Commercial Dispatch Eedition 9-29-20

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Tuesday | September 29, 2020

MSU’s win over LSU produces

boost in merchandise sales
Pirate-themed items
surge after Leach’s
debut as Bulldogs coach
[email protected]

By about 6:30 Satur-

day evening, what had
been low expectations
for Mississippi State
were suddenly soaring.
And we’re not just
talking about what hap-
pened on the field, where
Mississippi State had
just finished off a stunning 44-34 vic-
tory over sixth-ranked and defending
national champion LSU on its own field
in Mike Leach’s MSU coaching debut.
“I’d definitely say that Mike Leach
has saved football and these local busi-
nesses, too,” said Alex Gomez as he
assessed over-the-weekend sales for
Maroon & Co., which specializes in
MSU-themed merchandise.
“We get notifications on our phones
when someone is buying something
online,” said Gomez, a manager at the
ABOVE: Campus Bookmart sales associ-
store. “As soon as the game was over, ate Cheyenne Tucker shows off one of the
it was ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching. few remaining “victory” T-shirts in stock
I think we did roughly 5,000 to 6,000 on Monday following the Bulldogs’ upset
sales that night alone, way more than win over LSU Saturday in Mike Leach’s
double what we normally get after a debut as MSU’s coach. The win created
game.” a surge in sales for MSU merchandise,
With COVID-19 casting a shadow especially pirate-themed items, which
over the season — finally resulting is Leach’s unofficial brand. FAR LEFT:
Maroon and Co. manager Alex Gomez said
in a 10-game schedule featuring five
the Bulldogs’ win over the LSU Tigers on
home games, all limited to 25 percent Saturday generated 5,000-to-6,000 online
capacity — Starkville businesses that sales in the hours immediately following
cater to Saturday football crowds had the win. “Mike Leach has saved football
prepared for a significant drop in sales and these local businesses, too,” he said.
at area shops, restaurants and hotels. LEFT: After an MSU “Bandwagon” video
And while MSU’s conquest over featuring an MSU “pirate flag” went viral
LSU may not help the hotel or restau- almost as soon as it was dropped Monday
rant business significantly, it has morning, demand for the flags quickly
overwhelmed retailers. Campus Bookmart
sent MSU merchandise flying off the sold out its stock of 20 flags in less than
shelves, with retailers now struggling two hours Monday and had taken orders
to fill online orders as well. for 250 more by the end of the day. —
See MSU, 3A Photos by Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

Four-day carnival starts Wednesday at fairgrounds Officials: Spike

in Lowndes
Kentucky native hopes to bring a sense
of normalcy for residents during pandemic County COVID
[email protected]
that sell funnel cakes, cones,
nachos, corn dogs and more.
Having arrived in Colum-
A Kentucky native grow-
ing up with a family-owned
bus at 3:30 a.m., William carnival, Purdy was born
Purdy is working on a few into the funfair business. His Local and state health
hours of sleep.
As he treads across the
wife, too.
“My wife’s family owned
care providers cite false
muddy ground Monday after-
noon, Purdy watches his crew
a carnival, and we met at one
of the fair conventions, and
positives, late reporting
haul in loads of amusement we were competitors,” Purdy BY TESS VRBIN
equipment. Behind him, the said. [email protected]
Columbus Fairgrounds are The fair conventions
bathed in the setting sun. “didn’t go too good,” Purdy Lowndes County saw 180 new
Purdy and his crew were said, so the couple decided to confirmed cases of the COVID-19
setting up the stage for a four- open up their own business coronavirus last week, a notable
day carnival, which will run — Florida-based Amusement spike from 34 new cases the previ-
on evenings from Wednesday Attractions — in 1992. ous week, while surrounding coun-
through Saturday at the fair- Purdy usually takes his ties and the rest of the state saw
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
grounds. The event will fea- business on tour for most of Misty Kelley, left, watches Bill Hall adjust the wiring on the small decreases or much smaller
ture 20 games and 18 rides the year, sometimes travel- Hampton’s Motorcycle Jump, a ride for young children at a increases in the numbers of new
for both adults and children, ing as far north as Minnesota four-day carnival that will take place Wednesday through cases.
and will have six food stands See CARNIVAL, 6A Saturday at the Columbus fairgrounds. See COVID, 3A


1 Countertenor is the lowest type of male Thursday MEETINGS
singing voice. True or false? Sept. 30:
■ Exhibit reception: The Columbus
2 What was the coincidental maiden name of Lowndes
Arts Council hosts a free reception
astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s mother? County Board
3 In what card game do the four players sit from 5:30-7 p.m. opening an exhibit
of Supervisors
in table positions named after points on the by Payton Trim and Jenny Vega at
meeting, 9 a.m.,
compass? the CAC Rosenzweig Arts Center,
Lowndes County
Eliza Johnson 4 Which of these Eastern European countries 501 Main St. Face masks and social
was not part of the former Yugoslavia — Ser- Courthouse,
Fourth grade, Heritage distancing required. 662-328-2787 or
bia, Montenegro or Albania?

72 Low 47 5 What is both a type of apple and a member LowndesCounty-

High of the female gang led by Rizzo in “Grease”? Mississippi/
Clouds and sun Answers, 6B
Sunday Oct. 5: Lown-
Full forecast on ■ Oktoberfest Online: The Epis- des County
page 3A. copal Church of the Resurrection in Board of
Starkville hosts this virtual event to Supervisors
benefit the J.L. King Center, Casse- meeting, 9 a.m.,
INSIDE role Kitchen and ECR Discretionary Lowndes County
Classifieds 5,6B Health 6A Fund from 6-9 p.m. at Courthouse,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A ecr. Online auctions, bratwurst/ Myunna Windham is a
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A homemade pretzels meals to go, live sophomore at New Hope High LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 171 Dear Abby 4B music, T-shirts. School. She likes to dance. Mississippi/


2A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump, Biden prepare to debate

at a time of mounting crises
‘If Biden is unable to indict Trump for all that he candidates’ podiums will be spaced
far apart and the traditional open-
has done, (that) would be profound failure’ ing handshake scrapped.
And the debate could be shaped
Steve Schmidt, senior campaign aide for John McCain’s
by an extraordinary confluence of
2008 Republican presidential bid
other recent moments: the death of
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE a race that has been defined by its Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bad-
AND JILL COLVIN bitterness and, at least so far, its er Ginsburg, allowing Trump to
The Associated Press stability. nominate a conservative jurist to
Biden will step onto the Cleve- replace a liberal voice and reshape
CLEVELAND — the high court for generations, and
land stage holding leads in the
In an election year the blockbuster revelations about
polls — significant in the national
like no other, the first Trump’s long-hidden tax history,
surveys, closer in the battleground
debate between Pres- including that he paid only $750 a
states — but facing questions about
ident Donald Trump year in federal income taxes in 2016
his turn in the spotlight, particular-
and his Democratic and 2017 and nothing in many other
challenger, Joe Biden, ly considering Trump’s withering
attacks. And Trump, with only 35 years.
could be a pivotal mo-
days to change the course of the But the impact of the debate —
ment in a race that Trump
race, will have arguably his best or the two that follow in the weeks
has remained stub-
chance to try to reframe the cam- ahead — remains unclear.
bornly unchanged in
paign as a choice election and not The tumult of 2020 is difficult to
the face of historic
a referendum over his handling of a overstate: COVID-19 has rewritten
The Tuesday night virus that has killed more people in the rules of everyday life; schools
debate will offer a America than any other nation. and businesses are shuttered; and
massive platform for “This will be the first moment in racial justice protests have swept
Trump and Biden to four years that someone will walk on the nation after a series of high-pro-
outline their starkly Biden stage as co-equal to Trump and be file killings of Black people by po-
different visions for able to hold him to account for the lice.
a country facing multiple crises, in- malfeasance he has shown leading Despite the upheaval, the pres-
cluding racial justice protests and a the country,” said Steve Schmidt, idential race has remained large-
pandemic that has killed more than senior campaign aide for John Mc- ly unchanged since Biden seized
200,000 Americans and cost mil- Cain’s 2008 Republican presidential control of the Democratic field in
lions of jobs. bid and a frequent Trump critic. “If March. The nation has soured on
The health emergency has up- Biden is unable to indict Trump for Trump’s handling of the pandem-
ended the usual trappings of a pres- all that he has done, (that) would be ic, and while his base of support
idential campaign, lending height- profound failure. There is no spin- has remained largely unchanged,
ened importance to the debate. But ning that away.” he has seen defections among old-
amid intense political polarization, The president’s handling of the er and female voters, particularly
comparatively few undecided vot- coronavirus will likely dominate in the suburbs, and his path to 270
ers remain, raising questions as to much of the discussion. The pan- Electoral College votes, while still
how, or if, the debate might shape demic’s force will be tangible as the viable, has shrunk.

Ethics experts see national security concern in Trump’s debt

Tax records show the president is carrying more than ident’s debt because it’s a
national security risk for
$300M in loans that will come due in the next four years our country,” said Donald
Sherman, deputy director
BY A AMER MADHANI The New York Times re- Trump did not pay any of the nonprofit govern-
AND DEB RIECHMANN ported that tax records federal income taxes in ment watchdog group Cit-
The Associated Press show he is personally 11 years between 2000 izens for Responsibility
carrying a staggering and 2018, raising ques- and Ethics in Washington
WASHINGTON — amount of debt — in- tions about the fairness (CREW). “This is infor-
Revelations that Presi- cluding more than $300 of a president — who pur- mation that the president
dent Donald Trump is million in loans that will ports to be a billionaire — has aggressively and
personally liable for more come due in the next four paying less in taxes than repeatedly tried to keep
than $400 million in debt years. most Americans. away from the public.”
are casting a shadow that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, The politically dam- Trump, citing an ongo-
ethics experts say raises D-Mass., was blunt about aging revelations about ing Internal Revenue Ser-
national security con- the potential implications. Trump’s tax avoidance, vice audit, has refused to
cerns he could be manip- “He may be vulnerable to however, are perhaps less follow the post-Watergate
ulated to sway U.S. policy financial blackmail from a concerning than word precedent set by other
by organizations or indi- hostile foreign power and the president is holding presidents of releasing
viduals he’s indebted to. God knows what else,” hundreds of millions of his tax returns, so the
New scrutiny of said Warren, a frequent dollars of soon-to-mature complexities of his finan-
Trump, who claims great Trump critic. debt, ethics experts said. cial interests and whom
success as a private busi- The Times said the tax “Americans should be he does business with
nessman, comes after records also show that concerned about the pres- have remained opaque.

Barrett tied to faith group ex-members say subjugates women

Charismatic Christian religious viewed by The Associat-
ed Press. Only members
of Pentecostalism, which
emphasizes a personal re-
group says men are divinely ordained of the group serve on the
schools’ board, according
lationship with Jesus and
can include baptism in
as the ‘head’ of the family and faith to the system’s president.
The AP also reviewed
the Holy Spirit and speak-
ing in tongues. The group
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ly about her own or her 15 years of back issues organizes and meets
family’s involvement, of the organization’s in- outside the purview of a
WA SH I NG T ON and a People of Praise ternal magazine, Vine church and includes peo-
— President Donald spokesman declined and Branches, which ple from several Christian
Trump’s nominee for the to say whether she and has published birth an- denominations, but its
U.S. Supreme Court has her husband are current nouncements, photos and members are mostly Ro-
close ties to a charismatic other mentions of Barrett man Catholic.
Christian religious group and her husband, Jesse, Barrett’s affiliation
But Barrett, 48, grew
that holds men are divine- whose family has been ac- with a conservative reli-
up in New Orleans in a
ly ordained as the “head” tive in the group for four gious group that elevates
of the family and faith. family deeply connected
decades. On Friday, all the role of men has drawn
Former members of the to the organization and editions of the magazine particular scrutiny given
group, called People of as recently as 2017 she were removed from the that she would be filling
Praise, say it teaches that served as a trustee at the group’s website. the high court seat held
wives must submit to the People of Praise-affiliated People of Praise is a re- by Justice Ruth Bader
will of their husbands. Trinity Schools Inc., ac- ligious community based Ginsburg, a feminist icon
Federal appeals judge cording to the nonprofit in charismatic Catholi- who spent her legal ca-
Amy Coney Barrett has organization’s tax records cism, a movement that reer fighting for women
not commented public- and other documents re- grew out of the influence to have full equality.

Florida police: Friend convinced Trump ex-campaign boss to surrender

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mutual friend called him and asked for help from a One of the responding
and told him that a SWAT real estate agent showing officers reported that he
FORT LAUDER- team was at Parscale’s a nearby house, officials witnessed bruising on the
DALE, Fla. — A standoff home, and he was refus- said. They called 911, and wife’s arm and face. She
between South Florida ing to come out. When officers responded. told him that the injuries
police and President Wilson arrived at the The wife told officers had come from an alter-
Donald Trump’s former Fort Lauderdale home, that Parscale had been cation with Parscale ear-
campaign manager Brad he was able to persuade stressed out recently and lier that week, according
Parscale ended after an Parscale to come outside. that he had made com- to the police report. The
officer who was friends Body camera footage re- ments about shooting officer called Parscale
with Parscale convinced leased Monday shows himself, according to a and asked him to leave
him to surrender, officials officers rushing Parscale police report. Investiga- the house unarmed, but
said. and knocking him to the tors said 10 guns were the report said Parscale
Fort Lauderdale Offi- ground before taking him later removed from the remained in the home
cer Christopher Wilson into custody. home. The wife also said for about an hour, until
wrote in a report that he The standoff started that Parscale drinks and Wilson arrived and con-
had just finished a shift earlier Sunday after Par- suffers from post-trau- vinced him to come out-
Sunday evening when a scale’s wife fled the home matic stress disorder. side.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 3A

The following arrests

Mississippi: ‘Fake’
letter claims mask
were made by the Oktib-
beha County Sheriff’s Of-
n Jeremy Perkins, 29,
was charged with cyber-
n William Hughes,
41, was charged with bur- Perkins Hughes Cunningham Harrell Desmidt Ferguson
mandate abolished
glary of a residence and The statewide mask mandate is
burglary of a vehicle.
n Erica Cunningham; set to expire at 5 p.m. Wednesday
37, was charged with ag-
gravated assault.
unless the governor extends it
n Johnie Harrell, 60, BY LEAH WILLINGHAM
was charged with aggra- Associated Press/ Report for America
vated assault.
Fleming Jr. Frost Hodges Lowery McGee Scott JACKSON — A letter circulating on social
The following arrests media claiming to be from the office of Mis-
were made by Lowndes sissippi Gov. Tate Reeves and abolishing the
County Sheriff’s Office: statewide mask mandate is fake, Mississippi
n Chasity Desmidt, 43, Emergency Management Agency officials said
was charged with posses- Sunday.
sion of a controlled sub- “The letter is a FAKE,” the agency wrote on
stance, speeding 21-30 its Facebook page, adding that all of the gover-
MPH over limit, careless nor’s executive orders can be found on the Sec-
driving and possession of Smith White Wood Adams Atkinson Boyd retary of State’s website. “Any major changes
paraphernalia. sion of a weapon by a felon, n Christopher White, will be addressed in a press conference and an
n Justin Ferguson, 23, possession of marijuana in 48, was charged with bur- updated executive order.”
was charged with pos- a vehicle, disturbing the glary. Mississippi’s statewide mask mandate has
session of controlled sub- peace and no drivers li- n Robert Wood, 59, been in place since Aug. 4 to stem the spread
stance and careless driv- cense. was charged with embez- of the coronavirus. It is set to expire at 5 p.m.
ing. Wednesday unless the governor extends it. He
n Cory McGee, 24, was zlement.
n Keith Fleming Jr, has chosen to extend the mandate several times
charged with two counts n Jamie Adams, 40,
20, was charged with bur- already.
domestic violence/aggra- was charged with pos-
glary-breaking and enter- Clopton Edmonds- Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
ing a dwelling. vated assault. session of methamphet- Roberson spokeswoman Malary White said Monday that
n David Frost, 53, was n William Scott, 30, amine, failure to appear,
careless driving and no in- she saw the fake letter circulating on Facebook
charged with aggravated was charged with posses- possession of marijuana surance. and wanted to debunk it. Agency officials post-
assault to manifest ex- sion with intent to distrib- in a vehicle, no insurance, n Demon Clopton, 18, ed a photo of the letter on Facebook and Twitter
treme indifference to life. ute and possession of a improper equipment and was charged with posses- with “FAKE” branded across it in red lettering.
n Jaylin Hodges, 16, controlled substance. expired drivers license. sion of a controlled sub- The letter is topped with a portrait of Reeves,
was charged with domes- n Tisha Smith, 44, was n Jalan Atkinson, 36, stance. a Republican, and has a photo of the Mississippi
tic violence/aggravated charged with possession obtaining controlled sub- n Jamorrow Ed- state seal in the background. It is addressed to
assault and shooting into a of a weapon by a felon, stance by fraud. monds-Roberson, 19, was “all of the Residents and Business in Mississip-
dwelling house. possession of a controlled n Ronnie Boyd, 51, was charged with possession, pi.”
n Devonta Lowery, 29, substance and no turn sig- charged with possession sale, transfer of stolen fire- “The beginning of October 2020 the state-
was charged with posses- nal. of a controlled substance, arm. wide mask requirements will be abolished,” the
letter reads. “Meaning that it will be no longer
required to wear them in the state of Mississip-
“All business are hereby ordered to take

down all facemasks must be worn on or in they
establishments,” it continues. “This Executive
Order has been Signed and Sealed this 17th Day
Continued from Page 1A of September in the Year of 2020.”
As of Saturday at 6 hospitalizations due to a more accurate physical The letter ends with a forged version of
p.m., Lowndes County COVID-19 and use of ven- address during their case Reeves’ signature. Agency officials said Mon-
had 1,579 confirmed cas- tilators to treat patients investigation,” said Eliz- day they did not know who created the letter.
es, compared to 1,399 with the illness have gone abeth Grey, the division Commenting on the letter Monday, the gover-
as of Sept. 19 and 1,364 down both locally and director of Emergency nor’s spokeswoman Renae Eze said the letter is
as of Sept. 12, according statewide, said Dr. James Preparedness Communi- “absolutely fake.” Those looking for a “trusted
to data on the Mississip- Martin, chief medical of- source” on the governor’s pandemic response
cations at MSDH.
pi State Department of ficer at Baptist Memorial should stick to the government’s official web-
Similarly, Mississip-
Health website. Hospital-Golden Trian- Martin Bogue sites, she said.
pi State University does
However, state epi- gle. clinic’s lowest two-week not count all its positive
demiologist Paul Byers “(You) should not look positivity rate since it COVID cases as Oktib-
said MSDH advises at the number of cases, first began testing for the beha County cases, MSU
against trying to deter- since we have such a high virus several months ago, Chief Communications
mine trends based on the percentage of false posi- Bogue said. Officer Sid Salter said.
numbers of new cases in tives,” Martin said. About 500 people state- “It is our understand-
a county over the course A source of false posi- wide are hospitalized ing that wherever the
of a day or a week. tives is the rapid antigen with COVID-19, fewer patient indicates their
“There is often a re- test for COVID-19 that is than 150 are in intensive address to be is the coun-
porting lag, which can becoming more available
care units and 80 are on ty in which the cases are
make a county appear to nationwide. Both Baptist
ventilators, Martin said, counted by MSDH,” he
have significant increas- and the Allegro Family
and all these statistics said.
es,” Byers said. Clinic in Columbus have
Mississippi had 96,859 been using rapid tests the “are down significantly.” However, Bogue said
cases as of Saturday, up past few weeks. He attributed the local all positive cases at Al-
3,495 from the 93,364 cas- Allegro Vice Presi- spike to late reporting as legro Clinic have been
es on Sept. 19. The state dent Amy Bogue said the well as false positives. submitted to the state as
added 3,346 new cases clinic conducts a regular A dd it iona l ly, Lowndes County cases,
from Sept. 13 to Sept. 19. COVID-19 test on every COVID-19 cases are since she was under the
Oktibbeha County saw person who tests nega- added to a county’s case impression that was a re-
51 new cases last week, a tive with a rapid test in count “based on the pa- quirement.
slight decrease from 56 case the first result is in- tient’s county of resi- When asked, Martin
the previous week, and correct. dence that is reported in did not provide The Dis-
Clay County had 18 new From Sept. 14 to Sept. the positive lab report,” patch with information
cases compared to 34 25, Allegro had 42 posi- but those numbers can about how Baptist logs
over the same time frame. tive cases after issuing change if a person who its positive cases in the
The average weekly 406 tests. This is the tests positive “provides state’s county data.

Continued from Page 1A
“We’re slammed,” said Sharon Neal, wagon adorned with a large pirate flag
manager at The Lodge, a longtime favor- (with MSU’s logo on the eyepatch of
ite shopping stop for all things Bulldogs. the skull-and-crossbones image), says,
“Right now, we’re trying to get through “Looking for a bandwagon? Hop on.”
all the orders. We have 60 orders we’re The video went viral within hours of
trying to fill right now.” its Monday morning release, something
T-shirts commemorating the win Cheyenne Tucker, who works as a sales
went into production Saturday night and assistant at Campus Bookmart, quickly
were in stores by Sunday afternoon, but discovered.
there was a run on all sorts of MSU gear. “We had about 20 of those pirate flags
“We can’t keep anything with a pirate in stock,” Tucker said. “We would sell
on the shelf, really,” Gomez said. maybe one or two a day. It was the crazi-
The pirate motiff is the unofficial est thing. We sold what we had in stock
brand of Leach when he used it as a in maybe an hour-and-a-half and we’ve
metaphor for life in his 2011 biography, got orders probably 250 more just today.
“Swing Your Sword: Leading the Charge It just came out of nowhere.”
in Football and in Life.” Campus Bookmart manager Stan
When Leach signed a $5-million-per- Raye said the Bulldogs’ win over LSU
year contract to become MSU’s coach certainly was a boost.
in January, pirate-themed merchandise “Home games are always really good
with MSU’s colors and logo became big for us, but with 25 percent capacity (for
sellers. home game attendance), we knew busi-
A second wave of pirate-themed MSU ness wouldn’t be like it normally is,”
gear appears to have been ignited with Raye said. “We haven’t had our first
Saturday’s win, thanks to a video pro- home game yet, so what happened at SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
duced by MSU released Monday morn- LSU really was a good boost.” Major


ing. MSU’s first game comes Saturday Minor 6:37p 7:07p
In that video, Leach, perched atop a evening against Arkansas. Major
5:19a 6:15a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
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Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Bulldog fans play an important role this fall
rom a public health been affected. It has disrupted worry and all things associat- expectations. The Bulldogs the guidelines established,
perspective, whether our economy, our lifestyles, ed with the virus. passed LSU silly. Stanford which means practicing
Mississippi State should our routines and our attitudes. Before Saturday, the mood transfer quarterback K.J. social distancing and wearing
be playing football during the COVID-19 fatigue has set among most MSU fans was Costello set an SEC record for masks. A crowd of 16,000 can
COVID-19 pandemic remains in as we comply with guide- one of curiosity to see how passing yards in his first game be a petri dish for COVID-19
a valid question whose full con- lines and recommendations the team’s new coach, Mike in a Bulldog uniform, throw- if these rules are not faithfully
sequences cannot be accurate- and worry about whether it’s Leach, would fare. In January, ing for 623 yards and five followed.
ly determined. wise to send our children back MSU hired Leach, one of the touchdowns as the Bulldogs If those rules are ignored
But from a mental health to schools or attend public most highly-publicized hirings stunned sixth-ranked and the result could be an out-
perspective, football may be events, including church ser- in college football. Leach’s “air defending national champion break that could put a halt to
just what the doctor ordered. vices. There is no one whose raid offense” has long defied LSU, 44-34. football almost as quickly as it
Since March, the spectre of life has been altered by the conventional wisdom that says On Saturday, MSU will play begins.
COVID-19 has hovered over virus in some way. And it’s teams must have a balance be- its first home game and the So, if you really love MSU
the landscape. In the U.S. been that way for more than tween running plays and pass- excitement is palpable. football, show it by doing your
there have been more than six months now, with no sure es and there was some doubt For a few hours, we can part.
7 million cases and 205,000 end in sight. about whether his scheme forget COVID-19 - but not It would be a real shame
deaths. Worldwide, there have So, particularly in the would work in the SEC, where entirely. to forfeit the diversion and
been more than 33 millions South, where college football football is almost like the mor- Attendance will be limited entertainment college football
cases with a million dead. is widely considered one of the tal combat of trench warfare. to 25 percent, about 16,000 provides because of non-com-
But the effect of the virus best parts of fall, Saturday’s Saturday in Baton Rouge, fans. It is to those people we pliance.
goes beyond those worst opening day of SEC football MSU fans got a sneak-peak of urge caution. MSU is off to a wonderful
outcomes. Everyone in some was a pleasant diversion, an what Leach would do at MSU. Those who attend Satur- start. Bulldog fans should do
shape, form or fashion has escape from the tedium and It’s fair to say, he exceeded all day’s game should adhere to their part to keep it going.


What does it really

mean to be pro-life?
ome are calling Donald
Trump “the most pro-
life president ever.” He’s
definitely been anti-abortion.
But he’s hardly pro-life.
The “consistent life ethic”
gets closer to the heart of
what this means. Originating
in the Catholic Church, it ex-
pands the pro-life concept to
include opposition to capital
punishment, humane treat-
ment of immigrants and even Froma Harrop
the wearing of face masks
during a pandemic. Trump subscribes to none of the
“Why aren’t all pro-lifers pro-maskers?” writes James
Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of America, a
Jesuit magazine. “This should be a no-brainer.”
He goes on: “Some people think these precautions
are not just inconvenient but an infringement on their
civil liberties. I could give you all sorts of arguments
about all sorts of other public health measures designed
to protect people — food-safety rules, turn signals on
cars and so on — that people seem fine with. But in
these politicized times, even caring for the other person Martha McSally, (R-AZ);
has become political.”
Stresses value in voting Lindsey Graham, (R-SC);
Voting is so important and as a voter, I urge
In the interest of full disclosure, I believe that women Kelly Loeffler, (R-GA);
everyone to think for themselves.
have the right to an early abortion — with later proce- Steve Daines, (R-MT);
I have lived in the Philippines years ago, where
dures permitted when a pregnancy goes catastrophical- Cindy Hyde-Smith, (R-MS).
during an election, Christians (Catholics) were
ly wrong. But I do respect a consistent pro-life position. So far none have.
beaten at the polls if they did not put down the right
From his mocking of those who wear masks to his I worry that a losing Trump will wait to take ad-
choice. Armed guards stood there and watched.
disdain for social distancing (himself excepted), Trump vantage of post-Election Day chaos driven by armed
Thank God this isn’t the case here in America.
has worsened a health crisis that has claimed 200,000 groups in the streets with long guns. Far-fetched? I
I felt compelled to write to you today. You know
American lives. He says that he knew from the get-go don’t think so. Armed groups on both sides such as
God made all men and women of all colors. Every-
that COVID-19 would become a plague but just let it rip. NFAC and III’ers have made their presence known
one is precious in his sight. already, in Michigan, Louisville, and Portland.
With just over 4 percent of the world’s population, God bless the USA; we really need His blessings Citizens, it is rapidly becoming clear that we are
the United States has suffered nearly 20 percent of during this chaos. at a significant crossroads for our nation. Will we
global coronavirus deaths. The pandemic has been bad Cheryl Arnold still be the nation we have been for over 250 years
elsewhere, but no rich country has done as little to stem Ethelsville, Ala. once 2024 rolls around? I am not at all sure.
its damage as we have. Paul Mack
And Trump still downplays it, telling people in Ohio Concerned over peaceful transfer of power Columbus
that the disease “affects elderly people, elderly people President Trump, when asked last week if he
with heart problems and other problems. ... That’s it.” would commit to a peaceful transfer of power, said,
We see Trump supporters menacing store employees “Well, we’re going to have to see…” Meaning, quite Biden’s gaffes pale in comparison to Trump’s
who tell them to wear masks. To be pro-life should mean Patrick Buchanan states in a recent column the
possibly not, and, really, meaning, no, I will only
reverencing the life of the checkout clerk as well as the polls show Biden ahead, but the verbal and mental
accept the result if I win. He continued, “I’ve been
terminally ill child. And even if these thugs don’t believe lapses occurring more frequently have Democrats
complaining very strongly about the ballots and
nervous about tonight’s debate.
the expert advice on masks, you’d think they’d have the the ballots are a disaster.” This has been repeated
The “gaffes” are pale compared to what Trump
decency to not harass stressed-out retail workers. at several recent rallies, followed by claims he will
says and does.
It is intellectually impossible to consider anyone only lose if the election has been rigged – by the
Trump has repeatedly belittled the intelligence
who would take health insurance away from millions of Democrats.
of service members, in particular John McCain,
Americans as “pro-life.” As we speak, the Trump Justice Please note Trump has not offered the any
who was a POW for over 5 years, and asked that
Department is supporting a lawsuit before the Supreme evidence whatsoever for these claims. But he has wounded veterans be kept out of military parades,
Court that would blow up the Affordable Care Act. Some the bully pulpit and will repeat the lie because, as and people have stated that Trump has said that
20 million Americans would lose coverage as a result. Joseph Goebbels famously said, “If you repeat a Americans who died in wars are losers and suckers.
From 2014 to 2017, the Medicaid expansion part of lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth.” Trump has asked people to vote twice in Novem-
the ACA alone saved the lives of at least 19,000 Amer- Trump also said last week, if we can just “get rid of ber. A judge warned this law abiding president it’s
icans ages 55 to 64, according to a National Bureau of the ballots, there will be no transition” with all the illegal.
Economic Research study. Yet, Trump no longer makes undemocratic implications the statement entails. Trump states COVID-19 only kills the elderly,
even a pretense of fixing the ACA, much less offering a The peaceful transfer of power has been a and people with other diseases, adding it affects
replacement, as he promised in 2016. hallmark of our government since George Wash- virtually nobody.
A true pro-life stance would also recognize the moral ington, most notably when second President, John Trump was slapped down by the electoral com-
Adams, stepped aside in 1801 after becoming the mission chief over call to dump mail votes.
duty to care for the Creation, a stance many religious
first incumbent President to lose a re-election bid. In the U.S., we do not get rid of mail ballots, we
leaders do take. This would extend to concern over the
Yet this transition is guaranteed nowhere in the count them.
threat that global warming poses to life on our planet,
Constitution. The Presidential Transition Act of Trump: In January, he states only 15 cases of the
including human life.
1963 was passed to provide “some” clarity – but also virus, and it will soon be nearly zero. We have it
The National Bureau of Economic Research predicts
muddies. It is not clear what would happen if Trump under control and China is doing a great job with it.
that if climate change is left unchecked, higher tem- refused to leave.
peratures could lead to 85 deaths per 100,000 people Today, the world has seen over 6 million cases
I am not the only one concerned about Trump’s and over 200,000 deaths.
globally per year by 2100. Counting from today’s world comments. According to Dr. Brendan Nyhan, Pro- Trump’s attempt to undermine election results
population, that comes to a hard-to-imagine half-billion fessor of Government, constitution and government unnerve the country. If we lose election, Trump
lives lost. experts around the world are on “high alert” - that tells rally, we’re not going to stand for it.
Trump doesn’t give a rat’s tail about climate change this is a “5-alarm fire.” Trump has generated over 3,400 conflicts of
or health coverage or protecting Americans from a I call on Senate Republicans to follow the lead of interest since entering the White House.
deadly pandemic. Accusations that he is running a Senator Romney (R-UT) and denounce the Pres- The president supports the QAnon group, which
death cult may sound overheated but are not without ident’s suggestion that he will not go peacefully the FBI calls a domestic terrorist group.
basis. should Biden win – particularly those up for re-elec- 3,500 US companies sue over Trump imposed
That’s who Trump is. Americans claiming to be pro- tion in November. Chinese tariffs.
life should ask whether that’s OK with them. By that I mean, you: Millions of laid off American workers lack health
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the Thom Tillis, (R-NC); insurance.
Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is Corey Gardner, (R-CO); James Hodges
[email protected]. Susan Collins, (R-ME); Steens
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH follow. Visitation will June 17, 1934, in Chick- ing. Burial will follow.
OBITUARY POLICY be from noon-12:30 asaw County, to the late Visitation is one hour
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
p.m. prior to services, Mattie Lou Hamby and prior to services at the
service times, are provided at Tisdale-Lann Me- Warren Pete Hamby. cemetery. Tisdale-Lann
free of charge. Extended morial Funeral Home. She was a member of Memorial Funeral
obituaries with a photograph, Tisdale-Lann Memo- FBC in West Point. Home of Aberdeen is
detailed biographical informa- rial Funeral Home of In addition to her in charge of arrange-
tion and other details families Aberdeen is in charge parents, she was pre- ments.
may wish to include, are avail- ceded in death by her Mrs. Jones was born
of arrangements.
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
Mr. Perkins was husband, Harrel Hill Jr.; May 19, 1939, in Mon-
homes unless the deceased’s born March 20, 1929, sister, Shirley Miller; roe County, to the late
in Aberdeen, to the late and brother, Jimmy Dudley Reeves and Su-

Martha Fortner
body has been donated to
science. If the deceased’s Arlie Lorinza Perkins Hamby. sie Nowlin Reeves. She
body was donated to science, Sr. and Mary Ollie Bag- She is survived by was formerly employed
the family must provide official well Perkins. He was her daughters, Susie as a seamstress in the
proof of death. Please submit
formerly employed with McNair of Pearl, Amy garment industry, in Martha Ann Wofford Fortner, 81, of Colum-
all obituaries on the form pro-
Jacob Lee Construction Elliott of Brandon, and Gattman, and was a bus, passed away on September 26, 2020, at Bap-
vided by The Commercial Dis- tist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle.
patch. Free notices must be Company and was a Joy Edwards of West member of Corinth
member of First Baptist Point; son, Mark Hill Baptist Church. Martha was born on October 16, 1938, in La-
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day Church of Aberdeen. of West Point; sis- In addition to her mar County, AL, to Clarence Lester and Josie Lee
ters, Virginia Jambor, parents, she was pre- Wofford. She graduated from Lee High School in
prior for publication Tuesday In addition to his par-
through Friday; no later than 4 Glenda Easley, Nancy ceded in death by her 1957. On June 1, 1957, she married Billy (“Bill”)
ents, he was preceded
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Ferguson, and Brenda daughter, Pam Jones; Lee Fortner, and they remained married until
in death by his sisters,
edition; and no later than 7:30
Hamby; brothers, Hill sisters, Erma Lee Bill’s death four months before what would have
Wilma Pounders and
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Hamilton and Eleanor been their 50th anniversary. Bill was in the U. S.
Incomplete notices must be re- Marie Tate. Hamby and Tom Ham-
Walters; and brother, Air Force, and they were stationed at Eglin Air
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. He is survived by his by; 11 grandchildren;
Tilton Reeves. Force Base, FL, Bermuda, Biloxi, MS, Taipei,
for the Monday through Friday wife, Iva Lee Sandlin and five great-grand-
She is survived by Taiwan, and finally Columbus.
editions. Paid notices must be Perkins of Aberdeen; children.
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion her daughters, Lisa While Martha worked at JCPenney and at
sons, George Wayne Memorials may be
the next day Monday through
Jones of Ridgeway, Vir- Town & Country Realty with Bill for a period of
Perkins of Louisville made to St. Jude Chil-
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
ginia, and Phyllis Mill- time, her true calling was being a wife, mother
and David Lee Perkins dren’s Research Hospi-
p.m. for Sunday and Monday and grandmother, each role fulfilled exception-
publication. For more informa- of Alabama; sister, tal, 501 St. Jude Place, er of Columbus; sons,
ally, lovingly, selflessly and with enthusiasm.
tion, call 662-328-2471. Mildred Pumphries Memphis, TN 38105. Ronald Jones of Ham-
While her family was always her top priority, she
of West Point; broth- ilton and Ken Jones
also loved gardening, reading, shopping, sewing
Martha Bryant er, Arlie Perkins of Jay Pinkerton of Caledonia; brother,
and politics. Martha was also a member of An-
Aberdeen; five grand- WEST POINT — Truman Reeves of Bes-
ABERDEEN— Mar- tioch Baptist Church for many years.
children; and seven James W. “Jay” Pinker- semer, Alabama; nine
tha English Bryant, 86, She is survived by son, Billy Lee Fortner, Jr.
great-grandchildren. ton Jr., 60, died Sept. 27, grandchildren; and four
died Sept. 25, 2020, at (Lisa) of Bowling Green, VA, daughter, Sandra
Pallbearers will be W. 2020, at Baptist Memo- great-grandchildren.
her residence. Brock (Steve) of Franklin, TN, grandsons, James
C. Harris, Chad Per- rial Hospital-Golden Pallbearers will be
Services will be Fortner, Eric Brock and Evan Brock, sister-in-
kins, Benjamin Hogue, Triangle. Casey Jones, Matthew
at 2 p.m. Sunday, at law, Linda Ann Sumrall (Tom), of Columbus,
Wayne Perkins, David A graveside service Jones, Dylan Jones, and
Tisdale-Lann Memo- MS, and three nieces, Cheryl Noland, Lisa Ivey
Perkins, and Alton will be held at 10 a.m. Gage Poss.
rial Chapel, with the (Donnie) and Cynthia Edwards (Bill). She also
Rev. R-Kay Willardson Sandlin. Wednesday, at Green- leaves Denise Sanders, her wonderful caregiver,
officiating. Burial will wood Cemetery, with Fred Johnson Jr. who she loved like a daughter. She is preceded in
follow at Oddfellows Jeanette Rice David May officiating. STARKVILLE — death by her parents, husband, sister, Mary Kate
Rest Cemetery. Visita- CHICAGO, Ill. — Burial will follow. Fred Johnson Jr., 71, Noland, and brothers John Wofford and Larry
tion will be one hour Jeanette Nichols Rice, Visitation will be from died Sept. 23, 2020, in Wofford.
prior to services at the 70, died Sept. 17, 2020, 9:30-10 a.m. prior to Columbus. Visitation will be held at Memorial Gunter Peel
church. Tisdale-Lann in Chicago, Illinois. services. Calvert Funer- Graveside services Funeral Home & Crematory 716 2nd Ave. North
Memorial Funeral A graveside service al Home of West Point are at 11 a.m. today, at location, on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, be-
Home of Aberdeen is will be held at 11 a.m. is in charge of arrange- First Baptist Longview ginning at 12:30 PM with a 2:00 PM graveside
in charge of arrange- today, at 16th Section ments. Cemetery. service following at Friendship Cemetery.
ments. Cemetery. Burial will Mr. Pinkerton was He is survived by his Memorials can be made to the American
Mrs. Bryant was follow. Visitation was born April 3, 1960, in daughter, Jacqueline S. Heart Association, P.O. Box 840692, Dallas, TX,
born Dec. 19, 1933, in from 1-5 p.m. Monday, West Point, to the late Johnson of Starkville; 75284.
Monroe County, to the at Hairston and Hair- Joyce Allen Roberts and step-son, Walter
late P. Alexander En- ston Funeral Home. James Wiley Pinkerton James Hollingshed of
glish and Elma Chris- Hairston and Hair- Sr. He was formerly em- Starkville; siblings,
tine Allen English. She ston Funeral Home of ployed as a farmer and Charles Johnson of
was formerly employed Starkville is in charge with Orman’s Welding. Starkville, Stanley
with Thatcher Glass. of arrangements. In addition to his par- Vaughn Smith of Jack- Sign the online guest book at
In addition to her Mrs. Rice was ents, he was preceded son, Efrom Johnson of
parents, she was pre- born Dec. 14, 1949, in in death by his brother, Westminster, Colorado, 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
ceded in death by her Starkville. Charles Pinkerton. John Allen Johnson of
husband, Bill Bryant; She is survived by He is survived by his North Carolina; and

Peggy Chandler
and sisters, Ruby Sand- her husband, Jimmy wife, Barbara Jo Pinker- four grandchildren.
ers and Betty Nichols. Rice of Chicago. ton of West Point; son,
She is survived by Sandy Pinkerton of
West Point; sisters, Peggy Ann Chandler of Co-
her daughter, Michele Barbara Nance Mara Horner and Libby lumbus, Mississippi, peacefully
Bowen of Aberdeen; COLUMBUS — Bar-
sons, Patrick Brown Pinkerton; and two passed away on September 26,
bara Ford Nance, 78, 2020.
of Utah and Kelly died Sept. 27, 2020, in grandchildren.
Brown of Idaho; six Pallbearers will be A memorial service will be
Guyton, Georgia. announced at a later date.
grandchildren; and 14 Graveside services David Orman, Brian
great-grandchildren. Griggs, Wayne Pruitt, Mrs. Chandler was born to
will be at 2 p.m. Sat- the late John Wesley and Robbie
urday, in Friendship Carl Stahl, Bubba
Fitch, Ted Berry, Larry Bickerstaff on November 19,
Janie Young Cemetery. Memorial
Fretz, Will Foster, and 1934, in Vernon, Alabama. Peg-
COLUMBUS — Gunter Peel Funeral gy graduated from Lamar County High School
Janie B. Young, 64, died Home and Crematory, Dwayne White.
Memorials may be in 1954. She married the late Winston Ray Chan-
Sept. 26, 2020, at her Second Avenue North Martha Fortner dler on December 20, 1954, and they lived to-
residence. location is in charge of made to St. Jude Chil- Visitation:
dren’s Research Hospi- Wednesday, Sept. 30 • 12:30 PM
gether in Columbus, MS for 42 years. She had
Arrangements are arrangements. 2nd Ave N. Location a very successful work history while working in
incomplete and will be tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
Graveside Services: a pediatrician’s office for years. In 1973, she be-
Memphis, TN 38105.
announced by Carter’s Louise Hill Wednesday, Sept. 29 • 2 PM
Friendship Cemetery gan working at Mississippi University for Wom-
Funeral Services of WEST POINT — 2nd Ave N. Location en in the Book Store. She later transitioned to
Columbus. Louise Hill, 86, died Mary Jones the Post Office where she retired after 24 years
Sept. 25, 2020, at North MONROE COUN- Barbara Nance of service to The W. She was a longtime member
George Perkins Mississippi Medical TY — Mary Reeves Graveside Services:
Saturday, Oct. 3 • 2 PM of Mount Vernon Church and a loyal Pink Lady
ABERDEEN — Center, in Tupelo. Jones, 81, died Sept. 27, Friendship Cemetery through the Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden
George Rubin Perkins, A graveside service 2020, at Baptist Memo- 2nd Ave N. Location Triangle Volunteer Auxiliary. Peggy was a won-
91, died Sept. 26, 2020, will be held at 2 p.m. rial Hospital-Golden
derful cook. She spent countless hours in the
at Sanctuary Hospice, today, at Pleasant Ridge Triangle.
kitchen cooking for her family, relatives, and
in Tupelo. Baptist Church Ceme- A graveside service
friends. She also spent many summers canning
A graveside service tery, in Woodland, with will be held at 2 p.m.
and freezing a variety of vegetables from Win-
will be held at 1 p.m. Eric McNair officiating. today, at Corinth Ceme- ston’s garden. Peggy was immeasurably proud
Wednesday, at New Burial will follow. Lown- tery, in Lamar County,
of her family. She was the happiest when pre-
Prospect Cemetery, des Funeral Home of Alabama, with Kathy
paring wonderful Southern meals for those she
in Lackey, with the Columbus is in charge Ross Brackett officiat-
loved. You were a blessed person to have been
Rev. Roy Lee Hamilton of arrangements.

Kenneth Harris
gifted a coconut or chocolate cake or possibly a
officiating. Burial will Mrs. Hill was born lemon pie from Peggy Chandler. Though she will
be missed terribly, we smile knowing her life was
Kenneth Harris, originally lived to the fullest! She left us wonderful stories
of Columbus, Mississippi, died of her childhood at the old home place in Vernon,
Friday, September 25, at the age and we now cherish the memories of her commit-

Feds to ship millions of tests of 79, in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Born in 1941 to Woodrow
and Inez Harris, Kenneth
ted and constant nurturing she gave to her family
home in New Hope. We have wonderful, joyous
memories, and we are so much better because of
in bid to reopen K-12 schools graduated from Stephen D. Lee
High School in 1959, and from
her. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Chandler is
preceded in death by her husband, Winston, her
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS likely surge in infections Mississippi State University sister, Linda Bickerstaff Butler, and Linda’s son,
during the colder months in 1964. He taught history at Michael Ridgeway.
WASHINGTON — ahead. It also comes just Sprayberry High School in Marietta for 36 years, Peggy is survived by her two children, Mitzi
President Donald Trump five weeks before the and coached girl’s basketball and boy’s golf as Carol Green and her husband, Tom, of Columbus,
announced Monday that November election, with well. He led the girl’s basketball team to the state and John David Chandler and his wife, Kristie, of
the federal government Trump facing continued title in 1971. He was also active in leadership at Birmingham; and four grandchildren, Patty Ann
will begin distributing criticism for his handling Kennesaw First Baptist Church, as a deacon and Bogue and her husband, Bobby, Madison Rose
millions of rapid corona- Bishop, and her husband, William, Christopher
of the crisis. Sunday School teacher. He is survived by his wife
virus tests to states this Byrne Chandler, and John Wesley Chandler.
The tests will go out to of 48 years, Becky, his son David, daughter-in-
week and urged gover- The family would like to express great appre-
nors to use them to re- states based on their pop- law Katie, grandsons James and Matthew, and
ulation and can be used siblings and in-laws Don Harris, Kay and Larry ciation to the staff at The Windsor Place for the
open schools for students loving care shown to her.
in kindergarten through as governors see fit, but Wingert, Gail and Ron Cooke, and Lillie and
the Trump administration Heyward Burnette. Contributions can be made to Palmer Home
12th grade. for Children, P.O. Box 746, Columbus, MS 39703
The move to vastly ex- is encouraging states to Visitation will be from 6-8pm Tuesday at
place a priority on schools. Winkenhofer Funeral Home in Kennesaw. or Mount Vernon Church, 200 Mt. Vernon Road,
pand U.S. testing comes as
White House officials said Memorial service will be 2pm Wednesday at Columbus, MS 39702.
confirmed new COVID-19
cases remain elevated at a Rose Garden event Kennesaw First Baptist Church. Compliments of
at more than 40,000 per that 6.5 million tests will Paid Obituary - Winkenhofer Pine Ridge Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home
day and experts warn of a go out this week.
6A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Eat popcorn instead of chips: It may be surprising that popcorn is a whole grain that’s loaded with nutrients and fiber.
A 3.5-ounce serving of air-popped popcorn contains 387 calories and 15 grams of fiber, while the same amount of chips
contains 547 calories and only 4 grams of fiber. Diets rich in whole grains have been linked to health benefits, such as a
reduced risk of inflammation and heart disease. For healthy popcorn, try making your own popcorn at home (not microwave
popcorn varieties) or purchase air-popped popcorn.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Managing care for someone public health And there’s a about the challenges posed by over for you in case you get
crisis.” double-edged the pandemic if you try these sick.
with dementia during Dementia sword: Re- techniques. ■ If the person with de-
this pandemic and the pan- search shows ■ Place signs in the bath- mentia receives home-based
Dr. Oz shares his struggle demic — a dif- loneliness can room reminding your loved services, such as food deliv-
to help his mother, who lives ficult combina- make demen- one to wash his/her hands eries or physical therapy, con-
in Turkey, has Alzheimer’s tion! Dementia tia symptoms with soap for 20 seconds. tact the provider to ask about
disease and was recently diag- may increase worse, and ■ Stay in touch through their protocols to reduce the
nosed with COVID-19: “It was a person’s risk social distanc- calls and video conferenc- spread of COVID-19.
devastating when I realized I for COVID-19, ing increases ing if you do not live near or Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
couldn’t travel home to take because the loneliness with the person. You’ll ease “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
care of her. Although she’s on safety pre- dramatically. isolation and can reinforce Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
the mend, I’m acutely aware cautions that Drs. Oz and Roizen Dr. Oz the importance of following Officer and Chair of Wellness
of how overwhelming it is for help prevent suggests that anti-infection guidelines. Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
people with dementia and infection are more difficult if you’re a family caregiver of ■ Think ahead. If you’re To live your healthiest, tune
the people who love them to to follow if you have im- someone with AD or demen- the primary caregiver, make into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
navigate this unprecedented paired cognitive function. tia, you both will feel better plans for someone to take

Continued from Page 1A
toward the U.S.-Cana- HOW TO GO will wear a mask. They
dian border. His family ■ WHO: Amusement Attractions will also display signage
members, including his ■ WHAT: Four-day carnival asking fair attendees to
sons and brothers-in-law, ■ WHEN: 5-10 p.m. Wednesday through Friday; 3-10 p.m. Saturday wear masks and practice
would often come with ■ WHERE: Columbus Fairgrounds social distancing. Not ev-
him, he said. ■ HOW: Purchase tickets at on-site kiosks ery seat on the rides will
“Now most of our fam- ■ HOW MUCH: $3 admission fee; $20 wristband for unlimited rides be filled, he said, and the
ily travels with us,” Purdy ■ NOTE: Attendees are encouraged to wear masks and practice seats will be disinfected
social distancing
said. “They retire and after each ride.
come with us.” Instead of in-person
But the pandemic dis- ticket sales, Purdy said
rupted most of his plan “I just said, ‘Look, rides on a smaller scale attendees can buy tickets
this year, Purdy said. He there’s a big city,’” Purdy for young kids. There at on-site kiosks to limit
did not set out until July said. will also be an eight-seat social interactions. They
1, he said, and he had to The decision came monster truck, which at- can also buy a wristband
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
scale down the opera- “last-minute,” said fair- tendees can ride around for $20, which comes A Himalaya circular ride is being set up at the Colum-
tions to a third of what it grounds owner Jane Jor- the fairgrounds, Purdy with a $5 credit for food bus Fairgrounds for the upcoming four-day carnival.
used to be and stay pri- dan, who added she didn’t said. The admission fee and game purchases and The festival will run from 5-10 p.m. from Wednesday to
marily in the South. The know any details about is $3 each at the gate, and allows attendees unlimit- Friday and 3-10 p.m. Saturday.
crew had started a tour the carnival except for the carnival will run from ed rides. People can also
from Florida to Tennes- the date. 5-10 p.m. Wednesday use the kiosks to load cy during the pandemic. that feels normal. Most
see. They were headed The carnival offers a through Friday and 3-10 money onto the wrist- “I hope to give people of the places we’ve been,
down Highway 45 look- variety of rides, including p.m. Saturday. band for further purchas- a little entertainment,” it’s the emotional or the
ing for locations to throw bumper cars, a “scream- To address safety es, he said. he said. “Everybody’s feeling that people are
a carnival, Purdy said, er” (pendulum), a “Yo- concerns due to the pan- Purdy said he hopes been sort of cooped up. getting from coming out
and that’s when he eyed Yo” (spinning swings), a demic, Purdy said every the carnival can bring We want them to come … (that) just gives them
Columbus. Himalaya ride and other employee at the carnival people a sense of normal- out and enjoy something some hope.”

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?

Lots of
in 2020

CHICAGO — Mookie
Betts, meet Devin Wil-
liams and his devastating
changeup. Aaron Judge,
take a closer look at a
much improved Shane
Bieber. Fernando Tatis
Jr., say hello to Jack Fla-
Welcome to the first
round of the 2020 play-
offs, a class with an un-
usual amount of home-
work — and precious
little room for error.
After the pandem-
ic-shortened regular
season was limited to re-
gional play, seven of the
eight wild-card series in-
volve teams that haven’t
played any meaningful
games against each other
since last year. The one
exception is Blake Snell
and Tampa Bay taking
on Vladimir Guerrero Jr.
and Toronto in an all-AL
East matchup.
“It’s like the old days,
man, when you played a
team you’ve never played
before. It’s exactly what
it is,” said Sandy Alomar
Jr., the acting manager
for the Indians. “It’s very
That means a lot of
video and scouting work
before the AL playoffs
begin Tuesday and the
NL postseason starts
Wednesday. And the
advance reports might
Derick E. Hingle/USA TODAY Sports be a tick or two off after
Mississippi State Bulldogs head coach Mike Leach surveys the field prior to kickoff against the LSU Tigers Saturday at Tiger Stadium. scouts were shut out of
ballparks this year be-
BY BEN PORTNOY record the week after an try to seal it up after our long way to go,” Leach athletic department is al- cause of COVID-19 pro-
[email protected] upset. Sunday practice and then said. “I think there’s a lowing fans to purchase tocols.
Of the five previous constantly reinforce it.” lot of work we can do. I cutouts of themselves to White Sox ace Lucas
STARKVILLE — games, one was a bowl Further, Leach was mean, and what’s fulfill- be placed in the seats. Giolito got some tips
Mike Leach hasn’t had game and thus ended quick to note his squad ing about it is, like I said, Leach compared the from teammate Dallas
to preach on complacen- the season. That said, in wasn’t perfect in Satur- we played hard, we had Keuchel on the feel of
cardboard fans at Tiger
cy much since returning Leach’s four top-10 regu- day’s win. Starting quar- a winning effort, but I the mound in Oakland.
Stadium last week to an
from Baton Rouge. lar season victories, his terback K.J. Costello, see a lot of things we can He has only two career
episode of The Twilight
Following a startling teams were 3-1 against for one, was named the do better and so do our starts against the A’s —
upset of then-No. 6 LSU their following opponent, Southeastern Conference coaches and our players both in Chicago.
“If it’s cool and people
Saturday, Leach said outscoring the opposi- Offensive Player of the do too.” “Both sides, our of-
Monday his team ar- enjoy it, great,” Leach
tion the 135-118 — a stat Week Monday, given his Beyond the actual on- said. “But that is a little fense and their offense,
rived back in Starkville that proves more impres- 623 passing yards and field intricacies of this they’re going to be facing
motivated and eager to surreal, the fake people
sive not including Texas five touchdowns — the coming week’s contest pitchers that they haven’t
attack the practice field in the stands.”
Tech’s 60-15 loss to No. former of which broke against an Arkansas seen this year,” Giolito
and weight room ahead Monday’s press confer-
4 Oklahoma in 2002 one the MSU and SEC sin- team that fell 37-10 to said Monday. “I think
of their Week Two contest ence also briefly turned
week after beating No. 4 gle-game marks. No. 4 Georgia, Saturday
contentious when Leach, See MLB, 3B
against Arkansas. Texas. Despite the prolific will be another new ex-
In 18 years as a head “The biggest thing is performance, Costello perience for Leach as he who spent much of Satur-
coach split between Tex- constant emphasis and it also turned the ball over coaches his first game day’s upset win over LSU
as Tech, Washington starts in the weight room four times, aiding in a late at Davis Wade Stadium, either without a face cov-
ering or with his neck gai-
State and, now, Missis- on Sunday,” Leach said LSU comeback attempt albeit with limited fan at-
sippi State, Leach has six Monday. “Everybody, the that culminated with the tendance. With a capaci- ter not covering his face
and hanging around his
wins over top-10 teams other teams have talked Tigers’ tying the score at ty at roughly 60,000, it’s
including his most recent about the 24-hour rule. 34 with 9:37 remaining in expected about 12,000 neck, was asked whether Jackson to
over the Tigers. But per- Let it go after 24 hours the fourth quarter. fans will be allowed in the his lack of mask-wearing
haps as impressive is his and then we officially “I feel like we have a stands, while the MSU See LEACH, 3B lead Chiefs
past Ravens

Tampa Bay Lightning win Stanley Cup


wasn’t just that Patrick
Mahomes threw for a ton
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The clock hitting zeros for enduring a quarantine celebration by the Light- even though he played of yards and four touch-
with no fans in attendance largely on their own for so ning and by the NHL, just three games in the downs. Most impressive
EDMONTON, Alberta set off a celebration for a long. the first of the four major postseason. He played was how he did it.
— The joyful yells from team that endured years “To be in this place North American profes- 964 regular-season and Mahomes juked,
the bench could be heard of playoff heartbreak and at this time under these sional sports leagues to danced, and jumped
137 playoff games to get
in the empty arena in the two months in isolation circumstances is re- crown a champion since in and out of the pock-
to this point, losing in the
final seconds and the roar — and their fans outside markable and frankly the start of the pandemic. et. Sometimes he just
final twice before.
from players when Com- Amalie Are- overwhelming,” Bettman Tampa Bay’s core dropped back and fired
“The beauty of our
missioner Gary Bettman na in Tampa said. “Frankly, all of the group closed out the fi- pinpoint throws down-
team is everyone was
called for Steven Stamkos c elebr a t e d players who participated nal with an almost poetic field. He tossed shovel
chipping in,” Point said. passes and flung it side-
to accept the Stanley Cup right along should feel like MVPs.” display of what got the “We got contributions
echoed even louder. with them. Goals from Point and Lightning to this point armed.
from anyone and every- The common thread
The triumph of win- “It takes Blake Coleman and a 22- over the past several one at different times,
ning the NHL champion- a lot to be save shutout by Andrei years and months. Point’s was that just about ev-
and that’s what makes erything he did worked
ship in a bubble was cer- in a bubble Vasilevskiy in Game 6 goal came with assists this win so special.”
tainly no less sweet for for 80 days Hedman were enough to power the from longtime standouts for the defending Super
It was more of a coro- Bowl champion Kansas
the Tampa Bay Lightning. or whatever Lightning to their sec- Nikita Kucherov and nation than a challenge as City Chiefs, who rolled
Brayden Point scored long it was,” said defense- ond championship after Hedman, key addition the dominant Lightning past the Baltimore Ra-
his playoff-best 14th goal man Victor Hedman, who winning it in 2004. That Coleman scored on an
outshot the Stars 29-22 vens 34-20 on Monday
and the Lightning beat won the Conn Smythe one came just ahead of a odd-man rush in the sec-
and looked like the pow- night.
the Dallas Stars 2-0 in Trophy as playoff MVP. lockout that wiped out an ond and Vasilevskiy did
erhouse they’ve been for Mahomes put on a
Game 6 on Monday night “But it’s all worth it now. entire season and similar his job on a relatively slow
much of the past decade. scintillating show while
to win finish off the most We’re coming home with uncertainty hangs in the night in net.
unusual NHL postseason Tampa Bay’s power outperforming Lamar
the Cup.” air now because of the Veteran defenseman
in history, staged nearly Before giving that tro- coronavirus. Braydon Coburn was the play turned the series Jackson, who’s 0-3 against
entirely in quarantine be- phy to Hedman, Bettman Questions about the first to get the Cup after around after Dallas won the Chiefs and 21-1 against
cause of the pandemic. gave all the players credit future were put off for a Stamkos and Hedman, See CUP, 3B See CHIEFS, 3B
2B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Column: A season like no other gets playoffs like no other

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dogs get their shot? Then Actually, in Milwau- say about seven-inning
you probably don’t live in kee’s case there might be doubleheaders and put-
The playoffs are here, Southern California. a reason to say you’re sor- ting a runner on second
and there’s no better way About the best thing ry. The Brewers not only base to start extra in-
to start than by throwing that can be said about the lost more games than they nings.
out the first ball Tuesday first week of the postsea- won, but couldn’t even win But these playoffs
in Minnesota with the son is this: You’ll be able when it mattered most on were not only hastily
cheating Astros and their to watch a lot of games on the final day of the season conceived, but artificially
29-31 record. TV. and had to have help from inflated. Worse yet, they
It’s entirely possible, Sixteen teams. One the Padres just to get in. give baseball cover to
if not terribly likely, that knockout round. And they Odds are they won’t
the Astros could suddenly make expanded playoffs
played a 60-game regular beat the loaded Dodgers,
discover a way to start hit- permanent in the future,
season for what? either. If they had been
ting the ball and make the Not much, it turns out. in the same division, something Manfred said
World Series once again. The best teams do get the Brewers would have earlier this month was in
Once there, it’s also pos- home-field advantage for finished a whopping 14 the works.
sible they could go up opening week, though games behind in just a Still, even if the first
against the fearsome Mil- without fans it hardly mat- two-month season. week of the playoffs is
waukee Brewers, a team ters. The cardboard cut- But strange things can badly flawed, it gets bet-
that hasn’t cracked the outs at Dodger Stadium happen during what could ter as it goes on. No days
.500 mark all year. make the same amount of be just 18 innings of base- off in the division and
That, of course, would noise that they do at Mill- ball at Dodger Stadium. league championship se-
mean the best team in er Park, even if there’s no And that could make the ries means the World Se-
baseball would be gone statue of Bob Uecker for rest of the playoffs a farce, ries will be here before we
before Clayton Kershaw them to crowd around. something Rob Man- know it — and be finished
even had a chance to prop- Other than that, it’s fred and company likely before the kids put on
erly warm up. It would win two and move on or feared most when plan- their costumes to go out
also mean the Twins spent lose two and be done. ning a postseason that pri- and trick or treat.
two months scraping and That’s true whether your oritized TV revenue over That there will be a
clawing their way to the regular season record everything. World Series is perhaps
top of the AL Central only was 29-31 in Milwaukee To be sure, this might the most important thing
to be sent home for losing or 43-17 in Los Angeles. be the best baseball can now at a time where noth-
two — count them, two — No, the regular season do in the midst of a pan-
ing is really certain. That
games. wasn’t entirely meaning- demic. For a long time it
it will happen in October
Welcome to the play- less. It did, after all, some- looked like there would be
offs, 2020 pandemic style. how eliminate 14 teams, no season at all as players is an unexpected bonus.
Don’t get too comfortable, though for some reason and management fought In the end, a lot of
because by the end of the the Brewers weren’t one and then COVID-19 had things had to go right for
week you could be gone. of them. its say. baseball to even get in a
Like unpredictability? ``We’re in the playoffs. Somehow we got two season. Now it will get a
How does every division That’s how you see it,’’ months of play that, if you champion, too.
winner potentially getting Brewers manager Craig weren’t looking too close, Who knows, there may
knocked out before the Counsell said. ``There’s seemed a lot like baseball even be a parade in Mil-
weekend sound? no reason to apologize for as usual. Even the purists waukee to celebrate when
Enjoy seeing under- getting into the playoffs.’’ had some good things to it’s all over.

Lakers, Heat start their preparations for NBA Finals

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS its spot in the title series At long last, Lakers’ He’s been able to manage
on May 20 and Toronto on it the whole time. Bring-
LAKE BUENA VIS- May 25. Frank Vogel set to see ing in guys, losing guys.
TA, Fla. — Bam Adebayo “I tell you, it’s going to the NBA Finals He’s just always been the
woke up on Monday with be brutalizing for our vid- LAKE BUENA VISTA, anchor, and our coaching
the realization that only eo staff,” Heat coach Erik Fla. — Los Angeles Lak- staff has been right be-
two teams still have a Spoelstra said. ers coach Frank Vogel hind him. I can’t say any-
chance to win this sea- The Heat, who ousted was smiling when he was thing more than that.”
son’s NBA championship. East No. 1 seed Milwau- asked what it felt like to The Lakers were sput-
Goosebumps kicked in kee in the second round, finally reach the NBA Fi- tering in their early days
at the thought. are trying to become the nals for the first time, af- in the bubble, with the
What was once a 22- second team in the last ter getting into the league offense the lowest-ranked
team bubble at Walt Dis- 18 seasons to beat a pair in 2001. out of the 22 teams at Dis-
ney World is down to the of No. 1 seeds in the same “I actually came in in ney.
final two, with Adebayo playoff. Toronto did it last ’98,” Vogel said, offering a
and the Miami Heat set to year, first to Milwaukee, polite correction.
take on LeBron James and then to Golden State. Be- Either way, the point
the Los Angeles Lakers in fore that, one would have was clear: This opportu-
the NBA Finals that start to go back to 2002 when nity was a long time com-
on Wednesday night. It’s the Lakers pulled off the ing.
the first finals matchup feat. Phil Jackson, Pat Riley,
between the clubs, with “I’m full of emotions,” Paul Westhead, Bill Shar-
the Lakers looking for Heat guard Goran Dragic man and John Kundla all
a record-tying 17th title said. “I’m happy. I’ve been won championships in
and the Heat seeking waiting for this for a long their first seasons as Lak-
their fourth in the last 15 time, for 11, 12 years, and ers coach, and now Vogel
seasons. finally I’m here. All the has the chance to join that
“It’s pretty cool con- credit goes to those guys group. The 47-year-old
sidering, when you really who are believing it and New Jersey native will
think about it, it’s you and to my teammates. I’m just see the finals stage for
one other team that are happy. I’ve been through the first time this week
still left standing and one a lot in those five years, when the Lakers face off
of the two will be raising ups and downs, and I’m against the Miami Heat.
the Larry O’Brien Tro- just happy to be here and Game 1 is Wednesday.
phy,” Adebayo said Mon- to be part of this big mo- “This career achieve-
day. “But we know that ment. Can’t wait for the ment is so far away from
the job isn’t done yet.” finals.” where I’m at mentally
The Heat were spend- The Heat celebrated right now,” Vogel said
ing much of Monday rest- into the wee hours of Saturday night, talking
ing up before an evening Monday morning before while wearing the Lak-
team meeting would of- retiring to their rooms for ers’ new Western Confer-
ficially start their finals a few hours of sleep. ence championship shirt
preparation process. The Adebayo said he en- and cap. “I’m just trying
Lakers, who won the joyed himself — within to play my part. Give our
Western Conference fi- reason. guys a plan, make sure
nals on Saturday — a day “I had a Shirley Tem- that everybody is playing
before Miami finished off ple,” Adebayo said. together.”
the Eastern Conference The bubble has been He makes it sound sim-
crown — were starting to a grind. By Game 4 or so ple.
get their game plan in or- of this series, the Lakers Nothing was simple.
der after a one-day break and Heat will have been at Not this year.
as well. Disney for three months. The Lakers are 64-22
Much like the Heat, A few players have family this season when adding
the Lakers took a moment or friends there now, but up the regular season and
to enjoy winning the con- for the most part they’ve the playoffs, on pace for
ference title. Winning a been isolated throughout the seventh-best record
day ahead of Miami just this process. in franchise history. For
happens to give the Lak- It was tough mentally. an organization with 16
ers a bit more time to pre- It was tough physically, championships, that’s no
pare for Game 1. playing every other day small achievement.
“We appropriately had for the most part once the Vogel’s season started
fun with it that night, en- season resumed on July with championship expec-
joyed it that night. And 30. But all the teams have tations, which are always
then the next day, it’s time accompanied by immense
to get through now is one
to move on to the next ... pressure. He had to navi-
more series.
and now it’s all business,” gate his team through a
“We’re super locked
Lakers coach Frank Vo- preseason made rocky by
in,” Vogel said. “Our
gel said Monday. “I don’t getting caught in the po-
group enjoys each other.
think there’s any kind of litical squabble between
an eye towards the end of We’ve been through a lot. China and the NBA — a
getting home or anything Even though we were re- mess that flared to a very
like that. It’s really about ally assembled this year, ugly level when the Lak-
staying single-minded not a team that’s been to- ers were in China last Oc-
in our focus about what gether for multiple years, tober. And then came the
needs to happen for us to with everything that devastation on Jan. 26,
beat the Miami Heat.” we’ve been through our when Kobe Bryant died in
Both teams are sched- chemistry is strong. And, a helicopter crash.
uled for regular practices you know, I think the fact “He’s been great.
Tuesday. It’s definitely a that we enjoy each other He’s been unbelievable,”
tight squeeze, preparation away from the basketball Lakers forward LeBron
wise, compared to last court has really helped James said of Vogel. “I
year: the 2019 NBA Finals with the bubble environ- mean, it’s been a crazy ob-
started on May 30, with ment and hopefully that stacle course for our fran-
Golden State clinching will continue for us.” chise this whole year. ...
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
the rest of the NFL as a 31 for 42 for 385 yards and Mahomes, who signed charge. He stepped up Mahomes said. “I thought Jackson completed 15
regular-season starting averaged 6.5 yards on his a 10-year, $503 million ex- big,” Kansas City coach guys executed at a very of 28 passes for 97 yards
quarterback. four rushing attempts. tension in July, gave the Andy Reid said. high level on those plays.” and ran for 83 yards, 30
With Mahomes leading “They don’t give that Chiefs their money’s worth Mahomes was not inter- In a duel between Ma- of them on one carry
the way, the Chiefs (3-0) guy a half-billion dollars on Monday night, surgical- cepted, and avoided being homes, the 2018 NFL during the Ravens’ open-
emphatically ended the for no reason,” Ravens ly shredding a Baltimore sacked. The Chiefs led 27- MVP, and the player who ing possession. It wasn’t
Ravens’ 14-game regu- defensive tackle Calais defense that had allowed 10 at halftime and held on won that honor last year, nearly enough against
lar-season winning streak Campbell said. “He just only two touchdowns in its to defeat Baltimore (2-1) Jackson was no match for Mahomes, whose perfor-
while extending their own made play after play. first two games. for the third year in a row. the man whose resume mance Jackson described
run to 12 games (including You’ve got to give him re- “You got to give cred- “The plays we ran, we also includes a Super Bowl in one word: “Outstand-
playoffs). Mahomes went spect.” it to Pat for leading the got in the right situations,” MVP trophy. ing.”

Continued from Page 1B
that’ll make it a little bit three games better than and struck out 53 in 27 in- challenge in Game 1 of been practicing that this got into the playoffs
interesting.” the Rays. But they get to nings this year. Milwau- their wild-card series. year, and I’ll just keep despite dealing with a
Factor in the format walk the same thin line as kee also has Josh Hader Bieber, the ace of the trying to get better at it.” coronavirus outbreak
— it’s a best-of-three se- everybody else in open- in its bullpen, perhaps the Indians and the favor- San Diego is making during the season. Car-
ries in the first round, ing series of their eighth only area where it might ite for the AL Cy Young its first playoff appear- dinals manager Mike
compared to best of five consecutive playoff ap- have an advantage over Award, versus Gerrit ance since 2006. Up next Shildt sounded almost
in the division series and pearance. the NL West champions. Cole, the $324 million for the Padres is St. Lou- giddy while looking
best of seven in the final While Los Angeles “We just got to go out right-hander for the Yan- is, which lost to Wash- ahead to the postseason
two rounds — and the brings a deep lineup and there and play good qual- kees. Bieber is making ington in the NLCS last after navigating a com-
wild-card round might pitching staff into its ity baseball,” Dodgers his third career start year.
pressed schedule down
be a more apt description matchup with Milwau- manager Dave Roberts against New York, and The series opener
the stretch.
than Major League Base- kee, which squeaked into said. “Yes, the pitching Cole is facing for Cleve- could put Tatis in the
ball had intended. the field on the final day has carried us in my opin- land for the sixth time, same game with Fla- “We can face any-
“Any mistake can be of the season, the Brew- ion, with the defense, including a win for Hous- herty for only the second thing,” Shildt said with a
a total mess for either ers can call on Williams and now we got to go out ton in Game 2 of the 2018 time. The 21-year-old Ta- chuckle, “and now, like,
team,” Twins slugger at a big moment in a tight there and execute.” ALDS. tis singled and struck out days off, one game a day
Nelson Cruz said. “Every game. The Yankees and Indi- “The object, if you’re in two at-bats against Fla- guaranteed, I mean let’s
pitch will be critical.” The 26-year-old Wil- ans haven’t played against taking the ball early, is herty during the Padres’ do this. We’re on board
Betts and the Dodgers liams, one of the favorites each other since last Au- to set the tone both for 5-3 victory at St. Louis on with what this schedule
rolled to baseball’s best for NL Rookie of the Year, gust, and their powerful the pitching staff and the April 5, 2019. looks like big time. We’re
record this year at 43-17, allowed one earned run lineups face quite the team,” Cole said. “I’ve St. Louis and Miami ready.”

Continued from Page 1B
the opener. Point’s goal made it “These last six weeks have actly 200 days after his dismal The expanded, 24-team play- “We were in the bubble for
7 for 16 over the past five games been really emotional for my if hopeful announcement that offs meant there was hockey this many days away from our
to decimate the Stars, who were family and I, not only on the the season was being put on nearly every day, sometimes friends and family, our sup-
undone by their lack of disci- ice but off the ice,” said Stam- pause with 189 games left un- from midday until past mid- port systems,” Stamkos said.
pline and couldn’t get enough kos, who played just 2:37 in played. night, including a five-over- “We love each and every per-
“Dobby” magic from goaltender the playoffs yet scored a goal The league and players’ time marathon that was the son that has helped us and
Anton Khudobin. in Game 3. “I just want to say union worked for nearly four second longest in modern allowed us to come here and
“There is no feelings right to my family: I love you guys months to iron out where, hockey history. And in this accomplish our dream.”
now,” Khudobin said. “Just emp- so much. To all the friends how and when to play so 2020 unprecedented postseason, NOTES: Tampa Bay is the
ty, you know. We battled hard, and everyone who supported wouldn’t join 1919 and 2004 as there were even two elimina- first team to win the Cup with-
especially with this situation, it’s us along the way: We love you, a year in which the Cup wasn’t tion games on the same day in out a captain dressed for the
not easy to stay without families we can’t wait to celebrate with awarded. The plan they came the same arena. clinching game since the 1977
for two months and stuff like you.” up with was unusual. Like By the conference finals, Montreal Canadiens Yvan
that.” The painful playoff losses the NBA, it called for walling Rogers Place, a nearby JW Cournoyer missed the play-
The Stars simply ran out of look like mile markers now — off teams from the public for Marriott and the rest of a heav- offs because of back surgery.
gas after injuries piled up. losing four consecutive games months on end. Unlike the ily fenced bubble in downtown ... Kucherov’s 27 assists are
“I couldn’t ask more from our to Chicago after going up 2-1, NBA, it called for doing it in Edmonton became the center the third most in a single post-
players,” said coach Rick Bow- blowing 3-2 series leads in the two spots — Toronto and Ed- of hockey for fans thousands season behind only Wayne
ness, an assistant for Tampa Eastern Conference final in monton, while the U.S. grap- of miles away with Dallas and Gretzky and Mario Lemieux.
Bay for five years who was part 2016 and 2018, and last sea- pled with spiking coronavirus Tampa Bay, two of the south- ... Alexander Volkov made his
of their 2015 run that fell short son’s jaw-dropping, first-round cases in too many places for ernmost teams in the league, NHL playoff debut for Tam-
in the final. “So it wasn’t enough sweep by Columbus after the NHL leadership to feel com- settling the Cup in the NHL’s
pa Bay, which also saw Pat-
to beat that team, so it wasn’t Lightning had tied the NHL fortable. northernmost arena.
rick Maroon become just the
enough. But it’s better than sit- single-season wins record and And it worked. After more In all, the NHL played 130
eighth player to win the Cup
ting here saying how we could won the Presidents’ Trophy. than 31,000 tests, there were games in a bubble, 25 of them
in back-to-back seasons with
done this or could have done. Coach Jon Cooper thought zero positive coronavirus cas- going into overtime, before
different teams (St. Louis).
We don’t second-guess anything the attitude needed to change es reported among players, the final horn set off a celebra-
we’ve done.” from wanting to beat every coaches and staff inside the tion by Tampa Bay that simply
The Lightning did to the opponent 9-0 because that’s bubbles and just a handful had to do with no fans in the Up next
Stars what Chicago did to them not realistic in playoff hockey. among hotel, arena or restau- stands, and few loved ones al- The NHL has targeted a
in the ’15 final, when injuries His team went 12-3 in one-goal rant employees. There was lowed on the ice to share the tentative Dec. 1 start date for
built up. Tampa Bay had Point games this postseason, and he nothing close to a breakout. moment. Unable to hug them, next season, but even Bettman
and No. 2 center Anthony Cire- said the Lightning won be- Bizarre as it was with no players embraced each other acknowledged a later Decem-
lli playing hurt this time, didn’t cause they were strengthened fans and manufactured crowd and took out their phones to ber or January start is possible.
have Stamkos for almost all of by years of “heartbreak.” noise and light shows, the call and video chat with those And even that is no guarantee
the playoffs — and still survived. Bettman was on hand ex- hockey was often top notch. who couldn’t be there. given the uncertainty.

Continued from Page 1B
was a statement on anything it down to talk me lifting it up thing, which is bad,” Leach That’s your breath. I need to responded. “I was just curious
particular or a product of hap- and it falling down on its own said in reference to his neck practice with it. But what do what your thinking was. If it
penstance. and me remembering to put gaiter. “It sits right on your you do when you’re talking? was some kind of statement, if
“Well, I tried to remember it back up, I think there were neck instead of hangs from Did you have a trigger some- it was…”
the best I could then I found a number of challenges there. your ear…Do you ever find thing to remind you when to “I just try to do my best,”
myself talking all of the time, But, you know, with a little that, you know, and then pretty pull that thing back up? Be- Leach said jumping in. “I try
because I’m calling the plays as practice, who knows, it may be soon, you know, those things cause I found myself too preoc- to do my best with it. But once
well,” Leach said in response better this week.” will start to smell bad. And cupied to do it and then all of you’re six-feet apart, I can’t
to a question from New York Following his initial answer, then all of a sudden you’re go- a sudden, I noticed it’s around help but wonder if some of this
Times reporter Alan Blinder. Leach went back and forth ing ‘What’s that smell? What’s my neck there.” isn’t an homage to politicians.
“I was in a constant state of with Blinder over the query. going on out there?’ There’s “Yeah I mean I think ev- But you know, I do try to stay
talking. So between me taking “See I’ve got this face sock nothing going on out there. eryone is different,” Blinder six-feet apart in between time.”
4B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Column: Busch family hobby goes full circle at home in Vegas

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bullring at Las Vegas Mo- North Carolina. Brexton’s shift was happening,” the He was suddenly the lead- to Chip Ganassi Racing in
tor Speedway, then raced budding career is being 42-year-old said. “I honestly er, had three remarkable 2020 but his runway as a
LAS VEGAS — The rac- their way to North Caro- steered, of course, by Tom had a feeling with his win, restarts and finally earned Cup driver is shrinking.
ing bug hit the Busch fami- lina hoping to make it in Busch. it was like, my job is almost his first Las Vegas Motor The brothers have had
ly long before the NASCAR NASCAR. Kurt kicked the “My dad is the truck done here. I’m starting to Speedway victory. a tumultuous relationship,
champion brothers were door open and Kyle, seven driver, the team manager, become that old guy, got Perhaps the next win- one where on-track feuds
born. Their father attend- years his junior, followed. the crew chief, the lead me- to find the rocking chair ning Busch driver is on his spilled over into lengthy
ed the first Daytona 500 Today they have a com- chanic and all that stuff, on because Brexton is taking way, but nobody is pushing silences. Never the best of
in 1959 with his parents, bined 88 Cup Series wins, his cart. So he’s got a big over.” Kyle or Kurt out of NA- friends, marriage, Brexton
and later, while working as three shared Cup titles and task,” Kyle Busch said. Las Vegas Motor Speed- SCAR just yet. Kyle is the and the pandemic have
a mechanic at a Las Vegas are considered among the Brexton’s win sparked way has been tough on the reigning Cup Series cham- brought them as close as
car dealership, he decided most talented and knowl- emotions for all the Busch Busch brothers, who grew pion, and although he is they have ever been as
to try racing at the local edgeable drivers of their drivers, particularly Kurt, up dominating the three- winless so far this year and adults this past year.
short track. generation. who was reflective after his eighths-mile asphalt bull- in danger of playoff elimina- It was evident as Kyle cel-
Tom Busch built and Now they are celebrat- nephew’s win. Kurt wasn’t ring on the property. All tion in this second round, ebrated with his big broth-
won in his own cars. When ing a weekend that brought there when Brexton won that success on the very he has a long career ahead. er during the cooldown
his boys were born, he built the Busch family full circle. Saturday night but got all same grounds, yet nothing Kurt, the 2004 cham- lap Sunday with door do-
cars for them, too. It was Kurt Busch finally won at the details as the family but disappointment over at pion, is at the tail end of a nuts, the two cars bounc-
just a hobby when it began the home track about 24 flew to Las Vegas together the big track. 20-year Cup career. He was ing together in a show of
but it turned out the Busch hours after a third genera- Sunday morning. Kyle won once, in 2009, ranked last in the 12-driver respect and shared joy. It
brothers were a pair of thor- tion Busch went to victory “I just sat there on the but Kurt was 0-for-21 when playoff field before Las Ve- brought back a flood of
oughbreds. lane: Brexton Busch, Kyle’s plane going ‘My dad helped the Cup race started Sun- gas, but his first win of the memories for Kurt of two
Busch developed his 5-year-old son, earned me, we helped Kyle, Kyle day night. Kurt wasn’t all season earned him a sur- young drivers desperately
sons into a pair of aggres- the first win of his career, and my dad and myself are that great for two thirds of prise automatic advance- trying to beat one another
sive and motivated young in a winged box stock at helping Brexton,’ it definite- the event and then a caution ment to the third round. in legends cars every Sat-
drivers who dominated the Millbridge Speedway in ly felt like a generational flipped the race completely. He’s returning next season urday night.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: you do, you will go can’t live with yourself.
Your advice to from one dependent I’m working on becoming whole
the grieving situation to another. again, and it’s happening slowly. “In
widower “In Need Every person I know Need” should do the same. It may
of Someone” (June who went right into take longer, but it works better. —
22) was spot on. I another relationship TAMMY IN OREGON
later regretted it. DEAR ABBY: “In Need” should
met my husband The new person is get some hobbies. If I met a nice
when I was 14. not your lost partner, person and was considering
We married at 18, never will be and will pursuing a relationship and I found
and he died when never measure up. out he had no hobbies, no outside
he was 44. After Go into a relationship interests or friends beyond his late
his death, I had no only if you are willing spouse, I would be gone. Among my
ZITS idea how to be a to let the past go and
are willing to change
friends, I don’t know a single one
who would want a relationship with
person because I
had always been a YOU. someone whose life was totally
partner. Dear Abby Be open to wrapped up in his spouse and
In the early years, another opinion “needed” a replacement. — NANCY
I cried every day and and a new lifestyle. IN NEW MEXICO
was searching, like “In Need,” to You might like doing something DEAR ABBY: After my wife died,
fill that empty spot in my life. Then you never thought you would see I joined Widowed Information and
yourself doing before. You are not Consultation Services in my home
one day, I started figuring out what going to know unless you try. Do state. It was a wonderful way to
to do about the other holes in my not look for a Band-Aid to fix the be with others who had lost their
life. emptiness. Look for a seed to plant mates, and it helped me realize I
I had not been the breadwin- and nurture, and be prepared to wasn’t the only one going through
ner, so my income was poverty-lev- be amazed at the beauty that will this.
el. I had no college and not a lot be opened up to you. — SHELLY IN Also, I decided to say “yes” to
of work experience. I knew if I was ILLINOIS any invitations from friends to join
going to be able to keep my house DEAR SHELLY: Thank you them for dinner or a social gather-
GARFIELD and put my kids in college, I had to for sharing the important life ing. Being around others helped to
work on these other holes. In the lessons you have learned. Other stave off the loneliness. In addi-
process of school, working three caring readers also responded to tion, I decided to travel by myself to
jobs and keeping up with life, I encourage “In Need” as he moves Europe for a month, joining a group
realized I had never thought about forward: tour. I eventually found a wonderful
what was important to ME. DEAR ABBY: I lost my husband lady, also a widow, and we have
Over the years I have seen after 30 years together. I’m still been married 15 years. — ROBERT
several close friends lose partners working on getting “from hollow to IN WASHINGTON
and go through exactly what “In whole,” as “In Need” wrote. Your DEAR ABBY: “In Need” should
Need” and I have experienced. Your advice that he should “figure out consider adopting a pet, a dog
advice is so true. Volunteer. Get a the boundary between where you or cat, that will love him uncondi-
part-time job doing something you left off and your wife began” is an tionally. Because of my pets, I am
like or a job that will just give you important insight. I’ve never heard never alone, always loved and have
someone to talk to. this from a grief counselor, but it’s creatures who depend on me. It
Go to a support group, go to exactly what I’ve been trying to might make the days ahead easier
a church, but do not get into a do for the past three months. You for that widower. I wish him the
CANDORVILLE serious relationship, because if can’t live with someone else if you best. — MICHAEL IN THE MIDWEST

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). rewards. Seduce yourself with
29). You build a few new prac- Your sophistication makes it visions of who’ll you’ll be when
tices this year, one at a time, easier for you to avoid extremes you stick to the plan.
step by step, habit by habit. You of thought. Just because things LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
focus on getting incrementally aren’t the best doesn’t make know that communication is
better at something and by next them the worst. You could sort usually more about listening
season you can already start to through feelings, but choosing than it is about talking. Not
see results. January beings an not to judge is quicker and everyone got that memo. Don’t
exciting bonus and March hands cleaner. let anyone take advantage of
you the opportunity to turn over GEMINI (May 21-June 21). your patient attention. Assert
an investment for profit. Gemini Sometimes, liking a thing or yourself when it’s your turn.
BABY BLUES and Cancer adore you. Your not liking it is very much beside VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 9, 4, 44, 48 the point. What unfolds can be If you think of a thing as a prob-
and 11. very good for you even when you lem, then it will be. Or you could
ARIES (March 21-April don’t like it. Your deepest desire see it as a maze, a puzzle, a
19). You feel like a soldier for is to evolve and because of this, game, a test, an opportunity,
a cause, though to others who you will. a ticket, a target, a nonissue,
know less about it, you are very CANCER (June 22-July 22). a practice run... the list is end-
much a commander. Either way, Your willpower reserves are low, less. Just pick one.
your position comes with great so try not to force yourself into LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
responsibility. anything. Entice yourself with What the one-uppers don’t get
is that higher up isn’t always a
better position. In fact, it’s so
conspicuous that some people
will enjoy taking shots to bring
down the mighty. You’ll position
BEETLE BAILEY yourself strategically.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Retain your autonomy.
Participate only how you wish
to. Answer only the questions
you want to answer. A vague
response can get you out of
a potentially uncomfortable
21). A friend can make the time
go by differently. Connections
have a way of making moments
elastic, stretching or snap-
ping the minutes according to
MALLARD FILLMORE rhythms of the heart.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll become aware of
how an undesirable habit is a
symptom of something deeper
that’s been bothering you.
This is an excellent day to ask
yourself, “What is this behavior
really about?”
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Personal failings or
victories are not moral failings
or victories. Wins and losses
are strategies that worked or
didn’t. Take judgment out of the
FAMILY CIRCUS equation and success becomes
easier to configure.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Everything you obtain,
you have to find a place for,
maintain, keep an eye on and
more. Right now, you’re working
toward something you want, but
the universe just might show
you something even better.

No two ways about it

record in Mortgage Book 2006, Mississippi, and being de- LLC, a Kentucky Limited Liabil- AND OTHER TRAFFIC OVER THE from the sale of the property

at pages 3814-3820, in the Of- scribed as follows: ity Company, by Deed dated Au- FOLLOWING TWO PARCELS OF will be applied as provided for
fice of the Chancery Court Commencing at an iron pin at gust 14, 2000, and appearing LAND: in said Deed of Trust and are
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi (the “Land Records”), right-of-way of a paved road
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
the intersection of the North of record in Deed Book 1310
at Page 739 of the land re- PARCEL ONE
made a part hereof as if set
forth verbatim herein. Substi-
Donald R. Depriest (the “Bor- known as Chubby Drive and the cords in the office of the Chan- Commencing at an iron pin tute Trustee shall convey only
rower”), whose address is P.O.
Box 1076, Columbus, Missis-
East right-of-way of U.S. High-
way 45, said iron pin being the
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
marking the intersection of the such title as is vested in him
north right-of-way line of a as the Substitute Trustee.
sippi did convey in trust to J. same as that referred to in the paved City of Columbus road
Patrick Caldwell, as Trustee, Donald R. DePriest deed of re- Parcel C known as Chubby Drive and the This Notice of Sale has been
whose address is P.O. Box cord in Deed Book 848, Pages To place ads starting at only $12,
A tract of land being located in east right-of-way line of U.S. posted and published in ac-
4360, Tupelo, Mississippi 523-524 of the land records in the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) Highway No. 45, Lowndes cordance with Miss. Code Ann.
38803, certain property de- the office of the Chancery Clerk call 662-328-2424 or visit
of the Southeast Quarter (SE County, Mississippi, said iron § 89-1-55 and any provisions
scribed therein to secure pay- of Lowndes County, Missis- 1/4) of Section 32, Township pin being the same as that re- of the Deed of Trust affecting
ment of a debt in the original sippi, and being described 17 South, Range 18 West, ferred to in the Donald R. De- same beginning September 29,
principal sum of therein as the point of begin- LowndesTHE DISPATCH
Mississippi n TUESDAY,
Priest deed of record in Deed SEPTEMBER
2020. 29, 2020 n 5B
$3,538,566.00 for the benefit ning of Parcel 1; run thence 6 and more particularly de- Book 848, Pages 523-524 of Erno Lindner, Substitute Trust-
of BancorpSouth Bank (“Origin- North 81 degrees 44 minutes scribed as follows: the land records in the Office ee
al Lender”), whose address is East along the North right-of- of the Chancery clerk of
P.O. Box 4360, Tupelo, Missis- way of said Chubby Drive for Commencing at an iron pin Lowndes, Mississippi, and be- BAKER, DONELSON, BEAR-
Legal Notices Legal Notices
sippi 38803. Said Deed of Legalfeet;
300 Noticesrun thence North 81 Legal Notices
marking the intersection of the ing Legal Notices therein as the ini- MAN,
described Legal Notices

Trust is incorporated herein by degrees 35 minutes East along North right-of-way of a public tial point of beginning of Par- & BERKOWITZ, P.C.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI reference; said North right-of-way of road known as Chubby Drive cel 1; thence run North 81 de- 633 Chestnut Street, Suite
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Chubby Drive for a distance of and the East right-of-way of grees 44 minutes East along 1900
WHEREAS, Original Lender, 265.9 feet to the point of be- U.S. Highway No. 45 in the City the north line of said chubby Chattanooga, TN 37450
Call us: 662-328-2424 SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NO-
named and appointed Jack H. ginning of the property hereby
Haynes, as Substitute Trustee conveyed; from said point of
of Columbus, Mississippi, said Drive a distance of 250.00 feet (423) 756.2010
Iron pin being the same as that to the point of beginning of the
under said Deed of Trust pursu- beginning continue thence referred to in the Donald R. De- herein described easement; Published: The Commercial Dis-
Legal Notices WHEREAS, heretofore on the ant to that certain Appoint- North 81 degrees 35 minutes Priest deed of record in Deed from said point of beginning patch
19th day of December, 2016, ment of Substitute Trustee East along the North right-of- Book 848 at Pages 523-524 of run thence North 08 degrees Lowndes County, Mississippi
Advertisement for Bid Tansley Mason Kagrise and dated March 18, 2013, of re- way of Chubby Drive (25 feet the land records in the office of 20 minutes West a distance of Tuesday, September 29, Octo-
James Gregory Kagrise ex- cord in Mortgage Book 2013, from the centerline) for a dis- the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 220.0 feet to a point; run ber 6, October 13, and Octo-
Fant Library Roof Renovation ecuted and delivered unto Don at pages 8466-8467 in said tance of 65 feet; run thence County, Mississippi; run thence thence North 14 degrees 28 ber 20
O. Rogers, III, Trustee, for the Land Records, who was vested North 08 degrees 20 minutes North 08 degrees 20 minutes minutes East a distance of
Sealed Bids may be mailed to use and benefit of the Citizens with all of the rights, powers, West for a distance of 100 West along the East right-of- 140.94 feet to a point; run Curtis Cork
the Office of Purchasing. The National Bank of Meridian, a and privileges of the Trustee feet; run thence South 81 de- way of said U.S. Highway No. thence North 04 degrees 50 Notice of auction to sell on OC-
bid opening will be held in the construction deed of trust cov- set forth in the Deed of Trust grees 35 minutes West for a 45 a distance of 246.82 feet minutes West a distance of TOBER 12,2020 at 8:00 A.M.
Office of Purchasing, Whitfield ering the real estate herein- and revoked any and all prior distance of 65 feet; run thence to a concrete right-of-way mark- 260.00 feet to a point; run located at : A Plus Auto Repair
Hall, Columbus, MS at 2:00 after described, which said appointments made; South 8 degrees 20 minutes er, run thence Northwesterly thence North 85 degrees 10 1080 Hwy 69 South , (662)-
p.m. Tuesday, October 27, deed of trust is fully recorded East for a distance of 100 feet along a curve and said right-of- minutes East a distance of 570-4326 on a 2008 Dodge
2020 at which time they will be in Mortgage Book 2017 at WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust to the point of beginning. way the following chord bear- 50.00 feet to a point; run Charger Vin #
publicly opened and read. Spe- Page 660, re-recorded in Mort- was assigned by Original ings: North 07 degrees 33 thence South 04 degrees 50 2B3KA43G78H152856 for the
cifications may be obtained gage Book 2018 at Page Lender to Lucius E. Burch, III TOGETHER WITH AND INCLUD- minutes West - 103.18 feet, minutes East a distance of repairs owed to for repairs in
from: 1608, all in the land records of (hereinafter “Lender”) by As- ING a permanent, perpetual North 04 degrees 50 minutes 268.50 feet to a point; run the amount of $3815.53 . You
Lowndes County, Mississippi; signment of Deed of Trust easement for utilities, being West - 260.00 feet to a point; thence South 14 degrees 28 have 30 DAYS from 09-15-
Office of Purchasing and dated November 21, 2014, of described as follows: Commen- run thence North 81 degrees minutes West a distance of 2020 to pay A Plus Auto repair
Whitfield Hall record in Mortgage Book 2015, cing at the Northwest corner of 45 minutes East a distance of 139.35 feet to a point; run bill.
1100 College Street, MUW WHEREAS, the Citizens Nation- at pages 19676-19677 in said the herein above described 143.36 feet to a point; run thence South 08 degrees 20
1628 al Bank of Meridian, being the Land Records; 0.15 acre tract, as the point of thence North 24 degrees 46 minutes East a distance of Greg Moody
Columbus, MS 39701 present owner and holder of beginning, and run thence minutes East a distance of 209.94 feet to a point on the Notice of auction to sell on Oc-
Telephone (662) 329-7126 the indebtedness secured by WHEREAS, Lender is the true North 81 degrees 35 minutes 149.27 feet to the point of be- North right-of-way line of said tober 12, 2020 at 8:00 A.M.
the aforesaid deed of trust, ap- and lawful owner and holder of East along the North line of ginning of the herein described Chubby Drive; run thence South located at: A Plus Auto Repair,
Mississippi University for Wo- pointed the undersigned M. Jay the debt aforesaid, which is se- said 0.15 acre tract for 10 tract; run thence North 24 de- 81 degrees 44 minutes West 1080 Hwy 69 South, (662)
men reserves the right to re- Nichols as the Substituted cured by the Deed of Trust and feet; run thence North 08 de- grees 46 minutes East a dis- along said North right-of-way 570-4326 on a 1994 Chevro-
ject any or all bids. Trustee by instrument dated Assignment of Rents (the grees 20 minutes West for tance of 7.0 feet to a point; run line of Chubby Drive a dis- let C1500 pickup, Vin# 1GT-
September 4, 2020, and duly “Debt”); 114.6 feet to a point that is 10 thence South 85 degrees 00 tance of 50.00 feet to the DC14K0RZ540645 for the re-
PUBLISH: 9/29 & 10/6/2020 recorded in Book 2020 at Page feet North 85 degrees 10 minutes East a distance of point of beginning of this ease- pair bill owed to for repairs in
22523 in the office of the WHEREAS, Erno Lindner (here- minutes East from an iron pin 201.28 feet to a point; run ment. the amount of $4,000.52.
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes inafter, the “Substitute Trust- at the Southeast corner of the thence North 24 degrees 27 You have 30 DAYS from 09-15-
Advertisement for Bid ee”) was substituted as trust- Jameson Inn lot; run thence minutes East a distance of PARCEL TWO
County, Mississippi, prior to 2020 to pay A Plus Auto repair
ee under the Deed of Trust in South 85 degrees 10 minutes 245.00 feet to an iron pin on Commencing at an iron pin
HVAC Needlepoint Bi-polar Ion- the posting and first publica- the place and stead of the ori- West for 267.4 feet to the the South right-of-way of marking the intersection of the
ization Project tion of the Substituted
Trustee’s Notice of Sale; and ginal Trustee, and of any other Southwest corner of said Bluecutt Road; run thence North right-of-way line of a PUBLISH: 9/15, 9/22, &
substitute trustee, by that cer- Jameson Inn lot; thence South South 85 degrees 08 minutes paved city of Columbus street 9/29/2020
Sealed Bids may be mailed to tain Substitution of Trustee 14 degrees 28 minutes West East along the South right-of- known as Chubby Drive and the
the Office of Purchasing. The WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi- dated August 24, 2020, recor- along the East line of an ac- way of Bluecutt Road a dis- East right-of-way line of U.S.
bid opening will be held in the ded in the Land Records in cess road for 15.9 feet; thence tance of 10.6 feet to a point; Highway No. 45, Lowndes IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Office of Purchasing, Whitfield tions of said deed of trust and
the entire debt secured thereby Book 2020, Pages 21936- North 85 degrees 10 minutes run thence South 24 degrees County, Mississippi, said iron LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
Hall, Columbus, MS at 3:00 21937, and thereafter spread East parallel to the South line 27 minutes West a distance of pin being the same as that ref- SIPPI
p.m. Tuesday, October 27, having been declared to be due
upon the land records main- of said Jameson Inn lot for 105 254.25 feet to a point; run erenced to in the Donald R. De-
2020 at which time they will be and payable in accordance with tained by the Chancery Court feet; thence North 4 degrees thence North 77 degrees 22 Priest deed of record in Deed IN RE: THE ESTATE OF RAY-
publicly opened and read. Spe- the terms thereof, the Citizens Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- 50 minutes West for 5 feet; minutes West a distance of Book 848, Pages 523-524 of MOND G. LOWE, DECEASED
cifications may be obtained National Bank of Meridian as
the legal holder of said in- sissippi; and thence North 85 degrees 10 16.0 feet to a point; run thence the land records in the office of
from: minutes East parallel to the North 85 degrees 00 minutes the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes RALPH DOUGLAS LOWE, EX-
debtedness, has requested the
undersigned Substituted Trust- WHEREAS, default having been South line of said Jameson Inn West a distance of 195.31 feet county, Mississippi; run thence ECUTOR
Office of Purchasing made in the terms and condi- lot for 158.2 feet; run thence to the point of beginning and North 81° 44’ East along the
Whitfield Hall ee to execute the trust and sell
the property described herein tions of said Deed of Trust and South 08 degrees 20 minutes containing 3859.7 square feet North line of said Chubby Drive CAUSE NO. 2020-164-S
1100 College Street, MUW the entire Debt secured East for 105.2 feet to the point or 0.09 acre, more or less. a distance of 250.00 feet to a
1628 in accordance with the terms of
said Deed of Trust with the thereby, and the entire in- of beginning and the terminus point; run thence North 08° 20’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Columbus, MS 39701 debtedness having been de- of this utility easement. Being the same property as West a distance of 220.00 feet
Telephone (662) 329-7126 sales proceeds to be applied
to said indebtedness and all clared to be due and payable in sold by Donald R. DePriest to to a point; run thence North STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
expenses incurred as a result accordance with the terms of Being the same property sold MSDG Columbus, LLC, a Ken- 07° 43’ West a distance of COUNTY OF LOWNDES
Mississippi University for Wo- said Deed of Trust, Lender, as by Donald R. DePriest to Guy E. tucky Limited Liability Com- 17.98 feet to the point of be-
men reserves the right to re- of said default; and
holder of the Debt and the Evans by Deed dated October pany, by Deed dated July 2, ginning of the herein described Letters Testamentary have
ject any or all bids. Deed of Trust has instructed 1, 1998, appearing of record in 2002, and appearing of record easement; run thence North been granted and issued to the
NOW, THEREFORE, the under-
the Substitute Trustee to fore- Deed Book 1216 at Page 395 in Deed Book 2002 at Page 07° 43’ West a distance of undersigned upon the Estate of
PUBLISH: 9/29 & 10/6/2020 signed Substituted Trustee will close under the provisions of of the land records in the of- 5515 of the land records in the 53.86 feet to a point; run Raymond G. Lowe, Deceased,
on the 13th day of October,
2020, offer for sale at public the Deed of Trust in accord- fice of the Chancery Clerk of office of the Chancery Clerk of thence North 65° 37’ East a by the Chancery Court of
The United States Environment- outcry to the highest bidder for ance with the terms of said Lowndes County, Mississippi. Lowndes County, Mississippi. distance of 34.83 feet to a Lowndes County, Mississippi
al Protection Agency An- cash and will sell within legal Deed of Trust and applicable point; run thence South 14° on the 10th day of September,
nounces the Issuance of the hours (being between the Mississippi law, for the pur- Parcel B Parcel D 28’ West a distance of 68.87 2020. This is to give notice to
Record of Decision for Oper- hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 pose of raising the sums due A tract of land located in the A tract of land being located in feet to a point; run thence all persons having claims
able Unit 2 of the Kerr-McGee p.m.) at the Easternmost front thereunder, with the proceeds Southeast Quarter of the the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼) South 81° 41’ West a dis- against said estate to probate
Chemical Corporation Super- door of the Lowndes County thereof to be applied in accord- Southeast Quarter of Section of the Southeast Quarter (SE tance of 7.36 feet to the point and register same with the
fund Site in Columbus, Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- ance with the terms and condi- 32, Township 17 South, Range ¼) of Section 32, Township 17 of beginning and containing Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
Lowndes County, Mississippi sissippi, the following de- tions of the Deed of Trust and 18 West, Lowndes County, Mis- South, Range 18 West, City of 0.03 acre, more or less. County, Mississippi, within 90
scribed property located in related loan documents; sissippi, and more particularly Columbus, Lowndes County, (ninety) days from the date of
The United States Environment- Lowndes County, Mississippi, described as follows: Mississippi, and more particu- Said property is designated as the first publication. A failure to
al Protection Agency (EPA) final- to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, I, Erno Lind- larly described as follows: tax parcel number so probate and register said
ized a Record of Decision ner, acting solely in my capa- Commencing at an iron pin 46W200007200, but such claim will forever bar the same.
(ROD) on September 28, 2020, Lot No. 18, Jamestown Es- city as Substitute Trustee and marking the intersection of the Commencing at an iron pin designation is not a part of the
for Operable Unit 2 (OU2) of tates, an unrecorded subdivi- by virtue of the authority con- North right-of-way line of a pub- marking the intersection of the legal description of the prop- This the 10th day of Septem-
the Kerr-McGee Chemical Cor- sion located in the Northwest ferred upon me by the Deed of lic road known as Chubby Drive North right of way line of a city erty sold herein, and in the ber, 2020.
poration (KMCC) Superfund Quarter of Section 9, Township Trust, do hereby give notice and the East right-of-way of road known as Chubby Drive event of any discrepancy, the
Site located in Columbus, 19 South, Range 17 West, that I will, between the legal U.S. Highway No. 45 in the City (paved) and the East right of legal description herein shall Ralph Douglas Lowe
Lowndes County, Mississippi. Lowndes County, Mississippi, hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 of Columbus, Mississippi, said way line of U.S. Highway 45; control. Executor of the Estate of Ray-
The Mississippi Department of and being more particularly de- p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, iron pin being the same as that run thence North 81 degrees mond G. Lowe, Deceased
Environmental Quality con- scribed as follows: 2020, offer for sale at public referred to in the Donald R. De- 44 minute East and along the Said sale shall be made for
curred with the EPA remedial outcry at the southeast front Priest deed of record in Deed North right of way line of cash to the highest and best Prepared by:
decision. Beginning at the Northwest door of the Lowndes County Book 848 at Pages 523-524 of Chubby Drive a distance of 300 bidder in cash subject to the Jeffrey J. Turnage, Esq.
corner of the Northeast Quarter Courthouse, 505 2nd Avenue the land records in the office of feet to a point; run thence following: (MSB#9447)
The KMCC Site was an industri- of the Northeast Quarter of North, Columbus, Mississippi, the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes North 81 degrees 35 minutes 1. Any unpaid taxes against the Mitchell McNutt & Sams, PA
al wood treating facility oper- Section 8, Township 19 South, to the highest and best bidder County, Mississippi; run thence East and along said North right property; and 215 5th Street North
ated by KMCC and its prede- Range 17 West; thence South for cash the following de- North 08 degrees 20 minutes of way a distance of 513.40 2. Any recorded easements, P.O. Box 1366
cessors and successors from 660.67 feet; thence South 87 scribed real property situated West along the East right-of- feet to a point; run thence conditions, covenants, rights- Columbus, MS 39703-1366
1928 to 2003. Most of the degrees 18 minutes East, in Lowndes County, Missis- way of said U.S. Highway No. North 00 degrees 48 minutes of-way or subdivision plats af- Telephone: 662-328-2316
Site consists of the property 683.49 feet to a point on the sippi (the “Premises” or “Prop- 45 a distance of 246.82 feet West and along the West right fecting the property; and
formerly owned and operated East right of way line of erty”), to-wit: to a concrete right-of-way mark- of way line of said Chubby 3. Any dedication of roads af- Publish: 9/15, 9/22,
by KMCC (the “former KMCC Jamestown Public Road; er; run thence Northwesterly Drive a distance of 575.10 feet fecting the property and any 9/29/2020
facility”). The former KMCC fa- thence South 87 degrees 18 Commencing at an iron pin along a curve and said right-of- to the initial point of beginning governmental zoning and subdi-
cility covers approximately 90 minutes East, a distance of marking the intersection of the way the following chord bear- of the property herein de- vision ordinances or regula- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
acres and includes the Former 2,284.5 feet; thence South, a North right-of-way line of a pub- ings: North 07 degrees 33 scribed: tions in effect; and LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
Main Plant Area (OU-3), loc- distance of 381.09 feet; lic county road known as minutes West - 103.18 feet, 4. Any prior or superior liens, SIPPI
ated southwest of the intersec- thence South 45 degrees 00 Chubby Drive and the East North 04 degrees 50 minutes FROM SAID INITIAL POINT OF judgment, deeds of trust or oth-
tion of 14th Avenue North and minutes West a distance of right-of-way line of U.S. High- West - 260.00 feet to a point; BEGINNING run thence North er interests of record. IN THE MATIER OF THE ES-
Moss Street, and the Pine 714.0 feet to the initial point of way No. 45, Lowndes County, run thence North 81 degrees 85 degrees 08 minutes West a TATE OF THOMAS CAMERON
Yard, located northwest of the the property herein described; Mississippi, said iron pin be- 45 minutes East a distance of distance of 250.00 feet to a Substitute Trustee reserves the BAILEY, DECEASED
same intersection. The Site is thence South 45 degrees 00 ing the same as that referred 143.36 feet to a point; run point; run thence North 00 de- right to retain any escrows, re-
generally bounded by US High- minutes West, a distance of to in the Donald R. DePriest thence North 24 degrees 46 grees 48 minutes West a dis- serves, security deposits, or KELLY CHARLENE RAY, Admin-
way 82 to the north, Moss 452.05 feet; thence South 17 Deed of record in Deed Book minutes East a distance of tance of 250.00 feet to a point other funds or rights to pay- istratrix PETITIONER
Street and a railroad right-of- degrees 52 minutes West, a 848, Pages 523-524 of the 156.27 feet to the point of be- on the South right of way of ment of funds and to apply the
way to the east, Tuffy Lane to distance of 15.0 feet to a point land records in the office of the ginning of the herein described Bluecutt Road; run thence same in accordance with the v.
the south, and 21st Street on the North boundary line of Chancery Clerk of Lowndes tract; run thence North 24 de- South 85 degrees 08 minutes terms and provisions of the
North and 22nd Street North to Richardson Road; thence North County, Mississippi, and being grees 46 minutes East a dis- East and along said South right Deed of Trust and related docu- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW
the west, and the Pine Yard. 78 degrees 27 minutes West described as the initial point of tance of 245.00 feet to a point of way of Bluecutt Road a dis- ments. OF THOMAS CAMERON BAILEY,
Structures were visible at the along said North boundary line, beginning of Parcel 1; run on the South right-of-way of a tance of 250.00 feet to point DECEASED RESPONDENTS
facility through at least 2007, a distance of 84.28 feet; thence North 81 degrees 44 public city road known as of intersection of the South The right is reserved to ad-
but all above-grade structures, thence North 88 degrees 06 minutes East along said North Bluecutt Road; run thence right of way of Bluecutt Road journ the day of sale to anoth- CAUSE NO.:2018-0218-F
other than the current office minutes West along said North right-of-way line 300.00 feet to South 85 degrees 08 minutes and the West right of way of er day and time certain, without
and operation and mainten- boundary line, a distance of the point of beginning of the East along said right-of-way a Chubby Drive; run thence South further publication and in ac- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
ance buildings (including one 225.0 feet; thence North 19 herein described tract: distance of 200.00 feet to a 00 degrees 48 minutes East cordance with law, upon an-
which houses the groundwater degrees 34 minutes East a dis- Run thence North 08 degrees point; run thence South 24 de- and along said West right of nouncement of said adjourn- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
treatment system), appeared tance of 234.2 feet; thence 20 minutes West 246.82 feet grees 27 minutes West a dis- way of Chubby Drive a dis- ment on the day and time and
to have been demolished by North 66 degrees 12 minutes to a point; run thence North 05 tance of 245.00 feet to a tance of 250.00 feet to the ini- place of sale set forth above. TO: The unknown heirs at law
2010. The KMCC facility is East, a distance of 265.9 feet degrees 47 minutes West point; run thence North 85 de- tial point of beginning and con- of Thomas Cameron Bailey, De-
closed, and access to the Site to a point on the South right of 103.27 feet to a point; run grees 00 minutes West a dis- taining 1.43 acres, more or The failure of any high bidder to ceased
is restricted by a fence that en- way line of a county road; thence North 04 degrees 50 tance of 201.28 feet to the less. pay the purchase price and
closes the entire property. The thence North 74 degrees 08 minutes West 277.50 feet to a point of beginning. close this sale immediately You have been made a Re-
adjacent Former Sanderson minutes East along said South point; run thence North 24 de- Being the same property as SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO PER- shall, at the option of the Trust- spondent in the suit filed in
Plumbing Property is now right of way line, a distance of grees 27 minutes East 343.65 sold by Donald R. DePriest to MANENT (BUT NON-EXCLUSIVE) ee, be cause for rejection of this Court by Kelly Charlene
owned by the State of Missis- 108.5 feet; thence North 58 feet to a point on the South Mid-South Development Group, EASEMENTS FOR VEHICULAR the bid. The proceeds derived Ray, seeking the Determina-
sippi and is excluded from the degrees 16 minutes East along right-of-way line of a public LLC, a Kentucky Limited Liabil- AND OTHER TRAFFIC OVER THE from the sale of the property tion of the Heirs at Law of
scope of this ROD. said South right of way line, a county road known as Bluecutt ity Company, by Deed dated Au- FOLLOWING TWO PARCELS OF will be applied as provided for Thomas Cameron Bailey De-
distance of 108.5 feet; thence Road; run thence South 85 de- gust 14, 2000, and appearing LAND: in said Deed of Trust and are ceased.
The remedy selected in this South 47 degrees 54 minutes grees 08 minutes East along of record in Deed Book 1310 made a part hereof as if set
ROD includes excavation and East, a distance of 159.6 feet said South right-of-way line of at Page 739 of the land re- PARCEL ONE forth verbatim herein. Substi- You are summoned to appear
disposition of contaminated to the initial point of this de- Bluecutt Road for a distance of cords in the office of the Chan- Commencing at an iron pin tute Trustee shall convey only and defend against the com-
surface soils located on scription, and containing 3.35 425.22 feet to a point inter- cery Clerk of Lowndes County, marking the intersection of the such title as is vested in him plaint or petition filed against
privately owned residential and acres, more or less. secting the West right-of-way Mississippi. north right-of-way line of a as the Substitute Trustee. you in this action at 9:00
commercial properties sur- line of said Chubby Drive; run paved City of Columbus road o'clock A.M. on the 12th day of
rounding the former KMCC fa- Being the same property con- thence South 00 degrees 48 Parcel C known as Chubby Drive and the This Notice of Sale has been November, 2020, in the
cility where dioxin/furans con- veyed to Ronny Joe Hatcher minutes East along said West A tract of land being located in east right-of-way line of U.S. posted and published in ac- courtroom of the Oktibbeha
tamination was found to pose and Monty Boyd Hatcher, as right-of-way line of Chubby Drive the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) Highway No. 45, Lowndes cordance with Miss. Code Ann. County Courthouse at Stark-
an unacceptable risk to human joint tenants with full rights of for a distance of 825.12 feet of the Southeast Quarter (SE County, Mississippi, said iron § 89-1-55 and any provisions ville, Mississippi, and in case
health or the environment. For survivorship and not as ten- to a point intersecting said 1/4) of Section 32, Township pin being the same as that re- of the Deed of Trust affecting of your failure to appear and
other parcels of property in OU- ants in common by deed from North right-of-way line of 17 South, Range 18 West, ferred to in the Donald R. De- same beginning September 29, defend a judgment will be
2 that were sampled but where Paul W. Kelso and wife, Jac- Chubby Drive; run thence South Lowndes County, Mississippi Priest deed of record in Deed 2020. entered against you for the
contamination was not found to queline Kelso, recorded 81 degrees 35 minutes West and more particularly de- Book 848, Pages 523-524 of Erno Lindner, Substitute Trust- money or other things deman-
pose unacceptable risk, the December 14, 1987, in Deed along said North right-of-way scribed as follows: the land records in the Office ee ded in the complaint or peti-
ROD selects a remedy of No Book 868 at Page 390 in the line of Chubby Drive for a dis- of the Chancery clerk of tion.
Action. The OU2 remedial ac- Office of the Chancery Clerk of tance of 513.40 feet to the Commencing at an iron pin Lowndes, Mississippi, and be- BAKER, DONELSON, BEAR-
tion will complement the ongo- Lowndes County, Mississippi. point of beginning, lying and marking the intersection of the ing described therein as the ini- MAN, CALDWELL You are not required to file an
ing time-critical removal action being situated in the South- North right-of-way of a public tial point of beginning of Par- & BERKOWITZ, P.C. answer or other pleading but
of removing contaminated soil Title to the property is believed east Quarter of the Southeast road known as Chubby Drive cel 1; thence run North 81 de- 633 Chestnut Street, Suite you may do so if you desire.

Service Directory
in the drainage ditches result- to be good, but I will sell only Quarter of Section 32, Town- and the East right-of-way of grees 44 minutes East along 1900 Issued under my hand and the
ing from historical stormwater such title as is vested in me as ship 17 South, Range 18 West, U.S. Highway No. 45 in the City the north line of said chubby Chattanooga, TN 37450 seal of said Court, this the
transport from the KMCC facil- Substituted Trustee. and in the Northeast Quarter of of Columbus, Mississippi, said Drive a distance of 250.00 feet (423) 756.2010 23rd day of September 2020.
ity. the Northeast Quarter of Sec- Iron pin being the same as that to the point of beginning of the
DATED this the 17th day of tion 5, Township 18 South, referred to in the Donald R. De- herein described easement; Published: The Commercial Dis- CINDY E. GOODE ,
The ROD is available for the September, 2020. Range 18 West, Lowndes Priest deed of record in Deed from said point of beginning patch LOWNDES COUNTY CHAN-
public to view online at County, Mississippi. Book 848 at Pages 523-524 of run thence North 08 degrees Lowndes County, Mississippi CERY CLERK /s/ M. Jay Nichols the land records in the office of 20 minutes West a distance of Tuesday, September 29, Octo- (seal)
M. JAY NICHOLS, Substituted
FROM the following tracts or
Promote your small business starting at only $25
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi; run thence
220.0 feet to a point; run
thence North 14 degrees 28
ber 6, October 13, and Octo-
ber 20 By: Shantrell W Granderson
parcels of land: North 08 degrees 20 minutes minutes East a distance of DEPUTY CLERK
The public may view a copy of PUBLISH: 9/22, 9/29 & Carpetalong
West & Flooring
the East right-of- General Services
140.94 feet to a point; run General Services Painting & Papering
the ROD using the computers 10/6/20 Parcel A way of said U.S. Highway No. thence North 04 degrees 50 PUBLISH: 9/29, 10/6 &
at the local site information re- 0.15 acre, more or less, lying 45 a distance of 246.82 feet minutes
A & TWest TREE a distance
SERVICES of 10/13/2020
pository at the Columbus- in the Southeast Quarter of to a concrete right-of-way mark- 260.00
Bucket feettruck
to a point;
& stumprun Ext/Int Painting.
Lowndes Public Library located NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE Section 32, Township 17 er, run thence Northwesterly thence North 85 degrees 10
removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
at 314 N. Seventh Street, South, Range 18 West, and in along a curve and said right-of- minutes East a distance of
Columbus, MS 39701. Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
the Northeast Quarter of Sec- way the following chord bear- 50.00 feet to a point; run
WHEREAS, by Land Deed of tion 5, Township 18 South, ings: North 07 degrees 33 thencesince
South 1987. Senior50
04 degrees Free Estimates. Ask for
The ROD will also be available Trust dated February 13, 2006 Range 18 West, all in the City minutes West - 103.18 feet, citizenEast
minutes disc. Call Alvin
a distance of @ specials! Larry Webber,
to the public at the EPA Re- (the “Deed of Trust”), filed of of Columbus, Lowndes County, North 04 degrees 50 minutes 242−0324/241−4447
268.50 feet to a point; run 662−242−4932.
gion 4’s Superfund Records record in Mortgage Book 2006, Mississippi, and being de- West - 260.00 feet to a point; thence
go out 14on degrees
a limb28for
Center located at 61 Forsyth at pages 3814-3820, in the Of- scribed as follows: run thence North 81 degrees minutes Westyou!" a distance of SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Street, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia, fice of the Chancery Court Commencing at an iron pin at 45 minutes East a distance of 139.35 feet to a point; run
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
30303. However, the EPA Re- the intersection of the North 143.36 feet to CARPET
DAVID’S a point; run & thence South 08 degrees 20
gional office is currently closedsissippi (the “Land Records”), WORK Licensed Special Prices.
right-of-way of a paved road thence North 24 degrees 46
East a distance of
to the public for an unspe- Donald R. Depriest (the “Bor- known as Chubby Drive and the minutes East a distance of 209.94
& Bonded. feet Carpentry,
to a point onminor
the Interior & Exterior Painting.
cified period of time due to rower”), whose address is P.O. CLEANING 662−435−6528
East right-of-way of U.S. High- 149.27 feet to the point of be- North right-of-way
electrical, minorline of said
public health concerns related Box 1076, Columbus, Missis- Fall Special: 4 Rms $99
way 45, said iron pin being the ginning of the herein described run thence
Chubby Drive;painting, South
insulation, demo−
to spread of the COVID-19 vir- sippi did convey in trust to J. same as that referred to in the tract; run 1 thence
Room − $5024 de-
North 81 degrees
lition, gutters44 minutes
cleaned, West Tree Services
us. Patrick Caldwell, as Trustee, Donald R. DePriest deed of re- grees 46 2 minutes
Room −East $70a dis- along said washing,
North right-of-way
whose address is P.O. Box 3 7.0
Rooms − a$90 pressure land−
cord in Deed Book 848, Pages tance of feet to point; run line of Chubby Drive a dis- J&A TREE REMOVAL
For further information please 4360, Tupelo, Mississippi 523-524 of the land records in thence South 85 degrees 00
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars scaping,
tance cleanup
of 50.00 feet work.
to the
38803, certain property de- 662−242−3608. Work from a bucket truck.
contact Kyle Bryant, EPA Com- the office of the Chancery Clerk minutes CallEastfor amore
info!of point of beginning of this ease-
munity Involvement Coordinat- scribed therein to secure pay- Lawn Care / Landscaping Insured/bonded.
of Lowndes County, Missis- 201.28662−722−1758
feet to a point; run ment.
or, directly (404) 562-9073, via ment of a debt in the original sippi, and being described thence North 24 degrees 27
Call Jimmy Prescott for free
email [email protected] or principal sum of therein as the point of begin- minutes East a distance of PARCEL TWO estimate, 662−386−6286.
Charles L. King, EPA Remedial $3,538,566.00 for the benefit ning of Parcel 1; run thence 6 245.00 feet to an iron pin on Commencing at an iron pin
List your business here! LAWN SERVICE
Project Manager, directly (404) of BancorpSouth Bank (“Origin- North 81 degrees 44 minutes theGot
Southleakyright-of-way of marking the intersection of the
562-8931, via email king.char- al Lender”), whose address is East along the North right-of- Bluecutt Road; run thence
pipes? North right-of-wayat
Ads starting $25
line of aads.
Mowing, cleanup,
[email protected]. P.O. Box 4360, Tupelo, Missis- Find a plumber in the landscaping, sodding, Are you a painter?
way of said Chubby Drive for South 85 degrees 08 minutes
paved city of Columbus street
sippi 38803. Said Deed of 300 feet; run thence North 81 East along the South right-of-
classifieds. known as Chubby Drive and the & tree cutting. Advertise here!
PUBLISH: 9/29/2020 Trust is incorporated herein by degrees 35 minutes East along way of Bluecutt Road a dis- East right-of-way line of U.S. 662−356−6525
reference; said North right-of-way of tance of 10.6 feet to a point; Highway No. 45, Lowndes
Chubby Drive for a distance of run thence South 24 degrees County, Mississippi, said iron
money or other things deman-
ded TUESDAY, September
in the complaint or peti- 29, 2020 The Dispatch •
You Notices
not required to file an Mobile Homes for Rent
answer or other pleading but
you may do so if you desire.
Rentals Too much
Issued under my hand and the CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
seal of said Court, this the
Utilities & cable included,
23rd day of September 2020.
Ads starting at $25 from $145/wk − $535/mo Visit
Columbus & County School
for a printable copy of
LOWNDES COUNTY CHAN- Apts For Rent: North locations. 662−242−7653
CERY CLERK or 205−442−2011.
(seal) FOX RUN APARTMENTS these puzzles.
By: Shantrell W Granderson 1 & 2 BR near hospital.

Real Estate
DEPUTY CLERK $595−$645 monthly.
Military discount, pet area,
PUBLISH: 9/29, 10/6 & pet friendly, and furnished
10/13/2020 corporate apts.
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Ads starting at $25
PLYLER, DECEASED Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. sealed bids for the right to
purchase 470 +/− acres of
Start your
prime Noxubee County
TRATRIX farmland & mobile home

located on Highway 388,
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS Brooksville, MS up to & not de-cluttering by
later than Friday, October
placing a garage
9, 2020 10:00a.m. The
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI parcels are 153−18−
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of
Apartments & Houses 001.00, 40 acres & 153−
18−001.01, 431.60 sale ad today!
William David Plyler, deceased,
and Any Unknown Parties In In- 1 Bedrooms acres. The bids will be
2 Bedroooms
opened at 10:00 a.m. at
terest the office of Ricky Walker, Ads starting at...
All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Jef- 3 Bedrooms Attorney−at−Law, 2962

1 day $10
frey Mark Plyler, deceased, and Jefferson Street, Macon,
Any Unknown Parties In In-
Furnished & Unfurnished MS. After all bids are
opened, the top 3 bidders Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

You have been made a defend-

ant in the Petition for Adjudica-
1, 2, & 3 Baths
Lease, Deposit
will have the opportunity to
make a second bid. The
right to reject any & all bids
3 day $18 Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
& Credit Check
6 day $34 6 5 1 9 4 8 3 7 2
tion of Heirs-at-Law[Doc. No.
13] filed by the Administratrix,
is reserved. Accepted bid Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
Mary Ann Plyler, on August 3,
must be approved by ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 2 8 3 7 6 5 4 1

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Probate Court. Send all
2020, seeking to determine based onthe a 9x9 4 3 7 5 2 1 8 9 6
the heirs-at-law of William Dav-
id Plyler, deceased, and Jef- 327-8555 bids to Ricky Walker,
Attorney−at−Law, P.O. Box Price includes 4 lines of text;
is to place
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 9 5 6 1 2 7 3 4
$1/line after base cost. given
so thatnumbers. The
frey Mark Plyler, deceased. 427, Macon, MS 39341.
Other than you, the only other Apts For Rent: Other each row, each 2 4 3 7 9 5 1 6 8
For more information call
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
interested parties in this ac- Judy or Stan Miller,
numbers 1 7 6 8 3 4 2 5 9
contains the1same to 9 number
tion are Mary Ann Plyler, Willi- 601−260−7712 or
7 1 4 2 6 3 9 8 5
Vehicles the empty spaces so
am Lester Plyler, Philip D. 662−418−8266.
Plyler and William Alexander only once. The difficulty 3 8 2 4 5 9 6 1 7
Neely. that each row, each
Lots & Acreage level increases from
column and each 5 6 9 1 8 7 4 2 3
You are summoned to appear
Ads starting at $12 Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/28
and represent your interests 1.75 ACRE LOTS
against said Petition before the Good/Bad Credit Options. the same number only once. The difficulty level
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard,
Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
Good credit as low as 20% Campers & RVs increases from Monday to Sunday.
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on
down, $499/mo. Eaton
the 22nd day of October 2020, Land, 662−361−7711.
at the Lowndes County Court-
house in Columbus, Missis- PICKENS COUNTY, AL
sippi, and in case of your fail-
ure to appear your interest in 180 acres in Liberty
this matter will not be con- Community. Good hunting
sidered. & road systems. $850/
acre. Other tracks
You are not required to file an available. Call 205−799−
answer or other pleading, but 9846 or 205−695−2248.
you may do so if you desire. 2007 45 Luxury Newmar
Essex Diesel Pusher 30K
Issued under my hand and the miles. Sale price $34,500,
seal of said Court, this the
17th day of September 2020. Garage Sales Everything works properly
on it. TEXT 2283672671
CERY CLERK Two free signs
2 SPACIOUS Garage Sales: Other
BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- AVAILABLE − 2BR 2BA 55 Oakwood Dr., Ads starting at $12
son, D.C. & 1BR 1 1/2 BA RENT Brooksville. 10/3, 7:30am.
FROM $1000−$1350 25+ tables & food booths!
PUBLISH: 9/22, 9/29 & PER MO. LEASE & Come shop with us! Travel & Entertainment
10/6/2020 DEP IS REQD., BLDG.


@ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
PARKING, GRANITE Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
COUNTER TOPS, 662−386−8591
BEAUTIFUL FLOORING, Call for pricing.
Call us: 662-328-2424 SS APPLIANCES, Ads starting at $12
Accounting / Finance INCLUDED. Burial Plots Pets
Experience necessary. Friendship Cemetery, South Puppies − Black and tan,

Call for details, West corner. $1,500 total. very smart and great with
662-574-4221 Call 662−574−5420. kids, with papers and 1st
shots, available Oct 1st,
Furniture non refundable deposit
required, $250! $500.
RETAIL STORE needs entry 1 BEDROOM 55 IN Samsung TV $250, 662−341−0862
level employee. Part time, queen bed $200, queen
flexible hours, ideal for loc-
2 BEDROOMS mattress $300. All in good
al college student. Mail let- 3 BEDROOMS condition. Call 662−275−
ter of introduction to
7679 anytime! Need a new
© The Dispatch

Blind Box 676 c/o The

Commercial Dispatch
P.0. Box 511
bottom chairs, old set of
Columbus, MS 39703. AND china, antique table lamps,
CREDIT CHECK pewter, amber glass,
Licensed Cosmetologist collector plates & more.
Needed! No booth rent. No
clientele needed. For more 662-329-2323 Call 662−312−6207.
1 Flock mem-
info, call or text 662-312- Lawn & Garden bers
8727 or email 2411 HWY 45 N
[email protected] 6 Squander
$1 Sale. 11 Anticipate
Manufacturing Oct. 8th−10th. 8a−5p. 12 Greek vowel
Houses For Rent: North
Maintenance Technician
1069 New Hope Rd., 13 Sneaky
needed for local manufac- 508 19TH STREET NORTH: 662−251−6665. thieves
turer. Electrical back- 4BR/2BA, brick house,
central heat & air, single
15 Storm center
ground w/ mechanical ex- 16 Bear’s lair
perience preferred. Quali- carport. Available now,
17 Fruitcake bit
When looking
fied applicants should be $775/mth. Deposit, credit
familiar w/ hydraulics, check, references. 18 Philly cager
heavy machinery & PLC’s, Call Long & Long,
20 Senator
for a new pet,
have good problem solving 662−328−0770.
skills & be flexible to work Rubio
Mobile Homes for Rent 23 Swift
extra hours or weekends as
needed. Email resume to
[email protected] 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
$650 dep + $650/mo. No
adoption is 27 Toledo setting
28 Goose egg
29 Block, as a
always a
pets, quiet area. Leave full
name & message, You’ll find the best deals river 3 Chess win 22 Brink
when you advertise 4 Feeding-time 24 Stew sphere
Read local. 31 Breadmaking
East or West Columbus or
and shop here! good option. need
32 Brass band
5 Painter’s place
25 Tax agcy.
26 Period
near CAFB, Caledonia members 6 “Siegfried” 30 School
schools. 601−940−1397. composer students
34 Japanese
Medical / Dental prime minister 7 Maximum 31 Marina boats
37 Snapshot amount 33 Massive
38 Court org. 8 Reach across 34 Eden name
It’s a classified 41 Battling aces 9 By way of, 35 U2’s lead
44 Brat’s oppo- informally singer
rule-of-thumb: site 10 Sunrise site 36 Quiche base
We tell readers 45 Temple scroll 14 Writer Stout 38 Infamous
46 Exodus figure 18 Troop mem- emperor
what they need 47 Unfeeling ber 39 Fiber source
19 Tears down 40 Pale
to know to buy DOWN
20 Like go-go 42 Clinic cost
1 Doily stuff
what they need. 2 Not at home boots 43 Young one
21 Cry of insight

Five Questions:

1 False

2 Moon

3 Bridge

4 Albania

5 Pink Lady

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