Enhanced SLAM For Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Unscented Kalman Filter and Neural Network

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(20), DOI:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i20/52470, August 2015 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Enhanced SLAM for Autonomous Mobile Robots

using Unscented Kalman Filter and
Neural Network
Omid Panah1, Amir Panah2,5*, Amin Panah3 and Samere Fallahpour4
Department of Computer, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran; [email protected]

Department of Computer and IT, Hadaf Higher Education Institute, Sari, Iran; [email protected]
Department of Computer, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran; [email protected]
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran; [email protected]
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

The novel method of mobile robot Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), which is implemented by optimized
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Via a Radial Basis Function (RBF) for autonomous robot in unknown indoor environment
is proposed. For atone the Unscented Kalman Filter based SLAM errors intrinsically caused by its linearization process, the
Radial Basis Function Network is composed with Unscented Kalman Filter. A mobile robot localizes itself autonomously
and makes a map simultaneously while it is tracking in an unknown environment. The offered approach has some benefits
in handling a robotic system with nonlinear movements because of the learning feature of the Radial Basis Function. The
simulation results show the powers and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm comparing with a Standard UKF.

Keywords: Hybrid Filter, Mobile robot, RBF, SLAM, UKF

1. Introduction to the research results, the UKF SLAM based on Neural

Network, shows better performance than the Standard
A keyword requisite for a correctly autonomous robot is UKF SLAM.
that it can localize itself and carefully map its surroundings Stubberud et al.6 extended an adaptive EKF composed
simultaneously1. Many algorithms have been offered with neural networks, with a neuro-observer to learn
for solving SLAM obstacles, for example particle filter, system uncertainties on-line. The offered system boost the
Kalman Filter (KF), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and an performance of a control system comprise uncertainties
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). The UKF SLAM making in the state-estimator’s model.
a Gaussian noise supposition for the robot observation In this article, we describe a Hybrid way using RBF
and its movement. The UKF encourage calculation values network and UKF based SLAM for decline uncertainty in
analogous to the ones of EKF but does not requirement compare to SLAM using Standard UKF. we do, consider
the linearization of the fundamental model2. the power of UKF based RBF algorithm to handle
The UKF uses the unscented transform to linearize nonlinear attributes of a mobile robot.
the movement and measurement models3. RBF, adaptive We started by introducing some related algorithms on
to the change of environmental data flowing through the SLAM are explained in section 2, and the Hybrid algorithm
network during the process, can be combined with an is presented in section 3. The detailed description of the
UKF to atone for some of the disadvantages of an UKF simulation and experimental results is shown in Section 4
SLAM method4. and finally in Section 5 summarizes the results and gives
Amir Panah5 solved the SLAM problem with a neural an outlook on future research activities.
network based on an Unscented Kalman filter. According

* Author for correspondence

Enhanced SLAM for Autonomous Mobile Robots using Unscented Kalman Filter and Neural Network

2. Related Algorithms for SLAM Jacobian matrix. Since, the processing noise in this system
is accumulative; therefore the augmented state vector is
2.1 Radial basis Function Neural Network used to implementation this approach. In this approach,
The idea of Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks the mean and covariance estimation are calculated with
derives from the theory of function approximation. The considering the second order of the Taylor series.
RBF network is a three-layer feed-forward network. Input Assume that a random variable x with covariance PX
layer –input layer has one neuron for each predictor and mean μ is defined and also a random variable z as
variable. Input neurons standardizes the limited area with x is associated: z=f(x). In unscented transformation,
of the values by reduce the median and dividing by the to gain the covariance and mean random variable z,
interquartile range. Then  the input neurons require sigma points that are set of weighted points are used. This
the values to each of the neurons in the hidden layer. points should be selected so that have a covariance PX and
Hidden layer –has an unlimited number of neurons that mean μ.
the optimal number is decided by the training process. Calculate the set of 2n+1 sigma points from the columns
The out coming value is transmitted to the output layer. of the matrix (n + l )Px :
Output layer – The value of a hidden layer that come to
l (1)
this layer is multiplied by a weight associated with the X0 = m, W0 =
n+ l
neuron and transmitted to the output which adds up the l
weighted values and presents this sum as the output of Xi = m + ( (n + l )Px ) , Wi =
i 2(n+ l )
the network. That generally uses a linear transfer function
l (3)
for the output units and a nonlinear transfer function Xi+n = m - ( )
(n + l )Px , Wi+n =
i 2(n+ l )
(normally the Gaussian function) for the hidden units.
The nonlinear transfer function (Gaussian function)
l = a 2 (n + b ) - n (4)
is applied to the net input to produce a radial function
of the distance. The output units implement a weighted n number of state variables are added. In the above, Wi
sum of the hidden unit outputs7. The structure of Radial is the weight which is dependent with the i-th point and k
Basis Function shows in ( Figure 1). two steps of Network also is used for adjusting the filter more correctly9.
training: first, determining the weights from the input to The UKF makes use of the unscented transform
the hidden layer; then, the weights from the hidden layer described above to give a Gaussian approximation to the
to the output layer are determined8. filtering solution of non-linear optimal filtering problems
of form, but restated here for convenience:
x k = f ( x k-1 , uk-1 , ek ) (5)

z k = h( x k , uk , dk ) (6)
Where x is state
vector and u is control input and
ε δ, are the system noise and the measurement noise,
respectively. In the first phase of implementing this filter,
the augment state vector will become as the following
é Xk ù
ê ú (7)
Xk = ê e ú
ê ú
êd ú
ë û
Figure 1. A Radial Basis Function Neural Network
Structure. In continue of this paper, all the formulas that are
used in the UKF in which it includes of two main from
2.2 Unscented Kalman Filter sections: Measurement update and Time update10.
UKF introduced by Uhlmann and Julier in 1997 for the • The Time Update
first time. This filter structure is based on unscented X kQ = f ( X kQ , uk , ek ) (8)
transformation. 2n
mk = å i=0 wi XiQ,k
This filter is built based on transformation as unscented (9)
2n T
transformation. In the UKF, there is no need to calculate Pk = å i=0 wi ë Xi ,k - mk ùû éë XiQ,k - mk ùû (10)
é Q

2 Vol 8 (20) | August 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Omid Panah, Amir Panah, Amin Panah and Samere Fallahpour

z k = h( x k , uk , dk ) (11) 3.1 Time Update (Predict)

The Hybrid filter using landmarks as a robot’s position
z å wi z k (12) and specifications. A configuration of the robot with a
state equation Xa = (x y θ ε δ)T , has the form of Equation
The Measurement Update
2n T (18) since it is supposed that the robot is equipped with
Px k x k = å i=0 wi éë z i,k - z k ùû éë z i,k - z k ùû (13)
exteroceptive sensors and encoders.
2n T
Pxk yk = å i=0 wi ëé XiQ,k - mk ûù ëé z i,k - z k ûù (14) é x k ù é x + v k tcos(qk )ù
ê ú ê k-1 ú
ê y k ú ê y k-1 + vk tsin(qk ) ú (18)
ê ú ê ú
K k = Pxk yk Pxk xk (15)
X kQ = ê qk ú = êqk-1 + vk t sin( Lq )ú
ê ú ê ú
mk = mk + K k (z k - z k ) (16) ê ek ú ê ek-1 ú
ê ú ê ú
êdk ú ê dk-1 ú
ë û ë û
Pk = Pk - K k Pxk xk K kT (17)
Q uk = vk + N(0, Mk) (19)
Where X k , mk , Pk , z k , z k , Pxk xk , Pxk yk and K k , are
vk is velocity of wheels, L is the width between the
movement model, predicted mean, observation model,
robot’s wheels, and ∆t is the sampling period. Finally,
predicted observation, novation covariance, cross
Mk depicts the covariance matrix of the noise in control
correlation matrix and Kalman gain.
space. The state equation for landmarks, combined with
the robot position. (0<i<c)
3. SLAM Algorithm using Hybrid é XkQ ù
YkQ = ê ú = (x k y k qk ek dk m ik,x m ik,y sik 00)T
Filter ëê ûú

A Hybrid filter is proposed in this part, a RBF supplemented The state transition has the form of Eq. (21):
for acting as an observer to learn the system completely X kQ = f ( X kQ-1 , uk-1 ) + N (0, ek ) (21)
online. The mean, μk which is extracted from values (x y θ
ε δ) using the RBF algorithm, use for the prediction step, εk is the process noise, f shows the nonlinear functions,
as shown in ( Figure 2). and uk is control input.
For the Taylor development of function, f its derivative
is used with respect to X kQ , as shown in Equation (22).
¶f ( X ku-1 , uk )
f ' ( X kQ-1 , uk ) = (22)
¶X kQ

f is approximated at uk and μk-1 The linear extrapolation

is achieved by using the gradient of f at uk and μk-1 as
shown in Equation (23).
f ( X kQ-1 , uk ) = f (mk-1 , uk ) + f ' (mk-1 , uk )( X kQ - mk-1 )

Figure 2. The Architecture of the Hybrid Filter SLAM With the exchange values gained from equations 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, previous covariance and mean have the following
Main Basic inputs are covariance, mean which are form of:
computed by previous input, uk-1, and present input, uk . in mk = å w i X i,k
a prediction step, The robot computes the previous mean 2n
Pk = å i=0 w i[X i,k
a a
- mk ][X i,k - mk ]T (25)
and covariance and then, in observation step, it computes
a Kalman gain, present mean and covariance and defined As demonstrated in Equation (26), the observation
features. model, zk contains of the nonlinear measurement function
RBF neural network can execute as a fast and correct h and the observation noise δk .
means of approximating a nonlinear mapping based on
observed data.
Vol 8 (20) | August 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Enhanced SLAM for Autonomous Mobile Robots using Unscented Kalman Filter and Neural Network

é rki ù
z k = h(YkQ ) + N (0, dk ) = êê i úú =
4. Simulations
ëêÆk ûú
To showing the effectiveness of offered algorithm, we used
é 2ù
+ (mki , y - y k ) ú
ê (mki ,x - xk ) the amend Matlab code that was developed by Bailey12.
ê ú
ê æ mi
- y ö ú + N (0, dk ) (26) The simulation was carry out by a robot with maximum
ê -1 ç k , y
tan ç i

÷- q ú speeds of 3[m/sec] and wheel diameter of 1[m]. speed
ê çè mk ,x - x k ÷÷ø k úú
êë û and the maximum steering angle are 15[°/sec] and 25[°]
m = (mx my )
i i i T (27) respectively.
For observation step, the number of arbitrary features
z k = å i=0 w i z k (28) around waypoints was used. In the observation step, a
range bearing sensor model and an observation model
were used to measure robot pose and the feature position,
3.2 The Measurement Update (Correct)
which includes 1[°] in bearing and a noise with level of
To obtain the values Pxkyk and Pxkyk , it is necessary to
Q 0.1[m] in range. The sensor range is 15[m] for small areas
compute X k μk z k zk that are compute in equations 18,
and 25[m] for large areas.
24, 26, 28, with replacement of these values. To compute
In this paper, two navigation cases of the robot
the Kalman gain Kk, we need to compute Pxkyk and Pxkyk
are surveyed: a Circular navigation, and Widespread
in the feature-based maps. we will have the following
Pxkxk = å wi [zi,k -z k ][zi,k - z k ]T (29)
4.1 Navigation on Circular Map
Pxkyk =å w [ Xi,ka -mk ][zi,k - z k ]T
i=0 i (30) In circular navigation, the standard UKF based navigation
and proposed filter based navigation are shown in (Figure
K k = Pxkyk Pxkxk -1 (31) 3). Bold black line is Robot path and the dashed line,
show the paths of robots should traverse, based on data
Considering Hybrid algorithm in continuous. RBF described by the actual odometry. In (Figure 4), the bold
algorithm is included with train through input data and gray line (RBFUKF) and the dashed black line (UKF)
measurement values. In the training process, weights are are the x, y, and θ errors in the case of UKF SLAM and
determined based on the communication of input and proposed filter SLAM, and in Table.1 see Mean Square
each hidden layers. RBF require higher weight to aim Error of it.
value on the higher relations between poses and heading
angle with comparing to measurement. In addition, the
second weight, ω0,equals zero because the output offset is
zero. Therefore, new estimated mean, can be described as
in Equation (32)11 (0≤ j ≤ J − 1)
æ æ j j 2 öö
ç j-1 ç || m - d || ÷÷÷÷
 j j-1 j j
( ) (
j-1 j j
m k = w0 + å j=0 wij m = x å j=0 j m
k k k k ( ))
= x ççå j=0 expçç- k j
ç 2 ÷÷
èç èçç 2(t )
d is the center of the j-th basis function with the same
dimension of the input vector and μk is an n-dimensional
input vector. τi explain the width of the basis function, N is Figure 3. Navigation result on circular map.
the number of hidden layer’s nodes, || mkj - d j || explains the Table 1. Mean Square Error
Euclidean norm of showing the distance between mk and, d

and jk ( x ) means the answer of the j-th basis function of the x 0.1681 0.1119
input vector with a maximum value at d j. y 0.1934 0.0583
mk = mk + K k (z k - z k ) (33)
θ 0.0282 0.0280
P = P - K P K T (34)
k k k xkxk k

4 Vol 8 (20) | August 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Omid Panah, Amir Panah, Amin Panah and Samere Fallahpour

Table 2. Mean Square Errorr

x 0.0750 0.0112
y 0.0835 0.0135
θ 0.0325 0.0259

5. Conclusion
In this contribution, a new approach proposes UKF
SLAM based on RBF Network method for a mobile
robot. The RBFUKF SLAM on a mobile robot, to make
Figure 4. Navigation Errors on Circular Map. up for the UKF SLAM error inherently caused by its noise
assumption and linearization process. The proposed
4.2 Navigation on Widespread map algorithm contains of two steps: the UKF algorithm and
In this case, the UKF based navigation and proposed filter the RBF Neural Network. The simulation results for two
based navigation are shown in (Figure 5). The bold black different navigation cases show that the improvement of
line is Robot path and the dashed line, show the paths of the proposed filter based on RBF as compared with the
robots should traverse. (In Figure 6.), the dashed black standard UKF SLAM and it also shown that algorithms
line (UKF) and the bold gray line (RBFUKF) are the x, y, has good results in wider environment but we require to
and θ errors in the case of UKF SLAM and Hybrid filter use long range sensors. To define the robustness of the
SLAM with RBF algorithm, respectively and in Table 2. proposed algorithm, simulation in Matlab is performed.
see Mean Square Error of it. Based on the simulation results, Standard UKF SLAM has
more errors than proposed filter.

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6 Vol 8 (20) | August 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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