Honeywell FSC Configuration Manual PDF
Honeywell FSC Configuration Manual PDF
Honeywell FSC Configuration Manual PDF
Software Manual
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Fail Safe Control
Software Manual
Table of Contents
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual 500
Section 1: FSC Primer
Section 2: Installation Guide
Section 3: Using FSC Navigator
Section 4: System Configuration
Section 5: Editing Reports and SER Format
Section 6: Functional Logic Diagrams
Section 7: Printing
Section 8: Translating an Application
Section 9: Log Files
Section 10: Programming EPROMs
Section 11: Verifying an Application
Section 12: On-Line Environment
Appendix A: Alarm Functions
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
Appendix D: On-Line Modification
Appendix E: PID Controllers
Appendix F: Communication Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
Software Manual
Software Manual
Software Manual
Table of Contents i
3.5 Navigation area............................................................................................. 3-11
3.5.1 FSC Project Configuration screen.................................................................................. 3-12
3.5.2 FSC Safety Compliance screen ..................................................................................... 3-15
3.5.3 FSC On-Line Environment screen ................................................................................. 3-18
3.6 Password protection.................................................................................... 3-21
3.7 Communication port .................................................................................... 3-24
3.8 Printers.......................................................................................................... 3-25
3.9 User and version information...................................................................... 3-27
3.10 Working with projects.................................................................................. 3-28
3.11 Project files................................................................................................... 3-31
3.12 Symbol libraries ........................................................................................... 3-32
3.13 Basic operations in program components ................................................. 3-34
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ii Table of Contents
4.4 Signal specs..................................................................................................4-41
4.4.1 Add ................................................................................................................................. 4-42 Tag number restrictions ................................................................................................. 4-42 Variable field restrictions ................................................................................................ 4-43
4.4.2 Search ............................................................................................................................ 4-44
4.4.3 dBASE interface ............................................................................................................. 4-44 dBASE file format ........................................................................................................... 4-44 Write dBASE .................................................................................................................. 4-46 Read dBASE .................................................................................................................. 4-46 Using dBASE.................................................................................................................. 4-49
4.5 Hardware specs ............................................................................................4-50
4.5.1 Allocation of I/O variables............................................................................................... 4-50 Allocation to I/O modules ............................................................................................... 4-50 Rack ............................................................................................................................... 4-51 Position........................................................................................................................... 4-51 Channel .......................................................................................................................... 4-52 Multiple inputs and outputs............................................................................................. 4-53 Allocation to COM modules............................................................................................ 4-54 Location 'FSC' ................................................................................................................ 4-54 System number .............................................................................................................. 4-54 Relative address............................................................................................................. 4-55 Location 'COM' ............................................................................................................... 4-55 Central Part .................................................................................................................... 4-55 Communication module ................................................................................................. 4-56 Channel .......................................................................................................................... 4-56 Relative address............................................................................................................. 4-56 Automatic allocation of variables.................................................................................... 4-56 Automatic allocation of SER sequence numbers ........................................................... 4-57 Scaling values ................................................................................................................ 4-57
4.5.2 Alarm configuration ........................................................................................................ 4-58
4.5.3 Digital input signal (DI) ................................................................................................... 4-60 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-60 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................ 4-62 Location = 'ANN'............................................................................................................. 4-64 Location = 'SYS' ............................................................................................................. 4-66 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-67
4.5.4 Analog input signal (AI) .................................................................................................. 4-69 Location = 'SYS' (for 10105/2/1 module only) ................................................................ 4-71
4.5.5 Multiple input signal (BI) ................................................................................................. 4-73 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-73 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-75 Location = 'MUX' ............................................................................................................ 4-77 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-79
4.5.6 Input multiplexer (XI) ...................................................................................................... 4-81
4.5.7 Digital output signal (DO) ............................................................................................... 4-83 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-83 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-85 Location = 'ANN'............................................................................................................. 4-87 Location = 'SYS' ............................................................................................................. 4-89 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-90
4.5.8 Analog output signal (AO) .............................................................................................. 4-92
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Table of Contents iii
4.5.9 Multiple output signal (BO) ............................................................................................. 4-94 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-94 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-96 Location = 'MUX' ............................................................................................................ 4-98 Other locations ............................................................................................................. 4-101
4.5.10 Output multiplexer (XO)................................................................................................ 4-103
4.5.11 Marker (M) .................................................................................................................... 4-105
4.5.12 Counter (C)................................................................................................................... 4-106
4.5.13 Timer (T)....................................................................................................................... 4-107
4.5.14 Register (R) .................................................................................................................. 4-109
4.5.15 PID (P).......................................................................................................................... 4-110
4.6 Rebuild ........................................................................................................ 4-112
4.6.1 On-line rebuild .............................................................................................................. 4-112
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iv Table of Contents
6.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Getting started ................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Starting the FLD design editor.......................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Using the FLD design editor............................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.3 Menu control..................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.4 The string editor ............................................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.5 The revision editor............................................................................................................ 6-9
6.2.6 Selection lists ................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.3 Symbol set.....................................................................................................6-12
6.3.1 Non-functional symbols .................................................................................................. 6-12
6.3.2 Functional symbols......................................................................................................... 6-14 Connection lines............................................................................................................. 6-15 Logical functions, calculations and compare functions .................................................. 6-16 Registers, counters, constants and signal conversions ................................................. 6-23 Function block ................................................................................................................ 6-26 Function block inputs and outputs.................................................................................. 6-26 Equation block................................................................................................................ 6-27 PID ................................................................................................................................. 6-27 Timers ............................................................................................................................ 6-28 Timers with constant timer value.................................................................................... 6-28 Timers with variable timer value..................................................................................... 6-30 I/O symbols .................................................................................................................... 6-32 Sheet transfers ............................................................................................................... 6-35 On-sheet transfers ......................................................................................................... 6-35 Off-sheet transfers ......................................................................................................... 6-36 Flip-flops......................................................................................................................... 6-37 Texts............................................................................................................................... 6-37
6.4 The menus of the FLD design editor ...........................................................6-38
6.4.1 MAIN menu .................................................................................................................... 6-38
6.4.2 SYMBOL menu .............................................................................................................. 6-41
6.4.3 BLOCK menu ................................................................................................................. 6-43
6.5 Designing with the FLD design editor.........................................................6-44
6.5.1 Designing functional logic diagrams............................................................................... 6-44 MAIN commands............................................................................................................ 6-44 SYMBOL commands...................................................................................................... 6-51 BLOCK commands ........................................................................................................ 6-53
6.5.2 Placing and connecting symbols .................................................................................... 6-55 Connection lines............................................................................................................. 6-55 Logical functions, calculations and compare functions .................................................. 6-55 Function block ................................................................................................................ 6-55 Changing a function block .............................................................................................. 6-55 Function block inputs and outputs.................................................................................. 6-56 Equation blocks .............................................................................................................. 6-56 Timers ............................................................................................................................ 6-58 Inputs and outputs (I/O).................................................................................................. 6-59 Normal I/O ...................................................................................................................... 6-59 Diagnostic input.............................................................................................................. 6-59 Sheet references ............................................................................................................ 6-60
Software Manual
Table of Contents v Flip-flops + pulse ............................................................................................................ 6-60 Sheet transfers ............................................................................................................... 6-61 Characteristics................................................................................................................ 6-61 How can you make a sheet transfer?............................................................................. 6-62 Sheet transfer from the source FLD............................................................................... 6-62 Changing an off-sheet transfer....................................................................................... 6-64 Sheet transfer from the destination FLD ........................................................................ 6-64 Changing an on-sheet transfer....................................................................................... 6-65 Selecting a sheet transfer symbol using a selection list ................................................. 6-65 Texts............................................................................................................................... 6-66 Counters, registers and constants.................................................................................. 6-66 Counters ......................................................................................................................... 6-66 Registers ........................................................................................................................ 6-66 Constants ....................................................................................................................... 6-67 PID.................................................................................................................................. 6-67
6.5.3 Output generated by FLD design editor ......................................................................... 6-67
6.6 FLD formats .................................................................................................. 6-68
6.7 Error messages ............................................................................................ 6-72
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Printing the project configuration................................................................. 7-2
7.2.1 Print options...................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Jumper settings ................................................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.3 Installation descriptions .................................................................................................... 7-5
7.2.4 Allocation of hardware modules ....................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.5 Allocation errors listing ..................................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.6 I/O check list..................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.2.7 Tag number listings I/O module related: module layout ................................................... 7-8
7.2.8 Tag number listings: rack layout....................................................................................... 7-8
7.2.9 Tag number listings alphabetical/loop number............................................................... 7-10
7.2.10 Communication configuration......................................................................................... 7-13
7.2.11 Alarm configuration ........................................................................................................ 7-14
7.2.12 Graphic rack layout......................................................................................................... 7-14
7.2.13 Interrupting the printing process ..................................................................................... 7-16
7.2.14 Error messages .............................................................................................................. 7-17
7.3 Printing functional logic diagrams.............................................................. 7-18
7.3.1 Options ........................................................................................................................... 7-19
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vi Table of Contents
8.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Getting started ................................................................................................8-1
8.3 Compiler tasks ................................................................................................8-2
8.3.1 Compiler conditions.......................................................................................................... 8-2 Function blocks ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.3.2 Compiler operation ........................................................................................................... 8-3
8.3.3 Compiler modes ............................................................................................................... 8-4 Simulation mode............................................................................................................... 8-4
8.3.4 Default SER format file..................................................................................................... 8-7
8.4 Compiler output ..............................................................................................8-8
8.4.1 Output files ....................................................................................................................... 8-8
8.4.2 Error messages and warnings ......................................................................................... 8-8
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Table of Contents vii
11.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 11-1
11.2 Conditions for verification........................................................................... 11-2
11.3 Verification process ..................................................................................... 11-3
11.3.1 Verification of FSC application using the FSC database................................................ 11-4 Restrictions..................................................................................................................... 11-4
11.3.2 Verification of the FSC application software using the functional logic diagrams .......... 11-5 Restrictions..................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.3.3 Revision control .............................................................................................................. 11-5
11.4 Verification results ....................................................................................... 11-7
11.4.1 Log file ............................................................................................................................ 11-7
11.4.2 Error messages .............................................................................................................. 11-7 Common error messages............................................................................................... 11-7 Verification of FSC application using the FSC database................................................ 11-9 Verification of the FSC application software using the functional logic diagrams ........ 11-10
Software Manual
viii Table of Contents Clr Force....................................................................................................................... 12-34 Main.............................................................................................................................. 12-34 Calibration .................................................................................................................... 12-35
12.4.4 'Extended diag' option .................................................................................................. 12-37
12.4.5 'Diag to disk' menu ....................................................................................................... 12-39 Backup ......................................................................................................................... 12-39 Config ........................................................................................................................... 12-40 Select application(s) ..................................................................................................... 12-41 Define maximum size of extended diagnostic file ........................................................ 12-41 Continuous ................................................................................................................... 12-41 Retrieve ........................................................................................................................ 12-42
12.4.6 'Load' option ................................................................................................................. 12-44
12.5 Process status ............................................................................................12-47
12.5.1 FLD status .................................................................................................................... 12-47 New FLD ...................................................................................................................... 12-48 Tag number .................................................................................................................. 12-49 Force ............................................................................................................................ 12-49 Clear............................................................................................................................. 12-50 Write ............................................................................................................................. 12-50 Additional options ......................................................................................................... 12-51
12.5.2 Variable status.............................................................................................................. 12-52 FLD............................................................................................................................... 12-52 Screen .......................................................................................................................... 12-53 Edit screen ................................................................................................................... 12-55 Variable type................................................................................................................. 12-59 Edit PID ........................................................................................................................ 12-60 Adjust PID .................................................................................................................... 12-62 Rebuild screen file........................................................................................................ 12-64
12.5.3 List forces ..................................................................................................................... 12-65
12.5.4 Clr all forces ................................................................................................................. 12-66
12.5.5 Loop status................................................................................................................... 12-66
12.6 Select application .......................................................................................12-68
12.7 Modem .........................................................................................................12-69
12.7.1 At FSC.......................................................................................................................... 12-70
12.7.2 Connect ........................................................................................................................ 12-70
12.7.3 Disconnect.................................................................................................................... 12-70
12.7.4 Main.............................................................................................................................. 12-71
12.7.5 Exit ............................................................................................................................... 12-71
12.8 Passwords...................................................................................................12-72
12.9 Error messages...........................................................................................12-73
12.10 Extended diagnostic descriptions.............................................................12-77
12.10.1 General......................................................................................................................... 12-77
12.10.2 Diagnostic messages not related to specific hardware modules ................................. 12-77
12.10.3 Module types VBD (10001/1/1 or 10001/R/1)............................................................... 12-80
12.10.4 Module types CPU (10002/1/1 or 10002/1/2) ............................................................... 12-81
12.10.5 Module type MEM (10003/1/1) ..................................................................................... 12-82
12.10.6 Module type COM (10004/./., 10008/2/U)..................................................................... 12-82
12.10.7 Module type WD (10005/1/1) ....................................................................................... 12-84
12.10.8 Module type DBM (10006/./.)........................................................................................ 12-84
12.10.9 Module type SBD (10007/1/1) ...................................................................................... 12-85
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Table of Contents ix
12.10.10 Module type HBD (10100/1/1 or 10100/2/1)................................................................. 12-85
12.10.11 Module types 10101/1/1, 10101/1/2, 10101/1/3, 10101/2/1, 10101/2/2 or 10101/2/3 .. 12-85
12.10.12 Module types 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2 or 10102/2/1 ........................................................ 12-86
12.10.13 Module type 10105/2/1 ................................................................................................. 12-86
12.10.14 Module type 10201/1/1 or 10201/2/1 ............................................................................ 12-86
12.10.15 Module type 10203/1/2 ................................................................................................. 12-87
12.10.16 Module type 10205/1/1 or 10205/2/1 ............................................................................ 12-87
12.10.17 Module type 10212/1/1 ................................................................................................. 12-88
12.10.18 Module types 10213/1/1, 10213/1/2, 10213/1/3, 10213/2/2 or 10213/2/3 .................... 12-88
12.10.19 Module type 10214/1/2 ................................................................................................. 12-88
12.10.20 Module type 10215/1/1 or 10215/2/1 ............................................................................ 12-89
12.10.21 Module type 10216/1/1 or 10216/2/1 ............................................................................ 12-90
12.10.22 Module type WDR (10302/1/1 or 10302/2/1)................................................................ 12-90
Software Manual
x Table of Contents
B.6 SER format ..................................................................................................... B-8
B.6.1 Numerical SER format .....................................................................................................B-8
B.6.1.1 Configuring numerical SER format...................................................................................B-8
B.6.2 Numerical SER to FSCSOE .............................................................................................B-9
B.6.3 Numerical SER to printer..................................................................................................B-9
B.6.3.1 Record start indication....................................................................................................B-10
B.6.3.2 Event type.......................................................................................................................B-10
B.6.3.3 Event status/message specification ...............................................................................B-10
B. System messages ..........................................................................................................B-11
B. Variable events...............................................................................................................B-11
B. Variable force events......................................................................................................B-12
B.6.3.4 System number ..............................................................................................................B-12
B.6.3.5 Sequence number ..........................................................................................................B-12
B.6.3.6 Weekday ........................................................................................................................B-12
B.6.3.7 Date................................................................................................................................B-13
B.6.3.8 Month .............................................................................................................................B-13
B.6.3.9 Hours..............................................................................................................................B-13
B.6.3.10 Minutes...........................................................................................................................B-13
B.6.3.11 Seconds .........................................................................................................................B-14
B.6.3.12 Hundredths of seconds ..................................................................................................B-14
B.7 SER configuration requirements ................................................................ B-14
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Table of Contents xi
D.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................D-1
D.2 Description .....................................................................................................D-2
D.2.1 Activating the on-line modification option ........................................................................ D-2
D.2.2 Modifying the application ................................................................................................. D-3
D.2.3 Upgrading the FSC system ............................................................................................. D-3
D.2.4 On-line modification in FSC networks ............................................................................. D-4
D.3 Error diagnostics during on-line modification .............................................D-5
D.3.1 Diagnostics relating to internal on-line modification check.............................................. D-5
D.3.2 Diagnostics relating to FSC network configuration check ............................................... D-6
D.4 On-line rebuild................................................................................................D-7
D.5 Consequences for functionality of FSC Navigator options.........................D-8
D.6 Limitations ......................................................................................................D-8
D.7 On-line modification procedure ....................................................................D-9
D.8 On-line modification of tag numbers ..........................................................D-18
D.8.1 Changing input tag numbers ......................................................................................... D-18
D.8.1.1 Deleting tag numbers .................................................................................................... D-18
D.8.1.2 On-line rebuild ............................................................................................................... D-18
D.8.1.3 Adding changed tag numbers ....................................................................................... D-19
D.8.2 Changing output tag numbers ....................................................................................... D-19
D.8.2.1 Changing output tag numbers for outputs that may be de-energized ........................... D-19
D.8.2.2 Changing output tag numbers, with continuous output control ..................................... D-19
D. Deleting tag numbers .................................................................................................... D-19
D. On-line rebuild ............................................................................................................... D-20
D. Adding tag numbers ...................................................................................................... D-20
D. On-line rebuild ............................................................................................................... D-21
Software Manual
xii Table of Contents
F.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................F-1
F.2 Glossary ..........................................................................................................F-2
F.3 Communication with Distributed Control Systems......................................F-4
F.3.1 Communication with the TPS system via UCN ................................................................ F-4
F.3.2 Communication via the Modbus RTU protocol................................................................. F-5
F.3.2.1 Supported networks ......................................................................................................... F-5
F.3.2.2 Functional operation......................................................................................................... F-5
F. Supported function and error codes ................................................................................. F-6
F. FSC addressing................................................................................................................ F-8
F. Response times.............................................................................................................. F-10
F.3.2.3 Fault handling ................................................................................................................. F-11
F.3.2.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. F-11
F.3.2.5 Modbus for communication with Contronic E/P ............................................................. F-12
F.3.3 Communication via the RKE3964R protocol .................................................................. F-13
F.3.3.1 Supported networks ....................................................................................................... F-13
F.3.3.2 Functional operation....................................................................................................... F-13
F. Supported commands and error messages................................................................... F-15
F. Block definition ............................................................................................................... F-16
F. Response times.............................................................................................................. F-18
F.3.3.3 Fault handling ................................................................................................................. F-19
F.3.3.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. F-20
F.4 Hardcopy via the Printer protocol ...............................................................F-21
F.4.1 Supported networks ....................................................................................................... F-21
F.4.2 Functional operation....................................................................................................... F-21
F.4.2.1 SER printing ................................................................................................................... F-22
F.4.2.2 Reports printing .............................................................................................................. F-22
F.4.3 Fault handling ................................................................................................................. F-23
F.4.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. F-23
F.5 Communication with the FSC user station .................................................F-24
F.5.1 Supported networks ....................................................................................................... F-25
F.5.2 Functional operation....................................................................................................... F-25
F.5.3 Fault handling ................................................................................................................. F-25
F.5.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. F-25
F.6 Communication between FSC systems ......................................................F-27
F.6.1 Supported networks ....................................................................................................... F-27
F.6.2 Functional description .................................................................................................... F-27
F.6.2.1 Data exchange ............................................................................................................... F-28
F.6.2.2 Real-time clock synchronization..................................................................................... F-28
F.6.2.3 Low baud rate communication ....................................................................................... F-29
F.6.3 Fault handling ................................................................................................................. F-30
F.6.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. F-30
F.6.4.1 System identification ...................................................................................................... F-30
F.6.4.2 Communication channel configuration ........................................................................... F-31
F.6.4.3 Variable allocation .......................................................................................................... F-32
F.6.4.4 Configuration strategy .................................................................................................... F-33
F.7 Real-time clock set .......................................................................................F-34
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Table of Contents xiii
G.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... G-1
G.2 Output multiplexers ...................................................................................... G-3
G.2.1 Attributes of an output multiplexer................................................................................... G-3
G.2.2 Timing calculation for output multiplexers ....................................................................... G-3
G.3 Input multiplexers ......................................................................................... G-5
G.3.1 Attributes of an input multiplexer ..................................................................................... G-5
G.3.2 Timing calculation for input multiplexers ......................................................................... G-5
G.4 Multiple I/O that uses the multiplexer .......................................................... G-7
G.5 Configuring and using multiplexers ............................................................ G-8
G.5.1 Configuring multiplexers.................................................................................................. G-8
G.5.2 Configuring multiplexed I/O ............................................................................................. G-8
G.5.3 Using output multiplexers ................................................................................................ G-9
G.5.4 Using input multiplexers ................................................................................................ G-10
Software Manual
xiv Table of Contents
FSC Documentation:
Publication Publication
Title Number
FSC Safety Manual PM.MAN.8047
FSC Hardware Manual PM.MAN.8048
FSC Software Manual PM.MAN.8025
FSC-SM Documentation:
Software Manual
Table of Contents xv
Software Manual
xvi Table of Contents
Fail Safe Control
Software Manual
General Index
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
This is the index to the complete FSC Software Manual. The numbers and letters in front of the page
numbers refer to the sections and appendices. For example, '4-54' refers of page 54 of Section 4
("System Configuration"). 'A-2' refers to page 2 of Appendix A ("Alarm Functions").
Software Manual
General Index 1
Index (continued)
Software Manual
2 General Index
Index (continued)
Software Manual
General Index 3
Index (continued)
Software Manual
4 General Index
Index (continued)
Diagnostic and battery module (DBM), 4-33, 12-8 EPROMs, 10-1, 10-6, 10-7, D-11, D-12, D-14
Module type, 4-34 Communication, D-15
Temperature settings, 4-34 CPU, D-15
Diagnostic data, 12-37 FSMM, D-15
Diagnostic input, 6-32, 6-59 FSMM firmware, 10-4
Diagnostics, B-7 Supported by FSC Navigator, 10-10
Diagnostics button, 3-20, 12-1 EQUAL (EQ) gate, 6-18
Diagnostics speed button, 3-10 Equation blocks, 6-4, 6-27, 6-56
Diagnostics To Disk option, 3-8 Algorithm used, 6-57
Differences between FSC Navigator versions, 2-5, Definition, 6-56
3-4 Equation table, 6-56
Digital I/O signals, 6-32 Equation table design, 6-57
Digital input signals, 4-60 Usage, 6-57
Location 'ANN', 4-64 Equation file, 6-48
Location 'COM', 4-60 Equation for PID controller, E-2
Location 'FSC', 4-62 Equation table, 6-56
Location 'SYS', 4-66 Equation table design, 6-57
Other locations, 4-67 Error clamp, E-3
Digital output signals, 4-83 Error diagnostics during on-line modification, D-5
Location 'ANN', 4-87 Relating to FSC network configuration check, D-6
Location 'COM', 4-83 Relating to internal on-line modification check,
Location 'FSC', 4-85 D-5
Location 'SYS', 4-89 Error handling by application compiler, 8-2
Other locations, 4-90 Error messages
Disabling a password, 3-22 Compiler, 8-8
DMA channel, 2-4 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 6-72
DO signals. See Digital output signals Installation, 2-16
Download Application option, 3-8 Power supplies, 4-19, 4-20, 4-21
Downloading application program, 12-44 Printing project configuration, 7-17
Drop-down menus, 3-5, 3-6 SER message error, 5-29
File, 3-7 Translation, 8-8
Help, 3-9 Verification of FSC application, 11-7
On-Line, 3-8, 3-9 Verification of FSC application using FLDs, 11-10
Project, 3-7, 3-8 Verification of FSC application using FSC
Dual SER channels, B-7 database, 11-9
Viewing FSC system and process status, 12-73
Errors during translation, 8-2, 8-3, 8-8
E Event buffer, F-7
Event status/message specification, B-10
Editing a PID controller, 12-60 Event triggers, 4-89
Editing commands, 5-2, 5-5, 5-18 Events, B-2, B-4, B-11
Editing report format, 5-4 Exchangeability of symbol libraries, 3-33
Editing SER format, 5-17 Exchanging communication EPROMs in a Central
Engineer, 6-46 Part, D-12, D-15
Engineering password, 3-23 Exchanging CPU EPROMs, D-12, D-15
Engineering units, 1-18 Exchanging FSMM EPROM, D-12, D-15
EPROM size, 8-4 Exchanging memory EPROMs in a Central Part,
EPROM type, 10-5 D-11, D-14
Software Manual
General Index 5
Index (continued)
Software Manual
6 General Index
Index (continued)
Software Manual
General Index 7
Index (continued)
Software Manual
8 General Index
Index (continued)
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Index (continued)
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10 General Index
Index (continued)
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General Index 11
Index (continued)
N On-Line menu
NAND gate, 6-17 Communication Port, 3-9
Navigation area, 3-3, 3-11 Diagnostics To Disk, 3-8
Nesting of function blocks, 8-2 Extended Diagnostics, 3-8
Network, 4-26 Monitor FLDs, 3-8
Networking, 1-10 Monitor System, 3-8
New button, 3-13 On-Line Rebuild, 3-9
New Project option, 3-7 Verify Application, 3-8
New speed button, 3-10 On-line modification, 1-10, 11-6, D-1, D-2
Node, 8-8 Activating on-line modification, D-10
Non-fail-safe sensors, C-3, C-5 Changing input tag numbers, D-18
Non-fail-safe transmitters, C-8, C-9, C-11 Changing output tag numbers, D-19
Non-functional symbols, 6-12 Checking the system before changing EPROMs,
Basic sheet, 6-12 D-11
Revision cloud, 6-13 Consequences for functionality of FSC Navigator,
Sheet identification, 6-13 D-8
NOR gate, 6-17 Exchanging communication EPROMs in a Central
Normal I/O, 6-59 Part, D-12, D-15
NOT EQUAL (NEQ) gate, 6-19 Exchanging CPU EPROMs, D-12, D-15
Number of bits/char, 4-31 Exchanging FSMM EPROM, D-12, D-15
Number of cabinets, 4-14 Exchanging memory EPROMs in a Central Part,
Number of input bits, 1-18 D-11, D-14
Number of modules per central part, 4-25 Limitations, D-8
Number of output bits, 1-19 On-line rebuild, D-7
Number of racks per cabinet, 4-14 Procedure, D-9
Number of stop bits, 4-31 Programming applications in EPROMs, D-10
Numerical SER format, B-8 Starting up a Central Part, D-13, D-16
Numerical SER ranges, 4-9 Switching off a Central Part, D-11, D-14
Translating an application, D-10
Upgrading the FSC system, D-3
O Upgrading to R500, 1-10
On-line modification in FSC networks, D-4
Off-line menu, 12-3 On-line modification option, 4-14
Off-sheet transfers, 6-36, 6-61 On-line rebuild, 4-112, D-7, D-18, D-20, D-21, F-24
Changing ∼, 6-64 On-line rebuild log file, 9-1
On time, C-1 On-Line Rebuild option, 3-9
On-Line drop-down menu, 3-8, 3-9 On-sheet transfers, 6-35, 6-61
On-line environment, 12-1 Changing ∼, 6-65
All inputs, 12-23 Open button, 3-13
FSC system, 12-4, 12-5 Open Project option, 3-7
Inputs, 12-9 Open speed button, 3-10
Main menu, 12-4 Opening an existing project, 3-29
Process status, 12-4 OR gate, 6-16
On-Line Environment screen, 3-18 Order of FLD execution, 1-8
Diagnostics button, 3-20, 12-1 Output clamp, E-3
I/O Signal Status button, 3-19 Output device
Loop Status button, 12-1 Graphical, 7-19
Process Status Monitoring button, 3-19, 12-1 Output generated by FLD design editor, 6-67
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12 General Index
Index (continued)
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Index (continued)
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14 General Index
Index (continued)
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General Index 15
Index (continued)
Restrictions for verifying an FSC application Safety-related analog inputs with non-fail-safe
Application database, 11-4 transmitters, C-8
Variables database, 11-5 Redundant FSC configurations, C-11
Retrieving stored diagnostic data, 12-42 Single-channel FSC configurations, C-9
Revision, 6-46 Safety-related digital inputs with non-fail-safe sensors
Revision cloud, 6-13 Redundant FSC configurations, C-5
Revision control, 11-1, 11-5 Single-channel FSC configurations, C-3
Revision editor, 6-9 Safety-related I/O, 1-20
Right mouse button, 3-34 Safety-related inputs with non fail-safe sensors, C-1
RKE3964R protocol Safety-related variables, 1-20
Communication response time, F-18 Same as Text Printer check box, 3-26
Fault handling, F-19 Sample, G-1
Process control response time, F-18 Sample time, 12-60
Supported commands, F-15 Saving an FLD, 6-47
Supported networks, F-13 Saving log files to disk, 9-6
RKE3964R protocol, F-13 Scaling values, 4-57
Block definition, F-16 Scan time, G-1
Block number, F-16 Screen file, 12-64
Block size, F-16 Screens, 12-53
Configuration, F-20 Deleting, 12-57
Frequency, F-17 Editing, 12-55
Master mode, F-13 Searching variables, 4-44
Messages, F-13 Secondary SER channel, 4-9
Real-time clock synchronization, F-15 Secondary switch-off, 1-24, 8-12
Register type, F-17 Sel OUT active status, 1-19
Slave mode, F-13 Sel OUT active time, 1-19
Supported error codes, F-15 Selecting a sheet transfer symbol using a selection
Time period, F-18 list, 6-65
Transmit on event, F-18 Selecting FSC system for extended diagnostics, 12-40
Rotated AND filter, 6-22 Selection lists, 6-10
Rotated AND gate, 6-22 Selection output active status, G-1, G-2
Rotated OR gate, 6-21 Selection output active time, G-1
Selection output position, 1-19
Selection output rack, 1-19
S Selection outputs, G-1
Selection sheet, 6-1, 6-4, 6-14
Safety, 1-1 SensAI bit, 6-32
Safety Compliance screen, 3-15 Sensor is fail-safe, 1-17
Print button, 3-16 Sensor is redundant, 1-17
Verify Application button, 3-16 Sequence number, B-12
View Log button, 3-16 Sequence of tasks, 3-13
Safety Manager Module, 4-32 Sequence-of-event recording (SER), B-1
Safety relation, 4-58 Default SER format, 5-25
Safety relation of I/O variables, 1-20 Dual SER channels, B-7
Safety-related, 1-14 Editing SER format, 5-17
Event record, B-9, B-10, B-11, B-12, B-13, B-14
Fault events, B-4
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16 General Index
Index (continued)
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Index (continued)
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18 General Index
Index (continued)
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General Index 19
Index (continued)
Embedded software in FSC system components, Warnings during translation, 8-2, 8-3, 8-8
12-7 Watchdog, 4-25
FSC Navigator components, 3-4 Weekday, 5-27
Versions of FSC Navigator, 2-3, 2-5 Weekly report, 5-11
Vertical bus driver (VBD), 4-35 Windows NT, 2-1
View Log button, 3-16 Working with projects, 3-28
View Log option, 3-7 Write commands, F-1
View Log speed button, 3-10 Write enable, 1-15, 4-58
Viewing FSC system and process status Writing a variable, 12-50
List forces, 12-65 Writing to dBASE file, 4-46
Loop status, 12-66 Writing variables password, 3-23
Outputs, 12-25
Process status, 12-47
Rebuilding screen file, 12-64 X
Screens, 12-53, 12-55, 12-57, 12-64
Viewing log files, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 X translation, 7-21
Voltage monitoring for 10105/2/1 module, 4-71 XI signals. See Input multiplexers
Voting, 1-21 XNOR gate, 6-17
Defaults for input modules, 4-16 XO signals. See Output multiplexers
Defaults for output modules, 4-17 XOR gate, 6-17
Voting schemes
1oo1, 1-21
1oo1D, 1-21 Y
1oo2, 1-22 Y translation, 7-21
1oo2D, 1-22 Yearly report, 5-9
2oo2, 1-22
2oo2D, 1-22
Voting schemes for redundant components, 1-21
Voting schemes for single components, 1-21
Zooming, 6-47
Software Manual
20 General Index
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Fail Safe Control
Section 1:
FSC Primer
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................1-1
Software Manual
FSC Primer i
Software Manual
ii FSC Primer
1.1 Introduction
The Fail Safe Control (FSC) system is a safety system for applications in the process industries. The FSC
system is a microprocessor-based, modular, software-programmable system. This allows it to be adapted
easily to a broad spectrum of applications.
Through dedicate software and hardware, the FSC system can always guarantee its ability to lead the
process to a safe state in case of any potential hazard, which results in:
Proven safety
In redundant FSC configurations, all system parts are continuously and actively involved in the execution
of the system tasks and are continuously subject to self-tests. Thus, it is guaranteed that in case of failure
of one of the redundant Central Parts, the other Central Part is able to continue the process control, which
results in:
Proven availability
The first part of the FSC Primer provides a bird's-eye view of the FSC system. The second part describes
the basic information you need to know in order to properly work with the FSC Navigator software.
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-1
1.2 Fail Safe Controller configurations
The Fail Safe Controller supports two basic configurations (single and redundant) which can be combined
into four different configurations (see Table 1-1).
All FSC configurations can be used for safety applications. The preferred configuration depends on the
safety requirements.
The FSC configurations defined in Table 1-1 are discussed in more detailed below.
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1-2 FSC Primer
1.2.1 Single processor, single I/O
This FSC configuration has a single processor (Central Part) and single input and output (I/O) modules
(see Figure 1-1). The I/O modules are controlled via the Vertical Bus Driver (VBD), which is located in the
Central Part, and the Vertical bus (V-Bus), which controls up to 10 I/O racks. Each I/O rack is controlled
via the Horizontal Bus Driver (HBD). No redundancy is present except as built into those modules where
redundancy is required for safety (memory and watchdog).
System Bus
H-Bus V-Bus
Figure 1-1 Single processor, single I/O configuration
Sensor M
xx M Main
yyy Processor
Final element
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FSC Primer 1-3
1.2.2 Redundant processor, single I/O
This FSC configuration has a redundant processor (Central Parts) and single input and output (I/O)
modules (see Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4). The I/O modules are controlled via the VBDs, which are located
in each Central Part, and the V-Bus, which controls up to 10 I/O racks. Each I/O rack is controlled via the
HBD. The processor is fully redundant, which allows continuous operation and bumpless (zero-delay)
transfer in case of a processor failure.
System Bus
Figure 1-3 Redundant processor, single I/O configuration
xx M
yyy IC
Final element
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1-4 FSC Primer
1.2.3 Redundant processor, redundant I/O
This FSC configuration has a redundant processor (Central Parts) and redundant input and output (I/O)
modules (OR function on outputs) (see Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6). The I/O modules are controlled via the
VBDs, which are located in each Central Part and the V-Bus, which controls up to 10 I/O racks. Each I/O
rack is controlled via the HBD. The processor and I/O are fully redundant, which allows continuous
operation and bumpless (zero-delay) transfer in case of a processor or I/O failure.
M Main
Sensor SMOD
xx Input modules
M Main
Processor O
WD Output modules
Final element
Figure 1-6 Functional diagram: redundant processor, redundant I/O
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FSC Primer 1-5
1.2.4 Redundant processor with redundant and single I/O
This FSC configuration has a redundant processor (Central Part) and redundant input and output (I/O)
modules (OR function on outputs) combined with single input and output modules (see Figure 1-7 and
Figure 1-8). The I/O modules are controlled via the VBDs, which are located in each Central Part, and the
V-Bus, which controls up to 10 I/O racks. Each I/O rack is controlled via the HBD. The processor and I/O
are fully redundant, which allows continuous operation and bumpless (zero-delay) transfer in case of a
processor or I/O failure of the redundant I/O modules.
Figure 1-7 Redundant processor with redundant and single I/O configuration
IC M Main
I Quad-voter
yyy IC
IC M Main O
Input modules
Output modules
Final element
Output modules
Figure 1-8 Functional diagram: redundant processor with redundant and single I/O
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1-6 FSC Primer
1.3 FSC configuration and programming
The specific tasks of the FSC system within the process environment are determined by the system
configuration and the application program.
During the configuration stage, the FSC system type, specification, system parameters and the field
instrumentation parameters are defined (see Figure 1-9).
During the application design stage, the application program is created by means of functional logic
diagrams (FLDs), which define the relationships between inputs and outputs. Figure 1-10 shows an
example of a functional logic diagram.
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FSC Primer 1-7
M 53HS-101 3
P "TEST" 1
C 53PT-920.H 1 40003
O MAIN LINE = 110 BAR 2 3 53PT-920.H M
M Signal type: W A >1
> 1 5 "ALARM" P
3 A D 5
53PT-920 53PRA-920
5 1
1 1
3 53PT-920.L M
> 1 6 "ALARM" P
C 53PT-920.L 1 40004
M Signal type: W A
53TT-900 3 A D 5 53TR-900
5 1
C 53FT-700.H 1 40001
O MAIN LINE = 75% 2 3 53FT-700.H M
S 0 t
M Signal type: W A >1
> 1 1 "ALARM" P
t=30 S
Signal type: F 102 1
S 3 53FT-700.L M
0 t >1
> 1 2 "ALARM" P
C 53FT-700.L 1 40002 t=30 S
O MAIN LINE = 30% 2 R
M Signal type: W A
O 30-5-1997 FIRST ISSUE Req/Ordernr : SPEC & TECH DEMO_1 102 103
5201 AC
Serial Unit
Rev Date Description Chk'd 's-Hertogenbosch Project Sheet Cnt'd
Code Code
Within the FSC system, FLDs are executed in ascending sequence. If an application is too large to fit on a
single FLD, it is best to use sheet transfers to FLDs with higher FLD numbers for optimal response times.
If feedback loops are required in an application, it is best to create the feedback loop using two FLDs. If
feedback loops are specified on a single FLD, it will be impossible to determine the startup conditions.
The FSC Navigator software provides support for the tasks that must be carried out during the
configuration and design stages. With FSC Navigator, project documentation can be generated
automatically and is readily available.
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1-8 FSC Primer
1.4 FSC features
Analog input modules: Fail-safe: 0(4)-20 mA, 0(1)-5 Vdc, 0(2)-10 Vdc
Digital output modules: Fail-safe: 24 Vdc, 48 Vdc, 60 Vdc, 110 Vdc, 220 Vdc
Non fail-safe: 24 Vdc
Refer to the FSC Hardware Manual for details on the FSC modules.
The FSC system has a number of several standard functions which are commonly used in process
control. They include:
• Alarm processing,
• PID control, and
• Sequence of event recording (SER).
Data collected by the sequence-of-event recording (SER) feature is used by the FSCSOE
program, which is a separate Windows application.
The function parameters, e.g. alarm type, are defined during system configuration. Interaction with the
application program is realized via the functional logic diagrams (FLDs).
Refer to the appendices of the FSC Software Manual for details on the standard FSC functions.
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FSC Primer 1-9
1.4.3 FSC communication facilities
Multiple FSC systems can be interconnected to form a communication network. The systems in such a
network can be programmed to perform a joint task. Also, process information can be gathered at a
central point within the network.
The communication configuration of the FSC system is specified during the system configuration. The
functional logic diagrams are used to realize the interaction of communication data with the FSC
For details on the FSC system's communication facilities refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual
("FSC Communication Manual").
The FSC system supports on-line modification in redundant Central Part configurations. This allows
changes to be made in the functional logic diagrams and the system software configuration while process
operation continues.
During the on-line modification of the application, the FSC system performs compatibility checks to
guarantee a safe changeover from the old to the new application. The sheet numbers of changed FLDs
are reported, which allows easy validation of the changes that have been implemented in the application
If the FSC system is running Release 310 or later, the FSC system software of release 500 can also be
upgraded on-line.
For details on on-line modification refer to Appendix D of the FSC Software Manual.
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1-10 FSC Primer
1.4.5 Power-on modes of the FSC system
The power-on mode defines the conditions for the start-up of the FSC system. Table 1-2 below lists the
power-on modes that are available.
Two start-up modes are possible: cold and warm. If the system starts up for the first time, a cold start is
performed, which means that the power-on values of the variables (as configured in the variable
database) will be used as default variable values in the system. Configure a cold start power-on mode if
the system must always start up with the power-on values as laid down in the variable database.
Configure a warm start power-on mode if the system must start up with the current system power-on
1. If the system is started up after a shutdown that was caused by a fault, a cold start-up
will always be executed.
2. Using the warm start option in combination with on-line modification of the application
program may result in spurious diagnostic messages and Central Part shutdown.
Run, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application
EPROMs are used.
Run, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application
EPROMs are used.
RAM operation, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for use.
RAM operation, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for use.
Simulation, 23125/1/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23125/1/1
only; single configuration).
Simulation, 23125/1/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23125/1/1
only; single configuration).
Simulation, 23126/1/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23126/1/1
only; single configuration in one rack).
Simulation, 23126/1/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23126/1/1
only; single configuration in one rack).
Simulation, 23125/R/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23125/R/1
only; redundant configuration).
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FSC Primer 1-11
Table 1-2 FSC power-on modes (continued)
Simulation, 23125/R/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23125/R/1
only; redundant configuration).
Simulation, 23250/1/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23250/1/1
only; redundant configuration).
Simulation, 23250/1/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23250/1/1
only; redundant configuration).
Simulation, 23260/1/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23260/1/1
only, single configuration in one rack).
Simulation, 23260/1/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23260/1/1
only, single configuration in one rack).
Simulation, 23251/1/1, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23251/1/1
only, redundant configuration).
Simulation, 23251/1/1, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes (Training unit 23251/1/1
only, redundant configuration).
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1-12 FSC Primer
1.4.6 Variable description
This subsection discusses the attributes and parameters of the variable types that are supported by the
FSC system. Variable attributes and parameters are defined during FSC system configuration. Table 1-3
below lists the variable types that are available in the FSC system.
Tag number
The program allows the variable type and tag number to be combined only once.
A typical tag number for I/O (I, AI, BI, XI, O, AO, BO, XO, A, P) consists of three parts:
Tag number = <Prefix>'_'<Description>'_'<Loop number>
The underscore sign ('_') may also be replaced by a hyphen ('-'). Valid characters of tag numbers are all
characters, except space (' '), semicolon (';'), comma (',') and question mark ('?'). The tag number is
sometimes followed by a sequence of characters that provide further information, e.g.:
01-HLS-320HH (HLS for high low switch, HH for high high)
Tag numbers of internal variables are automatically created from the program block number and a
sequence number. These tag numbers cannot be changed.
Examples: 32_1 First timer in program block 32.
10_12_3 Third reference between program blocks 10 and 12.
The service field provides a description about the tag number, e.g. 'Level glycol tower'.
The qualification field provides information about the one (or active) status of boolean variables. If the
qualification is TRUE or 1, then the status of the variable is TRUE or 1. It is only used for variables of type
I, O, M, C, T.
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FSC Primer 1-13
The location field gives information about the location of the sensor or the actuator. The location is
specified as an abbreviation of three characters. It is only used for I/O variables (I, AI, BI, XI, O, AO, BO,
XO and A). The FSC system has a number of reserved locations, which are listed in Table 1-4.
Location Description
This field contains the name of the unit for which this variable is used in the application program,
e.g. F-210 (Furnace 210).
This field contains the name of the subunit for which this variable is used in the application program,
e.g. B-210 (Burner on furnace 210).
This is the FLD where the variable is placed in the functional logic diagrams.
This field contains the address of the variable if an address has been defined for the variable type.
Relative address
Some I/O variables will be allocated to an address within a memory area that is reserved for a certain
application (e.g. a communication link). The relative address is the address within such a reserved area.
This field specifies the safety relation of the variable. For I/O variables, this field determines the action to
be taken in case of a hardware fault of the I/O module which the variable is connected to.
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1-14 FSC Primer
Force enable
This field specifies for each variable whether it is possible to force the variable using the 'On-Line
Environment' options of FSC Navigator. It is possible to force I/O variables and on-sheet references. The
value which is forced will be valid until the force of the variable is disabled. All forces are controlled by a
force enable input. Forces are only allowed if the force enable input is high and the force enable flag is
true. Forces will be cleared if the force enable input is low.
Write enable
This field specifies for each variable whether it is possible to write a variable using the 'On-Line
Environment' options of FSC Navigator. The value which is assigned to the variable will be overwritten in
the next program cycle.
SER enable
This field specifies whether sequence-of-event recording (SER) should take place for the variable. If an
SER sequence range has been specified and the variable is SER-enabled, an SER sequence is
displayed. This field can be used to specify a unique number for numerical SER format.
Table 1-5 provides an overview of the characteristics of the various variable types.
N = No
Y = Yes
X = Can be modified
1) = Safety-related except for the COM I/O input and the clock synchronization input. Safety relation of the
fault reset and force-enable variables can be modified.
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FSC Primer 1-15
Table 1-5 Characteristics of FSC variables (continued)
2) 3) 6)
2) 6)
N = No
Y = Yes
X = Can be modified
2) = Calculated by the compiler.
3) = Can only be modified for digital on/off-sheet references.
4) = Only for annunciator variables with a hardware location.
5) = Depends on the function it performs for FSC applications:
RKE triggers: N
BO SER triggers: Y
6) = Not allowed for on/off-sheet references (write enable = N)
7) = Only for first-up alarm indication.
The minimum value for each analog input must be entered. If the analog input goes below the minimum
setpoint, the system will give an analog sensor break alarm.
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1-16 FSC Primer
Transmitter alarm setpoint high
The maximum value for each analog input must be entered. If the analog input goes above the maximum
setpoint, the system will give an analog sensor break alarm.
If the value which is read or written for an analog I/O is lower than SER setpoint low, sequence-of-event
recording takes place (providing the SER enable flag is set to 'Yes'). The SER setpoint low should be
higher than, or equal to, the bottom scale, and lower than the SER setpoint high.
If the value which is read or written for an analog I/O is higher than the SER setpoint high, sequence-of-
event recording takes place (providing the SER enable flag is set to 'Yes'). The SER setpoint high should
be lower than, or equal to, the top scale, and higher than the SER setpoint low.
These fields contain the value which the variable will get after a power-up sequence. The power-up value
can be specified for multiple inputs (BI) with location COM, FSC or MUX, multiple outputs (BO), analog
outputs (AO), counters (C) and registers (R). The power-up status can be specified for digital inputs (I)
with location COM or FSC, digital outputs (O) and markers (M).
Sensor is fail-safe
This field specifies if the sensor is fail-safe, i.e. goes to a defined state (0 or OFF) in case of a sensor
failure. It is only used for safety-related digital and analog inputs.
Sensor is redundant
When a sensor is not fail-safe and the digital input or the analog input is safety-related, a redundancy type
should be selected. Redundancy is used to increase the reliability of the data read. Depending on the
redundancy type, more channels should be allocated to this variable. Refer to Appendix C ("Safety-related
inputs with non-fail-safe sensors") of the FSC Software Manual for further details.
Signal type
The signal type is used for analog I/O. It should match the hardware configuration used. The following
signal types are possible:
− 0 .. 20 mA
− 4 .. 20 mA
− 0 .. 5 V
− 1 .. 5 V
− 0 .. 10 V
− 2 .. 10 V
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FSC Primer 1-17
Engineering units
The engineering units are used with SER-enabled analog I/O, PIDs and BOs. The engineering units are
defined as a string with a maximum length of five characters of the unit which is read or written with the
variable, e.g. °C, Psi, %.
Bottom scale
The bottom scale of an analog variable should contain a value in engineering units which is read or written
on the bottom value of the defined signal type. If, for example, a temperature of 20°C is measured and the
voltage of the sensor is 2 Volt with a signal type of 2-10 V, you should enter 20 as the bottom scale value.
Refer to section 4 ("System Configuration") of the FSC Software Manual for further details.
Top scale
The top scale of an analog variable should contain a value in engineering units which is read or written on
the top scale value of the defined signal type.
Register type
The register type defines the format of the data stored. There are four different register types. The first
three are integer values, the last (Float) is a real value which consists of an exponent and a mantissa.
A BI variable is 'connected' to the XI variable via the MUX tag number. The tag number of the accessory
multiplexer is the MUX tag number. A BO variable will be 'connected' to an XO variable. Refer to Appendix
G ("FSC Multiplexers") of the FSC Software Manual for further details.
This field specifies the number of input bits of a BI (with location <> COM, <> FSC) or an XI, and has a
range of 1 to 32 bits. All bits of the variable will be allocated to sequential channels. If the number of bits
does not fit on the first module, a second module must be defined. On this next module, the allocation
starts at channel one. It may be necessary to specify as much as four modules.
Software Manual
1-18 FSC Primer
Selection output rack
The selection output rack is the rack where the selection outputs of the multiplexed variable will be
allocated. Refer to Appendix G ("FSC Multiplexers") of the FSC Software Manual for further details.
The selection output position is the position in the rack where the multiplexed variable will be allocated.
Remember to allocate a BI variable with location MUX to a digital output! All the selection outputs must be
allocated. The selection output channel is the first channel of the first module which the multiplexed
variable will be allocated to. Refer to Appendix G ("FSC Multiplexers") of the FSC Software Manual for
further details.
The select output active time is the time in which the select output should be true with multiplexed I/O .
Select output active time should be in the range from 1 to 127 ms Select output active time is used for
multiplexed I/O (XI and XO variables). For more information see appendix 'Multiplexers'.
The select output active status defines the value which is used for the select outputs of multiplexed I/O.
When select output active status is On, the data of the multiplexed I/O is read or written to the data path
(defined with the connected XI or XO) when the select output is HIGH. Refer to Appendix G ("FSC
Multiplexers") of the FSC Software Manual for further details.
This field specifies the number of output bits of a BO (with location <> COM, <> FSC) or an XO, and has a
range of 1 to 32 bits. All bits of the variable will be allocated on sequential channels. If the number of bits
does not fit on the first module, a second module must be defined. On this next module, the allocation
starts at channel one and continues with the next channels. It may be necessary to specify as much as
four modules.
DCS address
This field specifies a unique identification of a variable in the FSC system. It is used by a DCS to access
the attributes of this variable.
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-19
1.4.7 Safety relation
The safety relation of the I/O variables is specified in a tree structure. Each leaf of the tree can be safety-
related only if the complete path from root to leaf is safety-related. An I/O signal can only be safety-
related if the I/O module is safety-related. An I/O module can only be safety-related if the HBD module in
the same rack is safety-related.
Safety-related variables can only be allocated to safety-related I/O. The safety-related outputs in the
application program should depend only on safety-related inputs. The compiler will check for conflicts of
the safety relation in the application program. I/O modules can only be safety-related if the hardware
is fail-safe.
Software Manual
1-20 FSC Primer
1.4.8 Voting
The FSC system is available in single and redundant mode, both for Central Part and I/O, in several
combinations. For details on the various FSC configurations refer to subsection 1.2.
If the Central Part and I/O are operating in single mode, it is obvious what will happen in case a fault is
detected: the Central Part or I/O will go to the safe (i.e. non-operational) state. For redundant Central
Parts and/or I/O, this is less obvious, and users may want to define the system response in case a fault is
detected in one part of the redundant components. This is the reason that voting has been incorporated
into the system, which allows the users to optimize the system response to his safety needs.
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-21
Table 1-9 Redundancy voting schemes
1oo2 without diagnostics capabilities safety The first fault may result in switch-off as
(e.g. 10104/./. digital input (switch-off) the faulty module may overrule the
modules) correct one.
2oo2 without diagnostics capabilities availability The first fault may result in incorrect
(e.g. 10104/./. digital input (continue) operation as the faulty module may
modules) overrule the correct one.
1oo2D with diagnostics capabilities safety For detected faults, operation continues
(e.g. 10101/./. digital input (switch-off) as desired. A fault that cannot be
modules) detected by the diagnostics (probability =
1 – diagnostic coverage) may result in
switch-off as the faulty module may
overrule the correct one.
2oo2D with diagnostics capabilities availability For detected faults, operation continues
(e.g. 10101/./. digital input (continue) as desired. A fault that cannot be
modules) detected by the diagnostics (probability =
1 – diagnostic coverage) may result in
incorrect operation as the faulty module
may overrule the correct one.
Software Manual
1-22 FSC Primer
1.4.9 Default application variables
Whenever a new project is created, 29 system variables are stored in the variable database. These
variables can be used in the application software.
Pulse generators:
− I Flasher - 0.5 Hz
− I Flasher - 1 Hz
− I Flasher - 2 Hz
− I Flasher - 5 Hz (only for single configurations).
Real-time clock functions (only available if a DBM module has been placed):
− BI MONTH (byte)
− BI DATE (byte)
− BI DAY (byte)
− BI HOURS (byte)
− BI MINUTES (byte)
− BI SECONDS (byte)
− BI YEAR (word)
Function: Indicate the date and time as available in the FSC system.
These variables are not safety-related.
Only used for fully redundant configurations. These variables are not safety-related.
If FSC communication fails, the Central Part can use these COM I/O variables to see if the other Central
Part is still running. This will be the case if the input is high (the connected output is also high).
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-23
System reset:
− I <tag number> Default: RESET.
Function: All errors detected and stored in memory will be cleared. This hardware input is
edge-triggered. The variable safety relation can be modified (default 'Yes').
Always read diagnostic data prior to a system fault reset. Otherwise diagnostic data
information will be lost.
Force enable:
− I <tag number> Default: ENABLE.
If this hardware input is high, forces to other variables can be given. The variable safety relation can be
modified (default 'Yes'). This input must also be high if you want to download the application file to the
FSC system.
This variable is not safety-related. The hardware input is used to synchronize the real-time clock of the
FSC system. It can be used in combination with the clock set option via the Modbus or RKE3964R
protocol. When the input is asserted, the clock value (set by DCS) is accepted by the FSC system. If the
input is asserted while no clock set command was initiated by the DCS, the FSC system will set its clock
at 03.00.00 (a.m.). This allows simple adaptation to daylight saving time.
Secondary switch-off:
− O <tag number> Default: SEC.SWITCH-OFF
In normal operation the output is low. If a condition occurs which requires a Central Part to deactivate the
outputs of the other Central Part, the output is set high and an emergency shutdown is effected on the
watchdog module of the other Central Part. The shutdown becomes active when allocated to a hardware
output channel (10201/1/1 or 10216/1/1). The output may be used in the application program to initiate a
shutdown at a user-defined condition.
System markers:
The system markers are safety-related variables.
Normally high, but if a fault is detected in a module connected to this Central Part, this input will go
Normally high, but if a fault is detected in an input test routine, this input will go low. If a
subsequent fault on inputs is detected, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if a fault is detected in an output test routine, this input will go low. If a
subsequent fault on inputs is detected, it will give a pulse.
Software Manual
1-24 FSC Primer
Normally high, but if the temperature of the DBM is too high or too low, this input will go low. The
default setting is 55°C (131°F).
Normally high, but if any input, output or sheet reference has been forced, this input will go low. If
a subsequent variable is forced, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if a device fails (e.g. Modbus link, FSC SER PC), this input will go low. If a
subsequent device communication error occurs, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if a fault has been detected in redundant input sensors (e.g. discrepancy) , this
input will go low. If another fault of this kind is detected, it will pulse. It is only used for
safety-related inputs with non-fail-safe sensors.
Normally high, but if an error in the external communication is detected, this input will go low. If
another fault of this kind is detected, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if a Central Part has shut down, this input will go low.
Normally high, but if an analog input exceeds the transmitter setpoint alarms, this input will go low.
If another fault of this kind is detected, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if any fault is detected in the FSC system (see above), this input will go low. If
another fault of this kind is detected, it will give a pulse.
Normally high, but if the status of an input or output variable in Central Part 1 differs from the
status of that variable in Central Part 2 and the discrepancy cannot be attributed to an existing
hardware fault, this input will go low. If another fault of this kind is detected, it will give a pulse.
This variable is not available in FSC systems with only one Central Part.
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-25
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
1-26 FSC Primer
Address, 14 Feedback loops, 8
Application variables, 23 FLD field, 14
Clock synchronization input, 24 Force enable, 15, 24
Force enable, 24 FSC communication facilities, 10
Pulse generators, 23 FSC configuration and programming, 7
Real-time clock functions, 23 FSC hardware modules, 9
Secondary switch-off, 24 FSC Navigator, 8
System inputs, 23 FSC networks, 10
System markers, 24 FSC signal type, 17
System outputs, 23 FSC standard functions, 9
System reset, 24 FSC variables, 13, 15, 16
Availability, 1 Function parameters, 9
Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 7, 9, 10
Order of execution, 8
Bottom scale, 18 H
Hardware modules, 9
Characteristics of FSC variables, 15, 16
Clock synchronization input, 24
COM I/O variables, 23 Interfaces, 10
Communication configuration, 10
Communication facilities, 10
Communication interfaces, 10 L
Communication network, 10
Compatibility checks, 10 Location, 14
Configuration and programming, 7
D Modules, 9
DCS address, 19 MUX tag number, 18
Default application variables, 23
E Networking, 10
Engineering units, 18 Number of input bits, 18
Number of output bits, 19
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-27
Index (continued)
On-line modification, 10 Service, 13
Upgrading to R500, 10 Sheet transfers, 8
Order of FLD execution, 8 Signal type, 17
Single FSC components
Voting schemes, 21
P Standard functions of FSC system, 9
Start-up modes
Power-on modes, 11, 13 Cold, 11
Power-up status, 17 Warm, 11
Power-up value, 17 Subunit, 14
Pulse generators, 23 System inputs, 23
System markers, 24
System outputs, 23
Q System reset, 24
Qualification, 13
R Tag number, 13
Real-time clock functions, 23 Top scale, 18
Redundancy voting schemes, 22 Transmitter alarm setpoint high, 17
Redundant FSC components Transmitter alarm setpoint low, 16
Voting schemes, 21
Register type, 18
Relative address, 14 U
Unit, 14
Upgrading to R500, 10
Safety, 1
Safety relation of I/O variables, 20 V
Safety-related, 14 Variable types, 13
Safety-related I/O, 20 Variables, 13, 15, 16, 23
Safety-related variables, 20 Clock synchronization input, 24
Secondary switch-off, 24 Force enable, 24
Sel OUT active status, 19 Pulse generators, 23
Sel OUT active time, 19 Real-time clock functions, 23
Selection output position, 19 Secondary switch-off, 24
Selection output rack, 19 System inputs, 23
Sensor is fail-safe, 17 System markers, 24
Sensor is redundant, 17 System outputs, 23
SER enable, 15 System reset, 24
SER setpoint high, 17 Voting, 21
SER setpoint low, 17
Software Manual
1-28 FSC Primer
Index (continued)
Voting schemes
1oo1, 21 Write enable, 15
1oo1D, 21
1oo2, 22
1oo2D, 22
2oo2, 22
2oo2D, 22
Voting schemes for redundant components, 21
Voting schemes for single components, 21
Software Manual
FSC Primer 1-29
Software Manual
1-30 FSC Primer
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 2:
Installation Guide
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Installation Guide i
Software Manual
ii Installation Guide
2.1 Installation requirements
Hardware FSC Navigator and its installation program are both Windows
requirements applications, so you must already have Windows 95 running on the
target computer to install FSC Navigator. The installation program
creates folders as needed and copies files from the distribution disks
or CD-ROM to your hard disk.
* If the PC has a Pentium processor below 166 MHz, the
maximum communication baud rate may be limited to 19k2.
FSC communication at 125 kbaud requires a Pentium
166-MHz processor or higher.
** The PC serial interface module 07177/1/. is only required if
you want to program applications to EPROMs.
Software FSC Navigator was specifically developed to run under Windows 95.
requirements It is not supported by Windows NT or Windows 3.11. Using FSC
Navigator under Windows NT or Windows 3.11 is considered
improper use of the software. Honeywell Safety Management
Systems cannot be held liable in any way for any damages that result
from using FSC Navigator under Windows NT or Windows 3.11.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-1
Printer requirements FSC Navigator can output hardcopy to a printer or plotter. Table 2-1
below lists the output devices that are supported:
If you intend to use the HP LaserJet series III with full graphics, make
sure that the printer has at least 2 Mbytes of memory (and preferably
more) to avoid memory overflow problems when printing complex
functional logic diagrams.
Also, enable page protection for the paper size that you expect to use
most (using the printer's front panel menu). If page protection is set,
additional memory is reserved for page image processing, which
allows the printer to create the entire page image in memory before
outputting to paper.
Software Manual
2-2 Installation Guide
2.2 Serial interface module 07177/1/.
Introduction The serial interface module 07177/1/. (see Figure 2-1) is only
required if you want to program applications to EPROMs. The
interface module is used to connect the EPROM programmer
(07170/1/1) to the FSC user station.
Since the Demo and Contractor versions of FSC Navigator do not
allow programming applications to EPROMs, you do not need the
serial interface module 07177/1/. for these versions of FSC Navigator.
For technical details on the serial interface module 07177/1/. and
the EPROM programmer 07170/1/1 refer to the FSC Hardware
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-3
Installing the module To install the serial interface module 07177/1/., do the following:
1. Turn off your PC.
2. Remove the cover from your PC.
3. Select an unused expansion slot and remove its bracket.
4. Verify that the address setting of the serial interface module
07177/1/. (see below) does not interfere with any other modules
(e.g. network interface modules).
5. Hold the serial interface module by its top edges and press it
firmly into an unused expansion slot. After positioning the
module, tighten the screw to secure the module bracket.
6. Put the PC cover back into place.
7. Turn on your PC.
Module address The FSC software uses interrupt level 5 (IRQ5), DMA channel 3 and
hexadecimal I/O address 300h for the serial interface module
The interrupt level and the DMA channel cannot be changed. The
address can, however, be changed by modifying the setting of jumpers
J1 and J2 on the serial interface module (see Figure 2-1). Table 2-2
below shows the jumper settings for the various module addresses.
J1 J2
0 0 300 (default)
1 0 320
0 1 340
Software Manual
2-4 Installation Guide
2.3 FSC Navigator versions
FSC Navigator FSC Navigator is available in four versions. The customer will
versions always purchase a particular version. A unique license number is then
issued which allows the customer to install and use the appropriate
version. The four FSC Navigator versions are the following:
• Demo
This version has limited functionality and is primarily for
demonstration purposes.
• Standard
This version offers all FSC Navigator functions.
• Contractor
This version has limited functionality and allows FSC
contractors to design a system.
• Hartmann & Braun
This version is functionally identical to the Standard version,
but it also supports the Hartmann & Braun (H&B)
communication protocol.
Table 2-3 below lists the differences between the various software
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-5
2.4 Installing FSC Navigator
The installation procedure as described below assumes that you
use the English version of Windows 95 and that you choose
English as the Setup language. However, depending on the
language version of your Windows 95 and the setup language
that you select, the messages may also be displayed in a different
language than English.
Previous installations Setup automatically detects if other FSC user software (FSC
of FSC user software Navigator or FSC Development System) has been installed on your
PC. If that is the case, Setup will provide you with the option of
uninstalling the "old" software (if this is possible) or installing the
"new" software in an alternative folder.
If you previously installed the FSC Development System
(FSC-DS) software on your PC and you want to install FSC
Navigator in the same folder (C:\FSC by default), you may want
to uninstall the FSC Development System software before
starting the installation procedure.
To uninstall FSC-DS, start its Install program and choose the
"Uninstall FSC from hard disk" option. Do not just delete the
contents of the FSC-DS folder as this will decrease the number
of available installations by one. Please note that the FSC-DS
uninstall program will not remove the project files that were
created using FSC-DS, which means that you can use your old
projects in FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
2-6 Installation Guide
Installation procedure To install FSC Navigator, do the following:
Starting Setup 1. Put diskette 1 (Installation disk) in the disk drive or the CD-ROM
in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Close all Windows applications that are open.
3. From the Start menu, choose the Run command. This will open
the Run dialog box. Click the Browse button, select the disk drive
(usually A:) or CD-ROM drive and double-click SETUP.EXE to
close the Browse dialog box.
4. Click the OK button to close the Run dialog box and to start the
Setup program.
Setup language 5. You will first be asked to choose which language should be used
for the setup process (see Figure 2-2). Select either English or
German from the drop-down list and click the OK button to
User information 6. A Welcome window will appear. Click the Next button to open
the User Information dialog box (see Figure 2-3).
Serial number Enter the user name and the company name. In the Serial text
box, enter the serial number that was provided with the
installation diskettes or CD-ROM. Please note that any letters in
the serial number are case-sensitive (i.e. 'x' is not the same as 'X').
You must enter a valid serial number before you can install FSC
Navigator. After you have successfully completed the User
Information dialog box, click the Next button.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-7
Figure 2-3 Entering user information
License number 7. A dialog box will appear which prompts you to enter the license
number that was supplied with the installation diskettes or
CD-ROM (see Figure 2-4).
Software Manual
2-8 Installation Guide
The license number determines which version of FSC Navigator
you are entitled to use. The Setup program will automatically
install the correct version.
Please note that any letters in the serial number are case-sensitive
(i.e. 'x' is not the same as 'X'). You must enter a valid license
number before you can proceed.
After you have entered a valid license number, click the Next
Software license 8. This will open the Software License Agreement window (see
Figure 2-5).
Carefully read the license agreement before proceeding. You must
accept the license agreement before you can continue. To accept
the license agreement and continue with the installation, click the
Yes button. If you decline the license agreement, click the No
button, and the setup procedure will be aborted.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-9
Figure 2-6 Choosing the destination folder
Another version At this point, Setup may detect that another version of the FSC
user software (FSC Navigator or FSC Development System) has
already been installed in the destination folder. If this version can
be uninstalled, the window as shown in Figure 2-7 will appear.
If no other FSC software version is detected, the step below will
be skipped and Setup will continue with step 10.
If you choose Yes, the previously installed version of the FSC user
software will be uninstalled. If you choose No, this version will
not be uninstalled. You must then choose a different destination
folder for FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
2-10 Installation Guide
If the existing FSC software in the destination folder cannot be
uninstalled, the following window will appear:
The FSC Development System software (< v500) can never
be uninstalled by Setup. You must then choose a different
destination folder.
Alternatively, you may choose to exit Setup, uninstall the
FSC-DS software (using the FSC-DS Install program) and
run Setup again. If you choose to uninstall FSC-DS, the
project subfolders will not be removed, which means that
you can use your old project files in FSC Navigator.
Program folder 10. The window as shown in Figure 2-9 will appear.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-11
This window prompts for the name of the program folder that will
contain the shortcut to FSC Navigator. You can accept the default
suggestion (Honeywell SMS), or you can enter a different program
folder. When you are done, click the Next button.
Please note that the program group of all other FSC-related
software applications will also default to 'Honeywell SMS'.
AUTOEXEC.BAT 11. If, at this point, Setup detects that your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
requires modification, the window as shown in Figure 2-10 will
appear. If no changes are required, this step will be skipped.
FSC Navigator can only operate correctly if the indicated
modifications to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file are carried out.
Software Manual
2-12 Installation Guide
CONFIG.SYS 12. If, at this point, Setup detects that your CONFIG.SYS file
requires modification, the window as shown in Figure 2-11 will
appear. If no changes are required, this step will be skipped.
It is strongly recommended that you let Setup modify the
CONFIG.SYS file for you.
FSC Navigator can only operate correctly if the indicated
modifications to the CONFIG.SYS file are carried out.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-13
Summary window 13. The window as shown in Figure 2-12 will appear.
Finalizing Setup 14. If any of your system files were modified, you will be prompted
to restart your computer. Click the Finish button to complete the
setup process and restart your computer (if required).
If you are prompted to restart your system, FSC Navigator
will only operate correctly after you reboot your computer.
Software Manual
2-14 Installation Guide
Starting If the FSC Navigator application has been properly installed on the
FSC Navigator FSC user station, two items have been added to the Windows 95 user
• A shortcut on the Windows 95 desktop called 'FSC Navigator 500'
(see Figure 2-13), and
• A program group in the Programs menu under the Start button
called 'Honeywell SMS'.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-15
2.5 Error messages
Error messages The following error messages may appear while installing the FSC
Navigator software on your system.
Software Manual
2-16 Installation Guide
English: Invalid license number entered.
German: Die eingegebene Lizenznummer ist ungültig.
This message appears if you enter an incorrect license number.
Make sure that the license number that you enter is exactly as it
was provided to you. (Please note that the letters are
case-sensitive, i.e. 'x' is not the same as 'X'.)
This message may also appear if the serial number that you
entered earlier is not correct.
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-17
English: Unable to modify SYSTEM.INI. Error: <code>, <code>.
German: Änderung nicht möglich: SYSTEM.INI. Fehler:
<Kode>, <Kode>.
This message appears if Setup cannot carry out the modifications
to your SYSTEM.INI file which are required for FSC Navigator
to work properly.
Software Manual
2-18 Installation Guide
2.6 Uninstalling FSC Navigator
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-19
Figure 2-15 Confirming uninstall
If you want to remove FSC Navigator from your system, choose Yes.
All FSC Navigator files will now be removed.
Any files and registry entries that were created after FSC Navigator
was installed on your system will not be removed. This means that the
project files in the project subfolders will not be deleted from your
hard disk. If you want to remove them, you should delete them
manually (e.g. using Explorer).
Please note that the modifications to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS files will not be undone.
Software Manual
2-20 Installation Guide
# H
07177/1/. serial interface module, 3 Hardware requirements, 1
Address, 4 Hartmann & Braun, 5
Installation, 4 HP LaserJet, 2
Address of serial interface module 07177/1/., 4 Installation requirements, 1
Application folder, 9 Installing FSC Navigator, 6
Destination folder, 9
C Error messages, 16
Finalizing Setup, 14
CONFIG.SYS, 13 License number, 8
Program folder, 11
Serial number, 7
D Setup language, 7
Default address of serial interface module 07177/1/., Software license, 9
4 Summary window, 14
Desktop shortcut, 15 Uninstalling previous version, 6, 10
Destination folder, 9 User information, 7
Differences between FSC Navigator versions, 5 Interface module 07177/1/., 3
DMA channel, 4 Address, 4
Installation, 4
Interrupt, 4
Error messages L
Installation, 16
License number, 8
Finalizing Setup, 14
FSC Development System (FSC-DS), 6, 10 Memory overflow, 2
FSC Navigator Modifications to AUTOEXEC.BAT, 12
Installation, 6 Modifications to CONFIG.SYS, 13
Starting, 15
Uninstallation, 19
FSC Navigator versions, 3, 5
FSC.INI file, 4
Software Manual
Installation Guide 2-21
Index (continued)
Page protection, 2 Uninstalling FSC Development System (FSC-DS), 6
Previous installations of FSC user software, 6 Uninstalling FSC Navigator, 19
Printer requirements, 2 Uninstalling previous version, 6, 10
Printing User information, 7
HP LaserJet, 2
Memory overflow, 2
Page protection, 2 V
Program folder, 11
Versions of FSC Navigator, 3, 5
Removing FSC Development System (FSC-DS), 6
Removing FSC Navigator, 19 Windows NT, 1
Serial interface module 07177/1/., 3
Address, 4
Installation, 4
Serial number, 7
Setup language, 7
Shortcut, 15
Software license, 9
Software requirements, 1
Starting FSC Navigator, 15
Summary window, 14
Software Manual
2-22 Installation Guide
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 3:
Using FSC Navigator
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator i
Software Manual
ii Using FSC Navigator
3.1 Program overview
It is assumed that you have a good understanding of Windows
basics and are comfortable using the Windows environment. If
this is not the case, please refer to the Windows documentation
for more information on how to use Microsoft Windows.
Program overview FSC Navigator provides a Windows-based user interface with the
FSC system. It is a powerful tool which supports the user in
performing a number of design and maintenance tasks. FSC
Navigator can be used to:
• configure the FSC system,
• design the application program,
• generate application documentation, and
• monitor the FSC system.
The interface between the FSC user station and the FSC system is
established through a serial communication link. FSC Navigator uses
this link to communicate with the FSC system.
It is strongly recommended that you use the FSC user station
with FSC Navigator exclusively for FSC-related design and
maintenance tasks. Other tasks may affect the stability and
integrity of the Windows 95 environment.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-1
Starting If the FSC Navigator application has been properly installed on the
FSC Navigator FSC user station, two items have been added to the Windows 95 user
• A shortcut on the Windows 95 desktop called 'FSC Navigator 500'
(see Figure 3-1), and
• A program group in the Programs menu under the Start button
called 'Honeywell SMS'.
FSC Navigator FSC Navigator can be closed in any of the following four ways:
• From the File menu on FSC Navigator's menu bar, choose Exit.
• From the Control menu (which is called up by clicking the box in
the upper left corner of the application window), choose Close.
• With the main application window active, hold down the ALT key
and press F4.
• Click the icon in the upper right corner of the application
Software Manual
3-2 Using FSC Navigator
Main screen After FSC Navigator has started up successfully, the main screen will
be displayed (see Figure 3-2). This screen contains the following
• the title bar, which contains the project name and system number (if
an FSC project has been selected),
• the menu bar (see subsection 3.2), which can be used for selecting
the functions of FSC Navigator,
• the button bar (see subsection 3.4), with speed buttons for quick
access to certain functions, and
• the navigation area (see subsection 3.5), which provides links to
various parts of FSC Navigator and provides a good "guideline" for
the design and maintenance cycle.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-3
3.2 FSC Navigator versions
FSC Navigator FSC Navigator is available in four versions. The customer will
versions always purchase a particular version. A unique license number is then
issued which allows the customer to install and use the appropriate
version. The four FSC Navigator versions are the following:
• Demo
This version has limited functionality and is primarily for
demonstration purposes.
• Standard
This version offers all FSC Navigator functions.
• Contractor
This version has limited functionality and allows FSC
contractors to design a system.
• Hartmann & Braun
This version is functionally identical to the Standard version,
but it also supports the Hartmann & Braun (H&B)
communication protocol.
Table 3-1 below lists the differences between the various software
Software Manual
3-4 Using FSC Navigator
3.3 Menu bar
Menu bar The FSC Navigator application provides a menu bar for easy access
to all program functions. Figure 3-4 on the next page shows an
overview of the program's menu structure.
As shown in Figure 3-2, the menu bar is made up of a number of
drop-down menus, which can be easily accessed by clicking on them.
The following drop-down menus can be selected from the menu bar.
• File
• Project
• On-Line
• Help
Menu availability If no FSC project has been selected, the Project menu and On-Line
menu (and all their related buttons and shortcuts) are not available.
Menu options will only be available if they are valid options. If, for
example, certain log files are not available for viewing, the
corresponding options on the View Log submenu will be disabled:
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-5
FSC Navigator File New Project…
Open Project…
Download Application…
Monitor System…
Extended Diagnostics…
Diagnostics to Disk
Verify Application…
On-Line Rebuild…
Communication Port…
Help Contents
Software Manual
3-6 Using FSC Navigator
File drop-down menu The File drop-down menu has the following menu items:
• New Project…
Use this option to create a new FSC project. (For details refer to
subsection 3.10 on page 28.)
• Open Project…
Use this option to open an existing FSC project. (For details
refer to subsection 3.10 on page 28.)
• Print
Use this option to create hardcopy of the system configuration
or functional logic diagrams of the current FSC project. This
menu option has a submenu, which allows you to choose what
you wish to print. (For details refer to Section 7 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Printers…
Use this option to define and configure the output device(s)
used for creating hardcopy. (For details refer to subsection 3.8
on page 25.)
• View Log
Use this option to view the various log files that are available in
FSC Navigator. This menu option has a submenu, which allows
you to choose the specific log file you wish to view. (For details
refer to Section 9 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Exit
Use this option to quit the FSC Navigator program.
Project drop-down The Project drop-down menu will only be available if an FSC project
menu has been selected. It has the following menu items:
• System Configuration...
Use this option to configure and maintain the system in the
current FSC project. (For details refer to Section 4 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Design FLDs...
Use this option to design the functional logic diagrams (FLDs)
which are used to create the application logic. (For details refer
to Section 6 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• SER Formats...
Use this option to define the layout of the sequence-of-event
(SER) messages and reports. (For details refer to Section 5 of
the FSC Software Manual.)
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-7
Project drop-down • Translate Application...
menu (continued) Use this option to convert the project function specification
(designed using FLDs) into application code that the FSC
system can use. (For details refer to Section 8 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Program EPROMs...
Use this option to program application EPROMs or
communication EPROMs. (For details refer to Section 10 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
• Download Application...
Use this option to load an application program from your hard
disk into the FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
• Properties...
Use this option to set the symbol library that will be used for the
current FSC project. (For details refer to subsection 3.11 on
page 31.)
On-Line drop-down The On-Line drop-down menu will only be available if an FSC
menu project has been selected. It has the following menu items:
• Monitor FLDs...
Use this option to view the actual status of the variables in the
FLDs of the current FSC project. (For details refer to Section 12
of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Monitor System...
Use this option to monitor the FSC system and view the process
status. (For details refer to Section 12 of the FSC Software
• Extended Diagnostics...
Use this option to view and store all diagnostics of the Central
Part(s) in the FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
• Diagnostics to Disk...
Use this option to back up the extended diagnostic database to
hard disk or retrieve a previously stored database. (For details
refer to Section 12 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Verify Application...
Use this option to verify the integrity of an FSC application by
comparing the application in the FSC system to the project
database in FSC Navigator. (For details refer to Section 11 of
the FSC Software Manual.)
Software Manual
3-8 Using FSC Navigator
On-Line drop-down • On-Line Rebuild...
menu (continued) Use this option to rebuild the FSC project databases. (For
details refer to Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Communication Port...
Use this option to set the communication port that FSC
Navigator uses to communicate with the FSC system. (For
details refer to subsection 3.7 on page 24.)
Help drop-down menu Use this menu option to access the help information of FSC
Navigator. The Help drop-down menu has the following menu items:
• Contents
Use this option to call up the Windows help facility that comes
with FSC Navigator.
• About...
Use this option to display a window which contains information
about the application (including version numbers). (For details
refer to subsection 3.9 on page 27.)
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-9
3.4 Button bar
If there is a down arrow ( ) to the right of the button icon, clicking the
speed button will open a submenu (see Figure 3-6).
Software Manual
3-10 Using FSC Navigator
3.5 Navigation area
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-11
3.5.1 FSC Project Configuration screen
Project configuration The FSC Project Configuration screen is the starting point for each
new FSC project. It consists of a number of stages:
− creation of the FSC project,
− configuration of the FSC project,
− definition of the FSC project logic,
− translation of the FSC project logic into application code, and
− transfer of the FSC application to EPROMs and/or to memory.
If you click the 'Project Configuration' circle in the navigation area, the
FSC Project Configuration screen will appear (see Figure 3-8).
Software Manual
3-12 Using FSC Navigator
This screen presents a chronological sequence of tasks that must be
accomplished to successfully create and implement an FSC project.
Clicking any of the yellow buttons will take you to the corresponding
FSC Navigator option. If there is a down arrow ( ) to the right of the
button text, clicking the button will open a submenu (see Figure 3-9).
Options The FSC Project Configuration screen contains the following buttons:
• New
Use this option to create a new FSC project. (For details refer to
subsection 3.10 on page 28.)
• Open
Use this option to open an existing FSC project. (For details
refer to subsection 3.10 on page 28.)
• System Configuration
Use this option to configure and maintain the system(s) in the
current FSC project. (For details refer to Section 4 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Design Functional Logic Diagrams
Use this option to design the functional logic diagrams (FLDs)
which are used to create the application logic. (For details refer
to Section 6 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Translate Application
Use this option to convert the application function specification
(designed using FLDs) into program code that the FSC system
can use. (For details refer to Section 8 of the FSC Software
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-13
• Load Application / Program EPROMs
Use this option to load an application program from your hard
disk into the FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
• Load Application / Download Application
Use this option to load an application program from your hard
disk into the FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
Software Manual
3-14 Using FSC Navigator
3.5.2 FSC Safety Compliance screen
Safety compliance The FSC Safety Compliance screen provides a number of links that
allow you to:
− view the log files that are available in FSC Navigator,
− print the system configuration or FLDs, and
− verify the application that was created in the FSC Project
Configuration screen.
If you click the 'Safety Compliance' circle in the navigation area, the
FSC Safety Compliance screen will appear (see Figure 3-10).
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-15
This screen presents a number of individual tasks that allow you to
verify the integrity of an application and create output of system
information (on screen or to a printer).
Clicking any of the yellow buttons will take you to the corresponding
FSC Navigator option. If there is a down arrow ( ) to the right of the
button text, clicking the button will open a submenu (see Figure 3-11).
Options The FSC Safety Compliance screen contains the following buttons
and options:
• View Log
Use this option to view the various log files that are available in
FSC Navigator. This menu option has a submenu, which allows
you to choose the specific log file you wish to view. (For details
refer to Section 9 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Print
Use this option to create hardcopy of the system configuration
or functional logic diagrams of the current FSC project. This
menu option has a submenu, which allows you to choose what
you wish to print. (For details refer to Section 7 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Verify Application
Use this option to verify the integrity of an FSC application by
comparing the application program in the FSC system to the
application database in FSC Navigator.
This is a very important option. It verifies if the FSC application
software as present in the FSC system is consistent with the
FSC database and the functional logic diagrams as maintained
by FSC Navigator on the user station. (For details refer to
Section 11 of the FSC Software Manual.)
Software Manual
3-16 Using FSC Navigator
The buttons and submenu options in the FSC Safety Compliance
screen basically act as "shortcuts" to menu items on the menu bar.
Table 3-4 shows the links between the buttons and the menu bar. For
details on the menu bar refer to subsection 3.2 on page 4.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-17
3.5.3 FSC On-Line Environment screen
On-line environment The FSC On-Line Environment screen provides a number of links
that allow you to:
− monitor the FSC system,
− view the status of I/O signals, system variables and FLDs,
− access and process extensive diagnostic information.
Software Manual
3-18 Using FSC Navigator
This screen presents a number of individual tasks that allow you to
monitor the FSC system and access diagnostic information.
Clicking any of the yellow buttons will take you to the corresponding
FSC Navigator option. If there is a down arrow ( ) to the right of the
button text, clicking the button will open a submenu (see Figure 3-13).
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-19
• Diagnostics / Extended Diagnostics
Use this option to view and store all diagnostics of the Central
Part(s) in the FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the
FSC Software Manual.)
• Diagnostics / Diagnostics to Disk
Use this option to back up the extended diagnostic database to
hard disk or retrieve a previously stored database. (For details
refer to Section 12 of the FSC Software Manual.)
• Diagnostics / I/O Loop Diagnostics
Use this option to view all diagnostics of the I/O loops in the
FSC system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the FSC
Software Manual.)
• Diagnostics / System Information
Use this option to view important system parameters of the FSC
system. (For details refer to Section 12 of the FSC Software
Software Manual
3-20 Using FSC Navigator
3.6 Password protection
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-21
If a password is enabled, it is identified by eight asterisks ('*'), which
are displayed to the right of the password. A disabled password is
identified by the text 'Unused'. All passwords can be disabled, except
for the supervisor password.
Changing a password
If a password is already enabled, there will be eight asterisks ('∗') to its
right. To modify a password, move the cursor to the appropriate line,
and press 'C'. If you want to change the supervisor password, you will
first have to enter the old supervisor password. Enter a new password
of 4 to 8 alphanumeric characters. You will be asked to re-enter the
password to confirm.
Disabling a password
Only enabled passwords can be disabled (except the supervisor
password). To disable a password, move the cursor to the line of the
password you wish to disable, and press 'D'. You will be asked to
confirm the action. The eight asterisks ('*') to the right of the selected
password will change to 'Unused'.
Using passwords Passwords are used to prevent unauthorized users from accessing
certain options in FSC Navigator. If an option is password-protected
and the password has been enabled, you will be asked to enter the
corresponding password. You have three attempts to enter the correct
password before being denied access to the password-protected
program option.
If you enter a password, any valid (i.e. alphanumeric) key stroke is
echoed on screen as an asterisk ('*'). Typing errors can be corrected
using the BACKSPACE key.
Whenever a password is required, the supervisor password will be
accepted as a correct password.
Software Manual
3-22 Using FSC Navigator
Passwords Forcing variables
The 'Forcing variables' password secures the access to the 'Force'
options in the On-Line Environment option of FSC Navigator.
If the password has been disabled, no password is required.
Writing variables
The 'Writing variables' password secures the access to the 'Write'
options in the On-Line Environment option of FSC Navigator.
If the password has been disabled, no password is required.
The 'Engineering' password secures the access to the following FSC
Navigator options:
Menu bar: – Project / System Configuration
– Project / Design FLDs
– Project / SER Format
– Project / Translate Application
– On-Line / On-Line Rebuild
Speed buttons: – I/O
– Translate
Navigation area: In FSC Project Configuration screen:
– System Configuration button
– Design Functional Logic Diagrams button
– Translate Application
If the password has been disabled, no password is required.
Passwords in Existing projects that were created with FSC software prior to R500
converted projects are automatically converted to R500 when they are opened in FSC
Navigator. If these projects include password protection, all
passwords in the converted project are set to their defaults:
Supervisor: SUPER (in capital letters)
Forcing variables: empty (i.e. not used)
Writing variables: empty (i.e. not used)
Loading application in RAM: empty (i.e. not used)
Engineering: empty (i.e. not used)
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-23
3.7 Communication port
Setting the
communication port To set the communication link, do the following:
1. From the On-Line menu, choose Communication Port.
2. The dialog window as shown in Figure 3-15 will appear.
communication ports The following communication ports are supported:
− 07177 - RS232 (serial port on the HSMS-proprietary PC serial
interface module 07177/1/1)
− 07177 - RS485 (serial port on the HSMS-proprietary PC serial
interface module 07177/1/1)
− COM1 (standard PC serial port)
− COM2 (standard PC serial port)
− COM3 (serial port on a third-party serial interface module)
− COM4 (serial port on a third-party serial interface module)
The default FSC communication port is COM1.
Software Manual
3-24 Using FSC Navigator
3.8 Printers
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-25
Printer drivers Table 3-6 below lists the supported printer drivers.
If your printer is not in the list above, choose a printer that it can
emulate. Most matrix printers can emulate an Epson printer, and most
laser printers a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet.
Printer ports The drop-down list shows the printer ports of all configured
Windows 95 printers (as defined in Control Panel).
The default printer port is the printer port of the default Windows 95
To (re)configure the printer port of a Windows 95 printer, go to
Control Panel and choose the Printers applet.
Text and graphics The Same as Text Printer check box allows you to set the same
printers output device for both text and graphics.
As shown in Table 3-6, a matrix printer cannot be used as a graphics
printer. If you select a matrix printer as the text printer , you cannot
use it as the graphics printer as well. The Same as Text Printer check
box will then be disabled and not available.
Software Manual
3-26 Using FSC Navigator
3.9 User and version information
User information FSC Navigator is licensed to a particular "user" (which may also be a
company). To view the license information, choose the About option
from the Help menu. This will open the window as shown in Figure
3-17. This window shows the user that FSC Navigator is licensed to,
as well as the application's serial number.
Version information The About box has an extra button called More Info. If you choose
this button, a new window will open (see Figure 3-18), which
provides detailed information about the versions of the various
application components of FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-27
3.10 Working with projects
Creating a new
project To create a new project, do any of the following:
• From the File menu on FSC Navigator's menu bar, choose New
• On the speed button bar, choose the New button.
• In the FSC Project Configuration screen, choose the New button.
Software Manual
3-28 Using FSC Navigator
Opening an existing
project To open an existing project, do any of the following:
• From the File menu on FSC Navigator's menu bar, choose Open
• On the speed button bar, choose the Open button.
• In the FSC Project Configuration screen, choose the Open button.
After you have opened an existing project, its name will be shown in
the main screen's title bar (e.g. PROJ1_1). When you quit FSC
Navigator with a project opened, the program remembers which
project was open. It will then automatically load this project the next
time you start FSC Navigator, unless the project's integrity has been
compromised, e.g. if one of the project files (see 'Project files' below)
has become corrupt. In that case no project will be loaded.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-29
Project conversion If you open an existing project that was created with an earlier version
of the FSC user software, you will be asked whether the project
should be converted. If you choose Yes, the project will be converted
and opened. If you choose No, the project will not be opened.
If the project cannot be converted, a message will be displayed on
After the conversion, a log file is created which can be viewed using
the View Log option of the File menu. (For details on log files refer to
Section 9 of the FSC Software Manual.)
A subfolder '\BACKUP.TMP' is used to store a temporary
backup of the application being converted. If this folder already
exists, conversion of the application will be aborted. In that case
you should remove this folder and convert the application again.
Software Manual
3-30 Using FSC Navigator
3.11 Project files
Project files For every project, FSC Navigator creates a number of files and stores
them in a subfolder of the main application folder (C:\FSC by
default). The subfolder is created automatically upon creation of the
project, and will have the same name as the project name (e.g.
PROJ1). The project files are identified by their project name and
system number, which are separated by an underscore sign (e.g.
PROJ1_1). The various file types are identified by their file
The project files are essential for the project, and if any of them are
corrupted or deleted, the project integrity is compromised. This may
mean that the project can no longer be opened and will not be shown
in the list of available projects. In some cases, the project can be
opened, but the error will become apparent as soon as a particular
program option is called which needs the corrupted or deleted file.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-31
3.12 Symbol libraries
New projects When creating a new project, you must also select the symbol library
that will be used with the new project. A symbol library contains the
symbols that can be used to create the functional logic diagrams
(FLDs). Table 3-7 below lists the available symbol libraries and their
characteristics. The default symbol library is SYM1.
The Project Name box and System Number box are disabled and
cannot be changed.
To change the symbol library, select the new symbol library from the
drop-down list and choose the OK button. The OK button will
initially be disabled and cannot be selected. It will become available as
Software Manual
3-32 Using FSC Navigator
soon as a new symbol library has been selected from the list. Choose
the OK button to confirm the change or Cancel to abort the operation.
Yes SYM2
Yes SYM4
Within an FSC network, the application of the FSC systems that
are interconnected via an FSC-FSC communication link must be
designed using the same symbol library.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-33
3.13 Basic operations in program components
Moving through You can use keys on the keyboard to move through the menus of the
menus program components. If mouse support is available (in graphical
screens), you can also use the mouse.
Mouse If the graphical screen shows a menu, you can move the mouse to
select the desired menu item. A selected menu item is shown
highlighted. If you wish to select the menu item, press the left mouse
button. Either a submenu will be shown or, if there are no more
submenus, the program will execute the selected menu item. The
right mouse button brings you back to the next higher menu level.
Keyboard Use the left and right cursor keys to move left and right in the menu.
A selected menu item will be shown highlighted. If you wish to select
the menu item, press ENTER. Either a submenu will be shown or, if
there are no more submenus, the program will execute the selected
menu item.
Every menu item has a shortcut key which is highlighted. Pressing the
shortcut key is an easy and fast way to select a menu item. The
rightmost menu item 'Main' can be used to return to the next higher
menu level. If you are on the highest menu level, the rightmost menu
item will be 'eXit'. Selecting this menu item will quit the program
component and return to FSC Navigator's main screen.
Software Manual
3-34 Using FSC Navigator
The following keys can be used to move through the menus in the FSC
Navigator program components: PGUP, PGDN, TAB, ESC, , , ,
and ENTER.
Intelligent menus Sometimes a different menu may be shown than you might expect,
with menu items added or deleted from the menu. The reason for this
is that "intelligent menu building" has been used throughout the
application software. If, for example, the FSC system configuration is
not known yet, the hardware specification of variables cannot be
edited. The 'Hardware specs' menu option will therefore only be
shown if the FSC system configuration has been defined.
Keyboard input When entering strings (text or values), you can use all standard ASCII
characters with ASCII values between 32 and 127 (letters, digits and
common symbols) as well as non-graphical extended ASCII
characters (e.g. é, Ä and Ö). Table 3-9 below lists the various shortcut
keys for keyboard input in the character-oriented FSC Navigator
program components.
<Ctrl> + <A> Moves the cursor to the first character of the string.
<Ctrl> + <F> Moves the cursor to the last character of the string.
< / > Moves the cursor left or right through the entered string.
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-35
Function keys In the character-oriented program components, the following function
keys are available for on-line help:
<F1>: A window will appear which provides specific information
about the item that the cursor is on.
<F2>: A window will appear which provides specific information
about variable allocations (only available in the 'System
Configuration' program component).
Software Manual
3-36 Using FSC Navigator
About box, 27 Engineering password, 23
About option, 9 Exit option, 7
Exchangeability of symbol libraries, 33
Extended Diagnostics option, 8
Basic project files, 31
Button bar, 3, 10
F2 function key, 36
File drop-down menu, 7
C File extensions, 31
File menu
Changing a password, 22 Exit, 7
Changing a symbol library, 32 New Project, 7
Communication links Open Project, 7
FSC-FSC, 33 Print, 7
Communication port, 24 Printers, 7
Communication Port option, 9 View Log, 7
Contents option, 9 FLD speed button, 10
Conversion of projects, 23, 30 Forcing variables password, 23
Creating a new project, 28 FSC Navigator
Quitting, 2
Starting, 2
D FSC Navigator, 1
Default communication port, 24 Button bar, 3, 10
Default supervisor password, 21 Communication port, 24
Default symbol library, 32 Drop-down menus, 5, 6
Design FLDs option, 7 Main screen, 3
Design Functional Logic Diagrams button, 13 Menu availability, 5
Designing an FSC system, 13 Menu bar, 3, 5
Desktop shortcut, 2 Menus, 5, 6
Diagnostics button, 20 Navigation area, 3, 11
Diagnostics speed button, 10 On-Line Environment screen, 18
Diagnostics To Disk option, 8 Passwords, 21
Differences between FSC Navigator versions, 4 Printers, 25
Disabling a password, 22 Program overview, 1
Download Application option, 8 Project Configuration screen, 12
Drop-down menus, 5, 6 Safety Compliance screen, 15
File, 7 Speed buttons, 10
Help, 9 FSC Navigator versions, 4
On-Line, 8, 9 FSC network, 33
Project, 7, 8 FSC-FSC communication link, 33
Function keys, 36
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-37
Index (continued)
Graphics printers, 26 Menu options
About, 9
Communication Port, 9
H Contents, 9
Design FLDs, 7
Hartmann & Braun, 4 Diagnostics To Disk, 8
Help drop-down menu, 9 Download Application, 8
Help menu Exit, 7
About, 9 Extended Diagnostics, 8
Contents, 9 Monitor FLDs, 8
Monitor System, 8
New Project, 7
I On-Line Rebuild, 9
I/O Signal Status button, 19 Open Project, 7
I/O speed button, 10 Print, 7
Intelligent menus, 35 Printers, 7
Program EPROMs, 8
Properties, 8
SER Formats, 7
K System Configuration, 7
Keyboard, 34 Translate Application, 8
Keyboard input, 35 Verify Application, 8
View Log, 7
Monitor FLDs option, 8
L Monitor speed button, 10
Monitor System option, 8
Left mouse button, 34 More Info box, 27
Load Application button, 14 Mouse buttons, 34
Loading application in RAM password, 23 Mouse support, 34
Moving through menus, 34
Multiple instances of FSC Navigator, 2
Main screen, 3
Menu availability, 5 N
Menu bar, 3, 5 Navigation area, 3, 11
File menu, 7 New button, 13
Help menu, 9 New Project option, 7
On-Line menu, 8, 9 New speed button, 10
Project menu, 7, 8
Menu intelligence, 35
Software Manual
3-38 Using FSC Navigator
Index (continued)
On-Line drop-down menu, 8, 9 Project Configuration screen, 12
On-Line Environment screen, 18 Design Functional Logic Diagrams button, 13
Diagnostics button, 20 Load Application button, 14
I/O Signal Status button, 19 New button, 13
Process Status Monitoring button, 19 Open button, 13
On-Line menu System Configuration button, 13
Communication Port, 9 Translate Application button, 13
Diagnostics To Disk, 8 Project drop-down menu, 7, 8
Extended Diagnostics, 8 Project files, 31
Monitor FLDs, 8 Basic, 31
Monitor System, 8 Extensions, 31
On-Line Rebuild, 9 Project menu
Verify Application, 8 Design FLDs, 7
On-Line Rebuild option, 9 Download Application, 8
Open button, 13 Program EPROMs, 8
Open Project option, 7 Properties, 8
Open speed button, 10 SER Formats, 7
Opening an existing project, 29 System Configuration, 7
Translate Application, 8
Project name, 28
P Projects
Conversion, 23, 30
Password definition screen, 21, 22 Creating, 28
Password maintenance Files, 31
Changing a password, 22 Opening, 29
Disabling a password, 22 Properties option, 8
Setting a password, 22
Password protection, 21
Password use, 22 Q
Engineering, 23 Quitting FSC Navigator, 2
Forcing variables, 23
Loading application in RAM, 23
Writing variables, 23 R
Passwords in converted projects, 23
Right mouse button, 34
Print button, 16
Print option, 7
Print speed button, 10
Printer drivers, 26
Printer ports, 26
Printers, 25
Printers option, 7
Process Status Monitoring button, 19
Program EPROMs option, 8
Program overview, 1
Software Manual
Using FSC Navigator 3-39
Index (continued)
Safety Compliance screen, 15 Temporary subfolder, 30
Print button, 16 Text printers, 26
Verify Application button, 16 Title bar, 3
View Log button, 16 Translate Application button, 13
Same as Text Printer check box, 26 Translate Application option, 8
Sequence of tasks, 13 Translate speed button, 10
SER Formats option, 7
Setting a password, 22
Setting a printer, 25 U
Setting the communication port, 24
Shortcut, 2 User information, 27
Shortcut keys Using passwords, 22
Keyboard input, 35
Menu bar, 5, 34
Speed button V
Diagnostics, 10 Variable allocation, 36
FLD, 10 Verify Application button, 16
I/O, 10 Verify Application option, 8
Monitor, 10 Verify speed button, 10
New, 10 Version information, 27
Open, 10 Versions
Print, 10 FSC Navigator components, 4
Translate, 10 View Log button, 16
Verify, 10 View Log option, 7
View Log, 10 View Log speed button, 10
Speed buttons, 3, 10
Starting FSC Navigator, 2
Starting FSC Navigator for a second time, 2 W
Subfolder '\BACKUP.TMP', 30
Supervisor password, 21, 22 Working with projects, 28
Supported communication ports, 24 Writing variables password, 23
Supported printer drivers, 26
Symbol libraries, 28, 32
Changing, 32
Default, 32
Exchangeability, 33
System Configuration button, 13
System Configuration option, 7
Software Manual
3-40 Using FSC Navigator
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 4:
System Configuration
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................4-1
Software Manual
System Configuration i
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Allocation to COM modules ............................................................................................ 4-54 Location 'FSC' ................................................................................................................ 4-54 System number .............................................................................................................. 4-54 Relative address............................................................................................................. 4-55 Location 'COM' ............................................................................................................... 4-55 Central Part .................................................................................................................... 4-55 Communication module.................................................................................................. 4-56 Channel .......................................................................................................................... 4-56 Relative address............................................................................................................. 4-56 Automatic allocation of variables .................................................................................... 4-56 Automatic allocation of SER sequence numbers ........................................................... 4-57 Scaling values ................................................................................................................ 4-57
4.5.2 Alarm configuration ........................................................................................................ 4-58
4.5.3 Digital input signal (DI) ................................................................................................... 4-60 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-60 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................ 4-62 Location = 'ANN' ............................................................................................................. 4-64 Location = 'SYS' ............................................................................................................. 4-66 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-67
4.5.4 Analog input signal (AI) .................................................................................................. 4-69 Location = 'SYS' (for 10105/2/1 module only) ................................................................ 4-71
4.5.5 Multiple input signal (BI) ................................................................................................. 4-73 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-73 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-75 Location = 'MUX' ............................................................................................................ 4-77 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-79
4.5.6 Input multiplexer (XI) ...................................................................................................... 4-81
4.5.7 Digital output signal (DO) ............................................................................................... 4-83 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-83 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-85 Location = 'ANN' ............................................................................................................. 4-87 Location = 'SYS' ............................................................................................................. 4-89 Other locations ............................................................................................................... 4-90
4.5.8 Analog output signal (AO) .............................................................................................. 4-92
4.5.9 Multiple output signal (BO) ............................................................................................. 4-94 Location = 'COM' ............................................................................................................ 4-94 Location = 'FSC' ............................................................................................................. 4-96 Location = 'MUX' ............................................................................................................ 4-98 Other locations ............................................................................................................. 4-101
4.5.10 Output multiplexer (XO)................................................................................................ 4-103
4.5.11 Marker (M) .................................................................................................................... 4-105
4.5.12 Counter (C)................................................................................................................... 4-106
4.5.13 Timer (T)....................................................................................................................... 4-107
4.5.14 Register (R) .................................................................................................................. 4-109
4.5.15 PID (P).......................................................................................................................... 4-110
Software Manual
ii System Configuration
Software Manual
System Configuration iii
FIGURES (continued)
Table 4-1 Relation between FSC configurations and requirement classes AK1-6,
according to DIN V 19250 ........................................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-2 Central Part modules................................................................................................. 4-15
Table 4-3 Special modules ........................................................................................................ 4-15
Table 4-4 FSC input modules.................................................................................................... 4-16
Table 4-5 FSC output modules.................................................................................................. 4-17
Table 4-6 Link specification ....................................................................................................... 4-28
Table 4-7 DBM values ............................................................................................................... 4-34
Table 4-8 Possible VBD functions per FSC system type .......................................................... 4-35
Table 4-9 Voting type per I/O module........................................................................................ 4-38
Table 4-10 Variable field restrictions ........................................................................................... 4-43
Table 4-11 dBASE file format ...................................................................................................... 4-44
Table 4-12 Field interpretation for dBASE imports ...................................................................... 4-47
Table 4-12 I/O modules suited for the different variable types .................................................... 4-51
Software Manual
iv System Configuration
4.1 Introduction
The 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator is used to view and maintain the databases which are
involved in the configuration of the FSC system, the description of the variables and the allocation of
I/O-related variables.
All information that is entered is checked for consistency. When a new project is created, the following
information must be entered in the following order:
• Application description,
• I/O variables specification,
• Function specification (using 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator),
• Type of configuration of the FSC system and related information,
• Positions of racks in the cabinet(s),
• Positions of hardware modules in the racks,
• Allocation of I/O variables to channels of I/O modules or COM modules.
The 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator will only be available if a project is open. If no project
is open, you must either create a new project or open an existing one (for details refer to Section 3 of the
FSC Software Manual).
If the Engineering password is active, you must enter the correct password to start up the
'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator. (For details on passwords refer to Section 3
of the FSC Software Manual or the FSC Navigator Help file.)
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-1
4.2 Getting started
The 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator has the following main menu:
The option 'Hardware specs' will only appear after the configuration has already been
Software Manual
4-2 System Configuration 'Modules' menu
Central Parts
The options MEM, DBM, VBD and SBD will only be available if the corresponding modules
have been defined.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-3 Signal specification
Signal specs
The Signal Specification option is used for entry and modification of the signal related part of the variables.
The signal specification menu contains the following options:
The 'Write dBASE' option will only be available if at least one additional variable has been
created. Rebuild
The 'Rebuild' option is used to create new index files in case one or more index files are corrupted (e.g.
due to a powerdown failure of your PC). It is also used to change the address allocation in case you want
to optimize the memory usage.
For details on the Rebuild option refer to subsection Exit
If you choose eXit, you will return to the FSC Navigator main screen.
Software Manual
4-4 System Configuration
4.3 Install
4.3.1 Description
If you create a new application, the following default application information is stored. These texts are
retrieved from the message file (FSC_INIT.MSG) and can be customized by the user.
After changing the default descriptions, the program asks if changes must be saved to the
Confirmation is requested. Every new application you create will use these new default descriptions.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-5
4.3.2 Configuration
Requirement class
In accordance with DIN V 19250, six requirement classes (safety classes) can be selected (class 1 to 6).
Class 1 is the lowest requirement class (low safety level), class 6 is the highest requirement class (high
safety level). To select a requirement class the user must toggle between the different classes.
Requirement class 4 is the default class.
The table on the next page shows the relation between FSC configurations and requirement classes and
availability degrees, respectively.
Software Manual
4-6 System Configuration
Table 4-1 Relation between FSC configurations and requirement classes AK1-6,
according to DIN V 19250
OPTIMAL 2oo2D/1oo2D
AK = Anforderungsklasse = requirement class
R = Redundant processor with inter processor communication
S = Single processor
r = redundant I/O
s = single I/O
1oo1D = 1-out-of-1 voting with diagnostics
1oo2D = 1-out-of-2 voting with diagnostics
2oo2D = 2-out-of-2 voting with diagnostics
If a new requirement class is selected and the current FSC configuration cannot meet the demands of the
new requirement class, the user is notified that the FSC configuration cannot be used with this new
requirement class:
'FSC configuration not possible for new requirement class. Continue? (Y/N)'
Confirmation is requested. If you do not want to continue, the new requirement class is ignored. Otherwise
the user has the possibility to change the FSC configuration.
System configuration
Selection of an FSC system type depends on the requirement class (see Table 4-1). Toggle to select an
FSC system type.
If you change the FSC system type of a configured FSC system, module placement is cleared and
variable allocations are deallocated. Confirmation is requested:
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-7
If the system type has been defined, the following information can be entered:
– SER channel specification
– Modbus base address configuration
– Memory chip size configuration
– Process safety time
– Interval time between faults
– FSC-FSC communication configuration
– Power-on mode
– On-line modification wanted
– Number of cabinets
– Number of racks per cabinet
– Rack positions
– Central Part rack numbers
SER channel specification (option in current system only configurable if COM has been defined)
It is possible to concentrate event collection at a single communication port (see appendix B 'Sequence of
event recording'). The SER channel may be located in any system within a network of FSC systems. The
selected channel may be configured at:
− the printer protocol, for direct connection to a printer
− a Development System protocol in which case it can be used with the FSCSOE application, which is
optional to the FSC software.
− a Modbus channel (numerical SER only).
Software Manual
4-8 System Configuration
SER may be collected at two different communication channels of the FSC system (dual SER). This
allows two independent SER PCs (or printers) to be connected, each of them receiving all SER data.
Should one PC (or printer) fail, the other will still be able to receive and process the events generated by
the system.
The secondary SER channel is optional. It can only be configured if a valid primary SER channel has been
defined. There are some restrictions that must be taken into account when configuring a secondary
− If the primary SER channel has been configured in the current system, the primary SER channel must
be configured at a 'lower' channel than the secondary SER channel. For example, if the primary SER
channel is at Central Part 1 / COM module 2 / channel B, the secondary SER channel cannot be
configured at Central Part 1 / COM module 1 / channel B, but can be configured at Central Part 1 /
COM module 3 / channel A or Central Part 2 / COM module 2 / channel B.
− When configuring redundant SER (with connected Central Parts), the two SER channels per Central
Parts must be allocated to two different COM modules. If you do not, the failure of one SER link will
block the other link for a period of more than 4 hours after a complete buffer of events has been
− The secondary channel can only be configured in the current system. Therefore, the system number of
the secondary SER channel cannot be modified (always equal to the current system).
If the allocation of the primary SER channel is changed, the secondary SER channel will be deallocated if
the above restrictions are violated.
An SER channel is configured by toggling the 'SER channel' field to 'Yes', otherwise the SER channel
cannot be allocated. The value of the system number can now be entered. If the system number is not
specified (when it is left 0) the SER channel cannot be allocated (1-63 are valid system numbers). If the
system is an external system number, a range of 18 channels can be chosen: from (1, 1, A) to (2, 4, B).
For redundant systems, however, the internal FSC-FSC link cannot be selected: (1, 1, A), (2, 1, A),
(2, 1, A) and (2, 1, B).
If the system number is identical to the system's own number, then all variable communication channels
which have an undefined protocol, a Development System protocol or a printer protocol can be selected.
The primary SER channel allocation will be removed if:
– The SER channel field is toggled to No.
– The system number is changed.
– The Central Part number is changed (COM module and COM channel become zero).
If the primary SER channel is edited and the restrictions mentioned are violated, the secondary SER
channel allocation will be removed.
The secondary SER channel can only be allocated if the primary SER channel has been allocated and the
secondary SER channel field is toggled to Yes by the user.
The allocation of the secondary SER channel is based on the same principle as the allocation of the
primary SER channel.
You can enter a range of numeric SER values (from 1 to 65534). In the SER base field you can enter the
start of this range of SER values. The end of the range can be entered in the SER maximum field. The
first 16 SER values are reserved by the system. The 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator does
not check for overlapping numerical SER ranges, but the 'Translate Application' option (the compiler)
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-9
Suppose the entered range is 100 to 200. Now you have (200–100–16)+1 = 85 available numeric SER
values. If a range of 1000 to 2000 has been entered in system 10, then a range of 1500 to 2500 can be
entered in system 9.
Entering zero for the SER base or the SER maximum leads to deallocation of all SER values. Numerical
SER will be disabled. If the secondary SER range has been configured, it will be deactivated as well. The
secondary SER range can be configured as soon as the primary SER range has been configured. Both
SER ranges must be identical or disjunct. The first 16 SER values of the secondary SER range are also
Pressing <E> in this field will open a window in which you can specify the base addresses of the Modbus
addresses for import/export to dBASE files and for the base address used by the options 'Print FSC
system configuration' and 'Hardcopy of functional logic diagrams' (see Figure 4-9).
Pressing <E> in this field will open a window in which you can specify the size of the COM and CPU
memory chips (RAM, EPROM) (see Figure 4-10).
The 'Translate application' option of FSC Navigator will generate files of the correct length according to the
chosen memory chip size. For communication chips, you can select 512 KBit, 1 MBit, 2 MBit or Variable.
Software Manual
4-10 System Configuration
If you select 'Variable', the required memory chip size depends on the compiler output. The smallest
possible memory chip size will be selected.
The selection of the CPU memory chip size depends on the configuration. You can only select the CPU
chip size if the application is on the CPU (see Central Part definition screen). If the power-on mode is 'Run
mode', you can select the chip types: 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M and variable. In RAM mode or simulation mode
you can select the chip types: 512K, 1M and 4M.
The process safety time is the time that a fault may be present in the safety system, without possible
danger for an installation or the environment. In the FSC system it specifies the period in which a
complete self test will be executed. The process safety time has a range of 1 to 20 seconds.
During operation, each Central Part of the FSC system performs self-tests on itself and allocated I/O
If a fault is detected during self-testing, the Central Part will report the failure and take action to guarantee
a safe operational result. If possible, the failure will be isolated and Central Part operation continues. If
continuation of fail-safe operation cannot be guaranteed, the Central Part shuts down.
For a restricted number of failures, isolation of the failure is possible, but safe operation can only be
guaranteed as long as no additional faults occur which, in correlation with the first failure, may lead to
unsafe operation.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-11
Therefore, when continuing operation, a certain risk is present that such an additional, correlating fault
occurs. The longer the Central Part operates, the larger the risk becomes.
In order to keep the risk within acceptable limits, a time interval must be defined which reflects the
maximum period of time the Central Part is allowed to operate after the first failure has occurred (the
"interval time between faults"). When the interval time between faults expires, the Central Part will shut
The interval time between faults can be defined between 0 minutes (direct Central Part shutdown) and 22
days, or it can be completely deactivated. The default values for the various requirement classes are as
follows: Requirement class 1-5: 72 hours (4320 minutes)
Requirement class 6: 1 hour (60 minutes).
For more information on FSC system response to failures, refer to the FSC Safety Manual.
Pressing <E> in this field will open a window in which you can enter the FSC-FSC communication timeout
and the application names for each connected system (see Figure 4-11).
The communication timeout is the total timeout for scanning all connected FSC systems. In other words,
the FSC master expects all FSC slaves in a network to respond to a command within the given time
frame. The timeout can be set to a value between 1.2 and 30 seconds (in steps of 0.1 second). The
default value is 1.2 seconds. All FSC systems in an FSC network must have the same communication
timeout. If they do not, communication errors may occur and the compiler will report differences.
Software Manual
4-12 System Configuration
The system numbers for FSC-FSC communication must be unique. The correct application name must be
entered for each connected system number.
The configuration is used by the 'Translate application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler) to verify the
correctness of the FSC communication network.
Power-on mode
The power-on mode provides the conditions for the start-up of the FSC system.
– Run, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application in
EPROM is used.
– Run, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application in EPROM is
– Ram operation, cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for use.
– Ram operation, warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for use.
– Simulation, 23125/1/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23125/1/1 only;
single configuration)
– Simulation, 23125/1/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23125/1/1 only; single
– Simulation, 23126/1/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23126/1/1 only;
single configuration in one rack)
– Simulation, 23126/1/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23126/1/1 only, single
configuration in one rack)
– Simulation, 23125/R/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23125/R/1 only,
redundant configuration)
– Simulation, 23125/R/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23125/R/1 only, redundant
– Simulation, 23250/1/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23250/1/1 only,
single configuration)
– Simulation, 23250/1/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23250/1/1 only, single
– Simulation, 23260/1/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23260/1/1 only,
single configuration in one rack)
– Simulation, 23260/1/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23260/1/1 only, single
configuration in one rack)
– Simulation, 23251/1/1 cold start The FSC system is completely reset and the application is
downloaded for test purposes. (Training unit 23251/1/1 only,
redundant configuration)
– Simulation, 23251/1/1 warm start The FSC system is partly reset and the application is downloaded
for test purposes. (Training unit 23251/1/1 only, redundant
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-13
On-line modification wanted
The on-line modification option allows you to exchange software (i.e. EPROMs) in an operational FSC
system without shutting down the process.
If you have chosen a redundant system configuration, you may set the on-line modification option active.
Use <Space> to select and press <Enter> to record the status.
For more information refer to appendix D of the FSC Software Manual ("On-line modification").
The modules of an FSC system can be accommodated in several racks. A maximum of 10 racks can be
accommodated in one cabinet. The entire system can be accommodated in more cabinets. The default
number of cabinets is 1. This can be increased to a maximum of 11 cabinets. The default number of racks
per cabinet is 9, and has the maximum of 10 racks per cabinet. The maximum number of racks is 99.
These numbers can be altered. If these numbers are decremented the program checks if no racks were
defined in the part that is deleted.
For single-rack configurations the number of cabinets is fixed at 1.
Rack positions
After entering the number of cabinets and the number of racks per cabinet, you should define the position
of the racks in the cabinets in the 'Rack positions' option. This is done by giving an unique number to
every rack position that is to be used.
The program uses these numbers to check the validity of rack numbers which are entered in the
remaining part of the program.
If a rack number is entered that is already placed elsewhere, the program asks if it has to replace the
rack. If a rack number is altered in which modules are already placed or which is defined as a central rack,
the program asks if it has to renumber the rack. If so, the rack is renumbered in the database. This means
that the placement information of all modules placed in that rack is converted, including I/O variable
allocations to these modules.
After defining the racks in the cabinets, the Central Part(s) rack number(s) should be defined. If there is
more than one Central Part, they have to be accommodated in identical racks, or in racks on consecutive
positions. If the rack number of a Central Part is not defined, no modules can be placed. When modules
are placed in the Central Part(s), the rack number(s) cannot be altered.
Software Manual
4-14 System Configuration
4.3.3 Modules
This option is only available after you have defined the configuration. The module option is used to place
the modules in the racks, and to configure the hardware (e.g. safety relation) if necessary. It has the
following menu structure:
Module types
Table 4-2 to Table 4-5 list the available module types. (Refer to the FSC Hardware Manual for technical
The following module types belong to the Central Part(s):
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-15
The following I/O modules are available:
The default voting schemes for input modules that support different voting schemes are as follows:
• New projects: 1oo2D
• Existing projects with requirement class AK1-4, after conversion from an FSC version that does not
have voting (< 500) to FSC R5xx: 2oo2D
• Existing projects with requirement class AK5-6, after conversion from an FSC version that does not
have voting (< 500) to FSC R5xx: 1oo2D
Software Manual
4-16 System Configuration
Table 4-5 FSC output modules
The default voting schemes for output modules that support different voting schemes are as follows:
• New projects: 1oo2D
• Existing projects with requirement class AK1-4, after conversion from an FSC version that does not
have voting (< 500) to FSC R5xx: 2oo2D
• Existing projects with requirement class AK5-6, after conversion from an FSC version that does not
have voting (< 500) to FSC R5xx: 2oo2D (except 10216/./. modules, which are set to 1002D)
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-17
Placing the modules
If the FSC system type or rack number(s) of the Central Part(s) are not defined, no modules can be
placed. A distinction is made between modules that are placed in the Central Part (PSU, PSD, CPU, WD,
SBD, VBD, COM, MEM, DBM), and modules that are not placed in the Central Parts (PSU, PSD, HBD,
I/O). For the Central Part modules you only need to define the desired number of modules of every type;
the modules are automatically placed. For the other modules the rack and position need to be defined.
Please note that the PSU (10300/1/1), COM and DBM modules occupy two positions, all other modules
one. The PSU, CPU, WD, COM, MEM, SBD, VBD and DBM are always safety-related. The same is true
for HBD 1 of VBD 1. The safety relation for the other HBDs and the I/O modules can be defined by the
By editing the Central Part definition and PSUs, the Central Part module positions can
change even though no changes have been made (due to different specifications in the past).
The program defaults to the 5 Vdc power supply screen. Use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to step
through the power supply screens. Every time a new screen of Delta power supply units must be
displayed, the next multiple of 11 Delta units appear until the last multiple has been reached (89-99).
Software Manual
4-18 System Configuration
Editing the 5 Vdc power supply
The 5 Vdc power supply unit is the 10300/1/1 (uses two positions in the rack).
The first PSU was configured automatically when the user configured the FSC configuration. This is the
Central Part PSU. The rack and position of this PSU cannot be changed. The 10300/1/1 module will be
the default PSU module. The PSD will not be placed and the PSD space will not be reserved unless an
HBD has been placed in a redundant system which controls single I/O.
PSUs must be configured in ascending order. It is not possible to configure, for example, PSU 10 if PSU 6
has not been configured.
The PSUs can only be deleted in descending order: You can only delete the PSU module that was added
last (highest number). A PSU can be deleted by setting the PSU type to 'Undefined' or by deallocating the
PSU. The Central Part PSU cannot be removed.
– If you try to remove a PSU that is not the last PSU the following error will be displayed
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-19
– If, in a redundant configuration, you tried to delete the last PSU, a PSD must be allocated for the PSU
that becomes the last module. If this is not possible, the following message will be displayed:
After entering the type you can enter the rack number for the PSU.
– If you tried to select the Central Part rack of a configuration using a SBD:
SBD placed, only one PSU allowed in the central part rack.
– You can configure PSUs in the Central Part racks. Whenever, only Central Part 1 can be selected.
Otherwise the following error message will be displayed:
Not allowed to define PSUs in other central part than the first.
– If two Central Parts are configured in one rack, extra PSUs cannot be configured in the Central Part
More than one central part in central part rack. Not allowed to place PSU.
If you change the rack number, the position of the PSU will be reset to zero. You can enter the position of
the PSU in the rack.
– If the position for the PSD has already been allocated to another module:
Software Manual
4-20 System Configuration
If the configuration allows it, a PSD space of a PSU can be reserved for future expansions. The PSD
space field must be toggled to 'Yes'. By default, the PSD space field will not be reserved.
– If the PSD cannot be placed because the position has already been allocated to another module:
If the configuration allows it (VBD which controls single I/O), a PSD can be allocated for a PSU. The PSD
field must be toggled to 'Yes'.
– If the PSD cannot be placed because the position has already been allocated to another module:
The PSD will be configured by the program automatically if the FSC configuration is a redundant system
with single I/O and the current PSU is the last one. You cannot delete this PSD.
No power supplies are available in the 110 and 220 Vdc voltage classes.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-21
Figure 4-14 Power supply units
An external power supply can be selected for each voltage class (except the 5 Vdc class). Toggle the
external power supply fields of the voltage classes to change. If you select the external power supply in a
specific voltage class and Deltas of this voltage class are already configured, the program asks:
Selecting the external power supply will delete Deltas of this voltage class. Change? (Y/N)
Confirmation is requested. If the external power supply of a voltage class has been configured, it is not
possible to configure Delta power supply units of this voltage class.
The user can change the Delta type by toggling. If changing is not possible, the following message will be
Changing the type will deallocate the Delta unit. Change? (Y/N)
Confirmation is requested. This could, for example, occur if the type changes from 24-12HE to 24-20 HE
and the entire rack cannot be allocated for the 24-20HE.
Software Manual
4-22 System Configuration
After entering the Delta type you can enter the rack number of the Delta. Possible error messages are:
– If you tried to select a physical rack that is within the range of the Central Part and I/O racks:
Mixing <Delta type>, Central Part and I/O racks is not allowed.
– If the rack is already in use by modules other than Delta and 5 Vdc PSU modules:
<Delta type> can only be configured in racks that are empty or contain PSUs.
The position of the Delta can only be changed for Delta power supplies using only half a rack. Toggle the
position field to select the left (default) or right part of the rack. If the left or right part of the rack has
already been allocated to another Delta unit, the position cannot be changed. The Delta will be configured
in the empty part.
Central Parts Definition
By editing the Central Part definition and PSUs, the Central Part module positions can
change even though no changes have been made (due to different specifications in the past).
In the Central Part definition screen, the definition of the Central Parts can be changed:
– The size of the Central Part bus
– The processor (CPU type)
– The location of application program
– The type of the COM module(s)
– The number of Central Part modules: CPU (and WD), MEM, COM, VBD, SBD, DBM.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-23
Figure 4-16 Central Part definition
The default numbers for the various module types are the following:
VBD: 1 MEM: 0
SBD: 0 CPU: 1
COM: 0 WD: 1
DBM: 1
If the 'Definition' menu item of the Central Part menu has been selected, the cursor will be on the 'Slots of
Central Part bus(es)' item. Use the cursor keys and the <Enter> key to step through the screen. Screen
items that cannot be edited are skipped.
By pressing <Esc> the program stores the new Central Part definition and returns to the Central Part
Software Manual
4-24 System Configuration
Application program on CPU or MEM:
For the 10002/1/2 CPU module, the user may configure whether to store the application program on the
CPU (default) or on (a) MEM module(s). If 'Application program on MEM' is selected, automatically a
minimum of 1 MEM module will be configured. The field cannot be altered if the 10002/1/1 CPU is
configured. In this case, the application is always located on MEM. Watchdog
The positions in the Central Part rack, of the watchdog (WD) modules are listed. No additional hardware
configuration necessary.
In redundant configurations, channel A of COM module 1 in Central Part 1 and 2 always has protocol
FSC-FSC. Listed below are the fields that can be defined.
– Protocol
Possible values: – Undefined
– Development system
– Printer
– Modbus RTU
– Modbus H&B (Optional)
– RKE3964R (Optional)
– DS (Modem)
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-25
– Redundant
Define a redundant link by changing the redundant field to 'Yes'. The link definition will be copied
to the second Central Part automatically. You are only allowed to change the configuration of
Central Part 1. A redundant link can also be configured for a single configuration with redundant
communication links. The configuration of channel A will be copied to channel B automatically.
You are only allowed to change the configuration of channel A.
– Network
Possible values – Point to point
– Multidrop
– Link status
Only defined for the protocols FSC-FSC, Development System, Modbus RTU, Modbus H&B and
If the protocol is FSC-FSC, the link status can be defined as master (communication server) or
slave. Multiple FSC systems may cooperate to accomplish a specific task. In such a configuration
one FSC system, the master, controls the operation of one or more other systems, the slaves. For
the other protocols the link status can be defined as primary or secondary. For primary protocols a
memory area can be reserved to be used for the communication. Secondary links use the same
memory area as the primary link, they serve as a kind of back-up, e.g. to be used if the primary
channel fails.
For details on communication refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("Communication
Software Manual
4-26 System Configuration
– Connected systems
Only defined for multidrop protocols and for point-to-point FSC-FSC protocols (Figure 4-17) All
available system numbers are shown in a popup window. If a connection to a system already
exists, the system is shown highlighted. Use the cursor keys to select a system. Press <S> to
establish a connection with a system, press <D> to remove a connection with a system. If the
protocol is FSC-FSC, the systems can be selected which communicate with the system, via the
communication channel.
– Link specification
Only defined for protocol FSC-FSC, Development system, Modbus RTU, Modbus H&B,
RKE3964R and printer.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-27
Figure 4-19 Editing the link specification for an FSC-FSC protocol
The start addresses of the allocated marker and register areas are displayed.
– Copy allocations
In an FSC-FSC network configuration, the bytes reserved for communication between two FSC
systems must be consistent. This means that the number of bytes for written to system X must be
the same as the number of bytes read by system X. The tag numbers must also be the same.
Table 4-6 Link specification
This is a correctly defined link for transferring digital information from system 2 to system 1 via the
variable 'test'. If you have defined a link specification and variables are already allocated in
system 2, you can do a copy allocations, which first checks if the defined link in your own
database as well as in the other database are correct. If so, it will copy the bytes defined in the
other database with the accessory variables (tag number, service, qualification, unit and sub
unit), in such way that the link is correct. Variables which are allocated incorrectly, will be
Software Manual
4-28 System Configuration
If you have a link to more than one system (e.g. a master or communication server to more
slaves), you also have an option to copy the information of all slaves at once.
Make sure that the application names of the connected system are defined (FSC-FSC
communication configuration window). In all the other applications the name of the application
you are configuring at the moment must be defined.
If the protocol is Development system or Modbus and the link status is primary, the
amount of memory used for communication with the device has to be defined.
If the protocol is printer and the printer channel is the SER channel, a number of output
bytes can be defined (BO SER). If the SER event of one of these BOs occurs, the value
of the BO will be printed.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-29
Figure 4-21 Editing the link for a secondary Development system protocol
Channel B on module 2 in Central Part 1 will be the primary Development system protocol. If the
link is secondary, the primary link has to be defined.
If you change the configuration of a channel to which inputs or outputs are allocated
(protocols FSC-FSC, Development system, Modbus RTU, Modbus H&B and RKE3964R)
and these changes affect the allocation of these variables, you will be asked for a
– Timeout
Only defined for the Modbus RTU and Modbus H&B protocols. The timeout can be any value in
the range of 10 to 250 (x 100 ms)
– Interface
Possible values – 10004/B/1 RS232C
– 10004/E/1 Current loop
– 10004/F/1 RS232C multidrop
– 10004/G/1 Manchester Fiber optic
– 10004/G/1 FM0 Fiber optic
– 10004/G/1 FM1 Fiber optic
– 10004/H/1 Between Central Parts
– 10004/I/1 No encoding RS485 / RS422
– 10004/I/1 Manchester RS485 / RS422
– 10004/I/1 FM0 RS485 / RS422
– 10004/I/1 FM1 RS485 / RS422
Software Manual
4-30 System Configuration
The values that can be selected depend on the chosen protocol and network.
– Baud rate
Possible values – 2M
– 1M
– 125K
– 50K
– 38K4
– 19K2
– 9600
– 4800
– 2400
– 1200
– 600
– 300
The values that can be selected depend on the chosen protocol and the interface.
– Handshake
Possible values – Hardware
– Xon - Xoff
– None
– Number of bits/char
Possible values – 7
– 8
– Parity
Possible values – Even
– Odd
– None
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-31 Safety Manager Module
The FSC Safety Manager Module (FSC-SMM) is configured by selecting the UCN communication
Figure 4-22 Protocol definition for communication with the TPS system
– Protocol
– Redundant
Not configurable.
Redundant = yes, if the Safety Manager Module is configured in an FSC system with redundant Central
Redundant = no, if the Safety Manager Module is configured in an FSC system with single Central
– Link specification
The amount of memory (marker bytes and register bytes) that is used for the communication with the
TotalPlant Solution (TPS) system has to be defined. The program automatically allocates the required
amount, and all inputs and outputs that are to be used for the communication are allocated within the
reserved area (see chapter for the allocation of the inputs and outputs to COM modules).
Software Manual
4-32 System Configuration
Figure 4-23 Editing the link specifications for the FSC-SMM
– Module type
– Temperature settings : – Degree type (Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin)
– Low temperature shutdown
– Low temperature alarm
– High temperature alarm
– High temperature shutdown
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-33
DBM module type
The DBM module type can be specified as: – 10006/1/1 (RTC)
– 10006/2/1 (RTC)
– 10006/2/2 (DCF)
The 10006/2/2 DBM module has the so-called DCF capability. It is capable of receiving atomic clock
information from the digital clock Frankfurt within the radius around Frankfurt indicated in Figure 4-24.
Atomic clock information is received on a continuous basis.
The minimum difference between low temperature shutdown and low temperature alarm must be 5
degrees Celsius, 5 degrees Kelvin or 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The same holds for high temperature alarm
and high temperature shutdown.
Software Manual
4-34 System Configuration Vertical bus driver
The following fields are specified for a vertical bus driver (VBD): Function, Module type and CPU access.
The following considerations apply to the values the fields can have:
The VBD function can be changed by pressing the spacebar. Table 4-8 below shows the possible VBD
Table 4-8 Possible VBD functions per FSC system type
Single Single
Redundant Redundant + Single
If HBDs have already been connected to the VBD, the VBD function cannot be changed anymore.
Consecutive VBDs must always have the same VBD function. It is not allowed to mix VBD functions, as
shown in the examples below.
VBD no.: 1 2 3 4 5 6
VBD function: R R R R S S
VBD no.: 1 2 3 4 5 6
VBD function: S R S S R R
Module type
The module type can be toggled to either 10001/1/1 or 10001/R/1. Module type 10001/R/1 means that the
VBD is equipped with a relay to isolate the VBD from the vertical bus in case of a VBD fault. If there are
one or more VBDs which control single I/O in a redundant system, then all VBDs are of the type
For new applications only select 10001/R/1.
CPU access
Access by CPU1 is always allowed. This field cannot be changed.
The number of the rack in which the HBD is to be placed, must be entered. The following limitations apply:
– If I/O has been placed for the HBD already, the rack number cannot be changed anymore.
– The rack number must have been defined in the configuration option, but cannot be a Central Part rack
– The rack may not be controlled by another HBD already.
– An HBD can be removed by entering zero, but always start removing with the highest numbered HBD.
– An HBD cannot be placed in a rack that is above the Central Part rack(s).
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-35
– I/O racks and Delta power supply racks cannot be mixed.
The position(s) where the HBD is placed depends on the function of the VBD:
– single I/O: position 21.
– redundant I/O: position 20 for Central Part 1, 21 for Central Part 2.
If the VBD controls redundant I/O, the HBD can control one extra rack. For the rack number the following
limitations apply:
– The rack number cannot be changed if I/O has been placed in the controlled rack.
The rack number must have been defined in the configuration option, but cannot be a
central rack.
– The numbers for the rack in which the HBD is placed, and for the extra controlled racks
must be consecutive.
– The extra controlled racks must be in the same cabinet as in which the HBD is placed,
and on consecutive positions.
– The rack may not be controlled by another HBD.
Selecting a specific HBD type can limit the selection of I/O module types. For example,
selecting the 10100/2/1 limits the set of selectable I/O modules to the modules identified as
type 2.
Software Manual
4-36 System Configuration I/O modules
I/O modules can be placed in every rack in which an SBD or an HBD is placed or which is controlled by an
HBD. Use <PgUp> and <PgDn> to select a rack.
If the HBD is non safety-related, the I/O modules are also non safety-related. Otherwise the safety relation
can be modified. Choose between Yes and No.
Exceptions: – Modules to which safety-related signals are connected cannot be made
non safety-related.
– If the module is non fail-safe, it can only be non safety-related.
Normally, fail-safe I/O modules are always tested by the FSC system. However, you may disable the test
for the fail-safe modules. The possible values are Yes (tested) and No (not tested). Disabling the test for
fail-safe modules is only possible for analog output modules. Non fail-safe I/O modules are always
non safety-related and they are not tested.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-37
The table below shows which voting types are possible for each module.
10205/./. – 1oo1D
10100/./. – –
If the chosen rack is a Central Part rack with an SBD, all positions not in use for the Central Parts can be
selected for I/O modules.
If a module is placed for a VBD which controls redundant I/O, then the module is automatically placed at
the adjacent positions for the higher Central Parts.
Keyboard commands
Use the following keys to select or to delete a module:
– <D>: Deletes the module placed at the position indicated by the cursor.
– <C>: Copies the module that has been placed last in the selected rack.
– <S>: Shows a window with all the modules that can be placed at the selected position:
– If the module is safety-related only fail-safe modules can be placed.
– Depending on the VBD function, only certain modules can be placed.
– Depending on the HBD type, types of modules will be excluded
Software Manual
4-38 System Configuration
– The program checks that at the low-numbered positions in the rack only Exi
modules can be placed and at the high numbered positions only non Exi
modules. There has to be at least one free position between the two groups.
– The program checks that at the low numbered positions in the rack only high
voltage modules (10101/./2, 10101/./3, 10213/./., and 10214/1/2) can be placed
and at the high numbered positions the other (low voltage) modules. There has
to be at least one free position between the groups.
– High-voltage modules cannot be placed in the same rack as the Exi modules.
Use the arrow keys and <PgUp> and <PgDn> to move around in the window.
By pressing <Enter> a highlighted module can be selected for placement. With
<Esc> the window can be left without selecting a module.
High-voltage modules are all modules operating at voltages higher than 50 Vdc.
When a module is deleted or replaced by another module, the program checks if any signals are
connected to the module. If so, you are asked if the module has to be deleted anyway. If you answer 'Yes',
the signals are deallocated. The following modules are exchanged without the need to deallocate the
signals: – 10101/1/1 ↔ 10101/2/1
– 10101/1/2 ↔ 10101/2/2
– 10101/1/3 ↔ 10101/2/3
– 10104/1/1 ↔ 10104/2/1
– 10102/1/2 ↔ 10102/2/1
– 10201/1/1 ↔ 10201/2/1
– 10205/1/1 ↔ 10205/2/1
– 10206/1/1 ↔ 10206/2/1
– 10209/1/1 ↔ 10209/2/1
– 10213/1/1 ↔ 10213/2/1
– 10213/1/2 ↔ 10213/2/2
– 10213/1/3 ↔ 10213/2/3
– 10215/1/1 ↔ 10215/2/1
– 10216/1/1 ↔ 10216/2/1
Other modules cannot be exchanged due to different functionality between the /1/ and /2/ versions or due
to different voltage classes.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-39
Figure 4-27 Selection of a module
After selecting a module it can be defined to be placed or not placed. Choose placed if the module indeed
will be used in the system. Choose not placed if the module will not be used yet, but in future extensions of
the system. I/O variables can only be allocated to placed modules.
The range of an analog input value can be determined from the bottom and top scale values. These
values contain the bottom and top scale values. If the bottom scale value is smaller than the top scale
value, the scaling is positive, else the scaling is negative. So, the bottom scale value does not always
contain the lowest value and the top scale does not always contain the highest value!
4.3.4 Passwords
Some options of FSC Navigator are password-protected to prevent unauthorized access to certain
features. For details on passwords refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or FSC Navigator's Help file.
Software Manual
4-40 System Configuration
4.4 Signal specs
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-41
4.4.1 Add
You can enter the variable type and the tag number. If this combination already exists the program does
not accept it. Otherwise the variable is added to the database. Now you can edit other fields such as
service, qualification, location (only for I/O), unit and subunit. Note that for some variable types certain
fields cannot be edited. System variables (variables with location SYS), markers, counters, registers and
timers cannot be added.
The user can enter a tag number. The following restrictions should be accounted for:
– Empty tag numbers are not allowed. The error message 'Tag number cannot be an empty string'
will be generated if you try to add a variable with an empty tag number.
– Tag numbers cannot contain a comma, semicolon or question mark. The error message 'Tag
number contains a comma, semicolon or question mark' will be generated if you try to enter a
variable using a tag number that contains these reserved characters.
– Tag numbers can only contain trailing spaces. Tag numbers like HRDW INPUT ONE ' and 'HLS
34' are not allowed. The error message 'Tag number contains non trailing spaces' will be
generated if you try to enter such tag numbers.
– Duplicate tag numbers of the same variable type are not allowed. All tag numbers of a certain
variable type must be unique. The error message 'Variable type + tag number is not unique' will
be generated if you try to add a variable which type and tag number already exists in the variable
– The tag numbers of default system variables are reserved. The error message 'Tag number is
reserved' will be generated if you try to add a variable with one of the following tag numbers:
I COM-I/O O BO SER triggers
I EXT.COMMUNIC.FAULT O E cp_com_ch_blk
1) r/p/17 = rack / position, e.g. VM 3/8/17
2) r/p/s = rack / position / sequence no., e.g. WD 3/7/1
3) depends on corresponding BO
4) RKE block triggers: cp_com_ch_blk = central part_COM module_channel_block no.,
e.g. E 1_1_B_23
Software Manual
4-42 System Configuration Variable field restrictions
The next table shows the variable fields that can be changed. If the variable can be deleted, the Del field
is set to 'Yes'.
1) Tag number can be edited if the system input is the fault reset input, force enable input
or the clock synchronization input.
3) The amount of XI, XO, A and P are bound to be specific maximum. The maximum
number of XI and XO variables is 16. The maximum number of A and P are variables
is 64. If this number is reached, the program cannot be add more variables of this type.
4) If the location of a variable is SYS or MUX, the user cannot change it to another location
type: These locations are reserved and cannot be assigned to variables either.
5) Location cannot be changed to a reserved location: COM, FSC, MUX, SYS or ANN.
6) For BO SER triggers, this field show the engineering units of the BO.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-43
4.4.2 Search
You can enter a variable type and a tag number or a part of a tag number and the location. All variables
with matching type, tag number and location are displayed on the screen. If a variable record was already
on the screen the line on which it was displayed is deleted. The display can be stopped by pressing <Esc>
and be paused and restarted by pressing <F2>.
In the add and search modes you can use the cursor control keys to select the field of a variable on the
screen for editing. The variable type can never be changed. A variable can be deleted by pressing <Ctrl>
+ <U>. If the variable is allocated you will be asked for a confirmation. System variables cannot be
Use <PgUp> and <PgDn> to step through the database page by page.
The FSC software uses an interface with dBASE via 'Write dBASE' and 'Read dBASE' options in the
'Signal Specs' menu. These options allow you to create and/or read dBASE III and IV compatible files.
Software Manual
4-44 System Configuration
Table 4-11 dBASE file format (continued)
DCS_ADDR 5 Numeric DCS address Alias address for FSC system used for
data exchange with process computers.
In the case of TPS, it is the counterpart
of the PLCADDR parameter of a TPS
point allocated to the FSC UCN
See appendix F for a detailed specification of the Modbus addresses.
With decimal point at 10th position (9 digits in front of decimal point and 9 digital after)
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-45 Write dBASE
This option allows you to write variables from the variable database to a dBASE file. If you have selected
this option, you are prompted for the dBASE file name. The extension '.DBF' (dBASE file extension) is
automatically added. If an invalid file name has been entered, an error message will be displayed. If you
have selected an existing file, the program will ask if the file may be overwritten. If the file does not exist,
the program will ask if the file must be created.
If a 'Write dBASE' command is performed, variables with the following variable type will be written to the
dBASE file:
The system records (location SYS) that are used for the FSC system are also written to the dBASE file,
but are ignored if the 'Read dBASE' command is used. They are only added for inspection, for example to
generate a complete list of SER sequence numbers in dBASE (SER sequence is also allowed for, for
example, the system markers).
With this option you can import variables from a dBASE 3 or 4 compatible file. You are prompted for the
file name. If the file does not exist, an error message is generated. The program lists the format of the
dBASE file. While reading the contents of the dBASE file, the type and tag number of new or changed
variables are listed. The data read from the dBASE file is checked for consistency (see tables shown
Examples: A hardware variable that is safety-related cannot be allocated to a NFS I/O module. A
hardware variable cannot be allocated to a non existing or an already allocated hardware
dBASE files must be of one of the variable types that can be written to the dBASE file. All other variable
types are ignored. If you added variables with location MUX or SYS (reserved locations) or if you changed
the location of a variable to MUX or SYS, the location is reset to location FLD.
The maximum number of fields in the dBASE file is 40.
Software Manual
4-46 System Configuration
Table 4-12 Field interpretation for dBASE imports
Type Loc. Service / Unit / Safety Rack / Force Write Eng. Top Bott.
qualifi- subunit position / enable enable units scale scale
cation channel
I COM Copy Copy No Ignored Y=Yes Yes Copy Ignored Ignored
I FSC Copy Copy Y=Yes Ignored Y=Yes No Copy Ignored Ignored
N=No Other=No
I ANN Copy Copy No Copy (*1) No No Copy Ignored Ignored
I FLD Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) Y=Yes No Copy Ignored Ignored
N=No Other=No
AI <> Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) Y=Yes No Copy Copy Copy
N=No Other=No (if <>0) (if <>0)
Other=Undef. (*9-13, (*9-13,
15) 15)
BI COM Copy Copy No Ignored No Yes Copy Ignored Ignored
BI FSC Copy Copy Y=Yes Ignored No No Copy Ignored Ignored
BI FLD Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) No No Copy Ignored Ignored
O COM Copy Copy No Ignored No No Copy Ignored Ignored
O FSC Copy Copy Y=Yes Ignored No No Copy Ignored Ignored
O ANN Copy Copy No Copy (*1) Y=Yes (*2) No Copy Ignored Ignored
O FLD Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) Y=Yes No Copy Ignored Ignored
N=No Other=No
AO <> Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) Y=Yes No Copy Copy Copy
N=No Other=No (if <>0) (if <>0)
Other=Undef. (*9-14) (*9-14)
BO COM Copy Copy No Ignored No No Copy Ignored Ignored
BO FSC Copy Copy Y=Yes Ignored No No Copy Ignored Ignored
BO FLD Copy Copy Y=Yes Copy (*1) No No Copy Ignored Ignored
(*1) If the hardware requirements for the allocation of a hardware channel are met. Otherwise the location is reset.
(*2) If the variable is allocated. Otherwise No.
(*3) If AENGUNIT field is missing in the dBASE file, the engineering units field contents of the variable in the FSC
database is left unchanged. If it concerns a new variable, then the initial contents of the engineering units
field will be 5 spaces.
(*4) ANTOP, ANBOTTOM: if both are NOT available, then the top and bottom field contents of the variable in the
FSC database is left unchanged. If it concerns a new variable, then the initial contents will be 0. If ANTOP
available and ANBOTTOM is not (or vice versa) then the program will NOT import the contents of just 1 field
(both fields must be available).
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-47
(*5) If illegal situations occur, i.e. |top - bottom| < 0.001, the values of bottom and top as specified in the dBase file
will not be accepted: the top and bottom field contents of the variable in the FSC database is left unchanged.
If it concerns a new variable, then the initial contents of the top and bottom value will be 0.
-6 -5
(*6) If the ANBOTTOM or ANTOP values are > 10 -1 (maximum value) or < -10 +1 (minimum value), then these
new value settings are not imported nor clamped to the maximum values. If it concerns a new variable, then
the initial contents of the top and bottom value will be 0.
(*7) If bottom and top have been imported, the SER setpoints can have values outside the range of the new top
and bottom scale values! SER setpoints will be re-scaling if necessary.
(*8) (Analog Output only): If necessary, the program sets the power-on value of an AO to the outer boundary (if it
becomes out of range).
(*9) (Analog Input only): Note that if the analog range setting changes, the maximum discrepancy value of the AI
will be recalculated by the program.
Software Manual
4-48 System Configuration
(*10) If the requirements for the SER and allocation of an SER sequence number are met.
(*11) If a communication channel exists with a device's protocols, the RKE block number must exist also.
Otherwise the allocation is reset.
(*12) If the connection with this system is already made. Otherwise the allocation is reset.
(*13) If the relative address is in the range and can be located. Otherwise the allocation is reset.
(*14) See appendix F for a specification of Modbus addresses.
(*15) If the DCS address is in the range and can be allocated. Otherwise the allocation is reset.
In dBASE the possibility exists to change the specification of existing variables. It is also possible to add
variables to the database. You cannot delete variables from the variable database by simply removing
them from the dBASE file. These variables remain unchanged after a read dBASE command.
1. Creation of lots of tag numbers using a small dBASE program. Signal specs does not provide
options to create lots of variables automatically. By writing a small dBASE program you could, for
example, create tag numbers like 01-HLS-XXXHH, where XXX is a number from 000 to 999.
2. Allocation of hardware or communication (FSC or COM) variables. Hardware specs does not
provide options to allocate variables to hardware automatically. After writing the variables to a
dBASE file, variables with location FLD can be allocated easily by using a simple dBASE program.
3. Updating of variable allocations if lots of variables are moved from, for example, on rack to another
or from one communication channel to another. Hardware specs does not provide options to
reallocate hardware allocated variables automatically. If for some reason multiple I/O modules must
be moved from rack X, position Q to rack Y, position R, a simple dBASE program can be used to
reallocate the variables.
4. Updating the SER sequence numbers of variables. The program does not provide an option to, for
example, automatically allocate SER sequence numbers for all the variables that do not have an
SER sequence number yet. By using a simple dBASE program, these SER sequence numbers can
be generated quickly.
5. Creating tables containing, for example, all SER sequence numbers with accompanying tag
numbers. By using a simple dBASE program all variables with an SER sequence number can be
filtered and stored in a different dBASE file.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-49
4.5 Hardware specs
This option allows you to define or edit the hardware specifications of a variable. Every variable type has
its own kind of hardware specification.
Tag number : Enter the tag number of the variable you want to examine
If you enter an incomplete tag number, the program will show you all variables
that match the partial tag number.
All I/O variables have to be allocated. Variables with allocation 'COM' or 'FSC' have to be allocated to the
channel of a COM module. Other variables have to be allocated to the channels of I/O modules.
Software Manual
4-50 System Configuration
Therefore a rack number, position and channel have to be defined per variable. For safety-related
variables of type I and AI with non fail-safe input sensors, one or two redundant channels can be allocated
(see subsection For multiple inputs and outputs (BI, XI, BO, XO), channels must be allocated
for every input or output (see subsection A useful tool to see the allocations of variables is the
<F2> function key. This will show the hardware allocations. Rack
This field specifies the number of the rack, in which the module is placed to which the variable can be
allocated. The program checks if the rack number is defined and if it is a Central Part rack with a SBD, or
a rack that is controlled by a VBD.
Entering zero or changing the rack number will deallocates all the channels that are allocated to the
After entering a valid rack number, a picture in the lower left corner of the screen shows you which
modules are placed in the rack. Modules that can be selected for the variable are highlighted. If there are
one or more modules highlighted, the position can be entered, otherwise the position field is skipped. Position
This field specifies the position in the selected rack, at which the module is placed to which the variable
can be allocated. Enter the position of a module that is highlighted in the lower left corner of the screen.
A module can be selected if:
– Its position is within the set of possible positions.
This set is:
– for Central Part rack with a SBD, all positions left of the Central Part.
– 1..18 if the VBD controls single I/O
– 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 if the VBD controls redundant I/O.
– It is of a type suited for the variable. For example, an analog input can only be connected to an
analog input module.
Table 4-12 I/O modules suited for the different variable types
Inputs Outputs
10101/1/1 10102/1/1 10201/1/1 10213/1/2 10205/1/1
10101/1/2 10102/1/2 10201/2/1 10213/1/3 10205/2/1
10101/1/3 10102/1/3 10203/1/2 10213/2/1
10101/2/1 10102/1/4 10206/1/1 10213/2/2
10101/2/2 10102/2/1 10206/2/1 10213/2/3
10101/2/3 10105/2/1 10207/1/1 10214/1/2
10103/1/1 10208/1/1 10215/1/1
10103/1/2 10208/2/1 10215/2/1
10104/1/1 10209/1/1 10216/1/1
10104/2/1 10209/2/1 10216/2/1
10212/1/1 10216/2/3
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-51
Figure 4-30 Position
The modules at position 1 to 10 cannot be chosen because they are input modules. The
modules at position 13 to 18 are of the correct type but cannot be chosen because they are,
for example, not safety-related whereas the signal is, or there are no free channels left on the
module. The 10201 modules remain, but only position 11 can be selected, because the VBD
that controls the rack controls redundant I/O.
Entering zero or changing the position will deallocate all channels that were already allocated.
After entering a valid position, a picture in the lower left corner of the screen shows you which channels
are still free on the module. Channel
This field specifies the channel of the selected module, to which the variable can be allocated.
The channels that are still free and can be selected are shown in the lower left corner of the screen.
After entering a value the program checks if:
– The entered value is not greater than the number of channels on the module.
– It is tried to connect a safety-related variable to channel 5..8 of a 10212/1/1 module, as
these channels can only be used for not safety-related variables.
– The channel is still free. If it is not, the message line will tell you to which variable the
channel is allocated.
Software Manual
4-52 System Configuration
Figure 4-31 Channel
The picture tells that channel 6 is still free and can be selected to allocate the variable to.
Channels 1 to 5 and 7 to 16 have already been allocated.
Entering zero or changing the channel will deallocate a channel that was already allocated.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-53 Allocation to COM modules
Inputs and outputs which are used for communication (location is 'COM' or 'FSC') have to be allocated to
a channel of a COM module.
Software Manual
4-54 System Configuration Relative address
In general a variable is automatically allocated to a free address in the memory area reserved for the
system number. The address displayed is relative to the start address of the reserved memory area.
This address should be the same as the address of the corresponding variable in the connected FSC
For inputs with location COM, a Central Part, communication module and channel have to be defined per
input. If you press <F2>, in a record with location COM, you can see all allocated variables.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-55 Communication module
After selecting a Central Part, a communication module placed in that Central Part can be selected by
Selecting 'Undef' removes an existing allocation. Channel
Select a channel (A or B) on the specified communication module. Selecting 'Undef' removes an existing
Variables with location 'COM' can only be allocated to channels with protocol Development system, UCN,
Modbus RTU, Modbus H&B, RKE3964R or printer (for BO SER variables only).
If the amount of memory available allows it, the variable is allocated to the selected channel. The address,
relative to the start of the memory area of the COM channel, is displayed at the bottom of the left column
on the screen.
Do you want to step through the database to copy this allocation? (Y/N)
Answering 'Yes' gives you the possibility to copy the allocation you just made to other variables of the
same type and with the same location which have not been allocated yet.
The next question after answering 'Yes' will be:
If you answer 'No', then the allocation will automatically be copied to every suitable unallocated variable
If your answer is 'Yes', the program will display every unallocated variable found and will ask:
'Copy allocation? (Y/N)'
For variables of type BI and BO you may change the register type of the variables selected for copying,
because the address depends on the register type.
For variables connected to FSC-FSC channels, each relative address can be entered manually.
Software Manual
4-56 System Configuration Automatic allocation of SER sequence numbers
If you activate numerical SER, SER sequence numbers must be allocated for variables that are SER
enabled. A possibility exists to allocate SER sequence numbers for variables that are SER enabled, but
do not have an SER sequence number yet.
The option is activated if the SER sequence number is assigned for a variable. The program asks 'Do you
want to step through the database to allocate sequence numbers? (Y/N)' and confirmation is requested. If
you want to allocate sequence numbers, the program scans the variable database for variables that are
SER enabled, but do not have a sequence number yet. If such variables are found, the program asks:
'Allocate all sequence numbers automatically? (Y/N)' and confirmation is requested. If such variables are
not found, the message 'No more unallocated SER sequence numbers' will be displayed.
If automatic allocation is requested, the program runs through the variable database to allocate SER
sequence numbers. If the area for SER sequence numbers is full, automatic allocation is aborted with the
message: 'Area for SER sequence numbers is full'. If the automatic SER sequence allocation finished, the
message: 'No more unallocated SER sequence numbers' is displayed.
If no automatic allocation is requested, the program searches for the first unallocated SER sequence
number and allows you to enter a sequence number manually. A free sequence number is already
displayed by default. The user can accept this sequence number or enter another (not used) sequence
number. If a sequence number has been entered, the program searches for the next unallocated SER
sequence number. If no unallocated SER sequence numbers remain, the message: 'No more unallocated
SER sequence numbers' will be displayed.
The program always returns to the variable where the automatic allocation of SER sequence numbers
was started.
<Esc> can be used to abort the allocation of SER sequence numbers at any time.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-57
4.5.2 Alarm configuration
For more information refer to Appendix A of the FSC Software Manual ("Alarm functions").
Alarm group : Cannot be modified. The alarm group number is generated by the
program. Maximum number of alarm groups: 64.
Software Manual
4-58 System Configuration
Alarm sequence : Possible values :
– AF Basic flashing
– AM Manual lamp reset
– FR Flasher reset
– FRM Flasher / lamp reset
– AR Ringback
– ARR Double audible ringback
– TFS First out indication
– TFS_COM1 First out indication transmitter
FSC system.
– TFS_COM2 First out indication receiver FSC
Press <Space> to select alarm sequence.
Group size : Specifies the number of digital outputs with location 'ANN' and
the alarm type 'Alarm' that can be connected to the alarm.
Minimum group size is 8. Maximum group size is 256.
Start address markers : For each alarm group, memory is allocated in the marker area. Inputs
and outputs connected to the alarm are allocated within this area. This
field gives the start address of the allocated area. It is generated by the
program and cannot be altered. The number of markers allocated
depends on the selected alarm sequence and the alarm group size.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-59
4.5.3 Digital input signal (DI)
Software Manual
4-60 System Configuration
enable and SER sequence number.
Power-up status : If this field is On, the 'input' is set to 1 after power-up. If it is Off the
'input' is set to 0 after power-up. The default value is Off. Press
<Space> to alter the power-up status.
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, the address is calculated by the program,
otherwise the relative address has to be entered by the user.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-61 Location = 'FSC'
For more information see Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC communication manual").
Power-up status : If this field is On, the 'input' is set to 1 after power-up. If it is Off the
'input' is set to 0 after power-up. The default value is Off. Press
<Space> to alter the power-up status.
Software Manual
4-62 System Configuration
System number : Select the system number in the window that appears on the screen.
The highlighted number is the selected system number. Press <D> on
the spot of the highlighted number to deallocate the system, press <S>
to select a system.
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, the address is calculated by the program,
otherwise this can be entered by the user.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-63 Location = 'ANN'
For more information refer to Appendix A of the FSC Software Manual ("Alarm functions").
Alarm group : Press <S> to select the alarm group. <D> will deallocate the variable
from the alarm group.
Software Manual
4-64 System Configuration
Alarm type : Press <Space> to alter the alarm type.
Possible values depend on the alarm sequence of the alarm group the
input is connected to. Every alarm type can only be selected once per
alarm group.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-65 Location = 'SYS'
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-66 System Configuration Other locations
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the channel number of the module where the variable will be
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-67
Sensor is fail-safe : Press <Space> to define the fail-safe status of the sensor. Can only be
changed if the variable is safety-related.
If the sensor is NOT fail-safe, define the type of redundancy required. For more information refer to
Appendix C of the FSC Software Manual ("Safety-related inputs with non-fail-safe sensors").
Max discrepancy time : Enter the maximum discrepancy time. The value must be in the range 1
to 2047 seconds, The default value is 10 seconds.
Maximum on time : Enter the value of the maximum on time or deactivate the maximum on
time. The value must be in the range of 10 - 122820 seconds (2047
minutes). The default value is 28800 seconds (= 8 hours). Deactivate
the maximum on time by pressing <D>.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-68 System Configuration
4.5.4 Analog input signal (AI)
Signal type : Press <Space> to select the signal type which matches with your
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-69
Trm. alarm setp. low and
Trm. alarm setp. high :The minimum and the maximum alarm value must be entered. If the
analog input goes below the minimum setpoint or the analog input goes
above the maximum setpoint, the system will give an analog sensor
break alarm. You can press <D> to deactivate each.
Engineering units : Enter the units which are measured with this variable. You can enter 5
Bottom scale : Enter the lowest possible value (in engineering units) of the variable
which is measured.
Top scale : Enter the highest possible value (in engineering units) of the variable
which is measured.
SER setpoint low : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog input goes below this value. Default is
the bottom scale.
SER setpoint high : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog input goes above this value. Default is
the top scale.
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the channel number of the module where the variable will be
Sensor is fail-safe : Press <Space> to define the fail-safe status of the sensor. Can only be
changed if the variable is safety-related.
If the sensor is NOT fail-safe, define the type of redundancy required. For more information refer to
Appendix C of the FSC Software Manual ("Safety-related inputs with non-fail-safe sensors").
Sensor is redundant : Press <Space> to select the redundancy type. Depending on the
redundancy type, more channels may need to be allocated to this
Max discrepancy value : Enter the maximum discrepancy value between redundant analog
inputs. This is the maximum difference between all redundant input
sensors of an analog variable. ( Limited to 10 % of the span of the
analog input as maximum and 0.1 % of the span for the minimum).
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-70 System Configuration Location = 'SYS' (for 10105/2/1 module only)
If one or more high-density analog input modules 10105/2/1 have been defined, you need to define the
voltage monitoring settings for each 10105/2/1 module. This is done in the screen as shown in Figure
4-41. Please note that the tag number and allocation are predefined. The tag number consists of
'VM'+rack+position+channel. The rack, position and channel are automatically derived from allocation
data that was entered earlier for the 10105/2/1 module.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-71
Trm. alarm setp. low and
Trm. alarm setp. high :The minimum and the maximum alarm value must be entered. If the
analog input goes below the minimum setpoint or the analog input goes
above the maximum setpoint, the system will give an analog sensor
break alarm. You can press <D> to deactivate each.
Engineering units : Enter the units which are measured with this variable. You can enter 5
Bottom scale : Enter the lowest possible value (in engineering units) of the variable
which is measured.
Top scale : Enter the highest possible value (in engineering units) of the variable
which is measured.
SER setpoint low : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog input goes below this value. Default is
the bottom scale.
SER setpoint high : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog input goes above this value. Default is
the top scale.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-72 System Configuration
4.5.5 Multiple input signal (BI)
The variable type BI can have four different kinds of hardware specifications, depending on the location
– Location = 'COM' : The BI variable is received via a non-FSC communication channel.
– Location = 'FSC' : The BI variable is received from another FSC system.
– Location = 'MUX' : The BI variable is a part of multiplexed I/O.
– Other locations : The BI variable is a multiple input, but is no part of multiplexed I/O.
Register type : Press <Space> to change the register type (Byte, Word, Long, Float).
If the register type is changed, the power-up value may be adjusted to
the maximum value of that register type.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-73
Power-up value : The value of the register when the FSC system is switched on. The
range of this value is depending on the register type. The default value
is 0.
DCS address : The DCS address can only be configured if the register type is 'Float'.
Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-74 System Configuration Location = 'FSC'
For more information refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC communication manual").
Register type : Press <Space> to change the register type (Byte, Word, Long, Float).
If the register type is changed, the power-up value may be adjusted to
the maximum value of that register type.
Power-up value : The value of the register when the FSC system is switched on. The
range of this value is depending on the register type. The default value
is 0.
System number : Select the system number in the window that appears on the screen.
The highlighted number is the selected system number. Press <D> on
the spot of the highlighted number to deallocate the system. Press
<S> to select a system.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-75
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, the address is calculated by the program,
otherwise it has to be entered by the user.
DCS address : The DCS address can only be configured if the register type is 'Float'.
Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-76 System Configuration Location = 'MUX'
For more information see Appendix G of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC multiplexers").
Mux tag number : Press <S> to select the XI variable. <D> will deallocate the BI.
Number of input bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Power-up value : The value of the register when the FSC system is switched on. The
range of this value depends on the register type. The default value is 0.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-77
Figure 4-45 Hardware specs: BI : Location 'MUX'
Selection output rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Selection output pos. : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Remember to allocate a BI variable with Location = 'MUX' to output
Selection output chn. : Enter the first channel number of the module where the variable will be
Software Manual
4-78 System Configuration Other locations
Number of input bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-79
Figure 4-47 Hardware specs: BI : Other locations
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be
Channel : Enter the first channel number of the module where the variable
will be allocated.
Software Manual
4-80 System Configuration
4.5.6 Input multiplexer (XI)
For more information refer to Appendix G of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC multiplexers").
Mux tag number : The MUX tag number is automatically allocated by the program.
Number of input bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Scan time : This time should be in the range from 100 to 60,000 ms The scan time
is the time in which all 'connected' BI variables should be read. Enter
the scan time. The minimum must be greater than the application time.
If an application is not yet translated, the minimum scan time will be 100
ms for systems with only one Central Part and 200 ms for systems with
multiple Central Parts. The maximum scan time is 60,000 ms.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-81
Debounce : Press <Space> to alter the debounce value. When the debounce value
is yes, the value which is read, will be compared with the last value
read. If these values are equal, the last value will be transferred to the
application program.
Sel OUT active time : Enter the select output active time. The select output active time is the
time which the select output should be true before the data is valid. The
select OUT active time must be greater then twice the delay time of the
inputs on the module on which the XI variable has been allocated. If the
XI has not yet been allocated, the minimum select OUT active time is
2 ms The maximum time is 100 ms The delay times of the different
I input modules are: – 10101/1/1: 20 ms
– 10101/1/2: 20 ms
– 10101/1/3: 20 ms
– 10101/2/1: 20 ms
– 10101/2/2: 20 ms
– 10101/2/3: 20 ms
– 10104/1/1: 1 ms
– 10104/2/1: 1 ms
– 10103/1/1: 1 ms
– 10103/1/2: 1 ms
Data hold time : Enter the data hold time. This time should be in the range from 0 to 100
ms The data hold time is the time in which the data stabilizes on the
input multiplexer data bus.
Sel OUT active status : Press <Space> to alter the select output active status.
MUX data bus status : Press <Space> to alter the MUX data bus status. The MUX data bus
status can be used to invert the data read from the input multiplexer
data bus. (normal = no inversion)
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the first channel number of the module where the variable will be
Software Manual
4-82 System Configuration
4.5.7 Digital output signal (DO)
There are five different kinds of outputs, depending on the location field:
– Location = 'COM' : The output is sent via a non-FSC communication channel.
– Location = 'FSC' : The output is sent to another FSC system.
– Location = 'ANN' : The output is an annunciator output
– Location = 'SYS' : The output is a system variable.
– Other locations : The output is a normal digital output
For more information refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC communication manual").
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-83
SER enable (sequence) : Press <Space> to alter.
If SER is enabled and an SER sequence range has been specified, an
SER sequence number must be entered. For the SER sequence a
unique number between SER base and SER maximum of the primary
or secondary SER channel can be entered. The default is the first free
sequence number. Use right/left arrow keys to switch between the SER
enable and SER sequence number.
Power-up status : If this field is On the 'output' is set to 1 after power-up. If it is Off the
'output' is set to 0 after power-up. The default status is Off. Press
<Space> to alter the power-up status.
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, the address is calculated by the program,
otherwise it has to be entered by the user.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-84 System Configuration Location = 'FSC'
For more information refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC communication manual").
Power-up status : If this field is On the 'output' is set to 1 after power-up. If it is Off the
'output' is set to 0 after power-up. The default status is Off. Press
<Space> to alter the power-up status.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-85
System number : Select the system number in the window that appears on the screen.
The highlighted number is the selected system number. Press <D> on
the spot of the highlighted number to deallocate the system. Press
<S> to (re)select a system.
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, the address is calculated by the program,
otherwise it has to be entered by the user.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-86 System Configuration Location = 'ANN'
For more information refer to Appendix A of the FSC Software Manual ("Alarm functions").
Alarm group : Press <S> to select the alarm group. <D> will deallocate the variable
from the alarm group.
Alarm type : Press <Space> to alter the alarm type. Possible values depend on the
alarm sequence of the alarm group the input is connected to. Every
alarm type can only be selected once per alarm group. The exception is
alarm type 'Alarm' which is used for the actual alarm outputs. This
alarm type can be selected as many times as the group size defined for
the alarm function. Only for this alarm type a rack, position and channel
have to be defined.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-87
Relative address : If you allocate automatically, this is calculated by the program,
otherwise this has to be entered by the user.
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the channel number where the variable will be allocated.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
4-88 System Configuration Location = 'SYS'
Figure 4-52 shows an example of a SER event trigger of a BO variable with location COM/FSC.
Nothing can be edited for digital outputs with location SYS. They are controlled by the application program.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-89 Other locations
Power-up status : The power-up status is defined after the FSC system has been reset
(e.g. after power-up). The default status is Off. Press <Space> to
change the power-up status.
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Software Manual
4-90 System Configuration
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the channel number of the module where the variable will be
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-91
4.5.8 Analog output signal (AO)
Signal type : Press <Space> to select the Signal type which matches with your
Engineering units : Enter the units of the controlling variable. You can enter 5 characters.
Bottom scale : Enter the lowest possible value (in engineering units) of the controlling
Software Manual
4-92 System Configuration
Top scale : Enter the highest possible value (in engineering units) of the controlling
SER setpoint low : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog output goes below this value. The
default value is the bottom scale.
SER setpoint high : If SER enable is Yes, a value can be entered to generate an SER
message as soon as the analog output goes above this value. The
default value is the top scale.
Power-up value : The power-up value is defined after the FSC system has been reset
(e.g. after power-up). The default value is the bottom scale.
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Channel : Enter the channel number of the module where the variable will be
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-93
4.5.9 Multiple output signal (BO)
The variable type BO can have four different kinds of hardware specifications, depending on the location
– Location = 'COM' : The BO variable is sent via a non-FSC communication channel.
– Location = 'FSC' : The BO variable is sent to another FSC system.
– Location = 'MUX' : The BO variable is a part of multiplexed I/O.
– Other locations : The BO variable is a multiple output, but is no part of multiplexed I/O.
Software Manual
4-94 System Configuration
Register type : Press <Space> to alter the register type.
Power-up value : The power-up value is specified after the FSC system is reset (e.g.
after power-up). The default value is 0.
Engineering units : If the SER enable = Yes, the engineering units field can be entered as
a string of 5 characters. These units can be printed in the SER
DCS address : The DCS address can only be configured if the register type is 'Float'.
Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-95 Location = 'FSC'
For more information refer to Appendix F of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC communication manual").
Power-up value : The power-up value is specified after the FSC system is reset (e.g. after
power-up). The default value is 0.
Software Manual
4-96 System Configuration
System number : Select the system number in the window that appears on the screen.
The highlighted number is the selected system. Press <D> on the spot
of the highlighted number to deallocate the system. Press <S> to (re)
select a system.
Engineering units : If SER enable = Yes, the engineering units field can be entered as an
string of 5 characters. These units can be printed in the SER message.
DCS address : The DCS address can only be configured if the register type is 'Float'.
Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-97 Location = 'MUX'
For more information refer to Appendix G of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC multiplexers").
Mux tag number : Press <S> to select the XO variable. <D> will deallocate the BO.
Number of output bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Blank code : This value can be entered if BCD representation is selected. This value
is used to blank BCD display in case of loading zeros. The default 0
means no blanking.
Software Manual
4-98 System Configuration
Register type : Cannot be modified if the number of output bits > 0.
Power-up value : The power-up value is defined after the FSC system has been reset
(e.g. after power-up) The default value is 0.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-99
Figure 4-58 Hardware specs: BO : Location = 'MUX'
Selection output rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Selection output pos. : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be allocated.
Selection output chn. : Enter the first channel number of the module where the variable will be
Software Manual
4-100 System Configuration Other locations
Number of output bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Blank code : This value can be entered if BCD representation is selected. This value
is used to clear a part of the variable on, for example, BCD display.
The default 0 means no blanking.
Power-up value : The power-up value is defined after the FSC system has been reset
(e.g. after power-up). The default value is 0.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-101
Figure 4-60 Hardware specs: BO : Other locations
Rack : Enter the rack number where the variable will be allocated.
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the variable will be
Channel : Enter the first channel number of the module where the variable
will be allocated.
Software Manual
4-102 System Configuration
4.5.10 Output multiplexer (XO)
For more information refer to Appendix G of the FSC Software Manual ("FSC multiplexers").
Number of output bits : Enter the number of bits of the variable. This value should be in the
range 1 to 32 bits.
Scan time : Enter the scan time. This time should be in the range from 100 to
60,000 ms. The scan time is the time in which all 'connected' BO
variables should be written.
Data setup time : Enter the data setup time. This time should be in the range from 0 to
100 ms. The data setup time is the time which the data lines should
have the correct data status before the select output will be activated.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-103
Sel OUT active time : Enter the select output active time. This time should be in the range
from 1 to 100 ms. The select output time is the time which the select
output should be active.
Data hold time : Enter the data hold time. This time should be in the range from 1 to 100
ms. The data hold time is the time in which the data has to stay active
after the select output is de-activated.
Sel OUT active status : Press <Space> to alter the select output active status.
MUX data bus status : Press <Space> to alter the MUX data bus status. The MUX data bus
status can be used to invert the data (normal = no inversion).
Rack : Enter the rack number where the output multiplexer data bus will be
Position : Enter the position in the rack where the output multiplexer data bus will
be allocated.
Channel : Enter the first channel number of the module where the output
multiplexer data bus will be allocated.
Software Manual
4-104 System Configuration
4.5.11 Marker (M)
Force enable : Markers can only be forced for on-sheet references. Markers used in a
sheet or off-sheet references cannot be forced
Power-up status : If this field is On the marker is set to 1 after power-up. If it is Off the
marker is set to 0 after power-up. The default status is Off. Press
<Space> to alter the power-up status.
FLD(s) : This field lists the destination FLD of a reference between two or more
FLDs. This field cannot be modified.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-105
4.5.12 Counter (C)
Software Manual
4-106 System Configuration
4.5.13 Timer (T)
Timer type : The timer function type. Timers can be divided into:
1. Timers with timer value dependent on the application program.
2. Timers with constant time value defined in the Design functional logic
diagrams. The second type of timers has an extension of 2 to the
timer type (see screen above).
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-107
The following different timer types are possible:
Timer base : This can be 10 milliseconds (10 ms), 100 milliseconds (100 ms), 1
second (1 S) or 1 minute (1 M). The timer base is the period in which
the timer value is decremented once.
Timer value : Constant timer value. This value has a range of 0 to 2047.
DCS address : Enter the unique identification used for accessing the attributes of this
variable. A value between 1 and 65535 can be entered. Enter (-1) to
deallocate the address.
The timer type, timer base and timer value cannot be changed using the 'System Configuration' option of
FSC Navigator. Use the 'Design FLDs' option to change the timer type, timer base or timer value.
Software Manual
4-108 System Configuration
4.5.14 Register (R)
Register type : The type of the register. The register type cannot be modified by this
Power-up value : The value of the register when the FSC system is switched on. The
range of this value depends on the register type. The default value is 0.
This field can be modified if the address is ≤ 7000.
Registers are also used for value sheet references.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-109
4.5.15 PID (P)
For more information refer to Appendix E of the FSC Software Manual ("PID controllers").
Software Manual
4-110 System Configuration
Proportional band : This indicates the change (as a percentage) in the difference setpoint -
input for doubling the output. Enter the Proportional band (<> 0).
Reset factor : This indicates the times per minute in which the integration is
calculated. The Reset factor has a range of ≥ 0 rep/Min. Enter the
reset factor.
Rate time : The rate time is the time section over which the differentiations are
discreted, and has a range of 0 to 3276.7 seconds. Enter the rate
Engineering units : Enter the units of the input and of the output of the PID (two fields).
You can enter 5 characters.
Bottom scale : Enter the lowest possible value (in engineering units) of the input and
of the output of the PID (Two fields).
Top scale : Enter the highest possible value (in engineering units) of the input
and of the output of the PID (two fields).
PID deviation limit : This is the high clamp for the difference between PID input and PID
analog setpoint. Take care: there will be no correct controlling if the
parameter is zero. Enter the PID deviation limit in engineering input
units. The deviation limit must exceed 1% of the input range.
PID analog output low clamp : The analog output will never become smaller than this value. Enter
the PID analog output low clamp in engineering units.
PID analog output high clamp : The analog output will never exceed this value. Enter the PID analog
output high clamp in engineering units.
PID setpoint low clamp : The setpoint will never become smaller than this value. Enter the PID
setpoint low clamp in engineering units.
PID setpoint high clamp : The setpoint will never exceed this value. Enter the PID setpoint high
clamp in engineering units.
Cascade input : If PID operation mode is cascade and this PID is the slave then enter
Yes else enter No.
Tag number : If in cascade enter the tag number of the master PID.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-111
4.6 Rebuild
If you choose this option you are asked to confirm that you want to rebuild the databases:
If your answer is 'Yes' and on-line modification is on 'No', the next question will be asked:
If you answer 'No', or on-line modification is on 'Yes' the address allocation remains the same and only the
index files are rebuilt. The next question is:
If 'on-line modification wanted' is configured, it is possible to rebuild on-line. With this option the allocation
of variables can be checked/recovered out of the FSC system.
There is a shortcut to the 'On-Line Rebuild' option. If you choose the 'On-Line Rebuild' command on the
On-Line menu of FSC Navigator, the first two questions will be skipped (assuming the answer 'Yes') and
you will immediately be taken to the last question, which asks you to confirm the on-line rebuild.
If you choose the rebuild option, you are asked to confirm that you want to rebuild the databases:
If you answer 'No', the address allocation remains the same and only the index files are rebuilt.
If you answer 'Yes' the allocation will be checked/restored.
Hereafter you are asked for a confirmation.
If you answer 'No', the rebuild function is aborted. If you answer 'Yes', the development system will start
reading the allocation of the variables from the FSC system via the communication link. The gathered
information is put into temporary files which are used by the on-line rebuild function.
– A tag number has been changed after translation and programming EPROMs and the allocation
is still the same.
Action : The variable will be deallocated or set to undefined.
Software Manual
4-112 System Configuration
– An I/O module has been deleted and all variables on it have been deallocated.
Action : The module as well as the accessory variables will be reallocated to the rack and
position they had before.
– The rack of a HBD has been changed (after deleting the I/O modules).
Action : The HBD will be reallocated to the rack, it had before.
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-113
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
4-114 System Configuration
Adding variables, 42 Central part (continued)
Address markers, 59 Safety Manager Module, 32
AI signals. See Analog input signals Single bus driver, 34
Alarm configuration, 58 Vertical bus driver (VBD), 35
Alarm group, 58 Watchdog, 25
Alarm sequence, 59 Central part bus, 24
Allocation of I/O variables, 50 Central part definition, 23
Automatic, 56 Central part modules, 15, 23
Channel, 52 Central part rack number, 14
Location 'COM', 55 Central processor unit, 25
Location 'FSC', 54 Channel, 52, 56
Multiple inputs and outputs, 53 Channel configuration, 26
Position, 51 COM module type, 25
Rack, 51 Communication between FSC systems, 12
To COM modules, 54 Communication module, 25, 56
To I/O modules, 50 Communication network, 26
Analog input signals, 69, 71 Communication protocol, 25, 32
Analog output signals, 92 Communication timeout, 12
AO signals. See Analog output signals Configuration
Application description, 5 FSC-FSC communication, 12
Application program on CPU or MEM, 25 Memory chip size, 10
Atomic clock, 34 Modbus base address, 10
Automatic allocation of SER sequence numbers, 57 Copying allocations, 28
Automatic allocation of variables, 56 Counters, 106
Availability degrees, 6 CPU module, 24
Creating a new application, 1
Baud rate, 31
BI signals. See Multiple input signals Dbase file format, 44
BO signals. See Multiple output signals dBASE imports, 47, 49
dBASE interface, 44, 46, 49
DBM module type, 34
C DBM temperature settings, 34
DCF capability, 34
Central part, 3, 55 Default application information, 5
Bus, 24 Default interval time between faults, 12
Central processor unit (CPU), 25 Default voting
COM module type, 25 Input modules, 16
Communication module, 25 Output modules, 17
Definition, 23 Definition of central part, 23
Diagnostic and battery module (DBM), 33 Deleting variables, 44
Memory module, 33 Delta power supplies, 21, 22
Number of modules, 25 Description of application, 5
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-115
Index (continued)
H Markers, 105
Handshake, 31 Maximum discrepancy time, 68
Hardware specification, 50 Maximum discrepancy value, 70
High-density analog input module 10105/2/1, 71 Maximum on time, 68
High-voltage modules, 39 Memory chip size configuration, 10
Horizontal bus driver (HBD), 35 Memory module, 33
Menu options of 'Configure FSC system', 2
Software Manual
4-116 System Configuration
Index (continued)
Modbus base address configuration, 10 Parity, 31
Module types, 15 Passwords, 40
Modules PID controllers, 110
Central part, 15, 23 PIDs, 110
High-voltage, 39 Placing modules, 18
I/O, 16, 37 Position, 51
Placing modules, 18 Power supply units, 18
Special function, 15 Power-on mode, 13
Multiple input signals, 73 Primary SER channel, 9
Location 'COM', 73 Process safety time, 11
Location 'FSC', 75 Protocol, 25, 32
Location 'MUX', 77 PSD module, 18, 20, 21
Other locations, 79
Multiple inputs and outputs, 53
Multiple output signals, 94 R
Location 'COM', 94
Location 'FSC', 96 Rack, 51
Location 'MUX', 98 Rack positions, 14
Other locations, 101 Reading from dBASE file, 46
Multiplexers, 81, 103 Rebuilding databases, 112
On-line rebuild, 112
Registers, 109
N Relative address, 55, 56
Requirement class, 6
Network, 26 Restrictions
Number of bits/char, 31 Tag number, 42
Number of cabinets, 14 Variable field, 43
Number of modules per central part, 25
Number of racks per cabinet, 14
Number of stop bits, 31 S
Numerical SER ranges, 9
Safety Manager Module, 32
Safety relation, 58
O Scaling values, 57
Searching variables, 44
On-line modification option, 14 Secondary SER channel, 9
On-line rebuild, 112 SER channel specification, 8
Output multiplexers, 103 SER enable, 58
Output signals SER ranges, 9
Analog, 92 SER sequence numbers, 57
Digital, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90 Single bus driver, 34
Multiple, 94, 96, 98, 101 Special function modules, 15
Hardware, 50
SER channel, 8
System type, 7
System number, 54
System type specification, 7
Software Manual
System Configuration 4-117
Index (continued)
Tag number, 50 Variable field restrictions, 43
Tag number restrictions, 42 Variable type, 50
Timeout, 12, 30 Vertical bus driver (VBD), 35
Timer base, 108 Voltage monitoring for 10105/2/1 module, 71
Timer types, 108 Voting
Timers, 107 Defaults for input modules, 16
Defaults for output modules, 17
UCN communication, 32
UCN node number, 33 Watchdog, 25
Using dBASE, 49 Write enable, 58
Writing to dBASE file, 46
XI signals. See Input multiplexers
XO signals. See Output multiplexers
Software Manual
4-118 System Configuration
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 5:
Editing Reports and SER Format
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................5-1
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format i
Figure 5-1 Edit reports and SER format: start-up screen ............................................................. 5-1
Figure 5-2 Selecting a report file for editing.................................................................................. 5-4
Figure 5-3 Edit menu for report file ............................................................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-4 Edit menu for report text.............................................................................................. 5-6
Figure 5-5 Edit menu for report header ........................................................................................ 5-7
Figure 5-6 Editing the report frequency ........................................................................................ 5-8
Figure 5-7 Selecting a month........................................................................................................ 5-9
Figure 5-8 Selecting a date......................................................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-9 Selecting a day .......................................................................................................... 5-11
Figure 5-10 Selecting an hour ...................................................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-11 Selecting a minute..................................................................................................... 5-13
Figure 5-12 Editing the variables for conditional report generation .............................................. 5-14
Figure 5-13 Defining the printer configuration .............................................................................. 5-15
Figure 5-14 Edit menu for SER format file.................................................................................... 5-17
Figure 5-15 SER messages.......................................................................................................... 5-18
Figure 5-16 Edit menu for SER messages ................................................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-17 Defining the printer configuration .............................................................................. 5-21
Figure 5-18 FSC SER format........................................................................................................ 5-22
Figure 5-19 Delete menu .............................................................................................................. 5-23
Figure 5-20 Deleting a report file .................................................................................................. 5-24
Software Manual
ii Editing Reports and SER Format
5.1 Introduction
The 'Edit reports and SER Format' option of FSC Navigator can be called by choosing the SER Formats
command in the Project menu. The windows as shown in Figure 5-1 will appear.
This option of FSC Navigator serves two purposes:
1. It can be used to define the journal of the SER messages.
2. It can be used to create the layout for up to 99 reports and to define the conditions under which each
of the reports must be generated by the FSC system. For creating the layouts, the program provides a
screen editor and a number of other editing features.
On start-up of the program, you can choose between editing a report, editing the SER format file, deleting
files (if there are any files that can be deleted), or returning to the FSC Navigator main screen (eXit). The
SER format messages for an application are stored in a file called <application name>.FMT. If you want to
edit the SER format file and this file does not exist, a default file will be created. This default file has the
same layout as the default format file used by the 'Translate Application' option (compiler) of FSC
Navigator and the FSCSOE application. The difference is the value of the qualification of markers. The
compiler default file generates no marker qualification table, the user format file will.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-1
5.2 Basic editing commands
For defining the journal of the SER messages and for creating a report, the program provides an editor.
This editor, of course, allows you to enter text and to manipulate this text, but also to set graphic attributes
as bold printing, the background color, etc. It is also possible to indicate where, for example, in the text a
date or a page number should be included in the current SER message or report generated by the FSC
An empty line is indicated by a dash ('-'). This character is not inserted into the actual text.
Below you will find an overview of the available editing commands. They are activated by pressing the key
or key combination shown between the < > brackets.
<Ins> or <Ctrl>+<V>
Use this key to switch between insert and overwrite mode. The current mode is displayed in the upper
right corner of the screen.
Arrow keys
Use the arrow keys to move around on the screen.
If the total number of lines is fixed (report header in the SER format file), pressing <Enter> puts the cursor
at the beginning of the next line. If the current line is the last line, the cursor will be put at the beginning of
the last line. If the number of lines is report text, pressing <Enter> inserts a new line below the current line.
The text starting at the cursor position will be moved to the new line. The cursor will be put at the
beginning of the new line.
<Ctrl> + < >
Brings the cursor to the beginning of the next word, or to the end of the line if there are no more words on
the line.
<Ctrl> + < >
Brings the cursor to the beginning of the word indicated by the cursor. If the cursor is already on the
beginning of the word, or the cursor indicates a space, then the cursor is moved to the beginning of the
previous word.
Brings the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Positions the cursor after the last character on the line.
Deletes the character at the current cursor position.
Deletes the character left of the cursor.
Software Manual
5-2 Editing Reports and SER Format
<Ctrl> + <T>
Deletes a word. If the cursor indicates a space, then all the spaces until the next word are deleted.
If the cursor indicates a word, then all characters until the beginning of the next word are deleted.
<Ctrl> + <Y>
Deletes a complete line.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-3
5.3 Edit report file
If you want to edit a report, you are asked to enter the number of the report, which must be in the range
1 to 99.
The existing reports are displayed highlighted. A report is stored in the disk file
<Application name>.R<report number>, so a report file for the application TEST_1 could be TEST_1.R05.
If you enter the number of a report that does not exist, a new empty report is automatically created.
After selecting a report file, the data is read and checked for invalid data. When the file is corrupted, the
program prompts:
After entering Yes or No, you will return to the main menu.
If the report file is correct or empty, the following screen will be displayed.
Software Manual
5-4 Editing Reports and SER Format
Figure 5-3 Edit menu for report file
You can enter the report text. There are a number of special functions for placing tag numbers, services,
values, etc. in the report text. They are:
<Alt> + <T>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the report you want a tag number to be shown.
The program will ask you for the variable type and the tag number.
<Alt> + <S>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the report you want the service of a variable to
be shown. The program will ask you for the variable type and the tag number.
<Alt> + <Q>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the report you want the qualification of a
variable to be shown. The program will ask you for the variable type and the tag number.
<Alt> + <V>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the report you want the current value of a
variable to be shown. The program will ask you for the variable type and the tag number.
While inserting text, you can press <Esc> to call the following editing menu.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-5
Figure 5-4 Edit menu for report text
Graphic : Gives access to a submenu used to set graphic attributes of the text. Attributes are
valid from the current cursor position until the end of the line.
By choosing the attribute once more it is switched off again.
Only the valid attributes will be displayed.
The possible attributes are :
– Bold The text will be shown bold.
– Underline The text will be underlined, only for printer output.
Color : Gives access to a sub menu to set foreground colors. Only available for color printers.
Date : Choosing this option inserts an indication in the text that tells where in the text the
current date must be shown. This is shown by inserting the text '-- date -------' in the
line. You cannot edit this text and the cursor can only be positioned on the first character
of the text. Pressing <Del> when the cursor is on the first character removes the date
indication and text.
Time : This option has a similar function as the 'Date' function, but it inserts the current time.
Software Manual
5-6 Editing Reports and SER Format
5.3.2 Report header
You can enter the report header text. While inserting text, you can press <Esc> to enter the following
editing menu.
Graphic : Gives access to a sub menu used to set graphic attributes of the text. Attributes
are valid from the current cursor position until the end of the line.
By choosing the attribute once more it is switched off again.
Only the valid attributes will be displayed.
The possible attributes are :
– Bold The text will be shown bold.
– Underline The text will be underlined, only for printer output.
Color : Gives access to a sub menu to set foreground colors. Only available for color
Date : Choosing this option inserts an indication in the text that tells where in the text
the current date must be shown. This is shown by inserting the text
'-- date -------' in the line. You cannot edit this text and the cursor can only
be positioned an the first character of the text. Pressing <Del> when the cursor
is on the first character removes the date indication and text.
Time : This option has a similar function as the 'Date' function ; it inserts the current
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-7
Page number : This option inserts the page number indication.
If you select the 'frequency' option, you are asked whether or not you want to generate the report on a
time base (only possible if you have placed a DBM module in the central part). If your answer is 'Yes', you
must define the frequency with which the report must be generated. The frequency is determined by the
values given to Month, Date, Day, Hour and Minute.
Software Manual
5-8 Editing Reports and SER Format
If you want a yearly report, you only have to select a specific month. The report is generated when the
system timer matches the selected month. If, for example, you wish to report on the first day of the year at
12 o'clock, you should select the month 'January' , the date '1' and the hour '12'. The day should be
specified as 'Any'. The minute may be specified as '0' or as 'Any'.
Use <Space> to select a month or <?> to get a list of all possible options.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-9
If you want a monthly report, specify the month as 'Any' and specify a date of the month. Use <S> to get
the selection window. Use the cursor keys to choose the date and press <S> to select this date. The
selected date will be highlighted. If you want to specify 'Any' for the date, press <A>. After selecting a date
or 'Any', press <Esc> to return to the selection of month, date, etc.
Software Manual
5-10 Editing Reports and SER Format
If you want a weekly report, specify both month and date as 'Any' and select a specific day of the week.
Use <Space> to select a day of the week or use <?> to get a list of all possible options.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-11
If you want a daily report, specify the month, the date and the day as 'Any' and select a specific hour. Use
<S> to get the selection window. Use the cursor keys to choose the hour and press <S> to select this
hour. The selected hour will be highlighted. If you want to specify 'Any' for the hour, press <A>. After
selecting an hour or 'Any', press <Esc> to return to the selection of month, date, etc.
Software Manual
5-12 Editing Reports and SER Format
If you want a report every hour, specify the month, the date, the day and the hour as 'Any' and select a
specific minute. Use <S> to get the selection window. Use the cursor keys to choose a minute and press
<S> to select this minute. The selected minute will be highlighted. If you want to specify 'Any' for the
minute, press <A>. After selecting a minute or 'Any', press <Esc> to return to the selection of month, date,
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-13
5.3.4 Conditional report generation
Conditional variables are variables that cause a report to be generated when a certain condition is met.
You can specify up to three types of conditions.
First select the type of condition under which to generate a report. After selecting the condition, you must
name the variable for which the condition will be tested, and you must specify the condition.
After selecting the condition, you must name a variable in the database for which the condition will be
tested. If the condition is an SER event, the variable type must be entered. All variable types that can be
made SER-enabled are allowed. Next, the tag number of the variable must be entered. The program
checks if the variable is present in the database. If it is, and the condition is SER Event but the variable is
not SER-enabled, you are asked whether to make it SER-enabled or not. If your answer is 'Yes', the
Software Manual
5-14 Editing Reports and SER Format
database is adapted and the variable is accepted. Otherwise the condition is ignored. SER events are not
possible with numerical SER format.
Finally, the condition must be specified. For the conditions 'Counter value' and 'Register value', a value
must be entered. For the condition 'SER event', the condition can be specified by toggling. If the variable
type is I (digital input), O (digital output), M (marker), T (timer) or C (counter), the possible SER events are
'Any transition', 'Transition to low' and 'Transition to high'. If the variable type is AI (analog input) or AO
(analog output), the possible SER events are 'Exceed setpoint', 'Exceed setpoint low' and 'Exceed setpoint
For every report and for the SER messages, you can define the configuration of the printer that is used for
outputting the report or the SER messages.
Printer type
Select the desired printer by toggling with <Space>.
Possible printer types are:
– NEC P6 Plus – EPSON FX80 – EPSON FX1000 – SiemensPT89-11
– NEC P7 Plus – EPSON FX80+ – EPSON RX80
– NEC P6 Color – EPSON FX100 – Dummy printer
– NEC P7 Color – EPSON FX800 – Siemens PT88-11
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-15
A special option is the dummy printer. If you select this option, all attributes you used in the report text will
be ignored.
Page length
Select one of the values 66 (11" paper) or 72 (12" paper) by toggling with <Space>.
Header margin
The number of empty lines on top of each page.
Footer margin
The number of empty lines at the bottom of each page.
Characters on line
The number of characters on one line. Select a value by toggling. The possible values depend on the
selected printer type.
5.3.6 Main
The program asks if you want to save your changes. After you have answered the question, the program
returns to the 'Edit reports and SER format' main edit menu.
Software Manual
5-16 Editing Reports and SER Format
5.4 SER format file
If you choose the 'SER format file' option, the program checks if a format file already exists. If there is a
format file, the file is read and checked for invalid contents. If the file is corrupted, the following message
is displayed:
The file is then ignored. If you want to keep this version, do not save the file when you leave the SER
message editing. If the SER format file is correct, the following screen will be displayed:
The 'Edit reports and SER format' option of FSC Navigator can be used to change the default
format to include service and qualification for these variables (see SER printer specification).
As the service and qualification are stored in the COM module EPROMs, inclusion is only
possible as long as the <Application>.Cxx files do not exceed the capacity of 2 Mbit
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-17
5.4.1 SER messages
If you choose the 'SER messages' option from the menu, the following screen will be displayed:
Special functions to place tag numbers, services, values, etc. in the SER messages.
<Alt> + <T>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the current SER message you want the tag
number of the variable to be shown. As a result, 16 positions in the message are reserved for the tag
number. This is indicated by inserting the text — tag number — in the line. You cannot edit this text and
the cursor can only be positioned on the first character of the text. Pressing the <Del> key when the cursor
is on the first character, removes the tag number indication and text.
<Alt> + <S>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the current SER message you want the
service of the variable to be shown. The service message is not defined for register outputs (BO).
<Alt> + <Q>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the current SER message you want the
qualification of the variable to be shown. This can only be done when editing the SER message for digital
inputs, digital outputs and markers. For the other variable types the qualification is not defined.
Software Manual
5-18 Editing Reports and SER Format
<Alt> + <V>
By pressing this key combination you can indicate where in the current SER message you want the value
of the variable to be shown. This can be done for variable types AI, AI and BO.
In future releases, SER for timers, counters and markers will not be supported anymore.
Graphic : Gives access to a sub menu used to set graphic attributes of the text. Attributes
are valid from the current cursor position until the end of the line.
By choosing the attribute once more it is switched off again.
Only the valid attributes will be displayed.
The possible attributes are :
– Bold The text will be shown bold.
– Underline The text will be underlined, only for printer output.
Color : Gives access to a sub menu to set foreground colors. Only available for color
Date : Choosing this option inserts an indication in the text that tells where in the text
the current date must be shown. This is shown by insert in the text '-- date -----'
in the line. You cannot edit this text and the cursor can only be positioned on the
first character of the text. Pressing <Del> when the cursor is on the first
character removes the date indication.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-19
Time : This option has a similar function as the 'Date' function, but it inserts the current
Page number : This option inserts the page number indication. The page number option is only
available when editing the header of the SER format file.
Software Manual
5-20 Editing Reports and SER Format
5.4.2 SER printer configuration
You can define the configuration of the printer on which the SER messages are to be printed.
Printer type
Select the desired printer by toggling with <Space>.
The following printer types can be selected:
– NEC P6 Plus – EPSON FX80 – EPSON FX1000 – Numerical SER format
– NEC P7 Plus – EPSON FX80+ – EPSON RX80 – Siemens PT88-11
– NEC P6 Color – EPSON FX100 – Dummy printer – Siemens PT89-11
– NEC P7 Color – EPSON FX800 – FSC SER format
Special options are the dummy printer, FSC SER format and numerical SER.
If numerical SER ranges are defined in the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator,
the numerical SER format must be used.
The format that FSCSER used remains supported. However, from FSC Release 500 onward,
the FSCSER option has been replaced by FSCSOE, which is a separate Windows
application. SER printing to directly connected printers is still supported.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-21
If the FSC SER format has been selected, the marker service and marker qualification may be available in
the SER. To specify marker services in the SER, toggle the 'Marker service in EPROM' option to 'Yes'. To
specify the marker qualification in the SER, toggle the 'Marker qualification in EPROM' option to 'Yes.
Page length
Select one of the values 66 (11" paper) or 72 (12" paper) by toggling with <Space>.
Header margin
The number of empty lines on top of each page.
Footer margin
The number of empty lines at the bottom of each page,
Characters on line
The number of characters on a line. Select a value by toggling. The possible values depend on the
selected printer type.
5.4.3 Main
The program asks if you want to save your changes. After you have answered the question, the program
returns to the main edit menu.
Software Manual
5-22 Editing Reports and SER Format
5.5 Deleting files
If you choose the 'Delete files' option, the following screen will be displayed:
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-23
To delete a report file, choose 'Report file' from the delete menu. The following screen will be displayed:
Enter the number of the report file you want to delete. The following question will be asked:
To delete the SER format file, select 'SER format file' from the delete menu. The following question will be
Software Manual
5-24 Editing Reports and SER Format
5.6 Default SER format specification
This subsection describes the default format of the SER reports. The default SER format is used in
combination with FSCSOE, which is a separate Windows application.
A distinction is made between event reports for process variables and SER messages. The SER header
and variable event formats can be changed using the 'SER Format' option of FSC Navigator. The format
of the SER messages is fixed.
The SER header is printed at the top of every new page. It is a fixed text string of 87 characters:
'Type', <space>, 'Tag number', <4 spaces>, 'Service', <12 spaces>, 'Qualification', <9 spaces>, 'Date',
<19 spaces>, 'Time'.
The SER header is preceded by a printer control sequence, consisting of an ASCII form-feed character
and four CR-LF character combinations. The header is terminated by two CR-LF character combinations.
An identical format is used for all variable types. The format consists of 104 ASCII printable characters. It
contains the following fields: Type
The type identification field consists of a fixed string of three characters. Depending on the variable type,
the string is:
– 'I ' for digital inputs,
– 'O ' for digital outputs,
– 'M ' for markers,
– 'T ' for timers,
– 'C ' for counters,
– 'AI ' for analog inputs,
– 'AO ' for analog outputs,
– 'BO ' for register outputs.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-25 Tag number
The tag number field contains the tag number of the variable as assigned in the system configuration or
FLDs. If the tag number is less than 16 characters, the remaining part of the field is filled with spaces. Service
The service field contains the service of the variable as assigned in the system configuration or FLDs. If
the service is less than 19 characters, the remaining part of the field is filled with spaces. The service is
only printed for variable types I, O, AI, AO and optionally for M. For variable types BO, T and C, the field is
completely filled with spaces. Qualification
For types I, O and M, the field consists of two parts. The first part is 6 characters long and is used to
indicate the current status of the variable. If the status is high, the field is filled with spaces. If the status is
low, a text of five characters plus a trailing space is printed. The text is derived from the compiler message
file and depends on the language. For the English version, the text is 'NOT'.
The second part of the qualification field contains the qualification of the variable as assigned in the
system configuration or FLDs. If the qualification is less than 16 characters, the remaining part of the field
is filled with spaces.
1. At this moment, the qualification is not printed for markers. If you wish to include the
marker qualification in the event report, use the 'Edit reports and SER format' option of
FSC Navigator.
2. It is quite common that the qualification represents a negation, e.g. 'not low'. In this case,
when the variable status is low, both the 'not' in the first part of the qualification field and
the 'not' text within the qualification itself are suppressed, i.e. the string that is printed is
'low' instead of 'not not low'. The remaining part of the field is filled with spaces.
For variable types T and C, the field is completely filled with spaces.
For the variable types AI and AO, the qualification field is used to report the type of event. Three different
texts can appear to indicate that the analog value exceeded the configured SER high value, became less
than the SER low value, or re-entered the healthy range between SER low and SER high. The messages
are derived from the compiler message file and depend on the language. For the English version, the
texts are 'Maximum', 'Minimum' and 'healthy', respectively. A number of 20 characters is reserved for the
texts. The last two characters of the qualification field are always filled with spaces.
Software Manual
5-26 Editing Reports and SER Format
Variable type BO
For type BO, the qualification field contains the value of the BO variable followed by the configured
engineering units.
Force events
If a variable in the FSC system is forced to a specific value, or a previous force is cleared, an event report
is generated. In this case, the qualification field is used to indicate the type of force event. The texts that
are printed are derived from the compiler message file and depend on the language. For the English
version, the texts are 'force set' and 'force cleared', respectively. The force texts may be 22 characters
long. The remaining characters are filled with spaces. Date
The date field consists of the following parts: weekday, date and month. The weekday and date parts are
separated by a comma and a space. The date and month parts are separated by a dash.
The weekday part contains a text that is derived from the compiler message file and depends on the
language. For the English version the following texts are used: 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday',
'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday' and 'Saturday'. A number of 16 characters is reserved for the weekday.
The weekday text is always immediately followed by a comma and a space character. If the text is less
than 16 characters, the remaining characters of the date field are filled with spaces.
The date and month parts are printed as a two-character decimal value. If the value of the date or month
is less than 10, a space is printed at the first character position. Time
The time field consists of the following parts: hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds. The
hours, minutes and seconds parts are separated by a dot. The seconds and hundredths of seconds parts
are separated by a colon.
All parts of the time field are printed as two-character decimal values. If the value of the hours is less than
10, a space is printed at the first character position. If any of the other values is less than 10, a zero is
printed at the first character position.
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-27
5.6.3 Standard SER messages
The FSC system contains several standard SER messages. The messages cannot be suppressed. The
texts are derived from the compiler message file and depend on the language.
The system fault message is printed if a fault is detected within the FSC system. The message indicates
the system number, rack and position where the fault occurred and the date and time. The format of the
message is adapted to the formats for variable events. The default format consists of fixed text an five
variable fields:
– 12 leading spaces,
– text: 'System fault ',
– system number field,
– rack number field,
– position number field,
– date field,
– time field.
– carriage return, line feed.
The system, rack and position number fields are separated by a comma and a space character. The total
length of the message is equal to the length of the variable event report, i.e. 104 characters for the default
The system number field consists of the text 'System:' and the system number in decimal representation.
The system number field is aligned with the service field of the variable event formats as described above.
The length of the field depends on the system number. If the system number is less than 10, the field is 9
characters long. If the system number is 10 or higher, the field is 10 characters.
If the service field is not configured in the variable SER format, the system number field is not printed.
The rack number field consists of the text 'Rack:' and the rack number in decimal representation. The rack
number value always occupies two character positions. If the rack number is less than 10, a space is
printed at the first character position. The rack number field is aligned with the qualification field of the
variable event formats as described above.
If the qualification field is not configured in the variable SER format, the rack number field is not printed.
The position number field consists of the text 'Position:' and the position number in decimal
representation. The position number value always occupies two character positions. If the position number
is less than 10, a space is printed at the first character position. The position number field is printed
directly after the rack number field.
If the qualification field is not configured in the variable SER format, the position number field is not
Software Manual
5-28 Editing Reports and SER Format
Date and Time
The format of the date and time fields is identical to the format used in the variable event reports. The
fields are aligned to the corresponding fields in the variable event formats.
This message is generated if a command was issued from the FSC Development System to clear all
forces. The message consists of the text 'All forces cleared' and the date and time.
The text is aligned with the service field of the variable event formats as described above. If no service
field is configured, the text is aligned with the qualification field. If both the service and qualification field
are not configured, no text is printed.
The format of the date and time fields is identical to the format used in the variable event reports. The
fields are aligned to the corresponding fields in the variable event formats.
The SER message error text is printed if an invalid SER message is selected. The message consists of a
text 'SER message error'. The text is aligned with the service field of the variable event formats as
described above. If no service field is configured, the text is aligned with the qualification field. If both the
service and qualification field are not configured, no text is printed.
This SER message error should never appear. If it does, please contact Honeywell Safety Management
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-29
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
5-30 Editing Reports and SER Format
All forces cleared message, 29 Monthly report, 10
Report header, 7
Report text, 6 P
Position number field, 28
C Printing
Report printer, 15
Color, 6, 7, 19 SER printer, 21
Conditional report generation, 14
Configuration of report printer, 15
Configuration of SER printer, 21 Q
Counter value, 14
Qualification, 26
Daily report, 12
Date, 6, 7, 19, 27, 29 Rack number field, 28
Default SER format specification, 25 Register value, 14
Default SER header, 25 Report file, 4
Default variable event formats, 25 Report header attributes, 7
Deleting report file, 23 Report header text, 7
Deleting SER format file, 24 Report printer, 15
Report text, 5
Report text attributes, 6
E Reports
Conditional report generation, 14
Editing commands, 2, 5, 18 Daily, 12
Editing report format, 4 Editing report format, 4
Editing SER format, 17 Hourly, 13
Error messages Monthly, 10
SER message error, 29 Time-based report generation, 8
Weekly, 11
Yearly, 9
Hourly report, 13
Software Manual
Editing Reports and SER Format 5-31
Index (continued)
Sequence-of-event recording (SER) Variable event
Default SER format, 25 Date, 27
Editing SER format, 17 Qualification, 26
SER messages, 18 Service, 26
SER printer configuration, 21 Tag number, 26
Standard SER messages, 28 Time, 27
SER event, 14 Type, 25
SER format, 25 Variable event formats, 25
SER format file, 17
SER header, 25
SER message error, 29 W
SER messages, 18, 28
SER printer, 21 Weekday, 27
Service, 26 Weekly report, 11
Standard SER messages, 28
System fault message, 28
System number field, 28 Y
Yearly report, 9
Tag number, 26
Time, 6, 7, 20, 27, 29
Time-based report generation, 8
Software Manual
5-32 Editing Reports and SER Format
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 6:
Functional Logic Diagrams
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
6.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................6-1
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams i
TABLE OF CONTENTS Timers ............................................................................................................................ 6-58 Inputs and outputs (I/O).................................................................................................. 6-59 Normal I/O ...................................................................................................................... 6-59 Diagnostic input .............................................................................................................. 6-59 Sheet references ............................................................................................................ 6-60 Flip-flops + pulse ............................................................................................................ 6-60 Sheet transfers ............................................................................................................... 6-61 Characteristics................................................................................................................ 6-61 How can you make a sheet transfer?............................................................................. 6-62 Sheet transfer from the source FLD............................................................................... 6-62 Changing an off-sheet transfer....................................................................................... 6-64 Sheet transfer from the destination FLD ........................................................................ 6-64 Changing an on-sheet transfer....................................................................................... 6-65 Selecting a sheet transfer symbol using a selection list ................................................. 6-65 Texts............................................................................................................................... 6-66 Counters, registers and constants.................................................................................. 6-66 Counters ......................................................................................................................... 6-66 Registers ........................................................................................................................ 6-66 Constants ....................................................................................................................... 6-67 PID.................................................................................................................................. 6-67
6.5.3 Output generated by FLD design editor ......................................................................... 6-67
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ii Functional Logic Diagrams
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Functional Logic Diagrams iii
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iv Functional Logic Diagrams
6.1 Introduction
The application task of the FSC system is specified by means of functional logic diagrams (FLDs). These
FLDs can be created using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator. This option starts the FLD design
editor, which allows you to use the screen as a drawing sheet and the cursor as a pencil.
Your functional logic diagrams (FLDs) are limited to a predefined set of symbols. When designing your
functional logic diagrams, you can select a symbol from a special graphics sheet (symbol selection sheet)
(see subsection 6.3.2). Certain symbols need additional data like symbol height, width or I/O tag number.
If required, you will be asked to enter the data on the bottom line of the screen. In a number of cases you
can select data like tag numbers, sheet references or FLD numbers from a pop-up window. The FLD
design editor will assist in selecting a position for a symbol, by means of a grid and a snap-to-grid function,
which automatically selects the nearest grid position or half grid position of the cursor.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-1
6.2 Getting started
If you activate the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator, the start-up screen appears:
To open a functional logic diagram, enter its number (between 1 to 999). You can also press <?> to open
a popup window that lists the available FLD numbers with their description. Move the cursor bar to the
FLD you wish to open, and press <Enter>.
If the FLD you entered already exists, a message appears on screen which says that the symbol selection
sheet is being loaded.
If the FLD you entered does not exist, the title block appears on the screen (see Figure 6-2). Here you
must enter data which is needed during the design of your FLD: block type, unit, subunit, revision,
engineer, design date and a maximum of 9 descriptive texts. Most of this data is also used in the hard
copy of the FLD.
You can leave the title block at the bottom in several ways:
– <Enter>
– <PgDn>
– <↓> or
– <Esc>
If you leave the title block immediately at the top by pressing <Esc> without entering any data, you will
return to the previous situation.
Software Manual
6-2 Functional Logic Diagrams
Figure 6-2 Title block
After you have entered the correct data in the title block, the design sheet is displayed.
The FLD number to the left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-3
6.2.2 Using the FLD design editor
In order to be able to work with the FLD design editor, you must first know what you have at your disposal
for making your design.
– Design sheets
You can use 999 FLDs for your design (1..999). Each of these FLDs can have the size as specified in your
symbol library. The screen displays the current FLD. You can design six types of FLDs:
– Message line
The bottom line of the screen is used to display messages, to ask for input or to display the menus. The
same line will be used by the user for entering and editing input information. Sometimes the complete
screen is used when a block of strings must be edited (i.e. title block)
The service of the menus and the available edit functions are described in section 6.2.3 and 6.2.4. Input
can be given with the mouse or the keyboard. An error message is displayed for two seconds unless you
press any key (keyboard or mouse) or move the mouse to another position.
A selection sheet is stored in memory which shows all graphic representations of the available symbols in
the symbol library (see subsection 6.3.2). The selection sheet for a function block is different from the
selection sheet of a program block (see title block or function block). A function block has no system
outputs or off-sheet transfers, but it has other symbols which cannot be used on program blocks: function
block inputs and function block outputs. When you want to select a symbol from the symbol library, the
selection sheet and the design sheet are swapped and swapped back after the selection.
Software Manual
6-4 Functional Logic Diagrams
– Cursor
If you are selecting a screen position, a cross cursor is displayed at the current screen position. If a menu
option must be chosen, a block cursor marks the current option. When string input must be entered, a text
cursor (underscore) is available. The cursors can be controlled with the mouse or the arrow keys of the
– Grid
Raster drawn on the design sheet to help the user with choosing a position on the screen. Only half grid
and grid positions can be chosen.
In order to be able to draw with the FLD design editor some basic operations must be familiar to the user.
The commands can be entered by choosing an option of one of the menus of the FLD design editor. How
you can choose an option from the menu is described in subsection 6.2.3 ("Menu control").
The FLD design editor has three menus:
SYMBOL and BLOCK are submenus of MAIN which can be reached by choosing the Symbol or Block
In certain situations some options are not recorded in the menu because they have no effect. For
example, If an FLD is empty, you cannot select the options change, move, drag, delete or copy a symbol
because there are no symbols. You cannot choose undelete when you did not recently use the delete
option. Beside SYMBOL and BLOCK, MAIN contains commands which concern the whole FLD:
Symbol Block New Save redraW Title block Equation file eXit Forward
Refer to subsections 6.4.1 and on details on using the MAIN menu and commands.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-5
The SYMBOL menu contains options which concern operations on single symbols:
New Last Copy Move draG cHange Delete Undelete mAin Forward
Refer to subsections 6.4.2 and for details on using the SYMBOL menu and commands.
Refer to subsections 6.4.3 and for details on using the BLOCK menu and commands.
If you choose one of the options Move, Delete, Copy or Save, the FLD design editor will prompt you to
enter two corner positions of a rectangle which is the block to be manipulated. The block is marked with a
dashed rectangle.
The MAIN menu and the SYMBOL menu are split into two parts. The Forward option will take you to the
second part of the menu, and the Back option will take you back to the first part.
Every command can be canceled at every step where input is asked, by pressing <Esc>. In that case the
FLD design editor returns to the situation before the start of the canceled command.
For details on using the menus refer to subsection 6.2.3.
The first thing you will do when you entered a new FLD is placing a new symbol. To select a symbol you
must choose one from the selection sheet which is displayed after you choose the SYMBOL command
New. You can select a symbol by moving the cursor into the inner area of a symbol and pressing <Enter>,
or the left mouse button. You must also select a symbol when you choose one of the symbol options
move, drag, change, copy or delete. In that case the procedure is the same but you must select an
already placed symbol from the design sheet.
When you want to place a symbol or when you want to move or copy a block or a symbol, a (new) position
must be chosen on the design sheet. This position can be chosen by moving the symbol or block to a
position on the screen and pressing <Enter>.
In the inner sheet area, grid is drawn to help the user with choosing a position. If the symbol overlaps with
another symbol a beep is generated and you must select a legal position or you must cancel the operation
with <Esc>.
Software Manual
6-6 Functional Logic Diagrams
– Automatic connection
If you draw a line at the screen and define a starting point or an end point inside a symbol, the FLD design
editor makes a connection with that symbol. The line is automatically cut at the outer border of that
symbol. You will be asked for connection points again until the last drawn line is connected at both ends.
This means that you can continue drawing lines until you press <Esc> or connect to the point that was
chosen last. A line is also cut at the borders of the inner sheet. This cutting point is regarded as a
connection point (later an I/O or transfer can be connected there). If you try to make an illegal connection,
a beep will be generated. The connection will not be made, and the line that was drawn last will be
undone. Illegal connections are connections of wrong signals to a certain symbol i.e. a timer only can have
a boolean input signal at its set input. An analog output can only be connected to a binary signal.
Calculation functions can only have binary inputs and/or outputs. Inputs and outputs of a function block
are drawn as a part of the function block symbol to help the user with making legal connections. The
same is true for registers and counters.
For logic functions, calculations, inputs, outputs, constants and timers, the FLD design editor shifts
connections that are made at the output side of the symbol, to half height of the symbol. If a line is drawn
across a symbol, the largest of the line parts on the input side or the output side of the symbol is accepted
as a connection, the other part is erased from the screen.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-7
6.2.3 Menu control
The FLD design editor is completely menu-driven. The menus are placed on the bottom line of the screen.
The menus can be operated with both the keyboard keys or a mouse.
In each menu you can move a block cursor from left to right (or right to left) by pressing the right and left
arrow keys on the keyboard or by moving the mouse from left to right (or right to left). A menu option can
be chosen by moving the block cursor to a particular menu option and pressing <Enter> or by pressing the
left mouse button. A choice can also be made by pressing the uppercase letter of an option without the
need of moving the cursor to a particular option first. The character may be uppercase or lowercase. The
MAIN menu and the SYMBOL menu are split up in two parts. The Forward option will take you to the
second part of the menu, and the Back option will take you back to the first part.
If the program needs information from the user, a message is displayed on the last line of the screen. The
string editor, is activated from that moment on until a termination character is entered. It can happen that
the program changes the characters that you entered into uppercase characters (i.e. when location for
input is entered).
If the input must be integer numbers, the editor will check whether this condition is satisfied after each
character input. As soon as a non-integer character is entered, a beep will be generated and the character
is not accepted. The FLD design editor generates a default value for most input, which is either an empty
string or a value that was previously entered. If you wish to edit the default input, the following key
commands are available:
–< > or <Ctrl> + <S> Move left.
– <Backspace> or <Ctrl> + <H> Move left and delete character under new position.
– <Ins> or <Ctrl> + <V> Switches insert mode on or off. If it is off a new character
will overwrite an old one (default off).
– <Ctrl> + <Y> Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the string.
– <PgUp> Makes the cursor step twice as big. The maximum value
is 22 x grid.
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6-8 Functional Logic Diagrams
The termination characters which can be used in most cases are:
– <Esc> Interrupt string input and return to the situation just after
the last successful command. (In most cases the
program returns to the menu, but when entering an FLD
number for a multiple sheet transfer, the references
which are entered before the current one, are accepted
and placement goes on).
–< > or <Ctrl>+ <S> Move left. If the cursor is at the begin of the string, the
cursor will move to the last character of the previous
–< > or <Ctrl> + <D> Move right. If the cursor is at the end of a string, the
cursor will move to the first character of the next string.
–< > or <Ctrl> + <E> Line up
The editor only accepts a certain number of characters which depends upon the application of the input.
When you try to enter more characters, the beeper is sounded. When not all characters are entered, the
tail of the string is trailed with space characters up to the full length of the string. If illegal characters are
entered the beeper sounds.
If you have to enter predefined possibilities you can toggle between them by using <Space>. If it is
possible to toggle the following message will be displayed on screen:
'Press <Space> to alter'.
Every time you change something on an FLD, the FLD design editor displays a revision window when you
leave that FLD.
If you are manipulating a sheet transfer, you can also edit a revision upgrade of a source or destination
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-9
Watch the FLD number in the header of the revision window.
When you enter an empty date or description this revision will not be adapted in the revision
You may not enter an empty revision number.
In several situations the FLD design editor can help you with selecting data to be inserted by means of a
selection list containing legal input data. You can ask for these listings by pressing <?> during editing.
You can select a component of this listing by pressing <Enter>.
If you must enter a string which is non-numerical (i.e. a tag number), you can also enter some characters
first and then enter <?>. In this case only the strings beginning with these characters are listed.
You can leave a listing and return to editing by pressing <Esc>.
You can change your choice by moving the cursor.
You can get a new page by pressing <PgDn>.
You can get the previous page by pressing <PgUp>.
You can select data by pressing <Enter>.
Software Manual
6-10 Functional Logic Diagrams
These listings can be asked in the following cases:
– Input of source FLD or destination FLD for the selection of a sheet reference.
All unlinked sheet references are recorded in the list as well as the service text and the FLD
Also listed are all off-sheet references which do not contain the maximum allowed number of
sheet references.
– During input of service of a sheet reference, the tag number of an input or an output that is directly
connected to the reference symbol on the source FLD of the sheet reference. Only the inputs
and outputs that are placed on the source FLD are recorded.
– Input of a tag number of a PID. Also the PID number is recorded in the list.
– Input of the sheet number of a function block or equation block when you want to select a
function block or equation block. The fourth descriptive text of the title block is recorded and the
FLD number of the function block or the equation block.
– Input of an FLD number in the option "New". All FLD numbers of existing FLDs and the
fourth descriptive text of the title block will be listed.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-11
6.3 Symbol set
The FLD design editor uses a symbol set which is divided into 11 subsets:
1. Non-functional symbols
2. Connection lines
3. Logical functions, calculations, and compare functions
4. Registers, counters, constants, signal conversion
5. Function blocks, PIDs, equation blocks
6. Function block inputs and function block outputs
7. Timers
8. Inputs and outputs (I/O)
9. Markers: sheet transfers
10. Markers: flip-flops
11. Texts
The basic sheet is a symbol which divides the FLD into an I/O area and the internal area.
Figure 6-5 Example of basic sheet symbol as defined in symbol library SYM1 (screen view)
Software Manual
6-12 Functional Logic Diagrams
– Sheet identification symbol (title block)
– Unit
– Subunit
– Revision: RevNo RevDate RevDescription
– Engineer
– Design date
– A maximum of 9 comment texts (e.g. the fourth text is the sheet description)
This data must be entered when a new FLD is selected. When an FLD already exists, the data is
displayed and can be changed by means of the title block option in the MAIN menu of the FLD design
editor. The sheet identification symbol is not visible for the user, but when you print the FLD, this symbol is
drawn as an information block under the FLD. The information block also contains data from the
description fields which were defined using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator
(Installation \ Description).
Figure 6-6 Example of sheet identification symbol as defined in the symbol library SYM1
The basic sheet symbol and sheet identification symbol are automatically placed when an FLD is entered.
– Revision cloud(s)
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-13
6.3.2 Functional symbols
If you entered a design FLD, you can start drawing your functional logics. If you select 'New' in the symbol
menu, a selection sheet will appear on your screen. Depending on the block type you entered in the title
block, the selection sheet for a program block or the selection sheet for a function block will appear.
Software Manual
6-14 Functional Logic Diagrams Connection lines
Lines represent the connection between two components. Two types of lines (signals) can be drawn
vertical or horizontal but the direction has no functional meaning. When lines cross each other they are
not connected (the program automatically makes a break in the vertical line). When lines intersect, they
are connected and the line is split into two lines at the connection point, unless a connection is made at an
end point of a line.
Crossing of signals
A third line type (thick line) is used for analog signals as represented in the Analog I/O converter symbols.
Analog signals
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-15 Logical functions, calculations and compare functions
- AND gate
The symbol height of the AND gate can be varied to connect
a multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
b & d drawing.
The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
Function : d=a.b.c . = AND
- AND filter
The symbol height of the AND filter can be varied to correct
multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
& e drawing.
The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
The number of binary inputs can only be one. The position of
this input can be chosen at the input side of the symbol.
The symbol height of the OR gate can be varied to connect
a multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
b >1 d drawing.
The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
Function : d=a+b+c + = OR
Software Manual
6-16 Functional Logic Diagrams
- XOR gate
There are only two inputs allowed to the XOR gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
=1 c
Function : a b c c = (-a).b + a.(-b)
b (−) = Inversion
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
- NAND gate
The symbol height of the NAND gate can be varied to
a connect multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
b & d drawing.
The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
Function : d:=-(a . b . c) . = AND
- NOR gate
The symbol height of the NOR gate can be varied to connect
a multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
b >1 d drawing.
The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
Function : d:=-(a + b + c) + = OR
- XNOR gate
There are only two inputs allowed to the XNOR gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
=1 c
Function : a b c c = ((-a).b).(a.(-b))
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-17
symbol The inventer can be placed:
- at the front of logical functions
a b - at the output side of a pulse
- at the end of a timer or a flip-flop
- at the set and reset input of a timer or a flip flop
- at the front or the end of rotated logical functions
Function : b: = (-a)
a Function : c: = (-a) . b
& c
There is only input allowed to the buffer inverter.
The symbol height cannot be varied.
a 1 b
Function : b: = (-a) (-) = Inversion
There are only two inputs allowed to the EQUAL gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
= c
Function : a=b : c=1 = = EQUAL
b a <> b : c=0
Software Manual
6-18 Functional Logic Diagrams
There are only two inputs allowed to the GREATER THAN
a OR EQUAL gate. The symbol height cannot be varied.
> c
Function : a > b : c=1 > = GREATER THAN OR
a<b : c=0
There are only two inputs allowed to the LESS THAN OR
a EQUAL gate. The symbol height cannot be varied.
< c
Function : a<b : c=1 > = LESS THAN OR EQUAL
b a>b : c=0
There are only two inputs allowed to the NOT EQUAL gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
= c
Function : a <> b : c=1 > = NOT EQUAL
b a=b : c=0 = = EQUAL
There are only two inputs allowed to the GREATER THAN
a gate. The symbol height cannot be varied.
> c
Function : a>b : c=1 > = GREATER THAN
b a<b : c=0
There are only two inputs allowed to the LESS THAN gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
< c
Function : a<b : c=1 > = LESS THAN
b a>b : c=0
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-19
The symbol height of the ADDITION gate can be varied to
a connect multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
b + d drawing. The maximum number of binary inputs is 26.
c Function : d: = a + b + c + = ADDITION
There are only two inputs allowed to the SUBTRACT gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
Function : c:= a - b - = SUBTRACT
There are only two inputs allowed to the MULTIPLY gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
X c
Function : c:= a x b x = MULTIPLY
There are only two inputs allowed to the MULTIPLY gate.
a The symbol height cannot be varied.
÷ c
Function : a÷b ÷ = DIVIDE
For floating point numbers a real divide is taken. For
byte/word/ long numbers a DIV function is taken = divide
with trunc function e.g. 16 ÷ 5 = 3.
If b = 0, the system will shut down.
Software Manual
6-20 Functional Logic Diagrams
There is only one input allowed to the SQUARE ROOT gate.
The symbol height cannot be varied.
X b
Function : b:= √a √x = SQUARE ROOT
If a < 0, the system will shut down.
There is only one input allowed to the SQUARE gate. The
symbol height cannot be varied.
a X2 b
Function : b:= a2 = a x a x = MULTIPLY
- rotated OR gate
a b c The symbol width of the OR gate can be varied to connect
multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
drawing. The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-21
- rotated AND gate
a b c The symbol width of the AND gate can be varied to connect
multiple input signals or to upgrade the layout of the
drawing. The maximum number of boolean inputs is 26.
a b c d The maximum number of boolean inputs is 25.
The number of binary inputs can only be one. The position of
this input can be chosen at the input side of the symbol.
Software Manual
6-22 Functional Logic Diagrams Registers, counters, constants and signal conversions
All input and output signal types are specified in the symbol.
a CU
=Max f The symbol height cannot be varied.
b CD
A counter can be used for counting functions.
c S g
Function a b c d e f g h
Unchanged * * 0 * 0 f g *(*3)
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-23
All input and output signal types are specified in the symbol.
a CU
The symbol height cannot be varied.
b CD
A register can be used for:
c L f
- Storage of intermediate results of calculations
d REGISTER - Memory element for numbers
- Counter for large numbers
e C T
Function: a b c d e f
Clear * * * x 1 0
T=B Byte (8 bits)
T=W Word (16 bits) Load * * 1 y 0 y
T=L Long (32 bits)
T=F Floating point (32 bits) Count down 0 1 0 F 0 f-1 every cycle
Unchanged * * 0 v 0 x
*:0 or 1
The boolean inputs CU and CD are level-sensitive. This means that, in order to prevent CU/CD every
program cycle, a pulse gate should be connected to the corresponding signal.
Count up / Count down is not possible for floating point registers.
The constant is entered in the logics and cannot be changed during program execution but only by
modification of the logics.
Software Manual
6-24 Functional Logic Diagrams
symbol Function: i:=1
symbol Function: The function checks whether the value of the input
symbol is within the range of the type T. If the
S input value is out of range, the FSC system will
shut down due to calculation overflow.
If the source value does not fit into the target (e.g.
T conversion of -40000 from 'F' to 'W'), the FSC system
will shut down.
B = Byte (8 bits)
W = Word (16 bits)
L = Long (32 bits)
F = Floating point (32 bits)
If, for example, a word-to-byte conversion has been defined and during translation it appears
that the destination type must be word, the conversion symbol is corrected to the trivial
word-to-word conversion, which is ignored by the 'Translate application' option of FSC
Navigator (the compiler). You can use the FLD design editor to delete the conversion.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-25 Function block
A function block is a subroutine symbol that must be created on
A another FLD first. This FLD must have a higher number. When
D placed, the FLD number is characteristic for that function block.
B FB A function block has no system outputs and no off-sheet references.
It does, however, have function block inputs and outputs to transfer
sht E values from and to the calling FLD.
At least one output must be connected. All connected
symbols must be of a compatible type.
(I.e. signal of type Byte can be connected to Byte, Word or
Float input)
Function block inputs and outputs are symbols that represent the signals entering the function block or
leaving the function block. They are essentially different from the FSC system inputs and outputs. The
function block I/O can be boolean or binary. A boolean input or output is represented by a single line, a
binary input or output is represented by a double line.
A Function block boolean input
Software Manual
6-26 Functional Logic Diagrams Equation block
An equation block is a symbol that must be designed on
another FLD first. When placed, the diagram number
(Sht) is characteristic for that equation block.
EB y Both the binary input and the binary output must be
sht connected. The signal type at the output side is Float, the
signal type at the input side is converted internally to type
Float if required. PID
PID control function
a I
b S
PID I = (Analog) Input (Float)
PNr S = Setpoint (Float)
c CS O F
CS = Setpoint (Float)
d M M = Manual Output condition
OM = Manual Output value (Float)
e OM O = (Analog) Output (Float)
If the PID is in Cascade mode, the CS setpoint will be used; otherwise the S setpoint is used for the PID
control function.
At least the input of the setpoint must be connected. The input signals must be of a compatible type. The
manual output condition must be both connected or both not connected.
The cascade setpoint must be connected to the PID tag number as configured in the variable database,
unless it is not defined in the variable database.
If M = 1, the PID mode will be switched to manual mode and the value OM will be copied to the PID
output O.
If M = 0, the PID stays in its current mode and no value of OM will be copied to the PID output O.
For more information on PID controllers refer to Appendix E of the FSC Software Manual.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-27 Timers
– Pulse
Function: N a b N is the number of the
program cycles after ‘a’
a b 1 1 1 becomes active
>1 1 0
– Pulse
Pulse time function on rising edge of the timer start input. If only one input connected (e.g. in the middle),
it is assumed to be the start input.
– Pulse retriggerable
Pulse time function on rising edge of the timer start input, the time is restarted after every rising edge. If
only one input connected (e.g. in the middle), it is assumed to be the start input.
Software Manual
6-28 Functional Logic Diagrams
– Delayed ON
t O
Delayed ON time function on rising edge of the timer start input. If only one input connected (e.g. in the
middle), it is assumed to be the start input.
– Delayed ON memorize
t O
Delayed ON time function on rising edge of the timer start input. The timer continues to count even if the
timer start input goes back to zero state. Both inputs S and R have to be connected.
– Delayed OFF
O t
Delayed OFF time function on falling edge of the start timer input. If only one input connected (e.g. in the
middle), it is assumed to be the start input.
For all timers with constant timer value, the start timer input and the Q output must be connected.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-29 Timers with variable timer value
– Pulse
a u
– Pulse retriggerable
a u
Pulse time function on rising edge of the timer start input, the time is restarted after every rising edge.
– Delayed ON
t O
a u
Software Manual
6-30 Functional Logic Diagrams
– Delayed ON memorize
t O
a u
Delayed ON time function on rising edge of the timer start input. The timer continues to count even if the
timer start input goes back to the zero state. All inputs S, R and 'a' have to be connected.
– Delayed OFF
O t
a u
Delayed OFF time function on falling edge of the timer start input.
For all timers with variable timer value: The start timer input, the value input and the Q output must be
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-31 I/O symbols
L Tag number
E Digital input (with sheet reference)
O Service Used for boolean signals that have a direct
C Qualification digital output. The sequence character
refers to the connected digital output.
See also digital outputs.
This symbol is always accompanied by the
next output symbol. This combination is
characterised by an unique character
sequence. In this example the character “E”
(see subsection
Software Manual
6-32 Functional Logic Diagrams
Multiple I/O signals
T: B = Byte ( 8 bits)
W = Word (16 bits)
L = Long (32 bits)
For variables with location COM or FSC the
signal type may also be:
F = Floating point (32 bits)
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-33
Analog I/O signals
Software Manual
6-34 Functional Logic Diagrams Sheet transfers
Sheet transfers are used to connect signals between sheets for those functions that cannot be
incorporated on a single sheet. A sheet transfer contains information on the originating sheet (source
FLD) and the destination FLD. In order to distinguish more than one sheet transfer between two FLDs, a
sheet transfer sequence number is added. For understanding a service (and qualification) can be entered.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-35 Off-sheet transfers
Software Manual
6-36 Functional Logic Diagrams Flip-flops
Set-Reset flip-flop with Set dominant
symbol Function:
S S Q S R Q -Q
_ 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
0 0 Qt-1 -(Qt-1) State unchanged
1 1 1 0 Set is dominant
Reset-set flip-flop with Reset dominant
symbol Function:
S S Q S R Q -Q
_ 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
0 0 Qt-1 -(Qt-1) State unchanged
1 1 0 0 Reset is dominant Texts
(size = 3, strokes = 3)
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-37
6.4 The menus of the FLD design editor
Only the options that can be used will be displayed in the menu. Please note that the FLD number to the
left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being edited.
New After the displayed FLD has been saved to disk, a new FLD number is asked.
Enter the FLD number and the corresponding FLD will be displayed. In case of a
new FLD, the title block appears on screen first.
saVe Save the current FLD to disk, but do not leave the FLD.
eXit Save the displayed FLD to disk and return to the FSC Navigator main screen.
Forward Go from the first menu part to the second menu part.
Software Manual
6-38 Functional Logic Diagrams
Additional keyboard functions are:
Only the options that can be used will be displayed in the menu. Please note that the FLD number to the
left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being edited.
Zoom Is only active if the size of the FLD is too big to be displayed on your screen
(library depended e.g. SYM2). With the zoom option the total FLD will be
scaled so it can be displayed on your screen.
Delete The displayed FLD is deleted and undrawn but a backup is made for possible
recovery. A confirmation is asked.
Copy A complete FLD from the same application or from another application can be
copied to the current FLD. This option is not active if the FLD is empty or
if on-line modification is active. Make sure the FLD to be copied is drawn
with the same symbol library.
Renumber The FLD number of the displayed FLD can be changed. This option is not
active when the FLD is empty or when on-line modification is set to Yes.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-39
Append appl. You can append one or more subapplications to the current application. This
option is not active when the FLD is empty or when on-line modification is set to
Back Go from the second menu part to the first menu part.
Software Manual
6-40 Functional Logic Diagrams
6.4.2 SYMBOL menu
Only the options that can be used will be displayed in the menu. Please note that the FLD number to the
left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being edited.
New The selection sheet is displayed. After a successful symbol choice is made, the
design sheet is displayed again and the selected symbol can be placed.
Last The last symbol selected from the selection sheet is selected for placement. No
selection sheet is displayed.
Copy A symbol can be copied from the design sheet to another location on the FLD.
You must select the symbol from the design sheet. Also a new position must be
Move A symbol can be moved to another location on the FLD. All connections of this
symbol will be broken. You must select a symbol from the design sheet and a
new position for that symbol.
draG A symbol can be moved to another location on the FLD, but only in a way that
the connections will be retained. You must select a symbol from the design sheet
and a new position for that symbol.
Delete A symbol can be deleted from the FLD. A copy is made for a possible recovery.
You must select the symbol on the design sheet.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-41
Change The variable data of a symbol on the FLD can be changed . The symbol to be
changed must be selected from the design sheet.
mAin The SYMBOL menu is left and program returns to the MAIN menu.
Forward Go from the first menu part to the second menu part.
Only the options that can be used will be displayed in the menu. Please note that the FLD number to the
left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being edited.
redraW The displayed FLD is drawn again to correct some point deletions during move
or delete.
Symbol set You can switch between the symbol set for a function block sheet and the symbol
set for a program block sheet. This option is only available when you are editing a
comment sheet.
Back Go from the second menu part to the first menu part.
Software Manual
6-42 Functional Logic Diagrams
6.4.3 BLOCK menu
Only the options that can be used will be displayed in the menu. Please note that the FLD number to the
left of the menu bar is the number of the functional logic diagram that is being edited.
Move You are asked to define a block. The defined block with its contents can be
moved to another position on the FLD. A new valid position must be selected.
Delete You are asked to define a block. The defined block with its contents is deleted. A
backup is made of the block contents for a possible recovery. A confirmation is
Copy You are asked to define a block. The defined block can be copied to another legal
position on the FLD. A new legal position must be selected.
Load A block can be loaded from the disk and after it is drawn on the FLD you can
drag it around to a new position.
Save You are asked to define a block. The defined block will be saved to disk.
Undelete The recent deleted block will be recovered.
RedraW The displayed FLD is drawn again to correct some point deletions during move
or delete.
Main The BLOCK menu is left and the program returns to the MAIN menu.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-43
6.5 Designing with the FLD design editor
For each of the menu options the possible path through the program and the actions to be done are
explained in this section.
– Symbol
The SYMBOL menu is displayed, which consists of a set of symbol commands. You must choose a
symbol option. When the symbol command you entered has been executed, the program returns to the
SYMBOL menu.
– Block
The block submenu is displayed, consisting of a set of block commands. You must choose a block option.
When the block command you entered has been executed, the program returns to the BLOCK menu.
– Title block
The title block of the current FLD will be displayed. You can change the data you entered before. But also
when you entered an FLD number of an empty FLD (New), the title block function is activated by the
program. Some data are already filled out for you. They are copied from the last FLD you worked on (e.g.
engineer, design date, unit, subunit). This is done to minimize the user input.
If you enter <Esc> before entering any data the program will return to the previous situation.
The following data must be specified:
Software Manual
6-44 Functional Logic Diagrams
– FLD number
This field cannot be reached or changed in the title block session, but it is only meant as information for
the user.
– Block type
You can change the block type by toggling with <Space> or selecting via <?>. The program gets a default
block type when an FLD has no block type yet.
If you select a program block, you get the selection sheet containing the symbols which can be used on a
program block sheet.
You can use a function block to define your own function and place it as a subroutine on another FLD
(with a lower number).
A function block and an equation block must have an FLD number of 500 or higher (except when it is
converted from a software version before 2.78). In the demo version of FSC Navigator, function blocks
can be defined in FLD 5 or higher.
The function block or the equation block FLD numbers must all be higher than the program block FLD
numbers. Between the program blocks and the function blocks, there must be at least one sheet with a
block type that is different from a program block or a function block. From these constraints it depends
which default block type will be chosen by the program and which block types can be selected.
The index sheets can only be placed once.
The only way to delete an index sheet is to change the block type to a non-index sheet. Next go into this
sheet and leave it again eventually after making a design.
– Comment block
This type of sheet can be used as a cover sheet, legend of symbols or just a comment between two
normal FLDs. Except for texts, lines and revision clouds, all variable data is now fixed and is taken from
the message file of the program. (See selection sheet). This type of sheet is ignored by the 'Translate
application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler).
This type of sheet contains no logics, but is only used for printing functional logic diagrams. It is used to
generate an index of all I/O tag numbers used in the application.
A tag number Index listing contains for each I/O: – I/O type
– Tag number
– Service
– FLD numbers where the I/O is placed
Included in this listing are on-sheet transfers with service equal to a tag number e.g. repeated inputs.
Because this sheet contains no logics, no design sheet is drawn, but a limited main menu is displayed
(Title block/New sheet/eXit).
A tag number index sheet is ignored by 'Translate Application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler).
– Sheet index
This is similar to a tag number index sheet, but now an index is made of all sheets used in the application.
For every sheet the last revision date and a sheet description (Text 4 in the title block) will be printed.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-45
Because this sheet contains no logics, no design sheet is drawn, but a limited MAIN menu is displayed
(Title block, New, eXit).
The sheet index sheet is ignored by the 'Translate application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler).
Unit and subunit indicate the relation of the logics, designed on the FLD, with a part of the system to be
controlled. These fields are only defined when the block type is a program block. In this case the program
displays the text 'Undefined' behind unit and subunit and these field cannot be reached by you.
A function block can be used in any part of the logics so the unit and subunit can be different.
The unit and subunit of all variables in this function block are for this reason determined
during placement of the function block.
– Revision
You can add 6 revisions to an FLD. A revision consists of a revision number, a revision date, and a
revision description. If an empty FLD is selected, the program generates a zero-revision and prints all
default revision numbers. With <Enter> you can move from left to right within a revision field and from the
description-field to the next revision field. If you enter an empty description and an empty date this
revision is canceled and the program jumps over all revision fields to the engineer field. The revision data
is taken from the real time clock of your PC. Be sure the clock
has the correct date.
– Engineer
You are asked to enter a name or your initials, maximal 10 characters long.
– Design date
If you enter a new FLD the current date is generated by the program from the real time clock of your
PC. If you press <Enter> this date is stored else you can edit it and next press <Enter>.
The default date format is DD-MM-YYYY.
– Additional data
You can enter 9 texts. The position where these texts will be printed on the hardcopy depends on your
library. For example, in the SYM1 library the text 4 is used for an FLD description.
If you are on the last line of the title block, you can leave it by pressing <Enter>, <↓> or <PgDn>. You can
also leave the title block by pressing <Esc>. In that case all listed data is accepted.
If you enter <Esc> directly after entering a new title block you return to the situation before you entered the
title block.
Software Manual
6-46 Functional Logic Diagrams
– New
The current FLD is saved to disk. You can now enter a new FLD number which must be a number
between 1 and 999. The current FLD number is displayed as default value. The program repeats asking
for an FLD number until a legal number is entered. Next, the program loads the FLD you have chosen. A
sheet file name consists of the application name and the FLD number as extension. If the FLD is empty,
the title block is activated and you must enter some data. Next the FLD and its grid are drawn on the
screen. The MAIN menu is displayed on the menu line. Now a new MAIN option can be chosen.
You can also press <PgUp> or <PgDn>.
<PgUp> Go to the previous available FLD.
<PgDn> Go to the next existing available FLD.
<FLD no.>+<?> Gives a list of all existing FLDs starting with the FLD number you
entered. If you did not enter an FLD number before <?>, all existing
FLDs will be listed.
– Save
The current FLD is saved to hard disk, without leaving the FLD. This option must prevent you from losing
your data if you leave your system temporarily or if a power dip disorders your PC.
– Delete
If this option is chosen, the complete FLD is deleted from the screen and the sheet database. But before
the delete operation is executed a back up is made in order to make a possible recovery after the deletion.
Also a confirmation is asked.
– Undelete
The previously deleted FLD is recovered. An undelete function can only be executed directly after a delete
action. If you choose one of the options Redraw, Delete, Forward or Back, you can still undelete the
deleted FLD. Otherwise the Undelete option cannot be selected.
– Zoom
Is only active if the size of the FLD is too big to be displayed on the screen (library depended e.g. SYM2).
With the zoom option the total FLD is scaled so it can be displayed on your screen. While the FLD is
scaled, you cannot edit. Press <Enter> to return to normal scaling.
– Redraw
The complete FLD is redrawn. This can be useful when the FLD is damaged because of point deletions
e.g. drawing and undrawing of lines or line cuts when a connection is made.
– Copy
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-47
If the file you entered does not exist, a beep is generated and you are asked to enter a new FLD number.
Next, all data of the selected file is converted to data which is compatible with the current FLD. All inputs,
outputs and PIDs get an illegal tag number: '?'.
This tag number must be changed afterwards. All sheet references are set to zero. You must connect
them afterwards with the change option in the SYMBOL menu. If the contents of the copied FLD is not
almost as large as the format of the screen, you can move it to a new legal position, else it is placed
directly into the new FLD if no overlap is detected by the program.
– Renumber
The current FLD number can be changed. All data of this FLD will be moved to the new FLD number. The
old FLD will be cleared from the disk and can be used again. This option is not available when on-line
modification mode is set to 'Yes'.
– Append appl.
With this option you can append applications to the current application under some conditions. These
conditions will be checked and possible inconsistencies in both applications will be logged to a file
<Application name>.APP. Some inconsistencies with regard to the logics will be corrected: i.e. a double
used output or PID will be deleted. When an input is used more than once per CPU, this input will be
replaced by a repeated input symbol if possible. More details:
1) You can successively append a subapplication to the main application from which you do all
appends. You can keep on appending applications until you enter <Esc> or until you appended
255 applications.
2) No backup is made from the original main application from which the append is made. All sub
applications to be appended will stay unchanged. So it is advised to make a back up from the
main application.
You only need to enter the name of the subapplications and not the folder path. The
path to the application is automatically generated.
B You can also append an application from a floppy disk. No FSC path is used in that case.
Just enter the name of the drive, ":\" and the name of the subapplication.
E.g. A:\TEST1_1
The application files must all be located in the root of the floppy disk.
4) FLD numbers in the main application are not allowed to be present in one of the subfolders.
5) All function block sheets in the subapplications must have an FLD number which is at least two
higher than the largest FLD number of the program block sheets in the main application.
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6-48 Functional Logic Diagrams
6) No check is built in yet for possible double placement of tag number indexes and sheet indexes.
This is the responsibility of the user. When it is placed in more than one application, it will be
generated more than once during printing/plotting.
It is recommended to place such FLD in the main application after the append action.
7) If the configuration type is defined in both applications the complete configuration of both
applications must be the same. So it is advised to create a main application first and then make
copies from the main application while new names are given to the so called subapplications.
8) If the configuration type is defined in both applications the rack positions in each cabinet must be
the same in both applications. See advise given under point 7.
9) If the configuration type is defined in both applications the fault reset and force enable tag
numbers must be equal in both applications. See advice given under point 7.
10) If in both applications in a certain rack and position a module is defined, they must be equal as
well as the safety relation. If a rack, position in the subapplication is defined while it is not defined
in the main application, it is copied to the main application.
11) The main application has priority on the subapplications with regard to the use of certain I/O,
hardware allocation etc. When possible, I/O is copied else it is deleted or replaced by a repeated
input and is placed in the subapplication.
I/O which exists in the data file, but is not placed in the main application will be copied to the main
Inputs which are used in both applications but for a different CPU are also copied to the main
12) PIDs may only be placed once in the logics. So it will be deleted when it is placed in both
applications. When a PID from a subapplication does not exist in the main application it is copied
to the main application. The PID number may be changed if necessary.
If a PID from a subapplication already exists in the main application, but is not placed in the logics
yet, the adjustments of the PID in the subapplication are copied to the main application and the
PID number stays unchanged.
13) If the hardware allocation of an I/O is not already used in the main application, it is copied to the
main application, else it is cleared. The same holds for the COM port assignment of COM or FSC
14) Multiplexer numbers or alarm group numbers may be changed during append. If no more
multiplexers or alarms can be placed in the main application the variable will be deleted.
15) All delete or replace operations and all errors during the append are written to a log file named
<Main application name>. APP
You can output this file to a printer afterwards or have it displayed on your screen using the 'View
Log' option of FSC Navigator.
Append application is not active if on-line modification is set to 'Yes'.
Two variables of a certain type are equal if the tag numbers are identical.
– eXit
The FLD design editor will save the current FLD to disk and then returns to the FSC Navigator main
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-49
– Forward
The first MAIN menu is left and the second MAIN menu is displayed.
– Back
This option will take you back to the first part of the MAIN menu.
<PgDn> and <PgUp> are keyboard functions, and are not displayed in the menu.
<PgDn> go to the next available FLD.
<PgUp> go to the previous available FLD.
These options are only available in the FLD design editor's main menu.
Software Manual
6-50 Functional Logic Diagrams SYMBOL commands
– New
The selection sheet which contains all symbols is displayed on the screen (see chapter 3). You can now
choose a symbol by pointing with your cursor at its inside area. The program displays your design sheet
on the screen and the selected symbol is positioned in the middle of it. You can drag the symbol to a legal
position on the screen. Remember that you can cancel the placement command by entering <Esc>.
The way the program goes on depends upon the kind of symbol you have chosen (see chapter 5.2)
– Change
Changing a symbol almost works the same as the 'new' option. When the change symbol option is chosen
you must select a symbol from the design sheet. Next all the variable data of the chosen symbol variable
data can be changed. The old values are displayed as default input and can be edited with help of the edit
functions. For instance, change the tag number of an input or the height of a gate, without having to delete
it first and replacing it. If the symbol to be changed is a line you cannot change the type of line but only the
length of the line. If you select a line to be changed, the cursor jumps to the nearest end point of the line.
When you change the tag number of an I/O or PID , it means that a new I/O or PID is chosen. The old I/O
or PID is free for use on that moment. If you choose a new tag number that does not already exist, all data
must be entered again.
If you change the tag number using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator, the variable stays
the same, only the tag number will be different. You will then need to change all I/O or PIDs in the FLDs to
the new tag number.
– Delete
You are asked to point with the cursor at the inside area of a symbol on the FLD. The indicated symbol is
deleted from the screen and the database. But a backup of the symbol record is made for a possible
recovery. If you delete an input or an output, it is not deleted from the variable database, but it is now
available to be used again. As long as the undelete option is displayed in the menu you can undelete the
last deleted symbol.
When you delete an off-sheet transfer symbol, the on-sheet transfer symbol on the destination FLD is
deleted when it is not connected to a signal line.
When the on-sheet transfer on the destination sheet is not deleted, the source in that transfer symbol is
replaced by zero and all variables in the variable database will also be deleted when it is not connected to
a signal line or it is not a multi transfer symbol.
When the off-sheet transfer on the source FLD is not deleted, the destination in that transfer symbol will
be replaced by zero and all variables in the variable database belonging to it are changed accordingly.
Inverters connected to the selected symbol will be replaced by single lines.
Deleted square root, square or convert signal symbols will be replaced by double lines. A deleted pulse
symbol will be replaced by a single line.
You are asked to point with the cursor at the inside area of a symbol on the FLD. If you choose copy the
sequence is the same as with placement of that symbol. You must enter all variable data. If move is
chosen, You are asked to select a new position. Next the program checks and corrects the position if
If you selected move or copy all connections to the symbol will be broken. If you selected drag the
connections will be maintained, therefore the new position to be selected is limited.
When you select move, inverters connected to the selected symbol will be replaced by single lines, when
the symbol is moved to another position.
When you move a square root, square or a convert signal, the symbol is replaced by a double line. When
you select a pulse symbol, the symbol is replaced by a single line.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-51
– Undelete
If the delete option was entered previously, the deleted symbol can be undeleted. But if you placed new
symbols on the FLD the undelete function cannot be executed anymore. As long as the undelete option is
displayed in the menu you can undelete the last deleted symbol.
– Redraw
Redraw can be used to redraw the complete FLD in order to recover damaged symbols, which can be
caused after a delete operation (e.g. basic sheet lines when an input is deleted).
You can mark the signals and symbols that are safety-related. The lines will get a different line type or a
different color. If you switch the safety relation of I/O symbols, other code will be generated by the
compiler. Some I/O symbols cannot be switched to safety-related (e.g. variables with location COM).
– Symbol set
You can switch between the symbol set for a function block and the symbol set for a program block. This
option is only available when you are editing a comment block.
– Main
This option will return you to the FLD design editor's main menu.
Software Manual
6-52 Functional Logic Diagrams BLOCK commands
If you select one of the block options in the BLOCK menu, you have to define a rectangular block area
(except for load, undelete and redraw). The block can be defined by entering two block corners. The block
will be marked by a dashed line. The program makes the block as small as possible.
– Move, Copy
The block can be moved to a new legal position. Press <Enter> to confirm the position. If an input, output
or transfer symbol is included in the block, the x-position of the block (or the y-position if the FLD is
vertically oriented) is kept on its old value and only the y-position can be varied.
When you copy an I/O or a PID the tag number is replaced by an illegal non-existing tag number '?' . You
must change it afterwards with the change option in the SYMBOL menu.
On-sheet transfers get a source number zero and off-sheet transfers get destination numbers zero. During
the move of the block, the background is automatically recovered. If you enter <Esc>, the program returns
to the situation before this option was entered. If you press <Enter>, position checks, connection checks
and border corrections are executed just as with the 'New symbol' option. When symbols with a sequence
number are copied sequence number overflow can occur. If a position error occurs you can try a new
position or cancel the operation with <Esc>. If no error occurs, the block is placed on its new position.
– Delete
When delete is chosen, you have to define a block. The block contents is deleted from the screen. Before
the deletion is executed, a backup of the old block is made for a possible recovery of the block. Undelete
is possible as long as the undelete option is displayed in the menu. A confirmation is asked before the
delete operation is executed.
– Undelete
The previous deleted block is recovered. This option can only be executed immediately after you have
deleted a block. As long as the undelete option is displayed in the menu you can use it.
– Save
You have to define a block. You are asked to enter a file name without extension. The program adds the
extension '.BLK' to the name you entered and saves this block to disk. If that file already exists, you will
be asked whether this file may be overwritten. If you answer <N>, the save operation is canceled else the
program writes the block contents to that file. By entering <Esc> during input of the file name the save
operation is stopped. The saved block can be loaded into any FLD using the 'Load' option.
– Load
You are asked to enter a file name without extension. The program adds the extension '.BLK' and checks
whether this file exists. If it does not exist you can try a new file name as long as no <Esc> is entered. If
you enter <Esc> the load operation is canceled. If an existing file name is entered, the FLD design editor
will load the block from the file. It will check whether this block fits within the screen size and if it does, it
will define a new block. In most cases the block is positioned on the place where it was before the save
operation (see 'Save' option above). If the sheet borders are exceeded, the program corrects the position
if possible.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-53
All data is converted just like when you choose the Copy command. Next the block is drawn on the screen
and you can drag it to the place just like copy block (see copy option). If the format of the block is almost
as large as the complete screen you cannot drag it to another position. Instead it is placed in the center of
the FLD if no block overlap is detected by the program. When the block cannot be placed anywhere,
because of symbol overlap, you can abort this operation by entering <Esc>. The block is then deleted
from the screen, but not from the disk. If no file with extension .BLK is present in the project folder, this
option is not available.
If the block contains symbols that are illegal for the sheet type, these symbols are deleted for this FLD e.g.
output symbols in a block into a function block.
– Redraw
– Main
This option returns you to the FLD design editor's main menu.
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6-54 Functional Logic Diagrams
6.5.2 Placing and connecting symbols
If you select a line (boolean or decimal) on the selection sheet you will return to the design sheet. Select a
position where you want to start the line and press <Enter>. If you move the cursor a line is drawn in a
vertical or horizontal direction depending on the chosen position of the last point. By pressing <Enter> you
can select the end point of the line. If you did not make a connection the line will not be cut, but the
program will ask you to enter a third position to connect the line. The program will keep on asking for a
connection point until you made a connection. If you do not want to connect the line you can use <Esc>.
The program will stop drawing the line and undraw the last line to the last connection point.
You can make a connection by selecting the end position of a line into a symbol. The line will be cut at the
outer borders of the symbol and the connection is made. Lines will also be cut at the sheet borders.
If you cross two lines the vertical line will be broken at the cross point, which means no connection is
made between the lines.
If lines overlap they will be united to one single line.
If you make an illegal connection, a beep is generated and the last line is undrawn.
For symbols with a variable height (depending on the library definition) you are asked for a height and/or
the width (format) expressed in half grid points. In this case a default value is given by the program. This
value can be edited. If the symbol exceeds the sheet borders, the program places it at that border. If it
coincides with an already placed symbol, a beep is generated. (Symbol overlap)
You can keep on selecting a position until the position is legal or until you cancel the option with <Esc>.
First you are asked to enter an FLD number on which the function block has been designed. If that FLD is
not a function block, the following message is displayed:
You can also use <point of FLD number> + <?> to ask for a function block listing. You get a listing on
screen, with all existing function blocks larger or equal to the number you entered before <?>. If you did
not enter an FLD number, all function blocks will be listed.
You are asked to enter an FLD number until you entered a number of a legal function block.
Next that function block is placed on the screen. All flip-flops, counters, registers and timers are now
copied in the FLD and in the variable database. The format of the function block depends upon the
number of function block inputs/outputs. All function block I/O is drawn at the function block symbol.
Decimal inputs/outputs are drawn as double lines and boolean I/O are drawn as single lines. The function
block number of that function block must be higher than the current FLD number. If you enter <Esc>, the
placement of a function block is canceled. Once a function block is designed on an FLD, the following
FLDs may only be equation blocks or function blocks.
If you change a function block, you must change all function block calls on other FLDs. The compiler will
also change these function block calls. When you changed the number of function block inputs or outputs
the connections will get lost. In this case you must reconnect these signals.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-55 Function block inputs and outputs
A position must be selected. The symbol is then drawn on the screen. If you choose a decimal input,
double lines are drawn at the input side of this symbol else a single line is drawn. For function block
outputs the same action is taken on the output side of the symbol. For both types a descriptive text can be
An equation block symbol can be used to approximate complex calculations. Logarithmic, exponential,
differential functions, etc. can be approximated using an approximation table. An example of a square
approximation table for values between 0 and 5:
0 0 20
0.5 0.25
1 1 15
1.5 2.25
2 4 10
2.5 6.25
3 9 5
3.5 12.25
4 16 0
4.5 20.25 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 25
Using the equation block symbol and a generated equation table, the equation can be approximated.
EB y
Before the equation block symbol can be used on any functional logic diagram, an equation block diagram
must be defined. This is accomplished by defining a functional logic diagram as an equation block
diagram. The 'Title block', 'Block type' option must be used to select the 'Equation block' as block type.
The diagram number of an equation block diagram must be within the range 500 ... 999.
Next the equation table for the required calculation must be stored in the logic diagram.
Once an equation block is designed on an FLD, the following FLDs may only be equation blocks or
function blocks.
Equation table
The equation table can be specified with the 'Equation table' option which is selectable in the main menu
of an equation block diagram. This option demands for an ASCII text file in which an equation table is
defined. As soon as the file name is entered, the layout of the equation table file is checked and the
equation table is stored in the equation block diagram. To remove an equation table from an equation
block diagram just enter the name of a non-existing ASCII text file. Once an equation table is stored in the
equation block diagram, the original ASCII text file is not needed anymore by the FSC software.
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6-56 Functional Logic Diagrams
Equation table design
The equation table file is an ASCII file which can be generated with any popular text editor. This equation
file consists of two columns. The input (x) values are stored in the first column and the output (y) values
are stored in the second column. One row with an 'x' and an 'y' value together form one point pair (x,y).
– Each line must contain an input and an output value with at least one empty space between the
first and the second value. Empty lines are not allowed.
– The minimum number of rows in an equation table is 3, the maximum number of rows in an
equation table is 200.
– Both normal and exponential notations may be used for example: 0.05 equals 5.0E-2.
38 38
– The range for input values (x) and output values (y) is –10 and +10 .
Once you have defined an equation table in an equation block diagram, it can be used on any functional
logic diagram with a lower diagram number. The next figure shows the equation block symbol
Both the input (x) and the output (y) values must be connected. The output (y) signal is of type Float, the
input (x) value is internally converted to type Float if required.
'Sht' stands for the FLD number on which the equation block is defined. This FLD number is characteristic
for an equation block.
Algorithm used
The FSC CPU software uses linear interpolation to approximate the output value for an input value that is
located between two input values:
X0 P X1
Figure 6-16 Approximating an output value to an input value
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-57
The approximation algorithm used is:
f ( X1) − f ( X 0 )
f ( P) = f ( X 0 ) + * ( P − X 0)
X1 − X 0
The input (x) value is clamped on the first and the last values in the equation table: A value
smaller than the first input value in the equation table will result in an output value equal to
the first output value of the equation table; an input value larger than the last input value in
the equation table will result in an output value equal to the last output value of the equation
table. Timers
First a position must be chosen. Next, a timer base is asked and for fixed timers also the timer value must
be specified. For the variable timer the value must be realized by connecting a binary signal (byte or word)
on the input side of the symbol.
With <←> and <→> or <Enter>, you can switch between these fields. The following timer bases can be
chosen by toggling with <Space>:
The timer value must be an integer, but for seconds and minutes you can enter a value using a fixed point
real. This value will be rounded to the nearest integer, but in some cases a base will be chosen for better
accuracy of the timer value. Illegal values are changed to the nearest legal value.
The following base conversions are executed (T = timer value):
The number of timers that you can use in one application is limited:
The sequence number is generated by the program. The maximum number of timers per FLD is limited to
32 (this includes timers in function blocks).
Software Manual
6-58 Functional Logic Diagrams Inputs and outputs (I/O)
The I/O symbol can be dragged to the correct position and placed by <Enter>.
If the I/O overlaps an error message is displayed: symbol overlap.
For more information about normal I/O (no diagnostic input) see subsection, for diagnostic inputs
see subsection
Next a tag number is asked. With this tag number and the I/O type, the program searches for that I/O in
the variable database. If the input is already placed on an FLD of the same CPU the following message
appears on screen (except for flasher inputs):
If the output is already placed on an FLD, the following message will appear on screen:
If you have deleted an I/O before, you can use it again. If the tag number you entered is found in the
variable database all the variable data is taken from the database and no further input needs to be entered
unless this data is illegal. The data is drawn on the screen.
You can also type <?> or <string> + <?>. A tag number listing appears on the screen, which contains all
valid tag numbers (all existing but free tag numbers). If you specified a string before <?>, only tag
numbers starting with this string are listed.
If the tag number is not found you have to enter some other data, starting with a description (service). If
the I/O is boolean, a text describing the one status of the input (qualification) must be entered.
Location, which is a string of 3 characters which can be an abbreviation of a part of the installation where
that I/O is located. Location can also have a special meaning which has influence on the application
function of the I/O:
MUX: This Input/Output must be assigned to a multiplexer. This must be done using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
ANN: This Input/Output must be assigned to an alarm function. This must be done using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
COM: This Input/Output must be assigned to a communication port. This must be done using the
'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
FSC: This Input/Output must be assigned to a FSC system. This must be done using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
SYS: This Input is a reserved location which is used for internal system variables. (You cannot use
this location!)
You can use <↑> and <↓> to switch between tag numbers, service, qualification, signal type and location
fields. The last selected value will be drawn to the I/O symbol.
If the I/O is new, its information is stored in the variable database.
Next you must choose the I/O type. You can do this by toggling with <Space>. The following types can be
selected: I, O, AI, AO, LoopO, SensAI
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-59
For detection of a channel fault you must choose I, O, AI or AO depending on the module type for which
the I/O is allocated. For a loop-monitoring error of a fail-safe output you must select LoopO. For a sensor
alarm of an analog input you must select SensAI.
You cannot select SensAI for safety-related analog inputs with non fail-safe sensors. Use type AI instead.
Next you must enter a tag number of a I/O which is allocated to a fail-safe I/O module.
If you entered a non-existing tag number or when you entered a tag number which is not legal you get a
You can also select the I/O from a selection list only containing the selectable I/O for diagnostic input.
Type <?> or <string> + <?>. A tag number listing appears on the screen, which contains all valid tag
numbers (all existing and allocated to a fail-safe I/O module). If you specified a string before <?>, only tag
numbers starting with this string are listed.
The positioning is the same as inputs and outputs. The way the program continues depends on the type of
the marker:
Now first enter the tag number of the input and secondly enter the tag number of the output.
You can also type <?> or <String> + <?>. A tag number listing will be displayed on your screen, which
contains all possible tag numbers starting with the specified string. If no string is specified all tag numbers
will be listed.
If no space is available for the related transfer symbol, an error message is displayed on the screen, and
the placement is canceled else the transfer and its related symbol are drawn on the screen. A marker
input is always placed together with a marker output. With respect to the I/O it is handled the same as I/O.
But beside the I/Os a third symbol is placed in the variable database: a marker which connects the input
to the output.
The number of marker I/O symbols per FLD is limited to 26. In the variable database the service field of
the marker contains the tag number of the input, the qualification field contains the tag number of the
output. If the input is already placed on an FLD, the following message appears on screen:
If the output is already placed on an FLD, the following message will appear on screen:
A flip-flop and a pulse are placed in the variable database. Every flip-flop gets a sequence number which
is needed to create a unique code for searching in the variable database. The tag number of a flip-flop
and a pulse are constructed as follows:
Software Manual
6-60 Functional Logic Diagrams
Only a limited number of sequence numbers is available. When all sequence numbers are in use, an error
message is displayed and no flip-flop or pulse can be placed anymore. Characteristics
Care must be taken in sequence of FLDs. The destination FLD number should be greater
than the source FLD number. Failing to do so will increase the response of the FSC system
by one program cycle.
Two different types of reference symbols are used for the source FLD and the destination FLD.
SRC Service
DES Qualification
Service SRC
Signal type : T DES
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-61
There are four different on-sheet transfer symbols:
a) Boolean on-sheet transfer.
b) Repeated input transfer: this signal is connected to a digital input (I) on the source FLD.
c) Binary on-sheet transfer.
d) Binary repeated input transfer: this signal is connected to a multiple input (BI) on the source
If the type is 'M' (Boolean sheet transfer), a marker is placed in the variable database for each reference
you make.
If the type is 'R' (Binary sheet transfer), a register is placed in the variable database for each reference
you make.
There is a minor difference between linking FLDs from the source FLD or from the destination FLD. There
are also two different ways to realize a connection from the destination FLD or from the source FLD:
A Only make use of the FLD number and a sequence number. This method needs knowledge
about the sheet transfer mechanism.
B Use a list of existing sheet transfers which contains the transfers which can be linked to the
current FLD. This method does not require much knowledge about the sheet transfer
mechanism but instead makes use of a tag number, service and qualification.
First select an off-sheet transfer symbol. This can be a single or a multi sheet transfer symbol. The
program always converts this symbol to a multi sheet transfer symbol, which means that you can create
maximal 5 transfers to 5 different FLDs. You must first select a legal position. Next you must enter the
FLD number of the destination FLD, which must be a number within the range of 0 ... 999.
If you do not know to which FLD you want to transfer a signal to, enter 0. This means that the signal is not
connected to a destination FLD yet. You can only transfer to an existing FLD. If you enter a number of a
non-existing FLD, the program replaces the number with '0'. You can connect an unconnected transfer
symbol afterwards with change or by selecting it from the destination FLD (see sheet transfer from
destination FLD).
In order to identify a sheet transfer symbol, each on-sheet transfer symbol gets an unique sequence
number which is assigned automatically by the program.
If you enter the number of an existing FLD, you are asked to give the sequence number of a sheet
transfer on the destination FLD (range 0 ... 36).
Software Manual
6-62 Functional Logic Diagrams
You now have two options:
1. You want to connect the signal to an already existing not connected (source FLD = '0') on-sheet
transfer symbol on the destination FLD. In this case you must enter the sequence number of that
on-sheet transfer symbol. The program searches for this transfer and connects it when it is really not
yet connected and when it has the same type as the source signal. The sequence number of that on-
sheet transfer symbol is changed into the sequence number of the source symbol (off-sheet transfer).
Also the identification code (tag number) is changed according to the prescribed structure (source
sheet '0' is replaced by source FLD = current FLD and old sequence number is replaced by the new
sequence number). If the transfer is not found, the sequence number is changed into '0' by the logic
editor (see 2).
2. You do not want to connect it to an existing on-sheet transfer symbol on the destination FLD (or the
sequence number you entered did not result in a link (see 1)). In this case enter '0' for the sequence
number. Now a new on-sheet transfer symbol will be placed on the destination FLD. If there is no
space on the destination FLD, the following error message appears on the screen:
The sequence number of this new symbol will be copied from the source symbol which is
generated by the program.
Note that the sequence number you enter is only meant to point out which connection you
want to make or whether you want to make a connection and that it is not a way to assign a
number to the transfer symbol you want to place.
1. Service
You can enter a string with a maximum length of 19 characters. The service text can have two meanings:
A A descriptive text.
B An I/O tag number of an I/O which is connected directly to the off-sheet transfer symbol. In this
case the service and qualification and signal type are copied from the I/O and else you must enter
them yourself (see 2 and 3).
The program searches with the service text (first 16 characters) for an I/O on the FLD the off
sheet reference symbol is placed. The type is determined by the program in the following order of
If the type is I, AI or BI the transfer symbol on the destination FLD is converted to a repeated
input symbol.
If an I/O tag number is entered and the connection is not direct, the 'Translate application'
option of FSC Navigator (the compiler) will give an error message. If it is not directly
connected, you can better use a service text which is slightly different from the tag number.
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Functional Logic Diagrams 6-63
2. Qualification
3. Signal type
This type can only be specified for binary sheet transfers. You must select a signal type by toggling with
Possible types are :
B : Byte
W: Word
L : Long
F : Float
If you did not enter a destination FLD '0', you can make 4 additional transfers to different destination FLDs.
For these transfers the service, qualification and signal type are the same as you entered for the first
transfer. If you use an already used destination in this sheet transfer symbol, the following error message
appears on the screen:
In this case you must use a new off-sheet transfer symbol which gets a new sequence number from the
logical editor.
All on-sheet transfer symbols on the specified destination FLD get the same sequence number, which is
the one that is assigned by the program to the on-sheet transfer symbol on the source FLD.
If you enter <Esc> all completed destination FLDs are accepted and the program stops asking for more
destination FLDs.
If you enter a destination FLD '0', the logical editor stops asking for new destinations. So it is the same as
entering <Esc>.
If you only specified one destination FLD, the program converts the multi off-sheet transfer symbol to a
single off-sheet transfer symbol.
First select an on-sheet transfer symbol and a legal position. Making a sheet transfer from the destination
FLD is almost identical to making a sheet transfer from the source FLD. One difference is that you can
only make one transfer: Two different source signals cannot be transferred to one destination.
Another difference is that you can connect an on-sheet transfer to an off-sheet transfer which does not yet
contain the maximum number (5). If you enter the source FLD and the sequence number of an off-sheet
Software Manual
6-64 Functional Logic Diagrams
transfer which is single, it will be converted to a multi sheet transfer. In this case that symbol will be
extended with the new destination. You cannot make a connection to an off-sheet reference which already
contains a transfer to the current FLD. In that case again the following error message appears on the
If you connect the on-sheet transfer symbol to an off-sheet transfer symbol which has a service equal to
the tag number of an I/O on the source FLD, the on-sheet transfer symbol will be converted to a repeated
on-sheet transfer symbol. So it does not really matter which on-sheet transfer symbol you choose. If you
entered the sequence number of an existing off-sheet transfer symbol on the source FLD, the sequence
number off that transfer symbol will be copied to the destination symbol and a new marker or register is
stored in the variable database. You can also enter a source '0', which means that you do not want to
make a connection to the source FLD yet. You can connect this signal afterward with change or by
connecting it from the source FLD (see chapter If you entered the sequence number of an off-
sheet reference symbol which already contains 5 transfers or when no off-sheet reference exists with that
sequence number or when you enter sequence number '0', a new off-sheet reference symbol will be
placed on the source FLD. If there is no space on the source FLD the following error message appears on
the screen:
If you connected the sheet transfer to an off-sheet transfer on the source FLD, which already contains
another transfer, you cannot change the service and qualification / signal type. You have to do this on the
source FLD.
If a new off-sheet reference symbol is created on the source FLD , the logical editor assigns a new
sequence number to it, which will be copied to the on-sheet transfer symbol on the destination FLD. So
the sequence number you entered before was just to point out which link you want to make or whether
you want to make a link. You do not have any influence on the final choice of this number.
Often you do not know to which FLD you want to transfer a particular signal. In this case you deliver the
signal in an off-sheet transfer symbol with destination FLD '0' (unlinked). Afterwards you can make a link
of FLDs by means of an on-sheet transfer symbol on a certain destination FLD. In this case you can ask
for all existing unlinked sheet transfers by pressing <?> or the middle key of the mouse. You can do this
on two places during the defining of sheet transfers.
1. When you are asked to enter the destination or source FLD number.
Suppose you are placing an on-sheet transfer. The case of placing an off-sheet is equivalent.
Enter <Numeric string>+<?> . A list of all unlinked off-sheet transfers on all FLDs starting with
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-65
the numeric string appears on the screen. If you did not specify a string , but only the <?> all
unlinked off-sheet transfers are recorded in the list. If no such sheet transfers exist, the following
error message appears on the screen :
In this list the tag number, service and qualification are recorded. Move the cursor to the sheet
transfer you want to select and press <Enter> to select it. Now the list disappears from the
screen. Because you already pointed out which transfer you want to make, the program does not
ask for a sequence number anymore. If you do not want to select a transfer from the list press
<Esc>. Now you return to the situation before you entered <?>. You can go on defining a source
2. You did not select a transfer from the list yet. Instead you entered a source or destination FLD
number S.
You are asked to enter a sequence number for pointing out a sheet transfer on sheet S.
You can still select a transfer from the list. Press <?> and the list described in point 1 appears on
the screen, but now only the unlinked transfers from sheet S are recorded in the list. The selection
is as described in point 1. Texts
The text must be entered. The text is not allowed to be longer than 60 characters. You can drag the text to
the desired position and press <Enter>. Text can be placed anywhere and no position check is done. This
means that you can even place texts in symbols. Counters
You must first choose a legal position . Next you must specify the maximum counter value which must be
a number in the range of 1 - 8191. When a counter reaches this value after a count up it is restarted to
count at zero. The number of counters per sheet is limited to 32. The total number of counters per
application is limited to 510. Registers
You must first choose a legal position. Next you must enter the register type. The different types are:
Software Manual
6-66 Functional Logic Diagrams Constants
You must first choose a legal position. Next you must enter the register type. For the constant types see
registers. Next you must enter the constant value. The range of this value depends upon the signal type
you have specified:
B: –128...+127
W: –32,768...+32,767
L: –2,147,483.648...+2,147,483.647
38 38
F: –10 ...+10 PID
Select a legal position. Next you must enter the tag number of the PID. If it is already placed, the following
error message appears on the screen :
If the tag number is a new PID, it is placed in the variable database and the PID settings are set to their
defaults. You can change them using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
You can also choose a PID tag number by pressing <?> or <string> + <?>. If you specified a string, all
selectable tag numbers that start with that string will be listed. If you did not enter a string, all selectable
tag numbers will be displayed.
The functional logics are designed on FLDs which have a name <Application name> and a number
<FLD no.>. The name of the file on disk in which the drawing is stored is a combination of this name and
number: <Application name>.<FLD no.>. If an FLD number has less than 3 digits, zeros are used as
leading digits in the file name extension.
All non-empty FLDs are part of the output. In the installation file all used FLDs are registered and also the
type of the block (Function block, Program block, Step block, Comment block, Tag number index, Sheet
If an existing FLD is changed, the compiler status is set to false. So the installation file is a part of the
output too. The FSC variable database is also a part of the output, variables may have been changed or
If a data error occurs the error is logged to a file named <Application name>.CRC.
If you saved a block to disk with the save option the block file is part of the output.
If you activate the option Append application in the second part of the main menu, the file
<Application name>.APP is generated which contains all actions and changes on the appended
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-67
69HZ004B F
F 69HS004 >1
C "1=PRESSES" 0 t 69FY002B F
t=2 S "1=AUTO,0=MANUAL" C
69UZ011 F
69 ESD TRIP 231 "1=OPEN" C
251 1 69UZ011B F
FLD formats
Customer :
C Principal :
C Date: 8-4-1992 By: H.K.
B Plant 1 :
A Drawing number
Plant 2 : H_1 251 267
O 8-4-1992 FIRST ISSUE
Req/Ordernr : Serial Appl. Unit
Rev: Date: Description Chk'd Code Code Sheet Cont'd
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams
69HZ004B F
F 69HS004 >1 "1=PRESSED" C
C "1=PRESSES" 0 t 69FY002B F
R t=2 S "1=AUTO,0=MANUAL" C
69UZ011 F
231 "1=OPEN" C
251 1 69UZ011B F
"1=OPEN" C
F 69QT002 2 A 69QZ002A F
F 999 >1
ENAB 271 F
251 1
A H "1=ON" C
69KEY 221
251 2
C FB J 267 1
P 69QZ002M
L "1=PRESSED" 3 69QZ002P F
251 1
251 3
S FLASHER-0.5Hz 251
275 3
Y System marker
M "I=TEST" "1=on" M
E Customer :
Principal :
B Plant 1 : Date:8-4-1992 By: H.K.
Drawing number
8-4-1992 FIRST ISSUE
Plant 2 : H_1 251 267
Serial Unit
Rev: Date: Description Chk'd Req/Ordernr : Code
Sheet Cont'd
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-69
1 1
3 3
4 4
6 6
7 7
8 8
15 2v3 ALARM 15
PS2701 SS PSA2701
16 "P < min=Alarm" 16 W
2 5 2
17 17
18 18
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
Customer : B Description Chk'd By: Drawing number
Principal : A HELP_1
O 8-4-1992 FIRST ISSUE Date:
Plant 1: Plant 2 : Req/Ordernr: Rev: Code 102
Software Manual
6-70 Functional Logic Diagrams
1 1
3 3
4 4
6 6
7 7
8 8
10 PS2701a
2 1 5 "P > min = 1" "1v3-ALARM" W 2 5 1
11 PS2701b
W 2 1 6 "P > min = 1" FB 2v3 SS 11
12 PS2701c
C 912 G
PS2701 SS To 110_13 12
2 1 7 "P > min = 1" "1=OK"
13 HS2701-BR BRUECKE PS2701 D H 13
W 2 1 4 "GEBRUECKT=1"
14 14
15 2v3 ALARM 15
PS2701 SS PSA2701
16 W 16
"P < min=Alarm" 2 5 2
17 17
18 18
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
Customer : B Description Chk'd By: Drawing number
Principal : A
O 8-4-1992 FIRST ISSUE Date:
Plant 1 : Plant 2 : Req/Ordernr : Rev: Code 102
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-71
6.7 Error messages
Error situations may result in an error message being displayed on screen. This subsection lists the error
messages, and also provides information on how to solve the problem indicated by the error message. If
the program gives an error message, it warns the user with a beep. The message is displayed for several
seconds. If, however, a key is pressed or the mouse is moved, the message will disappear at once.
Software Manual
6-72 Functional Logic Diagrams
Database of application has different version: <version no.>
The application you try to use for copying or appending an FLD has another software version. Conversion
is required. The operation is aborted.
Different number of bits for multiplexer. Variable not appended: <Type + Tag number>
The multiplexer functions in the appended application and the main application differ because of a
different number of bits. So the multiplexer I/O assigned to this multiplexer variable are not appended to
the main application.
Empty block.
You defined a block which does not contain a symbol that can be manipulated.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-73
Equation file not found: <File name>
The file name you specified could not be found in the current project folder.
<FLD name> not found on disk. Erase from application? Press <Space>: Y/N
An FLD that you created earlier with the FLD design editor could not be found in the project folder. If you
answer 'yes', all variables relating to this FLD will be deleted from the variable database, and the FLD is
considered to be empty. You may have deleted the FLD "outside" FSC Navigator. In that case, it is better
to use the Delete option of the FLD design editor.
FLD number: <FLD no.>. Illegal signal type(s): R <FLD no.><tag no.> <conversion source>
<conversion target>.
Example: "FLD number: 13. Illegal signal type(s): R 13_0_1 W L".
An invalid conversion was made for a multiple output or an off-sheet reference. Use the signal conversion
symbol (see page 7-25) to create a conversion. Only downward conversions are allowed, e.g. from word
to byte or from float to word. Make sure that only downward conversions have been defined.
FLD used twice. Application cannot be appended. Renumber FLD: <FLD name>
The application to be appended must only use FLDs which do not exist in the main application.
For printing logics with a laser printer, select functional logic plotting.
Make sure that you select a laser printer as your plotter, and use the 'Print/Functional Logic Diagrams'
command on the File menu of FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
6-74 Functional Logic Diagrams
Function block diagram in program block area: <FLD no.>
During append some program blocks of the appended application are located in the function block area of
the main application or some function blocks are located in the program block area of the main
application. The append action will not be executed.
Illegal connection.
The connection you tried to make is not allowed or the signal type is illegal for this symbol.
Illegal input/output.
The I/O you entered for the diagnostic input is not legal. It must be allocated to a fail-safe module.
You will also get this message if the data record is corrupted.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-75
Insufficient memory.
You do not have enough internal memory to run this program. Try to make room by removing resident
programs and drivers from you system. Before you restart the program do a hardware reset or switch off
your system and switch it on again.
Software Manual
6-76 Functional Logic Diagrams
Missing installation file: <file name>
If you just started a new application, go back to the 'Select application' option in the FSC main menu and a
new installation file will be made if you answer yes. In case of an existing application restore a recent
backup of the complete application.
MUX number or alarm group or PID number changed: <type + tag no.>
Inconsistency. Another group or number assigned.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-77
Number of input bits must be a multiple of 4 for decimal I/O.
A BI or BO with hexadecimal data representation must have a number of data bits which is a multiple of
four. Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the number of data bits.
Safety values of marker input and marker output cannot be made equal.
The safety values of the input and the output cannot be made identical because of a special location or
different I/O modules.
Software Manual
6-78 Functional Logic Diagrams
Symbol overlap.
You are trying to place a symbol on a location which is already occupied by another symbol. Try a new
Too many multiplexers or alarms. Variable not appended: <type + tag no.>
The maximum number of multiplexers or alarms is reached so the variable is not appended.
Variable allocated.
Variable has been allocated before.
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-79
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
6-80 Functional Logic Diagrams
ADDITION (ADD) gate, 20 Delayed OFF time function, 29, 31
Analog I/O signals, 34 Delayed ON memorize time function, 29, 31
AND filter, 16 Delayed ON time function, 29, 30
AND gate, 16 Deleting an FLD, 47
Appending an application, 48 Design date, 46
Automatic connection of lines in FLDs, 7 Design sheets, 3, 4
Comment, 4
Equation blocks, 4
B Function blocks, 4
Program blocks, 4
Basic sheet, 12 Sheet index, 4
BLOCK menu, 5, 6, 43, 53 Tag number index, 4
Block type, 45 Designing functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 44
Boolean on-sheet transfer, 35 Diagnostic input, 32, 59
Buffer inverter, 18 Digital I/O signals, 32
Calculation functions, 55 Engineer, 46
ADDITION (ADD) gate, 20 EQUAL (EQ) gate, 18
MULTIPLY (MUL) gate, 20 Equation blocks, 4, 27, 56
SQUARE (SQR) gate, 21 Algorithm used, 57
SQUARE ROOT (FSQRT) gate, 21 Definition, 56
SUBTRACT (SUB) gate, 20 Equation table, 56
Changing an off-sheet transfer, 64 Equation table design, 57
Changing an on-sheet transfer, 65 Usage, 57
Comment, 4 Equation file, 48
Comment block, 45 Equation table, 56
Compare functions, 55 Equation table design, 57
EQUAL (EQ) gate, 18 Error messages
GREATER THAN (GT) gate, 19 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 72
LESS THAN (LT) gate, 19
NOT EQUAL (NEQ) gate, 19
Connection lines, 15, 55
Connection of lines in FLDs, 7
Constants, 24, 67
Conversion, 25, 74
Copying an FLD, 47
Counters, 23, 66
Creating a new FLD, 47
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-81
Index (continued)
Software Manual
6-82 Functional Logic Diagrams
Index (continued)
I/O signals NAND gate, 17
Analog, 34 Non-functional symbols, 12
Digital, 32 Basic sheet, 12
Multiple, 33 Revision cloud, 13
I/O symbols, 32 Sheet identification, 13
Inputs and outputs (I/O), 59 NOR gate, 17
Diagnostic input, 59 Normal I/O, 59
Normal I/O, 59 NOT EQUAL (NEQ) gate, 19
Inverter, 18
Buffer inverter, 18 O
Inverter, 18
Off-sheet transfers, 36, 61
Changing ∼, 64
K On-sheet transfers, 35, 61
Changing ∼, 65
Key commands OR gate, 16
In FLDs, 8, 39 Output generated by FLD design editor, 67
LESS THAN (LT) gate, 19 PID, 27, 67
LESS THAN OR EQUAL (LTE) gate, 19 Placing and connecting symbols, 55
Lines in FLDs, 7, 15, 55 Program blocks, 4
Logical functions, 55 Pulse retriggerable, 28, 30
AND filter, 16 Pulse time function, 28, 30
AND gate, 16
Buffer inverter, 18
Inverter, 18 Q
NAND gate, 17
NOR gate, 17 Qualification, 64
OR gate, 16
Rotated AND filter, 22
Rotated AND gate, 22 R
Rotated OR gate, 21 Redrawing an FLD, 47
XNOR gate, 17 Registers, 24, 66
XOR gate, 17 Renumbering an FLD, 48
Revision, 46
Revision cloud, 13
M Revision editor, 9
MAIN menu, 38, 39, 44 Rotated AND filter, 22
Menu control in FLD design editor, 8 Rotated AND gate, 22
Multiple I/O signals, 33 Rotated OR gate, 21
MULTIPLY (MUL) gate, 20
Software Manual
Functional Logic Diagrams 6-83
Index (continued)
Saving an FLD, 47 Tag number index, 4, 45
Selecting a sheet transfer symbol using a selection Text in FLDs, 37, 46, 66
list, 65 Time functions
Selection lists, 10 Delayed OFF, 29, 31
Selection sheet, 1, 4, 14 Delayed ON, 29, 30
SensAI bit, 32 Delayed ON memorize, 29, 31
Service, 63 Pulse retriggerable, 28, 30
Sheet identification, 13 Timers, 28, 58
Sheet index, 4, 45 With constant timer value, 28
Sheet references, 60 With variable timer value, 30
Sheet transfer symbol, 65 Title block, 2, 3, 13, 44
Sheet transfers, 35, 61, 62
From the destination FLD, 64
From the source FLD, 62 U
Off-sheet, 36, 61
On-sheet, 35, 61 Undeleting an FLD, 47
Qualification, 64 Unit, 46
Service, 63
Signal type, 64
Signal conversion, 25, 74 X
Signal type, 64 XNOR gate, 17
SQUARE (SQR) gate, 21 XOR gate, 17
String editor, 8
SUBTRACT (SUB) gate, 20 Z
Subunit, 46
Symbol library, 4, 12, 42 Zooming, 47
SYMBOL menu, 5, 6, 41, 42, 51
Symbol selection sheet, 1
Symbol set, 12, 42
Software Manual
6-84 Functional Logic Diagrams
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 7:
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Section 7: Printing
7.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................7-1
Software Manual
Printing i
Software Manual
ii Printing
7.1 Introduction
This section explains how to use the 'Print' option of FSC Navigator and describes the commands
available to you.
If you select the 'Print' option, a submenu will appear, which allows you to choose between printing the
project configuration (see subsection 7.2) or functional logic diagrams (see subsection 7.3).
Software Manual
Printing 7-1
7.2 Printing the project configuration
If you choose the 'Print\Project Configuration' option of FSC Navigator and you have already defined the
FSC configuration (using 'System Configuration'), all print options will be available to you, and the
following screen will be displayed:
Figure 7-2 Printing the project configuration: main menu (with all options available)
The menu will only show the options that are relevant. If there is nothing to print for a particular option, it
will not be shown in the menu.
If you did not define the FSC configuration yet, only the following options will be available:
− Installation descriptions, and
− Tab number listing alphabetical/loop number.
You can choose one of the options by moving the cursor bar to the desired option and press enter, or by
pressing the highlighted shortcut key. Some options will start printing or plotting immediately; others may
require you to answer one or more questions first. You cannot use an option if another one is being
executed. This section discusses each of the options in the main menu.
The first page of every printout contains information about the application (see Figure 7-3).
Software Manual
7-2 Printing
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 11-25-1997 Time: 11:19 Page: 1
Requirement class : 5
FSC system type specification : Redundant
Cabinet Rack Rack Rack Rack Rack Rack Rack Rack Rack
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 - - - -
2 11 12 13 - - - - - 19
Software Manual
Printing 7-3
7.2.2 Jumper settings
This option allows you to print all jumper settings of the hardware modules. If more than one paper size is
supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use <Space> to toggle between
available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small window that contains the available
paper sizes (see Figure 7-4). After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Central Part: 1
Software Manual
7-4 Printing
If the application is not compiled before using this option, not all information is available (e.g.
the size of the EPROM). In that case the following message is printed:
Compile first; not all jumper settings are known before compilation.
This option allows you to print the installation descriptions that you entered using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install\Description). If more than one paper size is supported, FSC
Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use <Space> to toggle between available paper sizes.
You can also press <?>, which will open a small window that contains the available paper sizes.
After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 11-25-1997 Time: 13:30 Page: 2
Installation Descriptions
Number Description
1 Customer :
2 Principal :
3 Plant :
5 Req/Ordernr :
6 Rev
7 Date
8 Description
9 Chk'd
10 By:
11 Drawing number:
12 Code
15 Honeywell SMS BV
17 Honeywell NL33
18 HSMS Product Marketing
19 Branderijstraat 6
20 5223 AS 's-Hertogenbosch
22 Serial
23 Project
24 Unit
25 Sheet
26 Cnt'd
28 Tel +31 73-6273273
29 Fax +31 73-6219125
30 P.O. Box 116
31 5201 AC
32 's-Hertogenbosch
Software Manual
Printing 7-5
7.2.4 Allocation of hardware modules
This option allows you to create listings of the allocation of the hardware modules per Central Part. Each
rack that belongs to a Central Part is printed. If this option is selected and more than one Central Part
exist, you are asked to specify whether to print all modules or to print the module configuration of each
Central Part separately.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 11-25-1997 Time: 13:33 Page: 2
Cabinet: 1
Position Rack: 1 SR Tested Voting Rack: 2 SR Tested Voting Rack: 3 SR Tested Voting Rack: 4 SR Tested Voting
1 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10101/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
2 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10101/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
3 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
4 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
5 10102/1/2 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
6 10002/1/2 Yes Yes 10002/1/2 Yes Yes 10102/1/2 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
7 10105/2/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10101/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
8 10008/2/U Yes Yes 10008/2/U Yes Yes 10105/2/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10102/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
9 ********* *** *** ********* *** *** 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
10 10004/F/F Yes Yes 10004/F/. Yes Yes 10101/1/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10101/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
11 ********* *** *** ********* *** *** 10201/2/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10205/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
12 10004/H/I Yes Yes 10004/H/I Yes Yes 10201/2/1 Yes Yes 1oo2D 10215/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
13 ********* *** *** ********* *** *** 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10216/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
14 10005/1/1 Yes Yes 10005/1/1 Yes Yes 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
15 10001/R/1 Yes Yes 10001/R/1 Yes Yes 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
16 10001/R/1 Yes Yes 10001/R/1 Yes Yes 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10205/1/1 No Yes 1oo1D
17 10006/2/1 Yes Yes 10006/2/1 Yes Yes 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10209/1/1 No No 1oo1
18 ********* *** *** ********* *** *** 10209/1/1 No No 2oo2 10302/1/1 No Yes
19 10303/1/1 Yes Yes 10303/1/1 Yes Yes
20 10300/1/1 Yes Yes 10300/1/1 Yes Yes 10100/2/1 Yes Yes
21 ********* *** *** ********* *** *** 10100/2/1 Yes Yes 10100/2/1 No Yes
********* = Reserved for the second position of the module on the previous position.
Figure 7-7 Allocation of hardware modules (all Central Parts)
This option allows you to make a printout of all I/O tag numbers that were not allocated. This means that:
• for variables with location 'FSC', the system number is invalid.
• for variables with location 'COM', the COM channel has not been specified (CP, COM module channel).
• for variables with location 'ANN', the alarm group or the alarm type has not been specified.
• for all other variables, the combination of rack, position, channel has not been fully specified.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 11-25-1997 Time: 13:35 Page: 2
Type Tag number Service Qualification Rack Position Channel Sheet number Module type
O SEC.SWITCH-OFF 0 0 0 No sheet -
XI KE-576-D1 DATA SELECT 4 0 0 No sheet -
Software Manual
7-6 Printing
7.2.6 I/O check list
This option allows you to print a checklist which contains all channels of the I/O modules that can be used
during testing of the system wiring.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Cabinet: 1 Rack: 3 Position: 1 Module type: Digital input 24 Vdc FS (10101/1/1) Safety-related: Yes Tested: Yes Voting: 1oo2D
Cabinet: 1 Rack: 3 Position: 3 Module type: Digital input 24 Vdc FS (10101/1/1) Safty-related: Yes Tested: Yes Voting: 1oo2D
Cabinet: 1 Rack: 3 Position: 5 Module type: Analog input FS (10102/1/2) Safety-relaed: Yes Tested: Yes Voting: 1oo2D
Software Manual
Printing 7-7
7.2.7 Tag number listings I/O module related: module layout
This option allows you to create a listing of all tag numbers which are allocated to I/O modules. An
allocation error list is also printed after all other modules.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Cabinet: 1 Rack: 3 Position: 1 Module type: Digital input 24 Vdc FS (10101/1/1) Safety-related: Yes Tested: Yes Voting: 1oo2D
Cabinet: 1 Rack: 3 Position: 2 Module type: Digital input 24 Vdc FS (10101/1/1) Safety-related: Yes Tested: Yes Voting: 1oo2D
Figure 7-10 Tag number listing I/O module related: module layout
This option allows you to print a tag number list of a number of racks. All modules will be printed which are
placed in one rack. If you select this option, and more than one rack is specified, you will be asked to enter
the first and the last rack number you want to print, starting with the first rack number. The default rack
number displayed is the lowest existing rack number. You can only enter existing rack numbers.
After entering the first rack number, you will be asked to enter the last rack number to print. The default is
the highest existing rack number.
Software Manual
7-8 Printing
The rack number is a positive integer in the range 1 to 99. If the rack does not exist, a message is
displayed. This option can be used to create a listing of all tag numbers of I/O types in the system with
their operating parameters such as power-on values, rack, position, channel (I/O tag numbers), etc.
This option will list only existing tag numbers. This means that if, for example, no analog inputs have been
defined, no analog inputs will be printed. If you select this option, printing will start immediately without any
further questions.
Figure 7-11 Tag number listing I/O module related: rack layout
**************** = This channel is no I/O channel (only printed on positions which contain a module).
Software Manual
Printing 7-9
7.2.9 Tag number listings alphabetical/loop number
This option allows you to create a listing of all tag numbers of all variable types in the system with their
operating parameters such as power-on values, rack, position, channel (I/O tag numbers), etc. This option
will list only existing tag numbers. This means that if, for example, no analog inputs have been defined, no
analog inputs will be printed (and no page for analog inputs will be reserved). If you choose this option,
you must specify which tag numbers will be printed:
• All To print all variables in the database.
• I/O To print all digital input (DI), digital output (DO), multiple input (BI), multiple output (BO),
analog input (AI) and analog output (AO) variables.
• Specific To print a specific type of variables (see below).
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Type Tag number Service Qualification Location Unit Subunit Sheet Safety Force En. Write En. SER En. SER seq. no.
Figure 7-12 Tag number listing alphabetical/loop number (all) (signal specification)
Software Manual
7-10 Printing
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 11-25-1997 Time: 13:39 Page: 4
Type Tag number Rack Pos Chan Sensor Sensconf Max. on. Max. discr. Rack2 Pos2 Chan2 Rack3 Pos3 Chan3 Bit no. Modbus PLC address
I 53HS-101 3 1 1 FS 8 - -
I 53_HS_101 3 9 3 FS 42 - -
I 91XA-651A 3 9 13 Red R 2O2 480 M 10 S 3 9 14 36 - 2002
I ACK-PUSHBUTTON 3 3 15 FS 22 - -
I ACKNOWLEDGE 3 9 11 FS 34 - -
I AF_Audible - - - - 5471 -
I AF_Common_Alarm - - - - 5468 -
I ALARM-1 3 9 9 FS 32 - 1020
I ALARM-2 3 3 16 FS 23 - -
I AUDIBLE - - - - 5551 -
I Ack_PushButton 3 1 3 Red R 2O2 480 M 10 S 3 9 12 10 - -
I CENTR.PART-FAULT - - - - 0 - -
I CLOCK-SYNC 3 9 15 FS 38 - -
I COMMON - - - - 5548 -
I DEVICE-COM.FLT - - - - 9 - -
I EARTH-LEAKAGE 3 1 5 FS 12 - -
I ENABLE 3 1 15 FS 6 - -
I EXT.COMMUNIC.FLT - - - - 13 - 3
I FIRSTUP-ALARM-1 3 9 10 FS 33 - -
I FIRSTUP-ALARM-2 3 9 8 FS 47 - -
I FIRSTUP-RESET 3 1 9 FS 0 - -
I FLASHER-0.5Hz - - - - 4 -
I FLASHER-1Hz - - - - 3 -
I FLASHER-2Hz - - - - 2 -
I FSC-SYSTEM-FAULT - - - - 15 - -
I INPUT-FAILURE - - - - 6 - -
I INT.COMMUNIC.FLT - - - - 11 - -
I IO-COMPARE - - - - 14 - -
I IO-FORCED - - - - 8 - -
I LAMPTEST 3 1 8 FS 15 - -
I OUTPUT-FAILURE - - - - 7 - -
I PSU-1 3 1 7 FS 14 - -
I PSU-2 3 1 6 FS 13 - -
I RED.INPUT-FAULT - - - - 10 - -
I RESET 3 1 16 FS 7 - 40
I RESET-ALARM 3 1 4 FS 11 - -
I SENSOR-1 3 3 12 FS 19 - -
I SENSOR-A1 3 3 7 FS 30 - -
I SENSOR-A2 3 3 6 FS 29 - -
I SENSOR-B1 3 1 13 FS 4 - -
I SENSOR-B2 3 3 5 FS 28 - -
I SENSOR-B3 3 1 14 FS 5 - -
I SENSOR-CP1 3 1 12 FS 3 - -
I SENSOR-CP2 3 1 11 FS 2 - -
I SENSOR1 3 3 10 FS 17 - -
I SENSOR2 3 3 8 FS 31 - -
I SENSOR3 3 3 9 FS 16 - -
I SENSOR_2 3 3 11 FS 18 - -
Figure 7-13 Tag number listing alphabetical/loop number (all) (hardware information)
'Specific' option
The 'Specific' option can be used to print a single variable type with its operating parameters such as
power-on values, rack, position, channel (I/O tag numbers), etc. If no tag numbers of this type exist, no list
will be created. You will be prompted to select the type and to filter the variables that belong to that type.
Variable type:
The expected answer is a string of one or two characters which represents the variable type (I, AI, BI, XI,
O, AO, BO, XO, M, C, T, R, P, A) followed by <Enter>, e.g.:
Software Manual
Printing 7-11
The following abbreviations are valid (see also Section 4, "System Configuration"):
I digital inputs O outputs M markers
AI analog inputs AO analog outputs C counters
BI multiple inputs BO multiple outputs T timers
XI input multiplexers XO output multiplexers R registers
A alarm groups
If you have entered M, C, T or R as the variable type, the next question will be:
Tag number:
Here you can enter the first part of the tag number. If you enter an empty tag number and then press
<Enter>, all tag numbers of the selected type will be printed.
If you have entered I, AI, BI, XI, O, AO, BO, XO, P or A as the variable types, the next question will be:
Here you can choose to print the tag number listings sorted by prefix, description or loop number, which
are a part of the tag number. A tag number consists of three parts:
This option allows you to enter the first part of the string to search for. Enter the string and press <Enter>.
After you have answered these questions, printing will start. While printing, messages will be displayed on
screen to show the program status.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Software Manual
7-12 Printing
7.2.10 Communication configuration
This option allows you to print the communication configuration of an application. It lists the configuration
of all used channels (channels which are not undefined), and generates a list of all variables allocated to
the communication channel.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Communication address : 4
Link specification
Marker bytes : bit start address : 2256
Marker bytes : to FSC 1 from device: 200
Marker bytes : from FSC 1 to device: 200
Link specification
Rel. bit no. Type Tag number Service Qualification Unit Subunit Sheet Safety SER En. SER seq. no. Power-on
1 I XK7F30A Gasleak test Start F3300 Burner 1 10 Yes Yes 1105 Off
Software Manual
Printing 7-13
7.2.11 Alarm configuration
This option allows you to print the alarm configuration of an application. It lists all alarm groups and lists all
allocated variables of each alarm group.
If more than one paper size is supported, FSC Navigator prompts to select the desired paper size. Use
<Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes. After you have selected the paper size, printing will start.
Alarm configuration
Rel. bit no. Type Tag number Service Qualification Unit Subunit Sheet Safety SER En. SER seq. no. Alarm type
O AF_AlarmPoint2 3 11 3
This option allows you to create a tag number plotting of a single rack. All modules will be plotted which
are placed in one rack. If you select this option, you will be asked to enter the first rack number you want
to plot. The default rack number displayed is the lowest existing rack number. You can only enter existing
rack numbers.
After entering the start rack number, you will be asked to enter the last rack number to plot. The default is
the highest existing rack number
The rack number is a positive integer in the range 1 to 99. If the rack does not exist, a message is
displayed. After entering the range to plot, you will be asked for the size of the plotting.
Use <Space> to toggle between available paper sizes. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available paper sizes.
For the HP7475 plotter, the paper size should be A3 (paper fits) or 297 x 500 mm (cabinet sized).
Use <Space> to toggle between 'Yes' and 'No'. You can also press <?>, which will open a small window
that contains the available options.
Software Manual
7-14 Printing
If you select the HP 7550 plotter, HP LaserJet series II or III, the Cannon or Brother laser printer, you will
be asked whether the paper will be changed automatically or manually.
Use <Space> to toggle between the available options. You can also press <?>, which will open a small
window that contains the available options.
If you select manual paper change or the HP7475 plotter, the program will prompt after every completed
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
10201/1/1 10201/1/1 10201/1/1 10201/1/1
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
XI-2101-25 XI-2101-25 Count_out Count_out
System no. : 1
Cabinet : 1
Rack : 4
Figure 7-16 Rack layout
Software Manual
Printing 7-15
7.2.13 Interrupting the printing process
After any of the printing options on the main menu has been selected, FSC Navigator will gather and
format the data for printing. This is prompted with the message:
Generate print
Generate graphic print
When the program is ready to send the data to the plotter or the printer, you can interrupt the program.
If interrupting is possible, a message on the screen will be displayed.
You can press any key to interrupt the program. When the printing (or plotting) has stopped, you are
Continue (Y/N): Y
If you decide to continue, press <Enter>. You are then asked to press <Enter> once more, and printing (or
plotting) will continue.
If you really want to stop the printer or plotter, use <Space> to toggle the Y/N prompt to N and press
<Enter> to confirm. FSC Navigator will then stop sending data and return to the main print menu (see
Figure 7-2).
Software Manual
7-16 Printing
7.2.14 Error messages
Aborted manually.
When a print option is aborted, an abortion message will be printed.
FSC_ENG.MSG missing.
This error will occur if the file FSC_ENG.MSG is not in the FSC Navigator application folder (C:\FSC by
Software Manual
Printing 7-17
7.3 Printing functional logic diagrams
The 'Print\Functional Logic Diagrams' option of FSC Navigator allows you to create hardcopy of the
functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that were created using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator.
Before you can start plotting/printing, you must have installed the output device correctly (see Section 3 of
the FSC Software Manual or the Help file). The program supports the following output devices:
1. You cannot print functional logic diagrams on matrix printers.
2. If you intend to use the HP LaserJet series III (HPLJSIII) with full graphics, make sure that
the printer has at least 2 Mbytes of memory (and preferably more) to avoid memory
overflow problems when printing complex functional logic diagrams.
Also, enable page protection for the paper size that you expect to use most (using the
printer's front panel menu). If page protection is set, additional memory is reserved for
page image processing, which allows the printer to create the entire page image in
memory before outputting to paper.
If no extra memory is available, select HPLSJII (HP LaserJet series II) as the printer. The
sheet will then be printed as a bitmap.
3. If you choose HPLJSIII (HP LaserJet series III), the sheet will be printed in HPGL
4. If you choose HPLJSII (HP LaserJet series II), the sheet will be printed as a bitmap.
Software Manual
7-18 Printing
7.3.1 Options
If you choose the 'Print\Functional Logic Diagrams' option of FSC Navigator, the following screen will
This screen allows you to define the printer/plotter settings for the functional logic diagram(s) to be printed.
The selections that you can make for the various options depend on the configuration of the output device.
Software Manual
Printing 7-19
Select FLD(s)
You can enter one FLD number to plot or press <?> to open a selection window (see Figure 7-19), which
allows you to enter five ranges of sheets you want to print. Only existing FLDs will be printed.
Paper size
Here you specify the size of the paper that you use. You can use <Space> to toggle between the available
options. You can also press <?>, which will open a small window that contains the available paper sizes.
The following paper sizes may be available, depending on the output device selected: A3, A4 and Letter
If you answer 'Yes', printing will start. After FSC Navigator has finished printing a sheet, the following
message will be displayed:
Pausing for paper change. Press <Enter> to continue.
Software Manual
7-20 Printing
Place a new paper sheet in the graphical device and press <Enter>. The graphical device will now
continue printing/plotting the next FLD.
X Translation: 0 Y Translation: 0
You are asked to enter two coordinates (X and Y) which are used to translate the drawings. This can be
necessary for some graphical devices in order to move the drawing into the printable area. The X and the
Y coordinate may be positive or negative. The value must be entered as points (28 pts = approx. 1 cm;
72 pts = approx. 1 inch).
After you have answered the last question, the following message will be displayed:
When graphical device connected and ready, press <Enter>.
Make sure your graphical device is ready (turned on and on-line), and make sure that your paper is
positioned correctly. After you press <Enter>, the graphical device will start. For the laser printers
(HPLJS II, BR HL-8e and CA LBP8-II), the program will first load a number of special fonts.
When the graphical device starts printing, the following message will be displayed:
Press any key to interrupt.
If you press <Esc>, printing will stop immediately. If you press any other key on your keyboard, printing will
be interrupted and the following question will be asked:
Continue? Press <Space> to alter.
If you select <N>, printing will stop and the program returns to FSC Navigator's main screen.
If you select <Y>, the graphical device will resume printing.
Software Manual
Printing 7-21
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
7-22 Printing
Alarm configuration, 14 I/O check list, 7
Allocation errors listing, 6 Installation descriptions, 5
Allocation of hardware modules, 6 Interrupt printing, 21
Interrupting the printing process, 16
Blank paper when printing FLDs, 20
Jumper settings, 4
Communication configuration, 13
Loop numbers, 10
Error messages
Printing project configuration, 17 Memory overflow, 18
Module layout, 8
FLD range for printing, 20
Output device
Graphical, 19
Graphic rack layout, 14
Graphical device, 19
Page protection, 18
Pre-printed paper when printing FLDs, 20
H Printing, 1
HP LaserJet, 18
Hardcopy of functional logic diagrams Interrupt, 16
Blank paper/pre-printed paper, 20 Interrupt printing, 21
HPGL file, 19 Memory overflow, 18
Interrupt printing, 21 Page protection, 18
Selecting an FLD range to print, 20 Printing allocation errors listing, 6
X translation, 21 Printing allocation of hardware modules, 6
Y translation, 21 Printing functional logic diagrams (FLDs)
HP LaserJet, 18 Blank paper/pre-printed paper, 20
HPGL file, 19 HPGL file, 19
Interrupt printing, 21
Selecting an FLD range to print, 20
X translation, 21
Y translation, 21
Software Manual
Printing 7-23
Index (continued)
Printing I/O check list, 7 Sheet range when printing FLDs, 20
Printing installation descriptions, 5
Printing jumper settings of hardware modules, 4
Printing project configuration T
Alarm configuration, 14
Allocation errors listing, 6 Tag number, 12
Allocation of hardware modules, 6 Tag number listings
Communication configuration, 13 All, 10
Error messages, 17 Alphabetical/loop number, 10
Graphic rack layout, 14 I/O, 10
I/O check list, 7 I/O module related (module layout), 8
Installation descriptions, 5 Rack layout, 8
Jumper settings, 4 Specific, 10, 11
Tag number listings (alphabetical/loop number), Tag number, 12
10 Variable type, 11
Tag number listings (rack layout), 8
Tag number listings I/O module related (module
layout), 8 V
Printing tag number listings (alphabetical/loop Variable type, 11
number), 10
Printing tag number listings (rack layout), 8
Printing tag number listings I/O module related
(module layout), 8
Printing the alarm configuration, 14 X translation, 21
Printing the communication configuration, 13
Printing the graphic rack layout, 14
R Y translation, 21
Rack layout, 8, 14
Software Manual
7-24 Printing
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 8:
Translating an Application
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
8.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................8-1
Software Manual
Translating an Application i
Software Manual
ii Translating an Application
8.1 Introduction
After the FSC system has been configured and the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) have been designed,
the application must be translated into code which can be used by the FSC processor(s). This translation
is done by the compiler. The compiler also checks if errors were made during the configuration and design
Subsection 8.2 ("Getting started") specifies the files that are required for translation, and explains how the
compiler is started.
Subsection 8.3 ("Compiler tasks") explains the tasks of the compiler and provides a number of conditions
that must be satisfied for correct translation. It also describes how the compiler is operated.
Subsection 8.4 ("Compiler output") describes the compiler output, especially the messages that are
generated during translation, with possible solutions to any errors.
An application can only be translated if the project folder contains the following files:
− Installation file : <Application name>.INS
− Data file: <Application name>.DAT
− Index file: <Application name>.IXT
− The functional logic diagrams (FLDs) to be translated: <Application name>.<FLD number>
− The SER format file (optional): <Application name>.FMT
− The report files that were generated by the 'SER Format' option of FSC Navigator (optional):
<Application name>.R<report number>
If the application is part of an FSC network, the installation, data and index files of all
connected applications must be present in their project folders.
The following files must be present in the FSC Navigator application folder (C:\FSC by default):
− The library which is used by the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator: <Library name>.SYM
− The device driver file: DEVICE.DRV
− RKE3964R.BIN (optional)
− MB_HB.BIN (optional)
− FSMM.BIN (optional)
− PBUS.BIN (optional)
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-1
8.3 Compiler tasks
The 'Translate Application' option of FSC Navigator translates all the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that
were designed using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator and that are present in the project folder.
Before a correct translation can be made, the FLDs must be syntactically correct (for example, all required
connections must have been made). The application compiler checks whether the FLD can be translated,
and will generate error messages if any errors are detected. It will also give a warning when the syntax is
correct but probably does not match the intention of the programming engineer, e.g. if a function block
input has not been connected.
The compiler tries to find as many errors as possible, which means that the translation of an FLD is
continued after an error has been detected. This is the reason that some errors are reported more than
once (e.g. if more than one signal has been connected at one node). The compiler also continues to
translate all subsequent FLDs. All messages are written to a log file (see subsection 8.4) and displayed on
The compiler generates one or more output files from all FLDs that have been found to be syntactically
correct. These files contain the FSC program code for the various processors in the Central Part(s).
These files are used as input for the 'Program EPROMs' option and the 'Load Application' option of FSC
Navigator (the latter in the case of RAM mode).
During translation, compiler registers or markers may be introduced. These special registers and markers
are needed to store intermediate results or to store feedback results which are required in the next
program cycle. The compiler markers and registers can be recognized by their tag number, which always
starts with the character 'C' (Compiler). The different types of compiler markers and registers can be
distinguished visually by their service text. The marker and register types are the following:
If an FLD is changed and translated again, the compiler markers and compiler registers that are no longer
required are erased from the variable database.
A number of conditions must be met for correct translation. The FLDs are translated by FLD number (in
descending order). This means that the FLD with the highest number is translated first and the FLD with
the lowest number last. If an FLD was designed using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator but is
not present in the project folder, it will be ignored. If one or more FLDs are missing, an error is generated
with the FLD number of the first detected missing FLD.
Function blocks must have higher FLD numbers than program blocks and step blocks in order to ensure
that they are translated first. The first function block must have an FLD number which is at least 2 higher
than the program block (or step block) with the highest FLD number.
Also, the nesting of the function blocks must be such that the function block which is nested deepest is
translated first (i.e. has a higher FLD number).
Software Manual
8-2 Translating an Application
8.3.2 Compiler operation
The compiler displays on-screen status information during the translation. Warnings and messages are
displayed in green (low video on monochrome monitors) and all errors are displayed in red (highlighted on
monochrome monitors).
If you want to abort the translation process for some reason, just press <Esc>. The compiler will report a
manual interrupt and writes the time and date of interruption in the log file. After the translation has ended,
the number of errors and warnings is written to the log file. If severe errors occur, the translation is aborted
automatically and no additional data is reported.
If the compiler detects an error, no output files are generated except the log file.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-3
8.3.3 Compiler modes
The compiler can translate the project for the CPU or the MEM modules. Use the 'System Configuration'
option of FSC Navigator (Install \ Modules \ Central Parts) to specify the location of the application
program. At the start of the translation process, the compiler reports for which module the execution times
are calculated.
Simulation mode can be used to test the application software of large systems on an FSC simulation unit
23125/1/1, 23125/R/1, 23126/1/1, 23250/1/1, 23260/1/1 or 23251/1/1. The number of variables that can
be forced or written regardless of the force enable status depends on the configured EPROM size (see
Table 8-1).
512 K 2080
1M 8192
2M 20800
4M 44800
If the number of variables of the same type in the original application exceeds the maximum number, the
remaining variables of that type cannot be forced or written. The compiler will then give a warning.
The application software is located in RAM on the memory module. To be able to reset the tested system,
the RESET input is located on a default address, although it may be anywhere else in the original FSC
system. The default address of the reset input is Rack 2, Position 8, Channel 2.
The input and output modules will get the address, which is the same as in the non-simulated system.
This means that the inputs which have the same address as the Force enable and the reset input in the
simulated system cannot be debugged normally but should be changed to location 'COM'.
The FSC configuration of the simulated application can only be one of the following configurations:
23125/1/1 single configuration
23126/1/1 single configuration in one rack
23125/R/1 redundant configuration
23250/1/1 redundant configuration
23260/1/1 single configuration in one rack
23251/1/1 redundant configuration
The hardware configuration of the test systems is fixed. The tables below provide an overview of the
hardware contained in each test system.
Software Manual
8-4 Translating an Application
Table 8-2 Hardware allocation of 23125/1/1 training unit
If the location of the application program is CPU, no MEMory module (10003/1/1) is required.
Rack CP 1 CP 2 Module
1 2 12 10002/1/. (CPU)
1 3,4 10004/H/I (COM)
1 13,14 10004/H/F (COM)
1 5 15 10003/1/1 (MEM)*
1 6 16 10005/1/1 (WD)
1 7 17 10001/1/1 (VBD)
1 8,9 18,19 10006/1/1 (DBM)
1 10,11 20,21 10300/1/1 (PSU)
2 9,10 10101/1/1
2 15,16 10201/1/1
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-5
Table 8-5 Hardware allocation of 23250/1/1 training unit
If the location of the application program is CPU, no MEMory module (10003/1/1) is required.
Rack CP 1 CP 2 Module
1 2 12 10002/1/. (CPU)
1 3,4 10004/H/I (COM)
1 13,14 10004/H/F (COM)
1 5 15 10003/1/1 (MEM)*
1 6 16 10005/1/1 (WD)
1 7 17 10001/1/1 (VBD)
1 8,9 18,19 10006/1/1 (DBM)
1 10,11 20,21 10300/1/1 (PSU)
2 9,10 10101/2/1
2 15,16 10201/2/1
Software Manual
8-6 Translating an Application
If the location of the application program is CPU, no MEMory module (10003/1/1) is required.
The compiler will create a default SER format file if no user-specified SER format file was found. The
default format file is identical to the default SER file which is created if the SER format is specified for the
first time using the 'SER format' option of FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-7
8.4 Compiler output
If the compiler detects an error, no CPU or COM application files are generated.
All errors found in the FLDs and databases during translation are written to the log file. Also, warnings are
generated in situations where the code is syntactically correct but will probably not perform the function
intended by the design engineer. Finally, some translation data is reported in the log file.
The following expression is printed behind several error messages: Node(x, y).
Node (x, y) means x grid points from the left side of the FLD and y grid points from the upper FLD border.
The nodes are also shown on screen when editing the functional logic diagram, i.e. choose 'Move symbol'
to start the coordinate counter.
If a message contains an FLD number, the variable concerned is located on this FLD. If no FLD number is
printed, this means that the variable (tag number) is not used on an FLD.
This subsection lists all possible messages and warnings in alphabetical order.
Software Manual
8-8 Translating an Application
Alarm group number undefined: <type> <tag no.>
The alarm group number of the variable (location 'ANN') has not been specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) to specify the alarm
group number.
BI/BO with DEC/BIN conversion must have BCD data representation: <type> <tag no.>
The variable <type> <tag no.> is converted from/to BCD data representation in the FLD, but the variable is
specified as a binary input or output.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the data representation to BCD, or
replace the BCD input or output symbol in the FLD with a binary input or output signal.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-9
Called block is no function block: <function block>
A call is made to an FLD which is not a function block FLD.
Delete the call in the calling FLD.
Software Manual
8-10 Translating an Application
Count-up or count-down not allowed for a float register.
The count-up or count-down operation is only valid for integer-type registers (byte, word or long).
Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to modify the FLDs.
Counter allocation error: <type> <tag no.> Byte number: <byte no.>
The counter has an address <byte no.> which is used by one or more other counters.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (rebuild option) to check the addresses of all
Default Development System protocol used at: <CP No.> <Com No.> <Chan>
The application is translated in a simulation mode. No Development System protocol exists in the original
application. The compiler uses the specified communication channel as the Development System
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-11
Digital I/O allocation error: <type> <tag no.>
This means that a variable has not been not properly allocated to the hardware (rack, channel, position
has not been specified).
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) to allocate the variable.
If the FLD number of the variable is zero, the variable is not used in the FLDs and may be deleted. You
can use the 'Print' option of FSC Navigator to print all variables in the variable database that were not
properly allocated.
This error message (with "O SEC.SWITCH-OFF" as the type and tag number) will also appear in the
following two cases:
− If the FSC system has been configured for requirement class AK6 and the secondary switch-off has not
been allocated to a hardware output.
− If one or more 10216/./. output modules have been configured with 1oo2D voting and the secondary
switch-off has not been not allocated to a hardware output.
(For FSC systems with requirement class AK5, the secondary switch-off does not need to be allocated,
and the above message will only be issued as a translation warning.)
Disk full.
This can be solved by removing unused files from your disk or using a disk with a larger disk capacity.
Software Manual
8-12 Translating an Application
Error in sheet:
The current translated FLD contains a corrupted record.
Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to check the FLD.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-13
File creation failed: <file name>.<file extension>
The file could not be created. For example, the disk may be full or the number of open files has been
Clean your disk, i.e. delete unused files or save currently unused files to a diskette and delete them from
your hard disk.
Use a system with a larger disk capacity.
Extend number of files in your CONFIG.SYS file: Files = <number of files>. The recommended number of
files is 30.
FSC system out of memory for this type of variable: <type> <tag no.>
The compiler cannot place a compiler register or compiler marker in the variable database.
It is possible that new space will be created after the translation is complete. Therefore, recompile the
whole set. Erase unused variables (FLD is 0). Change your design so as to decrease the number of
required markers and/or registers.
Function block input not connected. Function block input sequence number: <seq. no.>
An input of a function block has not been connected to a signal in the FLD. This is allowed but a warning
is nevertheless given, because it might be not intended. The input value will be zero during execution.
Function block sheet must contain at least one function block output.
A function block must have a function block output, otherwise it is of no use in the functional logic
Place a function block output or delete the FLD.
Software Manual
8-14 Translating an Application
Illegal bit number: <bit no.>
The bit number is corrupted.
Translate again.
Only active if on-line modification is set to Yes.
Only active if on-line modification is set to 'Yes'.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-15
Illegal printer reference: <file name>
The printer specified in a report file or in the SER format file is not known in the specified file.
Use the 'SER Format' option of FSC Navigator to install another printer. The specified file might be an old
version of the file DEVICE.DRV.
Illegal sec. link specified for COM chan. (CP, Mod): <CP> <Module> <Chan.>
The protocol of the secondary channel does not match the protocol of the primary link.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the protocol or change the secondary
Illegal SER printer specification (CP no., COM module, chan): <CP> <Module> <Chan.>
The SER channel has been configured in this system, but the Central Part, COM module and channel
have not been fully specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify the SER channel.
Software Manual
8-16 Translating an Application
Illegal value: <type> <tag no.>
The value of the variable (timer or counter) is less than or equal to zero, or greater than the maximum
value (counter maximum = 8191; timer maximum = 2047).
Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to change the variable.
Invalid data exchange with com. server system: <CP No.> <Com No.> <Chan.>
The specified channel contains a number of markers and/or registers to read and/or write to a
communication server channel.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to delete the number of bytes to read or write.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the communication server to a master
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-17
Invalid library version. You need version <version>
The library has a different version than the compiler, but cannot be converted.
Use an FSC Navigator software set of the specified version.
Software Manual
8-18 Translating an Application
Invalid simulation mode specified.
The specified simulation mode is not known by compiler.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the power-on mode.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-19
Library not found on disk: <library name>.SYM
The library used to create the functional logic diagrams cannot be found in the FSC Navigator application
folder (C:\FSC by default).
Make sure that the required library file is in the FSC Navigator application folder, or use the
Project/Properties menu item of FSC Navigator to select another library and translate again. Make sure
that the library is compatible with the drawings.
Link area of connected appl. does not match: <linked appl. name>
The number of bytes to read and/or write markers and/or registers of the current application does not
match the number of bytes to read and/or write in the linked application.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify (or copy) the number of bytes used for
external FSC-FSC protocols.
Link appl. name of connected appl. not OK: <linked appl. name>
The linked application is found, but in this database the application name to the current application
number is not the current application name.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install/Configuration) to specify the current
application name in the linked application. For example, the current application is TEST_1 and has a link
to TEST_2. In application TEST_2, the application name for system number 1 is not TEST, but (for
example) TEST1.
Load and value must both be connected or not connected: <type> <tag no.>
If you have a load function, you need a value to be loaded into the register. If you do not have a load
function, no value is needed.
Marker allocation error: <type> <tag no.> Bit number: <bit no.>
The variable in the marker area has an address <bit no.>, which is used by one or more other variables in
the marker area.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (rebuild option) to check the addresses of all
Maximum delay time on communication link (CP no., COM, Chan.): <value> ms
This message is given for each multidrop communication channel in a communication server FSC
application. It shows the maximum response time (in ms) of that channel. This information helps the user
decide how to balance overloaded communication channels.
Software Manual
8-20 Translating an Application
Missing sheet: <appl. name>.<FLD no.>
The file that contains the FLD cannot be found on disk.
Copy the FLD file to the project folder. If the FLD is really lost, run the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC
Navigator. Enter the FLD number of the lost FLD and answer 'Y' when asked whether you want to erase
the FLD from the database.
Missing slave system detected at (CP, COM, Ch): <CP No.> <Com No.> <Chan.>
Not all systems connected have been configured at the specified channel.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to add the system to the specified external
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-21
No application connected for COM chan. (CP no., COM module, chan.): <CP> <Seq.> <Chan.>
Channel <Chan.> from the communication module in Central Part <CP> with sequence number <Seq.>
has been defined as an external FSC-FSC protocol, but no other application has been specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install/Central Part/COM) to specify the
communication link.
No DBM module present, so real-time functions not available: <type> <tag no.>
The application program uses system variable <type> <tag no.>, which can be used only if a DBM module
has been configured.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify a DBM module, or remove the real-time
variables (YEAR, DATE, DAY, MONTH, HOURS, MINUTES or SECONDS) from the functional logic
No hardware specified.
The database has not been configured; no hardware has been specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install option) to specify the hardware of the
No load signal, so a count signal and clear signal must be connected: <type> <tag no.>
If you do not load a register, you must at least use a count-up or a count-down in combination with a clear,
else the register is of no use.
No master system detected for (CP,COM,Ch): <CP No.> <Com No.> <Chan.>
The slave channel specified does not communicate with an external (master) system.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to add a master application to the specified
No primary link specified for COM chan. (CP no., COM module, chan.) : <CP> <COM> <Chan.>
The specified COM channel is a secondary channel, but the primary link has not been fully specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify the primary link, or define the channel
as a primary link.
No protocols specified for COM module (Central Part, COM module): <CP> <Seq.>
The protocol of channel A and channel B from the communication module in Central Part <CP> with
sequence number <Seq.> have not been specified (Protocol = undefined).
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install/Central Part/COM option) to specify a
protocol, or remove this COM module.
Software Manual
8-22 Translating an Application
Not enough disk space found. Required disk space: <MB>
The compiler requires <MB> megabytes of hard disk space.
Free disk space by deleting files that are no longer needed.
Not enough memory modules configured. Expected number: <No. of MEM modules>
The amount of memory on the configured number of modules is not sufficient for the application.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the number of memory modules to the
specified amount.
If the power-on mode is not RUN mode, Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to
change the power-on mode to RUN mode.
Number of alarm groups without alarm type <Alarm type> connected <Number>
The application database contains a number of alarm groups with no <Alarm type> used.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-23
Number of system allocation errors: <number>
Number of double allocated registers, markers, counters or timers.
Output low clamp and output high clamp are identical: <type> <tag no.>
The output clamps of the PID are equal.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) to specify the output
PID cascade in logics differs from cascade configuration: P<tag no.> P<Cascade PID> P<tag no. of
connected PID>
Make sure that you also made a cascade connection at this PID in the functional logic diagrams.
Cascade: – You did not configure a PID cascade tag number using the 'System Configuration' option
of FSC Navigator but you connected the cascade setpoint signal nevertheless.
– You configured a PID tag number using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator
but you did not connect the cascade input signal or you connected it to the wrong PID or to
another symbol.
Software Manual
8-24 Translating an Application
Power-on value out of range. <type> <tag no.>
The power-on value of the variable is invalid. The number of bits is too small to represent the power-on
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to change the power-on value.
Previous error may be caused by multiplexer scan time being too high.
This warning is generated when the compiler detects errors.
Register allocation error: <type> <tag no.> Byte number: <byte no.>
The variable in the register area has address <byte no.>, which is used (or partially used) by one or more
other variables in the register area.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to check the addresses of all variables.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-25
SER/report communication port must be set at 8 bits:
The COM channel which is used for SER and/or reports is configured at 7 bits/char, but the report and/or
SER file contain 8-bit characters.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to select 8 bits/char, or use the 'SER Format'
option of FSC Navigator to remove the 8-bit characters.
Serial number:
The serial number of the FSC Navigator software.
Set and value signals must both be connected or not connected: <type> <tag no.>
If you have a set function, you need a value to be loaded into the counter. If you do not have a set
function, no value is needed.
Setpoint low clamp and setpoint high clamp are identical: <type> <tag no.>
The setpoints of the PID are equal.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) to specify the setpoint
Software Manual
8-26 Translating an Application
Sheet too big or nesting to deep. Sheet time =
The execution time of the FLD is too large because function blocks have been nested to deep or there are
too many time-consuming functions.
Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator and change the FLDs so that fewer functions or other
functions are needed. Change the nesting of the function blocks, since too many function block calls can
cause the execution time to become too large. Split the FLD into two or more FLDs. Particularly
time-consuming functions are square root and PID.
Sheet transfer expected to be directly connected to I/O symbol. <type> <tag no.>
You defined a service text equal to the tag number of an I/O symbol, but no direct connection exists. You
must change the service test or make a direct connection.
Signal type does not match number of bits: <type> <tag no.>
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) and change signal type
of the variable.
Signal type undefined. Signal cannot be saved or loaded: <type> <tag no.>
The signal type of the variable is undefined.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify the type of the variable.
Timer allocation error <type> <tag no.> Byte number: <byte no.>
The timer has an address <Byte number> which is used by one or more other timers.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (rebuild option) to check the addresses of all
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-27
Too many appl. connected for COM channel (Central Part, COM module, Chan):
<CP> <Seq.> <Chan.>
Channel <Chan.> from the communication module in Central Part <CP> with sequence number <Seq.>
has been specified as an external point-to-point FSC FSC protocol, but too many external applications
have been specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify only one communication link, or change
the point-to-point link to a multidrop link (Install \ Central Part \ COM).
Too many masters specified for (CP,COM,Ch): <CP No.> <Com No.> <Chan.>
The specified communication channel has been linked to several applications, but too many masters have
been specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to remove master applications from the specified
Software Manual
8-28 Translating an Application
Translating for simulation mode 23125/1/1.
This message is used to show that the application is translated as a simulated application to debug the
application program (see subsection 8.3.3).
Translation completed.
The compiler has checked all FLDs and all data in the databases without encountering serious errors.
Unable to create all dummy sheets. Number of unplaced dummy sheets: <no. of FLDs>.
In order to extend the total execution time to a certain minimum, some delay sheets must be appended to
the application program. However, no space can be found between the program blocks and the function
Move the function blocks to higher FLD numbers. Renumber the first function block to create more
unused sheet numbers lower than the lowest function block number.
Unexpected I/O module at (rack, position, channel): (<Rack>, <Pos.>, <Chan.>) <type> <tag no.>
The variable has been allocated to an invalid module type (e.g. a digital input variable has been allocated
to an analog output module).
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to reallocate the variable.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-29
Value (or base) in sheet and variable data file are not equal: <type> <tag no.>
The value of the variable (timer or counter) has been changed in the database but not in the FLD.
Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to change the variable.
Variable address mismatch with current appl.: <type> <tag no.> (<Linked appl. name>)
The relative address of the variable specified does not match the relative address in the current
application. This will occur if, for example, I FSCvar has relative address 3 in this application, but
O FSCvar does not have relative address 3 in the application specified.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Hardware Specs option) to change the address,
or use Configuration\Module\Central Part\COM\Copy allocation to make all addresses used in FSC
networks equal.
Variable data file too large. Try 'Rebuild' option to optimize file.
The data file cannot be extended anymore.
Rebuilding may create some space.
Software Manual
8-30 Translating an Application
Variable is SER enabled, but no valid SER communication channel found: <type> <tag no.>
No COM channel has been specified to be used for SER.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator to specify the SER channel (Install\Configuration).
Variable not linked to current application: <type> <tag no.> (<linked appl. name>)
The specified variable in the other application database does not exist, but is linked to another FSC
system. For example, TEST_1 in the current application is a variable I Link1, which is linked to TEST_2.
There is a variable O Link1 in application TEST_2, but this variable is linked to system 3.
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-31
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
8-32 Translating an Application
Aborting the translation process, 3 Feedback markers, 2
Application code files, 8 Feedback registers, 2
Application files, 1 Files required for translation, 1
FSC configuration of simulated application, 4
FSC program code, 2
C Function blocks, 2
COM channels in simulation mode, 7 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 1
COM modules, 8
Communication files, 8
Compiler, 1, 2
Compiler conditions, 2 Hardware allocation of training unit, 4, 6
Compiler errors, 8
Compiler markers, 2
Compiler mode L
Simulation mode, 4 Log file, 8
Compiler modes, 4
Compiler operation, 3
Compiler output, 8 M
Compiler registers, 2
Compiler tasks, 2 Markers, 2
CPU module type in simulation mode, 7 Memory module, 5
Default address of reset input, 4 Nesting of function blocks, 2
Default SER format file, 7 Node, 8
Delay time on communication link, 20
E Program code, 2
EPROM size, 4
Error handling by application compiler, 2 R
Error messages
Compiler, 8 Registers, 2
Translation, 8 Reset input, 4
Errors during translation, 2, 3, 8
Secondary switch-off, 12
SER format file, 7
Simulated application, 4
Simulation mode, 4
COM channels, 7
CPU module type, 7
Software Manual
Translating an Application 8-33
Index (continued)
Test system, 4, 6 Warnings during translation, 2, 3, 8
Training unit, 4, 6
Translating an application, 1
Translating order of FLDs, 2
Software Manual
8-34 Translating an Application
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 9:
Log Files
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
9.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................9-1
Software Manual
Log Files i
Figure 9-1 Button bar, with 'View Log' submenu .......................................................................... 9-2
Figure 9-2 Log file viewer with verification log file......................................................................... 9-3
Figure 9-3 Changing the font type and style ................................................................................. 9-4
Figure 9-4 Font size spin button ................................................................................................... 9-4
Figure 9-5 Printing log files ........................................................................................................... 9-5
Figure 9-6 Saving a log file to disk................................................................................................ 9-6
Software Manual
ii Log Files
9.1 Introduction
Several options of FSC Navigator create a log file to report the results of specific functions. The following
log files exist:
– Translation log file (∗.LOG): This file contains all messages, errors and/or warnings that were
generated during translation of the application.
– Verification log file (∗.VRF): This file contains all messages, errors and/or warnings that were
generated during verification of the application.
– Append log file (∗.APP): This file contains all changes and/or errors that were generated
when two or more projects were appended to the currently open
project. The append log file is generated for the currently open
– Conversion log file (∗.FAD): This file contains information about required changes and errors
that were detected during conversion of the application to the
current release.
– Database integrity log file (∗.CRC): This file contains information about CRC errors that are detected
by FSC Navigator, and is used to verify the integrity of the FSC
– On-line rebuild log file (∗.OLR): This file contains all messages that were generated during an on-
line rebuild.
– Menu selection log file (CRC.LOG): This file lists any errors that occurred (e.g. CRC errors) when the
various FSC Navigator application files were called from the main
All log files are project-related and are located in the corresponding project folder. An exception is the
menu selection log file (CRC.LOG), which is project-independent and can be found in the FSC Navigator
application folder (C:\FSC by default).
The contents of the log files can be viewed, printed or saved to disk. The 'View Log' option of FSC
Navigator can be opened in three ways:
• Menu bar: File / View Log
• Button bar: View Log
• Navigation area: FSC Safety Compliance / View Log
Software Manual
Log Files 9-1
9.2 Selecting a log file
If you select the 'View Log' option, a submenu will appear, which allows you to choose which log file you
wish to view:
Only the log files that are actually available for viewing will be valid menu options. The submenu as shown
in Figure 9-1, for example, shows the 'Verify Application' option disabled. This means that the verification
log file is not available for viewing, either because verification has not yet taken place or because
verification did take place but no errors were found (and logged).
The log files will always relate to the project that is currently open. If you wish to view the log
files of a different project, you must first close the current project and open the project whose
log files you wish to view.
Software Manual
9-2 Log Files
9.3 Log file viewer
After a log file has been selected, the log file viewer will open and show the requested log file. Figure 9-2
shows the log file viewer with an example of the verification log file.
The log file viewer has a number of options that allow you to modify the font settings (see subsection
9.3.1), as well as buttons for printing or saving the log file (see subsections 9.3.2 and 9.3.3).
If the data contained in the log file does not fit in the viewer window, horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars
are provided which enable you to view the entire log file.
Please note that the log file viewer window is resizeable, which means that you can use the mouse to
"drag" the window edges to change the window size.
Software Manual
Log Files 9-3
9.3.1 Font type and size
By default, the log files will be shown in the Courier New font with font size 11 pt. If you want, you can
modify these font settings. FSC Navigator "remembers" the font settings, which means that the log file
viewer will always open with the font settings that were used during the last session.
To change the font type, choose the Font button in the upper left corner of the log file viewer. This will
open the window as shown in Figure 9-3. Here you can choose the font type and style that you wish to use
for viewing and printing the log files.
− In the font selection list, only non-proportional fonts will be displayed. This means that all
letters will have the same width, regardless of their shape ('i' vs. 'm').
− The font type and style that you choose will be used for both on-screen viewing and
To change the font size, you can use the Size selection list in the Font window (see Figure 9-3), or you
can use the Font Size spin button in the log file viewer (see Figure 9-4).
The default font size is 11 pt, but you can choose any value between 8 pt and 24 pt.
Please note that the font size that you choose will be used for both on-screen viewing and printing.
Software Manual
9-4 Log Files
9.3.2 Printing a log file
The Print button in the log file viewer allows you to print the log file currently being displayed. If you choose
the Print button, the standard Windows print dialog will open:
The Print dialog may look slightly differently than shown in Figure 9-5, depending on the
exact Windows version that you are running.
The printer shown will be the printer that has been defined as the default printer in Control Panel. Make
sure that you choose a printer from the drop-down list that is compatible with the printer settings as
defined in FSC Navigator (using the Printers option of the File menu). If it is not, printing may produce
garbled output, or printing may not be possible at all.
For details on setting the printer options in FSC Navigator, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual
("Using FSC Navigator") or the FSC Navigator Help file.
If you want to change the paper size that should be used for the print job, you can use the Properties
button to modify the printer settings.
Software Manual
Log Files 9-5
9.3.3 Saving a log file to disk
The Save As button in the log file viewer allows you to save the log file currently being displayed to disk. If
you choose this button, the standard Windows Save As dialog will open (see Figure 9-6).
To save the log file to disk, move to the folder you wish to save the file to, and enter a valid file name in
the File Name text box. The default file extension is 'LOG'. This extension is assumed, which means that
you do not have to enter it. However, if you add a different extension to your file name, this will be the
extension that the file will have. Thus, if you enter MYFILE as the file name, the log file will be saved as
MYFILE.LOG. If you enter MYFILE.TXT, it will be saved as MYFILE.TXT.
Log files are saved to disk as plain ASCII files, which means that they can be opened in any word
processor or any other application that has text-processing capabilities.
Software Manual
9-6 Log Files
Append log file, 1 Menu selection log file, 1
Conversion log file, 1 On-line rebuild log file, 1
CRC error log file, 1
D Paper size of log files, 5
Database integrity log file, 1 Printing log files, 5
Font type and size in log files, 4 Saving log files to disk, 6
Log file viewer, 3 Translation log file, 1
Log files, 1, 2
Extension, 6
Font type and size, 4 V
Format, 6
Paper size, 5 Verification log file, 1
Printing, 5 Viewing log files, 1, 2, 3
Save to disk, 6
Viewing, 3
Software Manual
Log Files 9-7
Software Manual
9-8 Log Files
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 10:
Programming EPROMs
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
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No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
10.1 Introduction...................................................................................................10-1
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs i
Table 10-1 EPROMs supported by 'Program Application' option of FSC Navigator. ................ 10-10
Software Manual
ii Programming EPROMs
10.1 Introduction
The application logic that was created using the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) must be programmed
into EPROMs before it can be used in the FSC system.
The 'Program EPROMs' option of FSC Navigator is used to program, copy or read EPROMs, using the
EPROM programmer (07170/./.) and the PC serial interface + key module (07177/1/.).
Apart from programming of the FSC application EPROMs for the CPU, MEM and COM modules, the
program also supports programming of the CPU system program EPROMs.
On start-up, the program will read the FSCPROM.DAT file in the FSC Navigator application folder. This
file contains the default programming configuration. If this file is not present, it will be created
automatically. The program will also check whether the EPROM programmer (07170/./.) has been
connected to the FSC user station. The hexadecimal I/O address $300 is assumed.
If the programmer cannot be found – for example because the address is incorrect or the programmer
has not been properly connected – you are asked to select another address or connect the programmer
properly (see Figure 10-1). If you change the address setting, it will be stored in the FSC.INI initialization
file, which is located in the FSC Navigator application folder (C:\FSC by default).
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-1
1. Switch off the power supply to your PC before connecting or disconnecting the 07170/1/1
2. Do not place the EPROMs until the 'Program EPROMs' option of FSC Navigator has
completed its startup procedure.
Software Manual
10-2 Programming EPROMs
10.2 Programming EPROMs
The 'Program EPROMs' option of FSC Navigator can only be used if the EPROM programmer has been
properly connected. If that is the case, the main menu will be displayed on screen, which allows you to
program, read, copy and blank-check EPROMs.
Configuration : Modify the configuration of the 'Program EPROMs' option of FSC Navigator.
Read : Read one or more EPROMs and write the contents to a file.
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-3
Verify : Check whether one or more EPROMs contain the same data as a given file.
This option can only be selected if the EPROM type specified matches the size of the file
to be programmed.
Install : Calibrate the 07170/1/1 module.
eXit : Return to the main screen of FSC Navigator.
You can always return to the main menu from anywhere in the program by (repeatedly) pressing <Esc>.
After selecting the Configuration option in the main menu, you can modify the 'Program EPROMs'
configuration. The following screen will be displayed:
Software Manual
10-4 Programming EPROMs
1. Application software, communication EPROMs and CPU system software always require
four EPROMs of 0.5, 1 or 2 MB. FSMM firmware requires one EPROM of 4 MB, which
must be placed on position 1 of the EPROM programmer.
2. CPU, COM and MEM can only be selected if valid files exist for these modules.
EPROM type : Specifies the size of the EPROMs used. Three or four different sizes
are supported by the program.
Programming algorithm : Can be set to Intel Intelligent and Intel Quick Pulse algorithm
(see subsection 10.3).
Programming method : Specifies the way the program command will act. Selectable options are:
'Program': used to program EPROMs.
'Blank, Prog., Vrf': used to perform a black check before programming
and a verify after programming automatically.
The program prevents you from creating an invalid configuration. If you alter one of the options, the other
options are automatically updated to show only valid configurations. It may also be that some of the
options are blocked once a certain configuration has been chosen. Therefore, always start at the top if you
want to alter the configuration.
If the FSC module type has been set to 'Communication' or 'Application', FSC Navigator will search for all
possible files to select. If more than one file is available, you will be prompted to toggle the Central Part
number and/or the module sequence number (e.g. COM1, COM2, CPU1, MEM1, etc.). If the FSC module
type is 'Application' and the location of the application is 'MEM', more than one set of EPROMs may be
required. In that case you are prompted to specify the first set of the EPROMs to program. The default
size which has been defined is used to program or verify the current application software. The size can be
changed if you want to read a set of EPROMs. If the default is changed, the 'Program' and 'Verify' options
are deleted from the main menu.
If the FSC module type is 'Communication', FSC Navigator will check if the COMxxx.BIN (where 'xxx' is
the FSC software release number), CTV.BIN and MTV.BIN files are present in the FSC directory. If they
are not, an error message is displayed. If they are present, FSC Navigator will compose one file from
these files together with the application file. The resulting file will be programmed to the EPROMs.
If the FSC module type is 'Application' and the location of the application is MEM, FSC Navigator will
calculate the number of EPROM sets (one set is 4 EPROMs ) that are required to hold the amount of
data. If one set of EPROMs is filled with data, you place the next set of EPROMs until all data has been
programmed. Every time you need to place a new set of EPROMs, a message is displayed on your
screen which tells you to do so (see Figure 10-4). In this way all data can be programmed.
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-5
Figure 10-4 Placing a set of EPROMs
Before programming or verifying is started, the checksum (CRC) of the file is calculated and verified to
detect any data corruption.
Before FSC Navigator starts programming the EPROMs, a check is made whether the EPROMs have
been correctly inserted and whether they are of the correct type ( 27512, 27010, 27C2001 or 27C4001 )
and manufacturer (see subsection 10.4). You must insert the EPROMs correctly before you can start
programming (green LEDs on). If the EPROMs are not of the correct type or manufacturer, a message is
displayed on screen. (For a list of supported EPROM types refer to subsection 10.4.)
During programming, the screen will show the address currently being programmed. This will give you an
idea how many bytes have been programmed.
The way in which programming stopped will be displayed on screen. If programming crashed (i.e. unable
to program the desired data ), the address where the programming crashed is also displayed. If your file
format is 'FSC' and programming was successful, the address of the last bytes which were programmed
in your last EPROM set is also given.
Software Manual
10-6 Programming EPROMs
10.2.4 'Read' option in main menu
The 'Read' option allows you to read a set of EPROMs and put the contents in a file.
Before FSC Navigator starts programming the EPROMs, a check is made whether the EPROMs have
been correctly inserted and whether they are of the correct type ( 27512, 27010, 27C2001 or 27C4001 )
and manufacturer (see subsection 10.4). You must insert the EPROMs correctly before you can start
programming (green LEDs on). If the EPROMs are not of the correct type or manufacturer, a message is
displayed on screen.
You must first enter a valid file name before FSC Navigator can start writing the EPROM contents to a file
(see Figure 10-5).
The 'Blank check' option allows you to perform a test to check whether the EPROMs are empty. If an error
occurs, FSC Navigator will tell you in which EPROM the error occurred and at what address.
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-7
10.2.6 'Verify' option in main menu
The 'Verify' option allows you to check whether the data in the EPROMs is the same as the data in a file.
Before verification starts, you must first enter a file name. The data contained in the EPROMs is
compared with the data in that file. If the data is not the same, the address in the EPROM, the data
contained in the EPROM and the data in the file are displayed on screen (see Figure 10-6).
The 'eXit' option returns you to the FSC Navigator main screen.
Software Manual
10-8 Programming EPROMs
10.3 Programming algorithms
The duration of an intelligent programming pulse is 1.0 ms. This will be repeated until the desired data is
settled in the EPROM. After this, an 'overprogram' pulse will follow. The number of these pulses is three
times the number of program pulses needed. For example, if two pulses were needed before a byte was
settled, the algorithm will give an overpulse of 3 x 2 = 6 ms.
The Quick Pulse algorithm is different from the Intelligent algorithm in two ways:
• the duration of the programming pulse is not 1.0 ms but 0.1 ms, and
• there is no overprogram pulse.
The 'Program Application' option of FSC Navigator does not execute these algorithms exactly as they are
described above.
• The overprogram pulse of the Intel Intelligent algorithm is replaced by a fixed number of three
(separate) pulses of 1 ms.
• The Intel Quick Pulse algorithm uses no overprogram pulse. FSC Navigator will, however, nevertheless
gives three overprogram pulses of 0.1 ms each.
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-9
10.4 Supported EPROMs
Table 10-1 below lists the EPROMs that are supported by the 'Program Application' option of FSC
27010 1M
27C512 512 K
27C1001 1M
27512 512 K
AMD 27C010 1M
27C020 2M
27C040 4M
571000D 1M
Software Manual
10-10 Programming EPROMs
Blank-checking EPROMs, 7 Programming algorithms, 5
Intel Intelligent algorithm, 9
Intel Quick Pulse algorithm, 9
E Programming applications in EPROMs, 1, 5, 6, 7
Black-checking EPROMs, 7
EPROM type, 5 EPROM type, 5
EPROMs, 1, 6, 7 FSC module, 4
FSMM firmware, 4 FSMM firmware, 4
Supported by FSC Navigator, 10 Programming algorithms, 5, 9
Programming methods, 5
Verifying EPROMs, 8
F Programming methods, 5
FSC module, 4
FSMM firmware, 4
Verifying EPROMs, 8
Hardware key module, 1
Intel Intelligent algorithm, 9
Intel Quick Pulse algorithm, 9
Software Manual
Programming EPROMs 10-11
Software Manual
10-12 Programming EPROMs
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 11:
Verifying an Application
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
11.1 Introduction...................................................................................................11-1
Software Manual
Verifying an Application i
Software Manual
ii Verifying an Application
11.1 Introduction
The 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator verifies if the FSC application software as present in the
FSC system is consistent with the FSC database and the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) as stored on
the FSC user station. The 'Verify Application' option can be called in three ways:
• Menu bar: On-Line / Verify Application
• Buttons bar: Verify
• Navigation area: FSC Safety Compliance / Verify Application
Differences between the application at the FSC user station and the application software in the FSC
system may be the result of:
1. changes made to the application at the FSC user station without transferring the new application to the
FSC system,
2. corruption of the FSC database or the functional logic diagrams (FLDs), or
3. errors occurring in the complete path from configuring the application to programming the FSC system
EPROMs or downloading the application.
In the first case, the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator may be used as a revision control tool in
order to register the modifications. In the other two cases, it is used for safety reasons to ensure the
correctness of the FSC application software with respect to the FSC application at the FSC user station.
All differences will be reported and stored in a log file for later reference. The log file can be viewed and
printed using the 'View Log' option of FSC Navigator.
The FSC application software may be configured for 'RUN' or 'RAM' mode. The 'Verify Application' option
of FSC Navigator cannot verify applications that have been configured for simulation mode, for use in one
of the FSC simulation units.
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-1
11.2 Conditions for verification
To verify the FSC application software, the following conditions must be met:
• All functional logic diagrams of your application must have been translated, i.e. the 'Translate
Application' option of the FSC Navigator must have been performed successfully.
• The FSC user station must be able to communicate with the FSC system.
• An application must be present in the FSC system (programmed in EPROM or loaded into RAM).
• The power-on mode of the FSC system and of the application at the FSC user station must either be
'RUN' mode or 'RAM' mode. Simulation modes are not supported.
• The configuration of the FSC system must match the FSC configuration as defined in the FSC
database. In other words, you cannot use a single (i.e. non-redundant) application to verify a redundant
FSC system and vice versa.
• There must be sufficient free disk space to store intermediate results of the verification process.
The required amount of disk space is approximately the disk space needed to store the compiler output
(.Oxx and Cxx files).
• The version of the application on the CPU/MEM module must match the version of the
application on the COM module, i.e. the EPROMs of the COM module must have been
programmed at all times.
Software Manual
11-2 Verifying an Application
11.3 Verification process
To verify an application, the FSC application software as present in the FSC system is uploaded to the
FSC user station. The FSC application software is temporarily stored in the project folder and will be
deleted before the program terminates.
The time required to upload the FSC application software depends on the configuration, the size of the
application and the baud rate of the configured Development System protocol.
During communication, an asterisk (∗) is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. The progress of
the upload function is visualized by displaying the percentage of each file that is being uploaded to the
FSC user station.
As soon as all FSC application software has been uploaded, the program will start verifying the
application. Verification of an application is divided into two main functions:
1. Verification of the FSC application software with regard to the information in the FSC database.
2. Verification of the FSC application software with regard to the functional logic diagrams (FLDs).
All differences that are found between the application stored at the FSC user station and the FSC
application software are reported.
Figure 11-1 shows an example of the output to the screen during verification of the FSC database. In this
case, a difference was found in the numerical SER configuration.
The following subsections describe the two main functions of the verification program in more detail.
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-3
Verification of an application can be terminated at any time by pressing <Esc>. The program will report a
manual interrupt, and will write the time and date of interruption to the log file. If one or more differences
were found or if an error occurs which does not allow further program execution, you are asked to press
<Enter> to return to the FSC Navigator main screen. If no differences were found, the program will
automatically return to the the FSC Navigator main screen.
This part verifies the information in the FSC database with the application software in the FSC system.
Differences between the FSC database and the FSC application software are preceded by an error
message in red if it is the first difference found within the current Central Part. In addition, a descriptive
header in black is generated. The actual difference is displayed in blue.
If a difference is detected in a field that affects related information, only this field is reported. For this
reason, when you decide to correct the difference and verify the application for the second time, additional
differences may be reported. For example, if differences are detected in the characteristics of a specific
communication channel (protocol, interface, baud rate, etc.), then only the protocol is reported. If the
protocol is subsequently made identical to the protocol as defined within the FSC system, the interface
and baud rate may be reported after a second verification.
Verification of the FSC database is performed once for every Central Part of the FSC configuration. Restrictions
This subsection provides an overview of the data in the FSC database that will not be verified.
Application database
• If the interface of a communication channel is RS485, the program does not verify the network
configuration in the FSC database which can be 'multidrop' or 'point-to-point.'
• The program does not distinguish between Development System protocol and Modem protocol.
• The program does not verify which rack numbers are controlled by which HBD.
• The program does not verify any information regarding PSU or PSD modules.
• The program does not verify user-defined rack numbers.
• Descriptive installation texts are not verified.
• The maximum number of cabinets and racks are not verified.
• The program does not verify the number of slots on the Central Part bus.
• CPU and COM EPROM types are not verified.
• The program does not verify the maximum numerical SER number.
• Minimum and maximum FLD execution times are not verified.
• The program does not verify application names of the other FSC systems connected to a network.
If a communication channel has been configured as a master channel, but no data is
exchanged with its slave systems (which means that the system actually serves as a
communication server), the program will report this as a difference.
Software Manual
11-4 Verifying an Application
Variables database
• The program does not verify service fields of register variables, multiplexer variables and multiple input
and output variables.
• Service and qualification fields of input and output variables and marker variables will only be verified if
the appropriate information is present in the FSC application software.
• User-defined locations of variables (non-reserved) will not be verified.
• The signal type of variables BI and BO (BCD or normal) will not be verified.
• The program does not verify the signal type of analog input variables.
• Strings specifying the Engineering Units of several parameters are not verified.
• The program does not verify top and bottom values of PID variables.
The 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator can be used to change the parameters
of PID variables, the power-up value of variables with location COM, etc. These new values
are stored in the FSC database. As long as the new values are not transferred to the FSC
system, the differences will be reported by the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator.
11.3.2 Verification of the FSC application software using the functional logic
After verification of the contents of the FSC database, the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) are verified.
All differences between the FLDs and the FSC application software are displayed in red. If the
connections on a functional logic diagram do not match, the connection is further specified by a
description in blue. Any differences found will be output to the screen and to the log file. Restrictions
This section provides an overview of the data that will not be verified and of some logic sequences that
are not supported.
• The program does not verify the signal type of binary signals (byte, word, long or float).
The 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator is very useful as a revision control tool to register the
differences between various versions of an application during application development or in case of
subsequent application updates.
This feature is available for both single-channel configurations and redundant configurations:
• If application software for use on any FSC system configuration is modified, the 'Verify Application'
option of FSC Navigator can be used to register and verify the changes that were made. This is
accomplished by running the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator while the previous version of
the application software is still present in the FSC system.
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-5
• For redundant configurations, additional benefit is achieved when the 'Verify Application' option of FSC
Navigator is used during on-line modification (OLM). During OLM, running the program only once is
sufficient to both verify the new application in one Central Part and to register the differences with
respect to the previous version of the application.
• When Central Part 1 has been loaded with a new version of the application software while Central Part
2 is still running on the previous version of the application software, the 'Verify Application' option of
FSC Navigator will perform the following functions:
FSC user station
Appl. Version 2
Appl. Version 1
Verify Application
'Difference list'
Appl. Version 1 vs.
Appl. Version 2
− The program will verify that there are no differences between the application software at the FSC
user station and the application software in Central Part 1. Therefore the program basically serves as
a verification program for the application software in Central Part 1. The sections in the log file that
refer to Central Part 1 should contain no differences, except for the differences that pertain to the test
data for integrity purposes. (For details on test data, refer to the FSC Safety Manual).
− The program will register the differences between the latest version of the application software at the
FSC user station and the previous version of the application software in Central Part 2. Therefore, for
Central Part 2, the program operates as a revision control tool to register differences between two
versions of the application software. The sections in the log file that refer to Central Part 2 should
contain all changes that were made with respect to the previous version of the application software.
Software Manual
11-6 Verifying an Application
11.4 Verification results
The log file <Application name>.VRF contains all messages and errors that were generated during the
verification process. The log file can be printed or displayed on screen using the 'View Log' option of FSC
The following sections contain the error messages that may be reported during the verification process. All
messages (except for the manual interrupt message) are preceded by the word 'ERROR: '.
Unless the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator is used as a revision control tool (see subsection
11.3.3), no differences should be reported except for the differences as listed in the FSC Safety Manual.
If any differences are reported, the application in the FSC system is not consistent with the application at
the FSC user station. In that case, it is necessary to correct the differences at the FSC user station,
translate the application again, and reload it into the FSC system. The 'Verify Application' option should
then report the proper differences (see FSC Safety Manual).
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-7
Could not close log file.
An unsuccessful attempt was made to close the log file.
All errors that may be reported during the communication with the FSC system are specified
in Section 11 of the FSC Software Manual ("On-Line Environment").
Incorrect version of application software on CP, CPU : <Central Part>, <CPU module>.
The version of the FSC Navigator software that was used to generate the FSC application software does
not match the current program version.
Software Manual
11-8 Verifying an Application Verification of FSC application using the FSC database
Application database record(s) that were not regenerated for CP <CP no.>
The application database contains more records than could be generated from the FSC application
software in the FSC system. The following lines will provide a list of not regenerated application database
Variables database record(s) that were not regenerated for CP <CP no.>
The variables database contains more records than could be generated from the FSC application
software in the FSC system. The following lines will provide a list of variables database records that were
not generated.
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-9 Verification of the FSC application software using the functional logic
Connection between symbols on FLD <FLD no.> has not been regenerated:
From : <symbol>, output <#>
To : <symbol>, input <#>
The specified connection on the FLD was not generated from the FSC application software.
FLD in application directory has not been regenerated. FLD number: <FLD no.>
The project folder contains more FLDs than could be regenerated from the FSC application software in
the FSC system.
Function block I/O data not found on original FLD <FLD no.>
The original FLD is corrupted. Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to remedy the problem.
Function block I/O data not found on regenerated FLD <FLD no.>
Internal storage error. This error should never occur.
Software Manual
11-10 Verifying an Application
Illegal timer value detected. FLD: <FLD no.>
The value belonging to a timer variable in the FSC application software is out of range.
Number of entries in equation table does not match for FLD: <FLD no.>
The equation table FLD as found in the project folder does not contain the same number of entries as the
equation table in the FSC application software in the FSC system.
Regenerated FLD not found in application directory. FLD number: <FLD no.>
The project folder does not contain the FLD that was regenerated from the FSC application software in the
FSC system.
The preceding two messages are usually reported simultaneously as a result of only one
difference. If, for example, a constant value symbol with value 10 is generated for FLD 100
while the value of the constant on the FLD is 20, the following two messages will be reported:
− Regenerated symbol CONSTANT VALUE 10 not found on FLD 100.
− Symbol CONSTANT VALUE 20 on FLD 100 has not been regenerated.
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-11
Type of symbol could not be determined. FLD number: <FLD no.>
68000 code in FSC system cannot be converted to a logic sequence of symbols.
This message means that there is a problem with the application loaded into the FSC system. The
specified FLD in the project folder is most likely corrupted. This situation may occur if you copy an FLD
"outside" FSC Navigator (e.g. using Windows Explorer) instead of using the 'Copy' command in the
functional logic editor (the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator). To solve this problem, delete the FLD
and redraw it from scratch, or use the correct copy command.
The following differences and error messages address the attributes of the different types of symbols.
These messages speak for themselves.
If the specified symbol in one of the preceding messages is followed by (FB <FLD no.>
<sequence>), the symbol is an internal variable belonging to function block <FLD no.> which
is used to initialize the function block.
Software Manual
11-12 Verifying an Application
Application database, 4 On-line modification, 5
Conditions for verifying an FSC application, 2 Restrictions for verifying an FSC application
Application database, 4
Variables database, 5
E Revision control, 1, 5
Error messages
Verification of FSC application, 7
Verification of FSC application using FLDs, 10
Verification of FSC application using FSC Variables database, 5
database, 9 Verification during on-line modification, 5
Verification process, 3
Verification results
F Log file, 7
Verifying an FSC application, 1, 3
FSC database, 4 Restrictions, 4, 5
Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 5 Using the FSC database, 4
Using the functional logic diagrams, 5
Log file, 7
Software Manual
Verifying an Application 11-13
Software Manual
11-14 Verifying an Application
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Section 12:
On-Line Environment
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
12.1 Introduction...................................................................................................12-1
Software Manual
On-Line Environment i
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Clear ............................................................................................................................. 12-50 Write ............................................................................................................................. 12-50 Additional options ......................................................................................................... 12-51
12.5.2 Variable status.............................................................................................................. 12-52 FLD............................................................................................................................... 12-52 Screen .......................................................................................................................... 12-53 Edit screen.................................................................................................................... 12-55 Variable type................................................................................................................. 12-59 Edit PID ........................................................................................................................ 12-60 Adjust PID..................................................................................................................... 12-62 Rebuild screen file ........................................................................................................ 12-64
12.5.3 List forces ..................................................................................................................... 12-65
12.5.4 Clr all forces.................................................................................................................. 12-66
12.5.5 Loop status ................................................................................................................... 12-66
Software Manual
ii On-Line Environment
Figure 12-1 Button in FSC On-Line Environment screen (with submenu) ................................... 12-2
Figure 12-2 Off-line menu............................................................................................................. 12-3
Figure 12-3 On-line main menu.................................................................................................... 12-4
Figure 12-4 Structure of 'FSC system' menu................................................................................ 12-5
Figure 12-5 Structure of 'Sys info' menu ...................................................................................... 12-5
Figure 12-6 Diagnostics button with System Information option .................................................. 12-5
Figure 12-7 System parameters ................................................................................................... 12-6
Figure 12-8 FSC component versions.......................................................................................... 12-7
Figure 12-9 Status of diagnostic and battery module (DBM)........................................................ 12-8
Figure 12-10 Structure of 'Inputs' menu ......................................................................................... 12-9
Figure 12-11 I/O Signal Status button with Input option ................................................................. 12-9
Figure 12-12 Structure of 'Sequential inputs' menu...................................................................... 12-10
Figure 12-13 Sequential inputs..................................................................................................... 12-10
Figure 12-14 Example of sequential inputs .................................................................................. 12-11
Figure 12-15 Example of force ..................................................................................................... 12-13
Figure 12-16 Example of a previously forced input ...................................................................... 12-14
Figure 12-17 Example of position................................................................................................. 12-15
Figure 12-18 Result of the position option .................................................................................... 12-16
Figure 12-19 Tag number............................................................................................................. 12-17
Figure 12-20 Result of the tag number option .............................................................................. 12-18
Figure 12-21 Location of potentiometers on the 10102/./. module ............................................... 12-19
Figure 12-22 Input calibration (zero + span)................................................................................. 12-20
Figure 12-23 Input calibration (test value) .................................................................................... 12-21
Figure 12-24 Structure of 'All inputs' menu................................................................................... 12-23
Figure 12-25 High input ................................................................................................................ 12-24
Figure 12-26 Structure of 'Outputs' menu..................................................................................... 12-25
Figure 12-27 I/O Signal Status button with Input option ............................................................... 12-25
Figure 12-28 'Sequential outputs' menu ....................................................................................... 12-26
Figure 12-29 'Sequential outputs' screen ..................................................................................... 12-26
Figure 12-30 Example of sequential outputs ................................................................................ 12-27
Figure 12-31 Example of force ..................................................................................................... 12-29
Figure 12-32 Example of a previously forced output .................................................................... 12-30
Figure 12-33 Sequential outputs menu ........................................................................................ 12-31
Figure 12-34 Result of the position option .................................................................................... 12-32
Figure 12-35 Tag number............................................................................................................. 12-33
Figure 12-36 Result of the tag number option .............................................................................. 12-34
Figure 12-37 Output calibration .................................................................................................... 12-35
Figure 12-38 Location of potentiometers on the 10205/1/1 module ............................................. 12-36
Figure 12-39 Diagnostics button with Extended Diagnostics option............................................. 12-37
Figure 12-40 Presentation of diagnostic extended ....................................................................... 12-38
Figure 12-41 Structure of 'Diag to disk' menu .............................................................................. 12-39
Figure 12-42 Diagnostics button with Diagnostics To Disk option................................................ 12-39
Figure 12-43 Config ...................................................................................................................... 12-40
Figure 12-44 Continuous .............................................................................................................. 12-41
Figure 12-45 Retrieve ................................................................................................................... 12-43
Figure 12-46 Load Application button with Download Application option ..................................... 12-44
Figure 12-47 Loading an application ............................................................................................ 12-45
Figure 12-48 Structure of 'Process status' menu ......................................................................... 12-47
Figure 12-49 The 'Fld' menu......................................................................................................... 12-47
Figure 12-50 Process Status Monitoring button with Monitor FLDs option .................................. 12-47
Software Manual
On-Line Environment iii
FIGURES (continued)
Software Manual
iv On-Line Environment
12.1 Introduction
The 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator is a powerful tool for interaction between the FSC
user station and the FSC system. It allows you to obtain information on the status of your process and the
FSC system. It is also a useful tool in case of problems in your process and/or the FSC system. Many
functions have been implemented which allow you to obtain a clear overview of the FSC system and
process status. They include:
• display the status of the application within the context of the functional logic diagrams (FLDs),
• display the status of any process variable,
• force the status of any FSC variable (if enabled),
• modify PID parameters on-line,
• show a graphic overview of the PID control function,
• display and store the diagnostics of the system, and
• load the application into RAM.
The main menu of the 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator can be called in two ways:
• Menu bar: On-Line / Monitor System
• Button bar: Monitor
The FSC On-Line Environment screen provides a number of shortcuts to specific on-line functions:
• Process Status Monitoring / Monitor FLDs
Use this option to view the actual status of the variables in the FLDs of the current FSC project. (For
details refer to subsection 12.5.1.)
• Process Status Monitoring / Variable Status
Use this option to view the actual status of the variables in the FLDs of the current FSC project. (For
details refer to subsection 12.5.2.)
• Process Status Monitoring / List Forces
Use this option to view a list of all forced variables in the FSC system. (For details refer to subsection
• I/O Signal Status
Use this option to view the status of the input/output loops. This menu option has a submenu, which
allows you to choose which loops you wish to view. (For details refer to subsections 12.4.2 and 12.4.3.)
• Diagnostics / Extended Diagnostics
Use this option to view and store all diagnostics of the Central Part(s) in the FSC system. (For details
refer to subsection 12.4.4.)
• Diagnostics / Diagnostics to Disk
Use this option to back up the extended diagnostic database to hard disk or retrieve a previously stored
database. (For details refer to subsection 12.4.5.)
• Diagnostics / I/O Loop Diagnostics
Use this option to view all diagnostics of the I/O loops in the FSC system. (For details refer to
subsection 12.5.5.)
• Diagnostics / System Information
Use this option to view important system parameters of the FSC system. (For details refer to subsection
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-1
Figure 12-1 Button in FSC On-Line Environment screen (with submenu)
If an on-line function of FSC Navigator is called, the program will search for the file <application>.SCR.
This file is used to store screens (see subsection If this file is not found, it will be created
automatically. This may take some time, depending on the size of the application.
After FSC Navigator has finished reading the data files, you will see the 'On-Line Environment' main menu
(see subsection 12.3). To select an option, just move to the desired option using the left and right arrow
keys and press <Enter>, or press the highlighted shortcut key.
Software Manual
12-2 On-Line Environment
12.2 Off-line menu
As soon as any of the on-line functions of FSC Navigator is called, the program will try to establish a
communication link with the FSC system. If this fails, the following message will be displayed:
Check connection with FSC system. Press <Enter> for communication retry
or 'C' to enter the off-line menu.
If you press <C>, the off-line menu will appear (see Figure 12-2). The options in this menu allow you to
perform a number of off-line tasks.
Retrieve diag
This option allows you to retrieve and display extended diagnostic data that is stored on disk.
For details refer to subsection
Edit screen
This option allows you to edit screens that were defined earlier.
Screens can be composed by the user and can contain up to 32 FSC variables or 8 PID controllers whose
values are continuously updated on screen. For details refer to subsection
This option allows you to rebuild your screen file according to the current database in case it has changed.
For details refer to subsection
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-3
12.3 On-line main menu
The various options of the main menu are shown in Figure 12-3.
FSC system
This option provides information which is related to the FSC system status, such as:
− diagnostics of the system,
− DBM status,
− setting of real-time clock,
− hardware I/O status, and
− loading the application in RAM.
Process status
This option provides information which is related to the process the FSC system is controlling, e.g.:
− the status within the context of functional logic diagrams,
− the status of all variables (per type or per functional logic diagram),
− analog input sensor alarms, and
− sequence of events.
You can change the status of the variables by performing force or write commands to the variables.
Select application
Use this option to switch to another FSC system, which is also a part of the configured FSC network or
FSC user station network. This allows you to select another application to communicate with, without
leaving the program.
This option allows you to establish a connection with the FSC system via a modem.
Software Manual
12-4 On-Line Environment
12.4 FSC system
The options of the 'FSC system' menu are shown in Figure 12-4.
Fsc system
Sys info Inputs Outputs Extended diag Diag to disk Load Main
Fsc system
Sys info
There is a shortcut to the 'Sys Info' menu. In the FSC On-Line Environment screen, choose the
Diagnostics button and then the System Information option (see Figure 12-6).
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-5 Parameters
This option shows the value of configuration parameters of the running FSC system:
Software Manual
12-6 On-Line Environment Versions
This option allows you to view the versions of the embedded software in the FSC system components:
The version of the FSC Safety Manager Module (FSC-SMM, 10008/2/U) is only displayed if
the Safety Manager firmware is v2.1 or higher. If the firmware version is older, the window will
show that an FSC Safety Manager Module is present, but will not indicate its firmware
version. The FSC-SMM firmware version can also be retrieved from the TPS Universal
Station (US).
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-7 Read DBM status
This option is only available if a Diagnostic and Battery Module (10006/./.) has been placed in the FSC
system. If you choose this option, the following screen will appear:
You can set the time by pressing <S>. After the time has been set, you will return to this option. The time
and date appear in the upper right corner. The screen is continuously updated. The FSC operational time
is the time that the FSC system has been controlling and safeguarding your process.
After each power-up of the FSC system, the time setting should be checked and corrected, if
Use this option to set the FSC system's real-time clock. If the time and date have been set, you will
automatically go to the 'Read DBM status' option (see subsection Main
Use this option to return to the main menu of the 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator.
Software Manual
12-8 On-Line Environment
12.4.2 'Inputs' menu
This menu contains options concerning digital and analog inputs. These options are hardware-related,
which means that the inputs are sorted by rack, position and channel.
Fsc system
There is a shortcut to the 'Inputs' menu. In the FSC On-Line Environment screen, choose the I/O Signal
Status button and then the Inputs option (see Figure 12-11).
You must first choose whether to operate on all inputs at the same time ('All'), to operate on a single input
('Sequential'), to calibrate an analog input module ('Calibration') or to go back to the 'On-Line Environment'
main menu ('Main').
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-9 Sequential inputs
The 'Sequential' option of the Inputs menu is used to present on-screen information about a specific
hardware input.
If you choose the 'Sequential' option, the following screen will appear:
<PgDn> If used for the first time, the first input channel in the hardware configuration is displayed.
After this the next channel in the hardware configuration is displayed. If the current
channel is the last hardware configured channel and <PgDn> is pressed, the first
configured hardware channel will be displayed.
Software Manual
12-10 On-Line Environment
Figure 12-14 Example of sequential inputs
If the application has a redundant configuration and the next channel of a module is
controlled by the other Central Part, the Central Part will be switched. If the other Central
Part is in shutdown, all channels of that module will be omitted.
<PgUp> If used the first time, the last input channel in the hardware configuration is displayed .
After this, the previous channel in the hardware configuration is displayed. If the current
channel is the first hardware configured channel and <PgUp> is pressed, the last
hardware configured channel is displayed.
If the application has a redundant configuration and the previous channel of a module is
controlled by the other Central Part, the other Central Part will be selected. If the other
Central Part is in shutdown, all channels of that module will be omitted.
T Find a specific input by entering the type (I, AI) and tag number.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-11
The following information is presented on screen:
Central Part: The number of the Central Part (only in case of a redundant Central Part
On screen:
Position: Number of the position in the rack where the input module is placed.
Tag number: The tag number which is assigned to the input channel.
Qualification: Information about the status of the variable. Only displayed for digital inputs.
Signal type: The type of the signal. Only for analog inputs.
Scan value: Current value of the input signal (in engineering units).
Application value: Value of the signal as used by the system for the application calculations (i.e.
scan value, diagnostic status and force status included).
Input current: The current detected current or voltage. Only for analog inputs.
Loop status: Indicates the loop status. Only for analog inputs.
Diagnostic data: Diagnostic status of the input channel. The indication will be 'OK' or 'Defect' if the
channel is valid.
Software Manual
12-12 On-Line Environment Force
If the password for 'Forcing variables" is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
The input status displayed on screen can be forced to a desired value, if forcing of this input is allowed. If
the current input is digital, the status is selected by toggling with <Space>. If it is an analog input, the
desired value can be entered via the keyboard. The value entered must be between the bottom scale and
the top scale, which is presented on screen.
The force option is only present in the menu if the force enable system input is high and the
input is set to force-enabled in the database.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-13
If an input is forced, this is indicated by the letter 'F' behind the application value.
Software Manual
12-14 On-Line Environment Position
After selecting the 'Position' option, you can enter a hardware location of an input. You must enter the
rack, position number (1 to 18) and channel number at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-15
The result of these entries is shown below.
Software Manual
12-16 On-Line Environment Tag number
Using this option, a specific input can be allocated through its type (I, AI) and tag number. After selecting
the tag number option, you will see the following screen:
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-17
You can now enter the tag number of the desired input, e.g. PRESSURE.
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file. The forced input status which is displayed on screen is cleared and the input
gets its current process status. Main
Software Manual
12-18 On-Line Environment Calibration
The calibration option is a useful tool when calibrating the analog input modules 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2 or
10102/2/1. It gives you information about how to manipulate the potentiometers at the module to achieve
the proper calibration. Figure 12-21 below shows the location of the potentiometers at the 10102/./.
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
If you choose this option, the rack and the position of the module to calibrate must be entered. If this has
been done correctly, you must enter the calibration value for channel 1 (Span). There are six standard
calibration values: 4, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 mA.
Connect a mA source to channel 1 (volt source for redundant configurations).
Place the 10102/./. module in the extender card and connect the flatcable via the extender flatcable to the
horizontal bus.
Press the space bar to select a value and press <Enter> to confirm.
After this, the calibration value of channel 2 (Zero) is set to 0 mA.
Short-circuit the input terminals for channel 2 (d22 and z22 on 10102/1/. connector).
In redundant configurations, the calibration is preferably performed with only one Central Part
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-19
The screen will now look like this:
First you must calibrate the zero. The action to take is displayed in the menu line.
If Zero indicates CORRECT, you must calibrate the Span. The action to take is displayed in the menu line.
When adjusting the Span, the Zero result may change. Correct this by adjusting P4 (see
Figure 12-21). Keep adjusting potentiometers P1 and P4 (see Figure 12-21) until both Span
and Zero are CORRECT.
If Span and Zero results are CORRECT, the test value calibration will be performed.
Software Manual
12-20 On-Line Environment
Now the screen will look like this:
First you must calibrate the Span roughly. This is done by adjusting potentiometer P2 (see Figure 12-21)
according to the Span result displayed at the lower part of the screen.
The Span is roughly calibrated when the result is HOLD or switches between Up and DOWN.
After this, you must calibrate the Zero. This is done by adjusting potentiometer P5 (see Figure 12-21)
according to the Zero result displayed at the lower part of the screen
If the Zero result is CORRECT, the Span must be calibrated again. This is done by adjusting
potentiometer P2 (see Figure 12-21) as described above until the Span result is CORRECT.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-21
When adjusting the Span of the Test Value Calibration, the Zero result may change. Correct
this by adjusting P5 (See Figure 12-21). If both values are on HOLD or CORRECT, press the
fault reset key switch to reset the diagnostics. Keep adjusting the potentiometers (P2 and P5)
until both Zero and Span are CORRECT.
During calibration, the diagnostics will be continuously updated at the bottom of the screen.
Software Manual
12-22 On-Line Environment All inputs
This option displays all inputs that meet a certain condition. The condition is specified by selecting an
option from the menu line.
High input: All inputs with status 'not low' are presented on screen.
Low input: All inputs with status 'low' are presented on screen.
Test changes: All inputs are displayed on screen when a change of their status occurs.
After selecting one of the options High Input, Low Input, or Test changes, you will see a menu on screen,
which allows you to choose digital inputs or analog inputs.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-23 High input
All inputs with status 'not low' are displayed on screen and represented by their rack, position, channel and
tag number (if implemented). This option can be used to test if all inputs can be set high independently
(for wiring check).
All inputs with status 'low' are displayed on screen and represented by their rack, position, channel and tag
number (if implemented). This option can be used to test if all inputs can be set low independently (for
wiring check).
If you use this option, all inputs are displayed on screen when a change in their status occurs. The screen
is continuously updated. Main
Software Manual
12-24 On-Line Environment
12.4.3 'Outputs' menu
This menu contains options concerning digital and analog outputs. These options are hardware-related,
which means that the outputs are sorted by rack, position and channel.
Fsc system
There is a shortcut to the 'Outputs' menu. In the FSC On-Line Environment screen, choose the I/O Signal
Status button and then the Outputs option (see Figure 12-27).
The 'Sequential' option is used to present information about a specific hardware output on screen.
The 'Calibration' option is used to calibrate an analog output channel.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-25 Sequential outputs
The 'Sequential' option of the Outputs menu is used to present on-screen information about a specific
hardware output.
If you choose the 'Sequential' option, the following screen will appear:
<PgDn> If used for the first time, the first output channel in the hardware configuration is displayed.
After this the next channel in the hardware configuration is displayed. If the current
channel is the last hardware configured channel and <PgDn> is pressed, the first
configured hardware channel will be displayed.
Software Manual
12-26 On-Line Environment
Figure 12-30 Example of sequential outputs
If the application has a redundant configuration and the next channel of a module is
controlled by the other Central Part, the Central Part will be switched. If the other Central
Part is in shutdown, all channels of that module will be omitted.
<PgUp> If used the first time, the last output channel in the hardware configuration is displayed .
After this, the previous channel in the hardware configuration is displayed. If the current
channel is the first hardware configured channel and <PgUp> is pressed, the last
hardware configured channel is displayed.
If the application has a redundant configuration and the previous channel of a module is
controlled by the other Central Part, the Central Part will be switched. If the other Central
Part is in shutdown, all channels of that module will be omitted.
T Find a specific output by entering the variable type (O, AO) and tag number.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-27
The information presented on screen is:
Central Part: The number of the Central Part (only in case of a redundant Central Part
On screen:
Position: Number of the position in the rack where the output module is placed.
Tag number: The tag number which is assigned to the output channel.
Qualification: Information about the status of the variable. Only displayed for digital outputs.
Signal type: The type of the signal. Only for analog outputs.
Loop status: Indicated the loop status. Only for a channel of a 10214/1/2 or 10216/1/1 module.
Diagnostic data:Diagnostic status of the output channel. The indication will be 'OK' or 'Defect'.
Software Manual
12-28 On-Line Environment Force
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
The output status displayed on screen can be forced to a desired value, if forcing of this output is allowed.
If the current output is digital, the status is selected by toggling with <Space>. If it is an analog output, the
desired value can be entered via the keyboard. The value entered must be between the bottom scale and
the top scale, which is presented on screen.
The force option is only present in the menu if the force enable system output is high and the
output is set to force-enabled in the database.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-29
If an output was forced previously, this is indicated by the letter 'F' behind the current status.
Software Manual
12-30 On-Line Environment Position
After selecting the option 'Position', you can enter a hardware location of an output. You must enter rack,
position number (1 to 18) and channel number at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-31
The result of these entries is shown below.
Software Manual
12-32 On-Line Environment Tag number
Using this option, a specific output can be allocated through its variable type (O, AO) and tag number.
After selecting the tag number option, you will see the following screen:
You can now enter the tag number of the desired output, e.g. 53_PRA_920.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-33
The result of this entry is shown below:
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file. The forced output status which is displayed on screen is cleared and the
output gets its current process status. Main
Software Manual
12-34 On-Line Environment Calibration
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
If you choose this option, the rack, position and channel of the module to be calibrated must be entered. If
this has been done correctly, you must enter the calibration value. There are seven standard calibration
values: 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 and 24 mA.
Just press the space bar to select a value and press <Enter> to confirm. The output current must be
measured with, for example, a multimeter. The span can be adjusted with the potentiometer for the
channel specified. The output has been correctly calibrated if the meter indicates the value set. The
diagnostics of the module will be continuously updated at the bottom of the screen.
If faults are mentioned in these diagnostics a fault reset has to be given in order to retest the
Press <Esc> to stop the calibration procedure. A menu will then appear which allows you to select another
module, change the calibration value or return to the main menu. Use <PgDn> or <PgUp> to select the
next or previous channel.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-35
Figure 12-38 Location of potentiometers on the 10205/1/1 module
Software Manual
12-36 On-Line Environment
12.4.4 'Extended diag' option
Always read diagnostic data prior to a system fault reset. Otherwise diagnostic information
will be lost.
The 'Extended diag' option shows all the diagnostics of the Central Part(s) of the FSC system. The
retrieved diagnostic data will be stored in a data file on hard disk. The name of the file is the current
application name with the extension '.EXD'. The file is located in the application directory.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-37
The screen may look like this:
If the 'Extended diag' option is selected, the diagnostic information retrieved from the application is stored
in the extended diagnostics data file. If the FSC system has a redundant configuration, diagnostic
information is retrieved and stored from all Central Parts.
The diagnostic state of the selected Central Part of the application is decoded and displayed.
After the extended diagnostics data is displayed, you will return to the 'Fsc system' menu.
Software Manual
12-38 On-Line Environment
12.4.5 'Diag to disk' menu
Fsc system
Diag to disk Backup
This option allows you to store the extended diagnostic database (or a part of it) into another database file.
First you must specify the name of the backup file. The name must have the format
The extension of the backup file is fixed with the extension '.EXD', and must not be specified.
If the file already exists, a message appears asking whether the file should be overwritten. If you choose
to overwrite, the backup file is deleted and created again.
The current application name can never be used as a backup file name.
After you have specified the file name, the range of the records to be stored in the backup file must be
specified. The selection of the records is done by specifying the first and the last time of the data records.
The time has the format: DD-MM-YY,HH.MM.SS.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-39
By default, the first time is set to the time of the first record stored in the database. You must at least enter
the day, month and year. The last time is default set to the specified first time.
Incomplete time stamps are allowed. For example, '24-11-97,10' means the first extended
diagnostic data block stored from November 24, 1997, 10 a.m.
Before records are stored in the backup file, you are asked whether to delete the records stored from the
current extended diagnostic database.
If you confirm to delete records from the extended diagnostic database, the extended diagnostic database
will be rebuilt after all selected records have been stored in the backup file. This may take some time,
depending on the size of the diagnostic database. Config
If you select this option, a window appears which contains all possible FSC systems that can
communicate with the FSC user station. The maximum size of the extended diagnostics database is
displayed (see Figure 12-43). All applications which must be continuously interrogated can be
(de)selected. After (de)selection of the applications, the size of the extended database must be specified.
The information is stored in the file DIAGEXT.CFG.
Software Manual
12-40 On-Line Environment Select application(s)
If the option 'cOnfig' is selected, a window appears with all applications the FSC user station can
communicate with. To select an application press <S>, to de-select an application press <D>. The
selected applications are highlighted. If an application name with more than one system number is
present, a separate window appears, containing all the valid system numbers.
If you choose 'cOnfig' for the first time, the current application is the default selected application. If you
have used 'cOnfig' before, the information of the last time is retrieved from the DIAGEXT.CFG file and
presented on screen.
The size of the extended diagnostics data file must be specified. The default size is 500 Kbytes.
The minimum size is 100 Kbytes or, if the current size is greater than 100 Kbytes, the minimum size is
110% of the current size.
The maximum size is 30 Mbytes or the remaining disk space plus the current size of the extended
diagnostic data file (whichever of the two is smallest). Continuous
If the continuous option is selected, all diagnostic data of all selected applications will be retrieved and
stored in the extended diagnostics file continuously.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-41
The bottom line shows you the application that is currently being interrogated.
Before extended diagnostics data of a Central Part is stored, the size of the extended diagnostic database
will be checked.
If the size of the extended diagnostic data file exceeds 90% of the maximum size, a message will appear
denoting that the database is almost full. You can backup a part of the database.
If the current size exceeds 95% of the maximum size, the size will be reduced to 85% of the maximum
size by automatically deleting the oldest information stored in the database. This to create more space for
new data. A message will appear to denote that data is being deleted.
If extended diagnostic data is deleted from the database, it can never be restored.
The database will be rebuilt after the deletion of the extended diagnostic data. This may take some time.
If the time of the FSC system has changed, there may be inconsistencies between the time
of the diagnostic messages and the save time. Retrieve
The retrieve option decodes stored diagnostic data, and displays it on screen (see Figure 12-45).
First you must specify the name of the data file to be retrieved. The name must have the format
<Disk>:\<Path>\<File name>. The extension of the file to be displayed is fixed with '.EXD', and must not
be specified.
The name of the application is the default extended diagnostic data file name.
If the stored data was retrieved from an application, which can communicate with the current application,
then the data will be decoded. Otherwise a message appears which indicates the diagnostic data cannot
be displayed.
The last extended diagnostic data which is stored in the diagnostic data file is first displayed when
selecting 'retrieve'.
To browse through the stored extended diagnostic data you have to press <PgUp>, <PgDn> to select the
previous/next stored diagnostic extended data.
If you search specific diagnostic data you have to enter the date/time of that diagnostic data using the
format DD-MM-YY,HH.MM.SS. The screen will show the first extended diagnostic data from that specific
time . If from that time on no data is stored, a message will appear.
Software Manual
12-42 On-Line Environment
Figure 12-45 Retrieve
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-43
12.4.6 'Load' option
This option allows you to load your application program from your hard disk into the FSC system.
If the password for 'Loading application in RAM' is active, you must enter the correct password. For more
information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the
Help file.
To use this option, the application must be in RAM or simulation mode. To configure RAM or simulation
mode, use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
This option is disabled if you have a connection with the FSC system via modem.
This option will only be enabled if the Force input key is present and has been allocated.
If you choose this option, you can select the Central Part to be loaded by toggling with <Space>. Press
<Enter> to confirm. If your system is non-redundant, you do not need to specify a Central Part.
If the FSC system is running, loading will not be performed and a warning is displayed on screen:
Type 'Y' to stop execution and perform the load or type 'N' to return to the system menu.
If you continue with the load, the text 'Central part stopped' appears in the bottom right corner of the
screen. The following message will be displayed:
Software Manual
12-44 On-Line Environment
If acknowledgement is received from the FSC system, the load is performed. During this operation the
screen will look like this:
The name of file that is being loaded and its size are displayed.
The progress bar indicates how much of the file has been downloaded.
If the load was successful, FSC Navigator will report that no errors were detected. The message bar will
contain one of the following messages:
If the download of the application is performed and the system was not running (off-line), the message will
Download successful. Please VERIFY extended diagnostics.
After the download of an application that is being activated while the system is running (e.g. during on-line
modification), the message will be:
Waiting for OLM check and FSC-FSC COM check...
This message indicates that the system is busy comparing the application of the Central Part and
checking the FSC-FSC communication. This will take some time, depending on the size of the application.
If the other Central Part has been downloaded and the result of FSC-FSC communication check is
correct, the message will be:
Load successful. Use the RESET key switch to start up the central part(s).
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-45
After completing the OLM check and the FSC-FSC communication check, diagnostics of the FSC system
will be retrieved and displayed.
If no faults were detected during downloading (see Appendix D, "On-Line Modification"), you must press
the watchdog reset to start the downloaded application and the message 'Central stopped' will disappear.
If any faults were detected during download, messages will be displayed. Refer to subsection 12.9 for an
explanation of these messages.
After download has been completed, you will return to the 'Fsc system' menu.
Software Manual
12-46 On-Line Environment
12.5 Process status
The various options for the process status menu are shown in Figure 12-48:
Process status
Fld Var status lIst forces Clr all forces Loop status Main
Process status
This option shows the status of all signals present on a selected functional logic diagram, which has been
created using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator.
The status of the signal is continuously updated. Figure 12-51 shows an example of an FLD status
Figure 12-50 Process Status Monitoring button with Monitor FLDs option
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-47
Figure 12-51 FLD status
You can change the status of variables using the 'Write', 'Force' and 'Clear' options in the menu.
If the length of a binary value exceeds the width of the double line, no value will be displayed.
The only solution is to change the size of the double line in your functional logic diagram.
– Annunciator outputs
The current status of the annunciator output is indicated between the two vertical lines before the
If this output is high this is indicated by 'A' else no indication is displayed.
Note that if the annunciator output is flashing the indication might not be consistent in frequency to
the current output, because of the refreshing time of the screen display.
This option allows you to enter the number of another functional logic diagram to view its status.
Software Manual
12-48 On-Line Environment Tag number
This option allows you to enter a tag number to view the status of the corresponding functional logic
diagram. Force
If the password for 'Forcing variables" is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
This option allows you to force a specific variable. To select a variable (only inputs or outputs), move the
cursor with the mouse or the arrow keys, and press <Enter> or the left mouse button.
The force option is only available if the force enable system input is active!
If the variable is a digital value, toggle the <Space> bar and press <Enter> to confirm the desired force
value. If the variable is a binary value, enter the desired force value and press enter to confirm.
If an input is forced, the current scan value will be displayed between the two vertical lines behind this
input. If an output is forced the force value will be displayed between the vertical lines before the output.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-49
The screen will look like this:
Forcing is only accepted by the system:
– if the force enable (key) switch is ON.
– if the system variable has been configured as 'force enable' in the configuration file. Clear
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file. If you choose this option, you will be able to clear the forced status of a
specific variable. To select a variable (only inputs or outputs), move the cursor with the mouse or the
arrow keys, and press <Enter> or the left mouse button. Write
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file. If you choose this option, you will be able to write to a specific variable. To
select a variable (only inputs or outputs), move the cursor with the mouse or the arrow keys, and press
<Enter> or the left mouse button.
If the variable is a digital value, toggle <Space> and press <Enter> to confirm the desired write value. If
the variable is a binary value, enter the desired write value and press <Enter> to confirm.
Software Manual
12-50 On-Line Environment
Writing is only accepted by the system:
– If the system variable is configured as 'write enable' in the configuration file.
PgUp: This option will step to the previous sheet of the application.
PgDn: This option will step to the next sheet of the application.
If you used the SYM2, SYM3 or SYM4 symbol library for drawing the functional logic diagrams, the
functional logic diagrams consist of more than one display. Therefore the next options are available:
View: Displays the entire sheet on screen. This means that the sheet is compressed and some text
may not be readable anymore (depending on the graphic possibilities of the PC). This option is
only to obtain an overview of the entire functional logic diagram. The 'View' option is only
available in zoom mode.
Zoom: This option allows you to go back to the normal display when you are in view mode. The 'Zoom'
option is only available in view mode.
Up: This option allows you to scroll the sheet half a screen upwards. The 'Up' option is only available
in zoom mode.
Down: This option allows you to scroll the sheet half a screen downwards. The 'Down' option is only
available in zoom mode.
If the FSC system is part of an FSC network and not directly connected to the FSC user
station, communication will take more time. In that case mouse response may be slower
when selecting variables or menu options. Keep the mouse button pressed until the option
has been selected.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-51
12.5.2 Variable status
Process status
Var status
FLD sCreen Var type Edit pid Adjust pid Rebuild scrnfile Main
Figure 12-55 Process Status Monitoring button with Variable Status option FLD
This option displays a selected functional logic diagram (as designed with the functional logic editor) and
updates the FSC variables placed in this FLD. If you choose this option, you will be asked to enter an FLD
number is asked. Valid entries are S1-S999. After you have selected the FLD, it will be displayed. You
have the option of selecting another FLD by entering <PgDn> for the next FLD, <PgUp> for the previous
FLD and 'S' for selecting a specific sheet. Figure 12-56 shows an example of variable status screen.
Software Manual
12-52 On-Line Environment
Figure 12-56 Variable status screen
If <PgDn> or <PgUp> has been entered, the program searches the next or previous FLD that has been
defined as a status sheet.
If one or more variable can be forced or written to, the force and/or write option will be displayed in the
menu line. Just press the option you wish and select a variable with the mouse or the arrow keys, (the
selected variable is highlighted) and press <Enter> to confirm.
Enter the desired value (or toggle space bar for digital values) followed by <Enter>.
When you are selecting a variable (with the mouse or the arrow keys), only the variables
which are allowed to be forced or written to will be highlighted. Screen
Screens can be composed by the user and can contain up to 32 variables. These variables can, for
example, be the inputs and the outputs of a process unit.
This option displays a selected screen and updates the FSC variables placed in this screen. When
entering this option a screen number is asked. Valid entries are 1-99. After you have selected the screen,
it will be displayed. You have the option of selecting another screen by entering <PgDn> for the next
screen, <PgUp> for the previous screen and 'S' for selecting a specific screen. Example:
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-53
Figure 12-57 Display screen
If <PgDn> or <PgUp> has been entered, the program searches the next or previous screen that has been
defined as a status screen.
If one or more variable can be forced or written to, it will be displayed at the menu line. If the selected
option is password protected, you must enter the correct password to start the option. For more
information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the
Help file. Just press the option you wish and select a variable with the arrow keys (the selected variable is
highlighted), and press <Enter> to confirm. Enter the desired value (or toggle space bar for digital values)
followed by <Enter>.
When you are selecting a variable (with the mouse or the arrow keys), only the variables
which are allowed to be forced or written to will be highlighted.
Software Manual
12-54 On-Line Environment Edit screen
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-55
If you have entered a number in the range of 1-99 and this screen number has been defined as a PID
screen, you will, for example, see the following for screen 10:
Software Manual
12-56 On-Line Environment
If you have entered a number in the range of 1-99 and this screen number has been defined as a status
screen, you will, for example, see the following for screen 9:
If the selected screen has already been defined, the variables will be displayed on screen. Otherwise a
selection must be made (only in screen option) if the screen must be defined as PID screen or a status
screen. The following options are available:
Edit: When this selection is accepted, the screen can be edited. If you press <Esc>, the screen
is saved to disk. After saving, the screen will be displayed, which allows you to check it.
Delete: If you choose this option, the current screen will be deleted. You will be asked to confirm
the deletion. If you do not confirm it, you will return to the 'Edit screen' menu and the
current screen will still be available.
Search screen: You will be asked to enter a screen number. If this screen has been defined as a PID
screen or status screen, it will be displayed. Figure 12-61 shows an example of what the
screen might look like.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-57
Figure 12-61 Status screen
Software Manual
12-58 On-Line Environment Variable type
If you choose this option, you are asked to enter an FSC variable (type and tag number). The status of this
FSC variable is displayed and continuously updated. If you have entered an incomplete tag number, all
FSC variables with a tag number that starts with the incomplete tag number are displayed and updated.
The maximum number of FSC variables displayed is 32. Figure 12-62 shows an example of what the
screen might look like.
If one or more variable can be forced or written to, it will be displayed at the menu line. If the force option
is password-protected, you must enter the correct password to start the option. For more information on
passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the Help file.
Just press the option you wish and select a variable with the mouse or the arrow keys (the selected
variable is highlighted), and press <Enter> to confirm.
Enter the desired value (or toggle space bar for digital values) followed by <Enter>.
When you are selecting a variable (with the mouse or the arrow keys), only the variables
which are allowed to be forced or written to will be highlighted.
If you press <PgDn>, the program will search the next variables that correspond to the entered type and
tag number, and displays them. You can always go back to the previous screen by pressing <PgUp>.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-59 Edit PID
If you choose this option, you will be asked to enter a tag number to search for. Enter the tag number for
the PID controller you want to see or edit. If the tag number you entered is found in the database, the
following screen will appear:
The input screen contains the following information and input options.
Tag number: Displays the tag number of the PID which is on screen. (Cannot be changed)
Unit: Displays the process Unit in which the PID is configured. (Cannot be changed)
Sub unit: Displays the process Sub-Unit in which the PID is configured. (Cannot be changed)
Sample time: The sample time for the PID controller. Since this is a digital PID controller, this is the
time between two samples. The range is 0.1...204.7 sec.
Band 100/K: This indicates the percentage change in the error (setpoint input) for doubling the output.
Can be changed over full range, but cannot be 0.
1/Reset time: This indicates the times per minute in which the integration is calculated. E.g. if 1/Reset
Time is 2 Rep/Min, the time is integrated in 1/2 minute. Can be changed in the full
positive range. If 0, the integrating part is out of the controller.
Software Manual
12-60 On-Line Environment
Rate time: This is the time section over which the differentiations are discreted. The range is
0.0...3276.7 Sec. If 0, the differentiating part is out of the controller.
Deviation limit: This is the high clamp for the error (setpoint - input). Take care: If this parameter is zero,
there will be no correct controlling. Any value in engineering input units can be assigned
to this parameter.
Low Clamp: This is the low clamp for the setpoint. The setpoint will never become smaller then this
value. Any value in engineering units can be assigned to this parameter.
High Clamp: This is the high clamp for the setpoint. The setpoint will never exceed this value. Any
value in engineering units can be assigned to this parameter.
Setpoint: The setpoint cannot be entered in auto mode (In this mode it is generated by the
application program from, for example, BCD switches or a constant.). In test mode, a
test setpoint can be entered. If you enter a test input in this mode too, you can simulate
a process. Any value in engineering units can be assigned to this parameter.
Low Clamp: This is the low clamp for the output. The output will never become smaller then this
value. Any value in engineering units can be assigned to this parameter.
High Clamp: This is the high clamp for the output. The output will never exceed this value. Any value
in engineering units can be assigned to this parameter.
Mode: If the password for 'Writing variables' is active, you have to enter the correct password to
start-up this option. For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC
Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the Help file.
Only if the cursor position is at this field the input, output and setpoint are continuously
updated. The other parameters are less frequently updated.
Cascade: Acts as slave, controlled by a master. Can only be switched in this mode if
the master is in Auto mode. The output of the master will control the
(cascade) setpoint of this PID.
Auto: This is the automatic mode, the output is calculated each sample time out of
the error between input and setpoint and the parameters. The input is an
FSC input, the setpoint is generated by the application program and the
output is calculated, so the setpoint and the output cannot be changed.
Manual: The output can be entered. This output is directly copied to an FSC output
and is not calculated.
Test: In this mode the input (a virtual input) and the setpoint (a virtual setpoint) can
be entered. The output is calculated using these values. So the PID function
can be simulated.
Output: This is the FSC output and is updated if the cursor position is at 'mode'.
In manual mode this value can be changed.
Input: In Auto and Manual mode this is the FSC input and is updated if the cursor
position is at 'mode'. In Test mode this value is a virtual test input.
After you have edited one parameter, you can select another in the same PID by using the mouse, the up
and down arrow keys or the enter key. Other key commands are the following:
<PgUp> : Checks if all inputs are in the correct range, saves and selects the previous PID in the
database for editing.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-61
<PgDn> : Checks if all inputs are in the correct range, saves and selects the next PID in the
database for editing.
This option will display only one PID. You can change the mode. If the password for 'Writing variables' is
active, you must enter the correct password to start this option. For more information on passwords, refer
to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the Help file. In test mode, the (test)
setpoint and (test) input can be changed. In manual mode, the output can be changed.
You will be asked to enter the tag number to search for. Enter the tag number for the PID controller that
you want to adjust.
If you have entered a correct tag number, the picture for this PID is drawn on screen. This picture contains
3 bars. The left bar (PV) represents the setpoint, the middle (M) the input and the right (O) the output.
These bars are filled between accessory bottom and top scaling. For example, a fully filled bar has its
maximum value; a value in the middle of the bottom and top scaling will fill the bar by 50 percent. The
value in engineering units is placed under each bar.
At the right of the picture, the parameters of the PID are displayed. These values cannot be changed in
this option.
The bars and the accessory values are continuously updated. The following key commands are available:
Software Manual
12-62 On-Line Environment
Depending of the mode of the PID, a menu will be displayed:
Auto : to Manual-mode, to Test-mode, (optional) Cascade mode
Manual : to Auto-mode, to Test-mode, set Output
Test : to Auto-mode, to Manual-mode, set Setpoint, set Input
Cascade : to Auto-mode, to Manual-mode, to Test-mode
set Output : Set the output to a value which must be entered and return to updating.
set Input : Set the input to a value which must be entered and return to updating.
set Setpoint : Set the setpoint to a value which must be entered and return to updating.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-63 Rebuild screen file
This option is used whenever you want to update your screen file according to the current database in
case it is changed or modified. The screens (PID or STATUS) which you have created (no. 1-99) will still
be available when this function is completed.
If you choose this option, you will be asked if the present screen file must be saved or deleted. Just press
<Space> to select Yes or No, and press <Enter> to confirm. If you select Yes, the current file will be saved
on disk.
The file name is identical to the project name and the extension will be changed in OLD. So whenever you
wish to reuse your old screen file, change the extension OLD into SCR (e.g. using Windows Explorer).
The rebuilding of the screen file may take some time, depending on the size of the current database.
Software Manual
12-64 On-Line Environment
12.5.3 List forces
This option shows all the variables which are currently forced (this means inputs, outputs and markers).
The variables will be represented on screen by their rack, position, channel, type and tag number.
If no variable is forced, this will be mentioned at the top of the screen. Figure 12-66 shows an example of
what the screen might look like.
Figure 12-67 Process Status Monitoring button with List Forces option
If the list does not fit on the screen, you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-65
12.5.4 Clr all forces
If the password for 'Forcing variables' is active, you must enter the correct password to start this option.
For more information on passwords, refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
The program asks you if you really want to continue. If you answer 'Yes', all forced FSC variables will be
cleared. The FSC variables will get their current status.
This option will show the specification of the analog input channels whose values are out of range (e.g.
< 3.8 mA or > 20.2 mA for 4 - 20 mA; > 20.2 mA for 0 - 20 mA, etc.) and variables allocated to the
10214/1/2 and the 10216/1/1 module, which outputs have an open loop or short circuit. The 10214/1/2
module is a high-voltage digital output module. The 10216/1/1 module is a 24 Vdc digital output module
with line-monitoring. For details on these modules, refer to the FSC Hardware Manual.
Figure 12-69 shows an example of what the screen might look like.
If the list does not fit on the screen, you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list.
Software Manual
12-66 On-Line Environment
Figure 12-69 Presentation of loop status
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-67
12.6 Select application
You can use this option to switch communication to another FSC system which is also a part of the
configured FSC system or Development System network.
If you choose this option, the following message will appear at the bottom of the screen:
The program creates a list of applications that are present on your hard disk. The screen will look like this:
To select an application, move the cursor bar to the application you wish to communicate with (using the
arrow keys), and press <Enter>. If the application is part of the FSC system or Development System
network, the 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator will restart after switching to the new
Software Manual
12-68 On-Line Environment
12.7 Modem
This option allows you to set up communication between the FSC user station and an FSC system via a
telephone line.
To be able to use modem communication, you must have configured a modem channel in your
application. The channel can be configured for a modem using the 'System Configuration option of FSC
Figure 12-72 Configuration of modem (using 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator)
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-69
Setting up the modem link is done using the 'On-Line' Environment' option of FSC Navigator, and consists
of the following steps:
– Connect the FSC modem to the FSC user station's COM port and select option 'at FSC'.
– Connect the FSC modem to the FSC system.
– Connect the DS modem to the FSC user station's COM port and select option 'Connect'.
– After the FSC user station has dialed the phone number entered, the modem link is established.
– To terminate the modem link, select the 'Disconnect' option.
After the modem link has been set up, all options of the 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator
can be selected except the 'Load' option.
All options of the 'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator can be selected via modem
communication except 'Load application'.
12.7.1 At FSC
This option allows you to configure the FSC modem which is connected to the FSC system.
To use this option effectively, you must first connect the FSC modem to the FSC user station's COM port.
This is done via a PC modem cable, which is delivered with the modem.
The FSC user station's COM port is selected using the 'Communication Port' option of the On-Line menu.
For details on setting the communication port refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC
Navigator") or the Help file.
The configuration is done by sending commands to the FSC modem.
To enable the use of any Hayes-compatible modem, the configuration commands are stored in the FSC
Navigator initialization file FSC.INI.
After the modem has been configured, you can connect it to the FSC modem channel and a telephone
12.7.2 Connect
If you choose this option, a telephone number can be entered. The maximum length of the telephone
number is 20 characters. After you have entered the phone number, the modem link will be set up.
After connection has been established, data can be retrieved from the FSC system(s) by selecting the
desired function. If there is no response (after 5 retries), the following message appears:
12.7.3 Disconnect
If you choose this option, the established connection will be terminated. If the connection cannot be
terminated, the following message appears:
If the connection is terminated, pressing <Esc> will return you to the 'Modem' menu.
Software Manual
12-70 On-Line Environment
12.7.4 Main
12.7.5 Exit
This options leaves the 'On-Line Environment' and returns you to the FSC Navigator main screen.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-71
12.8 Passwords
Passwords are used to protect unauthorized execution of specific functions. For details on passwords
refer to Section 3 of the FSC Software Manual ("Using FSC Navigator") or the Help file.
– Writing of variables
– Write
– Edit PID parameters
– Adjust PID
If a password is entered and the function (force, write or load) is executed, the program allows the user to
execute the same function again for 10 minutes without re-entering the password. After every execution of
the function, the period of 10 minutes is started again. If these 10 minutes have elapsed, the password
must be entered again before the function can be executed.
Software Manual
12-72 On-Line Environment
12.9 Error messages
Cannot be forced.
You want to force a variable which is not force-enabled according to the database.
Cannot be written
You want to write to a variable which is not write-enable according to the database.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-73
Error updating extended diagnostic data file(s).
Check surface of your hard disk. Delete <application name>.EXT. The database will be rebuilt.
The message file FSCVIEW.MSG is not present in the FSC path directory of the disk. Copy
FSCVIEW.MSG to the correct directory.
Software Manual
12-74 On-Line Environment
No EPROMs programmed yet for COM module.
You try to communicate with an FSC system for which no communication EPROMs have been
programmed yet.
The selected rack, position contains no input module. Please enter proper values for rack and position.
The selected rack, position contains no output module. Enter proper values for rack and position.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-75
Screen cannot be selected for PID overview.
You have entered a sheet number in the range S1 - S999, and these sheets cannot be selected for PIDs
(these screens are assigned to sheets). Please enter a screen number in the range of 1 - 99.
Software Manual
12-76 On-Line Environment
12.10 Extended diagnostic descriptions
This section lists the diagnostic error messages per module type. As a reference, error codes are listed
and the type of error message:
–E Problem which caused the FSC system to shut down or prevent its start-up.
–W Warning. A problem has been detected that allows the FSC system to continue operation (for a
limited time period)
–M Message giving information on the status of the FSC system.
Each diagnostic error message includes a description which provides information about the cause of the
problem and the way to remedy it. If this does not work for hardware-related problems, try to resolve the
problem by exchanging modules in the circuitry, e.g. the modules of the Central Part in case of a problem
report related to a Central Part module or in case of I/O modules check the VBD, vertical bus, HBD and
horizontal bus connections as well as the power supply and watchdog wiring.
Diagnostic messages other than those listed below are possible. If these occur, document the message,
the message number and circumstances as completely as possible, and contact Honeywell Safety
Management Systems B.V. in the Netherlands.
12.10.1 General
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-77
Command status buffer overflow. (E-51)
Check the functioning of the COM module or replace the COM module.
Software Manual
12-78 On-Line Environment
Illegal timer value (0 .. 2047) (E-73)
Check the calculations in the logics at the indicated sheet.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-79
Shutdown due to on-line modification (M-35)
Shutdown of the Central Part (running with the unmodified software) due to exchange of software in the
other Central Part which runs with the modified software.
Software Manual
12-80 On-Line Environment
12.10.4 Module types CPU (10002/1/1 or 10002/1/2)
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-81
Module error. (E-241)
No access possible to the system bus. Replace CPU module
Software Manual
12-82 On-Line Environment
Communication failure during configuration check. (E-45)
A time-out occurred during the configuration check between FSC systems. Check system cables.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-83
Wrong EPROMs or jumpers (J2, J3) on COM module set incorrectly. (E-6)
EPROM size and jumper setting do not match (see the FSC Hardware Manual for jumper settings).
Software Manual
12-84 On-Line Environment
12.10.9 Module type SBD (10007/1/1)
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-85
12.10.12 Module types 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2 or 10102/2/1
Internal power-down (E-1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 56, 59-61, 88, 91-93, 136)
There is no internal voltage.
Software Manual
12-86 On-Line Environment
Mismatch between expected and actual output value (E/W-13)
The actual output status is not identical to the expected value that was calculated by the application
program. Replace the module.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-87
12.10.17 Module type 10212/1/1
Software Manual
12-88 On-Line Environment
Line-monitor circuit faulty (E-7..9)
The circuitry sensing the output loop current is faulty. Replace the module.
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-89
12.10.21 Module type 10216/1/1 or 10216/2/1
Software Manual
12-90 On-Line Environment
Adjusting a PID controller, 62 Extended diagnostic descriptions, 77
Analog input modules 10101/./. modules, 85
Calibration, 19 10102/./. modules, 86
Analog output modules 10105/2/1 module, 86
Calibration, 35 10201/./. modules, 87
Application program, 44 10203/./. modules, 87
10205/./. modules, 87
10212/./. modules, 88
B 10213/./. modules, 88
10214/./. modules, 88
Backing up extended diagnostic database, 39
10215/./. modules, 89
10216/./. modules, 90
C 10302/./. modules, 90
COM modules, 82
Calibration CPU modules, 81
Input, 19 Diagnostic and battery modules, 84
Output, 35 General, 77
Span, 20, 21 HBD modules, 85
Zero, 20 MEM modules, 82
Clamping, 61 Not related to hardware modules, 77
Clearing forced variables, 18, 34, 50, 66 SBD modules, 85
Communication, 68 VBD modules, 80
Modem, 69 Watchdog modules, 84
Component versions, 7 Extended diagnostics, 37, 39, 41
Configuring FSC modem, 70
File size of extended diagnostic file, 41
Deviation limit, 61 FLD status, 47
Diagnostic and battery module (DBM), 8 Forcing, 13, 18, 29, 34, 49, 50, 54, 59, 65
Diagnostic data, 37 FSC system, 4
Diagnostics button, 1 FSC variables, 52, 53, 59
Downloading application program, 44 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 47
Editing a PID controller, 60 Hardware location of input, 15
Error messages Hardware location of output, 31
Viewing FSC system and process status, 73 High inputs, 24
Extended diagnostic database, 41, 42
Backing up, 39
Retrieving, 42
Software Manual
On-Line Environment 12-1
Index (continued)
Input calibration, 20 Rate time, 61
Inputs, 9 Read DBM status, 8
High, 24 Rebuilding screen file, 64
Low, 24 Retrieving stored diagnostic data, 42
Sequential, 10, 26
L Sample time, 60
Listing forces, 65 Screen file, 64
Loading application program, 44 Screens, 53
Loop status, 66 Deleting, 57
Loop Status button, 1 Editing, 55
Low inputs, 24 Selecting FSC system for extended diagnostics, 40
Sequential inputs, 10, 26
Setting up a modem link, 70
M Signal value representation, 48
Modem, 69 Switching communication, 68
Symbol libraries, 51
System information, 6
Off-line menu, 3 T
On-line environment, 1
All inputs, 23 Tag number, 17, 33
FSC system, 4, 5 Test changes, 24
Inputs, 9 Time stamp, 40
Main menu, 4
Process status, 4
On-Line Environment screen
Diagnostics button, 1 Variable type, 59
Loop Status button, 1 Variables in FLD sheet, 52
Process Status Monitoring button, 1 Variables in screens, 53, 55, 57
Embedded software in FSC system components, 7
P Viewing FSC system and process status
Passwords, 72 List forces, 65
PID controllers, 60, 62 Loop status, 66
Adjusting, 62 Outputs, 25
Deviation limit, 61 Process status, 47
Editing, 60 Rebuilding screen file, 64
operating modes, 61 Screens, 53, 55, 57, 64
Rate time, 61
Sample time, 60
Position, 15, 31
Process status, 4, 47 Writing a variable, 50
Process Status Monitoring button, 1
Software Manual
12-2 On-Line Environment
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix A:
Alarm Functions
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions i
Software Manual
ii Appendix A: Alarm Functions
A.1 Alarm description
The FSC system software has several standard alarm functions, which can easily be configured by the
user. An alarm function group is defined by the variable type 'A'. A predefined standard sequence and the
number of alarm points can be configured for an alarm group. Once this has been done, the alarm
function is included in the application program via inputs and outputs with location 'ANN', which are
allocated to the alarm function. The function of the alarm sequence of each input and output is defined by
the alarm signal type. The inputs with location 'ANN' are virtual inputs for the application. The status of
these inputs is generated by the standard alarm sequence function in the system software. The outputs
with location 'ANN' are virtual outputs for the application. The status of these outputs is used as input in
the standard alarm sequence function in the system software.
Variables are allocated to an alarm group by specifying the alarm group tag number. This tag number
must already be defined as a variable with type 'A'. The number of variables with alarm type 'alarm' are
specified by the user. This number should be a multiple of 8. All alarm types of a specific group must be
configured, except for alarm type 'test' and alarm type 'common'.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-1
A.1.1 Alarm types
Table A-1 shows the inputs and outputs used for each alarm sequence.
Alarm sequence
O alarm(s) X X X X X X X X X
O acknowledge X X X X X X X X X
O flasher 1 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.5 Hz
O flasher 2 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz
O lamp test X X X X X X X X
O lamp reset X X
O reset X X
O flasher reset X X
O first up reset X X X
O first up status X
I audible X X X X X X X
I common X X X X X X X X X
I audible reset X
I audible set X
– alarm(s): This is an output variable which is used to activate the alert function of
the alarm group. The variable should be allocated to a digital output
module, which contains the current status of the specific alarm. The
number of alarm variables of an alarm group are specified within the
alarm function group variable (‘A’ <tag number>).
At least one output variable with alarm type ‘alarm’ should be allocated to
each alarm group.
– acknowledge: The acknowledge signal (output variable) is used to confirm the alarm,
e.g. by the system operator.
– flasher 1: Flasher 1 (output variable) is the signal which is used for the flash
functions of the alarm type ‘alarm’. In case two flashers are needed for
the alarm type, this flasher is used for the slow flash function. Table A-1
indicates the standard frequency for the flash functions for each alarm
– flasher 2: Flasher 2 (output variable) is only used in case two flash functions are
needed for the alarm type 'alarm'. Flasher 2 is used for the fast flash
function. Table A-1 indicates the standard frequency for the flash test
functions for each alarm function.
– lamp test: Lamp test (output variable) is used to check the hardware of the digital
output module which are used by an alarm type ‘alarm’ and the alarm
indicator. The configuration of this variable is optional.
– lamp reset: Lamp reset (output variable) is used to reset the alarm type ‘alarm’ to
the normal (low) state when the condition of the ‘alarm’ is returned to
Software Manual
A-2 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
– reset: Reset (output variable) is used to reset the alarm type ‘alarm’ to the
normal (low) state and to reset the audible signal when the condition
of the ‘alarm’ is returned to normal.
– flasher reset: Flasher reset (output variable) is used to reset the alarm type ‘alarm’ to
the steady (high) state. This signal is only accepted when the alarm was
already confirmed by an acknowledge.
– first up reset: First up reset (output variable) is used to reset the alarm type ‘alarm’ to
the steady (high) state. This signal is only accepted when the alarm
was already confirmed by an acknowledge.
– first up status: The status of the first up reset in the receiver alarm status. This output
must be linked to the output of type alarm of the same alarm group to
which it belongs.
– audible: Audible (input variable) is the audible result of the alarm group. The
signal is set when an alarm is detected or when the state of the alarm
changes. The signal is reset by the acknowledge signal or by the reset
signal of the alarm group.
– common: This input variable is high if any of the alarm types ‘alarm’ of the
alarm group is in the alarm state. The configuration of this variable is
– audible reset: Audible reset (input variable) is the audible result of the alarm group. The
signal is set when an alarm returns to the normal state. The signal is
reset by the reset signal of the alarm group.
– audible set: Audible set (input variable) is the audible result of the alarm group. The
signal is set when an alarm is detected. The signal is reset by the
acknowledge signal of the alarm group.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-3
A.1.2 Alarm sequences
The alarm sequences supported by FSC are a subset of the annunciator sequences specified by the
ISA S18.1 standard.
A.1.2.1 Symbols
The symbols used to describe the alarm sequences are in accordance with DIN 19 235 (October 1980).
When an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes, and the audible is set. When
acknowledge becomes high, the output of the alarm is steady, and the audible is reset. The output will be
cleared if the alarm returns to its normal (high) state. Common will be high when one or more alarms of
the alarm group are in the active state.
Software Manual
A-4 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
A.1.2.3 Alarm sequence AM, manual lamp reset
If an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes, and audible is set. When acknowledge
becomes high, the output of the alarm is steady, and audible is reset. The output continues steady when
the alarm returns to its normal high state. The output will be cleared, when 'lamp reset' is set. Common
will be high when one or more alarms of the alarm group are in the active state.
When an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes, and audible is set. When acknowledge
becomes high, audible is reset. The output becomes steady, when 'flasher reset' is set. The output will be
cleared, when the alarm returns to its normal (high) state. Common will be high when one or more alarms
of the alarm group are in the active state.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-5
A.1.2.5 Alarm sequence FRM, flasher / lamp reset
When an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes, and audible is set. When acknowledge
becomes high, audible is reset. The output will be steady, when 'flasher reset' is high. The output will be
cleared, when the alarm returns to its normal (high) state. Common will be high when one or more alarms
of the alarm group are in the active state.
When an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes fast, and audible is set. When
acknowledge becomes high, the output of the alarm is steady, and audible is reset. The output will flash
slow, when the alarm returns to its normal (high) state. The output will be cleared if 'lamp reset' is set.
Common will be high when one or more alarms of the alarm group are in the active state.
Software Manual
A-6 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
A.1.2.7 Alarm sequence ARR, double audible ringback
When an alarm becomes active, the output of the alarm flashes fast, and audible_set is set. When
acknowledge becomes high, the output of the alarm is steady, and audible_set is reset. When the alarm
returns to its normal (high) state, the output will flash slow, and audible_reset is set. When 'reset' is set,
the output will be cleared and audible_reset is reset. Common will be high when one or more alarms of
the alarm group are in the active state.
When the first alarm becomes active, the output of this alarm has an intermittent flash, and audible is set.
When other alarms become active, the output of these alarms have steady fast flashes, and audible is set.
When acknowledge becomes high, the output of the first alarm flashes slowly, the output of the other
active alarms will become steady and audible is cleared. The output of the first alarm will be steady, when
'first out reset' is set. When the alarm returns to its normal (high) state, the outputs will be cleared.
Common will be high when one or more alarms of the alarm group are in the active state.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-7
Figure A-10 First up indication (single flash frequency)
When the first alarm becomes active, the output of this alarm has a steady fast flash, and audible is set.
When other alarms become active, the output of these alarms also have fast flashes, and audible is set.
When acknowledge becomes high, the output of the first alarm remains flashing, the output of the other
active alarms will become steady and audible is cleared. The output of the first alarm will be steady, when
'first out reset' is set. When the alarm returns to its normal (high) state, the outputs will be cleared.
Common will be high when one or more alarms of the alarm group are in the active state.
Software Manual
A-8 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
A.2 Alarm configuration examples
This section discusses two examples of how alarm functions are used.
The first example shows the basic flashing sequence (AF). The second example discusses the
configuration of the first up alarm sequence with separate alarm detection and indication which can be
used in communication networks.
Use the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator ('Signal Spec' menu item) to add an alarm group.
The type of an alarm group is always 'A'. Use the 'Hardware Spec' option to assign this variable to an
alarm sequence and to define the number of maximum alarm points for this group, e.g. 8 points for the
alarm sequence AF in Figure A-11.
Variables with location 'ANN' can now be assigned to this alarm group in accordance with Table A-1. For
the sequence AF, you can assign inputs to the signal type audible and common (Figure A-12 and Figure
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-9
Figure A-12 AF audible
The alarm types flasher 1, lamp test and acknowledge can be allocated in the same manner.
Software Manual
A-10 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
The actual alarm points can be allocated to an alarm lamp driver (output module) (Figure A-14).
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-11
The alarm function can now be included in the application program as shown in Figure A-15.
F 10
High level alarm 3 AF_AlarmPoint1 A
> 11 N
F 3 A 4 "alarmtype= ALARM" N
L 5
D 3 D
P Ack_PushButton 3 AF_Acknowledge A
N 1 N
L 3 N
Alarm Sequence AF
F Test_pushButton 3 3 AF_LampTest A
L 1 15 N
D 2 5 N
S FLASHER-2Hz AF_Flasher_1 A
Y System marker N
In alarm function
A AF_Common_Alarm 3 Com._alarm_lamp F
N 15 L
N 8 D
A high and low level pressure alarm will bring up alarms called AF_AlarmPoint1 and AF_AlarmPoint2.
A horn and a common alarm lamp are driven by the inputs AF_Audible and AF_Common_Alarm.
The 2 Hz. system flasher controls the flashing speed of this group. The acknowledge of the alarm
sequence is realized via an input button which is connected to AF_Acknowledge. The lamp test button is
connected to AF_Lamptest.
Software Manual
A-12 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
A.2.2 First up alarm configuration via communication links
Alarm groups of the sequence TFS COM_1 and TFS COM_2 are related.
The sequence is nearly the same as TFS. The alarm detection and the visual display and manipulation of
the alarm sequence is done in different FSC systems or an FSC system in cooperation with a Distributed
Control System (DCS). An example of these sequences is given in Figure A-16.
In FSC 20, an alarm group with sequence TFS COM1 is configured. In FSC 14, an alarm group with
sequence TFS COM2 is configured. The actual alarm is detected in FSC 20. Since it is a TFS sequence
and the first in the alarm group must be detected, two signals for each alarm point are transferred to the
other device (here FSC 14). The signals are the alarm status and information whether it was the first
alarm in the group or not (the first up status). In FSC 14 these alarms are displayed and can be
acknowledged. The acknowledge signal is transferred back to FSC 20. If the alarm must be reset, this is
initiated in FSC 14 and copied to FSC 20.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-13
The functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that are required to include these alarm sequences in the application
program are shown in Figure A-17 and Figure A-18.
F 10
High level alarm 3 FIRSTUP-ALARM-1 A
L 7
D 13 D 3 ALARM-1 D
17 C
C 9 15 N
S 11 3 N
C 1 15 N
S 9 2 N
FSC 20
D Principal : HSMS Product Marketing
Plant : Branderijstraat 6
B Tel +31 73-6273273 Date 11-6-1997 By: PM NL33
Software Manual
A-14 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
C 9 15 N
C 3 15 N
L 3 N
D 14 N
N 15 L
N 12 D
N 15 L
N 11 D
Y System marker 15 N
S 10 N
Y System marker 15 N
S 9 N
N 3 15 N
L 13 8 N
15 N
7 N
N 3 15 C
L 15 13 S
15 C
14 S
A high-level alarm is detected in FSC 20 and connected to two signals ALARM-1 and
FIRSTUP-ALARM-1. ALARM-1 has location ANN because it must detect whether it was the first alarm in
the group. Since this signal has to be send to the other system, it has a sub-allocation FSC as well. The
other signal FIRSTUP-ALARM-1 contains the status of the alarm and must only be sent to the display unit.
This signal has location FSC (in case a DCS system is used as alarm display driver the (sub)location is
These signals arrive in FSC 14 as an input and are directly connected to the alarm group FSC_COM_2
via outputs with location ANN ALARM-1 and FIRSTUP-ALARM-1 (signal type alarm and first up status). If
FSC 14 receives an active alarm status, the alarm group will activate the inputs COMMON and AUDIBLE.
In the functional logic diagrams (FLDs), these are connected to outputs which drive the common alarm
lamp and horn.
The input ACK-PUSHBUTTON in FSC 14 is hardwired. The FLDs connect these inputs to outputs
ACKNOWLEDGE and ACKNOWLEDGE-2. One of these signals is used for TFS COM2 and one will be
used for TFS COM1. Since TFS_COM_1 is in another system, the signal must first be send via FSC-FSC
communication to FSC 20.
The hardwired input to reset the alarm group RESET-PUSHBUTTON works identically.
Another hardwired input is used to activate a lamp test. This input is called TEST-PUSHBUTTON and is
connected to the output LAMPTEST in FSC14.
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-15
A.2.3 Flasher for alarm functions
The FSC system supports built-in alarm functions. These alarm functions include flashing of the alarm
lights. The flasher frequency for the alarm lights can be generated from the FSC system flashers
(originating from the real-time clock data) or built up using the cycle pulse function (output coupled to the
input via an inverter with optional divider created via counter). The use of FSC system flashers result in
variation of the on/off time of the flashing lights. The flashers based on the cycle time of the application
program do not have these disadvantages (the on/off time of the flashing lights is constant). Figure A-19
shows an example of flashers based on the cycle time.
CU =1
103 1
R 0
CU =1
103 2
R 0
Software Manual
A-16 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
Acknowledge, 2 Common alarm, 3, 10
AF alarm configuration, 9 Communication link, 13
AF audible, 10
AF common alarm, 10
Alarm configurations, 9 F
Alarm function groups, 1
Alarm functions, 1 First up alarm configuration via communication links,
Flasher, 16 13
Alarm sequence function, 1 First up indication, 7
Alarm sequences, 4, 13 First up reset, 3
AF, basic flashing, 4 First up status, 3
AM, manual lamp reset, 5 Flasher 1, 2
AR, ringback, 6 Flasher 2, 2
ARR, double audible ringback, 7 Flasher for alarm functions, 16
FR, flasher reset, 5 Flasher reset, 3
FRM, flasher / lamp reset, 6 Functional logic for alarm sequence, 14
In functional logic diagrams, 14
Symbols, 4
TFS, TFS_COM1, TFS_COM2, first up I
indication, 7 Including an alarm function in the application
Alarm types, 1, 2 program, 12
Acknowledge, 2 Inputs and outputs per alarm sequence, 2
Alarm(s), 2 Inputs with location 'ANN', 1
Audible, 3
Audible reset, 3
Audible set, 3 L
Common, 3
First up reset, 3 Lamp reset, 2
First up status, 3 Lamp test, 2
Flasher 1, 2
Flasher 2, 2
Flasher reset, 3 O
Lamp reset, 2
Outputs with location 'ANN', 1
Lamp test, 2
Reset, 3
Alarm(s), 2
Allocating variables to an alarm group, 1 R
Allocation of alarm point to alarm lamp driver, 12 Reset, 3
Audible, 3, 10
Audible reset, 3
Audible set, 3 T
Tag number, 1
Software Manual
Appendix A: Alarm Functions A-17
Software Manual
A-18 Appendix A: Alarm Functions
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix B:
Sequence of Event Recording
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording i
Software Manual
ii Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B.1 Introduction
In an operational plant, events may occur which indicate or cause deviations from normal process
behavior. Examples of such events are:
− change of state of a valve limit switch,
− steam pressure becoming too high,
− maintenance override effected by an operator,
− faults in the field (e.g. output short circuit), and
− faults within the safeguarding system.
The sequence-of-event recording (SER) function of the FSC system outputs the events to a printer or to
FSCSOE. FSCSOE is a separate Windows application which allows you to view, filter and log all reported
events. This allows you to evaluate abnormal situations that have occurred.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-1
B.2 Event specification
This section describes the events recorded by the SER function of the FSC system.
A variable event is recorded if an event occurs for a process variable that is SER-enabled. Variables can
be enabled for sequence-of-event recording using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
Variable type I
For variable type I, an event occurs if the application value of the variable as applied to the application
logic changes, i.e. Low → High or High → Low.
The event report contains the variable identification, the current variable value and the date and time that
the event has occurred.
Variable type O
For variable type O, an event occurs if the scan value of the variable, as applied to the process, changes
i.e. Low → High or High → Low.
The event report contains the variable identification, the current variable value and the date and time the
event has occurred.
For event recording of variable types AI and AO, three operational areas are defined (Figure B-1):
1. the normal operational area, between the SER setpoint low and the SER setpoint high,
2. the low level alarm area, below the SER setpoint low, and
3. the high level alarm area, above the SER setpoint high.
Setpoint low
Setpoint high
Software Manual
B-2 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
For variable type AI, an event occurs if the variable application value, as applied to the application logic:
− becomes less than the SER setpoint low value (minimum event),
− exceeds the SER setpoint high value (maximum event),
− re-enters the normal operational area, between the SER setpoint low and SER setpoint high values,
compensated with a hysteresis (healthy event).
The event report contains the variable identification, the current operational area (high, low, healthy) and
the date and time that the event occurred.
For variable type AO, an event occurs if the variable scan value, as applied to the process:
− becomes less than the SER setpoint low value (minimum event),
− exceeds the SER setpoint high value (maximum event),
− re-enters the normal operational area, between the SER setpoint low and SER setpoint high values,
compensated with a hysteresis (healthy event).
The event report contains the variable identification and the date and time the event has occurred.
10 ∗ (Top - Bottom)
hysteresis = -------------------------- [engineering units]
20 ∗ (Top - Bottom)
hysteresis = --------------------------- [engineering units]
Variable type M
For variable type M, an event occurs if the value of the variable changes i.e. Low → High or High → Low.
The event report contains the variable identification, the current variable value and the date and time the
event has occurred.
Variable type T
Variable type C
For variable type C, an event occurs if the counter value changes from non zero to zero.
The event report contains the variable identification and the date and time the event has occurred.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-3
Variable type BO
For variable type BO, an event occurs if a trigger output, associated with the BO changes from Low to
High. The BO event can be regarded as the ability to sample the value of the BO variable at user
definable criteria. The event report contains the variable identification, the current value of the BO variable
and the date and time the event has occurred.
The associated trigger output is automatically generated when a BO is enabled for SER. The tag number
of the trigger output will be equal to the tag number of the BO variable.
The location of the trigger output is 'SYS'. Thus, it can be included in the application logic to generate the
event and needs no further allocation to hardware.
If the force concerns a variable that is SER enabled, a variable event may occur as well.
A fault event occurs if a fault is detected by the self diagnostic of the FSC system.
The event report contains the system number, rack and position of the module the fault was detected at,
and the date and time the event has occurred.
If the fault affects a variable that is SER enabled, a variable event may occur as well.
Software Manual
B-4 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B.3 SER resolution
The resolution of the SER channel is equal to the execution time of the application. The application
execution time is reported in the compiler logging file, which can be viewed using the 'View Log' option of
FSC Navigator (see Section 9 of the FSC Software Manual). The time stamping of the events is in 10 ms
The FSC system stores all events that occur until reported to the outside world, via the SER
communication channel. The exact size of the SER buffer depends on the system configuration but the
buffer can hold at least 448 events. When the maximum number of events has been reached, the events
in the buffer are preserved for at least four hours. New events that occur within this time period are lost.
After four hours, the stored events are overwritten if new events occur. The overwritten events are lost.
If a buffer overflow occurs, a specific event report is generated, specifying the 'SER buffer full' event,
which contains the date and time the event has occurred.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-5
B.5 SER channel specification
The SER channel specifies the communication channel through which events are reported to the outside
world. The SER channel is configured using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (see
Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual).
In FSC communication networks, the SER channel may be located in another system. This allows events
of multiple systems to be reported at a central point in the network.
If the SER function is used in combination with the FSCSOE program, the SER channel must use the
Development System (DS) communication protocol. Otherwise the protocol must be printer.
Figure B-2 to Figure B-5 and Table B-1 show various possibilities for assigning SER channels for event
PC Printer
Figure B-2 Event collection via a SER communication network, with each system having its own
local SER channel (only in combination with FSCSOE application)
FSC1 Printer
Figure B-3 Event collection via a single, global SER channel in the FSC communication network
Software Manual
B-6 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B.5.1 Redundant SER channels
To improve availability of the SER function, the SER channel may be configured for redundant
communication (see Figure B-4). SER events are reported as long as one of the redundant
communication channels is operational. Refer to Appendix F ("FSC Communication Manual") for further
details on redundant communication.
PC Printer
For optimum availability of the SER function, two SER channels may be used (see Figure B-5). As long as
both channels are operational, all events are reported at both channels. If one of the channels fails, events
will continue to be reported by the other channel.
SER Printer
CP2 PC Printer
The operation of the SER channel is monitored by the FSC system. If the channel is not able to report any
events for a period of one minute (e.g. because the SER collecting device is switched off), a device
communication error will be reported for that channel. This error will persist until the channel is able to
report events again.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-7
B.6 SER format
The layout of SER reports can be customized using the 'SER format' option of FSC Navigator. If the SER
function is used in combination with the FSCSOE program, the standard "Numerical SER" format must be
configured. Any custom SER format will be ignored.
In FSC networks, the SER format file is used from the application that contains the SER communication
part, e.g. the printer or user station port.
The numerical SER format allows event recording with minimal communication overhead. Numerical SER
format can be configured for two devices:
− the HSMS proprietary FSCSOE program, or
− a printer port (for third-party devices).
When using the numerical SER format, a unique sequence number is assigned to variables that are SER
enabled. If an event occurs for the variable, its sequence number is contained in the event report. The
format requires an intelligent device to collect the event reports and to relate the sequence numbers to the
original process variable.
1. Specify the appropriate communication protocol using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC
Navigator (Install / Modules / Central parts / COM):
– 'DS' for sequence-of-event recording to FSCSOE, or
– 'Printer' for sequence-of-event recording to a printer.
2. Specify the numerical SER range using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator
(Install / Configuration). Specify the minimum and maximum value of the SER range in the 'SER base'
and 'SER maximum' fields, respectively.
Variables must be SER-enabled and have a sequence number.
3. Specify the appropriate printer type using the 'SER format' option of FSC Navigator
(SER format file / Printer config):
– 'Numerical SER format' for sequence-of-event recording to FSCSOE, or
– 'Printer' for sequence-of-event recording to a printer.
Software Manual
B-8 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B.6.2 Numerical SER to FSCSOE
The following event types are supported when recording sequence of events to FSCSOE:
– I, O, AI and AO
– BO.
The events are sent to the FSCSOE program, which processes the events and presents them to the user
in a variety of user-definable formats.
The following event types are supported when recording sequence of events to a printer:
– I, O, AI and AO
– M, T and C.
The printer must be set to HEX mode. Consult the printer manual for instructions on how to
set the printer mode.
The following subsections discuss the fields of the event record in more detail.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-9
B.6.3.1 Record start indication
Value specification:
System messages:
$40 system message
Variable events:
$41 digital input event
$42 digital output event
$43 marker event
$44 10 millisecond timer event
$45 100 millisecond timer event
$46 1 second timer event
$47 1 minute timer event
$48 counter event
$49 analog input event
$4a analog output event
Software Manual
B-10 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B. System messages
For system messages, the event status field specifies if the event has occurred or the system has
recovered from the event:
0 = event occur
$ff = event recover
The sequence number of the system messages are calculated by the FSC system, based on the
configured base sequence number. The following system messages have been defined:
For variable events, the status field specifies the current status of the variable.
Variable type I, O, M
For variables of type I, O and M, the status field indicates the current status of the variable:
Variable types T, C
For all timer events and the counter event, the event status has no meaning. The field value is always 0.
Sequence-of-event recording to a printer does not support the variable type BO.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-11
B. Variable force events
For variable force events, the event status field specifies if a force was activated or deactivated.
0 = force activated
$ff = force deactivated
B.6.3.6 Weekday
Field : Weekday
Position : Byte no. 10
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range :1-7
Description : The variable sequence number field contains the day of the week, the event was
Value specification:
1 = Sunday 5 = Thursday
2 = Monday 6 = Friday
3 = Tuesday 7 = Saturday
4 = Wednesday
Software Manual
B-12 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
B.6.3.7 Date
Field : Date
Position : byte no. 11
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range : 1 - 31
Description : The date field specifies the date of the month, the event was generated. The value of
this field can only contain valid dates for the current month.
B.6.3.8 Month
Field : Month
Position : byte no. 12
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range : 1 - 12
Description : The month field specifies the month, the event was generated.
Value specification:
1 = January 7 = July
2 = February 8 = August
3 = March 9 = September
4 = April 10 = October
5 = May 11 = November
6 = June 12 = December
B.6.3.9 Hours
Field : Hours
Position : byte no. 13
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range : 0 - 23
Description : The hours field specifies the hour, the event was generated.
B.6.3.10 Minutes
Field : Minutes
Position : byte no. 14
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range : 0 - 59
Description : The minutes field specifies the minute, the event was generated.
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-13
B.6.3.11 Seconds
Field : Seconds
Position : byte no. 15
Length : 1 byte
Data type : BCD
Range : 0 - 59
Description : The seconds field specifies the second, the event was generated.
If you wish to use the sequence-of-event function, the FSC configuration must contain:
1. a DBM module (except for the FSC slaves),
2. a communication channel that has been configured for SER reporting, using the FSC-FSC protocol,
Development System protocol or printer communication protocol.
If these requirements are not met, you will not be able to set any variable to 'SER-enabled' and translate
Software Manual
B-14 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
Capacity of SER buffer, 5 Sequence number, 12
Sequence-of-event recording (SER), 1
Dual SER channels, 7
D Event record, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Fault events, 4
Diagnostics, 7 Force events, 4
Dual SER channels, 7 Numerical SER format, 8
Redundant SER channels, 7
SER buffer, 5
E SER channel diagnostic, 7
Event status/message specification, 10 SER channels, 6
Events, 2, 4, 11 SER format, 8
SER resolution, 5
Variable events, 2, 11
F SER buffer capacity, 5
SER channel diagnostics, 7
Fault events, 4 SER channels, 6, 7, 8
Force events, 4 SER configuration requirements, 14
FSCSOE, 1 SER event record, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
SER events, 2
SER format, 8
N SER resolution, 5
Structure of SER event record, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Numerical SER format, 8
System messages, 11
System number, 12
Record start indication, 10 V
Recording sequence-of-event data, 1
Variable events, 2, 11
Dual SER channels, 7
Variable force events, 12
Fault events, 4
Variable types, 2
Force events, 4
Numerical SER format, 8
Redundant SER channels, 7
SER buffer, 5
SER channel diagnostics, 7
SER channels, 6
SER format, 8
SER resolution, 5
Variable events, 2, 11
Redundant SER channels, 7
Resolution of SER channel, 5
Software Manual
Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording B-15
Software Manual
B-16 Appendix B: Sequence of Event Recording
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix C:
Safety-Related Inputs with
Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors i
Figure C-1 Example of a safety-related input function with dual sensors .................................... C-1
Figure C-2 Redundancy type 201................................................................................................. C-3
Figure C-3 Redundancy type 201 for FSC systems with single CP ............................................. C-3
Figure C-4 Redundancy type 301................................................................................................. C-4
Figure C-5 Redundancy type 301 for system with single CP ....................................................... C-4
Figure C-6 Redundancy type 202................................................................................................. C-5
Figure C-7 Redundancy type 202 for FSC systems with redundant CPs..................................... C-5
Figure C-8 Redundancy type 302................................................................................................. C-6
Figure C-9 Redundancy type 302 for FSC systems with redundant CPs..................................... C-6
Figure C-10 2-out-of-3 function block FB-900................................................................................ C-7
Figure C-11 Example of a safety-related analog input function with dual sensors......................... C-8
Figure C-12 Redundancy type 201................................................................................................. C-9
Figure C-13 Redundancy type 201 for FSC systems with single CP ............................................. C-9
Figure C-14 Redundancy type 301............................................................................................... C-10
Figure C-15 Redundancy type 301 for FSC systems with single CP ........................................... C-10
Figure C-16 Redundancy type 202............................................................................................... C-11
Figure C-17 Redundancy type 202 for FSC systems with redundant CPs................................... C-11
Figure C-18 Redundancy type 302............................................................................................... C-12
Figure C-19 Redundancy type 302 for FSC systems with redundant CPs................................... C-12
Figure C-20 Function block FB-903 (mean function if discrepancy < 3%, else 0) ....................... C-13
Figure C-21 Function block FB-905 (2-out-of-3 function)............................................................. C-13
Figure C-22 Function block FB-906 (mean function) ................................................................... C-14
Figure C-23 Function block FB-907 (part of function block FB-905)............................................ C-14
Figure C-24 Function block FB-908 (part of function block FB-905)............................................ C-15
Figure C-25 Function block FB-909 (part of function block FB-905)............................................ C-15
Figure C-26 Function block FB-910 (part of function block FB-905)............................................ C-16
Table C-1 Possible redundancy types for the different VBD functions ....................................... C-2
Software Manual
ii Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.1 Introduction
Safety-related inputs require the use of fail-safe input modules (e.g. 10101/1/1, 10101/1/2 or 10101/1/3 for
digital inputs, and 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2 or 10105/2/1 for analog inputs). It is also required that fail-safe
input devices (e.g. sensors, switches and transmitters) are used. If the input device is not fail-safe, then
redundant sensors (transmitters) are necessary which are each connected to its own input. The sensor
configuration depends on the number of sensors and the function of the VBD that controls the rack which
the input is connected to. The various redundancy types are shown in Table C-1.
Figure C-1 shows an example of redundancy type 201 for digital inputs, which can be used for VBD
functions with single I/O.
To check the safety of the digital sensors, they must switch in a certain time interval. Also, the maximum
on time is monitored, which can be set in the range between 1 second and 2047 minutes (deactivation of
the maximum on time is also possible). If the maximum on time is exceeded, the resulting sensor status is
switched off. To detect if all inputs execute the switch function, an extra timer is added: the maximum
discrepancy timer (range 1-2047 seconds). If the maximum on timer or the maximum discrepancy timer
expires, a redundant input fault (system marker) and a sensor fault are generated.
3 S & 15 STATUS
11 t 0 6
t=6 min
Maximum On time
S >1
_ 15 FAULT
t 0 5 "NO FAULT"
t=10 s
Maximum discrepancy time
The maximum on time may also be deactivated. In that case, an organizational procedure
must exist which ensures periodical testing of the sensors.
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-1
Table C-1 Possible redundancy types for the different VBD functions
1oo2D 202 Two input sensors, two input channels per Central
(redundant) Part (2-out-of-2 function per Central Part).
The redundancy type can be selected using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
Depending on the redundancy type, extra inputs may have to be allocated. Extra inputs can only be
allocated if the previous inputs have been allocated correctly. If the allocation of the main input is
changed, the redundant inputs must be reallocated as well. The redundant inputs must be allocated at an
input module, which is controlled by the same VBD as the input module to which the main input is
Software Manual
C-2 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.2 Safety-related digital inputs with non-fail-safe sensors
For single-channel FSC configurations it is necessary to use two or three input sensors connected to a
fail-safe digital input module:
Both input sensors are connected to the FSC system (this may be the same or different input modules). In
the system software, an AND function is performed for the resulting sensor status.
3 S & 15 STATUS
11 t 0 6
t=6 min
Maximum On time
S >1
_ 15 FAULT
t 0 5 "NO FAULT"
t=10 s
Maximum discrepancy time
Figure C-3 Redundancy type 201 for FSC systems with single CP
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-3
C.2.1.2 3 sensors: Redundancy type 301
All three input sensors are connected to the FSC system (this may be to the same or different input
modules). In the system software, a 2-out-of-3 function is performed for the resulting sensor status.
3 B
FB 4
8 900 4 SENSOR.
Software Manual
C-4 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.2.2 FSC systems with redundant Central Parts
For redundant FSC system configurations, the same sensor configurations apply as for single-channel
configurations as one part of the redundant system must be able to control the process. For these
configurations, too, it is necessary to use two or three input sensors.
Both input sensors are connected to both Central Parts of the FSC system. In the system software, an OR
function is performed for the synchronization in cases where faults can be located, and an AND function in
all other cases.
Central part 1
& 4 SENSOR-Cp1
t 0 2
t=6 min
Input Maximum On time
_ S >1
_ 15 FAULT
t 0 1 "NO FAULT"
t=10 s
_ R
Maximum discrepancy time
Central part 2
3 4 SENSOR-Cp2
6 S & 14 STATUS
t 0 16
t=6 min
Maximum On time
_ S >1
_ 14 FAULT
t 0 11 "NO FAULT"
t=10 s
>1 R
Maximum discrepancy time
Input Synchronisation
Figure C-7 Redundancy type 202 for FSC systems with redundant CPs
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-5
During the communication the status of the inputs is exchanged. The input synchronization function for the
redundant systems is the OR function in cases where faults can be located, and an AND function in all
other cases.
All three input sensor are connected to both Central Parts of the FSC system. For the synchronization in
the system software, an OR function is performed in cases where faults can be located, and an AND
function in all other cases. A 2-out-of-3 function is performed for the resulting sensor status.
>1 B
FB 14
900 4 SENSOR_CP1
3 Communication
1 Central part 2
Sensors connected
to both central
> B
FB 12
900 4 SENSOR_CP2
Input Synchronisation
Figure C-9 Redundancy type 302 for FSC systems with redundant CPs
Software Manual
C-6 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
During the communication the status of the inputs is exchanged. The input synchronization function for
redundant systems is the OR function in cases where faults can be located, and an AND function in all
other cases. For the 2-out-of-3 function block FB-900 refer to Figure C-10.
Sensor-1 A
Sensor-2 B
& >
S >
_1 E fault Status
t 0
t=10 s
_ Maximum discrepancy time
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-7
C.3 Safety-related analog inputs with non-fail-safe transmitters
To check the functioning of redundant transmitters, they must be within a certain bandwidth: the
"maximum discrepancy value". This maximum value is monitored, and can be set during the configuration
stage. If the maximum discrepancy value is exceeded, the resulting transmitter status is switched to the
bottom scale of the analog input. If the maximum discrepancy value is exceeded, also a redundant input
fault (system marker) and a transmitter fault are generated.
A Transmitter-
A D status
Signal type: W
A 906 Transmitter
B C fault
D "No fault"
Figure C-11 Example of a safety-related analog input function with dual sensors
Software Manual
C-8 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.3.1 FSC systems with single Central Part
For single-channel FSC configurations it is necessary to use two or three transmitters connected to a
fail-safe analog input module:
Both transmitters are connected to the FSC system (this may be the same or different 10102/1/1,
10102/1/2 modules). In the system software, a mean function is performed for the resulting transmitter
A Transmitter-
A D status
Signal type: W
A 906 Transmitter
B C fault
D "No fault"
Figure C-13 Redundancy type 201 for FSC systems with single CP
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-9
C.3.1.2 3 transmitters: redundancy type 301
All three input transmitters are connected to the FSC system (This may be to the same or different
10102/1/1, 10102/1/2 module). The system software calculates the resulting transmitter status using the
following algorithm:
1. If the difference between the values of each pair of transmitters (1-2, 1-3, 2-3) is less than the
maximum discrepancy value, the resulting transmitter status is the mean value of the three
2. If the difference between the values of only 2 transmitters is less than the maximum discrepancy
value, the resulting transmitter status is the mean value of these 2 transmitters. The third transmitter is
regarded faulty. Its value is ignored.
3. If the difference between the value of one transmitter (e.g. transmitter 1) and both other transmitters
(2 and 3) is less than the discrepancy value and the difference between the values of transmitters 2
and 3 is more than the discrepancy value, then two calculation algorithms are possible:
− If the differences between 1 and 2 and the difference between 1 and 3 are identical, the resulting
transmitter status is the mean value of the three transmitters.
− If the differences between 1-2 and 1-3 are not identical, the resulting transmitter status is the mean
value of the 2 transmitters with the smallest difference. The third transmitter is regarded faulty. Its
value is ignored.
Transmitter-1 A
D Transmitter_
A D status
Transmitter-2 A
FB Signal type: W
D 905 Transmitter-
C E fault
transmitter-3 A "No fault"
Figure C-15 Redundancy type 301 for FSC systems with single CP
For the function block FB-905 refer to Figure C-22.
Software Manual
C-10 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.3.2 FSC systems with redundant Central Parts
For the redundant FSC system configurations the same transmitter configurations apply as for the
single-channel configuration as one part of the redundant system must be able to control the process. For
these configurations, too, it is necessary to use two or three transmitters.
Both transmitters are connected to both Central Parts of the FSC system. In the system software, a mean
function is performed for the resulting transmitter status.
W 2
Signal type: W
Transmitters W 2
Connected to both
central parts
Central part 2
W 2
Signal type: W
W 2
Input Synchronisation
Figure C-17 Redundancy type 202 for FSC systems with redundant CPs
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-11
During the communication the status of the inputs is exchanged. The input synchronization function for the
redundant systems is the mean function. For the function block FB-906 (mean function) refer to
Figure C-22.
All three transmitters are connected to both Central Parts of the FSC system. The system software
calculates the resulting transmitter status. The algorithm used is described in subsection C.1.2.1
F 2
A D status
FB Signal type: W
905 Transmitter_CP1
F 2 C E fault
"no fault"
connected to both F 2
central parts
Central part 2
transmitter_1 A
F 2
transmitter_2 A
D A D status
FB Signal type: W
905 Transmitter_CP2
F 2 C E fault
transmitter_3 A "no fault"
F 2
Input Synchronisation
Figure C-19 Redundancy type 302 for FSC systems with redundant CPs
During the communication the status of the inputs is exchanged. The input synchronization function for the
redundant systems is the mean function (see function block 906, Figure C-22).
For the function block FB-905 (2-out-of-3 function) refer to Figure C-21.
Software Manual
C-12 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
C.4 Function blocks
Signal type: W A
Signal type: W B
W 2
Transmitter Status
C Signal type: W
& <
W 80
Signal type: W
Figure C-20 Function block FB-903 (mean function if discrepancy < 3%, else 0)
Transmitter 1
Signal type: W A E
Transmitter 2 F
Signal type: W
Transmitter 3
Transmitter Status
Signal type: W Signal type: W
FB-905 C
906 B
906 F I
E No fault
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-13
Signal type: W A
Signal type: W B Transmitter Status
& D Signal type: W
F 2
& Difference
E Signal type: W
< C No fault
Signal type: W
No fault 1 A FB-907
No fault 2 B & D Divide 3
No fault 3 C
Software Manual
C-14 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
Dif 1-2
Signal type: W E
Dif 1-3
Signal type: W F &
Dif 2-3
Signal type: W G
_ H All 1-2-3
Divide 3 A
Divide 2 or 3 "1" B
Divide 2 or 3 "2" C
Divide 2 or 3 "3" D
Dif 1-2
Signal type: W F
Dif 1-3 &
Signal type: W
Dif 2-3
Signal type: W H >1
_ I
_ J
_1 K
Divide 2 or 3 "1" B &
Divide 2 or 3 "2" C
Divide 2 or 3 "3" D
Divide 2 "1" E
Divide 2 "2" A
Divide 2 "3" L
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-15
Transmitter 1
Signal type: W E
Transmitter 2 W 3
Signal type: W F
Transmitter 3
Signal type: W G &
W 2
H Signal type: W
W 2
W 2
All 1-2-3 D
Only 1-2 C
Only 1-3 B
Only 2-3 A
Software Manual
C-16 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
Fail-safe input devices, 1 Redundancy types, 2
201 (2 sensors), 3, 9
202 (2 sensors), 5, 11
M 301 (3 sensors), 4, 10
302 (3 sensors), 6, 12
Maximum on time, 1
Safety-related analog inputs with non-fail-safe
Non-fail-safe sensors, 3, 5 transmitters, 8
Non-fail-safe transmitters, 8, 9, 11 Redundant FSC configurations, 11
Single-channel FSC configurations, 9
Safety-related digital inputs with non-fail-safe sensors
O Redundant FSC configurations, 5
On time, 1 Single-channel FSC configurations, 3
Safety-related inputs with non fail-safe sensors, 1
Software Manual
Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors C-17
Software Manual
C-18 Appendix C: Safety-Related Inputs with Non-Fail-Safe Sensors
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix D:
On-Line Modification
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification i
Software Manual
ii Appendix D: On-Line Modification
D.1 Introduction
On-line modification is an FSC system option which allows you to modify the application software, system
software and the FSC hardware configuration of redundant systems, while the system remains
operational. During on-line modification, the changes are upgraded in one Central Part at a time.
Meanwhile, the other Central Part continues to monitor the process.
During the upgrade, the FSC system performs a compatibility check across the application-related data, in
order to guarantee a safe changeover from the old software to the new software. The system reports the
numbers of the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that have changed. This allows easy verification of the
implemented modification within the application. Additional verification of the changes can be obtained
using the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator.
The on-line modification option of the FSC system allows changes in the functional logic diagrams, the
FSC system configuration and the system software to be implemented in the system without the need of a
plant shutdown.
The amount of human interaction during the modification process is considerable. On-line
modification should therefore be carried out with the utmost care, and by authorized and
qualified persons only. In case of problems during the on-line modification, the FSC system
can go to a safe state resulting in a process shutdown.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-1
D.2 Description
This section describes the stages in the on-line modification process on a functional basis. The detailed
procedure for on-line modification is described in section D.7.
On-line modification (OLM) is only possible in systems with redundant Central Parts.
Before on-line modification can be performed, the on-line modification option must first be activated. This
is done using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install \ Configuration \ On-line
modification wanted) (see Figure D-1).
For systems that do not have redundant Central Parts, the on-line modification option will be
Setting the on-line modification option to 'Yes' will not affect the behavior of the FSC system. The system
will always perform a safety compatibility check across the application-related data when new software is
loaded into the system.
Software Manual
D-2 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
As the creation of application-related data is controlled by certain options of the FSC Navigator software,
these options must be prevented from performing any functions that could lead to incompatibilities
between the old and new application. This is done by setting the on-line modification to active. Section D.5
contains a list of the FSC Navigator functions that are affected when on-line modification has been
The steps taken in this stage are identical to those taken during application development. Use the FSC
Navigator functions to modify the application, translate it, and load it into EPROM/RAM.
If there are any changes in the application software, it is strongly recommended that you test the
application in an FSC simulation unit (23125/./., 23126/./., 23250/./., 23251/./. or 23260/./.) prior to
upgrading the actual system. In this way, any serious errors that could lead to unsafe situations or a total
system shutdown (e.g. calculation errors) are detected without consequences.
During this stage, the modifications are implemented in the FSC system, i.e. EPROMs are exchanged
and, if the system operates in RAM mode, the application is downloaded.
The software is upgraded in one Central Part at a time. If both the system software and the application
software are upgraded, both are upgraded simultaneously.
After the upgrade of the software in the first Central Part, the FSC system carries out a compatibility check
to verify if a safe changeover can be made from the old software to the new software. This check may last
several minutes. While the check is being executed, the time at the display of the diagnostic and battery
module (DBM, 10006/./.) is not updated.
As soon as the time at the DBM display starts running again, the check is finished. You can now use the
'On-Line Environment' option of FSC Navigator to read the results. The extended diagnostics screen will
show the numbers of the functional logic diagrams that have been changed (see Figure D-2). This allows
final verification of the modifications.
If a function block has changed, a difference will be reported for all functional logic diagrams
that use this function block.
If the force enable status of the inputs with location 'COM' or 'FSC' has changed, a sheet
difference will be reported for the sheets that contain these variables.
During on-line modification, the 'Verify Application' option may be used to log all revision
information. Refer to Section 11 of the FSC Software Manual ("Verifying an Application") for
further details.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-3
Figure D-2 Sheet difference during on-line modification
Apart from the report regarding sheet differences, no messages should be present. Any other message
indicates an incompatibility of the current application with the previous version. As a result, either on-line
modification is not possible, or the new software will run with limited functionality. The possible messages
and their consequences are listed in subsection D.3.
If the first Central Part reports no errors, it may be started. At the same time, the other Central Part will
shut down and software can be exchanged in the other Central Part.
If a system is part of an FSC communication network, it performs a compatibility check for all connected
systems. If inconsistencies are detected or if the check for a specific system cannot be completed for any
other reason, an error message is generated in the extended diagnostics. In case of such an error, no
data will be exchanged with the system after start-up. The communication can only be re-established after
successful completion of the compatibility check by any of the systems.
The FSC system performs the compatibility check for connected systems each time it is
started, regardless if modifications were made in the system or not. The extended
diagnostics should therefore always be examined prior to starting the system, to verify if all
communication links are intact.
Software Manual
D-4 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
D.3 Error diagnostics during on-line modification
Apart from the sheet differences report, the following messages may appear when reading extended
diagnostics during on-line modification:
If either the 'Communication failure during OLM' message or 'Incompatible variable allocation'
message is reported, it is not possible to start up the Central Part that contains the new
software. Trying to start up anyhow may result in a total system shutdown.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-5
D.3.2 Diagnostics relating to FSC network configuration check
If the system is started while one of these faults is present, no communication with the target
system will be accomplished.
Software Manual
D-6 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
D.4 On-line rebuild
When an application is created, variables are allocated to locations in system memory (see Figure D-3). If
the application is then changed, variable allocations will change as well. This is partly because of user
interaction (e.g. removal of a variable allocated to a hardware channel) and partly because of actions by
the FSC Navigator software (e.g. change of the number of compiler markers required to realize a
functional logic diagram).
a) b) c)
If the application has been configured for on-line modification, every time a variable is deleted from the
application, its allocation is blocked for further use (Figure D-3) in order to guarantee application
compatibility with the previous version. As a consequence of this mechanism, the required amount of
system memory will increase, while the allocated memory becomes more and more fragmented.
The only way to release blocked allocations is via the 'On-Line Rebuild' option of FSC Navigator. This
option must be selected after the application has been compiled and upgraded into the FSC system.
During the on-line rebuild, the variable allocation is read from the FSC system and the unused memory
locations are unlocked.
For details on the on-line rebuild function refer to Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual ("System
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-7
D.5 Consequences for functionality of FSC Navigator options
If on-line modification is active, the following functions in FSC Navigator are not available:
• System Configuration:
− change the name of allocated tag numbers,
− change configured hardware modules.
• Design FLDs:
− change the name of used tag numbers,
− renumber FLDs,
− append an application.
D.6 Limitations
The following modifications cannot be made using the on-line modification option:
− I/O racks with function 1oo1D (single) cannot be added/deleted.
− Upgrade of system software if the system is running an FSC release older than 2.80b1.
On-line modification and start-up of redundant systems configured in "Warm Start" mode may give
spurious diagnostic messages.
During an on-line modification it is possible to add and delete all types of variables, including timers, inputs
and outputs. If an output is deleted which was high at the time of the on-line modification, the output will
remain high after removal from the application program.
Software Manual
D-8 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
D.7 On-line modification procedure
1. Verify TPS compatibility with FSC system software (only for FSC-SM).
Prior to proceeding with an on-line upgrade of the FSC system software, verify that the correct TPS
software release has been loaded.
If an upgrade of the TPS software is required (see Table D-1), load the TPS software
according to the procedure mentioned in the TPS documentation without loading the
Personality Image (PI) software of the FSC Safety Manager. The PI software of the FSC
Safety Manager must be loaded during the on-line modification procedure mentioned below.
2. Make sure the application in the FSC system is identical to the application that is
stored on the user station (FSC Navigator).
a) Compare the version of the application in the FSC system with the version of the application that
is stored on the user station (FSC Navigator).
− The version of the application in the FSC system can be determined using the 'Monitor
System' option of FSC Navigator (FSC System \ Sys Info \ Versions).
− The version of the application on the FSC user station can be determined by viewing the log
file of the 'Translate Application' option of FSC Navigator.
This method will only ensure that the applications in the FSC system and on the FSC user
station are identical if no modifications were made to the application at the FSC user station
without running the 'Translate Application' option of FSC Navigator afterwards.
b) Use the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator to verify the application in the FSC system
against the application on the FSC user station. For details refer to Section 11 of the FSC
Software Manual ("Verifying an Application").
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-9
4. Activate the on-line modification option.
In order to be able to carry out on-line modification, you must first activate the on-line modification
option. To activate this option, do the following:
1. Start FSC Navigator.
2. Open the application you wish to modify.
3. Choose the 'System Configuration' option from the Project menu or the FSC Project
Configuration screen.
4. From the Maintain menu, choose 'Install'.
5. From the Install menu, choose 'Configuration'.
6. Make sure that the 'On-line modification wanted' option is set to 'Yes'. If it is not, move the cursor
to this line and use <Space> to toggle the option to 'Yes'.
For systems that do not have redundant Central Parts, the on-line modification option will be
After translating, use the 'View Log' option of FSC Navigator to read the 'Translate Application' log
file. If any errors were detected, correct these errors and translate the application again.
Repeat these steps until the compiler reports no errors.
Use the 'Program EPROMs' option of FSC Navigator to program the EPROMs for the MEMory
modules (EPROM mode only) and COMmunication modules for both Central Parts.
The following sequence is recommended:
− Blank check
− Program
− Verify.
If you want to perform an on-line upgrade of the system software, program EPROMs for the CPU
module as well.
For FSC-SM systems, the new firmware EPROM of the 10008/2/U communication module must
also be programmed.
Provide all EPROMs with a unique identification with regard to module type, module number,
Central Part number, date and version number (in case of more than one upgrade on one day).
Software Manual
D-10 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
The following steps must be carried out per system. If you have a master/slave configuration, start
with the master system.
Before exchanging the EPROMs, use the 'Extended Diagnostics' option of FSC Navigator to verify
that the FSC system is OK. If FSC Navigator reports any errors, resolve these errors before
exchanging the EPROMs. (Please note that the error messages 'Analog input sensor break alarm'
and 'Analog output value invalid' may be ignored here.)
If you fail to repair all hardware failures before on-line modification, the process may shut
down during the on-line modification process.
a) Trip Central Part 1 by pulling the flatcable from the watchdog module (type 10005/1/1).
b) After Central Part 1 has tripped, you may reconnect the flatcable of the watchdog.
c) Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch (type 10002/1/1 or 10002/1/2) from Central Part 1 to
the 'STOP' position (horizontal).
d) Remove all communication cables from the COM modules (type 10004/./.) which are placed in
Central Part 1.
e) Switch off the 24 Vdc power supply by switching off circuit breaker from the Central Part 1
10. Exchange the memory EPROMs in Central Part 1 (only if the system operates in
EPROM mode).
If the application is located in EPROMs at module 10002/A/1 on the CPU module (10002/1/2)
instead of EPROMs on the memory module (10003/1/1), steps 10a to 10g below should read:
'EPROMs on the 10002/A/1 module on the CPU module'.
If more memory modules are installed in the system, repeat steps 10b to 10f for all other
memory modules.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-11
11. Exchange the communication EPROMs in Central Part 1.
If more communication modules are installed in the system, repeat steps 11b to 11g for the
other communication modules.
12. Exchange the CPU EPROMs (only if the system software is upgraded).
13. Exchange the FSMM EPROM (only for FSC-SM if the firmware software is upgraded).
a) Make sure that the TPS software is compatible with the FSC system software (see Table D-1).
b) Disconnect the UCN drop cables from the FSC-SMM module (type 10008/2/U) of Central
Part 1.
c) Loosen the screws of the FSC-SMM module.
d) Remove the EPROM from the FSC-SMM module.
e) Install the new EPROM on the FSC-SMM module.
f) Check the EPROM visually.
g) Put the FSC-SMM module back into place.
h) Fasten the screws of the FSC-SMM module.
i) Reconnect the UCN drop cables to the FSC-SMM module.
Software Manual
D-12 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
14. Start up Central Part 1.
a) Reconnect the communication cables to the communication modules. Make sure that the
cables are connected to the correct module and channel, and verify that the cables have been
properly inserted.
b) Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch of Central Part 1 to the 'RUN' position (vertical).
c) Wait for the vertical bus drivers (VBDs) to "click".
d) If the VBDs do not "click", switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch to the 'STOP' position
(horizontal), and disconnect the 24 Vdc power supply by switching off its circuit breaker (if
required). Then check all the modules whose EPROMs have been replaced. Make sure that
they have been placed in the correct position of the Central Part rack.
Steps 14f and 14g are only carried out if the system operates in RAM mode and if
downloading takes place via a Development System link with the FSC user station.
f) Use the 'Download Application' option of FSC Navigator to download the application software
for Central Part 1. Make sure that the Force Enable key switch is in the 'ON' position (vertical).
If it is not, downloading to FSC will not be possible.
g) Wait for the message 'Load successful. Use the RESET key switch to start up the central
part(s)' to appear.
If another message is displayed, check the communication link between the FSC user station
and the FSC system, and retry.
Steps 14h to 14j are only carried out if the system operates in RAM mode and if downloading
takes place via an FSC-FSC link for multidrop (MD) slaves.
h) Disconnect the multidrop cable from the FSC-FSC link port on the communication module in
Central Part 1, and connect the PC-FSC cable.
i) Use the 'Download Application' option of FSC Navigator to download the application software
for Central Part 1.
j) Wait for the message 'Waiting for OLM check and FSC-FSC COM check...' to appear.
Then switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch in Central Part 1 to the ‘STOP’ position
(horizontal). Disconnect the PC-FSC cable and reconnect the multidrop cable.
Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch on Central Part 1 to the 'RUN' position (vertical).
k) Go to the FSC system and wait until the diagnostic and battery module (DBM, 10006/./.) starts
"running" again. The DBM was stopped when downloading of the application software was
started. As long as the DBM time is "frozen", the system is performing the internal check
between Central Parts and systems.
l) When the DBM starts "running" again, use the 'Extended Diagnostics' option of FSC Navigator
to see if any errors have occurred via the FSC user station that is connected to the FSC
(master) system.
m) FSC Navigator will display the FLD differences between the two application versions. The error
"Diagnostic data invalid" may also be displayed. This will be the case if the CPU has been
removed and no sheet differences exist. The message "No faults detected" on systems with
FSC-FSC communication is also possible.
If any other messages are displayed, it is not allowed to reset the FSC system. A reset can
cause a trip on both Central Parts causing a shutdown of the plant.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-13
Cycle the CPU RUN/STOP keyswitch and repeat steps 14d to 14m, until all faults have been
traced and restored which are mentioned in this step as ‘any other messages’.
Steps 14n to 14p are only carried out for an FSC-SM system.
n) Wait for the secondary Safety Manager to become 'ALIVE' on the TPS operator station (US,
U S, GUS).
o) Load the Personality Image (PI) into the secondary Safety Manager Module (SMM).
p) Wait for the message 'LOADED' to appear. The status will go to 'BKUP_PF'.
q) If the diagnostics show no messages other than "Diagnostic data invalid'', "No faults detected",
"Device communication error" or "Sheet differences", you may restart the Central Part using the
watchdog reset key, or you may want to run the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator at
this point. This option will verify that there are no differences between the application in Central
Part 1 and the application on the FSC user station. In addition, this option will generate a list of
differences between the current version of the application and the 'old' version, which is still
present in Central Part 2 (revision control).
The log file will be overwritten if you run the 'Verify Application' option again. You should
therefore make a backup of the log file (by saving it under a different name or by printing it).
r) If a reset is given, Central Part 1 will start "running" and Central Part 2 will shut down.
s) Use the 'Monitor System' option of FSC Navigator to see if Central Part 1 is OK.
a) Due to the on-line modification, Central Part 2 will already be shut down.
b) Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch (type 10002/1/1 or 10002/1/2) from Central Part 1 to
the 'STOP' position (horizontal).
c) Remove all communication cables from the COM modules (type 10004/./.) which are placed in
Central Part 2.
d) Switch off the 24 Vdc power supply by switching off the circuit breaker from Central Part 2
16. Exchange the memory EPROMs in Central Part 2 (only if the system operates in
EPROM mode).
If the application is located in EPROMs at module 10002/A/1 on the CPU module (10002/1/2)
instead of EPROMs on the memory module (10003/1/1), steps 16a through 16g below should be
read: 'EPROMs on the 10002/A/1 module on the CPU module'.
Software Manual
D-14 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
e) Check the EPROMs visually and check if the correct set of EPROMs has been installed and in
the correct sequence.
f) Put the memory module back into place.
If more memory modules are installed in the system, repeat steps 16b to 16f for all other
memory modules.
If more communication modules are installed in the system, repeat steps 17b to 17g for the
other communication modules.
18. Exchange the CPU EPROMs (only if the system software is upgraded).
19. Exchange the FSMM EPROM (only for FSC-SM if the firmware software is upgraded).
a) Disconnect the UCN drop cables from the FSC-SMM module (type 10008/2/U) of Central
Part 2.
b) Loosen the screws of the FSC-SMM module.
c) Remove the EPROM from the FSC-SMM module.
d) Install the new EPROM on the FSC-SMM module.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-15
e) Check the EPROM visually.
f) Put the FSC-SMM module back into place.
g) Fasten the screws of the FSC-SMM module.
h) Reconnect the UCN drop cables to the FSC-SMM module.
a) Switch on the circuit breaker for the 24 Vdc power supply to Central Part 2 (optional).
b) Reconnect the communication cables to the communication modules. Make sure that the
cables are connected to the correct module and channel, and verify that the cables have been
properly inserted.
c) Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch of Central Part 2 to the 'RUN' position (vertical).
d) Wait for the vertical bus drivers (VBDs) to "click".
e) If the VBDs do not "click", switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch to the 'STOP' position
(horizontal), and disconnect the 24 Vdc power supply by switching off its circuit breaker (if
required). Then check all the modules whose EPROMs have been replaced. Make sure that
they have been placed in the correct position of the Central Part rack.
Steps 20f and 20g are only carried out if the system operates in RAM mode and if
downloading takes place via a Development System link with the FSC user station.
f) Use the 'Download Application' option of FSC Navigator to download the application software
for Central Part 2. Make sure that the Force Enable key switch is in the 'ON' position (vertical).
If it is not, downloading to FSC will not be possible.
g) Wait for the message 'Load successful. Use the RESET key switch to start up the central
part(s)' to appear.
If another message is displayed, check the communication link between the FSC user station
and the FSC system, and retry.
Steps 20h to 20j are only carried out if the system operates in RAM mode and if downloading
takes place via an FSC-FSC link for multidrop (MD) slaves.
h) Disconnect the multidrop cable from the FSC-FSC link port on the communication module in
Central Part 2, and connect the PC-FSC cable.
i) Use the 'Download Application' option of FSC Navigator to download the application software
for Central Part 2.
j) Wait for the message 'Waiting for OLM check and FSC-FSC COM check...' to appear.
Then switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch in Central Part 1 to the ‘STOP’ position
(horizontal). Disconnect the PC-FSC cable and reconnect the multidrop cable.
Switch the CPU RUN/STOP key switch on Central Part 2 to the 'RUN' position (vertical).
k) Go to the FSC system and wait until the diagnostic and battery module (DBM, 10006/./.) starts
"running" again. The DBM was stopped when downloading of the application software was
started. As long as the DBM time is "frozen", the system is performing the internal check
between Central Parts and systems.
l) When the DBM starts "running" again, use the 'Extended Diagnostics' option of FSC Navigator
to see if any errors have occurred via the FSC user station that is connected to the FSC
(master) system.
Software Manual
D-16 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
m) FSC Navigator will display the FLD differences between the two application versions. The error
"Diagnostic data invalid" may also be displayed. This will be the case if the CPU has been
removed and no sheet differences exist. The message "No faults detected" on systems with
FSC-FSC communication is also possible.
If any other messages are displayed, it is not allowed to reset the FSC system. A reset can
cause a trip on both Central Parts causing a shutdown of the plant.
Cycle the CPU RUN/STOP keyswitch and repeat steps 20d to 20m, until all faults have been
traced and restored which are mentioned in this step as ‘any other messages’.
Steps 20n to 20p are only carried out for an FSC-SM system.
n) Wait for the secondary Safety Manager to become 'ALIVE' on the TPS operator station (US,
U S, GUS).
o) Load the Personality Image (PI) into the secondary Safety Manager Module (SMM).
p) Wait for the message 'LOADED' to appear. The status will go to 'BKUP_PF'.
q) If no error messages are displayed other than the ones mentioned in step n, you may restart
the Central Part using the watchdog reset key.
r) If a reset is given, Central Part 2 will start "running" together with Central Part 1.
s) Use the 'Monitor System' option of FSC Navigator to see if the FSC system is OK.
t) Run the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator to verify that the FSC application software
in both Central Parts is consistent with the application as stored on the FSC user station.
This verification will overwrite the log file generated during the previous verification. You
should therefore make sure that you have a backup of the 'old' log file, if desired (by saving it
under a different name or by printing it).
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-17
D.8 On-line modification of tag numbers
In order to change input tag numbers in a system on-line, the following steps must be carried out:
1. Delete the tag numbers that are to be modified. Modify the FLD relating to these tags in such a way
such the FLDs remain in a steady state. Translate and download the application software as per OLM
procedure in section D.7.
2. Carry out the on-line rebuild.
3. Add the modified tag numbers in the FSC database and add the tag numbers back into the
corresponding FLD. Translate and download the application software as per OLM procedure in section
a) Connect the FSC user station to the FSC system via the Development System link port or FSC-FSC
link port (FSC multidrop slave systems).
b) From the On-Line menu of FSC Navigator, choose the 'On-Line Rebuild' option.
c) You will be asked to confirm the on-line rebuild. Press <Y> to confirm.
d) The message "Rebuilding screen file for status display..." will appear.
Shortly after that, the message "Toggle to select the Central Part to be rebuilt: 1" will be displayed.
Use <Space> to select the Central Part number that the PC is connected to. Press <Enter> to
e) The results of the rebuild are recorded in a log file, which can be viewed using the 'View Log' option
of FSC Navigator.
f) Back up the application, e.g. on floppy disk.
Software Manual
D-18 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
D.8.1.3 Adding changed tag numbers
c) Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to reassign the tag number to the respective FLD(s).
d) Translate the application and upgrade the system in accordance with the OLM procedure as
described in section D.7.
In order to change output tag numbers in a system on-line, the following steps must be carried out
(depending on the operational status of the outputs):
1. If the output may be de-energized, the procedure is identical to the procedure for changing input tag
numbers (see subsection D.8.1).
2. If continuous control of the output must be maintained, a temporary output which is allocated to a
spare channel is used to control the process while the output tag number is being changed.
D.8.2.1 Changing output tag numbers for outputs that may be de-energized
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-19
c) Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to modify the FLD relating to the added temporary tag
number(s). Add a new output symbol for the temporary tag number in parallel with its corresponding
output which is being changed.
d) Wire the hardware channel(s) of the output(s) being changed to the corresponding temporary output
channel(s) in the FSC cabinet.
e) Translate the application and upgrade the system according the OLM procedure in section D.7.
f) Select 'Configure FSC system' from the FSC main menu. Select 'Signal specs' and list the related tag
number(s) via the 'Search' option. Delete the tag numbers of the outputs being changed by pressing
<Ctrl>+<U>. The message 'Variable allocated. De-allocating because of on-line modification (Y/N)' is
displayed. Enter <Y> to confirm.
It is important that the tag numbers that are being changed, are deleted from the FSC
database. If the tag number is only deleted from the functional logic diagrams while its
hardware allocation is maintained, the corresponding output channel status is preserved
during the on-line modification and cannot be controlled after the on-line modification.
f) To modify the FLD relating to the deleted tag number(s), go to 'Design functional logic diagrams'.
Delete the output symbol for the tag number(s) being changed.
g) Translate the application and upgrade the system in accordance with the OLM procedure as
described in section D.7.
c) Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to modify the FLD relating to the added tag
number(s). Add a new output symbol for the tag number in parallel with its corresponding temporary
d) Translate the application and upgrade the system in accordance with the OLM procedure as
described in section D.7.
Software Manual
D-20 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
f) Use the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator to modify the FLD relating to the deleted tag
number(s). Delete the output symbol for the temporary tag number(s).
g) Remove the wiring to the temporary outputs from the FSC cabinet.
h) Translate the application and upgrade the system in accordance with the OLM procedure as
described in section D.7.
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-21
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
D-22 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
Activating on-line modification, 10 Modifying the FSC application, 3
Activating on-line modification option, 2
Allocation of variables in system memory, 7
C On-line modification, 1, 2
Activating on-line modification, 10
Changing output tag numbers Changing input tag numbers, 18
For outputs that may be de-energized, 19 Changing output tag numbers, 19
With continuous output control, 19 Checking the system before changing EPROMs,
Checking the system before changing EPROMs, 11 11
Communication EPROMs, 15 Consequences for functionality of FSC Navigator,
Compatibility between TPS and FSC system 8
software, 9 Exchanging communication EPROMs in a Central
CPU EPROMs, 15 Part, 12, 15
Exchanging CPU EPROMs, 12, 15
Exchanging FSMM EPROM, 12, 15
E Exchanging memory EPROMs in a Central Part,
11, 14
EPROMs, 11, 12, 14 Limitations, 8
Communication, 15 On-line rebuild, 7
CPU, 15 Procedure, 9
FSMM, 15 Programming applications in EPROMs, 10
Error diagnostics during on-line modification, 5 Starting up a Central Part, 13, 16
Relating to FSC network configuration check, 6 Switching off a Central Part, 11, 14
Relating to internal on-line modification check, 5 Translating an application, 10
Exchanging communication EPROMs in a Central Upgrading the FSC system, 3
Part, 12, 15 On-line modification in FSC networks, 4
Exchanging CPU EPROMs, 12, 15 On-line rebuild, 7, 18, 20, 21
Exchanging FSMM EPROM, 12, 15 Output tag numbers
Exchanging memory EPROMs in a Central Part, 11, Changing ∼, 19
Changing ∼ for outputs that may be de-energized,
Extended diagnostics, 3
Changing ∼ with continuous output control, 19
FSC network configuration check, 6 P
FSC networks, 4
Personality Image (PI), 9
Programming applications in EPROMs, 10
Function blocks, 3
Rebuilding an application, 7
Input tag numbers
Changing ∼, 18
Internal on-line modification check, 5
Software Manual
Appendix D: On-Line Modification D-23
Index (continued)
Sheet difference during on-line modification, 3 U
Starting up a Central Part, 13, 16
Upgrading the FSC system, 1, 3
Switching off a Central Part, 11, 14
Tag numbers
Adding ∼, 20
Adding changed ∼, 19
Changing input ∼, 18
Changing output ∼, 19
Deleting ∼, 18, 19
TPS compatibility with FSC system software, 9
Translating an application, 10
Software Manual
D-24 Appendix D: On-Line Modification
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix E:
PID Controllers
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix E: PID Controllers i
Software Manual
ii Appendix E: PID Controllers
E.1 Introduction
The most common way to introduce feedback in a control loop is via PID algorithms. The process input is
controlled in such a way that the process output will approximate a predefined setpoint.
Setpoint Output
PID Process
The characteristics of the PID controller – such as gain, damping, overshoot, etc. – are adjusted by
several parameters, with the proportional, integrational and differential (PID) being the most important
A standard software PID algorithm has been implemented in the FSC system software. The user can
easily use this algorithm via a symbol in the functional logic diagrams (see Figure E-2).
A Measurement I
Setpoint 5 S
1 Output D
PID name
Control parameters can be altered on-line using the 'Monitor System' option of FSC Navigator (Process
status \ Var status \ Edit PID).
The controller inputs and outputs are shown in graphic bars in the PID menu of the 'Monitor System'
option of FSC Navigator.
Several operating modes are supported, including Auto, Manual and Cascade.
Software Manual
Appendix E: PID Controllers E-1
E.2 Theoretical approach
To control several analog I/O, the FSC system can use a software controller. The most commonly used
controller is the PID (Proportional, Integrational and Differential controller). The PID will control a process
variable of the process controlled by the FSC system. This process (output) value is compared to a
predefined (setpoint) value. The PID will control the process variable (output) in such a way that the
process state (input) value will approximate the setpoint. Figure E-3 shows the model used for the FSC
PID function.
Setpoint high clamp
Setpoint low clamp
Sample time
Software Manual
E-2 Appendix E: PID Controllers
u(t) = PID output
u’(t) = process input (clamped PID output)
y(t) = process output
e’(t) = error function = y(t) - SP’
e(t) = PID input (clamped error function)
SP = setpoint
SP’ = clamped setpoint
K = gain factor
Ti = integration time (reset time)
Td = differentiate time (rate time) (or derivative time)
PB = proportional band (100 / K)
S = derivative operator.
y(k) is sampled by the FSC system with a sample time T0.
The differential quotient can be converted to a first-order difference and the integral to a sum (using
trapezium approximation).
T 0 k e(i − 1) + e(i ) Td
u(k ) = K e( k ) + ∑ + (e( k ) − e( k − 1))
Ti i =1 2 T0
The following recursive relation can be derived from the above formula:
The following constants are used to implement a number of clamp functions (see below):
q0 = K ∗ (1 + 0.5 ∗ T0 / Td + Td / T0)
q1 = -K ∗ (1 + 2 ∗ Td / T0 - 0.5 ∗ T0 / Ti)
q2 = K ∗ (Td / T0)
Setpoint clamp
If setpoint < setpoint low clamp then the setpoint (SP) is set to the value of setpoint low clamp.
If setpoint > setpoint high clamp then the setpoint (SP) is set to the value of setpoint high clamp.
Output clamp
If output < output low clamp then the output (u’(k)) is set to the value of output low clamp.
If output > output high clamp then the output (u’(k)) is set to the value of output high clamp.
Error clamp
e(k) becomes
{ sign (e’k) } ∗ MIN { abs (e’(k)), abs (deviation limit) }
In general the FSC PID control function (the function in the dashed lines) can be seen as a block with the
process output y(k) and the setpoint as input. The output is the process input y’(k). By changing the
parameters, the function within the block can be controlled.
Software Manual
Appendix E: PID Controllers E-3
E.3 How to configure, implement and use a PID controller in the
FSC system
The project database will contain a variable with type 'P' if a PID controller:
• has been added to the database (using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator), or
• has been placed on a functional logic diagram (using the 'Design FLDs' option of FSC Navigator).
The configuration of the parameters, mode and scaling can be done using the 'System Configuration'
option of FSC Navigator (via 'I/O\Hardware Specs').
The PID can be implemented in the logic by a standard PID symbol. For normal operation (Auto mode),
only the setpoint (S) and input (I) must be connected.
If the PID is in manual mode, the output (O) can be set via the 'Monitor System' option of FSC Navigator.
If M=1, the PID mode will be switched to manual mode and the value OM will be copied to the output O. If
M=0, the PID mode stays in the current mode.
Since the input M and OM are linked together, either both or none must be connected.
In cascade mode, the cascade input (CS) must be connected to the output (O) of another PID. In the
configuration of the cascade PID, the controller which is connected to the cascade input (CS) must be
configured. This is done in the I/O hardware specs by toggling the cascade input to YES and enter the tag
number of the PID which is connected to the CS input.
If the PID is in cascade mode, the connected PID must be in master mode. If more than two PIDs are
configured, these can be connected in the chain of controllers. This is done by switching the first PID in
Auto mode and all the other PIDs in cascade mode. The PID in Auto mode is called master and all others
are slaves.
All connected binary inputs and outputs must be of signal type Float (F).
Software Manual
E-4 Appendix E: PID Controllers
InputSlave A
InputMaster A I
F 5 S 2 D output
F 10 S 1 O
F 50 OM
The cascade input of the PID 'pidslave' is used, so the cascade input must be configured to YES and the
master PID tag number must be configured as 'pidmaster'.
If PID 'pidslave' is in Auto mode, the output is calculated based on the AI 'Input slave' and the setpoint S
(5). The digital input 'ManualModeSwitch' (M) must be low.
If 'ManualModeSwitch' is high, the value of OM (50) is copied directly to the value of the output O 'Output'.
In none of the above situations, the operation mode of PID 'pidmaster' is important.
If PID 'pidmaster' is in Auto mode, the PID 'pidslave' can be switched over to cascade mode. The master
PID 'pidmaster' will calculate its output based on the input 'InputMaster' and the setpoint S (10). The
cascade PID 'pidslave' will calculate its output based on the input 'InputSlave' and its cascade setpoint
(CS), which is the output of the 'pidmaster'.
A practical example is the temperature control of an 'open' vessel filled with a certain gas as shown in the
figure below:
D PID slave
PID Master
Pressure I D
10 S
Volume and pressure are measured. The temperature is controlled by the master/slave PID algorithm.
Software Manual
Appendix E: PID Controllers E-5
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
E-6 Appendix E: PID Controllers
Auto mode, 4 Output clamp, 3
Cascade mode, 4 PID algorithm, 1
Clamp function PID control parameters, 1
Error clamp, 3 PID controller, 1, 2
Output clamp, 3 Configuration and implementation, 4
Setpoint clamp, 3 Error clamp, 3
Configuring a PID controller, 4 Example configuration, 5
Ideal equation, 2
Output clamp, 3
E Setpoint clamp, 3
PID in functional logic diagram, 1
Equation for PID controller, 2 PID master, 4
Error clamp, 3 PID modes
Auto, 4
Cascade, 4
F Manual, 4
Feedback in control loop, 1 Test, 4
FSC PID control function, 2 PID slave, 4
Implementing a PID controller, 4 Setpoint clamp, 3
Slave, 4
Manual mode, 4
Master, 4 Test mode, 4
Software Manual
Appendix E: PID Controllers E-7
Software Manual
E-8 Appendix E: PID Controllers
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix F:
Communication Manual
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual i
Software Manual
ii Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.1 Introduction
Nowadays, process control and safeguarding functions in chemical and petrochemical plants are highly
automated via computer systems. Apart from the processing power offered by these computer systems,
they are also capable of gathering valuable information on the actual status of the process part they are
monitoring. In order to make optimum use of this information and to be able to provide adequate
information to plant operators, both the process control and the safeguarding systems must have
communication capabilities to exchange process information.
For optimum availability of the communication, the redundant FSC system configurations allow the use of
redundant communication links as well.
The following subsections describe each of the communication capabilities. First, several important
definitions are explained.
The Modbus and the Siemens RKE3964R protocols can accept write commands to the FSC
system. FSC Navigator can send force commands to the FSC system. The number of write /
force commands to the FSC system per application program cycle is limited in redundant
Central Part configurations. An approximation for the number of write / force commands per
application is: (application program cycle time in ms – 160 ms) / 10. This is the total number
of write / force commands of all communication protocols to one FSC system.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-1
F.2 Glossary
Logical link
The logical link expresses the capability of two systems to exchange information via the communication
network. A logical link may include several physical links (e.g. via Communication servers, see Figure
Physical link
The physical link defines the interconnection of systems within the communication network. Multiple
logical links may be realized across a physical link (see Figure F-1).
physical link
logical link
Point to point
A point-to-point link is a physical link which interconnects two systems, with one system connected to
each end of the link (see Figure F-2).
Multidrop link
A multidrop link is a physical link which interconnects multiple systems (see Figure F-3). Within the
context of the FSC communication, a multidrop link is the connection of a single master system with
multiple slave systems.
Software Manual
F-2 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Redundant link
A redundant link is a logical link which is connected to both Central Parts of a redundant FSC system (see
Figure F-4 to Figure F-6). For FSC-FSC communication, a redundant link is realized via two independent
physical links, each connected to a single Central Part. For communication with non-FSC systems, a
redundant link is realized via a single physical link which is connected to both Central Parts.
Communication master
A communication master is a system which is able to initiate an exchange of data with other systems
without being requested by another system.
Communication slave
A communication slave is a system which only exchanges data with another system only when requested
by the other system.
Communication server
A communication server is a system which is not an end user of the exchanged data, but serves as a
routing device between master and slave systems.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-3
F.3 Communication with Distributed Control Systems
The FSC system is able to communicate with Distributed Control Systems (DCS) via three different
communication protocols:
1. TPS network protocol
2. Modbus RTU
3. RKE3964R
This section describes the capabilities of the FSC system with respect to the communication via these
There can be a maximum of one write command to the same address per application cycle.
The FSC Safety Manager is directly connected to the Universal Control Network (UCN) of the TotalPlant
Solution (TPS) system as shown in Figure F-7. Its interface to the UCN enables the FSC-SM to readily
share data with its peers on the UCN. For more detailed information on communication between the
FSC-SM and the TPS system please refer to the FSC-SM documentation.
Module FSC Safety Manager
Trunk Cables A+B FSC I/O Subsystem
Software Manual
F-4 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.3.2 Communication via the Modbus RTU protocol
The Modbus protocol as implemented in the FSC system conforms to the description in the Gould
Modbus protocol reference guide; PI-MBUS-300 Rev B, 1985.
The FSC system supports the Modbus RTU protocol. A special "dialect" of the protocol, for
communication with Hartmann & Braun Contronic E and Contronic P system, is available as an option.
The protocol details are described in chapter F.3.2.5.
Within the Modbus protocol, information exchange is accomplished in frames. Each frame contains the
following information: system address, command type (function code), function parameters, checksum.
The length of a frame depends on the function code and the function parameters. The checksum is used
to verify the correctness of the transferred information.
During the configuration of the application, the communication of the FSC system to the DCS is also
configured, by assigning the Modbus protocol to a communication channel, and defining the protocol
The Modbus communication protocol is supported on both point-to-point and multidrop networks. The
communication link may be redundant (see Figure F-2 to Figure F-6).
A point-to-point redundant link can be configured by assigning a primary point-to-point Modbus link to
Central Part 1 and a secondary point-to-point Modbus link to Central Part 2. The timeout must have a
value that is larger than the maximum read cycle on both links.
During the communication process, the FSC system performs a slave function, which means that data
exchange is initiated by the DCS.
Please note that Modbus communication is only running if the FSC system is running. This means that
there will be no Modbus communication if the FSC system has shut down or is waiting for a reset.
If a redundant device link is used and both Central Parts are healthy, then communication is established
via both Central Parts alternately. Every 10 seconds a changeover to the other Central Part is made. If
one Central Part fails, communication is realized via the healthy Central Part.
The data exchange between FSC and DCS system is realized via configured marker and register areas
(see Figure F-8). The link of the communication to the FSC system application is made via application
variables (I, O, BI, BO with location COM). These are allocated to the FSC communication link with the
The FSC system is able to handle a maximum of 250 data bytes per read/write transfer, i.e. a maximum
number of 2000 coils or 125 holding registers.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-5
Figure F-8 Modbus data area configuration
Table F-1 and Table F-2 show the Modbus function and error codes supported by the FSC system.
Software Manual
F-6 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Table F-2 Supported error codes
2 Illegal data address The applied variable address exceeds the configured
communication area boundaries.
3 Illegal data value Incorrect data format (e.g. invalid time stamp).
For a detailed description of the supported function codes, incl. function parameters and frame formats,
see the Gould Modbus Protocol reference guide: PI-MBUS-300, Rev B, 1985.
If function code 6 is used, the four registers can be written separately. Upon reception of the first three
registers (Year, Month/Date, Hour/minute) the FSC system only stores the received data. Upon reception
of the last register (Sec), the FSC system checks the entire time stamp. It will accept the data if it
represents a valid time.
Due to variable delays in the data transfer of the DCS to the FSC system (scan delay + duration of the
transfer), an additional hardwired clock synchronization input must be provided in the FSC system. At
assertion of the clock synchronization input (0 → 1 edge), a previously transferred time stamp is copied to
the FSC real-time clock.
Via the clock synchronization input, easy adjustment of the FSC clock to daylight saving time is possible. If
the input is asserted while no time stamp was transmitted by the DCS, the FSC time will be set at 3.00
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-7
Each event contains 8 bytes as specified in the table below.
Value Milliseconds
Minutes SZ Hours
For correct operation of the Modbus protocol, the number of registers in the event request
must be 64.
When reading FSC event data, the DCS shall use the register addresses 49994 and 49995 alternately.
The FSC system uses the mechanism for confirmation of the last event response message that was sent.
While receiving alternate register addresses, the FSC system sends the next events in sequence. When
the same address is received, the FSC system re-sends the last event message.
The event data read option is only valid when the FSC Numerical SER format is configured.
System addressing
Within the communication, the address of the target FSC system that the DCS wants to communicate with
must be specified. The communication address of the FSC system is the system number ∗ 4.
Variable addressing
The representation of the addresses of variables used for FSC-DCS communication differs between the
FSC and DCS system. The following algorithms can be used to calculate the Modbus addresses from the
FSC addresses. These are generated automatically when configuring the communication (see also Figure
Table F-4 Calculation of Modbus addresses
I FSC address + 1
O FSC address + 5001
BI (FSC address / 2) + (4)0001
AI (FSC address / 2) + (4)3001
BO (FSC address / 2) + (4)5001
Software Manual
F-8 Appendix F: Communication Manual
– No addressing information is contained in function code 8.
– The Modbus addresses for the variable types I, O, BI and BO can be output to hardcopy
using the 'Print / Project Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
– The FSC addresses for variable type AI can be output to hardcopy using the 'Print / Project
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (column 'Byte').
– For some DCS systems, the offset of 40.000 for addresses of BI and BO variables cannot
be configured. Refer to the documentation of your DCS vendor for further details.
The FSC system allows access of variable type I and O in multiples of 16 via the Modbus register function
codes 3, 4, 6 and 16. Table F-5 shows an overview of the supported Modbus function codes, the
applicable address ranges and the FSC variable types.
The address ranges in release ≥ 2.9x differ from the ranges in older versions. However,
release ≥ 2.9x still supports these ranges. Therefore no adaptation of the DCS address
configuration is required when upgrading the FSC system to release ≥ 2.9x. It is
recommended to use the above mentioned address ranges for new applications and to
modify old applications when appropriate.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-9
F. Response times
The maximum process control response time is calculated by adding the following parameters:
9 8 4
M 5 M
3 6
Software Manual
F-10 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.3.2.3 Fault handling
Communication channels that are configured for the Modbus protocol are expected to be communicating
continuously. The correct operation of these communication channels is monitored by the FSC via
timeouts, which can be defined by the user when configuring of the communication channel.
A channel is regarded faulty if no valid Modbus frame was received within the configured timeout period. A
fault is then reported via the extended diagnostics and the DEVICE-COM.FLT alarm marker.
The system automatically recovers from this fault as soon as communication resumes.
F.3.2.4 Configuration
1: – Configuration is applicable both to link status Primary and Secondary.
– The link can either be redundant or not redundant. However, a redundant link is implicitly considered to be a
multidrop link.
– Handshake type (none, hardware), number of stop bits (1, 2) bits per character (7, 8) and parity type (odd, even, none)
are configurable.
2: – Only 1 channel on a COM module can be set at a baud rate of 2M.
– If a COM module is used with /F/G or /F/I interface, the maximum baud rate of channel A is 19K2 instead of 38K4.
3: Maximum allowable cable length:
– RS 422 / 485 – RS232 PtoP / RS232C MD – Current loop
2 km 38K4 baud: 10 m 19K2 baud: 5m
Other: 15 m 9600 baud: 10 m
4800 baud: 25 m
2400 baud: 50 m
1200 baud: 100 m
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-11
F.3.2.5 Modbus for communication with Contronic E/P
The FSC modbus protocol driver (MB_HB.BIN) for communication with Hartmann & Braun systems
Contronic E and Contronic P conforms to the description of the Gould Modbus protocol reference guide;
PI-MBUS-300.REV12, 1985.
The functionality of the driver is identical to the functionality of the general FSC Modbus RTU driver, with
the following exceptions:
1) Real-time clock synchronization (chapter F.3.1.2) is not supported.
2) Event specification (chapter F.
– two specific event sequence numbers are defined, independent of the configured numerical
SER range
EEEEH = Event buffer empty
FFFFH = Event buffer overflow
– The event value range is [0, 1]
3) Address ranges (chapter F.
Software Manual
F-12 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.3.3 Communication via the RKE3964R protocol
The RKE3964R protocol, as implemented in the FSC system, conforms to the Siemens
RKE3964/RKE3964R protocol specification. The protocol can be used for data exchange between an
FSC system and, for example, the TELEPERM M AS 230.
The RKE3964R protocol is block-oriented. All data to be exchanged is allocated within a pre-defined
communication block. Throughout data exchange, either complete blocks or partial blocks can be
Data exchange is accomplished in messages. A message consists of a command (read/write), data type,
block number, data offset address within the block, a checksum, and, if the message is a data write
command, data. The checksum is used to verify the correctness of received information. A message
contains a maximum of 128 data bytes.
The FSC system supports master and slave operating modes. In slave mode the FSC system will only
send data upon a specific request from the connected DCS. In master mode the FSC system may be
configured to initiate data transfer itself, either periodically or at occurrence of a pre-defined event.
The RKE3964R protocol can be used for point-to-point links, redundant device links and redundant point-
to-point links (see Figure F-2, Figure F-4 and Figure F-6).
A point-to-point redundant link can be configured by assigning a primary point-to-point RKE3964R link to
Central Part 1 and a secondary point-to-point RKE3964R link to Central Part 2.
Data exchange between the FSC system and DCS is realized via the configured marker and register
areas (Figure F-10). The link of the communication to the FSC system application is made through
application variables (I, O, BI, BO) with location COM (see Figure F-10).
Slave mode
If slave mode is configured for the RKE3964R communication protocol, then initiation of data transfer is
always done by the DCS.
If a redundant device link is used and both Central Parts are healthy, then communication is established
via both Central Parts alternately. Every 10 seconds a change over to the other Central Part is made. If
one Central Part fails, communication is realized via the healthy Central Part.
Master mode
If master mode is configured for the RKE3964R communication protocol, then initiation of data transfer
can be done by the FSC system as well as by the DCS. The FSC system may be configured for each
block to transmit data under different kinds of conditions. Possible conditions are:
– upon a specific request by the DCS only,
– each application program cycle,
– timed (each N ∗ 0.5 seconds),
– at occurrence of a specific output activation, or
– combined timed and output activation.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-13
If a redundant device link is used, communication will only be accomplished via one of the connected
Central Parts. Normally this is the link via Central Part 1. The communication link connected to the
redundant Central Part serves as a hot stand-by. It takes over communication if the first link fails.
If both redundant links fail, the FSC system will continuously try to re-establish Central Part
communication via both links. Such a situation could occur when the connected system is
taken off line. At restart of the system, incorrect data could be received by the DCS due to
collision of data sent by both Central Parts within the FSC system. This situation normally
lasts only for a short period of time.
Software Manual
F-14 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F. Supported commands and error messages
Table F-8 and Table F-9 show the supported RKE3964R commands and error codes.
ED read data unit(s) read from marker or register area (I, O, BI, BO)
Due to variable delays in data transfer from DCS to FSC, an additional hardwired clock synchronization
input must be provided in the FSC system. At assertion of this clock synchronization input (0 → 1 edge), a
previously transferred time stamp is copied to the FSC real-time clock.
Via the clock synchronization input easy adjustment of the FSC clock to daylight saving time is possible. If
the clock synchronization input was asserted while no time stamp was present within the FSC system,
then the FSC real-time clock will be set to 03.00 am.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-15
F. Block definition
RKE3964R protocol block definitions are made when defining data exchange areas using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator. See Figure F-11 for block definition fields in master mode and
Figure F-12 for block definition fields in slave mode.
Fields that can be defined as well in slave mode as in master mode are:
Block number
You can enter a value between 0 and 255. Block numbers are divided into four groups, each with its
specific type of data: 0 - 62 : binary inputs
64 - 127 : binary outputs
128 - 191 : digital inputs
192 - 255 : digital outputs
Block size
This field defines the number of data bytes in the block. The maximum number of bytes in a block
depends on the number of marker or register bytes configured for input or output, and on the size of
already defined blocks in the same variable type.
Software Manual
F-16 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Register type
This field is available for block numbers 0 - 127, i.e. for input or output registers. It determines the register
type that is used within the block. Only registers of the defined type can be allocated to this block.
Possible types are: Byte, Word, or Float.
This field is only available in master mode. With this field a selection can be made of the condition that
must be met for sending data by the FSC system:
All blocks can be configured to be transmitted by the FSC system without specifically being
requested by the DCS. This applies also for input data blocks. The reason for this is that data
transmitted by the DCS via RKE3964R cannot be viewed local by the DCS itself. Therefore
also the FSC input areas can be read by the DCS to allow a kind of echoing of received data.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-17
Time period
This field is only available in master mode and when selecting "Time periodic" at the "Frequency" field.
This field allows you to define the time between data exchanges in steps of 0.5 seconds. Possible values
are: 0 - 120, which implies a maximum time period of 1 minute.
Transmit on event
This field is only available in master mode and when selecting "Not periodic" or "Time periodic" at the
"Frequency" field. This field allows you to add a digital output (location SYS) that is related to start of data
exchange. Whenever this output goes active, data exchange is started for the related block number.
For example see Figure F-11: at BO block number 66 field "Frequency" is set to "Not periodic", while field
"Transmit on event" is set to "Yes". This results in an automatic generation of a digital output with location
SYS and its tag number composed of Central Part number, communication module number,
communication channel and block number: "E 1_2_A_66". If this output becomes active, block number 66
of Central Part 1, communication module 2, channel A will be sent to the connected DCS.
Software Manual
F-18 Appendix F: Communication Manual
The maximum process control response time is calculated by adding the following parameters (see Figure
9 8 4
M 5 M
3 6
The Siemens RKE3964R protocol in master mode has a capacity to transmit messages on
event. The number of events that can initiate a communication message is limited when the
RKE3964R protocol is used on a communication module that also supports FSC-FSC
communication (including the communication between the Central Parts). When the
RKE3964R protocol is used in combination with FSC-FSC communication, the maximum
number of events is 15 per program cycle.
Communication channels that are configured for the RKE3964R protocol are expected to be
communicating continuously. The correct operation of these communication channels is monitored by the
FSC system via a fixed timeout of 3 seconds.
A channel is regarded faulty if no valid RKE3964R frame was received within the timeout period. A fault is
then reported via the extended diagnostics and the DEVICE-COM.FLT alarm marker.
The system automatically recovers from this fault as soon as communication resumes.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-19
F.3.3.4 Configuration
1: – Configuration is applicable to link types.
– The link either be a redundant device link or a point-to-point link.
2: Maximum allowed cable length:
– RS232C PtoP / RS232 MD, all baud rates: 15 m
– Current loop
19K2 baud: 5m
9600 baud: 10 m
4800 baud: 25 m
2400 baud: 50 m
1200 baud: 100 m
Software Manual
F-20 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.4 Hardcopy via the Printer protocol
The Printer protocol within the FSC system is used for creating hardcopy of certain application output.
There are two different types of applications that create output for the Printer protocol:
− Report generation, and
− SER generation.
The format for these output types can be defined using the 'SER format' option of FSC Navigator. Reports
and SER generation are briefly discussed subsection F.4.2.
The Printer protocol can only be used for point-to-point links and redundant device links.
The communication between FSC system and printer is done simplex, i.e. the FSC system sends ASCII
characters and the printer prints them on paper.
There is, however, a possibility at configuration, to allocate binary output variables (location COM) to the
printer channel. This is done to enable generation of BO SER messages for the printer (see Figure F-14).
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-21
Two different types of applications use the printer as an output device:
− SER printing, and
− reports printing.
In an operational plant the need may exist to evaluate occurrences of abnormal situations. The FSC
system provides sequence-of-event recording (SER) features. The SER data provided by the FSC system
can be output to a printer, or it can be used by FSCSOE, a separate Windows application which allows
you to log, view and interpret process events. For details on how to configure SER refer to Section 4 of the
FSC Software Manual ("System Configuration").
Sequence-of-event recording (SER) reports changes in the state of user-defined application variables,
input and output forcings, and FSC system markers. These events are output to an SER logging device.
For details about SER events and message generation refer to appendix B ("Sequence of Event
If the SER logging device is a printer, then the 'SER formats' option of FSC Navigator enables you to
define an output format for each variable type. This means that you can indicate yourself which data are of
interest to you when printing SER and which data are not. For details about editing SER message formats
refer to Section 5 of the FSC Software Manual ("Editing Reports and SER format").
There is one special feature for generating SER messages that are sent to a printer device: numerical
SER format. This means that an intelligent device is used to process short hexadecimal SER records
instead of complete ASCII format messages. For more information refer to appendix B ("Sequence of
Events Recording)".
Not only abnormal situations may be of interest at a running plant. For example, the wish may exist to print
out a daily report containing important information about a number of process variables for evaluation of
process efficiency.
The 'SER format' option of FSC Navigator allows you to define up to 64 report formats. Based on such a
format definition, a report will be generated and sent to a printer device when at least one of up to three
conditions for that report becomes true. Conditions that can be defined are:
– SER event : a specific SER event occurs,
– Counter value : a specific counter value is reached,
– Register value : a specific register value is reached.
For details on how to configure and edit report formats refer to Section 5 of the FSC Software Manual
("Editing Reports and SER Format").
Software Manual
F-22 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.4.3 Fault handling
The on-line status of communication channels that are configured for the Printer protocol are monitored by
the FSC system via a fixed link timeout of 1 minute and by the configured handshake protocol (see Table
If no handshake was configured (option "None" at the field "Handshake"), then the FSC system has no
means of detecting that a printer is off-line or that it is being disconnected. In this case the link timeout is
disabled, and this implies that SER messages and Reports can be lost when the printer goes off-line.
If XON/XOFF handshaking was configured (option "XON/XOFF at the field "Handshake"), then the FSC
system expects the printer to repetitiously send a XON character when it is on-line and to send a XOFF
character when it is off-line. In this case the time needed for the FSC system to detect that the printer is
off-line, is the time between two succeeding XON/XOFF characters sent by the printer. Further, if the
printer would be completely disconnected from the FSC system, then no characters at all are received by
the FSC system, and it takes as long as 1 minute (the link timeout) for the FSC system to detect the link to
the printer as being faulty. As a result of this still SER messages may be lost. For example there may be
some time between a printer going off-line and it sending a XOFF character to the FSC system. All SER
messages, that are sent from the FSC system to the printer during this time, will be lost.
If hardware handshaking was configured (option "Hardware" at the field "Handshake), then the chance is
negligible that SER is lost. Because, in this last case, when the printer goes off-line, it is immediately
detected by the FSC system. Also disconnecting the printer from the FSC system is immediately detected.
This allows the FSC system to buffer SER messages until the printer goes on-line again or until the link is
detected faulty, in which case the FSC system will try to re-route SER message via the redundant link.
It is therefore strongly recommended that, if you do not want to lose SER messages, you choose the
hardware handshaking option when configuring the printer protocol using the 'System Configuration'
option of FSC Navigator.
F.4.4 Configuration
1: * Configuration is applicable to link types.
* The link can either be a redundant device link or a point-to-point link.
2: Maximum allowed cable length:
o RS232C PtoP / RS232 MD, all baud rates : 15 m
o Current loop
19K2 baud: 5m
9600 baud: 10 m
4800 baud: 25 m
2400 baud: 50 m
1200 baud: 100 m
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-23
F.5 Communication with the FSC user station
There may be communication between the FSC user station (with FSC Navigator and/or FSCSOE running
on it) and the FSC system for a number of functions:
− monitor process behavior,
− monitor the FSC system status,
− rebuild the FSC databases on-line,
− verify the application as present in the FSC system, and
− collect events logged by the FSC sequence-of-event (SER) function.
The controlled process and FSC system can be monitored using the 'On-Line Environment' function of
FSC Navigator. This function also includes the capability of changing application variables on-line, e.g.
The on-line rebuild of the FSC system database is part of the 'System Configuration' option of FSC
Navigator. The function is used in combination with the on-line modification function of the FSC system
(see appendix D). The on-line rebuild extracts information from the FSC system and rebuilds the
databases so they can be used for further project development allowing new modifications to be
implemented on-line.
The 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator extracts information from the FSC system and validates
its correctness against the FSC databases.
Events can be collected via the sequence-of-event recording feature. Logged events are stored in a
database which can be inspected at any time.
Software Manual
F-24 Appendix F: Communication Manual
The protocol used is the Development System communication protocol of Honeywell Safety Management
Systems. For more information on the above-mentioned options of FSC Navigator, refer to the applicable
parts of the FSC Software Manual.
The communication between the FSC system and the FSC user station supports both point-to-point and
multidrop networks connected to one or all Central Parts (redundant) of an FSC system.
In the communication with the FSC user station, the FSC systems perform a slave function. Data is only
sent at request from the FSC user station.
The target system(s) for the FSC user station to communicate with is/are determined either by the
currently selected FSC Navigator option (e.g. 'Monitor System' option) or by configuration within the
program option itself.
The communication may be specific to a Central Part, e.g. to read diagnostic information, or not Central
Part specific (process status, event data read). In the latter case, when a redundant communication link is
being used, the communication will be established via both links alternately. A change over to the other
link is made every 10 seconds. If communication via one of the links fails, all communication is realized
via the healthy link.
If a communication channel is configured for communication with the FSC user station and it is configured
as the SER reference, then the FSC system monitors the operation of the communication channel. If no
valid communication has been accomplished during a period of 1 minute, the channel is reported faulty via
the extended diagnostics and the DEVICE-COM.FLT alarm marker.
The system automatically recovers from this fault as soon as communication is re-established.
F.5.4 Configuration
Communication with the FSC user station is fully configured via the communication channel configuration
screen of the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator. Possible configuration combinations are
presented in Table F-12.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-25
Table F-12 Development system protocol
DS protocol Point to point Multidrop
----------------- -----------------
≤ 38K4 ≤ 38K4
4 4
≤ 38K4
RS232C PtoP
1: * Configuration is applicable to link status Primary and Secondary.
* The link can either be redundant or not redundant.
2: * Only 1 channel on a COM module can be set at a baud rate of 2M.
* If a COM module is used with /F/G or /F/I interface the maximum supported baud rate of channel A is 19K2
instead of 38K4.
3: Maximum allowed cable length:
– RS 422 / 485 – RS232C
- 2M baud: 60 m - 38K4 baud: 10 m
- 1M baud: 120 m - Other: 15 m
- 125K baud: 1 km
- 50K baud: 2 km
4: On PCs with clock frequency < 12 MHz. and RS-232 via the 07177/1/1 module the maximum baud rate is 19K2.
If the FSC user station is used for collection of event data, the channel must be assigned as
the SER reference channel (using the 'Install Configuration' screen of the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator).
Software Manual
F-26 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.6 Communication between FSC systems
Within a plant several production units may exist which operate independent of one another, but often
have common utilities as e.g. steam and air. In order to minimize the consequences for the entire plant in
case of emergencies in one production unit, separate safeguarding systems can be used to surveil the
independent production units.
A disadvantage of this decentralization strategy is that process information is only locally available
whereas it is often required in a central control room.
Communication between FSC systems provides the means to decentralize process safeguarding in
combination with central process monitoring and control capabilities.
The protocol used for communication between FSC systems is the FSC communication protocol of Safety
Management Systems. The protocol includes a high level of error detection and recovery which makes it
suitable for exchange of safety related information while maintaining optimal availability.
The FSC communication network is configured, during the configuration of the application, by defining the
interconnections between the FSC systems and the parameters of the FSC protocol. The exchange of
information is realized via input (I, BI) and output (O, BO) variables which are allocated to the connected
FSC systems. Both safety related and not safety related information may be exchanged.
The inputs and outputs are included in the functional logic diagrams to realize the required application task
of the systems.
The FSC-FSC communication supports both point-to-point and multidrop networks. If a master system
has a redundant configuration, the communication links to all slaves are redundant as well. A maximum
number of 10 slaves may be connected to one master via one multidrop link. The actual number of slaves
depends on the baud rate and amount of exchanged data.
The communication between FSC systems is based on a master slave concept. Within this concept, the
master system is responsible for all communication activities.
When both redundant links are healthy, communication is established alternately via both links. If one link
fails, communication is established via the healthy link.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-27
Apart from master and slave systems, the FSC system also supports communication server activities.
Communication servers are FSC systems interconnected between the communicating master and slave
system. Their task is to route the data which is exchanged between master and slave. Figure F-16 shows
an example of a network containing all three system types.
Communication server
Only one level of communication server systems is allowed.
The master periodically sends data to the slave systems and initiates a request for data from the slaves.
For point-to-point links, the period is one application program cycle of the master system. For multidrop
links, a new data transmission and request for a slave are initiated after reception of slave data in reply to
the previous request.
Data is exchanged between the master and the slave through pre-defined marker and register areas.
These areas contain variables (I, O, BI and BO with location FSC) which are allocated for communication
with the other system. The configuration of the data areas and contained variables is accomplished via the
'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator.
The configuration of the master and slave systems must be consistent, i.e. the size of the
marker/register output area in one system must be equal to the size of the marker/register
input area in another system and the tag numbers of the output variables (O, BO) in one
system must be equal to the tag numbers of the corresponding input variables (I, BI) in the
other system.
The real-time clock of all FSC systems interconnected in a communication network are synchronized. This
ensures proper sequencing of events across the systems, e.g. in case of a plant upset. The
synchronization accuracy between FSC systems is < 100 ms.
Software Manual
F-28 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.6.2.3 Low baud rate communication
Low baud rate communication is used in those applications where high baud rates are not possible. This
may have a number of reasons:
− The type of cable that is used for communication is not suited for high baud rate communication.
− The communication takes place over large distances.
− There is intermediate equipment that does not support high baud rate communication.
− Multiple communication channels are sent via one communication line (using multiplexing), which
means that the baud rate of the channels is smaller than that of the communication line.
To accommodate for large communication distances, the FSC-FSC communication timeout (i.e. the
maximum communication time to exchange all data between the FSC master and all its slaves) is
user-configurable. It can be set between 1.2 and 30 seconds (in steps of 0.1 second) using the 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (Install \ Configuration \ FSC-FSC communication configuration \
FSC-FSC communication timeout).
The response time must be flexible due to the delay time of signals in the communication medium (cable,
radiographic, etc.). The exact delay time depends on the distance to be traveled, and can be calculated by
the user taking into consideration the time delay for the distance (300,000 km/sec.) and delays in the
intermediate equipment such as repeaters, modems, etc.
The 'Translate Application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler) will calculate the maximum delay time
based on the system and communication configuration in the log file. If the communication distance is
short and there is no intermediate equipment, the compiler will provide a warning if the user defined a
communication timeout which results in a response time of less than 15 ms. If the calculated response
time is lower than 10 ms, an error message will be generated. It is the user's responsibility to check the
actual required response time.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-29
F.6.3 Fault handling
The FSC system monitors the operation of its physical communication links by means of a timeout. The
timeout depends on the system function and the type of communication link (see Table F-13).
Point-to-point Master Response of slave system is expected within the same application
program cycle
Slave 1 second
Multidrop Master User-configurable between 1.2 and 30 seconds (in steps of 0.1
second). The default value is 1.2 seconds. See also Section 4
Slave ("System Configuration") of the FSC Software Manual.
Failure of a physical link is reported via the extended diagnostics and the EXT.COMMUNIC.FLT alarm
marker. The extended diagnostics report includes the numbers of all systems for which a logical link was
defined across the physical link.
Within redundant configurations, the communication is preserved as long as one of the logical links is
When communication via both links fails, i.e. communication to a connected system fails, the value of
safety related input variables (I, BI) allocated to that system are forced to the safe, '0' state. The value of
the non safety-related input variables allocated to the system are frozen at the last received value.
F.6.4 Configuration
This section describes the sequence of configuration items which are of interest for FSC-FSC
communication, in general terms. For details refer to Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual ("System
The first step in the definition of the FSC communication network is the identification of the interconnected
systems by their application name.
Application names are coupled to system numbers via the 'FSC-FSC communication configuration' input
The information can be used to simplify successive configuration steps. It is also used by the 'Translate
Application' option of FSC Navigator (the compiler) to verify the correctness of the overall network
Software Manual
F-30 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.6.4.2 Communication channel configuration
The next step is the configuration of the communication channels. This includes:
− protocol definition
− network definition
− link status
− connected systems
− definition of the size of the marker and register areas
Table F-14 presents the valid combinations for the FSC protocol.
1: Configuration is applicable to link status Master, Slave and Communication server.
2: Only 1 channel on a COM module can be set at a baud rate of 2M.
3: Maximum allowed cable length:
– Fiber optics: 4.5 km
– RS 422 / 485
- 2M baud: 60 m
- 1M baud: 120 m
- 125K baud: 1 km
- 50K baud: 2 km
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-31
F.6.4.3 Variable allocation
The variables that are intended for exchange of information between FSC systems (I, BI, O, BO with
location FSC) are defined using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator (via 'Signal Specs') or
during creation of the functional logic diagrams (FLDs).
The 'Hardware Specs' option of System Configuration allows the variables to be allocated to a connected
FSC system.
Software Manual
F-32 Appendix F: Communication Manual
F.6.4.4 Configuration strategy
As mentioned before, the configuration of communicating FSC systems must be consistent with respect to
the size of the marker and register areas and the tag numbers of the allocated variables.
To guarantee correct configuration, the 'System Configuration' option of FSC Navigator offers a 'Copy
Allocations' feature, which extracts this information from the database of the connected systems. The
option is contained in the 'Link specification' item of the communication channel configuration screen (see
Figure F-18).
Using this option, valuable time during project engineering can be saved. The configuration strategy is to
completely define the data exchange in one system, either master or slave, and then copy the information
to the connected system.
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-33
F.7 Real-time clock set
The FSC network accepts several external sources to synchronize its real-time clock: the German atomic
clock (DCF-77), a connected DCS system and the FSC user station (with FSC Navigator running on it). To
ensure optimum time synchronization, a priority algorithm is used. This means that clock synchronization
data from sources of lower priority will be ignored as long as data from sources of higher priority is valid.
Thus, synchronization data from only one source is used at any time. The priorities are defined as follows:
1) German atomic clock (DCF-77)
2) DCS system connected via UCN
3) DCS system connected via P-Bus
4) DCS system connected via Modbus or RKE3964, with or without a hardware strobe input
5) FSC user station (with FSC Navigator and/or FSCSOE).
As soon as the device from the current priority level is no longer available, the FSC network will use the
time synchronization data from the device with the next-highest priority.
The FSC network can use the radio signal of the German atomic clock (DCF-77) as the primary source for
time synchronization, providing it is located within the receiving range of the DCF-77 transmitter near
Frankfurt, Germany (see Figure F-19). The (gray) inner circle in Figure F-19 shows the region of Europe
where reception of the DCF radio signal is usually good. The outer circle in Figure F-19 shows the region
where reception of the DCF signal is usually possible.
Figure F-19 Receiving range of the DCF-77 radio transmitter near Frankfurt
As long as the DCF-77 signal is valid (which is determined by special hardware), the FSC network will use
this signal every 30 seconds to set its real-time clock. If, for whatever reason, the DCF-77 signal is no
longer found to be valid (e.g. due to interference), a three-minute timeout will be initiated. This will prevent
transient errors having a greater impact than they should. If the time signal recovers before the timeout
expires, the FSC network will continue to use the DCF-77 signal as the source for time synchronization.
Otherwise it will switch to the source with next-highest priority: a DCS system or – if none has been
connected to the FSC network or the connected DCS system is not used to issue time-set commands – to
the FSC user station. A DCS system connected via UCN has a higher priority than a DCS system
connected via Modbus or RKE3964. Thus, if both are present, a UCN-based DCS system will take
A connected DCS system can be configured to send time-set commands automatically in fixed
(configurable) intervals, or the user can send them manually. Every time a time-set command from the
DCS system is executed, a 30-hour timeout is initiated. The DCS system is regarded faulty for time
synchronization if no new time-set command is received within these 30 hours. During this 30-hour time
Software Manual
F-34 Appendix F: Communication Manual
period, the FSC network will remain synchronized with the DCS system, and will ignore any time
synchronization data from other sources of lower priority: a 'lower-level' DCS system or the FSC user
station. As soon as the timeout expires without a new time-set command having been received, the FSC
network will accept time-set commands from a lower-level source. Only if no DCS system (connected via
UCN or Modbus/RKE3964) is available any more will the system accept time-set commands from the
FSC user station (e.g. the FSC sequence-of-event recording option). Time-set commands from FSC
Navigator can be issued by the user via the 'Monitor System' option, or they are issued automatically by
the FSC sequence-of-event recorder.
A DCS system connected via Modbus or RKE3964 may be equipped with a hardware strobe input
(CLOCK-SYNC). If that is the case, any time-set command sent by the DCS system is executed only after
the CLOCK-SYNC input has been asserted. If no CLOCK-SYNC input is present, the time-set command
is executed immediately.
In some configurations, the hardware strobe input may also be asserted without a time-set command
being sent by the DCS system (e.g. if it can be actuated manually by turning a switch). In that case, the
FSC real-time clock will be set to 03:00:00 (3 a.m.).
As soon as a higher-level source of time synchronization becomes available again, the FSC network will
immediately and automatically switch back to the source with the highest priority that is available.
Figure F-20 illustrates the time synchronization process in the FSC network:
30 s 30 s 30 s 30 s 30 s
3-minute Time
DCF-77 signal timeout
found to be
Time-set Time-set
command command
No time-set No time-set
30-hour commands
DCS system from DCS
from DCS
Time-set 30-hour
accepted accepted
30-hour 30-hour timeout 30-hour timeout
timeout timeout expires without new
from DCS reset and time-set command
reset and
accepted restarted restarted
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-35
Left blank intentionally.
Software Manual
F-36 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Address ranges per function code Configuration
Modbus protocol, 9 FSC-FSC protocol, 30
Modbus protocol (Contronic E/P), 12 Modbus protocol, 11
Addressing Printer protocol, 23
System addressing, 8 RKE3964R protocol, 20
Variable addressing, 8 Configuration strategy, 33
FSC-FSC protocol, 33
Contronic E/P, 12
B Copying variable allocations, 33
Baud rate, 29
Block definition, 16 D
Block number, 16
Block size, 16 Data exchange between FSC systems, 28
DCF-77 (German atomic clock), 34
DCS system, 34
C Development System communication protocol
Communication, 25
Clock synchronization, 34 Fault handling, 25
Clock synchronization input, 7
Communication, 1
Development System protocol, 25 E
Logical link, 2
Master, 3 Event buffer, 7
Multidrop link, 2
Physical link, 2
Point to point, 2 F
Redundant link, 3
Fault handling
Server, 3
Development System protocol, 25
Slave, 3
FSC-FSC protocol, 30
Communication between FSC systems, 27
Modbus protocol, 11
Communication channel configuration
Printer protocol, 23
FSC-FSC protocol, 31
RKE3964R protocol, 19
Communication protocols, 4
Force commands, 1
Communication response time
Frame, 5
Modbus protocol, 10
Frequency, 17
RKE3964R Modbus protocol, 18
FSC communication, 1
Communication server, 28
FSC Development System communication protocol,
Communication via Modbus RTU protocol, 5
Communication via RKE3964R protocol, 13
Supported networks, 25
Communication with Distributed Control Systems, 4
FSC event buffer, 7
Communication with the FSC user station, 24
FSC events, 8
Communication with TPS system via UCN, 4
FSC networks, 27, 30
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-37
Index (continued)
Handshaking, 23 On-line rebuild, 24
Hardcopy via the Printer protocol, 21
Hardware handshaking, 23
Hardware strobe input, 34 P
Physical link, 2
L Point-to-point link, 2
Printer protocol, 21
Links Configuration, 23
Logical link, 2 Fault handling, 23
Multidrop link, 2 Supported networks, 21
Physical link, 2 Printing
Point to point, 2 Reports, 22
Redundant link, 3 SER, 22
Logical link, 2 Process control response time
Low baud rate communication, 29 Modbus protocol, 10
RKE3964R Modbus protocol, 18
Protocols, 1, 4
M FSC Development System, 24
Master, 3, 13, 28 FSC-FSC, 27
Maximum process control response time Modbus, 5
Modbus protocol, 10, 19 Modbus (Contronic E/P), 12
Messages, 13 Printer, 21
Modbus addresses, 8 RKE3964R, 13
Modbus for communication with Contronic E/P, 12
Software Manual
F-38 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Index (continued)
Real-time clock set, 34 Supported commands
Real-time clock synchronization RKE3964R protocol, 15
FSC-FSC protocol, 28 Supported error codes
Modbus protocol, 7 Modbus protocol, 7
RKE3964R protocol, 15 RKE3964R protocol, 15
Redundant link, 3 Supported function codes
Register type, 17 Modbus protocol, 6
Reports printing, 22 Supported networks
Response time FSC Development System protocol, 25
Modbus protocol, 10 FSC-FSC, 27
RKE3964R protocol, 18 Modbus protocol, 5
RKE3964R protocol Printer protocol, 21
Communication response time, 18 RKE3964R protocol, 13
Fault handling, 19 System addressing
Process control response time, 18 Modbus protocol, 8
Supported commands, 15 System identification
Supported networks, 13 FSC-FSC protocol, 30
RKE3964R protocol, 13
Block definition, 16
Block number, 16 T
Block size, 16
Time period, 18
Configuration, 20
Time synchronization, 34
Frequency, 17
Timeout, 30, 34
Master mode, 13
TotalPlant Solution (TPS) system, 4
Messages, 13
Transmit on event, 18
Real-time clock synchronization, 15
Register type, 17
Slave mode, 13
Supported error codes, 15
Time period, 18 Universal Control Network (UCN), 4, 34
Transmit on event, 18
Variable addressing
SER printing, 22 Modbus protocol, 8
Server, 3 Variable allocation
Setting the real-time clock, 34 FSC-FSC protocol, 32
Slave, 3, 13, 28
Write commands, 1
Software Manual
Appendix F: Communication Manual F-39
Software Manual
F-40 Appendix F: Communication Manual
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. Helping You Control Your World
P.O. Box 116
5201 AC 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Fail Safe Control
Appendix G:
FSC Multiplexers
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Version 500
Revision 01 (01/98)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V. liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems B.V.
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers i
Software Manual
ii Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
G.1 Introduction
Multiplexers are supported by the FSC software to reduce the number of input and output channels to and
from the FSC system. The FSC system does not use hardware multiplexers; the principle of a multiplexer
is simulated by the FSC software.
Each multiplexer (de)multiplexes the register data of a number of multiple input/output variables.
A maximum of 16 multiplexers can be configured.
Scan time: The time in which all multiple inputs of a multiplexer are read.
Sample: The data of a multiple input is read in parts. One part is a sample.
Debounced data: The data of the multiplexer is read if the data on the data bus is stable. The data
on the data bus is stable if two consecutive samples on the input data bus of the
multiplexer return the same data result.
Selection outputs: The status of the selection outputs determines which sample of the data will be
read. Only one of the selection outputs can be active at a time.
Selection output
active time: The time which the selection output should be active before the data of the
multiplexer bus is valid.
Data hold time: The time in which the data stabilizes on the multiplexer data bus.
Selection output
active status: Selection of the sample can be either active high or active low. On = active high,
Off = active low.
Multiplexer data
bus status: The status of the multiplexer data specifies if the data is either represented
normally or inverted (‘normal’ or ‘invert’). The data is inverted after the data is read
from the multiplexer data bus if the status is ‘invert’.
Scan time: The time in which all multiple outputs of a multiplexer are written.
Sample: The data of a multiple output is written in parts. One part is a sample.
Selection outputs: The status of the selection outputs determines which sample of the data will be
written. Only one of the selection outputs can be active at a time.
Selection output
active time: The time during which the selection output must be active.
Data hold time: The time during which the data on the multiplexer data bus must stay active after
the selection output is deactivated.
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-1
Data setup time: The time during which the data on the multiplexer bus has the correct data status
before the selection output will be activated.
Selection output
active status: Selection of the sample can be either active high or active low. On = active high,
Off = active low.
Multiplexer data
bus status: The status of the multiplexer data specifies if the data is either represented
normally or inverted (‘normal’ or ‘invert’). The data is inverted before it is written
on the multiplexer data bus if the status is ‘invert’.
Software Manual
G-2 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
G.2 Output multiplexers
Output multiplexers may be used, for example, to provide a numerical value at a seven-segment display.
The calculation of the output multiplexer timing concerns all output multiplexers. The compiler calculates a
worst case timing that will be used by the FSC system software for every output multiplexer. Worst case
timing calculation means:
− use the multiplexer with the lowest scan time.
− use the multiplexer with the highest data setup time.
− use the multiplexer with the highest selection output active time.
− use the multiplexer with the highest data hold time.
− use the multiplexer that needs the highest number of samples.
The time necessary to scan all multiple outputs connected to every multiplexer configured cannot exceed
the scan time.
The algorithm for the calculation of the time to scan all mentioned outputs is as follows:
− Sample Time = Data Setup Time + Selection Output Active Time + Data Hold Time
− Total number of samples necessary to scan every multiple output of an output multiplexer is found by
adding the number of samples of every connected multiple output.
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-3
If the total time to scan is larger than the lowest scan time, the FSC system is not able to scan the output
multiplexers within the required time. This requires adjustments to one of the calculation parameters by
the user.
Selection output
Software Manual
G-4 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
G.3 Input multiplexers
Input multiplexers may be used e.g. to read a number of thumbwheel switches constituting a multiple digit
numerical value.
The calculation of the input multiplexer timing concerns all input multiplexers. The compiler calculates a
worst-case timing that will be used by the FSC system software for every input multiplexer. Worst-case
timing calculation means:
− use the multiplexer with the lowest scan time,
− use the multiplexer with the highest selection output active time,
− use the multiplexer with the highest data hold time, and
− use the multiplexer that needs the highest number of samples.
The time necessary to scan all multiple inputs connected to every multiplexer configured cannot expire the
scan time.
The algorithm for the calculation of the time to scan all mentioned inputs is as follows:
− Total number of samples necessary to scan every multiple input of an input multiplexer is found by
adding the number of samples of every connected multiple input.
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-5
If the total time to scan is larger than the lowest scan time, the FSC system is not able to scan the input
multiplexers in the required time. This requires adjustments to one of the calculation parameters by the
Software Manual
G-6 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
G.4 Multiple I/O that uses the multiplexer
Multiple input/output variables that use multiplexers (multiplexed I/O) to exchange data do not need the
‘normal’ number of channels an ordinary multiple input/output uses. It uses of course the channels of the
multiplexer to exchange data. The data is exchanged in a number of samples (see timing calculation). The
application controls the sample that is read/written: it uses selection outputs to select the sample. Each
sample has its own selection line.
Both BIs and BOs whose data is exchanged via a multiplexer are allocated to output
channels (the selection lines)!
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-7
G.5 Configuring and using multiplexers
Multiplexers are added to the application by selecting the XI (multiplexer input) or the XO (multiplexer
output) variable in the signal specification menu of the ‘System Configuration’ option of FSC Navigator. Up
to 16 multiplexers can be configured.
The attributes of the multiplexers can be set in the hardware specification menu of the ‘System
Configuration’ option of FSC Navigator.
After specifying the attributes of the multiplexers that you will be using, all multiplexed I/O is configured.
These are BI and BO variables with special location MUX. Use the signal specification menu to configure
these variables.
Multiplexed inputs must be configured to an input multiplexer, multiplexed outputs must be configured to
an output multiplexer.
In the hardware specification menu, specify the multiplexer the multiplexed I/O is using. Multiplexed I/O
can be configured for a multiplexer as long as all connected multiplexed I/O can be scanned (see timing
calculation) within the configured scan time of the multiplexer.
After specifying the number of channels of the multiplexed I/O variable, the application program calculates
the number of samples it needs to exchange the variable data. For each sample a selection output must
be configured. You must allocate the selection outputs for the variable. Example:
XI 4 channels.
BI Loc Mux 20 channels.
The number of samples is 20/4 = 5 samples. An equal number of selection outputs must be allocated (5).
Configuration example:
Sample time = 10 + 15 + 25 = 50 ms
Software Manual
G-8 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
G.5.3 Using output multiplexers
To control a 7-segment display, multiplexed I/O can be very efficient with respect to channel usage. If, for
example, the application controls a 5-digit 7-segment display, the application would normally need 5 ∗ 4 =
20 channels if no multiplexer is used. However, if a multiplexer is used, 9 channels are necessary: 5
(20/4) for the selection outputs of the BO and 4 channels of the XO. The BO contains the segment
information (bit 0-3 = segment 1, etc.).
FSC Non-FSC d0
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-9
G.5.4 Using input multiplexers
To monitor four hardware registers (8 bit), multiplexed I/O can be very efficient with respect to channel
usage. The application would normally need 8 ∗ 4 = 32 channels if no multiplexer is used. However, if a
multiplexer is used, 12 channels are necessary: 1 (8/8) for each selection output of the BI and 8 channels
of the XI. Each BI contains the value of one of the hardware registers.
BI 1 Loc MUX
Selection output
BI 2 Loc MUX
Selection output
BI 3 Loc MUX
Selection output
BI 4 Loc MUX
Selection output
O S0
d0 U S1
d1 T S2
d2 P S3
d3 U
XI d4 T Reg 1
d6 M Reg 2
d7 U D0-D7
X Reg 3
Reg 4
For another application example refer to the data sheet of the 10207/1/1 module in the FSC Hardware
Software Manual
G-10 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
Attributes Multiple I/O
Input multiplexer, 5 And multiplexers, 7
Output multiplexer, 3 Multiplexed I/O, 7
Configuration, 8
Multiplexer data bus status, 1, 2
C Multiplexers, 1, 7
Input, 1, 5
Configuring multiplexed I/O, 8 Output, 1, 3
Configuring multiplexers, 8
Output multiplexers, 1, 3
Data hold time, 1 Attributes, 3, 5
Data setup time, 2 Data hold time, 1
Debounced data, 1 Data setup time, 2
Multiplexer data bus status, 2
Sample, 1
H Scan time, 1
Hardware multiplexers, 1 Selection output active status, 2
Selection output active time, 1
Selection outputs, 1
I Timing calculation, 3
Usage, 9
Input multiplexers, 1, 5
Data hold time, 1
Debounced data, 1 S
Multiplexer data bus status, 1
Sample, 1 Sample, 1
Scan time, 1 Scan time, 1
Selection output active status, 1 Selection output active status, 1, 2
Selection output active time, 1 Selection output active time, 1
Selection outputs, 1 Selection outputs, 1
Timing calculation, 5
Usage, 10
Timing calculation
Input multiplexers, 5
Output multiplexers, 3
Using input multiplexers, 10
Using output multiplexers, 9
Software Manual
Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers G-11
Software Manual
G-12 Appendix G: FSC Multiplexers
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