Discussion of The Format of The Concept Paper

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Discussion of the Format of the Concept Paper:

Content Page:
I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

B. Review of Related Literature
C. Theoretical Framework
D. Conceptual Framework
E. Research Questions
F. Significance of the Study
G. Scope and Limitation
H. Definition of Terms

II. Methodology

A. Research Design
B. Setting
C. Participants
D. Data Collection
E. Research Instrument
F. Data Analysis

I. Discussion of the Introduction and Background of the Study

1. The primary purpose of the introduction chapter is to give the readers an overview of what the
entire study is all about.
2. It aims to introduce the readers to the research topic and the research problem, it also aims to
persuade the readers that the study is important and interesting. A well written introduction part
catches the attention and interest of the readers while a poorly written introduction part may
cause the reader to lose interest in the study.
3. The introduction part generally includes the background of the study, the research questions or
objectives, the significance of the study and scope and limitation.

Background of the Study:

1. The primary purpose of the background of the study is to provide readers with the context and
explain the circumstances that led to the study. It should discuss briefly the specific problem or
situation, conflict of ideas, gaps in knowledge, literature or theories that caught your attention
as a researcher and compelled you to select your research topic. It answers the question “Why
are you studying the particular research topic?”
2. The BS provides insights to the motivation and perspective of the researcher that can help the
reader understand the mind-set of the researcher that will persuade them to keep reading the
study even if it is about an unusual topic that they will not normally read.
3. The BS begins with a description or an overview of a situation or idea of interest to the
researcher. This can be a real world problem or a situation that you want to solve or
investigate. It can also be an initial idea that you would like to develop. It can also involve a
controversy or conflict of ideas that you want to resolve. It can be a theory, research finding or
claim that you would like to investigate or challenge.
4. Oftentimes, the discussion of the situation are followed by a brief mention of the selected
literature or studies related to the situation. The selected pieces of literature are intended to
give the reader a preliminary idea of what had been studied and said about the topic so far.
This can be followed by a short discussion of what is missing or the gaps in the existing
literature that that the present study wants to fill in.

Characteristics of a Good Background of the Study:

1. Concise- The background should not be written too long. It should be only long enough to
consider basic points. To keep it concise, you should avoid putting too many citations including
tables, graphs or figures unless they are absolutely necessary.
2. Clearly written- The background should be written using simple, easy to understand words with
a minimum of complicated technical terms. Go straight to the pint whenever possible.
3. Persuasive- The background should be written in a way that will convince readers that the
study is interesting, important and worth reading.
Title: Genre Analysis on Rhetorical Moves of Introduction in Research Papers written by L2
writers in a Philippine University
by Marianne L. Cuarto, LPT

I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

Academic writing is a very significant part in the learning and assessment of second language
learners (L2). L2 learners are being taught to express their ideas and opinions through writing. One of
the most written academic papers of L2 learners especially the young adults is the research paper.
Research papers are written in different field of knowledge to acquire in-depth learning of each of the
subject matter. Most schools excel in the field of research through requiring students to write and
publish their own research papers relevant to the problem in the community. In connection with the
writing of the research papers, it is a challenge for most teachers of English to teach the writing of the
research paper especially the introduction part. This is one of the reasons why there are a lot of
research articles analyzing the rhetorical moves use by authors in order for them to write a good
introduction part of a research paper. These papers could be a guide in teaching your researchers to
read and write their own study.
Currently, in the Philippines, two grade levels were added in the curriculum and one of the
reasons is to make the students ready for a job position or for college. Since there are additional
levels, students will have additional learning especially in improving their writing skill and in writing a
research paper since this will be their first time in writing their own study. Moreover, they are the
pioneer students of the program, it is interesting to assess and study their research outputs as a
product of what they have learned in their first research class.
This study aims to explore, analyze, and evaluate the introduction part of the research outputs of
the first senior high school students of University of Perpetual Help-Molino campus. This study also
aims to find the differences and the similarities of the students’ output depending on what academic
strand they have chosen.

The Significance of the Study

 It tells your reader why the study is valuable, what it contributes and why the reader should
devote time to reading it.
To establish the significance of your study, there are three basic questions we need to consider:
1. Why is the study important?
2. What are its contributions to the discipline?
3. To whom it will be important?
These basic questions can be broken down to several specific inquiries such as:
a. What are the implications of conducting this research?
b. How does the study connect to other knowledge?
c. Why is the study important to our understanding of the world?
d. What are the uses of my findings to existing literature, my audience, and the public?

 In writing the section for the Significance of the Study, Creswell (2014) suggests ways how to
convey the importance of the study for select audiences.
1. Enumerate three or four reasons why your particular study adds to the scholarly
literature in your field.
2. Provide three to four reasons about how your study will help improve practice.
3. Another three to four reasons detailing why it will improve your study.

B. Significance of the Study

Currently, in the Philippines, two grade levels have been added to the basic education curriculum
and one of the reasons is to make the students job ready and university ready. Since there are
additional levels, students will have additional learning especially in improving their writing skill and in
writing any academic paper specially a research paper. Moreover, they are the pioneer students of
the program, it is necessary to assess if their skills and strategies in research writing will help them in
developing their other skills to make them college ready and job ready.
In addition, as mentioned in the introduction part, the main goal of the present study is to find the
differences and the similarities of the use of the rhetorical patterns in the students’ output depending
on what academic strand they have chosen. This is to address the concerns of language teachers
regarding the writing problems of students. This study aims to help inform senior high school writing
teachers and college professors on how students develop a research paper. Determining the
rhetorical patterns used in the introduction part of the research papers used by the students is
beneficial to the language teachers to gather solutions in addressing these students’ writing

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope and limitations section of your study is a short section where you clarify what your
study covers based on your research topic, the possible limitations of your study, and how your study
is constrained by particular factors that you encountered in the research process.
 The scope is where you clearly set what your study covers, its time period, location, subjects,
context, and its specific objectives, without any pretense that your study covers anything
beyond what is indicated.
 It answers the phrase, “The coverage of this study is … ” or “This study addresses …” and
other similar phrases.
 In writing scope, you clearly set the parameters of your study, benchmark your work, and allow
your fellow researchers ample ground to study your research work, use it or point out its
strengths and possible areas for improvement.

 In the limitations section of your paper, you clearly state the limitations you encountered during
your research process and how much you think these aspects detract from your research
paper and your overall purpose.

 While writing the limitations of your study, be aware of the following factors:

 Research Design – By far, this is the most common limitation of many quantitative
studies. These can range from the limitations of your key terms, definitions, sample
group, your methodology, and your research design.
 Ontological position – As much as we try to achieve objectivity in the field of quantitative
study, it is possible that you are constrained by your inherent worldviews.
 Resources – Lack of money, time, or resources may significantly hinder how
generalizable your study is beyond what is covered by your scope.
o As a new researcher, you are likely constrained by access to data, monetary
resources, and the deadline that your adviser sets for your research paper. In
quantitative studies, you may get around this by using authoritative literature and
premade, extensive, and cross-temporal datasets that are accessible to you
through previous research, research organizations, and government databases.

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