CBR B.inggris - Geo
CBR B.inggris - Geo
CBR B.inggris - Geo
A. Book Identity
1. Main Book
Leanguage :Indonesian
ISBN : 979-602-258-190-1
B. Book Summary
1. In the pre-Cambrian period, the territory of Indonesia was in the form of a large land
consisting of crystalline schist rocks called the Aequinoctia mainland. On this land,
sedimentation basins are not geosynchronous.
4. In the days of devon the mainland Aequinoctia diminished again because some envy
functioned as geosinklin. The Tasmania geosinklin still exists and the western part of
Australia forms the Westralia geosinklin. Central Kalimantan with the sea to the
northwest between Malacca and Sumatra.
5. In the era of carbon, geosyncline formed in the previous era began to disappear as
geosyncline weatralia vanished, but the area between Sumatra and Kalimantan turned
into anamblas trough.
6. In the age of perm geosyncine which existed in the previous era remained, only the
slopes that have changed. Anambas trench functions as a lake geosyncline to expand.
Other areas in Indonesia are still in the form of mainland Aequinoctia.
7. Papua's geosyncline in the triassic era turned into land, Tasmania geosyncline narrows,
while Lake Geosyncline and Westralia Geosyncline are connected by Timor-Sulawesi
geosyncline, which includes a tethys geosynchronous system.
2. Dieng Plateau
Dieng Plateau and its surroundings are located in the northern serayu mountain
zone. The west is bordered by the karangkobar area and the east by the ungaran area.
The geological history of the Gunung Kidul and Parangtritis areas starts from the
pliocene period. At the time of the pliocene mountains south which is now a low land that
is slightly raised higher than sea level. The southern part of Lowland consists of the
Miocene Wonosari and Kepek Maris who attended the Miocene era.
4. Bandung Plateau
The history of Bandung's highland geology begins at the time of the Miocene. At
that time the north coast of ancient Java was located on the south side, which was around
of panggelangan. The northern area of the panggelangan at that time was still a sea,
where the formation or deposition of various kinds of sedimentary rocks occurred. As a
result of the eruption of Mount Sunda, in addition to the formation of the caldera also
occur cracks that extend along the east-west direction and the crater hole experiencing
2. Dieng Plateau
Dieng Tinggi Mainland and its surroundings are located in the northern Serayu
mountain zone. The west is bordered by the karangkobar area and the east by the ungaran
area. A plateau or plateau is a place whose structure is horizontal and lies high. The
description of the highlands was first written by Yunghuhn in 1853/1854.
The geological history of the Gunung Kidul and Parangtritis areas starts from the
pliocene period. At the time of the pliocene and pleistocene that the southern
mountainous area which is now a low land raised higher than sea level. The southern part
of lowland consists of limestone.
4. Plateau Highlands
The history of Bandung's highland geology begins at the time of the Miocene (20
million years ago). At that time the northern coast of ancient Java was located to the
south, which is around the auction. After the eruption of the Sundanese volcano, the
earth's crust fluctuated up and down. The Bandung Plateau can be divided into 4 long
ranges, namely: 1) lake land units, 2) volcanic cone units, 3) homoklin dike units, and 4)
isolated hill units.
This book, titled Geology and Geomorphologi Indonesia, in my opinion in terms of its
contents is good, not too thick and easily understood by readers. Communicative language is of
more value than this book.This book explains itself the Indonesian archipelago which is part of
the earth's most complex surface. Since the beginning of its history, endogenous energy has been
very active in this area. Therefore, the Indonesian island is an extreme object that draws the
attention of geologists to study tectogenesis in conversations with endogenous symptoms such as
lithosphere displacement, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and isostatic deviations.
One scientist has proven that Indonesia is one of the important areas on planet Earth to
obtain basic information. According to Stauffer , for a century, 1,000 geologists have visited
Indonesia. study of the geological and geomorphological conditions of Indonesia and certain
regions or regions provides knowledge about the potential who needed by the Indonesian people.
However, the term geography which is difficult to use this book makes it more difficult for
readers whose geography is rather foreign to readers who only learn geography at a glance.But
despite its weaknesses, this book is very worth it to readed because the content provided is
interesting and adds new vocabulary in the field of geography and this book discusses the
geological conditions of field work.
A. Conclusion
Based on the discussion above, we can draw the conclusion that the Critical Book
Report is an activity to criticize books to find out the weaknesses, weaknesses, and
strengths of books that want to be criticized. Both in the systematic writing, the use of
language, the material, and the appearance of the book. This was done so that the book
that was criticized could be revised to become a better book.
B. Suggestions
Realizing that the author is still far from perfect and the lack of resources owned
by the author, the writer will always receive constructive criticism and suggestions to
make this critical book report better. For suggestions to authors, it is also possible to
respond to conclusions from the critical language of the book that has been explained.