q [ ] switch:
Return to the menu screen.
When loading is started, the menu screen
appears automatically. When indicating
the current load for reference while the
dump truck is being loaded, go out of
"Service mode 1" temporarily and return to
"Display of load/integrated odometer". On
this screen, you can check the current
4) Measure the weight of the fully loaded
dump truck with the load meter and record
it (Write it on a sheet of paper, etc.)
5) Input the measured weight of the fully q [ ] switch:
loaded dump truck and drive the dump Check that measurement has
truck for about 3 minutes. been completed and go to the
next step.
q [ ] switch:
Return to the previous screen.
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
iii) Input the measured weight of the fully v) Move the dump truck to a place where
loaded dump truck. you can drive it for about 3 minutes.
[>] switch:
q q [] switch:
Number at cursor moves for- After getting ready for drive,
ward. press this switch and start
q [<] switch: driving the dump truck.
Number at cursor moves q [ ] switch:
backward. Return to the screen for input-
q [ ] switch: Enter number at cursor. ting values.
q [ ] switch: Drive the dump truck for about 3 min-
Return to the largest position utes (at a speed higher than 8 km/h)
of the number to input the to enter the relationship between the
value again. If this switch is weight of the dump truck and the sus-
pressed again, inputting of the pension pressure under that weight.
value is stopped and the previ- vi) Display the progress of measure-
ous screen appears. ment.
a Inputtable range
HD465-7: A1 ± (A1 x 0.25) (metric ton)
A1 ={43.6 [t] (Operating weight) + 46 [t]
(Load capacity)}
A2 ± (A2 x 0.25) (metric ton)
A2 ={46.8 [t] (Operating weight) + 63 [t]
(Load capacity)}
iv) Check the input value.
q [] switch:
Stop measurement and return
to the previous screen.
As measurement is executed, the
number of [ ] increases. When mea-
surement is finished, the next screen
appears automatically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6) Dump the load in the dump area. 3. Correction of level of inclination sensor
1) Move the dump truck to a level place.
2) Input the clinometer reading (F) at the cur-
rent position and that (R) after turning 180
degrees (stopping it in the opposite direc-
tion) on the same position and use the
average value as the standard level.
i) Enter value of (F).
q [ ] switch:
Return to the menu screen.
If the load is dumped with the dump lever,
the menu screen appears automatically.
If the load is dumped normally, correction
is finished.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
iv) Enter the standard level value. 4. Setting of criterion of maximum travel speed
q [<] switch: Select "YES". Input a criterion of the maximum travel speed
q [>] switch: Select "NO". by pressing the following switches
q [ ] switch: Enter. q [>] switch:
Number at cursor moves forward.
q [<] switch:
Number at cursor moves backward.
q [ ] switch: Enter number at cursor.
q [ ] switch: Stop inputting number.
The setting range is 0 – 99 km/h (0 – 62 MPH).
(Default: 99 km/h)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
5. Setting of payload to recognize start of load- 6. Setting of indication range of outside indi-
ing cator lamps
Input a payload to recognize start of loading by Input an indication range of the outside indica-
pressing the following switches tor lamps by pressing the following switches
q [>] switch: q [>] switch:
Number at cursor moves forward. Number at cursor moves forward.
q [<] switch: q [<] switch:
Number at cursor moves backward. Number at cursor moves backward.
q [ ] switch: Enter number at cursor. q [ ] switch: Enter number at cursor.
q [ ] switch: Stop inputting number. q [ ] switch: Stop inputting number.
The setting range is 0 – 25.5%. a The setting range is 0 – 130% of the load
(Default: 15%) capacity.
a This function does not assure the operation Set (A) (Yellow lamp) higher than (G)
because of the contrary phenomena shown (Green lamp) and set (R) (Red lamp)
below. higher than (A) (Yellow lamp), however.
q If the value is reduced, start of loading
may be recognized wrongly.
q If the value is increased and a loader hav-
ing a small-capacity bucket is used, the
forecast function of the outside indicator
lamps and the MMS communication may
not operate normally.
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Functions of communicating with external devices for purposes other than downloading
The following 2 functions of communicating with external devices are installed. They use the RS232C com-
munication port which is installed to download the data of the payload meter.
1. Automatic transmission
When dumping is finished, the data of the concerned cycle are transmitted automatically.
The data saved in the payload meter can be made by accumulating the above cycle data with the sys-
tem on the user side.
2. MMS communication
If the mass of a bucketful is recognized, the load mass at that time is transmitted automatically.
If the final load mass (hauled load mass of the concerned cycle) is entered, its value is transmitted auto-
Upon receiving a request command, the load mass is transmitted in real time.
RS232C is used for only the selected one of data downloading, automatic transmission, and MMS communi-
q Specifications of RS232C connection
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data length: 8 bits
Stop bit: 2 bits
Parity: Not applied
Flow control: Not executed
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
When one of 02h (STX), 03h (ETX), and 10h (DLE) is included in the data
Original frame
STX (02h) ••• STX (02h) ••• ETX (03h) BCC
Transmitted frame
STX (02h) ••• DLE (10h) STX (02h) ••• ETX (03h) BCC
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Automatic transmission
(a) Timing of transmission
The operation data of the concerned cycle are transmitted automatically when the concerned cycle
data are entered (when dumping is finished).
(b) Contents of communication
Format (VHMS controller External device)
STX (02h) [1] ETX (03h) BCC
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
q MMS communication
Transmission of unit distinction setting
(a) Timing of transmission
After the VHMS controller is started by turning the key to the ON position, it transmits the unit dis-
tinction setting information automatically.
(b) Contents of communication
Format (VHMS controller )
STX (02h) [1] [2] ETX (03h) BCC
STX (02h) NAK (15h) 31H (ASCII 1) ETX (03h) BCC
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
STX (02h) NAK (15h) 31H (ASCII 1) ETX (03h) BCC
STX (02h) NAK (15h) 31H (ASCII 1) ETX (03h) BCC
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
ANA 1 Unused 0
ANA 2 Unused 0
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
STX (02h) NAK (15h) ETX (03h) BCC
STX (02h) NAK (15h) ETX (03h) BCC
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Sensors, switches 1
Engine speed sensor
1. Magnet Function
2. Locknut q The engine speed sensor is installed to the
3. Wiring harness ring gear of the flywheel housing. It uses the
4. Connector rotation of the gear teeth to generate a pulse
voltage and transmits a signal to the transmis-
sion controller.
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
Accelerator sensor
HD465-7E0 Serial No. 10001 – 10037, 10101 – 10204
HD605-7E0 Serial No. 8001 – 8032, 10101 – 10201
1. Pedal
2. Connector
Accelerator signal Idle validation signal
q This is installed under the operator’s cab. The q This is installed under the operator’s cab.
accelerator pedal and accelerator sensor are When the accelerator pedal is released, signal
connected by a link. When the accelerator 2 (No. 5 pin) is connected to the ground; when
pedal is depressed, the movement is passed the accelerator pedal is depressed, signal 3
through the link and rotates the shaft of the (No. 6 pin) is connected to the ground.
potentiometer inside the accelerator sensor. The engine controller then detects the condi-
As a result, the resistance changes. A fixed tion.
voltage is impressed between the No. 1 – 3
pins of the potentiometer. A voltage signal cor-
responding to the angle of the accelerator
pedal is sent from the No. 2 pin to the engine
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Pedal 3. Sensor
2. Connector
• This sensor is installed on the surface of the
floor. It outputs the accelerator signal or idle val-
idation signal depending on the accelerator Output characteristics
pressing angle.
Accelerator signal
• Magnitude of the accelerator pedal displace-
ment being detected by the potentiometer in-
side the sensor is output in variable voltage from
No. 2 pin.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
1. Thermistor Function
2. Plug q The retarder oil temperature sensor is installed
3. Wiring harness on the retarder pipe. It converts a temperature
4. Connector change into a change of thermistor resistance,
and transmits a signal to the transmission con-
troller. The transmission controller transmits
the signal via the network to the machine mon-
itor panel, and the machine monitor panel dis-
plays a temperature level. The temperature
level displayed on the monitor panel reaches a
predetermined position, the lamp flashes and
the warning buzzer sounds.
q The steering oil temperature sensor is installed
to the steering and hoist piping. The sensor
portion detects the temperature, and when the
oil temperature goes above the specified level,
the warning lamps lights up and a message is
displayed on the character display of the mon-
itor panel.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Float Function
2. Sensor q This sensor is installed to the top of the radia-
3. Connector tor, and when the coolant level goes below the
specified level, the float goes down and the
switch goes OFF. The maintenance caution
lamp lights up and the character display shows
message to warn of abnormality.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
1. Connector Function
2. Float q The fuel sensor is installed to the side face of
3. Arm the fuel tank. The float moves up and down
4. Body according to the fuel level. This movement of
5. Spring the float is transmitted by the arm and actuates
6. Contact a variable resistance. This sends a signal to
7. Spacer the monitor panel to indicate the remaining fuel
level. When the display of the monitor panel
reaches a certain level, a warning lamp
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Body Function
2. Tube q This sensor are installed to each filter, and
3. Connector when the filter becomes clogged, and the dif-
ference in pressure between the low-pressure
A : Low pressure pickup port side and high-pressure side reaches the speci-
B : High pressure pickup port fied pressure, the switch goes OFF. The main-
tenance caution lamp lights up and the
character display shown message to warn of
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
1. Indicator Function
2. Spring q The air cleaner clogging sensor is installed to
3. Adapter the outward port of the air cleaner. If the air
cleaner becomes clogged and reaches the set
pressure (negative pressure), the maintenance
caution lamp lights up and character display
shows message to warn of the abnormality.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Bearing Function
2. Brush Assembly q The body position sensor is installed to the
3. Connector rear of the chassis. When the angle of the
dump body changes, the shaft rotates through
the link installed to the dump body, and the
dump body angle is detected.
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
1. Sensor Function
2. Connector q The accumulator oil pressure sensor is
installed to the accumulator piping on the right
side of the machine and its sensor section
senses the oil pressure. If the oil pressure low-
ers below the set level, the warning lamp lights
up and the message is indicated on the char-
acter display of the monitor panel.
1. Piston Function
2. Body q The steering oil pressure switch is installed to
3. Switch the steering and hoist piping. While the engine
4. Connector is running, if the steering circuit oil pressure
lowers below the set level, the steering oil
pressure switch operates the electric pump to
secure the oil pressure for steering.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Tilt switch
1. Magnet Function
2. Plate q If the chassis tilts to the left or right, the disc
3. Gasket magnet moves to the left or right. If the chas-
4. Print card sis tilts into the roll-over danger range, either
5. Bracket the left or right switch is turned OFF. If the
6. Plate dump lever is operated to the RAISE position
7. Plate in this condition, the lamp lights up and the
8. Plate buzzer sounds to warn of the danger.
9. Connector
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
q A round disc with teeth like a comb is installed
to the steering column. As this disc passes
through the slit in the sensor, the sensor out-
puts a pulse signal. The suspension controller
can obtain the steering speed from the number
of pulses per time.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Sensor Function
2. Tube q The suspension oil pressure switch is installed
3. Connector to the suspension cylinder. If the pressure
supplied through the pressure inlet is applied
to the diaphragm of the pressure sensor sec-
tion, the diaphragm is deflected and deformed.
A bridge consisting of strain gauges is installed
on the opposite side of the diaphragm. If the
diaphragm is deflected, the resistance of the
strain gauges changes. A constant voltage is
applied to the strain gauges and the change of
the resistance of the strain gauges is sent as a
change of voltage to the amplifier. The ampli-
fier amplifies the change of the voltage and
outputs it to the controller.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
Pressure sensor
1. Sensor
2. Tube
3. Connector
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Clinometer (for payload meter ) Lamp drive relay (for payload meter )
To carry out compensation on slopes, the clinome- The external display lamps are driven by a signal
ter measures the tilt angle of the chassis in the from the payload meter.
front-to-rear direction.
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
The engine oil temperature sensor is installed to
the engine oil filter. It inputs the change in tempera-
ture to the VHMS controller as a change in the
resistance of the thermistor.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
The exhaust temperature sensor is a thermoelectric
type temperature sensor. It is installed to the turbo-
charger inlet port and outputs the exhaust tempera-
ture data to the VHMS controller.
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01099-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01099-03 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 01-08 (02)
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
Engine SAA6D170E-5
Exhaust temperature • Whole speed range (Ambient tempera- °C Max. 680 Max. 700
ture: 20 °C)
At sudden Max. 25 Max. 35
• Engine coolant temper- acceleration (Bosch
(Max. 2.5) (Max. 3.5)
Exhaust gas color ature: Within operating index)
range Bosch
At high idle Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0
Intake valve mm 0.32 —
Valve clearance • Normal temperature
Exhaust valve mm 0.62 —
• Engine oil temperature:
Compression 40 – 60 °C Compression MPa Min. 2.94 Min. 2.1
pressure • Engine speed: pressure {kg/cm²} {Min. 30} {Min. 21}
210 – 250 rpm
• Engine coolant temperature: Within oper-
ating range
Blow-by gas pres- kPa Max. 3.43 Max. 12.29
sure • Power train oil temperature: Within oper- {mmH2O} {Max. 350} {Max. 1,320}
ating range
• When torque converter is stalling
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
Engine SAA6D170E-5
Oil temperature • Whole speed range (Inside oil pan) °C 90 – 110 MAx. 120
Fan belt tension • Between drive pulley and driven pulley mm (Automatic —
Alternator belt and —
air conditioner com- • Between drive pulley and driven pulley mm (Automatic —
pressor belt tension adjustment)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
29.5 ± 5 % 29.5 ± 5 %
F4 • Transmission oil tempera-
Max. speed at each (27.0 ± 5 %) (27.0 ± 5 %)
ture: 60 – 80 °C km/h
gear speed 39.0 ± 5 % 39.0 ± 5 %
F5 • Mode: Power mode
(Econormy mode) (36.0 ± 5 %) (36.0 ± 5 %)
• Body: When unloaded 52.5 ± 10 % 52.5 ± 10 %
• Travel resistance 3.3 % (48.0 ± 10 %) (48.0 ± 10 %)
• Standard tire 70.0 ± 10 % 70.0 ± 10 %
(63.5 ± 10 %) (63.5 ± 10 %)
12.0 ± 5 % 12.0 ± 5 %
(11.0 ± 5 %) (11.0 ± 5 %)
F1 o F2
F2 o F3
Shift up
F3 o F4
(Acceleration : small)
2,070 ± 50 2,070 ± 50
F4 o F5
Accelerator full
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
F5 o F4 1,400 ± 50 1,400 ± 50
F4 o F3
F3 o F2
F2 o F1 1,330 ± 35 1,330 ± 35
F1 o F2 2,070 ± 50 2,070 ± 50
F2 o F3
Shift up
F3 o F4
(Acceleration : large)
Automatic shift control
F4 o F5 1,950 ± 50 1,950 ± 50
Accelerator full
F6 o F7 range
F7 o F6 • Transmission oil tempera- rpm
F6 o F5 ture: 60 – 80 °C
Shift down
F3 o F4
Accelerator partial
F4 o F5
1,750 ± 50 1,750 ± 50
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
1,200 ± 35 1,200 ± 35
F5 o F4
F4 o F3
F3 o F2 1,250 ± 35 1,250 ± 35
F2 o F1 1,330 ± 35 1,330 ± 35
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
Shift up
(Acceleration : small) F3 o F4
2,070 ± 50 2,070 ± 50
F4 o F5
Accelerator full
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
F5 o F4 1,350 ± 35 1,350 ± 35
F4 o F3
F3 o F2
F2 o F1 1,330 ± 35 1,330 ± 35
F1 o F2 2,070 ± 50 2,070 ± 50
F2 o F3
Shift up
Economy mode (Loaded: *1)
F3 o F4
(Acceleration : large)
Automatic shift control
F4 o F5 1,935 ± 50 1,935 ± 50
Accelerator full
F3 o F4
Accelerator partial
F4 o F5
1,750 ± 50 1,750 ± 50
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
1,200 ± 35 1,200 ± 35
F5 o F4
F4 o F3
F3 o F2 1,250 ± 35 1,250 ± 35
F2 o F1 1,330 ± 35 1,330 ± 35
*1: The truck is recognized to be loaded when the rear suspension gas pressure is 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm²} or
higher (The load is about 137.3 kN {14 ton} or more).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
F4 o F5 1,935 ± 50 1,935 ± 50
Accelerator full
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
F5 o F4 1,300 ± 35 1,300 ± 35
F4 o F3
F3 o F2
F2 o F1 1,250 ± 35 1,250 ± 35
F1 o F2 2,000 ± 50 2,000 ± 50
Economy mode (Unloaded: *2)
F2 o F3
Shift up
Automatic shift control
F3 o F4
(Acceleration : large)
F3 o F4
Accelerator partial
1,200 ± 35 1,200 ± 35
F5 o F4
F4 o F3
F3 o F2
1,250 ± 35 1,250 ± 35
F2 o F1
*2: The truck is recognized to be unloaded when the rear suspension gas pressure is below 9.8 MPa {100
kg/cm²} (The load is below about 137.3 kN {14 ton} or more).
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
1,200 ± 35 1,200 ± 35
F5 o F4
Automatic shift control
F4 o F3
F3 o F2 1,250 ± 35 1,250 ± 35
F2 o F1 1,550 ± 50 1,550 ± 50
F1 o F2
F2 o F3
Shift up
F3 o F4 rpm
2,450 ± 50 2,450 ± 50
F4 o F5
Braking mode
F5 o F6
F6 o F7
F7 o F6
F6 o F5
Shift down
F5 o F4
1,550 ± 50 1,550 ± 50
F4 o F3
F3 o F2
F2 o F1
F1, F2 • Engine coolant tempera- 1,300 – 1,500 1,300 – 1,500
Auto lock-up
Engine speed
F3 2,560 2,560
Set F4 2,530 2,530
F5 2,510 2,510
F6 2,500 2,500
Reset F1 – F7, R 2,350 2,350
Overrun Set F1 – F7, R 2,550 2,550
alarm Reset F1 – F7, R 2,300 2,300
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
– 110 °C
Torque • Hydraulic oil
converter temperature:
speed 45 – 55 °C
a For details of
At inspection with engine the engine
B mode
mode fixing function set mode fixing rpm 1,860 ± 100 1,860 ± 100
by machine monitor function, see
Testing and
functions of
(EMMS), [18]
Engine mode C mode
1,820 ± 100 1,820 ± 100
fixing func-
tion (FIX
*3: Means that the truck is loaded (The rear suspension gas pressure is 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm²} or higher
(The load is about 137.3 kN {14 ton} or more)).
*4: Means that the truck is unloaded (The rear suspension gas pressure is below 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm²}
(The load is below about 137.3 kN {14 ton} or more)).
*5: Details of each mode (When mode A – C is selected, the following is set)
Mode setting Condition (*) Rated output High idle speed
Mode A Power mode When loaded/When unloaded 552 kW {740 HP}/2,000 rpm 2,270 rpm
Mode B Economy mode High load condition (When loaded) 524 kW {703 HP}/2,000 rpm 2,270 rpm
Mode C Economy mode Low load condition (When unloaded) 500 kW {670 HP}/1,900 rpm 2,200 rpm
*: Remarks
q When loaded: When the rear suspension gas pressure is ensured to be 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm²} or
higher (the load is about 137.3 kN {14 ton} or more), the truck is recognized to be loaded.
q When unloaded: When the rear suspension gas pressure is ensured to be below 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm²}
(the load is below about 137.3 kN {14 ton}), the truck is recognized to be unloaded.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
Accelerator pedal mm from ful- {kg} {6.0 (+0.5/-1.0)} {6.0 (+0.5/-1.0)}
crum of pedal Starting to
Stroke depress mm 45 ± 5 45 ± 5
o Full
Operating NoD N
Max. 29.4 {3.0} Max. 29.4 {3.0}
farce Do6 {kg}
• At center of 6o5
Shift lever
knob 5o4
Stroke 3o2 mm 24.5 ± 1 24.5 ± 2
Inlet oil 0.74 ± 0.05 0.74 ± 0.05
pressure {7.5 ± 0.5} {7.5 ± 0.5}
Oil pressure
• Oil temperature: 80 °C
Outlet oil MPa 0.59 ± 0.05 0.59 ± 0.05
Torque convertor • Engine speed: 2,000 rpm {kg/cm²}
pressure {6.0 ± 0.5} {6.0 ± 0.5}
(Rated speed)
Lock-up oil 1.67 ± 0.2 1.67 ± 0.2
pressure {17.0 ± 2.0} {17.0 ± 2.0}
3.68 ± 0.2 3.68 ± 0.2
oil pressure
Main relief
F1 – F3, R
{37.5 ± 2.0} {37.5 ± 2.0}
2.28 ± 0.2 2.28 ± 0.2
F4 – F7
{23.2 ± 2.0} {23.2 ± 2.0}
1.91 ± 0.2 1.91 ± 0.2
Lo cluch
{19.5 ± 2.0} {19.5 ± 2.0}
Control valve set pressure
36PR (Front,
(HD465- {4.75 ± 0.1} {4.75 ± 0.1}
rear wheel) MPa
Tire 7E0) • Machine unloaded {kg/cm²}
Standard 24.00R35
0.69 ± 0.01 0.69 ± 0.01
(HD605- (Front, rear
{7.0 ± 0.1} {7.0 ± 0.1}
7E0) wheel)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
• With 55 t payload
• With 63 t payload °
Braking capacity 11.5 11.5
(HD605-7E0) (degree)
Parking brake
Starting test • Torque converter stall rpm Min. 1,670 Min. 1,670
• Machine can be stopped
at standard value
Releasing pressure (See "Brake") (See "Brake")
• On flat dry load surface
Front • When unloaded 249 ± 10 249 ± 20
• Dimension see Fig. 1 in
Installed "A"
length • On flat dry load surface
Suspension cylinder
• Engine stop
Play • Dimension on periphery mm Max. 135 Max. 135
of grip
Steering wheel
speed: At Max. 5.2 Max. 5.2
• Lock o Lock 750 rpm
• Steering
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
Operating force
{kg} {24 ± 3.0} {24 ± 3.0}
Brake pedal
Operating force
{kg} {30 ± 3.0} {30 ± 3.0}
brake pedal
Cut-in pressure
• Oil temperature: {145 (+5/0)} {145 (+5/0)}
45 – 55 °C
{kg/cm²} 20.6 (+0.98/0) 20.6 (+0.98/0)
Cut-out pressure • High idle
{210 (+10/0)} {210 (+10/0)}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
tion pressure
Front: With 55 t
service brake
• Dry flat road
Braking distance with service brake
Stopping distance
when emergency • Initial speed: 32 km/h m Max. 52.1 Max. 52.1
brake is applied • With 55 t payload
• With 63 t payload
Servise brake • Empty machine Max. 1,870 Max. 1,870
Retarder • Concrete road
At brake • At max. brake operation Max. 1,400 Max. 1,400
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
20 Standard value table SEN01649-03
Operating force
Float o Hold
crum) {Max. 3.0} {Max. 3.0}
Lever must Lever must
Lower o
reset itself reset itself
automatically automatically
Float o Max. 29.4 Max. 29.4
Lower {Max. 3.0} {Max. 3.0}
Raise o Hold 23.5 ± 1 23.5 ± 1
Hold o Float
° 10.5 ± 1 10.5 ± 1
Lower o
13.0 ± 1 13.0 ± 1
Relief 20.1 – 21.1 19.6 – 22.6
Oil pressure
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01649-03 20 Standard value table
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
-101 – 200 kPa
799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit 1
Testing intake air pressure {-760 – 1,500 mmHg}
(boost pressure) Type I, coupler type
799-401-2220 Hose 1
(when necessary)
799-101-1502 Digital thermometer 1 -99.9 – 1,299 °C
Testing exhaust
B 6215-11-8171 Sensor 1 Wire length: 490 mm
799-201-1110 Wiring harness 1
1 799-201-9001 Handy smoke checker 1
Testing exhaust color C Bosch index: 0 – 9
2 795-502-1350 Smoke meter 1
Commercially Intake: 0.32 mm
Adjusting valve clearance D Thickness gauge 1
available Exhaust: 0.62 mm
1 795-502-1590 Compression gauge 1 0 – 7 MPa {0 – 70 kg/cm²}
795-611-1220 Adapter 1
Testing compression 2
E 6261-71-6150 Gasket 1
795-799-5410 Adapter 1
795-799-5420 Remover 1
Testing blow-by pressure F 1 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker 1 0 – 5 kPa {0 – 500 mmH2O}
Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1
{25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Pressure gauge:
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
Testing engine oil 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
pressure Pressure gauge:
2 799-401-2320 Hydraulic tester 1
1 MPa {10 kg/cm²}
799-101-5230 Nipple 1 14 × 1.5 mm
G 6215-81-7920 O-ring 1
795T-690-1110 Block 1 Refer to the sketch of special tool
4 01435-00835 Bolt 2
Testing drive oil pressure 07000-E2012 O-ring 3
of EGR valve and bypass Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
valve 5 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1
{25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Pressure gauge:
6 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1
{25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Pressure gauge:
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
Testing fuel pressure H 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
2 799-101-5160 Nipple 1
Pressure gauge:
3 799-401-2320 Gauge 1
1 MPa {10 kg/cm²}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
1 6167-11-6640 Spacer 1 Inside diameter: 10 mm
2 6206-71-1770 Joint 1 Inside diameter of joint: 10 mm
3 Hose 1 ø5 mm × 2 – 3 m
Measurement of leakage available
through pressure limiter Commercially
J 4 Hose 1 ø15 mm × 2 – 3 m
and return rate from available
5 Measuring cylinder 1
6 Stopwatch 1
Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 1
(Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Testing power train oil Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge:
790-261-1204 1
pressure (Digital) 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
799-101-5220 Nipple 1
2 M10 × 1.25
07002-11023 O-ring 1
Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 1
(Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Testing brake oil pressure Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge:
799-261-1204 1
(Digital) 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
599-35-43561 Nipple 1 18 × 1.5 (Female: PT 1/8)
K Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 1
Testing steering, hoist oil (Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
pressure circuit Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge:
790-261-1204 1
(Digital) 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
799-101-5002 1
(Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm²}
Oil pressure gauge KIT Pressure gauge:
790-261-1204 1
Testing dump EPC oil (Digital) 60 MPa {600 kg/cm²}
pressure circuit 4 799-101-5230 Nipple 1 14 × 1.5
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
At raise of emergency
M 792T-491-1110 Plug 1 Refer to the sketch of special tool
dump body
1 799-608-3211 Discket 1
Initial set up of VHMS con- 2 799-608-3220 Harness 1
troller and, at repair set up Commercially Lap top type personal OS: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP
3 1
available computer Terminal "RS232C" is with it
1 792-610-1700 Gas charge tool 1
792-610-1310 Nipple (For Russia) 1 GOST
792-610-1320 Nipple (For USA) 1 CGA No. 351
792-610-1330 Nipple (For USA) 1
Gas pressure check and B-571-1965
filling of the accumulator 2 DIN 477-1963
NEN 3268-1966
792-610-1350 Nipple (For Germany) 1
792-610-1360 Nipple (For UK) 1
Part 1-1962
or T-adapter assembly 1
For DRC60, ECONO-60P (Does not
• T-box for DRC60,
799-601-4350 1 include in assembly No.799-601-
For RACKARD-2P (Engine (CRI-T3)
coolant temperature sensor)
• Socket for engine (CRI- For RACKARD-2P (Engine (CRI-T3)
795-799-5530 1
T3) fuel temperature sensor)
For RACKARD-2P (Engine (CRI-T3)
oil temperature sensor)
• Socket for engine (CRI- For RACKARD-2P (Engine (CRI-T3)
795-799-5540 1
T3) boost temperature sensor)
• Socket for engine (CRI- For AMP-3P (Engine (CRI-T3) ambi-
Diagnosis for engine 799-601-4240 1
T3) ent pressure sensor)
related controller, sensor, –
• Socket for engine (CRI- For SUMITOMO-3P (Engine (CRI-
actuator and harness 799-601-4250 1
T3) T3) boost pressure sensor)
• Socket for engine (CRI- For SUMITOMO-3P (Engine (CRI-
799-601-4330 1
T3) T3) G (Bkup) sensor)
For SUMITOMO-2P (Engine (CRI-
• Socket for engine (CRI-
799-601-9430 1 T3) supply pump PCV1 and PCV2
• T-adapter for engine For FRAMATOME-3P (Engine (CRI-
799-601-4130 1
(CRI-T3) T3) NE sensor)
• T-adapter for engine For FRAMATOME-3P (Engine (CRI-
799-601-4150 1
(CRI-T3) T3) oil pressure sensor)
• T-adapter for engine For AMP-3P (Engine (CRI-T3) com-
799-601-9420 1
(CRI-T3) mon rail pressure sensor)
For DRC-50P (Engine (CRI-T3) con-
• T-adapter for engine
799-601-4211 1 troller) (Does not include in assem-
(CRI-T3) controller
bly No.799-601-4201)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
For DRC-60P (Engine (CRI-T3) con-
• T-adapter for engine
799-601-4220 1 troller) (Does not include in assem-
(CRI-T3) controller
bly No.799-601-4201)
• T-adapter for engine For DTP-40P (Engine (CRI-T3) con-
799-601-4260 1
Diagnosis for engine (CRI-T3) controller troller)
related controller, sensor, – For DT-4P (Include in assembly
actuator and harness 799-601-9040 • T-adapter for DT 1 No.799-601-9000 and 799-601-
9200, too)
For DT-2P (Include in assembly
799-601-9020 • T-adapter for DT 1 No.799-601-9000 and 799-601-
9200, too)
799-601-7100 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-2600 • T-box for ECONO 1 For ECONO-21P
For MIC-21P (Include in assembly
799-601-2740 • T-adapter for MIC 1
No.799-601-2700, too)
or T-adapter assembly 1
For DT-2P (Include in assembly
799-601-9020 • T-adapter for DT 1 No.799-601-9000 and 799-601-
9200, too)
For DT-4P (Include in assembly
799-601-9040 • T-adapter for DT 1 No.799-601-9000 and 799-601-
9200, too)
Diagnosis for chassis
related controller, sensor, – For DRC60, ECONO-60P (Does not
• T-box for DRC60,
actuator and harness 799-601-4350 1 include in assembly No.799-601-
or T-adapter assembly 1
For M-1P (Does not include in
799-601-7080 • T-adapter for M 1 assembly No.799-601-7000, 799-
799-601-7090 • T-adapter for M 1 For M-2P
799-601-7110 • T-adapter for M 1 For M-3P
799-601-7120 • T-adapter for M 1 For M-4P
799-601-7130 • T-adapter for M 1 For M-6P
799-601-7170 • T-adapter for S (Blue) 1 For S-16P (Blue)
For SWP-8P (Does not include in
799-601-7060 • T-adapter for SWP 1
assembly No.799-601-8000)
799-601-7020 • T-adapter for X 1 For X-2P
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
799-601-7030 • T-adapter for X 1 For X-3P
799-601-7040 • T-adapter for X 1 For X-4P
or T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-9250 • T-adapter for HD30/24 1 For HD30/24-9P
799-601-9280 • T-adapter for HD30/24 1 For HD30/24-23P
799-601-9290 • T-adapter for HD30/24 1 For HD30/24-31P
For ECONO-24P (Include in assem-
799-601-9320 • T-box for ECONO 1
bly No.799-601-9300, too)
or T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-9030 • T-adapter for DT 1 For DT-3P
799-601-9050 • T-adapter for DT 1 For DT-6P
799-601-9060 • T-adapter for DT (Gray) 1 For DT-8P (Gray)
• T-adapter for DT
799-601-9070 1 For DT-8P (Black)
• T-adapter for DT
799-601-9080 1 For DT-8P (Green)
• T-adapter for DT
799-601-9090 1 For DT-8P (Brown)
Diagnosis for chassis 799-601-9110 • T-adapter for DT (Gray) 1 For DT-12P (Gray)
related controller, sensor, –
• T-adapter for DT
actuator and harness 799-601-9120 1 For DT-12P (Black)
• T-adapter for DT
799-601-9130 1 For DT-12P (Green)
• T-adapter for DT
799-601-9140 1 For DT-12P (Brown)
799-601-7400 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-7180 • T-adapter for AMP040 1 For AMP040-8P
799-601-7500 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-7510 • T-adapter for 070 1 For 070-10P
799-601-7520 • T-adapter for 070 1 For 070-12P
799-601-7530 • T-adapter for 070 1 For 070-14P
799-601-7540 • T-adapter for 070 1 For 070-18P
799-601-7550 • T-adapter for 070 1 For 070-20P
799-601-8000 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-7330 • T-adapter for S (White) 1 For S-16P (White)
799-601-9300 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-9360 • T-adapter for DRC 1 For DRC-24P (Pump controller)
799-601-9350 • T-adapter for DRC 1 For DRC-40P (Pump controller)
Out of kit (No assembly No.)
799-601-7320 T-adapter for SWP 1 For SWP-16P
799-601-7340 T-adapter for M 1 For M-8P
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
Diagnosis for chassis 799-601-7360 T-adapter for RELAY 1 For REL-5P
related controller, sensor, –
actuator and harness 799-601-7370 T-adapter for RELAY 1 For REL-6P
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
G4 Block
M Plug
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
1. Preparation work
Turn the starting switch ON and set the
machine monitor (EMMS) in the "Monitoring
function of service mode" to prepare for testing
of the engine speed.
q Monitoring system: ENGINE
q Monitoring code: 01002 (ENG SPEED)
a For the operating method, see "Special
functions of machine monitor (EMMS)".
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing of compression pressure1 6. Remove holder (8), adapter and injector (9).
a Testing instrument
Symbol Part No. Part name
1 795-502-1590 Compression gauge
795-611-1220 Adapter
E 6261-71-6150 Gasket
795-799-5410 Adapter
795-799-5420 Remover
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
Testing blow-by pressure 1 a After completing the testing, run the en-
gine at low idle, then return the gearshift
a Testing instrument lever to the N position.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
Testing EGR valve and bypass 3. Install EGR valve drive oil supply tube (1) to
the top of tool G4 and tighten flange mounting
valve drive oil pressure 1 bolts (2) on the EGR valve side.
3 Flange mounting bolt (2):
a Testing instruments for EGR valve and bypass
valve drive oil pressure 27 – 34 Nm {2.8 – 3.5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing of fuel pressure 1 4. Install fuel and air bleeder piping (1) again.
a Testing instrument
Symbol Part number Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
2 799-101-5160 Nipple
3 799-401-2320 Gauge
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
2. Testing of leakage from pressure limiter 4) After the engine speed is stabilized, mea-
1) Lay test hose J3 so that it will not slacken sure the return rate in 1 minute with mea-
and put its end in the oil pan. suring cylinder J5.
2) Referring to "Testing of engine speed", a You may measure for 20 seconds and
prepare for testing of the engine speed. judge by multiplying the result by 3.
3) Start the engine and keep its speed to a If the supply pump is not supplying
rated speed. fuel, the engine speed may not rise.
In this case, record the engine speed,
4) After the engine speed is stabilized, mea-
too, during the measurement.
sure the leakage in 1 minute with measur-
a If the return rate (spill) from the injec-
ing cylinder J5.
tor is in the following standard range,
a You may measure for 20 seconds and
it is normal.
judge by multiplying the result by 3.
a If the leakage from the pressure lim- Rated output speed Limit of return rate
iter is in the following standard range, (rpm) (spill) (cc/min)
it is normal. 1,600 960
Measurement Leakage 1,700 1,020
condition (cc/min) 1,800 1,080
Rated speed Max. 10 1,900 1,140
2,000 1,200
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Bleeding air from fuel circuit 1 a The electric priming pump has a timer in it
to start and stop itself automatically (See
a Bleed air from the fuel circuit in the following the following figure).
cases according to this procedure. a The electric priming pump stops while the
q When the fuel filter is replaced lamp is blinking. This phenomenon is not
q When fuel is used up abnormal, however.
q When the engine is started for the first a If the switch is turned to the "OFF" position
time after the fuel piping or supply pump is while the lamp is blinking, the lamp goes
replaced off and the electric priming pump stops.
k While the electric priming pump is op-
a If the fuel filter was replaced, do not fill the
main filter and prefilter with the fuel. eration, pressure is applied to the fuel
circuit. Do not loosen the air bleeding
plug at this time, since the fuel may
1. Turn the starting switch to the "OFF" position.
spout out.
2. Check that the fuel valve on the fuel tank side
is open.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
9. Start the engine with the starting motor. Testing the fuel circuit for leakage1
a Do not operate the starting motor continu-
ously for more than 20 seconds. k Very high pressure is generated in the high-
q After starting the engine, run it at low pressure circuit of the fuel system. If fuel
idle for about 5 minutes to bleed all air leaks while the engine is running, it is dan-
from the fuel circuit. gerous since it can catch fire.
q Stop the engine and check that the air a After testing the fuel system or removing and
bleeding valve is closed. installing its components, check for fuel leak-
10. If the engine does not start, try to start it again age according to the following procedure.
according to the following procedure.
k When starting the engine, check that there
1. Spray color checker (developer) over the sup-
ply pump, common rail, injector, and joints of
is no person around it.
the high-pressure piping.
a Carry out the work with the air bleeding
valve closed. (Do not open the air bleed-
2. Run the engine at a speed less than 1,000 rpm
ing valve after step 7.)
and stop it after its rotation is stabilized.
a After the engine fails to start, wait for
about 2 minutes before trying to start
3. Check the fuel piping and the devices for fuel
1) Turn the electric priming pump switch ON. a Check the high-pressure circuit parts con-
2) While the electric priming pump is operat- centrating on the areas coated with the
ing, crank the engine. color checker, for fuel leakage.
q If the engine does not start, repeat the a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
above operation. and test again from step 1.
a Do not operate the starting motor continu-
ously for more than 20 seconds. 4. Run the engine at low idle.
a If the engine fails to start, wait for about 2
minutes and try to start again. 5. Check the fuel piping and the devices for fuel
3) After starting the engine, run it at low idle leakage.
for about 5 minutes to bleed all air from a Check the high-pressure circuit parts con-
the fuel circuit. centrating on the areas coated with the
4) Stop the engine and check that the air color checker, for fuel leakage.
bleeding valve is closed. a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
5) After the above operation, start the engine and test again from step 1.
6. Run the engine at high idle.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Replacement and adjustment of 6. After tension pulley (7) moves in, replace fan
belt (8).
fan belt 1
a The fan belt tension usually does not need to
be adjusted, since the auto-tensioner is
a The procedures for replacing the belt and
adjusting the auto-tensioner after replacing the
belt are described here.
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01650-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01650-02 30 Testing and adjusting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
Testing torque converter stall 4. Depress the accelerator pedal gradually, run
the engine at high idle and stall the torque con-
speed 1 verter to raise the torque converter oil temper-
k Stop the machine on the level ground, turn ature.
the parking brake switch PARKING, and set
k If the torque converter is stalled while
chocks to the tires.
the gearshift indicator is indicating
"F1", the inside of the transmission
1. Turn the starting switch ON and set the monitor
may be broken. Accordingly, when
panel in the real-time monitoring function
stalling the torque converter, seat the
(REAL-TIME MONITOR) of the service mode.
body securely and check that the body
q Monitoring functions: 2 ITEMS
pilot lamp is turned OFF, and then set
q Monitoring code 1: 01002 (ENG SPEED)
the gearshift lever in the D position and
q Monitoring code 2: 30100 (T/C OIL TEMP)
check that the gearshift indicator is
a For the operation method, see "Special
indicating "F2".
functions of machine monitor".
5. When the torque converter oil temperature
goes above 90 °C, run the engine immediately
at low idle and return the gear shift lever to the
N position.
k Never operate the gear shift lever with
the accelerator pedal depressed. Oth-
erwise it may create a large shock and
may also become the cause of shorten-
ing the machine's service life.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
k Stop the machine on a flat place, turn the Items related to torque converter
parking brake switch to the "PARK" posi-
tion and lock the tires with chocks. 2. Testing of torque converter inlet pressure
k When the body is raised, fix it with the lock 1) Raise the body and fix it with the lock pin.
pin securely. 2) Referring to "Testing of main relief pres-
k When removing and installing a plug or an sure", check that there is no abnormality.
oil pressure gauge, stop the engine. 3) Remove plug (2), install nipple K2 and
k When removing and installing a plug or a connect oil pressure gauge [1] (2.5 MPa
testing instrument, stop the engine and {25 kg/cm²}) of hydraulic tester K1 by
wait until the oil temperature lowers thor- hose [2].
k When testing the oil pressure during travel,
secure a wide travel area and take extreme
care of the safety around the machine.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
3. Testing of torque converter outlet pressure 4. Testing of torque converter lockup clutch
1) Raise the body and fix it with the lock pin. pressure
2) Referring to "Testing of main relief pres- 1) Raise the body and fix it with the lock pin.
sure", check that there is no abnormality. 2) Remove plug (4), install nipple K2 and
3) Remove plug (3), install nipple K2 and connect oil pressure gauge [1] (6 MPa {60
connect oil pressure gauge [1] (2.5 MPa kg/cm²}) of hydraulic tester K1 by hose [2].
{25 kg/cm²}) of hydraulic tester K1 by
hose [2].
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
Q R w q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi- 3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi-
nal condition. nal condition.
4) Start the engine and raise the temperature
4) Start the engine and raise the temperature
of the torque converter oil to the operating
of the torque converter oil to the operating
5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF, de-
5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF, de-
press the parking brake pedal, then set
press the parking brake pedal, then set
the gearshift lever to position "L".
the gearshift lever to position "3".
6) Release the brake and test the oil pres-
6) Release the brake, travel at high idle, and sure when traveling at high idle.
test the oil pressure when the shift indica-
tor shows "F3". k In F1, a maximum travel speed of
approx. 11.5 km/h is reached, so
k In F3, a maximum travel speed of check carefully that the surround-
approx. 21.5 km/h is reached, so ing area is safe.
check carefully that the surround-
ing area is safe. 7) After completing the testing, remove the
testing equipment and set to the original
7) After completing the measurement, re- condition.
move the testing equipment and set to the
original condition.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
8. Testing transmission 2nd clutch and pilot 9. Testing transmission 3rd clutch and pilot
pressure pressure
1) Raise the body and fix it with the lock pin. 1) Raise the body and fix it with the lock pin.
2) Remove plug (8), install nipple K2 and 2) Remove plug (9), install nipple K2 and
connect oil pressure gauge [1] (6 MPa {60 connect oil pressure gauge [1] (6 MPa {60
kg/cm²}) of hydraulic tester K1 by hose [2]. kg/cm²}) of hydraulic tester K1 by hose [2].
3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi- 3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi-
nal condition. nal condition.
4) Start the engine and raise the temperature 4) Start the engine and raise the temperature
of the torque converter oil to the operating of the torque converter oil to the operating
range. range.
5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF de- 5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF, de-
press the parking brake pedal, then set press the parking brake pedal, then set
the gearshift lever to position 2. the gearshift lever to position "4".
6) Release the brake, travel at high idle, and
6) Release the brake, travel at high idle, and
test the oil pressure when the shift indica-
test the oil pressure when the shift indica-
tor shows "F4".
tor shows "F2".
In F4, a maximum travel speed of
In F2, a maximum travel speed of
approx. 29.5 km/h is reached, so
approx. 16.0 km/h is reached, so
check carefully that the surround-
check carefully that the surround-
ing area is safe.
ing area is safe.
7) After completing the testing, remove the
7) After completing the testing, remove the
testing equipment and set to the original
testing equipment and set to the original
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi- 3) Lower the dump body and set to the origi-
nal condition. nal condition.
4) Start the engine and raise the temperature 4) Start the engine and raise the temperature
of the torque converter oil to the operating of the torque converter oil to the operating
range. range.
5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF, de- 5) Turn the parking brake switch OFF, de-
press the parking brake pedal, then set press the parking brake pedal, then set
the gearshift lever to position "6". the gearshift lever to position "R".
6) Release the brake and test the oil pres-
6) Release the brake, travel at high idle, and
sure when traveling at high idle.
test the oil pressure when the shift indica-
tor shows "F6". k In R, a maximum travel speed of
approx. 12.0 km/h is reached, so
In F6, a maximum travel speed of
check carefully that the surround-
approx. 52.5 km/h is reached, so
ing area is safe.
check carefully that the surround-
ing area is safe. 7) After completing the testing, remove the
testing equipment and set to the original
7) After completing the testing, remove the
testing equipment and set to the original
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
a Adjust the 3 speed sensors installed to the 3. Secure lock nut (3) with sensor (1).
transmission according to the following proce- 2 Lock nut: 49.0 – 68.6 Nm {5 – 7 kgm}
a Adjust all of the 3 speed sensors similarly.
(N1): Input shaft speed sensor
(N2): Intermediate shaft speed sensor
(N3): Output shaft speed sensor
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting brake oil 4) Test the cut-out pressure at high idle.
Read the ACC oil pressure (front or
pressure 1 q
rear) when it stops rising at the high-
a Testing instrument est point after the cut-in pressure.
Symbol Part No. Part name
(Testing with diagnosing devices)
799-101-5002 Analog hydraulic meter
K1 1) Stop the engine and remove plug (4) (18, P:
799-261-1204 Digital hydraulic meter 1.5). Connect nipple K3 and hose [1] and
K3 566-35-43561 Nipple install oil pressure gauge K1 (Oil pressure
gauge: 40 MPa {400 kg/cm²}).
k Stop the machine on the level ground, turn
the parking brake switch PARKING, and set
chocks to the tires.
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Adjusting charge valve cut-in pressure and cut-
out pressure
a If the charge valve cut-in pressure or cut-out
pressure is not normal, adjust the R1 relief
valve of charge valve (4) according to the fol-
lowing procedures.
a Both cut-in pressure and cut-out pressure
change by adjusting the R1 relief valve.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
792-610-1320 CGA No. 351
(For USA)
P2 792-610-1330 (For USA) ASA B-571-1965
3. Connect gas charge tool P1 to valve (4) of
DIN 477-1963 accumulator (1) according to the following pro-
792-610-1350 NEN 3268-1966 cedure.
(For Germany) SIS-SMS 2235/2238
1) Turn handle (a) of gas charge tool P1 to
792-610-1360 Nipple (For UK) BS 341 Part 1-1962
the left until it stops.
Nitrogen gas cylinder (c) must be
Put on proper protection gear (goggles, connected even when you measure
leather gloves and protective clothes) so only the gas pressure.
that the leaking nitrogen gas will not touch q Close the valve of nitrogen gas cylin-
your skin or clothes and work on the wind- der (c) and handle (b).
ward side as long as possible. For connection of nitrogen gas cylin-
When handling nitrogen gas in a room or der (c) and gas charge tool P1, see
another place which is not ventilated well, "Procedure for charging accumulator
ventilate the work place forcibly and observe with nitrogen gas".
the Oxygen Deficiency Prevention Rules of
2) Connect gas charge tool P1 to valve (4) of
the Labor Safety and Sanitation Law.
accumulator (1).
Since the accumulator is charged with
high-pressure nitrogen gas, wrong han-
dling of it can cause an explosion and
injury or death. When handling the accu-
mulator, observe the following strictly.
q Do not bring fire near the accumulator or
put the accumulator in fire.
q Do not drill, weld or gas-cut the accumulator.
q Do not give impacts to the accumulator by
hitting or rolling.
q When discarding accumulator, discharge it
of the nitrogen gas.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
4. Turn handle (a) of gas charge tool P1 to the left 3. Connect gas charge tool P1 and nitrogen gas
and read the gauge. cylinder (c) to valve (4) of accumulator (1)
a Since the indicated value varies with the according to the following procedure.
ambient temperature, correct it by the fol- 1) Turn handle (a) of gas charge tool P1 to
lowing formula. (The unit of each value in the left until it stops.
the formula is °C.) 2) Turn handle (b) to the left to open.
Indicated gas pressure = 3) Connect gas charge tool P1 to valve (4) of
Standard gas pressure x ((273 + t)/ accumulator (1).
(273 + 20))
4) Connect gas charge tool P1 and nitrogen
Standard gas pressure =
gas cylinder (c).
Indicated gas pressure/((273 + t)/
q There are 2 types of threads of nitro-
(273 + 20))
gen gas cylinders, W22-14 thread
t = Gas temperature at time of charge (°C)
(mail screw, type A) and W23-14
Reference: t may be assumed to be ambi-
thread (female screw, type B). When
ent temperature.
using a gas cylinder of W23-14 thread
(female screw, type B), connect the
5. If the gas pressure is too high or too low, adjust hose by using the adapter. (The
it referring to "Procedure for charging accumu- adapter is attached to gas charge tool
lator with nitrogen gas". P1.) [For Japan]
a Each time the pressure is measured, some q Use nipple P2 to connect the hose,
nitrogen gas is discharged and the pres- depending on the specification of the
sure lowers. Add nitrogen gas by the loss. nitrogen gas cylinder. [For overseas]
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
1. Rear brake
a Bleed air from the slack adjuster side first
and then bleed from the wheel brake side. 2. Parking brake
1) Using a vinyl tube for bleeding air, depress a Bleed air from the differential top block
the brake pedal and loosen air bleeder side first, then bleed air from the wheel
screw (1) or (2) by 3/4 turns. Keep de- brake side.
pressing the brake pedal until bubbles do 1) Using a vinyl tube for bleeding air, turn
not come out of the bleeder any more. OFF the parking brake switch (release the
When bubbles do not come out any more, parking brake) and loosen air bleeder
tighten (close) the bleeder and release the screw (4) by 3/4 turns.
pedal. 2) When bubbles do not come out of the
2) Pull the retarder control lever and loosen bleeder any more, tighten (close) the
air bleeder screw (1) or (2) by 3/4 turns. bleeder and turn PARKING the parking
Keep pulling the retarder control lever until brake switch.
bubbles do not come out of the bleeder 3) Bleed air from bleeder (5) on the wheel
any more. When bubbles do not come out side similarly to step 1) above.
any more, tighten (close) the bleeder and a After finishing bleeding air, tighten
release the retarder control lever. (close) the bleeder and put the cap.
3. Front brake
a Check that the front brake OFF switch is
turned OFF.
1) Loosen air bleeder (6) by 3/4 turns and
bleed air similarly to step 1) for the rear
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
1. Visual check
Visually check pad (1) for wear. If it is worn to
the end of wear limit line (a), replace it.
a The figure shows the left side as an exam-
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
Method of releasing parking brake 3. After moving the machine, remove the parking
brake manual reset bolts and install plugs (1).
in an emergency 1 3 Tightening torque for plug:
a If the parking brake cannot be released be- 44.1 – 53.9 Nm {4.5 – 5.5 kgm}
cause of a trouble in its electric or hydraulic
system, release it tentatively according to the
following procedure.
k If the hydraulic system has a trouble, the
wheel brake probably does not work nor-
mally. Accordingly, be sure to tow the
machine at low speed after releasing the
parking brake.
k When releasing the parking brake, stop the
machine on a level place and make sure of
the safety around it. If it is obliged to
release the parking brake on a slope in an
emergency, put chocks under the tires
k When releasing the parking brake, stop the
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
4) Operate the hydraulic jack so that dimen- 7) After completion of supplying the oil, re-
sion (a) of the cylinder is the specified move the volume pump, then install feed
dimension for the oil level. valve (3).
Dimension (a): 79 ± 3 mm 3 Tightening torque of feed valve:
39.2 – 49.0 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
5. Adjusting installed length of cylinder a If there is any leakage of gas from the
a Carry out adjustment of the installed valve core, use tool [3] and replace
length of the cylinder with the machine- the valve core.
empty and on level ground.
1) Drive the machine forward about 15 m
and stop it sharply and then drive it in
reverse and stop it sharply at the former
position. Repeat this cycle 3 - 4 times and
then stop the machine slowly without
pressing the brake pedal to eliminate the
sliding resistance of the cylinder (hitch of
the packing and bushing). Under this con-
dition, measure the installed length.
a Do not use the foot brake but use the
retarder control lever to stop the
machine. After the machine stops,
check that the suspension is in the Note: 1. Check after replacement of oil or gas
soft mode. When the machine operates after the oil or
2) If the result of the check shows that the gas is replaced, gas is dissolved in the
installed length is too long, release nitro- new oil in the replaced cylinder until the oil
gen gas to adjust the length. is saturated. As a result, the gas volume
a Loosen the valve (1) slightly to is reduced and the installed length of the
release the nitrogen gas. When suspension may be reduced to below the
doi ng this, r eleas e only a smal l limit. Accordingly, measure the installed
amount of gas; do not make the cylin- length of the suspension again 48 hours
der move. after the oil or gas is replaced. If it is less
a If the nitrogen gas is bled so much than the specification value, adjust the
that the cylinder will move, the in- gas.
stalled length may be less than the
specified length. 2. Checking for changes in installed
a Do not press the tip of the valve core. length caused by variation in ambient
If the tip of the valve core is pressed, temperature.
the valve core may be damaged. Depending on the ambient temperature
3) After releasing nitrogen gas and adjusting when the machine is working, the gas in
the installed length, repeat Step 1) to the suspension may expand or contract,
check the installed length again. so the installed length will also change. In
4) Repeat the above Steps 1) – 3) to adjust territories where there are big differences
the cylinder to the specified length. in temperature throughout the year,
5) Finally, check that there is no leakage of inspect daily and adjust to keep the
gas from the valve core (6), valve (1), and installed length within the specified range.
piston rod gland.
a Use soapy water to check for leakage
of gas.
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
6) Turn handle L10a of L10 fully back coun- the packing and bushing). Under this con-
terclockwise, loosen air bleeding plug L7a dition, measure the installed length.
of valve L7, release the gas inside the a Do not use the foot brake when brak-
hose, then remove tool L. ing the machine. Use the retarder
a Be careful not to lose the O-ring of the control lever to brake, the machine,
feed valve. then check that the suspension is in
the soft mode.
2) If the result of the check shows that the
installed length is too long, release nitro-
gen gas to adjust the length.
a Loosen the valve slightly to release
the nitrogen gas. When doing this,
release only a small amount of gas;
do not make the cylinder move.
a If the nitrogen gas is bled so much
t h at t he c y l i n d e r wi l l m o v e , t h e
installed length may be less than the
specified length.
a Do not press the tip of the valve core.
If the tip of the valve core is pressed,
the valve core may be damaged.
3) After releasing nitrogen gas and adjusting
the installed length, repeat Step 1) to
check the installed length again.
4) Repeat the above Steps 1) – 3) to adjust
the cylinder to the specified length.
5) Finally, check that there is no leakage of
gas from the valve core (6), valve, and pis-
ton rod gland.
a Use soapy water to check for leakage
of gas.
a If the gas leaks through the valve
core, replace the valve core with tool
2 Valve core: Adhesive
3 Valve core:
16.7 – 34.3 Nm {1.7 – 3.5 kgm}
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2. Adjusting
1) Remove mounting bolt (2) of hydraulic cyl-
inder (1) and disconnect hydraulic cylinder
2) Loosen locknut (3) and adjust mounting
length (a) with rod end. 5) Check that the hole of bracket (5) is in the
a Specified length (a): 352 ± 1 mm slit (part (e)) in modes Soft and Medium.
3) Install (Return) hydraulic cylinder (1) with
mounting bolt (2).
4) Turn the starting switch to the ON position
and shift the hoist lever from the FLOAT
position to another position and check that
length (a) of hydraulic cylinder (1) is not (is
longer minimum) 352 ± 1 mm.
q (b) in hard mode: 383 ± 1 mm
q (d) in medium mode: 414 ± 1 mm
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting oil pressure 2. Testing dump EPC valve output pressure
in dump EPC circuit 1 1) Disconnect EPC hose (3) or (4) to be mea-
a Testing instrument (3): Dump raise side (Port PB)
(4): Dump lower side (Port PA)
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Analog hydraulic meter
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic meter
K 4 799-101-5230 Nipple
799-401-3100 Adapter
02896-11008 O-ring
2) Install adapter K5 to hoist valve and con-
1. Testing dump EPC valve main pressure nect the hose.
1) Remove oil pressure testing plug (2) (M14 3) Install nipple [1] and hose [2] and connect
× 1.5) from dump EPC valve (1) inside the oil pressure gauge K1 [6 MPa {60 kg/
hydraulic tank (inside the machine). cm²}].
4) Start the engine, set the dump lever to the
RAISE, FLOAT or lower position and test
the circuit oil pressure at this time.
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Procedure for raising dump body 4. When lowering the dump body, remove plug
(2) and tighten tool M slowly.
in emergency 1
k When performing this procedure, be
a Testing instrument sure not to go under the dump body
but stand on the ground.
Symbol Part No. Part name
a The dump body lowers by itself. Keep it at
M 792T-192-1110 Plug safe lowering speed by adjusting the tight-
ening depth tool M.
a If the dump body cannot be raised because of
a failure in the controller or electric system, 5. After the dump body lowers completely, re-
raise it to dump the load according to the fol- move tool M and install plug (2).
lowing procedure. 3 Tightening torque of plug:
44.1 – 53.9 Nm {4.5 – 5.5 kgm}
1. Stop the engine and remove the hydraulic tank
cap to release the residual pressure from the
hoist circuit.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
3. Caribrating system
k Stop the machine on the level ground,
turn the parking brake switch PARK-
ING, and set chocks to the tires.
a Hydraulic oil temperature: 80 – 90 °C
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
1. When any problem occurs in the engine control system and the engine cannot be started
a Decide the escape method according to the following flowchart.
a Refer to "Special functions of machine monitor (EMMS)" for the method of checking the failure
Note: If the engine cannot be started and the machine is towed, release the parking brake temporarily refer-
ring to "Method for emergency release of parking brake", since it cannot be released by operating the
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2. When transmission control system has a trouble and machine cannot start
a Check the failure code and select a proper escape procedure from the following table.
a For the method of checking the failure code, see "Special functions of machine monitor".
Occurrence condition 6
15SEMA Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F2, R: R Gear speed is kept fixed and
gear is not shifted from fixed
15SFL1 Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F2 gear after machine restarts.
If lever is set to N position,
15SFMA Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F1, R: R gear is set in neutral but can-
not be shifted any more.
15SGL1 Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F4
Occurrence condition 7
15SGMA Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F2, R: R Proper clutch for travel is
used and gear speed is
fixed. If there is not proper
15SHL1 Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F6 clutch, gear is set in neutral.
If lever is set to N position,
15SHMA Occurrence condition7 Escape procedure1 D – L: F2, R: R gear is set in neutral.
15SJMA Occurrence condition1 Escape procedure1 D – L: F2, R: R Note 1
Even if trouble disappears,
If display becomes normal, machine gear is kept in neutral until
DAQ0KK Occurrence condition1 Escape procedure5 lever is set to N position
can travel normally (Note 1).
If display becomes normal, machine
DAQ2KK Occurrence condition1 Escape procedure4
can travel normally (Note 1).
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Escape procedure 2:
Tow the machine.
a If the engine cannot be started and the machine
is towed, the parking brake cannot be released
by operating the switch, so carry out the opera-
tion to release it temporarily. For details, see
"Method for emergency release of parking
Escape procedure 3:
1. Stop traveling and return the gearshift lever to
the "N" position.
2. Disconnect (pull out) emergency escape con-
nectors A1 (female) and A1 (male) and then
connect (insert) them again to set the machine
in the emergency escape mode.
a Connectors A1 (male and female) are
installed to near the fuse box.
a Disonnect and connect the connectors
with the starting switch at ON or with the
engine started.
3. Operate the gearshift lever again and move
the machine OFF.
a When operating the gearshift lever, release
the accelerator pedal.
a N o D – L or N o R
a The emergency escape mode is main-
tained until the starting switch is turned
Escape procedure 4:
Check the circuit breaker and fuse. If they are nor-
mal, replace the transmission controller.
q Circuit breaker: No. 64 "FUB2" No. 65 (80 A)
q Fuse: BT3-No. 14 (10 A)
Escape procedure 5:
Check the circuit breaker and fuse. If they are nor-
mal, replace the transmission controller.
q Circuit breaker: "FUA2" (30 A)
q Fuse: BT2-No. 18 (10 A)
Escape procedure 6:
Check the model selection setting. If it is normal,
see adjustment of transmission controller.
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01651-02
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SEN01651-02 30 Testing and adjusting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
a As for the use of the service menu, 3. Selecting and setting of model
besides model selection function, 1) When pressing the [>] switch or [<] switch
option selection function, and filter in the model selection setting screen, the
and oil replacement time setting func- model which can be set is displayed end-
tion (part of function), refer to the sec- lessly in the order shown in the below
tion of "Special function of machine table, so select the applied model.
monitor". q [>] switch: To proceed to next model
a [<] switch: To return to previous model
In the " " part, the model presently
set is displayed.
a Displayed model:
a Even if the model presently set is cor- Display Model
rect, be sure to carry out the setting
HD785 HD785-7
HD605 HD605-7E0
HD465 HD465-7E0
HD405 HD405-7
HD325 HD325-7
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
2) After selecting the optional selection func- a Perform after checking that the model has
tion, press [U] switch for longer than 5 been set.
seconds and display the setting screen for a Always check all the items.
the optional item selection. a Settle the first item by pressing the [U] switch
q [U]: Conduct the service menu. twice, even if the current setting is correct (to
a Press [U] switch for longer than 5 transmit the information to the other control-
seconds, otherwise it will not change lers).
to optional item selection screen. a After setting, be sure to turn the starting switch
a The setting status of that optional OFF and wait for 15 seconds to settle the
item is displayed at the left of the memory of each controller.
lower row.
q ADD: Option is set. 3. Setting of ARSC (02: ARSC)
q NO ADD: Option is not set. 1) While the optional item selection screen is
displayed, select ARSC (02: ARSC).
a The current setting condition is dis-
played on the left side of the lower
q ADD: ARSC is set.
q NO ADD: ARSC is not set.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2) Check the installation condition of ASR 2) Check the installation condition of ABS
and setting condition on the screen and and setting condition on the screen and
press the [U] switch to settle the setting. press the [U] switch to settle the setting.
q [U]: Change setting (Display chang- q [U]: Change setting (Display chang-
es). es).
q [ t]: Return to optional item selection q [t ]: Return to optional item selection
screen. screen.
q ADD: Set option. q ADD: Set option.
q NO ADD: Set no option. q NO ADD: Set no option.
a If the setting is settled with the [U] a If the setting is settled with the [U]
switch, it is effective even after this switch, it is effective even after this
screen is turned OFF. screen is turned OFF.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
8. Setting of tire size compensation (12: TIRE 9. Setting of inclinometer (13: INCLINOMET.)
SIZE) 1) While the optional item selection screen is
1) Select the tire size compensation (12: displayed, select the inclinometer (13:
TIRE SIZE) in the option item selection INCLINOMET.).
screen. a The current setting condition is dis-
a The present compensation value is played on the left side of the lower
displayed at the left of the lower row. line.
***%: Rate of change from standard q ADD: Inclinometer is set.
tire q NO ADD: Inclinometer is not set.
2) For changing the compensation value, 2) Check the installation condition of the
press the [U] switch to display the com- inclinometer and setting condition on the
pensation value input screen. screen and press the [U] switch to settle
q [U]: To change compensation value. the setting.
3) After displaying the compensation value q [U]: Change setting
input screen, operate each of the switches (Display changes).
[>], [<], [U] and [t] to input the compen- q [t ]: Return to optional item selection
sation value directly. screen.
q [ > ]: To switch the cursor symbol (+/-); q ADD: Set option.
To increase number. q NO ADD: Set no option.
q [ < ] :To switch the cursor symbol (+/-); a If the setting is settled with the [U]
To decrease number. switch, it is effective even after this
q [U]: To determine compensation val- screen is turned OFF.
q [ t]: Cursor moves to left end / To re-
turn to optional item selection
a The compensation value at the plant
before shipment is [+/- 00%] (In case
of inputting 00, +/- does not matter.)
a The compensation value can be input
within the range of [-10 % – +10 %].
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
10. Setting of front brake cut (14: F BRAKE CUT.) 11. Setting of maintenance sensor (19: SENSOR.)
1) While the optional item selection screen is 1) While the optional item selection screen is
displayed, select the front brake cut (14: F displayed, select themaintenance sensor
a The current setting condition is dis- a The current setting condition is dis-
played on the left side of the lower played on the left side of the lower
line. line.
q ADD: Front brake cut is set. q ADD: Maintenance sensor is set.
q NO ADD: Front brake cut is not set. q NO ADD: Maintenance sensor is not
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
12. Storing data in controller 1-3. OFF setting of maintenance monitor (corro-
1) Check that the setting for all items has sion resistor)
been completed in the sub menu screen 1. Switching to service mode
for the optional item selection function. Switch to the service mode by referring to "1-1.
2) Turn the starting switch OFF and keep Setting of model selection".
that condition for longer than 15 seconds.
a Unless the starting switch is turned off 2. Selecting and carrying out service menu
for longer than 15 seconds, the new 1) Select the filter and oil replacement time
data is not memorized in the controller. setting function (MAINTENANCE MONI-
3) Turn the starting switch ON again. TO R) in the service menu selection
a After this operation the option setting screen referring to "1-1. Setting of model
becomes effective. selection".
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
*1: PLM (payload meter) display function when 19 Manual snapshot function
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
Service mode
a No. 10 – No. 23 is displayed endlessly by fol-
lowing the switch operation.
a By inputting and determining the ID once, it will
be effective until the starting switch is turned
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
[8] Action code display function [9] Failure code display function
When abnormal situations occur, the machine mon- By pressing the [>] switch once while the action
itor automatically displays the action code depend- code is displayed on the machine monitor, the
ing on the extent of the abnormality in order to present failure code is displayed.
remind the operator of proper remedy. q [>]: To display failure code.
a Below figure shows the example of displaying
action code "E03" and "CALL + phone No."
a "CALL + phone No." is not displayed if the
action code "E01" or "E02" is displayed.
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
a Failure codes:
The failure code table is written in alphabetical order and also starting from small number.
The failure code in parentheses is not recorded in the failure history for both electrical system and
mechanical system.
a Applicable equipment:
Applicable equipment indicates in which controller system the failure has occurred.
MON : Machine monitor system
ENG : Engine controller system
TM : Transmission controller system
BK : Retarder controller system
ABS : ABS controller system
VHMS : PLM function system of VHMS controller (Note: Displayed as "PLM" on machine monitor)
a Action codes:
Action codes indicate what is displayed in the operator mode when a failure is detected.
a History classification:
History classification indicates in which system, either electrical system or mechanical system in the fail-
ure history display function, a failure has been recorded.
a Note : Optional equipment is also included in this table.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
t Service mode
Procedure for switching to service mode and
screen display
a When using the service mode, change the
screen by the following special operation.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
MAINTENANCE Filter and oil replacement time [10] Electrical system failure history display
7 function (ELECTRIC FAULT)
MONITOR setting function
The machine monitor retains the data for problems
Operation information display
8 OPERATION INFO that occurred in the electrical system in the past as
failure history. They can be displayed as follows.
9 Engine mode fixing function 1. Selection of the service menu
Select electrical system failure history display
10 SNAPSHOT Manual snap shot function function (ELECTRIC FAULT) in the service
PLM (Payload meter) setting menu selection screen.
11 PLM
function a The total number of failure history data
OPTIONAL items recorded in memory is displayed in
12 Option selection function the [* *] portion.
13 MACHINE Model selection function
Initialize function (exclusive
function for factory)
a The service menu is displayed in the
places marked with [*].
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
3) When the ALL CLEAR execution screen is [11] Mechanical system failure history display
displayed, operate each switch of [<], [>] function (MACHINE FAULT)
and [t]. The machine monitor retains the data for problems
q [ < ]: Select YES (move cursor) that occurred in the mechanical system in the past
q [ > ]: Select NO (move cursor) as failure history. They can be displayed as fol-
q [t]: Execute YES or NO lows.
a An information which is active cur-
rently (display is flashing) cannot be 1. Selection of the service menu
deleted. Select mechanical system failure history dis-
play function (MACHINE FAULT) in the service
menu selection screen.
a The total number of failure history data
items recorded in memory is displayed in
the [* *] portion.
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01652-02
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SEN01652-02 30 Testing and adjusting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
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SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
3) In the monitoring code input screen, oper- 6. Display data for 2 items simultaneous monitor-
ate each of the switches [>], [<], [U] and ing
[t], and directly input 2-digit monitoring On the 2 item simultaneous monitoring display
codes. screen, the following data are displayed.
q [ > ]: Number at the cursor increases. A : Monitoring code 1
q [ < ]: Number at the cursor decreases 1 : Monitoring data 1 (including unit)
q [U]: Number at the cursor is deter- B : Monitoring code 2
mined 2 : Monitoring data 2 (including unit)
q [ t]: Cursor moves to the left end / To a For details, see "Monitoring code table".
return to the monitoring system
and function selection screen.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
1 Part No. of software VERSION 20200 —
(8 digits/symbols)
2 Version No. of application VERSION (APP) 20221 —
(8 digits/symbols)
3 Version No. of data VERSION (DATA) 20222 —
(8 digits/symbols)
0 – F, 0 – F, 0 – F, Display of
5 Rotary switch (SW1 - 3) SW1, SW2, SW3 30800
(SW1, SW2, SW3 from left) condition
ON/OFF, ON/OFF Display of
6 DIP switch (SW5-1, 2) SW5-1, SW5-2 30900
(SW5-1, SW5-2 from left) condition
ON/OFF, ON/OFF Display of
7 DIP switch (SW5-3, 4) SW5-3, SW5-4 30901
(SW5-3, SW5-4 from left) condition
ON/OFF, ON/OFF Display of
8 DIP switch (SW6-1, 2) SW6-1, SW6-2 30902
(SW6-1, SW6-2 from left) condition
ON/OFF, ON/OFF Display of
9 DIP switch (SW6-3, 4) SW6-3, SW6-4 30903
(SW6-3, SW6-4 from left) condition
10 Input signal (0 - 7) D-IN--0------7 40900 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
11 Input signal (8 - 15) D-IN--8-----15 40901 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
12 Input signal (16 - 23) D-IN-16-----23 40902 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
13 Input signal (24 - 31) D-IN-24-----31 40903 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
14 Input signal (32 - 39) D-IN-32-----39 40904 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
15 Output signal (0 - 3) D-OUT-0--3 40925 0:OFF/1:ON
(4 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
1 Part No. of software VERSION 20201 —
(8 digits/symbols)
2 Version No. of application VERSION (APP) 20223 —
(8 digits/symbols)
3 Version No. of data VERSION (DATA) 20224 —
(8 digits/symbols)
0 – 32767
4 Transmission input shaft speed T/M SPEED:IN 31200 rpm
---- [Other than above]
Transmission intermediate shaft 0 – 32767
5 T/M SPEED:MID 31300 rpm
speed ---- [Other than above]
0 – 32767
6 Transmission output shaft speed T/M SPEED:OUT 31400 rpm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 250
7 Fuel level FUEL SENSOR 04201 z
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
8 Fuel level FUEL SENSOR 04200 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 160
10 Torque converter oil temperature T/C OIL TEMP 30100 °C
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
11 Torque converter oil temperature T/C OIL TEMP 30101 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 160
12 Transmission oil temperature T/C OIL TEMP 32500 °C
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
13 Transmission oil temperature T/C OIL TEMP 32501 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 160
14 Steering oil temperature STRG OIL TEMP 32701 °C
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
15 Steering oil temperature STRG OIL TEMP 32702 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
16 Torque converter oil pressure T/C OIL PRESS 32600 MPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
17 Torque converter oil pressure T/C OIL PRESS 32605 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 99.99
18 Accumulator oil pressure (front) ACC OIL PRE F 35500 MPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 99.99
19 Accumulator oil pressure (rear) ACC OIL PRE R 35501 MPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
20 Accumulator oil pressure (front) ACC OIL PRE F 35504 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
21 Accumulator oil pressure (rear) ACC OIL PRE R 35505 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
22 Solenoid output (high) ECMV H DIR 31600 mA
---- [Other than above]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
0 – 1000
23 Solenoid output (low) ECMV L DIR 31601 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
24 Solenoid output (1st) ECMV 1 DIR 31602 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
25 Solenoid output (2nd) ECMV 2 DIR 31603 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
26 Solenoid output (3rd) ECMV 3 DIR 31604 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
27 Solenoid output (4th) ECMV 4 DIR 31605 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
28 Solenoid output (R) ECMV R DIR 31606 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
29 Solenoid output (lockup) ECMV LU DIR 31609 mA
---- [Other than above]
Transmission main oil pressure 0 – 1000
30 ECMV MAIN P 31643 mA
variable solenoid output ---- [Other than above]
-180.0 – +180.0
31 Pitch angle sensor ANGLE SENSOR 32900 ° [degree]
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
32 Pitch angle sensor ANGLE SENSOR 32903 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 100
33 Brake output (front wheel) BK OUTP DIR F 33807 %
---- [Other than above]
0 – 100
34 Brake output (rear wheel) BK OUTP DIR R 33806 %
---- [Other than above]
-100 – 100
35 Throttle correction value THROTTLE MOD 36000 %
---- [Other than above]
Low clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
36 TRIGGER MOD L 38900
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
High clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
37 TRIGGER MOD H 38901
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
1st clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
38 TRIGGER MOD 1 38902
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
2nd clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
39 TRIGGER MOD 2 38903
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
3rd clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
40 TRIGGER MOD 3 38904
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
4th clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
41 TRIGGER MOD 4 38905
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
R clutch trigger correction 00000000 – FFFFFFFF Display of
42 TRIGGER MOD R 38906
quantity (8 digits of 0 – F) condition
0101010 Recognition of
43 Clutch fill switch FILL HL1234R 38919 (Data is displayed under fill switch
HL1234R) 0:OFF/1:ON
0101010 Learning flag
44 Trigger initial learning flag TRIG HL1234R 38920 (Data is displayed under of clutch
HL1234R) 0:OFF/1:ON
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
0 – 2550
45 Fill time (low) FILL TIME L 41800 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
46 Fill time (high) FILL TIME H 41801 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
47 Fill time (1st) FILL TIME 1 41802 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
48 Fill time (2nd) FILL TIME 2 41803 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
49 Fill time (3rd) FILL TIME 3 41804 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
50 Fill time (4th) FILL TIME 4 41805 ms
---- [Other than above]
0 – 2550
51 Fill time (R) FILL TIME R 41806 ms
---- [Other than above]
Throttle quantity lower limit value 0.0 – 100.0
52 THROT LIMIT LO 44201 %
output ---- [Other than above]
Throttle quantity upper limit value 0.0 – 100.0
53 THROT LIMIT HI 44200 %
output ---- [Other than above]
54 Input signal (0 – 7) D-IN--0------7 40905 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
55 Input signal (8 – 15) D-IN--8-----15 40906 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
56 Input signal (16 – 23) D-IN-16-----23 40907 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
57 Input signal (24 – 31) D-IN-24-----31 40908 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
58 Input signal (32 – 39) D-IN-32-----39 40942 0:OFF/1:ON
(1 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
59 Output signal (0 – 7) D-OUT-0------7 40949 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
60 Output signal (8 – 15) D-OUT-8-----15 40950 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
61 Output signal (16 – 23) D-OUT-16----23 40951 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
0.0 – 480.0
2 Battery voltage (left bank) POWER SUPPLY 03200 V
---- [Other than above]
0 – 4000
3 Engine speed ENG SPEED 01002 rpm
---- [Other than above]
-40 – 210
4 Engine coolant temperature COOLANT TEMP 04104 °C
---- [Other than above]
Engine coolant temperature sen- 0.00 – 5.00
sor voltage ---- [Other than above]
-99.9 – 999.9
6 Oil pressure sensor ENG OIL PRESS 37200 kPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
7 Oil pressure sensor voltage ENG OIL PRESS 37201 V
---- [Other than above]
-40 – 210
8 Engine oil temperature ENG OIL TEMP 42700 °C
---- [Other than above]
Engine oil temperature sensor 0.00 – 5.00
9 ENG OIL TEMP 42702 V
voltage ---- [Other than above]
0 – 400
10 Common rail pressure RAIL PRESS 36400 MPa
---- [Other than above]
Common rail pressure sensor 0.00 – 5.00
11 RAIL PRESS 36402 V
voltage ---- [Other than above]
-99.9 – 999.9
12 Atmospheric pressure AMBIENT PRESS 37400 kPa
---- [Other than above]
Atmospheric pressure sensor 0.00 – 5.00
voltage ---- [Other than above]
-50 – 200
14 Intake air temperature INTAKE TEMP 18400 °C
---- [Other than above]
Intake air temperature sensor 0.00 – 5.00
15 INTAKE TEMP 18401 V
voltage ---- [Other than above]
-40 – 210
16 Fuel temperature FUEL TEMP 04204 °C
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
17 Fuel temperature sensor voltage FUEL TEMP 04201 V
---- [Other than above]
-50 – 200
18 Boost temperature CHG TEMP 18500 °C
---- [Other than above]
Boost temperature sensor volt- 0.00 – 5.00
19 CHG TEMP 18501 V
age ---- [Other than above]
-99.9 – 999.9
20 Boost pressure CHG PRESS-A 36500 kPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
21 Boost pressure sensor voltage CHG PRESS-A 36502 V
---- [Other than above]
-99.9 – 999.9
22 EGR valve differential pressure EGR DIF PRESS 17900 kPa
---- [Other than above]
EGR valve differential pressure 0.00 – 5.00
23 EGR DIF PRESS 17901 V
sensor voltage ---- [Other than above]
-99.9 – 999.9
24 EGR valve inlet pressure EGR IN PRESS-A 18000 kPa
---- [Other than above]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
EGR valve inlet pressure sensor 0.00 – 5.00
25 EGR IN PRESS-A 18002 V
voltage ---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 99.99
26 EGR valve position EGR VALVE POS 18100 mm
---- [Other than above]
EGR valve position sensor volt- 0.00 – 5.00
27 EGR VALVE POS 18101 V
age ---- [Other than above]
-24000 – 24000
28 Engine output torque OUTPUT TORQUE 18700 Nm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 100
29 Converted torque TORQUE RATIO 36700 %
---- [Other than above]
0 – 100
30 Final accelerator position FINAL THROTTLE 31706 %
---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 999.9
31 Momentary fuel consumption FUEL RATE 37300 L/h
---- [Other than above]
Final injection rate command 0 – 1000
32 INJECT COMMAND 18600 mg
(by weight) ---- [Other than above]
-180.0 – 180.0
33 Final injection timing command INJECT TIMING 36300 CA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 100
34 Accelerator pedal position THROTTLE POS 31701 %
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
35 Accelerator pedal sensor voltage THROTTLE POS 31707 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 99.99
36 Bypass valve position BPS VALVE POS 18200 mm
---- [Other than above]
Bypass valve position sensor 0.00 – 5.00
37 BPS VALVE POS 18202 V
voltage ---- [Other than above]
-40 – 210
40 Controller inside temperture ECM IN TEMP 18900 °C
---- [Other than above]
Final common rail pressure com- 0 – 400
mand ---- [Other than above]
PCV valve closing timing (based -180 – 180
42 PCV TIMING 17201 CA
on BTDC) ---- [Other than above]
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
1 Version of software VERSION 20214 —
(8 digits/symbols)
2 Version No. of application VERSION (APP) 20231 —
(8 digits/symbols)
3 Version No. of data VERSION (DATA) 20232 —
(8 digits/symbols)
0.00 – 5.00
4 ARSC set switch ARSC SET SP SW 37701 V
---- [Other than above]
Transmission output shaft 0 – 32767
5 T/M SPEED:OUT 31403 rpm
speed ---- [Other than above]
0 – 32767
6 Wheel speed (left) WHEEL SPEED L 39705 rpm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 32767
7 Wheel speed (right) WHEEL SPEED R 39704 rpm
---- [Other than above]
Retarder cooling oil tempera-
8 BRAKE OIL T F 30201 (Unuse) —
ture (front) [* Unuse]
Retarder cooling oil tempera-
9 BRAKE OIL T F 30204 (Unuse) —
ture (front) [* Unuse]
Retarder cooling oil tempera- 0 – 160
10 BRAKE OIL T R 30211 °C
ture (rear) ---- [Other than above]
Retarder cooling oil tempera- 0.00 – 5.00
11 BRAKE OIL T R 30212 V
ture (rear) ---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
12 Brake output (front wheel) BK OUTP DIR F 33700 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
13 Brake output (rear wheel) BK OUTP DIR R 33806 mA
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
14 Retarder lever RETARD LEVER 33900 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
15 Body positioner BODY POSITION 34602 V
---- [Other than above]
Dump lever (Hoist lever) poten- 0.00 – 5.00
16 DUMP LEVER 1 34304 V
tiometer 1 ---- [Other than above]
Dump lever (Hoist lever) poten- 0.00 – 5.00
17 DUMP LEVER 2 34305 V
tiometer 2 ---- [Other than above]
0 – 1000
18 Hoist EPC output HOIST EPC DIR 45600 mA
---- [Other than above]
Seating control command 0 – 1000
19 S CNT DIR H 45102 mA
(high) ---- [Other than above]
Seating control command 0 – 1000
20 S CNT DIR L 45103 mA
(low) ---- [Other than above]
Seating condition calibration 0.00 – 5.00
21 S CAL A 45201 V
value ( ) ---- [Other than above]
Cylinder stopper calibration 0.00 – 5.00
22 S CAL B 45301 V
value ( ) ---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 10.00
23 Seating control time (high) S CNT TIME H 45402 second
---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 10.00
24 Seating control time (low) S CNT TIME L 45403 second
---- [Other than above]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
25 Shut-off valve output SHUT OFF VALVE 45700 0/1 (1 digit of 0/1) 0:OFF/1:ON
-180.0 – +180.0
26 Steering angle sensor STRG ANGLE 35402 ° (degree)
---- [Other than above
0.00 – 5.00
27 Steering angle sensor STRG ANGLE 35400 V
---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 99.99
28 Steering speed STRG ANG SPEED 35403 rad/second
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 20.10
29 Suspension pressure (left) SUS PRESS (L) 32814 MPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
30 Suspension pressure (left) SUS PRESS (L) 32815 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 20.10
31 Suspension pressure (right) SUS PRESS (R) 32816 MPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
32 Suspension pressure (right) SUS PRESS (R) 32817 V
---- [Other than above]
0/1 (1 digit of 0/1) --- [Other
33 Judgment of empty/loaded EMPTY OR LOAD 39400 0:EMPTY/1:LOAD
than above]
0 – 1020
34 ASR output (left) command ASR OUTP DIR L 39601 mA
---- [Other than above]
0 – 1020
35 ASR output (right) command ASR OUTP DIR R 39603 mA
---- [Other than above]
36 Input signal (0 – 7) D-IN--0------7 40932 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
37 Input signal (8 – 15) D-IN--8-----15 40933 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
38 Input signal (16 – 23) D-IN-16-----23 40934 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
39 Input signal (24 – 31) D-IN-24-----31 40935 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
40 Input signal (32 – 39) D-IN-32-----39 40943 0:OFF/1:ON
(1 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
41 Output signal (0 – 7) D-OUT-0------7 40955 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
42 Output signal (8 – 15) D-OUT-8-----15 40956 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
43 Output signal (16 – 23) D-OUT-16----23 40957 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
Suspension pressure 32804 (*) 0.00 – 20.10
(front right) ---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 20.10
2 Suspension pressure (front left) SUS PRESS (FL) 32805 (*) MPa
---- [Other than above]
Suspension pressure 0.00 – 20.10
3 SUS PRESS (RR) 32806 (*) MPa
(rear right) ---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 20.10
4 Suspension pressure (rear left) SUS PRESS (RL) 32807 (*) MPa
---- [Other than above]
Suspension pressure 0.00 – 5.00
5 SUS PRESS (FR) 32810 (*) V
(front right) ---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
6 Suspension pressure (front left) SUS PRESS (FL) 32811 (*) V
---- [Other than above]
Suspension pressure 0.00 – 5.00
7 SUS PRESS (RR) 32812 (*) V
(rear right) ---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
8 Suspension pressure (rear left) SUS PRESS (RL) 32813 V
---- [Other than above]
-15.0 – +15.0
9 Inclinometer (pitch angle) INCLINOMETER 32901 (*) ° (degree)
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.10
10 Inclinometer (pitch angle) INCLINOMETER 32902 (*) V
---- [Other than above]
-30 – +100
11 Ambient temperature AIR TEMP 37501 °C
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
12 Ambient temperature AIR TEMP 37504 V
---- [Other than above]
13 Input signal (0 – 7) D-IN--0------7 40944 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
14 Input signal (8 – 15) D-IN--8-----15 40945 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
15 Output signal (0 – 7) D-OUT-0--3 40946 0:OFF/1:ON
(4 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
16 SEL signal (0 – 3) D-SEL--0--3 40947 0:OFF/1:ON
(4 digits of 0/1. See detail.)
0.0 – 655.4
17 Payload PAYLOAD 42200 (*) t
---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 655.4
18 Rated load weight RATE WEIGHT 42201 (*) t
---- [Other than above]
20 Gearshift lever N signal SHIFT LEVER N 42500 (*) 0/1 (1 digit of 0/1) 0:OFF/1:ON
200 – 950
21 Exhaust temperature (front) EXHAUST TMP F 42610 °C
---- [Other than above]
200 – 950
22 Exhaust temperature (rear) EXHAUST TMP R 42611 °C
---- [Other than above]
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
0.00 – 5.00
23 Exhaust temperature (front) EXHAUST TMP F 42612 V
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
24 Exhaust temperature (rear) EXHAUST TMP R 42613 V
---- [Other than above]
0.0 – 20.0
25 Blow-by pressure BLOWBY PRESS 42801 kPa
---- [Other than above]
0.00 – 5.00
26 Blow-by pressure BLOWBY PRESS 42802 V
---- [Other than above]
27 28. Stop and run flags STOP RUN FLAG 45000 (*) 0/1 (1 digit of 0/1) 0:OFF/1:ON
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
0 – 3000
4 Wheel speed (front left) WHEEL SPEED FL 39706 rpm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 3000
5 Wheel speed (front right) WHEEL SPEED FR 39707 rpm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 3000
6 Wheel speed (rear left) WHEEL SPEED RL 39708 rpm
---- [Other than above]
0 – 3000
7 Wheel speed (rear right) WHEEL SPEED RR 39709 rpm
---- [Other than above]
8 Input signal (0 - 7) D-IN--0------7 40937 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
9 Input signal (8 - 15) D-IN--8-----15 40938 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
10 Input signal (16 - 23) D-IN-16-----23 40939 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
11 Input signal (24 - 31) D-IN-24-----31 40940 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
12 Output signal (0 - 7) D-OUT-0------7 40958 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
13 Output signal (8 - 15) D-OUT-8-----15 40959 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
14 Output signal (16 - 23) D-OUT-16----23 40960 0:OFF/1:ON
(8 digits of 1/0. See detail.)
ABS control valve output 0 – 1000
15 ABS CNT VAL FL 43308 mA
(front left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control valve output 0 – 1000
16 ABS CNT VAL FR 43309 mA
(front right) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control valve output 0 – 1000
17 ABS CNT VAL RL 43310 mA
(rear left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control valve output 0 – 1000
18 ABS CNT VAL RR 43311 mA
(rear right) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 99.99
19 CONT PRESS FL 43312 MPa
(front left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 5.00
20 CONT PRESS FL 43313 V
(front left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 99.99
21 CONT PRESS FR 43314 MPa
(front right) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 5.00
22 CONT PRESS FR 43315 V
(front right) ---- [Other than above]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
No. Monitoring item Display of item Display range of data Unit
ing code
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 99.99
23 CONT PRESS RL 43316 MPa
(rear left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 5.00
24 CONT PRESS RL 43317 V
(rear left) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 99.99
25 CONT PRESS RR 43318 MPa
(rear right) ---- [Other than above]
ABS control oil pressure 0.00 – 5.00
26 CONT PRESS RR 43319 V
(rear right) ---- [Other than above]
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
2) With the service menu selected, press the 7) Depress the brake pedal, and set the gear
[U] switch to display the monitoring sys- shift lever to D position.
tem and function selection screen. a Confirm that the shift indicator dis-
q [U]: Runs service menu plays "F2".
3) In the monitoring system and function 8) Stall the torque converter and raise the
selection screen, press [>] switch or [<] transmission oil temperature up to 70 – 80
switch to select transmission system °C.
(TRANSMISSION). a Be careful not to overheat the oil
q [>]: To proceed to next monitoring while stalling the torque converter.
system and function 9) Return the gear shift lever to "N" position,
q [<]: To go back to data for previous keep it for 3 minutes, and confirm that the
monitoring system and function transmission oil temperature is stable
between 70 – 80 °C.
a In addition to the above, check that
the machine has not detected a trou-
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
3) Return to the service menu selection a The figure shows the state in which
screen, and select the adjustment function the automatic compensation is
(TUNING). selected, therefore, [AUTO] is indi-
a Press [t] switch several times to cated in the lower line. \ In the state in
return to the service menu selection which the manual compensation is
screen. selected, [MANUAL] is indicated in
the lower line.
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
8) Normal and abnormal results are dis- 3. Reset the transmission initial learning and
played for each adjustment, therefore take implementation of learning
action depending on the display. a Before carrying out this adjustment item,
be sure to implement "2. Transmission
ECMV current adjustment".
a Before proceeding to the learning, confirm
that the transmission oil temperature is at
the specified temperature referring to "1.
Preparing operations for "Adjusting trans-
mission ECMV electric current". (If adjust-
ments are made at temperatures other than
specified temperature, time lag or gear
shift shock may occur.)
k The learning should be carried out in
an area with a sufficient traveling dis-
tance, paying attention to the sur-
q Indicated code for the normal or ab- roundings for safety.
normal result 1) Select (TUNING) in the service menu
Code Condition selection screen.
OK Normal result
NG1 Out of compensation conditions
NG2 No fill
NG3 Over the compensation values
q If "OK" (normal result) is displayed:
Adjustment is done without error.
q If "NG1" is displayed (out of compen-
sation condition):
Adjust the transmission oil tempera-
ture exactly, and confirm the machine
setting conditions again, then c a r r y
out the adjustment from procedure 1).
q If "NG2" (no fill) is displayed: 2) While the service menu is selected, hold
Carry out troubleshooting of failure down the [U] switch for a minimum of 5
code [15S*MA][DDT*KA], and if the seconds to display the adjustment menu
condition is confirmed to be normal, selection screen.
then start again from procedure 1) q [U]: To conduct the service menu.
(The symbol with * mark varies by 3) With the adjustment menu selection
objective clutches). screen, confirm that the transmission trig-
q If "NG3" is displayed (compensation ger adjustment item (01: TM TRIGGER) is
value over): displayed.
Carry out troubleshooting of failure
code [15S*L1], and if the condition is
confirmed to be normal, then start i t
again from procedure 1) (The symbol
with * mark varies by objective clutch-
9) If the adjustments has been completed nor-
mally, the adjustment values are recorded
in the transmission controller about 3 sec-
onds after the starting switch has been
turned off.
a If the starting switch needs to be
turned ON soon after the adjustment,
keep the starting switch in the OFF
position for more than 10 seconds as
a precautionary measure then turn it
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
18) Set the gearshift lever in the 4 position 23) Check that the trigger learning of the Hi
and press the accelerator pedal fully to clutch is displayed on the monitor.
run the truck and shift up the gear to F4. a If "1" is displayed, go to the next step.
a Shifting up: F1 o F2 o F3 o F4 a If "0" is displayed, repeat steps 21) –
19) After running the machine at F4 for 10 23) until "1" is displayed.
seconds, release the accelerator pedal a If "1" is not displayed after repeating
and shift down the gear to F1 by coasting the steps 4 times, the ECMV may be
run. defective. In this case, replace the
a Shifting down: F4 o F3 o F2 o F1 ECMV.
a Do not apply the brake during coast- a The * marked clutch display can be
ing run. either "0" or "1".
20) Check that the trigger learning of the 2nd
clutch is displayed on the monitor.
a If "1" is displayed, go to the next step.
a If "0" is displayed, repeat steps 18) –
20) until "1" is displayed.
a If "1" is not displayed after repeating
the steps 4 times, the ECMV may be
defective. In this case, replace the
a The * marked clutch display can be
either "0" or "1".
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
[16] Filter and oil replacement time setting func- a Displayed maintenance item and
tion (MAINTENANCE MONITOR) function:
Machine monitor can set the maintenance intervals
Maintenance items
for various filters and oil which become the base of No. Display
and functions
replacement time display for filter and oil. Also the
machine monitor can activate or deactivate the dis- 1 41:FUEL P FILT Fuel pre filter
play function. 2 01:ENG OIL Engine oil
1. Selection of the service menu 3 02:ENG FILT Engine oil filter
Select the filter and oil replacement time set-
4 13:TM FILT Transmission oil filter
ting function (MAINTENANCE MONITOR) in
the service menu selection screen. 5 03:FUEL FILT Fuel main filter
6 06:CORR RES Corrosion resistor
Torque convertery/
7 17:TC/TM/ BK OIL
Transmission/Brake oil
8 14:BK OIL FILT Brake oil filter
9 16:BK C FILT Brake cooling oil filter
10 04:HYD FILT Hydraulic oil filter
11 11:DIFF OIL Differential oil
12 08:FNL OIL Final drive oil
13 10:HYD OIL Hydraulic oil
Setting default value for all
Setting validity or invalidity for
2. Displaying and selecting the maintenance item all items
and function
1) With the service menu selected, press the a No.1 – 14 are the maintenance items
[U] switch to display the maintenance where the setting is changed by item,
item and function selection screen. and No.15 – 16 are the functions
q [U]: Conduct the service menu. which allows to change the setting of
all items simultaneously.
a Display the item and function in the [*]
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
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2) After displaying the screen to input inter- a If the timer which has been OFF is
vals, press the [>] switch or the [<] switch turned ON, the interval is set to the
to display the activation or deactivation value before it was turned OFF and
setting screen. the rest of set time of the timer is
q [>]: Switch the setting screen. reset. The number of resetting times
q [<]: Switch the setting screen is set to the value before it was turned
a If the function is activated, it is dis- OFF.
played like the upper line. And if it is
deactivated, it is displayed like the 6. Setting default values of interval time for all
lower line. items (function of No.15)
3) After the activate or deactivate setting 1) With all item default value setting (INI-
screen is displayed, check the present TIALIZE) selected on the maintenance
setting status and the contents of change. item and function selection screen, press
Then operate each of the switches [U] the [U] switch to display the all item
and [t]. default value setting screen.
q [U]: Switch to the change confirma- q [U]: Implement the function to set the
tion screen default values of all the items.
q [t]: To return to the maintenance
i te m an d fu nc ti on s e le ct io n
q [< ]: Switch to the interval change
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
a The number of resetting times is kept a If activation of all the items (ON) is
at the value before the default was set, the maintenance function of all
set. the items starts to work regardless of
a Each item is set turned ON. setting by the maintenance item and
the interval is set to the previous time
7. Setting the function activation or deactivation before the interval has been deacti-
for all the items (function No.16) vated.
1) With the activation or deactivation setting a The timer is reset simultaneously and
for all items selected (ALL ITEMS) on the it restarts to count from 0 h.
maintenance item and function selection The number of resetting times is set
screen, press the [U] switch to display the to the value before it was turned OFF.
all items activation or deactivation setting
q [U]: Implement the function to set
activation or deactivation of all
the items.
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[17] Operation information display function a There are four types of information
Machine monitor can display the fuel consumption
per mile and per time, the fuel consumption per any 4. Information to be displayed (screen 1 – 4)
accumulated time and the travel distance, and the Above: Fuel consumption per km or mile from
fuel consumption during any accumulated time and the last reset point (distance unit is km
its accumulated time. or mile and it depends on the setting of
a Fuel consumption value is the integration of the integrated odometer in the opera-
the targeted injection rate signal which is sent tor mode).
from the engine controller. It is not the mea- Maximum display value:
surement of the actual fuel consumption. 99999.9 L/km (L/mile)
Therefore the displayed fuel consumption is Below: Fuel consumption per time started
used as a guide value. from the last reset point
Maximum display value: 99999.9 L/h
1. Selection of the service menu
Select the operation information display func-
tion (OPERATION INFO) on the service menu
selection screen.
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[19] Manual snapshot function (Snapshot) 3. Press [U] switch to start the snapshot.
q This function is applicable to only machines a The upper column displays the elapsed
equipped with VHMS. time.
q The manual snapshot function stores 7 min- a [–] sign in the leftmost position of the lower
utes and 30 seconds worth data to be used for column is replaced with [*] and it starts
Pm clinic or testing/adjustment to VHMS con- flashing.
troller. a For every 30 seconds, [–] is replaced with
q When collecting data at a regular interval for [*] starting with the leftmost one. When
Pm clinic, it is required to observe the machine two or more [*] signs are displayed, the
operating procedure specified for the quick rightmost one flashes.
Pm. As for the data collection for the testing or a Pressing [t] switch while the snapshot is
adjustment purpose, however, no specified taking place stops the snapshot.
machine operating procedure is stipulated.
q When using the data being stored with the
manual snapshot function, a PC must be con-
nected. For the connecting as well as operat-
ing procedure, refer to VHMS controller initial
setting procedure. (Connection of a PC may be
done before or after the snapshot.)
a For detail of operation of the snapshot function,
see the Quick Pm implementation procedure.
1. Display the SNAPSHOT screen from the menu
screen of Service mode.
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01653-01
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SEN01653-01 30 Testing and adjusting
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
4. Starting the VHMS initial setting tool 5. Initial setting of VHMS controller (Ver. 3. 5. 2. 1
a This work is done inside the cab (from PC). or older version)
1) Turn on the PC power and start the OS. a This work is done inside the cab (from
2) Operating [VHMS initial setting tool] icon on PC).
the PC, start up the VHMS initial setting tool. a It is prohibited in the initial setting to mod-
ify the data of service meter [SMR].
Important [Machine Information]
a Appearance of the setup screen of 1) Open [Machine Information] tab.
the VHMS setting tool depends its a [Data clear and Set up] menu displays
tool. [Machine Information] tab first.
a When using Ver. or older ver- 2) Check every data for correctness.
sion (CD-ROM), the setting proce- a The figure shows the display of another
dure shall conform to that described model as an example.
in Section 5.
a When using an update version
(Ver. or after), the procedure in
Section 6 shall be used.
a It is recommended to download the
latest VHMS version from WebCARE
to update the currently used version.
(Related material: SERVICE MATE
3) Enter the 10-digit service ID to [Service ID].
a Service ID: 7826142000
4) Select [Data clear and Set up] from
[Select Function] item.
5) Click [OK] button to proceed to the setup
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
(*1) For setting of the model, type, variation code, etc., see the VHMS initial setting manual (Tool)
a A variation code is an item among the model, date, etc. that are set with the personal computer software
when the VHMS is initialized. It is used to notify the VHMS "whether the PLM in the VHMS is effective
(Code: PV), whether PLM II is connected (Code: P2), and whether the machine has the payload meter
(PLM) function (Code: ST)".
a Since A and B of the short connector to be connected to connector No. HM-50 are not used, connect
them normally.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
6. Initial setting of VHMS controller (Ver. 3. 5. 2. 1 3) Confirm the machine information and, if
or later version) they are correct, press [Next] button.
a This work is done inside the cab (from PC).
a It is prohibited in the initial setting to mod-
ify the data of service meter [SMR].
1) Select [VHMS Setting] and then press
[Next] button.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
Terminal S/N
Country to use
Machine Info. Model-Type-#S/N 䋭 #
DB's Contact Address
DB's name
Phone Number (Country-Area-Local-Local) 䋭 䋭 䋭
e-mail address
Name(Please print) First Middle Family
Subsidiary's Contact Address
Subsidiary's name
Phone Number (Country-Area-Local-Local) 䋭 䋭 䋭
E-mail address
Name(Please print) First Middle Family
It will take one or two weeks to activate after being received this sheet.
ORBCOMM terminal is unable to communicate before activation being completed.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
8) As 7 minutes and 30 seconds elapsed 10) Open the quick Pm data to draw a graph.
from start of the snapshot, following a Set the Time to the X-axis and set the
screen appears and then the initial screen following to the Y-axis.
is restored in 5 seconds. (End of snap- q Engine Speed (Engine speed)
shot) q Fuel Inject (Fuel injection rate)
q Blowby Press (Blow-by pressure)
q F Exhaust Temp (Exhaust temperature
of No. 1, 2, 3 cylinders)
q R Exhaust Temp (Exhaust tempera-
ture of No. 4, 5, 6 cylinders)
q Engine Oil Press (Engine oil pres-
q Engine Oil Temp (Engine oil tempera-
q Coolant Temp (Engine coolant tem-
q Ambient Temp (Ambient temperature)
q Boost Press (Boost pressure)
q Accelerator Pos (Accelerator posi-
Important tion)
Data of quick Pm are recorded only once. q Hoist Lev Pos (Dump lever position)
Thus, if another quick PM is repeated, the cur- q T/C Oil Temp (Torque converter oil tem-
rent data will be overwritten with the last one. perature)
In order to avoid above trouble, be sure to q T/M Out speed (Transmission output
download data of every completed quick Pm speed)
shall to PC. For the procedure, see 8. Down- q Shift Indicator (Gearshift position)
load of setting data. q Lock Up Signal (Lockup signal)
q Retarder Temp (Retarder oil tempera-
9) Read the quick PM data by use of the ture)
analysis tool. q F Brake Press (Front brake oil pres-
a For detailed usage of the analysis sure)
tool, see the operation and mainte- q R Brake Press (Rear brake oil pres-
nance manual. sure)
q Retarder Position (Retarder position)
q Foot Brake Position (Foot brake posi-
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
E-mail: [email protected]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Model name
Serial No.
Confirmation of machine body and
1 Engine serial No.
component nameplates
Transmission controller serial No.
VHMS controller serial No.
Is it operating normally?
VHMS controller check for normal
3 (Displays counting in ascending-order succeeding to yes no
Is "Data Clear and Set up" selected for the setting tool
4 Starting of VHMS initial setting tool yes no
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
Model name
Serial No.
Confirmation of machine body and Engine serial No.
component nameplates Transmission serial No.
VHMS controller serial No.
ORBCOM terminal serial No.
Is it operating normally?
VHMS controller check for normal
3 (Displays counting in ascending-order succeeding to yes no
4 Starting of VHMS initial setting tool Is "Set up" selected for the setting tool mode? yes no
6 Saving of settings Is LED (7-segment) turned off after data was stored? yes no
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
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22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
4) Currently saved information will be dis- 7) After adjusting time, press [OK] button.
played. Press [OK] button.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
9) The confirmation screen will ask whether 3. Confirmation, saving and loading of VHMS
or not the data before the above setup is controller setting information (Ver. 3. 5. 2. 1
to be saved. Press [NO] button. or later version)
a It is not necessary to save the data before a This work is done inside the cab (from PC).
the setting. a Setting information is saved from the VHMS
controller to be replaced to the PC and the
saved information is loaded to the new
VHMS controller after the replacement.
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
4) Confirm every information before the 3) Select [Use previous setting after replace-
replacement and then press [Save] but- ment of VHMS controller] and press [Next]
ton. button.
5) Select [Exit] from [File] of the menu to end 4) Currently saved information will be dis-
the VHMS initial setting tool. played. Press [Next] button.
6) Disconnect the PC.
a Refer to "10. Disconnecting the PC"
in "VHMS controller initial setting pro-
7) Turns the PC power off.
8) Proceed to replacement of VHMS control-
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
6) The confirmation screen will ask whether [Operations needed after replacement of VHMS
or not the data before the above setup is controller]
to be saved. Press [NO] button. a Execute the quick Pm referring "7. Executing
a It is not necessary to save the data quick Pm" in "VHMS controller initial setting
before the setting. procedure".
a Download the data referring "8. Download of
setting data" in "VHMS controller initial setting
a After the replacement, send VHMS/WebCARE
setting report sheet to VHMS/WebCARE Sup-
port Center in Komatsu Headquarters.
a Also send two sets of data, the downloaded
before and after the VHMS replacement, via
Notes (LAN) or E-mail (WAN).
Komatsu VHMS/WebCARE Support Center
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
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32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
Table 1
(*1) For setting of the model, type, variation code, etc., see the VHMS initial setting manual (Tool)
When there is not a problem in installation and wiring of the payload meter but there are the following prob-
lems, check the above setting again.
1. Items related to the payload meter are not displayed on the machine monitor.
"The payload is not displayed when the machine is loaded and stopped", "There are not the manus
related to the payload meter on the match marks", etc.
a In the following cases, perform "setting of option selection of machine monitor" and "setting with
VHMS initialization manual (tool)" according to Table 1.
2. While the payload meter in the VHMS is not set, there are the menus related to the payload meter on
the machine monitor.
a In the following cases, perform "setting of option selection of machine monitor" and "setting with
VHMS initialization manual (tool)" according to Table 1.
3. While the payload meter in the VHMS is set, the payload does not match to the lighting condition of the
red lamp of the outside indicator lamps.
a Wrong setting of the model and serial No. with the VHMS initial setting tool.
4. The storage place of the data file made by the download software is not found.
a Wrong setting of the model and serial No. with the VHMS initial setting tool.
5. Data cannot be downloaded.
a Wrong setting of the model, serial No., and variation code with the VHMS initial setting tool.
6. Date and time of the downloaded data are wrong.
a Wrong setting of the date and time with the VHMS initial setting tool.
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SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
Set various items of the payload meter (PLM) with 3. Correction of calculation of load weight
the machine monitor. a Since this function affects the accuracy
1. Selection of service menu directly, execute the following procedure
While the service menu selection screen is dis- securely.
played, select the PLM setting function (PLM). a Be sure to measure the weight of the
empty machine and that of the fully loaded
machine as a set in order according to the
following procedure.
a The machine must travel for about 3 min-
utes each after its empty weight and its
fully loaded weight are measured.
Accordingly, secure a road for this pur-
a The relationship between the suspension
pressure and load weight corrected with
this function cannot be returned to the
condition at the time of shipment. Accord-
ingly, perform the following procedure very
2. Setting of travel distance to recognize comple-
1) Measure the weight of the empty machine
tion of loading
with the load meter and record it (Write it
on a sheet of paper, etc.)
2) Input the measured weight of the empty
machine and drive the machine for about
3 minutes.
1] Select "EMPTY WEIGHT".
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36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
6] Display the progress of measure- 5) Input the measured weight of the fully
ment. loaded machine and drive the machine for
about 3 minutes.
1] Select "LOADED WEIGHT".
For the method of displaying the fol-
lowing screen, see the steps up to the
above step.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
3] Input the measured weight of the fully 5] Move the machine to a place where
loaded machine. you can drive it for about 3 minutes.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
7] Dump the load in the dump area. The current standard level value is
displayed on the upper line. The incli-
nometer value (F) at the current posi-
tion blinks. Enter it when it is
2] Turn the machine 180 degrees (Stop
it in the opposite direction).
3] Enter value of (R).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
4] Enter the standard level value. 6. Setting of load weight to recognize start of
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
q [ < ] button: Number at cursor moves back- q [>], [<] buttons: Select "WHEN
q [U] button: Enter number at cursor WHEN DUMPING (Setting at time of ship-
q [t] button: Stop inputting number ment)
a % The setting range is 0 - 130% of the The load weight measured when the
rated load weight. dump lever is shifted from the "FLOAT"
Set A (Yellow lamp) higher than G (Green position to "another position" in the dump
lamp) and set R (Red lamp) higher than A area is saved.
(Yellow lamp), however. WHEN TRAVELING
The data sampled while traveling from the
8. Setting of OFFSET range loading area to the dump area is pro-
cessed statistically and the hauled load
weight is entered and saved when it is
q [U] button: Enter the selected method
q [t ] button: Return to the menu screen
2) Enter the selected method.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
1. Setting of switches
1) Remove cover (1) from the left side of the card-type payload meter.
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
q Set buzzer volume switch (B) and switch forcible prohibition switch (No. 8), if necessary.
When changing these switches from the initial positions, be sure to check with the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.
q Do not change the load weight correction trimmer (No. 1) from the initial position.
q Do not change the speed correction switch (No. 2), distance correction switch (No. 3), memory
card using switch (No. 5), and clinometer using switch (No. 6) from the initial positions.
a You can carry out the operations of calibration, clearing all data, dumping card, and setting
date by turning switches No. 5 and No. 8 ON or OFF. (See the Operation and Maintenance
Optional setting
Transmis- Execution of
sion baud automatic
Option code Type of transmission of data
rate transmission Setting of Setting of
when dumping is finished
(bit/sec) function TALKS PMC
(when PMC is set)
0 9600 NO NO NO —
1 9600 YES NO NO —
2 1200 NO NO NO —
3 1200 YES NO NO —
4 9600 NO YES NO —
6 1200 NO YES NO —
10 9600 NO NO YES Z1
11 9600 NO NO YES Z2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
Screen (6)
a While watching the screen, operate switches (2) – (5) to set values.
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
2) Display the option code screen according 3) Changing set value of option code
to the following procedure. a You can change the digit at the blink-
1] Press MODE switch (2) for 2 sec- ing place.
Display: Cd: dp (Cd lights up and dp q Changing ones digit
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
2] Press TOTAL/SFT switch (4) and 14] Press LIGHT/INC switch (3).
LIGHT/INC switch (3) simultaneously Display: d. XXX (d. lights up and XXX
for 2 seconds. blinks)
Display: S. SEL (S. SEL lights up) q XXX = Set to 090.
a If LIGHT/INC switch (3) is held,
3] Press CAL/CLR switch (5). XXX increases to 255 and then
Display: UP: XX (UP: lights up and returns to 0.
XX blinks)
15] Press CAL/CLR switch (5).
4] Press CAL/CLR switch (5). Display: E. XXX (E. lights up and
Display: PL: XX (PL: lights up and XX XXX blinks)
blinks) q XXX = Currently set display level
of external lamp 5
5] Press CAL/CLR switch (5).
Display: O. SEL (O. SEL lights up)
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
30 Testing and adjusting SEN01654-02
5. Check of setting
For 30 seconds after the card-type payload
meter is turned ON, the model selection code,
setting of memory card using switch, setting of
clinometer using switch, setting of weight unit
setting switch, setting of switch forcible prohibi-
tion switch, and setting of option code are dis-
played. Check that they are correct.
a For contents of indication made when the
power is turned ON, see Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Handling of payload
meter (card type), Contents of indica-
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01654-02 30 Testing and adjusting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Failure code table and fuse locations
Failure codes table.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Fuse locations............................................................................................................................................... 13
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40 Troubleshooting SEN01660-02
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40 Troubleshooting SEN01660-02
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SEN01660-02 40 Troubleshooting
a Failure codes:
The failure code table is written in alphabetical order and also starting from small number.
The failure code in parentheses is not recorded in the failure history for both electrical system and
mechanical system.
a Applicable equipment:
Applicable equipment indicates in which controller system the failure has occurred.
MON : Machine monitor system
ENG : Engine controller system
TM : Transmission controller system
BK : Retarder controller system
ABS : ABS controller system
VHMS : PLM function system of VHMS controller (Note: Displayed as "PLM" on machine monitor)
a Action codes:
Action codes indicate what is displayed in the operator mode when a failure is detected.
a History classification:
History classification indicates in which system, either electrical system or mechanical system in the fail-
ure history display function, a failure has been recorded.
a Note : Optional equipment is also included in this table.
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01660-02
Fuse locations 1
a When carrying out troubleshooting related to the electrical system, you should check the circuit breakers
and fuses to see if the power is supplied normally.
Circuit breaker (30A/80A) and fuse locations in battery box and connection table
a This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the circuit breakers and fuse
box supplies power (An accessory power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting
switch is in the ON position and an unswitched power supply is a device which supplies power while the
starting switch is in the OFF and ON positions).
Accessory power supply Intake air heater (engine) connected through heater relay
INH 120A
(Battery relay output) (HR)
*1: For fuse boxes (BT1) – (BT4), see the following pages.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01660-02 40 Troubleshooting
a The circled numbers are the terminal numbers shown in the circuit diagram of each failure code.
*1: These are connected to the corresponding fuses (1), (3) and (4) and lighting switch and then connected
to the fuses again. See troubleshooting of electrical system (E mode), "E-12".
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01660-02
a The circled numbers are the terminal numbers shown in the circuit diagram of each failure code.
Key switch
(11) 10A Machine monitor, payload meter/controller
Key switch (12) 10A Rear view range monitor (if equipped), VHMS download
(BR) (13) 10A Parking brake circuit
FuA2 (30A) (17) 10A Horn
power supply
FuB1 (80A) (18) 10A Machine monitor
power supply
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01660-02 40 Troubleshooting
a The circled numbers are the terminal numbers shown in the circuit diagram of each failure code.
FuB1 (80A) (26) 20A Fog lamp (if equipped)
power supply
Key switch
(35) 5A Engine controller
FuA1 (80A) (36) 30A Engine controller
power supply
FuA1 (80A) (38) 30A Engine controller
power supply
(40) 2A Spare
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01660-02
a The circled numbers are the terminal numbers shown in the circuit diagram of each failure code.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01660-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
General information on troubleshooting
Points to remember when troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 2
Sequence of events in troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 3
Check before troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................... 4
Classification and procedures for troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 5
Contents of troubleshooting table ................................................................................................................... 6
Connection table for connector pin numbers .................................................................................................. 8
T-branch box and T-branch adapter table ..................................................................................................... 44
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to pre-
vent reoccurrence of the failure. When carrying out troubleshooting, and important point is of course to
understand the structure and function. However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to ask the operator
various questions to form some idea of possible causes of the failure that would produce the reported symp-
1. When carrying out troubleshooting, do not 4) Other maintenance items can be checked
hurry to disassemble the components. externally, so check any item that is con-
If components are disassembled immediately sidered to be necessary.
any failure occurs:
q Parts that have no connection with the fail- 4. Confirming failure
ure or other unnecessary parts will be dis- Confirm the extent of the failure yourself, and
assembled. judge whether to handle it as a real failure or
q It will become impossible to find the cause as a problem with the method of operation, etc.
of the failure. a When operating the machine to reenact
It will also cause a waste of manhours, parts, the troubleshooting symptoms, do not
or oil or grease, and at the same time, will also carry out any investigation or measure-
lose the confidence of the user or operator. For ment that may make the problem worse.
this reason, when carrying out troubleshooting, 5. Troubleshooting
it is necessary to carry out thorough prior Use the results of the investigation and inspec-
investigation and to carry out troubleshooting tion in Items 2 – 4 to narrow down the causes
in accordance with the fixed procedure. of failure, then use the troubleshooting table or
2. Points to ask user or operator troubleshooting flowchart to locate the position
of the the failure exactly.
1) Have any other problems occurred apart
a The basic procedure for troubleshooting is
from the problem that has been reported?
as follows.
2) Was there anything strange about the
1] Start from the simple points.
machine before the failure occurred?
2] Start from the most likely points.
3) Did the failure occur suddenly, or were
there problems with the machine condition 3] Investigate other related parts or
before this? information.
4) Under what conditions did the failure 6. Measures to remove root cause of failure
occur? Even if the failure is repaired, if the root cause
5) Had any repairs been carried out before of the failure is not repaired, the same failure
the failure? When were these repairs car- will occur again.To prevent this, always investi-
ried out? gate why the problem occurred. Then, remove
6) Has the same kind of failure occurred the root cause.
3. Check before troubleshooting
1) Is there any sign of irregularities of the
2) Make checks before starting day's work.
3) Make checks of other items.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
1. Procedure for troubleshooting to be taken when action code and failure code are displayed on
machine monitor:
If a action code and a failure code are displayed on the machine monitor, carry out the troubleshooting
for the corresponding "Display of code" according to the displayed failure code.
2. When electrical system failure code or mechanical system failure code is recorded in fault his-
If a action code and a failure code are not displayed on the machine monitor, check for a mechanical
system failure code and an electrical system failure code with the fault history function of the machine
If a failure code is recorded, carry out troubleshooting for the corresponding "Display of code" accord-
ing to that code.
a If an electrical system failure code is recorded, delete all the codes and reproduce them, and then
see if the trouble is still detected.
a A failure code of the mechanical system cannot be deleted.
a If a trouble is displayed in the air conditioner fault history or heater fault history by the fault history
function, carry out the corresponding troubleshooting in "E mode".
3. When action code or failure code is not displayed and no failure code is recorded in fault
If a action code or a failure code is not displayed on the machine monitor and no failure code is recorded
in the fault history, a trouble that the machine cannot find out by itself may have occurred in the electrical
system or hydraulic and mechanical system.
In this case, check the phenomenon looking like a trouble again and select the same phenomenon from
the table of "Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos.", and then carry out trouble-
shooting corresponding to that phenomenon in the "E mode", "H mode", or "S mode".
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
a The terms of male and female refer to the pins, while the terms of male housing and female housing
refer to the mating portion of the housing.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
T-adapter kit
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
T-adapter kit
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01661-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01661-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [1500L0] (Dual engagement) ..................................................................................................... 3
Failure code [15B0NX] (Transmission oil filter: Clogging)............................................................................... 4
Failure code [15F0KM] (R o F shifting abuse 1: Mistake in operation) .......................................................... 6
Failure code [15F0MB] (R o F shifting abuse 2: Mistake in operation) .......................................................... 6
Failure code [15F7KM] (Forward clutch disk abuse: Mistake in operation or setting)..................................... 7
Failure code [15G0MW] (R clutch: Slipping)................................................................................................... 8
Failure code [15G7KM] (Reverse clutch disk abuse: Mistake in operation or setting).................................. 10
Failure code [15H0MW] (Hi clutch: Slipping) ................................................................................................ 12
Failure code [15J0MW] ( Lo clutch: Slipping) ............................................................................................... 14
Failure code [15K0MW] (1st clutch: Slipping) ............................................................................................... 16
Failure code [15L0MW] (2nd clutch: Slipping) .............................................................................................. 18
Failure code [15M0MW] (3rd clutch: Slipping) .............................................................................................. 20
Failure code [15N0MW] (4th clutch: Slipping)............................................................................................... 22
Failure code [15SBL1] (R clutch solenoid: Fill signal is ON when command current is OFF) ...................... 24
Failure code [15SBMA] (R clutch solenoid: Malfunction).............................................................................. 26
Failure code [15SCL1] (Hi clutch solenoid: Fill signal is ON when command current is OFF) ..................... 28
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Output shaft speed can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31400 (rpm)).
• Output shaft speed can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31400 (rpm)).
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31600 (mA))
Related • Fill switch input signal can be checked with code: 38919 (0: OFF, 1: ON).
information • If electrical system is normal, check hydraulic and mechanical systems of high clutch or pressure
control valve for defect.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31602 (mA))
Related • Fill switch input signal can be checked with code: 38919 (0: OFF, 1: ON).
information • If electrical system is normal, check hydraulic and mechanical systems of 1st clutch or pressure
control valve for defect.
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01662-02
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01662-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [15SFL1] Trouble in 2nd clutch pressure control valve
(Fill signal is ON though command current is OFF)................................................................................. 3
Failure code [15SFMA] Trouble in 2nd clutch pressure control valve
(Though command is holding pressure, 2nd clutch fill switch is OFF, and slipping detected) ................. 6
Failure code [15SGL1] Trouble in 3rd clutch pressure control valve
(Fill signal is ON though command current is OFF)................................................................................. 8
Failure code [15SGMA] Trouble in 3rd clutch pressure control valve
(Though command is holding pressure, 3rd clutch fill switch is OFF, and slipping detected) ................ 12
Failure code [15SHL1] Trouble in 4th clutch pressure control valve
(Fill signal is ON though command current is OFF)............................................................................... 14
Failure code [15SHMA] Trouble in 4th clutch pressure control valve
(Though command is holding pressure, 4th clutch fill switch is OFF, and slipping detected) ................ 18
Failure code [15SJMA] Trouble in lockup clutch pressure control valve
(Though lockup command is holding pressure, slipping is detected) .................................................... 20
Failure code [2C4MNX] Retarder cooling oil filter: Clogging......................................................................... 22
Failure code [2F00KM] Parking brake: Dragging.......................................................................................... 24
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31603 (mA))
Related • Fill switch input signal can be checked with code: 38919 (0: OFF, 1:ON).
information • If electrical system is normal, check hydraulic and mechanical systems of 2nd clutch or pressure
control valve for defect.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31604 (mA))
Related • Fill switch input signal can be checked with code: 38919 (0: OFF, 1:ON).
information • If electrical system is normal, check hydraulic and mechanical systems of 3rd clutch or pressure
control valve for defect.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
Table 1
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble
Failed clutch Action of controller ON/OFF state of
was detected
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
Low Low 4H F7 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
High High 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3rd 4L F6 OFF
Low Low 3H F5 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
High High 3L F4 OFF
2nd 2nd 3L F4 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
1st 1st 2L F2 OFF
Low Low 2H F3 OFF
Reverse Reverse OFF NEUTRAL OFF
Low Low RH R OFF
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Current output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 31605 (mA)).
Related • Fill switch input signal can be checked with code: 38919 (0: OFF, 1:ON).
information • If electrical system is normal, check hydraulic and mechanical systems of 4th clutch or pressure
control valve for defect.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
Table 2
Remedy against trouble
Speed when trouble Failed clutch
was detected (Fill switch ON) Action of controller ON/OFF state of
(Selected clutch, gear speed) lockup clutch
High 4H F7 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
Low 4L F6 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
High 3H F5 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
Low 3L F4 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
4th 4L F6 OFF
3rd 3L F4 OFF
F1 2nd 2L F2 OFF
High 2H F3 OFF
High RH R2 OFF
N ANY NONE No reaction —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31605 (mA))
information • If the electric system is normal, check the hydraulic/mechanical system of the 4th clutch and pres-
sure control valve for a defect.
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31609 (mA))
information • If the electrical system is normal, check for a failure in the hydraulic or mechanical system for
lockup clutch or pressure control valve.
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
• When engine speed is above 500 rpm and torque converter oil temperature is above 50°C, and
Contents of
engine coolant temperature is above 67°C, oil filter circuit is opened (disconnected from ground cir-
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • If engine is used for long hours, it may be seized.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Input signal from oil temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 30211
Related (°C), 30212 (V)).
information • For troubleshooting for brake (retarder) (rear) oil temperature sensor, see failure code [DGR2KZ].
• If R14 (BCV relay) primary side has trouble, error code [DW78KZ] is displayed.
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01663-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01663-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [CA111] Abnormality in engine controller ................................................................................... 4
Failure code [CA115] Engine Ne or Bkup speed sensor error ........................................................................ 6
Failure code [CA122] Charge pressure sensor high error .............................................................................. 8
Failure code [CA123] Charge pressure sensor low error.............................................................................. 10
Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error........................................................................................... 12
Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error ............................................................................................ 14
Failure code [CA135] Engine oil pressure sensor high error ........................................................................ 16
Failure code [CA141] Engine oil pressure sensor low error.......................................................................... 18
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temperature sensor high error ...................................................................... 20
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temperature sensor low error........................................................................ 22
Failure code [CA153] Charge temperature sensor high error....................................................................... 24
Failure code [CA154] Charge temperature sensor low error ........................................................................ 26
Failure code [CA187] Sensor power supply 2 low error................................................................................ 26
Failure code [CA212] Engine oil temperature sensor high error................................................................... 28
Failure code [CA213] Engine oil temperature sensor low error .................................................................... 30
Failure code [CA221] Atmospheric pressure sensor high error .................................................................... 32
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 63
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
64 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 65
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
66 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 67
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
68 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01664-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 69
SEN01664-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
70 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [CA431] Idle validation switch error............................................................................................ 4
Failure code [CA432] Idle validation action error ............................................................................................ 8
Failure code [CA441] Battery voltage low error .............................................................................................. 8
Failure code [CA442] Battery voltage high error ............................................................................................. 9
Failure code [CA449] Common rail pressure high error 2 .............................................................................. 9
Failure code [CA451] Common rail pressure sensor high error.................................................................... 10
Failure code [CA452] Common rail pressure sensor low error ..................................................................... 12
Failure code [CA553] Common rail pressure high error 1 ............................................................................ 13
Failure code [CA554] Common rail pressure sensor: In-range error ............................................................ 14
Failure code [CA559] Supply pump no-pressure feed error 1 ...................................................................... 15
Failure code [CA689] Engine Ne speed sensor error ................................................................................... 18
Failure code [CA731] Engine Bkup speed sensor phase error..................................................................... 20
Failure code [CA757] All engine controller data lost error ............................................................................ 21
Failure code [CA778] Engine Bkup speed sensor error................................................................................ 22
Failure code [CA1228] EGR valve servo error 1........................................................................................... 24
Failure code [CA1625] EGR valve servo error 2........................................................................................... 25
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [CA1626] Short circuit in bypass valve solenoid drive system ................................................. 26
Failure code [CA1627] Disconnection in bypass valve solenoid drive system.............................................. 28
Failure code [CA1628] Bypass valve servo error 1....................................................................................... 29
Failure code [CA1629] Bypass valve servo error 2....................................................................................... 30
Failure code [CA1631] Bypass valve lift sensor high error ........................................................................... 32
Failure code [CA1632] Bypass valve lift sensor low error ............................................................................. 34
Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET (datalink timeout) error ............................................................................. 35
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sensor supply voltage high error ................................................................. 36
Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sensor power supply low error .................................................................... 38
Failure code [CA2249] Supply pump no-pressure feed error 2..................................................................... 39
Failure code [CA2271] EGR valve lift sensor high error ............................................................................... 40
Failure code [CA2272] EGR valve lift sensor low error ................................................................................. 42
Failure code [CA2351] Short circuit in EGR valve solenoid drive system..................................................... 44
Failure code [CA2352] Disconnection in EGR valve solenoid drive system ................................................. 46
Failure code [CA2555] Intake heater relay voltage low error ........................................................................ 47
Failure code [CA2556] Intake heater relay voltage high error....................................................................... 48
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
Fig. 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
Fig. 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
Fig. 1: Locations of overflow valve (1), bypass valve (2), and fuel inlet joint (3)
q Overflow valve (1): Spring is seen through both holes.
q Bypass valve (2): Spring is seen through hole on nut side.
q Fuel inlet joint (3): Gauze filter is seen through both holes.
Note 2: Check, clean, and replace the filters and strainers according to the following procedure.
1) Gauze filter: Disassemble and check. If clogged, clean.
2) Upstream strainer of gauze filter: If the gauze filter is clogged, clean the upstream filter, too.
3) Fuel filter: If the trouble is not solved by performing 1) and 2) above, replace the fuel filter.
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
B. Check with machine monitor (Abnormality record, monitoring, cylinder cut-out operation) Good Bad
3 Checking error and failure codes / / / /
Checking monitoring information
Standard value Measured
Code Display item Check conditions Unit Good Bad
(Reference value) value
Low idle rpm 750 ± 50
01002 Engine speed High idle rpm 2,270 ± 50
Full stall (P-mode) rpm 1,910 ± 100
Position of accelerator Low idle % 0
pedal High idle % 100
Common rail pressure
4 36200 Rating or equivalent MPa
36400 Common rail fuel pressure Rating or equivalent MPa
Low idle CA — — —
36300 Injection timing command High idle CA — — —
Rating or equivalent CA — — —
kPa Min. 160
36500 Boost pressure Rating or equivalent — —
{mmHg} {Min. 1,200}
04104 Engine coolant temperature Low idle °C — — —
04204 Fuel temperature Low idle °C — — —
Checking cylinder cut-out operation (Engine speed)
Standard value Measured
Function Cut-out cylinder Check conditions Unit Good Bad
(Reference value) value
Cylinder 1 Low idle rpm — — —
5 Cylinder 2 Low idle rpm — — —
Cylinder 3 Low idle rpm — — —
Cylinder 4 Low idle rpm — — —
Cylinder 5 Low idle rpm — — —
Cylinder 6 Low idle rpm — — —
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01665-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01665-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 5
Failure code [D19HKB] Short circuit in stop lamp relay output system........................................................... 3
Failure code [D5ZKKZ] Trouble in front brake cut valve system (Disconnection or short circuit) ................... 4
Failure code [DAF9KM] Wrong connection of connector ................................................................................ 6
Failure code [DAFRKR] Abnormal CAN communication (machine monitor) .................................................. 8
Failure code [DAQ0KK] Lowering of power supply voltage in transmission controller
direct power supply................................................................................................................................ 10
Failure code [DAQ0KT] Abnormality in transmission controller nonvolatile memory .................................... 12
Failure code [DAQ2KK] Transmission controller solenoid power supply voltage low error .......................... 13
Failure code [DAQ9KQ] Disagreement of model selection signal (Transmission controller) ........................ 14
Failure code [DAQRKR] Abnormality in CAN communication (Transmission controller).............................. 14
Failure code [DAQRMA] Disagreement of option setting (Transmission controller) ..................................... 15
Failure code [DB10KT] Abnormality in retarder controller nonvolatile memory ............................................ 15
Failure code [DB12KK] Trouble in retarder controller solenoid power supply system .................................. 16
Failure code [DB13KK] Retarder controller battery direct power supply voltage low error ........................... 18
Failure code [DB19KQ] Disagreement of model selection (Retarder controller)........................................... 20
Failure code [DB1RKR] Abnormality in CAN communication (Retarder controller) ...................................... 22
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
Failure code [D19HKB] Short circuit in stop lamp relay output system 1
Action code Failure code Short circuit in stop lamp relay output system
E01 D19HKB (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
• When signal was output to stop lamp relay, abnormal current flowed.
Action of • Turns output to stop lamp relay OFF.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Stop lamp does not light up.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
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SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DDD7KX] Trouble in travel speed setting switch system (If
equipped) (When ARSC is set and ARSC system switch is ON) 1
Action code Failure code Trouble in travel speed setting switch system (If equipped)
Trouble (When ARSC is set and ARSC system switch is ON)
E03 DDD7KX (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
trouble • The input signal circuit voltage of the travel speed set switch is below 0.15 V.
Action of
controller • When ARSC operates, the controller releases the brake gradually.
Problem that
appears on • This failure does not have a serious effect on the machine.
information • None in particular.
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DDD9KB] Short circuit in ABS system switch (When ABS
is set and ABS system switch is ON) 1
Action code Failure code Short circuit in ABS system switch
Trouble (When ABS is set and ABS system switch is ON)
E03 DDD9KB (Machine moniter system)
Contents of
• The ON input of the ABS system switch is ON and the OFF input of the system switch is ON.
Action of
• When ABS operates, the controller releases the brake gradually.
Problem that
appears on • This failure does not have a serious effect on the machine.
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 63
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
64 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 65
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
66 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 67
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
68 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 69
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
70 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 71
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
72 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 73
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
74 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 75
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
76 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 77
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
78 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 79
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 38919).
80 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 81
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
82 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 83
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
84 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 85
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
86 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 87
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
88 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 89
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• The voltage of the signal circuit of the transmission oil temperature sensor is below 0.97 V (above
Contents of 150°C) or only transmission oil temperature is low (transmission oil temperature sensor signal cir-
trouble cuit voltage is above 4.56 V (below 15 °C) and torque converter and brake oil temperature sensor
voltage is below 3.7 V (above 55 °C).
Action of
• The controller controls the clutch oil pressure, fixing the sensed oil temperature high.
Problem that
appears on • Gear shift shocks become large.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 32500 (°C), 32501 (V)).
information • After repairing the failure and confirming resetting of the machine, perform the initial learning of the
transmission controller, referring to TESTING AND ADJUSTING, "Inspection of machine monitor".
90 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 91
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
92 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 93
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DGR6KX] Steering oil temperature sensor input signal out
of range 1
Action code Failure code Steering oil temperature sensor input signal out of range
E01 DGR6KX (Transmission controller system)
• Signal circuit voltage of steering oil temperature sensor has reached 0.97 V (more than 150 °C) or
only steering oil temperature is low (signal circuit voltage of steering oil temperature sensor is above
Contents of
4.56 V (less than 15 °C)).
• Oil temperature sensor voltages of torque converter and brake are below 3.7 V (more than 55 °C )
and normal.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Steering oil temperature gauge does not indicate properly.
• Input signal from oil temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
Related 1) Steering oil temperature sensor (codes: 32701 (°C) and 32702) (V))
information 2) Torque converter oil temperature sensor (codes: 30100 (°C) and 30101 (V))
3) Retarder oil temperature sensor (codes: 30211 (°C) and 30212 (V))
94 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 95
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
• The voltage of the signal circuit of the torque converter oil temperature sensor is below 0.97 V
Contents of (above 150°C) or when transmission valve oil temperature signal voltage is below 0.37 V (above
trouble 5C°) and there is no abnormality, torque converter oil temperature sensor signal circuit voltage is
above 4.56 V (below 15°C).
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • The torque converter oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 30100 (°C), 30101 (V)).
96 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01666-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 97
SEN01666-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
98 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 6
Failure code [DGT4KA] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “12”)
(Exhaust gas temperature sensor (F): Disconnection) ............................................................................ 4
Failure code [DGT4KB] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “11”)
(Exhaust gas temperature sensor (F): Short circuit)................................................................................ 6
Failure code [DGT5KA] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “22”)
(Exhaust gas temperature sensor (R): Disconnection)............................................................................ 8
Failure code [DGT5KB] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “21”)
(Exhaust gas temperature sensor (R): Short circuit) ............................................................................. 10
Failure code [DHE5KB] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “32”)
(Blow-by pressure sensor: Short circuit)................................................................................................ 12
Failure code [DHE5KY] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “31”)
(Blow-by pressure sensor: Short circuit with power supply line)............................................................ 14
Failure code [DHP4KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Front right) ........................... 16
Failure code [DHP4KZ] Disconnection or ground fault in suspension
pressure sensor system (Front right)..................................................................................................... 18
Failure code [DHP5KY] Short circuit in suspension pressure sensor system (Front left) ............................. 20
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Related • ABS control valve pressure sensor output can be checked with the monitoring function (Code:
information 43314 (MPa) and 43315 (V)).
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Related • ABS control valve pressure sensor output can be checked with the monitoring function (Code:
information 43312 (MPa) and 43313 (V)).
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Related • ABS control valve pressure sensor output can be checked with the monitoring function (Code:
information 43318 (MPa) and 43319 (V)).
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Related • ABS control valve pressure sensor output can be checked with the monitoring function (Code:
information 43316 (MPa) and 43317 (V)).
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Action of
controller • None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • The fuel level gauge does not indicate normally.
information z)).
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 04200 (V), 04201 (z
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
Action of
controller • None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Since steering angle signal is not input to retarder controller, ASR may not operate normally and
machine tires may slip consequently.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Contents of • Disconnection, grounding fault, or short circuit occurs in the signal circuit of the steering speed sen-
trouble sor and no signals are input.
Action of
controller • Fix the auto-suspension in the M mode.
Problem that
appears on • This failure does not have a serious effect on the machine.
information • This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 35403 (rad/s)).
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
Action of
controller • None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Machine pitch angle abnormality [989D00] cannot be detected.
• Signal from Inclination sensor can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 32900 (°) and 32902
• Cannot detect tipping over.
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 63
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
64 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 65
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 31200 (rpm)).
66 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 67
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
• The speed calculated from the engine speed sensor signal, transmission intermediate shaft speed
Contents of
sensor signal, and transmission output shaft speed sensor signal is different from the signal speed
of the transmission input shaft speed sensor.
Action of • The controller keeps the current gear speed and turns the lockup operation OFF.
controller • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the controller keeps the gear in Neutral.
Problem that
• The lockup system is reset and the gear cannot be shifted.
appears on
machine • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the machine cannot start until it is stopped.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 31200 (rpm)).
68 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 69
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 31300 (rpm)).
70 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 71
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
• The speed calculated from the engine speed sensor signal, transmission input shaft speed sensor
Contents of
signal, and transmission output shaft speed sensor signal is different from the signal speed of the
transmission intermediate shaft speed sensor.
Action of • The controller keeps the current gear speed.
controller • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the controller keeps the gear in Neutral.
Problem that
• The gear cannot be shifted.
appears on
machine • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the machine cannot start until it is stopped.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 31300 (V)).
72 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01667-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 73
SEN01667-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
74 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 7
Failure code [DLF6KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Front right) ................................................... 3
Failure code [DLF6L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Front right)............................................................... 4
Failure code [DLF7KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Front left)...................................................... 5
Failure code [DLF7L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Front left) ................................................................. 6
Failure code [DLF8KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Right rear) .................................................... 8
Failure code [DLF8L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Right rear) ............................................................. 10
Failure code [DLF8LC] Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Right rear) ................................................ 12
Failure code [DLF8MA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Right rear) ................................................. 13
Failure code [DLF9KA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Left rear) .................................................... 14
Failure code [DLF9L3] Trouble in wheel speed sensor (Left rear)................................................................ 16
Failure code [DLF9LC] Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Left rear)................................................... 18
Failure code [DLF9MA] Disconnection in wheel speed sensor (Left rear) .................................................... 19
Failure code [DLT3KA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor system........................... 20
Failure code [DLT3LC] Trouble in transmission output shaft speed sensor.................................................. 22
Failure code [DLT4KA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor ....................................... 24
Failure code [DLT4MA] Disconnection in transmission output shaft speed sensor ...................................... 26
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
Contents of • Defective harness wiring, defective speed sensor and the defective installation, etc. occurred and
trouble the pulse signal is not input to the signal circuit of wheel speed sensor (front right: FR).
Action of
controller • Stop ABS control.
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
information • Wheel speed sensor (FR) signal can be checked with monitoring (Code: 39707 (rpm)).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Wheel speed sensor (FR) signal can be checked with monitoring (Code: 39707 (rpm)).
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
Contents of • Defective harness wiring, defective speed sensor and the defective installation, etc. occurred and
trouble the pulse signal is not input to the signal circuit of wheel speed sensor (front left: FL).
Action of
controller • Stop ABS control.
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
information • Wheel speed sensor (FL) signal can be checked with monitoring (Code: 39706 (rpm)).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Wheel speed sensor (FL) signal can be checked with monitoring (Code: 39706 (rpm)).
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DLF9LC] Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Left rear)1
Action code Failure code Trouble in wheel speed sensor system (Left rear)
E01 DLF9LC (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
• Wheel speed signal (pulse) input to retarder controller is abnormal.
Action of
• Does not control ASR.
Problem that
• ASR is not controlled normally.
appears on
• (ABS is not controlled normally.)
• ABS controller inspects same trouble by failure code [DLF9L3].
a If ABS is installed and [DLF9L3] is not displayed, sensor and wiring harness out of cab are
judged normal.
a If ABS is installed and [DLF9L3] is displayed, turn starting switch OFF and disconnect ABS7
connector. Check that failure code [DLF9LC] is displayed again.
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• The speed calculated from the engine speed sensor signal, transmission input shaft speed sensor
Contents of
signal, and transmission intermediate shaft speed sensor signal is different from the signal speed of
the transmission output shaft speed sensor.
Action of • The controller keeps the current gear speed and turns the lockup operation OFF.
controller • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the controller keeps the gear in neutral.
Problem that
• The gear cannot be shifted.
appears on
machine • If the shift lever is set in the "N" position, the gear is set in neutral.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 31400 (rpm)).
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
Related • Transmission output shaft speed can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 31400 (V), 31403
information (rpm)). Wheel speed can be also checked with monitoring function (Code: 39704 (rpm)).
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON. (When check result of Cause
value in normal harness 1 is normal)
state 2 (Disconnection in wiring Resis-
Between J05 (male) (12) –(13) 5 – 15 z
or defective contact in tance
connector) Resis-
Between ATC3 (female) (13) – (37) 5 – 15 z
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, transmission controller may be
Defective transmission
3 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Output state to main pressure variable valve solenoid can be checked with monitoring function
Related (Code: 31643 Output current (0 – 1,000 (mA)).
information • Signal is not output to main pressure variable valve solenoid circuit until starting switch is turned
OFF once.
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Output state to main pressure variable valve solenoid can be checked with monitoring function
Related (Code: 31643 Output current (0 – 1,000 (mA)).
information • Signal is not output to main pressure variable valve solenoid circuit until starting switch is turned
OFF once.
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON. (When check result of Cause
value in normal harness 1 is normal)
state 2 (Disconnection in wiring Resis-
Between J04 (male) (42) – (43) 5 – 15 z
or defective contact in tance
connector) Resis-
Between BRC3 (female) (15) – (23) 5 – 15 z
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, retarder controller may be
3 Defective retarder controller defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
Failure code [DWNBMA] Trouble in ASR shut-off valve (Valve does not
operate) 1
Action code Failure code Trouble in ASR shut-off valve (Valve does not operate)
E01 DWNBKY (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
• Sensor does not respond to shut-off valve ON command of retarder controller.
Action of
• Stops controlling ASR.
Problem that
• Retarder is not controlled normally.
appears on
machine • ASR is not controlled normally.
• Sensor is turned ON when pressure is 0.7 (MPa) {7 kg/cm²} or above. (In range of 0.3 (MPa)
{3 kg/cm²} – 0.7 (MPa) {7 kg/cm²}, operation of sensor is unstable because of hysteresis.)
• If ASR shut-off valve has electrical trouble, code [DWNBKA], [DWNBKB] or [DWNBKY] is output.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
• Large amount of current flows or the current does not flow when signal is output to the primary cir-
Contents of
cuit of ABS cut-off valve relay (Front) (CUTF).
• The current flows when ABS cut-off valve relay (Front) (CUTF) is turned OFF.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS cut-off valve relay (Front)(CUTF).
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• No signal is output to ABS cut-off valve relay (Front) (CUTF) until starting switch is turned OFF.
information • ABS controller is carrying out troubleshooting for the primary coil side of the ABS cut-off valve relay
(Front) (CUTF).
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 63
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
64 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01668-03
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 65
SEN01668-03 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
66 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 8
Failure code [DX11K4] Trouble in rear brake proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (Valve keeps operating).................................................................................................................. 4
Failure code [DX11KA] Disconnection in rear brake proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve output circuit ................................................................................................................................... 6
Failure code [DX11KB] Short circuit in rear brake proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve ................. 7
Failure code [DX11KY] Short circuit in rear wheel proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve output circuit ................................................................................................................................... 8
Failure code [DX11MA] Trouble in rear wheel proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (Valve does not operate) ................................................................................................................ 9
Failure code [DX13KA] Disconnection in hoist EPC valve output circuit ...................................................... 10
Failure code [DX13KB] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit.......................................................... 12
Failure code [DX13KY] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit.......................................................... 14
Failure code [DX17K4] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid valve (right)
(Valve keeps operating) ......................................................................................................................... 16
Failure code [DX17KA] Disconnection in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (right) output circuit....................................................................................................................... 18
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX17KB] Ground fault in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (right) output circuit....................................................................................................................... 20
Failure code [DX17KY] Short circuit in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (right) output circuit....................................................................................................................... 22
Failure code [DX17MA] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (right) (Valve does not operate) .................................................................................................... 22
Failure code [DX18K4] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (left) (Valve keeps operating)........................................................................................................ 24
Failure code [DX18KA] Disconnection in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (left) output circuit ......................................................................................................................... 26
Failure code [DX18KB] Ground fault in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (left) output circuit ......................................................................................................................... 28
Failure code [DX18KY] Short circuit in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (left) output circuit ......................................................................................................................... 30
Failure code [DX18MA] Trouble in ASR proportional pressure reducing solenoid
valve (left) (Valve does not operate) ...................................................................................................... 30
Failure code [DX21KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right)................................ 31
Failure code [DX21KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right) .................................. 32
Failure code [DX21KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right)........................................ 33
Failure code [DX21MA] Defective ABS control valve (Front right)................................................................ 34
Failure code [DX22KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left) .................................. 35
Failure code [DX22KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left)..................................... 36
Failure code [DX22KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left) .......................................... 37
Failure code [DX22MA] Defective ABS control valve (Front left) .................................................................. 38
Failure code [DX23KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) ................................ 39
Failure code [DX23KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) ................................... 40
Failure code [DX23KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right) ........................................ 41
Failure code [DX23MA] Defective ABS control valve (Rear right) ................................................................ 42
Failure code [DX24KA] Disconnection in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left) .................................. 43
Failure code [DX24KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left) ..................................... 44
Failure code [DX24KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left) .......................................... 45
Failure code [DX24MA] Defective ABS control valve (Rear left)................................................................... 46
Failure code [DX25MA] Defective ABS front wheel system control valve..................................................... 47
Failure code [DX26MA] Defective ABS rear wheel system control valve ..................................................... 47
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Related • Condition of retarder oil pressure switch can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 40932)
information (bit [3], 0:OFF, 1:ON).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX13KB] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit 1
Action code Failure code Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit
E03 DX13KB (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
• When the output to the hoist EPC valve solenoid circuit is ON, a too large current flows.
Action of • The controller turns the output to the hoist select valve solenoid OFF.
controller • The controller turns the output to the hoist EPC valve solenoid OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Body does not operate.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 45600 (mA)).
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX13KY] Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit 1
Action code Failure code Short circuit in hoist EPC valve output circuit
E03 DX13KY (Retarder controller system)
Contents of
• While the output to the hoist EPC valve solenoid circuit is OFF, some large current is flowing.
Action of • The controller turns the output to the hoist select valve solenoid OFF.
controller • The controller turns the output to the hoist EPC valve solenoid OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Body does not operate.
• This failure can be checked in the monitoring function (Code: 45600 (mA)).
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Defective ASR proportional a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect ASR4, then carry out
pressure reducing solenoid troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
valve (right) solenoid (Inter- ASR4 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection) Between (1) – (2) 20 z
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON. (When check result of Cause
value in normal harness 1 is normal)
state 2 (Disconnection in wiring Resis-
Between J04 (male) (36) – (37) 20 z
or defective contact in tance
connector) Resis-
Between BRC3 (female) (26) – (23) 20 z
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, retarder controller may be
3 Defective retarder controller defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Defective ASR proportional a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect ASR4, then carry out
pressure reducing solenoid troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
valve (right) solenoid (Inter- ASR4 (male) Resistance
nal short circuit) Between (1) – (2) 20 z
a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect BRC3 and ASR4, then
Grounding fault in wiring carry out troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
2 harness
(Contact with ground circuit) Between BRC3 (female) (26) and ground Resis-
Possible causes Min. 1 Mz
and standard
value in normal a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect BRC3 and ASR4, then
Short circuit in wiring carry out troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
3 harness
(with another wiring harness) Between BRC3 (female) (26) – BRC3 Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(female) (pin other than (26)) tance
a Turn starting switch OFF and insert T-adapter in BRC3, then
Hot short (Contact with 24 V turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.
circuit) in wiring harness
Between BRC3 (female) (26) and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, retarder controller may be defec-
5 Defective retarder controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Defective ASR proportional a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect ASR3, then carry out
pressure reducing solenoid troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
valve (left) solenoid (Internal ASR3 (male) Resistance
disconnection) Between (1) – (2) 20 z
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON. (When check result of Cause
value in normal harness 1 is normal)
state 2 (Disconnection in wiring Resis-
Between J04 (male) (38) – (39) 20 z
or defective contact in tance
connector) Resis-
Between BRC3 (female) (36) – (23) 20 z
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, retarder controller may be
3 Defective retarder controller defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Defective ASR proportional a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect ASR3, then carry out
pressure reducing solenoid troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
valve (left) solenoid (Internal ASR3 (male) Resistance
short circuit) Between (1) – (2) 20 z
a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect BRC3 and ASR3, then
Grounding fault in wiring carry out troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
2 harness
(Contact with ground circuit) Between BRC3 (female) (36) and ground Resis-
Possible causes Min. 1 Mz
and standard
value in normal a Turn starting switch OFF and disconnect BRC3 and ASR3, then
Short circuit in wiring carry out troubleshooting without turning starting switch ON.
3 harness
(with another wiring harness) Between BRC3 (female) (36) – BRC3 Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(female) (pin other than (36)) tance
a Turn starting switch OFF and insert T-adapter in BRC3, then
Hot short (Contact with 24 V turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.
circuit) in wiring harness
Between BRC3 (female) (36) and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, retarder controller may be defec-
5 Defective retarder controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
• Output to ABS control valve (front right-hand) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43309, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX21KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit
(Front right) 1
Action code Failure code Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right)
E03 DX21KB (ABS controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when signal is output to ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (front right-hand) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43309, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX21KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit
(Front right) 1
Action code Failure code Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front right)
E03 DX21KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when no signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43309, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid circuit is carried out with [DX21KA],
[DX21KB] and [DX21KY].
Related • Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Front right) pressure sensor is carried out with [DHU6KX].
information • Output to ABS control valve (Front right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43309, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
• Output to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43308, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX22KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit
(Front left) 1
Action code Failure code Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left)
E03 DX22KB (ABS controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when signal is output to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43308, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX22KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit
(Front left) 1
Action code Failure code Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Front left)
E03 DX22KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when no signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43308, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid circuit is carried out with [DX22KA],
[DX22KB] and [DX22KY].
Related • Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Front left) pressure sensor is carried out with [DHU7KX].
information • Output to ABS control valve (Front left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43308, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43311, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX23KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit
(Rear right) 1
Action code Failure code Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right)
E03 DX23KB (ABS controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when signal is output to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43311, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX23KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit
(Rear right) 1
Action code Failure code Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear right)
E03 DX23KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when no signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43311, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid circuit is carried out with [DX23KA],
[DX23KB] and [DX23KY].
Related • Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Rear right) pressure sensor is carried out with [DHU8KX].
information • Output to ABS control valve (Rear right) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43311, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43310, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DX24KB] Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit
(Rear left) 1
Action code Failure code Ground fault in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left)
E03 DX24KB (ABS controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when signal is output to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43310, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX24KY] Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit
(Rear left) 1
Action code Failure code Hot short in ABS control valve output circuit (Rear left)
E03 DX24KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flows when no signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid circuit.
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Output to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43310, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid circuit is carried out with [DX24KA],
[DX24KB] and [DX24KY].
Related • Troubleshooting for ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid circuit is carried out with [DHU9KX].
information • Output to ABS control valve (Rear left) solenoid can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 43310, output current (0 – 1000 (mA))
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01669-02
Failure code [DX25MA] Defective ABS front wheel system control valve 1
Action code Failure code Defective ABS front wheel system control valve
E03 DX25MA (ABS controller system)
• Command to ABS control valve (Front) does not match response from ABS control valve pressure
Contents of
sensor switch.
(Front right or front left)
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Front) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Check for front right or front left according to failure codes [DX21MA] (front right) and [DX22MA]
(front left) output elsewhere.
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
Failure code [DX26MA] Defective ABS rear wheel system control valve 1
Action code Failure code Defective ABS rear wheel system control valve
E03 DX26MA (ABS controller system)
• Command to ABS control valve (Rear) does not match response from ABS control valve pressure
Contents of
sensor switch.
(Rear right or rear left)
Action of • Stop outputting to ABS control valve (Rear) solenoid circuit.
controller (Stop ABS control.)
Problem that
• ABS does not work.
appears on
machine • Ordinary brake operation can be carried out.
• Check for rear right or rear left according to failure codes [DX23MA] (rear right) and [DX24MA] (rear
left) output elsewhere.
• No signal is output to ABS control valve solenoid until starting switch is turned OFF.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01669-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 9
Failure code [DXH1KA] (Lockup clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ............................................. 3
Failure code [DXH1KB] (Lock-up clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ............................................... 4
Failure code [DXH1KY] (Lockup clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line) ............... 5
Failure code [DXH2KA] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ..................................................... 6
Failure code [DXH2KB] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ......................................................... 8
Failure code [DXH2KY] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line)...................... 10
Failure code [DXH3KA] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection)................................................... 14
Failure code [DXH3KB] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ...................................................... 16
Failure code [DXH3KY] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit in power source line) ..................... 18
Failure code [DXH4KA] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) .................................................. 22
Failure code [DXH4KB] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ..................................................... 24
Failure code [DXH4KY] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line) .................... 26
Failure code [DXH5KA] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection)................................................. 30
Failure code [DXH5KB] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) .................................................... 32
Failure code [DXH5KY] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit in power source line) ................... 34
Failure code [DXH6KA] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ................................................. 38
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH6KB] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit) ..................................................... 40
Failure code [DXH6KY] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line) .................... 42
Failure code [DXH7KA] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) .................................................... 46
Failure code [DXH7KB] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)........................................................ 48
Failure code [DXH7KY] (R clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line)....................... 50
Failure code [DXHHKA] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Disconnection) ................................................. 52
Failure code [DXHHKB] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)..................................................... 54
Failure code [DXHHKY] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line).................... 56
Failure code [F@BBZL] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “38”) (Blow-by pressure: High error) .................... 60
Failure code [F@BYNR] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “62”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (F): Abnormal heat) ..................................................................................... 62
Failure code [F@BYNS] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “61”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (F): Overheat) .............................................................................................. 64
Failure code [F@BZNR] (or VHMS_LED display: “n3” o “72”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (R): abnormal heat) ..................................................................................... 66
Failure code [F@BZNS] (or VHMS_LED display “n3” o “71”)
(Exhaust gas temperature (R): Overheat).............................................................................................. 68
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Output current to lockup solenoid can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 31609 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Contents of • When signal is output to lockup clutch solenoid, much current flows, or while signal is OFF, some
trouble current flows.
Action of • Keeps gear speed used for travel and turns lockup operation OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
• Lockup system is kept OFF.
appears on
machine • If gearshift lever is set in N, machine cannot restart until it stops.
information • Output current to lockup solenoid can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 31609 (mA)).
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Action of • Keeps gear speed used for travel and turns lockup operation OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that • Cannot change gear speed.
appears on • Keeps lockup OFF
machine • When gear shift lever is operated to N, machine cannot move off.
information • Output current to lockup solenoid can be checked with monitoring function (Code: 31609 (mA))
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (code: 31600 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH2KB] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)1
Action code Failure code Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
E03 DXH2KB (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • Abnormally excessive current flows while output to Hi clutch ECMV is ON.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31600 (mA)).
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH2KY] (Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
to power source line) 1
Action code Failure code Hi clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line
E03 DXH2KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to Hi clutch ECMV is OFF, electric current flows.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31600 (mA)).
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (code: 31601 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH3KB] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)1
Action code Failure code Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
E03 DXH3KB (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • Excessive current flows while output to Lo clutch ECMV is ON.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31601 (mA)).
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH3KY] (Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
in power source line) 1
Action code Failure code Lo clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line
E03 DXH3KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to Lo clutch ECMV is turned “OFF“, current flows to circuit.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31601 (mA)).
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (code: 31602 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31602 (mA)).
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH4KY] (1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
to power source line) 1
Action code Failure code 1st clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line
E03 DXH4KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to 1st clutch ECMV is "OFF", current flows to circuit.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31602 (mA)).
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (code: 31603 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH5KB] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)1
Action code Failure code 2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
E03 DXH5KB (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • Abnormally excessive current flows while output to 2nd clutch ECMV is ON.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31603 (mA)).
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH5KY] (2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
in power source line) 1
Action code Failure code 2nd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit in power source line
E03 DXH5KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to 2nd clutch ECMV is "OFF", current flows to circuit.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31603 (mA)).
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
• As solenoid detects disconnection while output is ON, be sure to turn output ON to check operation
after repair.
Related • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked with monitoring function (code: 31604 (mA)).
information • Since output is turned ON and self-check is performed for 5 seconds after starting switch is turned
ON, wait for 5 seconds without starting the engine.
• If trouble has not been repaired, error is detected again.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH6KB] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit)1
Action code Failure code 3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
E03 DXH6KB (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • Abnormally excessive current flows while output to 3rd clutch ECMV is ON.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 1 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31604 (mA)).
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 1
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXH6KY] (3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
to power source line) 1
Action code Failure code 3rd clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line
E03 DXH6KY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to 3rd clutch ECMV is OFF, current flows to circuit.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31604 (mA)).
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 55
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
Failure code [DXHHKY] (4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit
to power source line) 1
Action code Failure code 4th clutch solenoid output circuit: Short circuit to power source line
E03 DXHHKY (Transmission controller system)
Contents of
trouble • When output to 4th clutch ECMV is OFF, current flows to circuit.
• Shifts up and holds the gear speed as shown in Table 2 depending on the gear speed before fail-
Action of
• Turns lock up to OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Once the gear shift lever is set to neutral, the machine can not move off in any gear speeds.
information • Electric current of output to ECMV can be checked by monitoring function (code: 31605 (mA)).
56 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
Table 2
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 57
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
58 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 59
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
60 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 61
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
62 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 63
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
64 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 65
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
66 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 67
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
68 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01670-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 69
SEN01670-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
70 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of electrical system
Before troubleshooting of electric system ....................................................................................................... 3
Contents of troubleshooting table ................................................................................................................... 4
E-1 Engine does not start ............................................................................................................................... 5
E-2 Automatic preheating does not operate ................................................................................................... 8
E-3 Machine monitor does not display all, when starting switch is turned ON.............................................. 12
E-4 Machine monitor does not operate when starting switch is OFF............................................................ 14
E-5 Alarm buzzer does not sound................................................................................................................. 16
E-6 Gauges of machine monitor, caution lamps or character display
section do not display properly. ............................................................................................................. 18
E-7 A selection of the display in character display section cannot be changed............................................ 19
E-8 Power mode selecting function does not operate properly .................................................................... 22
E-9 AISS function does not operate properly................................................................................................ 23
E-10 Seat belt caution lamp does not display properly................................................................................. 24
E-11 Turn signal lamp or turning lamp (hazard lamp) do not work properly ................................................. 25
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
• The standard values in normalcy by which to judge "Good"
or "No Good" about presumed causes.
• References for making judgement of "Good" or "No Good".
This is part of the electrical circuit diagram which shows the portion where the failure occurred.
• Connector No.: Indicates (Type - numbers of a pin) (color)
• Arrow ( ) : Roughly indicates the location in the machine where it is installed.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
E-3 Machine monitor does not display all, when starting switch is turned
ON 1
Trouble Lamps and gauges of machine monitor do not display all, when starting switch is turned ON.
• When the machine related failure code is not displayed (if displayed, troubleshooting the code first.)
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
E-4 Machine monitor does not operate when starting switch is OFF 1
Service meter and travel distance integrating meter, turn signal pilot lamp, and high beam pilot lamp
do not flash, if the switches are operated with starting switch OFF.
• When the machine related failure code is not displayed (if displayed, troubleshooting the code first.)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
Trouble (2) When the mode selector switch 2 circuit for machine monitor is defective
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
E-11 Turn signal lamp or turning lamp (hazard lamp) do not work properly1
Trouble Turn signal lamp or turning lamp (hazard lamp) do not flash.
Explanation of circuit
1) If 24 V is input to pin (3), the flasher keeps outputting signals of 24 V and 0 V from pin (4) repeat-
2) The input of 24 V to flasher pin (3) is changed by relay (R17). It is supplied through BT1 for turn sig-
nal lamp and through BT2 for hazard lamp.
3) The flasher output is supplied constantly (regardless of the position of the switch) through connector
(CM) to pin (6) of the turn switch and to pins (1) and (3) of hazard relay (R16).
4) When the turn switch is turned ON, the flashing signal is input to pin (6) of connector (CM) and the
turn switch sends that signal to the left side (pin (7)) or right side (pin (8)).
5) If the hazard switch is pressed, pins (1) and (3) of relay (HAZ) are connected and hazard relays 1
(R16) and 2 (R17) are turned ON. Hazard relay 2 (R17) changes the power supply from BT1 to
BT2 and hazard relay 1 (R16) connects the flashing signal from the flasher to both of the right side
and left side.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
Small lamps (clearance lamp and tail lamp) or night illumination do not light up at the "first detent"
Trouble (2)
position of the lamp switch.
Related • When the head lamps light up.
information a See circuit diagram (1).
Trouble (3) Left small lamp (clearance lamp and tail lamp) does not "left" light up.
Related • Carry out following troubleshooting when right small lamp and headlamps (right and left) light up.
information a See circuit diagram (1).
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
Trouble (4) Right small lamp (clearance lamp) does not "right" light up.
Related • Carry out following troubleshooting when left small lamp and headlamps (right and left) light up.
information a See circuit diagram (1).
Trouble (5) Left small lamp (tail lamp) does not "left" light up.
Related • Carry out following troubleshooting when right tail lamp and headlamps light up.
information a See circuit diagram (1).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
Trouble (6) Right small lamp (clearance lamp) does not "right" light up.
• Carry out following troubleshooting when left tail lamp and headlamps light up.
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
Trouble (9) Headlamp "low beam" and "high beam" do not light up.
Related • Carry out following troubleshooting when small lamps light up.
information a See circuit diagram (7).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
Trouble (11) The brightness of the night illumination does not change, even if the rheostat is operated.
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
a The 5 factors in causing the trouble that "the emergency steering operates by itself (while the switch is
turned OFF)" are as follows. (Factors 4) and 5) can cause this trouble only when they occur simulta-
1) The emergency steering relay is kept turned ON for some vibration. (Replace the emergency
steering relay.)
2) The voltage at the (+) terminal of the emergency steering relay is 20 – 30 V. (This terminal should
be grounded normally.)
3) The wiring of the emergency steering relay on the M side comes in contact with that on the B side.
(Open the battery box and check the wiring.)
4) Parking brake oil pressure switch is stuck. (Replace the parking brake oil pressure switch.)
5) Steering flow switch is stuck. (Replace steering flow switch.)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
E-15 Electric priming pump does not operate or does not stop
automatically 1
Trouble • Electric priming pump does not operate or does not stop automatically
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01671-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN01671-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of hydraulic and
mechanical system (H-mode)
Contents of troubleshooting table ................................................................................................................... 3
H-1 Machine does not start............................................................................................................................. 4
H-2 Machine does not travel smoothly (hunting) ............................................................................................ 6
H-3 Lockup cannot be cancelled..................................................................................................................... 6
H-4 Excessive shock when starting or shifting excessive ............................................................................... 7
H-5 Transmission does not shift up................................................................................................................. 8
H-6 Machine lacks power or speed when traveling ...................................................................................... 10
H-7 Time lag is excessive when starting or shifting gear .............................................................................. 14
H-8 Torque converter oil temperature is high................................................................................................ 16
H-9 Torque converter oil pressure is low....................................................................................................... 17
H-10 Front brake is ineffective ...................................................................................................................... 18
H-11 Rear brake is ineffective ....................................................................................................................... 19
H-12 Steering wheel is heavy ....................................................................................................................... 20
H-13 Steering wheel does not work .............................................................................................................. 21
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
Possible causes Cause for presumed failure <Contents>
and standard (The attached No. is for fil-
value in normal • The standard values in normalcy by which to judge “Good“
3 ing and reference purpose
state or “No Good“ about presumed causes.
only. It does not stand for
any priority.) • References for making judgement of “Good“ or “No Good“
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
Table 1
Operated clutches
Hi Lo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R
R q q
F1 q q
Gear speed
F2 q q
F3 q q
F4 q q
F5 q q
F6 q q
F7 q q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
Table 1
Operated clutches
Hi Lo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R
R q q
F1 q q
Gear speed
F2 q q
F3 q q
F4 q q
F5 q q
F6 q q
F7 q q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
Trouble (2) When machine lacks power or speed while traveling in torque converter range.
• Check that the transmission oil level is correct.
Related • If a failure code related to the machine is displayed, firstly troubleshooting the displayed code.
information • Check for oil leaking from the piping to the outside.
• Check that the parking brake is completely released and also check for dragging of the retarder brake.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
Trouble (3) Machine lacks speed or power when traveling in certain gear speeds.
Related • Check that the transmission oil level is correct.
information • If a failure code related to the machine is displayed, firstly troubleshooting the displayed code.
Table 1
Operated clutches
Hi Lo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R
R q q
F1 q q
Gear speed
F2 q q
F3 q q
F4 q q
F5 q q
F6 q q
F7 q q
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
Table 1
Operated clutches
Hi Lo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R
R q q
F1 q q
Gear speed
F2 q q
F3 q q
F4 q q
F5 q q
F6 q q
F7 q q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01672-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01672-01 40 Troubleshooting
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
Method of using troubleshooting chart............................................................................................................ 4
S-1 Starting performance of engine is poor .................................................................................................... 8
S-2 Engine does not start ............................................................................................................................. 10
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly.......................................................................................................... 14
S-4 Engine stops during operation................................................................................................................ 15
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ............................................................................................................ 16
S-6 Engine lack output (or lacks power) ....................................................................................................... 17
S-7 Exhaust gas is black (incomplete combustion) ...................................................................................... 18
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust gas is blue) ........................................................................... 20
S-9 Oil becomes dirty quickly........................................................................................................................ 21
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive............................................................................................................. 22
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) ................................................... 23
S-12 Oil pressure drops ................................................................................................................................ 24
S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel)................................................................................................. 26
S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (Overheating) ........................................................................ 28
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Items listed in the [Questions] and [Check items] and related to the [Causes] are marked with E, Q, and w.
E: Causes to be referred to for questions and check items
Q : Causes related to questions and check items
w : Causes highly probable among ones marked with Q
a When narrowing the [Causes], apply the items marked with w before those marked with Q.
When narrowing the [Causes], do not apply the items marked with E. (If no items have other marks
and the causes cannot be narrowed, however, you may apply them.)
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
There is a causal relationship between 3 items in the [Questions] and [Check items] sections and 6 items in
the [Causes] section.
The method of pinpointing the [Causes] from the causal relationship and approaching the [troubleshooting]
is explained according to Step 1 - Step 3 shown below.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Defective injector
turns at maximum. This phenomenon does not indi-
cate a trouble, however
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
When EGR cooler outlet gas piping is removed, coolant containing antifreeze flows out (*1). q
Inspect flywheel ring gear directly q
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
When air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not
While engine is rotated flow out Q w w
with starting motor,
When spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills w
Immediately after engine is started, temperature of exhaust manifold of a cylinder is low w
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
When engine is rotated, abnormal sound comes out from around cylinder head w
When engine is rotated, interference sound comes out from around turbocharger w
High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w w
Engine hunts (rotation is irregular) Q Q w Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
There are rust and water in fuel drained from fuel tank Q Q
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
Priming pump is too light or too heavy to operate w Q Q
Carry out troubleshooting according to "EGR Valve Servo Error (*1)" indicated by code q
Carry out troubleshooting according to "Bypass Valve Servo Error (*2)" indicated by
code q
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
When engine is rotated, abnormal sound comes out from around cylinder head w
High idle speed is too low Q
High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load
is applied w w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular w Q Q w
Engine hunts (rotation is irregular) Q Q Q Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
When engine is rotated, abnormal sound comes out from around cylinder head w
Torque converter stall speed or pump relief speed is high (Fuel is injected
excessively) Q Q
Exhaust noise is abnormal Q w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q Q Q Q Q w
Blow-by gas is excessive w
When spill hose from injector is disconnected, abnormally much fuel spills w
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Worn or damaged valve (stem, guide, or seal)
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
Exhaust gas is
Black w
Comes out excessively Q Q w Q
Blow-by gas
Does not come out at all w
See S-7
Check breather and breather hose directly q
Inspect oil cooler directly q
Inspect oil filter directly q
Spring of oil filter safety valve is hitched or broken q
Inspect turbocharger lubrication drain tube directly q
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Carry out troubleshooting according to supply pump low pressure "Rail Press (Very) Low Error (*1)" q
indicated by code
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q
When spill hose from injector is disconnected, much fuel spills q
Carry out troubleshooting according to "Coolant Temp Sens High (Low) Error (*2)" indicated by code q
Check with monitoring function (*3) q q
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
When hydraulic oil or power train oil is drained, water flows out w
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
When EGR cooler outlet gas piping is removed, coolant containing antifreeze flows out
Compression pressure is low q
Remove and inspect head cover directly q
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Malfunction of thermostat
Occurred suddenly Q Q w Q
Has continued at low level Q w w Q
Coolant temperature Rises quickly Q w
gauge Does not go down from red range w
Radiator coolant level monitor indicates low (if monitor is installed) Q w
Engine oil level has risen and oil is milky w Q
Fan belt tension is low w
Milky oil is floating on coolant w
There are many bubbles in radiator and coolant spurts back w
When light applied to radiator core, no light passes through w
Dirt and mud are accumulated in radiator shroud and undercover on applicable
Check items
w w
machine side
Coolant is leaking because of cracks in hose or loose clamps w
Coolant flows out from radiator overflow hose w
Fan belt squeaks under sudden acceleration w
Power train oil temperature enters red range faster than engine coolant
temperature (if oil temperature gauge and coolant temperature gauge are w
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
Gradually increased Q Q
Abnormal noise
Suddenly increased Q Q Q Q Q
Non-specified fuel is used Q
Oil must be added more frequently w
There are metal particles in oil drained from oil filter w w
Air leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head w
When engine is rotated, interference sound comes out from around turbocharger w
When engine is rotated, abnormal sound comes out from around EGR gas piping w
When engine is rotated, abnormal sound comes out from around cylinder head w w
When engine is rotated, beat noise comes out from around muffler w
Check items
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
Degree of use of
Operated for long period E E
Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q
Fuel tank is empty w
Fuel tank cap breather hole is clogged Q w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
Check items
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
40 Troubleshooting SEN01673-02
q Remove joint bolt (1) and blow clean compressed air into hole (b) of the orifice to check for clogging.
q Remove air bleeding piping (2) and blow compressed air against its both ends to check for clogging.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN01673-02 40 Troubleshooting
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
Cate- Komatsu
Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
gory code
• Used to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber cush-
LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube
ions, and cork plugs from coming out.
• Used for plastic (except polyethylene,
polypropylene, tetrafluoroethylene and vinyl
20 g Polyethylene
LT-1B 790-129-9050 chloride), rubber, metal, and non-metal parts
(2 pcs.) container
which require immediate and strong adhe-
Polyethylene • Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
LT-2 09940-00030 50 g
container • Used to fix and seal bolts and plugs.
Adhesive: 1 kg • Used to stick and seal metal, glass, and plas-
LT-3 (Set of adhesive Can
Hardener: 500 g tics.
and hardener)
LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g • Used to seal plugs.
Holtz MH 705 790-129-9120 75 g Tube • Heat-resistant seal used to repair engines.
• Quick-setting adhesive.
ThreeBond Polyethylene • Setting time: Within 5 sec. to 3 min.
790-129-9140 50 g
1735 container • Used mainly to stick metals, rubbers, plastics,
and woods.
• Quick-setting adhesive.
• Quick-setting type.
Aron-alpha Polyethylene
790-129-9130 2g (max. strength is obtained after 30 minutes)
201 container
• Used mainly to stick rubbers, plastics, and
• Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
Loctite Polyethylene
79A-129-9110 50 cc • Used for fitted portions used at high tempera-
648-50 container
• Used to stick or seal gaskets and packings of
LG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube
power train case, etc.
• Used to seal various threaded portions, pipe
Polyethylene joints, and flanges.
LG-5 790-129-9080 1 kg
container • Used to seal tapered plugs, elbows, and nip-
ples of hydraulic piping.
• Features: Silicon-based heat and cold-resis-
Gasket sealant
tant sealant.
LG-6 790-129-9020 200 g Tube • Used to seal flange surfaces and threaded
• Used to seal oil pan, final drive case, etc.
• Features: Silicon-based quick-setting sealant.
LG-7 790-129-9070 1 kg Tube • Used to seal flywheel housing, intake mani-
fold, oil pan, thermostat housing, etc.
• Features: Silicon-based, heat and cold-resis-
tant, vibration-resistant, impact-resistant seal-
ThreeBond 419-15-18131 100 g Tube
• Used to seal transfer case, etc.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
• Used for rough surfaces such as the circle gear
LG-9 top seal which does not need to be clamped,
ThreeBond 790-129-9310 200 g Tube water resistance of the clearance at the welded
1206D area, etc.
• Can be coated with paint.
Gasket sealant
— — Can • Used for the mounting bolt in the high tempera-
ture area of the exhaust manifold and the turbo-
charger, etc.
G2-LI • Feature: Lithium grease with extreme pressure
G0-LI Various Various lubrication performance.
*: For cold district • General purpose type.
SYG0-400LI-A (*)
• Used for parts under heavy load.
Molybdenum SYG2-400M 400 g x 10 Bellows-type • Do not apply grease to rolling bearings like
disulfide grease SYG2-400M-A 400 g x 20 container swing circle bearings, etc. and spline.
LM-G (G2-M) SYGA-16CNM 16 kg Can • The grease should be applied to work equipment
pins at their assembly only, not applied for
greasing afterwards.
• Seizure resistance, heat resistance and water
Hyper White SYG2-400T-A
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
SUNSTAR • Used as primer for cab side.
PAINT PRIMER 20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
580 SUPER facture)
SUNSTAR 417-926-3910
• Used as primer for glass side.
20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
PRIMER 580 container
SUNSTAR Ecocart • Used as adhesive for glass.
PENGUINE 22M-54-27210 320 ml (Special (Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-
SUPER 560 container) facture)
SUNSTAR • Used to seal joints of glass parts.
PENGUINE 417-926-3920 320 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
SEAL No. 2505 facture)
Caulking material
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
Component Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
795-799-5410 Adapter t 1 Removal, installation of
795-799-5420 Remover t 1 injector assembly
Removal and installation of
2 795T-675-1110 Socket q 1 N Q
high-pressure pipings
Removal of engine front
3 795-931-1100 Seal puller assembly t 1
and rear seals
795T-621-1180 Push tool (For oil seal) t 1 Q
795T-621-1171 Push tool (For dust seal) t 1 Q Press fitting of engine front
795-902-1460 Bolt t 3 seal
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
Component Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
790-501-5000 Unit repair stand t 1
Disassembly, assembly of
1 790-901-5110 Bracket t 1
differential assembly
790-901-3420 Plate t 1
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
Component Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
790-502-1003 Repair stand t 1 Disassembly, assembly of
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1 hoist cylinder
Removal, installation of cyl-
2 790-102-3802 Wrench t 1
inder dead
3 790-720-1000 Expander t 1
4 796-720-1680 Ring (for cylinder ) t 1 Removal of piston ring
5 07281-01580 Clamp (for cylinder ) t 1
792-201-7310 Push tool t 1
Press fitting of bushing
790-101-5421 Grip t 1
(for cylinder )
01010-81240 Bolt t 1
Hoist cylinder assembly U 6 790-201-1702 Push tool KIT t 1
790-201-1851 • Push tool 1 Press fitting of bushing
790-101-5021 • Grip 1 (for cylinder )
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
792-201-7410 Plate t 1
Press fitting of dust seal
790-101-5021 Grip t 1
(for cylinder )
01010-80816 Bolt t 1
7 790-201-1500 Push tool KIT t 1
790-201-1660 • Push tool 1 Press fitting of dust seal
790-201-5021 • Grip 1 (for cylinder )
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
Dump body
V 1 790-441-1320 Hook t 1 Q Lifting of dump body
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
J1 Spacer
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02483-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02483-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
1. Close the fuel supply valve. 9. Disconnect clamp (14) and connector G (15).
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
13. Remove the followings from fuel supply pump 2. Assemble the fuel supply pump assembly by
assembly (23). aligning (A) and (AA) at the position where a
1) Oil tube (24) spline tooth is missing.
2) Plate (25)
3) Overflow pipe adapter (26)
1. Install the followings to fuel supply pump
assembly (23).
1) Plate (25)
2) Oil tube (24)
3) Overflow pipe adapter (26)
3 Plate (25) mounting bolt:
19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2.0 – 3.0 kgm}
3 Oil tube (24) joint bolt:
Top: 7.9 – 12.7 Nm {0.8 – 1.3 kgm}
Bottom: 9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm}
3. Install the followings from fuel supply pump
assembly (23).
3 Fuel supply pump mounting bolt:
59 – 74 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Part No. Part name
795-799-5410 Adapter t 1
A 795-799-5420 Remover t 1
2 795T-675-1110 Socket q 1 N Q
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
lock the tires with chocks.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery. 11. Disconnect sleeves (18) and (19).
a The procedure for removing the No.1 fuel
injector assembly is explained in this section. 12. Remove high-pressure pipings (14).
a Which part will be an obstacle to work
despends on which part will be removed. Take
6. Remove plate (5) and tube (6). a When tool A2 is not available, disconnect
sleeve (19) through the top.
7. Remove cylinder head cover (7). q Tool A2
a Before removing the cylinder head cover,
remove any part which may be an obsta-
cle to work.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
15. Remove fuel injector holder (21). 1. Assemble gasket (24) and O-rings (25) and
(26) to fuel injector (22).
a Use care not to install O-ring (25) in
groove (A) at the center.
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
5. Install terminal mounting nut (15) and wiring 6. Install O-ring (32) to sleeve (31) of high-pres-
harness fixing bolt (16). sure piping (14).
a Tighten the terminal mounting nuts alter- 2 O-ring: Engine oil (EO30)
3 Terminal mounting nut: 7. Tighten sleeve nut (19) temporarily aligning it
2 ± 0.2 Nm {0.2 ± 0.02 kgm} connector (28) of the injector.
a When it is difficult to hitch sleeve nut (19)
to the threaded portion, turn the spanner
while pushing sleeve nut (19) end toward
the injector using a short bar and the like.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
11. Install cylinder head cover (7) q Carry out the succeeding installation in the
a A different tightening torque is employed reverse order of removal.
for No.2 cylinder mounting bolt alone.
3 Cylinder head cover mounting bolt: k Make sure that a clearance of 10 mm mini-
No.1,3,4,5 and 6 cylinders: mum is provided between the high-pres-
9.8 ± 1.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.1 kgm} sure piping and adjacent wiring harness. If
No.2 cylinder: not, secure the clearance by adjusting the
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm} wiring harness position.
q Bleeding air
Bleeding air from the fuel system, referring to
"Bleeding air from fuel system" in Testing and
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Removal and installation of 7. Remove covers (7) and (8) and guard (9).
cylinder head assembly 1
Special tools
Part No. Part name
795-799-5410 Adapter t 1
795-799-5420 Remover t 1
2 795T-675-1110 Socket q 1 N Q
7 790-331-1120 Wrench (angle) q 1
8. Disconnect breather hose (10), cable (11) and
wiring harnesses (12), (13), (14), (15).
9. Remove cover (16).
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
lock the tires with chocks.
k Raise the body and lock it with the lock pin.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
5. Remove cover (4). 10. Lift off battery box assembly (17).
4 Battery box assembly: 270 kg
6. Remove plate (5) and tube (6).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
11. Disconnect hose (18), cable (19) and clamps 15. Remove fuel prefilter assembly (26).
(20). [*1]
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
18. Remove turbocharger lubrication tubes (30) 21. Lift and remove turbocharger and exhaust
and (31). mainfold assembly (34). [*4]
4 Turbochatger and exhaust mainfold
assenbly: 120 kg
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
26. Disconnect sleeve nuts (42) and (43). 29. Lift and remove air intake manifold assembly
27. Remove 6 high-pressure pipings (44).
Air intake manifold assembly: 110 kg
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
32. Remove cylinder head cover (81). 41. Using tool A1, remove fuel injector assembly
a Referencing play of the rocker arm, con- (92).
firm which is currently selected No.1 TOP a Remove the assembly by hitching tip of
or No.6 TOP. tool A1 on hole (H) of the fuel injector.
a Do not grip the solenoid valve at the top of
the injector to pull off the injector with pliers.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Fuel injector
a Make sure that inside of the injector hole is
free from dusts.
2 O-ring: Engine oil (EO30)
3. Assemble gasket (94) and O-rings (95) and
(96) to fuel injector (92).
a Use care not to install O-ring (95) in
groove (A) at the center.
4. Insert fuel injector (92) to adapter (97) and
injector holder (91).
5. Attach spherical washer (100) to bolt (99) and
then tighten injector holder (91) temporarily.
2 Spherical washer: Engine oil (EO30)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
9. Adjust the crosshead in the following procedure. a After tightening the locknut, check the
1) Loosen locknut (102) and then loosen valve clearance again.
adjustment screw (103) to a position
where it does not contact with valve stem
2) Maintain the contact with valve stem (105)
on the push rod side by pressing the con-
tact surface against the rocker arm using
a finger.
3) Tighten adjustment screw (103) to confirm
the position where adjustment screw (103)
is contacted against valve stem (104).
4) Drive in adjustment screw (103) further by
20 – 30° from the contacting position
against valve stem (104).
5) Tighten locknut (102) while suppressing
move of adjustment screw (103). Injector wiring harness
3 Locknut: 11. Install spacer (84).
53.0 – 64.7 Nm {5.4 – 6.6 kgm} a When installing the spacer, direct its slit
(B) toward the upside.
the shaft to the rocker arm housing. 2 ± 0.2 Nm {0.2 ± 0.02 kgm}
a Make sure that the ball of adjustment
screw (86) is securely fitted to the push
rod socket.
a When tightening the mounting bolt, make
sure adjustment screw (86) is not pushing
the push rod.
2 Threaded portion and seat of rocker
arm assembly mounting bolt:
Engine oil (EO30)
3 Rocker arm assembly mounting bolt:
235.2 – 254.8 Nm {24 – 26 kgm}
a Adjust valve clearance, referring to “Test-
ing and adjusting valve clearance” in Test-
ing and adjusting.
3 Locknut (85):
57.8 – 77.4 Nm {5.9 – 7.9 kgm}
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
High-pressure piping
k When handing the high-pressure pipe
and clamp, pay attention the following.
q It is strictly prohibited to bend the
high-pressure piping to use it again or
using it in other locations.
q Install the specified clamp securely in
the specified position with the speci-
fied torque.
q Don't apply lubricant and the like to
the high-pressure piping sleeve nut
and the threaded portion of the mat-
ing side.
a Axial force in the tightening can be
excessive, potentially damaging
the high-pressure piping.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
15. Install O-ring (106) to high-pressure piping 20. Install cylinder head cover (81).
sleeve (101). a A different tightening torque is employed
2 O-ring: Engine oil (EO30) for No. 2 cylinder mounting bolt alone.
16. Tighten sleeve nut (43) temporarily aligning it 3 Cylinder head cover mounting bolt:
connector (98) of the injector. No.1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cylinders:
a When it is difficult to hitch sleeve nut to the 9.8 ± 1.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.1 kgm}
threaded portion, turn the spanner while No. 2 cylinder:
pushing sleeve nut (43) end toward the 58.8 – 73.5Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
injector by use of a short bar and the like.
17. Tighten the common rail side sleeve nut (42)
temporarily, too.
18. Tighten injector holder (91) permanently.
3 Injector holder mounting bolt:
58.9 – 73.5 Nm {6.0 – 7.5 kgm}
19. Tighten high-pressure piping sleeve nuts (42)
and (43) permanently using the spanner type
torque wrench.
3 Sleeve nut: 39.2 – 44.1 Nm {4 – 4.5 kgm}
a After finishing the work, check that O-
ring (106) is not projected from the
end of the sleeve nut (43).
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
3 Tube (24) joint bolt (Corrosion resistor side):
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
3 Coolant tube joint bolt:
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
q Bleeding air
Bleed air from the fuel system, referring to
“Bleeding air from fuel system” in Testing and
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Removal and installation of 2. Remove the fan belt (2). For details, see
engine front seal 1 "Replacement and adjustment of fan belt".
pulley assembly.
Part No. Part name Damper and pulley assembly: 50 kg
3 795-931-1100 Seal puller assembly t 1
Push tool
795T-621-1180 t 1 Q
(For oil seal)
A Push tool
4 795T-621-1171 t 1 Q
(For dust seal)
795-902-1460 Bolt t 3
01582-02218 Nut t 3
k Stop the machine on a level ground and 4. Remove dust seal (4).
lock the tire with chocks.
k Raise the body and lock it with the lock pin. 5. Remove front seal (5) in the following proce-
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–) dure.
terminal of the battery.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
a Before removing, slightly drive the seal in
Part No. Part name once to free it from fixation.
a When rear seal (2) is fixed too hard to the
flywheel housing (FWH), remove the fol-
Seal puller lowing procedure.
3 795-931-1100 t 1 a The left one in the following figure is the
standard seal and the right one is the
795T-621-1161 Push tool (*1) t 1 Q
A sleeved seal.
795T-621-1190 Push tool (*2) t 1 Q 1) Replace the tip of tool A3 with the drill
01050-32235 Bolt t 5 type one.
01050-32245 Bolt t 5 2) Drill several holes about 3 mm in diameter
into rear seal (2).
*1: For both standard and sleeved seal 3) Set tool A3 to the drilled hole. (Tip: Drill
*2: For sleeved seal type)
Removal 4) Remove rear seal with impact of slide
k Stop the machine on a level ground and hammer (SH).
lock the tire with chocks. a When the sleeve is attached, cut sleeve
k Raise the body and lock it with the lock pin. (5) using a gad and hammer to remove it.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–) a Take care not to damage crankshaft (4).
terminal of the battery. a Remove all the chips.
q Tool A3
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
4) Tighten the bolts (35 mm) evenly to press a Tighten tool A5 (for both standard and
fit rear seal (2) until the end of tool A5 (for sleeved seal) first until it reaches the
both standard and sleeved seal) reaches bolt (45 mm) and then tighten the bolt
the end of crankshaft (4). (35 mm).
a Oil seal press fitting dimension (when a Rear seal driving depth (a): 20 mm
measured from the shaft end face) from end of crankshaft.
(a): 20 mm a After press fitting the seal, remove the
a After press fitting the rear seal, red sealant layer from its periphery.
remove the red sealant layer from its
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
792-420-1110 Centering tool t 1
792-420-1120 • Flange 2
790-413-1120 • Color 1
01010-51230 • Bolt 8
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
a Check the thickness and quantity of the shims
lock the tires with chocks.
inserted in part (a) on the left side. [*1]
Raise the body and lock it with the lock pin.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
k In the case that you do not drain the cool-
ant, if you disconnect the hater hose when
the coolant temperature in the radiator is
high, you may be scalded. In this case, wait
until the coolant temperature lowers and
then disconnect the heater hose.
k Collect the air conditioner refrigerant (R134a)
from air conditioner circuit in advance.
a Ask professional traders for collecting and fill-
ing operation of refrigerant (R134a).
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a) to the
atmosphere. 3. Disconnect hose (2) and connector FL04 (3)
and remove washer tank (4).
k If refrigerant gas (R134a) gets in your eyes,
you may lose your sight. Accordingly, put
on protective goggles while you are collect-
ing the refrigerant (R134a) or filling the air
conditioner circuit with the refrigerant
(R134a). Collecting and filling work must be
conducted be a qualified person.
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
4. Remove covers (5) and (6) and guard (7). 8. Disconnect elbow (16), cable (17) and clamp
(18). [*2]
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
12. Disconnect cable (27) and clamp (28). 16. Disconnect ground cable (36) and air intake
connector (37).
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
19. Disconnect engine oil level gauge connector q Right side of engine
E04 (43). 22. Disconnect clamp (50), wiring harness E5 (51),
starting motor cables (52) and (53), connector
E02B (54) and connector E02A (55).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
29. Disconnect clamp (69). 32. Remove guard (76) and disconnect drive shaft
assembly (77). [*3]
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Standard total shim thickness: 2.0 mm
q Thickness of each shim: 1.0 mm
a When tightening the bolts, check that the 450 – 608 Nm {50 – 62 kgm}
groove of the spider cap is fitted to the groove
of the mating yoke. [*5]
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2) a Install the engine assembly so that the clear-
3 Mounting bolt: ance between the engine damper and support
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm} will be (a) (10.5 ± 2.5 mm).
a Center the engine assembly and torque con-
verter and transmission assembly according to
the following procedure.
1. Install flange (A6-1) and collar (A6-2) of tool A6
between coupling (20) on the engine side and
coupling (21) on the torque converter side.
2. Center the engine assembly and torque con-
verter and transmission assembly by moving
the engine assembly so that collar (A6-2) will
move smoothly between both flanges while
coupling (21) on the torque converter side
makes a full turn. q Filling air conditioner circuit with refriger-
ant (R134a)
Fill the air conditioner circuit with refrigerant
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Removal and installation of 6. Remove rubber cap (5) and guard mounting
radiator assembly 1
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
lock the tires with chocks.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
4. Disconnect stay (3). 8. Remove baffles (8) and (9) and pipe (10).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
9. Lift off guard (11). 19. Disconnect aftercooler tube mounting bracket
a Check the thickness and quantity of the (25) and remove aftercooler tube (26). [*4]
4 Guard: 110 kg
11. Remove condenser (14) and oil cooler (15) 21. Disconnect hose mounting clamps (30) and
and put them aside so that they will not be (31).
obstacles to work.
a Do not disconnect the hoses. 22. Disconnect reservoir tank (32) and put it aside
so that it will not be an obstacle to work.
12. Disconnect horn connector HN1 (HIGH) (16) a Do not disconnect the hoses.
and connector HN2 (LOW) (17).
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
25. Disconnect coolant hose (35). [*6] 28. Lift off radiator assembly (38).
4 Radiator asembly: 405 kg
[*2] [*3]
a Install the hose clamp as showm in the figure.
3 Hose clamp: 3.3 ± 0.49 Nm {34 ± 5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
[*4] [*5]
a When using 2 clamps, set them 180° apart a Set the projection of the screw tip as follows
from each other as shown in the figure. when the screw is tightened to the specified
3 Hose clamp: 10.5 ± 0.5 Nm {107 ± 5 kgcm} torque.
Part (a) of tip: 5.1 mm
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
1. Oil cage assembly
Remove oil seal (1) from cover (2).
2. Cover assembly
Remove bearing (3) from cover (4).
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
Removal and installation of brake 6. Remove tubes (5) and (6). [*2]
and power train oil cooler
7. Supporting the brake and power train oil cooler
assembly 1 assembly (7) with jacks, etc., remove them.
Removal 4 Brake and power train oil cooler assem-
k Stop the machine on a level ground and bly: 145 kg
lock the tires with chocks.
a Install the hose so that it will not twist.
a When using 2 clamps, set them 180 degrees
apart from each other as shown in the figure.
3 Hose clamp: 10.5 ± 0.5 Nm {107 ± 5 kgcm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
a Install the hose so that it will not twist.
a When using 2 clamps, set them 180° apart
from each other as shown in the figure.
3 Hose clamp: 13.7 ± 0.5 Nm {140 ± 5 kgcm}
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
245 – 309 Nm {25 – 31.5 kgm}
[Target: 279 Nm {28.5 kgm}]
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02484-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN02484-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
792-420-1110 Centering tool t 1
792-420-1120 • Flange 2
790-413-1120 • Color 1
01010-51230 • Bolt 8
6. Disconnect clamp (6) and hoses (7) – (9).
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
lock the tires with chocks.
k Raise the dump body and lock it with the
safety pin.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
8. Remove guard (14) and disconnect drive shaft 12. Remove mounting bolts (23) and (24) of the
(15). [*2] front and rear mounts, then remove torque
converter and transmission assembly (25).
a When removing the torque converter and
transmission assembly, check that the all
wires and pipes are disconnected and
take care that the assembly will not inter-
fere with the chassis.
a Check the thickness and quantity of the
shims set in the rear mount.
q Standard thickness of shims: 2 mm
q Thickness of each shim: 0.5 mm (1
4 Torque converter and transmission as-
sembly: 1,700 kg
9. Disconnect tubes (16) and (17), hose (18) and
tubes (19) and (20).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
157 – 196 Nm {16 – 20 kgm}
a Center the engine assembly and torque con-
verter and transmission assembly according to
the following procedure.
1. Install flange (C4-1) and collar (C4-2) of tool
C4 between coupling (20) on the engine side
and coupling (21) on the torque converter side.
2. Center the engine assembly and torque con-
verter and transmission assembly by moving
the engine assembly so that collar (C4-2) will
move smoothly between both flanges while
coupling (21) on the torque converter side
makes a full turn.
Reference: The allowable vertical and lateral
deviation between both flanges is
3 mm maximum.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
Separation and coupling of 5. Lift off torque converter assembly (10). [*1]
4 Torque converter assembly: 412 kg
transmission assembly and
torque converter assembly 1 6. Remove seal rings (11) and (12). [*2]
1.Remove pump assemblies (1), (2), and (3) and
their pipes.
4 Retarder cooling pump assembly (1): 40 kg
4 Steering hoist and hoist control pump as-
sembly (2): 38 kg
4 Torque converter, transmission lubrication,
retarder cooling, and brake control pump
assembly (3): 26 kg
q Carry out coupling in the reverse order to sep-
3 Torque converter assembly mounting bolt:
245 – 308.7 Nm {25 – 31.5 kgm}
2 Outside of seal ring: Grease (G2-LI)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
a Check all the parts for dirt and damage and
coat their sliding surfaces with engine oil
before installing.
10. Install valves (6) and (5) to valve body (10) and
install solenoid valve assembly (3).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
790-501-5000 Unit repair stand t 1
1 790-901-2110 Bracket t 1
C 790-901-3011 Plate t 1
2 790-101-1871 Nut wrench t 1
3 792-103-5110 Wrench t 1
1. Set the torque converter assembly to tool C1. 2) Using 2 forcing screws [1], lift off PTO
case assembly (9).
2. Remove control valve assembly (1). a Before removing the PTO case as-
sembly, make match marks on it.
3. Remove torque converter oil temperature sen-
sor (2) and torque converter intermediate oil
pressure sensor (3).
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
3) Press the shaft to remove PTO gear and 8) Remove oil seal (21) and dust seal (22)
bearing assembly (12). from the cage.
a If the PTO gear and bearing assem-
bly comes off, bearing (13) comes off,
4) Remove inner race spacer (14) and bear-
ing (15) from the PTO gear.
5) Remove outer races (16) and (17) and
outer race spacer (18) from the PTO case.
a Since parts (13) – (18) form an as-
sembly, do not replace any of them
with one of another assembly. (The
combination symbol is stamped on
each part.)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
8. Disassembly of turbine and clutch assem- 5) Turn over the clutch housing and remove
bly snap ring (34) and plate (35).
1) Input shaft
1] Using forcing screws [3], remove
input shaft (27).
2] Remove bearing (28) from the input
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
8) Using push tool [5], remove bearing (39) 2) Remove bushings (45) and (46) and free
from the clutch housing. wheel (47) from outer race (44).
9) Remove pin (40) and seal ring (41). a Take care not to lose balls (48).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
5) Install stator shaft assembly (52) to rear 8) Using tool C3, tighten nuts (51).
housing (61). a Drop about 6 CC of engine oil (EO10-
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2) CD or EO30-CD) over the bearing
3 Mounting bolt: and rotate the bearing 10 turns.
98.1 – 122.6 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm} 2 Threads of nut: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Nut:
441.3 – 490.3 Nm {45 – 50 kgm}
9) Install inner race (50) and snap ring (49).
a Install the inner race with the wider
end face up.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
3) Install stator (43). 3) Using push tool [6], install bearing (39) to
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2) the clutch housing.
3 Mounting bolt: a Press fit the bearing until it is stopped
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm} by the clutch housing.
a Drop about 6 cc of engine oil (EO10-
CD or EO30-CD) over the bearing
and rotate the bearing 10 turns.
3. Stator assembly
Install stator assembly (42).
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
7) Install plate (35) to the shaft, then install 11) Input shaft
snap ring (34). 1] Using push tool [8], install bearing
a Drop about 6 cc of engine oil
(EO10-CD or EO30-CD) over the
bearing and rotate the bearing 10
2] Install input shaft assembly (27) to
clutch housing assembly (31).
2 Mounting bolt:
Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
269.7 – 308.9 Nm {27.5 – 31.5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
6. Assembly of PTO case assembly 3) Fit the O-ring to cage (20) and install them
1) Press fit outer race (24) and bushing (23) to the PTO case.
to the PTO case. 4) Install snap ring (19).
a After press fitting bushing (23), bend a Install the snap ring so that its closed
the PTO case end (by 4 points equal- gap will be on the left side (in the
ly spaced on the periphery) with a direction of 9 o'clock) when it is on the
punch, etc. until it is over the bushing. truck and seen from the engine side.
2) Using push tool [9], install dust seal (22) 5) Install outer race spacer (18) and outer
and oil seal (21) to cage (20). races (16) and (17) to the PTO case.
1] Thinly apply gasket sealant (LG-5) to 6) Install bearing (15) and inner race spacer
the seal fitting surface inside the (14) to the PTO gear.
cage.ii) 7) Install PTO gear and bearing assembly
2] Install the seals so that the distances (12) to the PTO case, then install bearing
from the cage top to their tops will be (13) to the shaft.
as follows. a Since parts (18) – (13) form an as-
q Distance (a): 23.6 ± 0.2 mm sembly, do not replace any of them
q Distance (b): 8.75 ± 0.25 mm with one of another assembly. (The
a After installing, wipe off the pro- combination symbol is stamped on
jected gasket sealant thoroughly. each part.)
3] Fill the space between the oil seal a Apply grease (G2-LI) to the inside
and dust seal and the space between spline of the PTO gear shaft.
the lips of the oil seal with silicone
grease (ThreeBond 1855)
a Supply grease of quantity equiv-
alent to 40 – 60% of the space
between the lips so that it will not
be projected.
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
8) Install plate (11) and snap ring (10). 3) Using tool C2, tighten the nuts (8) to the
9) Using tool C2, tighten nuts (8) temporarily. following torque which were tightened
a Install the nuts with the chamfered temporarily in steps 6-9).
side down. a Use the coupling as a stopper.
a Tighten the nuts fully after installing 3 Nut:
the PTO case assembly. After this, 392.4 – 441.5 Nm {40 – 45 kgm}
follow the procedure: 7-3 (making
coupling serve as a stopper).
2 Threads of nut: Adhesive (LT-2)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly of 4) Remove cover (7) and lubricating oil tem-
perature sensor (8).
transmission assembly 1 5) Remove block (9).
Special tools
Part No. Part name
D1 799-301-1600 Oil leak tester t 1
1. Transmission mount, cover, wiring har-
ness, and sensors
1) Remove both transmission mounts (1).
2) Remove covers (2) and (3). 2. Control valve assembly
1) Remove cover (10) and tube (11).
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
4. Oil pan
1) Sling transmission assembly (17) and re- 5. Check of operation of pistons
move oil pan (18). Using tool D1, blow air into the clutch ports and
check the operation of the pistons of No. 1, 2,
and 3 clutches. (Since you cannot check the
operation of the pistons of No. 2 and 3 clutches
directly, check it by movement of the discs or
a The locations of the clutch ports are
shown below.
q No. 1 clutch port: (A)
q No. 2 clutch port: (B)
q No. 3 clutch port: (C)
a Air pressure: 0.29 – 0.59 MPa {3 – 6 kg/
q Standard stroke of clutch No. 1 pis-
ton: 4.2 mm
2) Remove cover (19) from the oil pan, then
remove spring (20) and magnet assembly
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
2) Pull up and remove No. 1 ring gear (38). 6) Remove inner race (44) from gear (43).
3) Remove seal rings (39) and (40) from the
input shaft.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
8) Remove plates (66) from carrier (67). 3] Remove seal ring (73), inner race (74),
and bearing (75) from carrier (67).
9) Carrier assembly
1] Remove shaft (68). 13. Transmission case
a Take care not to lose ball (69). 1) Remove cage assembly mounting bolts
2] Remove planetary gears (70), thrust (76) and lift off transmission case (77) ver-
washer (71), and bearing (72). tically.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 23
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
14. Check of operation of piston 16. No. 3 clutch drum, discs, and plates
Using tool D1, check the operation of pistons 1) Using hanging bolts, remove No. 3 clutch
of No. 4, 5, 6, and 7 clutches. drum (84), discs, plates, and spring
a Air pressure: together.
0.29 – 0.59 MPa {3 – 6 kg/cm²} 2) Remove discs (85), plates (86), and spring
Standard strokes of pistons (87).
Piston No. Stroke (mm)
4 4.8
5 5.5
6 5.0
7 5.0
24 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
18. Tie bolts 20. No. 4 clutch discs, plates, and springs
Remove tie bolts (91). Remove discs (96), plates (97) and (98), and
springs (99) and (100).
19. No. 4 clutch plates and sun gear a Distinguish plates (97) and (98) from each
1) Remove plates (92). other.
2) Remove snap ring (93) and sun gear (94). a Since springs (100) of a clutch line have a
part No. different from those of another
clutch line, store them for each clutch line.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 25
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2) Remove seal rings (104) and (105) from 23. No. 5 housing, piston, ring gear, and guide
No. 4 housing (101) and piston (102). pins
1) Using sling bolts, remove No. 5 housing
(110), piston (111), and ring gear (112)
a If the dowel pin is hard to remove and
it may cuff the housing, take care not
to cause damage.
2) Remove guide pins (113).
26 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
24. No. 6 clutch discs, plates, and springs 26. Disassembly of No. 4 and No. 5 carriers as-
Remove discs (117), 4 plates (118) and (119), sembly
and springs (120) and (121). 1) Remove No. 5 sun gear (123).
a Since springs (120) of a clutch line
have a part No. different from those of
another clutch line, store them for
each clutch line.
a Distinguish plates (118) and (119)
from each other.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 27
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
5) Drive out shaft (132) toward No. 4 carrier 27. No. 6 and No. 7 housings, pistons, and
and remove ball (133). springs
a Take care not to lose ball (133). 1) Using sling bolts, remove No. 6 and No. 7
6) Drive out shaft (132) further and remove it. housings (139) and pistons (140) and
7) Remove No. 4 planetary gears (134), (141).
bearing (135), thrust washer (136), No. 5 a If the dowel pin is hard to remove and
planetary gear (128), bearing (129), collar it may cuff the housing, take care not
(130), and thrust washer (131). to cause damage.
8) Remove snap ring (137) and ring gear
28 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
28. No. 7 clutch discs, plates, and springs 30. Disassembly of No. 6 and No. 7 carriers as-
Remove discs (145), plates (146), and springs sembly
(147) and (148). 1) Remove collar (150).
a Since springs (148) of a clutch line have a 2) Remove inner race (151) and snap ring
part No. different from those of another (152) from collar (150).
clutch line, store them for each clutch line.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 29
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
7) Pull out shaft (160) and remove No. 6 31. Guide pins and No. 7 clutch ring gear
planetary gear (161), bearing (162), thrust 1) Remove guide pins (176).
washer (163), and ball (164). 2) Remove No. 7 clutch ring gear (177).
a Take care not to lose ball (164).
30 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
33. Output shaft and cage assembly 4) Remove bearing (188) from output shaft
1) Remove mounting bolts (182) and output (187).
shaft and cage assembly (183).
a Since the whole transmission is being
disassembled now, the output shaft
and cage assembly are removed at
this time. You can remove only the
output shaft assembly for repair of a
leaking oil seal, etc., however, if you
remove the speedometer gear
(optional) in advance.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 31
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
32 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
4) Install collar (185) and worm (184) to the 3. Guide pins and No. 7 clutch ring gear
output shaft. 1) Install guide pins (176) to the cage.
a The collar consists of 2 semicircular 2) Install No. 7 clutch ring gear (177).
2. Cage assembly
1) Using the push tool, press fit bearing (181)
to cage (178).
2) Install cover (179) to cage (178).
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
3) Install seal ring (180) to cover (179).
2 Periphery of seal ring:
Grease (G2-LI)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 33
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
34 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
6) Install bearing (162) to No. 6 planetary 12) Press fit bearing (155) to plate (153).
gear (161). Fit thrust washers (163) to a Securely press fit the bearing to the
both sides of them and set them to the specified stopper position.
carrier. 13) Install seal ring (154).
7) Drive shaft (160) and set ball (164) to 2 Periphery of seal ring:
secure the shaft. Grease (G2-LI)
a When driving the shaft, align it with 14) Install plate (153) to No. 6 and No. 7 carri-
the bearing and avoid hitting it ers.
strongly so that the bearing cage will 2 Mounting bolts: Adhesive (LT-2)
not be deformed. 3 Mounting bolt:
8) Check that No. 6 planetary gear rotates 58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 35
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
8. No. 6 and No. 7 carriers assembly 6) Install ring gear (138) to the carrier and
Using sling bolts, sling the shaft. Install No. 6 secure it with snap ring (137).
and No. 7 carriers assembly (149), matching a Mesh the external teeth on the carrier
the gear to the bearing. side with the internal teeth on the ring
gear side, then align the carrier with
the ring gear so that the snap ring will
be inside the 45° chamfering diame-
ter of the ring gear.
a Check that the external teeth are
meshed with the internal teeth and
the whole snap ring is inside the
chamfering diameter of the ring gear,
then press in the ring gear until it is
a Check that the clearance between the
bottom of the external teeth of the
carrier and the inside diameter of the
fitted snap ring is 2.0 – 3.2 mm
9. Assembly of No. 4 and No. 5 carriers as-
through the circumference.
a Hold the ring gear and move it up and
1) Install bearing (135) to No. 4 planetary
down. Check that carrier does not
gear (134). Fit thrust washers (136) to
come off at this time.
both sides of them and set them to the
2) Set collar (130) between 2 bearings (129)
and install them to No. 5 planetary gear
(128). Fit thrust washers (131) to both
sides of them and set them to the carrier.
3) Chill shaft (132) in dry ice, then install it to
the carrier.
a Check that the shaft, bearing, thrust
washers, and carrier are aligned and
take care that the bearing and thrust
washers will not be damaged.
a Match the ball fitting hole of the shaft
to the hole of the carrier.
4) Fit ball (133) and install shaft (132) se-
5) Check that the gear rotates smoothly.
36 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
7) Set collar (130) between 2 bearings (129) 10. No. 4 and No. 5 carriers assembly
and install them to No. 5 planetary gear Using hanging bolts, sling the shaft. Install No.
(128). Fit thrust washers (131) to both 4 and No. 5 carriers assembly (122), matching
sides of them and set them to the carrier. the gear to the bearing.
8) Drive shaft (126), matching the bearing to a You can install the "No. 4, No. 5 carriers,
the thrust washer. No. 6, and No. 7 assembly", too, as you
9) Drive out shaft (126) until the ball hole is removed. If this assembly is slung and
seen perfectly, then fit ball (127) and drive moved, however, the bearing in the inter-
the shaft into the carrier. mediate position may come off. Accord-
a When driving the shaft, align it with ingly, divide this assembly.
the bearing and avoid hitting it strong-
ly so that the bearing cage will not be
a Check that the gear rotates smoothly.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 37
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2) Install gear (94). 14. No. 5 housing, piston, ring gear, and guide
3) Install snap ring (93). pins
1) Install tie bolt sleeves (116) to No. 5 hous-
ing (110).
a When installing the sleeve, set slit (A)
at the position checked when re-
a When tie bolts (91) are installed, they
become hard because of the cushion
sleeves. At this time, do not drive
them forcibly with a hammer. (For
prevention of breakage)
38 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
3) Set No. 5 clutch ring gear (112). 16. No. 4 housing, piston, and ring gear
a Set the gear with the chamfered side 1) Install seal rings (104) and (105) to hous-
up. ing (101) and piston (102), then install the
4) Using hanging bolts, install No. 5 housing piston to the housing.
(110), matching it to the spring. a Install the seal rings as shown below.
a If the dowel pin is hard, drive it with a 2 Periphery of seal ring:
plastic hammer. Grease (G2-LI)
5) Install guide pins (113).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 39
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
17. No. 4 clutch, discs, plate, and springs 18. No. 4 clutch plate
Install plate (98), discs (96), plates (97), and Install plate (92).
springs (99) and (100). a Check that the springs are fitted to the
a Install the 4 discs, 3 plates (97), and 1 seats of the piston and plate.
plate (98).
a Securely install 6 springs (99) to each 19. Tie bolts
disc. Install tie bolts (91).
a Press in each bolt to the end of the cup
hole. Do not use a hammer at this time.
a Do not use an impact wrench until the bolt
catches the threads.
3 Tie bolt:
156.9 – 176.5 Nm {16 – 18 kgm}
40 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
2) Install No. 3 clutch ring gear (88). a If the pistons do not move smoothly, apply
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2) engine oil to them.
3 Mounting bolt:
156.9 – 196 Nm {16 – 20 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 41
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2) Install the O-ring to the transmission case. 2] Install bearing (72) to planetary gear
3) Sling and install transmission case (77) (70). Fit thrust washers (71) to both
and tighten cage assembly mounting bolts sides of them and set them to the car-
(76). rier.
3] Matching the thrust washer to the
bearing, drive shaft (68).
a When driving the shaft, align it
with the bearing and avoid hitting
it strongly so that the bearing
cage will not be deformed.
4] Fit ball (69) and install shaft (68)
a If the shaft moves out, caulk the
carrier side with a punch.
a Check that the gear rotates
42 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 43
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
8) Install piston (51) to the housing, then 26. Input shaft and No. 1 ring gear assembly
install cover (50). 1) Press fit bearing (46) to input shaft (47)
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2) and install snap ring (45).
3 Mounting bolt:
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
44 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
4) Install inner race (41) to No. 1 ring gear 27. No. 1 clutch, drum, and piston
(38). 1) Install seal rings (35) and (36) to piston
(34), then install them to the drum (33).
a Install the seal rings as shown below.
2 Periphery of seal ring:
Grease (G2-LI)
2) Using sling bolts, install No. 1 clutch drum
(33) and piston (34) together.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 45
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
46 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
2) Install magnet assembly (21) and spring 33. Control valve assembly
(20) to the oil pan, then fit the O-ring and 1) Install each control valve (14) to the valve
install cover (19). seat.
3 Control valve:
8.0 – 10.0 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}
2) Install filter assembly (15).
a If the filter case and filter bracket plug
were removed, tighten them to the fol-
lowing torque.
3 Filter case:
34.3 – 44.1 Nm {3.5 – 4.5 kgm}
3 Plug:
15.7 – 19.2 Nm {1.6 – 2.0 kgm}
3) Install sling bolts to (A), then install the
valve seats and control valve assembly
(13) together.
2 Mounting bolt:
3) Fit the plate gasket to oil pan (18) horizon-
Gasket sealant (LG-5)
tally, then sling and install transmission
4) Install wiring harness (12) and connect the
assembly (17).
2 Both sides of plate gasket:
connectors to each control valve.
Gasket sealant (LG-1)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 47
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
48 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
Removal [*1]
Before removing the Transmission control valve
Stop the machine on a level ground and
assembly, clean the area around the valve thor-
lock the tires with chocks.
oughly, and make sure that no dirt or dust gets in.
Raise the dump body and lock with the
safety pin.
Disconnect the cable fro the negative (–)
ECMV assembly mounting bolt:
terminal of the battery.
7.85 – 9.81 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}
1. Remove cover.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 49
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Before removing the ECMV assembly from the 3. Pressure control valve
transmission assembly, clean around it thor- 1) Remove solenoid valve (12).
oughly so that dirt will not enter it or transmis- 2) Remove valve (14) and ball (13).
sion. 3) Remove spool (15), shims (16) and (17)
q Keep the removed parts so that they will not be and spring (18).
damaged. a Check the quantity and thickness of
the shims.
1. Remove plug (2) and spool (3) from valve body
a When disassembling the valve, check that
the spool moves smoothly.
50 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 51
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
52 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02485-01
ECMV for lockup clutch 6) Install sleeve (5) and seat (4) to valve
Assembly body (1).
a If the pressure control section was disassem-
bled or any part in it was replaced, be sure to 7) Fit the O-ring to valve body (1) and then
check the oil pressure. install plate (3) and bracket (2).
a Clean all the parts and check them for dirt or 3 Mounting bolt:
damage. Coat their sliding surfaces with axle 4.9 – 6.9 Nm {0.5 – 0.7 kgm}
oil before installing.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 53
SEN02485-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
54 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Removal and installation of 5. Remove guard (3) and drive shaft (4). [*2]
differential assembly 1 6. Disconnect hoses (5), (6), and (7) and remove
slack adjuster (8).
k Apply the parking brake and put blocks
under the wheels.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
3 Drain plug
(Center of cover on final drive case side):
127.4 – 176.4 Nm {13.0 – 17.9 kgm}
(Periphery of cover on final drive case side):
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.4 kgm}
a Before tightening the bolts, check that the key
way of the spider cap is fitted to the key way of
the mating yoke.
2 Mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting bolt:
157 – 196 Nm {16.0 – 19.9 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt:
490 – 605 Nm {50.0 – 61.7 kgm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
a Check the thickness, quantity, and
Part No. Part name location of shim (6).
790-501-5000 Unit repair stand t 1
1 790-901-5110 Bracket t 1
790-901-3420 Plate t 1
2 790-425-1660 Wrench t 1
3 790-102-1130 Power wrench t 1
4 797-101-1171 Power wrench t 1
1. Tool of differential assembly
Set the differential assembly to tool H1.
2) Using press [2], press down bevel pinion
2. Coupling assembly (7) and remove it and bearing
Remove holder (1) and coupling (2). (8) together from cage assembly (9).
a Set a block, etc. under the bevel pin-
ion assembly to prevent the assembly
from falling to the floor.
3. Cage
1) Using forcing screws [1], remove cage (3).
a Before removing the cage, make
match marks on it and differential
2) Remove oil seal (4) from cage (3).
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
7) Remove outer races (24) and (25) from 3) Remove bearing (29) from case (27).
both bearings and lift off differential gear
assembly (20).
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
6) Remove pinion gear assembly (33) from 10) Remove washer (38).
cross shaft (32).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
6) Install the bearing to the pinion gear. 10) Install cross shaft and pinion gear assem-
a Drop engine oil (EO30-CD) over the bly (31).
sliding parts.
a The bearing is an assembly of large
bearing (A), small bearing (B), outer
r ace spac er (C), and i nner r ace
spacer (D).
a Do not change the combination of the
above parts. (The same combination
mark is stamped on each part.)
7) Install sleeve (35) as shown in the follow-
ing figure.
8) Using tool H4, tighten nut (34).
3 Nut:
490 – 408 Nm {50.0 – 61.9 kgm}
a After tightening the nut, rotate the
11) Install side gear (30).
bearing 5 turns or more to check that
it rotates lightly.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
13) Turn over case (27) and install washer 2. Installation of differential gear assembly
(28). 1) Sling differential gear assembly (20) to the
a Install the washer with the grooved installation position of the differential case.
side up. a Keep the differential gear assembly
above the differential case.
2) Install outer races (24) and (25) to both
a Drop sufficient amount of engine oil
(EO30-CD) over the bearings.
3) Install adjustment nuts (18) and (19) to the
differential case temporarily.
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
7. Adjusting backlash
1) Apply the probe of dial gauge [5] to a tooth
tip of the bevel gear at right angles.
2) Fix the bevel pinion and move the bevel
gear forward and backward (in the revolv-
ing directions) and read the dial gauge.
q Standard backlash: 0.41 – 0.56 mm
a Measure the backlash at 3 – 4 places
and check that the difference be-
tween the measured values is 0.1 mm
or less.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
10. Locks
Install locks (17) and (16) of the adjustment
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Removal and installation of final 5. Using guide bolts [2] and forcing screws [3],
pull out and remove carrier assembly (6).
drive carrier assembly 1 a When the carrier assembly comes off the
guide bolts, it is unbalanced suddenly.
Accordingly, insert a bar in the center shaft
q The rear wheel assembly is removed in the fol-
hole to balance the carrier assembly.
4 Carrier assembly: 230 kg
lowing photo. It does not need to be removed,
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
3 Drain plug
3. Pull out drive shaft (2). (Center of cover on final drive case side):
a Install a sling bolt to the shaft end to pull 127.4 – 176.4 Nm {13.0 – 17.9 kgm}
out the shaft. (Periphery of cover on final drive case side):
4 Drive shaft: 110 kg
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.4 kgm}
4. Remove snap ring (3), sun gear (4), and spac- [*2]
er (5). Carrier assembly mounting bolt:
490 – 608 Nm {50 – 62 kgm}
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
2. Remove planetary gear (3) and bearing (4). 3. Matching the ball hole of shaft (1) to the cut for
the ball on the case side, press fit the shaft
until the ball hole comes in contact with the
case end.
4. Install ball (2) and press fit shaft (1) to the end.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2. Cover
Remove cover (1).
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02486-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN02486-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02487-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
790-502-1003 Repair stand t 1
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1
2 790-102-3802 Wrench t 1
3 790-302-1270 Socket t 1
4. Remove cylinder (4) from tool U1.
790-201-1702 Push tool KIT t 1
790-101-1771 • Push tool KIT 1 5. Disassembly of piston rod assembly
790-101-5021 • Grip 1 1) Set tool U1 to piston rod assembly (3).
U 01010-50816 • Bolt 1 2) Using tool U3, remove nut (5).
a Width across flats of nut: 50 mm
790-201-1500 Push tool KIT t 1
790-101-1580 • Push tool KIT 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
6 790-720-1000 Expander t 1
7 796-720-1650 Ring t 1
8 07281-01029 Clamp t 1
1. Set cylinder assembly (1) to tool U1.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02487-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02487-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
3) Set tool U7. Using tool U8, shrink the pis- 3) Remove piston rod assembly (3) from tool
ton ring. U1.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02487-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02487-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
4. Install pads (6) and torque pins (5), (4), and (3)
and tighten pin fixing bolts (2) and (1).
3 Bolt: 51.5 ± 2.5 Nm {5.25 ± 0.25 kgm}
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Removal and installation of final a Fix outer gear (5) and wheel hub (6) at fol-
lowing points (a), (b), (c) and (d) (4 points
drive and rear brake assembly 1 in total).
Special tools
Part No. Part name
792T-422-1610 Spacer t 4 N Q
J 1 01010-61620 Bolt t 4
01643-31645 Washer t 4
1. Remove the dump body assembly. For details, 6. Remove retainer (7) and shim (8). [*1]
see "Removal and installation of dump body a Before removing the retainer completely,
assembly". pass a guide bolt through the retainer, and
then pull out the retainer and ring gear
2. Remove the (outer and inner) rear wheel assembly together slowly and sling them.
assemblies on the side of the final drive and a Check the thickness and quantity of the
rear brake assembly to be removed. For shims.
details, see "Removal and installation of rear
wheel assembly".
5. Using tool J1, fix outer gear (5) and wheel hub
a Be sure to install tool J1 to protect the
floating seal before removing the retainer. 7. Remove ring gear assembly (9).
4 Ring gear assembly: 100 kg
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
8. When disassembling the ring gear assembly, 11. Remove 2 mounting bolts (18) of oil tank (17)
remove bolt (10) and take the assembly apart and 2 nuts of the stud bolts and pull out oil tank
into holder (11), inner hub (12), and ring gear (17) in the axial direction.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
k After installing, be sure to remove tool J1
and parking brake releasing bolt.
q Adjusting preload on bearing
1) Install retainer (7) without inserting any
shim and tighten 3 mounting bolts to the
following torque.
a Rotating the hub 20 – 30 turns, tight-
en the bolts evenly to the specified
3 Retainer mounting bolt:
181 – 191 Nm {18.5 – 19.4 kgm}
[Target: 186 Nm {18.9 kgm}
2) Measure distance a between the end of
tube (17) and end of retainer (7) with
depth micrometer [2].
a Measure at 2 places and obtain the
3) Remove retainer (7) and measure its thick-
ness (b).
a Measure at 2 places and obtain the
4) Calculate shim thickness (c) by the follow-
ing expression.
(c) (mm) = (a) – (b) + 0.3
5) Install the shim of the calculated thickness
and retainer (7) with the all mounting bolts
(6 bolts).
a Rotating the hub 20 – 30 turns, tighten
the bolts evenly to the specified
3 Mounting bolt:
824 – 1,030 Nm {84 – 105 kg}
6) Rotate the wheel hub again and check
that it revolves normally.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
assembly (1) and outer gear (5) for
Part No. Part name reference for installation.
792T-422-1610 Spacer t 4 N Q
1 01010-61620 Bolt t 4
01643-31645 Washer t 4
2 795-102-2102 Spring washer t 1
792-520-2110 Installer t 1
792-520-1600 Push tool t 1
791-585-1510 Installer t 1
792-530-1700 Push tool t 1
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
2) Turn over the parking brake assembly. 6) Remove seal rings (8) and (9) from cylin-
3) Gradually and evenly loosen and remove der (7).
13 cylinder mounting bolts (4).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
8) Turn over the piston assembly disassem- 11) Remove seal rings (17) and (18) from
bled in Step 5). brake piston (16).
9) Using tool J2, compress the springs and
remove pin (11), washer (12), spring (13),
and guide (14).
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
2) Remove oil seal (25) and floating seal (26) 8. Wheel hub assembly
from outer gear (5). 1) Remove retainer and floating seal assem-
bly (31).
a Retainer and floating seal assembly
(31) is free when the inner gear (in
the previous section) is removed.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
a Clean the all parts and check them for dirt or
a Coat the sliding surfaces with engine oil before
a Remove the white powder from the O-ring sur-
face of the floating seal with engine oil, etc.
k Even a slight flaw of the floating seal made
by an impact, fall, etc. can cause oil leak-
age. Accordingly, install the floating seal
2. Inner gear
1) Using tool J3, install floating seal (30) to
the inside of inner gear (27).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 15
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
16 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
3) Install outer gear (5). 3) Install discs (21) and plates (22) alter-
a Take care not to drop the floating seal nately in order.
from the bottom. a Install the 12 discs and 11 plates.
a Take care that the oil seal at the bot- 4) Install damper (20).
tom will not be rolled up.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 17
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
5. Assembly of parking brake assembly 3) Pass guide (14) through spring (13) and
k Since the installing load on the internal install them to the parking brake piston.
spring is large, assemble the assembly 4) Using tool J2, compress spring (13) and
carefully according to the following install washer (12) from the underside of
procedure. the brake piston. Pass pin (11) through
1) Install seal rings (17) and (18) to brake guide (14) to fix the guide.
piston (16).
2 Periphery of seal ring:
Grease (G2-LI)
18 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
5) Install 30 springs (10) to cylinder (2). a When installing the piston assembly,
a For the locations of the 8 single match it to dowel pin (C).
springs, see the distinction marks
made when they were removed.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 19
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
10) Apply hydraulic pressure to parking brake 7. Using tool J1, fix outer gear (5) and wheel hub
releasing port (P) (20 × 1.5) and check (6).
that the piston is pulled up and the parking
brake works.
q Parking brake releasing pressure:
8.7 MPa {85 kg/cm²}
20 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02488-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 21
SEN02488-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
22 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Removal and installation of front 4. Remove wheel assembly (3) with a forklift, etc.
4 Wheel assembly: 1,200 kg
wheel assembly 1 k Rest the removed wheel assembly
against a safe place and put blocks
under it to prevent it from falling down.
Stop the machine on a level ground and
a Take care not to break the air valves.
lock the tires with chocks.
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
2. Support the frame on a stand, etc.
a Tighten the hub nuts evenly in the diagonal
a Tighten the hub nuts permanently after lower-
ing the truck body.
3 Hub nut:
1,519 – 1,617 Nm {154.9 – 164.8 kgm}
a After installing the wheel assembly, drive the
truck about 5 – 6 km, then check that the hub
nuts are tightened to the specified torque.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
[*1], [*2]
a Tighten the hub nuts evenly in the diagonal
a Tighten the hub nuts permanently after lower-
ing the truck body.
3 Hub nut:
1,519 – 1,617 Nm {154.9 – 164.8 kgm}
a After installing the wheel assembly, drive the
truck about 5 – 6 km, then check that the hub
nuts are tightened to the specified torque.
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
5. Disconnect hose (1). 10. Using a forklift, etc., sling the front suspen-
sion cylinder assembly and pull out pin (9)
on the rod side.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
k Never align the pin with the pin hole by
starting the engine and operating the steer-
ing wheel. It is very dangerous.
When aligning the pin and pin hole, discon-
nect the hoses on the head side and bottom
side of the steering cylinder so that you can
adjust the length of the steering cylinder
rod. Use a lever block or a bar to align
k Before operating the steering system after
finishing installation, be sure to refill the
front suspension cylinder with nitrogen gas
and adjust it. For details, see Testing and
adjusting, "Testing and adjusting front sus-
pension cylinder".
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
Disassembly and assembly of 2. Remove feed valve (1) and valve (2).
front suspension cylinder
3. Removal of cylinder rod assembly.
assembly 1) Remove flange mounting bolts (3) and air
(Cylinder with buffer ring) 1 bleeding valve (4).
2) Sling cylinder rod assembly (5), plate (6),
Special tools retainer (7), and flange (8) together.
4. Disassembly of flange
Sym- 1) Remove plate (6), retainer (7), and flange
Part No. Part name
(8) from rod assembly (5).
2) Remove dust seal (9) and bushing (10)
792-103-4102 Push tool t 1 from retainer (7).
792-625-1300 Push tool t 1 3) Remove U-packing (11), buffer ring (14)
1 and bushing (12) from flange (8).
790-101-5421 Grip t 1
Q 01010-81240 Bolt t 1 5. Remove wear ring (13) from cylinder rod (5).
792-610-1000 Suspension tool t 1
2 792-610-1100 • Pump assembly 1
792-610-1200 • Charging tool 1
q Using a block, erect the cylinder assembly.
1. Cover
Remove the dust cover.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
2. Assembly of flange
1) Using tool Q1, press fit bushing (12) to
flange (8) and install U-packing (11) and
buffer ring (14).
2 Inside of bushing:
Engine oil (EO10-CD)
a When installing the U-packing, check
that there are 4 projections on the top
of the inside lip.
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
5. Cover
Install the dust cover.
a The dust cover consists of 2 pieces.
Reduce the clearance between them to
0.5 mm or less.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
4. Pull out pin (3) on the rod side and remove rear
suspension cylinder assembly (4).
4 Rear suspension cylinder assembly:
180 kg
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
Part No. Part name
792-103-4102 Push tool t 1
792-625-1300 Push tool t 1
1 5. Flange and retainer
790-101-5421 Grip t 1
1) Remove retainer (6) and flange (8) from
Q 01010-81240 Bolt t 1
cylinder rod assembly (7).
792-610-1000 Suspension tool t 1 2) Remove U-packing (10), buffer ring (17),
2 792-610-1100 • Pump assembly 1 backup ring and O-ring (11) from flange
792-610-1200 • Charging tool 1 (8).
3) Remove bushing (12) from flange (8).
4) Remove seal (13) and bushing (14) from
Disassembly retainer (6).
1. Guard
Sling the cylinder assembly and loosen clamp
(1), and then unbutton and remove guard (2).
6. Wear ring
Remove wear ring (15) from rod (16).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Assembly 3. Retainer
1. Wear ring 1) Using tool Q1, install bushing (14) to
Install wear ring (15) to rod (16). retainer (6).
2) Install seal (13) to retainer (6).
2 Periphery of seal: Adhesive (LT-2)
2. Flange
1) Using tool Q1, install bushing (12) to
flange (8). 4. Cylinder rod assembly
2) Install U-packing (10) and buffer ring (17) 1) Using a block, erect cylinder (9).
to flange (8). 2) Sling cylinder rod assembly (7) and install
a Apply rust-preventive oil to part (A) it to cylinder (9).
indicated with 2-dot chain lines on the 3) Install flange (8) and retainer (6) to cylin-
periphery of the U-packing (NISSEKI der rod assembly (7).
P1300 or equivalent). 2 Mating faces of flange and retainer:
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02489-01
6. Guard
1) Install guard (2) and secure it with clamp
3 Clamp:
6.8 ± 0.49 Nm {69 ± 5 kgcm}
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02489-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02490-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
790-502-1003 Repair stand t 1
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1
2 790-102-3802 Wrench t 1
3 790-720-1000 Expander t 1
4 796-720-1680 t 1
(for cylinder )
5 07281-01580 t 1
(for cylinder ) 3. Remove cylinder and rod assembly (3) from
792-201-7310 Push tool t 1 cylinder (2).
790-101-5421 Grip t 1
01010-81240 Bolt t 1
U 6 790-201-1702 Push tool KIT t 1
790-201-1851 • Push tool 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
792-201-7410 Plate t 1
790-101-5021 Grip t 1
01010-80816 Bolt t 1
7 790-201-1500 Push tool KIT t 1
790-201-1660 • Push tool 1
790-201-5021 • Grip 1 4. Remove piston nut (4) and lift down rod (6)
01010-50816 • Bolt 1 from cylinder (5).
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02490-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02490-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02490-01
10. Using tool U7, install dust seal (8). 15. Install cylinder and rod assembly (3) to cyl-
inder (2).
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02490-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02491-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
Part No. Part name
V 1 790-441-1320 Hook t 1 Q
k Stop the machine on a level ground and
lock the tires with chocks.
k Raise the poke ejector and set it in parallel
with the body.
1. Using tool V1, sling the body assembly by 4 5. Lift off body assembly (5). [*5]
4 Body assembly
HD465-7E0: 10,730 kg
2. Remove hoist cylinder bottom pin (1). [*1]
HD605-7E0: 13,418 kg
a Fix hoist cylinder (2) with a lever block etc.
so that it will not fall down when pin (1) is
a Remove the pin on the opposite side simi-
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
kWhen aligning the pin holes, never insert
your fingers in the pin holes.
3 Lock plate mounting bolt:
157 – 196 Nm {16 – 20 kgm}
a Adjust the boom positioner sensor. For details,
see Testing and adjusting, "Adjusting boom
positioner sensor".
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02491-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02491-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02491-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02491-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
1. Headrest
1) Referring to the figure, check the positions
of the 2 clips (2) of headrest stay (1) on
both sides.
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
4) Apply force E to the right side of seatback 2) Push cushion stopper wire (9) down with
(4) in the direction of the arrow. screwdriver [1], etc.
5) Applying the force to seatback (4), pull its 3) Pull out seat cushion (8) forward and
right side up. remove it.
6) Slide seatback (4) sideway and remove it.
4. Armrest
3. Seat cushion q The procedure for disassembling right-hand
1) Push cushion adjuster lever (7) inward armrest (10) is shown below. (Disassemble
and slide seat cushion (8) to the front end. left-hand armrest (11) similarly.)
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
1) Remove plastic cap (12) from the armrest 6) Remove right-hand armrest (10).
hinge. a There are 2 position adjustment
a Use a flat-head screwdriver, etc. to washers (16) installed to each bolt
remove the cap. between the armrest and seatback.
2) Loosen armrest hinge mounting bolt (13). Take care not to lose them.
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
3) Remove 4 suspension cover fixing rings 6) Remove 6 plastic suspension cover clips
(19). (small) (25) and 2 plastic suspension
cover clips (large) (26).
a Clips (small) (25):
Front upper part; 2 places
Each side; 1 place
Rear lower part; 2 places
Clips (large) (26):
Front lower part; 2 places
7) Remove suspension cover (27).
a If you remove the suspension cover
without performing the work in steps
5) and 6), the suspension cover may
be broken.
6. Rails
1) Turn over the seat assembly to set rails
(28) on the upside.
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
6. Headrest
1) Insert headrest (3) in seatback (4).
a Check that 2 clips (2) on both sides are
locked securely.
10 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
Assembly procedure for air duct
1. Install vent duct (1) and foot duct (2) to the
dashboard bracket (Make up the sub-assem-
1. Vent damper
2. Foot damper
3. Face damper
4. Air conditioner unit
Check that faucet joint portion: a
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02492-02
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 13
SEN02492-02 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 04-08 (02)
14 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN02493-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02493-01
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
SEN02493-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
4 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02493-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
SEN02493-01 50 Disassembly and assembly
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
6 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01105-01 90 Diagrams and drawings
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
90 Diagrams and drawings SEN01105-01
Steering and hoist hydraulic circuit diagram Steering and hoist hydraulic circuit diagram
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
90 Diagrams and drawings SEN01105-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
90 Diagrams and drawings SEN01105-01
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
SEN01105-01 90 Diagrams and drawings
© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-07 (02)
8 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 1
SEN01106-04 90 Diagrams and drawings
2 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0
Electrical circuit diagram for inside cab Electrical circuit diagram for inside cab
HD465-7E0 Serial No. 10001 – 10037, 10101 – 10204
HD465-7E0 Serial No. 10001 – 10037, 10101 – 10204 HD605-7E0 Serial No. 8001 – 8032, 10101 – 10201
HD605-7E0 Serial No. 8001 – 8032, 10101 – 10201
H465-7E0, HD605-7E0 3
Electrical circuit diagram for inside cab Electrical circuit diagram for inside cab
HD465-7E0 Serial No. 10205 –
HD465-7E0 Serial No. 10205 – HD605-7E0 Serial No. 10202 –
HD605-7E0 Serial No. 10202 –
H465-7E0, HD605-7E0 5
Electrical circuit diagram for outside cab
Electrical circuit diagram for inside cab HD465/605-7E0 HD465/605-7E0
H465-7E0, HD605-7E0 7
Connectors table and arrangement drawing
Connectors table and arrangement drawing HD465/605-7E0 HD465/605-7E0
53 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-8 CJC DT2 6 Joint connector B-6 FL02 DT2 2 Radiator coolant level sensor C-3 PMRA DT2 6 Intermediate connector E-8
54 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-7 CJD DT2 6 Joint connector B-6 FL04 2 Washer moter C-3 POIL FRAMATOME 3 Engine oil pressure sensor AL-5
55 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-7 CJE3 DT2B 8 Joint connector M-5 FL06 DT2 3 Ambient temperature sensor F-1 PR01 M 2 Head lamp (Lo) (right) B-5
56 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-7 CJE4 DT2B 8 Joint connector J-9 FLS 4 Flasher PR02 M 2 Head lamp (Hi) (right) B-4
58 Terminal 1 Battery relay C-8 CJG DT2 6 Joint connector M-8 FOG M 6 Fog lamp switch (if equipped) AA-1 PR03 M 3 Front combination lamp (right) B-5
59 Terminal 1 Battery relay C-8 CJH1 DT2B 8 Joint connector FR01 DT2 2 Air cleaner clogging sensor C-7 One-pin
PR04 connector 1 Beacon lamp (right) (if equipped) B-5
60 Terminal 1 Battery relay D-8 CJK DT2 6 Intermediate connector D-8 FUA1 Circuit breaker (30A) B-6
PR06 M 2 Fog lamp (right) (if equipped) B-5
61 Terminal 1 Battery relay D-8 CJL DT2 6 Joint connector FUA2 Circuit breaker (30A) B-7
PR07 Terminal 1 Ground B-4
62 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (80A) A-7 CJN DT2 6 Joint connector FUB1 Circuit breaker (80A) A-6
PSOLR DT2 2 Parking brake solenoid M-5
63 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (80A) A-7 CJP DT2 6 Joint connector M-8 FUB2 Circuit breaker (80A) A-6
PSWR DT2 2 Parking brake switch M-4
64 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (80A) B-6 CJP1 DT2 6 Joint connector I-9 FUEL DT2 2 Fuel gauge sensor H-9
PWL_F 1 Power window motor (left) I-2
65 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (80A) A-6 CJP2 DT2 6 Joint connector J-9 G DT2 3 G sensor AN-9
PWL_M 1 Power window motor (left) J-2
66 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (30A) B-7 CJPR DT2 6 Joint connector E-8 GDL DT2B 12 Intermediate connector
PWM M 6 Power mode switch P-4
67 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (30A) A-7 CJR DT2 6 Joint connector L-9 GND Terminal 1 Ground C-3
PWR_F 1 Power window motor (right) E-8
68 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (30A) B-7 CJSL DT2 6 Joint connector I-9 GS Terminal 1 Ground AM-6
PWR_M 1 Power window motor (right) F-8
69 Terminal 1 Circuit breaker (30A) B-7 CJV DT2 6 Joint connector L-9 H Terminal 1 Ground C-2
R01 Relay 5 Engine start relay AF-4
70 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-8 CJY DT2 6 Joint connector M-7 H01 DT2 3 Steering pressure switch K-2
R02 Relay 5 Transmission neutral relay AF-3
71 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-8 CK1 M 6 Bulb breakage check switch Z-2 HAZ M 6 Hazard switch R-7
R03 Relay 5 Parking brake relay AF-3
72 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-9 CM DT2C 8 Lighting switch, passing light switch, turn signal switch T-8 HEPC DT2 2 Hoist EPC valve M-5
R04 Relay 5 Stop lamp relay AF-3
73 Terminal 1 Emergency steering relay B-9 CN1 DT 2 Injector # 1 AJ-8 HM12 DT2 3 Blow-by sensor AM-6
R05 Relay 5 Back lamp / buzzer relay AF-2
74 Terminal 1 Battery relay B-9 CN10 DT2 2 3rd Clutch ECMV AE-9 HM2130 2 Connector
R06 Relay 5 Fog lamp relay AG-4
75 Terminal 1 Battery relay B-9 CN11 DT2 2 3rd Fill switch AE-9 HM2140 2 Connector
R08 Relay 5 Stop lamp relay AF-3
76 Terminal 1 Battery relay C-9 CN12 DT2 2 R Clutch ECMV AE-9 HM-21A 2 Exhaust temperature sensor
R11 Relay 5 Horn relay AG-4
77 Terminal 1 Battery relay C-9 CN13 DT2 2 R Fill switch AE-9 HM-21B 2 Exhaust temperature sensor
R14 Relay 5 BCV relay AF-4
81 Terminal 1 Fuse (120A) D-8 CN14 DT2 2 4th Clutch ECMV AE-9 HM-22A 2 Exhaust temperature sensor amp
R16 Relay 5 Hazard relay 1 AF-1
83 Terminal 1 Fuse (120A) D-8 CN15 DT2 2 4th Fill switch AD-9 HM-22B 2 Exhaust temperature sensor amp
R17 Relay 5 Hazard relay 2 AG-1
250 2 Resistor (male) S-8 CN16 DT2 2 Toque converter rock up solenoid AD-8 HM-23A 2 Exhaust temperature sensor amp
R19 Relay 5 Parking brake safety relay AG-4
1020 2 Resistor (male) S-8 CN17 DT2 2 Lo Clutch ECMV AD-8 HM-23B 2 Exhaust temperature sensor amp
R21 Relay 5 Side lamp relay AG-4
A1 1 Connector AA-6 CN18 DT2 2 Lo Fill switch AC-8 HM-50 3 Connector
R22 Relay 5 Revolving relay AH-3
ABS M 6 ABS system switch R-2 CN19 DT2 2 Hi Clutch ECMV AC-8 HM-55 3 Intermediate connector
R25 11 Power window relay AA-7
ABS1 DRC 24 ABS controller CN2 DT 2 Injector # 2 AJ-9 HM-81 8 Intermediate connector
R29 Relay 5 Head lamp relay (Hi) (PASS) AH-2
ABS2 DRC 40 ABS controller CN20 DT2 2 Hi Fill switch AD-8 HM-CN1 20 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R30 Relay 5 Head lamp relay (Hi) AH-1
ABS3 DRC 40 ABS controller CN21 DT2 2 Torque converter intermediate oil puressure sensor AD-5 HM-CN2A 18 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R31 Relay 5 Head lamp relay (Lo)
ABS6 4 Intermediate connector CN22 DT2 2 Torque converter oil temperature sensor AE-5 HM-CN2B 12 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R32 Relay 5 Dust indicator relay AG-1
ABS7 DT2C 12 Intermediate connector CN23 DT2 2 Transmission oil temperature sensor AG-5 HM-CN3A 18 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R33 M 6 Parking brake manual switch U-9
ABS8 DT2B 12 Intermediate connector CN26 DT2 2 Main pressure switch AC-7 HM-CN3B 12 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R34 M 7 Power window switch (right) V-1
ABS9 DT2A 12 Intermediate connector CN27 DT2 2 Main pressure fixed valve AC-6 HM-CN4A 14 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R35 M 7 Power window switch (left) V-9
AC1 M 6 Intermediate connector P-4 CN3 DT2 2 Input shaft speed sensor AG-9 HM-CN4B 10 VHMS & Payload meter controller
R37 Relay 5 Auto preheat relay AH-3
ACC Terminal 1 Starting switch ACC terminal P-9 CN3 DT 2 Injector # 3 AK-9 HN 1 Horn switch T-8
R40 Relay 5 Payload meter relay (if equipped) AH-2
ACCF DT2 3 ACC oil pressure sensor (front) M-4 CN4 DT2 2 Intermediatet shaft speed sensor AG-9 HN1 DT2 2 Horn valve B-3
R43 Relay 5 Payload meter external indicator lamp blue relay AH-2
ACCR DT2 3 ACC oil pressure sensor (rear) L-3 CN4 DT 2 Injector # 4 AL-9 HN2 DT2 2 Horn valve B-3
R44 Relay 5 Payload meter external indicator lamp yellow relay AH-1
AISS M 6 AISS switch (if equipped) P-4 CN5 DT2 2 Output shaft speed sensor AH-7 HN25 DT2 2 Battery isolator (if equipped) VHMS indicator
R45 Relay 5 Payload meter external indicator lamp red relay AH-1
ARC M 3 ARSC set switch S-8 CN5 DT 2 Injector # 5 AL-9 HSL DT2 4 Hoist lever potentio meter Y-3
R46 5 Small lamp relay
ARSC M 6 ARSC system switch Q-3 CN6 DT2 2 1st Clutch ECMV AF-9 HSL DT2 4 Intermediate connector Y-3
RAD 9 Cassette stereo AM/FM radio R-2
AS1 DT2 6 Accel sensor Q-2 CN6 DT 2 Injector # 6 AM-9 HSOL DT2 2 Hoist selector valve M-5
RE1 2 Resistor V-9
AS2 DT2 2 Intermediate connector R-2 CN7 DT2 2 1st Fill switch AF-9 HTA DT2 12 Intermediate connector M-6
RE3 2 Resistor (female) S-8
AS3 DT2 3 Pitch angle sensor CN8 DT2 2 2nd Clutch ECMV AF-9 HTB DT2 8 Intermediate connector M-6
RE4 2 Resistor (female) S-8
ASR M 6 ASR system switch R-2 CN9 DT2 2 2nd Fill switch AE-9 INJ DT2 12 Connector AM-7
RES DT2 2 Resisto
ASR1 3 Steering angle sensor CNS1 DT2D 12 Intermediate connector V-1 J01 HD 9 Intermediate connector J-2
RESW DT2 3 Retarder switch
ASR2 2 Shut-off solenoid N-2 CNS2 DT2C 12 Intermediate connector V-1 J02 DRC 70 Intermediate connector I-1
REVR DT2 2 Retarder valve
ASR3 2 ASR valve (right) M-3 CNS3 DT2B 12 Intermediate connector V-1 J03 DRC 70 Intermediate connector I-1
RL M 2 Room lamp F-9
ASR4 2 ASR valve (left) M-3 CUTF 5 ABS Cut valve relay (front) J04 DRC 70 Intermediate connector
RL2 2 Room lamp 2 H-9
ASR5 2 ASR oil pressure switch (right) M-3 CUTR 5 ABS Cut valve relay (rear) J05 DRC 70 Intermediate connector
RLY Terminal 1 Heater relay C-9
ASR6 2 ASR oil pressure switch (left) M-2 D01 AMP 2 Diode Z-8 J06 DT06 4 Intermediate connector H-1
RP DT2 8 Intermediate connector B-4
ASR7 2 ASR oil pressure switch (Main) L-1 D02 AMP 2 Diode Z-8 J07 DT2B 12 Intermediate connector L-9
RTL DT2 6 Retarder lever potention meter S-8
ASS DT2 2 Air suspention seat W-2 D03 AMP 2 Diode Z-8 J08 DT2A 12 Intermediate connector M-8
RTR DT2 2 Retarder oil temperature sensor (right) I-9
ATC1 DRC 24 Transmission controller AD-1 D04 AMP 2 Diode P-6 J13 12 Intermediate connector
S01 DT2 2 Service brake switch C-7
ATC2 DRC 40 Transmission controller AD-1 D05 AMP 2 Diode X-8 J1939 DT2 3 Connector
S02 DT2 2 Secondary brake switch F-9
ATC3 DRC 40 Transmission controller AD-4 D06 AMP 2 Diode J2P DRC 50 Engine controller AN-7
S03 DT2 2 Front brake cut valve F-9
ATC6 X 4 Intermediate connector AA-4 D07 AMP 2 Diode S-2 J3P DT06 4 Engine controller AM-6
S04 DT2 2 Auto suspension solenoid 1 (if equipped) G-9
B Terminal 1 Starting switch B terminal P-9 D08 AMP 2 Diode Z-8 JASR 6 Joint connector
S05 DT2 2 Auto suspension solenoid 2 (if equipped) G-9
B01 DT2 6 Intermediate connector L-9 D09 AMP 2 Diode JB1 Centralized Centralized terminal AJ-8
terminal SBP DT2 4 Bypass vaive position sensor AI-6
B02 DT2 6 Turn signal,tail,stop lamp (right) L-8 D10 AMP 2 Diode
JB2 Centralized Centralized terminal AK-9 SBS DT2 2 Seat belt switch X-2
B03 DT2 6 Turn signal,tail,stop lamp (left) K-9 D11 AMP 2 Diode terminal
SDE M 6 Side lamp switch (if equipped) AA-2
B04 M 2 Back lamp (70W) D12 DT2 2 Diode M-7 JCA SWP 16 Joint connector AA-5
SEGR DT2 4 EGR Vaive position sensor AI-7
B05 Terminal 1 Back alarm buzzer K-9 DL DT2A 12 Intermediate connector AA-6 JCB SWP 8 Joint connector AA-5
SF1 DT2 12 Shift lever U-9
B06 Terminal 1 Back alarm buzzer K-9 DPC1 AMP070 20 Monitor panel S-8 JCC SWP 16 Joint connector AA-5
SF2 DT2 2 Shift lever T-9
B07 DT2 3 Body positioner sensor J-9 DPC2A AMP070 18 Monitor panel S-1 JCD SWP 16 Joint connector AA-4
SLL M 2 Side lamp (left) (if equipped) J-2
B1 DT2 2 Lamp G (right) (for payload meter) (if equipped) D-8 DPC2B AMP070 12 Monitor panel S-1 JCE SWP 8 Joint connector AA-4
SLR M 2 Side lamp (right) (if equipped) D-8
B10 Terminal 1 Ground M-8 DPC3A AMP070 18 Monitor panel S-8 JCF SWP 16 Joint connector
SPA DT2B 12 Intermediate connector M-7
B1L DT2 2 Lamp G (left) (for payload meter) (if equipped) L-3 DPC4 AMP070 12 Monitor panel T-1 JRE DT2 8 Joint connector
SPARE X 4 Intermediate connector
B2 DT2 2 Lamp A (right) (for payload meter) (if equipped) D-7 DPC6 AMP070 8 Monitor panel R-7 LKO DT2 2 Lever kick-out solenoid Y-3
SPL 2 Speaker (left) H-9
B2L DT2 2 Lamp A (left) (for payload meter) (if equipped) L-3 DPC7 X 4 Monitor panel Q-3 LKO DT2 2 Intermediate connector X-3
SPR 2 Speaker (right) G-9
B3 DT2 2 Lamp R (right) (for payload meter) (if equipped) D-7 DSL 1 Door switch (left) G-1 One-pin
LM1 connector 1 Download box SR3 X 3 Steering speed sensor AA-7
B3L DT2 2 Lamp R (left) (for payload meter) (if equipped) M-3 DSR 1 Door switch (right) D-7
One-pin ST1 Terminal 1 Emergency steering switch
BCVR X 2 BCV Solenoid (right) J-9 DT7 DT2 12 Intermediate connector W-2 LM2 1 Download box
connector ST2 Terminal 1 Emergency steering switch
BK DT2 12 Intermediate connector G-9 DT8 DT2 4 Intermediate connector W-2
LP1 DT2 12 Intermediate connector H-1 ST3 Terminal 1 Emergency steering switch
BLS M 6 Rotary lamp switch AA-1 E01 Terminal 1 Alternater R terminal AK-5
LS 3 Rheostat Z-2 ST4 Terminal 1 Emergency steering switch
BP DT2 2 BP Valve AI-6 E02A DT2 2 Intermediate connector AL-1
MON AMP 4 Intermediate connector STR DT2 2 Steering oil temperature sensor (if equipped) K-3
BR Terminal 1 Starting switch BR terminal P-8 E02B DT2 2 Intermediate connector AL-1
NE FRAMATOME 3 Ne sensor AI-2 SUFL DT2 3 Suspention oil pressure sensor (front,left) (if equipped) H-1
BRC1 DRC 24 Retarder controller AC-2 E04 DT2 2 Engine oil level switch AL-5
OP7 1 Connector P-1 SUFR DT2 3 Suspention oil pressure sensor(front,right) (if equipped) C-6
BRC2 DRC 40 Retarder controller AC-2 E05 Terminal 1 Oil filter switch D-2
OPS DT2 2 Operator seat heter W-2 SURL DT2 3 Suspention oil pressure sensor(rear,left) M-8
BRC3 DRC 40 Retarder controller AC-4 E06 Terminal 1 Alternater E terminal AK-5
ORB-A 14 Orbcom controller (if equipped) SURR DT2 3 Suspention oil pressure sensor(rear,right) K-9
BRC6 X 4 Intermediate connector V-9 E07 X 2 Air compreser
ORB-B 10 Orbcom controller (if equipped) T05 Terminal 1 Ground K-2
BT DT2B 8 Intermediate connector D-9 E09 Terminal 1 Altetnater B terminal AK-5
PAMB AMP 3 Ambient pressure sensor AN-7 T1 Terminal 1 Ground AG-9
BT1 Fuse box AA-5 E11B Terminal 1 Heater relay D-9
PCV1 SUMITOMO 2 Supply pump control valve AN-8 T10 Terminal 1 Ground B-4
BT-1A Terminal 1 Battery1 (+) E12B Terminal 1 Heater relay D-9
PCV2 SUMITOMO 2 Supply pump control valve AN-8 T20 Terminal 1 Ground
BT-1B Terminal 1 Battery1 (-) E14 Terminal 1 Starting motor B terminal AK-1
PDL 5 Download box TCHET X 4 Intermediate connector
BT2 Fuse box AA-7 E15 Terminal 1 Ground D-2
PFUEL AMP 3 Common rail pressure sensor AK-9 TEST 1 Connector
BT-2A Terminal 1 Battery2 (-) E16B Terminal 1 Ground D-9
PIM SUMITOMO 3 Boost pressure sensor AN-8 TFUEL PACKARD 2 Fuel temperature sensor AJ-5
BT-2B Terminal 1 Battery2 (+) E16E Terminal 1 Ground D-9
PL01 M 2 Head lamp (Hi) (left) F-1 TIM PACKARD 2 Boost temperature sensor AN-8
BT3 Fuse box AA-6 E17B DT2 2 Diode C-9
PL02 M 2 Head lamp (Lo) (right) E-1 TM2 HD 23 Intermediate connector AH-8
BT4 Fuse box AA-6 E80 Terminal 1 Ground
PL03 M 3 Flont combination lamp (left) F-1 TM3 HD 31 Intermediate connector AH-8
BTL DT2 2 Intermediate connector C-7 EG4 DT2D 12 Intermediate connector Y-9
One-pin TMF1 DT2 2 Transmission oil filter switch
BZ2 M 2 Buzzer U-1 EGR DT2 2 EGR Valve AI-7 PL04 connector 1 Beacon lamp (left) (if equipped) E-1
TOIL PACKARD 2 Engine oil temperature sensor AM-6
C Terminal 1 Starting switch C terminal P-9 EM 6 Emergency steering timer PL06 M 2 Fog lamp (left) (if equipped) E-2
TWTR PACKARD 2 Engine coolant temperature sensor AI-2
CAB1 DT2A 8 Intermediate connector T-9 EMPR 2 Emergency steering Fuse C-9 PL07 Terminal 1 Ground C-2
VDL 5 Download box
CAB2 DT2B 8 Intermediate connector T-9 ENG DRC 60 Engine controller AN-6 PLM 5 Intermediate connector
VHMS 5 Intermediate connector
CAN1 DT2 3 Intermediate connector W-9 EP 2 Electric priming pump PM1 MIC 21 Intermediate connector W-9
WFM 6 Wiper motor (front) T-1
CAN2 DT2 3 Resistor T-1 EPF 2 Fuse (20A) D-8 PM11 MIC 20 Intermediate connector Y-9
WFR 6 Wiper relay (front) U-1
CAN2 3 Terminal resistor (120 z) I-9 EPTS 6 Electric priming pump timer switch D-2 PM3 DT2 3 Pitch angle sensor AA-7
WPS DT2B 12 Wiper switch T-8
CG1 2 Cigarette lighter P-5 ER Terminal 1 Ground H-9 PM4 S 16 Intermediate connector W-9
WSR 4 Intermediate connector
CH1 M 8 Mode selector switch 1 Z-1 ER1 Terminal 1 Ground S-1 PM5 13 Payload meter controller (if equipped) W-9
WSRL 2 Wheel rotation sensor (left) M-1
CH2 M 8 Mode selector switch 2 Z-1 ER1 Terminal 1 Ground PM6 12 Payload meter controller (if equipped) X-9
WSRR 2 Wheel rotation sensor (right) M-1
CHECK M 6 ABS Check switch ER2 Terminal 1 Ground AA-6 PM7 9 Payload meter controller (if equipped) Q-6
CJA DT2 6 Joint connector C-7 ER3 Terminal 1 Ground R-2 PM8 5 Intermediate connector Q-7 aDetails of colored connectors
CJB DT2 6 Joint connector B-6 FBC M 6 Front brake cut switch Q-3 PMLA DT2A 12 Intermediate connector H-9 DT2A:Gr (Gray), DT2B:B (Black), DT2C:G (Green), DT2D:Br (Brown)
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 9
90 Diagrams and drawings SEN01106-04
HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0 11
SEN01106-04 90 Diagrams and drawings
© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (02)
12 HD465-7E0, HD605-7E0